Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination Program For Connecticut Children's Team Members - Updated July 27, 2021

Page created by Pauline Cortez
Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination
Program For Connecticut Children’s
                 Team Members
                    Updated July 27, 2021
Connecticut Children’s Mandatory COVID Vaccination Program

At Connecticut Children’s, all of our team members, clinical and non-clinical, are critical to our
collective efforts in keeping our patients, their families and each other safe.

After the Connecticut Hospital Association (CHA) endorsed mandatory, universal COVID-19
vaccination for hospital and health system employees and related clinical staff in June of 2021,
our leadership team is making the COVID-19 vaccine a requirement for all of our team members.
This step is particularly important for our organization, as approximately 66% of our patients are
under the age of 12, and therefore, not eligible to receive the vaccine.

The mandatory COVID-19 vaccination requirement applies to all staff of Connecticut Children’s.
The term staff includes employees, licensed independent practitioners (e.g., physicians, APRNs,
PAs, etc), students, volunteers, contracted and traveling staff in all locations (including those
who work primarily in Massachusetts and New York), as well as team members who work from
home, including those who work out-of- state. Staff employed by the University of Connecticut
and working at the Farmington NICU are exempt from this program requirement because they
are university personnel, although we strongly encourage them to become vaccinated to protect
our most vulnerable patients.

Vaccination Requirement
Connecticut Children’s requires that all staff provide evidence of full vaccination against COVID-
19 by October 7, 2021. Fully vaccinated is defined as:

      Two doses of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine
      Single dose of Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) COVID-19 vaccine

Documentation of Vaccination
    Acceptable documentation is any of the following:
     1. A copy of the white COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card that recipients were given
        upon administration of the COVID-19 vaccination.
     2. A copy of the Vaccine Administration Management System (VAMS) proof of
        immunization (certificate) available on your VAMS account.
     3. Official copy of their immunization record from the clinic where they received the
        vaccine (e.g., Target, CVS, Walmart).
     4. Copy of My Chart vaccination record.

Loss of Official Documentation
        1. If you have lost your COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card, you may log into VAMS to
            view or download your Certificate of COVID-19 Vaccination. The VAMS manual can
            help you.
                 If you received your card at one of Connecticut Children’s onsite vaccine
                    clinics and you are having trouble accessing your VAMS account, you can send
                    a request to Please include a phone
                    number where you can be reached easily. Note that it may take several days
                    to respond to your request, so please plan accordingly.
        2. You may also contact your vaccination provider to get another card.
        3. Finally, you may call the Department of Public Health (DPH) at (860) 509-7929 to
            request your Official Immunization Certificate from the CT Immunization Information
            System (CT WiZ) at the Department of Public Health.

COVID Vaccination Availability

Our goal is to make it as easy and convenient as possible for our team members to protect
themselves, each other and our patients against COVID-19 by receiving the vaccine. You may
receive the vaccine at an internal (onsite) Connecticut Children’s clinic or at any external (offsite)
clinic location that is convenient for you.
      1. Connecticut Children’s Internal (Onsite) Clinics for Team Members
            a. First-dose clinics will opens to team members on August 18, 2021 and August 25,
                 2021, and second dose clinics will open on September 8, 2021 and September 15,
      2. External (Offsite) Clinics
            a.      Use add hyperlink to find a location near you, then call or visit
               their website to make an appointment.
            b.      Many COVID-19 vaccination locations are available at hospital centers,
               pharmacies and big box stores (e.g., CVS or Walgreens).

Process for COVID-19 Vaccine Exemptions and Deferments
       Exemptions will be made on an individualized basis for the following reasons:
           1. Medical contraindications
           2. Religious Reasons
               Sincerely held religious or spiritual beliefs. If an employee has already
                  received approval for a religious exemption from the annual flu vaccine during
                  the 2020-2021 flu season, this waiver will be recognized for the COVID-19
                  vaccine as well (i.e., no additional form is needed).

