Lorenzo de Zavala Campus Improvement Plan 2018-2019 - Dallas ISD

Page created by Allan Tran
Lorenzo de Zavala Campus Improvement Plan 2018-2019 - Dallas ISD
Lorenzo de Zavala Campus Improvement Plan
Lorenzo de Zavala Campus Improvement Plan

Committee Members:

 Name                                                                       Role

 Melissa Gonzalez                                                           Principal

 Haturia Slack, Olivia Bridgett Leeandrea Price                             Professional Staff Members

 Carmen Gonzalez, Ronnie Mestas                                             Community Member (s)

 Cindy Quintanilla-Anita Martinez Recreation Center                         Business Representative (s)

 Maria Gonzalez- 3rd parent                                                 Parent (s)

 Emily Ashley                                                               Other

 Sonia Garcia                                                               Parent Instructor

In accordance with TEC 11.251, District Performance Goals/Objectives (approved by Dallas ISD Board of Trustees, November xxxxxxx) are aligned with Campus
Performance Goals/Objectives.

GOAL 1:   Student achievement on state assessments in all subjects at Approaches or above will increase from 66% to 75% by 2022.
GOAL 2:   Student achievement on the 3rd grade state assessment in reading at Approaches or above will increase from 62% to 75% by 2022.
GOAL 3:   Student achievement on state assessments in two or more subjects will increase from 34% to 40% by 2022.
GOAL 4:   Student participation in extra-curricular or co-curricular activities will increase from 59% to 65% by 2022.

The mission of the public education system of this state is to ensure that all Texas children have access to a quality education that enables them to achieve their
potential and fully participate now and in the future in the social, economic, and education opportunities of our state and nation. That mission is grounded on
the conviction that a general diffusion of knowledge is essential for the welfare of this state and for the preservation of the liberties and rights of citizens. It is
further grounded on the conviction that a successful public education system is directly related to a strong, dedicated, and supportive family; and that parental
involvement in the school is essential for the maximum educational achievement of a child.

                                             THE STATE OF TEXAS PUBLIC EDUCATION GOALS

GOAL #1:        The student in the public education system will demonstrate exemplary performance in the reading and writing of the
       English language.
GOAL #2:        The students in the public education system will demonstrate exemplary performance in the understanding of mathematics.
GOAL #3:        The students in the public education system will demonstrate exemplary performance in the understanding of science.
GOAL #4:        The students in the public education system will demonstrate exemplary performance in the understanding of social studies.
                                        THE STATE OF TEXAS PUBLIC EDUCATION OBJECTIVES

Objective #1: Parents will be full partners with educators in the education of their children.
Objective #2: Students will be encouraged and challenged to meet their full educational potential.
Objective #3: Through enhanced dropout prevention efforts, all students will remain in school until they obtain a high school diploma.
Objective #4: A well-balanced and appropriate curriculum will be provided to all students.
Objective #5: Qualified and highly effective personnel will be recruited, developed, and retained.
Objective #6: The state’s students will demonstrate exemplary performance in the comparison to national and international standards.
Objective #7: School campuses will maintain a safe and disciplined environment conducive to student learning.
Objective #8: Educators will keep abreast of the development of creative and innovative techniques as appropriate to improve student learning.
Objective #9: Technology will be implemented and used to increase the effectiveness of student learning, instructional management, staff development, and

In accordance with TEC 11.251, District Performance Goals/Objectives (approved by Dallas ISD Board of Trustees, November xxxxxxx) are aligned with Campus
Performance Goals/Objectives.
Data Sources Reviewed:
   ● Data Packet
   ● Climate Survey
   ● Student Survey

Area                     Summary of Strengths                                    Summary of Needs                                            Priorities
Reviewed            What were the identified strengths?                     What were the identified needs?                    What are the priorities for the campus,
                                  (Facts not actions)
                                                                                                                              including how federal and state program
                                                                                       (Facts not actions)                               funds will be used?

