Madison Cubs are sending several student-athletes off to represent new teams

Page created by Gail Pearson
Madison Cubs are sending several student-athletes off to represent new teams
Madison Cubs are sending several
   student-athletes off to represent new teams
By: Ashley Schutte,                                                                                                From bottom, left to right: Trenton
Communications Coordinator                                                                                         Barnes, Nick Center, Immi Mann,
     “This year has been a very                                                                                    Gracie True, Jenna Imel, Lundun Perry,
active recruiting season for our                                                                                   Kelsey Bilz, Jade Nutley, Brett
student-athletes”, shared Joe                                                                                      Cahall, Chloe Ferris, Luke Ommen,
Bronkella, Madison AD. “It takes                                                                                   Luke Miller, and late signee Zach
a great deal of self-discipline,                                                                                   Forner pictured below, photo
hard work, and a commitment to                                                                                     compliments of David Campbell.
being the best you can be each
and every day when you choose
to play at the next level. For
these students, it is something
they have worked for since an
early age and we wanted to take
a moment to recognize their
     As of the time of this
publication, the Class of 2021
has thirteen student-athletes
who have committed to and
signed with college-level           “Also, don’t forget to ask your        for new scenery. “I am looking
athletic programs. Some near        current coach for help - they know     forward to the new courses and
and some far, our Madison Cubs      what to do and can help tremen-        meeting my new teammates,” he
will go on to be cheered as         dously.” Brett is the daughter of      shared. His advice, “enjoy the
Pilots, Kohawks, Vikings,           Christi Cahall and Shane Cahall.       moments playing high school
Grizzlies, Panthers, Wildcats,      Trenton Barnes - Coe College,          sports because it is the best time
Mighty Oaks, Tigers, Spartans,
Grenadiers, and Greyhounds.
                                        Trenton Barnes has signed
                                                                           of your life.” He is the son of David
                                                                           and Melissa Ommen.
                                                                                                                    THANK YOU !
     We asked them to share a bit   to play football for Coe College       Jade Nutley - Indiana Wesleyan,
on why they chose their             in Cedar Rapids, IA majoring in        Basketball
respective colleges and what        the Criminal Justice field. Barnes          Jade Nutley will continue her             SuperATV has once again
advice they would give to           chose Coe for the coaching staff. “I   education and basketball career at       graciously donated funding that will
underclassmen teammates who         received a very warm welcome, the      Indiana Wesleyan University in            cover textbook and device rental
may be thinking about the next      staff was inviting and engaging,       Marion, IN. Nutley had a number
                                                                                                                       fees for all students attending
                                                                                                                         Senior Honors Day
level.                                                                                                               Madison Consolidated Schools for
                                    and they have excellent facilities.”   of opportunities but had a relation-          the 2021-2022 school year.
Brett Cahall - Bethel College,      He is looking forward to the           ship with the players and coaches
Cross Country/Track & Field         opportunity to compete against         at IWU like no other school, she         THANK YOU to the Hunt family and
     Brett Cahall has signed with   people from all over the country.      shared. “It felt like home and that’s     employees of SuperATV for your
Bethel University in Mishawaka,     “Stick to the grind,” he shared to     where God was calling me to go.”             continued generosity and
IN to run cross country and track                                                                                     community partnership which
                                    those looking to go on. “It won’t      Her advice, “work hard every day,                 helps so many!
majoring in Excercise Science.      just come to you, you have to do       push yourself when no one is
“I chose Bethel because of the      some extra to be seen.” Trenton is     telling you what to do and when no         free textbook &
small campus and the family-        the son of Carrie and Richard          one is looking, take advantage of
oriented team and I am looking      Heimbach and Darren Barnes.            your free time, and don’t be afraid
forward to the bonds I am going     Luke Ommen - Berry College,            to mess up.” Jade is the daughter of
                                                                                                                       device rental for
to make with my teammates,”         Golf                                   Keith and Lynn Nutley.
Brett shared. Her advice to             Luke Ommen will continue                                                          2021-2022
underclassmen interested in the     his education and golf career at       ARTICLE CONTINUTED ON PAGE 9
next level, Cahall said             Berry College in Mount Berry, GA
“definitely look into it!” She      majoring in Sports Administration.
suggests looking at all the         Ommen selected Berry because of
colleges you can and talk to as     the location and the opportunity
many coaches as you can.

Seniors Tour Their Old Stomping
Madison Cubs are sending several student-athletes off to represent new teams
Page 2                                                                  The District Correspondent                                                    June 2021

                                                                          From the Superintendent’s Desk
                                                                                 What a fantastic year                           We wish all of our new
                                                                         we have had! This time last                             teachers good luck as they
                                                                         year, we were sheltering in                             begin their new positions
                                                                         place due to the Covid-19                               with us!
                                                                         pandemic and were facing
                                                                         a great deal of uncertainty.                                 Finally, in June, we always
                                                                         One year later, we have                                  say goodbye to our
 Madison Consolidated Schools operates one high school, one middle       successfully completed a                                 graduating Seniors. The Class
school and four elementary schools (each including preschool) serving    challenging 2020-2021                                    of 2021 has been an
approximately 2,600 students and their families in the Madison/          academic year by                                         incredibly successful group of
Jefferson County, Ind., area.                                            implementing a mix of face-to-face and     students throughout their school careers!
 Our goal is to inspire success, boost confidence through critical       virtual learning experiences. Our athletic The Class of 2021 are outstanding
thinking and problem-solving, and encourage collaborative learning.      and fine arts programs also faced          students and are a very unique class. In
Our rigorous academic curriculum includes a diverse curriculum path                                                 most cases, a graduating class will be
                                                                         hurdles due to the pandemic, but
into our Fine Arts Academy, multi-faceted college-and-                                                              known for one strength...either they are
                                                                         excelled all year long! We are proud of
career readiness programs, and work-based learning opportunities.
                                                                         what our students have accomplished        very strong academically, or in sports, or
                 Board of Education                                      this year and are grateful for all of the  in the’s uncommon to see a class
 Jodi Yancey, President              Jay Roney, Member                   work done by our adults to keep the        as successfully diverse as the Class of             schools open and safe.                     2021. This class excelled in the
                                                                                                                    classroom, athletics, fine arts, and are also
 Larry Henry, Vice President         Lori Slygh, Member                          For schools, June is always a      a very personable and charitable group              month of transition out of one academic of students. They have been resilient in
 David Storie, Secretary                                                 year and into the next. That is especially the face of overwhelming uncertainty                                               true this year. While we are proud of the over the past year and have earned the
                                                                         accomplishments of the past academic       highest cumulative GPA in school history!
                    Administration                                       year, we have a lot to adjust and improve The athletes have won multiple
 Dr. Jeffery Studebaker, Superintendent                                  upon for the upcoming year. We are         championships and sent many                                           updating our plans for safely reopening    individuals to the State Championships,
                                                                         our buildings in August in light of the    the marching band went to the State
 Bonnie Hensler, Director of Finance & Human Resources                   ongoing pandemic and we are                Finals twice and finished 3rd the last time
                                                                         implementing programs to help our          they competed, the academic teams
 Kevin Yancey, Director of Facilities & Special Projects                 students move past it as well. We will     have qualified for the State                                               post on our website our reopening/safety Championships two years in a row, and
 Shelli Reetz, Director of Student Services                              plans for the buildings once they have     the number of service hours completed is                                                been approved.                             impressive. This class has been a source
                                                                                                                    of amazement and pride for all of us
                                                                                 Every spring transition involves   who have had the honor of working with
                                                                         saying goodbye to teachers who have        them! Good luck and congratulations to
                                                                         left and welcoming our new hires. Our      the Class of 2021!
                                                                         retirees this year are leaving behind a
                                                                         legacy of excellence and we wish them      Have a great summer!
                                                                         all the very best as they move on to their
                                                                         new adventures! Conversely, we have                - Dr. Jeff Studebaker
                                                                         had a tremendous hiring season so far
                                                                         this spring and are very excited about
                                                                         what our newest teachers will bring to
                                                                         our students throughout the District.
Madison Cubs are sending several student-athletes off to represent new teams
Page 3                                             The District Correspondent                                                              June 2021

