POTAWATOMI TRAVELING TIMES - Volume 27, Issue 1 abtë nib gizes Half Summer Moon July 1, 2021

Page created by Beth Rogers
POTAWATOMI TRAVELING TIMES - Volume 27, Issue 1 abtë nib gizes Half Summer Moon July 1, 2021
www.fcpotawatomi.com • times@fcpotawatomi-nsn.gov • (715) 478-7437 • FREE

                           POTAWATOMI TRAVELING TIMES
                                                 Volume 27, Issue 1 • abtë nib gizes Half Summer Moon • July 1, 2021

                                    Graduation Ceremony 2020 & 2021
by Val Niehaus                                 we want to be?” Some of his tips were:
    To honor this year’s high school           be kind, be compassionate, and finally,
graduates as well as those from last year      always be thoughtful. He closed with,
(2020), the Forest County Potawatomi           “Remember the values you were taught in
(FCP) Education department had a               being Potawatomi and you will always be
graduation ceremony which was held at          someone!”
the Carter Powwow Grounds on June 17,              Following the presentations by the
2021.                                          speakers, everyone was able to share a
    The event started with Council Mem-        prepared lunch which was preceded by
ber Brooks Boyd welcoming everyone             a blessing offered by Chairman Daniels.
to the event. Following his introduc-          Following that, everyone dug into the
tion, Fire Nation opened with the flag         food and enjoyed the company of those
song during which FCP Veterans Post I          who attended.
brought in the staffs and flags. This was          After the meal, the event moved right
                                               on to K-12 Education Director Britta-           2020 Graduates: (l-r) Dalilha Bulmer and Grace Alloway
then followed with the veterans honor
song.                                          ny LaMere who introduced local FCP
    Boyd then continued by offering a few      graduates Valedictorian Juanita Alloway
good words and congratulations to the          and Co-Valedictorian Penelope Peters.
students who had completed their high          Starting with the 2020 graduates and
school studies and achieved graduation.        then proceeding to the 2021 graduates,
Boyd said, “Our kids are going to be           she then presented each student with
coming home here in the next years after       their gift of a Pendleton blanket – always
getting their education, and they will play    a welcome and appreciated gift to honor
a big role in the future of our tribal gov-    them for their accomplishment.
ernment.” Boyd closed with recognizing             Following the presentations, the event
FCP Executive Council: Chairman Ned            moved on to the honor song for the
Daniels Jr., Vice Chairwoman Brenda            graduates, followed by the retreating of
Shopodock, Secretary James Crawford,           the staffs and flags. Last, but certainly not
Treasurer Manny Johnson and Council            least, the traveling song was presented for
Member Nick Shepard.                           those leaving the event.                         2021 Graduates (l-r): Juanita Alloway, Selena Alloway,
    FCP elder Louie Spaude then came               Congratulations again to all the stu-           Serena Alloway, Stylz Holmes, Penelope Peters
forward to offer a few words of prayer.        dents for their accomplishments during
After the prayer, he spoke about how           what was an unprecedented chaotic and
education is so important and its value in     challenging time for everyone – especially
our lives. He recalled the years when he       students in our schools.
was young and had to help his father read          2020 Graduates:
documents because his father was unable            Aaleyah Alloway, Isaiah Alloway,
to do so. In discussing this personal part     Grace Alloway, Skylar Anwash, Joseph
of his childhood, Spaude emphasized            Brown III, Kalista Brown, Dalilha Bul-
how important it is to help nurture            mer, Jorge Cisneros Jr., Jennifer Daniels,
those who need the help. He told those         Savannah Ensley, Marcus Kegel, Fred
listening that as a child, he didn’t think     Shawano, Breed Shepard Jr., Eli Soman,
anything of it as he was just reading and      Evelyn Soman, Madison Soman, Dawson
was able to help his father.                   VanZile
    Next to the podium was Treasurer               2021 Graduates:
Johnson to give his speech to the stu-             Juanita Alloway, Selena Alloway, Ser-
dents and families. He shared some very        ena Alloway, Michael Cisneros, Isabella                             FCP Veterans Post I
wise words to all and was upbeat and           Daniels, Josephine Daniels, Naganwdek
positive in his comments. He spoke of          Daniels, Petwonkwet Daniels, Cassidy
the pandemic and how these students            Frank, Stylz Holmes, Mya Johnson,
accomplished a lot despite the effects of      Robert Kitchell, Khia Marvin, Penelope
COVID on the schools. They had diffi-          Peters, Daniel Shepard, Saidee Soman,
cult adjustments to make such as online        Malakhi VanZile
learning, a lack of face-to-face interaction
with their teachers, and cancellation of
many school activities that were import-
ant to their daily lives. “One thing you
need to remember is that some of the
most difficult things in life that happen
to you will teach you about yourself and
who you want to be.” He stressed that
while students think about their futures
as in 'what do we want to do with our             FCP Treasurer Manny Johnson                                        Fire Nation
lives?' he focused more on, “who do
POTAWATOMI TRAVELING TIMES - Volume 27, Issue 1 abtë nib gizes Half Summer Moon July 1, 2021
2 | Potawatomi Traveling Times • July 1, 2021                                                                                                  Community

