Page created by Margaret Arnold

                                                         May 5, 2021

                         CHELSEA WOMEN AIMING FOR THE
                                      QUADRUPLE Page 12

May 5, 2021

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BAME MPs: Pandemic shows
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      good time for those           institutional racism
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      of us who want to             and a failure of lead-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      stay the course to end        ership” within the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      institutional racism          Metropolitan Police.

‘evidence of systemic racism’
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      instead of pretending           Labour is now call-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      it doesn’t exist,” she        ing on the govern-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      said.                         ment to “reject” the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         “And it probably           “disingenuous” find-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      comes at a very bad           ings from the Com-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      time for the govern-          mission on Race and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ment, so soon after           Ethnic Disparities.
By Olly Murphy                                                                                                     lives.”                   nothing wrong with         which has been met             the Commission’s re-           its report.”                    It is urging for
                                                                                                                     Analysis from the       the system itself, but     by criticism from ex-          port came less than               More than four             the      implementa-
A number of Lon-                                                                                                   Greater London Au-        rather some individ-       perts and contribu-            a month before the             years after his death,        tion of over 253 rec-
don MPs from Black,                                                                                                thority’s    econom-      uals who are behav-        tors alike.”                   28th anniversary of            in 1997, an official          ommendations        of
Asian and Minori-                                                                                                  ic fairness data has      ing badly,” Abbott           Meanwhile,        the        the death of Stephen           inquiry was estab-            the     long-standing
ty Ethnic (BAME)                                                                                                   revealed that white       added.                     current mayor of               Lawrence, who was              lished by then Home           Timpson, Williams,
backgrounds have                                                                                                   Londoners earned             “If you don’t accept    London, Sadiq Khan,            brutally murdered in           Secretary Jack Straw          Angolini and Lam-
criticised the gov-                                                                                                one and a half times      there are problems         told SWL he was ‘in-           an unprovoked racist           following the drop-           my Reviews – all of
ernment for ‘failing                                                                                               as much per hour          with the system, it’s      credulous’ at the ‘so-         attack in 1993.                ping of charges               which focus on the
to respond’ to the                                                                                                 compared to those         very hard to combat        called’ findings of the          According to the             against two youths.           treatment of, and
“life or death conse-                                                                                              from a Black African,     racism.”                   report.                        Labour MP for                     The 350-page re-           outcomes, for BAME
quences of structur-                                                                                               Carribean or Bangla-         Established        by     He said: “The idea           Streatham,        Bell         port written by re-           individuals in differ-
al racism.”                                                                                                        deshi background in       Downing Street to          that our society does          Ribeiro-Addy,      the         tired High Court              ent areas.
  Speaking           to                                                                                            2018.                     investigate racial dis-    not have serious is-           anniversary of Ste-            judge, Sir William              Labour leader, Sir
SWLondoner, for-                                                                                                     According to Di-        parities in the UK,        sues with structural           phen’s murder is par-          Macpherson        con-        Keir Starmer, has
mer shadow home           Marsha De Cordova, pictured, is one of a number of MPs warning of the disproportionate   ane Abbott, the gov-      the 258-page report        racism is insulting            ticularly significant          cluded that the in-           also committed to
secretary, Diane Ab-      impacts of COVID-19 on BAME communities                                                  ernment “refuses”         concluded that it no       to all who have been           this year, because             vestigation into the          introducing a Race
bott, shadow women                                                                                                 to acknowledge the        longer saw “a Britain      confronted by it and           it “teaches us that            murder had been               Equality Act to “tack-
and equalities minis-     munities.                     deaths from the vi-           women and equali-            link between struc-       where the system is        whose lives have                                              “marred by a com-             le structural racial
                                                                                                                                                                                                       structural     racism
ter, Marsha De Cor-         The report, com-            rus.                          ties minister, Marsha        tural racism and the      deliberately rigged        been blighted by it.”                                         bination of profes-           inequality at source.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                       very much exists.”
dova, and Labour          missioned by the                According to its            De Cordova, said:            impacts of the pan-       against ethnic mi-           The publication of                                          sional incompetence,            De Cordova has
                                                                                                                                                                                                         “It comes at a very
MP for Streatham,         Labour Party, found           data, in six boroughs         “The pandemic has            demic on the BAME         norities.”                                                                                                             claimed that with-
Bell Ribeiro-Addy,        that BAME peo-                where rates of deaths         exposed and exacer-          community.                   According to De                                                                                                     out intervention the
expressed concern         ple had been ‘over-           from       COVID-19           bated structural ine-          The former shadow       Cordova the report                                                                                                     report will instill
at what they de-          looked’ during the            were       statistically      qualities.                   home secretary was        marked a “depar-                                                                                                       further mistrust in
scribed as ‘attempts’     first wave of the pan-        higher than the Lon-             “We know that             referring to the con-     ture” from the “over-                                                                                                  Black, Asian and eth-
to ‘downplay issues       demic.                        don average last year,        Black, Asian and             troversial findings of    whelming body of                                                                                                       nic minority com-
around race’.               The impact of               three were also high-         ethnic minority peo-         the Commission on         evidence of structur-                                                                                                  munities.
  Their comments          COVID-19            on        er in terms of ethnic         ple have suffered the        Race and Ethnic Dis-      al racism.”                                                                                                              “It downplays the
come amid the pub-        BAME communi-                 diversity.                    worst fatal and finan-       parities, published in       She added: “The                                                                                                     role of institutional
lication of a review      ties was laid bare last         Brent and Ealing            cial consequences.           March, which noted        Commission          had                                                                                                and structural rac-
by Doreen Law-            year when research            recorded some of                 “O vercrowded             that while there was      an opportunity to                                                                                                      ism, glorifies slavery
rence, which con-         from the London               the highest mortality         housing, precarious          anecdotal evidence        meaningfully engage                                                                                                    by saying there is a
cluded that struc-        Assembly’s Health             rates in the capital,         work, low pay, inad-         of racism, no ‘proof ’    with       institutional                                                                                               ‘new story’ to be told
tural racism was          Committee       found         compared to bor-              equate sick pay and          existed that it was       and structural rac-                                                                                                    and blames Black,
responsible for the       that more ethnical-           oughs with a lower            huge health inequal-         structural.               ism in the UK.                                                                                                         Asian and ethnic
d i sprop or t i on ate   ly diverse boroughs           percentage of BAME            ities have cost Black,         “The report takes          “Instead, they pub-                                                                                                 minority people for
impact of coronavi-       were connected to             residents.                    Asian and ethnic mi-         us backwards by           lished divisive and        Diane Abbott, pictured, has said the government’s race report makes it ‘harder’ to combat   their own disadvan-
rus on BAME com-          a higher number of              Labour’s shadow             nority people their          suggesting      there’s   offensive      material    racism                                                                                      tage.”
May 5, 2021