Demographics      Lorenzo DeZavala is in the Pinkston Feeder       DeZavala has the following needs:                         DeZavala’s priorities are:
Data Source(s):   pattern in West Dallas with 423 students.
                                                                       ●     Stagnant attendance at 96% throughout the           ●    Improve attendance by 2% point by
                  DeZavala’s population is as follows:                                                                                developing an aggressive and strategic
                     ● 95.3% Hispanic                                        year
                                                                       ●     Loss of students to charter school                       Attendance Improvement Plan
                     ● 4% African American                                                                                       ●    Improve student retention and
                     ● 0.5% White                                      ●     Decline of student achievement in K-2 I-
                     ● 0.2% Multiple                                                                                                  recruitment
                                                                             station; regression in tier movement
                     ● 70.9% At Risk                                                                                             ●    Increase rigor and pacing to implement a
                                                                       ●     5th grade has double digit losses in                     more efficient Writing Program to
                     ● 97.6% Economically Disadvantaged
                     ● 62.6% Limited English Proficient                      Approaches: Reading/Math; single digit                   increase the number of students
                     ● 9.0% Special Education                                losses in Meets: Reading/Math; losses in                 performing at the Approached, Met, and
                     ● 17.5% Talented and Gifted                             Masters: Math                                            Mastery Level Standard in English &
                     ● 11% Mobility Rate                               ●     4th grade has double digit gains in all                  Spanish Writing
                                                                                                                                 ●    Increase rigor and pacing to implement a
                                                                             subjects except in Writing Masters which                 more efficient Reading Program to
                  DeZavala has seen:
                     ● In increase in student numbers                        show regression                                          increase the number of students
                     ● Implementation of a Montessori track            ●     3rd grade shows growth in all areas except in            performing at the Approached, Met, and
                          with 3 classes and the addition of one             Meets Reading                                            Mastery Level Standard in all grade levels
                          more for the coming year                                                                               ●    Reading comprehension will be a focus
                                                                                                                                      for EC-5 targeting balanced literacy block
                                                                     Grade      Test      App        Meets    Mastery                 of instruction
                                                                      3rd        R         77          25        15              ●    Readers to Leaders will provide daily in
                                                                                 M         79          52        25                   school tutoring for at-risk students.

                                                                      4th        R         70          41        20
                                                                                 M         77          50        30
                                                                                 W         57          39        7

                                                                      5th        R         46          27        14

In accordance with TEC 11.251, District Performance Goals/Objectives (approved by Dallas ISD Board of Trustees, November xxxxxxx) are aligned with Campus
Performance Goals/Objectives.
M        50         23         5
                                                                                 S        73         26         13

Student           STAAR data reveals the following strengths:        Needs:                                                 Priorities:
Data Source(s):       ●   Increase in Approaches in 4th grade            ●    Higher percentage of students reaching the         ●    Special education student achievement
                          Math, 3rd grade reading and math                    Meet and Masters Level Standards on all
                      ●   Increase in Meets in 4th grade reading,             STAAR content areas                                ●    Aggressive monitoring
                          math, and writing; 3rd grade math              ●    Increase number of students reading “On            ●    Campus wide writing plan
                      ●   Increase in Master in 5th grade reading;            Grade Level” based on Running Record Data          ●    Focus on lesson design and data driven
                          4th reading and math; 3rd grade reading             & ISIP Lexile levels                                    instruction
                          and math                                       ●    Teacher and content focused development            ●    Design and execution of rigorous lesson,
                                                                              in the following areas                                  DOLs, and weekly tests aligned to District
                                                                         ●    5th grade reading and math                              Common Assessments, ACP, and STAAR
                                                                         ●    4th grade writing                                  ●    Continue to improve implementation of
                                                                         ●    3rd grade reading                                       Balanced Literacy Model in all K-2
                                                                                                                                 ●    Continue to improve guided reading in all
                                                                                                                                      K-2 classrooms
                                                                                                                                 ●    Continue the implementation of small
                                                                                                                                      group stations and centers to engage and
                                                                                                                                      differentiate for all learners

School Culture    DeZavala Climate Survey shows strengths in:        Needs:                                                 Priorities:
and Climate
Data Source(s):   Beliefs and Priorities 94%                         Positive Culture and Environment 83.3%                      ●    Student/Staff Incentives for attendance
                  Culture of Feedback and Support 94%                                                                                 (rewards, positive reinforcement,
                                                                         ●    Social Emotional Learning and AVID strategy             extended lunch, jeans, leave early, time
                  College-Going Culture 100%                                  implementation with focus on counselor                  with the principal, teacher of the month,
In accordance with TEC 11.251, District Performance Goals/Objectives (approved by Dallas ISD Board of Trustees, November xxxxxxx) are aligned with Campus
Performance Goals/Objectives.
Teacher to Teacher Trust 92%                        ●     Campus wide student management plan                   etc.)
                  Teacher to Principal Trust 97%                      ●     Increase parental engagement                     ●    Embed implementation of SEL curriculum
                                                                      ●     Foster more parent and student                        in all classrooms
                                                                            accountability                                   ●    Expand AVID strategies 3rd-5th grade
                      ●   Schoolwide staff celebrations               ●     Recognition programs to incentivize
                      ●   Mindfulness PD for teachers and                   students and staff                               ●    Campus wide student management plan
                          students                                    ●     Budget for after school clubs (provide           ●    Structured Student Management Plan
                      ●   Opportunities for leadership potential            fundraising opportunities)                            that is shared with all stakeholders
                                                                      ●     Increase daily attendance tardies and            ●    Weekly administrative updates and
                                                                            absences                                              celebrations will be shared with all
                                                                                                                                  faculty and staff via electronic Smore
                                                                                                                                  (DeZavala Gazette) newsletter
                                                                                                                             ●    Campus administration will follow a
                                                                                                                                  Distributed Leadership Model in which
                                                                                                                                  the Admin Team, Campus Leadership
                                                                                                                                  Team (composed of Team Leaders from
                                                                                                                                  all grade levels), and Campus Committees
                                                                                                                                  share in the Decision-Making Process