Forest County Potawatomi                                                                                          ELDER MENUS
Leaders X
                                                                                                                     Menus subject to change
                                                                                                      Thursday, 7/1                          Friday, 7/16
by Val Niehaus                                                                                  Cold Ham, Turkey & Cheese            Egg Salad Sandwich on White,
                                                                                              Sandwich (w/Lettuce & Mayo on             Cucumbers & Tomatoes
     Arthur Crawford was born July 9,                                                           Wheat), Cold Noodle Salad,                 w/Dill Dip, Pears
1929, and was raised by William and                                                                Baked Chips, Cookie
Marion (Beaver) Crawford in Wabeno.                                                                                                         Monday, 7/19
    He served in the Army from July 30,                                                                Friday, 7/2                    BBQ Boneless Wings, Baked
1946, to Feb. 21, 1947, and again from                                                         Homemade Chicken Noodle                 Beans, Coleslaw, Orange
May 7, 1951, to April 23, 1954.                                                              Soup, Cheese Biscuit, Honeydew
    In 1959, he married Marcella Tuck-                                                              Melon, Crackers                          Tuesday, 7/20
wab.                                                                                                                                 Shrimp & Sausage Boil, Roasted
    Arthur Crawford was very active                                                                   Monday, 7/5                   Red Potato, Corn on the Cob, Kiwi
in tribal government and community                                                             No Route - 4th of July Holiday
service. He was first elected tribal sec-                                                                                                   Wednesday, 7/21
retary on Jan. 5, 1963. He was then                                                                    Tuesday, 7/6                   Salmon Fillet, Roasted Potato,
elected tribal chairman on Nov. 5, 1965.                                                        Pork Tenderloin, Wild Rice,             Buttered Squash, Grapes
As chairman, he worked on economic                                                             Peas & Carrots, Pickled Beets,
development, bringing electricity to the                                                            Dinner Roll, Pears                       Thursday, 7/22
Devil’s Lake area, and the tribe’s first                                                                                            Corned Beef, Potatoes, Cabbage
HUD homes. At an executive council                                                                   Wednesday, 7/7                   & Carrots, Cheese Sandwich,
meeting in September 1968, he resigned                                                        Baked Breaded Fish, Coleslaw,                   Tropical Fruit
his position as tribal chairman to take the                                                   Baked Beans, Rye Bread, Jello®
job of community worker for the “In-                                                                                                           Friday, 7/23
                                              become tribal chairman in November                      Thursday, 7/8                  Turkey & Swiss on Whole Wheat,
ter-Tribal Council in the Lake Lucerne
                                              1969.                                          Chef Salad w/Lettuce, Cucumber,           w/Lettuce, Tomato & Cheese,
area” (according to his obituary in The
                                                  Arthur and Marcella Crawford even-         Cherry Tomato, Boiled Egg, Ham,               Broccoli Slaw, Apple
Forest Republican, July 2, 1970).
                                              tually moved to Crandon, where Arthur         Onion & Cheese, Breadstick, Cheese
    A record of that meeting indicates that
                                              died on June 28, 1970, at the age of 40.           & Crackers, Watermelon                        Monday, 7/26
Harvey Tucker, who was vice chairman at
                                              He was survived by his wife, two daugh-                                                Chop Suey over White Rice, Egg
that time, would take over Arthur Craw-
                                              ters and several siblings. Arthur and Mar-               Friday, 7/9                    Rolls, Fortune Cookie, Apricot
ford’s duties until the next election for
                                              cella are buried in the Indian Cemetery          Tomato Soup, Tuna & Cheese
tribal chairman came up. Tucker would
                                              on Billy Daniels Lane.                             Sandwich, Strawberries                       Tuesday, 7/27
                                                                                                                                      Beef Stroganoff over Noodles,
                                                                                                       Monday, 7/12                     Brussels Sprouts w/Bacon,
                                                                                              Chicken Breast, Roasted Sweet               Bread & Butter, Yogurt
    Harvey “Buck” Tucker was born                                                            Potatoes, Chickpeas, Cantaloupe
June 21, 1927, to Harvey and Myrtle                                                                                                         Wednesday, 7/28
(DeHart) Tucker. The family lived in                                                                    Tuesday, 7/13                Cobb Salad (Lettuce, Avocado,
Carter.                                                                                         Chicken Salad w/Grapes on          Boiled Egg, Tomato, Cheese, Bacon,
    Harvey joined the Navy at age 17 and                                                    Croissant, Cranberry Sauce, Banana         Chicken, Carrot), Breadstick,
served from August 1944 to June 1946,                                                                                                          Strawberries
and then served again from October                                                                  Wednesday, 7/14
1947 to October 1951. He received an                                                            Lasagna, Side Salad, Corn,                  Thursday, 7/29
honorable discharge. Issues of The Forest                                                       Breadstick, Nutri-Grain® Bar          Meat Loaf, Mashed Potatoes,
Republican from those years reveal that                                                                                                Mixed Veggies, Dinner Roll,
he served aboard the destroyer USS G.K.                                                                Thursday, 7/15                      Mandarin Oranges
Mackenzie during his time in the mili-                                                           Shredded Beef & Cheese
tary.                                                                                           on Bun, Sweet Potato Fries,                    Friday, 7/30
    In December 1949, Harvey married                                                              Side Salad, Applesauce            Wild Rice & Ham Soup w/Lentils,
Marrette Smith in Wabeno and they had                                                                                                  V-8® Juice, Nutri-Grain® Bar
six children. He bought a bar in Car-
ter and later turned the operation of it
over to his father so he could take a job                                                                      CONGRATULATIONS!
clearing right-of-ways for power lines.
He worked as a logger and managed the
                                              man in 1968. Ned Daniels Sr. succeeded         Omar Bailey, a freshman at Crandon High School, broke the school
Lakewood branch of the Antigo Beverage
                                              him as chairman in 1973.                       record in the 100m dash taking 1st at a recent meet in Three Lakes.
Company for several years before start-
                                                  After his time as chairman, Harvey
ing his own logging business. According                                                      An unconfirmed rumor has it that the previous record was held for 30
                                              Tucker remained involved in tribal affairs,
to his obituary, he also worked for the
                                              chairing the FCP utilities and elderly         years or more. He also took 3rd overall in the 400m, 3rd in the 200m,
government as a loan closer and rural
development coordinator. He worked                                                           and 6th in the long jump. A photo and/or further details were not
                                                  He passed away March 14, 2001, at
at Blackwell Job Corps, mainly in auto
                                              the age of 73. According to his obituary       available at time of print. Omar's proud parents are Calli Victor and
                                              in the April 1, 2001 edition of the PTT,
    Harvey Tucker became tribal chair-                                                       Omar Bailey Sr.
                                              he was survived by six children.
POTAWATOMI TRAVELING TIMES - Volume 27, Issue 1 abtë nib gizes Half Summer Moon July 1, 2021
Community                                                                                                                July 1, 2021 • Potawatomi Traveling Times | 3