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Research shows reality TV is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         tral Michigan Uni-         the reasons why peo-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         versity found that         ple are attracted to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         people who spend           reality TV shows.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         more time watch-             The ‘Social Com-

not ‘harmless entertainment’
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ing shows, are more        parison Theory’ sug-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         emotionally invested       gests that watching
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         in them or even iden-      reality TV makes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         tify with characters       people feel better
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         more closely, tend to      about      themselves
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         be more narcissistic.      and their own lives.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           However, as Gib-           With reality TV
By Honor Cockroft        administered to an                                                                                                                       caused by media,           dation’s study found        son pointed out: “It       existing as one of the
                         ostensible opponent.                                                                                                                     adding: “The effects       that shows such as          could be simply that       most popular and
Whilst reality TV          Researcher, Bryan                                                                                                                      can be more pow-           ITV’s Love Island           more        narcissistic   profitable sectors of
is one of the largest    Gibson PhD, said:                                                                                                                        erful for children         fuel body anxiety in        people are drawn to        the television indus-
sectors in the televi-   “Unpleasant inter-                                                                                                                       because they have          young people, with          those shows, or that       try, with nearly 4 in
sion industry, its be-   personal behaviours                                                                                                                      less capacity to sep-      almost 1 in 4 con-          greater       exposure     10 people watching
havioural effects are    which we were able                                                                                                                       arate entertainment        firming reality TV          over a length of time      some form of it, it’s
largely unknown.         to show led to view-                                                                                                                     for reality, so it is in   makes them worry            leads to increased         here to stay.
  However, reality       ers increasing the                                                                                                                       the realm of possi-        about body image.           narcissism.                  Gibson hopes that
programmes        that   amount of aggres-                                                                                                                        bility that the effects      In a survey con-            “It is also possible     his research will
show toxic behaviour     sion they were will-                                                                                                                     could be stronger in       ducted by SWL of a          that longer term ex-       draw attention to the
such as Jersey Shore     ing to direct towards                                                                                                                    younger people.”           group of 16-24-year-        posure might inten-        ways in which tox-
and The Real House-      somebody else .”                                                                                                                           As young people          olds with varying           sify the effects.”         ic behaviour seen in
wives franchise can        The study also                                                                                                                         are both the target        levels of reality TV          This open question       shows might affect
increase aggression,     found that partici-                                                                                                                      demographic         and    consumption, 50%            draws attention to         viewers.
manipulation      and    pants who watched                                                                                                                        largest viewing sec-       confirmed        reality
narcissism in view-      episodes depicting                                                                                                                       tor of reality TV,         shows affected their
ers.                     relational aggression                                                                                                                    the consumption of         body image, whilst
  Researchers from       were more aggressive                                                                                                                     scripted reality that      more than 55% said
Central     Michigan     than those exposed                                                                                                                       promotes negative          they were unaware of
University      found    to     family-friendly                                                                                                                   mentalities, aggres-       potential psychologi-
that people were         reality shows such                                                                                                                       sive conflict and          cal effects.
more aggressive fol-     as Little People Big                                                                                                                     dysfunctional rela-          The survey also
lowing exposure to       World or violent         TOXIC VIEWING: Research shows that reality TV can increase aggression, manipulation and narcissism in viewers   tionships has the po-      revealed that whilst
an episode of reality    crime dramas such                                                                                                                        tential to be extreme-     40% said they do
TV that contained        as US show Dexter.       the participants are         of reality TV believed        cial realities as they       Today show that:        ly damaging.               not notice any be-
verbal and relational      Gibson, who teach-     engaging in.                 “argumentative and            are presented.               “70-80% of reali-         Nonetheless, the         havioural changes
aggression.              es psychology at           “That could poten-         conniving” behav-               According to data          ty TV is scripted,”     behavioural effects        in themselves after
  After watching the     Central     Michigan     tially have a greater        iours portrayed on            published by One             highlighting      the   of reality TV largely      watching reality TV,
programme, study         University, said that    effect on their own          shows are “normal”.           Poll in 2016, 42% of         methods of manip-       remain undiscussed,        60% said they do
participants received    a possible explana-      behaviour as op-               This phenomenon             25-34-year-olds be-          ulation some show       with      conversation     notice others being
an “ego-threat” in       tions for this finding   posed to watching            is known as the ‘Cul-         lieve reality TV dra-        producers use to cre-   veering        towards     ‘more        aggressive’,
the form of a com-       is that surveillance     what they know to be         tivation Theory’, a so-       mas are true, with           ate more drama, and     the mental health          ‘more argumenta-
petitive time-task,      shows are marketed       fiction.”                    ciological framework          60% also believing           subsequently attract    of participants and        tive’, ‘more irritable’,
and their subsequent     as reality: “The be-       Meanwhile, a sur-          that suggests people          on-screen-romances           more viewers.           self-esteem problems       ‘more self-centred’
level of aggression      haviour documented       vey of 145 students          exposed to a form of          to be genuine.                 According to Gib-     shows can inflict on       and ‘more anxious’.
was measured by the      is also seen as true     from the University          media for long peri-            But in 2012 The            son, age could also     viewers.                     Another study by
intensity and dura-      behaviour, real un-      of Wisconsin con-            ods of time are more          Bachelor       creator       be a variable in be-      For example, the         Gibson’s team of re-
tion of a noise they     scripted things that     cluded that viewers          likely to perceive so-        Mike Fleiss told the         havioural changes       Mental Health Foun-        searchers at Cen-
May 5, 2021

