SPECTATOR - The Spectator

Page created by Arnold Mendez
SPECTATOR - The Spectator
       VOL. 105
        NO. 05

                              SPECTATOR                                                                                                                            April 23,

 Being a Full time employee during the pandemic
By Cailey Cornett             restaurants had to close        Gabe Lundberg has been        sound bad, but
                              their doors during this time    a     full-time   employee    having bills to pay

T   he one-year mark
    of    COVID-19
come up on us with no
                              to keep employees (and
                              the community) safe, some
                              were able to stay open due
                                                              through this pandemic
                                                              at Craft. He started work
                                                              in June 2020; right as the
                                                                                            and rent due at the
                                                                                            end of the month
                                                                                            made two weeks
warning. After a year of      to the requirements for an      United States was peaking     of work crucial for
fighting a pandemic, a lot    essential business. One of      with cases. “I had worked     survival. “At one
has happened, especially      those lucky businesses was      with coffee before, so I      point everyone was
with essential workers.       Craft Coffee Parlor. Believe    was able to pick things up    quarantined       and
As the essential workers      it or not coffee is essential   quickly. I wasn’t prepared    only three of us
continue with a normal        to our consumerist country      for the months following      were able to work.
work schedule, a lot has      during     a     nationwide     though.”                      If I got sick, Craft
changed inside and out.       emergency.                          There were thousands      would have to close
     In McPherson, Kan.,            Although they were        of people who refused to      their doors and I
small     businesses   fill   able to stay open, their        wear a mask or believe        would not be able
the     downtown     area.    business had its struggle       in the pandemic, which        to pay bills or get
While some stores and         during this nightmare.          in turn, risked the safety    groceries.”
                                                              of those who do take          Craft never had to
                                                              this pandemic seriously.      officially close their
                                                              “They would walk in           doors, but they did           their mask during shifts      strong team and an open
                                                              with no mask, and when        close the lobby and change    because it “goes against      lobby, but that can change
                                                              we asked them to put          hours to keep employees       their rights” as one of the   at any moment with one
                                                              one on, they refused and      safe from those who failed    older employees would         positive COVID-19 test.
                                                              would, most of the time,      to wear a mask or follow      mention. “Eventually they     The new lobby has safer
                                                              become very agitated,”        distancing rules. Many did    quit, but I’m not sure        procedures to allow for
                                                              said Lundberg. Not only       not agree with these new      how long we would have        social    distancing    and
                                                              would businesses suffer       changes and “some people      let them stay. They were      protect employees from
                                                              due to this ignorant act,     would come in groups of       risking everyone else’s       those who choose not
                                                              but the health of essential   ten or twelve and wait in     health.” Craft also lost      to wear a mask. These
                                                              employees became a huge       the lobby and socialize       some employees due to the     workers have dealt with a
                                                              risk. “There were a couple    completely ignoring that      concern of working during     lot of stress and criticism
                                                              times I thought I had got     we had closed the lobby,”     a pandemic, so they had to    from the public.
                                                              covid. My family had to       said Lundberg.                build up a whole new team
                                                              quarantine because my                 Customers weren’t     during the pandemic.
                                                              sister had covid.” The        the only problem in                  Currently, Craft is
                                                              thought of not working        this     situation.    Some   running steady with a
Photos of Craft Coffee Parlor in downtown McPher-             for a couple weeks doesn’t    employees refused to wear
son, Kan. Photos taken by Ira Whitacre
SPECTATOR - The Spectator
NEWS                                                                                                                                                               2

March WAs indeed Madness
By Jason Okoro                round. Throughout the          to even make it into         and were able to move on    round where they blew      winning three in overtime
                              tournament, all eyes were      the tournament. They         to the first round where    out Abilene Christian by   by freshmen sensation