       By August 13, 2021, any team member requesting an exemption must submit a written
       Waiver Request, using the following medical and/or religious exemption forms:

              Medical exemption request form

   Religious exemption request form

       Exemptions for COVID vaccination will be rare. All medical requests will be reviewed by a
       Medical Advisory Committee through Occupational Health Services. This review
       committee will approve or deny the request and ensure that it is documented.

       All religious waiver requests will be reviewed by the Connecticut Children’s Legal Team in
       coordination with the Human Resources and Infection Prevention Departments. This
       team will make a recommendation to approve the religious belief exemption request or
       not, and ensure it is documented.

          3. Deferments
             The Connecticut Children’s Medical Waiver Committee may consider some
             conditions for a deferment of the vaccination to a later date. These conditions are
             not considered medical contraindications to COVID-19 vaccination, but may be
             reviewed for possible deferment of the vaccination to a later date:
               o Pregnancy: Pregnancy is considered a period of increased risk for severe
                  COVID-19. There is considerable data that COVID-19 vaccines are safe in
                  pregnancy, and the OB Professional societies have recommended that
                  vaccines be offered to individuals who are or may become pregnant.
                  However, some individuals in consultation with their obstetrician,
                  pediatrician, and/or midwife might prefer to defer their vaccination until
                  after childbirth.
               o Medication-induced immunocompromised states, especially when the
                  medication is temporary and the vaccine is predicted to have better efficacy
                  with future administration.
               o Prior positive COVID-19 test: If an individual tests positive for COVID-19
                  prior to their first vaccine, they should wait 4 weeks before getting their first
                  vaccine dose (or 90 days if they received treatment with Monoclonal
                  Antibody Infusion).
               o If an individual tests positive for COVID-19 after the first vaccine but prior
                  to the second vaccine, they should wait 10 days from the positive test (or 90
                  days if they received treatment with Monoclonal Antibody Infusion) and be
                  fully recovered and non-infectious before receiving the second dose.
               o Upcoming surgery: If an individual is scheduled for an upcoming surgery,
                  they should consult with the surgeon or their regular clinician to ask if their
                  vaccination should be scheduled to a later date.

Exemption Recipients
Unvaccinated team members will be required to wear a mask at all times when on a Connecticut
Children’s property, except when eating or drinking. Unvaccinated team members must limit
exposure to others when eating by assuring they are at least six (6) feet apart.

Any appeals will be directed to the SVP of Human Resources and Chief Executive Officer of the
health system.

Mandatory COVID-19 Booster Vaccine Requirement
The need and timing for a COVID-19 vaccine booster has not been yet been determined by
public health and medical experts. Clinical leaders at Connecticut Children’s will continue to
monitor and update team members over time. If the FDA and/or CDC provide guidance that
boosters are required to combat variants and to keep us safe, we will make them mandatory on
the schedule recommended by the FDA and/or CDC.

CT Children’s Deadlines for Compliance
              DATE                                     ACTION REQUIRED
                                  Applications for medical and religious/spiritual beliefs
         August 13, 2021
                                  waivers due
                                   All team members who submitted medical and/or
         August 27, 2021              religious exemption requests will be notified of
                                      Connecticut Children’s decision to approve/deny the
                                      request by this date.
                                   Last day to receive Dose 1 of Pfizer or Moderna COVID
          September 7th
                                      vaccine to meet mandatory vaccine requirement
                                   Final day for staff to receive Dose 2 of Pfizer or
                                      Moderna COVID vaccine.
         October 7, 2021
                                   Final day for staff who choose to receive the one-dose
                                      vaccine (J&J/Janssen).
                                   Final day for all team members/medical staff to submit
                                      their record of COVID-19 vaccine
                                  Unpaid suspension of team members who do not have an
                                  approved waiver for medical or religious/spiritual reasons
       October 8-15, 2021         and have not provided proof of vaccination. Team
                                  members may return with documentation of COVID
                                  vaccination (Second dose of M-RNA or single dose of J&J)
                                  Names of non-compliant individuals will be presented to
                                  Human Resources. They will determine the necessary
      After October 15, 2021
                                  steps, which includes termination of employment.