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The big reveal: Polka Theatre to open
its doors after £8.5m renovation project
By Lily Jobson            bring audiences back                                                                                                                                                     other children.            forward with the re-         ists. 70% of people
                          as it is an extraordi-                                                                                                                                                     “We have learnt          development that we          who work in the the-
After a year of un-       nary place around                                                                                                                                                        how to carry on            have created.                atre are freelance and
certainty, Polka The-     the borough”.                                                                                                                                                            running a business           “We created the            all the work sudden-
atre can finally say        Before the corona-                                                                                                                                                     remotely to provide        FUTURE Polka pro-            ly just dried up.
it is reopening its       virus pandemic hit,                                                                                                                                                      creative     activities    gramme to reach out             “It’s not just for the
doors on May 17.          Polka Theatre closed                                                                                                                                                     digitally.                 to families.                 actors on stage but
   It has been a rocky    its doors in Febru-                                                                                                                                                        “Some of our re-           “It has been real-         it’s the designers, the
road for theatres,        ary 2019 to start the                                                                                                                                                    mote activities have       ly successful, lot’s of      stage       managment
with       government     major re-develop-                                                                                                                                                        reached people in          families have come           team, the technical
coronavirus restric-      ment programme,                                                                                                                                                          France and Bath so it      forward to donate            and costume depart-
tions causing severe      which has involved                                                                                                                                                       is something we re-        and support it.”             ments that all sup-
damage.                   an £8.5million refur-                                                                                                                                                    ally hope to contin-         Glanville explained        port the production
   Now it has been        bishment.                                                                                                                                                                ue even when we’re         how the theatre in-          as well.
given the green light       The new renova-                                                                                                                                                        open.”                     dustry has been af-             “It has just been ex-
to get performances       tion is an ‘outstand-                                                                                                                                                      Polka opened its         fected in terms of           tremely tough for the
back up and run-          ing’ project that Pol-                                                                                                                                                   doors in 1979 as the       future planning for          people who work at
ning, it’s full steam     ka Theatre has taken                                                                                                                                                     first theatre dedi-        productions as well          Polka.
ahead for Polka The-      on board.                                                                                                                                                                cated exclusively to       as staffing issues dur-         “It is great now we
atre.                       With new rehears-                                                                                                                                                      children.                  ing the pandemic.            are in the position
   The theatre has        al rooms, play areas,                                                                                                                                                      Having          been       He said: “I think          to get back in the re-
undergone a major         studios and much                                                                                                                                                         opened over four           some of the people           hersal room as there
modernisation pro-        more, Polka Thea-                                                                                                                                                        decades, it has in-        who have been most           has just been no
ject after 40 years of    tre expressed how                                                                                                                                                        spired and enter-          affected are the art-        work.”
being open.               thrilled they are to                                                                                                                                                     tained 3.5 million
                                                   TRANSFORMATION: External picture of Polka Theatre that has taken over a year to build. The now newly renovated building has undergone a major
   CEO and artistic       get back up and run-     re-development project to celebrate the theatre’s 40th anniversary
                                                                                                                                                                                                   visitors and contin-
director, Peter Glan-     ning.                                                                                                                                                                    ues to be the place
ville, said: “After 40      Polka Theatre was      difficult for theatres       their fingers crossed.        families.                    cial interaction as it’s      programme, a free         where the theatre be-
years, it was just get-   granted a generous       across the country.            “Our biggest con-             “It’s more than just       a major part of their         falling group for         gins.
ting a bit old around     amount of fund-            “We have all been          cern has been for our         the quality of a pro-        development.                  children for those in       As part of the new
the theatre, especial-    ing from the Mayor       re-scheduling and            audiences because             duction, it’s the ex-          Having been closed          difficult situations at   redevelopment, the
ly with 100,000 kids      of London’s Good         re-planning     every        we put on produc-             perience the children        for so long, Polka            home or at schools        theatre created the
running and jump-         Growth Fund, Arts        three months be-             tions, creative learn-        get.                         Theatre turned to             and an amazing choir      ‘FUTURE Polka ap-
ing around.               Council      England,    cause of restrictions        ing activities and a            “Polka       theatre       online programmes             of all mixed ages.        peal’ to help give a fi-
   “The new redevel-      London Borough of        constantly changing          range of communi-             helps to support chil-       to continue engag-              “The online pro-        nal push to open the
opment that we have       Merton and many          but we are in the po-        ty events every year          dren’s     well-being,       ing with children in          gramme has allowed        doors in Spring.
is just outstanding,      other vital funders.     sition where we feel         reaching hundreds             confidence, their lan-       schools or at home.           children to still have      Glanville added:
it’s completely new                                                                                                                                                                                “We needed to raise a      ENTERTAIN: Children enjoying Jan Blake’s In the Winter
                            Glanville, 58, said:   the most positive.           of thousands of chil-         guage and emotional            Glanville added:            the opportunity to be                                Wood performance at Polka Theatre
so we can’t wait to       “It’s been incredibly      “Everyone just has         dren in schools and           development and so-          “We had a literacy            part of a group with      lot of money to move
May 5, 2021