              FCP Community Facebook Live Session Recap - June 9, 2021
    Chairman Ned Daniels Jr.                   I say migweth to all of you: Our tribal        us a call. New and renewal foster care         through it all.
    Good morning, Forest County                members, our employees, and our friends        license applications are beginning annual          The 2021 FCP high school graduates
Potawatomi. I am Chairman Ned Daniels          and neighbors in the community. We             processing.                                    include: Juanita Alloway, Selena Alloway,
Jr.                                            would not see any success without your             Are you feeling out of sorts? Just need    Serena Alloway, Michael Cisneros, Jose-
    I have to say, I have been in a great      continued dedication and commitment            someone to talk to? Please remember,           phine Daniels, Isabella Daniels, Nagan-
mood lately. The weather over the last         to our efforts. From the bottom of my          help is available 24/7. The pandemic has       wedek Daniels, Petewonkwet Daniels,
few days has been fantastic and my wife        heart – THANK YOU.                             been hard causing anxiety, social discon-      Jaiden Deschinny, Cassidy Frank, Marc
and I have been able to see our garden             Before I end, we do have a few an-         nect, mental and emotional concerns.           Gulbronson, Stylz Holmes, Ophelia
begin to sprout life. I am interacting with    nouncements for some great events and          Sometimes it’s hard to talk about these        Johnson, Mya Johnson, Khia Marvin,
more people, and actually SEEING their         opportunities coming up:                       things with those you love most. If you        Penelope Peters, Echo Prescott, Reyna
faces. It is so good to see people smile           Education and Community Division           are feeling suicidal, please call the Hope-    Prescott, Franklin Richey Jr., Bambi
again. And more events are coming back,        is hosting a Lifeguard Training June 21-       line: 1-800-273-8255. You may also text        Shepard, Daniel Shepard, Saidee Soman,
and people are going out and having fun.       23 at the YMCA of the Northwoods in            Hopeline to 741741 to reach a crisis           Malakhi VanZile and Makenna Winnic-
It is great to see so many people happy        Rhinelander. Training is open to everyone      counselor.                                     ki.
right now.                                     but there are requirements that must               Rising Sun Day Care celebrates just            Congratulations, graduates. You did it,
    But the biggest reason I have been so      be met. Cost is $90 – if you are a tribal      under 70 days COVID-free. The center is        and we are all so proud of you!
happy lately is because I have taken some      member, please let Nicole the aquatics         open and there is plenty of space for your         If there are any graduated students we
time to reflect on ALL the great things        manager know when signing up so the fee        children. Please contact us to get your ap-    missed, please reach out to the Education
we have been doing as a tribe. You often       can be adjusted. Please contact Nicole at      plications in and talk about the process.      Department by phone at (715) 478-
wonder if the things we are doing make a       (715) 478-6513 for a list of requirements,         We have plenty of opportunity to get       7355. We would love to acknowledge you
difference. Well, I can tell you unequivo-     or with your questions and concerns.           you back to work. Please get in contact        and your accomplishment.
cally that, yes, we are making a difference.       Reminder that the 4th Annual Forest        with Kathy Tupper at (715) 478-4433                In other updates, the 2020-21 school
What we are doing is working, and the          County Festival is a go for July 2-4 at        to get your Tribal Employment Skills           year ended last week; therefore, school is
results speak for themselves. Let me give      Crandon International Off-Road Race-           applications in. Tribal Employment Skills      out for the summer! The K-12 Educa-
you just a small sample of the things that     way. There is a parking fee but no admis-      offers a training stipend to assist you        tion Department will be working with
we have been able to accomplish.               sion for free carnival rides. There’ll be a    while you learn.                               students attending summer school at
    On the education front, we continue        concert by Diamond Rio and fireworks.              Ready to work? Family Services Divi-       Crandon, Laona and Wabeno schools.
to see our children grow and devel-            Please visit crandonoffroad.com for            sion has some great job openings. Con-             Peggy Konaha will be driving bus
op. Our Education Director, Brittany           ticket prices, times, and a full schedule of   tact Human Resources to apply and to           again this year for Crandon summer
LaMere, will be up here a little later to      events.                                        discuss if you might be a good fit. They       school. Please give her a call for pick-
talk about our 2021 class of graduates,            Family Services Division Adminis-          can be reached at (715) 478-7200.              up at (715) 478-7359 with your name,
but I can tell you that I continue to be       trator Abbey Dall                                  For non-emergency service requests,        number and address.
impressed with our tribal youth. These             There are only two last bequests we        our business hours are Monday – Thurs-             Summer school at Crandon School
young men and women have a passion             can hope to give our children. One is          day, 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. If you should call        District will start on June 14 through
and fire to learn - and it shows. I am         roots; the other wings. As we celebrate        outside of these hours, please leave a         July 1, from 8 a.m. – 12 p.m., Monday
happy to say that in 2021 we had 110           graduations and a successful school year,      message with your full name and a              –Thursday. Wabeno summer school will
