A-Levels and BTEC courses - POST16COURSEINFORMATION2020 1 Overton Grange School

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A-Levels and BTEC courses - POST16COURSEINFORMATION2020 1 Overton Grange School
Overton Grange School
POST 16 COURSE INFORMATION 2020                                                                             1

BTEC courses
A-Levels and BTEC courses - POST16COURSEINFORMATION2020 1 Overton Grange School
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We have a wide range of Advanced (A) Level courses available at Overton Grange.
The A-level courses are two year linear courses with all examinations taken at the end.
Most students who take this pathway will study three A-Levels however where students have
done very well in their GCSEs they are welcome to study four subjects at A-Level. The school
will advise students as to whether this option is suitable for them or not during the induction

In addition to A-level courses we offer the BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Business which is the
equivalent of two A-levels each. We also offer the BTEC Level 3 Extended certificates in
Business, Travel & Tourism and Health & Social Care which are the equivalent of one A-level
each. These courses, which must be followed for two years to receive a qualification, are
good for students who prefer doing coursework to exams. They can be combined with
other A-level courses and are accepted for entry into Higher Education.

At Overton we understand that some students may need an additional year completing
Level 2 courses before embarking upon Level 3. As a result, we offer a bespoke pathway
that enables students to secure three level 2 BTEC qualifications in a range of subjects
which include Travel and Tourism. In addition, we will provide students with the
opportunity to retake GCSE Maths and GCSE English Language if required. Students who
secure a minimum grade 4 in the core subjects and passes in their three level 2 BTEC
qualifications can then progress onto Level 3 qualifications the following academic year.
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Choosing a course
We offer a diverse range of A-Level and BTEC courses at Overton Grange Sixth Form. When
choosing which courses to study, it is important to consider the following:

Which subjects do you enjoy learning?
It is vital that you enjoy the subjects you choose. The demands and rigour of A-Level and
BTEC study are great and students must be motivated and ready to excel from the start of
the course.

Which subjects are your strengths?
You must choose subjects where you have a proven track record of success. This will ensure
that you achieve highly at A-Level and BTEC. If you are considering a new subject, then you
should have success in a related or similar subject at GCSE.

Which subjects are required for the career or degree you wish to follow?
It is important to research the requirements for different careers and degree courses before
making your decision. Use the UCAS Course Search facility to identify which university
courses require A-levels. Talk to your teachers in school to gain advice about different
career pathways. You may wish to read the Russell Group “Informed Choices” booklet
which is available online and gives details of the subjects preferred by the top universities.

What are your predicted GCSE grades?
All our courses have entry criteria which must be met in order to be enrolled. Please check
that you are likely to meet the GCSE entry criteria for the courses you wish to follow.

What is your learning style?
Although having the necessary grades are important you should also consider what type of
learner you are as this may influence your choice of course too. For example, do you like
theory-based exams, reading, writing long essays, doing practicals, physical work,
coursework, being creative and expressive or problem solving? Different subjects have
different skill-sets and may be taught and assessed in different ways. You should aim to try
and choose subjects that match your particular way of learning.

Further advice and guidance will be available at our Sixth Form Open Evening from Heads
of Department and members of the Sixth Form Management Team
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Subjects offered
Below is a list of all the subjects we currently offer and you will find individual required grades
on the subject information page in this booklet. Please look at this carefully to ensure you
are choosing subjects suited to you.

Please note that the school reserves the right not to run a course if there is an insufficient
number of applications.

A-level subjects

Business Studies
Design & Technology: Product Design
Economics B
English Language
English Literature
Government & Politics
Further Mathematics
Philosophy and Ethics (Religious Studies)

BTEC Level 3 subjects
Applied Science (Extended Certificate =1 choice)
Business Studies (Extended Certificate=1 choice, Diploma=2 choices)
Health and Social Care (Extended Certificate=1 choice)
Information Technology (Extended Certificate=1 choice)
Travel & Tourism (Extended Certificate =1 choice)

BTEC Level 2 subjects

Travel & Tourism
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A-Levels & BTEC Level 3 courses

         EPQ                                                                                                 6
         Art and Design (Fine Art) A level                                                                   7
         Applied Science BTEC Level 3 Extended Certificate (=1 A level)                                      8
         Biology A level                                                                                     9
         Business Studies A level                                                                           10
         Business BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate (= 1 A level)                                  12
         Business BTEC Level 3 National Diploma (= 2 A levels)                                              13
         Chemistry A level                                                                                  14
         Design and Technology: Product Design (3D Design)                                                  15
         Drama and Theatre Studies A level                                                                  16
         Economics B A level                                                                                18
         English Language A Level                                                                           19
         English Literature A level                                                                         21
         Geography A level                                                                                  23
         Government and Politics A level                                                                    24
         Health & Social Care BTEC Level 3 Extended Certificate (=1 A level)                                25
         History A level                                                                                    26
         Information Technology BTEC Level 3                                                                28
         Law A Level                                                                                        29
         Mathematics and Further Mathematics A level                                                        30
         Media Studies A level                                                                              32
         Modern Foreign Languages: French, German, Spanish A level                                          34
         Philosophy & Ethics (Religious Studies) A level                                                    35
         Physical Education A level                                                                         37
         Physics A level                                                                                    39
         Psychology A level                                                                                 40
         Sociology A level                                                                                  41
         Travel and Tourism BTEC Level 3 Extended Certificate (=1 A level)                                  42
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                                                               The EPQ is overseen by a project
                                                               supervisor, typically a teacher who is not
                                                               a specialist in the chosen area. The
The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)                       supervisor guides their student through
is a standalone qualification designed to                      the process; they do not guide the
extend and develop students. The EPQ is                        content or unduly influence the
awarded UCAS points worth half an A-                           outcome of their research, so it is often
level and is recognised by universities                        preferable that a supervisor isn't a
and employers.                                                 subject expert. The final product is
                                                               internally marked and externally
The EPQ requires students to carry out                         moderated.
research on a topic that they have
chosen and is not covered by their other                       The EPQ allows students to embark on
qualifications. They then use this                             largely self-directed projects. By taking
research to produce a written report                           responsibility for the choice and design
and, in the case of practical projects, an                     of an individual project (or an individual
artefact or a production. Students begin                       role in a group project) students:
the process at the end of Y12 and will
have completed it by the February half                              •   become more critical, reflective
term of Y13.                                                            and independent learners
                                                                    •   develop and apply decision-
A student can take inspiration from                                     making and problem-solving skills
something studied in class or something                             •   increase their planning, research,
completely unrelated to their studies.                                  analysis, synthesis, evaluation and
Some students have explored something                                   presentation skills
personal to themselves for example                                  •   learn to apply new technologies
creating a gluten free cook book                                        confidently
through to designing and making a                                   •   demonstrate creativity, initiative
computer game. Alongside this there                                     and enterprise.
have been formal essays including
topics as diverse as the Iranian revolution                    Exam Board: Edexcel
to Philosophy and ethics.                                      Staff contact: Mrs Floyd-Williams
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Art and Design (Fine
                                                               A level
                                                               Component 1: Personal Investigation in

