Manhattan Beach Education Foundation - MBEF

Manhattan Beach Education Foundation - MBEF
Manhattan Beach
Education Foundation
Annual Report & Honor Roll
Manhattan Beach Education Foundation - MBEF
Dear Friends of MBEF –

              You make it possible. Year after year, you — the parents, business leaders, educators, and neighbors of our
              community — recognize that great schools begin with strong foundations.

              Together we have committed to opportunities that invite our students to dream, to think, and to engage in what
              is possible. Because of your commitment, this year the Manhattan Beach Education Foundation (MBEF) will make
              its largest grant to the Manhattan Beach Unified School District in its history — an investment of $7.5 million to
              strengthen our schools.

              We invite you to learn more about the specific programs MBEF will fund for the coming 2020-21 school year in

The Power
              this Annual Report & Honor Roll — the programs you helped make possible. Despite district budget cuts this year,
              support of MBEF continues to strengthen the academic journey of all students, from learning in smaller class sizes
              to supporting learning from home.

of Possible
              The road ahead remains full of challenges for our schools. The uncertainty around continued distance learning and the
              significant structural deficit in state funding are among the largest. But our community has proven that we are up to
              the challenge. We are steadfast in our efforts to grow local support of our schools — through MBEF’s Annual Appeal,
              the Endowment, and other critical initiatives — for the students of today and tomorrow.

              Thank you for standing with MBEF and our commitment to providing excellent educational opportunities for our
              children here in Manhattan Beach. We look forward to shaping what is possible together.

              With great appreciation,

              Scott Rosenthal              Mike Duckworth               Hilary Mahan
              President, MBEF              President, MBEF Endowment    Executive Director, MBEF

                                                                                                                             ROLL     2
Manhattan Beach Education Foundation - MBEF
         MBEF funding to our
          schools in 2020-21

      Percentage of total MBUSD
        budget funded by MBEF
       for educational programs

         Number of students
    average class size is reduced by
          with MBEF funding

     Percentage of parents that feel
       MBEF funding is important
    to maintaining quality education
             in our schools

      Number of MBUSD students
       who benefit from MBEF
         funding each year

              MILLION                  The MBEF Difference
       MBEF’s investment in our        These numbers only begin to convey
         schools since 1983            the sheer magnitude of every student’s
                                       educational experience because of
                                       MBEF support. Many of the programs

                                       and positions in our district would be
                                       eliminated if not for the generous support
                                       from our community.
    Total Endowment contribution
      to our schools since 2014

3                                                                                   THE MBEFHONOR
                                                                                                   ROLL   4
Manhattan Beach Education Foundation - MBEF
The Manhattan Beach Education Foundation
    is a community driven fundraising organization,
    which supplements state funding for programs
    that inspire learning, enrich teaching, and
    promote innovation and academic excellence
    in the public schools of Manhattan Beach.

    MBEF was founded by a group of parents              There are a number of ways our community           MBEF GRANT HISTORY 1983-2020

    committed to strengthening our public schools       supports MBEF and our mission to strengthen
    almost four decades ago. At a time when             our schools for today and tomorrow:
    school funding was at an all-time low, private      • Annual Appeal Campaign
    donations were critical to providing a quality
                                                        • Endowment Fund
    education for our children. Over thirty-five
                                                        • Community Partner Program
    years later our public schools remain underfunded
    and MBEF continues to play a significant role       • Manhattan Wine Auction
    in supporting — in small or large part —            •	Community Events
    nearly every academic pursuit and enrichment        MBEF is grateful to everyone who partners with
    opportunity across our seven campuses.              us in our efforts. Without support from MBEF,
                                                        our public schools in Manhattan Beach would look
                                                        drastically different. There are many challenges
                                                        that lie ahead for our schools, but facing them
                                                        together as a community makes us stronger.

5   MBEF 2019-2020 ANNUAL REPORT & HONOR ROLL                                                                                             THE MBEF DIFFERENCE   6
Manhattan Beach Education Foundation - MBEF
School Funding
                                                                                                                the growing costs of pensions, healthcare, and       high performing districts. Funding from the initial
                                                                                                                other mandated services, like special education,     parcel tax approved through Measure MB and
                                                                                                                is outpacing school funding.                         other local sources, such as the City of Manhattan

    Facts                                                                                                       FACT: Local Support Is Critical
                                                                                                                MBUSD is frequently compared to a short
                                                                                                                                                                     Beach and our Parent Teacher Associations
                                                                                                                                                                     (PTAs), are also an integral part of the equation.
                                                                                                                                                                     As a significant part of the district’s budget,
    Strong public schools are an integral part of our     districts, such as Palo Alto and Laguna Beach,                                                             MBEF dollars remain vital to continue to provide
                                                                                                                list of districts throughout California that have
    Manhattan Beach community. Despite high               funded education at a higher level in the 70’s,                                                            the education that our parents expect, and our
                                                                                                                strong student outcomes. However, our per pupil
    property taxes, funding for our schools is not        so they dedicate a larger portion of tax dollars                                                           students need to succeed.
                                                                                                                funding for education is very different from other
    what you would expect.                                towards education and can retain the excess
                                                          to supplement funding from the state.

    FACT: California Education
    Funding Is Inadequate The assumption                  FACT: Our Students Do Not                             PROJECTED PER PUPIL FUNDING BASED ON 2018-2019 ED-DATA

    that our tax dollars adequately fund public           Qualify For Supplemental Funding
    education is simply not true. The fact is our state   California uses the Local Control Funding Formula
    provides barely enough to fund the basics —           (LCFF) to allocate additional resources to public
    not the enriched educational opportunities that       school districts with higher numbers of students
    we expect for our children. Funding for California    who qualify for the Free and Reduced Lunch
    public schools has been insufficient for decades      Program, are English Language Learners, and/or
    — year after year California ranks at the bottom      are foster youth. While LCFF is essential to create
    in annual per-pupil spending and 18% below the        more equity for districts with greater numbers
    national average. Manhattan Beach receives            of “high need” students, the base level of
    roughly $10,500 per pupil, putting our funding        education funding remains inadequate for all
    level at the BOTTOM of both the state                 students throughout the state.
    and country.

                                                          FACT: Districtwide Expenses Are
    FACT: MBUSD Is A Revenue Limit                        Growing Faster Than State Revenue
    District Only a small portion of our property         Our community has supplemented state funding
    taxes in Manhattan Beach support education.           for decades, but as expenses rise and state
    The formula to allocate property tax dollars is       funding flattens, the need has grown exponentially.
    based on spending levels in the 1970’s. At that       Even prior to the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact
    time, MBUSD was a K-8 district and allocated          on our economy, districts throughout the state
    less than 20% of property taxes to fund schools.      were faced with tough decisions — two-thirds of
    Legislation permanently restricted this small         California districts were already deficit spending
    portion of tax dollars towards education, making      and one-half had initiated layoffs before the
    MBUSD a “Revenue Limit” district. “Basic Aid”         pandemic. The local burden to cover

7   MBEF 2019-2020 ANNUAL REPORT & HONOR ROLL                                                                                                                                                     SCHOOL FUNDING FACTS     8
Manhattan Beach Education Foundation - MBEF
MBEF Grants                                                                                                          $7.5
    for 2020-21                                                                                             MILLION IN GRANTS
                                                                                                            Class Size Reduction
                                                                                                            n  General Class Size Reduction (4-12)
                                                                                                            n   English and Math Class Size Reduction (6-9)
                                                                                                            n 	High School Elective Enhancement/

                                                                                                                Zero Period (9-12)
                                                                                                            n Middle School Elective Enhancement (6-8)

                                                                                                            Counseling & Support
                                                                                                            n   Guidance and Academic Support Counselors (6-12)
                                                                                                            n   College and Career Counselors (9-12)
                                                                                                            n   Elementary Assistant Principal (TK-5)
                                                                                                            n   MBMS Assistant Principal: Student Life (6-8)
                                                                                                            n   Social Inclusion Grants (TK-12)
                                                                                                            n   Teacher of the Year Awards (TK-12)

                                                                                                            Distance Learning Support (TK-12)

                                                                                                            Music Instruction (3-12)

                                                                                                            Physical Education (1-5)

                                                                                                            Reading, Writing & Libraries
                                                                                                            n   Library Resource Specialists (TK-8)
                                                                                                            n   Reading Specialists (1-5)

                                                                                                            STEM : Science, Technology,
                                                                                                            Engineering & Math
    MBEF provides a means for the Manhattan Beach community to invest in superior public education for      $519,000
                                                                                                            n   Math TOSA (TK-12)
    our students. The support has provided a foundation of excellence and has grown into a multi-           n 	Northrop Grumman Teacher
    million-dollar commitment that maintains reasonable class sizes, rigorous academics, and a breadth          Innovation Grants (TK-12)
    of educational experiences from kindergarten through high school. In the 2020-21 school year, MBEF
                                                                                                            n   Science Lab Assistant (9-12)
                                                                                                            n   Science Specialists (1-5)
    has increased its support by over 15%, providing $7.5 million in programs and educators districtwide.   n   STEM Based Electives (6-8)

9   MBEF 2019-2020 ANNUAL REPORT & HONOR ROLL                                                                                      MBEF GRANTS FOR
                                                                                                                                                       ROLL       10
Manhattan Beach Education Foundation - MBEF
ABOUT OUR GRANTS                                                                                                                                              College and Career
                                                                                                                                                                   Counselors (9-12) $257,000
                                                          English and Math Class                                                                                   MBEF funds the experts in the MCHS College and
                                                          Size Reduction (6-9)                                                                                     Career Center (CCC) devoted to coaching our high
                                                          $480,000                                                                                                 school students and helping them navigate the
                                                          In addition, MBEF directs CSR funding towards                                                            college application process and post-graduation
                                                          reducing class size specifically in English/                                                             pathways. This program is an essential part of
                                                          Humanities and Math in grades 6-9. The transition                                                        helping our students make the right personal

                                                          to middle and high school can be challenging and                                                         choice for their next step upon graduation.

