Mada Innovation Program - SeeDo Robot Smart Face App Bu Hamad Avatar Issue 5 | 2018 - Mada AT Portal

Mada Innovation Program - SeeDo Robot Smart Face App Bu Hamad Avatar Issue 5 | 2018 - Mada AT Portal
 Issue 5 | 2018

Mada Innovation Program
SeeDo Robot
Smart Face App
Bu Hamad Avatar
Mada Innovation Program - SeeDo Robot Smart Face App Bu Hamad Avatar Issue 5 | 2018 - Mada AT Portal

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Mada Innovation Program - SeeDo Robot Smart Face App Bu Hamad Avatar Issue 5 | 2018 - Mada AT Portal
c o n t e n t s

Assistive Technology Center “Mada”
Towards enhanced eAccessibility and
                                                                                                                    06         Aging and Technology
                                                                                                                               A Success Story

Innovation in Assistive Technology
                                                                                                                    08         @wasal Program for the Elderly
                                                                                                                               Case Study

Mada              Assistive Technology Center
                  is a non-profit organization
committed to connecting persons with disabilities
                                                        Mada prioritizes three key areas; education,
                                                        employment and community. The center also provides
                                                        advisory services and policy recommendations to
                                                                                                                    10         Accessible Events and Assistive Technology
                                                                                                                               A Part of Mada Open Training Program

to the world of Information and Communication           various stakeholders and organizations.
Technology. Founded in 2010, to accommodate                                                                                    Qatar eAccessibility Policy
the UN convention on PWD, in recognition that           We are committed to promote innovation and the
technology is pervasive across a breadth of             development of new solutions for persons with                          10 Ways to Make Your App Accessible

private and public sector activities and inherent       disabilities, particularly by creating relevant Arabic
in the Ministry of Transport and Communications         Language Assistive Technologies, to better serve                       SeeDo
strategy, Mada works to improve digital inclusion       local and regional needs. We work closely with
for persons with disabilities in the State of Qatar.    important AT manufacturers and relevant worldwide                      Qatari Innovation for Deaf Children

                                                        private sector entities to develop innovative Assistive
                                                        Technology solutions and services. Our organization
Our Vision                                                                                                                     Bu Hamad: A Qatari Real-time Sign
All Persons with a Disabilities in Qatar reaching       also conducts relevant research studies to keep
their full potential through Information and            Qatar and the Arab region updated on the latest                        Language Interpreter Avatar

Communication Technology.                               breakthroughs and international best practices.

                                                        “Nafath” is a quarterly publication issued by Mada                     Smart Face App
Our Mission
                                                        Center to be a major source of information on the                      Allowing People with Physical Disabilities to Operate Communication Devices
Unlock the potential of all Persons with a
                                                        latest trends and innovations in the field of assistive

Disabilities in Qatar by enabling both individuals
                                                        technology. Our quarterly publication is an information
and their environment through Information and                                                                                  Mada Assistive Technology School Kits
                                                        platform and also a discovery tool: we want to bring
Communication Technology.
                                                        together the huge domestic and regional appetite for                   to Support Students with Disabilities in Qatar
                                                        Arabic Assistive Technology products and services

The organization strives to do more than just
                                                        with the latest technologies and trends in the whole
empower individuals; it endeavors to enrich the
lives of PWDs to the fullest, by addressing issues
                                                        world.                                                                 Building Assistive Technology
in the ecosystem to ensure that they have all
                                                        Like everything we do, we highly appreciate and                        Capacities within the Education Sector in Qatar
the required technology to succeed. To deliver
                                                        encourage your contributions and feedback, as
on its ambitions, Mada engages in strategic and
                                                        readers’ opinion is most valuable to us. This periodical
operational partnerships with critical players in the
                                                        is available in print and digital forms, as well as other
PWDs ecosystem.
                                                        accessible formats upon request. n

