Harvest 2018 Autumn Vol.28 Issue 3 - Taney Parish

Page created by Howard Allen
Harvest 2018 Autumn Vol.28 Issue 3 - Taney Parish
Harvest 2018
Autumn Vol.28 Issue 3

Harvest 2018 Autumn Vol.28 Issue 3 - Taney Parish
The Rector:                    Rev’d Canon Robert Warren               Tel: 01 298 4497
Senior Curate:                 Rev’d Cathy Hallissey                   Tel: 086 358 3104
Curate:                        Rev’d Nigel Pierpoint                   Tel: 087 638 8238
Lay Reader:                    Trilly Keatinge                         Tel: 01 492 2791
Lay Reader:                    Fionnuala Drury                         Tel: 01 298 5491

Parish Administrator:          Tara O’Rourke                           Tel: 01 298 5491

Churchwardens in Christ Church, Taney: Gillian Haine (Rector’s) and David McClean (People’s) assisted by
Carol Eggers, Tom Gilmore, Pat O’Doherty, Heather O’Doherty, Barbara Tomlin and Carol Robinson Tweed.
Churchwardens in St. Nahi’s: Elaine Wynne (Rector’s) and Richard O’Donnell (People’s).
Glebe Wardens: William Hourie (Rector’s) and Nigel Macken (People’s).
Hon. Secretary: Kate Shearer.
Hon. Treasurer: Darren Bowling.
Select Vestry: Darren Bowling, Phyllis Brown, Peter Connor, Cyril Drury, Helen Geoffroy, Vivien Hood, Trilly
Keatinge, Graeme Murray, Carol Newburn, Jim O’Neill, Hilda Plant, Kate Shearer and Evelyn Sloane.
Church Review Distributor: The Parish Office
Church of Ireland Gazette Distributor: Taney Parish Office
Website: www.taneyparish.ie
Taney Parish Office email: parishoftaney@eircom.net

     SAFEGUARDING TRUST                                           TANEY NEWS
     Taney Parish seeks                                           The magazine is a vital means of
     •   To create a safe environment which will promote          communication in Taney and is distributed
         healthy and fulfilling participation of children and     to every household in the parish free of
         minimise the possibility of harm, either deliberate or   charge. We hope you will agree that it is
         accidental                                               a top quality production that has been
     •    To encourage safe practices for those who work with     recognized at a diocesan and national
          children                                                level.

     •    To safeguard those who work with children from the      If you would like to make a contribution to
          consequences of unfounded accusation                    the publication costs please leave it on the
                                                                  collection plate or drop it into the Parish
                                                                  Office. Please mark the envelope ‘Taney
     Should you have any concerns or questions contact a          News’.
     member of the Parish Safeguarding Trust Panel

     1. Canon Robert Warren        Tel: 01 298 4497
                                                                  NEWS! NEWS! NEWS!
     2. Charles Sloane		           Tel: 01 295 5008
     3. Trilly Keatinge		          Tel: 01 492 279 1              For all up to date news and information on
                                                                  forthcoming events please check out the
     4. Claire Reid			             Tel: 087 418 7849              Parish Website www.taneyparish.ie.