                                                          providing more space for personalized learning in                                                        Parents are welcome to utilize the extensive

                                                          core subjects ensures our students have the                                                              CCC services along with their student(s).

                                                          support they need. This directed grant ensures
                                                          that the average class size is near 30 for these
                                                                                                                                                                   Elementary Assistant
                                                          critical subjects.
                                                                                                                                                                   Principal (TK-5) $140,000
                                                                                                               Counseling & Support                                Grand View and Pacific Elementary have
                                                          High School Elective Enhancement/
                                                                                                               $1,233,500 // 17% OF OVERALL FUNDING                significantly more students and teachers than the
     Class Size Reduction                                 Zero Period (9-12)
                                                          $220,000                                             Levels of stress, anxiety and depression            other three elementary schools in the district. In
     $4,134,500 // 55% OF OVERALL FUNDING                                                                      at schools throughout the country with              keeping with our goal of parity among schools,
                                                          This grant provides for enhanced elective options
     Few educational practices have the potential                                                              similar demographics have increased at              MBEF funds a shared Assistant Principal to
                                                          such as Link Crew, a mentoring program for
     for greater impact than learning in a classroom                                                           an unprecedented rate. A dramatic increase          increase the capacity of the Principals at both
                                                          incoming freshmen led by juniors and seniors. It
     with fewer students, whether it is in person                                                              in mental health concerns among students            sites to better meet the academic and social
                                                          also allows for all Mira Costa students to add an
     or virtual. Both parents and teachers                                                                     has led us to target a significant portion          emotional needs of all students.
                                                          extra period to their schedule so they can fulfill
     consistently prioritize the importance of                                                                 of our funding towards social emotional
                                                          course requirements and benefit from the array of
     Class Size Reduction (CSR) as instrumental in                                                             wellness districtwide.
                                                          additional elective course options. More than 25%                                                        MBMS Assistant Principal:
     a student’s educational experience.
                                                          of MCHS students take advantage of an additional                                                         Student Life (6-8) $140,000
                                                          period each day.                                     Guidance and Academic Support                       The additional Assistant Principal is focused on
     General Class Size Reduction (4-12)
                                                                                                               Counselors (6-12) $677,000                          student and parent engagement to meet the
                                                          Middle School Elective                               Counselors foster a sense of connection on          varying needs of our student body. The
     While state guidelines provide for a maximum of
                                                          Enhancement (6-8) $150,000                           campus and play an essential role for students in   coordination of all social emotional learning
     24 students per class in grades TK-3, there are no
                                                                                                               academic guidance and life planning. While          programs at the middle school creates a more
     maximums in grades 4-12. Without restrictions or     The enhanced elective program at MBMS offers
                                                                                                               districts throughout the state have increased       inclusive learning environment and helps to
     adequate state funding, our schools depend on        middle school students a range of electives,
                                                                                                               their student to counselor ratio, MBEF’s            better meet the diverse needs of our students at
     support from MBEF to ensure more reasonable          including Computer Applications, Visual Arts,
                                                                                                               investment has kept our ratios reasonable,          a critical transition in their lives.
     class sizes in grades 4-12. MBEF funding             Film, Yearbook, Drama, and the nationally
                                                                                                               ensuring time to work with students on time
     decreases the average class size by at least 5       recognized mentoring program, Where Everybody
                                                                                                               management, prioritization, organization, as well
     students districtwide.                               Belongs (WEB).
                                                                                                               as monitor student progress.

11   MBEF 2019-2020 ANNUAL REPORT & HONOR ROLL                                                                                                                                                         ABOUT OUR GRANTS   12
Manhattan Beach Education Foundation - MBEF
Social Inclusion Grants (TK-12)                     and may continue to fluctuate in the months                                                               Library Resource
     $15,000                                             ahead. To strengthen TK-12 learning for the                                                               Specialists (TK-8) $286,000
     Students and educators throughout the district      2020-21 school year, MBEF is dedicating funding                                                           Having access to a school library and knowing
     are encouraged to apply for small grants for        to help ensure a successful learning                                                                      how to access credible sources using technology
     programs that celebrate our differences and         environment, particularly in a remote setting.                                                            provides endless discoveries for students. MBEF
     create a welcoming environment for all students.    MBEF will fund both professional development                                                              supports Library Resource Specialists to teach
                                                         support at the district and school site level, as                                                         students research and media literacy skills to help
                                                         well as access to online curriculum to ensure                                                             them leverage resources in all grade levels and
     Teacher of the Year

                                                         consistent and productive learning across all                                                             foster a passion for reading, learning and research
     Awards (TK-12) $4,500

                                                         grade levels.                                                                                             that will serve them throughout their lives.
     Each year MBUSD recognizes one teacher from
     each school as the Teacher of the Year, and one
     of those teachers is selected as the districtwide
     Teacher of the Year. With this grant, made
     possible by an endowment fund sponsored by the
     Nickell Family, all of MBUSD’s seven elementary                                                          Physical Education (1-5)
     and secondary Teachers of the Year receive a                                                             $279,000 // 4% OF OVERALL FUNDING
     monetary reward.                                                                                         MBEF is proud to support credentialed physical
                                                                                                              education teachers at our elementary schools to
                                                                                                              provide high-quality physical education and

                                                                                     5                                                                                                          9
                                                                                                              sportsmanship instruction each week. The

                                                                                                 %            specialized instruction is complemented by
                                                                                                              instruction provided by classroom teachers as
                                                                                                              well. In addition to the physical health benefits,
                                                                                                              research shows that physical activity can help
                                                                                                              children improve their concentration, memory,
                                                         Music Instruction (3-12)                             and classroom behavior.                              Reading Specialists (1-5) $385,000
                                                         $405,000 // 5% OF OVERALL FUNDING

                                                                                                                                                                   Reading competency and comprehension ensures

                                                         Music, math, language and science achievement        Reading, Writing                                     our students are on the right track for learning.
                                                         go hand-in-hand. MBEF supports music instruction     & Libraries                                          This grant funds credentialed teachers who
                                                         in grades 3-12, and as a result, the music program                                                        work with students in a small group setting
                                                                                                              $671,000 // 9% OF OVERALL FUNDING
                                                         at MBUSD has flourished. All students in grades                                                           to increase reading proficiency on the entire
                                                         3-5 receive weekly music instruction, which          The significant shifts in the way we teach
                                                                                                                                                                   reading spectrum.
                                                                                                              writing and literacy in our schools has had a
     Distance Learning                                   forms the foundation for our award-winning
                                                                                                              tremendous impact on student learning. Our
     Support (TK-12)                                     middle and high school programs. This year
                                                                                                              students continue to excel on standardized tests
                                                         additional music sections were added to support
     $250,000 // 3% OF OVERALL FUNDING                                                                        and participate in advanced courses and
                                                         growth in the high school program.
     The learning platform has shifted dramatically                                                           electives, including Creative Writing,
     for our students over the past several months                                                            Journalism, and AP English.

13   MBEF 2019-2020 ANNUAL REPORT & HONOR ROLL                                                                                                                                                      ABOUT OUR GRANTS     14
Manhattan Beach Education Foundation - MBEF
                                                        Northrop Grumman Teacher
                                                        Innovation Grants (TK-12) $30,000
                                                                                                             Each year MBEF’s Board of Directors works            To ensure continuity in our schools, the vast
                                                        With a dedicated grant from Northrop Grumman,
                                                                                                             with district leadership, school principals, and     majority of our funding is committed to continuing
                                                        MBEF will shift the Teacher Innovation Grant
                                                                                                             educators to identify programs that are most         successful long-term grants and teaching
                                                        Program for teachers and counselors throughout
                                                                                                             aligned with MBEF’s mission and the priorities       positions. This year, MBUSD budget cuts shifted
                                                        our district towards STEM programs in particular.
                                                                                                             of parents and teachers. As a community-driven       some funding away from our traditional programs
                                                        Each Innovation Grant provides our educators
                                                                                                             organization, MBEF uses multiple measures            to help fill the gap between what state funding
                                                        with an opportunity to exercise their passion for
                                                                                                             to ensure the programs we fund meet our grant        provides and what education actually costs in

                                                        teaching, develop original ideas, collaborate with
                                                                                                             making guidelines, including surveying our           our district. Additional funding from the virtual

