Link-Up December 2020 - E-Magazine - Kingston St Mary

Page created by Terrance Soto


From the Editor

November saw us back in
lockdown again but hopefully by
the time you read this, things
may be easing up. I won’t say
“back to normal” because I’m not sure what that is anymore.
I know things look bad but do try to think about the good things that
have come out of this (with tongue in cheek):
 ☺ No need to wear lipstick; no one can see it behind the mask.
 ☺ FOMO? Fear of missing out. You aren’t missing out, because
     nothing is happening!
 ☺ Even cleaning the oven seems an enjoyable task when there’s
     nothing else to do.
And remember, there’s nothing wrong with laughing during this awful
time: “We don’t laugh at scary things because we don’t understand
their seriousness. We laugh because they’re serious. Making jokes
gives us a sense of power over the threat.” (The Atlantic, April 2020)
Throughout this issue you will find a few one-liners to hopefully put a
smile on your face; a big thank you to John Alger-Green for
agreeing to supply them.

     Recently I gave a talk to a group of backpackers.
     They were on the edge of their seats.

Thank you to those of you who have made donations to keep our
Link-Up magazine going. If you haven’t done so there is still time.
All donations, however small, are much appreciated. Please see
page 28 on how to make donations.
Christmas is likely to be very different from the norm this year.
Here’s wishing you well in whichever way you are able to celebrate.
                                                                                           Annie Trolley
LINK-UP is the community magazine for the parishes of Broomfield, Cheddon Fitzpaine and Kingston St Mary. Any views in
LINK-UP are not necessarily those of the Editor(s), the editorial staff or the LINK-UP board. The board gratefully acknowledges
the support of all whose advertisements appear in our magazine. However, the inclusion in LINK-UP does not imply
recommendation. The LINK-UP board reserves the right to accept any material and advertisement at its discretion. The Link-
Up Board will only use personal data for the purpose for which it was provided.

Chairman                   Yvonne Harris                      451883
Secretary                  Jean Alger-Green                   451732
Treasurer                  Jackie Aldrich                     451696
Advertising Manager        Annie Trolley (yellow pages only)  451312
Distribution Manager       Carol Platt                        451605
Editor this month          Annie Trolley                      451312
Church pages contributor   Michele Hardiman                   451257
Editor next month           Jean Alger-Green                  451732

Rector                     Rev’d Mary Styles                      451189
Associate Vicar            Rev’d Jim Cox                    07967 817337
Curate                     Rev’d Tracey Hallett             07854 489753
Benefice Office            Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri 9.00am-2.00pm      451257
Broomfield                 Bez Purdy                            451632
Cheddon                    Vacant
Kingston                   Julia Hammett                        451642
                           Jan Holmes                           451343

Hard copy contributions by:
           10.00am      Fyne Court Farm, Broomfield
           12noon       Benefice Office, The Vicarage, KSM
Email contributions to the editor by:
            12noon       Only emails clearly marked ‘Link Up’
                         will be opened and acknowledged.
Distribution: From Friday, 18th December

    I’ve been on a once-in-a-lifetime holiday.
    Never again!
Nothing much to announce regarding forthcoming
events but let’s hope this changes soon. However,
there are church services so please check for details on
other pages in this issue.

See page 13 for details of Carol Singing in Broomfield
 If you are planning an event in any of our 3 parishes over the next 12 months, do let us
 know so we can add it to our list. Include a telephone number so anyone else planning
 an event can contact you. This list is intended as a guide only, to aid event planning.

Don’t forget to take a look at the village websites
KSM Community Partnership Good Neighbour Scheme.
Call 07796 838 590 email:

             Regular Weekly/Fortnightly Events:
  Please contact to check if groups are up and running again.

Babies’ and Toddlers: 01823 451257
Badminton/Table Tennis: 01823 451513 Phil Griffiths
Dragon Quilters: 01823 240041
Pilates and Keep Fit: 07850507489 / 01823 672617
Bell Ringing: 012823 451676 or 01823 3357766.
Youth Club: 07771 778552
Kingston Walking Group: 01823 451941
Quantock Beaders: 01823 433838:
Singles Lunch:

         I went to the doctors the other day.
         He said “I haven’t seen you for a
         while”. I said “I know, I’ve been ill.”