Art) A Level
                                                               the first year plus, in the second year, the
                                                               Personal Study, 3000 words, 60%
                                                               internally marked.
                                                               Component 2: Externally set assignment,
What do I need to know, or be able to                          40% internally marked.
do, before taking this course?
Before undertaking A-level Art and                             Is this the right subject for me?
Design, you should ideally have                                This course is suitable for students who
achieved at least grade 6 at GCSE, or                          are:
equivalent. It is expected that you have                       •     keen to develop their visual skills
experience of using art materials and                          •     creative, enthusiastic and
processes together with some                                         imaginative
knowledge of contemporary and                                  •     able to sustain an investigation
historical art and design. More                                •     enjoy galleries and discussing art
importantly, you should have a                                       work
commitment to and love of the subject                          •     willing to experiment and take risks
and feel motivated to develop your                                   in their work
visual skills and express your ideas.                          •     wish to continue with the subject in
The department would like to see a                                   some form at higher level or as a
portfolio of GCSE work for all students                              career
before starting the course.
                                                               The future?
                                                               On completion you might progress to
                                                               further or higher education. Courses
                                                               might include BTEC Foundation /
                                                               National / Higher National Diplomas in
                                                               Art and Design or a degree course of
                                                               your choice at university. Admission to
                                                               these and any art-based courses is, in
What will I learn?                                             the first instance, by submission of a
The A-Level courses cover a range of                           portfolio of work. This A-level course gives
techniques and approaches. The A-                              you the opportunity to put together a
Level includes the more in-depth                               portfolio. It is essential to take this course
Personal Study element. You will have                          if you are considering future entry to art
the opportunity to experiment with                             college. Each year students secure
different media in order to explore your                       places to study art at universities
strengths and preferences. The main aim                        including Kingston University, University of
of both courses is to develop your visual                      the Arts London and University for the
language skills in Fine Art. This is work                      Creative Arts.
produced as an outcome of personal
experience rather than work which is                           Exam Board: Edexcel
created mainly for a practical function                        Staff contact: Ms Winbourne
or which is the outcome of a tightly
prescribed brief. Work will demonstrate
the use of formal elements and creative
skills, giving visual form to individual
thoughts, feelings, observations and
ideas. Disciplines will include painting,
drawing, printmaking, sculpture and
digital photography
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Applied Science
BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate
What is a BTEC Level 3 National                                     •   Practical Scientific Procedures
Extended Certificate in Applied                                         and     Techniques       –  Internal
Science?                                                                assessment
A BTEC Level 3 National Extended                                    •   Science       Investigation    Skills–
Certificate is a Level 3 course (equivalent                             External assessment: 60 marks, Part
to 1 A level) that is studied for two years                             A is a three-hour supervised
(Years 12 and 13). It provides a specialist                             practical, Part B is a 1 hour 30
work-related qualification. You will gain                               minute written exam
the knowledge, understanding and skills                             •   Physiology of Human Body Systems
necessary       to     prepare      you   for                           – Internal assessment
employment in the Applied Science
sector. It offers flexibility and a choice of                  The Future?
emphasis through the specialist units.                         You could progress into apprenticeships
                                                               or employment in the Applied Science
What qualifications do I need to                               sector, such as Research Scientists or
                                                               Laboratory Technicians, or continue your
begin the course?                                              study in the vocational area at a further
A minimum of Grade 4/5 in either Science
                                                               education establishment or go on to
or in each of the separate sciences. A
                                                               university to read degrees such as
Grade 4 in Mathematics is also required
                                                               Biomedical Science, Sports Therapy,
                                                               Pharmaceutical Science and Biological
What will you study?                                           Life Sciences.
1 Principles and Applications of Science I
2 Practical Scientific Procedures and
Techniques                                                     Additional information:
3 Science Investigation Skills                                 Outside speakers will come in to offer their
4 Physiology of Human Body Systems                             advice and knowledge. Trips to relevant
                                                               scientific workplaces will be organised to
                                                               assist with your coursework.
How is the course assessed?                                    This course is in ONE option block.
This course is assessed both through
coursework and external assessments.                           Exam Board: Pearson BTEC Level 3
The assessments are as follows:                                            National Extended
    • Principles and Applications of                                       Certificate in Applied
       Science I – External assessment: 90                                 Science (601/7436/5)
       marks, 1 hour 30 minute written
       exam                                                    Staff Contact: Miss Auger
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Biology A Level
What qualifications do I need to begin                         How is the course assessed?
the course?                                                    The course is assessed by three written
Students are required to have a                                exams at the end of Year 13. The three
minimum of Grades 5/6 in Combined                              exams are:
(Trilogy) Science. Triple science students                        • Biological processes (Modules 1,
require a minimum Grade 6 in Biology                                  2, 3 and 5) – 100 marks, 2 hour 15
and a Grade 5 and 6 in the other two                                  minute written exam
sciences.                                                         • Biological diversity (Modules 1, 2, 4
                                                                      and 6) – 100 marks, 2 hour 15
A grade 5 in Maths is also highly                                     minute written exam
recommended but not essential.                                    • Unified Biology (Modules 1 to 6) –
                                                                      70 marks, 1 hour 30 minutes
We are sorry, but students who have                                   written exam
taken BTEC Applied Science will not be
accepted on to A level Biology.                                There is also a separate qualification of
                                                               Practical endorsement in biology,
What does the course involve?                                  assessed internally through practical
This course consists of six modules taught                     work and reported separately to the A
over two years:                                                level grade.