                                                        colleagues, and connect with the wealth of
                                                                                                             stakeholders biennially, meeting with school         Manhattan Wine Auction was able to be directed
                                                        knowledge, expertise and talent within MBUSD.
                                                                                                             principals and district leaders, and corresponding   towards the growing priorities of our community
                                                                                                             with stakeholders via phone, email and meetings      to keep class size reasonable and support
                                                        Science Lab Assistant (9-12)                         throughout the year.                                 distance learning for all students.
     STEM: Science,
                                                        The Science Lab Assistant at MCHS supports           The Grants Committee, comprised of at least          Our priority is to ensure that the funds we grant
     Technology, Engineering
                                                        science teachers by preparing materials and          8 MBEF Board Members from all school sites,          are appropriately and effectively used by the
     & Math
                                                        resources to make lab instruction organized,         holds multiple meetings over a six-month period,     district. We do not make decisions on how
     $519,000 // 7% OF OVERALL FUNDING
                                                        efficient and innovative.                            including several with MBUSD leadership,             programs are implemented or get involved in
     If our students are to compete and thrive in                                                            to determine how the available funds will be         hiring or managing MBUSD employees. This
     today’s global economy, we must provide a                                                               allocated. Once proposed grants are finalized,       separation helps maintain the autonomy of
                                                        Science Specialists (1-5) $282,000
     solid, hands-on foundation in STEM education.                                                           they are presented to the MBEF Board of              MBUSD and School Board of Trustees, and
     Confidence in math and science not only            This grant supports credentialed science teachers
                                                                                                             Directors for review and approval.                   strengthens MBEF’s voice when advocating
     supports STEM-related fields, but also helps       to provide elementary students with hands-on
                                                                                                                                                                  for programming that reaches all students.
     develop the ability to think critically and to     lab experience and project-based learning
                                                                                                             The approval guidelines ensure that
     be innovative.                                     opportunities that support grade-level curriculum
                                                                                                             MBEF invests in programs that:
                                                        and strengthen a student’s passion for science.
                                                        Opportunities for enriched learning at home is          Strengthen schools from kindergarten

     Math TOSA (TK-12) $100,000                                                                                 to graduation
                                                        critical to support student growth this year.
     Our TOSAs have historically provided specialized                                                           Support academic excellence and

     coaching in academic areas that require more                                                               personal growth
                                                        STEM Based Electives (6-8) $48,000
     attention and growth, such as literacy, science,                                                           Reach as many students as possible

     technology and 21st Century Teaching and           MBEF supports an advanced level STEM elective
                                                        at the middle school, as well as additional course      Maintain parity among all elementary schools

     Learning. The Math TOSA will continue to
                                                        options in the STEM field.                              Provide innovation in teaching and learning
     strengthen Common Core instruction while also
     helping to bridge curriculum from the elementary                                                           Align with the priorities of parents, teachers,

     to secondary levels while teaching remotely.                                                               and district goals

15   MBEF 2019-2020 ANNUAL REPORT & HONOR ROLL                                                                                                                                             GRANT MAKING GUIDELINES     16
Manhattan Beach Education Foundation - MBEF
“   I love learning to write!
                         My teacher helps me
                         sound out the words
                         I cannot spell. My favorite
                         things to write about
                         are the sports I play —
                         like baseball and
                         Carter Horstman
                         Class of 2032

     Great Schools
     Great Schools

17                                                     HONOR ROLL   18

                                                                                                             Gifts of Cash // The simplest way to help              Gifts of Real Estate // The tax benefits
                                                                                                             grow the Endowment is to write a check, or             are the same as appreciated stock. Gifts can be
     The MBEF Endowment provides                                                                             arrange for automatic monthly, quarterly or            made outright, or through an income-producing
     MBEF with a continuing and                                                                              multi-year payments from your credit card.             gift arrangement.
                                                                                                             But there are many additional giving options.          Planned Giving // Planned giving enables
     sustainable funding source
     that will expand and enhance                                                                            Gifts of Appreciated Stock // If you                   you to maximize your charitable giving and take
                                                                                                             have held stock for more than one year, and it’s       full advantage of income and estate tax benefits.
     the quality of public education
                                                                                                             increased in value, you can transfer the stock         With careful planning, a wide range of gift
     in Manhattan Beach, now and
                                                                                                             to the Endowment rather than selling the stock         planning choices present practical options for
     for generations to come.
                                                                                                             and donating all or part of the proceeds.              safeguarding your financial security, realizing
                                                                                                             A transfer allows you to take the full fair market     tax advantages, and contributing to MBEF’s
                                                                                                             value as a tax deduction without capital gains.        financial well-being. As you consider your options,
                                                                                                             Donor Advised Funds // A donor advised                 we strongly recommend that you work with a
                                                                                                             fund can help you realize your philanthropic goals     qualified independent financial advisor, as well
                                                                                                             by combining the flexibility of a private foundation   as legal counsel.
                                                                                                             with the tax advantages of a public charity.

                                                                                                             A donor advised fund allows you to make a
                                                                                                             charitable contribution to the fund and receive          READY TO CONTRIBUTE?
                                                                                                             an immediate tax benefit. You may contribute as          Please visit

                                                                                                             frequently as you like, and submit a grant to MBEF       or call us at 310.303.3342.
     MBEF has a successful history of providing a          enough to make up for the instability of public
                                                                                                             from the fund when you are ready.
     way for parents to make a meaningful, positive        school funding at the state level.
     investment in their children’s education. As a                                                          ENDOWMENT GROWTH as of 7/14/20                         DISBURSEMENT GROWTH
     myriad of challenges continue to face public          The MBEF Endowment currently stands at over
     education in our state, sustainable sources of        $19.5M — just shy of the $20M goal of our $20M
     revenue have become even more crucial. With           by 2020 campaign that we launched in 2017.
     support from all those who believe in the             Although we were on track heading into 2020,
     importance of an excellent public school system,      external factors have since challenged our
     the MBEF Endowment helps to do just that.             progress. The stock market crash in late
     Ambitious gifts from our supporters, and strong       February, in conjunction with the COVID-19
     long-term investment returns, enable the MBEF         pandemic, has affected the value of the
     Endowment to support our schools with an annual       Endowment. A prudent investment strategy
     disbursement each year, while still preserving the    has enabled the Endowment to rebound with
     principle of the investment. Our goal is to reach a   the market over the past few months.
     point where the annual return on investment is

19   MBEF 2019-2020 ANNUAL REPORT & HONOR ROLL                                                                                                                                                            ENDOWMENT       20
Our Schools
     Despite limited funding from the state, our district’s outcomes speak for themselves. MBUSD
     is among the top K-12 school districts statewide and our students benefit from a rich and
     diverse curriculum. Within our elementary, middle and high school campuses, we host LA
     County and California Teachers of the Year, award-winning Model UN, Robotics and Theater
     programs, Grammy award-winning Mira Costa Music program, Distinguished, Gold, Blue, and
     Green Ribbon Schools…the list goes on. Most importantly, over 95% of our students graduate
     high school and continue to thrive in post-secondary training or the college right for them. Our
     students excel because we have an engaged community that is willing to invest in our
     children’s education and future.

             TOP 1%

        Mira Costa is ranked in
          the top 1% of U.S.
         Public High Schools
            by Newsweek
          and US News and
            World Report.

