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Council of the European Union
                          General Secretariat

NEW BOOKS                                                                                                     APRIL 2018
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Welcome to the April 2018 list of recent acquisitions at the Library of the General Secretariat of the
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                                                  Becoming Madam Chancellor : Angela Merkel and the Berlin
                                                  Republic / Joyce Marie Mushaben
                                                  Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2017
                                                  342 p.
                                                  ISBN 9781108405638
                                                  Availability Central Library -- Main Collection -- 104909

                                                  Angela Merkel has transformed not only the way Germans see
                                                  themselves but also the way that politicians worldwide, male and
                                                  female, perceive women in power. The East German daughter of
                                                  a Protestant pastor, this physicist-turned-politician has deployed
                                                  her life experiences to cultivate a unique set of leadership skills.
                                                  Her pragmatic and future-oriented approach to politics - grounded
                                                  in a commitment to democratic pluralism, human rights, and
                                                  personal responsibility - has produced extraordinary paradigm
                                                  shifts in many national policies in the wake of major crises. This
                                                  work examines Merkel's achievements across six key policy
                                                  domains, contextualizes these within broader German history
                                                  before and after reunification, and uncovers the personal and
                                                  political factors that have contributed to Chancellor Merkel's hard-
                                                  earned status as the world's most powerful woman.

Council of the European Union
Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 175 - B-1048 Bruxelles/Brussel - Belgique/België
Tel. +32 (0)2 281 65 25                                                                                           1/7
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Orbán : Europe's new strongman / Paul Lendvai

                                                    London : Hurst, 2017
                                                    273 p.
                                                    ISBN      9781849048699
                                                    Availability  Central Library -- Main Collection -- 104767

                                                    Through a masterly and cynical manipulation of ethnic
                                                    nationalism, and deep-rooted corruption, Prime Minister Orbán
                                                    has exploited successive electoral victories to build a closely
                                                    knit and super-rich oligarchy. More than any other EU leader,
                                                    he wields undisputed power over his people. Orbán's ambitions
                                                    are far-reaching. Hailed by governments and far-right
                                                    politicians as the champion of a new anti-Brussels nationalism,
                                                    his ruthless crackdown on refugees, his open break with
                                                    normative values and his undisguised admiration for Presidents
                                                    Putin and Trump pose a formidable challenge to the survival of
                                                    liberal democracy in a divided Europe. Mining exclusive
                                                    documents and interviews, journalist Paul Lendvai sketches the
                                                    extraordinary rise of Orbán, an erstwhile anti-communist rebel
                                                    turned populist autocrat. His compelling portrait reveals a man
                                                    with unfettered power.

                                                    The right to be forgotten : privacy and the media in the digital
                                                    age / George Brock
                                                    London : I. B. Tauris, 2016
                                                    118 p.
                                                    ISBN 9781784535926
                                                    Availability   Central Library -- Main Collection -- 105021

                                                    The human race now creates, distributes and stores more
                                                    information than at any other time in history. Frictionless and
                                                    cheap digital networks circulate information in ways which
                                                    either authors or subjects are unable to trace or control.
                                                    Servers store data which can be found on the world wide web
                                                    years after it has ceased to be accurate or relevant to its
                                                    original use. These developments have given rise to a
                                                    movement promoting a 'right to be forgotten': an argument that
                                                    freedom of expression should be balanced by a right to erase
                                                    information which affects an individual, under certain
                                                    conditions. Rights to privacy therefore need extending and
                                                    strengthening in the digital era.

Council of the European Union
Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 175 - B-1048 Bruxelles/Brussel - Belgique/België
Tel. +32 (0)2 281 65 25                                                                                           2/7
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Power shift : on the new global order / Richard Falk
                                                    London : Zed Books, 2016
                                                    294 p.
                                                    ISBN 9781783607938
                                                    Availability Central Library -- Main Collection -- 105023

                                                    Richard Falk, a UN expert on international law, puts forth a
                                                    challenging set of observations on the changes in global
                                                    politics that have occurred since the end of the Cold War, with
                                                    a close focus on the massive transformations in relations with
                                                    the Middle East after the 9/11 attacks. Falk argues that
                                                    American militarism during the past twenty years has
                                                    significantly reframed geopolitics, and he provides a scathing
                                                    critique of many common practices and policies, including the
                                                    recourse to torture, preventive war, drone technology, and
                                                    diplomacy by threat.

