Making Figures Accessible - March 2022 v.1 | Journals Edition

Page created by Mitchell Powell
Making Figures Accessible - March 2022 v.1 | Journals Edition
Making Figures
March 2022 v.1 | Journals Edition
Making Figures Accessible - March 2022 v.1 | Journals Edition
Resources								03

The Principles
Use of Colour						      04
Colour Contrast							05
Colour Palette							09
Text Accessibility							10   Quick Links to Cheat Sheets
                              Line Graphs							             16
In Practice                   Grouped Bar Graphs						22
Line Graphs								12         Scatter Plots								27
Grouped Bar Graphs						18    Pie Charts								32
Scatter Plots								23       Diagrams								38
Pie Charts								28
Diagrams								33
Making Figures Accessible - March 2022 v.1 | Journals Edition
Resources                                                                                            Oxford University Press | Academic Design | Making Figures Accessible   3

This guide seeks to help all those involved with creating and
publishing content to improve the accessibility of any figures
                                                                 Useful Links
produced. Individual projects may still face constraints that
mean that not all guidance can be adhered to.                    Accessible Fonts
For example, the space available within a print format           FS Me Regular / FontSmith website
may mean the size of the labelling cannot be as large as is
recommended. As guidance, research, and understanding of         Source Sans Pro Regular / Google Fonts
accessibility develops, we also intend to update and improve
                                                                 Open Sans Regular / Google Fonts
this guidance.

If you have any feedback on these guidelines, or suggestions
for improvements, please get in touch with us at the address     Colour Blindness Simulator
Head of Design, Academic

                                                                 Colour Contrast Checkers
                                                                 WebAIM Colour Contrast Checker

                                                                 Snook checker

                                                                 Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)
                                                                 Introduction and Overview

                                                                 Use of Colour

                                                                 Minimum Colour Contrast Requirements
Making Figures Accessible - March 2022 v.1 | Journals Edition
Use of Colour                                                                                        Oxford University Press | Academic Design | Making Figures Accessible      4

Does making colours accessible                                        A N O M A L O U S TRIC HRO M A C Y         D IC HRO M A TIC V IE W           M O N O C HRO MATI C VI EW

just mean avoiding red and green?                                         Protanomaly (red weak)                 Protanopia (red blind)          Achromatopsia (monochromacy)

No—there are many forms of colour blindness, meaning that
colour can be perceived in many different ways.

For example, a typical colour palette is shown below, and the
images on the right demonstrate how this palette may be
perceived by readers with various forms of colour blindness.

                                                                        Deuteranomaly (green weak)             Deuteranopia (green blind)           Blue cone monchromacy

If a manuscript refers to the ‘red line’ or ‘red area’ in a figure,       Tritanomaly (blue weak)                Tritanopia (blue blind)
a reader with protanopia would not be able to perceive
which line/area is being referred to. Therefore, in order to be

  • m
     eaning should not be communicated only through 
    colour – avoid referring to colour in the manuscript 
    as the only cue to meaning
  • u
     se other cues such as text labels, varying pattern 
    and/or shapes etc
Making Figures Accessible - March 2022 v.1 | Journals Edition
Colour Contrast                                                                     Oxford University Press | Academic Design | Making Figures Accessible   5

What is colour contrast?                                           HIGH CONTRAST COLOURS                                     LOW CONTRAST COLOURS

Contrasting colours are colours that differ from one another.
Levels of contrast vary from high to low, depending on their
position on the colour wheel. For example, colours that are
directly opposite one another on the colour wheel have the
highest contrast possible, while colours next to one another
have a low contrast.

Partial sight, aging, and congenital colour deficits all produce
changes in perception that reduce the visual effectiveness
of certain colour combinations. Two colours that contrast
sharply to someone with normal vision may be far less
distinguishable to someone with a visual disorder. It is
important to appreciate that it is the contrast of colours
against another that makes them more or less discernible
rather than the individual colours themselves.

Here are three rules for making effective colour choices:

  • E
     xaggerate lightness differences between foreground
    and background colours
    • Avoid contrasting hues from adjacent parts of the circle
  • U
     se a colour contrast checker to validate the success
    of the colour combinations within the Minimum (AA)
    WCAG Contrast and Colour Requirements
Making Figures Accessible - March 2022 v.1 | Journals Edition
Colour Contrast                                                                Oxford University Press | Academic Design | Making Figures Accessible   6

1 . Exaggerate lightness differences                                                                                      Example 1
 between foreground and
 background colours
Don’t assume that the lightness you perceive will be the
same as the lightness perceived by people with colour                  HIGH                        LOW
deficits. If you lighten your light colours and darken your dark   CONTRAST                        CONTRAST 
colours, you will increase the visual accessibility                 COLOURS                         COLOURS
of your design.

2. Avoid using colours of similar                                                                                         Example 2
lightness adjacent to one another,                                 EFFECTIVE
even if they differ in saturation or hue
Hue enables us to identify basic colours, such as blue, green,
yellow, red and purple. People with normal colour vision
report that hues follow a natural sequence based on their
similarity to one another. With most colour deficits, the
ability to discriminate between colours on the basis of hue is
diminished, and it is difficult to discriminate between colours
of similar hue.
Making Figures Accessible - March 2022 v.1 | Journals Edition
Colour Contrast                                                                                              Oxford University Press | Academic Design | Making Figures Accessible                               7

Understanding the                                                                                                   Passes in all
                                                                    Example 1                                        categories
WCAG “Contrast Ratio”
OUP recommends that colour used in our publications meet
the WCAG minimum (AA) contrast ratios. In WCAG, contrast              1.64:1                                                               Fails in all                  In Example 1, only the blue on white
is a measure of the difference in perceived “luminance” or           Fails in all                                                          categories
                                                                     categories                                                                                          passes the WCAG requirements for
brightness between two colours This brightness difference is
                                                                                                                                                                         colour contrast. The other colours do
expressed as a ratio ranging from 1:1 (e.g. white on white) to
                                                                                                                                                                         not pass both with text or non-text
21:1 (e.g., black on a white). There are different requirements
                                                                                                                                                                         objects. See below for one way this
for non-text and text contrast.
                                                                                                                                                                         could be fixed.
WCAG 2.1 SUCCESS CRITERION 1.4.11 NON-TEXT CONTRAST                                                                                       Fails in all
The visual presentation of Graphical (non-text) Objects
should have a contrast ratio of at least 3:1 against adjacent
colour(s). If a graphic is needed to understand the content
                                                                    ✗     NOT 