Staff Quality/    Strengths:                                       Needs:                                               Priorities:
Development           ●   83% teacher retention rate                  ●     Increase teacher capacity                        ●    Conduct school-wide survey to get staff
Data Source(s):       ●   55% teachers with more than 3 years         ●     Increase STAAR Writing scores in English              input on needed professional
                      ●   45% teachers with more than 5 tears               and Spanish                                           development
                      ●   23% teachers with more than 10 years        ●     Guided Reading in the Balanced Literacy          ●    Personalized PD strategically aligned to
                                                                                                                                  CIP and focused on increasing teacher
                                                                            Model for K - 6th grade                               capacity and student achievement
                                                                      ●     Balanced Literacy with a focus on writing        ●    Strategic PLC calendar and formats
                                                                      ●     Aligned data practices in K-6th                       focused on frequent analysis of student
                                                                                                                                  achievement data and best practices.
                                                                                                                             ●    Focused on building capacity through the
                                                                                                                                  implementation of Committees and
                                                                                                                                  teachers serving as committee chairs
                                                                                                                             ●    Teacher developed K-5 Alignment of
                                                                                                                                  Writing curriculum plan
                                                                                                                             ●    Teachers develop instructional calendars
                                                                                                                                  and design lessons by backwards
                                                                                                                                  mapping; utilizing district common
                                                                                                                                  assessments and teacher-made tests

In accordance with TEC 11.251, District Performance Goals/Objectives (approved by Dallas ISD Board of Trustees, November xxxxxxx) are aligned with Campus
Performance Goals/Objectives.
Curriculum,      Strengths:                                         Needs:                                                 Priorities:
Assessment            ●   Backwards planning in each grade level        ●     tighten curriculum alignment and                   ●    PLC planning format to allow more time
Data Source(s):                                                                                                                       for extended planning
                          with the use of TRS and the creation of             instruction practices by utilizing PLCs for        ●    Campus wide writing plan Prek-6
                          curriculum maps every 6 weeks                       backwards planning, instructional planning,        ●    Focus on lesson design with targeted
                      ●   Academic growth in 3rd/4th grade                    DOL trackers, classroom progress                        areas: small group, progression of rigor
                          reading, math, writing                              monitoring trackers.                               ●    Data driven instruction alignment
                      ●   formal writing plan with the assistance       ●     Prek-6 Writing Plan
                          of PFP AF’s                                   ●     Guided reading and small group

Family and        Strengths:                                         Needs:                                                 Priorities:
Involvement           ●   With the leadership of the parent             ●     Activities to increase family involvement          ●    Increasing PTA membership from 10 to 40
Data Source(s):                                                                                                                       members by targeting our Montessori
                          instructor, the campus has been able to             such as grade level nights and                          parents, 3-6 parents.
                          increase parent communication by                    Grandparent’s Day                                  ●    Utilize the Anita Martinez Recreation
                          committing to weekly parent                   ●     Higher percentage of parent/teacher                     Center for workshops, parent nights and
                          newsletters, increase use of School                 conference attendees                                    PTA meetings.
                          Messenger and open- door policy               ●     Volunteer recognition events                       ●    4 CORE Survey to parents in Fall and
                                                                        ●     Increase parent volunteer opportunities.                Spring
                          activities such as “Coffee with the           ●     Increase parent education classes                  ●    Increase number of afterschool events at
                          Principal” lunch sessions/trainings with                                                                    later hours so parents can attend
                          Parent Instructor.

In accordance with TEC 11.251, District Performance Goals/Objectives (approved by Dallas ISD Board of Trustees, November xxxxxxx) are aligned with Campus
Performance Goals/Objectives.
School Context Strengths:                                         Needs:                                                  Priorities:
Organization   PK3-6th grade model                                   ●     Systematic behavior plan                            ● Develop and implement systematic
Data Source(s):                                                      ●     Master schedule development alongside                 Student management plan (school
                      ●   One way dual language                            staff                                                 google doc for
                      ●   Self-contained classrooms                  ●     Quarterly needs assessment to improve                 documenting)
                      ●   Departmentalized classrooms                      existing systems                                    ● Parent communication and
                      ●   3 Pilot Montessori classrooms              ●     Montessori expansion to address the                   documentation system utilized by all
                      ●   Weekly PLCs, Guiding Coalition (CILT)            community need to provide more school                 teachers
                          Leadership Team: Data Driven                     choice opportunities to the West Dallas area        ● Coordinate and execute schedule for
                          Instruction every 6 weeks, Common                                                                      75min PLC’s, weekly data analysis, and
                          Assessments every 6 weeks, Progress                                                                    weekly PD/trainings
                          Tracking                                                                                             ● Montessori 3 classrooms with planning
                                                                                                                                 for an additional section next year