                                                                                           Te a m
                                                                                                                    madaQATC                             @madaQATC                           @madacenter
Mada Innovation Program - SeeDo Robot Smart Face App Bu Hamad Avatar Issue 5 | 2018 - Mada AT Portal
Aging and
A Success Story

        ging is an inevitable transition in       of the elderly community on the use of ICT.
        human life that could lead to facing      “@Wasal” program is a course based on the
        challenges in performing day-             guide to “Aging and Technology” released
to-day activities. The elderly often face         by Mada. This initiative was carried out in
different progressive challenges that can         partnership with the General Retirement and
be overcome with the help of Information          Social Insurance Authority and Ehsan Center
and Communication Technology (ICT) and            for Empowerment and Elderly Care.
Assistive Technology (AT) that enable them
to live independently and interact with           Technology has opened up new horizons
society without barriers.                         for the elderly, promoting the possibility    important ways through which the elderly can       in online learning and volunteer activities,
                                                  of independent living in a way that           utilize assistive technology effectively, and      developing capabilities and contributing to the
AT in this context is any technology that         preserves their dignity and enables them      identifies the best solutions and technological    community by keeping them in contact with
helps older people successfully perform           to communicate with friends, family and       options available and classifies AT solutions      family and friends, and so on.
difficult or impossible activities at this age.   others. One of the most important benefits    according to the different needs of the elderly.
Research and studies have shown that the          of this program was enabling the elderly                                                         In conclusion, the elderly are often reluctant
positive impact of ICT and AT on the lives of     to use electronic services and smartphone     The guide discusses four areas related to          to deal with technologies, but different
the elderly contributes towards improving         applications to communicate and access        age and technology, the first of which is          experiments have shown that in order to
the quality of their lives. It also plays a       various government e-services without         telecommunications, including e-mail, games        change this situation, it is vital to educate
role in stimulating the mind and body,            having to physically go to the concerned      and smart phone applications. The second           this community about the benefits of the
providing access to services, and supporting      locations, making their lives easier.         area deals with home security and safety           use of ICT and AT in their daily life. This will
independent living.                                                                             through sensors, Internet-connected cameras        lead to making the elderly more interested
                                                Mada released the “Aging and Technology”        and digital communications systems to assist       in technology as they discover the positive
A need for programs and initiatives to bridge guide to raise awareness and serve as             in case of domestic accidents. The third area      change it will potentially make to their lives.
the gap between the elderly and ICTs was        a reference material for institutions,          focuses on health, including tele-health care      The impact of ICT and AT reaches beyond
identified. In response to this need, Assistive organizations and various agencies involved     and drug management tools and applications.        improving the ability of the elderly to perform
Technology Center “Mada”, launched the “@       in the provision of care and services for       The fourth area addresses vital aspects of the     daily tasks efficiently, while protecting and
Wasal” program for training the members         the elderly. The guide addresses the most       lives of older people, such as participating       preserving their dignity and independence. n

6                                                                                                                                                                                      NAFATH         7
Mada Innovation Program - SeeDo Robot Smart Face App Bu Hamad Avatar Issue 5 | 2018 - Mada AT Portal
@wasal Program
for the Elderly
Case Study

      arah is one of the older women who
      joined the @Wasal program 2018.
      The program was organized by the
Assistive Technology Center - Mada in
cooperation with the General Retirement         they make textual, audio and visual
and Social Insurance Authority and Ehsan        communication possible and easy for her.
Center for Empowerment and Elderly Care.
                                                Because of her poor eyesight, Sarah
She summarized her experience by saying         couldn’t use her mobile to send text
that she suffered from social isolation         messages. @Wasal training included the
because of her inability to communicate         use of Voice Recording feature which
effectively with family members and             allowed her to easily send voice messages.
relatives who were preoccupied with their       She also learned how to zoom in and out
everyday life responsibilities. The isolation   which allowed her also to read all of her
and loneliness made her very sad, and had       messages and see the photos sent to her
negative effect on her self-confidence as       clearly. Sarah is thrilled because now she
she needed others’ help to communicate          is able to independently video call her son
with those she wanted to contact.               who is studying abroad.