then it should be perceivable by people with low vision or
other impairments without the need for contrast-enhancing
                                                                                     This shade of blue on white (and reverse) does               This shade of blue on
assistive technology.                                                               not pass (1.6:1). A dark gray border was added                 white (and reverse)
                                                                                                                                                                                  In Example 2, variations in
                                                                                    to the slice (7:1), and text is set in black (13:1)          does not pass (2.3:1).
WCAG 2.1 SUCCESS CRITERION 1.4.11 TEXT CONTRAST                                                                                                                                   layout are added (a dark
                                                                                          which fixes both text and background                    A dark gray border
                                                                    Example 2                                                                                                     rule around light non-text
The presentation of text should have a contrast ratio of at                                                                                      was added to the slice
least 4.5:1 for normal text and 3:1 for large text. Large text is                                                                                 (7:1), and text is set          background colours) as well
                                                                       4.6:1                                                                      in black (9:1) which            as alternating black and white
defined as 14 point and bold or larger, or 18 point regular or
                                                                    Background                                                                     fixes both text and            text as needed. It is okay to
larger. To give a frame of reference, on a white background:        colour and                                                                         background
                                                                                                                                                                                  treat labels in different ways
                                                                    text passes
Pure red (#FF0000) has a ratio of 4:1:                                                                                                                                            to ensure they meet contrast
SAMPLE TEXT AT 14 PT                                                                                                                               This shade of blue             requirements.
                                                                                                                                                   on white passes as
Pure green (#00FF00) has a very low ratio of 1.4:1                                                                                                a non-text object, so           To create a uniform look, the
SAMPLE TEXT AT 14 PT                                                                                                                              the background is ok            gray border is applied to all
                                                                                                                                                 (3.3:1). The reverse,            slices, even though it isn’t
Pure blue (#000FF) has a contrast ratio of 8.6:1                                                                                                (white text on blue) fails
                                                                                                                                                                                  required on Slices C and D.
                                                                                                                                                 since it is below 4.5:1.
SAMPLE TEXT AT 14 PT                                                                                                                             To fix, the text is set in

                                                                    ✓     ACCESSIBLE                                                                     black (6.2:1)
Making Figures Accessible - March 2022 v.1 | Journals Edition
Colour Contrast                                                                      Oxford University Press | Academic Design | Making Figures Accessible   8

Using an online Contrast Checker
There are many resources online that can help you to validate
the success of colour combinations, such as (See also the Useful Links section of this
document). Enter a foreground and background colour
in RGB hexadecimal format (e.g., #F7DA39). The Lightness
slider can be used to adjust the selected colour.

Based on the values entered, you will be told if you pass or fail
a Colour Contrast check using the WCAG requirements for:

∙Normal Text (4.5:1)
∙Large Text (3:1)
∙Graphical Objects/non-text (3:1)

In the examples, the yellow on white test has failed in all
categories, as the contrast is well below the 3:1 or 4.5:1
requirements. This combination should not be used for either
text or non-text objects.

To the right of that example, the lightness in the yellow has
been decreased, so it appears more as a dark gold. The gold
on white passes in all categories, as the contrast is above 3:1
and 4.5:1. This combination would work well for both text or
non-text objects.

                                                                    ✗   NOT 
                                                                        ACCESSIBLE                                                ✓    ACCESSIBLE
Making Figures Accessible - March 2022 v.1 | Journals Edition
Colour palettes                                                                                Oxford University Press | Academic Design | Making Figures Accessible        9

1. Example colours tested for non-text                                                    Example colours tested for non-text contrast

The colour boxes to the right are colours tested for non-text contrast (i.e.
graphical objects) against white to AA Accessibility standard.
                                                                                    ✓    ACCESSIBLE
                                                                                                                                                  ✗    NOT ACCESSIBLE

                                                                               *          *
  • Avoid using colour as the only cue to convey meaning, and do
    not refer to the object by colour                                          *          *              *

  • Colours should be strong and contrast well with surrounding               *          *              *
    areas, and each other when being used to differentiate
                                                                               *          *
  • Where tints are used, use an outline to define the shape so
    that it contrasts with the surrounding background                          *          *

  • Do not use colour for typography unless absolutely necessary
                                                                               *          *
    – it is best to use black text on a white background (not all                                                                                            Be wary of
    colours in the figure specification may be suitable for text use           *                                                                           yellow based
    – those with an * on the right accessible palettes are not)                                                                                           colours – these
  • Yellow should also be avoided for graphical objects – it needs                                                                                        all need to be
    to be dark enough to contrast with the background, meaning                                                                                            stronger/darker
    it becomes more gold, like the examples on the right                                                                                                     to contrast
                                                                                          *                                                                  on a white

                                                                                                                                          Too pale – not
                                                                                                                                         enough contrast
                                                                                           Muted                                            with white
                                                                               Brights                   Darks
Making Figures Accessible - March 2022 v.1 | Journals Edition
Text Accessibility                                                                                Oxford University Press | Academic Design | Making Figures Accessible   10

What do we need to consider for
text accessibility?
Font type and presentation has a significant impact on                                   Item 9             Item 10
                                                                                           4%                  3%
readability of people with dyslexia. Studies have shown that
sans serif, roman and monospaced font types increased the                       Item 8
reading performance of dyslexic readers. A combination                            6%

of principles regarding typography, readability, legibility,
                                                                      Item 7
and colour will have a significant effect on text accessibility.        7%                                     Item 1
Therefore, in order to be accessible, if possible please:                                                       22%

  • U
     se a font size within figures set to 12-14pt or
                                                                   Item 6
                                                                                                                        Item 2
                                                                                                                                   ✗     NOT 
                                                                                         Item 5
  • L
     imit the use of font variations such as italic, bold,                               10%
                                                                                                             Item 3
    ALL CAPS or other styles that may make the content                                             Item 4     13%
    difficult to read
    • Do not use underlines for items that are not links
  • T
     he use of colour should adhere to general colour
                                                                               ✗ Avoid using a serif-font
    accessibility principles. Ideally, place text on single
    colour backgrounds. Avoid background patterns or                           ✗ Using a font-size under 12pt or equivalent is not recommended
    pictures and distracting surrounds.
                                                                               ✗ A
                                                                                  void font variations such as italic, bold, ALL CAPS, or other
                                                                                 styles when possible