Paramedic faces
fears to fight trolls
                                                                                                         ated on the world
 By Lily Jobson
                                                                                                         of social media be-
During the pan-                                                                                          cause it can look a
demic, people have                                                                                       lot like reality.
turned to social                                                                                            “A lot of us are
media to reach out                                                                                       searching for some-
to those they are                                                                                        thing which is not
unable to see.                                                                                           real, causing a mas-
  While many have                                                                                        sive impact on our
enjoyed staying in                                                                                       mental health.”
the loop on social                                                                                          Laura now works
media, studies have                                                                                      with other mental
shown that exces-                                                                                        health charities and
sive use can fuel                                                                                        has set up a blog
feelings of anxiety                                                                                      to help reduce the
and depression.                                                                                          stigma of the topic.
  During Mental                                                                                             A spokesperson
Health Awareness        FACE YOUR FEARS: Laura on her charity skydive for Cybersmile UK ahead of World   for       Wimbledon
                        Mental Health Awareness month in March 2020                                      Wednesday group,
Month this May, it
is more important       work’.                     it can quite easily        raising more than          offering      support
than ever to seek         The 25-year-old          consume you.               £2,500.                    for mental health,
support.                from Staffordshire,          After her ordeal,          She added: “I            said: “It takes a long
  Paramedic Laura       said: “I can remem-        Laura got in con-          wanted to raise            time for someone
Health, explained       ber waking up and          tact with Cyber-           money for a char-          to come to a group
how social media        sitting on the sofa        smile UK to tackle         ity that deals with        and get to that stage
has been a ‘blessing    crying uncontrol-          the problem around         online harassment          where they feel
and a curse at the      lably.                     trolling and online        and bullying as            comfortable.
same time’.               “I went into such        bullying.                  Cybersmile helped             “If somebody can
  Laura grew a          a dark place where I         The Cybersmile           me.”                       talk and somebody
large following af-     didn’t even want to        Foundation is an             Laura now uses           can listen, it is so
ter being trolled for   get up out of bed.         award-winning or-          her platform as a          important.
a photo she posted        “I always say so-        ganisation that is         mental health ad-             “People should
of her at work back     cial media is like a       committed to dig-          vocate helping to          listen to understand
in March 2020.          blessing and a curse       ital wellbeing and         reduce stigma by           instead of listening
  She received a lot    at the same time,          tackling all forms of      sharing her person-        to respond.
of coverage for be-     especially during          bullying and abuse.        al experiences.               “It’s important to
ing ‘the paramedic      the pandemic.                Laura took part in         She said: “I think       sit down and not be
who received hate-        “There is an ex-         a charity skydive to       personally from my         dismissive of what
ful comments for        tremely toxic side         mark World Mental          experience is to try       somebody is going
wearing makeup to       to social media and        Health Day in 2020,        and not get so fix-        through.”
May 5, 2021