A    fter March Madness
     got canceled last year
due to the pandemic,
                              on the one seeds in the
                              tournament to see how
                              far they would go.
                                                             defeated Michigan State
                                                             in overtime that game
                                                                                          they defeated BYU to
                                                                                          advance to the second
                                                                                                                      20 points. In the sweet
                                                                                                                      sixteen, they upset two-
                                                                                                                      seed Alabama in overtime
                                                                                                                                                 Jalen Suggs. The national
                                                                                                                                                 championship was set
                                                                                                                                                 between undefeated
college basketball fans       The one seeds were                                                                      and moved on to the        Gonzaga (30-0) versus
finally got to see the        Michigan, Illinois,                                                                     elite eight where they     two-loss Baylor (28-2)
return this past March.       Gonzaga, and Baylor                                                                     upset one-seed Michigan    making this one of the
Millions of brackets          University; the                                                                         by two points. UCLA        most anticipated national
were filled out all over      favorites were easily                                                                   became the second first    championship games of
the world with people         Illinois, Gonzaga, and                                                                  four-team to make it to    all time. Baylor led the
hoping they could predict     Baylor but Illinois                                                                     the final four the other   whole game and put on
a perfect bracket. The        ended up getting                                                                        one being VCU in 2011.     an absolute clinic on the
tournament was filled         upset in the second                                                                     The final four was set     offensive and defensive
with upsets left and          round by in-state                                                                       between UCLA playing       end and ended up
right as Oral Roberts         rival Loyola Chicago                                                                    Gonzaga and Baylor         winning the game 86-70
University, who was a         who was an eight-                                                                       playing Houston. Baylor    and becoming National
15 seed, knock off Ohio       seed.                                                                                   took care of Houston       Champs. After a whole
State University, who was        The most                                                                             with ease defeating them   year without March
a two seed, in the first      impressive run in                                                                       by double digits while     Madness, the excitement
round. Abilene Christian      March Madness was                                                                       Gonzaga and UCLA           was brought back to us
University, who was a 14      by 11 seed UCLA                                                                         went to the wire where     and it didn’t disappoint
seed, knocked off three       who had to play in                                                                      Gonzaga escaped the        at all.
seed Texas in the first       the first four-game                                                                     upset by hitting a game-

Immigration and Border Crisis
By Riggs Reneberg             immigration; he mostly         would be alright with it.    it, they could. He thinks
                                                                                                                        CAMPUS BLOWOUT
                              saw it on the news. “If I      He believes that people      it was a waste of money

I mmigration has been
  on the rise in the past
four years. Some people
                              were in a situation like
                              these people who are
                              trying to find a better life
                                                             shouldn’t get upset when
                                                             someone of a different
                                                             race or culture obtains
                                                                                          and time.
                                                                                              We think that money
                                                                                          and time could be used                       90s Theme
try to stop it while others   I would do it.” He said        something you couldn’t.      more productively
embrace it. Texas is one      that America is a free           We then got onto the       in finding a way for
of the biggest crossover      country and if you want        discussion of the wall the   immigration to work                  When: Friday, April 23
states in the U.S.            to live in the U.S., you       Trump administration         properly. We should be
   Ryder Faulkner, a          should be able to.             put up to slow down          helping people in need,
freshman at McPherson             Faulkner stated that if    immigration. Faulkner        not yelling at them.
College, originally from      he was competing for a         believes the wall is
Burkburnett, Texas, said      job and an immigrant got       pointless and if someone
                                                                                                                                 Where: The Gazebo
he did not see a lot of       the job instead of him, he     really wanted to get over
SPECTATOR - The Spectator
3                                                                                      VIEWPOINTS
All For one...
By Ira Whitacre                quire proof of success.        sponsibility for discover-      is an environment where
                                     And, in keeping with     ing their unique learning       it is practically impossi-

I  t’s been said a million
   times. The bane of every
teacher, professor and ed-
                               the pattern of individu-
                               ality, each educator of-
                               ten chooses to tackle this
                                                              style and take the initiative
                                                              to accurately communi-
                                                              cate with faculty when a
                                                                                              ble to accommodate this
                                                                                              fine-tuning for student
                                                                                              success. However, a class
ucator is that, “not every     learning obstacle in their     particular assignment cre-      of 15 to 20 students is a
student learns the same        own unique way. Some           ates insurmountable odds        much more manageable
way.” For many, individu-      choose to offer different      for that student’s success.     number for this type of ex-
ality defines what it means    learning plans under one       Likewise, faculty must be       ploration.
to be human. Individuality     roof, others choose to of-     willing to flex on the rig-         This negotiation is not
fuels art, provokes unique     fer flexibility, and some      id ‘one-size-fits-all’ lega-    an avenue for dodging as-
thought, and sparks inno-      choose to ignore the issue     cy and search for a more        signments or ‘opting-out’
vation. In a classroom, in-    all-together, leaving stu-     fluid, but still demanding,     of certain requirements
dividuality has the capaci-    dents to their own devices.    option for some students        but is instead an integral
ty to divide, leave students         The debatably unfor-     to effectively and success-     process for creating an
out, or, even worse, leave     tunate reality is that there   fully meet the require-         effective learning environ-
them behind. Naturally,        is no single solution to       ments.                          ment where students and
it falls to the educator to    this struggle. However,             A small liberal arts in-   faculty alike can thrive and
solve this problem. As al-     through        collaboration   stitution is perfectly suit-    find their true potential
ways, this problem must        and open communication         ed for this type of nego-       for the benefit of all.
be solved within the con-      between faculty and stu-       tiation. A large university
fines of budget restraints
and increasingly anxious
                               dents, it is possible to in-
                               crease the odds of success.
                                                              setting where a professor
                                                              might have four classes                            Letters to the Editor
administrators who re-         Students must take re-         with 300 students each,            The Spectator encourages readers to submit letters to the editor regarding topics covered
                                                                                               in the paper. Letters should be no more than 400 words in length and are due to spectator@
                                                                                               mcpherson.edu. For printing schedule, please consult with the Editor in Chief. The Spectator
                                                                                               reserves the right to edit letters for clarity, space and libel. For any questions, please email us.

