SUMMER 2020 PROGRAM GUIDE - YMCA of the Pikes Peak Region

Page created by Lawrence Stevenson
SUMMER 2020 PROGRAM GUIDE - YMCA of the Pikes Peak Region
YMCA of the Pikes Peak Region
SUMMER 2020 PROGRAM GUIDE - YMCA of the Pikes Peak Region
     CONTENTS                    ABOUT US
                                 The YMCA is a nonprofit organization. We offer the only nonprofit
Membership                  04
                                 fitness facilities in the Pikes Peak Region and we are one of the
Locations & Amenities       06   community’s largest nonprofits!
                                 Last year, we gave away over $1.7 million in scholarships, and we never
Swim & Aquatics             08   turn anyone away due to an inability to pay.
Outdoor Pool                10   Our mission is to put Christian principles into practice through programs
                                 that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all.
Summer Day Camp             12
                                 Our core values are caring, honesty, respect and responsibility.
Youth Sports                14   We measure the success of our cause in three areas of focus: youth
                                 development, healthy living and social responsibility.
Camp Shady Brook            16
Youth Programs              18   SPONSORS AND PARTNERS
Tween/Teen Programs         19
Healthy Living              20
Specialty Health Programs   25
Annual Support Campaign     26

SUMMER 2020 PROGRAM GUIDE - YMCA of the Pikes Peak Region

                                                                              Full-time Benefits
 Imagine going to work knowing that what you do each day positively           • Medical and dental insurance
 influences the lives of people and our community. As the nation’s leading    • Disability benefits/life insurance
 nonprofit organization, the Y offers more than just a job - we offer you a   • Dependent care assistance
 career with a future and the chance to make a difference.                    • Employee Assistance Program
                                                                              • Membership & program benefits
 At the YMCA of the Pikes Peak Region, we offer engaging full- and            • Paid time off
 part-time positions in membership, wellness, program and operational         • Generous retirement benefits
 support areas. We are looking for employees with positive attitudes
 who are dedicated to providing great service to our members, program         Part-time Benefits
 participants and volunteers.                                                 (Varies based on hours)
                                                                              • Membership & program benefits
 Whether you’re looking for a first job, a summer job, part-time work or a    • Employee Assistance Program
 fulfilling full-time career path, the Y has opportunities for hardworking,   • Generous retirement benefits*
 friendly staff.                                                              • Paid time off*
                                                                              *After working for the required amount of time.

Visit to check out current openings and apply.

SUMMER 2020 PROGRAM GUIDE - YMCA of the Pikes Peak Region
         BENEFITS                             RATES AS UNIQUE AS YOU ARE
                                              Many of our members qualify for a discounted membership rate through our
                                              corporate partnerships, insurance, military service or financial assistance. Talk to
       Access to All Ys                       the front desk at your local Y to see which discounts you qualify for!
Includes access to seven Y centers and
  two Colorado Springs family centers.
                                              Membership Types
      State-of-the-Art                        Youth                                        One Adult Household
                                                (Up to 17 years)                             (One adult and children 21 and
       Fitness Centers                        Young Adult                                    younger, or full-time students, 24
 Includes exercise machines, stretching                                                      and younger, in the same household)
 areas, free weights and weight rooms.          (Ages 18-28)
                                              Adult                                        Two Adult Household
                                                (Ages 29-64)                                 (Two adults and children 21 and
                                                                                             younger, or full-time students, 24
        No Annual Fee                         Active Adult                                   and younger, in the same household)
We believe our services, not a contract,        (Ages 65+)
                                                                                           Two Adult Household
   keep you coming back to the Y.             Two Active Adult Household                     (No children)
                                                (No children)
                                                                                           Adult Add-On
       Free Group &
      Water Ex Classes                        Flexible Payments                           Financial Assistance
With nearly 400 classes to choose from,
you’ll find something that’s right for you.   Payments can be made by credit card         To help make memberships and
                                              or bank account. Funds will withdraw        programs available to everyone,
                                              on the first or the 15th of the month.      regardless of income. You may apply
                                              To cancel, simply notify us in writing      for partial assistance based on your
           2.5 Hours                          five days prior to your draft date.         financial situation. To apply, contact
        of Learn & Play                                                                   your local Y.
 Free play, crafts, stories and more for
  kids up to age 6 while you work out.
                                              Discounts for Families
                                              Add the Family Program Package to your membership and receive 25% off the
                                              member program rate! Check with Y membership staff for qualifying programs
       Free Jump Start                        and fees.
 The Y’s program to help you map out
your plan to reach your wellness goals.
                                              MEMBER REFERRAL PROGRAM
       Pools, Gyms &                          When you refer a new member to the YMCA, you can earn free YMCA gear like shirts,
       Running Tracks                         bags, hats and more! Once the member you referred has been active for 30 days, you’ll
   A safe environment for swimming,           get an email with a promo code letting you order free swag right to your door. The more
    fitness and running for all ages          members you refer, the more gear you earn!
              and abilities.                  Learn more at

             Free WiFi
   Enjoy music or stream your shows
          while you work out.
SUMMER 2020 PROGRAM GUIDE - YMCA of the Pikes Peak Region
To the members of the United States Armed Forces,
past and present, thank you for your service, sacrifice
and commitment to defending our freedom.
The Y is here to serve and make military life easier
for you and your family by offering reduced pricing
for active duty and savings on the join fee for
retired military.
Active Duty Military
  $0 Join Fees and                COMING SOON
  25% off Monthly Rates            Coffee hour for
Retired Military                   military spouses!
  50% off Join Fees
          Learn more at

ACTIVE ADULTS (55+)                                                                          SilverSneakers®
                                                                                             An innovative wellness program helping
The Y gives adults age 55+ the opportunity to maintain a healthy lifestyle, healthy          older adults live healthy, active lifestyles.
relationships and a positive outlook on life by offering group exercise and water exercise   A SilverSneakers® membership is
classes, walking clubs, volunteering and social events.                                      available to you at little or no cost
Each Y offers different programming, so check the location nearest you for more              through your health plan. Visit your local
information. Programs are open to members and non-members.                                   Y to get signed up!

Workplace Wellness

    Jeremy Hebert
    Business Development Director

    For more information, visit
SUMMER 2020 PROGRAM GUIDE - YMCA of the Pikes Peak Region
       Tri-Lakes YMCA                         Briargate YMCA                       Cottonwood Creek
      17250 Jackson Creek Pkwy                   4025 Family Place                       YMCA
        Monument, CO 80132                  Colorado Springs, CO 80920                 3920 Dublin Boulevard                           Colorado Springs, CO 80918
                                       •   Two swimming pools & hot tub
                                       •   Group and water exercise classes
                                       •   Full Healthy Living Center
                                       •   Indoor track
                                       •   Two gymnasiums
                                       •   Racquetball courts
                                       •   Learn & Play (6 weeks - 6 years)
                                       •   Kids Zone (7 - 12 years)
                                       •   Birthday parties for any age
•   Swimming pool & play structure
•   Group and water exercise classes
•   Full Healthy Living Center
•   Young Life Teen Center                                                     •   Indoor wave pool
•   Two gymnasiums                                                             •   Slide, lazy river & vortex
•   Learn & Play (6 weeks - 6 years)                                           •   Group and water exercise classes
•   Kids Zone (7 - 12 years)                                                   •   Healthy Living Center
•   Birthday parties for any age                                               •   Birthday parties for any age