A month or so ago I was horrified to hear that some residents of
Kingston had been attacked by German Shepherd dogs while
walking on footpaths near Mill Cross.
Two ladies had been attacked and bitten in separate incidents. The
first attack was in February and the second in October. I was
shown photos of the bites on leg and arm and both victims needed
antibiotic and tetanus jabs in Musgrove Park Hospital.
Another lady who knew about the attacks came across the dog
owner at another time and to avoid any possible threat quickly
turned around and rushed away (as both dogs were off the lead and
not under control). The attacks happened in the same area at
roughly the same time, from the same vehicle, parked in the same
All the incidents were very frightening. This is unacceptable.
Owning a dog that attacks a person is a criminal offence. The law
says it is the responsibility of the dog owner, regardless of who has
the dog at the time. It is not just being attacked that is wrong but the
fear of being attacked.
The first attack in February to Mrs Thorne was reported at the time
to the Police. The second attack in October was also reported to the
police straight away. Subsequently, I heard about these attacks at
the October Parish Council meeting and was shocked to discover
that no one could tell me what was happening about this. Therefore,
I contacted the Police at a senior level and have been told that
action was being taken and they would deal with this positively and
If you own a dog, you must prevent it intimidating or attacking
anyone. If necessary, keep it on a lead and muzzle it. If you meet a
dog who intimidates or attacks you, please contact the police
                                              Councillor Rod Williams
                   County Councillor for Rowbarton and Staplegrove
                          Email ‘’ and
                                                  mob 07881 922028

Victims’ Response:
The two residents in question were Lindsay Thorne and Jan Holmes.
They believe the matter is being dealt with although are still unhappy
about walking the paths around Kingston where the incidents
happened. Mrs Thorne commented that “the dogs are still being
walked in the same area off the lead and I believe weren’t muzzled.”
(As seen by several villagers over the past few weeks.)

While putting this edition together, I broke off for a rest and took
myself off for a walk. Can you guess? Yes, I came across the same
car, the same woman and the same dogs! At the time of writing this
article, I understand from Mrs Holmes that the Police are about to
interview the dog owner within the next few days. Let’s hope that the
matter is dealt with urgently and firmly – there will definitely be an
update in Link-Up’s next edition.


                  Lavender Barn
                 ~ Postponed ~
                 until Spring 2021

    I saw an advert for a television.
    It was only £1 but it was stuck on full volume.
    I thought “I can’t turn that down”.

Christmas Quiz
               1.        In the story by Charles Dickens
      ‘A Christmas Carol’, what was the name of Scrooge’s dead
2.    In ‘The Snowman’ by Raymond Briggs what is the name of the
3.    In the song ‘Little Drummer Boy’ who sang along with Bing
      Crosby in 1982?
4.    In what year did Queen Elizabeth II make her first Christmas
      Speech to the Nation?
5.    What do Sir Isaac Newton, Humphrey Bogart and Annie
      Lennox have in common?
6.    In which year did the ‘Christmas Truce’ take place during
7.    In 1968, where was Frank Borman when he read out a
      Christmas reading?
8.    On Christmas Day in 1066 who was crowned King of
9.    On Christmas day in 1950, what was stolen from Westminster
10.   Which British singer/songwriter died in 2016 on Christmas
11.   In which country is 25th December called Constitution Day?
12.   In which country do householders hide their brooms from
      possible joy-riding witches?
13.   In Austria who is Krampus?
14.   What were the names of the 3 Wise Men?
15.   Buon Natale, Glaedelig Jul, Frohe Weihnachten all mean….
16.   In the mid-1800s what was Tom Smith made famous for?
17.   In Scotland, sometimes ‘Sowans’ is eaten on Christmas Eve.
      What is it made from?
18.   What is an Ashen Faggot?
19.   What is the UK’s favourite food at Christmas according to the
      Independent newspaper?
20.   Which well know Christmas movie was released in 1946?

                                        Answers on last white page

Please note that during this time this service may not be available.
     The following people have kindly offered to collect your prescriptions
        take patients from the appropriate parish to and from hospital.
                       For residents of Kingston only
   Sonia Pether          451311           Jenny Fisher           451332*
                                                    (*Prescriptions only)
                       For residents of Cheddon only
   Liz Thompson          451529           Mary Gunning            412179

        I went to the garden centre the other day.
        A chap came up to me and said
        “Do you want decking?”
        So I got the first punch in.