                                                    The dictator's handbook : why bad behavior is almost always
                                                    good politics / Bruce Bueno de Mesquita, Alastair Smith

                                                    New York : Public Affairs, 2012
                                                    319 p.
                                                    ISBN      9781610391849
                                                    Availability  Central Library -- Main Collection -- 103645

                                                    For eighteen years, Bruce Bueno de Mesquita and Alastair
                                                    Smith have been part of a team revolutionizing the study of
                                                    politics by turning conventional wisdom on its head. They start
                                                    from a single assertion: Leaders do whatever keeps them in
                                                    power. They don’t care about the “national interest”—or even
                                                    their subjects—unless they have to. This clever and accessible
                                                    book shows that the difference between tyrants and democrats
                                                    is just a convenient fiction. Governments do not differ in kind
                                                    but only in the number of essential supporters, or backs that
                                                    need scratching. The size of this group determines almost
                                                    everything about politics: what leaders can get away with, and
                                                    the quality of life or misery under them. The picture the authors
                                                    paint is not pretty. But it just may be the truth, which is a good
                                                    starting point for anyone seeking to improve human

Council of the European Union
Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 175 - B-1048 Bruxelles/Brussel - Belgique/België
Tel. +32 (0)2 281 65 25                                                                                            3/7
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L'euro : une utopie trahie? / Bruno Colmant, Herman Van

                                                    Waterloo : Renaissance du livre, 2017
                                                    159 p.
                                                    ISBN      9782507054946
                                                    Availability  Central Library -- Main Collection -- 104849

                                                    L'euro n'a pas apporté suffisamment d'intégration politique et
                                                    de croissance. Cette monnaie pourrait susciter son propre
                                                    sabordage si sa gestion n'est pas repensée dans le sens d'une
                                                    grande solidarité financière et d'une compréhension
                                                    sociopolitique accrue des différents États membres. Plus que
                                                    jamais, la perpétuation de l'euro repose sur le fragile équilibre
                                                    de l'axe franco-allemand. Sans sursaut moral et une action
                                                    politique décisive, un fait inattendu pourait conduire à une
                                                    sécession monétaire ou, pire, déclarer un véritable schisme qui
                                                    mettrait fin à l'une des plus stupéfiantes expériences de
                                                    l'histoire des monnaies.

                                                    Foreign policies of EU member states : continuity and
                                                    Europeanisation / Amelia Hadfield, Ian Manners, Richard G.
                                                    Abingdon : Routledge, 2017
                                                    290 p.
                                                    ISBN      9780415670067
                                                    Availability  Central Library -- Main Collection -- 104907

                                                    The book provides a clear and current overview of the
                                                    motivations and outcomes of EU Member States regarding
                                                    their foreign policy-making within and beyond the EU. It
                                                    provides an in-depth analysis of intra-EU policy-making and
                                                    sheds light, in an innovative and understandable way, on the
                                                    lesser-known aspects of the inter-EU and extra-EU foreign
                                                    policies of the twenty-eight Member States.

Council of the European Union
Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 175 - B-1048 Bruxelles/Brussel - Belgique/België
Tel. +32 (0)2 281 65 25                                                                                           4/7
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Europe and Iran : the nuclear deal and beyond / Cornelius

                                                    Abingdon : Routledge, 2017
                                                    186 p.
                                                    ISBN      9781138201040
                                                    Availability  Central Library -- Main Collection -- 104568

                                                    The EU’s approach to Iran has emerged as one of the few
                                                    successes of European foreign policy. Still, its role in
                                                    international negotiations from 2003, as much as its broader
                                                    approach to Iran, are generally poorly appreciated by policy-
                                                    makers in Europe, the United States, and around the world.
                                                    This book aims to explain the specifics of the EU’s approach to
                                                    Iran, taking into account both the complexity of European
                                                    foreign policy, in particular within transatlantic relations, and
                                                    Iran’s (aspired) place in the international order.

                                                    L’islam, une religion française / Hakim El Karoui

                                                    Paris : Gallimard, 2018
                                                    304 p.
                                                    ISBN      9782072696909
                                                    Availability   Central Library -- Main Collection -- 105012

                                                    L'islam est devenu une religion française. Parce que c'est la
                                                    première religion pratiquée de France. Parce que les
                                                    musulmans de France sont français pour les trois quarts
                                                    d'entre eux. Parce que la France peut être une terre fertile pour
                                                    le renouveau théologique et intellectuel dont l'islam a tant
                                                    besoin. La religion musulmane enfin est un problème français
                                                    parce que c'est au nom d'Allah que le terrorisme frappe la
                                                    France ou que certains tentent d'imposer une vision du monde
                                                    alternative au projet républicain.