Harvest 2018 Autumn Vol.28 Issue 3 - Taney Parish
Dear Parishioners,                    Dr. William Morton as our special
                                      Preacher. You will find further
It’s hard to believe that the         details of this special weekend
wonderful days of Summer are          elsewhere in this edition of Taney
coming to an end – and what a         News. However, I would like to
lovely Summer we have been            thank all who have been working
blessed with this year! I do hope     so hard over the past months to
that you managed to get some          plan and arrange both the Flower
time for rest and recreation before   Festival and Art Exhibition. As well
we start back into our Autumn         as being a wonderful occasion
season of activities.                 to showcase our Parish at its           In addition to the ‘Harvest’ Service
                                      best, it will also be an important      mentioned above, on Sunday, 14th
Many of the activities in Taney       fundraiser to off-set the cost of the   October we will hold our Family
this year have centred on the Bi-     refurbishment of the church, much       Harvest Thanksgiving in Christ
Centenary of Christ Church. Since     of which took place last year.          Church and the more traditional
the last edition of Taney News we                                             Harvest Thanksgiving Service in
celebrated the 200th Anniversary      By the time you receive this            St. Nahi’s. The preacher at these
of the church with a wonderful        edition of Taney News we will all       Services will be The Rev’d Abigail
Service of Thanksgiving on June       be getting back to our more usual       Sines, Dean’s Vicar at Christ
24th at which the Celebrant was       routines – schools, colleges, work      Church Cathedral.
the Archbishop of Dublin, The         and home. With the evenings
Most Rev’d Michael Jackson            closing in, we have activities          Harvest Appeal 2018
and the Preacher the Bishop of        and programmes to suit every            The theological basis for making
Cashel & Ossory, The Rt. Rev’d        taste and age-group. Just drop          a ‘thank-offering’ at harvest
Michael Burrows – a Son of Taney      in and sample a tempting array          time goes way back to the
Parish. This was also the occasion    of interests and organisations at       book Deuteronomy in the Old
of the launch of Carol Robinson       all times of the day and night.         Testament when the Children of
Tweed’s updated Parish History,       Complementing our Church                Israel were commanded to bring
Taney – Progress of a Parish which    worship is a wide variety of parish     their ‘First Fruits’ to the priests.
was launched at the Reception         and community activities. All are       Here in Taney we have continued
following the Service by Mr. Shane    detailed here in Taney News,            that tradition over the years by
Ross T.D., Minister for Transport     clearly listing What’s on When and      asking for a special donation
and Sport. If you haven’t already     Who to contact. An information          or ‘Thank-Offering’ for various
got a copy, they are available from   brochure offering a wide variety of     projects or particular needs. I am
the Parish Office.                    activities for parish and community     sure you are all too well aware
                                      with a host of different and            of the important part that music
Another highlight of our Bi-          exciting options is enclosed. You       plays in our worship and we are
Centenary celebrations will be        are welcome to join in any of the       very blessed here in Taney that
the Flower Festival which will take   activities.                             we have the wonderful services
place in Christ Church on the                                                 of our organist, Dr. David Adams
weekend of 5th-7th October. The       Church Services                         and the members of our choirs
theme is ‘Reflections of Harvest      To help kick-start our new season       in both churches. Central to
in Dundrum’. I have no doubt          of parish life, we encourage you to     this are the two organs, which
that this will be a spectacular       make a special point of attending       complement the singing and
event hosted and organised by         our ‘Back to Church Sunday’             set the mood and tone for our
the members of our Taney Flower       on Sunday, 9th September. It is         worship. It has been a long time
Guild. Associated with this will be   hoped that everyone will make a         now since any money was spent
an Art Exhibition in the Sinnamon     special effort to attend one of our     on these two instruments and
Hall. Please spread the word to       morning services that day along         while for most of us they seem to
your family members, neighbours       with your families. Following the       be in good ‘voice’ to the more
and friends about this event. Our     Family Service in Christ Church,        discerning ear, they are both now
Harvest Thanksgiving Service will     there will be a Reception in the        in need of some remedial work
mark the close of the events on       Parish Centre where the leaders         before they deteriorate to the
Sunday, 7th October at 6.00pm.        of our parish organisations will be     point where they will need serious
At this special service we will       on hand to tell you all you need to     refurbishment. With this in mind,
welcome the Choristers of St.         know about each organisation.           we are seeking your prayerful
Patrick’s Cathedral and the Dean,
Harvest 2018 Autumn Vol.28 Issue 3 - Taney Parish
support for this work through this     of Taney News Extra which is
year’s ‘Harvest Appeal’.               distributed by e-mail and contains
                                       up-to-the-minute information on
The special envelopes are              activities and happenings. If you
distributed with this issue of Taney   are not already signed up for this,
News and will also be in the pews      (or, if you find you are no longer
in the lead up to our Harvest          receiving it) please contact the
Thanksgiving Services and I would      Parish Office. Taney News Extra is
ask you to be as generous as           also carried on the Parish Website
possible when considering your         www.taneyparish.ie
                                       With best wishes
We look forward to seeing you
all again over the coming weeks
as we welcome the start-up of
our various parish organisations
and the re-opening of our Taney
Parish National School. Please         Rev’d Canon Robert Warren.
keep an eye on the weekly editions     Rector.
                                                                             The Rector and Taney parishioners attended
                                                                             the re-dedication of Holy Trinity Church,
                                                                             Errislanan, which has now reopened following
                                                                             the vandalism last year.

 CHRIST CHURCH, TANEY                                     ST NAHI’S, DUNDRUM
 Week 1      10.15am      Parish Communion                Week 1     8.30am       Holy Communion
             7.00pm       Evening Service                            11.45am      Morning Prayer
 Week 2      10.15am      Family Service                  Week 2     8.30am       Holy Communion
             7.00pm       Evening Service                            11.45am      Parish Communion
 Week 3      10.15am      Parish Communion                Week 3     8.30am       Holy Communion
             7.00pm       Evening Service                            11.45am      Morning Prayer
 Week 4      10.15am      Morning Prayer                  Week 4     8.30am       Holy Communion
             7.00pm       Evening Service                            11.45am      Parish Communion
                                                                        There will be no 7.00pm Evening Service on
Crêche for toddlers and young children every Sunday in the Minor        Sunday 28th October.
Hall during 10.15am Service. We are always looking for helpers.         The Holy Communion is celebrated in Christ
Please contact Tara in the Parish Office 01 298 5491.                   Church, Taney, on Wednesdays at 10.00a.m

Harvest 2018 Autumn Vol.28 Issue 3 - Taney Parish
A friendly welcome awaits you at
               Taney Parish Coffee Shop
                 Sit, relax and catch up with friends.
                            9:00 am - 2:00 pm
   Friday Dinners - Everyone Welcome                  Fresh Homemade Soup
  (Book via Parish Office: 01-2985491)               Sandwiches Made to Order
                   ~                                            ~
       Children’s Lunch Options                            Tea / Coffee
                   ~                                            ~
            Party Catering                                 Fresh Cakes


                       Rev’d Cathy is presently                                    Taney, Progress of a Parish
                       on holiday in Ephesus and
                                                                                        by Carol Robinson Tweed.
                       has promised us a special
                       report on Ephesus and the
                       Ephesians in our next issue                                      Copies available from the
                       of the magazine.                                            Parish Office or at parish functions.
                                                                                               Price: €20.00