Her lifestyle completely transformed after      I no longer need to go to government
joining @Wasal program, as she said             departments or offices to get official
that this program has changed her life          documents issued or apply for specific
for the better. She can now communicate         services. For example, I recently renewed
with family members, friends and                my ID card using my mobile phone through
relatives through various communication         “Metrash 2” application, which made a real
applications such as Whatsapp, Instagram        difference to me. In general, after joining @
and Snapchat. These applications play an        Wasal program, my life has become much
important role in her life today, where         easier said Sarah. n

8                                                                                               NAFATH   9
Mada Innovation Program - SeeDo Robot Smart Face App Bu Hamad Avatar Issue 5 | 2018 - Mada AT Portal
Accessible Events
                 and Assistive
                            A Part of Mada Open
                             Training Program

                                                                                                 are beneficial to all and not only to persons   Prior to the Event
        he barriers caused by disability are     is to look at it from the perspective of the    with disabilities.                              The journey of
        significantly reduced in an accessible   visitor: where does his/her journey begin,                                                      a visitor to any
        environment, thereby placing crucial     what does it need, where does it end, and       It is also important to look at the role that   event begins well
 responsibility on planners and developers       how?                                            assistive technologies can play in improving    in advance of
 to create environments that are accessible                                                      accessibility within events. Technological      the event itself.
 to all and suitable for people with different   Many believe that accessibility only            developments in recent years have provided      There are many ways in which the audience
 abilities and needs. These environments         benefits persons with disabilities. This        event organizers with a lot of inexpensive      interacts with an event before the opening
 can be digital or physical, such as websites    belief contributes to the misconception         and effective options to enable all visitors,   day, such as advertising, announcing the
 or buildings respectively, including            that investing on accessibility is a burden     including persons with disabilities, to enjoy   event in all its forms, whether it is visual,
 various events from conferences to              on any organization and that the number         various aspects of events. In order to raise    audio, or interactive. This also includes all
 sports competitions. Designing accessible       of people benefiting from it is very limited,   awareness of these technologies amongst         content in the lead up to the event published
 events depends on the accessibility of          but this is often untrue. Accessibility must    event organizers, Mada Center holds training    on social networking platforms. It is
 both buildings and content in its digital       be viewed from the principle of universal       workshops on organizing accessible events       important that all this content is accessible
 and printed forms. One of the best ways         access, and that any changes made by an         as part of the annual Mada Open Training        to people with disabilities. In order to achieve
 to ensure the accessibility of any event        event organizer to increase accessibility       Program.                                        this level of accessibility, there are two

10                                                                                                                                                                                 NAFATH     11
Mada Innovation Program - SeeDo Robot Smart Face App Bu Hamad Avatar Issue 5 | 2018 - Mada AT Portal
concepts that need to be understood. The
first of which is e-Accessibility, or ensuring
that content is designed according to
international web standards (WCAG 2.0) that
focuses on correct organization and labeling
of digital data. Accessible digital data
enables users of assistive technology such
as screen readers and Braille converters to
access the content effectively using their AT.
These guidelines, and several related best
practices, are available on the Mada website.