21   MBEF 2019-2020 ANNUAL REPORT & HONOR ROLL                                                          OUR
                                                                                                               ROLL   22
MIRA COSTA HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     2
                                                                                                                                                                                   2                                                                                                    2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     2                                                             19
     		           Mira Costa grads
                                                        Pepperdine University                            INDIANA (18)                                  16                                                                        9                               20
                                                        Pierce Community College                         Purdue University / 5                                                                                                            19                                    2 2
     		           are attending over                    Point Loma Nazarene University                   Indiana University, Bloomington / 8                                                                                                                 4              2
     		           158 colleges and                      San Diego State University / 6                   Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology                                                                             2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   3                        2
     universities in 37 states and                      San Francisco State University                   University of Notre Dame / 4                                                                                                11   18
                                                        San Jose State University / 4
                                                                                                         IOWA (2)                                                           2                                                                                  3
     5 countries, as well as                                                                                                                                                           21                                    2                 2                                5
                                                        Santa Barbara City College / 3
                                                                                                         Iowa State University                     254
     pursuing other vocational                          Santa Clara University / 3
                                                                                                         The University of Iowa
                                                        Santa Monica College / 11                                                                                                                                                         4
     or service pathways. MCHS                                                                           KENTUCKY (2)                                                                                                                                      2
     College and Career Counselors
                                                        Sonoma State University / 2                                                                                        14
                                                        Stanford University / 2
                                                                                                         Morehead State University
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           2           3
     are fully funded by donations                      University of California, Berkeley / 10
                                                                                                         University of Kentucky                                                                                                       1
     to MBEF.                                           University of California, Davis / 6              LOUISIANA (6)
                                                                                                                                                                 4                                      15                   6
                                                        University of California, Irvine / 5             Louisiana State University
                                                        University of California, Los Angeles / 30       Loyola University, New Orleans
                                                        University of California, Merced                 Tulane University / 4                 NEW JERSEY (2)
     ALABAMA (2)
     The University of Alabama / 2                      University of California, Riverside / 6          MAINE (2)                             Emerson
                                                        University of California, San Diego / 10         Bates College                         Princeton University
     ARIZONA (14)
                                                        University of California, Santa Barbara / 26     University of Southern Maine
     Arizona State University / 5                                                                                                              NEW YORK (20)
                                                        University of California, Santa Cruz / 20                                                                                           RHODE ISLAND (2)                               WASHINGTON (22)
     Northern Arizona University                                                                         MARYLAND (2)                          Barnard College
                                                        University of Redlands / 2                                                                                                          Brown University                               Gonzaga University
     The University of Arizona / 8                                                                       Johns Hopkins University / 2          Columbia University
                                                        University of San Diego / 2                                                                                                         Bryant University                              Seattle University / 2
                                                                                                         MASSACHUSETTS (19)                    Fordham University / 2
     CALIFORNIA (254)                                   University of San Francisco                                                                                                                                                        Spokane Falls Community College
                                                                                                                                               Malloy College                               SOUTH CAROLINA (2)
     Biola University                                   University of Southern California / 6            Berklee College of Music / 2                                                                                                      University of Washington / 16
                                                                                                                                               The New School / 2                           Clemson University / 2
     Butte College                                      Westmont College                                 Boston College / 7                                                                                                                Washington State University
     California Baptist University                                                                       Boston University / 4                 New York University / 6                      TENNESSEE (4)
                                                        COLORADO (21)                                                                                                                                                                      Whitworth University
                                                                                                         Emerson College / 3                   Pace University, New York City               Belmont University / 2
     California Institute of Technology
                                                        Colorado College                                                                       Pratt Institute                              The University of Tennessee                    WASHINGTON, DC (5)
     California Polytechnic State University,                                                            Harvard University
     San Luis Obispo / 17                               Colorado School of Mines                                                               Rochester Institute of Technology            Vanderbilt University                          American University / 2
                                                                                                         Northeastern University
     California State Polytechnic University,           Colorado State University / 4                                                          Syracuse University / 3                                                                     The George Washington University / 2
                                                                                                         Tufts University                                                                   TEXAS (15)
     Pomona / 5                                         University of Colorado, Boulder / 14                                                   West Point                                                                                  Howard University
                                                                                                         MICHIGAN (19)                                                                      Baylor University
     California State University, Chico / 2             University of Denver                                                                                                                                                               WISCONSIN (9)
                                                                                                         Michigan State University / 10        NORTH CAROLINA (4)                           Rice University
     California State University, Dominguez Hills / 4   DELAWARE (2)                                                                                                                                                                       Marquette University
                                                                                                         University of Michigan / 9            Duke University                              Southern Methodist University / 5
     California State University, Fresno                University of Delaware / 2                                                                                                                                                         University of Wisconsin, Madison / 8
                                                                                                                                               High Point University                        Texas Christian University / 4
     California State University, Fullerton                                                              MINNESOTA (2)
                                                        GEORGIA (3)                                                                            Wake Forest University / 2                   Texas Tech University
     California State University, Los Angeles                                                            University of Minnesota
                                                        The Savannah College of Art and Design
                                                                                                         University of St. Thomas              OHIO (3)                                     The University of Texas, Austin / 3            INTERNATIONAL (8)
     California State University, Long Beach / 5
                                                        University of Georgia / 2                                                              Miami University, Oxford                     UTAH (2)                                       The American University of Paris,
     California State University, Monterey Bay                                                           MISSISSIPPI (1)                                                                                                                   France
     California State University, San Marcos            HAWAII (4)                                                                             The Ohio State University                    University of Utah / 2
                                                                                                         University of Mississippi                                                                                                         Concordia University, Montreal,
     Chapman University                                 Brigham Young University – Hawaii                                                      Ohio University                              VERMONT (2)                                    Canada
                                                        University of Hawaii at Manoa / 3                MISSOURI (2)
     Claremont McKenna College / 2                                                                                                             OREGON (16)                                  University of Vermont / 2                      Duke Kunshan University, China
                                                                                                         University of Missouri / 2
     El Camino College / 38                             ILLINOIS (11)                                                                          Oregon State University                      VIRGINIA (3)                                   Richmond University –
     Harvey Mudd College                                Columbia College Chicago / 2                     MONTANA (2)                           University of Oregon / 15                                                                   The American University in London,
                                                                                                                                                                                            James Madison University                       United Kingdom
     Long Beach City College                            DePaul University / 4                            Carroll College
                                                                                                                                               PENNSYLVANIA (4)                             University of Richmond                         The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland,
     Loyola Marymount University / 7                    Illinois Wesleyan University                     Montana State University
                                                                                                                                               Drexel University                            University of Virginia                         United Kingdom/ 2
     Orange Coast College                               School of the Art Institute of Chicago           NEW HAMPSHIRE (2)                     Pennsylvania State University -                                                             The Paris Institute of Political Studies,
     Otis College of Art and Design                     The University of Chicago                        Dartmouth College                     University Park / 2                                                                         France
     Palomar College                                    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign / 2   University of New Hampshire           University of Pennsylvania                                                                  University of Dublin, Ireland

23   MBEF 2019-2020 ANNUAL REPORT & HONOR ROLL                                                                                                                                                                                                         MIRA COSTA HIGH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ROLL           24
Honor Roll
     This list represents all 2019-2020 donors who contributed to the Annual Appeal, the Manhattan
     Wine Auction Paddle Raise, as well as the MBEF Endowment. Thank you for investing in
     our community, our schools, and our students!

       Black: Annual Appeal*
       Green: Annual Appeal + Endowment*
       Blue: Endowment
       Bold: 5+ Consecutive Years of Giving
          *Paddle Raise Support Included

     VISIONARIES                                                                INNOVATORS                          BENEFACTORS                          Theresa and David Gendron        Kelly and Edward Moyzes
     $300,000+                                $25,000+                          $15,000+                            $10,000+                             Sene and Eric Gray               Kate and Mike Orroth
     Windsong Trust		                         Michelle and Cyrus Hadidi         Anonymous Donor                     Kami and James Armstrong             Gustafson Family                 Bonna and Amit Patel
                                              Joanne and Jim Hunter             Jenine and Brett Cravatt            Dolly and David Boden                Dana and Greg Hartmann           Susan and Todd Purdy
     $100,000+		                              Melinda and Peter T. Kendall      Goulding Family                     Laura Thiers and Charles Boettcher   Jennifer and Sterling Hathaway   Joni and Duilio Ramallo
                                              Elisa and Shane Nickerson         Marissa and Ben Messer              Laura and Kevin Clark                Hirshberg Family                 Neeraj and Sam Rotondo
                                              Northrop Grumman                  Ania Borysiewicz and John Mistler   Cormack Family                       Trisha and Michael Husson        Serena Polonis and Regan Scott
                                              Jan and Chet Pipkin               Monika and Aaron Mugg               Jen and Bill Cram                    Karen and Ted Iantuono           Tara and Scott Sorensen
                                              Lan and Desmund Shirazi           Shannon and Bob Nicholson           Heather and Dirk de Roos             Angela and Christopher Jones     Amy and Stewart Thompson
                                              Shauna and Michael Spenley        Alison and Scott Rosenthal          Kristie Daniel-DiGregorio            Melissa and Terrence Kim         Jane and Tom Tournat
     DeWitt Wilson Family                                                                                           and Gino DiGregorio                  Izumi and Mark LaRoque           Joy Higa and Chris Tuffli
                                              W.M. Keck Foundation              Schlehuber Family
     Joan Jones                                                                                                     Karyn and Fritz Eilber               Jennifer and Neil Laws           Judy Fujimoto and Henrik von Buttlar
                                              William M. Keck, Jr. Foundation   Lindsey and Luis Serrano
     Lydia and Michael King                                                                                         Jennifer and Christopher Fenton      Malik Family                     Brita and Ryan Wald
     Jen and Todd Klawin                                                                                            Lisa and Daniel Fetters              Laurie and Tom McCarthy          Mandana Vossoughi
     Dora and Jon Seiffer                                                                                           Clare and Tim Flynn                  Valerie and Paul Mellinger       and Amirhossein Zangiabadi
     Ann Marie and Rich Whitney                                                                                     Stacey and John Fundingsland         Deanne and Steve Moore           Andrea and Michael Zislis