                     What a              team of clergy from Great Britain      we enjoy the fun, fellowship and
                     summer it has       and Ireland in five rounds of          laughter.
                     been, one of        match play. We are all connected
                     the hottest on      through the Anglican Church,           Like all things in life, fellowship
                     records with        so we vie for the prestigious          and friendships are important.
                     temperatures        trophy, ‘The Cranmer Cup’,             They require a comittment from
                     constantly in       named for Thomas Cranmer,              both parties; a commitment to
                     the mid 20’s        former Archbishop of Canterbury        stay in touch and to communicate
                     and even            and author of the first Book of        with each other. It is only through
higher. The burnt grass and lack         Common Prayer.                         communication that friendships
of growth is testament to the                                                   thrive and grow stronger. Our
fact that no rain fell. During the       This years event took place            relationship with God is no
heat wave, this curate was away          in Talking Rock Golf and               different than our relationships
in Canada playing golf on the            Country Club in Kowlona British        with one another. To strengthen
Irish & Great Britain (GB) golf          Columbia, Canada. Unfortunately,       our relationship with God we
team. This bi-annual golf match          Great Britain and Ireland lost         must communicate with him
is played against the Episcopal          out to our brethren in the USA/        and we can do this by daily
Churches of America and Canada           Canada by a mere half a point.         prayer. I would like to encourage
and is always hotly contested.           Like every competition it is nice      you all to practise the art of
Nothing goes together quite like         to win but it is not the be all and    prayer. You will be surprised
golf and men of the cloth. That’s        end all. Important as wnning           how your relationship with God
the case for a group of clergy           is, it is not as important as the      will grow and strengthen. ‘I can
who have carried on the tradition        fellowship that is enjoyed as we       do all things through him who
of a Ryder Cup-like golf event for       reconnect with friends from both       strengthens me.’ (Philippians
eighteen years. Every two years,         sides of the pond. Friendships         4:13).
a group of clergy from the United        have been made over the years
States and Canada golf against a         and no matter what the result
Harvest 2018 Autumn Vol.28 Issue 3 - Taney Parish
PARISH NEWS                                                                     TANEY ECO
                                                                                The Water of Life.

                                                                                Water is our most precious
                                                                                commodity, essential to life.  

                                                                                This summer has given us a timely
                                                                                reminder to put plans in place
                                                                                to harvest rainwater for garden
                                                                                irrigation for next summer. If, as is
                                                                                likely, we have other summers of
                                                                                drought, our gardens and plants
 Taney Parish celebrates summer with a Hog Roast night in the parish grounds.   won’t thrive, insects become
                                                                                homeless, pollinators die and
                                                                                our food crops will fail. It is all
                                                                                interconnected but we have plenty of
                                                                                rain in the winter just going down the
                                                                                drain. This is not just a problem for
                                                                                farmers, we who live in the suburbs
                                                                                need to be careful with our use of
                                                                                water from the reservoirs.

                                                                                Water butts to collect water off the
                                                                                roof are available from our local Dun
                                                                                Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council
                                                                                Recycling Park at Ballyogan and in
                                                                                many local household suppliers.
                                                                                Even collecting from a shed roof
                                                                                will yield a lot of water. By putting a
                                                                                water butt or a series of water butts
                                                                                in place now you will collect water for
                                                                                use next summer. More sophisticated
                                                                                Water Harvesting systems are
                                                                                available but are expensive. It seems
                                                                                crazy that we are flushing our toilets
                                                                                with drinking quality water.

                                                                                Carol Newburn
                                                                                ADVENT CAROLS SONGS
The new year begins in Taney
Playschool on 28th August. We                                                   OF PRAISE
look forward to seeing the children                                             On Sunday 2nd December at
who are returning for their second                                              7.00pm, Christ Church, Taney will
preschool year and welcome also                                                 host an Advent Carols Songs of
10 new children. Before the summer                                              Praise. This promises to be an
holidays we had a Sports Day, Teddy                                             evening where the congregation
Bear’s Picnic, Music Concert and                                                will sing many of their much-loved
Playball display. The children made                                             Advent Carols accompanied by our
their own graduation hats which                                                 own organist Dr David Adams along
they wore to receive their certificates                                         with the wonderful sound of the
and memory books on the last day                                                Stedfast Brass Band. Also it is hoped
from Rev. Cathy and Copperpot. We                                               that the choir of Wesley College will
would like to wish all the best to our                                          be present along with a number of
graduates (and their parents) who                                               local church congregations. Please
start “big school” on 30th August                                               note the date and time and we look
and look forward to them coming                                                 forward to welcoming you to Christ
back to visit.                                                                  Church Taney.
Harvest 2018 Autumn Vol.28 Issue 3 - Taney Parish
The Flower Festival is fast approaching, It promises to be a great   Areas are filling up so we would appreciate it if you could give
weekend as part of our bi-centennial celebrations. The opening       this some thought now. We will be looking for help in other
of the Flower Festival will take place on Thursday evening 4th       areas over the weekend with door duty, stewarding, catering,
October. It will be open to the public Friday to Sunday. It will     car parking, If you have a few hours you could give to help we
end with our Harvest Service on Sunday evening.                      would really appreciate it.
If you would like to make a donation to a floral arrangement         Please contact one of us Jasmin: 0872428924, Vera:
or sponsor an area in memory of a loved one please contact           0868266040, Lyn: 0872401226, Linda: 0868277254 or Helen:
Jasmin phone: 0872428924, email: taneyflowerfestival@gmail.          0879560686. Many thanks to all in advance
com or you can drop a note with your donation and put it on the
plate any Sunday or drop into the parish office. Please mark the
envelope ‘Flower Festival Committee’.