active students in higher education. This      every day families and foster parents step     working phone number so that we may            start on June 9 through July 2, from 8
is the highest number of tribal members        up to support children in need of care.        return your call. Out number is (715)          a.m. – 1:30 p.m., Monday – Friday. Lao-
we have ever had in higher education           This last year was exceptionally difficult     478-4433.                                      na High summer school will start on June
and represents more than a 20 percent          with the impact of the novel COVID-19              Assistance is available for qualify-       7 through June 30. Breakfast and lunch
increase over the last two years.              virus. Providing care for children and         ing applicants for food, medical, and          will be provided.
    I can also tell you that we are winning    youth in need of care comes with a             childcare expenses. You may online at              Summer Youth Employees had their
our fight against the opioid epidemic that     bittersweet reward. The goal is always to      https://access.wisconsin.gov. We know          job placement interviews yesterday. As
had plagued our community. Over the            find stability in immediate reunification      that filling out large applications can be     a reminder, work starts on Monday,
last three years, we have successfully re-     with the child’s parent. This means that       overwhelming. Please call us at (715)          June 14, unless otherwise noted by your
duced opioid-related deaths and non-fatal      while there is success, family placements      478-4433 to schedule an appointment to         supervisor. All youth employees, please
overdoses. And we are making sure that         and foster parents share their love and        receive some assistance.                       report to the Rec for orientation at 9
those who are suffering from addiction         then send a piece of their heart home              Wishing you a great start to summer!       a.m. Paperwork will be completed that
can get the help and treatment they need.      with the child. It is with great report to         Family Services (715) 478-4433             day! If you have any questions, call Mary
The Medication Assisted Treatment              acknowledge that FCP ICW assisted fam-             Indian Child Welfare (715) 889-1446        Mattson at (715) 478-4153.
(MAT) program was developed, and we            ilies in the reunification of 38 children          Com. Advocacy (715) 478-7201                   Preschool will be offering a five-week
now serve about 70 clients per year. And       and youth. In a trying year filled with            Child Support (715) 478-7260               summer school program for children
it works: Four former MAT clients are          uncertainty, this effort could not have            Brittany LaMere, K-12 Education            entering kindergarten this fall. Classes
now employed in the Behavioral Health          been accomplished without the imme-            Director                                       will be held on Tuesday, Wednesday and
Department.                                    diate support of FCP’s licensed family             Good morning!                              Thursday of each week from 9 a.m. to
    And we are continuing to ensure that       placements and foster homes, FCP Tribal            This school year has been unlike any       1 p.m. starting June 15 and ending July
our culture remains constant in the lives      Court, health and education providers,         other for all of us. As the K-12 Education     22. Breakfast and lunch will be provided.
of our tribal members. The Language            and most importantly, the Forest County        Director, I would first like to congratulate   There will be no classes the week of July
and Culture staff are holding regular          Potawatomi Community. While families           all students and parents for making it         4. The program goal is to work on each
Potawatomi language classes, including         struggled with uncertainties, other fam-       through this year!                             student’s individual needs to prepare
classes for youth and fluent speakers. Jim     ilies realized health and stability within         Congratulations to the 2021 Gte Ga         them for kindergarten and beyond start-
and Mary Thunder’s book, Potawatomi            their families to allow for reunification.     Nes graduates. (A video clip was shared.)      ing in the fall. A bus will be picking up
Oral History, is now included in the cur-      Your continued dedication and devotion             The major highlight of this year are       and dropping off children at the Carter
riculum at both Rising Sun and Gte Ga          to your children is incredibly valued and      the 2021 high school graduates. This           C-Store, Wabeno Krist gas station, and
Nes. And the Potawatomi language now           appreciated.                                   special class missed out on many major         Laona School. Crandon students will be
appears on signage across the reservation.         ICW continues to recruit family            high school events over the past year –        needing to provide their own transpor-
    This is just a taste of the good things    placements and foster homes that are           almost a whole semester of their junior        tation. Please call the preschool at (715)
we have been able to do. If I were to tell     physically- and mentally-capable of            year: spring sports, junior prom, gath-        478-7359 to sign up. Just a reminder –
you all our successes, I would honestly be     supporting high levels of care. If this is     ering with friends and family, and other       classes start next Tuesday!
up here for hours. It is that impressive.      you, please call us. If you know someone       school milestone events. However, I am             continued on pg. 4...
    What we are doing is working. So,          who can help, please suggest they give         proud to announce they finished on top
POTAWATOMI TRAVELING TIMES - Volume 27, Issue 1 abtë nib gizes Half Summer Moon July 1, 2021
4 | Potawatomi Traveling Times • July 1, 2021                                                                                                     Community/Departments