25   MBEF 2019-2020 ANNUAL REPORT & HONOR ROLL                                                                                                                                                                    HONOR ROLL     26
STEWARDS                           Bhatia Family                      Barbara Franqui and Joe Hevener    Marijke and Behdad Shahsavari       Karen and John Arensdorf               Elizabeth and Steven Cho
     $7,500+                            Brandy and Rob Blake               Jennifer Pham-Hott and Doug Hott   Summer and Tom Sheets               Julie and John Argue                   Caroline and Dan Chon
     Lilette and David Ballantine       Kelly and Bill Bloodgood           Shannon Ward and Cameron Hull      Diana and David Skaar               Racquel and Tim Armandpour             Mary Beth and David Christopher
     Jamie and Misha Bedner             Jo and Wyatt Bloomfield            Melissa and Sal Iacono             Jessica and Jon Slusser             Shauna and Chuck Avrith                Nancy and Eric Clapp
     Bernardi Family                    Amanda Luftman and Stephen Boren   Maile and Colin Kaiser             Georgia and Paul Solomon            Marcie and Corey Baim                  Kathy and Bob Clarke
     Kim and Craig Blum                 Emily and Mike Brunick             Cindy and Michael Kaplan           Shawne and Jon Spelke               Eva Fons and Pepe Baraja               Dina Mayzlin and Aaron Cohen
     Angie Olmos and Chris Bollinger    Jen and Steven Camacho             Kimberly and Jay Katsuyama         St. Germain Family                  Kim Paperin and Julijan Barbic         Jenny Wang-Cohn and Hillel Cohn
     Condren/Wood Family                Czarina Roxas and Daniel Chang     Monica and Gary Kelly              Tracy and Ken Stickney              Lisa and Alfredo Barrios               Sheri and Robert Cole
     Jennifer and Bryan Croft           Schuyler and Dennis Chang          Monica and Vivek Khurana           Nicole and Andrew Stoddard          Francine and Alvaro Barros             Kristin and Brad Coons
     Derbyshire Family                  Alice Kuo and John Chang           Caitlin and Grant Kim              Lynn and Rob Stone                  Melanie and Ryan Barrows               Lisa and Stuart Coppedge
     Rebecca and Jim Dillavou           Chapin Family                      Ivana and Brian Kirkbride          Liz Jemielita and Craig Sweeny      Camela Ott and Mark Bell               Janiece and Conan Cotrell
     Deirdre and Scott Gurney           Nadia and Jon Christensen          Lily Chang and Jeff Konsmo         Lauren and Ted Swick                Lara and Kyle Bender                   Philippa and John Coyne
     Andrea and Lee Hutter              Jeanette and Sung Chun             Kraines Family                     Michelle and Christopher Sznewajs   Sara Happ and Ilan Benhanan            Monika and David Crook
     Istock Family                      Chrissie and Harrison Clay         Ashleigh and Ryan Krauch           Nicole and Joseph Tang              Melissa and Craig Benner               Marcie and Brian Cullen
     Peter and Patricia Johnstone       Maya and John Clem                 Anicia Mendez and Adam Krikorian   Heidi and Justin Thompson           Tamany Vinson Bentz and Darnel Bentz   Beth-Jana and John Dahl
     Kimberly and Robert Jones          Michelle and Jason Cobb            Jill and Joe Lamkin                Kelly Tran and Timothy Tran         Kate and Tim Bergin                    Heather and Brett Dallas
     Corinne and Edward King            Jennifer and John Cochran          Anne and Jay Lee                   Stephanie and Sean Tretiak          Siri and Jeff Berting                  L. Taree and Drew Davidoff
     Jessica and Bryan LaCour           Erin and Brian Coppola             Sarah and Jason Lefton             Marlo and John Vandemore            Beste Family                           Lynne and Dave Davis
     Cynthia and Jaime Marian           Katie and Tim Crawmer              Julie and Mark Linnecke            Lena and Bryan Vann                 Taryn and Richard Binder               Jen and Kevin Davis
     Maruyama Family                    Kimberly and Christopher Crisera   Monique and Michael Lotze          Valerie and Jose Vargas             Courtney and Michael Black             Paula and R. Steven Davis
     Vivien Chang and Travis McIntosh   Darrow Family                      Lily Fong and Aaron Lowenberg      Susan and Carlos Vigon              Lillian and Mike Bohannon              Melissa and Seth Davis
     Catherine and Kyle Messman         Katie and Brad David               Dana and Keith Lupton              Jessica and Stuart Waldman          Dawn and Brian Boisvert                Dax Family
     Jack Nguyen                        Angela and Malcolm Davies          Hilary and Rob Mahan               Waller Family                       Shannon and Terry Boyle                Lana Choi and Kurt Decko
     Ann and Spuds Powell               Alice and Michael DeMartino        Tommi and Perry Mann               Maria Tirabassi and Jeff Warner     Catherine and Philip Brodkin           Natasha and Robert Derow
     Nikki and Jack Reinholtz           Stephanie and Marty Deur           Christine and Nicholas Matthews    Kim and Trevor Waterson             Sarah and Doug Brown                   Ami and Veera Desai
     Tamara and Eric Smith              Donlevy Family                     Becky and Kit McCalla              Michele and Brett Willberg          Becky and Mike Bruhns                  Cheryl and Jimmy DeSisto
     Celine and Matt Tevenan            Jessica and Matthew Doran          Heather McCauley                   Joanne and Christopher Young        Victoria Billit and Matthew Budoff     Digilio Family
     Amy and David Traughber            Monika and Lee Dover               Kelly and Sam McKendry             Alexa and Matt Young                Diana and Matthew Bui                  Rachel and Brian Disser
     Christine Ngo and Dat Trieu        Katie and Keenan Driscoll          Julie and Jeff Michael                                                 Lauren and Kasey Burke                 Erin Spaulding and Juergen Dold
     Susan and Craig Underwood          Katherine and Robert Dugdale       Bahar and Nathan Mjos                                                  Amy and Scott Burrin                   Patricia and David Doumeng
     Jennifer and Eric Van Fossen       Edwards Family                     Kimberly and Andrew Morrow                                             Rita and Brian Bush                    Debbi and Curtis Doyle
                                        Candice and Steve Edwards          Viktoria and Christopher O’Brien
                                                                                                              $3,500+                             Buxton Family                          Leah and Brian Duke
     Shannon and Michael Williams
                                        Christine Lew-Fan and Ayres Fan    Jenna and Nick Orzano              Anonymous Donnors (11)              Cabanes Family                         Lisset and Jason Durand
                                        Shannon and Moshe Faynsod          Nicole and Kevin Pacourek          Brian Ackman                        Charlene and Kevin Cady                Kristina and Kevin Durkin
                                        Nikol and John Fisher              Meg and Dom Perella                Leah and Chris Adams                Tanja and Ralph Canada                 Sherry and Greg Dyer
     $5,250+                                                                                                  Charlyn and Brady Adkins
                                        Kimberly and Matthew Friesl        Cindy and Rob Perelson                                                 Joanna and Jason Cardema               Kristen and JD Dykstra
     Anonymous Donors (6)               Alexandra and Sean Gauss           Colleen and CJ Pipkin              Stacy and Greg Adler                Siobhan and Tim Carroll                Barbara and Todd Endlich
     Abraham Family                     Geida Family                       Christine and Sri Prakash          Reshma and Rahul Aggarwal           Becky and Chris Casanega               Julie and Steven Erich
     Amezquita Family                   Gneiser Family                     April and Dave Ring                Malia and Colin Aita                Faye and Todd Cavanaugh                Angelina Chang and Ron Escopete
     Carol and Michael Amir             Vanessa Camelo and Dean Gray       Holly and Bryon Rockwell           Rachel and Christopher Alexander    Margaret Ng and Ross Chan              Kari and Zack Estrin
     Tammy and Steve Anderson           Brandi and Bruce Greenberg         Laura and Russ Roenick             Nicole and Yusef Alexander          Tina Wu and David Chang                Melissa and Ben Eyer
     Tisha Anderson                     Mandy and Heath Gregory            Robyn and Dan Rogoff               Lucia and Greg Ames                 Leah DeLancey and Ken Chang            Christy and Mike Fach
     Heather and Jason Averbook         Holly and Chris Handman            Shannon and Christopher Ryan       Sue and Rob Antrobius               Lorelei and Jason Chao                 Fahlbusch Family
     Andrea and Jeffrey Barker          Choel and Tim Harris               Donne and James Segil              Hurst Family and Mia Apatow         Camille and Paul Checketts             Debbie and Winston Fan
     Lisa Bennett                       Kathleen Hauck                     Lisa Valde and Paul Severin        Jori and Joe Arancio                Yuri and Gary Chien                    Katie Gunther and Alistair Farquharson

27   MBEF 2019-2020 ANNUAL REPORT & HONOR ROLL                                                                                                                                                                HONOR ROLL          28
Kathleen Hughes and Nick Fasano       Heather and Rick Grandy                Katie and Brett Johnson
     Lisa and Lyndon Faulkner              Cathey and Tim Graves                  Susan and JR Johnson
     Jade and Chad Feilke                  Hilary and Eugene Grayver              Amanda and Edward Jones

     Deborah and Michael Fein              Linda and Benjamin Green               Tracy and Rex Jones
     Feng Family                           Jennifer Zhang and Sonny Green         Kate and Britt Joyce                            I like the library
     Cynthia and Carlos Ferreira           Greene Family                          Jennifer Hodulik and Andrew Jurkowski           because it is so
     Raquel and Jose Fiallos               Debra Lotstein and Bruce Greenspon     Chiaki and Rome Jutabha                         organized. It’s
     Kristen and Tom Finn                  Colette and James Griffin              Kristy and Luke Kallis                          easy to find a new