Vaccinated World                                                                                                      the Spectator staff
By Cailey Cornett              arm for a few hours. That      it. We all want to go back            Editor-In-Chief..................................................Meghan Smith
                               was not the case for many      to our public events and              Managing Editor................................................Taylor Perez
                                                                                                    News Editor......................................................Alex Goodloe
A    s more people are
     eligible for the vac-
cine, we can see a hopeful
                               of my coworkers after they
                               got their second shot.
                               Several coworkers were
                                                              mask free life, so when
                                                              you have the chance, get
                                                                                                    Campus Editor.................................................Nipho Methula
                                                                                                    Viewpoints Editor...........................................Hannah Butler
                                                                                                    Sports Editor.................................................Natalia Ahrens
future of reopening and        too sick or dizzy to come                                            Social Media/Online Editor..........................Maria Miranda
being mask free.               to work after getting their                                          Photography Editor...........................................Junior Silva
   I got my first vaccine      second vaccine. Others                                               Business Manager........................................Brittany Merkel
                                                                                                    Online Copy Editor.................................................Mia Birkes
in March. A little after       I have talked to also felt                                           Mac News Network Anchors...Alex Goodloe, Eli Jordan,
receiving the shot I had a     worse after receiving their                                                                       Maria Miranda
sore arm, and a day later      second shot. However,                                                Advisor........................................................Dr. Julia Largent
I began feeling sick. I was    reactions are different for
sick for a few days, but       everyone.                                                        The Spectator is published about once a month, allowing for the interruption of school
                                                                                              holidays. Student activity fees subsidize publishing costs, and all McPherson College stu-
quickly bounced back. My          The effects of the                                          dents are entitled to a copy of each issue without cost.
second shot was in April,      vaccine are temporary, but                                       Subscription information for non-students is available from the The Spectator Edi-
and I had a bit of a sore      the outcome will be worth                                      tor-In-Chief at spectator@mcpherson.edu or on our website: spectator.mcpherson.edu
SPECTATOR - The Spectator
Campus                                                                                                                                                                            4

Filing FAFSA: a guide                                                                            Path to pebble update
By Ira Whitacre                  fill out your FAFSA: your      how important it is that
                                                                                                 By Spencer Ice                 coat of high build primer     been using bolts that you
                                 social security number         you do not lose your login
                                                                                                                                and that the team is get-     could find in a hardware
I  t’s that time of year when
   words like “registration”
and “FAFSA” begin to get
                                 (and your parent’s social
                                 security number, if you
                                 will be a dependent at the
                                                                information for your FAF-
                                                                SA. Due to the sensitive
                                                                material that is contained
                                                                                                 O   ver the past semester,
                                                                                                     students have been
                                                                                                                                ting very close to spraying
                                                                                                                                the color coat on the car.
                                                                                                                                                              store, and they grind the
                                                                                                                                                              heads of the bolts smooth
                                                                                                 hard at work on the Pebble     Luther also said that the     to replicate the factory
thrown around with in-           same time that you’re go-      within your FAFSA, the
                                                                                                 Beach 1953 Mercedes-Benz       engine has been installed     look. The Mercedes team
creasing frequency. But,         ing to be a student), your     process to reset or recover
                                                                                                 300s Cabriolet. Cameron        in the car, hopefully to      is also hoping to have the
if you’re like me, you may       driver’s license (if appli-    your login information is
                                                                                                 Luther is one of the stu-      stay until the vehicle is     painted car ready to dis-
have absolutely no clue          cable), alien registration     drawn out, laborious and
                                                                                                 dents working on the car.      finished. A big project the   play at the C.A.R.S. Club
what filling out or filing a     number (if applicable),        an altogether harrowing
                                                                                                 He said that they have re-     team has been working on      car show on May 1.
FAFSA actually entails. If       your most recent federal       experience. Therefore, it’s
                                                                                                 cently finished the fourth     is the hardware. They have
that’s the case, we’ve got       tax returns (as well as your   better to simply not lose
you covered. Below you’ll        parent’s returns, if you’re    that information in the