   2020 - 2021 Scholarship Award Recipients
      Congratulations to the following recipients of the many, many generous scholarships made available to students through various community
members and organizations. As Madison Consolidated Schools, we appreciate the investment you have made in our very deserving students ... we know
                                              they will be responsible stewards of your generosity!
  2021 Honor Graduate                 CLLB Personal Goals Scholarship,     Friendship State Bank: Wilkie S.     Knights of Columbus
  Emily Studebaker- Certificate		     Gladiator Law Firm                   and James Lemon Scholarship          Scholarship
  					                               Kourtney Neukam- $500                Kourtney Neukam- $1,000			           Kyle Shepperson- $300
  21st Century Scholarship,
  Indiana University Southeast        Community Foundation                 German American AIM                  Larry and Charmaine Owens
  Ariannah Harris- $47,836 over 4 yrs Scholar                              Scholarship                          Scholarship
  					                               Sebastian Biallas- $1,000            Olivia Spencer- $500                 Sebastian Biallas- $1,000
  Academic & Wrestling Scholarships, Emily Studebaker- $1,000
  Campbellsville University                                                Glenn G. & Dorothy Ebel              LaVon Cartwright Gudkese & Ann
  Kelsey Bilz- $160,380 over 4 yrs		  Covenant Award, Indiana              Huntington Scholarship               Gudkese Offerman Nursing
  				                                University                           Gracie True- $1,000		                Scholarship
  Academic Merit & Border State       Daesja Jay- $85,296 over 4 yrs		                                          Kelsey Bilz- $250
  Scholarships, Western Kentucky      					                                Helyn Bishop Scholarship
  University                          Crowe & Founders Scholarships,       Emily Studebaker- $2,200             Louis Ernst Family Memorial
  Hagan Frieske- $28,624 over 4 yrs		 Hanover College                                                           Scholarship
                                      Clara McCulley- $166, 780 over 4 yrs Indiana State FFA Scholarship        Devin Zhang- $1,200
  Academic Scholarship, Franklin                                           Alivia Brawner- $250                 Emily Studebaker- $1,200
  College                             Curtis Wright Memorial                                                    Sebastian Biallas- $1,200
  Jenna Imel- $80,000 over 4 yrs		    Scholarship                          Indiana-Kentucky Electric Corp.      Brandie Garcia-Laguna- $1,200
  					                               Brett Cahall- $1,300			              Scholarship                          Rachel Riley- $1,200
  Academic Scholarship, Franklin      					                                Devin- Banks- $500			                Logan Smoot- $1,200
  College                             Custer Contest First Prize           Jacob Daghir- $500			                Jacob Daghir- $1,200
  Gracie True- $80,000 over 4 yrs		   Rachel Riley- $850                   Devin Zhang- $500                    Kourtney Neukam- $800
  		                                                                                                            Chloe Ferris- $800
                                                                           Ivy Tech Scholarship
  Alcorn, Sage, Schwartz & Mcgrath Custer Contest Second Prize                                                  Vy Huynh- $800
                                      Sebastian Biallas- $400              Kyle Shepperson- $1,000
  Scholarship                                                                                                   Olivia Spencer- $500
  Devin Zhang- $500			                                                                                          Gracie True- $500
                                      Custer Contest Equal Rank            Jefferson County 4-H
  				                                                                                                          Brett Cahall- $500
                                      Jacob Daghir- $337.50                Scholarship
  Andrew Thorne Memorial
                                                                           Alivia Brawner- $2,450               M. W. Anderson Scholarship
  Olivia Spencer- $507                Custer Contest Equal Rank                                                 Abigail Hanson- $1,000
                                      Devin Zhang- $337.50                 Jefferson County Extension
                                                                           Homemakers Scholarship               Mable Green Memorial
  Bethany Circle
                                      Daughters of the American            Kourtney Neukam- $800                Scholarship
  Emily Studebaker- $1,000
                                      Revolution Good Citizen Award                                             Olivia Spencer- $1,250
  Bill Oldaker Scholarship            Jordyn Bilz- $50 and Certificate		   Jefferson County Farm Bureau,        Gracie True- $1,250
  Devin Banks- $1,000			              				                                 Inc. Scholarship
  				                                Deans & Women’s Basketball           Devin Banks- $1,000			               Madison Elk’s Lodge Dick Craft
  Bob Rusk and Linda Rusk             Scholarships, Indiana Wesleyan       Alivia Brawner- $1,000               Scholarship
  Scholarship                         University                           Jacob Daghir- $1,000		               Clara McCulley- $750
  Chloe Ferris- $500			               Jade Nutley- $154, 136 over 4 yrs		  Carson Roark- $1,000
  			                                                                      Emily Ward- $1,000                   Madison FFA Scholarship
  Bonnie & Printis Shelton            Dennis Holt Memorial                                                      Makaylee Wells- $100
                                      Scholarship                          Jefferson County Free IN Need        Christina Calhoun- $200
                                      Chloe Ferris- $1,300			              Scholarship                          Mika Hodge- $200
  Rachel Riley- $2,200
                                                                           Jacob Daghir- $140.00			             Katelynn Voris- $200
                                      Deputy Alumni Scholarship            Brandie Garcia-Laguna- $140.00		     Alivia Brawner- $300
  Brad O’Leary Scholarship
                                      Aliza Boles- $1,700			               Emily Studebaker- $140.00            Tampson Banks- $400
  Brooklyn Cline- $600
                                      Ashlee Swickard- $1,700		                                                 Caroline Bechman- $500
                                                                           Jeffery Bear Memorial                Hannah Rutledge- $500
  Broadway School Alumni
                                      Dianna Risk Peer Counseling          Scholarship
                                      Scholarship                          Kyler Banks- $1,000			               Madison Lions Club Scholarship
  Brooklyn Cline- $800
                                      Sebastian Biallas- $500		            Blake Owens- $1,000                  Connor Slygh- $1,000
  Calvin Family Scholarship           Kathryn Royce- $500
                                      Devin Zhang- $500			                 Jobs for America’s Graduates         Madison Ribberfest
  Olivia Spencer- $1,100
                                      			                                  Scholarships                         Scholarship