                              William Sweeting
                              Alexander John Parkinson
                              Eve Turner

If you would like to see your child’s birthday announced in the Link-Up,
please let our Secretary, Jean Alger-Green know. (Contact details page 2)

I’ve decided to sell my Hoover.
      It was just collecting dust.

Next year we will need someone to take over delivering the
Link-Up magazines once a month in the Gotton area. If
you think you would like to take on this very worthwhile
job please give Thelma Burnett a call and she will give you
details. 01823 412192.

I went to the butchers the other day.
I said “I want some pork chops, and
make them lean”. The butcher said “Which way?”

Roof Garden
                    I had stowed my bag of shopping;
                    I had taken off my mask;
                    The sun was in his heaven.
                    What more was there to ask?
        Turning carefully in the car park,
        ‘Belting up’ without delay,
        I approached the main road entrance
        And prepared to drive away.
                             But the strangest thing then happened
                             As I tried to cross the road:
                             Every driver coming past me
                             Waved and smiled – my spirit glowed.
    I smiled and waved back happily;
    I’d never felt so good.
    Could it be my purple hat
    Had caused this joyous mood?
                         But fifty yards along the road
                         I realised what they’d meant –
                         They’d seen the plant tray on my roof
                         Left there by accident!
Before I hit the traffic humps
(And caused an earthy mess,)
I pulled off-road and stowed the
But this time with success!

Jane Clarke

              I went to buy some camouflage trousers
              the other day but couldn’t find any.

Obituary - Ivy Florence Williams
It is with great sadness we
announce that Ivy Florence
Williams, our beloved mother,
grandmother, sister, aunty,
great grandmother and friend
passed peacefully away at
Musgrove Park Hospital on
Thursday 22nd October 2020.

Ivy had a full life of 97 years.
She was born 13th October
1923 near Hemmington,
Somerset, one of 5 sisters.
While working for the Admiralty,
during the war, she met her
husband Kenneth. They were
married on 20th August 1948 at
St Mary’s Church, Hemmington.
They were together for 56 years
and raised three children and
helped inspire seven
grandchildren until Ken sadly
passed away in 2004.

They began their married life in Oxford, before moving to Henleaze,
Nottingham, Frampton Cotterell and finally to Kingston St Mary in
August 1978. Ivy worked hard making a home in each place she
lived and raising her three children. She was also an active member
of the community and made many lifelong friendships wherever she

Ivy had a competitive spirit and tried to inspire everyone around her
to do their best. Ken and Ivy started the badminton club at the
Kingston village hall. Games were friendly but competitive. They
especially enjoyed welcoming teams from other villages as the low
ceiling in the hall gave the home team a significant winning
advantage. Ivy taught herself how to play bridge and became an

avid player, often playing a couple of times a week. She also
enjoyed going away for an annual bridge holiday.

She was an active member of the Women’s Institute. She also
enjoyed entering exhibits for the Kingston Flower show and was very
proud of her garden. Ivy also enjoyed exploring, especially
mountains and oceans. Trips to Snowdonia, the Scottish Highlands,
in a small cramped camper van and a Mediterranean cruise where
highlights in her life. She often went walking around the village lanes
or visited Seaton and Burnham her favourite seaside towns.

Ivy will be sorely missed by her three children, Kelvin (Chris), June,
Paul (Amanda), grandchildren, Steven, Gareth, Dawn, Ryan, Kerrie,
Grace, Huw, her sister, Jean, and her six great grandchildren.

As you will have assumed, there will be no carols on the
farm this year. I hope that national restrictions will be
altered, but we are sure, that they will not include 250+
people singing in a barn! We will miss welcoming you to
Tetton Farm. So many visitors have kindly said the evening
starts their Christmas celebrations. Hopefully we can
invite you back next year. We wish you a safe, healthy
Christmas.                                The House family

Broomfield Church Repair & Conservation Update:

‘So close, but not quite there. Can you be the difference?’

Some of you will be aware the previous perilous condition of the
upper sections of the tower have recently been completed though
perhaps you aren’t aware some ‘emergency’ electrical jobs in the
tower ringing chamber have also now been completed. Inevitably,
this has depleted church funds, but for both health & safety reasons
and to prevent further rapid deterioration, these works needed
urgent attention. Much more work is now needed if the church is to
remain functional. For those of you who have already donated, a
massive ‘THANK YOU’.