                                                                                                 The Show Goes On (in-person)
find an easy-to-follow be-       a      student-dependent),     first place.
ginner’s guide to filling        your nontaxable income             Once you have created
out your FAFSA.                  records (as well as your       your account, the website
    First off, what is a FAF-    parent’s record’s if you’re    will guide you through           By Ira Whitacre                garden-loving Frank and       fails to disappoint and will
SA? FAFSA, or your Free          a student-dependent), and      the rest of the process                                         his lovely wife, Virginia.    have you laughing, crying,
Application for Federal
Student Aid, is the paper-
work that you have to fill
                                 your assets. Your assets
                                 can be considered any-
                                 thing that contributes to
                                                                with clear instructions
                                                                and “next” buttons. The fi-
                                                                nal tip for filling out your
                                                                                                 S   pring is the season of
                                                                                                     planting and growing.
                                                                                                 The McPherson College
                                                                                                                                Frank’s non-native, almost
                                                                                                                                award-winning,       garden
                                                                                                                                is his pride and joy but it
                                                                                                                                                              and discovering a new re-
                                                                                                                                                              spect for the true mean-
                                                                                                                                                              ing of community and
out to be eligible to receive    your cumulative wealth,        FAFSA is: take your time!        Theatre Department will        soon becomes a point of       community         gardening.
student loans. You know,         such as checking/savings       Once you have progressed         perform live for the first     contention between the        The cast has been quot-
those things that Millen-        balances, real estate own-     from one step to the next        time in over one year;         couples, when Pablo de-       ed as describing the show
nials keep complaining           ership (if applicable), and    and filed, it is a consid-       since the first COVID-19       cides to put up a fence,      as, “funny,” “chaotic” and
about and Boomers keep           stocks/bonds etc.              erable     headache       and    lockdowns in the Spring        only to discover that his     “challenging.”
saying you’ll pay off in no            Once you have these      time-consuming endeav-           of 2020. This live produc-     property-line extends two-          With limited seating
time. If you noticed above,      items, you are ready to        or to go back and correct        tion will debut the per-       feet into Franks beloved      available,    the    depart-
the first “F” in “FAFSA”         embark on your FAFSA           incorrectly filed informa-       fect Spring theme with         garden. What ensues is        ment’s goal is to entertain
stands for the word “Free.”      journey. To begin, navigate    tion. It is well worth it to     the play “Native Gardens,”     a neighborly row for the      as many people as possi-
So, don’t fall victim to sites   to the official website at     go slowly and get it cor-        which is adapted from the      ages that reflects upon the   ble while maintaining the
that charge a ‘small fee’ to     studentaid.gov. To prog-       rect. The first time you file    novel of the same name by      subtle and not so subtle      utmost regard for social
file your FAFSA for you.         ress any further, you’ll       it feels confusing but by        Karen Zacharias.               influence that privilege      distancing and COVID-19
You’re already paying to         have to create an account.     your senior year it will feel        The story encompass-       and prejudice can have in     precautions. The show
go to college and you’ll         It cannot be emphasized        comfortable and easy, or         es themes of planting          the actions and interac-      will debuted on Thursday,
be paying back                                                               at least easier.    and growing but quickly        tions of not so neighborly    April 22 in Brown Audi-
the government                                                               FAFSA allows        moves into deeper themes       neighbors.                    torium, but will be per-
after you grad-                                                              you to file as      that process conflict, prej-      The show features per-     formed Friday, April 23 at
uate, you don’t                                                              early as Octo-      udice, and what it means       formers both new and old      7:30 p.m. and on Saturday,
need to be pay-                                                              ber for the next    to be rooted. This dra-        to the McPherson College      April 24. To reserve your
ing yet another                                                              year. If you fol-   matic, yet comical story       stage, with performances      seat please call the Theatre
entity in the in-                                                            low the steps,      follows the events that un-    by Allison Penalva, Jacob     Box Office at 620.242.0444.
terim.                                                                       it’s pretty hard    fold when Pablo and his        Reed, Michael Beltran and
        So, here’s                                                           to go wrong.        pregnant wife, Tania, move     Tomi Simmons. This one-
what you’re go-                                                              Good luck.          into their fixer-upper         act show, which spans a
ing to need to                                                                                   dream home, next-door to       total of 90-minutes, never
SPECTATOR - The Spectator
5                                                                                                               Campus
how things might look in the fall                                                                                          C.A.R.S. Club Car Show
                                                                                                                           2021 will happen
By Elle Barrett                now eligible to receive the   COVID-19 will likely be           The pandemic has not
                               COVID-19 vaccine. There       vaccinated by the fall se-    been easy, but I think
                                                                                                                           By Mason Duffey               be open for self-guided
T   he past three semes-
    ters at McPherson
                               is a good possibility that
                               those interested in the
                                                             mester and will be back
                                                             in the classroom with ev-
                                                                                           there may be one more
                                                                                           semester after this spring
                                                                                                                                                         tours, with students locat-
College have been cha-
otic to say the least. The
                               vaccine will come back in
                               the fall fully vaccinated.
                                                             erybody else. Masks and
                                                             social distancing do go
                                                                                           before things are back to
                                                                                           normal. I assume a few
                                                                                                                           C    OVID-19 ruined a lot
                                                                                                                                of plans throughout
                                                                                                                           2020 including the annu-
                                                                                                                                                         ed inside to inform spec-
                                                                                                                                                         tators about the school’s
                                                                                                                                                         projects and the resto-
COVID-19 pandemic has              There are currently no    hand-in-hand, so social       campus restrictions will be
                                                                                                                           al car show put on by the     ration classes. The Model
been a learning experi-        mandates in the state of      distancing in classrooms      lifted here and there, but
                                                                                                                           C.A.R.S. club. Luckily, the   T Build Team will also be
ence for all students, fac-    Kansas, but it would not      may be required, depend-      the college is aware that
                                                                                                                           club has been given the       showing off their skills by
ulty and staff, and every-     be surprising if masks        ing on the class size.        this recovery cannot be
                                                                                                                           green light to host the car   putting together a Ford
body is itching to get back    continue to be required          There may be few event     rushed. I don’t think there
                                                                                                                           show this year, with a few    Model T in the afternoon.
to normal. Hopefully that      on campus for an addi-        cancellations in the fall,    is such thing as getting
                                                                                                                           stipulations.                 The show will also feature
can take place this fall.      tional semester to keep       along with no limit for       back to life as if the virus
                                                                                                                                The car show will be     live music provided by the
    McPherson County is        the students who are not      spectators. As student ath-   never existed, but whatev-
                                                                                                                           held on May 1 and will be     McPherson College and
now in phase three and         vaccinated, safe.             letes return to campus and    er the college decides for
                                                                                                                           open to the public, but,      McPherson High School
four of the vaccination             If things continue to    their practices, I imagine    the fall of 2021 will be for
                                                                                                                           unlike previous years,        Jazz bands.
plan and significant prog-     look up, I’d predict almost   they will be tested imme-     the best.
                                                                                                                           only students, faculty and         While this year’s car
ress has been made since       all classes will be in per-   diately to keep the virus
                                                                                                                           alumni will be allowed        show will look different
the winter. All students are   son. Those vulnerable to      under control.
                                                                                                                           to bring cars. While this     than it has in the past,
                                                                                                                           means there will be no-       C.A.R.S. Club is excited to