     Jill and Brian Firring                Yaira and Jeff Gurman                  Michelle and Kevin Kao
                                                                                                                                  favorite book.
     Farnaz and Lawrence Flechner          Suzanne and David Hadley               Madeline and Craig Kaplan
     Erin and Matthew Fleming              Claire and Daniel Hall                 Puneet and Komal Kapoor                         James Maertz
                                                                                                                                  Class of 2029
     Nadege Klein-Flosse and Kote Flosse   Lisa Hall                              Shweta Kapoor
     Raelene and Damon Formos              Jenna and Mike Hall                    Jo and John Karambelas
     Andrea and Amir Fouladgar             Kathleen and Sean Hannaway             Kelly Baek and Dixon Karmindro, Sr.
     Jania and Alan Fox                    Stacy and Ron Harrison                 Kristine and JC Kawalec
     Lindsey and Andrew Fox                Sharon Gardner and Zachary Harrison    Debra and Tom Kazamek
     Emily and Clinton Foy                 Heather Hach Hearne and Jason Hearne   Betsey and Martin Keely
     Diana and Christopher Franck          Tracie and Brian Held                  Kelly and Garrett Kelley
     Lindsay and Max Frank                 Anne and Dan Hellie                    Julia and John Kennard
     Zoe and Mike Frank                    Sascha and Michael Henry               Ella and Phil Kenney
     Carrie and Matt Frankel               Maria and Roger Herr                   Kenia and Sam Khavari
     Talia and Paul Frederick              Taryn and Van Hess                     Melissa and Bernard Kim
     Heather and Jason Freelin             Courtney and Barry Hill                Julie and Brian Kim
     Kim and Jon Friedman                  Araceli Hogan                          Tanya Forsheit and Reg King
     Haruko and Gordon Froeb               Christina and Derek Holman             April and Michael Kinninger
     Denise Kwok and Roy Fu                Jordan and Brad Holtmeier              Shana and Craig Kish
     Jennifer and Michael Gale             Honea Family                           Chiaki and Aaron Klapper
     Ariel and Anda Garcia                 Karyn Filek Horasz and Edward Horasz   Karen and Greg Kodama
     Patricia and Edward Dwayne Garrett    Ellen and Mark Hotchkis                Kathleen and Fred Koerber
     Terri and Rod Gauer                   Hannah and Clayton Hovivian            Melissa and Jeff Koskinen
     Meghan and Grover Geiselman           Mary Sun and Daniel Hsia               Pinky and Jim Kottoor
     Sarah and Ron Geller                  Wendy and Brian Huang                  Catherine and Kevin Kramer
     Gentry Family                         Donna and David Hughes                 Christy and Andy Kubitz
     Monica and Xavier Gentzschein         Karen and Jim Hunt                     Monica and Murray Kwon
     Linda and Kyle Geoghegan              Andrea and Patrick Hynes               Monica and Christopher Lachance
     Sarah and Mike Gerhardt               Gianna and Rick Ingram                 Lizzy and Mark Lahive
     Susan and Judd Gilefsky               Inskeep Family                         Valerie and Harry Langenberg
     Amy and Michael Glasman               Christina and Justin Ip                Leila and Shawn Langlois
     Debbie and Zaheer Goodman-Bhyat       Jennifer and Chris Jackson             Paula and Mitch Langstein
     Karen and Anil Goud                   Tawnya and Kent Jackson                Jane and Michael Lee                    KEY
     Michele and David Graeler             Lisa and Mike Jadon                    Leslie and Michael Lee                  Black: Annual Appeal*
     Chris Graham                          Yoojung and Wonbae Jang                Will Lee                                Green: Annual Appeal + Endowment*
     Stephanie and Mike Graham             Laura and Christopher Jenks            Caroline McKenzie and Michael Leo       Blue: Endowment
     Liz and Dan Grampp                    Colleen and Christian Jester           Chickie and Jim Leonard                 Bold: 5+ Consecutive Years of Giving
     Grand View PTA                        Lisa and James Jewell                  Leopard Family                             *Paddle Raise Support Included

29   MBEF 2019-2020 ANNUAL REPORT & HONOR ROLL                                                                                                      HONOR ROLL    30
Kathryn and John LeRosen              Jim Micali                             Carre and Brad Porter                      Nicole and Steve Shepley               Denise and Gregg Towsley              PATRONS

     Melanie and Jonathan Levey            Jessica and Marty Moffett              Kiran and Jateen Prema                     Michiko and Akibo Shieh                Lee and Randy Tunila                  $1,750+
     Erin and Steve Levin                  Virginia and Andy Moore                Erin and Stu Purdy                         Tamara and Mark Siegel                 Courtney and Jonathan Urfrig          Anonymous Donors (43)
     April and Cash Levy                   Simin Bahrami and Shayne Morgan        Alison and Wes Putnam                      Robin and Burt Siegelman               Flora and Vincent Valdez              Bob Abernethy
     Tiffany and Thomas Levy               Catharine and D. Michael Morris, Jr.   Amber and Matt Quarles                     Amelia and Mark Sikorski               Karen and Scott Van Cleave            Lisa and Kyle Acquistapace
     Julie Wilner and Ben Lewis            Carolyn and Christopher Mukai          Tiffany and Dave Quick                     Saori and Tom Silecchia                Jess and Glenn Vanzura                Lena and Chris Adishian
     Laura and James Lewis                 Jennifer and Christopher Murphy        Jaclyn and Jonathan Quick                  Laura and Sergio Silva                 Vargas-Gable Family                   Albelda Family
     Erica and Randy Lewis                 Stacy and Darryl Myrose                Sandy and Kevin Quigley                    Kimie and Ben Silver                   Kathleen Newell and Jeremy Vereecke   Michele and Henry Alfano
     Sharon and Steve Lewis                Kat and Ken Myszkowski                 Aarthi Arasu and Vijay Rao                 Kate and Michael Sinclair              Anita Isanto and Pieter Viljoen       Susan and Robert Allen
     Tracy and Steve Lewis                 Sarah and Justin Nedelman              Ritu and Milan Rawal                       Erika and Viney Singal                 Jenifer and Frank Vogel               Shana Schoales and Michael Amiri
     Karla and Todd Lewis                  Stacy and Beau Nellor                  Maria and Justin Reese                     Fay and Mitch Sklar                    Simone and Maurice Voskuilen          JoAnna and Jeff Apfel
     Sibil and Tim Lin                     Nelson Lebano Family                   Jaime and Ian Reichbach                    Carla and Gary Slavin                  Paul Vu                               Holly McPeak and Leonard Armato
     Jamie and Matt Lipson                 Gretchen and Jim Newman                Jennifer and Adam Reiss                    Angela and Jared Smith                 Nanda and Mark Wald                   Nicole and Kevin Armstrong
     Anne and Michael Liu                  Leah and David Niehaus                 Jennifer and Jeff Remillard                Cindy and Michael Smith                Laura and Chris Wallace               Arroyo Family
     De-Ling and Simon Liu                 Molly and Eric Norberg                 Eran Rich                                  Sokol Family                           Eliza and Justin Wan                  Gwendolyn and William Artope
     Liv and Steven Long                   Heidi and Mark O’Brien                 Elizabeth and Eric Riley                   Kimberly and Justin Solomon            Virginia Chan and Edward Wang         Cheryl and Dan Arzewski
     Nina and Matthew Louie                Monika and Nicholas O’Deegan           Robinson PTSA                              Shlee and Joo Song                     Kelly and Jeremy Weber                Elizabeth and Bruce Ashmun
     Candice and Culbert Lu                Catherine and James Oh                 Kathryn and Jeff Robinson                  Lyn Amor Macaraeg and Joseph Soriano   Fara and Steve Weiner                 Jania and Hasan Askari
     Pamela and Matthew Luce               Lisa and Chad O’Hara                   Nadine and Randy Roisman                   Kristin and Charles Southey            Wysh and Dan Weinstein                Kiran Pandey and Rajeev Attam
     Jennifer Chung and Robert Sean Lucy   Sharon and Sean O’Leary                Ellen and Mike Rosenberg                   Dee Lahiri and Nick Southgate          Natalie and Todd Weinstein            Melissa Graf and Eric Bacura
     Lynch Family                          Jen and David Oliak                    Donna and Gary Rosenthal                   Kelli and Ted Spriggs                  Lauren and Jason Wells                Jamie and Edward Balazs
     Cheryl and Brendan Lynch              Kirsten and Ian Olsen                  Lauren and Brett Rossmann                  Jill and Trent Stamp                   Lucy Darshe and Jeff Wessels          Bandai Foundation
     Pam and Brian MacDonald               Alison and David Orkin                 Ashley and Ty Rossmann                     Christie and Jeff Stargardter          Gina and Michael West                 Holly and Tony Barberi
     Natasha and Michael Macdonald         Beth and Aaron Orozco                  Lisa and Afshin Safa                       Starling Family                        Doris Chang and James Whalen          Adrienne and David Barksdale
     Emily and George Macias               Carin and Chris Ortman                 Christian Salceda                          Mandy and Mylan Stepanovich            Erika and Ian White                   Jill and Dan Barrett
     Jennie and Dan Mackechnie             Lisa and Lawrence Ou                   Jenny and J. Kevin Sampson                 Whitney and Daniel Stephenson          Sonia and John Wilmarth               Angela and Tim Barrett
     Julie and Loren Macklem               Melissa and Trent Overholt             Brandi and Albert Samuelian                Tara and Daniel Stepper                Dr. James Wilson                      Nina and David Bate
     Donna and James Maertz                Ann and Mitchell Ozawa                 Sondra and Russell Samuels                 Sterngold Family                       Regina Abayev and Adam Wolfson        Baum Family
     Manabe Family                         Ellen and Ben Padnos                   Sapadin Family                             Rachel and Scott Steuber               Peggy and Eric Woon                   Selale Tuzel and Murat Bayiz
     Mary and Jeremiah Mann                Ishita Sharma and Hemant Pande         Kalpana and Prakash Sarathy                Katie and Mike Stone                   Cara and Eric Worley                  Jodi and Scott Bell
     Ai Yaegashi and Sam Mannan            Lynsey and Lazaros Papademetropoulos   Anjali Mahoney and Mustapha Sarboute       Emily and Matthew Stratton             Katherine and Jeffrey Yakubik         Sanaz and Eli Bendavid
     Romina and Jeff Manson                Rupal and Ashish Parekh                Barbara van Leeuwen and AJ Sauer           Stuckman/Krauch Families               Zisha and Scott Yamano                Kelly and Spencer Bendell
     Sarah and Brandon Matloff             Krisa and Jeromie Park                 Caryn and Sunil Saxena                     Patricia and Eric Sugden               Mary Helen Immordino-Yang             Danielle and Robert Berman
     Becki and Joel May                    Kerry and Mark Partin                  Diana and Robert Schildhouse               Jill and Gareth Sullivan               and Kyle Yang
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Ana and Alex Biegert
     Vanessa and Ricardo Mazry             Kavita and Ajay Patel                  Catherine and Jonathan Schneider           Kelly and Keith Sultemeier             Sudi and Omid Yazdi
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Michelle McDonald and Dan Blakey
     Vanessa and Colin McCafferty          Pazzia Family                          Shirley Lin Schneider and Josh Schneider   Nicole and Scott Swenson               Jennifer and Bryan Yee
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Hayley and Clay Blockley
     Catherine and Chris McComb            Fernanda and Gustavo Peixoto           Josefa and Robert Scholz                   Tang Family                            Elly and Dave Young
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Amber and Eric Blum
     Julie and Jon McElvain                Lora and Tim Penczar                   Stephanie and David Schroeder              Julie and Ron Tani                     Janette and Jordan Yu
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Catherine and Steve Boll
     Erin and Aaron McMurtray              Pennekamp PTA                          Stacy and Jonathan Schwartz                Jessica and Matt Taubman               Rehana and Andrew Zamfotis
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Pearl and Greg Bonanni
     Meadows PTA                           Kate and Nick Pennino                  Peir and Jeff Serota                       Robin and Jeb Terry                    Zawacki Family
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Evelyn Borgatta
     Shivani and Raj Mehrotra              Genevieve and Jose Perez               Pauline and Selman Shaby                   Hansni and Praveen Thadhani            Chelsea and Derek Zielin
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Monique and Alberto Bottene
     Wimberly and James Meyer              Robin Gohlke and Shawn Peterson        Mojgan Vakili and Paul Shaheen             Sangeetha and Divya Thai               Bea and Larry Zimbalist
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Lois Bourgon
     Lisa and John Meyer                   Lily and James Phillips                Jennifer and Jason Shamaly                 Lisa and Tom Thompson                  Rachel and Josh Zuckerwise
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Heather and Tom Brady
     Meyer Family                          Jessamyn and Nathan Piehl              Dr. Soheil and Azita Shams                 Erika and Rich Thomson                 Tammy and Thomas Zwicki
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Carol and Stephen Braskin
     Kristen and Pete Meyers               May and Dominic Poon                   Shannon and Jeremy Shelton                 Selena Hira-Toth and Stephen Toth                                            Braunstein Family