Year 12                                                        The Future?
Module 1:       Development of practical                       Success on this course could see you
skills in biology (delivered via other                         move on to study for a degree course in
modules)                                                       related subjects such as marine biology,
Module 2:       Foundations in biology                         biochemistry, biology, pharmaceutical
Module 3:       Exchange and transport                         science or nursing. Students have gone
Module4:        Biodiversity, evolution and                    on to a range of Higher Education
disease                                                        courses including Liverpool (Medicine),
                                                               St George’s (Medicine), King’s College
Year 13                                                        London (Biochemistry), Nottingham
Module 1:       Development of practical                       (Zoology, Medicinal and Biological
skills in biology (delivered via other                         Chemistry), Exeter (Radiography),
modules)                                                       Leicester (Biochemistry), Brighton
Module 5:       Communication,                                 (Physiotherapy), Dundee (Anotomical
homeostasis and energy                                         sciences) and Portsmouth (Biology;
Module 6:       Genetics, evolution and                        Marine Biology). Related careers include
ecosystems                                                     physiotherapy, forensic science,
                                                               teaching or agriculture.

                                                               Exam Board: OCR
                                                               Staff Contact: Miss Auger
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Business Studies A level
What qualifications do I need to                               How is the course assessed?
begin the course?
All students meeting the Sixth Form entry                      Paper 1 Marketing, people and
criteria (5 GCSEs at 9-4) will be                              global businesses - 9BS01
considered. It is useful but not essential                     35% of final grade
to have studied Business before.                               Overview of content
                                                               Paper 1 will assess marketing, people
                                                               and global businesses. Questions will be
What does the course involve?
                                                               drawn from Themes 1 and 4, and from
                                                               local, national and global contexts.
Unit 1: Marketing and people
                                                               ● Written examination.
    •   meeting customer needs
                                                               ● Sections A and B each comprise one
    •   the market
                                                               data response question broken down
    •   marketing mix and strategy
                                                               into a number of parts, including one
    •   managing people
                                                               extended open-response question.
    •   Entrepreneurs and leaders.
                                                               ● Duration: 2 hours.
                                                               ● 100 marks available.
Unit 2: Managing the business
environment                                                    Paper 2 Business activities, decisions
    •   raising finance
                                                               and strategy –9BS0/02
    •   financial planning
                                                               35% of final grade
    •   managing finance
                                                               Paper 2 will assess business finance and
    •   resource management
                                                               operations, business decisions and
    •   External influences.
                                                               strategy. Questions will be drawn from
                                                               Themes 2 and 3, and from local, national
Unit 3: Business decisions and                                 and global contexts.
    •   business objectives and strategy                       Overview of assessment
    •   business growth                                        ● Written examination.
    •   decision-making techniques                             ● Sections A and B each comprise one
    •   influences on business decisions                       data response question broken down
    •   assessing competitiveness                              into a number of parts, including one
    •   Managing change.                                       extended open-response question.
                                                               ● Duration: 2 hours.
Unit 4: Global business                                        ● 100 marks available.
   • globalisation
   • global markets and business                               Paper 3: Investigating business in a
       expansion                                               competitive environment -9BS0/03
   • global marketing                                          ● Externally assessed
   • global industries and                                     30% of the total qualification
       companies (multinational                                Overview of content
       corporations)                                           Paper 3 will assess content across all four
                                                               themes. Questions will be drawn from
                                                               local, national and global contexts.
                                                               For Paper 3, there will be a pre-released
                                                               context document. The context will
                                                               focus on a broad context, such as an
                                                               industry or market in which
                                                               businesses operate.
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    •   Students are required to apply
        their knowledge and
        understanding from Themes 1, 2, 3
        and 4 and their understanding of
        the broad context to this                                   The Future?
        evidence.                                                   •   A knowledge of business is useful
                                                                        in all careers, including
Overview of assessment                                                  advertising, banking,
● Written examination.                                                  accountancy, logistics,
● the paper comprises two sections.                                     management, marketing,
● Sections A and B each comprise one                                    personnel, public relations, retail
data response question broken down                                      and sales. You could go on to run
into a number of parts, including one                                   your own company or work for
extended open-response question.                                        any organisation.
● Duration: 2 hours.                                                •   Many students continue onto
● 100 marks available.                                                  related Higher Education courses.
                                                                        Students have secured places on
There is NO coursework involved in this A                               courses including marketing,
level.                                                                  international business
                                                                        management, accounting and
The skills you will gain are:                                           finance, economics, business
                                                                        enterprise development, business
    •    Data skills - you will be expected                             and politics, hospitality
         to manipulate data in a variety of                             management and management
         forms and to interpret their results                           science. In recent years students
                                                                        have gone on to study related
    •    Present arguments and making                                   courses at the universities of
         judgments and justified                                        Sussex, Southampton,
         recommendations on the basis of                                Loughborough, Aston, Brighton,
         the available evidence                                         Kingston, Bournemouth,
                                                                        Portsmouth and Sheffield Hallam.
    •   Recognise the nature of
        problems, solving problems and
        making decisions using
        appropriate business tools and

    •   Plan work, taking into account the
        demands of the task and the time
        available to complete it

