Marine Corps League MEDINA COUNTY DETACHMENT #569, INC - The Marine Corps League Medina County

Page created by Bertha Norman
Marine Corps League MEDINA COUNTY DETACHMENT #569, INC - The Marine Corps League Medina County
Marine Corps League
                      MEDINA COUNTY DETACHMENT #569, INC.
                               PO Box 1405      Medina OH 44258-1405
                                                                                          Apr 2021

                                Jr. Vice       Judge                       Adjutant                       Sergeant-at
Commandant      Sr. Vice                                     Paymaster                     Chaplain
                                Mike           Advocate                    Eric                           Arms
Steve Shields   Rick Pethel                                   Bob Sukel                    Ray Notarian
                                Liebenguth     Van Vanzetti                Whittaker                      Tom Fenske
216-536-2250    330-421-7917                                330-336-7877                   330-730-5325
                                330-304-2891   330-636-6282                330-416-9704                   330-416-6574
Marine Corps League MEDINA COUNTY DETACHMENT #569, INC - The Marine Corps League Medina County

                         Marine Corps League, Detachment #569
                                  Medina, OH 44256
                             Meeting Notes of: 16 MAR 21
                                    Officers Present:
•   Commandant: Steve Shields
•   Sr. Vice Commandant: Rick Pethel
•   Jr. Vice Commandant: Mike Liebenguth
•   Adjutant: Eric Whittaker
•   Paymaster: Bob Sukel
•   Judge Advocate: Vandal Vanzetti
•   Chaplain: Ray Notarian
•   Web Sergeant: Tom Hujik
1. Opening Ceremmony
2. Roll call of officers
3. Application of new members:
       a. None
4. Minutes of last meeting:
       a. Notes of commandant submitted and seconded in lieu of adjutants report
5. Paymaster’s Report
       a. Were submitted for matter of record
6. Tom Hujik installed as web sergeant
7. Bob Sukel installed as Toys-For-Tots committee chairman
8. Chaplains Report
       a. A thank you card was received from Dilma for the $500 donation for her recovery
9. Correspondence:
       a. Letter for the disbursal of a $500 grant to be used for the Memorial day event on the
       b. $125 allocated for a wreath on behalf of the detachment
       c. $375 to be donated back to event commission
10. Upcoming events
       a. Color guard needed for Memorial Day
                i. Nancy confirmed color guard
               ii. Email will be sent out to confirm muster time
11. Golf Outing
       a. PDF of events to be distributed to members by email
       b. Members voted to prepare baskets for raffle rather than booze
       c. All members are needed for stales of sponsorships and ball drop sheets
                i. Contact Eric Whittaker for ball drop sheets (330) 406-9704
       d. Signs will be by Dave Sterrett
Marine Corps League MEDINA COUNTY DETACHMENT #569, INC - The Marine Corps League Medina County
   12. Discussion
          a. Reserved funds to be discussed with Reserve station
          b. Tom Hujik updating of detachment website in progress
                   i. Was also presented his MCL Life card
          c. Zoom account was closed – due to non-essential use
          d. Tax exempt category was discussed as to pursue 501/c3 status.
                   i. Detachment will remain 501/C19
   13. Other activities
          a. The farmer’s market will begin May 1st at the VFW
          b. Brunswick is instituting a Veterans Court for veterans for counseling
          c. Steve Shields trying to compile list of Medina county veteran owned business
   14. Closing Ceremony
Respectively submitted,
Eric Whittaker, Adjutant

From the Commandant

March was a victory in having our first in-person meeting and the attendance was great. I look
forward to a year of in person meetings. We have a very strong core group of Marines who have
been the center of a great detachment for many years. I hope we can continue that and begin growing
our detachment. I would like to use our social events as an opportunity to meet more local Marines.
It would be great to have contact information for them to send invites for our events throughout the
Our golf outing is set and for this summer and I expect a great day for our local Marines. Please help
Eric and Tom by selling some balls or helping with a donation. This event greatly benefits our
detachment and builds camaraderie.
Please don't forget we are meeting at 6pm prior to our next meeting to discuss b-billets and special
groups. If you are currently participating in an extended role of our detachment or if you would like
to, I encourage you to attend our pre-meeting at the VFW. Our normal meeting will begin at 7pm.
Thank you for your support,

Semper Fi
Steve Shields
Marine Corps League MEDINA COUNTY DETACHMENT #569, INC - The Marine Corps League Medina County
Submitted by Marine Ronsky