CENTRAL                                                                        EAST
    Garden Ranch YMCA                        Colorado Springs                  YMCA at First & Main
      2380 Montebello Drive West              Senior Center                           3035 New Center Point
      Colorado Springs, CO 80918             1514 North Hancock Ave                 Colorado Springs, CO 80922               Colorado Springs, CO 80903    
•   Two swimming pools               
•   Group and water exercise classes
•   Full Healthy Living Center
•   Two gymnasiums
•   Indoor track
•   Climbing wall
•   Learn & Play (6 weeks - 6 years)
•   Kids Zone (7 - 12 years)
•   Birthday parties for any age
                                                                               •   Small basketball court
                                                                               •   Full Healthy Living Center
                                       •   For adults ages 55+                 •   Cardio Cinema
                                       •   Group exercise classes              •   Functional training area
                                       •   Art and lifelong learning classes   •   Group exercise classes
                                       •   Day trips & special events          •   Learn & Play (6 weeks - 6 years)
                                       •   Clubs & small groups                •   Kids Zone (7 - 12 years)
SUMMER 2020 PROGRAM GUIDE - YMCA of the Pikes Peak Region
DOWNTOWN                               OTHER LOCATIONS
      Downtown YMCA                            Outdoor Pools                           YMCA Camp
      207 North Nevada Avenue                     Wilson Ranch Pool                    Shady Brook
     Colorado Springs, CO 80903                 Monument Valley Pool                 8716 South Y Camp Road                             Portal Pool                       Deckers, CO 80135
                                                Prospect Lake Beach         

                                       •   Heated outdoor pools
                                       •   Group reservations
                                       •   Birthday parties
                                       •   Water exercise classes
•   Two swimming pools                 •   Lap swimming
•   Group and water exercise classes
•   Full Healthy Living Center
•   Indoor track
•   Two gymnasiums
•   Racquetball courts
•   Squash court                                                              •   Year-round residential camp
•   Learn & Play (6 weeks - 6 years)                                          •   Located in Deckers, CO
•   Kids Zone (7 - 12 years)                                                  •   Family Camps
•   Birthday parties for any age                                              •   Group Rentals

    Memorial Park YMCA                       Southeast YMCA                          Fountain YMCA
     280 South Union Boulevard                   2190 Jet Wing Drive                  301 East Iowa Avenue
     Colorado Springs, CO 80910              Colorado Springs, CO 80916                Fountain, CO 80817                    
                                       •   Two swimming pools & hot tub
                                       •   Group and water exercise classes
                                       •   Full Healthy Living Center
                                       •   Two gymnasiums & indoor track
                                       •   Racquetball courts
                                       •   Climbing wall
                                       •   Indoor play structure & Y Lab
                                       •   Learn & Play (6 weeks - 6 years)
                                       •   Kids Zone (7 - 12 years)
                                       •   Birthday parties for any age

•   Two swimming pools & hot tub                                              • Swimming pool (located at
•   Lazy river, bubble bench & slide                                            Fountain-Ft. Carson High School)
•   Group and water exercise classes                                          • Group exercise classes
•   Full Healthy Living Center                                                • Healthy Living Center
•   Birthday parties for any age                                              • Learn & Play (6 weeks - 6 years)
SUMMER 2020 PROGRAM GUIDE - YMCA of the Pikes Peak Region
When your kids take a swim lesson with
the Y, they’ll gain confidence and learn
new skills in a fun, caring environment.
With classes for all ages and skill levels,
we deliver the perfect pathway for all
abilities to enjoy, develop and grow.
For further program offerings, please
contact your local aquatics director, or

Private Swim Lessons                          Teen/Adult Lessons                         Homeschool Programs
Private and semi-private lessons are          Gives swimmers of all ability levels the   Work physical activity and socialization
a great option for anyone looking to          opportunity to receive instruction that    into your homeschool curriculum!
accomplish a specific objective.              meets their needs.                         We offer both P.E. classes and
You choose the agenda, working with an        This class continues to build a            Homeschool-Specific Swim Lessons.
instructor to set your goals. Rates vary      foundation of water safety, while          P.E. will incorporate both land and
by package, so please visit your local Y      presenting an introduction to resting      aquatic activities. Offered for children
for more information!                         and competitive strokes.                   ages five and older at select YMCAs.

                                              Swim Lesson Dates                          June
                                              March                                       Mon-Thurs: June 1-11/June 15-25
                                              Mon/Wed: March 2-18*                        Mon/Wed: June 1-24
                                              Tues/Thurs: March 3-19*                     Tues/Thurs: June 2-25
                                              Saturday: March 7-28                        Saturday: June 6-27
                                              April                                      July
                                               Mon/Wed: March 30-April 22                 Mon-Thurs: July 6-16/July 20-30
                                               Tues/Thurs: March 31-April 23              Mon/Wed: July 6-29
                                               Saturday: April 4-25                       Tues/Thurs: July 7-30
                                                                                          Saturday: July 11-August 8
                                              Mon/Wed: April 27-May 20                   August
                                              Tues/Thurs: April 28-May 21                 Mon-Thurs: August 3-13
                                              Saturday: May 2-23                          Mon/Wed: August 3-12**
                                                                                          Tues/Thurs: August 4-13**
                                              *three-week session, fees will vary         **two-week session, reduced rate

         Swim Starters                                   Swim Basics                               Swim Strokes
    Instructors will give parents and         Preschool: For ages 3-5, this class will   Participants ages 6-16 must be able to
    caregivers the tools to supervise          build foundations of water safety and     swim length of the pool freestyle using
children in the water, prevent accidents,               drowning prevention.             side breathing and have a knowledge of
       and plan for emergencies.                                                              breaststroke and dolphin kick.
                                               School Age: For ages 5-12, this class
Promotes water enrichment and aquatic            continues to build foundations of              Swim Team Prep
      readiness in children ages                water safety while also introducing         Transition from lessons to a swim
         6 months to 3 years.                     resting and competitive strokes.         team environment. Build endurance
                                                                                             and an understanding of all four
                                                                                                   competitive strokes.
SUMMER 2020 PROGRAM GUIDE - YMCA of the Pikes Peak Region
This course is designed to train and certify participants in the
skills necessary to help prevent and recognize aquatic risks
and respond to emergencies.
Participants will be certified in Basic Life Support, Basic First
Aid and Emergency Oxygen Administration upon successful
completion of this course and will have all certifications
necessary to apply for a lifeguard position.
Participants must be 16 years old, successfully complete
pre-swim, and complete all required pre-course work. There
is no fee for the pre-swim course. Visit your local Y to
register for pre-swim. Learn more at

The following branches have indoor pools with day passes available:
Cottonwood Creek Pool                         Memorial Park Pool                  Southeast YMCA Pool
Day Pass Rates:
                                              Day Pass Rates:                     Day Pass Rates:
   YMCA Members are free
                                                 YMCA Members are free               YMCA Members are free
		 $10 adult (ages 18 & over)
                                              		 $10 adult (ages 18 & over)       		 $10 adult (ages 18 & over)
		 $8 youth (ages 2-17)
                                              		 $8 youth (ages 2-17)             		 $8 youth (ages 2-17)
		 $35 family
                                              		 $35 family                       		 $35 family
Learn more at
                                              Learn more at   Learn more at

