Marion Probus Club "GRAPEVINE"

Marion Probus Club "GRAPEVINE"
Marion Probus Club “GRAPEVINE”

                      P.O. Box 370 Oaklands Park S.A. 5046
      Meets at the Club Marion, 262 Sturt Rd Marion on the 1st Monday of each
     month at 1:00pm MEMBERS: WEBPAGE ADDRESS –
                                             DECEMBER 2020
    PRESIDENT            SECRETARY                   TREASURER                   MEMBERSHIP
    Ray Edwards          Roland Earl                 Geoff Richards              Neville De Young
    0402 408 889         8377-1724                   0439 699 116                0401 032 010

                **Next Meeting: 1st February 2021
                FUTURE MEETINGS: SEE PAGE 5
PRESIDENTS REPORT: Welcome to our very loyal members.
The need to maintain distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted to a number of
changes for our Probus Club, but rest assured all our Committee are here to help.
Everyone is welcome to come to our Club’s BYO and drinks on January 1st (New Year’s Day) at
Angus Neil Reserve on the Esplanade Seacliff,
8am for people who like to go for a walk or 9am for great fellowship and BBQ.
Valerie & I wish you all a Very Merry Christmas with families and loved ones, and Safe and Happy
New Year celebrations.
We hope to see you at our Christmas Luncheon at the Marion Club, Tue. 8th December at 12noon.
Ray Edwards.
EDITORIAL: Hi to all Readers of the Club’s informative tool the “Grapevine”.
Members are invited to contribute.
Another Probus year is coming to an end very quickly with Christmas celebrations on the go.
I would like to Thank everyone who’s assisted me in this new position of the “Grapevine”
Newsletter Editor. Elaine & I would like to thank the Members who joined us on the only Tour this
year & we look forward to more ventures next year. Finally Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year.
MEMBERS PLEASE ~ When sending articles to me for printing, print them in Times New
Roman in font size 12. This will make much easier for editing.
“Grapevine” Editor ~ Graeme Hall
Next Meeting – Friday 22nd January – 11.05am at Club Marion.
GUEST SPEAKERS: 1st Feb 2021 – DAVID KILMER – Crime Writing Author.
Marion Probus Club "GRAPEVINE"
 Wishing you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY and for many more to come!

                              GUBBINS           FA-FRED         02 DEC 23
                              DALE              DJ-DENNIS       02 DEC 47
                              VINAL             GR-GEOFF        07 DEC 47
                              LEE               E-EDDIE         10 DEC 30
                              LACK              NA-NEIL         17 DEC 31
                              PAYNTER            J-JOHN         17 DEC 41
                              WATTS             GK-GRAHAM       18 DEC 43
                              THOMAS            GJ-GRAHAM       22 DEC 37

 UPCOMING VISITS ~ It’s quite difficult to get firm arrangements for visits at present.
 OLD GOVERNMENT HOUSE – BELAIR NATIONAL PARK – Thu. 25th Feb.2021, which will
 include a Tour & Morning Tea ~ Cost $10.00. Members, Wives & Partners who wish to attend
 PLEASE see Garry James at the February meeting. Payment to Garry James, then payment to be put
 in         an       envelope         with         Name           –“BELAIR                    .
 contact Garry James - ph. 8270 5646 or 0419 422 524

DIARY DATECoffee                   Weekly at SPARGOS - 9:30am Saturdays.
Walking                         Weekly      Mondays @ 9:00am at CLUB MARION
Computers             Monthly Friday 5 February 2021- 11:05am at CLUB MARION