The second and equally important
accessibility concept that must be
understood at this stage is the importance                                                         blind. All slide-shows that will be presented       without any description of what the text
of the explicit dissemination of any and all                                                       by speakers should be submitted in accessible       is, which makes it impossible for users of
information regarding the accessibility of                                                         digital format prior to the talk for those who      screen readers and other assistive technology
any event. Event planners must communicate                                                         request. Accessibility requirements and the         to understand the message. Post-event
clearly whether the event venue is                                                                 nature of accommodations vary depending on          questionnaires should also be conducted to
accessible to persons with disabilities                                                            the nature of each activity.                        allow participants to rate the accessibility of
by providing information about aspects           During the event                                                                                      the event.
like the entrance, parking, toilets and          Upon arriving to an event, it is preferred        There are many innovative ways to use
emergency exits. The event planner must          to have a central point of information that       technology as a means for increasing                In conclusion, we reiterate that designing
also communicate whether there will be           visitors with disabilities can visit to learn     accessibility, for instance, implementing the       and organizing events in ways that provide
specialized facilities like sign language or     about the accessibility features of the event.    use of wayfinding beacons to guide blind            physical and digital access is in the interest
audio interpretation of visual materials. All    The organizer can provide this information        visitors and enable them to navigate the            of everyone. Websites designed according to
details related to the accessibility of events   through an application or website designed        environment independently. When this system         international standards for e-accessibility
must be published prior to the event so that     according to the Web Accessibility standards,     is in place, any blind person can use the           benefit assistive technology users and
people with disabilities are encouraged to       which will make it easier for all visitors to     wayfinding application to find out where the        everyone else because they are easier
participate. Often, events are accessible,       learn all the details of the event, such as the   meetings rooms, toilets, exits, etc. are located.   to use, simpler to understand and better
but the public has not been informed of          schedule, or explore the venue through a                                                              organized. This principle applies to all types
this, which discourages the participation of     virtual map or communicate directly with the      After the event                                     of accessibility, whether it is to buildings,
a large number of people with disabilities.      organizers.                                       Any media coverage generated by or about            printed materials, presentations and others.
Additionally, assistive technology can                                                             the event, through traditional means or             Designing events in an accessible manner
facilitate greater access to the registration    Providing content in alternative formats          social media, must also be accessible to            is a societal, legal and ethical responsibility
process. Devices such as the Ubiduo can be       is one of the fundamental accessibility           all as per the principles discussed above.          that cannot be neglected under the principle
placed on site, ahead of the event, to enable    components of any event. Video material           Follow up emails must include description           of equality and human rights. It is a basic
Deaf visitors to communicate with others         must be accompanied by closed captioning          of any images. At times, emails are entirely        requirement that must be met by all event
through text.                                    for the deaf and audio descriptions for the       composed of an image which contains text,           organizers. n

12                                                                                                                                                                                        NAFATH     13
Mada Innovation Program - SeeDo Robot Smart Face App Bu Hamad Avatar Issue 5 | 2018 - Mada AT Portal
Qatar eAccessibility Policy

                                                                                       The mobile app user
                                                                            01         interface must be operable
                                                                                       with gesture and keyboard

TO MAKE YOUR MOBILE                                                         • App menus and sub menus
                                                                            • Form fields and media player controls

                                                                            • Static and Dynamic content
                                                                            • Never use actions that are dependent on sight; example
                                                                              drag/drop or sliders
                                                                            • Focus on all content must be visible, never disrupted
                                                                              and operate in a predictable way

         ada eAccessibility provides
         services in Accessibility
         Consulting, Reporting and Training
in ICT. eAccessibility team works under                                                All content and user
the Mada Policy and Advisory Department.

Mada’s Website Accreditation Program is
                                                                            02         interfaces must
                                                                                       operate in a consistent
a unique and valued way to demonstrate                                                 logical sequence
your organization’s forwardthinking
approach to barrier-free web design                                         • Consistent logical tab/reading orders
and your commitment to putting                                                (Example: Form fields and menus)
people first.After undergoing Mada
website accessibility consultancy,
training and satisfactory compliance to
recommendations, organizations will be
awarded Mada’s Website Accessibility                     Web
                                                   Accreditation is
Accreditation Badge to place on Their
                                                awarded based on the                   All non-text element
                                                  following criteria;

As a result of Mada services and in             85% score or better
                                                                            03         and content must have
                                                                                       a text equivalent
recognition of accessible websites               in online accessibility
in Qatar, Mada would create a list of                 analyzer tool
linkable websites reviewed and awarded                                      • Meaningful and functional graphics must have associations
                                              Pass Mada website usability     to meaningful text descriptions
the Accreditation. Optionally, Mada
                                               assessment audit report      • Audio content must have caption or link to text transcript
would organize a joint press release for
organizations that qualify for Website                                      • Videos require caption and audio/text description
Accessibility Accreditation.