Technology        Strengths:                                      Needs:                                                  Priorities:
Data Source(s):
                  All classrooms                                     ●     1:1 one access for students                         ●  Update existing technology in classrooms
                                                                                                                                  (projectors, clickers, COWS)
                        ● projectors                                 ●     Blended learning to support differentiated         ● Jiv Daya Step 1:1 all students in 6th grade
                  COWs per grade levels                                    and small group instruction                            to integrate tablet across contents.
                        ● K-1 - 1 COW                                ●     Prepare young students for the digital         Purchase of a chrome books
                        ● 2nd through 5th - 2 COWS per grade               dimension                                          ● Provide professional development on best
                            level                                                                                                 practices for Blended Learning and
                                                                                                                                  increase integration of technology in the

In accordance with TEC 11.251, District Performance Goals/Objectives (approved by Dallas ISD Board of Trustees, November xxxxxxx) are aligned with Campus
Performance Goals/Objectives.
Title I, Part A

Schoolwide Components:

    1. A comprehensive needs assessment of the entire school(including taking into account the needs of migratory children as defined in section 1309(2)) that
        is based on information which includes the achievement of children in relation to the State academic content standards and the State student academic
        achievement standards described in section 1111(b)(1).
    2. Schoolwide reform strategies that provide opportunities for all children to meet the State’s proficient and advanced levels of student academic
        achievement, use effective methods and instructional strategies that are based on scientifically based research, and that include strategies to address
        the needs of all children in the school, but particularly the needs of low-achieving children and those at risk of not meeting the State student academic
        achievement standards who are members of the target population of any program that is included in the schoolwide program.
    3. Instruction by state certified teachers.
    4. In accordance with section 1119 and subsection (a)(4), high-quality and ongoing professional development for teachers, principals, and
        paraprofessionals and, if appropriate, pupil services personnel, parents, and other staff to enable all children in the school to meet the State’s student
        academic achievement standards.
    5. Strategies to attract high-quality teachers to high-need schools.
    6. Strategies to increase parent and family involvement in accordance with section 1118, such as family literary services.
    7. Plans for assisting preschool children in the transition from early childhood programs, such as Head Start, Even Start, Early Reading First, or a State-run
        preschool program, to local elementary school programs.
    8. Measures to include teachers in the decisions regarding the use of academic assessments described in section 1111(b)(3) in order to provide information
        on, and to improve, the achievement of individual students and the overall instructional program.
    9. Activities to ensure that students who experience difficulty mastering the proficient or advanced levels of academic achievement standards required by
        section 1111(b) (1) shall be provided with effective, timely additional assistance which shall include measures to ensure that student difficulties are
        identified on a timely basis and to provide sufficient information on which to base effective assistance.
    10. Coordination and integration of Federal, State, and local services and programs, including programs supported under this Act, violence prevention
        programs, nutrition programs, housing programs, Head Start, adult education, vocational and technical education, and job training.

In accordance with TEC 11.251, District Performance Goals/Objectives (approved by Dallas ISD Board of Trustees, November xxxxxxx) are aligned with Campus
Performance Goals/Objectives.
Title I Schoolwide Components Reference Numbers
 1. Comprehensive Needs Assessment                                                6. Strategies to increase family, community and parent engagement
 2. Reform Strategies                                                             7. Transition
 3. Instruction by State Certified Teachers                                       8. Teacher Decision-Making Regarding Assessments
 4. High Quality Professional Development                                         9. Effective and Timely Assistance to Students
 5. Strategies to Attract State Certified Teachers                                10. Coordination and Integration

 Strategic Priority Reference Numbers
 1. Recruiting, supporting, and retaining teachers and principals
 2. Building a foundation of math and reading
 3. Connecting high school to career and college
 4. Improving low-performing schools

 Student Outcome Goals
 1. Student achievement on state assessments in all subjects at Meets Level or above will increase from 66% to 75% by 2022.
 2. Student achievement on the 3rd grade state assessment in reading at Approaches or above will increase from 63% to 75% by 2022.
 3. Student achievement on state assessments as measured by postsecondary readiness standard in two or more subjects will increase from 22% to 35% by 2022.

 Goal: (Key Action 1)                                                                                                                              Student Outcome
 At Lorenzo de Zavala, we will to continue to focus on creating a positive campus culture and climate and fostering an environment of support      Goal # 1
 and respect for teachers and staff.

 Objective: Indicator of Success:
    ● As measured on the “Culture of Feedback and Support” category on the District Climate Survey, the item regarding teacher perception of PD sessions will
         increase from 92.3% positive responses to 94% in the fall of 2018 and to 95% spring 2019.
    ● As measured on the on the District Climate Survey, the “Positive Culture and Environment” category will increase from 88.6% to 90% in the fall of 2018 and to
         92% in the spring of 2019.
    ● As measured on the on the District Climate Survey, the “Unruly students are not permitted to disrupt learning environment” category will increase from 77.1% to
         80% in the fall of 2018 and to 82% in the spring of 2019.
     ● As measured by the District’s Student Perception Survey, the number of overall positive responses will increase by 5% in the spring 2019.