    •   Challenge your own assumptions
        using evidence that has become

                                                                        Exam Board: Edexcel
                                                                        Staff Contact: Mrs. Hodgson
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BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate
What is a BTEC Level 3 National                                One external assessment will be
Extended Certificate in Business?                              evaluating a marketing campaign you
A BTEC Level 3 National Extended                               develop in a controlled environment.
Certificate is a Level 3 course                                The other external assessment will be a
(equivalent to 1 A level) that is studied                      personal and business finance exam.
for two years (Years 12 and 13). It                            Your course work is continually assessed
provides a specialist work-related                             throughout the year. There are strict
qualification. You will gain the                               deadlines for coursework to be handed
knowledge, understanding and skills                            in.
necessary to prepare you for
employment. It offers flexibility and a                        The Future?
choice of emphasis through the                                 You could become an entrepreneur,
specialist units.                                              progress into or within employment, or
                                                               continue your study in the vocational
What qualifications do I need to                               area at a further education
begin the course?                                              establishment or go onto university.
5 GCSEs 9-4, BTEC qualifications are                           Recent BTEC students have gone on to
accepted and students should aim to                            universities including Brighton, Kingston,
get a merit grade. However, it is not                          Bournemouth and Roehampton.
necessary for Business to have been
studied before.
                                                               Additional information:
What will you study?                                           The majority of this course is completed
1 Exploring Business                                           through using computers and
2 Developing Marketing Campaign                                presentations. The course will focus a lot
(externally assessed)                                          on group work, role plays and an
3 Personal and Business Finance                                optional work experience placement.
(externally assessed)                                          Outside speakers come into to offer their
Plus, one specialist area from:                                advice and knowledge.
    •   Recruitment and Selection Process                      Business trips to e.g. to Thorpe Park are
    •   Investigating Customer Services                        organised by the Business Studies
    •   Market Research                                        department to assist with your
    •   The English Legal System                               coursework.
    •   Work experience in Business
                                                               Exam Board: Edexcel
How is the course assessed?                                    Staff Contact: Mrs. Hodgson
This course is assessed both through
coursework and external assessments.
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BTEC Level 3 National Diploma
What is a BTEC Level 3 National                                How is the course assessed?
Diploma?                                                       This course is assessed both through
A BTEC Level 3 National Diploma is a                           coursework and external assessments.
Level 3 course (equivalent to 2 A’ levels)
that is studied for two years (Years 12                        One external assessment will be
and 13). It provides a specialist work-                        evaluating a marketing campaign you
related qualification. You will gain the                       develop in a controlled environment.
knowledge, understanding and skills                            The other external assessments will be a
necessary to prepare you for                                   personal and business finance exam and
employment. It offers flexibility and a                        an assessment on principles of
choice of emphasis through the                                 management. Your course work is
specialist units.                                              continually assessed throughout the
                                                               year. There are strict deadlines for
What qualifications do I need to                               coursework to be handed in.
begin the course?
5 GCSEs 9-4, BTEC qualifications are                           The Future?
accepted and students should aim to                            You could become an entrepreneur,
get a merit grade. However, it is not                          progress into or within employment,
necessary for Business to have been                            continue your study in the vocational
studied before.                                                area at a further education
                                                               establishment or go on to university.
What will you study?                                           Recent BTEC students have gone on to
1 Exploring Business                                           universities including Brighton, Kingston,
2 Developing Marketing Campaign                                Bournemouth and Roehampton.
(externally assessed)
3 Personal and Business Finance                                Additional information:
(externally assessed)                                          The majority of this course is completed
4 Managing an event                                            through using computers and
5 International Business                                       presentations. This year the course will
6 Principles of Management (externally                         focus a lot more on group work, role
assessed)                                                      plays and a work experience
Plus two specialist areas:                                     placement.
    •   Recruitment and Selection Process                      Outside speakers come in to offer their
    •   Creative Promotion
                                                               advice and knowledge.
                                                               Business trips e.g. to Thorpe Park are
These units will be based on
                                                               organised by the Business Studies
international, national and local
                                                               department to assist with your

                                                               Exam Board: Edexcel
                                                               Staff Contact: Mrs. Hodgson

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Chemistry A Level
What qualifications do I need to                               •    Periodic table, elements and physical
begin the course?                                                   chemistry -100 marks, 2 hour 15
For GCSE Triple Science students, a                                 minute written exam
grade 6 in Chemistry and a grade 5 in                          •    Synthesis and analytical techniques -
Mathematics are minimum requirements,                               100 marks, 2 hour 15 minute written
with at least a grade 5 in both Biology                             exam
and Physics.                                                   •    Unified chemistry - 70 marks, 1 hour 30
For GCSE Combined Science students,                                 minute written exam
grades 6 and 5 in Science and a grade 5
in Mathematics are the minimum                                 There is also a separate qualification of
requirement.                                                   Practical endorsement in chemistry,
                                                               assessed internally through practical
What does the course involve?                                  work and reported separately to the A
This course consists of six modules taught                     level grade.
over two years:
Year 12                                                        The Future?
Module 1:      Development of Practical                        Success on this course could see you
Skills in Chemistry                                            move on to study for a degree course in
Module 2:      Foundations in chemistry                        related subjects such as chemistry,
               covering concepts                               biochemistry, chemical engineering,
               required throughout the                         pharmaceutical science or nursing.
               remaining modules                               Students have gone on to a range of
Module 3:      Periodic table and energy                       Higher Education courses including
Module 4:      Core organic chemistry                          Liverpool (Medicine), St George’s
                                                               (Mediucine), King’s College London
Year 13                                                        (Biochemistry), Nottingham (Zoology,
Module 5:     Physical chemistry and                           Medicinal and Biological Chemistry),
transition elements                                            Leicester (Biochemistry). Related careers
Module 6:     Organic chemistry and                            include sports science, forensic science,
analysis                                                       teaching and science journalism.

                                                               Exam Board: OCR
                                                               Staff Contact: Mr Poleykett

How is the course assessed?
The course is assessed by three written
exams at the end of Year 13. All exam
components assess content from all five
modules. The three exams are:

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Design and Technology: Product Design
(3D Design)
What qualifications do I need to
begin the course?
A grade 5 or above in GCSE Design and
Technology, a creative mind and an
active interest in keeping up to date with
developments in design and

Students will gain a real understanding of
what it means to be a designer,
alongside the knowledge and skills
sought by higher education and                                 In the first year the students will be given
employers.                                                     a number of small mock NEAs to refine
                                                               their designing and making skills, before
What does the course involve?                                  starting their NEA. The NEA consists of a
Students will use their creativity and                         substantial design and make activity,
imagination to design and make 3D                              students will develop a design brief in
prototypes that solve real and relevant                        response to a context set by AQA.
problems, considering their own and
others’ needs, wants and values.                               The Future?
They will investigate historical, social,                      This subject allows access to a wide
cultural, environmental and economic                           range of possible careers including those
influences on design and technology,                           in the creative, design and engineering
whilst enjoying opportunities to put their                     industries. Students may go on to Higher
learning in to practice by producing                           Education courses such as architecture,
products of their choice.                                      product design, graphic design and
                                                               illustration, engineering and IT.
Students will learning about materials
and their properties, components,                              Students have gone on to related Higher
design and market influences, and                              Education courses at a variety of
industrial manufacturing processes. This                       institutions including Epsom University for
will be covered in theory lessons,                             the Creative Arts and Sports Product
practical sessions and tutorials with                          Design at Brighton University.
individual students.