Music                 Monthly Friday 12th February 2021-11:05am at CLUB MARION.
10 Pin Bowling        Bi-Monthly – Next Tuesday 22 December @ 10:00am.
                            YOUR CLUB REPORTS:
     Computer Group Report - At our meeting on the Friday 6th November we had 19
Probus members, 3 ladies attend with 2 apologies.
Our general questions and answer session we discussed and fixed
-slow start up time for “booting up” our computer
-how to put our emails in special folders to make them easier to find.
-how to make a photo presentation into two separate parts
Our session on scams then followed with a “special handout “then with members discussing
their own so-called scams received on their tablets, Mobile phone, and land line phone. This
session then gave a visual example on what to do with emails from suspect sites.
 Do Not delete or unsubscribe just put them into your junk file and then block them.
Also Do Not open a file that you think may be suspect.
The final part of the session was on how to obtain a “Gmail” address and how to link your
     other email accounts into one in-box (such as big pond linked to Gmail and visa-versa)
I trust all that attended the session learnt something as I always do.
As this was our last meeting for this year, I would like to wish all our Probus Club members a
safe and prosperous Christmas and for our next year 2021 and may it be a great year for all.
Our next meeting will be 5th February 2021 at the Club Marion starting at 11AM our
     topics of the day will be firstly your questions and hopefully some answers then we will
     have a session on setting up a “web site” then a session on “Smart TV’s “will follow.
Hope to see ALL our members and Partners attend
Regards Bob Brammy (0417126200)
Marion Probus Club "GRAPEVINE"
MUSIC GROUP: From ~ Max Bowden The Music Group finished the year with a
successful meeting on Friday 13th November. The next meeting will be Friday 12th February
2021, commencing at 11.05 am at the Marion Sports Club. Please wait in the foyer or Pokies
Lounge until the steel wire doors on the stairs are opened.
The theme for the meeting will be Country and Western music with a small prize for the most
unusual song title selected. Don’t be deterred if you don’t have any C and W music, there
will be plenty available to borrow. We will be commencing our CD Swap Box on that day so
bring along a spare CD and swap it for something else. All welcome, bring along wives or
partners, A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all members. Max Bowden
WALKING GROUP: Mondays @ 9:00am at CLUB MARION
SPECIAL LADIES REPORT – Phil Scherer – With regret I inform you of the
Passing of Mary Schutze early in November 2020.
There have been no other reports of Special ladies being in ill health. All well & Okay.
WELFARE REPORT – Graham Brown:.
All receiving Care and Attention. Bob Boots, Don Wilson, Michael Willemer, Bill
Markey & Bruce Stock are on the sick list, we send them Best Wishes
WEBSITE REPORT: New Website Address ~
10 PIN BOWLING REPORT. I was disappointed on having to cancel our
24th,Nov. Bowling. However this is my summary of the sessions held 8th & 22nd Sept.
 It seems that we should share the Monthly Trophy with all Bowlers as there are 3,
4or5 that seem to dominate the Just for fun Games and the other players also make up
the fun that is had by all. Don't forget about sharing the supply of the Cake a very important
part of the morning, So I had this idea to judge this Months Trophy as a team event on at our
last game we played as 2 teams of 3 & 1 team of 4, to make it Fair? I had to apply some
Variations, This meant I would add to all teams the score of the extra player in the 1 team.
Got all that. I spent several Hours & a few sleepless nights but came up with the results
 1st. 709 Kevin Denton ,Maurie Dickeson,Tony Hepperlin. 2nd. 697 Bob Brammy, Betty
Brown, Keith Jacobs, Margie Jacobs. 3rd. 578 Neville DeYoung, Gotti Weishaupt, Leon
How surprising to us all when the winning team turns out to be Kevin Denton's. But don't
forget it's not a competition it's just for FUN.
This is the truth I DID NOT SELECT THE TEAMS. Thanks to my team mates you certainly
were some help. For safety I have decided that I should keep the trophy on display at home
over Christmas . (Any one can ring for an appointment to view). Ph. No. Below.
 If you haven't tried Ten pin Bowling you have missed a lot of fun, But you are very welcome
Next Year. Next session of bowling is 22ndDec. 10am.Marion Bowland, then Jan.11th.&25th
2021. Ph.0412433387
 Thanks & Merry Christmas to everyone, it has been FUN.

TOURS: Information in “Grapevine “for a Barossa Getaway.