14                                                                                                                                         NAFATH   15
Mada Innovation Program - SeeDo Robot Smart Face App Bu Hamad Avatar Issue 5 | 2018 - Mada AT Portal
Use scalable sizing and
                                                  07          positioning of text and
                                                              visual layout
                 App layout, navigation,          • Text size should scale using percentages

     04          content and function
                 must be consistent
                                                  • Tables use percentages for proper scaling

     • App menus visual layout and
       presentation must be consistent
                                                              Color should be used appropriately
     • Form field layout and placement
       must be consistent
                                                  08          with good visual contrast and not
                                                              used alone to convey a meaning,
                                                              prompt an action or response
                                                  • Minimum colour contrast between foreground
                                                    and background content should be 4.5:1
                 App document                     • Avoid using red colour alone to convey a form

     05          structure is used
                                                    validation error message

     • Each screen has a proper title
                                                              Form controls must be labeled
     • Heading elements are used appropriately
     • List elements are used for actual lists    09          properly with usable layout
     • Paragraph element is used appropriately
     • Table structure is used only for tabular   • Visual layout of labels and form
       data; table header and captions              controls must be tight
                                                  • Use label elements to associate
                                                    text labels with form controls

                                                              Mobile App content and functions must
     06          Keep the design and
                 layout Simple                    10          be understandable to everyone

                                                  • Use simple language in the app for people with lan-
     • Minimize content to display in small         guage barriers and cognitive disabilities
       screen width 120 to 300 pixels             • Use descriptive link phrases that describe link desti-
     • Minimize use of images, text and             nation; avoiding using link phrases like: “Click Here”,
       styling loads much quicker                   “More” and “Learn More”
     • Left align all content and fully utilize   • Programmatically identify different languages or
       space                                        change of languages in the app

16                                                                                                            NAFATH   17
Mada Innovation Program - SeeDo Robot Smart Face App Bu Hamad Avatar Issue 5 | 2018 - Mada AT Portal
Qatari Innovation
for Deaf Children

                                                                                                                           Mohammed Al-Jefairi, SeeDo Robot Innovator

                                                                                                                   the situation and helping           movements of the hand, so that       Why is SeeDo unique?
                                                                                                                   to shape a more inclusive           the robot can accurately respond     One of the biggest daily
                                                                                                                   world with smarter long-term        to the sign language.                challenges faced by deaf
What is SeeDo?                        to develop this international        However, in comparison it is            solutions led to his invention of                                        children is to pick up the
SeeDo is an interactive robot         award winning robot.                 believed that a hearing impaired        the SeeDo Robot.                    Of course, SeeDo has the scope       nuances of language and
that has been engineered by                                                child will only pick up 50 words                                            and the technology to do much        identifying non-visual words. It
Qatari innovator, Mohammed            SeeDo is the first of its kind       in the same period.                     How does SeeDo                      more. For instance, it can use       might be quite straightforward
Al-Jefairi. SeeDo is designed as      technology to provide access to                                              Robot Work?                         its screen to tell exciting visual   to teach a deaf child the signs
an invention for helping children     training tools in an interactive     Mohammed Al-Jefairi has                 SeeDo uses its robotic hand to      stories which are designed to        for a tree or a window by simply
with deafness to learn sign           and engaging format that             recognized that children with           communicate in all forms of sign improve the child’s vocabulary,         pointing to a tree or a window.
language. Assistive Technology        allows deaf children to adapt        Hearing impairments are                 language. It can also display all   and it can pose all kinds of
Center “Mada” partnered with          sign language proficiency in an      disadvantaged in the society            kinds of useful visual content on puzzles and games in sign              For deaf children, the challenge
the famous Qatari TV show             appealing way.                       by getting left behind as they          its built-in TV screen. In addition language for rapid learning. It      lies more in teaching signs
“Stars of Science” to support                                              struggle to communicate clearly         to that, SeeDo is engineered with can essentially talk to the child      for abstract words like
the development of innovative         Why is SeeDo                         and fully interact with the world       electronic processors, a motion     in real-time using a mixture of      ‘weekend’, ‘honesty’, or an
assistive technology (AT)             Robot so important?                  around them.                            sensor and specialized depth        visual content and physical sign     ‘opinion’. Usually children will
solutions, and the sustainable        Studies show that the early                                                  cameras which can capture           language, and it can instantly       instinctively pick up these
growth of AT solutions &              years of a child’s life is the       As per Mohammed, the current            and interpret hand movements,       correct any mistakes that the        words through natural verbal
entrepreneurship in Qatar             most crucial learning period         learning tools and resources            so that SeeDo can accurately        child is making in conversation.     communication with other
and the region. As part of            to develop language and              designed for young deaf children        respond to a child’s sign           If the child makes a mistake,        people, but this challenge is
this collaboration Mada had           communication skills. By the         are yet to utilize the full potential   language. SeeDo uses advanced SeeDo will shake its head                  much greater for deaf children.
provided mentorship support           age of six, the average child will   and benefits of technology to           electronic processors, motion       and perform the correct sign         SeeDo Robot is engineered to
to Mohammed during his                have picked up an average of         serve their needs. Mohammed is          sensors and specialized cameras language gesture for the child to        be the unique solution to this
participation in “Stars of Science”   1,000 words in their vocabulary.     commitment towards improving            to capture and recognize the        learn.                               unique problem. n