                      Pilgrimage to The Holy Land
           A number of parishioners and friends will join Nigel and Cathy
          on Tuesday 23rd October in Dublin Airport as they embark on a
          pilgrimage to The Land of the Holy One for a holiday to explore
        many of the biblical sites as they Follow in the Footsteps of Christ.
          The pilgrimage will take in places such as The Dead Sea where
       perhaps a number of travellers will actually take to the sea and float
        in the heavily salted waters, the Sea of Galilee, Haifa, Mount of the
        Beatitudes, Jerusalem, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the River
           Jordan are just a few of the many places of interest that will be
       visited during this nine day journey. A total of thirty four pilgrims are
        travelling. Please remember to pray for the group as they visit The
          Holy Land in what promises to be a spiritually uplifting vacation.
Harvest 2018 Autumn Vol.28 Issue 3 - Taney Parish
Taeny Parish celebrates the bi-centenary of Christ Church, Taney with a great flourish. We
                                        welcomed people from within and without the parish, including two members of the Armenian
                                        Orthodox Parish in Ireland seen below with the Archbishop, The Most Rev’d Michael Jackson.

Two hundred years of faith and             1968 and the young Bishop won
community were celebrated in               the fancy dress competition for
Christ Church, Taney, recently.            which he had dressed up as the
The church was packed for the              church and wore a hat in the shape
bicentenary service which was              of the spire.
celebrated by the Archbishop of
Dublin, the Most Revd Dr Michael           Bishop Burrows said it was easy to
Jackson, while the Bishop of               get despondent now, with rising
Cashel, Ferns and Ossory, the Rt           secularism and falling numbers,
Revd Michael Burrows, a son of the         and think that the generations that
parish, was the preacher.                  have gone before had it easier. But
                                           he warned against being beguiled
The congregation, which included           by the past.
public representatives, many
former Curates and members of              Taney was a rural
the Armenian community who also
use the church for worship, was            community and
welcomed by the Rector, Canon
Robert Warren. He was celebrating          people lived on
a significant milestone himself - the
40th anniversary of his ordination.
                                           small holdings.
During the service, pupils of first        He brought the congregation
class in Taney National School             back to June of 1818 when Christ
gave a rousing rendition of                Church, Taney, was consecrated.
‘Shine Jesus Shine’. Afterwards            This was a dreary time in Dublin
in the parish centre, Minister for         when the consequences of the
Transport, Tourism and Sport,              1798 Rebellion and the Act of
Shane Ross TD launched an                  Union were being felt. Taney was a
updated parish history by Carol            rural community and people lived
Robinson Tweed.                            on small holdings. The population
                                           of Ireland was larger than it has
In his sermon Bishop Burrows               ever been since but it was doomed
recalled the 150th anniversary             to be the victim of a natural
of the church. His father, Canon           catastrophe when the Famine
Walter Burrows, was Rector in June         struck some years later.
Harvest 2018 Autumn Vol.28 Issue 3 - Taney Parish
In 1868 as the parishioners of          “In 2018, not withstanding Brexit,     Nahi’s which goes back centuries,
Christ Church, Taney, prepared          we live in happier times. We have      the Minister said noting the
to celebrate the church’s 50th          a delightful context in which to       extensive history of the parish.
anniversary the Bishop said there       worship… So how will those who
was more political uncertainty with     gather in 2068 remember us?”           The book is published by
the Fenian Rebellion having taken       he asked. “For a parish church to      O’Brien Press and Ivan O’Brien,
place the previous year and political   reach 200 years is a moment of         a parishioner of Taney, said the
reform on Gladstone’s agenda.           coming of age. As we come of           history of the parish, with graves
He was to disestablish the Church       age we must ask how the founders       in St Nahi’s going back to Viking
of Ireland which was the Church         of this place would view us… On        times, placed Taney at the heart
of the minority but which was the       this, the Feast Day of the Birth of    of Ireland. He paid tribute to
Church of the State. Following          St John the Baptist, we must ask:      Carol for the work she put into
disestablishment, most people           Have we retained that edginess,        the book and everyone who had
thought the Church of Ireland was       that vision of what is possible, the   lent photographs which helped to
doomed but wonderfully it was not,      authentic idiom of John the Baptist    build a picture of the community.
Bishop Burrows said.                    that can make our faith magnetic?
                                        May those of you who come back         Carol recalled writing the original
1918 was an awful time in Ireland,      in 2068 look back on this day and      parish history in 1990 and said
the Bishop stated with World War I      think: It wasn’t bad in 2018.”         the process of updating it had
coming to an end and a generation                                              been great fun to do. She said all
of young men lost and young             As the service drew to a close,        the information contained in the
women weeping for their loss.           Archbishop Jackson paid tribute        book had been researched but her
This was followed by the Great          to Canon Warren for his energy,        main priority had been to make it
European flu epidemic which killed      vitality, humanity and spirituality    reader-friendly and to show that
more people than the war. These         and thanked everyone for the work      Taney Parish was an integral part of
were the years that were leading up     they had put into bringing the         the Dundrum community.
to Independence, a time that was        service together.
uncomfortable for many members                                                 Lynn Glannville
of the Church of Ireland.               Launching ‘Taney – Progress of a       Diocesan Communications Officer
                                        Parish’, Minister Ross described
Moving to the Swinging Sixties          the book as a ‘”microcosm of what
and Bishop Burrows said 1968 was        has been happening in the Church
a lovely time on the face of it but     of Ireland over the last 200 years”.
it was also the year of Humanae         He said it was very readable and
Vitae. The storm clouds were            contained a fascinating history and
gathering in Northern Ireland which     narrative of Taney and its people,
would lead to 30 years of conflict.     past and present. The book also
                                        encompasses the graveyard at St
Harvest 2018 Autumn Vol.28 Issue 3 - Taney Parish
TANEY MOTHERS’ UNION                                                              TANEY BELL RINGERS
Taney Mothers’ Union is part of an       the Diocesan Festival Service            Taney bell ringers are starting their
international charity with more than     at Monkstown Parish Church at            beginners bell ringing course on
four million members in eighty three     8.00pm. Details may be obtained          the 19th September. Most people
countries which seeks to support         by contacting Stephanie Lloyd in         when they hear the bells in Taney
families, particularly those suffering   church or via the parish office.         think they are automatic, but in
from adversity.                                                                   fact they are rung by hand. Taney
                                         We are currently drawing up our          is one of only five towers in Dublin
In Taney our group comprises             programme for the rest of the year       where people ring bells. And
around 30-40 women, who meet             to include some interesting talks,       Taney needs more ringers to keep
around once a month from                 eating out and afternoon tea, and        them going. So maybe you have
September to May each year for           the published version should be          just retired, maybe you are looking
friendship, fun and mutual support       available in early September.            for a new hobby, maybe you have
as well as to provide some modest                                                 someone who would like to do
contribution towards our wider           Our meetings are generally held on       the An Gaisce awards through
organisation’s activities.               the 2nd Tuesday of each month at         bellringing. Come to Taney and try
                                         8.00pm in the Parish Centre and are      something you have never done
We plan to open this season with a       open to all parishioners and friends.    before. You can contact Taney bell
meal in a Monkstown restaurant on        If you feel like coming along, we will   ringers at iigcctv@gmail.com or
20th September, before attending         be delighted to see you.                 0863570842.