How is the course assessed?                                    Exam Board:                AQA Code 7552
•    50% exam over two papers (maths
     and science contribute 15%)
                                                               Staff Contact:             Mr Taylor
•    50% non-exam assessment (NEA)                                                        Miss Harker
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    Drama and Theatre
                                                                   Written examination: 2 hours 30 minutes

    Studies A Level
                                                                   40% of the qualification

                                                                   The written examination is separated into
    What qualifications do I need to begin the                     three sections:
    5 GCSEs grade 9-4. A GCSE grade 5/6 or                         Section A: Live Theatre Evaluation
    above in English and Drama is required to
    follow this course.                                                 •   During the examination students
                                                                            will respond to a question on a
    What does the course involve?                                           piece of live theatre which they
    The A Level course consists of three
                                                                            have seen.
    components. Two are coursework
    components and one is an externally                             Section B: Realising a Performance Text
    assessed written examination.
                                                                        •   Students will then answer two
    Component One: Devising
                                                                            extended response questions
    Internally assessed/coursework
                                                                            based on an unseen extract from
    40% of the qualification                                                a performance text they have
                                                                            studied. They will demonstrate
   Content:                                                                 how they, as theatre makers,
• Students will be required to produce an                                   intend to realise the extract in
   original performance piece.                                              performance.
• The performance piece will develop
   from one key extract from a                                     Section C: Interpreting a Performance
   performance text and the work of one
                                                                      • Students will be required to
   theatre practitioner.
                                                                         explore another performance
• There will be two parts to the assessment:
                                                                         text. They will respond to a
1. A written portfolio
                                                                         question which asks them to
2. The Devised performance
                                                                         communicate their original
    Component Two: Text in Performance                                   performance concept for the
    Internally assessed/ coursework                                      play. Their concept needs to
                                                                         show how they have been
    20% of the qualification                                             influenced by the work of a
                                                                         theatre practitioner.
•   For this component students are required                       Exploration of the text in preparation for
    to participate in a group performance of                       the written examination will be largely
    one key extract from a performance                             practical.
•   Students will then rehearse and perform                        The Future?
                                                                   This A level can lead to further study in
    a monologue or a duologue from one
                                                                   Drama, Theatre Studies and Performing
    key extract from a different performance                       Arts in Higher Education at degree of
    text.                                                          HND level. It can be used as part of your
                                                                   course to broaden your studies and may
    Component Three: Theatre Makers in                             lead to a career in the performing arts
    practice                                                       industries. Drama and Theatre Studies
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POST 16 COURSE INFORMATION                                                                                  17

courses compliment a range of subjects                         (Winchester), Performing Arts
and are useful in building confidence,                         (Chichester) and Theatre Studies
communication and presentation skills in                       (Surrey).
a range of careers.
                                                               Exam Board: Edexcel
Students have gone on to study related                         Staff Contact: Ms Maclean and Ms
Higher Education courses including                             Convey
drama/theatre/education at Central
School of Speech and Drama, acting
(Northampton), Drama and Education
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POST 16 COURSE INFORMATION                                                                                  18

Economics B
                                                               learn how new or existing businesses
                                                               generate new business ideas considering

A Level
                                                               the effects of market competition, the
                                                               economic climate and how businesses
                                                               seek to minimise uncertainty in the
What qualifications do I need to                               global economy.
begin the course?
Five GCSEs Grade 9-4. Grade 5/6 in                             How is the course assessed?
English and maths. 5/6 in Business and/ or                     Three papers in May/June of Year 13.
Economics if previously studied.                               Paper 1 markets and how they work, 2
                                                               hour paper (35% of total qualification).
What does the course involve?                                  Paper 1 will assess markets drawn from
                                                               Themes 1 and 4.
The course offers you a holistic                               Paper 2 competing in the global
understanding of the world of                                  economy, 2 hour paper (35% of total
economics and provides you with the                            qualification).
tools necessary to understand, interpret                       Paper 2 will assess the global economic
and analyse the world in which we live.                        environment drawn from Themes 2 and
You will study the skills and knowledge                        Paper 3 the economic environment and
that are used in the key areas of business                     business, 2 hour paper (30% of total
organisation; marketing, production,                           qualification).
finance and human resources.
                                                               The Future?
You will consider how businesses are
                                                               This qualification will provide you with a
affected by their political, economic,
                                                               solid foundation for studies at higher
social and technological environments.
                                                               education in Economics or Business
The economics element of the course
                                                               related subjects. You may also choose to
will involve you developing a knowledge
                                                               study international business or a business
of how individual markets and whole
                                                               and management degree. Economics
economies work.
                                                               students can also progress into a wide
                                                               range of careers in industry, commerce
The course offers the opportunity to
                                                               finance and the civil service.
develop a critical understanding of
organisations and economies to acquire                         Exam board: Edexcel
a range of relevant economic and                               Staff Contact: Mr Middleton and Mr
business skills, including decision making                     Gilley
and problem solving skills. You will also
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POST 16 COURSE INFORMATION                                                                                  19

