News from the Council - UTHealth

Page created by Kirk Brown
News from the Council - UTHealth
News from the Council                                                                                  Fall 2020

UCSC members plan for FY21 at virtual retreat
BY JESSICA VANDERPOOL                         UTHealth leadership on behalf of        staff members; publishes news-
Development Writer II                         the classified staff. This is done by   letters throughout the year with in-
Office of Development                         making recommendations on exist-        formative articles, feature stories,
                                              ing and proposed policies; weigh-       and activities; fosters personal and
  New, current, and outgoing mem-             ing in on procedures and programs       professional development through
bers of the University Classified             that impact the classified staff or     UCSC Brown Bag Sessions; and
Staff Council (UCSC) came togeth-             are of particular interest to them;     raises funds for and administers
er on August 21 for UCSC’s Annual             and voicing questions and con-          the UCSC Educational Awards Pro-
Retreat, during which they planned            cerns from classified staff mem-        gram, a competitive, merit-based
for the upcoming fiscal year, con-            bers. In addition, the UCSC holds
ducted business, recognized outgo-            its Annual Workshop for classified               See RETREAT on PAGE 4
ing members, and welcomed incom-
ing members. Like so many other
events in 2020, the retreat was held
virtually to protect the health and
safety of participants and comply
with regulations and best practices.
  The UCSC is comprised of mem-
bers from operating units across
UTHealth whose mission it is to
advise the president and other

  Farewell from FY20 Chair.......2
  Welcome from FY21 Chair.......3
  UCSC Accomplishments............5
  Educational Awards..................6
  Former Member Spotlight.........7
  Technology Corner....................8
  Recycling Program....................9
  HOOP Policy Updates..............9
  Wellness Tips..........................10
  Brown Bag Session.................11
  New UCSC Representatives...13                UCSC FORMER MEMBER SPOTLIGHT - Former UCSC member Bethany
  Fall Word Search..................13         Roachell (second from right in front) sees transformative work of UTHealth
  Annual UCSC Workshop.......14                impact her own family (see Page 7).                                                                    
News from the Council - UTHealth
A Farewell from the FY20 UCSC Chair
    Reflecting on progress despite a strange year
BY WILLIAM “BILL” SEVERSON               from home environment. There will sions were very successful, bringing
Audio-Visual Specialist                  be three workshop sessions which development opportunities to classi-
McGovern Medical School Conference       will be tailored to the role of clas- fied staff members regarding leader-
Operations                               sified staff in the work from home ship and wellness. A big thank you
                                         model here at UTHealth. A big thank to Lexus Bradford for heading up
   While it is hard to believe, Fiscal   you to Jimaya Tates and Elizabeth this committee.
Year 2020 is already over! Your          Vinson for all of their hard work in          In our effort to keep more classi-
University Classified Staff Council      switching this event to an on-                          fied staff members up-to-
(UCSC) has been hard at work this        line event quickly.                                     date on events happening
year to make meaningful change for           I would like to congratu-                           at UTHealth, our Com-
you and to provide resources and         late our Educational Awards                             munications Committee
educational sessions that expand         Committee led by Beth                                   delivered two newsletters
your understanding of certain topics!    Watson on a phenome-                                    this fiscal year, as well as
   In light of the global pandemic       nal year. We awarded just                               to regularly communicate
that has taken hold of our commu-        over $27,000 in education-                              about other events. To
nity and our world, I want to express    al awards to 22 applicants.           William “Bill”    that end, I would recom-
UCSC’s commitment to classified          The Educational Awards                 Severson         mend that all classified
staff members at UTHealth. We            Committee has done an ex-                               staff members subscribe
have worked hard this year to en-        cellent job of raising funds                            to the UCSC Mailing
sure that the Classified Staff have      this year, teaming up with the Office List so that you can get the latest
been heard from in regard to all         of Development to create a perma- announcements and news about
UTHealth decisions surrounding           nent donations web portal. I would events here at UTHealth! Join here:
COVID-19. So many of us are now          also like to thank the Selection                     We
facing new challenges as we stay         Committee for all of their hard work would like to thank Jessica Vander-
safe at home, take mandatory days        in selecting the 22 finalists through pool and the Communications Com-
off, or continue to come in to provide   the pandemic which forced the pro- mittee for producing newsletters this
essential services to the university.    cess to take place entirely online. fiscal year and continuing the work
Whether it is juggling work-from-        The Selection Committee this year of increasing the number of people
home responsibilities on top of car-     was composed of five members: on our mailing list. Thank you, Jes-
ing for loved ones or perhaps navi-      William ‘Wes’ Stewart, Dr. Pedro sica.
gating our community while dealing       Mancias, Dr. Charles Beasley, Dr.             UCSC has finished elections and
with your own health issues - know       Allison Edwards, and Catherine the new elected representatives will
that UCSC is here for you. Please        Doughty. Thank you for all of your begin their terms in September of
visit our website to contact us or       hard work and dedication.                   2020. We are happy to have all who
find other helpful resources as we           At the time of this writing, our Staff have been elected on the Council
continue through these challenging       Development Committee is working and many thanks to those who ran
times, together.                         on setting up our third Brown Bag but were not elected. A big thank
   We recently held our virtual Work-    Session for the year. This Brown you to Alainna Talton and Colin
shops. These events are designed         Bag is about technology and how Dunham for their leadership on this
to enhance our understanding of          we can use technology to better ful- important committee. I would also
what work from home entails as well      fill our job duties and requirements.
as how to cope with the new work         The previous two Brown Bag Ses-                      See FAREWELL on PAGE 4
2      News from the Council
News from the Council - UTHealth
A Welcome from the FY21 UCSC Chair
  Looking forward as UCSC perseveres, TOGETHER
BY COLIN DUNHAM                           members at UTHealth. I promise portant information more promptly. If
HR Reporting Analyst                      to be here for you and support you you haven’t signed up for our mail-
Human Resources                           as we work together. I also want to ing list yet, we encourage you to do
                                          challenge you to think outside the so at
  Where does the time go? It’s a          box and get creative. The programs Our Staff Development Committee
question many of us are asking            and resources we provide are im- is already hard at work scheduling
more and more these days. For             portant to our shared goals here at Brown Bag Sessions that will pro-
some of us, we blinked and March          UTHealth.                                          vide content to aid clas-
mysteriously turned into November.           And now I turn to classified                    sified staff members as
For others, time seems to be barely       staff at UTHealth. The global                      we traverse a more re-
creeping along. Nevertheless, it is       pandemic we are enduring                           mote working environ-
now the new fiscal year, and I have       together has changed almost                        ment, as well as other
the privilege of serving as the Chair     every facet of our work and                        great topics! Our Staff
for the University Classified Staff       society. Some of us are work-                      Recognition Committee
Council (UCSC). I wish to thank our       ing remotely and have been                         is prepared either to of-
former chair, William “Bill” Sever-       for months. Others have con- Colin Dunham fer an in-person annual
son, for his tireless efforts last year   tinued to go into the office and                   workshop or again bring
and his dedication to classified staff    perform essential functions for                    excellent content in a vir-
members here at UTHealth. I also          the university. Regardless of where tual format should we be unable to
want to thank our outgoing UCSC           we are working, there’s no doubt offer in-person events next summer.
representatives for their commit-         that life has been challenging this Our Educational Awards Commit-
ment and hard work during their           year. Know that you are valued. tee is excited to raise funds to sup-
time on the council. We continue          Know that the work you do helps port children of classified staff and
to be successful due the efforts of       further the mission of the universi- to oversee the selection process
these colleagues.To our new UCSC          ty and that all our contributions help for these awards. Our Elections
representatives, I say, “Welcome!”        bring success to all of UTHealth. Committee recently put on UCSC’s
Whether you are brand-new to the          If you have any questions or con- first-ever virtual retreat. They will
council or have returned for anoth-       cerns that UCSC can assist you have a short reprieve until it is time
er term, you have joined the council      with, please contact us at UTHeal- to start the election cycle again and
at a pivotal time in our shared his-                    plan for next year’s retreat!
tory. The work we do this year is            We look forward to a year full of     I look forward to the meaningful
as important as ever. I have every        activities in Fiscal Year 21. Our Com- work to be accomplished this year,
faith that you will help make this        munications Committee is revamp- and I welcome your input and sup-
the best year yet for classified staff    ing our website so we can share im- port as we begin another year!