7th annual power day sets record
                                                                                                                           ticeably fewer cars than      be hosting this show and
                                                                                                                           previous shows, there will    welcoming new and old
                                                                                                                           still be plenty of cars to    friends onto the field to
By Elle Barrett                the Paul family for the       on McPherson College’s        was “building community         see whether it be students’   enjoy the restoration de-
                               MC Fund, any academic         Facebook, Instagram and       wherever life takes you.”       projects or completed         partment’s most exciting

I  t was another successful
   online day of giving on
the seventh annual Power
                               program and the Student
                               Debt Project. The Van
                               Goethem family made a
                                                             Twitter. The videos dis-
                                                             cussed the stories of stu-
                                                             dents and staff and how
                                                                                                  The coordinator of
                                                                                           Power Day, Dave Barrett,
                                                                                           shared his perspective on
                                                                                                                           restorations brought by
                                                                                                                                Along with the cars to

Day 2021. Held this year       match to gifts made by        McPherson College has         why Power Day is such a         look at, Templeton will
on March 11, McPherson         young alumni for $15,000.     prepared them for life af-    significant day for the col-
College set a record of do-    Stella Koch and Dave Kin-     ter college. Scholarships     lege. “Power Day is special
nors with 342. In 2020, the    ney made a $10,000 match      and the importance of the     to our faculty, staff, alumni
record of money raised         for the automotive resto-     Student Debt Project were     and friends. It’s a day to
$194,000. This year, over      ration program. Lastly, the   touched on as well.           celebrate, remember, and
$193,000 was raised by         Van Goethems had anoth-          There were videos lead-    pay homage to those that
alumni and other friends       er match for $10,000 made     ing up to Power Day en-       set the standard. We great-
for students and programs      to athletics.                 couraging alumni to do-       ly appreciate those that
at the college.                     The Power Day up-        nate. Many donors also left   remember MC and choose
       The alumni donor        dates featured videos         comments on the College’s     to invest in the next gener-
matches totaled $85,000.       from alumni around the        website sharing gratitude     ation of Bulldogs.”
The biggest match includ-      campus throughout Pow-        and positivity with one an-
ed a $50,000 gift from         er Day. They were posted      other. The theme this year
SPECTATOR - The Spectator
Sports                                                                                                                                                                   6

#23 Rank Bulldog Baseball Team Continues
Hot Streak
By Eli Jordan                 14 to 8. Two of the three    players                        pitched with 41 as well as    er Hughes. Of the             tween the Friends and
                              games were decided by        with 10 or more home           the most games saved with     players that have played      Kansas Wesleyan series.