Fountain Valley Pool                          The following Y branches have indoor pools for
Open recreational swimming and lap            members’ lap or recreational swimming:
swimming available year round! Times
vary throughout the year, contact the         Briargate
Fountain Y for further details.                   4025 Family Place
Day Pass Rates:                                   Colorado Springs, CO 80920
    YMCA Members are free                     Downtown Y
		 $8 adult (ages 18 & over)
                                                 207 North Nevada Avenue
		 $5 youth (ages 2-17)
		$25 family                                     Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Learn more at             Garden Ranch
                                                 2380 Montebello Drive West
                                                 Colorado Springs, CO 80918

       Have questions?                        Tri-Lakes
                                                  17250 Jackson Creek Parkway
        Get answers at                            Monument, CO 80132
        indoorpoolfaq                                               9
SUMMER 2020 PROGRAM GUIDE - YMCA of the Pikes Peak Region
In 2012, the City of Colorado Springs and the YMCA of the Pikes Peak Region
partnered to open and operate four outdoor aquatic centers. Our goal was to
provide healthy programs and safe swimming for youth, families, adults and seniors.
Now in our eighth year, the partnership continues. New this year, pool passes
and monthly passes include access to the indoor pools at the Cottonwood
Creek and Memorial Park YMCAs!
                                                                                               SALE FOR PREVIOUS
                                          Important Dates                                     POOL PASS HOLDERS*
Day Pass Rates                            Pools Open                                               March 30 - April 5
                                           Saturday, May 23                                                MEMBERS:
Monument Valley, Portal
& Wilson Ranch Pools                      Pools Close                                                     $
   $10 Adult (ages 18 & over)              Monday, September 7                                           $
   $8 Youth (ages 2-17)                   Modified Schedule                                         *Must be a current Y member
   $35 Family*                             During the weeks of May 26,
                                           August 17, August 24, & August 31,                     EARLY BIRD SALE*
                                           Monument Valley Pool, Portal Pool and
Regular Pool Pass Rates                    Prospect Lake Beach will be closed
                                                                                                   Beginning April 16
Members          Nonmembers                Monday-Friday. Wilson Ranch Pool will                           MEMBERS:
 $200/Family*		 $450/Family*               be closed Monday-Thursday.
 $125/Individual		 $325/Individual
                                          Group Reservations                                        *Must be a current Y member
                                          Reservations are for two hours. Time
Monthly Pass Rates                        frames and cost vary by location and
Access to Monument Valley, Portal &       number of participants.
Wilson Ranch Pools & Prospect Lake        For group reservation info,                             for the most up-to-date
Members          Nonmembers                                                                            pool schedules.
                                            *Family Rate is intended for two adults in the
 $75/Family*		 $150/Family*                 same household and four children ages 2-17.
 $50/Individual		 $100/Individual           Children two and under are free.

                                                                                             Monument Valley Pool
                                                                                             220 Mesa Road
                                                                                             Colorado Springs, CO 80903
                                                                                              Monday-Saturday: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
                                                                                              Sunday: 12 p.m. – 5 p.m.

Portal Pool
3535 North Hancock Avenue                                                 PORTAL POOL
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
 Monday-Saturday: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
 Sunday: 12 p.m. – 6 p.m.

                                             Starting June 2: Water Exercise*
                                             Saturday: 9 - 10 a.m. *Must be a pool pass holder.
Wilson Ranch Pool
2335 Allegheny Drive                                                 WILSON RANCH POOL
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
 Block #1
  Monday-Sunday: 10 a.m. – 2:15 p.m.
 Block #2
  Monday-Sunday: 2:45 – 7 p.m.

Questions about block scheduling?               Starting June 2: Water Exercise*
Visit                        Tuesday & Thursday: 8:30 – 9:30 a.m. *Must be a pool pass holder.

             PROSPECT LAKE BEACH                                                              Prospect Lake &
                                                                                              Beach House
                                                                                              619 Prospect Lake Drive
                                                                                              Colorado Springs, CO 80910

                                                                                                Please visit
                                                                                                for info on opening dates and hours!

                                                                                                       Birthday Parties
SWIM BANDING                                                                                    Parties include one hour of swim time
                                                                                                 and one hour in the party room. We
All youth under 13 years old will complete an assessment and receive a band.
                                                                                                  will set up the room with birthday
                                                                                                  decorations, including table cloths,
        RED BAND                                  YELLOW BAND                                       plates, napkins, forks and cups.
  Ages 6 & under must have
                                                 Must remain in shallow                          Reservations must be made at least
   adult supervision in the
                                               water & have parent in pool                       two weeks in advance. Full payment
  water. All others must have
                                                     area or facility.
   parent in the pool area.                                                                     will be required at the time of booking.
                                                                                                Offered at Wilson Ranch, Cottonwood
                                                                                                            & Memorial Park.
       BLUE BAND                                   GREEN BAND
   May swim in water up to                     Must pass swim test, may                                         Cost:
 4½ ft. Ages 7 - 10 must have                 swim in all areas. Ages 7 - 10                        1-20 children: $175 Members,
       parent in facility.                     must have parent in facility
                                                                                                 $250 Nonmembers, includes 3 adults.
                                                                                                   After Hours Rentals
Swim Jacket Policy                                                                               Looking for an after-hours rental for
Adults may not have more than two red band children in their care - one child will               your company get-together or social
be required to wear a life jacket. Each pool has a limited supply of life jackets. You           gathering? We offer rentals on select
are welcome to bring your own Coast Guard Approved life jackets.                                Saturday evenings during the summer!
                                                                                                  Times & fees vary by location and
                                                                                                        number of participants.
THEMES LOCATION KEY                  BFC: Briargate DTC: Downtown GRC: Garden Ranch SEC: Southeast TLC: Tri-Lakes WCC: Westside Community Center
Turn Back Time                                                         Camp Gladiators
(TLC, BFC, DTC, GRC, SEC) No camp Monday, May 25                       (All camps)
  Turn back the clock with us as we travel through time - who            The clock is ticking, the crowd is watching, your team is
  knows where we will end up!                                            cheering you on - let the games begin! Challenge your brain
Race Through Space                                                       and body in daring feats of all kinds this week!
(All camps)                                                            Spies in Disguise
 3,2,1...Blast off to out-of-this-world FUN! This week is              (All camps)
 one small step for our campers and one giant leap for                   Let’s decode secret messages, uncover clues, and master
 the summer!                                                             disguises this week! The life of a spy isn’t you have
Game Show Mania                                                          what it takes?
(All camps)                                                            Experiments and Explosions
 We double dare you to try your luck, buzz in and solve the            (All camps)
 puzzle. This week is sure to be the game of all games!                  Put on your lab coats as we gear up for “al-kynes” of FUN
Ocean Commotion                                                          this week...and maybe even some “cell-fies!”
(All camps)                                                            There’s No Business Like Show Business
   You’ll have a whale of a time with us this week as we explore (All camps)
   the sea! Sharks, octopi, and other creatures - oh my!            We’re rolling out the red carpet for all of our stars this week!
Storybook Island                                                    This is your time to shine at YMCA day camp!
(All camps)                                                      Creature Feature
   Journey with us to Storybook Island this week! Let’s open     (DTC, TLC, GRC, WCC)
   the cover and explore the pages of adventures & escapades!       Do you believe in unicorns...or dragons? You will after this
All-American Road Trip                                              week of quests to discover what’s fact vs. fiction.
(All camps)                                                      Find the Magic in You
   Grab your shades and jump in! We are traveling across the     (DTC, GRC)
   good ol’ USA celebrating the red, white, and blue!               There’s no one alive who’s you-er than you! Let’s celebrate
1,2,3,4...We Declare a Color War!                                   just how you-nique you are this week.
(All camps)                                                            It’s going to be a great summer! Visit
  What color will be victorious this year at the fourth annual         for information on camp dates.
  YMCA Day Camp Color Wars? Come see for yourself!
                                                                      Before Camp 6:30 - 9:00 a.m.*
                                                                      Camp Day 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
                                                                      After Camp 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.
                                                                               *Before Camp at Westside Community Center begins 7 a.m.
                                                                      Price includes before/after care, field trips, and more!**
                                                                      Registration Fee $50 per child
                                                                         Full Week
                                                                           Members $210
                                                                           Nonmembers $240
                                                                         3 day week*
                                                                           Members $150
                                                                           Nonmembers $180
                                                                           *Choose your days! Available at Tri-Lakes YMCA & Westside Center.
                                                                          **$20 nonrefundable deposit per session due at time of registration.
LEADER IN TRAINING (L.I.T.)                                                               ADD-ONS
(Ages 13-15) Downtown, Tri-Lakes and Southeast YMCAs                                      Youth Sports Camp
Weekly sessions June 1- July 31                                                           Enhance your child’s Summer Day Camp
                                                                                          experience with Youth Sports Camp
The Leader in Training (LIT) program is centered on building skills for teens.            add-ons. This is a great opportunity
Participants will gain job readiness skills, build on what it means to be responsible,    for campers to explore the basics or
and develop character and leadership skills. LITs will work with younger campers          sharpen their skills in Basketball, Flag
while receiving guidance, support and encouragement from counselors. In                   Football, Soccer, Volleyball or Lacrosse
addition to the skills learned, LITs participate in traditional camp activities as
well- swimming, teambuilding, group games, field trips and more! LIT provides the         Sports Camp Add-ons are offered at all
opportunity for teens to connect with other like-minded participants, and build           YMCA locations. Campers will attend
friendships and self-esteem.                                                              day camp field trips on field trip days.