                                                               Make your voice heard!
                                                    Do you have an issue you want to bring before
                                                              leadership? Email the
                                                         University Classified Staff Council

                                                                                                       Fall 2020       3
News from the Council - UTHealth
FAREWELL                                 goals are regarding diversity issues
                                          here at UTHealth. I would also like
                                                                                   we as classified staff value and hold
                                                                                   as important.
 Continued from PAGE 2                    to note that the classified staff will      At our core, UCSC exists to ad-
                                          be represented on the new Diver-         vise the President and the Exec-
like to introduce the next Chair of the   sity and Inclusion Task Force at         utive Council on matters of im-
University Classified Staff Council,      UTHealth.                                portance to classified employees.
Colin Dunham. Have a great year!            The UCSC welcomed Mr. Kevin            We, as a council, do not take this
   May and June of 2020 brought           Dillon to our May meeting to discuss     responsibility lightly. This year, we
about a new heightened awareness          how the University is responding to      have been able to present several
of Diversity and Inclusion measures       the budget hits brought about by         items of importance to classified
as well as discussions of how all can     COVID-19 and what austerity mea-         staff members to executive leader-
work together for a greater purpose.      sures are being put in place. We         ship here at UTHealth. While solu-
To that end, we invited the Office of     appreciate the enhanced communi-         tions do not always happen over-
Diversity and Inclusion to join us and    cation provided by him during these      night, know that your voice and the
answer questions we as staff had          unprecedented times and his will-        voices of your colleagues matter.
regarding the Diversity and Inclu-        ingness to communicate with clas-        We relish the opportunity to hear
sion efforts. A big thank you to Dea-     sified staff members.                    from you and your ideas for im-
na Moylan, Dr. Latanya Love, and            We would like to thank President       provements. A list of our represen-
Dr. Asia McCleary-Gaddy for being         Giuseppe Colasurdo for allowing us       tatives is available on our website,
willing to join us and answer tough       to have a voice and taking the time      or you can reach us via email at
questions about what the vision and       to listen and respond to items that

