Page created by Don Robertson
       Y O U R
                      R G V   E V E N T              P L A N N I N G       G U I D E
                               ISSUE NO. O1          SUMMER 2019

Choosing a Venue                  Quinceanera                        Choosing a Menu
Factors to consider before        The origins of the                Tips from the professionals
    choosing a venue.               celebration.                   on choosing an event menu.
           p. 4                               p. 6                            p. 11
      Moments                        Your RGV Event Planning Guide
                                          BROUGHT TO YOU BY

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  Our primary goal is to help local businesses grow their business.
        We are a media company - we represent several recognized
     publications including Valley Morning Star, Brownsville Herald,
        El Nuevo Heraldo, El Extra, Valley Women Inspire Magazine,
      Coastal Current, Mid Valley Town Crier, The Monitor and now
                 we are introducing Memorable Moments.
     Our portfolio is compiled of not only our print publications, but
     we also have extremely competitive digital packages to help your
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      Included in our portfolio are all types of advertising solutions,
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                                                                                     -Linda Medrano
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2 • MEMORABLE MOMENTS                                                                                  SUMMER 2019

Factors To Consider Before
Choosing a Wedding venue
          nce couples become          give ample consideration to a host    married. While that can help         property damage or incidents
          engaged and share the       of factors before choosing where      with the planning, it can also       related to alcohol. Couples may
          good news with their        to get married.                       limit couples with regard to their   also want to make the investment
 friends and families, the next                                             venue options. Some venues           in cancellation/postponement
 step is to begin planning their       Size                                 may be booked for as much as a       insurance, and some venues may
 weddings. While couples must           Until they can agree on a guest     year or more in advance during       even require it.
 make a myriad of decisions           list, couples might want to delay     peak wedding season. The Real
 during the wedding planning          even looking for venues. However,     Weddings Study found that the         Financials
 process, perhaps none is more        some couples might want to            most popular months to get            It’s easy for couples to be focused
 significant than where to tie the    first look at some venues so they     married in 2016 were October         on the bottom line when choosing
 knot.                                can determine just how many           and September. Couples who           wedding venues, but it’s also
  According to The Knot 2016          guests they can afford to invite.     hope to follow in the footsteps of   important that they get a complete
 Real Weddings Study, the average     Whether they’re hosting small         many 2016 brides and grooms          grasp of the financials before
 cost of a wedding for couples who    affairs or large parties, couples     may need to book their wedding       choosing a wedding venue. Ask
 married in 2016 was $35,329.         should choose venues that can         venues well in advance. Those        about the amount of the initial
 That’s a sizable amount, and a       comfortably accommodate all of        who can be more flexible             deposit and if that deposit is
 big portion of that was spent        their guests. If possible, look for   regarding their wedding dates        refundable. In addition, ask when
 on the wedding venue. The            venues with multiple reception        may find it easier to book their     the deposit is due and when each
 Real Weddings Study found            areas, which might allow for some     dream venues.                        subsequent payment is due until
 that couples spent an average of     wiggle room if the guest list grows                                        the balance is paid in full. This
 $16,107 on their wedding venues      or dwindles during the planning        Insurance                           can make budgeting easier and
 in 2016. That figure easily dwarfs   process.                               Ask about the venue’s insurance     planning less stressful.
 the next biggest expense ($6,163                                           policies, including the policies      Couples should have fun
 for the engagement ring) for          Availability                         the venue has to protect itself.     choosing their wedding venues
 couples tying the knot.               Some couples might have an           In addition, ask if the venue        while recognizing that certain
  Because the wedding venue           ideal time of year they hope to       requires couples to have their own   factors must be given ample
 comes with such a potentially        get married. Some even know           wedding liability insurance for      consideration before signing any
 high sticker price, couples should   the exact date they hope to get       protection in the event of injury,   contracts.