                                                                               ✗ Avoid placing text on top of a colour or pattern
Text Accessibility                                                                         Oxford University Press | Academic Design | Making Figures Accessible   11

Accessible Fonts
OUP recommends using one of the following approved fonts
for your charts and figures. Please find licensing information
                                                                                  Item 9            Item 10
the Useful Links section of this document.
                                                                                    4%                 3%

✓ FS Me Regular: designed specifically to improve                            Item 8
legibility for people with learning disabilities. Every letter of              6%
FS Me was tested for its appeal and readability with a range
                                                                      Item 7                          Item 1
of learning disability groups across the UK.
                                                                        7%                             22%

✓ Source Sans Pro Regular: A Google Font. These
fonts are licensed under the Open Font License. You can
                                                                    Item 6
                                                                                                                            ✓     ACCESSIBLE

use them freely in your products & projects - print or digital,                                                Item 2
commercial or otherwise.                                                          Item 5
                                                                                                      Item 3
✓ Open Sans Regular: A Google Font. These fonts                                            Item 4
are licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You can                                 12%
use them freely in your products & projects - print or digital,
commercial or otherwise.
                                                                             ✓ Uses FS Me Regular

                                                                             ✓ Labels are set at 12.5pt font size

                                                                             ✓ Does not have any styling outside of font type and size

                                                                             ✓ T
                                                                                ype is placed on a background that meets colour
                                                                               contrast guidelines, and/or is placed in a white box.
Line Graphs                                                                                                     Oxford University Press | Academic Design | Making Figures Accessible                     12

What do we need to consider                                          A N O M A LOU S T RI C H ROM A C Y                       DI C H ROM A T I C VI E W                     M ONOCH R O MA T I C V I EW

for line graphs?                                                            Protanomaly (red weak)                            Protanopia (red blind)                      Achromatopsia (monochromacy)

A simple line graph is shown below, and the images on the
right demonstrate how this graph may be perceived by
readers with various forms of colour blindness.

                                                                         Deuteranomaly (green weak)                         Deuteranopia (green blind)                        Blue cone monchromacy

In most cases the reader may be able to match the colour in                 Tritanomaly (blue weak)                           Tritanopia (blue blind)
the legend to the colour of the plot line, even if not perceiving
the colour as intended. But, there are instances where the
colour isn’t easily discernible, e.g. deuteranopia. Therefore, in
order to be accessible, the plot lines on a line graph need to

  • h
     ave a label next to the plot line (with or without 
    leader line, as necessary)
  • use different stroke styles (e.g. solid, dashed, dotted)
  • use different symbols for data points

                                                                    ❯❯   The next pages show how these techniques ensure the content can be understood by a reader with any form of colour blindness.
Line Graphs                                                                                                          Oxford University Press | Academic Design | Making Figures Accessible                  13

Option 1:                                                                          A N O M A LO U S TRIC HRO MAC Y               D IC HRO MATIC VIE W                     MO N O C H R O M A T I C V I EW

Labels next to the plot lines                                                          Protanomaly (red weak)                    Protanopia (red blind)                Achromatopsia (monochromacy)

Here the line graph has a label next to each plot line, which
ensures the colour isn’t necessary to identify which line is
which – the colour is supplementary. A legend isn’t required.

                                                                                     Deuteranomaly (green weak)                Deuteranopia (green blind)                  Blue cone monchromacy

Where graphs are more complex, and/or placing a label
nearby is difficult, a leader line could be used for clarity:                          Tritanomaly (blue weak)                   Tritanopia (blue blind)

                                     Line A

                                                                 Line C
        Y axis title


                                                                      Line B

                             0   1       2         3         4    5            6
                                              X axis title
Line Graphs                                                                                     Oxford University Press | Academic Design | Making Figures Accessible            14

Option 2:                                                         AN O MALOU S TRICH ROMA CY                D ICH ROMA TIC VIEW                      MONOCHROMATIC VIEW

Different stroke styles for plot lines                               Protanomaly (red weak)                 Protanopia (red blind)                Achromatopsia (monochromacy)

These plot lines each have a different stroke/line style, which
ensures the plot line can be matched to the legend without
relying on colour. Colour is a supplementary aid.

                                                                   Deuteranomaly (green weak)             Deuteranopia (green blind)                  Blue cone monchromacy

                                                                     Tritanomaly (blue weak)                Tritanopia (blue blind)
Line Graphs                                                                                      Oxford University Press | Academic Design | Making Figures Accessible                  15

Option 3:                                                      A N O M A LO U S TRIC HRO MAC Y               D IC HRO MATIC VIE W                     MO N O C H R O M A T I C V I EW

Different symbols for data points on                               Protanomaly (red weak)                    Protanopia (red blind)                Achromatopsia (monochromacy)

plot lines
The plot lines each have a different symbol to identify data
points, which also aids recognition of which line is which
without relying on colour. Colour is a supplementary aid.

                                                                 Deuteranomaly (green weak)                Deuteranopia (green blind)                  Blue cone monchromacy

                                                                   Tritanomaly (blue weak)                   Tritanopia (blue blind)
     N.B. Where graphs are very complex, adding
     data points may make the graph overcrowded.
Line Graphs                                                                                                                                          Oxford University Press | Academic Design | Making Figures Accessible             16

Cheat sheet
✗ Do not solely rely on colour to identify the plot line from the legend

                                                                           Line A
                                                                           Line B
                                                                           Line C
                                                                                    ✗              NOT ACCESSIBLE

 Y axis title



                      0   1            2        3         4        5            6
                                           X axis title

The plot lines on a line graph need to either:
✓ have a label next to the plot line (with or without leader line, as necessary)
✓ use different stroke styles (e.g. solid, dashed, dotted)
✓ use different symbols for data points

                                                                                                                                            Line A                                                               Line A
                400                                                                                400                                      Line B                      400                                      Line B
                              Line A                                                                                                        Line C                                                               Line C

                300                                                    Line C
                                                                                                   300                                                                  300
 Y axis title

                                                                                    Y axis title

                                                                                                                                                         Y axis title
                200                                                                                200                                                                  200

                100                                                                                100                                                                  100
                                                          Line B


                                                                                ✓                                                               ✓                                                                    ✓
                                                                                                    0                                                                    0
                      0   1            2        3         4        5            6                        0   1   2        3         4   5       6                             0   1   2        3         4   5       6
                                           X axis title                                                              X axis title                                                         X axis title
Line Graphs                                                                                                                                                                Oxford University Press | Academic Design | Making Figures Accessible                                                                                                                                                 17