RETREAT                                   ing committees about their accom-
                                          plishments over the past 12 months
                                                                                   da “Dennie” Clemons, Educational
                                                                                   Awards Committee Chair; Qiana
Continued from PAGE 1                     (read highlights from each commit-       Allen, Elections Committee Chair;
awards program that offers finan-         tee on Page 5).                          Laura Rademacher, Staff Devel-
cial support for higher education to         In addition, the group conducted      opment Committee Chair; Jimaya
selected, eligible children of classi-    important business, including the        Tates, Staff Recognition Committee
fied staff. The UCSC also helps with      election of officers. Fiscal year 2021   Chair.
UTHealth activities and initiatives       officers are: Dunham, Chair; Lexus         In addition, Pauline Monseg-
and participates in select UTHealth       Bradford, Chair-Elect; Kristina Fern,    ue-Bailey was voted UCSC’s In-
and UT System committees and              Secretary; Nena Fairbanks, Trea-         terFaculty Council representative,
councils.                                 surer; and Jessica Vanderpool, Par-      and Susan Bell was voted UCSC’s
   The retreat kicked off with words      liamentarian.                            HOOP Advisory Committee repre-
from fiscal year 2020 UCSC Chair             At the end of the day, members        sentative.
William “Bill” Severson, and fis-         were assigned to one of UCSC’s five        To learn more about UCSC or find
cal year 2021 Chair Colin Dunham          standing committees. These com-          a list of representatives, visit uth.
(hear more from Severson and Dun-         mittees then each spent time elect-      edu/ucsc. To join our mailing list and
ham on Pages 2 and 3).                    ing a chair and making plans for how     stay up-to-date on council news, visit
   Along with hearing from Severson       to serve staff in the upcoming year.
and Dunham and recognizing new            Committees and their chairs are as         To bring your concerns to UCSC,
and old members, the group heard          follows: Jessica Vanderpool, Com-        contact us at our email address:
reports from UCSC’s five stand-           munications Committee Chair; Wan-

4      News from the Council
News from the Council - UTHealth
UCSC accomplishments from FY2020
              Elections                              Communications                           Staff Recognition
   ●      Created a way to hold elec-           ●      Promoted UCSC, its events         ●      Created a new online model
tions for UCSC officers virtually            and the Educational Awards Program        for holding the UCSC Annual Work-
   ●      Held a first-of-its kind virtual      ●      Shared news relevant to clas-   shop virtually. This included holding
meet and greet to introduce classified       sified staff through newsletters          several sessions on separate days
staff to UCSC                                   ●      Grew the UCSC mailing list      throughout the year to make atten-
   ●      Hosted the first-ever virtual      from 150 to 405 contacts (170% in-        dance more feasible
version of the annual UCSC Retreat           crease)                                     ●      Coordinated the distribution
   ●      Maintained membership ros-            ●      Emailed 1,251 new hires with    of goodie bags for randomly selected
ter throughout the fiscal year               information about UCSC                    UCSC Annual Workshop participants
                                                ●      Maintained the current web-     and thank you gifts for speakers
                                             site and began work on a new website
                                                ●      Finished the previous year’s
       Staff Development                     project to create and print 1,500 cop-
  ●     Held the Journey to Leader-
                                             ies of a two-sided UCSC brochure
ship Brown Bag Session focused on
                                                ●      Helped develop a solicitation       From your
the progression of career develop-
ment by selecting various speakers
                                             request that was sent to upper lead-
                                             ership to garner support for the UCSC
that have developed their career at
                                             Educational Awards Program                 Classified Staff
  ●     Held an informative Brown
Bag on Health and Wellness, which                  Educational Awards                  Council, thank you
provided    information     regarding
health services, healthy life choice,
                                               ●      Awarded monetary amounts
                                             varying from $200 to $4,600 to 22
                                                                                        for a wonderful
and Employee Assistance Programs             qualified applicants                             year!
that UTHealth provides                         ●      Educational Awards Commit-
  ●     Planned a third Brown Bag            tee held a fundraising campaign and
Session to focus on providing train-         two silent auctions to raise money for
ing on e-learning technology such            the Educational Awards Program             Learn more about
as UTH-Share, Office365, Microsoft
Teams, and WebEx. (This session
                                               ●      Organized a Selection Com-
                                             mittee responsible for determining the
                                                                                       us at
was rescheduled for October.)                number of student award winners

           Curious about the University
            Classified Staff Council?
             Visit the UCSC website:

                                                                                                            Fall 2020          5
Educational Awards awarded to 22 students
BY BETH WATSON                          receives remarkable applications andfollowing colleges and universities:
Senior Program Manager                  this year proved no different! TheseBrazosport College, Tarleton State
Radiology                               children will be attending colleges University, Stephen F. Austin State
                                        and universities this fall, and we are
                                                                            University, Prairie View A&M Uni-
   Each year, the University Clas-      so happy to be able to award some-  versity, The University of Texas at
sified Staff Council (UCSC) works       thing to our winners.               Austin, University of Houston, Texas
hard to provide support to classi-        We extend our heartfelt appreci-  Tech University, Houston Commu-
fied staff by providing Educational     ation and thanks to our Selection   nity College, Texas A&M Universi-
Awards to high school                                                                             ty, Park Uni-
students who are chil-
dren of current, full-time
                             Congratulations to (in alphabetical order) versity,                  Woman’s Uni-

