Making herbarium specimens - Kew Gardens

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Making herbarium specimens - Kew Gardens
Making herbarium
Technical Information Sheet_15                       Laura Jennings, Roberta Hope and Xander van der Burgt, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Herbarium voucher specimens are a vital              species which is not visible on the dried     with a sheet of cardboard to prevent the
part of a seed collection. They are used             specimen, such as:                            specimens being pressed against the
to verify that seed has been collected               • Desciption of location, including           frame and becoming corrugated.
from the target species, and are valuable            provinces and place names, a                  Place layers of blotting paper (blotters)
additions to herbarium collections in                description of the site, GPS coordinates      between the layers of newspaper
their own right. This information sheet              (latitude and longitude) and altitude.        containing your specimens to help draw
outlines how to collect, press and dry
                                                     • Description of habitat, ecology and         moisture out of the plants.
herbarium specimens.
                                                     associated species.
                                                                                                   Corrugated sheets of aluminium are
Before you start, ensure that you                    • Plant characteristics, such as habit,       useful as they heat up and allow air to
adhere to international and local laws               height, and any features that won’t           flow through the press while it is being
concerning biological collections,                   survive in the dried specimen e.g.            dried. Cushion them with blotting paper
and have the correct permits and the                 flower/fruit colour, smell of flowers or      rather than placing them directly next to
landowner’s permission.                              leaves, presence/colour of latex.             the specimens in newspaper, otherwise
                                                     Label each duplicate specimen with            corrugations will be marked on the
                                                     the same collector name and collection        specimens. Alternatively, use corrugated
                                                     number as your seed collection, so that       cardboard with large enough air spaces
                                                     collections can be cross-referenced.          to allow air flow through the press.
                                                     Herbarium data may be collected in            Specimens are usually pressed in
                                                     different ways e.g. in a field notebook,      sheets of newspaper, because this is
                                                     or on a field data sheet, if part of a seed   absorbant, cheap, easily available almost
                                                     collection (see Technical Information         everywhere and pre-folded. However,
                                                     Sheet_3).                                     some botanists prefer to use “flimsies”
                                                     General Principles                            made from thin, strong and slightly
What is a herbarium specimen?                                                                      absorbant paper. These may give better
                                                     Once you have collected your plant            results for delicate specimens and in
A herbarium specimen (sometimes
                                                     specimen, it needs to be pressed and          very dry environments.
called a voucher) is a dried, pressed
                                                     dried. This allows the specimen to be
plant (or parts of a plant) which acts                                                             Straps should be capable of being
                                                     mounted and preserved indefinitely in a
as a record of a species at a particular                                                           fully tightened, and withstanding a
                                                     herbarium. You should aim to:
time and place. Specimens are stored in                                                            lot of pressure (for example, a strap of
herbaria, and often collectors will send             • Press the specimens as flat as              propylene webbing with a metal buckle).
several duplicates (specimens of the                 possible, as this helps prevent them from
same species, made at the same time,                 being damaged and pieces breaking off         When you have finished collecting,
from the same place as one another) to               when they are stored.                         tighten the straps around the press so
different herbaria, for various uses.                • Spread the different parts of the           that specimens cannot move around
                                                     plant with as little overlap as possible,     and leaves lie flat. Consider the amount
What to collect                                      so that they all remain visible when the      of pressure used: when pressing
You need to collect a typical sample                 specimen is mounted.                          woody plants, the straps may be firmly
of the species you are collecting seeds                                                            tightened. Pressing succulent herbs too
                                                     • Preserve delicate plant parts (like         firmly may damage the specimen so
from. It needs to be representative of               flowers) without crushing them, by
the population, but also of the individual                                                         straps should only be lightly tightened.
                                                     folding a piece of light greaseproof
plant you are collecting from. Select                paper around them.
a plant which looks like an average of               • Dry the specimen as quickly as
the population, and shows as many                    possible to preserve its colour, to
features you think may be useful during              prevent disintegration and the growth
identification — herbarium specimens                 of mould.
must be fertile (have leaves, flowers or
fruit, and seeds), otherwise they may not            Anatomy of a drying press
be identifiable to species.