Community Fun Run/Walk
by Val Niehaus

    Forest County Potawatomi (FCP)                                Finishing out the race in the top three
Community Health and the Bodwéwada-                           places were: Camilla Frank (1st) who
mi Ktëgan were finally able to hold this                      came in by a stroller being pushed by
year’s annual Spring Family Fun Run &                         her Father Ira Frank (2nd) and (3rd) was
Walk on June 19, 2021, at the Bodwéw-                         Gemma Frank. The rest of the partici-
adami Ktëgan in Blackwell, Wis.                               pants came strolling in shortly after. This
    Registration started at 9 a.m. with the                   family sure has some dedicated runners!
run/walk starting at 10 a.m. Greg Tallier                         Once everyone was finished, Commu-
as always did a fantastic job in being the                    nity Health had Subway sandwiches for
emcee for the event and kept the music                        all to re-nourish their bodies after all that                                               And they're off!!
upbeat and motivating.                                        exercise.
    Community Health had tables set up                            Many thanks to the departments that
with information regarding mental health                      put this event together as it’s always a fun
and steps one can take to be mentally and                     one to attend and it’s enjoyable to see
physically healthy. They also had great                       community members again out having
raffle baskets to give away to those who                      fun!

                                                                                                                                         Ira and Camilla coming in hot for first place!!