                                                                                  TANEY BOWLING CLUB
  BIBLE STUDY GROUP                                                               Taney Bowling Club resumes
                                                                                  on Monday 10th September at
  Our group meets on last Friday of each month at 11.00am. The first
                                                                                  7.30pm in the Minor Hall. We
  meeting takes place on Friday 28th September. Our group has
                                                                                  meet on Mondays at 7.30pm,
  been meeting for forty years and sadly many are no longer with us.
                                                                                  Tuesdays at 10 am and Thursdays
  We were sad when our good friend Daisy Pasley died some months
                                                                                  at 7.30pm.
  ago, while unable to attend she kept our prayer list and was faithful
  in prayer for those in sorrow, need, sickness or any other adversity.           For further information, text Carol
  We begin with Bible Study and always use Study Notes, followed                  on 085 7228977.
  by prayer time. Over the years many have said how much they
  appreciated our prayers and one in particular remarked that when
  feeling very nervous on the way to operating theatre, remembered
                                                                                  NEW PARISH CENTRE
  we were praying for her and felt great peace. We all learn from                 BROCHURE
  our Bible Reading, there is always something new and fresh to be                The lazy, hazy days of summer are
  gleaned even from well-known stories. All are welcome, no need                  almost over and it’s time to gather
  to be nervous. We are not a theological group but the fellowship                up our energy for the autumn.
  is God given and I think the Bridge players in the next room must               If you would like to sign up for
  sometimes wonder at the laughter emanating from ours.                           some activities this year, look no
  P.S. We also have coffee or tea and meet in Taney Parish Centre.                further than our new Parish Centre
                                                                                  Brochure. A huge range of classes
                                                                                  is available for groups of every
  TANEY SUMMER ART SCHOOL                                                         age. Details and contact numbers
                                                                                  can be found in the brochure.
  Amazingly, the summer painting group has now been running for
  approximately twenty years. It just shows how popular drawing and               TANEY CHRISTMAS
  painting have become – and it’s never too late to start! We had some new
  faces in the group this year and we all worked together to make sure we         BAZAAR
  had lots of fun and laughter in between hard work. As always, the final day     The annual Christmas Bazaar will
  was a celebration – hanging up our pictures and enjoying a glass of wine        be held on Saturday 1st December
  and some tasty ‘nibbles’ to round off the occasion.                             in the Parish Centre from 10.00am
                                                                                  to 1.00pm. ALL WELCOME!
  Our thanks to Heather Rutledge and her helpers who kept us alert with
  coffee and biscuits – as they have been doing for twenty years!!