**LITs must apply to the program. Applications will be available March 1. The               Members & Nonmembers
application process consists of a written application, 2 written references,                $55 per week (see page 14 for
and an interview.                                                                           sports camp options)
  Members $105/week
                                                                                          Swim Lessons
  Nonmembers $120/week
                                                                                          Our skill-based approach to swim
                                                                                          lessons begins with critical water
                                                                                          safety skills, develops the swimmer as a
                                                                                          whole, builds confidence and improves
                                                                                          swimming skills.
                                                                                          Lessons will be held Monday-Thursday
                                                                                          during the Summer Day Camp program,
                                                                                          dates and times vary by location.
                                                                                          Lessons start the week of June 10
                                                                                          and wrap up the week of July 29 (no
                                                                                          lessons the week of July 1).
                                                                                            Members $30 per week
                                                                                            Nonmembers $50 per week

ADVENTURE CAMPS                                                           Cost
Time 6:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.                                                 Registration Fee $75/per child
Drop off 6:30 - 8:30 a.m. Pick up: 4:30 - 6:00 p.m.                        Members $300/week
Ages 8-14                                                                  Nonmembers $350/week

At our Adventure Specialty Camps, we believe in thrilling outdoor experiences in authentic local settings. Each day is an
adventure with every challenge designed to fit our campers’ ages and abilities. Led by our friendly and fun outdoor instructors,
campers develop lasting know-how and self-assuredness, propelling them toward a lifetime of exciting and fulfilling outdoor
adventure. Most activities will be held at off-site locations. Transportation provided.

Extreme Sports                               Wet In the Wild                             Outdoor Explorers
Bust out your mountain bike and strap        Are you wild about water? Do you love       Explorations and expeditions are on our
on your helmet for EXTREME sports!           being on the lake? Hook, Line & Sinker-     agenda this week as we seek out new
Sign up to hike, bike and climb the best     this camp is the place to be! Our plan      adventures each day! Let’s hike, swim,
the Springs has to offer for the most        this week includes canoeing, swimming,      and camp, as we learn all about our local
action-packed summer yet.                    fishing, and more!                          wildlife & ecosystems.
SUMMER CAMPS                         Our sports leagues develop more than skills – they develop character. We promote
                                     the development of each athlete so they can reach their highest potential through
          For ages 5-13              skill development, teamwork and sportsmanship.
     Half day 9 - 11:30 a.m.
                                     Honoring the Y’s four core values of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility, our
     Full day 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.*
                                     volunteer coaches focus on developing character as much as building athletes. We
  (*Briargate and Tri-Lakes only.)
                                     believe teamwork and cooperation are keys to success.
      Briargate YMCA
          June 1-5 Baseball                 SPRING                     Soccer Ages
                                                                       Volleyball Ages
                                                                                                   Preschool - Grade 8
                                                                                                   Grade 1 - Grade 8
          June 8-12 Soccer              Indoor/Outdoor Soccer,         Flag Football Ages          Grade 1 - Grade 8
       June 15-19 Basketball            Flag Football, Volleyball      Early Registration          Jan 20 - March 10
 June 22-26 Flag Football or Cheer                                     Practices Begin             Week of March 30
         July 6-10 Volleyball                                          Season (6 games)            April 10 - May 16
July 13-17 Lacrosse or Gymnastics
    July 27-31 Basketball 9-14

     Downtown YMCA                         SUMMER                       T-Ball Ages
                                                                        Coach Pitch Ages
                                                                                                    3 - 6 years old
                                                                                                    7 - 10 years old
                                           T-Ball, Coach Pitch,         Machine Pitch Ages          9 - 14 years old
        June 8-12 Baseball               Machine Pitch Baseball         Softball Ages               7 - 12 years old
     June 15-19 Gymnastics                    & Softball                Early Registration          March 23 - May 5
      June 22-26 Basketball                                             Practices Begin             Week of May 26
         July 6-10 Soccer                                               Season (8 games)            June 1 - July 10
                                                                                                                  (no weekend games!)
     July 13-17 Multi-Sport
      July 20-24 Basketball