English Language / Linguistics A Level
What qualifications do I need to                               • A question requiring analysis of one
begin the course?                                              text (25 marks)
Five GCSEs Grade 9-4.You will also need                        • A question requiring analysis of a
a grade 5 or higher in English Language                        second text (25 marks)
GCSE.                                                          • A question requiring comparison of the
                                                               two texts (20 marks)
What does the course involve?
With exciting text- and data-based                             Section B - Children's Language
sources of language, the specification                         Development
introduces the study of English in its                         A discursive essay on children’s
various forms and contexts, with the                           language development, with a choice
concepts and methods appropriate for                           of two questions where the
the analysis of language underpinning                          data provided will focus on spoken,
all elements of the course. Offering clear                     written or multimodal language (30
skills progression from GCSE, this course                      marks)
allows students to build on the skills
already gained and prepare for their                           Paper 2: Language Diversity and Change
next steps.                                                    What's assessed
                                                               • Language diversity and change
The variety of assessment styles used,                         • Language discourses
such as data analysis, discursive essays,                      • Writing skills
directed writing, original writing and                         • Methods of language analysis are
research-based investigative writing,                          integrated into the activities
allows students to develop a wide range
of skills. These include critical reading,                     Assessed
data analysis, evaluation, the ability to                      • written exam: 2 hours 30 minutes
develop and sustain arguments and a                            • 100 marks
number of different writing skills which                       • 40% of A-level
are invaluable for both further study and
future employment.                                             Questions
                                                               Section A - Diversity and Change
How is the course assessed?                                    One question from a choice of two:
Paper 1: Language, the Individual and
Society                                                        Either: an evaluative essay on language
• Textual variations and representations                       diversity (30 marks)
• Children's language development (0-                          Or: an evaluative essay on language
11 years)                                                      change (30 marks)
• Methods of language analysis are
integrated into the activities                                 Section B - Language Discourses
                                                               Two texts about a topic linked to the
Assessed                                                       study of diversity and change.
• written exam: 2 hours 30 minutes
• 100 marks                                                    • A question requiring analysis of how
• 40% of A-level                                               the texts use language to present ideas,
                                                               attitudes and opinions (40 marks)
Section A - Textual Variations and                             • A directed writing task linked to the
Representations                                                same topic and the ideas in the texts (30
Two texts (one contemporary and one                            marks)
older text) linked by topic or theme.
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Non-exam assessment: Language in                               • a piece of original writing and
Action                                                         commentary (1,500 words total)
What's assessed
• Language Investigation                                       The future?
• Original Writing                                             This course is particularly suitable for
• Methods of language analysis are                             those students who wish to study English
integrated into the activities                                 Language, Linguistics or English Studies in
                                                               Higher Education
• Word count: 3,500                                            Exam Board: AQA
• 100 marks                                                    Staff Contact: Mr N Foad
• 20% of A-level
• Assessed by teachers
• Moderated by AQA

Students produce:
• a language investigation (2,000 words
excluding data)
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English Literature A Level
What qualifications do I need to                               Section C: One essay question linking
begin the course?                                              two texts (25 marks)
Five GCSEs Grade 9-4.You will also need
a grade 5 or higher in English Language                        Paper 2: Texts and genres
or English Literature GCSE.                                    Choice of two options
                                                               Option 2A: Elements of crime writing
What does the course involve?                                  Option 2B: Elements of political and
The subject encompasses a relevant,                            social protest writing
engaging and up-to-date
specification that approaches the                              Study of three texts: one post-2000 prose
reading and study of literature through                        text; one poetry and one further text,
the lens of genre and theory,                                  one of which must be written pre-1900
encouraging the independent study of a                         exam will include an unseen passage.
range of texts within a shared context,
giving logic and meaning to the way                            Assessed
that texts are grouped for study.                              • written exam: 3 hours
                                                               • open book
The variety of assessment styles used,                         • 75 marks
such as passage-based questions,                               • 40% of A-level
unseen material, single text questions,
multiple text questions, open- and                             Questions
closed-book approaches, allows                                 Section A: One compulsory question on
students to develop a wide range of                            an unseen passage (25 marks)
skills, such as the ability to read critically,                Section B: One essay question on set text
analyse, evaluate and undertake                                (25 marks)
independent research which are                                 Section C: One essay question which
valuable for both further study and                            connects two texts (25 marks)
future employment.
                                                               Non-exam assessment: Theory and
How is the course assessed?                                    independence
Paper 1: Literary genres                                       Study of two texts: one poetry and one
Choice of two options                                          prose text, informed by study of the
Option 1A: Aspects of tragedy                                  Critical Anthology
Option 1B: Aspects of comedy
Study of three texts: one Shakespeare                          Two essays of 1250 -1500 words, each
text; a second drama text and one                              responding to a different text and linking
further text, of which                                         to a different aspect of the Critical
one must be written pre-1900                                   Anthology

Assessed                                                       One essay can be re-creative. The re-
• written exam: 2 hours 30 minutes                             creative piece will be accompanied by
• closed book                                                  a commentary.
• 75 marks
• 40% of A-level                                               Assessed
                                                               • 50 marks
Questions                                                      • 20% of A-level
Section A: One passage-based question                          • assessed by teachers
on set Shakespeare text (25 marks)                             • moderated by AQA
Section B: One essay question on set
Shakespeare text (25 marks)
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POST 16 COURSE INFORMATION                                                                                  22

The Future?
The analytical nature of this course
means that it is an excellent choice for a
wide range of careers. It is particularly
suited to students who are interested in
careers in media, public relations,
publishing, law, politics and education,
as well as learners who may wish to
pursue careers as writers.

Exam Board: AQA
Staff Contact: Mr N Foad
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POST 16 COURSE INFORMATION                                                                                  23

Geography A Level
What qualifications do I need to begin                      Component 2: Human Geography
the course?
Five GCSEs Grade 9-4 including a                            Section A:
grade 6 in Geography.                                       Global Systems and global
What does the course involve and how
is it assessed?                                             Section B
                                                            Changing places.
Component 1: Physical Geography
                                                            Section C:
Section A:                                                  Contemporary urban environments OR
Water and carbon cycles                                     *Population and the environment OR
                                                            Re-source security.
Section B
*Hot desert environments and their                          Assessed in a written exam of 2 hours
margins OR Coastal systems and                              30 minutes.
                                                            Component 2 is worth 40% of the A
Section C                                                   Level
*Hazards OR Ecosystems under stress
OR Cold environments.                                       Component 3: Investigation

Assessed in a written exam of 2 hours                       Students complete an individual
30 minutes                                                  investigation which must include data
Component 1 is worth 40% of the A                           collected in the field on a compulsory
Level.                                                      residential trip. The individual
                                                            investigation must be based on a
                                                            question or issue defined and
                                                            developed by the student relating to
                                                            any part of the specification content.

                                                            Assessed in a 3000-4000 word report
                                                            worth 20% of the A Level.

                                                            Marked by teachers in school.

                                                            Exam Board: AQA
                                                            Staff Contact: Mr Wood

*current course target with these
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Government and Politics A Level

What qualifications do I need to                               In addition, students will also learn about
begin the course?                                              a variety of ideologies, including
A minimum of 5 grade 9-4, with a grade                         Socialism, Conservatism, Liberalism,
5/6 or equivalent specifically in English                      Feminism and Anarchism.
                                                               Staff will adopt a variety of approaches
What does the course involve?                                  to course content. A typical week’s work
Year 12: Government and politics of                            might include an introductory lesson
the UK                                                         followed by a DVD, supportive handouts
Topics include:                                                and group discussion sessions. Thus
   § the British Constitution;                                 learners must show a strong interest in
   § Parliament;                                               current affairs, and be willing to
   § The Prime Minister and Cabinet;                           participate in class discussions, debate
   § The Judiciary and the Court                               and the active learning situation.
   § Democracy and Participation;                              How is the course assessed?
   § Elections and Referendums;                                Students sit 3 exam papers at the end of
   § Political Parties;                                        Year 13. All papers are 2 hours long.
   § Pressure Groups, and                                      There is no coursework required with this
   § The European Union.                                       subject.