                                      Dorothy B. Lotz Scholarship          Jordyn Bilz- $250/Honor Cord		       Olivia Spencer- $250
  CAM Car Club Scholarship
                                      Emily Studebaker- $1,850		           Nick Center- $250/Honor Cord
  Kourtney Neukam- $900
                                      Devin Zhang- $1,850                  Jaden Frye- $250/Honor Cord		        Madison Teachers’ Association
                                                                           Nathaniel Hamby- $250/Honor Cord     Scholarship
  Carl J. & Mary M. Hoefling
                                      Dupont Alumni Scholarship            Abigail Hanson- $250/Honor Cord		    Daniel Banks- $500
                                      Brett Cahall- $3,300                 Will Heitz- $250/Honor Cord		        Abigail Hanson- $500
  Logan Smoot- $4,285
                                                                           Daesja Jay- $250/Honor Cord		        Luke Ommen- $500
                                      Emerson Harrell Scholarship          Parker Jones- $250/Honor Cord
  Carolyn Brucer Spicer and Gene E.
                                      Jacob Daghir- $200		                 Sean Mannix- $250/Honor Cord		       Marshall and Norma Banks
  Spicer Nursing Scholarship
  Emily Studebaker- $500			                                                Caleb Mundt- $250/Honor Cord		       Nursing Scholarship
  				                                Farmers Bank of Milton               Luke Ommen- $250/Honor Cord          Kelsey Bilz- $500
  Centra Credit Union Loretta         Mitchell Liter- $1,000               Lundun Perry- $250/Honor Cord
  M. Burd Scholarship                                                      Olivia Phillips- $250/Honor Cord		   Mason Freedom Award, George
  Rachel Riley- $2,500			             Fine Arts Academy Graduate           Carson Roark- $250/Honor Cord        Mason University
  					                               Autumn    Hedgepeth-   Cords		       Luke Schafer- $250/Honor Cord		      Kourtney Neukam- $52,000 over 4 yrs
  Chan Chilton Memorial               Chloe  Kummer-    Cords			           Alex Shaw- $250/Honor Cord
  Scholarship                         					                                Anila Shelton- $250/Honor Cord		     Mayor’s Eagles Community Service
  Luke Ommen- $900		                  Founders    Scholarship,   Hanover   Jacob Smith- $250/Honor Cord         Scholarship
                                      College                              Ashlee Swickard- $250/Honor Cord     Olivia Spencer- $300
  Charles O’Banion Scholarship        Luke  Miller- $92,000  over 4 yrs		  Gracie True-$250/Honor Cord
  Devin Zhang- $1,000			              					                                Katelynn Voris- $250/Honor Cord      McAllister Land Consulting
  			                                 Frances   K.  Eisan Memorial                                              Scholarship
  Chautauqua for the Arts in Memory Scholarship                            John Paul Chapter DAR                Jacob Daghir- $500
  of Bob Fourhman                     Emily Studebaker- $1,100			          Scholarship
                                      					                                Logan Smoot- $250                    MCHS Academic Competition
  Emily Ward- $1,100
                                      French Scholarship                                                        Scholarship
  		                                  Brianna Schwartzkopf- $100           Joseph V. Cline Scholarship          Sebastian Biallas- $600
                                                                           Devin Zhang- $33,400 over 4 yrs		    Jacob Daghir- $600
Madison Cubs are sending several student-athletes off to represent new teams
Page 4                                                    The District Correspondent                                                           June 2021