   Garden Ranch YMCA                      SUMMER                       Ages                        9 -18 years old
                                           3v3 Basketball              Early Registration          May 1 - July 3
       June 8-12 Basketball                                            Season                      July 7 - 30
         June 15-19 Soccer                                                                                          (2 nights a week)
     June 22-26 Gymnastics
      July 6-10 Flag Football
       July 13-17 Basketball
        July 20-24 Volleyball                FALL                      Soccer Ages
                                                                       Volleyball Ages
                                                                                                   Preschool - Grade 8
                                                                                                   Grade 1 - Grade 8
    July 27-31 Swim and Gym              Outdoor Soccer, Flag          Flag Football Ages          Grade 1 - Grade 8
                                          Football, Volleyball         Early Registration          June 22 - August 11
     Southeast YMCA                                                    Practices Begin             Week of August 31
      June 8-12 Basketball                                             Season (6 games)            Sept 11 - Oct 17
    June 15-19 Flag Football
       June 22-26 Soccer
      July 6-10 Gymnastics                     FALL                    Ages
                                                                       Early Registration
                                                                                                   Preschool - Grade 12
                                                                                                   Aug 17 - October 6
      July 13-17 Basketball                    Basketball
                                                                       Practices Begin             Week of October 26
                                                                       Season (6 games)            Nov 7 - December 19
      Tri-Lakes YMCA                                                                (No practices or games the week of Thanksgiving.)
       June 8-12 Volleyball
June 15-19 Flag Football or Cheer
      June 22-26 Lacrosse
       July 6-10 Basketball
                                          WINTER                      Ages
                                                                      Early Registration
                                                                                                 Preschool - Grade 12
                                                                                                 Oct 12 - December 8
        July 13-17 Soccer                                             Practices Begin            Week of Jan 4, 2021
       July 20-24 Baseball                                            Season (8 games)           Jan 16 - Mar 6, 2021
     July 27-31 Gymnastics
                                                            Competitive Leagues Available!
 Pee Wee Clinics also available!
                                                 Soccer & Volleyball: Fall & Spring, Basketball: Fall & Winter
   For ages 3-5, half days only.
     Sports participation keeps children physically active and
     provides them with positive development opportunities.           We believe teamwork and cooperation are keys
     At the Y, we promote the development of each athlete             to success.
     so they can reach their highest potential through skill
                                                                      We play fair and respect teammates, opponents,
     development, teamwork and sportsmanship.
                                                                      coaches, officials and ourselves.
     Honoring the Y’s four core values of caring, honesty,
                                                                      Striving to win is an essential part of all sports,
     respect and responsibility, our volunteer coaches focus
                                                                      but winning is only one of many goals at the Y.
     on developing character as much as building athletes.
     That is why we do not conduct tryouts to select the best         Smiling, laughing and good feelings are important.
     players, nor do we cut children from our programs.

        Our focus on skill development, teamwork, sportsmanship and values is what sets Y Youth Sports apart.

Tumbling                                    Martial Arts
Participants will develop flexibility,      Children learn self-discipline and
strength, coordination and                  self-defense skills while learning how to
self-confidence as they learn               use strength effectively and improving
basic skills on floor, bars, beam           flexibility, balance and coordination.
and vault.

Our volunteer coaches bring The Y Way to Play to life. They are committed to
promoting sportsmanship and to being encouraging and supportive while using
positive feedback methods to create an environment where all players participate
equally, learn, grow and have fun!

Join Our Team
Our volunteer coaches provide leadership and instruction to their players, becoming
role models for our young athletes. Sure, you’ll teach skills, rules and technique,
but you’ll also work to create an atmosphere of respect, acceptance and caring for
players, fellow coaches and parents.

                          SPORTS SPONSORS & PARTNERS

                                            Special thanks to
                                           our Fall and Winter
                                           Basketball Sponsor!
DECKERS, CO                                                                   Life at camp is filled with adventure, friends,
                                                                            and fun — all in the breathtaking setting of the
                                                                             Rocky Mountains. Campers’ days will include a
Why Camp Shady Brook?                                                           schedule of chosen activities, as well as...
 Since 1948, YMCA Camp Shady Brook has hosted thousands
 of campers in our beautiful Rocky Mountain setting. We pride
 ourselves on offering one of the best traditional, values-
                                                                                 Cabin communities grouped by age and
 based camp experiences in the country. Parents and campers
                                                                                  gender with at least two counselors
 alike treasure the camp experience that promotes community
 and personal growth in a natural setting away from the
 bustle of technology and everyday stressors. This summer,
 start a tradition of camp in your family, or come back to the
 place you call home!                                                        Three nutritious meals and snacks each day,
                                                                              with vegetarian and allergen-free options
Summer Camp Options
 Each Traditional Camp participant will choose from a
 selection of discovery sessions to create a morning schedule
 unique to their interests. Potential activities include archery,
 kayaking, hiking, low ropes. fishing, paintball slingshots, creek                Daily rest periods provided to socialize
 stomping and more!                                                                   with their cabin or recover from
                                                                                           high-energy activities
   One week | ages 8 - 16
   Y Member $640 Nonmember $680
                                                                                       Fun outdoor activities including
   One week of action-packed days where each camper chooses their
                                                                                      swimming and boating at the lake
   favorite activities.
   Two weeks | ages 8 - 16
   Y Member $1,210 Nonmember $1,349
   Two weeks for campers to experience all the activities and create                 Evening games and campfires with
   more memories.
                                                                                      the entire community of campers
   Mini aspen camp | ages 6 - 8
                                                                            If your camper has special needs, diets, or allergies, please contact us.
   Y Member $300 Nonmember $345                                             YMCA Camp Shady Brook does not discriminate against any campers,
                                                                              but we must take the safety of the entire group into consideration.
   A half-week camp for the younger campers to help them build
   social skills and confidence.
   Aspen camp | ages 6 - 8
                                                                                     UNIQUE OUTDOOR                                  SURVIVAL
   Y Member $530 Nonmember $570                                                      ACTIVITIES                                      SKILLS
   A one-week camp for younger campers with structured activities
   to give a true camp experience.                                                   AT LEAST TWO                                    ROCK
                                                                                     CAMP-OUTS                                       CLIMBING
   k2 | ages 8-12, Everest | ages 12 - 16
   Y Member $875 Nonmember $935
   Campers experience more adventure including rock climbing,
   campouts and more!

For a complete list of camps and to register,
      please visit
    One week | ages 8 - 11                                                                           All horsemaster programs include
                                                                                                     a horse show on closing day for
    Y Member $825 Nonmember $905
                                                                                                     riders to show their new skills to
    Horse lovers get to spend their mornings at the barn learning how
                                                                                                     friends and family. All programs
    to groom and tack a horse, as well as basic riding techniques.
                                                                                                     also allow time for campers to
                                                                                                     participate in traditional afternoon
HORSEMASTERS                                                                                         and evening camp activities.
    One week | ages 11 - 14
    Y Member $825 Nonmember $905
    The next step up in horsemasters is to begin advancing
    riding techniques and campers learn to ride at a trot.                    Teen Leadership
ADVANCED HORSEMASTERS                                                         LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM
    One week | ages 13 - 16                                                     Two weeks | Rising freshmen & sophomores
    Y Member $825 Nonmember $905                                                Y Member $1,290 Nonmember $1,375
    For campers who have mastered the basic skills of riding,                   Teens are guided through the fundamentals of leadership and take
    YMCA Camp Shady Brook offers the challenge of advanced riding               on more responsibility at camp.
    where riders will learn to control a horse at a canter and explore
    the camp on trail rides.                                                  COUNSELOR IN TRAINING PROGRAM
                                                                                Four weeks | rising juniors & seniors
                                                                                Y Member $1,840 Nonmember $1,980
                                                                                For those campers who call YMCA Camp Shady Brook home, we
                                                                                provide a powerful and amazing leadership development program
                                                                                to teach skills to equip teens to become leaders at camp.

                                                                                                       YMCA CAMP SHADY BROOK


                                                                                                                                           Denver       70
Where parents can be kids, kids can be friends and friends can be families. Our
qualified staff will provide your family an opportunity to spend quality time
together, playing on our climbing wall and ropes course or taking aim on our
target sports ranges. Other activities can include canoeing or fishing on our lake,                                 285

s’mores, night hikes or learning about the local flora and fauna through our outdoor                          Bailey

education courses. Best of all, we’ll do the dishes!                                                                      126


                                                                                                              Y Camp Rd.                         25

Our gorgeous natural setting, ample meeting areas, quality food service and
variety of camp activities provide you with all the elements you need for a perfect                                 24

event. We’re far enough from the cities to feel like an escape, but close enough for
reasonable travel times. Whatever you’re looking for, our trained and experienced                                                                     Colorado

staff will work closely with you to help you build the perfect retreat.
Learn more at
The Y. It’s where you belong.
The Y’s Before & After School Child Care program expands learning beyond
the classroom. Children are celebrated for their uniqueness and provided with
multiple opportunities for growth and development through a variety of activities.
Homework assistance, snack and physical activity are provided daily.
We aim to create an inclusive environment at each of our sites that supports
self-confidence, encourages creativity, emphasizes teamwork and develops
future leaders. We serve school districts throughout El Paso County from
Fountain to Monument.
Visit for more information and to register.