 REF      Strategies and Action Steps                 Person(s)     Resources     Timelines   Evidence of     Evidence of      Formative/       Title I       Strategic
                                                                                              Implementatio                                     Schoolwide    Priority
 #                                                    Responsible                             n               Impact           Summative        Components

                                                                                                                                                (Code by #)

In accordance with TEC 11.251, District Performance Goals/Objectives (approved by Dallas ISD Board of Trustees, November xxxxxxx) are aligned with Campus
Performance Goals/Objectives.
A1      Leadership will conduct needs             Gonzalez     School          August      Reference     Increase in      Fall          2, 5         1
         assessments surveys to gauge individual   Brown        Action Plan,    2018 -      in PD         positive         Climate
         teacher needs at the beginning of the     Lopez        Data Packets,   June 2019   Agendas,      response on      Survey
         school year to inform the school’s                     District                    sign-in       Climate Survey   Results
         Professional Development Plan                          Climate                     sheets,                        (vision,
                                                                Survey Fall &               feedback                       campus in
                                                                Spring          6wks                                       right
                                                                                Weekly                                     direction,
                                                                211/199/OTI                                                morale)

 A2      All teachers will participate in needs    Staff        School action   August      Reference     Increase in      Observatio    2, 4         1
         assessments surveys to inform school’s                 plan, surveys   2018 -      in PD         Student          ns, student
         Professional Development plan                                          June 2019   Agendas,      achievement      data,
                                                                                            sign-in                        learning
                                                                                6wks        sheets,                        walks
                                                                211/199/OTI     weekly      feedback

 B1      Leadership will conduct feedback          Gonzalez     School action August        Reference     Increase in      Observatio    2            2
         surveys after all campus conducted        Brown        plan, pd plan, 2018 -       in PD         Student          ns, student
         professional development to inform        Lopez        survey         June 2019    Agendas,      achievement      data,
         and adjust teacher perception and         Leadership   feedback                    sign-in                        learning
         ensure implementation to increase         team                                     sheets,                        walks
         student achievement.                                   211/199/OTI                 feedback

 B2      Teachers will complete feedback           Staff        Surveys         August      Reference     Increase in      Observatio    1, 2, 4, 5   1, 2
         surveys after all campus conducted                                     2018 -      in PD         Student          ns, student
         professional development to inform                     211/199/OTI     June 2019   Agendas,      achievement      data,
         administration of PD effectiveness and                                             sign-in                        learning
         increase student achievement.                                          Weekly      sheets,                        walks

 C1      Leadership will provide immediate face-   Gonzalez     TEI Rubric      August      Unified       Increase in      Climate       6, 7, 10     1
         to-face feedback to 100% of teachers      Brown                        2018 -      Classrooms    student          and
         receiving spot observation.               Lopez                        June 2019   Spot          achievement,     Culture
                                                                                            Observation   quality of       Surveys
                                                                                6wks        s             instruction      STAAR
                                                                211/199/OTI     weekly                                     ACP

In accordance with TEC 11.251, District Performance Goals/Objectives (approved by Dallas ISD Board of Trustees, November xxxxxxx) are aligned with Campus
Performance Goals/Objectives.

 D1      Leadership will establish and supervise    Gonzalez     Student &     August      Climate       Decrease           Observatio    1, 2, 5   1, 2
         an SEL Committee focused on                Brown        Staff         2018-       surveys       discipline &       ns, student
         developing a school-wide behavior plan,                 resources &   June 2019                 counseling         data,
         including systems for common areas         SEL          incentives                Rubrics       referrals          learning
         and student and staff incentives.          Committee                  6wks                                         walks
                                                                 $500          weekly


 D2      Teachers and staff will effectively, and   All Staff    Student &     August      Agendas       Decrease           Observatio    6, 7      2
         with fidelity, implement school wide                    Staff         2018-       sign-in       discipline &       ns, student
         behavior plans and systems developed                    resources &               sheets,       counseling         data,
         by the SEL committee.                                   incentives    June 2019   feedback      referrals          learning
                                                                 $500                                    Reduce
                                                                                                         absences &
                                                                 211/199/OTI                             tardies

 E1      Leadership will provide K-6 teachers       Gonzalez     Substitutes   August      Reference     Lesson planning,   Observatio    4, 5      2, 3
         with substitutes for full day PLCs each    Brown                      2018-       in Agendas,   delivery, rigor    ns, student
         six weeks to conduct face to face data                  $2,5000       June 2019   sign-in                          data,
         meetings and instructional PLCs.                                                  sheets,                          learning
                                                                 211/199/OTI   6wks        feedback                         walks

 E2      K-5 Teachers will attend full day PLCs     Lopez        $2,5000       August      Reference     Lesson planning,   Observatio    4, 5      2, 3
         focused on data analysis and lesson and    CILT                       2018-       in Agendas,   delivery, rigor    ns, student
         assessment design.                         Leadership   211/199/OTI   June 2019   sign-in                          data,
                                                                                           sheets,                          learning
                                                                               6wks        feedback                         walks