UTHealth classified em-      • Natalia Buenrostro, daughter of Nereyda Buenrostro                 versity,     Rice
ployees and pursuing         • Elissa Cabral, daughter of Rose Mary Cabral                        U n i v e r s i t y,
higher education. This       • Herbert Chen, son of Guocai Chen                                   Texas South-
fiscal year, we had 22       • Kayla Crowley, daughter of Theresa Crowley                         ern Universi-
qualified applicants.        • Alyana Dela Cruz, daughter of Joan Dela Cruz                       ty, and Sam
   This        competitive   • Katherine Dycha, daughter of Darcy Dycha                           Houston State
award ranks the students     • Alleecia Evans, daughter of Detric Evans                           University. We
based on their school-       • Valle Kauniste, son of Lori Kauniste                               are excited to
work and well-rounded        • Poorna Menon, daughter of Usha Menon                               be part of their
high school lives. Stu-      • Taiya Mitchell, daughter of Candice Mitchell                       future.
dents are scored on the      • Myranda Mondragon, daughter of Christina Rocha-Pena                   Through do-
difficulty of the courses    • Kaleb Moore, son of April Laquinta Moore                           nations        and
they took, their ACT or      • Marisela Murray, son of Roberto Murray, Jr.                        two silent auc-
SAT score, their grades,     • Samuel Nkrumah, son of Awurabena Poku                              tions, we were
and their grade point av-    • Anya Pazhoor, daughter of Shwetha Pazhoor                          able to provide
erage. Additionally, they    • Kristin Pfleger, daughter of Edward Pfleger                        $28,600           in
are scored on their vol-     • Emily Ramos, daughter of Martha Uribe                              awards.
unteer work and extra-       • Wendy Rossi, daughter of Susan Rossi                                  Congratu-
curricular activities that   • Allison Sokoloski, daughter of Frances Sokoloski                   lations to all
make them good citi-         • Taylor Trinh, daughter of Linh Trinh                               of the win-
zens and team players.       • Jessica P. Wang, daughter of Jianbo Wang and Ping Pan              ners from the
Lastly, they are scored      • Anthony Weeks, son of Christine Betters                            Educational
on two letters of rec-                                                                            Awards Com-
ommendation that are                                                                              mittee. We are
provided by their teachers or school Committee: William “Wes” Stewart, so proud of you and can’t wait to see
administration.                       Dr. Pedro Mancias, Dr. Charles Bea- you soar!
   The UCSC Educational Awards sley, Dr. Allison Edwards, and Cath-           Educational Awards Commit-
Program is a competitive award that erine Doughty. These five dedicated tee Members FY20: Beth Watson
provides various amounts of awards UTHealth colleagues donated their (chair), Bethany Roachell (vice-
to applicants based on the scoring time and attention and met several chair), Lt. Gaudencio Arenas, Tricia
from the Selection Committee. The times to assess the applications.         Hill-Thomas, Dana White, Felicia
Educational Awards Program always       Our winners will be attending the Davis, and Tracy Maclin.

6     News from the Council
Former Member Spotlight: Bethany Roachell
    Witnessing the transformative work of UTHealth
BY JESSICA VANDERPOOL                    secretary for UCSC. In her role, she      part of a team that redesigned the
Development Writer II                    helped raise more than $50,000 cu-        look and feel of Learn2Succeed to
Office of Development                    mulatively in order to award finan-       make it more intuitive for users.”
                                         cial assistance for higher education         Bethany has also served for sev-
  Former University Classified Staff     to selected, eligible children of clas-   eral years as part of the HR Events
Council (UCSC) member Bethany            sified staff.                             Committee, the goal of which she
Roachell personally witnessed the           “I joined UCSC to be an advo-          says is to “plan engaging activities
impact of The University of Texas        cate for classified employees of          that help build department-wide re-
Health Science Center at Houston         UTHealth and to help make a pos-          lationships.”
when her step-father received deep       itive difference within the institution      When she is not at work, she
brain stimulation surgery at the         where possible,” she said.                enjoys playing board games with
talented hands of UTHealth’s Dr.            Bethany has worked in Human            friends, putting her “green thumb”
Albert Fenoy. Diagnosed with Par-        Resources (HR) at UTHealth for            to good use with her many plants,
kinson’s disease, her step-father,       five years, first on the Employee         working on the merchandise team
AJ Dike, knew he needed medical          Services team and now on the HR           at her church, hiking, running, and
assistance so he opted for deep          Technology team. Currently, she           even participating in some races.
brain stimulation. The procedure         serves as Senior HR Systems Sup-          She also describes herself as an
was successful and helped control        port Specialist.                          “avid reader.”
his symptoms, thereby improving             “You’d know me as the person              She enjoys spending time with
his quality of life.                     who works behind Learn2Suc-               her tabby cat named Abraham
  “It’s great to see firsthand how the   ceed,” said Bethany, who has a            and her Pembroke Welsh Corgi
work done here at UTHealth can           Master of Science degree in Human         named Lincoln. She said the co-
impact the everyday lives of peo-        Resource Management. “When first          ordination of names was a happy
ple,” said Bethany. “I love being a      hired by UTHealth, I played a part in     accident, as she named Lincoln
small part of something that, on a       implementing the Learn2Succeed            first and later met Abraham and
grand scale, literally changes lives     system, and currently, I work with        just knew she had to adopt him
for the better.”                         numerous departments through-             due to his name.
  Bethany is one of UCSC’s out-          out UTHealth to ensure their train-          To Bethany and our other outgo-
going members, having served a           ings are working properly and the         ing members, UCSC would like to
two-year term. She served both           employees who need to complete            say thank you for sharing your time
years as a member of UCSC’s Edu-         specific trainings on the system are      and talents for the sake of classified
cational Awards Committee and as         able to do so. In August 2019, I was      staff.