   Staff, Medical/Surgical Staff Leaves of Absence

       Team members who are on FMLA or other excused leaves of absence during the
       vaccination campaign, and who are unable to meet the immunization requirements by
       the October 77, 2021 deadline, are expected to provide proof of COVID-19 immunization

or submit a request for and receive approval of a medical or religious exemption prior to
       return to work.

   Students (e.g., medical, nursing, allied health, shadows)
      Students are required to receive COVID-19 vaccination prior to beginning their rotation
      at Connecticut Children’s and submit proof of vaccination to their preceptor. Required

      COVID-19 vaccination is a condition for volunteering. Volunteers without proof of
      immunization will be denied access to the facility. Required vaccination.

      Companies will be informed that all vendors must be vaccinated. Security will ask about
      vaccination status. Temperature screening and masking requirement stands at 282
      Washington Street campus.

Team Members must meet the requirements or have a medical or religious exemption approved
prior to their start date.

Guidelines for Implementation
Implementation of the mandatory COVID-19 vaccination program will be facilitated by the
Department of Infection Prevention at Connecticut Children’s. A COVID Vaccination Team may
be impaneled to plan for the implementation of the program. The COVID Vaccination Team will
be chaired by the Hospital Epidemiologist and will be facilitated by an appointed CI specialist.
Members will consist of representatives from Marketing Communications, Human Resources,
Infectious Diseases, Information Services, Legal, Medical Staff, Occupational Health, &
Pharmacy. The COVID, and such other departments as may be deemed necessary or desirable
Vaccination Team will develop and forward recommendations to Connecticut Children’s EMT
Leadership regarding the mandatory COVID vaccination program. The COVID team will
incorporate local level feedback in developing the program. Infection Prevention will serve as
the Liaison to OHS. The COVID Vaccination Team reserves the right to modify this program at
any time, with approval from EMT Leadership, in keeping with the most up-to-date public health
guidance and industry standards.

Local level education on COVID-19 vaccination must be provided consistent with applicable
standards. Education must be directed to all staff and must provide information on the COVID-
19 vaccine, non-vaccine control and prevention measures, and the diagnosis, transmission, and
impact of COVID-19. Content will be created or approved by the Infectious Diseases/ and or
Infection Prevention Departments. The education may be provided in the manner determined as
most effective by EMT and local level leadership.
Data Collection and Reporting
A means of collecting and reporting data on COVID-19 vaccination status on all staff members
for the purpose of compliance, as well as aggregate reporting to the organization, will be
implemented by QPS in a manner that respects team members’ right to privacy. Information
regarding team members’ individual vaccination status will be kept confidential and separate
from the team member’s personnel file, and will be shared only on a need-to-know basis.

Medical and religious exemption requests are only reviewed by Occupational Health and our
Legal team who will keep team members’ information confidential and will not share specific
details with their managers. If a team member’s request is approved, their manager will be
notified that they are exempt from the COVID-19 vaccine requirement. But, but the specific
exemption reason will not be shared.

Additionally, team members are not required to disclose to their managers that they are
requesting an exemption from the COVID-19 vaccine requirement.

Badge Hang Tag
All staff will be required to wear a badge tag identifying that they have met the requirement for
either vaccination or approved exemption from the COVID-19 vaccination requirement. The
badge tag must be worn at the same times and in the same manner as the identification badge.
The badge tag must be affixed to the badge and worn as soon as it is provided. Badge tags will
be color coded to indicate either vaccination or exemption. Badge tags will be issued at the time
of vaccination, submission of proof of immunization or to those who have been granted a
medical/religious waiver.

Contingency Plans
In the event of a vaccine shortage, Infection Prevention and Occupational Health will determine
priority groups for vaccination. Priority will be assigned based on risk to patients. During a
vaccine shortage, the requirement for vaccination will be suspended for personnel who are not
designated as a high priority until the vaccine becomes available.

Communication of the requirement and any other Connecticut Children’s leadership
communication on this topic will be provided by Marketing & Communications, after
consultation with content experts. We will implement utilizing existing methods of
communication (i.e., Link, Intranet, Town Hall).

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