                                                     Lay the wooden press frames so that
Recording data and labelling                         the longest slats are on the outside
                                                     of the press. This helps to distribute
As part of the collection, you need to               pressure more evenly when the press is
record the data for the label which will             tightened.                                    Above: The arrangement of layers within a
be mounted with the specimen. This                                                                 herbarium press, showing aluminium corrugates
provides useful information about the                Line the inside of the wooden frame           and blotters between specimens in flimsies

Millennium Seed Bank Partnership, Wakehurst Place,
Ardingly, West Sussex RH17 6TN, UK                                                       
Making herbarium specimens - Kew Gardens
objects of varying sizes, so you will
                                                   need to fold and cut your specimen
                                                   accordingly. If the individual plants are
                                                   small, collect several individuals per
                                                   duplicate to make a complete collection.
                                                   Conversely, if the specimen is too large
                                                   for the newspaper, leaves and stems can
                                                   be folded or cut to fit.
                                                   Pressing large leaves
                                                   Leaves which are only slightly bigger
                                                   than the newspaper can be folded
                                                   with a small amount of overlap, for
                                                   example with the apex (leaf tip) folded
                                                   over. Leaves that are much larger
                                                   than the paper need to be cut into
                                                   sections, preserving the base, apex and
                                                   a section of the middle of the lamina
                                                                                                 Above: Several small individual plants are needed
                                                   (leaf blade). You should record detailed      to form a single duplicate
Above: A fertile specimen arranged on a sheet of   measurements of the original size of the
newspaper, ready to be pressed                     leaf. In some cases a single collection
                                                   may need multiple sheets, e.g. if the         Folding stems
Arranging specimens in the press                   plant has very large leaves and a large       Stems must be folded to fit the size
                                                   inflorescence.                                of the paper, and should zig-zag
Remove soil and dirt from the specimens
and spread the leaves, fruit and flowers           For compound leaves be careful to take        vertically rather than across the page.
out within a folded sheet of newspaper.            a specimen of the whole leaf, with a          This is usually necessary with grasses
Turn over one of the leaves to show                section of stem and an axial bud. You         and sedges, which are often unwieldy.
the underside, and if there is enough              may have to fold over the apex of the         This should be done thoughtfully as
material, try and turn several flowers to          leaf to make it fit in the newspaper, and     the specimen eventually needs to be
show the morphology of the different               also trim some of the leaflets. If you trim   mounted and cannot be re-folded
sides. Keep the specimen within the                the leaflets, leave the petiole and a small   once it is dry. Bruising the stems with
sheet of newspaper, as pieces hanging              piece of the leaf blade on the specimen       a fingernail sometimes helps them
out of the press may be damaged,                   to show their position.                       bend. You can also secure the stems
broken off or not pressed properly. A                                                            in their folded position using slips of
standard herbarium sheet is about 27                                                             paper with a slit cut in them. When you
cm x 42 cm, and the specimen should                                                              fold a specimen, place the root end
be slightly smaller than this to allow                                                           in the bottom left hand corner of the
for a border when it is mounted on a                                                             newspaper, and fold the stem slightly
herbarium sheet.                                                                                 below the top of the newspaper. If
                                                                                                 necessary, fold several times.
Jeweller’s tags
As you press each specimen, write                                                                Below: Long grass stems are folded over so that
the collector’s name and number on                                                               the specimen fits on the sheet
a jeweller’s tag and loop the string               It is important to show both sides of
loosely around the stem. Alternatively,            flowers or floral heads as one side will
loop pieces of paper securely around               be glued down when the specimen is
specimens if jeweller’s tags are not               mounted.
available. This ensures that your
specimen stays associated with any                 It may also be useful to dissect or take
notes you made about the collection.               cross sections of some plant structures,
If the press breaks and the specimens              such as inside flowers, if these features
become loose, you will be able to                  are useful identifiers.
recover some if the collector’s name
and number are securely fastened to
the plant. Always write in pencil, which
doesn’t fade. Writing the collector’s
name and number on the bottom right
corner of the newspaper can also be
helpful for sorting the collections once
they are dried.