18                                                                                                                                                                                                            NAFATH     19
Bu Hamad: A Qatari                                                           Why the need for avatar                       translate Arabic Sign Language. Most of

Real-time Sign Language
                                                                             interpretation of Sign Language?              them were not updated or aborted due
                                                                             It is understandable that people may ask      to the high cost of building dictionary
                                                                             the need to translate closed captions into    containing all Arabic words that can be

Interpreter Avatar
                                                                             Sign Language using Avatar Technology.        used by deaf individuals. Thus, Bu Hamad
                                                                             Especially when it comes to written texts,    was developed with an objective to deliver
                                                                             deaf individuals can read, so why this        a complete front-end digital solution that
                                                                             technology?                                   interprets Arabic Text to localized sign
                                                                             A deaf person’s first language is not their
                                                                             native language, but their native sign        Mada played an important role in the
                                                                             language, and native sign languages differ    development of Bu Hamad by holding
                                                                             from one country to another. For deaf         consultative sessions for sign language
                                                                             individuals, who primarily learn their sign   interpreters, persons with hearing
                                                                             languages, learning a written language        disabilities and hearing impairments
                                                                             is harder. For instance, for an average       experts in order to exchange opinions,
                                                                             Arabic deaf person, learning Arabic is        experiences and observations to improve
                                                                             harder than learning the Arabic Sign          Bu Hamad’s performance and correct his
                                                                             Language (Or localized Sign Language          Qatari Sign language dictionary.
                                                                             such Qatari Sign Language). This is the
                                                                             reason why many deaf individuals face
                                                                                                                           Bu Hamad is being actively used on
                                                                             reading and writing issues.
                                                                                                                           the official Mada website and Mada
                                                                                                                           AT portal providing deaf users with a
                                                                             Thus, many websites use videos where
                                                                                                                           new experience and allowing them to
                                                                             someone automatically signs the written
                                                                                                                           understand the content of webpages.
                                                                             text in order to make written materials
                                                                                                                           Thanks to the dictionary containing
                                                                             accessible for hard of hearing and deaf
                                                                                                                           thousands of words, the avatar can
                                                                             individuals. However, this is a time
                                                                                                                           translate in real time any text to Qatari
                                                                             consuming process as such videos need
                                                                                                                           Sign Language and to American Sign
                                                                             to be edited contributing towards major
                                                                                                                           Language for the English text. Mada AT
                                                                             costs. This is where avatar technology for
                                                                                                                           Center continues to promote for Bu Hamad