                                                                                                        Fall 2020       7
Technology Corner
             Part 3: Microsoft Teams

BY COLIN DUNHAM                            everyone together.                        can quickly find a file, conversation
HR Reporting Analyst                          A team is the group of people          thread, or even type a command to
Human Resources                            whom you work with on a daily ba-         expedite your workflow. Commands
                                           sis or on a project. Create a team        are shortcuts in MS Teams that al-
   Imagine that you’re instant mes-        and include everyone who will need        low you to quickly do a multitude of
saging with a coworker about an            access to the files you’re creating or    useful things: check all your new no-
upcoming project. She tells you that       the messages you’re sharing.              tifications, set your messenger sta-
she has questions about the scope             A channel is a specific section of a   tus, or even see a list of keyboard
of the first objective and she is also     team. Let’s say the team is working       shortcuts!
curious about how to show the re-          to put together a conference. One            Each channel in each team has
sults of the third objective in a graph.   channel could be “presenters,” and        the possibility to have its own tabs.
You quickly look at the project out-       another channel could be “food.” You      The tabs could be a document you
line document, and then show her a         would only post messages or files in      are constantly using, a new web-
pivot chart that should work to com-       the specific channels that have to do     site, a OneNote notebook, a Mic-
municate outcomes about the proj-          with that part of the conference. This    rosoft Planner board, or a host of
ect. You set up a meeting to make          makes it easier to break up the work      other things. If something needs to
sure you and your coworker are on          and make sure other channels don’t        be close by for that team/channel -
the same page.                             get clogged up with posts about oth-      make it a tab!
   Now, pretend you did all that from      er items. If you are the team owner,         No more searching for emails with
one application.                           you even have the ability to create       the correct attachments. No more
   Microsoft Teams (MS Teams) is           a private channel so only the folks       files with names like V3, V4, FINAL,
the ultimate application for your work     who need access to that channel           FINAL_FINAL. All work can be done
group — a workspace for real-time          have it — no one else will see it.        together in real time and, even bet-
collaboration and communication,              On your way to a meeting but           ter, updates are saved automatical-
meetings, file and application shar-       want to make sure you receive no-         ly. If you feel like V3 was better than
ing, and even the occasional emoji!        tifications of an important update?       V4, that’s okay — feel free to restore
As a truly collaborative tool, you can     Download the MS Teams app on              that version from the automatically
set up a team and then create dif-         your phone or tablet! The same            saved version in the file’s history.
ferent channels so the correct com-        functionality that exists on your com-       Besides working in real time with
munication is shared in the correct        puter also exists when you’re on the      ultimate collaboration, you can also
space. Additionally, you can link var-     go! Quickly check any important up-       get someone’s attention by men-
ious Microsoft applications right to       dates, make comments, or upload           tioning them. Whether in a com-
your team so there’s never a need to       files from your device as needed.         ment, a reply to a post, or anywhere
leave the Teams application; all the          The search bar at the top of the MS
work takes place in one location with      Teams app is your best friend. You         See TECHNOLOGY on PAGE 11

8      News from the Council
Recycling program for tonor and cartridges benefits environment
BY VALERIE BUCHANAN                       the university in 2018.                portion of rewards they receive on
AV & Conference Services Senior              The program is an environmen-       behalf of the school’s pickup sites
Manager                                   tally preferred disposal of empty      to support UCSC with donations
McGovern Medical School Conference        cartridges. It is free and easy to     for the Education Awards Program
Operations                                participate in. The                                    annually.
                                          focus is on collec-                                      You can recycle
  McGovern Medical School Em-             tion, reuse, and re-                                   all brands of empty
ployee Relations Committee be-            cycling of cartridges                                  printer cartridges
came partners in sustainability with      that are remanufac-                                    including original
TODAY’S Business Solutions and            tured, remarketed,                                     HP, Brother, and
Clover Environmental Solutions            or recycled and re-                                    Lexmark, as well
in July 2013 to reduce the waste          sold through Today’s                                   as used cartridges
stream by keeping ink and ton-            Business Solutions.                                    from other manu-
er cartridges out of landfills. Mc-          UCSC uses re-                                       facturers. Join the
Govern Medical School ERC wel-            wards they receive from the pro-       program and set up a toner col-
comed the University Classified           gram toward the Educational            lection box in your area. Contact
Staff Council (UCSC) as partners          Awards Program. McGovern Med-          Suzanne.J.Paramore@uth.tmc.
in the program to increase efforts        ical School ERC continues to man-      edu or Amity.Browning@uth.tmc.
supporting toner recycling across         age the program and donates a          edu for more information.