Other elements to consider
1. Highlighting areas
Any areas to be highlighted need to be easily identifiable, by having sufficient colour
contrast and outline as necessary, and/or pattern. A few examples are shown:

                                                                          ✗ The shaded areas    ✓ a
                                                                                                    dd an outline/dividing rule to the                                        ✓ u
                                                                                                                                                                                  se a combination of shading,                                                                                 ✓ use pattern
                          Normal curve
                                 f(x)                                        do not contrast       shading                                                                       outline, and pattern
    PDF = NORM.DIST() =
    P(X  110) = 0.02275                              PDF = NORM.DIST() =                                                            P(X  110) = 0.02275
                               μ = 100        110                  X

                                                                                                                                μ = 100        110                  X
                                                                                                                                                                        ✓                                                     μ = 100         110

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         X                                                       μ = 100



2. Complex graphs/multiple lines
Where a graph is complex, containing multiple plot lines overlaid, it may become more confusing to use stroke styles for
each plot line, and data points and adjacent labels not practical. Therefore you may need to consider other ways to show
multiple plots so that they are not overlaid, if detail is required.
         Comparison between normal and t distributions

               Normal          T2        T4         T10    T30
                                                                          ✗ relies solely on    ✓ u
                                                                                                    se different stroke styles, but                                         ✓ c onsider an alternative: reducing the number of plots on one graph,
                                                                             colour, without       may be confusing at small sizes                                              and split into a group of graphs if detail is required
                                                                                                          Comparison between normal and t distributions                              Comparison between normal and t distributions                                 Comparison between normal and t distributions                       Comparison between normal and t distributions
                                                                             sufficient colour                  Normal          T2        T4         T10     T30
                                                                                                                                                                                           Normal          T2       T4        T10     T30                                Normal          T2       T4        T10    T30                       Normal          T2       T4        T10    T30

                                0.3                                          contrast of                                                                                                                    0.4                                                                           0.4                                                                 0.4


                                                                             plot lines to                                                                                                                  0.3                                                                           0.3                                                                 0.3

                                                                                                                                                                                                            0.2                                                                           0.2                                                                 0.2
                                                                             background                                          0.3

                                0.1                                                                                                                                                                         0.1                                                                           0.1                                                                 0.1

                                                                                                                                 0.2                                                                        0.0                                                                           0.0                                                                 0.0

                                0.0                                                                                                                                          –4.0   –3.0   –2.0     –1.0        0.0     1.0     2.0     3.0   4.0          –4.0   –3.0   –2.0     –1.0        0.0     1.0    2.0   3.0   4.0   –4.0   –3.0   –2.0     –1.0        0.0     1.0    2.0       3.0   4.0
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Z or T value                                                                  Z or T value                                                        Z or T value

                                                                    ✗     NOT 
 –4.0   –3.0   –2.0     –1.0        0.0     1.0      2.0    3.0    4.0                                                           0.1
                               Z or T value
                                                                          ACCESSIBLE                                             0.0                                                                                                                                                                                                     ACCESSIBLE
                                                                                                  –4.0   –3.0   –2.0     –1.0        0.0
                                                                                                                                Z or T value
                                                                                                                                             1.0      2.0    3.0     4.0

Grouped Bar Graphs                                                                                                Oxford University Press | Academic Design | Making Figures Accessible                          18

What do we need to consider for                                        A N O M A LO U S TRIC HRO MAC Y                          D IC HRO MATIC VIE W                           MO N O C H R O M A T I C V I EW

grouped bar graphs?                                                           Protanomaly (red weak)                             Protanopia (red blind)                     Achromatopsia (monochromacy)

Readers with various forms of vision impairment may have
difficulty telling areas of the grouped bar graph apart.

                                                              Bar A
                     400                                      Bar B
                                                              Bar C

      Y axis title

                                                                           Deuteranomaly (green weak)                         Deuteranopia (green blind)                         Blue cone monchromacy


                           Topic 1    Topic 2       Topic 3
                                     X axis title

The accessibility of bar graphs can be improved by:
                                                                              Tritanomaly (blue weak)                            Tritanopia (blue blind)
  • labelling individual bars so the reader does not need
     to rely on perceiving colours in the legend
  • u
     sing a colour palette with high contrast between 
    shades (as opposed to using colours that are
    different hues but tonally similar)
  • using patterns or textures with, or instead of, colour
  • e
     nsuring there is sufficient contrast between the
    bars, and between the bars and the background

                                                                      ❯❯   The next pages show how these techniques ensure the content can be understood by a reader with any form of colour blindness.
Grouped Bar Graphs                                                                                              Oxford University Press | Academic Design | Making Figures Accessible            19

Option 1: Labels for each bar                                                  ANOMAL OUS T R I C H R OM AC Y               D I C H R OM AT I C V I EW              M ON OC HR OMATIC VIEW

                                                                                   Protanomaly (red weak)                   Protanopia (red blind)                Achromatopsia (monochromacy)
Where possible, the bars should be labelled, so that a
legend is not required to understand what the different
bars represent.

                                                                       Bar A
                     400                                               Bar B
                                                                       Bar C

      Y axis title

                     200                                                        Deuteranomaly (green weak)                Deuteranopia (green blind)                  Blue cone monchromacy


                           A     B     C   A   B       C   A     B     C
                               Topic 1      Topic 2            Topic 3
                                           X axis title

                                                                                   Tritanomaly (blue weak)                  Tritanopia (blue blind)
Grouped Bar Graphs                                                                                                                                  Oxford University Press | Academic Design | Making Figures Accessible                  20

Option 2: Use a colour palette                                                                                    A N O M A LO U S TRIC HRO MAC Y               D IC HRO MATIC VIE W                     MO N O C H R O M A T I C V I EW

with high contrast                                                                                                    Protanomaly (red weak)                    Protanopia (red blind)                Achromatopsia (monochromacy)

Increasing the contrast between the different colours used
in the graph (e.g. using a dark, medium, and light shade as
below), makes the different bars easier for most people to
perceive. This option should be used in combination with
another, such as labelling the bars, so that colour is not solely
relied on to convey meaning.