                                                                             real time signing comes in as an efficient
                                                                                                                           and introduce it to the public in various
                                                                             solution. The visually captured motions of
            ssistive Technology Center “Mada” supports leading Arab                                                        events and exhibitions.
                                                                             sign language are fed to the avatar first
            technology initiatives to develop solutions that serve people    before being presented as sign language
            with hearing impairments. Individuals with hearing impairments   with motion blending and animation.           As we know, avatar interpretation is
     demand for technological solutions that support Arabic sign language.                                                 still ongoing in the right way. There are
     One of these solutions is a 3D technology sign language interpreter     Bu Hamad, the Qatari Avatar                   many challenges to deal with in the
     (Avatar) by Mindrockets Inc. As result of the collaboration between     For the Arabic Sign Language, many            future, including facial animation which
     Mada Innovation Program and Mindrockets Inc., this technology was       initiatives were launched aiming to           is important to the deaf community to
     used to develop the virtual character called Bu Hamad.                  develop and design avatar solution to         understand signs done by hands. n

20                                                                                                                                                             NAFATH   21
Smart Face App
                        Allowing People with Physical
                            Disabilities to Operate
                           Communication Devices

        s part of its innovation program efforts   winners of the Mada-Alecso Apps Award in            sensitivity, etc.). When the user wants to click an   Technologies are leaning towards utilizing
        in the field of Arabic AT, Assistive       2017, is an innovative android application          element on the screen, he/she has to hover the        built hardware in mobile devices to
        Technology Center “Mada” collaborated      supported in the Arabic language that allows        cursor over it for a brief moment.                    cater towards the needs of individuals
 with Arab League Educational Cultural and         people with a physical impairment with                                                                    with disabilities. The mainstreaming
 Scientific Organization to launch the Mada-       restricted dexterity to operate the Android         Karim Khoui, the developer of Smart Face, had         of accessibility features within mobile
 ALECSO App Award for the best Arabic              device through facial or head movements.            embedded all features of the application in           devices will contribute towards serving the
 applications aimed at improving the living                                                            the accessibility section of the Android device,      accessibility needs of a wider population at
 conditions of persons with disabilities. The      The application tracks the head movements of        where one can customize options depending             a more affordable cost. Mada›s innovation
 competition was very popular in its first year,   the user and moves the cursor accordingly on        on the needs of the user. Once installed, mouse       program is dedicated to supporting the
 with 116 participants from 17 Arab countries.     the screen. The application is fully customizable   cursor will appear on the screen allowing the         development of Arabic applications that
 Two winners were selected for Mada-ALECSO         in terms of offering options to configure the       use of various applications such as the camera,       empower people with disabilities and
 App Award 2017. Smart Face, one of the            behavior of the cursor (e.g. movement speed,        social media and calls making.                        facilitate their access to various services. n

22                                                                                                                                                                                               NAFATH       23
Mada Assistive
Technology School
Kits to Support
Students with
Disabilities in Qatar

  n fulfillment of its commitment to support       technology through training and information
  students with disabilities accessing the         resources, which includes all recommended AT
  curriculum without any difficulties, Assistive   based on the needs of students› assessment,       specialist and shadow teacher) have been          serve a diverse student population, the main
Technology Center “Mada” took the initiative       and to help Additional Educational Support        trained successfully to be able to assess their   challenge is providing effective inclusive
to provide Assistive Technology School Kits        Needs (AESN) Teachers develop their capacity      student’s needs successfully. The project has     education by understanding how to implement
to Qatari students in public schools. The          to work collaboratively to implement assistive    provided customized assistive technology kits     inclusive education through AT in ways that
Assistive Technology (AT) kit project promotes     technology services at schools. An AT School      for autistic students in public schools. The      are feasible in ensuring schooling success
the benefits of using AT within schools by         Kit comprising of a set of devices was provided   kits include AT solutions to improve social       for all children. AT School Kits project works
emphasizing the need for building capacities to    to each school followed by a necessary AT         interaction skills, daily routines, sensory       towards addressing this challenge by providing
provide AT services independently.                 training for the relevant school staff.           games, GPS tracking devices, robots and           AT and building the capacities of AESN
                                                                                                     applications for academic skills development.     teachers, therapists and AT specialists to meet
The main goals of the “Assistive Technology        Throughout 2017, 26 AT School Kits have                                                             the educational goals of the students with
School Kits” project are to provide access to      been provided and 190 teachers (AESN,             As schools are increasingly challenged to         disabilities. n