With help from members of the PCC and others, a grant application
to Viridor Credits has been submitted to meet their October
deadline. A decision is expected in January, though if approved, no
money would be released until the minimum requirements in terms
of the PCC’s financial contributions towards the project are met.
Specifically, the Broomfield PCC needs to find the Viridor fee of 10%
of the grant value plus £5,000 towards the cost of the works, in total
amounting to circa £8,500.

The works entail a major overhaul of the building and includes work
to the outer walls, roof and windows; attention to storm-water fittings;
interior and exterior woodwork repairs including temporarily taking
out a section of the sinking ancient box-pews to enable rotten joists
to be replaced and damp ingress prevented; plaster and decorative
repairs and completing essential electrical work.

Viridor Credits criteria means that at the time of writing, we are
£3,500 short of the minimum contribution target, although this does
not include the VAT, which we may be able to reclaim, but has to be
initially paid up front. If this sum can be raised urgently, the chances
of a grant offer will be very much improved.

This beautiful Grade 1 Listed church building receives no financial
support from government bodies or local authorities, so if you want
to help to ensure it is there for future generations, please help.

•   To Donate today please either: Make a BACS transfer to:

       Account No. 05803497 - Sort Code 60-80-06

   •   Or contact The Broomfield PCC Treasurer John Earp on e-
       mail or call on 07785 314673

29 Oct  Hilary Tierney Burial in churchyard           Broomfield
30 Oct  Kathryn Mayes Crematorium service             Cheddon

 Signs are that we may not be able to
have any singing in church services over
Christmas. To compensate, and of
course Covid-permitting, we are hoping
to have a socially-distanced carol
singing session at 7pm on the Village
Green at Broomfield on either Tuesday
22nd or Wednesday 23rd depending on
the weather. Bring warm clothes and
lights; please abide by the regulations
and give generously to a collection for the Broomfield Church
rebuilding appeal.
For details look at South Quantock Website or phone 01823 451296.
                                                        John Ogle

I went to the doctors the other day. I said
“Doctor, I’ve broken my arm in three
places”. He said “Well don’t go there then”.

Letter from Rev. Mary
What can I say with any certainty about our plans
for Advent and Christmas this year? …. Very little!

Except that, we have made some very special
plans to celebrate Christmas – not as usual – but in
the best way we can! You will see some them here,
but do please check for changes nearer the time.

Dealing with uncertainty is a normal part of life but
THIS much uncertainty can be overwhelming, it has been for me, at
times – not only trying to plan for my own life and my family - but
even more so for the Benefice of Churches I serve.
How do we cope? We have all developed some strategies – some
helpful and some, well …..!

May I offer 2 suggestions that come from the Bible?

The first: “Love your neighbour as yourself” – or perhaps, keep on
loving. We’ve seen a huge outpouring of community and
neighbourliness, of people going the extra mile for friends and
strangers. Now, as the months roll on in the crisis let’s keep on
doing what is needed to support each other.

The second: Nurture hope; in ourselves and others (not false hope
in unrealistic things) but hope based in the solid rock of God Himself.
The writer of Hebrews says: “We have this hope as an anchor for
the soul, firm and secure.” How can we hope

in an unseen God? People of faith have done so down the ages as
they experience Him through nature, though others, through
Scripture and prayer: “Yes, my soul, find rest in God, my hope
comes from Him.” (Psalm 62:5) Now is the time to emulate their faith
and trust, taking a few moments to be still and pray through the day.
Then, in these difficult times this Advent and Christmas we can
firmly hope in the promise: “Draw near to God and He will draw near
to you.” (James 4:8) Or as a modern paraphrase puts it: “Say a
quiet yes to God and he’ll be there in no time!”

Christmas celebrates the most hopeful of all truths: God came and
lived among us as a human – born as a frail baby into uncertain and
dangerous times – He brought light into the darkness of this world.
However we celebrate Christmas this year, let’s not let anything rob
us of that amazing love. God bless you.                     Mary

Across the Field
It is very disconcerting when you come eyeball
to eyeball with a Robin. I was hanging out the
washing, and I bent down to pick up a clothes
peg, and the robin came and sat on the edge of
the birdbath. I moved first because I was the
one in the most uncomfortable position. The
robin remained watching me, and then followed me up the path to
the back door and asked for meal worms. It is no wonder that it is
Britain’s favourite bird.