                                                                                                                        Facebook Live Session Recap
                                                                                                                            ...continued from pg. 3                  If you live within the service area, contact
                                                                                                                            The Recreation Department will be        CH with assistance in getting the vac-
                                                                                                                        having summer programming starting           cine. We may be able to come to you or
                                                                                                                        on June 14 through July 15, Monday –         your child! CH and Bodwéwadmi Ktëgan
                          Smiles all around...even at the very end!                                                     Thursday from noon to 3 p.m. at the Rec      (Potawatomi Farm) are hosting a Spring
                                                                                                                        Center and 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. at We Care.      Family Fun Run/Walk at the Farm in
                                                                                                                        Activities are open to 6 – 13-year-old       Blackwell on June 19, 2021. This event
                                                                                                                        youth. Contact Josiah at (715) 478-6514      is open to tribal members, their families
                                                                                                                        or Richard at (715) 889-1514.                and FCP employees. Registration is at 9
                     Deadline for the July 15, 2021 issue of the                                                            The food program will be available       a.m.; Run/Walk starts at 10 a.m. Join us
                   Traveling Times is Wednesday, June 30, 2021.                                                         June 14 to August 12, Monday through         for door prizes, health education, a light
                                                                                                                        Thursday. Pick-up times and locations        lunch and lots of fun! Pre-register at cmh.
                                                                                                                        are:                                         fcpotwatomi.com/events to guarantee a
                                                                                                                            • Laona Town Hall 11:15 a.m.             T-shirt.
                       POTAWATOMI TRAVELING TIMES                                                                           • Blackwell Farm 11:45 a.m.                  Tribal Wellvation Program is back!
                                                                                                                            • Carter We Care 12:15 p.m.              Download Managewell and log on, sync
                     100 N. Prospect Avenue • PO Box 340 • 8, WI 54520
                         phone: (715) 478-7437 • fax: (715) 478-7438
                                                                                                                            • Stone Lake Rec Center 11:30 a.m. –     your tracker, schedule an exam and labs
           email: times@fcpotawatomi-nsn.gov • website: www.fcpotawatomi.com                                            12:30 p.m.                                   with your primary care provider, and
                                                                                                                            Please contact Olivia Nunway at (715)    participate in health promotion activity
                                                                                                                        478-7425 to sign up.                         events, and earn points towards rewards!
  FCP EXECUTIVE COUNCIL                                                                            PTT STAFF
                                                                                                                            The Education and Community              Call CH if you need assistance.
  Chairman:                                                                                                             Center departments want to congratulate          Mark your calendars for future CH
  NED DANIELS JR.                                                                         Managing Editor:
                                                                                           WINDA COLLINS                Omar Bailey on his huge accomplish-          events:
  Vice Chairwoman:
                                                                                                                        ment last night, taking first place in the       • July 15 - Safety Event at the Pow-
  BRENDA SHOPODOCK                                                                                                      100m dash and breaking the Crandon           wow grounds in Carter
                                                                                 Reporter/Photographer:                 School record! As his last home track            • July 28 - Rabies vaccine clinics in
  Secretary:                                                                               VAL NIEHAUS                  meet, he also took third overall in the      Carter, Blackwell and Stone Lake
                                                                                                                        400m dash, third in the 200m dash, and           Are you an FCP tribal member with a
                                                                                           Graphic Artist:
                                                                                                                        sixth overall in the long jump. Congrat-     child under 5? The FCP Maternal Child
  IMMANUEL JOHNSON II                                                                  KRYSTAL STATEZNY                 ulations, Omar. We are all so proud of       Health (MCH) program is excited to an-
  Council Members:                                                                                                      you!                                         nounce the restart of programs available
  BROOKS BOYD                                                                                                               Thank you for your time and atten-       to any FCP tribal member (mom, dad, or
  NICKOLAS G. SHEPARD SR.                                                                                               tion.                                        baby need to be enrolled).
                                                                                                                            Micheala Cleereman, RN, Diabe-               A new and improved ‘Nest’ program
  Potawatomi Traveling Times (PTT) is a twice-monthly publication of the Forest County Potawatomi Nation.
  Editorials and articles appearing in the PTT are the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect
                                                                                                                        tes Coordinator                              is now available. It looks a little differ-
  the opinion or attitude of the PTT staff or the FCP Nation. PTT encourages the submission of Letters to the               Hello everyone. My name is Micheala      ent than before, but we miss all of our
  Editor. All letters must include the signature, address and telephone number of the author. Letters are subject       Cleereman. I am the diabetes program         MCH families and would love to talk
  to editing for grammar, length, malicious and libelous content. The PTT reserves the right to reject any
  advertising, materials or letters submitted for publication. The submission of articles, poetry, artwork and photos
                                                                                                                        coordinator in Community Health (CH).        to you soon about our changes. Give
  is encouraged. The Editor makes the sole decision of what is published in the PTT and will not assume any             I wanted to share some exciting updates      Hope, Yvonne or Jodie a call in CH at
  responsibility for unsolicited material nor will the PTT guarantee publication upon submission. PTT will not          from our department. The Pfizer Vaccine      (715) 478-4355 or email us at MCH at
  guarantee publication of materials submitted past deadlines posted in the PTT. No part of this publication may
  be reproduced without the written consent of the Editor.                                                              is available for persons age 12 and older.   fcpotawatomi-nsn.gov to learn more!
POTAWATOMI TRAVELING TIMES - Volume 27, Issue 1 abtë nib gizes Half Summer Moon July 1, 2021
Departments                   July 1, 2021 • Potawatomi Traveling Times | 5

                     If you or someone you know feels unsafe,
                   please consider using one of these resources.
                   They’re free, available 24/7, and confidential!

              • FCP Community Advocacy
              (715) 478-7201
              • Tri-County Council on DV & Sexual Assault
              1 (800) 236-1222
              • National Domestic Violence Hotline
              1 (800) 799-7233
POTAWATOMI TRAVELING TIMES - Volume 27, Issue 1 abtë nib gizes Half Summer Moon July 1, 2021
6 | Potawatomi Traveling Times • July 1, 2021                                                                                                            Departments

                  Are You a Caregiver?
    What do you think of when you                  • Helps with cleaning and/or laun-
hear the word caregiver? Do you pic-           dry?