In accordance with TEC 11.251, District Performance Goals/Objectives (approved by Dallas ISD Board of Trustees, November xxxxxxx) are aligned with Campus
Performance Goals/Objectives.
F1      Leadership will coordinate schedule        Gonzalez   PLC Protocol   Weekly   Agendas    Increase student   STAAR/AC    4, 5        1, 2, 3
         modifications to allow for extended        Brown                                         achievement        P
         planning once a week.                                                         Sign in
                                                                                       Sheets                        ISIP
                                                                                       Minutes                       va/Supera

 F2      Teachers will attend and help facilitate   Teachers   PLC Protocol   Weekly   Agendas    Increase student   STAAR/AC    4, 5        1, 2, 3
         extended planning once a week.                                                           achievement        P
                                                                                       Sign in
                                                                                       Sheets                        ISIP
                                                                                       Minutes                       va/Supera

In accordance with TEC 11.251, District Performance Goals/Objectives (approved by Dallas ISD Board of Trustees, November xxxxxxx) are aligned with Campus
Performance Goals/Objectives.
Title I Schoolwide Components Reference Numbers
 1.   Comprehensive Needs Assessment                                            6. Strategies to increase family, community and parent engagement
 2.   Reform Strategies                                                         7. Transition
 3.   Instruction by State Certified Teachers                                   8. Teacher Decision-Making Regarding Assessments
 4.   High Quality Professional Development                                     9. Effective and Timely Assistance to Students
 5.   Strategies to Attract State Certified Teachers                            10. Coordination and Integration

 Strategic Priority Reference Numbers
 1. Recruiting, supporting, and retaining teachers and principals
 2. Building a foundation of math and reading
 3. Connecting high school to career and college
 4. Improving low-performing schools

 Student Outcome Goals
 1. Student achievement on state assessments in all subjects at Meets Level or above will increase from 66% to 75% by 2022.
 2. Student achievement on the 3rd grade state assessment in reading at Meets Level or above will increase from 63% to 75% by 2022.
 3. Student achievement on state assessments as measured by postsecondary readiness standard in two or more subjects will increase from 22% to 35% by 2022.

 Goal: (Key Action 2)                                                                                                                                         Student Outcome
 At Lorenzo de Zavala, we will continue to build, maintain, and solidify an authentic home, school, and community partnership to positively                   Goal # 3
 impact all students.

 Objective: Indicator of Success:

        ●    As evidenced by sign in sheets, 70% of every homeroom parents will attend at least two parent engagement activities for the 2018-2019 school year.
        ●    As evidenced by six weeks teacher documentation of parent communication logs, teacher will ensure communication with 100% of classroom parents.
        ●    As evidenced by Parent Portal data, 100% of parents will be registered by October 2018.
        ●    As measured by PTA Sign in Sheets, we will increase the number of active PTA members by 10% by May 2019.

 REF          Strategies and Action Steps          Person(s)        Resources   Timelines     Evidence of         Evidence of        Formative/       Title I Schoolwide   Strategic
 #                                                 Responsible                                Implementation      Impact             Summative        Components           Priority
                                                                                                                                                      (Code by #)

 A1           Leadership will coordinate at        Gonzalez         Flyers,     August        Parent letters      Higher parent      Parent survey    6                    2,3
              least four parent involvement        Leadership       Messenge    2018 -        Announcements       involvement &
              activities per semesters.            Parent           r, PTA      June 2019     Agendas             volunteers
                                                   Instructor                    Monthly      Sign ins

In accordance with TEC 11.251, District Performance Goals/Objectives (approved by Dallas ISD Board of Trustees, November xxxxxxx) are aligned with Campus
Performance Goals/Objectives.
A2      Teachers will support and          All Staff                   August      Parent letters     Increased        Parent survey   6,9    2
         attend at least three parent                                   2018 -      Announcements      parent           Common
         involvement activities per                          211/199/   June 2019   Agendas            engagement       assessments
         semester.                                           OTI                    Sign ins           and volunteers   STAAR ACPS

 B1      Leadership will monitor the        Gonzalez         $500       Weekly      Parent letters     Increase         Parent Survey   6      4
         different communication            Counselor                               Sign ins           parent           Common
         modalities used by teachers                         211/199/               Documentation      involvement      assessments
         to communicate expectations                         OTI                    Binders*           and              STAAR ACP
         and concerns.                                                                                 engagement

 B2     Teachers will communicate with Teachers              $500       Weekly      Parent Letters     Increase         Parent Survey   6      4
        parents via at least 2 different                                            Sign ins           parent           Common
        modalities of communication.                         211/199/               Documentation      involvement      assessments
                                                             OTI                    Binders            and              STAAR ACP