              Updates to HOOP policies 28, 52, 116, 101
   BY SANDY SOUTHERN                          HOOP 52 Reductions in Force        form to current practices and some
   Senior Administrative Coordinator       was updated regarding employees       new standards.
   Pediatric Cardiology and Critical       whose position was funded (50%           It is our employees’ responsibil-
   Care                                    or greater) by expiring sources of    ity to ensure our communications
                                           funding or a project that has been    that we create and send comply
     The HOOP Advisory Committee           cancelled or discontinued. Em-        with Brand Standards.
   met in August.                          ployees will be given as much no-        HOOP 101 Disability Accom-
     HOOP 28 Vacation was updat-           tice as possible in this situation.   modations with new animal
   ed this spring/summer to conform           Classified employees who are       guidelines: HOOP 101 provides
   to current practices.                   separated in a formal reduction of    definitions for many terms within
     As a reminder, each department        workforce, can have their remain-     the scope of disability accommo-
   sets its vacation approval process-     ing sick leave balance restored if    dations. This HOOP policy also
   es, but vacation requests still need    they resume state employment          describes the steps to request
   to be completed. If you are trans-      within 12 months of the end of the    a workplace accommodation. It
   ferring within state institutions,      month of separation.                  also addresses the definition of an
   you need to contact the prior state        HOOP 116 Editorial, Graphic,       emotional support animal and a
   agency regarding transferring your      Web, Signage: University Brand        service animal and the situations
   vacation time and years of service.     Standards was updated to con-         where they are allowed.

      Got something on your mind? Contact UCSC at

                                                                                                      Fall 2020         9
Wellness Tips: Caring for yourself during a difficult year
BY MONICA GUIDRY                           also discuss mental health services     can register online at www.yourmon-
Executive Director                         available through Blue Cross Blue
UTHealth Employee Assistance               Shield. UTHealth employees and            For questions about these ser-
Programs                                   their family members can access         vices, call our main number at 713-
                                           convenient and confidential services    500-3327 or go online at https://
  This year’s challenges have im-          at no cost.                   
pacted many UTHealth employees               For staff: Employee Assistance        tance/.
emotionally, physically, financially,
and spiritually. On a daily basis, we                                               Mindfulness, Resilience, &
strive to be resilient for ourselves,                                              Stress Relief
our families, our colleagues, and

                                                                                      Studies show that meditation is as-
those whom we serve. During stress-                                                sociated with improvement in a vari-
ful times, it may be difficult to know                                             ety of psychological areas including
where to turn for support, guidance,

                                                                                   stress, anxiety, addiction, depres-
and resources for yourself and even                                                sion, eating disorders, and cognitive
your family members. Employee As-                                                  function among others. Other bene-
sistance Programs (EAP) and Well-                                                  fits include improved sleep, reduced
ness Services can help!
  Here are some EAP and Wellness                        Part 3                     blood pressure, and improved mem-
                                                                                   ory. As with any skill or new habit,
Services that many employees have                                                  practice is important. It takes repeti-
used to not just survive, but also to                                              tion to train the mind and body to ad-
build a foundation of resilience.          Program 713-500-3327*                   just to being still. In this time of social
                                             For faculty: Faculty Assistance       distancing, EAP offers free 15-min-
 EAP      Counseling               and     Program 713-500-3880*                   ute virtual meditation sessions every
Consultation Services                        Residents and fellows: Employee       week to the UTHealth community.
   Confidential individual, family, and    Assistance Program 713-500-3327*        We invite you to join your colleagues
group counseling are available to            *24/7 for crisis calls                virtually on Wednesdays and Thurs-
you and family members living in                                                   days. You can find the calendar of
your household. Depression, anxi-            Debt,    Spending,            and     events on Inside UTHealth.
ety, loneliness, fear, grief, and stress   Financial Well-Being                       Be sure to check out this article
are normal emotions during these              Your Money Line is a financial       about the benefits of mindful medi-
difficult times. Our staff is available    wellness program consisting of a live   tation with quotes from Alejandro
for “in-the-moment-support” and can        financial call-in helpline and an in-   Chaoul, Ph.D., which might serve
be a confidential sounding board for       teractive online financial dashboard.   as a motivation to try this evidenced
what you are experiencing, even            The program focuses on changing         based resource.
to discuss work-related concerns.          spending behaviors to promote fi-          Additional resources and services
In addition, our goal is to help you       nancial change, regardless of in-       are available but are too numerous
identify options available to you.         come.                                   to mention. EAP is here for you as
Free EAP counseling appointments              Financial questions can be emailed   well as your department. Please
are available virtually or in-person       to or         visit our website (
through our network of EAP licensed        by calling 833-890-4077. Available      wellness) to learn more. Let us help
clinicians throughout Texas. We can        in English and Spanish. Participants    you and your family.

10     News from the Council
TECHNOLOGY                               sation with someone outside of
                                         the channel or even the team?
                                                                                    and utilize other collaborative op-
                                                                                    tions as well.
Continued from PAGE 8                    Head on over to the chat app                  If you cannot wait to create your
else, all you have to do is type @       housed in MS Teams to contact              own team and get started, contact
and then the person’s name to se-        anyone inside the UTHealth orga-           the Help Desk today and they will
lect them from a list! They will in-     nization. Using the chat app, you          create it for you.
stantly receive a notification that      can have real time conversations              Do you want some additional train-
will guide them to that file, com-       using the instant messenger func-          ing before you dive headfirst into MS
ment, post, etc.                         tion with one or even a group of           Teams? Try Microsoft’s training as
  Need to have a private conver-         people. It’s also easy to send files       well as Linkedin Learning!

