Lösungen Englisch Jahrgang 5 Sehr wichtig: Korrigiere alles mit einem grünen Stift, so wie du es im Unterricht gelernt hast! Bei den ...

Page created by Patrick Rowe
Lösungen Englisch Jahrgang 5
 Sehr wichtig: Korrigiere alles mit einem grünen Stift,
       so wie du es im Unterricht gelernt hast!
  Bei den Lösungsbeispielen kannst du auch andere
       Sätze schreiben (individuelle Lösungen)

LÖSUNGEN Textbook (TB)

TB p. 76 A1 a) + b) und c)
 Vokabeln siehe Tabelle unten (Übersetzung der Wörter von S.154)

A1 b) Rajiv’s room Lösungsbeispiele
There is a red desk next to the door.
There is a blue duvet and a blue pillow on the bed.
There is a red wardrobe next to the bed.
There is a shelf above the desk.
There are books and toy cars on the red shelf.
There is a lamp and a computer on the desk.
The football is behind the chair.
Rajiv has got a parrot. Its name is Ruby. Ruby sits on his bed.
Ruby’s cage is in front of the window.
Rajiv has got a football in his room. It is in front of the window.
There is Rajiv’s schoolbag next to the desk.
Rajiv sits on his chair and plays the guitar.

A1 c) Vanessa’s room Lösungsbeispiele
In diesem Lösungsvorschlag findest du einige neue Wörter, die du vielleicht
interessant findest. Es wird natürlich nicht von dir erwartet, dass du die Wörter
in den Klammern kennst. Achte aber darauf, dass du viele der unterstrichenen
Wörter in deinem Text hast. Du kannst sie auch noch nachträglich ergänzen.
Der Papagei auf S. 149 zeigt dir, wofür du welches der unterstrichenen Wörter

Vanessa sits on her bed and reads a book. She listens to music on her phone.
Vanessa’s room is very untidy (unordentlich). There are many things on the
floor. There football boots, inline skates, books, a football, an alarm clock
(Wecker), a hairdryer (Föhn) and a teddy bear on the floor in front of her bed.
Her wardrobe is open. Shoes are falling out. The drawer (Schublade) of her
cupboard is open too. On her cupboard, there is a radio/ a CD player. Next to it,
there is a hair brush (Haarbürste).
On her shelf above her bed there are cuddly toys (a tiger, a pig and a bear) and
many books. On her walls there are two posters. On her desk there is a
computer, a CD and some notes (Notizen). She has got a green chair in front of
her desk. On the window sill (Fensterbank) there are photos of her friends and

TB p. 77 A2 a) und b)
Achte bei den Sätzen darauf, dass du bei den Namen der Personen einen
Apostroph vor dem s gesetzt hast (´s), wenn es darum geht, wessen Zimmer es
ist. Lies S. 175 im TB nochmal nach!

A2 a) Lösungsbeispiele
There is a radio in Vanessa’s room. There isn’t a radio in Rajiv’s room.
Rajiv’s room is tidy. Vanessa’s room is untidy.
Rajiv has got a cage in his room but Vanessa hasn’t.
There are inline skates in Vanessa’s room. There aren’t any inline skates in
Rajiv’s room.
Rajiv has got a football in his room. Vanessa has got a football, too.
Vanessa has got photos in her room but Rajiv hasn’t.

A2 b)
My room is tidy/untidy.
In my room there is a … but there isn’t …
I have got a… but I haven’t got a…

TB p. 77 A3 a) und b)
A3 a)
Rajiv’s room is very tidy. The books are on the shelves. The shelves are above
the desk. The computer is under the shelves. The rucksack is next to the desk.
The football is behind the chair. And where is Ruby? Ruby is not in her cage.
Ruby is on the bed, watching Rajiv play his guitar.

A3 b) Lösungsbeispiele (Individuelle weitere Lösungen):
The books are on the shelves / are not in the wardrobe.
The computer is on the desk / is not on the floor.
The football is on the floor / is behind the chair.
The rucksack is next to the wardrobe / is not on the desk.
The shelves are above the desk / are not above the bed.

TB p. 77 A4 a) und b) Stern, Mond oder Sonne
A4 a) Mond
My dream room has got a basketball basket. There are posters of dinosaurs on
the green wall. My computer is on my desk. There are DVDs and computer
games on the shelves. My bed looks like a big red car.

A4 a) Mond und Stern
My dream room is very big. I sleep on a comfortable blue bed. On the blue wall
there are green crocodiles and yellow fish. There’s a terrarium on my desk.
That’s where my three spiders live. I’ve got a very big TV. Next to the TV there is
a popcorn machine. In the middle of my room there is a sofa. I can watch TV or
read books there. It’s my favourite place in my room.

A4 b) Individuelle Lösungen

TB p. 78 A6
a) Frage: Why does Vanessa help her dad with the shopping?
Vanessa helps her dad with the shopping because then she can choose her
favourite food.

b) eigene Fragen und Antworten: Achte bei den Fragen darauf, dass du überall
he/she/it – das s muss mit beachtet hast! Und achte bei den Antworten
darauf, dass du überall einen Apostroph vor dem s gesetzt hast (´s).

Who does the cooking? – Vanessa’s dad.
Who vacuums the floors? – Vanessa’s mum.
Who cleans the kitchen? – Vanessa’s dad.
Who does the washing up? – Vanessa.
Who cleans the bathroom? – Vanessa’s mum.
Who tidies her room? – Vanessa.
Who tidies the living room? – Vanessa’s mum.

Who does the shopping? – Vanessa’s dad.
Who helps her dad (do the cooking / do the shopping)? – Vanessa.
Who helps her mum to clean the bathroom? – Vanessa.