The hedgehogs went into semi-hibernation because it became
colder. Now that it is warmer, they are back for their crunchy
hedgehog food. We always know when they have visited because
the water bowls have been spilled where they have been drinking.

There are plenty of Blue and Great Tits about and the little Wren can
be seen scurrying about looking for insects.

It was a very wet October with 153 mm of rain. In 2019 we had
116mm. There are lots of rotting apples about. The Blackbirds
favourite food, but we have not seen any Field Fares yet. Not cold
enough.                                            Janet Lovell

             My grandad invented the cold air balloon,
             but it never really took off.

Bishop Ruth’s Letter:
Bringing comfort and joy
One of our oldest (16th century) English carols
tells us that the story of Jesus’ birth as a baby
into our world, is good news, bringing “tidings
of comfort and joy”. And don’t we just need
comfort and joy at this moment!

We know that Christmas will not be the same
this year. The usual gatherings of family and
friends will not have the same shape this year.
Traditional carol services and Midnight Mass may not be possible
either but that doesn’t mean that Christmas is cancelled!

This year more than ever we need to carol the words, ‘comfort and
joy’. We need to find new and novel ways of telling the Christmas
story. The Church of England and our own diocesan team have
provided plenty of ideas by which we can bring Christmas to our
communities. I’m going to be both a tax collector and a donkey in
some of our diocesan video re-telling of the story!

Perhaps even more important is how we can personally be
messengers of comfort and joy. Who do you know who might need
you to bring them so comfort this Christmas? Maybe someone who
is alone, especially anxious, grieving a loved one? How could you
offer comfort and support?

And as for joy…? Perhaps we ourselves need to rediscover the joy
of the Christmas story. What could be more wonderful than
knowing that God loves us so much that even though it was costly,
He chose to come and join us in a world, dark with fear and
suffering, and bring the light of His presence!

Please Note:
This service schedule is dependent on (changing)
government guidance for public worship.
For up to date information please check with the Benefice
Office or website:

Communion Services: (8.30am are BCP Communion Services)
    - See website for current update on services.
6th December         8.30am            West Monkton
6th December        10.30am            Kingston
13th December       10.30am            West Monkton
20th December        8.30am            Kingston
20th December       10.30am            Broomfield
27th December       10.30am            Cheddon

Unless you are exempt, face masks MUST be worn in
church. We are following government guidance (eg on
social distancing, the celebration and distribution of Holy
Communion and not singing during worship.)

(we will update as changes allow)

West Monkton, Broomfield & Cheddon
Open during daylight hours
Wednesdays 2pm - 4pm and Sundays 11am – 1pm

We are currently still offering the following:
  • Live Sunday 10.30 am ‘Zoom’ services – please
      contact us for details
  • Weekly news-sheet with readings, short reflection etc
  • To be added to our weekly news-sheet mailing list
      contact Michele:
      or see the website for links

Christmas Services
In the hope we are re-open in December:
(subject to change so check the website)
ALL these must be pre-booked through the
office by a week before please.

Quiet Reflective Services:
Wed 16th Dec       7.00pm          Broomfield
Sun 20th Dec       3.00pm          West Monkton
                   3.00pm          Cheddon
                   5.00pm          Kingston
Christmas Eve:
5.00pm       1st Communion of     Christmas    Cheddon
11.30pm      1st Communion of     Christmas    Kingston

Christmas Day:
10.00am    All Age Christmas Day Communion Broomfield
10.00am    All Age Christmas Day Communion West Monkton

For Families / Children
   • We will be running Youtube video Christmas stories
      from 20th – 23rd December daily. Please contact the
      office to go on the mailing list for the link.
   • 24th December we hope to run a live ‘zoom’ Crib

       Benefice Office will be closed:
       Thur 10th Dec – Thur 17th Dec inclusive
       Thur 24th Dec – Mon 28th Dec inclusive

            CHEDDON 100 CLUB:
            The winners of the draw for November are:
            £60 - Mary Gunning
            £15 - Hilary Shaw

Advent study groups
Following CWR books ‘Journey to Christmas’

Monday afternoon group 2pm
30 Nov, 7th, 14th, 21st Dec
(Zoom for first session and then following on in 4 Garden Close
subject to current COVID rules)

Home Group Wednesday evening 7;30pm
On Zoom 25th Nov, Dec 2nd, 9th, 16th

Tuesday 5.00pm KSM office
Evening prayer group with Christine

  I used to have a job making clown shoes.
  No small feat.