                 OWRNC Advisory Committee Meeting 17 Mar 2021 1800 Hours
                            Wadsworth American Legion Post

Present: Trustee Wally Ronsky, Dick Ganiere, Paul McElhron, Chaplain Rev. Ed Fast, Honor Guard
Chuck Dudley, Al Whitacre, Trustee Bill Knauf, Vice Chair Jason Kaufmann, Secretary Harv
Morris, David Lofy, Treasurer David Sears, Chair David Jacobs, Anthony Viaho,, Steve Tretinik,
John Chittock, Dave Dunn, John Degue, Robert Burgess, Ray Golembaugh, Chuck Keslock,
Norman Wells, Ray Hewitt, Jesse Getz, Dan Williams, Richard Betenbach, Ed Selega, Tim Wilson.
Michelle Rose was present by remote and Ed Zachary was excused. Note that if your name is
misspelled, it indicates that I could not read your writing.
Chair Dave Jacobs called the meeting to order at 1800 Hours.
Invocation: Rev. Ed Fast
Pledge of Allegiance: By All
Introduction of first time guests: Chuck Dudley introduced Dave Dunn, USMC, Retired and asked
that he be considered for board membership. Dave was accepted by membership vote.
Minutes: Minutes of last general meeting on 20 Jan 2021 were emailed to all. Rev. Ed Fast made a
motion to accept the minutes with one exception. John Dague was a second. The exception was to
remove the reference to a requested donation of $2500. Noted in the record and change made. Dave
Sears brought up the Wreaths across America detailed report that was emailed to all members.
Director’s Report: Director Dan Williams thanked the membership for supporting the cemetery.
Jesse Getz continued and reported 43,837 total burials as of 1 Mar 2021. Oct-Feb number was 1276
burials. An increase is projected. The casket rate is high. A lead cemetery Rep and maintenance
work leader are to be added to the personnel roster of 18.
A new burial schedule was implemented 1 March. Quarter hour time slots added. All quarter hour
times will be cremation and will be in committal Shelter 2. On the hour and half hour will be caskets
in Committal Shelter 1.
The Honor Guard will have use of the Rawiga Golf course gazebo and inside for lunch. DAV van
can be driven to the golf course. Meal vouchers can be used at the course and Café on Main 3. Jesse
and Dan will work further details as many questions were asked.
The VA volunteers services computer system was discussed in detail with Wally Ronsky and many
others expressing dissatisfaction with getting credit for their hours. Computer access will be a
problem and paper remains a fall back.
With constant changes, chaplain services (military prayer), rifle volleys, shell casings and interaction
with families were all discussed. Jesse provided scheduling details and the important function of
funeral homes and precalls.
Continuing Covid restrictions were discussed with Jesse Getz and Director Williams fielding
questions and comments.
Director Williams presented a construction update supplemented by diagrams and photographs. The
section 20 electrical box will be relocated to a place behind the existing flag pole wall. The Memorial
Walkway will see renovations. Excavating and tree removal is in progress in preparation for drainage
work. Admin building will be closed. A big trailer will be in place next summer. The cemetery is
low on columbarium offering so the construction of more is a priority, a new scatter garden will be
constructed as well as a new memorial wall.
A new Shelter 3 will be constructed which generated questions about the logistics for Honor Guards.
Flags will be placed on graves for Memorial Day. Volunteer groups will be contacted and
coordinated. NCA prohibits a public ceremony due to COVID.
Marine Corps League MEDINA COUNTY DETACHMENT #569, INC - The Marine Corps League Medina County
Jesse Getz clarified that The Battle Field Cross that Chuck Dudley has pushed for months never had
proper paperwork completed and submitted. Director Williams stated once approved, there will be
a place for the monument.
Walley questioned Avenue of Flags. No longer approved by NCA per Director Williams.
It was emphasized that this is three year construction project.
Honor Guard: Chuck Dudley briefed new procedures at shelters. His team has practiced the
procedures and “it works”.
New Business: Treasurer Dave Sears detailed request to County Commissioners for $500. Motion
by John Dague and Second by Wally Ronsky. Vote was 24 Yes and 0 No.
Upcoming events: 29 March at 0800 Hours, a private ceremony for Viet Nam flag placement. Meet
at POW/MIA area.
Next meeting: 19 May 2021. Place TBD.
Closing Prayer: Rev Ed Fast
Adjournment: 1938 Hours by Chair Dave Jacobs.
Scribed by Secretary Harv Morris

      Submitted by Marine Forster

 Celebrating Women's History Month and Women Veterans
   March is designated as Women's History Month, commemorating and encouraging the study,
observance and celebration of the vital role of women in American history and the Armed Forces. Our
                                      proud women Veterans.