24                                                                                                                                                                                       NAFATH    25
Building Assistive Technology
           Capacities within the
        Education Sector in Qatar                                                                    successful Super Users who completed            Moreover, he has an excellent photographic
                                                                                                     the program were accredited by Mada and         memory as he refers to words when reading
                                                                                                     Qatar University.                               them from a book. He knows the numbers,
                                                                                                                                                     letters, shapes, colours, however he does
                                                                                                     Abdul Aziz wants to learn …                     not understand the concept of time, days
                                                                                                     This case study will look into the impact of    and seasons of the year. He sometimes gets
                                                                                                     using special communication applications        angry and persistently crying due to the lack
                                                                                                     installed on the iPad on the development of     or difficulty communicating with others.
                                                                                                     the skills of verbal communication, attention
                                                                                                     and concentration of a child with Autism.       Considering student’s situation and the
                                                                                                                                                     difficulties in surrounding educational/home
                                                                                                     Abdul Aziz (nine years old) is non-verbal       environment, a decision was made to use
                                                                                                     and he has poor visual communication,           a variety of low-tech and high-tech aids in
                                                                                                     social skills and poor interaction with         communication. Various applications were
                                                                                                     peers (almost non-existent where he likes       used to control the size of images, number
                                                                                                     isolation). He has sensory problems such        of columns and the possibility using images
                                                                                                     as loud voices; he can react violently to       of the student performing specific tasks.
                                                                                                     very loud voices to the extent that he could
                                                                                                     attack any person who makes them. He
                                                                                                                                                     How did Abdul Aziz improve?
                                                                                                     lacks attention and information need to
                                                                                                                                                     Significant development and improvement
                                                                                                     be repeated when talking to him. He also
                                                                                                                                                     in communication have been noticed on
                                                                                                     suffers from weakness in his fine muscles
                                                                                                                                                     Abdul Aziz as well as increase in processing
                                                                                                     and fingers; therefore, he can’t hold the pen
                                                                                                                                                     language and vocabulary. Abdul Aziz
                                                                                                     and find it difficult to use scissors.
                                                                                                                                                     demonstrated significant progress by being
                                                                                                                                                     able to form sentences of two-three words;
                                                                                                     How did the Super                               expressing his needs for example, I want
                                                                                                     User help Abdul Aziz?                           candy. In addition, he can now count up
                                                                                                     The case of Abdul Aziz was overseen by

                                                                                                                                                     to 100 and he also mastered English and
                                                                                                     one of the Mada education super-user            Arabic alphabets.
        uilding Assistive Technology Capacity      to ensuring that educators were equipped          graduates, who worked with Abdul Aziz to
        within the Education sector is a primary   with the skills and knowledge to support all      collect the required data from classroom,       The case study of Abdul Aziz is a reflection
        mandate of Mada. This goal is achieved     students with disabilities and understand their   teachers, and the occupational therapist and    of the positive impact of building AT
 by designing programs to build teaching           unique learning needs.                            support teachers.                               expertise capacity within schools and
 excellence through Assistive Technology                                                                                                             relevant educational institutions where
 (AT) in order to make schools more inclusive      As part of the program, 40 Educators were         For communication, Abdul Aziz relies on         staff members can work with the students
 and improve outcomes for students with a          trained to be AT Super Users to offer AT          pulling the person toward what he wants.        directly to maximize their full potential in
 disability. The programs were committed           expertise within an education context. All the    He loves numbers/letters and related songs.     education. n

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