ture someone who spends their day                  • Assists with weekly grocery shop-
providing hands-on care for someone?           ping?
If so, you are not alone. It’s common              • Sets up medication?
for people to think of a caregiver as              • Receives frequent phone calls with
someone who lives with a loved one and         requests for help?
                                                                                             Our Optical Department
assists them with daily activities such as         • Feels the need to regularly “check-
dressing, grooming, walking and meals.         up” on your parent/loved one to be sure       is open and accepting
But caregiving includes much more than         they are okay?                                new patients.
those hands-on tasks.                              Are you a spouse who:
    Caregiving also includes helping               • Has taken on duties that used to be
                                                                                             Please call
someone with a wide assortment of              done by your spouse? (cooking, clean-         (715) 478-4339
tasks that enable them to live more            ing, laundry, car maintenance, book-          to schedule an appointment*
independently in the community. Look           keeping, bill paying, etc.)
                                                                                             with one of our Optometrists
around and you will notice people                  • Needs to accompany your spouse to
assisting an older friend or relative by       places he/she used to go alone?               or to view our large selection
taking them grocery shopping, picking              • Is assisting with daily living tasks    of eyewear.
up medication, accompanying them to            like dressing, grooming and bathing?         * Due to Covid-19 restrictions, you must
appointments, and helping with yard                • Ensures medications are taken            have an Optical appointment to enter
care. These helpers are also considered        properly?                                      the department.
caregivers, even if they don’t live with           • Makes medical decisions for your                                                                   Honoring Health,
the person or provide support every day.       spouse?                                                                                                  Healing, and Tradition
The tasks they help with, no matter                • Feels unable to leave your spouse
how big or small, are enabling people to       home alone?
continue to live in their homes.                   If you answered yes to any of these,
                                                                                                                                               8201 Mish ko swen Dr., Crandon, WI
    There are thousands of people who          then you are a caregiver! You may think
are playing a vital role in maintaining        that these tasks are just things that you
the independence of an older person,           do for the people you love. While that is                                                       Mon. - Fri. | 7 a.m. - 5 p.m.
but don’t realize it or don’t consider their   true, don’t downplay the importance of                       Open to the Public                 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY
work as very important. They certainly         your assistance in these areas. Without
would not call themselves a caregiver.         your help, the older person may not
Are you one of them? Read on to find           be able to continue to live in their own
out.                                           home. The “little” things that you do
    Are you a son, daughter, neighbor,         are crucial to the independence of your
relative or friend who:
    • Arranges medical appointments and
                                               loved one.
                                                   Please reach out to Community
                                                                                                                                                DON’T LET
provides transportation, too?
    • Prepares meals to ensure nutritious
food is available?
                                               Advocacy for concerns of elder abuse or
                                               exploitation at (715) 478-7201.
                                                   Article provided by: Jane Mahoney,
    • Helps pay bills and/or balance the
                                               Caregiver Support Specialist, Greater Wis-
                                               consin Agency on Aging Resources
                                                                                                                                              or a
                                                                                                                                       SLOW YOU DOWN!
                                                                                                                                            Our Complementary Medicine
                                                                                                                                       Department is open and accepting new
                                                                                                                                        patients for Physical Therapy, Speech
                                                                                                                                           Therapy, and Chiropractic care.

                                                                                                                            Please call               (715) 478-4339
                                                                                                                               to schedule an appointment*
                                                                                                     Honoring Health,
                                                                                                                                 with one of our one of our
                                                                                                     Healing, and Tradition     board-certified specialists.
                                                                                                                                         *A physician’s referral and insurance prior
                                                                                                                                         authorization is not needed for FCP Tribal
                                                                                                                                         Members or FCP Government Employees.

                                                                                                                                               8201 Mish ko swen Dr., Crandon, WI
                                                                                                                                               HOURS STARTING JUNE 4, 2021:
                                                                                                           Open to the Public                  Mon. - Fri. | 7 a.m. - 5 p.m.
POTAWATOMI TRAVELING TIMES - Volume 27, Issue 1 abtë nib gizes Half Summer Moon July 1, 2021
July 1, 2021 • Potawatomi Traveling Times | 7

GMS: PROMOTES JEB MEIER TO                                                             Project Spotlight: CRESCENT
PRESIDENT                                                                              APARTMENTS - WAUWATOSA, WI
Greenfire Management Services is pleased to announce
the promotion of Jeb Meier as president. Meier most
recently served as Greenfire’s chief operating officer and
has played a key role in the company’s leadership team
since joining Greenfire in 2012. As COO, he worked closely
with the team to determine the company’s strategic
planning, visioning, operations and business development.
He also served as Greenfire’s VP of pre-construction and was actively involved
in nearly all of the company’s projects to date, including redevelopment of
the Wgema Campus. A LEED accredited professional, a registered professional
engineer, and a certified professional estimator, Meier also serves on the Near
West Side Commercial Corridor Working Team, Waukesha County’s Business
Alliance Construction Executive Council, and the Wauwatosa Village Business
Improvement District. He is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