Brown Bag Session focuses on technology uses
BY COLIN DUNHAM AND                      tablet, it is easy to see where you left   real-time, with changes saving au-
JESSICA VANDERPOOL                       off and invite others to collaborate       tomatically. Any time you want to di-
                                         with you. You have plenty of stor-         rectly notify someone of something,
   G Suite for Education, Microsoft      age space in your personal drive,          you can include their name preced-
Teams, and Cisco Webex were the          but another great feature of Goo-          ed by the “@” or “+” signs. You can
center of conversation during the        gle Drive is Shared Drives. Shared         also customize the document with
Brown Bag Session on technology          Drives allow you to create a place         photos and other items or create a
organized by the University Classi-      for teams to share documents, edit,        table of contents.
fied Staff Council (UCSC). During        and ultimately succeed in their tasks         Other tools include, but are not
the virtual session, held Oct. 6, at-    through cooperation. When creating         limited to, Google Slides, which is
tendees heard from Gregory Orcutt,       a Shared Drive, the owner can add          similar to Microsoft PowerPoint,
senior learning management admin-        team members and edit their per-           and Google Forms, which is sim-
istrator, and Carly Walker, e-learning   missions. For instance, you can give       ilar to Microsoft Forms. Wth Goo-
technologist specialist and Google       someone access to view or com-             gle Slides, anyone can create and
Certified Trainer, about how these       ment only, or you can make some-           present beautiful, professional pre-
programs operate and can benefit         one a manager with similar permis-         sentations with ease. These pre-
employees in their work.                 sions to the Shared Drive owner.           sentations can be customized with
                                         The great thing about Shared Drives        photos, videos, sounds, closed
  UTH-Share                              is that if a team member leaves the        captioning and more. The Speaker
  UTH-Share is UTHealth’s imple-         organization or for any other reason       view allows you to see your notes
mentation of G Suite for Education.      no longer has access to the drive,         on each slide so you don’t forget
All faculty and staff members have       all the files still remain in the shared   to say anything you’ve rehearsed.
access to UTH-Share, but will need       folder for the team. There is no need      Google Forms allows you to create
to activate their account. UTH-Share     to fear losing any work!                   items like polls, event registrations,
has several tools for online collabo-      Another UTH-Share tool is Google         and surveys that will display instant
ration and real-time work efficiency.    Docs, which is similar to Microsoft        results. Keep in mind never to use
  One of these tools is Google Drive,    Word and useful if you are co-writ-        these forms for sensitive information
where you can store all your online      ing something with team members.           like passwords or patient data. Like
documents in an easily accessible        You can share your document with           Google Docs, both Google Slides
space. Whether you need to access        others via a button in the top right
your files via computer, phone, or       corner and work on it together in            See BROWN BAG on PAGE 12

                                                                                                        Fall 2020      11
BROWN BAG                                 somewhere. In Microsoft Teams ev-
                                          erything is saved automatically and
                                                                                   self and turn your camera on and off
                                                                                   as needed.
Continued from PAGE 11                    you see any changes as they are             During a meeting, the host can
                                          made.                                    mute or unmute participants and
and Google Forms can be worked               Aside from communicating within       even record the meeting if it needs
on collaboratively, with changes be-      the team as a whole, you can have        to be shared at a later date. (Email
ing automatically saved.                  private conversations with a col- to have this abil-
                                          league or group of colleagues in the     ity turned on for you.) Another fan-
  Microsoft Teams                         “Chat” tab of the Microsoft Teams        tastic feature is the ability to remind
   Microsoft Teams (MS Teams)             application. Here you can exchange       individuals to attend from within the
stands out by being chat-centric, de-     files, chat, and work together on a      Webex meeting. Webex can even
signed to help people get organized       smaller scale, similar to Skype for      call someone for you and connect
with a specific focus on their con-       Business.                                them that way!
versations. A “team” is considered                                                    The presenters did offer advice
an overall group of people working         Cisco Webex                             on how to make your virtual con-
on a project. This could be an entire        Cisco Webex is the principal sup-     ferences run more smoothly. They
department or a diverse group from        ported real-time conferencing tool       advised not to use Webex if you
across the university brought togeth-     offered by UTHealth to all faculty       are on a Virtual Private Network
er to work on a collaborative project.    and staff. All UTHealth staff have a     (VPN) as it is more complicated
And it is entirely possible that you      Cisco Webex account whether they         and can slow down the bandwidth.
will have multiple teams for multiple     know it or not. To update your pic-      They also advised not to use We-
projects.                                 ture and other settings, you can visit   bex while remoting into a comput-
   In order to start a team, you will and sign      er at another location. Webex will
need to contact the Help Desk and         in with your single sign-on creden-      try to use the computer audio and
have them set up your team. You           tials. From here you can access your     camera of the desktop you are re-
can read more about starting with         Webex Personal Room, a virtual lo-       moting in to and may leave you un-
MS Teams here.                            cation that retains the same, specific   able to participate in the meeting.
   The hallmark of Microsoft Teams is     URL, enabling you to give it out to      However, you can always attend
threaded conversations, which ap-         friends or use it to schedule meet-      Webex meetings from your internet
pear on the front page of each team       ings. You can also schedule meet-        browser on whatever device you
you have set up. These threaded           ings that generate a one-use virtual     are using at your current location.
conversations allow you to follow         meeting room using a unique URL.         Lastly, if you receive a low band-
messages and reply as necessary.             Meeting attendees can either at-      width error message, keep in mind
Additionally, if you need assistance      tend online or via phone, though         that it could be due to your network
from a specific person, you can men-      they will need to enter a special code   connection or another attendee’s
tion them by using the “@” sign and       when calling in on their phones. In      network connection. To minimize
their name. They will receive a notifi-   fact, you can combine the two and        any potential issues, you can try
cation and respond to your mention.       use your computer for video and          turning off your video to help re-
This also works for the entire team       phone for audio. Each time you en-       solve the problem.
or channel!                               ter a Webex meeting, you are pre-           Attendees left the virtual webinar
   Microsoft Teams is built for col-      sented with a screen to test your vid-   with many helpful tips and ideas for
laboration. You can upload a file,        eo and your audio. This is important     new ways to use technology.
start a new one, and work together        and allows you to verify your settings      A recording of the Brown Bag Ses-
in real time. No longer do you have       before actually entering the meeting!    sion will be online soon at the UCSC
to worry if you got the latest version    Keep in mind, you will usually retain    website for all who would like to
of a document hiding in your email        the ability to mute and unmute your-     learn more about these programs.