 C1     Leadership will coordinate and      Gonzalez         $1000      Yearly      Parent Letters     Increase         Parent survey   6      4
        facilitate a Pre-kinder to Kinder   Liaison          211/199/               Sign ins           parent           Kindergarten
        Transition Event                    Counselor        OTI                                       engagement       enrollment

 C2     Pre-Kinder and Kinder teachers      Gonzalez         $1000      Yearly      Parent Letters     Increase         Parent survey   7,10   4
        will participate in a PK to K       Counselor        211/199/               Sign ins           parent           Kindergarten
        Transition Event                    Parent Liaison   OTI                                       engagement       enrollment

 D1     Leadership will purchase school Gonzalez             $5000      Yearly      Flyers, decals,    Retain and       Student         1, 6   1
        branding items such as banners, Leadership           211/199/               sign out sheets,   recruit          achievement
        bumpers stickers, decals, table                      OTI                    artifacts          students         on
        cloths, etc. to increase                                                                       Increase         assessments
        community awareness and                                                                        student          STAAR
        increase student recruitment.                                                                  achievement,     Common
                                                                                                       attendance,      Assessments
                                                                                                       parent           ACP

In accordance with TEC 11.251, District Performance Goals/Objectives (approved by Dallas ISD Board of Trustees, November xxxxxxx) are aligned with Campus
Performance Goals/Objectives.
E1         Leadership will coordinate at   Gonzalez          $5000      Per          Parent letters     Retain and        Student           1, 6              2, 3
            least two Montessori nights     Teachers          211/199/   semester     Agendas            recruit           achievement
            per semester in order to                          OTI                     Sign-in sheets     students          on
            recruit and retain students.                                                                 Increase          assessments
                                                                                                         student           Common
                                                                                                         achievement,      Assessment
                                                                                                         attendance,       Data, ACP

Title I Schoolwide Components Reference Numbers
1. Comprehensive Needs Assessment                                              6. Strategies to increase family, community and parent engagement
2. Reform Strategies                                                           7. Transition
3. Instruction by State Certified Teachers                                     8. Teacher Decision-Making Regarding Assessments
4. High Quality Professional Development                                       9. Effective and Timely Assistance to Students
5. Strategies to Attract State Certified Teachers                              10. Coordination and Integration

Strategic Priority Reference Numbers
1. Recruiting, supporting, and retaining teachers and principals
2. Building a foundation of math and reading
3. Connecting high school to career and college
4. Improving low-performing schools

Student Outcome Goals
1. Student achievement on state assessments in all subjects at Meets Level or above will increase from 66% to 75% by 2022.
2. Student achievement on the 3rd grade state assessment in reading at Meets Level or above will increase from 63% to 75% by 2022.
3. Student achievement on state assessments as measured by postsecondary readiness standard in two or more subjects will increase from 22% to 35% by 2022.

Goal: (Key Action 3)                                                                                                                                Student Outcome
At Lorenzo de Zavala, we will increase student academic achievement in all contents areas through the implementation of instructional best          Goal # 2
practices and consistent progress monitoring.

Objective: Indicator of Success:
1. As measured by ACP, all 3rd-5th grade students will show 75% passing on Reading and Math in the December 2018.
2. As measured by STAAR, 75% of all 3rd-5th grade students will meet the Approaches Level on all content areas of the 2019 STAAR test.
3. As measured by STAAR, 55% of all 3rd-5th grade students will meet the Meets Level on all content areas of the 2019 STAAR test.
4. As measured by STAAR, 30% of all 3rd-5th grade students will meet the Masters Level on all content areas of the 2019 STAAR test.
5. As measured by ISIP data, 60% of students in K-2 will either increase at least one tier or perform at tier 1 by Oct 2018, 70% by Dec 2018, 75% by March 2019 and

In accordance with TEC 11.251, District Performance Goals/Objectives (approved by Dallas ISD Board of Trustees, November xxxxxxx) are aligned with Campus
Performance Goals/Objectives.
80% by May 2019.

REF     Strategies and Action Steps             Person(s)   Resources      Timelines   Evidence of    Evidence of       Formative/   Title I       Strategic
                                                                                       Implementati                                  Schoolwide    Priority
#                                               Responsib                              on             Impact            Summative    Components
                                                                                                                                     (Code by #)

A1      Leadership will provide all teachers    Gonzalez    TEKS           August      Student work   Increase in       Common       1,2           2,3
        with training on Writer’s Workshop to   Brown       Resource       2018 -      products       quality of        and weekly
        increase rigor through higher level     Lopez       System         June        Lesson plans   instruction and   assessment
        thinking, engagement, and tight                     Campus         2019        IPC            student           s
        curriculum and assessment                           Writing Plan                              achievement       TerraNova/
        alignment.                                                         Every 6                                      Supera

A2      Teachers will attend Writer’s           Lopez       Campus         August      Student work   Increase in       Common       1,2           2,3
        Workshop training and effectively       Teachers    writing plan   2018 -      products       quality of        and weekly
        implement framework into lessons                    TEKS           June        Lesson plans   instruction and   assessment
        and instruction.                                    Resource       2019        IPC            student           s
                                                            System                                    achievement       TerraNova/
                                                            Campus         On-going                                     Supera
                                                            Writing Plan