T    he 2021 Bulldog Base-
     ball team is careening
teams left, front and cen-
                              one run.
                                  On the offensive side
                              of the diamond, McPher-
                                                           runs. Canar leads the team
                                                           with 14, Johnson following
                                                           with 12, Lux, who had the
                                                                                          8. His ERA is 5.49. Darby
                                                                                          Gilbert is leading the team
                                                                                          with an ERA of 1.35, but he
                                                                                                                        25 or more games, those
                                                                                                                        three have a fielding per-
                                                                                                                        centage of 1.00 and the
                                                                                                                                                          The Bulldogs hope to
                                                                                                                                                      continue the streak of se-
                                                                                                                                                      ries won, and after have a
ter. This far into the sea-   son is averaging 11.5 runs   historic start to his sea-     only has six games played.    three of them have not let    good showing during the
son, the men’s team is 28     per game. Trevor Johnson     son in 2020 before it was      The boys on the bump are      up a single error. Of the     KCAC tournament. By
and seven on the season,      leads the team with the      cut short, has 11, and Jake    keeping the opponents         members of the team that      winning the tournament
and they are 16 and seven     hottest bat averaging just   Pearson has 10.                honest by only allowing       have played 25 or more        the Bulldogs can find
in conference. So far, they   short of 500 with a .474          On the mound, Jacob       31 homeruns on the year.      games, the lowest fielding    themselves in the NAIA
have won every series they    batting average. Kyle Lux    Gilcrease has the most         The Bulldogs have struck      percentage of .864.           post-season tournament,
have played, but one. That    and James Canar are light-   starts with 14, and has an     out 289 batters with hold-       The Bulldogs have up-      and can also hope for an
one was against the #7        ing up defenses as well,     ERA of 3.97. Zach Reyn-        ing an opponent batting       coming series against         at-large bid.
ranked Oklahoma- Wes-         both batting around 400      olds follows behind with 11    average at .276.              Friends University, Kan-
leyan Eagles. And against     with Lux batting .403 and    games played, his ERA is           Notable players on the    sas Wesleyan, and Betha-
the top ten team, the Bull-   Canar batting .393. The      sitting at 6.26. Blake Mad-    fielding side of things are   ny College. A single game
dogs only lost a combined     Bulldogs also have four      dock has the most innings      Lux, Kris Perez and Hunt-     against Sterling is in be-

Volleyball: The Road to Nationals
By Ben Hulsmeyer              terfinals matchup against    done for the year. After re-   having 19 wins and four       named first Team-KCAC         and defensively, it’s no
                              Oklahoma        Wesleyan.    ceiving an at-large bid to     losses in the conference.     as well as winning the        surprised she made All-

O    n April 1, McPher-
     son lost their quar-
                              With this, some believed
                              that the Bulldogs were
                                                           the NAIA National Cham-
                                                           pionship, they traveled to
                                                           Des Moines, Iowa, on Sat-
                                                                                               The team was led by
                                                                                          first team All-KCAC, as
                                                                                          well as Freshman of the
                                                                                                                        Setter of the Year award.
                                                                                                                        Rodriguez is in control of
                                                                                                                        the Bulldogs’ attack with
                                                                                                                                                      KCAC. Watson is also a
                                                                                                                                                      powerhouse on the wing
                                                                                                                                                      with attacking abilities
                                                           urday, April 17 to play the    Year, Aidan Brown. Brown      her precision sets while      on par with Brown, as
                                                           Grand View University Vi-      is a dominant force on the    dropping in a well-timed      well as a killer serve and
                                                           kings. The Bulldogs were       outside with elite pow-       setter dump every now         well-timed blocks. With
                                                           able to receive this bid be-   er and attacking abilities.   and then. Sydney Burton       this star-studded group,
                                                           cause of their impressive      Brown isn’t the only fresh-   and Morgan Watson were        the McPherson volleyball
                                                           performance throughout         man stud the Bulldogs         also named second team        team looks to take the
                                                           the season. Finishing the      have leading the team at      All-KCAC. With Burton         challenge and definitely
                                                           season with an overall re-     the setter position. Cy-      being a strong force in the   has a chance to go far in
                                                           cord of 23 wins and nine       narah Rodriguez was also      middle both offensively       the tournament.
                                                           losses, while