   2020-2021 Scholarship Awards Continued
 Rachel Riley- $600		                    NHS - Leadership Scholarship           Tiffany Lee Carter Memorial           Top Cub Engineering Student
 Emily Studebaker- $600                  Sebastian Biallas- $200                Scholarship                           Keegan Clement
 Devin Zhang- $600                                                              Nick Center- $1,000
                                         NHS - Service Scholarship                                                    Top Cub Manufacturing
 MCHS Archery Scholarship                Rachel Riley- $200                     Tri Kappa Beta Omega Chapter          Student
 Kyle Shepperson- $500			                                                       Scholarship                           Coby Uebel
                                         Phi Beta Psi Sorority, Theta Mu        Jordyn Bilz- $1,000
 MCHS Class of 1966 Scholarship          Chapter Scholarship                                                          Top Cub Transportation
 Emily Studebaker- $2,200			             Brianna Schwartzkopf- $750             Troy Allen Pyles Memorial             Student
                                                                                Scholarship                           Keshaun Roberts
 MCHS Class of 1979 “Life is Good”       Presidential & Housing                 Rachel Riley- $1,400
 in Memory of Greg Greves                Scholarships, University of                                                  Top Diesel Student
 Scholarship                             Evansville                             Trustee Scholarship,                  Kyler Banks
 Emily Ward-$100                         Olivia Spencer- $92,000 over 4 yrs		   Coe College
                                                                                Trenton Barnes- $126,000 over 4 yrs   Top English Student
 Mountjoy Family Memorial                Provost’s Scholarship, Indiana                                               Brooklyn Cline
 Scholarship                             University                             Tuition Exchange Scholarship,
 Daniel Banks- $502			                   Jordyn Bilz- $16,000 over 4 yrs		      Hofstra University                    Top Family & Consumer Science
 Devin Banks- $502                                                              Skyler Young- $205,440 over 4 yrs     Student
 Blake Owens- $502			                    Ralph and Robyn Jones Family                                                 Mika Hodge
 Jacob Daghir- $1,000			                 Memorial Scholarship                   Vehicle Service Group
 Aubree McKay- $1,000			                 Nick Center- $1,000                    Scholarship                           Top French Student
 Sebastian Biallas- $4,000			                                                   Kourtney Neukam- $1,000			            Will Ratcliff
 Connor Slygh- $4,000		                  Ralph Siefert Memorial Math
 Olivia Spencer- $4,000			               Scholarship                            Vernon Gudkese Memorial               Top German Student
 Emily Studebaker- $4,000			             Logan Smoot- $1,000		                  Engineering Scholarship               Sophia Glasgow
 Gracie True- $4,000                                                            Devin Banks- $250
 Kourtney Neukam- $6,000			              Riverfront Run Car Show                                                      Top Graphics Student
 Rachel Riley- $6,000                    Scholarship                            Wood Memorial Scholarship             Lani Stockdale
 Logan Smoot- $6,000                     Devin Banks- $1,000                    Emily Studebaker- $900
                                         Daniel Banks- $1,000                                                         Top Journalism Student
 Murray Alford Memorial                                                         Department Awards                     Davis Powell
 Scholarship                             Rotary Club Betty Sebree Good          Grades 9-12
 Nick Center- $1000                      Citizenship Award                                                   Top Math Student
 Abby Hanson- $1000                      Kathryn Royce- Plaque		                Female Athlete of the Year		 Devin Zhang
                                                                                Jade Nutley
 NASP State Archery Tournament           Rotary Higher Education Grant          		                           Top Rosie Reader Award
 Scholarship                             Rachel Riley- $1,000                   Mary Louise Eisenhart        Kylie Stakelin
 Caroline Bechman- $500			                                                      Sportsmanship Award
 Kyle Shepperson- $500			                S & O Farmers Mutual Scholarship       Brett Cahall				Top Science Student
 Katelynn Voris- $500			                 Olivia Spencer- $250			                					Taylor Lynch
 		                                                                             Male Athlete of the Year
 Nathan Wilson Memorial                  Shannon Thomas Memorial                Luke Ommen				Top SELECT Student
 Mathematics Scholarship                 Scholarship                            					Carson Roark
 Devin Zhang- $3,100                     Brandie Garcia-Laguna- $300            George Gray Sportsmanship
                                                                                Award                        Top Social Studies Student
 National Merit Finalist                 Sharon Thom Alcorn Memorial            Trenton Barnes				Rachel Riley
 Scholarship                             Scholarship
 Devin Zhang- $2,500                     Gracie True- $1,600			                 Top Agriculture Student      Top Spanish Student
                                                                                Katelynn Voris				Harrison Hall
 National Recognition Program &          Shawn Barnes Memorial
 Presidential Scholarships, Purdue       Scholarship                            Top Art Student              Top Student Council Award
 University                              Zachary Forner- $300			                Kelsey Bilz				Katie Royce
 Sebastian Biallas- $20,000 over 4 yrs
                                         Terri Neighbert Memorial               Top AVID Student             Top Thespian - Female
 Next Generation Hoosier Educators       Scholarship                            Rachel Riley                 Chloe Kummer
 Scholarship                             Emily Studebaker- $1,100
 Gracie True- $30,000 over 4 yrs                                                Top Business Student         Top Thespian - Male
                                         Thomas D. Craft, Jr. Memorial          Zach Forner                  Skyler Young
 NHS - Character Scholarship             Scholarship
 Gracie True- $200                       Rachel Riley- $1,000                   Top Choir Student            Top Yearbook Student
                                                                                Autumn Hedgepeth             Olivia Spencer
Madison Cubs are sending several student-athletes off to represent new teams
Page 5                                              The District Correspondent                                                  June 2021

          Madison Consolidated High School Class of 2021

    Dylan Lynn Adams            Odessa Rae Adams         Blanca Alaman Duran           James Blake Ashby            Aaron Robert Bailey

  Daniel Stephen Banks          Devin Allen Banks           Kyler Paul Banks          Tampson Allie Banks            Sydnie Raye Banta

  Trenton Joseph Barnes       Marie Chloe Mae Barron      Alexis Jane Beaudry       Caroline Victoria Bechman         Dalton C. Berry

  Sebastian Jacob Biallas       Jordyn Leigh Bilz           Kelsey June Bilz           Lydia Jane Bladen             Aliza Grace Boles

      Aaliyah Bonsu           Alivia Elizabeth Brawner    Trinity Nicole Brierly      Luke Samuel Bryant           Gabriel Wayne Buchanan

   Mitchell Joseph Byrd        Brett Taylor Cahall       Christina Mae Calhoun     Emerson Floyd Ronald Cardinal    Kasper Chance Cart

  Rocio Castilforte Velasco    Jacob Daniel Caudill       Nicholas Paul Center     Dyllon Wayne Joseph Clement     Keegan William Clement

   Brooklyn Renee Cline          Dustin Keith Cox        Coleman Garrett Creech       Jacob Jeffrey Daghir         Jason Wayne Dannelik JR

  Alexas Rachelle Darnell        Austin Darnold           Rayne Michelle Davis         Dylan Tyson Eblen           Mason Taylor Edmonson
Madison Cubs are sending several student-athletes off to represent new teams
Page 6                                                   The District Correspondent                                          June 2021

          Madison Consolidated High School Class of 2021

 Kennedy Jane Featherstone        Chloe Elizabeth Ferris        Damian Kage Fisse       Brianne Michelle Ford   Zachary Walker Forner

       Ryan Lee Fox                Hagen Carter Frieske           Jaden Tyler Frye        Dylan Scott Fulton    Aitana Gabaldon Perez

Brandie Gabriela Garcia-Laguna     Antonio David George          John Paul George       Hunter Alexander Getz      Donovan Graham

     Jasper Kyle Gray               Takota Joe Grigsby         Nathaniel Travis Hamby    Victoria Kaye Hamm     Abigail Ainsley Hanson

   Ariannah Love Harris          Nathanael Joseph Hasbrouck      Harley Ann Heath       Autumn Jade Hedgepeth   Larry Wayne Hedgepeth