31   MBEF 2019-2020 ANNUAL REPORT & HONOR ROLL                                                                                                                                                                               HONOR ROLL      32
                                                                                                      Andrea and Cory Brennan            Joni Clark                               Gabriel Esteves
                                                     I enjoy the elementary music                     Lisa Bourque and Sean Bronson      Kristin and Henry Coia                   Manjiri and Mike Evans
                                                     program because it gives me                      Deborah and Tarin Bross            Coit Family                              Sharda and Kirk Fabrizio
                                                     an opportunity to express                        Daneilee de Vela and Adam Brown    Jenny and Aaron Coleman                  Dr. Joseph Farlo
                                                     myself through music. I liked                    Ashley Brown                       Christa and Steve Colvin                 Karen and Mark Farrell
                                                     trying out all the instruments                   Elissa and Bob Brown               Diana and Radu Coman                     Alli and Sohrob Farudi
                                                                                                      Suzanne and Ray Brown              Monica and Patrick Conner                Ellen and Fernando Fayzano
                                                     and picking the one I was

                                                                                                      Brownsen Family                    Emily and Kavin Cook                     Sarah and Michael Feakins
                                                     most passionate about.                           Nicole and Daniel Brozost          Liz Cook                                 Christy and Jacob Feldman
                                                     Maddox Chang                                     Lauren Bruksch                     Cooper Family                            Ronda and Anthony Ferguson
                                                     Class of 2028                                    Abigail and AJ Buckley             Lisa and Tony Corpin                     Christina and David Finlay
                                                                                                      Su Fei Koo and Edwin Burgos        Janice and Christopher Corr              Keri and Dan Finnerty
                                                                                                      Loren Newman and Scott Bushman     Patty Lum and Stan Corzine               Cheryl and Tony Fire
                                                                                                      Kyllene and Oren Bustan            Lalita Koehler and Fabio Costa           Flax Family
                                                                                                      Narine and Chris Butler            Shirley and Jeremy Cramer                Jun and Tim Fogaren
                                                                                                      Marni and Jerico Cabaysa           Kathy and Chris Crawford                 Ashley and Michael Ford
                                                                                                      Jessica and Chase Cairncross       Christiana and Dino Crescentini          Grettel and Bill Fournell
                                                                                                      Janeen and Michael Caleo           Melanie and Marc Crosby                  Randi and Stewart Fournier
                                                                                                      Phyllis and Oliver Calza           Shuwei and Hao Cui                       Holly and Sean Fowler
                                                                                                      Candice and Robert Caplé           Cristina Sampaio and Marcus Cunha        Frank Family
                                                                                                      Kim and Rick Carey                 Maribeth and Ben Cunningham              Shannon and Mario Franqui
                                                                                                      Antonia and David Carpenter        Rebecca and Burr Dalton                  Michelle and Alan Franz
                                                                                                      Julie Iko and Tony Caruso          Krysti Sam and Dave Dang                 Lindsey and John Fraumeni
                                                                                                      Keren and Eddy Carvajal            Mika and Ilan David                      Friedman Family
                                                                                                      Cindy and Steven Carvel            Regan and Chadd Davis                    Stacie and Jason Fromm
                                                                                                      Loren Nguyen and Victor Castillo   Kathleen Erskine and Terry Davis         Eva and Alex Furer
                                                                                                      Maria Crisanta Castro              Kathleen and Donald Delino               Christina Schlank and Steve Gaffney
                                                                                                      Liz and Bryan Cebula               Nina and Ankur Desai                     Jody and Brandon Gale
                                                                                                      Angie Lee and Alfred Chak          Heather and John Devereux                Lynda and Joseph Galins
                                                                                                      Linda and Paul Chance              Madhuri and Puneet Dhawan                Sitara and Genesis Garma
                                                                                                      Tiffany and Peter Chang            Ilia and Scott Dickey                    Marie Garvey
                                                                                                      Melina Chao                        Richie Dimalanta                         Kelly Frazier and Scott Gautier
                                                                                                      Mary Wu and Alexander Chen         Mui and Tony Dolim                       Victoria Geant
                                                                                                      Tiffany and Andy Chen              Dina and Gregory Doll                    Carol and David Gerken
                                                                                                      Jennifer and Christopher Chen      Kari and Dennis Doody                    Lisa and Geoff Gerny
                                                                                                      Kirsten and Michael Chen           Daniela and John Dosch                   Josiane and Greg Goldman
                                                                                                      Janice Liu and Andrew Cheng        Andrew Perlstein and Alan Dubovsky       Andrea and Greg Golovko
                                                                                                      Sheena and Ankush Chhabra          Audrey Morrissey and Ivan Dudynsky       Elsie and David Gordon
                                                                                                      Lynette and Rodney Chiabai         Ori and Stephanie Dugary                 Michelle and Jonathan Gray
                                                               KEY                                    Shubha and Stephen Chick           Jennifer and Brian Dunbar                Karen and Steve Gregan
                                                               Black: Annual Appeal*                  Camille and David Chittenden       Laura ODonnell-Dunn and Michael Dunn     Jill and Tom Griffith
                                                               Green: Annual Appeal + Endowment*      Karen and Alex Chong               Edda and Majd Elias                      Barbara and Joe Gunning
                                                               Blue: Endowment                        Michelle and Isaac Chu             Cindy and Josh Emanuel                   Priya and Prakash Gupta
                                                               Bold: 5+ Consecutive Years of Giving   Alice and Mark Chu                 Stephanie and Matt Ertman                Kuifang and Jifu Han
                                                                     *Paddle Raise Support Included   Monica and Daniel Chun             Sheliza Lalji-Esmail and Aaftab Esmail   Hanlon Family