2.5 hours of caring, safe child care
while you work out, included with
your membership. All children have
the opportunity to participate in
activities focused on the arts, music and
movement that help build a stronger
spirit, mind and body.

Kids Zone provides 2.5 hours of child
care for ages 7-12 while you work out
and is included with your membership.
Kids will enjoy enrichment such as
STEM, Lego, art and music!                      BIRTHDAY PARTIES
PEAK NIGHTS                                     YMCA Birthday Parties are created to be fun for the kids and easy and
                                                convenient for the parents! Our 2-hour birthday parties begin with a
Parents, drop your kids off at the Y            skilled and enthusiastic Y attendant conducting a fun and healthy bounce
and enjoy a night to yourselves! PEAK           house or pool activity for up to 20 children. Check with your local Y for
focuses on a evening of play, enrichment        theme options!
and adventure for children three years
                                                YMCA Birthday Parties include a two-hour bounce house or pool activity
old to 5th grade. During this theme-
                                                as well as plates, cups, flatware and napkins.
based program, children will explore a
variety of areas including movement,            For a fun and memorable experience for your kids and an easy and
STEM activities and crafts.                     affordable option for you, book your YMCA Birthday Party today at your
                                                local Y. Book early, as dates fill quickly!
 3-5 years (non-kinder), 5 - 8 p.m.               Standard Birthday Party Rate:
 5 years (kinder) - 5th grade, 5 - 9 p.m.           Member $175
NEW LOWER PRICE!                                    Nonmember $250
 $25 members, $45 nonmembers
 FPP members $18.75
Visit for more info
Middle School Initiative (MSI)
Middle School Initiative provides daily afterschool activities
that inspire youth to discover their passions, develop a
healthy lifestyle, explore new opportunities and gain the
assets needed to avoid risky behaviors. MSI also provides
a free YMCA youth membership to all participants. We
welcome homeschool and online class participants!
  Downtown Y
   (Serving Mann & North Middle Schools)
  Southeast Y
   (Serving Panorama & Atlas Prep Middle Schools)
  Tri-Lakes Y
    (Serving Lewis-Palmer Middle School)
  YMCA at First & Main
   (Serving Horizon Middle School, Mon/Wed only)
Learn more at

    Babysitting Certification
    Jump ahead of other babysitters in your neighborhood and take the American Safety and Health Institute-certified
    Babysitting Training Class. Babysitters will learn safety, responsibility, active play planning and how to provide
    leadership and guidance for younger children. This course also teaches basic knowledge of CPR and First Aid. Each
    participant will receive an activity starting manual, mini first aid kit, and certifications.
    Learn more at
    Exciting updates are coming for our babysitting program in 2020! Stay tuned!

                                                                        Real Alternatives to Drugs &
                                                                        Drinking (RAD)
                                                                        Real Alternatives to Drugs and Drinking (RAD) events
                                                                        are put on by students, for students. By offering an
                                                                        alternative to parties, RAD keeps students safe while
                                                                        still providing them with social events. RAD takes
                                                                        place on Fridays from 8:30 - 11:30 p.m. at the Tri-
                                                                        Lakes YMCA and follows the D38 school schedule for
                                                                        any closures or cancellations.
                                                                        Visit for more info.
                                                                              In partnership with

                                           There isn’t ONE way to get in shape. Whether you want to lose weight, increase
                                           your energy or just feel healthier, the YMCA can help you achieve your personal
                                           fitness goals on your budget. Start your wellness journey with a specialty program,
                                           group exercise class, personal or small group training. You’ll get expert advice and
                                           professional assistance in goal setting, strength training, cardio training, flexibility/
                                           balance and diet/nutrition.

Helping you get the results you want.
In less than two hours of your time over three appointments, you can finally learn
what really works for you in terms of exercise and fitness.

What is Jump Start?                                                                               Jump Start is a
This program consists of three free wellness coaching sessions with our team of
experts. Jump Start will provide you with the plan, tools and support you need
                                                                                                   $200 VALUE
to succeed! Jump Start has two different paths - Launch, for those just starting                   FREE for new
on their wellness journey, and Performance, for those looking to maintain their                     members!
current fitness level or improve in one particular area.
                                                                                                 Available at time of sign up only
Why do I need it?
Research has shown that 85% of people who try to start an exercise program
alone will fail. That’s where we come in! We know what works and can give you the
information you need to hit the ground running with confidence.

                                         ARE YOU NEW TO YOUR
                                          WELLNESS JOURNEY?
                      YES                                                                              NO

      •    Eliminate the trial and error of random                         •   Reach your ‘next level’ of fitness
           exercising and form a plan of action                            •   Learn how to stay injury-free
       • Learn exercises that will have the greatest                       •   Create longer-term goals or a plan to improve
           impact on your goals                                                in a specific area
       • Get valuable answers to common questions
           about health and wellness
  We know exercise can be intimidating. By                            If you’re already well on the way in your fitness
  creating an action plan with your coach, you can                    journey, Performance is for you! During your initial
  help ensure that you not only succeed, but also                     appointment, you will meet with one of our Certified
  have a lot of fun in the process! With Launch, you                  Personal Trainers to create a customized assessment
  will learn key exercises that will go the furthest                  to help you reach your fitness goals. Options include
  toward the goals you have established with your                     running assessments, advanced body composition
  coach. Our coaches are passionate about helping                     analysis, VO2 Max, Range of Motion Screening and
  you get the most out of your membership and                         others. Assessment prices vary.
  will help you connect with other members.
Whether you’re looking to train for your first marathon, keep up with
your kids, or just improve your overall physical health, one-on-one
personal training sessions are right for you! Your trainer will learn about
your goals and develop a realistic action plan that’s a perfect fit for you.

You may want paid-in-full pricing if:
    •     You have a short-term health/fitness goal
    •     You’re recovering from a recent injury
    •     You have a varied schedule
    •     You’re training for a specific event or occasion
                                                                                             New Y members
You may want commitment pricing if:                                                         get 25% OFF four
    •     You have a long-term health/fitness goal                                         60-minute personal
    •     You want a “set it and forget it” payment option                                  training sessions!
    •     You want to start a routine or habit, or get yourself on a schedule
                                                                                          25% off offer only valid for first 30 days from
    •     You want to save with our lowest rate                                                       time of joining the Y.

        Y-Express Small Group Training provides a 30-minute workout that will keep you motivated, challenged and inspired.
         The intimate setting also serves as a great support system with other members encouraging you to stay on track.
    With Y-Express Small Group Training, you’ll get the individualized attention of personal training at a lower cost, and it’s
                               a great way to complement your regular workouts in the gym.

                                    You pick the plan that works for you!
               ONE DAY                                       TWO DAY                                 UNLIMITED
              $30/month                                      $60/month                                  $70/month
  Pick the day of the week that works          Pick two days that work for you! Double           Drop in anytime, any day,
  best for you. Meet once a week and            your commitment and meet with your                   all month long.
     commit to that day and time.                        group twice a week.