  William Celestine Heitz           Mika Kyann Hodge             Brady Charles Holt     Jalahn Marie Honaker        Vy Ngoc Huynh

     Jenna Nicole Imel           Jayden James Xavier Jackson    Milan Jade Jackson       Zola Claire Jackson    Helen Gibson Clare James

     Daesja Nacole Jay              Parker Trace Jones         Sadie Caroline Joseph     Mckinley Paige Kelso   Benjamin Matthew Kubik

    Chloe Ann Kummer               Beckalyn Joy Lawson          Mitchell Chase Liter    Linda Stephanie Lohe     Immigin Zoee Mann
Madison Cubs are sending several student-athletes off to represent new teams
Page 7                                           The District Correspondent                                                      June 2021

          Madison Consolidated High School Class of 2021

  Sean Michael Mannix         Luke Andrew McCarty         Clara Marie McCulley        Summer Dawn McGee             Aubree Baylee McKay

  Elijah M.D. McRoberts          Luke Allen Miller         Caleb Brian Mundt          Kourtney Naomi Neukam           Drake Aden Norris

   Jade Caroline Nutley         Luke David Ommen          Blake Connor Owens         Shivani Bhavesh Parmar          Mallory Anne Payne

   Michaela June Payne         Lundun Marie Perry          Olivia Lynn Phillips        Brooke Dawn Porter             Evan Cole Powell

  Jalyn Elizabeth Rickerson    Rachel Denae Riley         Carson Michael Roark       Miguel Angel Robledo Lopez        Lea Rothaemel

 Keaton Wayne Abel Rowlett    Brady Douglas Royalty        Kathryn Rose Royce            Baylor Aj Ruble           Hannah Marie Rutledge

    Luke David Schafer        Trenton Zachary Schmidt    Brianna June Schwartzkopf     Anila Lynee Shelton        Lukas John Douglas Shepherd

  Conner Nathaniel Slygh       Grant William Smith          Jacob Cole Smith             Logan R. Smoot              Olivia Ann Spencer

    Kylie Ann Stakelin        Russell Paul Stallard II    Everett Allen Stewart      Lani Mashell Stockdale           Trenton Stockdale
Madison Cubs are sending several student-athletes off to represent new teams
Page 8                                               The District Correspondent                                                                  June 2021

         Madison Consolidated High School Class of 2021

  Justice Joseph Stone        Emily Grace Studebaker      Ashlee Marie Swickard          Taylor Nichole Tague                           Gracie Raye True

  Katelyn Breann Tullis           Coby Tyler Uebel         Hailey Gabrielle Vernon      Katelynn Elizabeth Voris                        Emily Grace Ward

  Michael Patrick Ware III     Makaylee Sue Wells           Eric Douglas White             Skyler Dine Young                              Devin Zhang

 Not Pictured: Zachary Dwight Aloma, Diamonda Christine Andries, Kathryn Mckenzie Brooks, Aidan Edward Chandler, Bryer Gage Clark,
 Carl Donley, Tyra Freeman, Timothy Lane Gayle, Nelson Everett Hugh Hardy, Anna Hartmann, Hannah Mae Hertz, Eillowyn Addora Houston,
 Travis James Jones, Owen Douglas Kent, Felipe Romero Levesque, Trenton Michael Mack, Trenton Wayne McGaughey, Iliana Lee Meador,
 Abigail Dee Monroe, Paige Elizabeth Mullins, Noah Seth Neff, Grace Pittman, Constance Nicole Sentney, Alex Kristopher Shaw,
 Justin Dean Shepherd, Kyle Ray Shepperson, Sherradon Paige Stewart, and Tanner Gage Paul Wiley.

 Prom Royalty Serving Others
 By: Ashley Schutte, Communications Coordinator
          The MCHS Prom Court for                                                                    Habitat for Humanity, Davis
  2021 is once again competed for                                                                    Powell- Salvation Army, Brooklyn
  the crown by raising money for                                                                     Cornelius- Jefferson County
  charity. Students could throw                                                                      Youth Shelter, and Morgan
  their own name in the hat in                                                                       Preston- Heart of Dinner.
  exchange for a commitment to                                                                            Kelsey works with students
  raise funds for a charitable cause.                                                                from the junior class to organize
  “We first did this a few years ago                                                                 the annual celebration which
  and the students embraced the                                                                      took place on May 15 at the
  idea,” shared Mr. Aaron Kelsey,                                                                    Connor K. Salm Gymnasium. In
  MCHS Fine Arts program leader,                                                                     addition to the dance, there was
  teacher, and Prom coordinator.                                                                     an After Prom Celebration for
  “We have a wonderful,                                                                              students to continue to enjoy
  service-minded student body                                                                        time together in a safe, sub-
  and this felt like another                                                                         stance-free environment. “We
  opportunity to do something for someone else.”                       have a great committee of parents who work together to
          The students who raised the most money for their             make this a very special event for the kids each year,” shared
  charity were crowned Prom Prince, Princess, King, and                Michael Gasaway, MCHS Principal. “It gets bigger and better
  Queen. Members of this year’s court and their charities              each year with games, food, and the always popular
  include seniors Conner Slygh- Ulster Project, Katie Royce-           hypnotist - we all have a lot of fun.”
  Mrs. Cotner’s Battle Against Breast Cancer, Rachel Riley-                   Your 2021 Prom royalty is: King and Queen - Connor
  Jefferson County Animal Shelter, Taylor Tague- Jefferson             Slygh and Taylor Tague pictured on the right. Prince and
  County Animal Shelter, and Caroline Bechman- Jefferson               Princess - Jackson Kelsey and Brooklyn Cornelius pictured on
  County 4H. Junior class representatives were Jackson Kelsey-         the left.

    Dear class of 2021        ~
    It has been said that resilience is the ability to withstand
    adversity and bounce back from difficult life events.

    Being resilient does not mean that you don't or won't
    experience stress, emotional upheaval, or suffering.

    Resilience is important because it gives people, it has
    given you, the strength needed to process, overcome,
    and succeed through hardship and challenges.