Herbarium sheets are a standard size,
while living plants are three-dimensional
Right: Collector’s name and number written on
a jeweller’s tag and looped around the stem of a
plant specimen
Making herbarium specimens - Kew Gardens
Bulky plant parts                                                                                explained below, but must be constantly
                                                                                                 monitored and a smoke detector should
If there are any parts of the specimen                                                           be suspended above the electric fan
that are significantly more bulky than                                                           heater.
the rest, pack paper around them in
the press so that the pressure remains                                                           Use an electric fan heater of around
evenly spread on the stack of specimens.                                                         1000 kW, or a 2000 kW heater on a low
If any part of the specimen is more than                                                         heat setting. Secure a tarpaulin around
1 cm thick (e.g. taproots, large fruits),                                                        the fan heater and press, so that the
you should either slice it into sections                                                         tarpaulin inflates and the hot air passes
and press it as normal, or preserve it                                                           through the drying press. Use foldback
by an alternative method, for example                                                            clamps or staples to close any gaps.
by creating a carpological collection (a                                                         The drying press must be at least 20 cm
herbarium collection which is thicker          Above: The preferred method of drying herbarium   thick; if drying just a few specimens add
than about 2 cm, stored in a box rather        specimens, using an electric fan heater           empty corrugated sheets until minimum
than mounted on a sheet). Large fruits                                                           thickness is reached. Carpological
can be dried whole, by placing directly        Drying Herbarium Specimens                        collections, e.g. large fruits, can be dried
on a metal corrugate and placing it in                                                           inside the tarpaulin.
                                               Much like drying seeds (see technical
the drier. Be careful to label them with
the collector’s name and number on
                                               information sheet_08), drying herbarium           Drying over a portable gas burner
                                               specimens is dependent on the
a jeweller’s tag, so that they can be                                                            If there is no reliable electricity supply,
                                               ambient temperature and humidity, the
matched up with the leaves and stems                                                             portable gas burners can be used.
                                               thickness of the plant material, the air
that you have pressed separately later.                                                          Suspend the drying press 0.5–1 m above
                                               flow through the press, and the papers
                                               used. The basic principle is to enable air        the heat source by elevating on wooden
Duplicates                                                                                       boxes or hanging from a ceiling beam
                                               at 37–60 oC to flow through the drying
Duplicates are when several herbarium          press for 12–24 hours and then check              or tree. Direct the heat (and protect the
specimens are made of the same species         the specimens.                                    press from rain) by wrapping a tarpaulin
for a single collection, so different                                                            around the press and stove, ensuring
institutions can have the same species         After 24 hours of drying most specimens           that air can exit from the top of the
record. They should be as similar as           should be completely dry. At this point           press. Use a fine metal wire mesh to
possible to one another. You should            open the press, check all the specimens           prevent plant material falling onto the
collect 3 to 6 duplicates of every             and remove any which are dry. Replace             burners. Make sure the flames cannot
herbarium specimen, one for the local          wet blotting paper with dry blotters. At          reach the tarpaulin or press; specimens
institution, one for a partner institution,    this point if any specimens are still wet         are very flammable, and overheating will
one for any regional or taxonomic              they will be flexible enough that you can         cause them to become brittle and lose
experts, and one for another large             rearrange the leaves and fertile parts            colour.
herbarium. This allows more botanists          slightly, if there is too much overlap or
to see your specimens, and confirm your        they are folded wrongly.
identifications.                               In hot dry climates where the ambient
                                               environment provides a constant flow
 Plants requiring special treatment            of dry air at above 37 oC you will not
 (seek specialist advice)                      need an external heat source, but you
 • Aquatic plants: use perforated waxed        will need to change the blotting papers
 paper, or thin nylon or muslin fabric         every 24 hours as usual. In colder or
 to press (they will stick to newspaper        more humid environments, you will
 and flimsies). Use additional sheets of       need to expose your press to an external
 drying paper and change frequently.           heat source, such as a drying room
 For fully submerged plants collect into a
                                               or oven. In the field, this may not be
 plastic bag, keep in a fridge and take to a
 specialist within a few days.                 available so you may need to improvise
                                               heat sources such as those suggested
 • Succulents: slice longitudinally and/
 or transversely, scoop out inner tissue.