2018 is the 100th anniversary of the        Among those jailed were Hanna
granting to some women of the               Sheehy Skeffington, Margaret
right to vote in national elections         Murphy Palmer, Jane Murphy,
in Ireland and Britain and there has        Kathleen Housten, Hilda Webb
been some modest focus in the               and Maud Lloyd in Mountjoy Gaol,
media on the women’s suffrage               Margaret Cousins, Margaret Connery,
movement. We have all seen images           Barbara Hoskins and Mabel Purser in
of the Pankhursts, mother Emmeline          Tullamore Prison and Joan Wickham
and daughters Christabel and Sylvia,        and a Miss D. Carson in Belfast.
and of Emily Davidson. In Ireland           Most were middle class, reasonably
many of us have heard of Hanna              well-educated ladies who saw
Sheehy Skeffington, Eva Gore-               imprisonment as a good attention-
Booth and Constance Markievicz,             seeking opportunity. The authorities
for example, and possibly Margaret          realized that their strategy was one of
                                                                                      Prisoners (Temporary Discharge for
Cousins and Mabel Purser.                   ‘any publicity is good publicity’, and
                                                                                      Ill-Health) Act 1913, nicknamed the
                                            tried to undermine this by keeping
But did you know that the                                                             ‘Cat and Mouse Act’, while others
                                            sentences reasonably short.
name ‘suffragettes’ was initially                                                     were force-fed.
merely a term of derision used              Typical women prisoners of the time
                                                                                      Prison records describe the force-
by the Daily Mail for the English           were poor and uneducated women
                                                                                      feeding of Mary Leigh, an English
group, the Women’s Social and               who had turned to crime of necessity
                                                                                      suffragist who had come to Dublin,
Political Union or WSPU, and later          and, in those class-conscious times,
                                                                                      through her nose. A funnel and a
accepted by that group? The word            the decision was taken that the
                                                                                      narrow soft rubber tube were used.
‘suffragettes’ strictly applies only        suffragists should be treated less
                                                                                      At first, a dose of milk, eggs and
to that organisation. The correct           harshly than the norm.
                                                                                      Sanatogen were administered to
name for suffrage campaigners in
                                                                                      Mary, subsequently augmented by
general is ‘suffragists’ and that is the
designation that should be given to
                                            While not granted                         beef juice, butter, pea-meal and
                                                                                      sugar, with medicines of bismuth and
the Irish campaigners.                      political status, they                    cascara added.
One day whilst researching in the           were given more                           Painful and disgusting as this seems,
National Archives, I decided to look
at some contemporary newspaper              privileges as time                        it was done with good intention and
                                                                                      the suffragists were generally treated
accounts about our own suffragists
and old prison registers of the time. I     went on.                                  with relative compassion. Indeed, the
                                                                                      Governor of Mountjoy was anxious
found some very interesting reports.
                                                                                      to observe correct procedures and
In the press and to the public in           They were labelled ‘First Class
                                                                                      wrote to England to enquire as to
general, the suffragists were seen          Misdemeanants’. While not granted
                                                                                      how their treatment compared to
as unfeminine and out of control,           political status, they were given more
                                                                                      those of their British counterparts.
and were criticised for being anti-         privileges as time went on. Some
nationalist for acting like their British   were permitted to be treated by           Gradually, public opinion changed
counterparts.                               female doctors and by their private       and the women began to claim
                                            dentists, they were allowed rights of     widespread support. In 1918, the
The tactics of our women included           association and more frequent letters     vote was granted to all property-
speeches, protest meetings and              and visits. Owen Sheehy Skeffington,      owning women on these islands
acts of vandalism such as breaking          son of Hanna, wrote later of visiting     over the age of 30, as well as all
windows. Some of them could                 his mother in Mountjoy and of his         men over 21. In 1922, the new Irish
have paid fines for their actions           astonishment that the wardresses          Free State gave the vote in national
but opted instead to go to gaol.            were so nice to him and even gave         elections to Dail Eireann to all citizens
Others committed more serious               him chocolate.                            over 21, six years before their British
acts such as arson, possession of
explosives and even an attempt to           Emulating their British counterparts,
blow up Lisburn Cathedral, though           some suffragists refused food in          These intrepid ladies, who could
the latter case was eventually              prison as part of their campaign for      have been our grandmothers or
dropped. These latter received              political status. Of these some were      great-grandmothers, had achieved
prison sentences.                           simply released early, courtesy of the    their goal.
A DAY IN THE LIFE -                            Daphne Scott
During this year, when we               no shortcuts on the journey, but          places to bring home the troops.
celebrate the bi-centenary of Christ    occasionally, Miss Buckley would          The rector, Canon Orr’s son was
Church, Taney, it is interesting        give Daphne a lift to school in her       also in the armed forces during
to hear from a parishioner who          pony and trap if she happened to          WWll. He was later awarded the
remembers attending the 150             be passing by.                            Military Cross and later became Sir
year’s celebrations in Christ Church,                                             David Orr (head of Unilever).
where Archbishop George Simms           There were three classrooms in the
preached.                               schoolhouse but only two were in          There was severe rationing after the
                                        use due to a lack of pupils. Children     war especially with anything that
Many of you will be familiar with       studied the three ‘Rs’, History and       had to be imported. Hunger was
Daphne Scott who has lovingly and       Geography. Mr Costello was the            commonplace, bread was coarse
meticulously cared for the church       headmaster and there was one lady         and often unpalatable and the
linen in Christ Church for over         teacher: Mrs McCaughey. The terrace       supply of gas to each house was
twenty years. Daphne was born into      held the Parochial Hall, the School       rationed, which reduced the menu
Taney Parish in 1931 and baptized       House and the Headmaster’s house.         even further.
by Canon Monk Gibbon in St Nahi’s       At lunchtime each day, Mr Costello’s
Church. Her parents lived on the        maid, complete with frilly white apron    When the war ended, Daphne
Lower Churchtown Road opposite          and cap, delivered the headmaster’s       remembers the Victory Dance in
the Friends Meeting House.              lunch on a tray to the schoolroom.        Taney Parochial Hall at which her
Daphne’s father was a volunteer                                                   father was M.C. Everyone was asked
in WWl and served in France at                                                    to ransack their cupboards to provide
the Battle of the Somme and at                                                    a worthy supper for the occasion.
                                                                                  The first Parish Fête that Daphne
In 1938, Daphne suffered severe                                                   remembers was held in the British
injuries in and accident: jumping                                                 Embassy residence, which was on
from the tram when it had stopped,                                                Taney Road, where the petrol station
she ran joyfully across the road, and                                             now stands. Daphne remembers her
fell under an oncoming sand lorry.                                                mother sending her out and about
She was unconscious for ten days                                                  in the parish to collect produce and
and spent a long time in hospital                                                 goods for the fête. Later, the fête was
but fortunately made a full recovery.                                             moved to the rectory field with lots of
The lovely school photograph                                                      stalls and pony rides for the children.
of the school production of ‘The
Wedding of the Painted Doll’ shows                                                Daphne married her beloved Walter
Daphne in the lead role as the          After Primary School, Daphne moved        in Christ Church, Taney in 1952 and
bride – and this pretty picture gives   to the Diocesan School for Girls          they moved into their home in Eden
proof of her restored good health.      (now part of High School). She was        Park Drive. Sadly, Walter died in 1980
                                        confirmed in 1945 following a series      at the age of fifty-three and Daphne
                                        of classes held in the rectory and        has remained in the family home to
                                        led by the rector, Canon Orr. That        this day. Their son, Dr Peter Scott, is
                                        was the easy part; finding a dress for    currently Senior Teaching Associate
                                        the big day was not so easy due to        in Music at Bristol University.
                                        post-war shortages. Finally Daphne’s
                                                                                  Daphne has seen countless changes
                                        granny ‘found’ a dress and passed
                                                                                  down through the years, both in the
                                        it to Daphne on condition that she
                                                                                  Dundrum area and of course in the
                                        would share it with her cousin.
                                                                                  parish. She is warmly appraising of
                                        The war years were a time of great        the community spirit in the parish:
                                        stress, especially as Daphne’s brother,   the shared coffees and lunches in the
Daphne attended primary school in       Dick (also a Taney Primary School         Parish Centre all provide company,
the Old School House on Eglinton        pupil) was an RAF bomber pilot,           especially during long winter months.
Terrace. It was a long walk from        flying Lancasters and Wellingtons         We thank Daphne for her unwavering
her home; her route to school           during the war. He survived and went      commitment to Taney Parish, which
extended around the perimeter           on to fly commercial aircraft for Aer     has spanned more than seventy-five
of Buckley’s farm which lay where       Lingus. Before this more benign job       years – and we thank her for sharing
Woodlawn lies today There were          began, Dick flew to many far-flung        her memories with us.