The Parish Council was pleased to be joined by a local resident and
District and County Councillors at its 9th November virtual meeting.
We currently have vacancies for Parish Councillors and would
welcome active, interested and committed people who want to make
a difference to our community. Please contact Katie Gibbins
( for details.

The Parish Council reviewed three planning applications. The Parish
Council had no objection to proposals for, an extension at Caralea in
Nailsbourne (planning ref. 20/20/0028) and a tree house at Millfield
House in Kingston St Mary (planning ref. 20/20/0029). The Parish
Council discussed a planning application for the change of use of land
from agricultural to domestic at Cattlewash in Fitzroy (planning ref.

20/20/0011).     The Parish Council objected to this Planning
Application in May and noted that the Planning Officer
recommended conditional approval of an amended application in
June. The Parish Council has a number of concerns relating to the
revised application, which have been forwarded to the District
Council’s Planning Department for consideration. These concerns
predominately relate to the dogs kept on the property, which without
the appropriate safeguards could adversely affect the users of the
Public Right of Way, which crosses the site.
The reduction in traffic through the Parish, due to Covid-19
restrictions, has delayed the collection of speed data by Somerset
County Council. Consequently, the detailed costed design for
introducing lower speed limits is not yet available. The Parish
Council’s application for funding from Somerset County Council’s
Climate Emergency Community Fund for these traffic calming
measures will therefore not be made until January.
The Parish Council reviewed its budget for the coming financial year
and considered it appropriate, due to the uncertain financial outlook,
not to increase the Precept but to maintain it at this year’s level. The
Parish Council will endeavour to maintain the services it provides and
continue to support the local community. To this end the Parish
Council approved grants for 2021/22 to the Playing Field, the
Kingston Community Partnership and the Youth Club. An award was
also agreed towards the purchase of equipment for this autumn’s
community litter pick.
The Parish Council was pleased to learn that the newly formed
Playing Field Management Committee had recently met for the
second time. The Committee are hoping to bring the existing play
equipment up to standard and supplement it with new equipment
(funds permitting) and activities. Thereby increasing the attraction of
the Playing Field to both younger and older members of the
community. The Parish Council would also like to thank a local
resident for repairing, refurbishing and reinstating the toddler
swings, which is very much appreciated.
The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Monday 7th
December 2020 at 7:30pm, venue to be confirmed. Members of the
public are always welcome to attend. The meeting’s agenda is
published in advance on the Kingston St Mary website and on local
notice boards. A copy can also be obtained by contacting Katie
Katie Gibbins (Clerk)
Paul Townsend (Chair)

                        Update on the Staplegrove development
                        Kingston Area Pedestrian and Cycling
                        Campaign (KAPACC), Taunton Area
                        Cycling Campaign (TACC) and Residents of
                        Staplegrove action group (RoSag) had a
                        zoom meeting with one of the projects
                        managers at Somerset West and Taunton on
                        10th November 2020. He works closely
together with the planning liaison officer at Somerset County
Council. They both started their jobs a few weeks ago and the new
Staplegrove development is one of their projects.
In July 2020 the Department for Travel published new design
guidance, LTN 1/20 Cycle infrastructure design. Primarily five
objectives are to be met within the cycling infrastructure design
standards: coherence, directness, safety, comfort and attractiveness.
Infrastructure must be accessible and meet the need of the
The planning officer told us that the plans for the Staplegrove
development are being looked at again to see if they need adjusting
according to the new guidance.

KAPACC mentioned the need for a safe link between Kingston St
Mary and Taunton. He said that this was certainly something he
would look at. KAPACC will send him the results of the household
Compared to a couple of years ago, the culture at the County Council
has changed. Cars used to be the priority, walking and cycling more
an afterthought. With publications as the LTN 1/20 design guidance,
‘Gear Change a bold vision for cycling and walking’, Active Travel
and the proposed changes to the Highway Code, walking and cycling
have moved up the list of priorities.
We will have another meeting in two weeks’ time and we will keep
pushing for the best possible outcome for safe walking and cycling
provision within the development and on the links with the
surrounding area.
                                             Marion Nieuwenhuizen

When I joined the army, the Sergeant
Major screamed at me “Do you know
what surrender means boy?”     I said “I give up”.