                                                   Riley Bradbury digs the ball from opposing team. Photo by Natalia Ahrens
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7                                                                                                                  sports
                                                                                                         Senior Spotlight:
                 Senior Spotlight:
                                                                                                           Maile Deutsch
                     Kris Perez
By Jason Okoro                mance led McPherson to      Oklahoma College. In the       By Natalia Ahrens               erlasting relationships she   sons both on and off the
                              a solid week as they went   baseball team’s last outing,                                   has made with her team-       field that have prepared

K     ris Perez has had an
campaign thus far. He
                              3-1. He was nominated for
                              NAIA player of the week,
                              which was well deserved.
                                                          they faced York College,
                                                          where Perez had six RBIs
                                                          in the three games played.
                                                                                         “  Being part of the soft-
                                                                                            ball team has allowed
                                                                                         me to grow and develop
                                                                                                                         mates. “I will always cher-
                                                                                                                         ish the time spent togeth-
                                                                                                                         er and memories we made
                                                                                                                                                       us for life after college.”
                                                                                                                                                       Off the field, Deutsch is a
                                                                                                                                                       biology major, and is very
earned KCAC player of         The redshirt senior is      With Perez playing at a        into the woman and lead-        that will last a lifetime.”   involved around campus.
the week where he batted      from Miramar, Fla., and     high level, it makes this      er I am today,” said softball        A challenge that she     She is the Lead RA for
.588 with six extra-base      transferred to McPherson    McPherson baseball team        senior Maile Deutsch. She       has had to overcome with-     the Apartments, Assistant
hits, which included four     College from Northern       even more dangerous.           has competed in softball        in softball is having to do   to the Director of Student
home runs. His perfor-                                                                   at McPherson College for        with a coaching transi-       Life, Member of PHP, and
                                                                                         four years. She plays first     tion from the 2018 to the     involved with Tri-Beta,
                                                                                         base, and currently has a       2019 season. “We were         Gamma Beta Phi and Ro-
                                                                                         .506 batting average in the     unsure of what to expect      taract. After she graduates
                                                                                         2021 season. The KCAC           from Coach Segovia and        in May, Deutsch plans on
                                                                                         named Deutsch Softball          his staff, but that year we   returning to Texas, where
                                                                                         Player of the week on           worked hard every day         she is from, to attend grad-
                                                                                         March 16, 2021 and she was      and came together to win      uate school to become a
                                                                                         also named the NAIA Soft-       the conference champi-        Physician’s Assistant. She
                                                                                         ball Player of the week on      onship. Coach Segovia         aspires to attend Univer-
                                                                                         April 20. She said that her     showed us what it was like    sity of Texas Southwestern
                                                                                         favorite part about playing     to be a family. Since then,   Medical Center or Baylor
                                                                                         softball at McPherson Col-      he has continuously pro-      College of Medicine, and
                                                                                         lege is the lifelong and ev-    vided us with lifelong les-   she is “very thankful for
                                                                                                                                                          the staff and faculty at
                                                                                                                                                          McPherson College who
                                                                                                                                                          have helped prepare and
                                                                                                                                                          guide me to embark on
                                                                                                                                                          this next chapter of my