                            Work out to the beat of music tracks, monitoring your avatar and the timer
                              displayed on the large screen to optimize work and recovery periods.
                           Class requires one-time purchase of a wrist band heart monitor, to be used as
                                            your check-in and monitoring for each class.

                                       Learn more at

Take your fitness to the next level with programs targeted towards transforming your
body or focused on the latest trends in functional movement. Monthly and 12-week
program options available. Classes include:

    Women on Weights                                         TRX
   Women on Weights is designed to           TRX suspension training is the original
   accommodate a variety of fitness            best-in-class workout system that
      levels. Gain lean muscle and          leverages gravity and your body weight
     enhance your physique. Learn              to perform hundreds of exercises.
   common lifts with proper form in         Develop strength, balance and flexibility.
    a non-threatening environment.

                                                  Pilates Reformer                                 Burn Zone
                                            Pilates is a form of low-impact exercise     Ready to change up your workout? By
                                                that aims to strengthen muscles           using a heart monitor and getting to
                                               while improving postural alignment         your “Y Burn Zone,” your body has to
                                             and flexibility. Helps strengthen deep        work harder. Burn more calories and
                                               muscles of the abdomen, hips and          fat and boost metabolism for up to 36
                                              spine, improving flexibility, balance,     hours! Great for people looking to lose
                                                           and mobility.                      weight and increase strength.

Group Exercise classes are a great way to meet people, boost your motivation and
add variety to your workouts. We offer over 400 free weekly group exercise
classes, and members can drop in at any time. All fitness levels are welcome. Class
types include:

             Aquatics                                      Dance
      Join us in the pool for fun and          Hit the dance floor for a full-body
challenging workouts that put less strain     workout that’s good for your heart,
               on your body.                  strength, balance and coordination.

              Cycling                                       Yoga
  A low impact, high intensity workout         Improve flexibility, manage stress
that can be easily modified to meet any        and gain a deeper sense of spirit,
             fitness level.                             mind and body.

               Cardio                                    Les Mills
   With a wide range of high-quality            The hottest music, cutting-edge
    classes to choose from, you’re            exercise science, and the energy of a
   sure to find a workout that keeps         group. These classes will make you fall
             you motivated!                            in love with fitness!

Check out all of our group exercise classes at
Mobile App
The PPYMCA mobile app is the perfect
way to set goals, track your workouts,
sign up for classes and more. It also                             MOBILE APP FEATURES
connects to all of your favorite fitness
wearables. For more information and              SET UP YOUR PROFILE                            SET A GOAL
instructions on how to download,               By entering your gender, height        Set a goal based on time, distance,
visit                         and weight, the app will be able to    calories or number of workouts and
                                               estimate how many calories you        work your way to success as the app
                                                burned during each workout!                  tracks your progress!
Studio Sweat onDemand                             RECORD A WORKOUT                      TAKE ON A CHALLENGE
Studio SWEAT onDemand is an                    You can record manually, or use          Need some extra motivation to
innovative way to get high-quality            xCapture to take a picture of your      exercise? Join a challenge, compete
Spinning, strength training, yoga, HIIT,     machine’s screen and the info will be    with other Y members and win fun
and other amazing body-sculpting                   entered automatically!                            prizes!
workouts. Users take Studio SWEAT
classes via a TV in our center - any                   FIND A CLASS                     CONNECT YOUR DEVICE
class, any time, with unlimited access so    Sort by date, type or even instructor    Do you have a wearable device or a
you can jump in whenever you want.            and find the perfect class! You can    favorite workout app? Connect them
                                             add classes to your calendar with the      to the Y app and workouts are
With Studio SWEAT, you get guided                      click of a button.                   entered automatically!
workouts at your convenience,
available at the click of a button.                 ASK A QUESTION                      SEE WORKOUT HISTORY
Studio SWEAT onDemand is currently           Use the ‘support’ tab to let us know      Look back on all of your exercise
offered at the Memorial Park YMCA.           about broken equipment, ask about       accomplishments and review stats for
Studio SWEAT is offered to YMCA              membership or give us a suggestion.         each workout you recorded!
members completely free.

eGym is a circuit of 10 fully electronic strength
machines that cover all the major muscle groups, so you
can get a complete full-body workout in less than 45
minutes. eGym machines feature touchscreens with an
interface like a video game that shows you how many
reps to do, at what speed and with what range of motion.
To use these machines, each member completes
an orientation where they receive a personalized
identification band, which allows the machines to
recognize you, adjust for height, weight and strength, and
track your progress.
eGym machines are currently offered at the Briargate
YMCA and the Downtown YMCA, completely free.

If you have completed                     If you have completed                    If you have completed
orientation and have a                    orientation and have a                   orientation
RED BAND:                                 BLUE BAND:                               Ages 14+
Ages 7-10                                 Ages 11-13                               You can:
You can:                                  You can:                                 • Use all equipment including Peloton
• Use any machine or equipment that       • Use any machine or equipment that         bikes, rowers, tires, Assault bikes,
   has a red sticker, as long as you         has a blue sticker, as long as you       Nautilus weight machines, HIIT Mill,
   have someone 16 or older with you         have someone 16 or older with you        treadmills and stair climbers
• Use cardio equipment in the Cardio      • Use cardio equipment in the Cardio     • Use Cardio Cinema
   Cinema with a parent present (must        Cinema (must meet the height          • Use Ignite Zone with a parent, using
   meet the height requirement               requirement for bikes)                   safe form and proper etiquette
   for bikes)                             • Take group exercise classes            • Take any group exercise and
• Take group exercise classes (without    • Take cycling classes, as long as you      cycling classes
   weights) if you have someone 16 or        meet the height requirements set by   Ages 16+
   older with you                            the instructor
                                                                                   You can:
• Take a cycling class, as long as you    • Use Ignite Zone with a parent, using   • Use all facilities including Cardio
   have someone 16 or older with you         safe form and proper etiquette           Cinema and Ignite Zone without a
   and meet the height requirements          (YMCA at First & Main)                   parent (YMCA at First & Main)
   set by the instructor

  Youth Orientation
  For children ages 7-13, this
  orientation demonstrates proper use
  of equipment and stretching areas,
  providing kids all the knowledge they
  need to work out so you can get fit
  as a family!
  Visit the front desk of your local Y
  or ask a wellness attendant to get
  signed up for a youth orientation.

These health programs were created by the YMCA in response to changing                       Learn more about
health care trends, to deliver community-based health and wellness services
in innovative new ways rooted in a common commitment to preventing and
                                                                                              our programs at
combating chronic disease.                                                       
Anyone who visits the Y can take advantage of different programs that help
our community become healthier and have a higher quality of life.