33   MBEF 2019-2020 ANNUAL REPORT & HONOR ROLL                                                                                                                                                         HONOR ROLL       34
Kelly and Christian Hansen              Nancy Hesterberg and Chris James       Stephanie and Jeff Landis               Vickie and Howard Matsuoka            Daraporn Tanpattana and Paul Nimitsilpa   Luanne and Dan Quiggle
     Lisa and Jim Hardimon                   Nairi and Michael Jeppson              Kristal and Martin Lane                 Shauna and Mark Mattis                Lori and Jason Nolting                    Annette and Rolando Ramirez
     Harp Family                             Caroline and Douglas Johnson           Amy and Bill Lange                      Tracy and Jason Mausser               Lisa Sugimoto and Donald Nose             Sherryl Ray
     Yurika and Ryan Harris                  Anna Bargagliotti and Joseph Johnson   Elina and Ryan Larsen                   Julie and Chris Mays                  Daniel Novotny                            Carol and Jim Reach
     Tabatha and Toby Harris                 Gabriela Rios and Richard Johnson      Natalie and Jeffrey Laufenberg          Cambria and Alex McCulloch            Alex and Rupert Nuttall-Smith             Gillian and Carter Reese
     Forouzan Faridian                       Julie and Stuart Johnson               Ashley and Aaron Lazor                  Denise McDermott                      Daniel Oatridge                           Jennifer and Seth Rementer
     and Kamyab Hashemi-Nejad                Jinny Chang and Edward Jun             Johanna and Davin Lee                   Jessica and Chris McGee               Oh Family                                 Lindsay and Matt Rhodes
     Audra and Mike Hatch                    Kathy Kwon and Tim Jun                 Teri and Edward Lee                     Emily and Stephen McGee               Carla and Luis Olivalves                  Kimberly and George Richman
     Jeff Hawke                              Brian & Kimberly Kabot                 Kelly and Eric Lee                      McIntyre Family                       Marie and John Olivas                     Lisa and Gunter Rieg
     Hayes Family                            Payal and Amit Kachalia                Alice and Griffith Lee                  Kristi and Peter McKenna              Seema and Luis Otoya                      Ashley and Kevin Ritter
     Samantha Jean and Teddy He              Naomi and Sascha Kaeser                Tanisha and Stefan Leer                 Sara and Frank McMaster               Jenny and Harry Pak                       Jessica and Michael Roberts
     Sue and Bob Heinemann                   Vera and Michael Kahn                  Amy and Todd Leslie                     Michelle & George McNee III           Sormeh and Arash Panah                    Elise and Greg Robins
     Jen and Craig Hendrickson               Seema Gupta and Bill Kalra             Charlotte and Russ Lesser               Nathan Megaw                          Carli and Brian Parker                    Rocco Family
     Meike and Blake Hennon                  Kari and Nikhil Kansal                 Jean and Ian Levy                       Erin and Sanjeev Mehta                Alison Pascola                            Courtney and Christian Rogge
     Mitzi and Stephen Henry                 Sabina Randhawa                        Alexandra and Bryan Ley                 Rebecca and Kevin Mendelson           Chris and Michal Pasula                   Rogin Family
     Kara and David Henschel                 and Ashwin Karamchandani               Jennifer and Brett Lightner             Tiffany Mesko                         Michelle Money and Jim Patton             Julie and Brian Romias
     Nichole and Bill Herman                 Amy and Dr. Michael Karr               Lan Luo and Quentin Lilley              Teresa and Benoit Michaud             Stephanie and Joe Paunovich               Lori and Josh Rooney
     Sandy Irons and Stephen Hershkowitz     Sheri and Peter Kay                    Dana and David Lindley                  Stacy and Patrick Michela             Samantha and Barry Paxson                 Taleene and Spencer Rose
     Bethany and Chip Herwegh                Vivian and Matthew Kelly               Meredith and Gary Lipsky                Julie and Philip Miele                Pean Family                               Kimberly and Matt Rosenfeld
     Jennifer Wang and Eric Ho               Peter Kennedy                          Kun Pu and Dapeng Liu                   Lindsey and Troy Mileham              Amy and Bobby Pearce                      Heidi and Greg Roth
     Hodgkiss Family                         Robin and Lance Kessler                Jayme and Geoff Long                    Lauren and Scott Moffat               Sally and Jason Peel                      Michele and Ben Rousseau
     Nimia Del Rosario and Ronald Hohauser   Puja and Gaurav Khanna                 Long Family                             Moglia Family                         Elizabeth and Beau Peelle                 Maggie and Rob Rubenstein
     Melissa and Scott Holcomb               Nicole Wong-Chong and Brian Khoddam    Briana and Michael Loop                 Jan and Marsh Mokhtari                Rene Peerboom                             Melissa Heckscher and Noah Rubinstein
     Susan and Michael Holton                Leslie and Gary Kim                    Christine and Ben Luedeke               Montoya Family                        Jazmine and James Peetz                   Jonathan Rumble
     Greta and Mike Horowitz                 Kelly and Jimmy Kim                    Ann Lundy                               Courtney and Marc Montpas             Judy and John Peetz                       Valerie and Mike Ruppert
     Kristi and Brent Horstman               Susan and Kris Kim                     Laura and David Lust                    Shannon Whaley and John Moraytis      Pepe Family                               Rachel Henderson and Douglas Rusnack
     Fay and Jason Hove                      Susie and Dr. Scott Kim                Jenna Luu                               Savanna and Michael Mothner           Hayley Hoffman and Joe Peri               Jodi and Bill Ryan
     Kim and Aaron Howe                      Nataly Rader and Shawn Kim             Carina and David Luwisch                Laura and Rick Mueller                Misayo and Brad Peterman                  Alice and Scott Sadowski
     Julie and Henry Hsiao                   Hyosoon and Yung Kim                   Kira and Brendan Lynch                  Anamaria and Dragos Munteanu          Maryanne and Robert Petersen              Deb and Tony Salvaggio
     Jenny Au-Hsieh and Jack Hsieh           Quynh-van and Kevin King               Tina Lee and Stephen Ma                 Maiko and Brian Murphy                Kara and Rob Peterson                     Michelle and Vincent Sanchez
     Stephanie and Tony Hsu                  Holly and Ryan King                    Ted Maceiko                             Lauren and Devon Murray               Monica and Lance Pherson                  Sandoval Family
     Aghi Koh and George Huang               Kinsey Family                          Karen and Norman Mah                    Melanie and Nicholas Murray           C. Phillips Family                        Christina and Kirk Sannella
     Jenny and Paul Huang                    Monika and Zygimantas Kiznis           Mahony Family                           Charmaine Cosky and Owen Murray       Kristina Iskander and Cory Pike           Bethany and Joel Santos
     Carly Feingold and Marc Hustvedt        Wendy Barbour and Larry Kleinberg      David Mainzer                           Kate Vermeulen and Luke Myers         Katie and Brian Pincus                    Carla Solinger and Paul Sapienza
     Shannon and Stanton Ibara               Joyce and Stanley Koh                  Patty McLoughlin Major and Paul Major   Frances Nelson and Steve Napolitano   Brenda and Nathan Pingelton               Adis Sardinas
     Jan and Tracy Inoue                     Lisa and Larry Kohorn                  Erica and Stephen Malbon                Tara and Jim Negus                    Lee Polonis                               Ashley and Jim Savela
     Heather and West Interian               Karen and Chris Komatinsky             Shelly and James Malone                 Dawn and David Neilson                Ginger and Kristopher Pooley              Lee Ann and Damian Schantz
     Debbie Gezon and Doug Jacobs            Kong Family                            Mary Mann                               Nemzer Family                         Lisa and Michael Port                     Christina and Nathan Schmidt
     Laurie and Jeff Jacobs                  Marija Kosanovich                      Suzy and Jonah Manning                  Jennifer and Clay Newbill             Peilin and Christopher Pratt              Angie and Ron Schmidt
     Stacie and Jeffrey Jacobsen             Kresser Family                         Robert Marckel                          Belynda and Earle Newman              Monique Fleming and Joe Priester          Julie and Eric Schmirler
     Kathleen Paralusz and Brad Jacobson     Elizabeth and Mark Krojansky           Cecile and Bill Marsh                   Corey and Jeff Newman                 Tricia and Eric Pritz                     Kenna McCabe Schnorr
     Emma and Michael Jacobson               Mari and Kyle Kupiec                   Joyce and John Martinez                 Mary Ruth and Jeff Newman             Kelly Mallen and John Pulos               and William Schnorr
     Kristen and Steve Jacobson              Dana and Warren Kushner                Julie Prussack and Marc Masters         Karen Lee and David Ng                Michelle and Edmund Purcell               Kristina and David Schrader
     Maria Jacquemetton                      Julie and Robert Kwon                  Shiho and Trey Mathews                  Pamela Kunath and Michael Niborski    Lisa and Adam Quarello                    Heather and Mike Schwarz
     Swati and Sukesh Jakharia               Kisu and Nolan Lam                     Wendy and Glenn Mathis                  Beth and Jeff Nicosia                 Cinzia and Rico Quevedo                   Stephanie and Tom Scott

35   MBEF 2019-2020 ANNUAL REPORT & HONOR ROLL                                                                                                                                                                                  HONOR ROLL      36
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