12     News from the Council
UCSC welcomes 2020-2022 representatives
   Every year, a new group of representatives joins the University Classified Staff Council (UCSC) to fill the posi-
tions of those rotating off the council. Each representative serves for a two-year term during which they help repre-
sent the needs and concerns of UTHealth classified staff to leadership. In addition, every representative serves on
one of UCSC’s five standing committees: Staff Development, Staff Recognition, Communications, Elections, and
Educational Awards. We are excited to welcome this year’s incoming members, who began their two-year terms in
September. We look forward to the contributions they will make.
Mariamma Abraham                       Meagan Everett                          Akilah Moy
Brenda Adams                           Nena Fairbanks                          Diane Ortiz
Teshana Alexander                      Amanda Fields                           Laura Rademacher
Michelle Balderas                      Regina Gallardo                         Dana Richard
Kevin Banks                            Trudy Jacobs                            Natasha Shoaf
Susan Bell                             Nikita Jones                            Daphne Sigaran
Deb Blesener                           Pamela Lewis                            Frances Sokoloski
JR Bright                              Rachel Lowry                            Jessica Vanderpool
Miguel Chavez                          Catherine March                         Dana White
Joan Dela Cruz                         Lariza McBean                           Dennie Clemons
Cora Duhon                             Priscilla Meyers

                        UCSC Fall Word Search

           Baseball            Binge Watch
           Camp                Family
           Garden              Home Office
           Mask                Online
           Parks               Sunshine
           Takeout             Task Force
           Travel              Vacation
           Webex               Webinar

                        Created by Puzzlemaker at

                                                                                                     Fall 2020     13
UCSC holds Annual Workshop virtually                                                      COMING SOON
                                                                                                All classified staff are
BY JESSICA VANDERPOOL                        conferences and workshops, hope-
                                                                                               invited to attend UCSC
Development Writer II                        fully allowing listeners to better soak         meetings! We welcome your
Office of Development                        in information.                               thoughts, concerns, and ideas.
                                               The theme for the workshop was
   For more than a quarter century,          “2020 – Get a Clear Vision” and               November UCSC Meeting
the University Classified Staff Coun-        included four sessions spread be-             November 11, 2 - 4 p.m.
cil has held Annual Workshops to             tween June and September.                     WebEx - visit for
promote professional and personal              • Session 1 explored the topic:             login info
development among classified staff                  “Staying Sane and Being Safe:
                                                                                           December UCSC Meeting
members at UTHealth. This year,                     Self-care Strategies for Man-
                                                                                           December 9, 2 - 4 p.m.
however, there were no streamers,                   aging Mental Health During             WebEx - visit for
balloons, or confetti lining a confer-              the COVID-19 Crisis.”                  login info
ence room, but that did not stop the           • Session 2 explored the topics:
council from planning a one-of-a-                   “LinkedIn Learning” and “Who
kind event.                                         is in Charge of Your Career?”                Silent Auction
   Due to restrictions on public               • Session 3 presented UCSC                    to support students!
gatherings because of COVID-19,                     Educational Awards Program
UCSC’s 26th Annual Workshop went                    winners (see related article on
                                                                                                   Bid Here!
virtual this year! Taking full advan-               Page 6)
tage of the opportunity, the commit-           • Session 4 explored the topic:    
tee that planned the event decided                  “The Importance of Making
                                                                                             Holiday basket, coffee basket,
to spread what is usually a one-day                 Self-Care a Priority”                      custom cake, and more!
workshop over multiple days. This              In all, the series of sessions of-
allowed people to more easily at-            fered bite-sized opportunities for              Auction ends Sunday, Nov. 8.
tend the workshop since they did not         classified employees to get re-en-
have to take an entire day off work          ergized through helpful advice pre-             Proceeds support the UCSC
to attend. It also prevented the fa-         sented for the first time in a virtual          Educational Awards Program
tigue that often accompanies all-day         setting.                                               (see Page 6).

   The University Classified Staff Council looks forward to working
       with you and being your voice during fiscal year 2021!

Colin Dunham                                                                           Communications Committee members:
2020-2021 Chair                                                                                           Deborah Blesener
University Classified Staff Council                                                                               Cora Duhon                                                                                      Meagan Everett
                                                                                                            Valerie Buchanan
                                                                                                                 Kristina Fern
                                                                                                       William “Bryan” Hillier
                                                                                                      Karen Hunter-Frierson
                                                                                                                Trudy Jacobs
                                                                                                              Priscilla Meyers
                                                                                                                Diana Pecina
For additional information about the                                                                         Sandy Southern
University Classified Staff Council, visit us at:                                                       Jessica Vanderpool
14      News from the Council                                                                             Christina Villarreal
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