Broomfield Parish Council – Report for Link Up December 2020
The Parish Council met twice in October – both were Extraordinary
meetings – the former concerned the Management of the Common,
the latter concerned Planning. Both were well attended by
Councillors and Members of the Public and were held via Zoom.

The Common’s Management
The vast majority of dead and dying ash trees within 10m of the road
through the Common have been felled. The road and verges are
considerably lighter as a result which we hope will lead to a strong
natural regrowth of other native trees and an ideal environment for
our new planting to thrive. One or two large ash trees remain; these

will be professionally assessed before deciding on a course of
Approximately 500 – 600 new trees will be planted in the area –
these will be a variety of native species and will lead, in time, to a
renewed and varied habitat. Volunteers are invited to join us in tree
planting, all are welcome. Please contact Stephen Tierney on 01823
451695, or email if you’d like
to help.
The Common’s management is ongoing and funding is in place for a
further 5 years via the AONB.

The meeting on 20th was to discuss 3 planning applications; a
special meeting was required as the deadline for comment fell
before the next scheduled Parish Meeting.
The Parish Council objected (by a majority) to an application
(10/20/00006) from Owls Hill Farm (Mr Coate) to erect an
agricultural building and to extend an existing agricultural building to
the west of Owl Street. The objection was on the grounds of
overdevelopment in the AONB.
The Parish Council objected (by a majority) to an outline application
(10/20/00007) from Owls Hill Farm (Mr Coate) to erect an
agricultural workers’ dwelling and garage on land to the west of Owl
Street. The objection was on the grounds of overdevelopment in the
The deadline for comments on this application was extended until
18/11/2020 in order that further documents that were mistakenly
missing from the original application could be considered and it will
be reviewed at the Parish Council meeting on 17/11/20.
The Parish Council unanimously supported an application
(10/20/00009) from 64 Rookscastle Cottages for a 2 storey
extension to the side elevation.

It’s encouraging to see such a lot of public interest in the meetings
from the public of Broomfield, any feedback is always welcome. A
schedule of meeting dates for 2021 will appear in the next Link-Up
and by then we will have appointed our 5th Parish Councillor to bring
us up to our full contingent.
Stay safe
                            Steve Hughes, Chair Broomfield Parish Council

The Parish Council of Cheddon Fitzpaine met on 9th November:
The volunteers in the Maidenbrook Country Park have brought the
whole site to looking at its best: we are indebted to them for their
invaluable support. Plans to plant the next saplings are progressing
and we hope to start in December (weather and covid permitting!).
Both West Monkton and Cheddon Fitzpaine have several combined
ongoing projects, and have submitted a grant application form to
SCC which it is hoped will be looked upon favourably.
Wessex Water undertook drainage work in Rowford recently, and
are moving a 'mains water pipe under pressure' in the fields between
Tudor Park and Aginhills prior to the Western Relief Road being
constructed. The dredging of the canal is ongoing with the silt being
placed in nearby fields.
Considerable time has been taken to learn who owns and manages
both the roundabout by the Crown Medical Centre, and an adjoining
triangle of land/ditch at the entrance to Waterleaze. It is hoped that
maintenance work will be carried out.
The issue of excess phosphates on the Somerset Levels has
resulted in all planning applications being reassessed and, once a
report is received from Natural England with guidance, the
applications can then be considered. This will impact on the large
developments planned within the Parish.
A silhouette of a soldier appeared by the WW1 Commemorative
Stone in the MCP. No one knew anything about this. The
volunteers have been very touched by this act; and the local
response has been wonderful. The family is now known to us, and
we are indebted to them.
The next meeting is at 7pm on Monday 14th December 2020 -via
Season's Greetings
                            Denise Webber/Chairman        07788 522266
                                 Jo Pearson/Parish Clerk 07891 529809
Effects of Lockdown on the Editor:
First email to friends:
I had a copy of a book by Richard Osman 'The Thursday Murder
Club'. I have lent it to someone. Any ideas who to please? I have
been trying to think who I have seen lately and of course it isn't
many people!

Second email to friends:
Hi everyone
Just in case you were all wondering whether I had gone mad
because I can’t find the book. Well to put your minds at rest ....
yes I am. I listened to it on audio!!!!