TB p. 154
Englisch                                    Deutsch
room                                        Zimmer
bedroom                                     Schlafzimmer
bathroom                                    Badezimmer, Bad
kitchen                                     Küche
living room                                 Wohnzimmer
garden                                      Garten

tidy                                        ordentlich, aufgeräumt
untidy                                      unordentlich, unaufgeräumt
comfortable                                 gemütlich, bequem
uncomfortable                               ungemütlich, unbequem

get up                                      aufstehen
go to bed                                   schlafen gehen, ins Bett gehen

live in a house                             in einem Haus wohnen
move to a new place                         (in ein neues Zuhause) umziehen

Do you want to come to my place             Willst du nach der Schule mit zu mir
after school?                               kommen?

bin                                         Mülleimer
clock                                       Uhr
picture                                     Bild
photo                                       Foto
stairs                                      Treppen
door                                        Tür
sofa                                        Sofa, Couch
table                                       Tisch
dishwasher                                  Spülmaschine
bath                                        Bad

In the middle of the room there is a…       In der Mitte des Raumes ist ein(e)…

stay at home                       zu Hause bleiben
leave home                         von zu Hause weggehen
a weekend visit                    ein Wochenendbesuch
visit someone                      jemanden besuchen
sleepover                          Übernachtung

watch TV                           fernsehen
turn the radio on                  das Radio anschalten
switch/turn on/out the light       das Licht an-/ausschalten
answer the phone                   ans Telefon gehen
the phone rings                    das Telefon klingelt

lamp                               Lampe
cupboard                           Schrank
window                             Fenster
desk                               Schreibtisch
poster                             Poster, Plakat
wall                               Wand
wardrobe                           Kleiderschrank
chair                              Stuhl
bed                                Bett
duvet                              Bettdecke
pillow                             Kissen
shelf                              Regal

LÖSUNGEN Workbook (WB)
Fach: Englisch ab dem 20.4.2020

WB p.67 A1
In Vanessa’s room

   s n
a) What has Vanessa got in her room? Complete the sentences.
Vanessa has got a nice big room. In her room there’s a bed
with a green duvet and two green pillows. Next to her bed
there’s a lamp. Vanessa often reads in bed. Vanessa has got a computer on her
desk. Next to her desk there’s a chair. In the corner of her room there’s a
wardrobe with lots of clothes in it.

WB p.67 A2
Diese Gegenstände hat Rajiv erwähnt:

wardrobe (Schrank) – 1
bed (Bett) – 2
chair (Stuhl) – 3
desk (Schreibtisch) – 4
computer (Computer) – 5
lamp (Lampe) – 6
rucksack (Rucksack, Schulatasche) – 7
cage (Käfig) – 8
shelves (Einzahl: shelf, Regal) – 9

WB p. 68 A3 In or under?
a) Where are your things in your room? Write sentences.
   s n s eis ie e
My computer is on my desk. My books are on the shelves. My T-shirts are in the
wardrobe. My CDs are next to my books. My desk is not behind the door. My
desk is next to the window. My shelves are above my bed. My clothes are not
under my bed.

WB p.69 A5 Room alphabet
STERN: Put the words in alphabetical order.
aquarium, bed, chair, computer, desk, door, floor, games, lamp, picture, poster,
shelves, sofa, toys, wardrobe, window

MOND: Add an adjective to ten of the room words.
  s n s eis ie e
comfortable sofa, black sofa, long shelves, grey desk, old wardrobe, small chair,
nice toys, funny poster, new computer, orange lamp, big window, white door,
brown floor, funny games, nice picture, big aquarium

WB P.70 A8 Who does what in your house?
 s n s eis ie e immer in ivi e e An or en )
Who does the shopping? My father does the shopping.
Who makes the beds? I make the beds /My mom makes the beds.
Who vacuums the floors? …
Who cleans the living room?...
Who does the washing up?...
Who makes breakfast? …
Who does the cooking? …
Weitere individuelle Fragen und Antworten möglich.

LÖSUNGEN Workbook für I-Kinder (WB*)

WB* p. 51 A1: Rajiv’s room

8 wardrobe                 7     desk              3   bed
1 computer                 4     lamp              6   parrot
2 football                 5     schoolbag         9   shelves

WB* p. 52 A2: Your room
a) Individuelle Lösungen

Be inne eine Sä ze z. B. mi „In my room I have got a/an/two/many …“
o er „In my room there is … / there are …“

b) Individuelle Lösungen
Tipp TB S. 149 „P aces“ n TB S. 154 „A home“

Hier findest du ein paar Beispiele:
1) My bed is between the desk and the shelf.
2) The desk is in front of the window.
3) On my desk there is a lamp.
4) There are many books under my bed.
5) In the middle of my room there is a football.
6) I have got a cupboard next to my bed.

WB* p. 53 A4: A dream room

WB* p. 54 A5: Busy Saturdays
a) Hören und Lesen
b) Welche Aufgabe passt zu welchem Bild? Nummeriere die Bilder.
                          Obere Reihe:        5   6     1
                          Untere Reihe:       3   2     4

c) Beantworte die Fragen.

1. Who does the cooking?                              Vanessa’s dad
2. Who tidies her room?                               Vanessa
3. Who vacuums the floor?                             Vanessa’s mum
4. Who cleans the kitchen?                            Vanessa’s dad
5. Who does the washing up?                           Vanessa
6. Who makes breakfast?                               Vanessa’s dad

Achte bei den Antworten 1, 3, 4 und 6 darauf,
dass du einen Apostroph vor dem s gesetzt hast (´s)!

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