                            Vietnam War Veterans Day
  March 29, our Nation commemorated National Vietnam War Veterans Day on its 50th anniversary.
Many events took place to help us remember and respect the nine million American men and women –
 more than six million of whom are living today – who served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces
             during our involvement in Vietnam from November 1, 1955 to May 7, 1975.

                     Veteran Services for Medina County
      Some Vietnam veterans suffering from parkinsonism like disabilities, bladder cancer and
 hypothyroidism will not be associated with exposure to certain herbicide agents for 12-nautical miles
                                       off the coast of Vietnam.

 Veterans going to the Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center, may
               use the Veteran Services shuttle service
                           Call 330-725-9782 to schedule an appointment

  Medina County Veterans identification card allows for free
       transit rides on Medina County Public Transit
Marine Corps League MEDINA COUNTY DETACHMENT #569, INC - The Marine Corps League Medina County


Because of the COVID-19 quarantine, many families have the opportunity to spend
more time together. But that also means there is an increased chance they will get
on each other’s nerves. Let’s be honest, even when we love someone dearly,
constant, close proximity can lead to friction. And it’s often because of pride. For
instance, have you ever been so prideful that you could not compromise on something, even though
you knew you should? Have you ever been in an argument with your spouse or a good friend where
you knew you were wrong but just couldn’t admit it? Of course you have. We all have! We are full
of pride, and that’s why we all have conflict in our lives.
“‘God is against the proud, but he gives his grace to the humble.’ So give yourselves
completely to God” (James 4:6-7 ).
God declares war on pride, ego, arrogance, and selfishness. Any time pride rears
its head in your life, you’re on the opposite side of God—and your arms are too short
to box with him. God doesn’t look at pride and just say, “Oh, that’s a little petty.” He openly
opposes people who are prideful. God declares war on ego. You may have already noticed this, but
God has a unique way of engineering circumstances that deflate your ego. It’s dangerous to be in
opposition to God. When you’re on a collision course with the Creator of the universe, you are going
to lose. If pride causes quarrels, then that means the opposite is true, too. Humility can stop quarrels.
The cure for quarrels is humility. Every time you’re humble, you will get along better with your
wife, your kids, your friends, your employees, your fellow church members, and your
neighbors. James 4 says God gives grace to the humble. Grace is the power to change. If you want
to stop the fighting in your life, then you need grace. And there’s only one way to get grace: Be
humble. God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. Humble yourself, and then give
yourself completely to God. Giving yourself completely to God means you’ve surrendered
everything to him, including your pride. Humble yourself so that you can experience freedom from
quarreling and conflict.


Rick Pethel, Steve Eggleston, Brian Morningstar, Kathy Hundley, Howard Osborne,
Haywood and Connie, Randy and Liz, Dave Yates, Bear Garnsey, John and Peggy
Dague, Scott Hartman, Doris Roberts, Dick and Carol Whalen, Rise Davis and
Debbie Compondu.

Call/email if you have any additions to this list 330-730-5325,


Ray Notarian, Chaplain
Marine Corps League MEDINA COUNTY DETACHMENT #569, INC - The Marine Corps League Medina County

                   APRIL 2021
 Here cometh April again, and as far as I can see the
world hath more fools in it than ever.” - Charles Lamb

Here’s hoping this month’s newsletter finds
everyone in good health and peace of mind.

We had about 18 members in-person at our March
meeting with two joining us via zoom. It was good
to see everyone again especially since I’veve been            * BIRTHDAYS *
living like a hermit for the past several months
Ideally, we’ll have in-person
                       person meetings going                  David Sterrett   04/13
forward. Then, maybe,
                   aybe, just maybe, we can start        HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MARINE!
becoming “normal” again (whatever that mean means).
The weather is changing for thehe better and more
people are being vaccinated which indicates we’we’re
heading in the right direction. I guess all we can
do is to keep pluggin’ away and hope for the best.
If you are a member of our Detachment and want a
copy of the Paymasters report and/or a copy of our
roster,, just ask for it. I can either email or snail
mail it to you.
Remember to send any Paymaster related
information (including dues, changes of address,
email, phone number, etc.) to:
        Bob Sukel, Paymaster
        MCL Medina County Detachment
        853 Eastview Ave
        Wadsworth OH 44281-1910
Note: you can also reach me via email to or phone call to
(330) 336-7877.
              SEMPER FI, MARINES!
                 BE HEALTHY!
                  STAY SAFE!
Marine Corps League MEDINA COUNTY DETACHMENT #569, INC - The Marine Corps League Medina County
Marine Corps League MEDINA COUNTY DETACHMENT #569, INC - The Marine Corps League Medina County
10th Annual Fund Raiser Golf Scramble
                     Saturday July 10, 2021
       12:30        Registration ~ Lunch ~ Putting Contest
        2:00        18 Holes & Cart ~ Skins
        7:15        BBQ Dinner in Pavilion