Year 13: The Government of the                                 The Future?
USA/The Politics of the USA.                                   Government and Politics is compatible
Topics include:                                                with any combination of A/AS level
                                                               subjects, both arts and sciences. It is
    §    the Constitution of the USA;                          highly acceptable for university and
    §    Congress;                                             college entrance, and for direct entry in
    §    The Presidency;                                       careers of any field Students have gone
    §    The Judiciary and the Supreme                         on to study at a number of universities,
         Court;                                                including Oxford University (Politics and
    §    The Electoral Process and Direct                      History), Sheffield and Glasgow (Politics),
         Democracy;                                            Leeds and Southampton (International
    §    Political Parties;                                    History and Politics) and Winchester
    §    Pressure Groups;                                      (Politics and Global Studies).
    §    Civil Rights.
                                                               Exam Board: EdExcel
                                                               Staff Contact: Mr Lill
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POST 16 COURSE INFORMATION                                                                                  25

Health & Social
                                                               Examples of Optional units (60 GLH):

                                                               •    Sociological Perspectives
                                                               •    Psychological Perspectives

BTEC Level 3
                                                               •    Supporting Individuals with Individuals
                                                                    with Additional Needs

Extended Certificate
                                                               •    Physiological Disorders

                                                               How is the course assessed?
                                                               You will be assessed internally through
What is a BTEC Level 3 extended                                planned written assessments. There will
Certificate?                                                   be strict deadlines to meet for the
Edexcel BTEC Level 3 Extended                                  submission of work. You will also be
Certificate in Health and Social Care is                       assessed externally and will sit two, 90
                                                               minute, exams.
equivalent to one A level qualification
that is studied over two years (Years 12-
                                                               The Future?
13). It provides a specialist work-related                     The Health and Social care sectors
qualification. You will gain the                               encompasses staff involved in direct
knowledge, understanding and skills                            care, e.g. nursing, as well as specialists
necessary to prepare you for                                   such as health scientists, technicians,
employment.                                                    support staff, supervisors and managers.
                                                               Job opportunities exist in the statutory,
                                                               private and voluntary provision of care
What qualifications do I need to begin                         services. The BTEC Level 3 Extended
the course?                                                    Certificate in Health and Social Care is
Five GCSEs 9-4, Level 2 BTEC                                   designed as a standalone qualification
qualifications are accepted and                                that provides learners with knowledge
students should aim to get a merit or                          and understanding of the health and
distinction.                                                   social care sectors, and specialist
                                                               knowledge and understanding
What will you study?                                           according to the units studied.
The Edexcel BTEC Level 3 Extended
Certificate in Health and Social Care                          “4 out of 5 BTEC students who
consists of two written exams as well as                       progressed into employment considered
two written assignments, one mandatory                         BTEC as an important stepping stone
and one optional. Combined the two                             towards their dream job”
assignments and two exams total 360
guided learning hours (GLH).                                   Exam Board: Edexcel
                                                               Staff Contact: Mr M Pinchin
Written Exam:
1. Human Lifespan and Development (90
2. Working in Health and Social care (120

Mandatory units:
1. Meeting Individual Care and Support
Needs (90 GLH)
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POST 16 COURSE INFORMATION                                                                                  26

History A Level                                             Year 12
What qualifications do I need to                            Unit 1 – British period study and
begin the course?                                           enquiry: Britain 1930 – 1997 (Enquiry
It is essential that you have a lively and                  Topic: Churchill 1930 – 1951)
enquiring mind, coupled with a                              Students will study the following key
passion for History. An interest in politics                topics
and current affairs is also required. You                       1.) Conservative domination 1951 –
must possess a desire to explore new                                1964
ideas and a willingness to                                      2.) Labour and Conservative
communicate your ideas effectively                                  governments 1964 – 1979
both written and verbal. You should                             3.) Thatcher and the end of
have at least 5 GCSEs at grades 9-4 or                              consensus 1979 – 1997
equivalent including English Language                           4.) Britain’s position in the world
at grade 5 and a grade 6 in GCSE                                    1951 – 1997
History. However, if students do not                        For the enquiry on Winston Churchill,
meet the entrance requirements their                        students will study the following key
application will be considered on                           topics
individual merit, taking into account                           1.) Churchill’s view of events 1929 –
previous commitment to study, their                                 1934
record of behavior in school and work                           2.) Churchill’s as wartime Prime
habits; this will be at the discretion of                           Minister
the Head of Department.                                         3.) Churchill and international
                                                                    diplomacy 1939 - 1951
What does the course involve?
                                                            Written exam of 1 hour and 30 minutes
The History course involves students
studying a variety of periods that
                                                            Unit 2 – Non-British period study: The
challenge their understanding of
                                                            French Revolution and the rule of
societies, cultures and political
                                                            Napoleon 1774-1815
ideologies. Students will be required to
                                                            Students will study the following key
debate ideas, engage actively within
the lessons and complete essays. It is
                                                                1.) The causes of the French
designed to help students become
                                                                    Revolution from 1774 and the
independent and life-long learners.
                                                                    events of 1789
There is a heavy emphasis on reading
                                                                2.) The Revolution from October
which students will be expected to do
                                                                    1789 to the Directory 1795
on a continual basis in order to
                                                                3.) Napoleon Bonaparte to 1807
develop a deeper understanding of
                                                                4.) The decline and fall of
the areas they are studying. By the
                                                                    Napoleon 1807 – 1815
end of the course they will have
                                                            Written exam of 1 hour
learned to evaluate and analyse
many sources, work both
independently and as a team,                                Year 13
develop opinions on historical events
and personalities and communicate                           Unit 3 – Thematic study and Historical
complex historical concepts                                 Interpretations: Russia and its Rulers
effectively.                                                1855 – 1964
                                                            Students will study the following key
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POST 16 COURSE INFORMATION                                                                                  27