WANTED: Club Photographer: Position Filled.
The new Club Photographer is Brenton Coad. Thank you for filling this position
Marion Probus Club "GRAPEVINE"
  1. What Dance completes this saying: It takes two to……..?
  2. The Arabian Sea is in which Ocean?
  3. What fruit provides the main flavoring for the drink Ribena?
  4. What 90’s TV show involved the mystery of who killed Laura Palmer?
  5. In the abbreviation CSIRO, for what does the ‘I’ stand?
  6. The Chernobyl Power Plant is in what present day Country?
  7. Who won the Port Adelaide John Cahill Medal in 2020?
  8. Meg Lees served as leader of which Australian political party?
  9. The headquarters of NATO is in which European Country?
  10. On what date is Halloween celebrated?
  11. Born in the USA was a hit in 1984 album for what singer?
  12. The Eastern most point of Australia is in which State?
  13. According to a well-known rhyme, Yankee Doodle stuck what in his hat?
  14. Who plays The Riddler in the 1995 film Batman forever?
  15. If a person is described as “three sheets to the wind”, what state are they in?
  16. Sharon Strzelecki is a character from Australia TV comedy?
  17. On which continent is the Atacama Desert?
  18. The Sydney to Hobart yacht race traditionally starts on what date each year?
  19. Who won an Oscar for playing Queen Elizabeth 2in the 2006 film The Queen?
  20. In Scrabble, how many points is the ‘W’ worth?

 W   O     R     D     S     E     A     R     C     H
 P   U     O     S     T     I     R     I     P     S
 L   I     M     E     U     S     T     S     E     R
 A   S     E     O     R     O     A     S     T     E
 T   H     L     T     K     I     P     A     E     E
 E   E     P     A     E     Y     P     P     A     H
 E   R     P     T     Y     R     R     P     S     C
 N   R     A     O     U     T     I     A     P     H
 G   Y     E     P     L     U     M     P     A     E
 A   E     N     E     S     T     E     A     R     R
 P   K     I     D     S     A     B     C     A     R
 M   S     P     I     T     B     E     I     G     I
 A   I     R     S     E     L     E     S     U     E
 H   H     O     T     A     E     F     U     S     S
 C   W     A     L     K     E     R     M     A     H


                                                                 COMMUNITY AT HEART
Due to Club Marion not being available until 11:00am, the meeting time of our Club
has to be changed. This was discussed at the Club Meeting on Monday 2nd November.
It was resolved at that meeting to continue to meet at Cub Marion, also for the
Committee to resolve the time at the next Committee Meeting on 27th November.
NEW MEETING TIME: 1:00pm at Club Marion.
This was decided on 1:00pm so Members can have Lunch prior to coming to the
meeting. Also his time suits best as we have to be out of the Club by 3:30pm. Members
can have Lunch at Club Marion prior to the meeting.
Meetings to be held on the 1st Monday of each Month except when there is a Public
Holiday & then it’s to be the 2nd Monday.
The Probus Committee encourages Members to use the facilities at Club Marion.
Become a Member of Club Marion, Membership gives you benefits in the Clubs
promotions & discount for food & drink purchases.

          C.L.U.B M.A.R.I.O.N
COMMUNITY                                                            HEART OF THE
AT HEART                                                             COMMUNITY
                            BISTRO MEALS
                Meals are available from 12 noon at BISTRO 262
                          For Booking – Call: 8296844

         Tuesday 8th December ~ 12 Noon
           At Club Marion – Fully Booked
HELP Wanted
The Probus Club of Marion – Computer Group
If you have some computer knowledge, we need your help to assist with our
Computer Group meetings on the first Friday every month. You don’t have to talk to the
group if you don’t want to all we need is someone from our members to assist with running
our monthly meeting. If you think you can assist, PLEASE talk to Me.
Regards Bob Brammy (0417126200)
President Ray Edwards, Wife Valerie and The
       Probus Committee would like to
               Wish Everyone

     A VERY

             The PROBUS CLUB of MARION is calling
  for Nominations for Office Bearers for 2021-2022 Year.
The Club through the “Grapevine” has been calling for Nominations for the Committee.
           This is the third time the Nomination Form has been published.
    We need your commitment, without a Committee we DON’T HAVE A CLUB.
                             There has been nominations for
       Nominations for the following positions are required for our Club to operate.
                                   WEB MANAGER –
                            NO COMMITTEE – NO CLUB.
 Nomination Form for the Election of Office Bearers for Annual General
                           Meeting in March 2021
Probus Club of Marion
Election of Office Bearers