    In a year like no other, you have conquered, achieved,                               JASON SCHAFER
    and succeeded! We are so proud of you, now - Go

                                                                                         Each office independently owned and operated

                                                                                     142 Demaree Drive ◆ Madison, Indiana
                                                                                       (812) 273-1234 ◆ (812) 599-4227
Madison Cubs are sending several student-athletes off to represent new teams
Page 9                                                   The District Correspondent                                                               June 2021

      Next Level Athletes Continued
 Gracie True - Franklin College,                       Luke Miller - Hanover College, Basketball           the location and the opportunity to pursue
 Volleyball                                                 Luke Miller will continue to play              her education in her field of interest. She looks
      Gracie True will continue her volleyball         basketball as a Panther as he will attend           forward to the competition and meeting new
 career and education at Franklin College in           Hanover College and major in Business.              people. “Go for it!” she shared when asked
 Franklin, IN majoring in Elementary Education.        Miller’s work ethic is no secret to those who       about encouraging others. “You have nothing
 From her first visit, “I fell in love with the        know him and that is the advice he shares with      to lose and in the long run you will look back
 campus because of its size and atmosphere,”           underclassmen, “focus on getting better each        and thank yourself.” Lundun is the daughter of
 True shared. “It feels like a great fit for me.” To   day and all levels of college athletics are         Tiffany Sever and Harold Perry.
 others who think they may be interested in            competitive and challenging.” Luke looks            Nick Center - Indiana University Southeast -
 next-level competition, “reach out to coaches         forward to becoming close with his new              Basketball
 and visit schools,” she said. “Even if you aren’t     teammates and experiencing life on his own. “I           Nick Center has signed with the Grenadiers
 all the way positive, reach out to them because       like the coaching staff and the current players     of IU Southeast in New Albany, IN to continue
 you never know what advice they are going to          on the roster.” Luke is the son of Jon and Angie    his basketball career. Nick chose IUS because
 give you.” Gracie looks forward to the new            Miller.                                             it was close to home and looks forward to the
 opportunities college and athletics will              Chloe Ferris - Manchester University - Cross        new experiences he will have at the college
 provide for her and meeting her new                   Country                                             level. When asked what it takes, he shared
 teammates. Gracie is the daughter of Matt and              Chloe will run cross country and track at      “continue to grow, keep working hard, and
 Kami True.                                            Manchester University in North Manchester, IN       know that you can do anything you want as
 Immigin Mann - Oakland City University,               while majoring in Medical Technology. Chloe         long as you put in the time.” Nick plans to
 Softball                                              looks most forward to having a new team and         major in education and is the son of Chuck and
      Immi Mann will continue the family               coach and improving as a runner. On why             Isa Center.
 tradition of attending Oakland City                   she selected Manchester, “I liked the campus        Zach Forner - Indiana Wesleyan University -
 University in Oakland City, IN where she will         the best and I liked the coach and running          Baseball
 major in Business Administration. “Both of            program.” Her advice to those interested in              Rounding out the recruiting class, Zach
 my parents attended here and I love the small         college-level athletics, “follow your dreams and    Forner has committed and will sign to play
 campus,” she shared. “Playing at the next level       work hard in anything you may do.” Chloe is         baseball at Indiana Wesleyan University in
 and the challenges that come with it,” is what        the daughter of Scott and Nichole Ferris.           Marion, IN. Zach took his time throughout the
 Immi is most excited about. “The opportunity          Kelsey Bilz - Campbellsville University -           recruiting process and in the end, it was the
 for a great education and the opportunity to          Wrestling                                           vision at IWU that drove his selection. “Coach
 continue to play softball is very exciting.”               Kelsey Bilz will attend Campbellsville         Benjamin and the staff could not have done
 Immi’s advice for underclassmen is everything         University in Campbellsville, KY where she will     a better job at relaying their vision for IWU
 takes time. “You’re not going to come out and         wrestle and explore a major in the science field    baseball,” he shared. “Putting the team before
 be the best player takes time and hard       of study. Bilz had a ground-breaking career at      yourself, always, and wanting others to
 work to be the best you can possibly be. Don’t        Madison with the added goal of inspiring more       succeed. IWU is a great NAIA program that
 give up when something goes wrong. Keep               female wrestlers. She shared, “go all-in, don’t     has had a ton of success and is going to be the
 working at it and you will succeed!” Immi is          be afraid you’ll mess up or keep losing over        best program for me.” When asked what he
 the daughter of Anthony and Kristin Mann.             and over again. The truth is, you’re never really   most looks forward to as a college athlete, he
 Jenna Imel - Franklin College, Golf                   failing, you’re just learning!” For Kelsey,         shared “I have heard multiple times how much
      Jenna Imel will continue her golf career         Campbellsville “ has a beautiful campus, with a     different college sports is compared to high
 as a Grizzly at Franklin College in Franklin, IN      good handful of girl wrestling, and it’s a          school, so for me, I am looking forward to all
 majoring in Sports Management. When asked             Christian school. The coach is really cool and      of the practices and games and how different
 about her selection, Jenna shared “I’ve loved         there’s so much to learn there!” She looks          they will be and traveling across the midwest
 the school ever since I first visited. I just love    forward to learning new techniques and              will be a great new experience too!” His advice
 the campus and the atmosphere and how                 meeting new people. Kelsey is the daughter of       to those interested in taking it to the next level
 small it is.” She most looks forward to making        Becky Bilz and Keith Bilz.                          - “be who you are, keep your head down and
 lifelong memories and having a blast! To those        Lundun Perry - University of Indianapolis -         put in the work, trust the process because it
 who follow her…” follow your dreams! If you           Track & Field                                       will reward you in the end.” Zach is the son of
 want to compete at the next level then try                 Lundun Perry has signed with the               Matt and Lisa Forner.
 your hardest to accomplish that. The sky is the       University of Indianapolis to continue her track
 limit and you will forever cherish the                career and study Sports Marketing. Lundun
 memories that you will make.” Jenna is the            learned about the opportunities at U of I from
 daughter of Jason and Leeann Imel.                    a friend and after visiting, selected because of