LIVESTRONG® at the Y                        Blood Pressure Program Parkinson’s Exercise
Our Y is proud to offer LIVESTRONG at       The YMCA Blood Pressure Program Program (PEP)
the YMCA to help cancer survivors feel      is designed to help participants with        The Y is partnering with Parkinson’s
alive again! This 12-week program is        hypertension lower their blood pressure      Wellness Recovery to create a
designed to help survivors overcome the     through an evidence-based program            neuroplasticity-principled program
effects of fatigue and deconditioning       that combines four elements: blood           that integrates the latest exercise
from treatment and the disease. The         pressure self-monitoring, physical           research. PEP provides a supportive
program is for adult survivors from the     activity tracking, nutrition education,      exercise environment to optimize brain
point of diagnosis through the balance      and personalized support.                    recovery and repair. We utilize exercise
of life and includes a family membership                                                 as medicine to increase quality of life so
during the 12-week program. A               Balance & Fall                               that you can get better and stay better.
physician referral is necessary to          Prevention
join the program.                           As part of our mission, the Y seeks to
                                            support every older adult with their         Aging Mastery Program
Participants do not need to be YMCA         desire to stay active and healthy in         The Aging Mastery Program® (AMP) is
members – so please share this with         spirit, mind and body. Because falls         a 10 week course that empowers older
anyone you think might be interested.       are the leading cause of injuries            adults to make and maintain small but
Prior to beginning the program, all         among older adults, the Y offers a fall      impactful changes in their behaviors.
participants will be asked to meet with     prevention program for seniors: Moving       The program incorporates evidence-
a LIVESTRONG at the YMCA specialist         for Better Balance. Classes are offered      informed materials, expert speakers,
for an intake appointment. Participants     at a variety of locations in our region,     group discussion, peer support, and
work with Y staff trained in supportive     including YMCA facilities, senior centers,   small rewards to give participants the
cancer care to safely achieve their goals   and other community locations in El          skills and tools they need to achieve
such as building muscle mass, strength,     Paso & Teller Counties. The entire class     measurable improvements in managing
flexibility and endurance, and improving    can be done in a chair.                      their health, remaining economically
confidence and self-esteem.                                                              secure, and contributing to society.

                                                                                         Y Weight Loss
                                                                                         Provides tools, knowledge and group
                                                                                         support to help you develop a nutrition
                                                                                         and exercise plan that works for you.
                                                                                         The 12-week program is designed to
                                                                                         help people seeking a healthier weight
                                                                                         achieve their goals by making small,
                                                                                         modest changes to their daily behaviors
                                                                                         and forming sustainable healthy habits.
                                                                                         Each session is 60 minutes and will
                                                                                         include a private weigh-in, movement
                                                                                         activities, nutrition education and goals
                                                                                         for the following week.
Annual Support Campaign
                         NO ONE IS EVER TURNED AWAY FROM THE YMCA.
   As an organization for all, the Y works tirelessly to help improve the health and well-being of our neighbors,
     regardless of their financial circumstances. Where others put up barriers, the Y opens doors and finds
                 ways for the entire community to access life-changing programs and support.
    This simply would not be possible without you. It is because of our generous donors and Y champions that
                             we can be for all and meet the needs of our community.


       El Paso County has one of the highest teen suicide rates in the nation. At the Y, we believe programs
             aimed at teens and children can play a critical role in helping to halt this shocking trend.
   This year, we expanded our Middle School Initiative program to include 6th, 7th and 8th graders, providing not
    only a free Y membership but also a safe space to be after school every day, with a hot meal, trained staff,
                       and people who genuinely care about their health and well-being.
  Programs like the Middle School Initiative means that children are cared for after school and do not go home to
an empty house, where they may get into trouble without supervision. It gives kids a chance to connect with friends
    they don’t see during the school day and encourages physical activity and the development of new hobbies.

   Chronic diseases account for 7 in 10 deaths among Americans each year - the reason for the most deaths in the U.S. At
 the Y, we are committed to preventing and combating chronic disease. Because of supporters like you, our evidenced-based
         programs can help keep our neighbors out of the doctor’s office – regardless of their financial circumstances.
Through Y programs, seniors are learning to prevent falls through our Moving for Better Balance classes. Cancer survivors are
 regaining their strength and confidence through our LIVESTRONG® program. Individuals with Parkinson’s are breaking free
  from the disease and learning how to walk on their own again. Your support is what ensures all our neighbors can be their
                                       healthiest selves, regardless of financial means.

                                             DROWNING PREVENTION
 In the summer of 2018 alone, four children drowned or nearly drowned in pools right here in the Pikes Peak region. These
 tragic events are a reminder to us all that swim lessons shouldn’t be a luxury – every child should know exactly what to do
                                              should they fall into a body of water.
  No one knows this better than the Y. Not only did we invent swim lessons, but we also ensure that they are affordable and
accessible to all children in our community. Because of our Safety Around Water program, 300 low-income children who had
little to no experience in water now know exactly what to do should they accidentally become submerged. These lessons are
offered free of charge thanks to of generous supporters like you who believe that even one drowning death is one too many.

     Your support means that these programs, and so many more, are affordable and accessible for all members of our community.
                    Join us in our cause to strengthen the foundation of our community today by donating today!

                                     Give today at
                                                                                                                                                                                           1  Briargate
                                                                                                                                                                                              4025 Family Place
                                                                                                                                                                                           2 Colorado Springs Senior Center
                                                                                                                                                                                              1514 N Hancock Ave
                                                      Baptist Rd                                                                                                                              719.955.3400
                                                                                                                                                                                           3 Cottonwood Creek
                                                                                                                                                                                              3920 Dublin Boulevard
                                                              North Gate Blvd                                                                                                                 719.385.6508
                                                                                                                                                                                           4 Downtown
                                                                                                                                                                                              207 North Nevada Avenue
                                                                                                                                                                                           5 The YMCA at First & Main

                                                                                                                                                                           Meridian Rd
                                                                                                                                                                                              3035 New Center Point
                                                                                          Briargate Pky                                                                                    6 Fountain Valley
                                                                                                                                                                                              301 East Iowa Avenue
                                                                                 Research Pkwy
                                                                                                                                                         Woodmen Road
                                                                                                                                                                                           7 Garden Ranch
                                                                                                                                                                                              2380 Montebello Drive West
                                                       oad                                                                                                                                    719.593.9622
                                    Centennial Blvd

                                                                                                                                                                                           8 Memorial Park
                                                                                                     Union Blvd

                                                                                                                                                                                              280 South Union Boulevard

                                                                                                                                                                                           9 Southeast & Armed Services

                                                                                                                                                    Powers Blvd

                                                                                                                                                                                              2190 Jet Wing Drive


                                                                                                                                                                                           10 Tri-Lakes
                                                                                                                  Academy Blvd

                                                                                                                                                                                              17250 Jackson Creek Parkway
                                                                                     Union Blvd

                                                                       E Uintah St
                                                                                                                                                                                           11 YMCA Camp Shady Brook
                                                                                                                                          Platte                                              8716 South Y Camp Road
                                                                                                                                                                                              Deckers, CO 80135
                                                            S Nevada

                                                                                                                                                                                                   Outdoor Pools
                                                                                                                                                                                           14 Monument Valley Pool
                                                                                                                                                                                              220 Mesa Road
                                                                                                                                                                                              Colorado Springs, CO 80903
                                                                                                                                                                                           15 Portal Pool
                                                                                                                                                                                              3535 North Hancock Avenue
                                                                                                                                                                                              Colorado Springs, CO 80907
                                                                                                                                                       Mes                                    719.388.8287
                                                                                                                                                          a Rid
                                                                                                                                                               ge P
                                                                                                                                                                                           16 Prospect Lake Beach
     WEBSITE LOGIN INFO                                                                                                                                                                       619 Prospect Lake Drive
                                                                                                                                                                                              Colorado Springs, CO 80910
                                                                                                                                                                                           17 Wilson Ranch Pool
                                                                                                                                                                                              2335 Allegheny Drive
       Password_________________________________                                                                                                                                              Colorado Springs, CO 80919

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