Name of Nominee (Print Name)……………………………………
Signature of Nominee……………………………………………….
Proposed By (Print Name)………………………………………….
Seconded By (Print Name)………………………………………….
Completed forms to the Secretary by Monday 1st February 2021
Nominated Date……………………………………………………..
Members, the Marion Probus Club has had a very difficult Year, like most Clubs &
organizations. With your continued support we will be a strong as ever, but it is up to each &
every Member to do their bit. We currently have 98 Active Members & we look forward to
your attendance next Probus year. As mentioned the first meeting is on Monday 1st February
2021 @ 1:00pm at Club Marion. See you there, as strong as ever.
HEATH Donald George ~ 9/12/1923 – 25/10/2020. Passed away peacefully at Reynella Life
Care, Aged 96 years.
Don was born on 9th December 1923. He enlisted at the age of 18 in The Royal Australian
Airforce and was stationed in Italy. He flew in the 31 Sorties in R.A.A.F. Planes with an
Australian Crew as an Air gunner & Wingless Operator.
He met his Wife Marion in 1955, married in 1956. They lived in their Family home at
Glengowrie where they had 3 Children. Today the Family has 10 Grand Children & 4 Great
Grand Children.
Don loved his sport & was an enthusiastic supporter of STURT (The Mighty Double Blues)
& “The CROWS”. He also loved Cricket.
Don & Marion Loved to Travel & had many trips in Australia & overseas, the last when Don
was 90.
In 2018 he had a Stroke & spent the rest of his life in the Life Care Nursing Home at
Reynella until his passing on 25th October 2020. Don was a Founding Member of The Marion
Probus Club. President Ray, The Committee & Members would like to Remember Don for
his service to our Club.
The year 2020 has been a very different year, one that we have never experienced in our
lives before & one that we will look back on & be very grateful the we live in the great place
of South Australia & our wonderful country Australia.
Our Club, while not being able to operate as per normal (Due To Covid-19) we have
continued to thrive. Meetings are now back to normal (or as close as we can be) & It’s great
to have the Probus fellowship alive & kicking again.
We should all, at this time of the year give a thought to the Members that have Passed this
year. Unfortunately we has lost 12 Members this year.

LEE EDDY ~ Passed away at Home on 23rd November 2020, aged 89. A
detailed Tribute of his Life will appear in the next Probus “Grapevine”edition.

                           Planned Meeting Dates for 2021/2022

    Committee            General          Music Club         Computer Club
                    Jan no meeting     Jan no meeting       Jan no meeting
 22 January 2021    1 February 2021    12 February 2021     5 February 2021
 19 February 2021   1 March AGM        12 March             5 March
 26 March           12 April           9 April              16 April
 23 April           3 May              14 May               7 May
 28 May             7 June             11 June              4 June
 25 June            5 July             9 July               2 July
 23 July            2 August           13 August            6 August
 27 August          6 September        10 September         3 September
 No Sept meeting    11 October         8 October            1 October
 1 & 22 October     1 November         12 November          5 November
 26 November        7 Dec Xmas lunch   10 December          Dec no meeting
 Dec no meeting     Jan no meeting     Jan no meeting       Jan no meeting
 28 January 2022    7 February 2022    11 February 2022     4 February 2022
 25 February 2022   7 March AGM        11 March                 4 March

 1.Meetings of the Committee are held in Marion Club upstairs games room commencing 1105h.
2.General meetings to commence at 1300h, concluding at around 1500h.
3. Music club and computer club meetings commence at 1105h concluding no later than 1300h.
4. All meetings in 2 & 3 above are held in Marion Club upstairs rooms 1 & 2.
5.Christmas luncheon planned for 7 December 2021.

                                  LETS HAVE A LAUGH:
I’ve finally reached the WONDER YEARS.
I WONDER where my CAR is.
I WONDER where my PHONE is.
I WONDER where my GLASSES are.
I WONDER where my keys are.
I WONDER what DAY it is.
                                    IN THE CEMETRY:
Recently in the local Cemetery, I saw 4 men carrying a Coffin, they were going around &
around & around, sometime later I saw the same men still going around & around & around
with the same Coffin. I thought to myself – they’ve lost the Bloody Plot.