 MCHS Hall Of Fame Honors New Members
     The Alumni Hall of Fame Inductees for             with students decades younger, Cope gladly          kind, responsible, courteous young men. For
 2020 and 2021 were honored at a recent                and professionally fulfills that mission. For       many, he was the only father figure in their
 ceremony in Connor K. Salm Gymnasium. Each            Cope, those few minutes between class               lives. Although 54 years have passed since
 year, nominations are accepted for those              periods allow hallway interaction with cheerful     those MCHS senior days, the name Marvin
 deserving of the honor of the MCHS Alumni             hellos and words of encouragement. Cope             Eades still heads the record books for the
 Hall of Fame. The application deadline is the         was elected to a four-year term on the Board of     180-yard low hurdles (21.0 seconds) and half-
 end of February and can be found on our               Trustees for Madison Consolidated Schools. As       mile relay team (1 minute, 33.9 seconds).
 website by visiting madison.                                                                                                 Damon L. Welch                                                                                                          For most of his life, titles
 familyinfo and click on the                                                                                                  preceded Damon Welch’s
 Alumni Hall of Fame                                                                                                          name. Student Council
 nomination form.                                                                                                             President. Prom King. Air
     This distinguished award                                                                                                 Force Captain. City
 honors individuals whose                                                                                                     Councilman. Mayor. This
 deeds and character                                                                                                          MCHS alumnus, Class of 1971,
 exemplify outstanding                                                                                                        certainly prized and
 achievement in their life’s                                                                                                  respected these labels of
 work and service to their                                                                                                    distinction, popularity, and
 communities. The honoree’s                                                                                                   public endorsement, but
 spirit and leadership are                                                                                                    his heart equally cherished
 worthy of recognition and                                                                                                    the lower case headings of a
 have inspired praise and gratitude among their        a member, she led with vision, responsibility,      friend, church member, volunteer, and
 peers.                                                and compassion and served as board                  community leader. Personally and
 Eligibility requirements include:                     president in 2014-15. In addition to trustee        professionally Welch lived by the philosophy
 • The recipient must have graduated from              duties, she also served as secretary and            to serve others, be humble, and do the small
     MCHS at least 10 years ago.                       member of the corporation’s Education               things well. As the mayor of Madison from Jan.
 • The recipient has been recognized for a             Foundation which funds the program for              1, 2013 until his sudden death on Sept. 25,
     high level of achievement in their field and      academic teams and individual classroom             2019, he compared his role to a father
     made significant contributions to that field      projects.                                           protecting his child. Like a loving parent, the
     at the state or national levels.                  Marvin Eades                                        Jefferson County native wanted the best for
 • The recipient has demonstrated                          Although the United States Patent and           the town he called home for most of his 66
      leadership, character, and service in a          Trademark Office contains thousands of              years. With the help of other city leaders, Welch
      variety of venues from their field of            notable copyrights, only a minuscule number         proudly led Madison to the “Stellar
      expertise to community, state, and               carry Southern Indiana ties. MCHS alumnus           Community” distinction which resulted in
      national initiatives.                            Marvin Eades, Class of 1966, proudly belongs        millions of grant dollars to revitalize old
 The inductees for the Class of 2020 are:              to the Hoosier roster for helping design an         industrial sites into modern-day facilities. In
 Helen Cope                                            apparatus to safely disarm land mines. But his      addition, he spearheaded the effort, with
     Volunteer and support personnel often             expertise and contribution in the labor force       input and support of past mayors, to gain state
 make the difference in quality and impact             impact numerous other fields as well. One of        approval and funding for the new Ohio River
 and alumna Helen Cope, Class of 1964, helps           his most gratifying roles spanned 20 years as       Bridge approach into Kentucky. None of these
 influence that transformation over and over.          scoutmaster for Madison Boy Scout Troop 717.        projects came easy, but the former Air Force
 Whether it entails an early morning call to           Every Monday night, hundreds of boys over           veteran persisted for the town and citizenry he
 substitute teach, volunteer work with theatre         the years witnessed Eades’ skills, felt his         loved.
 students late into the night, or connecting           compassion and followed his guidance to be          CONTINUED ON PAGE 10
Madison Cubs are sending several student-athletes off to represent new teams
Page 10                                                         The District Correspondent                                                                June 2021

                                Their Place In History
By: Ashley Schutte, Communications Coordinator
     If you were able to join us for our annual              school, each class will continue to be more and        credits in math, 6 credits in World Language
 Commencement ceremony, you likely left with                 more impressive as they push themselves to             or two years each in two different languages,
 a sense of wonderment, pride, inspiration, or               be their best version of themselves and                2 credits in Fine Arts, maintain a C- grade or
 awe - and if you had a student in the Class of              prepare for the future.                                higher in all required courses, maintain a 3.0 or
 2021, it was magnified a thousand times! This                                                                      higher GPA, and complete 6 college credits or
 class was something special. The underlying
                                                             Academic Summary of the                                4 semesters of AP courses and corresponding
 theme for the school year (throughout the                   Class of 2021                                          classes, and score 1250 on the SAT or 26 on the
 district) was resilience. All of our students               Graduation with Distinction:                           ACT.
 don’t even realize the magnitude of their                   • Summa Cum Laude (with Cumulative GPAs                Indiana Core 40 with Technical Honors
 achievements in what was a very unique                          from 3.9 and above) - 29                           Diploma - 17
 school year. Madison Consolidated Schools                   • Magna Cum Laude (with Cumulative GPAs                    The Technical Honors Diploma requires
 was able to open on schedule, adapt                             from 3.7 - 3.899) - 17                             additional components stacked on the
 instruction to remain face-to-face, weathered               • Cum Laude (with Cumulative GPAs from                 Academic Honors Diploma requirements.
 very few (overall) shut-downs/quarantines,                      2.5 - 3. 699) - 17                                 Additionally, students must successfully
 and created safe spaces for athletics,                      Honors Diplomas:                                       complete 6 credits in a state-approved College
 extracurricular, and co-curricular activities for           Total for Academic and/or Technical Honors             & Career Pathway and either Pathway
 students.                                                   Diploma - 88                                           certification or credential, or Pathway dual
     In his commencement address, MCHS                       Academic Honors Diploma - 38                           credits equaling 6 Transcripted CC.
 Principal Michael Gasaway shared some of the                    The Academic Honors Diploma is earned              Academic and Technical Honors Diploma - 33
 highlights and achievements of the Class of                 by completing additional requirements on top               These students completed all
 2021. As students continue to embrace the                   of the base Core 40, or General, diploma.              requirements for both Academic and Technical
 opportunities available to them while in high               Students must also complete 2 additional               Honors diplomas.