Dear Editor

On 18th October, my wife Kath Mayes died after a
very short, bowel cancer related, illness in Musgrove
Park Hospital. I would like to thank:
• St Margaret’s Hospice who were at my elbow from the moment
   we knew Kath’s illness was untreatable, through her care in
   Musgrove, the funeral and afterwards.
• Rev. Maureen Doble, who was Kath’s closest friend and my son’s
   godparent. She conducted the funeral service at the crematorium
   with such dignity and grace.
• The Cheddon Memorial Hall committee, especially Malcolm and
   Jane Lown, and Mary Gunning, who took all the pressure of
   arranging a wake, off of me.
• All the Cheddon villagers and residents of Farm View, for their
   condolences, kind words and thoughts in and amongst the
   hundreds of cards I received.
I am so very grateful to you all for your support at this time.
Andrew Mayes

Answers to Christmas Quiz:
1. Jacob Marley
2. James
3. David Bowie
4. 1952
5. They were all born on 25th December
6. 1914
7. In space, he was orbiting the moon in a spacecraft.
8. William the Conqueror (William 1st )
9. The Stone of Scone          (aka the Stone of Destiny)
10. George Michael
11. China
12. Norway
13. Opposite of Santa Claus. He’s wicked and steals children.
14. Melchior, Caspar, Balthazar. (Melichior, Gathaspa, Bithisarea,)
15. Merry Christmas (Italian, Danish, German)
16. Inventing Christmas crackers.
17. Oat husks and oatmeal soaked in water until it ferments and
    starts to quiver!
18. Tradition that was celebrated throughout Somerset. Bundle of
    green ash brought indoors and burnt on the fire. Once looked
    on as a fertility symbol.
19. Roast potatoes
20. It’s a Wonderful Life (starring James Stewart)

        I’ve put myself on a whisky diet.
        I’ve lost three days already.

Just remember …
“Resilient people can laugh at adversity and make jokes about their
misfortunes. When faced with adversity, a smile is our best weapon
because it helps us stay hopeful. Furthermore, it keeps us from

focusing on the negative. With a positive attitude, we see the
positive aspects of a situation as well as the negative.”
(Babbage Foundation, September 2020)
              For sale/wanted/lost and found
There is no charge for these notices. However due to limited
space, please keep wording to a maximum of 50 words.


Girl's Raleigh Bike excellent condition (white) would suit
11 year old. £75 ono Contact Sean on 01823 451564

Boy's Claud Butler bike excellent condition (silver) would
suit 8 year old. £75 ono Contact Sean on 01823 451564

Piano - Free to good home. Contact Sean 01823 451564

Hay bales for sale. £30 per bale. Kingston St Mary area.
Collection only. Tel: 07584 558900

                     James Church
                       The Swan
        All Types of Roofing Undertaken
                     40 years’ experience
                        Free estimates
Commercial Advertisement – 1/3 A5 page may be placed at a cost of
£10.00 at the discretion of, and following discussion with, the Editor.

   Special Message for Children* of all ages
Hi Children, young people,
teenagers, kids – whatever you
want to be called. Hello.

I bet you have been fantastic during
these long months dealing with this
world wide disease (Pandemic).
I have heard that although things
have been really difficult you have
all tried your hardest to be good.
You have kept up with homework
even when you weren’t able to go
to school, you’ve helped around the
house with jobs, and you’ve given
an extra special hug to other family
members when they felt low. You should all feel very proud of
yourselves. Keep up the good work.

And …………..

Because of this I have decided that if you all continue to be the
lovely, wonderful children that you have been all these long
months you will be specially rewarded this coming Christmas.
So, continue the good work and enjoy Christmas.


PS. Remember, everyone is a child to someone

  Making donations to Link-Up:         Account: Link Up Villages Magazine
  Sort code: 30-98-45 (Lloyds Bank) Account No: 00085792
  Ref: LU Donation.             Cash or cheque to any of the following:
  Benefice Office, Kingston St Mary, TA2 8HW
  The Coach House, Broomfield, TA5 2EQ (Lindy Mansfield),
  Glebe Farm, Cheddon Fitzpaine, TA2 8JU (Rhona Ashton)
  2 Quantock Rise, Kingston St Mary, TA2 8HJ (Treasurer)

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