The extra mile: A
walk for cancer
By Jazmyne                                                                                                      to Central London.
McGavin                                                                                                           “I thought - let’s
                                                                                                                take it an extra 46
Three South West                                                                                                miles and let’s walk
London        fathers                                                                                           to Brighton,” Char-
are embarking on                                                                                                lie said.
a 46 mile walk to                                                                                                 “A lot of peo-
Brighton to raise                                                                                               ple cycle to places
money on behalf of                                                                                              like Brighton, but
the Children with                                                                                               I’ve never known
Cancer charity.                                                                                                 of anyone walking
  On April 14,                                                                                                  there.”
Carl Boyd, 28,                                                                                                    Children      with
from Twickenham                                                                                                 Cancer     UK      is
shared to facebook                                                                                              a United King-
that on 29 May, he                                                                                              dom-based charity
and Charlie Burch,                                                                                              that is dedicated to
28, from Kingston,                                                                                              raising money for
and their friend         STANDING FIRM: Carl (right) and Charlie together holding a poster that is promot-
                                                                                                                research and pro-
                        ing the 46 mile walk that they will be doing. The poster also pays tribute to Azaylia
Jimmy Downham,                                                                                                  viding care for chil-
33, will be begin-      we could have re-            GoFundMe page,                able to raise £600           dren with cancer, it
ning a 16 hour long     ally done to help            and the money they            and were shocked             aims to understand
walk from King-         Azalyia, but now             raised will go to the         to see that GoFund-          what causes chil-
ston Town Centre        we want to try and           Children with Can-            Me        contributed        dren to get cancer
to Brighton Pier.       help children and            cer UK charity.               £400 to their dona-          and to develop im-
  The inspiration       families who are in            In       surpassing         tions - “we didn’t           proved treatments.
to do this came af-     the same kind of             their goal of £1,000,         know they could do             Carl and his
ter the story about     situation as Azay-           the men said that             that.” Said Carl             friends are dedi-
Azaylia Cain and        lia.”                        doing so pushed                 “We woke up                cated to improving
her battle with Leu-      He added: “We              them a lot more.              one morning and              the quality of life
kaemia became vi-       are all parents, so            Carl said: “We’d            we were at £1,000,           of children who are
ral.                    we could feel some           still do it if we had         I said to Charlie            sick, around the
  Carl, dad of 1,       of the pain that             only £200, but we             “we’ve reached our           festive periods and
said: “It all started   Ashley Cain was              know now that the             target!”.                    holidays such as
with the Azalyia        going through with           £1,000 we’ve raised             In deciding the            Easter, they donate
Cain story- we were     his daughter.”               will help at least one        course of their walk,        advent calendars
following her story       The three men              person.”                      Charlie, dad of 5,           and easter eggs to
to the last days of     have raised a total            In just a week and          stated that the three        the children’s ward
her being alive.        of £1,090 of their           a half, the three men         men were going to            at West Middlesex
  “There’s nothing      £1,000 goal on their         said that they were           walk from Kingston           Hospital.
May 5, 2021

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Domestic violence referrals
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        London Assembly’s              these crimes.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        campaign in lobby-             Meanwhile, Croydon
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ing for the introduc-          Council announced
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        tion of a Domestic             it had launched a