WCPD: SUMMER TRAVEL SAFETY                                                             Photo: (1) View from fifth floor balcony looking East. (2) Bench-
                    Wgema Campus Police Department wants your summer travel            mark unit bedroom. (3) Benchmark unit kitchen area.
                    to be safe. To deter potential burglars, you want to make sure     Crescent Apartments is complete and fully turned over to the owner. The
                    your home looks lived in even while you are away. Statistics       136,000 SF mixed-use multifamily development occupies the last parcel of
                    show that burglaries tend to rise in the summer months, which      land in the Milwaukee County Research Park and is in response to the growing
                    is peak vacation time for most of us, and thieves know the best    population and substantial workforce at the neighboring medical and research
                    time to strike is when your home is vacant.                        complex.
                                                                                       The development includes 102 units, ranging from studios to two bedrooms,
        Steps you can take to tighten security before you hit the road
                                                                                       with a private resident courtyard and below ground parking. Crescent
*Tell a trusted neighbor your travel plans. Ask them to help keep an eye on your       Apartments also features the renovation of a 105-year-old powerhouse (M10
property and alert you of any suspicious activity.                                     Building) into an amenity building that includes a workout facility, leasing office,
*Lock all your windows and doors. Do not forget about doors leading to the             and a second location of Ally’s Powerhouse Café. The team restored the M10
garage or second-story windows.                                                        Building to its historic significance showcasing exposed brick, open trusses, and
                                                                                       large arch top windows and is an additional space for residents, nearby hotel
*Have mail and newspaper delivery stopped. A stack of mail and newspapers or           guests, and the 22,000 employees within the Research Park.
garbage cans left at the curb are signs that nobody's home. You can temporarily
stop delivery by contacting your newspaper carrier and the United States Post          Foundations for the four-story multifamily building began in March 2020 with
Office. In addition, recruit a neighbor to bring in the garbage bins.                  podium construction complete by mid-June 2020. Wall framing finished by
*For extended trips, hire someone to help you keep up on yard work. An                 September 2020 with the building watertight in October 2020. The team utilized
overgrown lawn or is a dead giveaway that no one's at home.                            a phased turnover strategy to allow for early tenant leasing on an active site
                                                                                       beginning with floors three and four turning over May 1, 2021, and the two
*Make sure any yard tools are put away. A ladder, rakes, and even patio furniture      remaining floors turning over just five weeks later.
can all be used as tools to gain entry to your home.
                                                                                       The building’s exterior compliments that of the M10 Building featuring brick
*As tough as it may be don't post your travel plans on social media—if a burglar       veneer and lap siding. The green roof on top of the parking deck features an
spots your post, it can turn your home into a target.                                  outdoor grilling and seating area, and an abundance of greenspace. Exterior
                                While on vacation                                      work also includes a surface coat for the M10 Building parking lot.
*Tell friends and family at home your itinerary. It’s a good idea to tell family and   At the M10 Building, exterior work includes excavation and waterproofing for
friends about your plans. Always let someone know when you’re expected to be           the existing foundation walls. Interior work includes demolition and abatement
back and what route you’re planning to take.                                           along with installation of all new windows retrofitted to the existing openings.
*Go contactless. Whenever possible, choose contactless options to check into           The historic nature of the building required coordination with the National Park
your room, get meals delivered, or purchase tickets if you're going to any events      Service for approval on cleaning and tuckpointing of all interior and exterior
or venues.                                                                             brick walls.
*Keep cash and credit cards in separate places. Never carry your credit cards,         The project is situated in a compact, high-profile area along Innovation Drive
cash, and passport at the same time. You’ll want to keep some cash in your             and Watertown Plank Road in Wauwatosa. The unique environment required
wallet, and then stash the rest in a pocket or money pouch. If you have a safe in      strong coordination of heavy machinery and deliveries along with enforcement
your hotel room, leave the majority of your cash there and only bring what you’ll      of strict safety policies and disruption avoidance planning to neighboring
need for the day.                                                                      operations. The project also mandated the redevelopment of a county road
*Make a copies of your passport. Leave one copy at home with a trusted                 requiring collaboration and coordination with Milwaukee County.
friend or family member and take another copy with you. When you go out
sightseeing, take the copy with you and leave the original in a hotel safe until       We would like to thank our friends at Mandel Group for selecting Greenfire
you are ready to travel again.                                                         as the construction manager. Kahler Slater is the architect and the Greenfire
                                                                                       project team includes Paul Hackbarth, senior project manager, Mike Holl,
*Do a security sweep of your hotel room. Always keep your hotel door locked            superintendent, and Rob Norris, project engineer. We are incredibly proud of
and never answer it for someone you don’t know. If you can, try to get a room          our team for their hard work, dedication, and expertise making this project a
near the front desk or the elevator.                                                   success.

               Potawatomi Business Development Corporation | 3215 W State Street, Suite 300, Milwaukee, WI 53208 | 414.290.9490 | potawatomibdc.com
POTAWATOMI TRAVELING TIMES - Volume 27, Issue 1 abtë nib gizes Half Summer Moon July 1, 2021
8 | Potawatomi Traveling Times • July 1, 2021

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POTAWATOMI TRAVELING TIMES - Volume 27, Issue 1 abtë nib gizes Half Summer Moon July 1, 2021 POTAWATOMI TRAVELING TIMES - Volume 27, Issue 1 abtë nib gizes Half Summer Moon July 1, 2021
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