This summer the Scouts and Ventures had an exciting and challenging
                                                                            Those who intend to present
Summer Camp in Great Tower Scout Adventure Centre in the Lake
                                                                            themselves for Confirmation in
District where they participated in a range of activities including Raft
                                                                            2019 should contact the Parish
Building, Bridge Building, Caving, Ghyll Scrambling, Kayaking, Crate
                                                                            Office by the end of September at
Staking, Hiking Bouldering and Fire lighting. The Scouts on camp
                                                                            the latest. (Tel: 298 5491)
were facilitated by a number of young volunteers from countries
including: Argentina, Brazil, Mexico South Africa, Honduras, Germany,
Ghana and of course the UK. These volunteers were spending a year           TANEY SUNDAY SCHOOL
at the Great Tower Campsite where they received training on leading         Sunday School in Taney will start
outdoor pursuits and were assisting with the many activities provided       back on Sunday 16th September,
on site. This was a fantastic opportunity for our Scouts to learn about     at 10.15am in the Parish Centre.
other cultures and scouting traditions and our Scouts developed a real      Along with integrating into
fondness and appreciation for the volunteers.                               the worshipping life of the
                                                                            church, Sunday School is a great
Scouts (12-15 yrs) and Ventures (15 – 18years) meet on Friday nights in     opportunity for children to mix
Taney Parish Hall from 8.00pm – 10.00pm and participate in a range of       and get to know each other. It is
outdoor activities including camping, kayaking, hiking, pioneering, rock    also a useful place for parents of
climbing, raft building and mountain biking at different times throughout   children to meet. Please make
the year. If you would like to join us, please come along on Friday, 7th    a special effort to attend and
September and give it a try.                                                support out Sunday School. Look
                                                                            forward to seeing you there!
We are also always on the lookout for energetic and enthusiastic
leaders who love the outdoors and would like to become leaders. Full
training is available. Interested parties should contact Phil Marsden at

taney parish Art Exhibition
     to celebrate the bi-centenary
     of Christ Church Taney

                                                   The exhibition will be formally opened with the
                                                Flower Festival in Taney Parish Centre on Thursday 4th
                                                October at 7.00pm. Admission to the exhibition is free.

                                                   Friday 5th                Saturday 6th                    Sunday
                                                    October                    October                     7th October
                                                    10.00am –                   10.00am –                    11.00am –
                                                     7.00pm                      6.00pm                       4.00pm

                                                      Up to three paintings per person acceptable
                                                           Submission fee €5.00 per painting;
                                                                20% commission on sales

                                                    Forms available at Taney Parish Office or
                                                       e-mail: parishoftaney@eircom.net

                                            TANEY PARISH GOLF SOCIETY
                                                       ANNUAL OUTING
                                                                               This year our Outing is planned for
                                                                            SUNDAY 23rd SEPTEMBER in
                                                                            RATHFARNHAM GOLF CLUB

                                                                                            TEE TIMES 1.00 to 3.00pm
                                                                                       Please book a tee time with either:

                                                     Andrew Bowers 087 669 6853 or Alan Hood 087 290 5574.
                                                               Golf & BBQ Dinner: R.G.C. members: a30
                                                                  Golf & BBQ Dinner non-members: a50

                                                                                                           Golf only: a25
                                                                                                     BBQ Dinner only: a25
     BBQ Dinner ongoing after golf in the Clubhouse from 5:00 pm. We hope that many former winners of the Leslie Harrison
     Trophy will be able to join us. All parishioners and friends - Ladies and Gents - golfers and non-golfers are invited to join
     us for our annual outing.