 Total Degrees and Certifications: 182                                                    Business Administration
 Associate Degree in General Studies (AGS) - 3                                                Students earned specific credit hours in the Business
 Associate Degree in Science (TSAP) - 1                                                   Administration field. The principles taught through the Ivy Tech
 Advanced Manufacturing                                                                   Business Administration program are threaded in all industries including
 • Welding Technology Technical Certificate - 3                                           non-profit business and education. Students create marketing plans,
 • Structural Welding Certificate - 4                                                     budgets, build personal websites, simulations, case studies, and create
         -Certifications:                                                                 community connections.
          GMAW (MIG) - 8, GTAW (TIG) - 2, SMAW (Stick) - 5,                               • Business Administration Technical Certificate - 11
          FCAW (Flux Core) - 1                                                            • Business Administration Certificate - 13
 • Industrial Mechanical Technical Certificate - 6                                        Criminal Justice
 • Industrial Mechanical Certificate - 6                                                      The Criminal Justice program gives students the opportunity to
         -Certifications:                                                                 work and learn from professionals and scholars in the field to prepare for
         NIMS - National Institute for Metalworking Skills:                               careers or transfer to a four-year institution.
 		               NIMS - Project Layout and Machining - 2                                 • Criminal Justice Technical Certificate - 1
 		               NIMS - Measurement, Materials, and Safety - 1                           Healthcare
 		               NIMS - Job Planning, Benchwork, and Layout - 1                              Certified Nursing Assistants are a critical part of the
         MSSC - Manufacturing Skills Standards Council:                                   healthcare team. CNAs are often the primary caregivers of patients and
 		               MSSC Safety - 5                                                         assist with their daily activities. Students in the CNA Pathway complete
 		               MSSC Quality - 3                                                        five credit hours of post-secondary coursework in preparation for the
 		               MSSC Production - 1                                                     Certified Nursing Assistant licensure examination.
 		               MSSC Maintenance - 1                                                    • Certified Nursing Assistant Certificate - 3
 		               MSSC Certification Production Technology - 1                            Indiana College Core (ICC) / formerly STGEC - 57
 • OSHA 10 (Cub Engineering, Cub Manufacturing, Diesel,                                       The Indiana College Core, formerly known as the STGEC, allows
 Industrial Maintenance, and Welding) - 33                                                students to start their college education as a sophomore at any
 Agriculture                                                                              Indiana four-year institution as well as many other colleges throughout
     The agriculture program engages students in hands-on activities                      the country. By fulfilling at least three credit hours in six competencies as
 in and outside of their classrooms while preparing them for real-world                   well as an additional 12 elective credit hours from the same
 agriculture careers.                                                                     competencies, students fulfill the core requirements that are equivalent
 • Animal Agribusiness Certificate - 10                                                   to their first year of college.
                                                                                          Governor’s Work Ethic Certificate: 61
  Technical Certificates                                                                      Students that earn the WEC have demonstrated they have the
  The TC is 30 or more credit hours of education in conceptual and technical skills for   employability and character skills needed to be successful as they enter
  specific occupations. It contains a sequence of required courses in a recognized        post-secondary institutions, apprenticeships, the military, or the
  concentration within one of the programs at Ivy Tech Community College.                 workforce. Successful completion is based on: Attendance, GPA,
  Certificates                                                                            Discipline, Service, and Character. Students completing the requirements
  The CT is earned with successful completion of 5 to 21 credit hours. The CT is a        are presented with a certificate signed by Governor Holcomb.
  sequence of technical and professional courses that provide access to targeted,             The Governor’s Work Ethic Certificate is a critical secondary
  short-term workforce training. Credit hours may apply toward technical certificates     education program for high school graduates who are committed to
  and associate degree programs in the subject area and completers may sit for            delivering employer-recognized employability skills as they prepare to
  specific certification exams upon completion.                                           join today’s workforce.
  Certifications                                                                              The recognized employability skills are recognized and vetted by
  Certifications are nationally recognized and embedded within many of the technical      Hoosier employees, community-based organizations, and post-
  certificate and certificate programs. Certifications show employers that students       secondary education institutions. These skills are designed to encourage
  have the skills and knowledge needed within their field and stay with the student       students to meet the benchmarks that will assist them in their college or
  regardless of where they are employed.                                                  career goals.

HOF Continued
 The inductees for the Class of 2021 are:                   manufacturing sites, stems from the vision             make Jefferson County a more productive,
 Ray Black                                                  and passion of one man, 1973 MCHS alumnus              compassionate place. A 1983 graduate of
     Over the years, hundreds of area youth                 Harold Hunt. During his off-time at another            MCHS, Nay has been recognized nationally
 have benefitted from Ray Black’s guidance,                 successful job, he loved the challenge of              as Funeral Director of the Year and received
 compassion, and wisdom. These influences                   mastering bumpy creek bottoms, shallow                 numerous other accolades with national,
 naturally entailed 1:1 interaction but equally             watering holes, and rutted hill climbs when            state, and local ties. From the 4-H Fair to local
 important the young people gleaned a deep                  off-roading but felt the equipment needed              theatre productions, Veterans Day programs,
 perspective of societal standards and good                 tweaking. The idea for change began in his             village festivals, car shows, art venues, pro-
 character by simply observing their mentor,                home garage and in 2003-04 the 2” Polaris              jects benefitting school and youth organiza-
 who headed the Boys & Girls Club of                        Sportsman EZ Install Lift Kit emerged. His             tions, music concerts, parades, and Christmas
 Jefferson County from 1984-2018. The 1970                  creation quickly exploded with off-road                wreaths for military cemeteries, Nay embraces
 MCHS graduate demanded the highest of                      enthusiasts and the popular demand                     the mission of compassionate support. On a
 principles, values that cost nothing but reap              propelled Hunt and eventually SuperATV into            local level, Nay was presented with the Madi-
 the most rewarding dividends in life. His                  a multi-facet operation with numerous                  son/Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce
 involvement with youth also included                       product lines, a new location thousands of             Business of the Year in 2010 as well as reigned
 coaching the wrestling and girls softball teams            times over in size, nationwide sales, a                as the top co-fundraiser for the Children’s
 at Madison Consolidated High School and                    subsidiary site in Louisiana, and an                   Advocacy Center in 2017. In 2015, the State
 Madison Junior High for a combined total of                employment force of over 300 people in                 of Indiana bestowed the funeral director with
 44 years. During his 36-year tenure as a                   Madison alone. Hunt continually enriches the           the elite Distinguished Hoosier Award for his
 wrestling coach, the Madison alumnus guided                comfort and lifestyle of others. For the past          support to veteran events and issues.
 the squads to six IHSAA sectional                          three years, SuperATV has funded the book
 championships and two regional titles. In                  rental and technology fees for all students            For more information on MCHS Alumni &
 softball, the Lady Cubs captured five sectional            attending Madison Consolidated Schools.                Friends and to read the full bios for recent
 championships.                                             Rodney L. Nay                                          inductees, please visit http://www.madison.
 Harold Hunt                                                As president/owner of Morgan & Nay Funeral   
     SuperATV, one of Madison’s newest                      Centre, Rodney Nay consistently strives to
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