 Dry quickly, or alternatively preserve in     Once dry, seal specimens in plastic so
 alcohol.                                      that they do not reabsorb moisture from
 • Very large-leaved plants, for example       the atmosphere, and your drying efforts
 palms and Musaceae: collect sections          are not wasted.
 of leaves (base, middle and apex) and
 inflorescence (all orders of branching).      Drying with an electric fan heater
 Fold to fit the press, label parts                                                              Above: Drying specimens over a gas fire. A metal
 sequentially, take measurements and
                                               This is the best method to dry herbarium          cage prevents the tarpaulin getting too close to
 make notes.                                   specimens but it requires a reliable              the heat source.
                                               electricity supply and good quality
 • Plants with underground parts: slice
 lenthwise, press sections and kill with       equipment. During the first hour of               Use several small gas burners (between
 alcohol (otherwise it may regrow).            use regularly check that plugs and                1 and 4, depending on the size of the
                                               cables are not overheating. Drying                press to be dried) on their lowest heat
 • Plants with complex 3D structures e.g.
 orchids: preserve an example in alcohol       herbarium specimens with an electric              setting and adjust the temperature by
 (see below).                                  fan heater carries a much smaller risk            adding or removing a burner. Change
                                               of fire compared to the gas method                gas cartridges as necessary: the gas
Making herbarium specimens - Kew Gardens
Technical Information Sheet_15

cartridges listed in the equipment                                                                                                          Left: A stack of unmounted dried specimens ready
specification burn for 12 hours at the                                                                                                      for shipping
lowest heat setting, therefore cartridges
can be changed morning and evening.                                                                                                           Equipment to take into the field
Drying over a charcoal fire                                                                                                                   • Tools for cutting: secateurs, pole
                                                                                                                                              pruners, pruning saw.
The drying press can be suspended over                                                                                                        • Gloves to protect against thorns,
a charcoal fire, but care must be taken                                                                                                       irritant hairs or latex
that smoke does not pass through the
press. If the fire produces too much                                                                                                          • Field press in a bag: cardboard,
                                                                                                                                              newspaper, straps.
smoke, suspend the press inside an oil                                Sending Herbarium Specimens
drum cut into two halves.                                                                                                                     •    Jeweller’s tags
                                                                      It is important that specimens are sent
                                                                                                                                              •    GPS, manual and spare batteries
Short term preservation in alcohol                                    to herbaria unmounted. This is because
                                                                      most herbaria will have their own ways                                  •    Field notebook, pencil
If you are away from drying facilities                                of mounting and specifications around
for several days and cannot use a field                                                                                                       •    Camera
                                                                      what size and type of paper specimens
method of drying, specimens left in a                                 are to be mounted on. Specimens do                                      •    Dissection kit with scalpel, forceps
press for days will start to disintegrate                             not need to be secured to the paper in                                  •    Hand lens
and make very poor specimens. In this                                 order to be transported, and sellotape
case the Schweinfurth alcohol method                                                                                                          Equipment kept at base
                                                                      should never be used on any part of a
might be necessary. The specimens                                     herbarium specimen as its removal will                                  • Full drying press with wooden frames,
(still in the press) are placed in a strong                           damage the specimens.                                                   blotting paper, metal corrugates and
plastic bag, 0.5 litres of 60%–80%                                                                                                            straps.
alcohol is added, and the bag is tightly                              Specimens should be fully dried before                                  • 1 kW electric fan heater, gas stove, or
sealed until the specimens can be dried                               sending as this will make them more                                     other device to expose press to a steady
by the usual method.                                                  able to withstand the journey. Send                                     flow of air at 37–60oC
                                                                      each specimen in its own piece of dry
The alcohol method should only be                                     newspaper, ensuring collection numbers                                Further reading
used as a last resort as it makes inferior                            are still attached. Put stiff cardboard
specimens. Specimens preserved in                                                                                                           Bridson, D. (2000) The Herbarium Handbook.