                                                                                              Bar A
                                 400                                                          Bar B                 Deuteranomaly (green weak)                Deuteranopia (green blind)                  Blue cone monchromacy
                                                                                              Bar C

                  Y axis title



                                         A     B     C       A   B       C        A     B     C
                                             Topic 1          Topic 2                 Topic 3
                                                             X axis title

                                                                                                                      Tritanomaly (blue weak)                   Tritanopia (blue blind)
Where any colours used do not have sufficient contrast
with the background (e.g. the pale purple and the white
background) a border in a shade with sufficient contrast                                                  Bar A
should 400
       be used.                                                                                           Bar B
                                                                                                          Bar C

                   300                                                       The grey border
                                                                             around the pale
   Y axis title

                                                                             purple ensures the
                                                                             required contrast ratio
                                                                             between the bar and
                   100                                                       background is met.

                                         A      B        C        A          B    C               A   B   C
Grouped Bar Graphs                                                                                  Oxford University Press | Academic Design | Making Figures Accessible            21

Option 3: Use patterns and textures                                   A NOMALOUS TRI CH ROMACY                  DI CH ROMATI C VI EW                    MONOCHR OMATIC V IEW

                                                                         Protanomaly (red weak)                 Protanopia (red blind)                Achromatopsia (monochromacy)
In this example, the bars are filled with different patterns
or textures. This can be used in combination with colour, or
simply in black and white. This option may be particularly
useful where adding labels is not possible and a legend is

                                                              Bar A
                     400                                      Bar B
                                                              Bar C

                                                                       Deuteranomaly (green weak)             Deuteranopia (green blind)                  Blue cone monchromacy
      Y axis title



                           Topic 1    Topic 2       Topic 3
                                     X axis title

                                                              Bar A      Tritanomaly (blue weak)                Tritanopia (blue blind)
                     400                                      Bar B
                                                              Bar C

      Y axis title



                           Topic 1    Topic 2       Topic 3
                                     X axis title
Grouped Bar Graphs                                                                                                                                              Oxford University Press | Academic Design | Making Figures Accessible                                   22

Cheat sheet
✗ Do not solely rely on colour to identify the meaning of the bars from the legend                                              ✗ Avoid bars touching—this makes it harder to differentiate when low contrast colours are used

                                                                    Bar A                                                                                                                                                  Bar A
                400                                                 Bar B                                                                       400                                                                        Bar B
                                                                    Bar C                                                                                                                                                  Bar C

                300                                                                                                                             300

                                                                                                                                 Y axis title
 Y axis title

                200                                                                                                                             200

                100                                                                                                                             100

                          Topic 1         Topic 2
                                      X axis title
                                                          Topic 3           ✗   NOT 
                                                                                                                                                             Topic 1                         Topic 2
                                                                                                                                                                                            X axis title
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Topic 3           ✗   NOT 

The accessibility of grouped bar graphs can be improved by:
✓ having a label next to the relevant bar                                             ✓ using a colour palette with high tonal contrast

✓ adding space or a border between each bar                                           ✓ u
                                                                                          sing a border around each bar to ensure there is
                                                                                         sufficient tonal contrast between the bar and the
✓ using textures/patterns for each bar
                                                                                         background (e.g. a light colour on a light background)

                                                                    Bar A                                                                                                                                                                          Bar A
                                                                                                                                                     Bar A
                400                                                 Bar B                                                                                                                                                                          Bar B
                                                                                                 400                                                 Bar B                            400
                                                                    Bar C                                                                                                                                                                          Bar C
                                                                                                                                                     Bar C

                300                                                                                                                                                                   300
 Y axis title

                                                                                                                                                                       Y axis title
                                                                                  Y axis title

                200                                                                                                                                                                   200

                100                                                                                                                                                                   100

                 0                                                                                                                                                                     0

                                                                        ✓                                                                                ✓                                                                                             ✓
                      A     B     C   A   B       C   A     B     C                               0                                                                                              A     B     C      A    B       C     A     B     C
                                                                                                       Topic 1    Topic 2       Topic 3                                                              Topic 1          Topic 2              Topic 3
                          Topic 1      Topic 2            Topic 3
                                                                                                                 X axis title                                                                                        X axis title
                                      X axis title
Scatter Plots                                                                                                  Oxford University Press | Academic Design | Making Figures Accessible                          23

What do we need to consider for                                     A N O M A LO U S TRIC HRO MAC Y                          D IC HRO MATIC VIE W                           MO N O C H R O M A T I C V I EW

scatter plots?                                                             Protanomaly (red weak)                             Protanopia (red blind)                     Achromatopsia (monochromacy)

A simple scatter plot is shown below, and the images on
the right demonstrate how this graph may be perceived by
readers with various forms of colour blindness.

                                                                        Deuteranomaly (green weak)                         Deuteranopia (green blind)                         Blue cone monchromacy

In most cases the reader may be able to see the correlation
between the x and y axes, even if not perceiving the colour                Tritanomaly (blue weak)                            Tritanopia (blue blind)
as intended. But, there are instances where the relationship
isn’t easily discernible, e.g. overlapping points. Therefore, in
order to be accessible, the scatter graph should either:

  • add a trend line where appropriate
  • u
     se transparency and/or a border to data points
    to prevent clustering
  • introduce a categorical third value using shapes

                                                                   ❯❯   The next pages show how these techniques ensure the content can be understood by a reader with any form of colour blindness.
Scatter Plots                                                                                        Oxford University Press | Academic Design | Making Figures Accessible                  24

Option 1: Add a trend line where                                   A N O M A LO U S TRIC HRO MAC Y               D IC HRO MATIC VIE W                     MO N O C H R O M A T I C V I EW

appropriate                                                            Protanomaly (red weak)                    Protanopia (red blind)                Achromatopsia (monochromacy)

Here the line graph has a trend line. A trend line is a straight
line that best represents the points on a scatterplot that is
used to show the pattern of the data. This line may show
a positive trend or a negative trend, and if there are any
unusual points that are affecting the computation of the

                                                                     Deuteranomaly (green weak)                Deuteranopia (green blind)                  Blue cone monchromacy

                                                                       Tritanomaly (blue weak)                   Tritanopia (blue blind)
Scatter Plots                                                                                      Oxford University Press | Academic Design | Making Figures Accessible                  25

Option 2: Use transparency and/or                                A N O M A LO U S TRIC HRO MAC Y               D IC HRO MATIC VIE W                     MO N O C H R O M A T I C V I EW

a border on data points                                              Protanomaly (red weak)                    Protanopia (red blind)                Achromatopsia (monochromacy)

Here the scatter plot has both transparency and a border
applied to each data point—additional signals to differentiate
between overlapping or clustered points.