    1.) The nature of government                            courses at Russell Group universities
    2.) The impact of dictatorial                           such as York and Southampton.
        regimes on the economy and
        society of the Russian Empire                       Exam Board: OCR
        and the USSR                                        Staff Contact: Miss Maley
    3.) The impact of war and
        revolution on the development
        of the Russian Empire and the
    4.) Russia: Empire, nationalities and
        the satellite states
Written exam of 2 hours and 30

Unit 4 – Coursework: International
Relations 1890-1941
Students will undertake an
independent study of the following key

1.)    The causes and nature of the
First World War
2.)    The Paris Peace Conference,
the League of Nations, and
international diplomacy 1919-1935
3.)    Dictators and Appeasers in
Europe 1929-1941
4.)    The Far East 1918-1941

Submitted essay of 3,000 to 4,000
words including the analysis of a
variety of Historical sources

The Future?
A-Level History continues to be held in
high esteem and is valued by
employers and universities alike
because it teaches the skills of
interpretation, analysis, independent
research, and decision making.
Students who study History have
access to a wide range of careers
including Politics, Law, Education,
Business and Finance, Journalism,
Heritage Management, Sports
Management, Media and the Arts.
Many past students have continued
with history to degree level choosing
Overton Grange School
POST 16 COURSE INFORMATION                                                                                  28

Information Technology BTEC Level 3
What qualifications do I need to                               social media websites and identify the
begin the course?                                              benefits and pitfalls of their use. You will
Students who have completed an IT                              create a plan for the use of social media
related course at key stage 4 need to                          in a business setting to achieve specific
have achieved a Grade 4 or above                               busness objectives.
equivalent. For example, students who
have completed BTEC or Cambridge                               Last Unit: To be chosen from Unit 5 (Data
National need to have achieved a Level                         Modelling) or Unit 6 (Website
2 Pass or above. Any student who did                           Development). As a centre we are
not complete an IT related course at key                       planning to deliver the website
Stage 4 will also be considered. You will                      development unit.
need to have achieved at least grades
4 or above or equivalent in Mathematics                        We are also hoping to run some
and English GCSE.                                              additional units in Programming and
                                                               either Apps or Games development for
                                                               suitable candidates (possibly as part of
                                                               the sixth form enrichment program).
                                                               These additional units would allow
                                                               students to achieve the Foundation
                                                               Diploma (equivalent to 1.5 A-levels).

                                                               How is the course assessed?
                                                               Units 1 is assessed by a two hour written
                                                               exam and represents one third of the
                                                               overall grade. It is assessed externally.
                                                               Unit 2 is also assessed externally in the
What does the course involve?                                  form of a five hour practial exam. Unit 3
There are four units. Units 1 to 3 are                         is assessed by your teacher and will be
Mandatory and a fourth one is to be                            assignment based. Units 2 and 3
chosen by the teachers.                                        represent twenty five percent each of
                                                               the total grade. Unit 6 is also assessed by
Unit 1: Information Technology Systems.                        your teacher and represents one sixth of
You will learn about computer hardware                         the overall grade.
and software, how they relate to each
other and about user interaction within                        The Future?
this relationship. You will examine the                        This course has been design in close
issues related to the use of IT systems and                    collaboration with experts from
the impact of them on the world around                         professional bodies, businesses and
us. You will gain an understanding of                          universities. All units provide learners with
how to effectively select and use                              a synoptic and fundamental
appropriate IT systems.                                        understanding of IT which support
                                                               progression to higher education courses
Unit 2: Creating Systems to Manage                             in, or employment within IT.
Information. This unit is all about
database management. You will learn                            Exam Board: Edexcel
how to design an efficient data structure                      Staff Contact: Mrs Nsiah
for given situations and then create a
fully working database solution.

Unit 3: Using Social Media in Business.
You will explore and analyse various
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POST 16 COURSE INFORMATION                                                                                  29

Law A Level                                                    Criminal law (75 marks out of 100)

                                                               Paper 2 (Year 12):
 What qualifications do I need to                              The nature of law and the English
begin the course?                                              legal system (25 marks out of 100)
A minimum of 5 GCSEs grade 9-4 or                              Tort law (75 marks out of 100)
equivalent, with a grade 6
specifically in English Language.                              Paper 3 (Year 13):
                                                               Law of contract (75 marks out of 100)
What does the course involve?                                  The nature of law and the English
An A-Level Law student will be                                 legal system (25 marks out of 100)
challenged to apply and develop
their analytical ability, decision                             OR
making, critical thinking and
problem-solving skills.                                        Human rights (75 marks out of 100)
                                                               The nature of law and the English
You will be taken on a journey to                              legal system (25 marks out of 100)
understand how law functions in
society, the ways laws develop, and                            *choice for Paper 3 to be decided in
how laws incorporate the ideas of                              due course, and will be studied in
justice and morality.                                          Year 13

Students will learn about the                                  Each paper is assessed as follows:
distinctions between criminal and                              •     Written exam: 2 hours
civil courts, including the many roles                         •     100 marks
and duties that exist within each,                             •     33% of A-Level
such as the role of jurors in a criminal                       •     Students will face a
trial.                                                         combination of multiple choice, short
                                                               answer and extended writing
The criminal law unit enables                                  questions
students to discover a wealth of case
law and statutes (laws passed by                               The future?
Parliament), focusing on offences                              Studying law will open up many
against the person, and offences                               potential avenues for you, whether
against property. The available                                you intend to study law at university
defences for certain criminal charges                          or not. You may want to pursue a
also offer a fascinating insight for                           legal career as a solicitor; dealing
students.                                                      with a range of issues e.g. family law,
                                                               or perhaps aspire to be a barrister in
Subsequently, tort law explores civil                          a criminal court. You may be inspired
issues such as liability, and                                  to delve deeper into the world of
negligence of individuals or groups of                         local or national politics.
people, causing damage to another,                             In terms of subjects to complement
either physically or financially.                              your study of Law at A-Level, perhaps
                                                               consider English Language/Literature,
How is the course assessed?                                    Government and Politics, Sociology,
Paper 1 (Year 12):                                             R.E et al
The nature of law and the English                              Exam Board: AQA
legal system (25 marks out of 100)                             Staff Contact: Mr A Chandler
You can also read