B1      Leadership will provide all teachers    Gonzalez    TEKS           August      Unified        Increase in       Common       8,9           2, 3
        with training on DDI and school-wide    Lopez       Resource       2018 -      Classrooms     quality of        and weekly
        data processes including lesson         Brown       System         June        Spot           instruction and   assessment
        design and assessment development.      CILT                       2019        observations   student           s
                                                            PLC Protocol
                                                Leadershi                                             achievement       TerraNova/
                                                p           $5000                                                       Supera


In accordance with TEC 11.251, District Performance Goals/Objectives (approved by Dallas ISD Board of Trustees, November xxxxxxx) are aligned with Campus
Performance Goals/Objectives.
B2      Teachers will attend training on        Teachers   $500          August    Work             Increase         STAAR/ACP   8,9       1,2
        effective DDI and school wide data                               2018 -    samples          student
                                                           211/199/OTI                                               ISIP
        processes and incorporate practices                              June                       achievement
                                                                                   Sign in sheets
        into lesson design and assessment                                2019                       and quality of   TERRA/Nov
        development.                                                               Agenda           instruction      a/Supera


C1      Leadership will provide supplemental    Gonzalez   $7,000        Ongoing   Work             Increase         STAAR/ACP   8,9       1,2
        resources, materials, and technology    Brown                              samples          student
                                                           211/199/OTI                                               ISIP
        for differentiated instruction in all   Lopez                              Sign in sheets   achievement
        classrooms and all contents.                                               Agenda           and quality of   TERRA/Nov
                                                                                   Lesson Plans     instruction      a/Supera

C2      Teachers will strategically design      Teachers   $7,000        August    Agenda/sign-     Increase         STAAR/ACP   3, 5      1, 2
        lessons using provided supplemental                              2018 -    in sheets,       student
                                                           211/199/OTI                                               ISIP
        resources and technology to                                      June      Lesson plans,    achievement
        differentiate instruction in all                                 2019      reading          and quality of   TERRA/Nov
        contents.                                                                                   instruction      a/Supera

                                                                         Every 6

D1      Through weekly PLCS meetings,           Gonzalez   $500          August    Agenda           Increase         STAAR/ACP   8, 9      1, 2
        leadership will oversee and evaluate    Brown                    2018 -    Sign in          student
                                                           211/199/OTI                                               ISIP
        teachers’ systems for individual data   Lopez                    June      Data Reports     achievement
        tracking of all students and progress   CILT                     2019      Lesson Plans     and quality of   TERRA/Nov
        monitoring of students                                                                      instruction      a/Supera

D2      Teachers will progress monitor and      Teachers   $500          August    Agenda           Increase         STAAR/ACP   8, 9      1, 2
        provide documentation (written and                               2018 -    Sign in          student
                                                           211/199/OTI                                               ISIP
        electronic) for Tier 2 and Tier 3                                June      Data Reports     achievement
        students.                                                        2019      Lesson Plans     and quality of   TERRA/Nov
                                                                                                    instruction      a/Supera

In accordance with TEC 11.251, District Performance Goals/Objectives (approved by Dallas ISD Board of Trustees, November xxxxxxx) are aligned with Campus
Performance Goals/Objectives.
E1      Leadership will monitor AVID             Gonzalez     $500                               Spot            Increase           STAAR/ACP   2   1, 2
        alignment strategies and                 Brown                                           observations    student
                                                              211/199/OTI                                                           ISIP
        implementation in all 3rd-5th grade      Lopez                                                           achievement
                                                                                                 Informal walk
        classrooms.                              CILT                                                            and college and    TERRA/Nov
                                                                                                                 career readiness   a/Supera

F1      Teachers will provide after school       Teachers     199                       Yearly   Student sign    Increase           STAAR/ACP   2   2
        tutoring to Tier 2 and Tier 3 students                                                   ins, lesson     student            ISIP
        in order to extend their learning and                 $2500                              plans,          achievement
        content mastery.                                                                                                            TERRA/Nov
                                                                                                 tutoring        and quality of
                                                              211                                                                   a/Supera
                                                                                                 binders, work   instruction
                                                              $2500                              samples

                                                80% of De Zavala Kindergarten-Second Grade Students will Read at Grade-Level
                                              75% of De Zavala 3 -5 Grade Students will perform at APPROACHES LEVEL on STAAR
                                                               rd    th

                                                 55% of De Zavala 3 -5 Grade Students will perform at MEETS LEVEL on STAAR
                                                                         rd        th

                                                30% of De Zavala 3 -5 Grade Students will perform at MASTERS LEVEL on STAAR
                                                                    rd        th

In accordance with TEC 11.251, District Performance Goals/Objectives (approved by Dallas ISD Board of Trustees, November xxxxxxx) are aligned with Campus
Performance Goals/Objectives.
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