27th May (in Christ Church) – Eliza Mary, daughter of Steven Cochrane & Fiona O’Regan.
27th May (in Christ Church) – Cameron Barney, son of Jefferson & Rebecca Cowhig.
10th June (in Christ Church) – Rian Phillip, Sam Nicholas & Ewan Kenneth, sons of Nicholas & Sona Harris
12th August (in Christ Church) – Theo Anthony, son of Ian Horsfield & Aileen Kealy.
12th August (in Christ Church) – Emma Anne, daughter of Alan McNabola & Kate Meredith.
12th August (in Christ Church) – Arthur, son of Nick Symmons & Beverley Finnegan.

14th July (in St Salvator’s Church, Castle Leslie) – Sarah Warren & Ciarán Ruddock
We congratulate them on their recent marriage!

5th June (in Christ Church) – James (Jim) Bayle
12th June (in Christ Church) – Edgar White
10th August (in St Nahi’s) – Iris Mayrs
16th August (in St Nahi’s) – Edie Nicholls

Our sympathy and prayers are with all who have recently been bereaved, remembering especially:-
Beryl Moutray on the death of her sister Phyllis.
Eva Bayle and family on the death of her husband Jim.
Maureen Flanagan and family on the death of Maureen’s brother, Frank Murray.
Will Dixon, Des Dixon and their families on the death of their sister, Dorothy Newton.
Eric Mayrs and family on the death of Eric’s mother, Iris Mayrs.
Margaret Percival and family on the death of Margaret’s mother, Edie Nicholl

May those coming to terms with life without a loved one, know the comfort of God’s love at this time.
Sunday School           Sunday                 10.15 - 11.15am    Rev Cathy Hallissey    01 298 5491
Children’s Crêche       Sunday                 10.15 -11.15am     Armina Comerford       086 129 3704
Mum & Toddlers          Monday                 10.00 -12 noon
                        Thursday               10.00 - 12 noon
Ladybirds               Monday                 2.45pm – 3.45pm    Susan Moore            087 243 0130
Beavers                 Monday                 6.00pm - 7.00pm    Simon Strong           dundrumbeavers@
Cubs                    Friday                 6.30 - 8.00pm      Steve Delaney          086 882 5987
Brownies                Tuesday                3.45 - 5.00pm      Linda Corbet           086 818 2566
                        Monday                 4.45 - 7.00pm      Helen Cahill           dundrumbrownies@
Guides                  Wednesday              7.00 - 8.30pm      Aoife Leamy            085 117 9469
Scouts                  Friday                 8.00pm – 10.00pm   Phil Marsden           086 775 2530
Ventures                Friday                 8.00pm - 10.00pm   Dylan Giusti           086 858 7588
Youth Club              Saturday               7.30 - 9.00pm      Parish Office          298 5491
Youth Choir &           as arranged                               David Adams
Music Group

Badminton (Ladies)      Tuesday                10.30 – 12 noon    Barbara Bolton         295 3567
Badminton Club          Monday                 7.30 - 11.00pm     Hazel Quigley          086 385 8377
                        Thursday               7.30 - 11.00pm
Badminton (C.I.M.A.)    Thursday               6.00 - 7.30pm      Alan Cathcart          298 2216
Snooker (Parish)        Tues/Wed/Fri           7.00 - 11.00pm     Ronnie Ellis           298 7426
Snooker (C.I.M.A.)      Mon/Thurs/Sat          7.00 - 11.00pm     Roy Huber              298 8352
Bowling Club            Mon/Thurs              7.30 - 10.30pm     Carol Robinson Tweed   085 722 8977
                        Tues                   10.00 - 12.30pm                           (text only)

Bible Study             Last Friday of month   10.30 - 11.30am    Bunty Strong           491 0247
Taney Friends &                                                   Parish Office          298 5491
Social (Care Group)
Chancel Guild           Church Flowers etc.                       Jasmin Hourie          296 5087
Choir - Christ Church   Sunday                                    David Adams
Choir – Junior          Wednesday              2.45pm – 3.30pm
Choir - St. Nahi’s      Sunday                                    David Adams
Christmas Bazaar        1st December 2018                         Patricia Parfrey       086 357 9314
Coffee Shop             Mon. - Sat.            9.00am – 1.30pm    Parish Centre          298 5491
Drama Society                                                     Lynn Pennefather       087 976 2738
Taney Rangers           As arranged                               as announced
Mothers’ Union          Tuesday 2  nd
                                               8.00 – 10.30pm     Stephanie Lloyd        298 5271
Taney Change Ringers    Every Monday        7.30 – 9.00pm         Michael Ryan           086 357 0842
Society                 Beginners Wednesday 7.30 – 9.00pm
Taney P. T. A.                                                    Deirdre Culbert        086 838 8991
Taney Parish Fête       8 June 2019
                                               1.00pm – 4.00pm    Gillian Haine          01 298 5491
Taney Play School       Tues. - Fri.           8.45am – 12.15pm   Vanessa Larkin         087 222 5986
Taney School            Monday - Friday        8.50am – 2.15pm    Lily Carpenter         298 5015
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