First Hole in One Wins a 3-Year Lease of a
2021 Cadillac XT5 Courtesy of Medina Auto Mall

  Dinner Only Guests
       6:00          Pavilion Open ~ Beverages
       7:15          Dinner ~ Announcements ~ Raffle

               $95 per golfer or $30 for dinner before July 3
               $105 per golfer or $35 dinner only after July 3
              Register on line at:
              Or make checks payable to Bunker Hill Golf Course
              Memo line Marine 569 and your sponsorship level.
                 Mail to: 3060 Pearl Rd., Medina, OH 44256
                   Contact Chad Gibson with any questions
       or Text 216-469-9241
Sponsorship Levels
$1000 Corporate
    Logo or picture on the banner registration and dinner. Special thank you before golf and dinner. Entitled to
    1 foursome to event and 2 dinner guests. Please email the names of the 4 golfers, 2 additional dinner
    guests and high definition logo to:
$750 Beverage Cart
    81/2” X 11” Signage on the beverage cart thanking you for the beverages. Entitled to 2 dinner guests.
    Please email the names of the guests and logo to

$500 Golf Cart
    81/2” X 51/2” Signage on the golf carts. Sponsor supplies miscellaneous merchandise (cozies, mouse
    pads, pens, promotional items, business cards, etc.) with sponsor logos on them. We have suggestions to
    purchase if you don’t have items available. Call Chad Gibson 216-469-9241 for assistance on gifts and
    email your logo to

$300 Putting Contest Sponsor
    Many mentions thanking the sponsor during the contest and signage on the green.

$100 Hole
     Signage on the tee of a given hole with the sponsor’s name in text

$35 Family
     Personal donations with your name on a sign at the pavilion.

$30 Dinner Only
    Includes dinner with soft drinks in the pavilion where we will have fire pits, corn hole, raffles and auctions.
    It is an outdoor pavilion.

                             To become a sponsor please visit:
                    Or make checks payable to Bunker Hill Golf Course
                    Memo line Marine 569 and your sponsorship level.
                        Mail to: 3060 Pearl Rd., Medina, OH 44256
                      **Advertising receipts available upon request**
February 5, 2021
I represent Medina Detachment #569 of the Marine Corps League. I am contacting you
to invite you to join us in our fundraising efforts as a corporate sponsor.
The Marine Corps League is proud to support our Marines in many areas. We have 10
Divisions covering 48 Departments, and over 1,140 Detachments in communities
across the Country. We support the Toys for Tots efforts working with the Marine
Corps Reserve and Toys for Tots Foundation to raise millions of dollars for the youth of
America, collect and distribute millions of toys all across the United States.

In addition to this program, contribution funds are used to:
   -   Decorate gravesites at the Ohio Western Reserve National Cemetery. Flags are
       placed on Veterans Day, Memorial Day, and wreaths at Christmas time.
   -   Provide burial Honor Guard details for Veteran funeral ceremonies.
   -   Supply lunches to the Veteran homes within the area.
   -   Participation with a Color Guard team for local parades and events

Some the funds will be allocated for expenses such as building rental costs incurred
during the collection, organization, and distribution of toys. Further information and
description can be seen on our webpage:
The golf outing is scheduled to be held on Saturday, July 10, 2021 at Bunker Hill Golf
Course in Medina and we need your help.

We are asking for your assistance by becoming a corporate sponsor of this meaningful
event. Attached you will find a copy of the sponsorship levels. However, if a corporate
level is not possible, please consider other levels in our effort to support our programs in
the community.
Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this request. I look forward to
hearing from you.

Eric J. Whittaker                         Tom Hujik                  
Adjutant, USMC League                     Web Sergeant, USMC League
Medina Detachment #569                     Medina Detachment #569

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