                                                    The virtual weapon and international order / Lucas Kello

                                                    New Haven : Yale University Press, 2017
                                                    319 p.
                                                    ISBN      9780300220230
                                                    Availability  Central Library -- Main Collection -- 104766

                                                    An examination of the current cyber revolution that draws on
                                                    case studies to develop conceptual frameworks for
                                                    understanding its effects on international order. The rapid
                                                    expansion of cyberspace in society brings both promise and
                                                    peril. It promotes new modes of political cooperation, but it also
                                                    disrupts interstate dealings and empowers subversive actors
                                                    who may instigate diplomatic and military crises. Despite
                                                    significant experience with cyber incidents, the conceptual
                                                    apparatus to analyze, understand, and address their effects on
                                                    international order remains primitive.
Council of the European Union
Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 175 - B-1048 Bruxelles/Brussel - Belgique/België
Tel. +32 (0)2 281 65 25                                                                                            5/7
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L'Europe des citoyens : une nouvelle feuille de route politique
                                                    pour l'Europe / Céline Schoen

                                                    Paris : Le Cherche Midi, 2017
                                                    139 p.
                                                    ISBN      9782749155067
                                                    Availability  Central Library -- Main Collection -- 104866

                                                    "We love UE": qui aurait imaginé qu'un jour cette déclaration
                                                    d'amour pour l'Europe serait brandie par des milliers de
                                                    manifestants outre-Manche? L'Union européenne, devenue un
                                                    enjeu de lutte, menace de s'écrouler. Certains, à l'extérieur
                                                    comme en son sein, veulent précipiter sa chute. Leur voix
                                                    écrase celle des européens convaincus, qui ont depuis
                                                    longtemps compris la raison d'être de l'Union. Pourtant, des
                                                    idées existent pour renforcer l'Europe et faire du Brexit un choc
                                                    salvateur. L'ONG "L'Europe des citoyens", qui suit avec
                                                    attention l'activité du Parlement européen à Bruxelles et à
                                                    Strasbourg, a réuni quatre eurodéputés (Nathalie Griesbeck,
                                                    Françoise Grossetête, Edouard Martin et Michèle Rivasi) à qui
                                                    Céline Schoen, correspondante de presse et spécialiste des
                                                    affaires européennes, a donné la parole. Ce travail prospectif,
                                                    fruit de plusieurs mois d'échanges, a abouti à dix propositions
                                                    concrètes pour enfin tracer une nouvelle feuille de route
                                                    politique pour l'Europe.

                                                    Darknet : die Schattenwelt des Internets / Otto Hostettler

                                                    Zürich : NZZ Libro, 2017
                                                    205 p.
                                                    ISBN      9783956012013
                                                    Availability  Central Library -- Main Collection -- 104551

                                                    Was steckt hinter Darknet, TOR und Bitcoin? Im
                                                    deutschsprachigen Raum erste umfassende Darstellung der
                                                    Wirtschaftskriminalität im Internet von «Beobachter»-Journalist
                                                    Otto Hostettler. In atemberaubendem Tempo entstehen in
                                                    verborgenen Bereichen des Internets blühende Schwarzmärkte
                                                    für Waffen, Drogen, Medikamente, falsche Pässe, geklaute
                                                    Kreditkarten     oder     Hackerdienste.    Diese      anonymen
                                                    Onlineshops sind kundenfreundlich und nutzerorientiert,
                                                    bezahlt wird mit Bitcoin oder anderen Kryptowährungen. Auch
                                                    Schweizer kaufen ein und bieten ihre illegalen Waren feil, doch
                                                    Behörden und Ermittler schauen hilflos zu. Zu wenig wissen sie
                                                    über die Schattenwelt des Internets, die nur über den
                                                    anonymen TOR-Browser zugänglich ist. Für dieses Buch
                                                    recherchierte «Beobachter»-Autor Otto Hostettler monatelang
                                                    im Darknet und interviewte zahlreiche Cybercrime-Spezialisten,
                                                    IT-Experten und Onlinehändler. Mit seinem Buch liefert er eine
                                                    umfassende      Analyse     dieses    neuen      kriminalistischen
                                                    Phänomens – und den dringend benötigten Weckruf für
                                                    Internetnutzer, Eltern, Lehrpersonen, Ermittler.

Council of the European Union
Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 175 - B-1048 Bruxelles/Brussel - Belgique/België
Tel. +32 (0)2 281 65 25                                                                                            6/7
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Address:         JL 02 GH (near Froissart entrance)
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 10.00 - 16.00
Tel.:            +32 (0)2 281 6525

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trainees, Permanent Representations of Member States, staff of other EU Institutions and bodies,
as well as (upon appointment) to researchers and students. Access to some physical library
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         For readers from outside the General Secretariat, the library is located in the Justus
         Lipsius building, at JL 02 GH, Rue de la Loi 175, 1048 Brussels. It is open to Council
         officials, staff of other EU institutions and Permanent Representations of Member
         States. Members of the public may use the library for research purposes upon request.

This collection of books was compiled by the Library of the General Secretariat of the
Council of the European Union for information only. The contents are the sole
responsibility of their authors. Books linked from this review do not represent the
positions, policies, or opinions of the Council of the European Union or the European
Council. Reuse of the covers is prohibited, they belong to the respective copyright

Council of the European Union
Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 175 - B-1048 Bruxelles/Brussel - Belgique/België
Tel. +32 (0)2 281 65 25                                                                           7/7
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