more than double in Croydon
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Abusers Register and           campaign that will
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        to ‘consider’ the pi-          see its 123 prima-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        loting options in the          ry and secondary
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        capital.                       schools display post-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Writing in April               ers to raise awareness
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        2019, the chair of             for victims of do-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        the Committee, Un-             mestic abuse seeking
By Olly Murphy            The biggest spike                                                                                                                                                    23 cases reported in     mesh Desai AM,                 help.
                          took      place     be-                                                                                                                                              November to 31 in        said: “During our in-          The posters aim
The number of re-         tween April 2017                                                                                                                                                     December, a growth       vestigation, we heard          to highlight that
ferrals for victims of    and March 2018,                                                                                                                                                      of 34.7%.                from domestic abuse            schools are a safe
domestic violence in      with 1,720 referrals                                                                                                                                                 Meanwhile,       data    services and victims           space where vic-
Croydon has surged        lodged, compared to                                                                                                                                                  from the Mayor’s         that the numbers of            tims are able to talk
by more than double       980 between April                                                                                                                                                    Office for Policing      those suffering from           to members of staff
in the last four years,   2016 and March                                                                                                                                                       and Crime (MO-           domestic abuse are at          and make a call to
SWLondoner can            2017, amounting to                                                                                                                                                   PAC) showed that         epidemic levels.               the Croydon FJC for
reveal.                   an increase of 75.5%.                                                                                                                                                in the five months       “Once the immedi-              support.
According to a re-        In a report on do-                                                                                                                                                   after the government     ate COVID-19 crisis            Croydon        Council
sponse to a Freedom       mestic abuse and                                                                                                                                                     introduced the first     has ended, the Met             has been approached
of Information re-        sexual violence pub-                                                                                                                                                 COVID-19 restric-        and MOPAC need                 for comment.
quest made by SWL,        lished in 2017, the                                                                                                                                                  tions, the number of     to ensure that the             If you are a victim
referrals to Croy-        majority of clients                                                                                                                                                  incidents of domes-      domestic abuse ser-            of domestic abuse
don’s FJC (formerly       seen at the FJC tend                                                                                                                                                 tic abuse in Croydon     vices that are in place        and need help you
Family Justice Cen-       to be referred by the                                                                                                                                                rose by 27.9%, from      provide quality Lon-           can contact the free
tre) rose from 980 in     Police, Access Croy-                                                                                                                                                 648 in March to 829      don-wide support               24-hour national do-
March 2017 to 2,076       don, and those who                                                                                                                                                   in August 2020.          for victims and bring          mestic abuse helpline
in April 2021, an in-     present of their own                                                                                                                                                 In the capital, data     people to justice for          on 0808 2000 247.
crease of 111.8%.         accord.                                                                                                                                                              from the London As-
The FJC is a Croy-        There was, however,                                                                                                                                                  sembly’s Police and
don-based charity         a 3% decline in re-                                                                                                                                                  Crime Committee
offering services to      ferrals last year, with   ‘DEVASTATING’ IMPACT: Data from Croydon Council shows a significant spike in the number of referrals during the pandemic                   uncovered that do-
victims of domes-         1,751 made to the                                                                                                                                                    mestic abuse offenc-
tic abuse and sexual      charity in the year up    played a significant         the nation as cases          ed by perpetrators           less than four months        the borough rose       es in the month of
violence, aiming to       to March 2020.            role in the increase         surged and demand            and victims often            after data from the          from 94 in Novem-      December have risen
offer a ‘safe place’      Figures also show a       in domestic violence         for support was at an        spending lockdown            Metropolitan Police’s        ber to 111 in De-      by a third over the
where victims and         significant spike dur-    cases.                       all-time high.               in the same space.           Crime Dashboard              cember last year, up   past decade.
their children can        ing the pandemic,         A       spokesperson         “The       COVID-19          “During the latest           recorded a rise in the       by 18.08%. This is     In December 2019,
access support in         with 2,076 referrals      for the charity said:        pandemic has had a           lockdown, we experi-         number of report-            compared to a 0.87%    2,031 domestic abuse
one location.             received      between     “Over the last three         devastating impact           enced a 30% increase         ed cases of domestic         increase    between    incidents with inju-
Between April 2017        April 2020 and April      years, raising aware-        on victims of domes-         in demand compared           violence in Croydon          the same months in     ry were reported in
and March 2018, it        2021.                     ness of domestic             tic abuse, with abuse        to the first lockdown        during the festive           2019.                  London, compared
recorded a total of       According to do-          abuse has become             escalating and sup-          and as lockdown re-          season in 2020.              A number of oth-       to 1,554 in Decem-
1,720 referrals, in-      mestic abuse charity,     more prominent and           port networks cut off        strictions continue to       In January, SWL re-          er boroughs also       ber 2010.
creasing to 1,817         Hestia, which oper-       the recent lockdown          overnight.                   ease, we anticipate an       ported that the num-         saw spikes, includ-    In a report, it called    ‘SAFE SPACE’: An information poster from Croydon
                                                                                                                                                                                               on the Mayor’s Of-       Council designed to raise awareness for victims of domestic
between April 2018        ates services in Croy-    made domestic abuse          “The rise of incidents       increase in demand.”         ber of these incidents       ing Kingston upon                               abuse seeking help
and March 2019.           don, the pandemic         a talking point for          is directly exacerbat-       The revelation comes         involving injury in          Thames which saw       fice to support the
May 5, 2021