                             TRIVIA QUIZ ANSWERS:
1.Tango – 2.Indian – 3.Blackcurrant – 4.Twin Peaks – 5.Industrial – 6.Ukraine – 7.Darcy
Byrne-Jones – 8.Democrats – 9.Belgium – 10.October 31 – 11.Bruce Springsteen – 12.NSW
13.A Feather – 14.Jim Carrey – 15.Drunk – 16.Kath & Kim – 17. Sth America – 18. 26th
December – 19. Helen Mirran – 20.Four 4.
A Christmas Message to Everyone
 May You All Have a Very Joyous
 Celebration With Your Family &
“Grapevine” Editor ~ Graeme Hall &

Tuesday 6th April to Friday 9th April 2021.
Accommodation: Lyndoch Hill Hotel. 1221 Barossa Valley Way, Lyndoch. Ph: 8524 4268.
Tue. 6th April: 11:00 am – Depart Club Marion. 2:00 - Arrive Lyndoch Hill Hotel
2:30pm – Chateau Barossa, 35 Hermann Thumm Road, Lyndoch. Devonshire Tea.
5:00pm - Happy Hour in Gardens. 6:30pm – Dinner – Lyndoch Hill Restaurant.
Wed. 7th April: 7:00 to 9:00 – Breakfast at Hotel.
9:00am – Depart for Whispering Wall.
10:30am – Menglers Hill
11:00am – Chocolate Factory, 64 Burlings Rd, Tanunda.
12:30pm – Lunch @ 50’s Diner,119 Murray Street,Tanunda
2:30pm – Lavender Farm. 407 Tweedles Gully Road, Lyndoch. Tour & Afternoon Tea.
5:00pm – Happy Hour in Gardens.
6:30pm – Dinner – Lyndoch Hill Restaurant
Thurs 8th April: 7:00 to 9:00 – Breakfast at Hotel.
9:30am – Depart for Barossa Bowland & Mini Golf 89 Menge Rd Tanunda.
12:00pm – Lunch at Barossa Bowland, Tanunda
1:15pm – Maggie Beer’s – 50 Pheasants Road Nuriootpa.
2:30pm – Greenock Brewers, 9 Murray Street, Greenock.
4:00pm – Seppeltsfield Winery.
5:00pm – Happy Hour in Gardens.
6:30pm – Dinner Chateau Yaldara Wines, 158 Hermann Thumm Drive, Lyndoch
Fri. 9th April: 7:00 to 9:00 – Breakfast at Hotel.
9:00am - Home Via Angas Family Tree & Eden Valley.
The above is the proposed Itinerary. It may change due to the availability when making final
bookings at venues next year.
To keep the costs as low as possible it has been decided to drive yourself.
Accommodation at the Lyndoch Hill Hotel, Lyndoch. Cost ~ $297.00 per Double/Twin
including Breakfast. Dinner @ Lyndoch Hill Restaurant Plus $29.00 Main/Sweets.
CARAVANERS: Please Note.
Please join the Hotel Group. If you own a Caravan make your own bookings at a Caravan
Park of your choice in the Barossa & join your fellow Members for the activities.
TO BOOK: For both Hotel Accommodation & Caravaners, PLEASE fill in booking form
on next page & send to Graeme Hall, via Email – Post - Phone:0451 459 077.
For Lyndoch Hotel stayers, a Deposit of $100:00
  1. I have booked 20 rooms at The Hotel, the deposit of $100.00 to be made with the
   2.   Bookings close on Monday 1st February 2021.
   3.   Final payment to be made on Monday 1st March 2021.
   4.   I will make all Hotel bookings & payments.
   5.    Caravaners will make & pay their own bookings.
   6.    Lunches & Dinner at Chateau Yaldara at own cost.
   7.   All Payments for the extras to be made with final payment.

        SURNAME         MEMBER          WIFE/PARTNER

 HOTEL                                  CARAVAN
 Phone:                              Email:

        ACTIVITIES BOOKINGS: For both Hotel & Caravan Stayers.

 ACTIVITY                                                             COST    NO.
 6th Chateau Barossa – Devonshire Tea                                  $10
 6th Dinner - Lyndoch Hill Restaurant                                  $29
 7th 50’s Diner - Lunch                                              Own cost
 7th Lavender Farm Tour & Afternoon Tea                                $8
 7th Dinner - Lyndoch Hill Restaurant                                  $29
 8th Barossa Bowland - 2 Games Ten Pin Bowling            $20
 8 Barossa Bowland – Mini Golf
 8 Dinner – Chateau Yaldara Winery
                                                        Own Cost
Activity Payments are to be made with the Final Payment.
OWN COST: Are to be paid at the venue by yourself.
All payments to be put in an envelope marked BAROSSA & given to
Graeme Hall or EFT to Probus bank Account marked BAROSSA.
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