                                                                      at the top and bottom of the stack of                                 Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
this way will be discoloured, the plant                               specimens, and tie securely with string.
chemistry will be changed (for example                                                                                                      Victor, J.E., Koekemoer, M., Fish, L., Smithies,
                                                                      Pack specimens flat and horizontally,                                 S. J., & Mössmer, M. (2004) Herbarium
oils and waxes may be dissolved) and
                                                                                                                                            essentials: the southern African herbarium
their DNA may be adversely affected.                                  and take care to ensure the parcel
                                                                                                                                            user manual. Southern African Botanical
                                                                      remains that way up during transit.                                   Diversity Network Report No. 25. SABONET,
Preserving 3D structures                                              Fill any spaces in the box with packing                               Pretoria. Available from: https://www.
If your specimen has fruit or flowers                                 material to reduce the amount the                           
where retaining their three-dimensional                               specimens will move. You should always                                sabonet-report-no-25-herbarium-essentials-
structure is important for identification                             send the relevant data with specimens                                 southern-african-herbarium-user-manual.
(e.g. orchids), you can preserve them in                              (see above).                                                          pdf (26/07/18)
70% alcohol. Place the specimen inside                                If your specimen is crossing country                                  Queensland Herbarium, (2016). Collection
a leak-proof bottle or plastic bag, cover                                                                                                   and preserving plant specimens, a manual.
                                                                      borders you must check import/                                        2nd edition. Department of Science,
with alcohol and seal tightly. Specimens                              export legislation. Some families (such
preserved in spirit will lose their colour,                                                                                                 Information Technology and Innovation,
                                                                      as Orchidaceae) are also subject to                                   Brisbane. Available from: https://www.qld.
so take notes and photographs to record                               regulation under the Convention on                          
this. Specimens preserved in alcohol                                  International Trade in Endangered                                     plants-animals/herbarium/collecting-
may not be permitted on airlines.                                     Species (CITES).                                                      manual.pdf (26/07/2018)
Equipment specifications
                                                                                                           Hand lens (x10 or x20                         Folding magnifier in case
 Description                                   Model and Supplier
                                                                                                           Secateurs                                     Felco Model No. 2 Original
 Global positioning system unit                GARMIN GPSMAP 64
 (GPS) and maps                      
                                                                                                           Jeweller’s tags                               Locally available
 Herbarium drying press                        Herbarium plant press and nylon
                                               webbing straps
                                                                                                           Portable gas burner                           Campingaz 206 stove and C206 single
                                                                                                                                                         use gas cannisters
 Blotting papers                               Locally available                                                                                         Locally available
 Corrugated aluminium or                                                  Leather gloves                                Locally available
 cardboard ventilators
                                                                                                           Heavy gauge plastic bags                      Locally available
 Electric Fan Heater                           1000kW or 2000kW with adjustable
                                               heat setting                                                Dissection kit                                Scalpel, forceps of different sizes/types
                                               Locally available                                                                               
 Field Press                                                              Tarpaulin                                     Locally available

Please note that the above equipment is used by the Millennium Seed Bank and has been chosen carefully using our many years’ experience. The list of suppliers is for guidance only and does not represent an
endorsement by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. The manufacturer’s instructions must be followed when using any of the equipment referred to in this Information Sheet .

© Copyright 2018, Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew                                                                                                   Printed on 100% recycled paper
Making herbarium specimens - Kew Gardens Making herbarium specimens - Kew Gardens Making herbarium specimens - Kew Gardens Making herbarium specimens - Kew Gardens Making herbarium specimens - Kew Gardens Making herbarium specimens - Kew Gardens
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