   12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          13

‘Inspired’ Chelsea FC Women
en route for historic quadruple
By Honor Cockroft        group here that can                                                                                                                                                         tonight.
                         do just that.”                                                                                                                                                                 Ingle, who wears
Chelsea FC Wom-            The      impressive                                                                                                                                                       shirt number 5, said
en are on course to      sporting feat has                                                                                                                                                           ahead of the game:
become the second        only been achieved                                                                                                                                                          “The       Champions
club ever to achieve     once before by an                                                                                                                                                           League      semi-final
a four-trophy haul.      English club, Arse-                                                                                                                                                         was an insane game
  Following on from      nal Ladies in 2007,                                                                                                                                                         with a lot of emo-
their 6-0 win over       under Emma Hayes’                                                                                                                                                           tions.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Lionesses, taking on          competing for the
Bristol City in the      coaching.                                                                                                                                                                      “It was great to fi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Everton in the fifth          Community Shield,
Women’s       League       Now the former                                                                                                                                                            nally get that win
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               round on Thursday             granting them an op-
Cup final, the club      coach of US profes-                                                                                                                                                         and I think we fully
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               20 May.                       portunity to bring it
is in the running to     sional football sides                                                                                                                                                       deserved it.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 While only four             home for the second
win the FA Women’s       is leading the south                                                                                                                                                           “To the neutral fan
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               more wins are need-           consecutive year in a
Cup,      Champions      west London team to                                                                                                                                                         and from what I’ve
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ed to win the FA Cup,         row.
League and Wom-          new heights of soccer                                                                                                                                                       heard, everyone said
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               pandemic postpone-              While their Lon-
en’s Super League        success as manager.                                                                                                                                                         it was one of the best
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ment means that the           don rivals made his-
(WSL).                     Ingle, who also                                                                                                                                                           female games they’ve
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               competition will be           tory in 2007, Chel-
  Star     midfielder    captains the Welsh                                                                                                                                                          watched      in    the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               completed next sea-           sea are on course to
Sophie Ingle said:       National Team, said:                                                                                                                                                        Champions League
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               son, delaying the po-         show the world that
“That’s the stand-       “Since Hayes arrived                                                                                                                                                        so credit to both
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               tential quadruple.            in south west Lon-
ards that we live by     9 years ago, she has                                                                                                                                                        sides.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Winning the WSL             don, Europe and be-
each day; coming         been pushing every                                                                                                                                                             “Straight after the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               or the FA Cup would           yond: women’s foot-
to this football club    single season for this   DEFENDING CHAMPIONS: The South West London club is on track to retain the WSL, as well as their first Champions League title. Credit: Katie Chan   game you have a little
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               also result in Chelsea        ball is blue.
that’s what Chelsea      moment.                                                                                                                                                                     celebration, but then
want to achieve, they      “Obviously it takes    the side have ended          the achievement to           the years that, of              As       defending         in their final fixture        Monday       morning
want to get as many      many years to do that    Britain’s 14-year-wait       BT Sport, said: “I’m         course I want to win          champions of the             on Sunday.                    you’ve got to park
trophies as they can     in the women’s game      for a women’s finalist       so proud of those            the final, but I am go-       WSL, Chelsea’s draw            But for Chelsea,            that emotion and
each year.               and she is an amaz-      in Europe.                   players, they deliv-         ing to acknowledge            with     Manchester          with a game in hand,          start focusing on the
  “To      potentially   ing ambassador for         On Sunday 16 May,          ered, they’re resilient      the achievement of            City in their recent         the women’s equiv-            Spurs game which
do a quadruple, it’s     the game and a role      captained by Swedish         and everyone did             making history get-           top-of-the-table             alent of the premier          is a massive league
amazing that we’re       model for everyone.”     defender Magdalena           everything they can.         ting there.                   match also put them          league is within their        game for us.”
in the position to do      Following on from      Eriksson,     Chelsea          “Someone          de-        “I think it’s impor-        in good stead to win         reach.                           Striving on a win
that.                    Chelsea       Women’s    will face Barcelona          scribed us as ‘men-          tant for English foot-        the championship.              With the WSL ti-            rate of 67% this sea-
  “It’s    something     success in the Cham-     at Gothenburg in             tality monsters’, and        ball that we made it.           With 51 points, the        tle and the chance of         son, the team are
that the club has al-    pions League semi-fi-    their debut UEFA             we’re the best. We’re          “Getting to the fi-         London side is only          a four-trophy haul            even on track to win
ways inspired - to       nal against Bayern       Women’s Champions            in the position we           nal shuts up Europe           one point behind             hanging in the bal-           the FA Cup follow-
                                                                                                                                                                                                     ing their 5-0 win         LEAGUE CHAMPIONS: Chelsea celebrate their win over
be at the best - and     Munich at King-          League final.                deserve to be in.            in terms of what              Gareth Taylor’s City         ance, the team face                                     Arsenal in the 2020 League Cup Final. Credit:: Katie Chan
now we have a great      smeadow on Sunday,         Hayes, speaking of           “I’ve learned over         we’re doing.”                 who face West Ham            Tottenham Hotspur             over London City
May 5, 2021