                                                                   Deuteranomaly (green weak)                Deuteranopia (green blind)                  Blue cone monchromacy

                                                                     Tritanomaly (blue weak)                   Tritanopia (blue blind)
Scatter Plots                                                                                    Oxford University Press | Academic Design | Making Figures Accessible            26

Option 3: Introduce a categorical                               ANOMAL OUS T R I C H R OM AC Y               D I C H R OM AT I C V I EW              M ON OC HR OMATIC VIEW

third value using shapes                                            Protanomaly (red weak)                   Protanopia (red blind)                Achromatopsia (monochromacy)

Here the scatter plot has transparency and a border applied
to each data point, as well as the introduction of a new data
point shape. This acts as additional signal to differentiate
between a third category.

                                                                 Deuteranomaly (green weak)                Deuteranopia (green blind)                  Blue cone monchromacy

                                                                    Tritanomaly (blue weak)                  Tritanopia (blue blind)
Scatter Plots                                                                          Oxford University Press | Academic Design | Making Figures Accessible   27

Cheat sheet
✗ Do not solely rely on colour to identify the relationship between the x and y axes

                                               ✗      NOT 

The data points on a scatter plot need to either:
✓ use a trend line where appropriate
✓ use transparency and/or a border to data points to prevent clustering
✓ introduce a categorical third value using shapes

                                               ✓                                       ✓                                              ✓      ACCESSIBLE
Pie Charts                                                                                                 Oxford University Press | Academic Design | Making Figures Accessible                    28

What do we need to consider for                                 A NOMALOUS TRI CH ROMACY                                 DI CH ROMATI C VI EW                           MONOCHR OMATIC V IEW

pie charts?                                                            Protanomaly (red weak)                             Protanopia (red blind)                     Achromatopsia (monochromacy)

To understand a pie chart you have to discern each slice of
the pie chart from the others. A simple pie chart is shown
below, and the images on the right demonstrate how this
graph may be perceived by readers with various forms of
colour blindness.

                                                                    Deuteranomaly (green weak)                         Deuteranopia (green blind)                         Blue cone monchromacy

In many cases the reader may be able to see the correlation
                                                                       Tritanomaly (blue weak)                           Tritanopia (blue blind)
between the parts of the pie chart. But, there are instances
where the relationship isn’t easily discernible, e.g. small
“slices”, or colours that are not perceived as intended.
Therefore, in order to be accessible, the pie chart should

  • add divider lines (and label the parts/slices)
  • use patterns instead of just colour
     • u
        se a table instead of a pie chart, if differences 
     are marginal

                                                               ❯❯   The next pages show how these techniques ensure the content can be understood by a reader with any form of colour blindness.
Pie Charts                                                                                         Oxford University Press | Academic Design | Making Figures Accessible                  29

Option 1: Add divider lines,                                     A N O M A LO U S TRIC HRO MAC Y               D IC HRO MATIC VIE W                     MO N O C H R O M A T I C V I EW

and label the parts/slices                                           Protanomaly (red weak)                    Protanopia (red blind)                Achromatopsia (monochromacy)

Here the pie chart has contrast divider lines, to separate any
touching colours, as the colours are used to differentiate
between categories. Additionally, both the category name
and value are included within or near the “slice” or category
to indicate the differences in data. A legend is not required.

                          Item 9            Item 10                Deuteranomaly (green weak)                Deuteranopia (green blind)                  Blue cone monchromacy
                            4%                 3%

                 Item 8

        Item 7
          7%                                   Item 1

     Item 6
                                                      Item 2
                          Item 5
                           10%                                       Tritanomaly (blue weak)                   Tritanopia (blue blind)
                                             Item 3
                                   Item 4     13%

   N.B. Ensure there is sufficient colour contrast between
   the background, the slices, and the labels. In order to
   contrast on a white background, the non-text items
   (the slices) should have a contrast ratio of at least
   3:1. Text should have a contrast ratio of 4.5:1. Under
   these circumstances, it is unlikely black text can sit
   directly on the slices. In the example above, the labels
   are encased in a white box, or if space does not allow,
   using a leader line.
Pie Charts                                                                                        Oxford University Press | Academic Design | Making Figures Accessible                  30

Option 2:                                                       A N O M A LO U S TRIC HRO MAC Y               D IC HRO MATIC VIE W                     MO N O C H R O M A T I C V I EW

Use patterns instead of just colour                                 Protanomaly (red weak)                    Protanopia (red blind)                Achromatopsia (monochromacy)

Here the pie chart uses patterns to differentiate between
various groups of data, instead of using colour. Patterns and
texture are well-established alternatives to colour coding
areas. A legend could be used instead of data labels, if the
chart is simple, but the patterns in the legend would need to
be recognizable.

                                                                  Deuteranomaly (green weak)                Deuteranopia (green blind)                  Blue cone monchromacy

                      Item 3

                                        Item 1
                   Item 2
                                                                    Tritanomaly (blue weak)                   Tritanopia (blue blind)

   N.B. Patterns could pose a scalability challenge. When
   patterns are used, the sections should be outlined in a
   1px stroke to ensure the patterns are recognizable.
Pie Charts                                                                            Oxford University Press | Academic Design | Making Figures Accessible   31

Option 3: Use a table instead                                                     TABLE TITLE
of a pie chart, if differences are                                  CAT EGO R Y                         V AL U E
                                                                    Category A                             1.5
Here the pie chart shows several values with marginal
difference in value. Even if the previous options were applied      Category B                             1.5
(divider lines, data labels, and patterns), it would be difficult
                                                                    Category C                             2.0
to read, especially if the categories have long titles. In some
cases, presenting raw numbers via a table will be easier for        Category D                             2.5
readers to comprehend.
                                                                    Category E                             2.5
                                                                    Category F                             2.5
                                                                    Category G                            2.75
                                                                    Category H                             3.0
                                                                    Category I                            3.25
                                                                    Category J                            3.50
                                                                    Category K                            5.00
                                                                    Category L                           10.00
                                                                    Category M                           25.00
                                                                    Category N                           35.00
Pie Charts                                                                                                 Oxford University Press | Academic Design | Making Figures Accessible     32