Kris Perez waits for the pitch. Photo by Micah Gilbert

                                                                                                                                                         Maile Deutsch gets a hit.
                                                                                                                                                         Photo by Natalia Ahrens
SPECTATOR - The Spectator
Cars on the corner
                                                                                             Three rules of zoom etiquette
By Mason Duffey                smiling as if I had bought     ing to plan. The head
                               a Lamborghini.                 gasket eventually blew
                                                                                             By Ira Whitacre                 rule. First,
A    fter writing this sec-
     tion of the Spectator
                                  Once I got the car home
                               it didn’t last long before I
                                                              and gave me the chance
                                                              to learn how to work on
                                                                                                                             as a partic-
for three years, I’ve been
able to share the stories of
                               started modifying it. From
                               the start my goal was to
                                                              the engine. Once the en-
                                                              gine was running again
                                                                                             W      hether used for
                                                                                                    class, board meet-
                                                                                             ings, or arduous fami-
                                                                                                                             ipant, nev-
                                                                                                                             er assume
                                                                                                                             that you’re
many students and their        build the car in the style     my friends and I painted
                                                                                             ly ‘reunions’ during the        automati-
beloved cars. With this be-    that was popular in Japan      the car ourselves, and just
                                                                                             COVID-19          pandemic,     cally muted.
ing my last issue, I thought   throughout the eighties.       days after it was painted
                                                                                             many of us have become          We’ve       all
it would be a great time to    First, I installed coil over   I loaded the car up and
                                                                                             well-acquainted with the        felt the sec-
share the story of my proj-    suspension in the front        road tripped from Ohio to
                                                                                             bright blue hue of the          ond-hand
ect.                           and removed the springs        Tennessee for a car show,
                                                                                             Zoom logo. Whether you          embarrass-
    When I turned 16, I was    to get the car as low as       making my favorite road-
                                                                                             see the digital platform as     ment        of
immediately on the hunt        possible. Once the car was     trip memory to date.
                                                                                             a blessing of connection        ove r- h e a r-
for my first car, more spe-    sitting on the ground, I            Since I started attend-
                                                                                             or a curse of online learn-     ing a pri-                      peers and colleagues. In
cifically a vintage Japanese   got some period correct        ing McPherson College
                                                                                             ing—there is no denying         vate conversation or ex-        many meetings, you have
car. At the time I had be-     wheels that would allow        I have continued to work
                                                                                             that, even as COVID-19          perienced the auditory          the power to turn your
come obsessed with the         the car to sit even lower.     on the car, mostly fixing
                                                                                             restrictions begin to ease      assault of being blasted        camera off. Use it spar-
history of Japanese cars       After I got the car sitting    rust and continuing to
                                                                                             up, the use of Zoom in          by a coworker’s poor taste      ingly, but please, no one
and the culture that sur-      how I wanted, I started the    customize the car how it
                                                                                             everyday life is likely to      in music. Don’t let it be       wants to see or hear your
rounds them, which led         body work, fixing every        would have been done in
                                                                                             persist. Therefore, it is im-   you. Additionally, as a         food while you’re eating it.
me to purchase a 1978          dent and door ding the car     back in the day in Japan.
                                                                                             portant to establish some       host do yourself and your             Finally, be mindful of
Datsun 510. The paint was      had accumulated over the       When the car is done, I’m
                                                                                             ground rules for what can       participants a favor and        your camera. Think about
faded, the interior was in     years.                         looking forward to taking
                                                                                             be considered good Zoom         mute them upon entry            your backdrop. A good
shambles, and the rust               I think anyone who       it to car shows and using it
                                                                                             etiquette.                      to the meeting. This way,       rule of thumb is that, if
provided         unnecessary   works on cars will agree       to teach others about the
                                                                                                   Admittedly the plat-      the problem is solved at        you wouldn’t want it in
ventilation. But none of       with me when I say most        history of Japanese auto
                                                                                             form has its advantages;        its root and everyone can       your Tinder profile, it
that mattered to me, I was     projects never go accord-      trends.
                                                                                             allowing participants to        go about their business,        shouldn’t be visible in

“A silent Voice” Review
                                                                                             stretch, move around, and       peacefully enjoying an-         your Zoom camera either.
                                                                                             even break wind without         other meeting that prob-        Think about how you
                                                                                             disturbing their cohorts.       ably just could’ve been an      want others to perceive
By Ben Hulsmeyer               right the wrongs
                                                                                             However, with these new         email.                          you. If you’re lying in bed
                               of his past. This
                                                                                             freedoms also comes a              Two, eat as if you’re on a   or your week-old pile of
TW: “A Silent Voice” has       film was mas-
                                                                                             whole new set of social         first date. One of the free-    laundry can be seen in the
themes of suicide and de-      terfully done by
                                                                                             faux pas to both commit or      doms offered by the Zoom        background, it’s unlikely
pression.                      Kyoto Animation,
                                                                                             painfully endure from oth-      platform, is that you can       that you’ll gain much re-
                               a studio known
                                                                                             ers. Here is a short list of    eat your breakfast or lunch     spect from your audience
“  A Silent Voice” is an an-
   imated Japanese film,
following Shoya Ishida
                               for creating hu-
                               man-like anima-
                               tion and atten-
                                                                                             three ‘Zoom rules’ you can
                                                                                             follow to help you avoid
                                                                                                                             on schedule rather than
                                                                                                                             have your stomach rum-
                                                                                                                                                             or peers. So, clean for the
                                                                                                                                                             occasion. All it takes is a
                                                                                             being, ‘that participant’.      ble, louder than a freight      little mindfulness and a
through a rough part of        tion to sound
                                                                                                  First, there is a mute     train, at the quietest pos-     few manners, to take your
his life. When Shoya is a      detail; when a                 an umbrella. This movie is     button: use it! This point      sible moment. That being        Zoom etiquette to a whole
6th grader, he starts bul-     character is dragging their    beautiful. It feels genuine,   is for both hosts and par-      said, every meeting should      new level.
lying a deaf girl named        feet or taking steps, or       as if you’re in the scenes     ticipants of any self-re-       not be taken as an oppor-
Shoko Nishimiya. Later, in     when you hear the faint        yourself     rather    than    specting Zoom meeting.          tunity to gorge an ‘all you
high school, Shoya tries to    sound of water hitting off     watching from afar.            There are two parts to this     can eat buffet’ before your
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