    14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           15

Robbo: Truly revolutionary for
AFC Wimbledon’s resurgence
By Tom Large              to believe in them-                                                                                                                                                       so many games that
                          selves.                                                                                                                                                                   have had late, last
With League One             “They were all very                                                                                                                                                     minute        winners,
football guaranteed       low in confidence,                                                                                                                                                        there weren’t many
at Plough Lane for        I didn’t have much                                                                                                                                                        games that were
next season, Mark         time to do many                                                                                                                                                           mundane and having
Robinson has done         sessions because we                                                                                                                                                       fans in the ground
what a lot of Wim-        were playing every                                                                                                                                                        would have been cra-      IN THE DUGOUT: Mark Robinson managing an AFC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Wimbledon youth team during a trip to Newcastle’s St
bledon fans thought       Saturday and Tues-                                                                                                                                                        zy and maybe even a       James Park for an FA Youth Cup tie
was impossible.           day.”                                                                                                                                                                     couple of pitch inva-
  After his arrival as      Robinson, known                                                                                                                                                         sions, those kinds of     the club.                      outside Plough Lane
interim manager at        to the Wimbledon                                                                                                                                                          moments are what             “From what people           for every game. I
the end of January,       fans as ‘Robbo’, em-                                                                                                                                                      football is all about.”   are saying, we should          want us to be putting
Robinson was the          phasised the ‘pro-                                                                                                                                                          He is hoping to em-     fill it for the first          in performances that
fans’ choice to take      cesses’ that he has                                                                                                                                                       ulate those kinds of      game but that wor-             mean people bring
the full-time role.       implemented       into                                                                                                                                                    performances when         ries me. I want peo-           friends that stay and
  The Wimbledon           the team, to get the                                                                                                                                                      the fans can experi-      ple to be queuing up           come back for more.”
faithful have not         results that have pro-                                                                                                                                                    ence Plough Lane for
looked back since,        pelled the Dons away                                                                                                                                                      the first-time next
with a brand-new          from the relegation                                                                                                                                                       season.
style of football, that   zone and earn him-                                                                                                                                                          With fans only
is pleasing for the       self a nomination                                                                                                                                                         able to watch games
neutral and gives the     for Sky Bet League                                                                                                                                                        on streaming ser-
Dons a real edge to       One manager of the                                                                                                                                                        vice iFollow, AFC
their attacking game.     month for April.                                                                                                                                                          Wimbledon’s        per-
                                                    CALM AND COLLECTED: Head coach Mark Robinson (right) speaks to striker Kwesi Appiah (left) before an away fixture against Peterborough United
  The transforma-           For most managers       last season                                                                                                                                     formances have not
tion of the team has      securing safety for                                                                                                                                                       been fully appreciat-
not been an easy          their club is a mo-       always on what’s next        then felt immense-           for me I just think it       the players think we         the floodlights of          ed yet, a fresh style
process however.          ment of pure elation      and how we are go-           ly proud, privileged         is a small club men-         can’t do it. We just         Plough Lane.                of football, positive
  The Wimbledon           but Robbo explained       ing to get better.           and excited about the        tality to celebrate          have to work really            This is something         attitudes to the way
head coach said:          the focus is on im-         “Even after the            future.”                     survival, although I         really hard to find          that Robinson wishes        they play and more
“Changing the cul-        proving further           game against Ports-            Robinson does not          am massively pleased         ways to punch above          fans could have seen.       importantly it is ex-
ture and the learn-         He said: “I don’t       mouth, I didn’t feel         want the club to just        for the club and the         our weight,” he add-         He explained: “There        citing to watch.
ing environment has       think that sunk in        too much emotion.            focus on safety like         fans because it was          ed                           have been some                When asked about
been key in giving        until a few days later,     “I was frustrated          it has done for the          needed,” he said.              It is just unfortu-        games that would            the future, Robinson
the players a pur-        I don’t take too much     that we had lost but         past few League One            “As a fan, the last        nate that there have         have been so excit-         explained: “I want
pose behind what          time to sit and think     when the messages            campaigns.                   thing you want to do         been no fans to wit-         ing for the fans, even      the players to pro-       BACK TO PLOUGH LANE: AFC Wimbledon have
they are doing and        about those kinds of      came in from fans              “I don’t understand        is wake up and think         ness the latest run of       from the beginning.         duce a brand of foot-     returned to their spritual home which it is yet to welcome
                                                    and other people I           that kind of outlook,        that the manager and         form unfold under              “There have been                                    fans
getting the players       things, my mind is                                                                                                                                                        ball that can grow
May 5, 2021


Let it tee! Golf is
back in full swing
By Tom Large                                                                                         to compete making
                                                                                                     progression       very
For sport lovers                                                                                     difficult,” she said.
across the country,                                                                                    The        following
amateur or profes-                                                                                   winter lockdowns
sional, their place                                                                                  stopped a lot of
to escape was tak-                                                                                   technical work and
en away due to the                                                                                   strength work that
pandemic.                                                                                            usually takes place
  Last March, when                                                                                   during the off sea-
the country went                                                                                     son in the gym,
into      lockdown,                                                                                  meaning that when
many left the pitch-                                                                                 golfers arrived back
es, courses and                                                                                      to their golf cours-
gyms for the last                                                                                    es, there was still
time for a length                                                                                    work to be done
of time that no one                                                                                  and form to redis-
could predict.                                                                                       cover.
  Golf, which is so-                                                                                   Golf as a whole
cially distanced in                                                                                  has fared well dur-
its nature, was one                                                                                  ing the pandemic, as
of the first to re-                                                                                  Horsford explained,
turn.                  DRIVING FORCE: Olivia Horsford preparing to drive the ball down the fairway   there has been an
   This meant a lot    during a round of golf                                                        large increase in the
of people who were                                                                                   number of players
unable to play their   unable to get out          for everyone.”              usually competes       coming down and
usual sports took      to a driving range           As golf was one           in could no longer     taking a real inter-
to golf to get their   or golf course, so I       of the first sports         take place and as a    est in the sport.
sporting fix.          have had to prac-          to come back, peo-          result missed out        Due to the game’s
  For an insight       tice with a net in         ple did find them-          on a whole year of     social distancing
into the world of      my garden, but it is       selves able to get          competing.             possibilities      and
golf and to see what   nothing like getting       out on to the course          “For competitive     collective social as-
effect the pandemic    out onto the actual        even when the tier          golf, it has heavi-    pects, golf has been
has had, SWL spoke     golf course.               restrictions     were       ly affected a lot of   a lifeline for those
to Olivia Horsford,      “The first lock-         brought in.                 the amateur golfers    who have been
an 18 year-old am-     down took out the            It was only recrea-       who are looking        stuck inside to so-
ateur golfer who       majority of the            tional golf to return       to take the sport      cialise and regain a
represents England     competitions last          however. Horsford           up professionally      sense of normality
at youth level.        year, so the sum-          explained that the          in the future. They    that everyone has
  She said: “I was     mer was ruled out          competitions she            have been unable       been missing.
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