Cheat sheet

                                                              ✗   NOT 

                                                              ✗ Do not solely rely on colour to identify
                                                              the differences between categories

The pie chart needs to either:
✓ use divider lines (and label the parts/slices)
✓ use patterns instead of only solid colour
✓ u
   se a table instead of a pie chart, if differences in data values are marginal

                         Item 9            Item 10
                           4%                 3%

                Item 8
                                                                                   Item 3
       Item 7
         7%                                   Item 1

    Item 6
                                                                                                  Item 1
      9%                                                                                           50%
                                                     Item 2                     Item 2
                                                      14%                        33%
                         Item 5
                                            Item 3
                                  Item 4     13%

                                                              ✓                                            ✓                                                    ✓       ACCESSIBLE
Diagrams                                                                                Oxford University Press | Academic Design | Making Figures Accessible                 33

What do we need to consider for
diagrams and figurative diagrams?                                                                                               Littoral
                                                                                                                                              Limnetic zone

In both cases, it is important that:

  • m
     eaning should not be communicated only through
                                                             ✗   NOT 
                                                                 ACCESSIBLE                                                  Phothic
    colour – if items need to be grouped, consider other                                                         Benthic                                         zone

    ways of achieving this, such as layout/headings
  • t ext labels and leader lines refer to areas of the
     diagram as necessary, and labelling is clear so that
     it contrasts sufficiently with any background – avoid
     placing labels across parts/edges of the diagram                                ✗ colours don’t contrast sufficiently

                                                                                                                                                Limnetic zone


                                                                                                                   Benthic                                         zone
                                                                 ACCESSIBLE                                        zone

                                                                                       ✓ use colours that give greater contrast and
                                                                                       add outlines to define shapes

                                                                 ❯❯   The next pages show how these techniques can be applied to improve the accessibility of diagrams.
Diagrams                                                                                                         Oxford University Press | Academic Design | Making Figures Accessible                           34

                                                                                                                                                        figure label

                                                                                                                                           label                            figure label
                                     Scalenus medius
                                                                              Attachment for
                                                                                               Groove left by
                                                                              scalenus medius
                                                                                               brachial plexus
                                                            T1                                 and subclavian

                          Brachial plexus                                                      artery
    NOT                                                                          Attachment for
                                                                                  scalenus anterior
    ACCESSIBLE                                            Subclavian artery
                       Scalenus anterior
                                                                               Groove left by
                                                       Subclavian vein         subclavian vein

                                                                                                                                         FIGURE LABEL                      FIGURE LABEL

                                                                                                                                          (A)                   figure

                 ✗ c olours don’t contrast sufficiently and labelling is unclear—                                                  ✗ colours don’t contrast sufficiently
                    it is difficult to tell what part of the diagram all the labels are
                    referring to and the legibility of the text is impaired because
                    it overlaps with the illustration

                                                                                                                                                         Figure label

                                                                                                                                                                           1 Figure label text that
                                                                                                                                                                             appears in an
                                                                                          Attachment for                                    Figure
                                                                                                                                                                             annotation bubble
                                                                                          scalenus medius                                   label

                 Scalenus medius
                                                                                          Groove left by
                                                                                          brachial plexus                                                                             2 Figure label text that
                   Brachial plexus                                                        and subclavian                                                                                appears in a much
                                                           T1                                                                                                                           longer annotation
                                                                                          artery                                                                                        bubble as shown in
                       Subclavian                                                                                                                                                       this example here.
                           artery                                                         Attachment for

                                                                                                                                                                                        Text that is longer as
                                                                                          scalenus anterior                                                                             shown here.
                 Scalenus anterior
                  Subclavian vein
                                                                                          Groove left by
                                                                                          subclavian vein
                                                                                                                                      FIGURE HEADING                         FIGURE HEADING
                                                                                                                                           (A)                    Figure

                        ✓ a
                           dd outlines to define shapes and move labels                                                             ✓ a
                                                                                                                                        dd outlines to define shapes and
                          so they are clear                                                                                            increase colour contrast
Diagrams                                                                                 Oxford University Press | Academic Design | Making Figures Accessible   35

                                                    NO3 (+5)

                       Dentrification                                    Nitrification
                                                    NO3 (+5)

                           NO (+5)

                                                                                                                      A+C          A+B

                                                                             NO3+ (+5)

    NOT                   NO (+5)
    ACCESSIBLE                       ANAMMOX
                                                                                                                C            B+C     B
                           NO (+5)

                                                   NO3+ (+5)

                      Nitrogen fixation

                                               Glutomine and other
                                                   amino acids

                                                                                                            ✗ c olours don’t contrast sufficiently
                     ✗ c olour is used to link content                                                        with each other or the background
                        to a label

                                                NO3 (+5)

                  Dentrification                                     Nitrification
                                                NO3 (+5)

                      NO (+5)

                                                                                                                      A+C          A+B
                                                                         NO3+ (+5)

✓                                                                                                                            All
                      NO (+5)                      natrate
    ACCESSIBLE                  ANAMMOX
                                                                                                                C            B+C           B
                      NO (+5)

                                               NO3+ (+5)

                 Nitrogen fixation

                                           Glutomine and other
                                               amino acids

                                                                                                          ✓ e
                                                                                                             ither increase the colour contrast,
                     ✓ use varying stroke styles                                                            or add outlines to define the shapes
Diagrams                                                                      Oxford University Press | Academic Design | Making Figures Accessible             36

                                                      Primary bronchi
                 Larynx                               Secondary bronchi                         Larynx
                                                      Tertiary bronchi
                 Trachea                              Smaller bronchi                           Trachea

                                                                                                Right primary                                   Left primary
                                                                                                bronchus                                        bronchus

✗   NOT 
                                                                                                Right tertiary

                                                                                                bronchus                                        Left tertiary

                              Right lung        Left lung                                                    Smaller                       Smaller
                                                                                                             bronchi   Primary bronchi     bronchi
                                                                                                                       Secondary bronchi
                                                                                                                       Tertiary bronchi
                                                                                                                       Smaller bronchi

                           ✗ c olour is used to link the                                                        ✓ u
                                                                                                                    se an alternative
                              label to areas of the diagram                                                        layout/labelling
Diagrams                                                                                                         Oxford University Press | Academic Design | Making Figures Accessible                                                     37

                                                                    V1                                                                                                                 Ophthalmic division
                                                                                                                                                    C2                                 Maxillary division   Trigeminal
                                                                         V2                                                                                                            Mandibular divisionV2
                                                                                                                                                                             Mastoid branch, C2,C3             Superficial
              Brachial plexus                                                                                                                       C3
                                                                         V3                                                                                                  Great auricular branch, C2,C3 V3cervical plexus
              Lumbar plexus
                                                                                                                                                                             Occipital, C2
              Sacral plexus
                                                                                                                                                    C4                       Occipital, C3        Dorsal
                                                               C3                                                                                                            Occipital, C4             C3
                                                                         C4                                                                    T2                            Occipital, C5–C8                C4
                                                               T2                                                                              T3                            Supraclavicular, C3, C4 T2
                                                                T3                 C5                                                             T4                                                     T3           C5
           Axillary                                       T4                                                                          Axillary
                                                                                                                                           T5                                Dorsal rami of thoracicT4nerves
           Intercostobrachial                                       T5                                                                Intercostobrachial
                                                                                                                                                T6                                                        T5
                                                                                                                                                                               Cutaneous branch of axillary
           Medial cutaneous                                T6                                                                         Medial cutaneous
                                                                                                                                                T7                               Lateral cutaneous branches
           Musculocutaneous                                                                                                           Musculocutaneous
                                                                                                                                               T8                                of intercostal nerves
                                                           T7                                                                                                                                         T7
                                                                                                                                                                                  Medial and lateral cutaneous br. of radial
                      Posterior                                T8                       C6 & C7                        Brachial               T9Posterior                                              T8                   C6 & C7
                      cutaneous                                               T1                                        C7                     cutaneous                                Medial cutaneous          T1
           Radial                                         T9                                                                          Radial T10                                        Intercostobrachial
                      Superficial                                                                                                              Superficial
                                                                                                                                                                                                     T10 T11
                      branch                              T10 T11                                                                        T12 branch
                                                                                                                                                                                               Superficial branch of radial
                                                                                                                          T1                  L1
                                                               T12                                                                           L2                                                         T12
           Median                                                                                                                     Median L3
                                                                L1                                                                                                                                     L1
           Ulnar                                                                                  C7                         S3       Ulnar                                                                                           C7
                                                                                                       C6 & C7    C8
                                                                                                                             S5                                                     Gluteal branch of 12th intercostal
                      Iloinguinal                                    L2                                                                       Iloinguinal                           Lateral cutaneous br. ofL2 iliohypogastric
                      Genitofemoral                                                                                                           Genitofemoral                         Lateral branches of dorsal
                      Lateral cutaneous                                                                                                       Lateral cutaneous                     lumbar and sacral rami
                                  Anterior                                                                                           plexus L3            Anterior                  Medial branches of dorsal rami, L.1–S.6
                                  cutaneous                         L3                                                                                    cutaneous                                     L3
                       Femoral rami                                                                                                 S1         Femoral rami                               Perforating branch of Pudendal
                                    Saphenous                                                                                                                    Saphenous                Posterior cutaneous         plexus
                                                                     L4       L5                                                                                                    Lateral cutaneous L4    L5
                        Lateral cutaneous                                                                                                               Lateral cutaneous           Obturator                 Lumbar
                        nerve of calf                                                                                                                   nerve of calf               Medial cutaneous Femoral plexus
                        Superficial and                                                                                    Sacral                       Superficial and         Posterior cutaneous
            Sciatic     deep peroneal                                              S1                                      plexus Sciatic               deep peroneal                                             S1
                                                                                                                                                                                Superficial peroneal    Common
                                                                                                                                                                                Sural                   peroneal Sacral
                        Sural                                                                                                                           Sural                                                    plexus
                        Medial plantar                                                                                          S1                      Medial plantar          Lateral plantar

           ✗        NOT 
                                                ✗ c olour is used to
                                                   group labels
                                                                                                                                      ✓            ACCESSIBLE
                                                                                                                                                                                       ✓ g
                                                                                                                                                                                          roup the labels
                                                                                                                                                                                         with headings
Diagrams                                                                                                                                                Oxford University Press | Academic Design | Making Figures Accessible                                38

Cheat sheet
✗ Avoid using colours that do not meet contrast guidelines                                  ✗ Avoid relying on colour solely to link content to a                                ✗ Avoid using colour to link the label to areas of the

                                                                                                                               NO3 (+5)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Primary bronchi
                                      Littoral                                                                                                                                     Larynx                                             Secondary bronchi
                                       zone                                                        Dentrification                                Nitrification
                                                  Limnetic zone                                                                                                                                                                       Tertiary bronchi
                                                                                                                               NO3 (+5)
                                                                                                                                                                                   Trachea                                            Smaller bronchi

                                                                                                      NO (+5)

                                                                  (aphotic)                                                                          NO3+ (+5)
                        Benthic                                    zone                               NO (+5)                     natrate
                        zone                                                                                                     reduction

                                                                                                      NO (+5)

                                                                                                                              NO3+ (+5)

                                                                  ✗                              Nitrogen fixation

                                                                                                                          Glutomine and other
                                                                                                                              amino acids
                                                                                                                                                            ✗                                        Right lung                 Left lung
The accessibility of diagrams can be improved by:
✓ u
   sing colours that give greater contrast and add                           ✓ u
                                                                                 sing an alternative layout such as grouping or labels
  outlines to define shapes                                                     instead of relying on colour to link the content to areas of
                                                                                the diagram
✓ using varying stroke styles
                                                                                                                                NO3 (+5)

                                                                                                  Dentrification                                     Nitrification

                                                                                                                                 NO3 (+5)

                                                                                                                                                                                   Right primary                                             Left primary
                                                                                                                                                                                   bronchus                                                  bronchus
                                                  Limnetic zone                                       NO (+5)
                                                                                                                                                          NO3+ (+5)                Right tertiary
                                                                                                      NO (+5)                       natrate                                        bronchus                                                  Left tertiary
                                      zone                                                                                         reduction                                                                                                 bronchus
                         Benthic                                   zone
                                                                                                      NO (+5)
                                                                                                                                                                                                Smaller                                 Smaller
                                                                                                                                                                                                bronchi     Primary bronchi             bronchi

                                                                                                                                NO3+ (+5)

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Secondary bronchi

                                                                                                 Nitrogen fixation
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Tertiary bronchi
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Smaller bronchi
                                                                                                                           Glutomine and other
                                                                                                                               amino acids
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