 Once couples become engaged
 and share the good news with
 their friends and families, the next
 step is to begin planning their
 weddings. While couples must
 make a myriad of decisions during
 the wedding planning process,
 perhaps none is more significant
 than where to tie the knot.
4• MEMORABLE MOMENTS                                                                                                                    SUMMER 2019
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SUMMER 2019                                                                           MEMORABLE MOMENTS • 5
   Origins of                        Quinceañera
                        Different cultures mark the passage of time in unique ways. Most include lavish
                        celebrations to welcome people into the next chapter of their lives. At age 13, Jewish
                            children celebrate their Bar or Bat Mitzvah. The Japanese use the twenty-first birthday
                                as the time to recognize young men and women as adults. And for people of
                                   Hispanic heritage, the fifteenth birthday is often a time for special observance.
                                      What is a quinceañera?                               celebrations are viewed differently. Some are
                                        A quinceañera is the name given to a girl          simply a big birthday party, while others may
                                       who has turned 15 and the coming-of-age             have religious overtones. Still others include
                                       celebration in her honor. A quinceañera             Aztec influences and references to their
                                        may also be referred to as ‘Fiesta de quince       indigenous heritage.
                                        años.’ Legend states that girls were deemed
                                         eligible for marriage at age 15; otherwise,       Where are quinceañeras celebrated?
                                           they would become nuns. Therefore,               Quinceañera celebrations are popular
                                              in the years leading up until their          among people who trace their heritage
                                                  fifteenth birthdays, these young         to Mexico, Puerto Rico, Argentina, and
                                                      women would learn all of the         Portugal. These celebrations also are wildly
                                                          skills necessary to run a        popular in those areas of the United States
                                                           household and manage            and the United Kingdom that are home to
                                                            a family. It’s believed        high concentrations of Hispanics.
                                                              the fifteenth birthday        Some have compared the quinceañera
                                                                 milestone originated      celebration to the debutante balls of the past
                                                                   with ancient Aztecs,    or networking parties that still take place in
                                                                     who felt 15-year-     many wealthy families.
                                                                       old boys were
                                                                        now old enough     Common quinceañera traditions
                                                                        to be warriors      Each family brings its own interpretation
                                                                        and 15-year-old    to these celebrations, but many quinceañera
                                                                        girls were now     parties are very similar. The following are
                                                                       women.              some popular quinceañera traditions.
                                                                        Today,             ■ A church blessing is bestowed on the
                                                                      quinceañera          birthday girl.
                                                                      is more of a         ■ The guest of honor wears a pastel, princess-
                                                                     symbolic passage      style gown.
                                                                      from childhood       ■ Fourteen male and female attendants and
                                                                       into womanhood.     escorts, called damas and chambelanes,
                                                                        Depending on       participate, representing the previous 14
                                                                         celebrants’       years of life.
                                                                           backgrounds,    ■ The guest of honor will give a porcelain
                                                                             quinceañera   doll to a younger sister to signify leaving
                                                                                           childhood behind.
                                                                                           ■ The birthday girl will also change from flat
                                                                                           shoes into high-heels to represent becoming
                                                                                           a young woman.
                                                                                           ■ The quinceañera will dance the first dance
                                                                                               with her father.
                                                                                                     Quinceañeras are quite popular,
                                                                                                          and these heritage-rich parties
                                                                                                             still play significant roles in
                                                                                                                  connecting Hispanics
                                                                                                                      with their roots.

6 • MEMORABLE MOMENTS                                                                                                       SUMMER 2019
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SUMMER 2019                                              MEMORABLE MOMENTS • 7
Wedding Dress
                                                                                          Fittings are a part of
                                                                                          wedding planning, and
                                                                                          here’s how brides-to-be

   Fitting Guide
                                                                                          can navigate the process of
                                                                                          finding and being fitted for
                                                                                          a dress.

          ecause fashion preferences           Once a gown is chosen, the dress
          were once ornate and                 shop will take your measurements
          dependent on precise fits,           and order the gown according to the
   ready-to-wear clothing really did not       manufacturer’s sizing guide. Again,
   become widely available until the           this can be shocking, since the size
   early 20th century. Such attire is now      will likely be larger than what you
   available in just about any retail store.   wear in street clothes. Some shops
                                               will also order a little larger to allow
                                               for adequate tailoring.

                                               ■ Schedule the first fitting. The
                                               first fitting should be anywhere
                                               from eight to 12 weeks before the
                                               wedding date, according to experts
                                               at WeddingWire, an online wedding
                                               information provider. This is the time
                                               it takes to complete most standard
                                               alterations. Complex customizations
                                               can take even longer. Brides should
                                               also budget a minimum of $500 for
                                               alterations, which may or may not be
                                               included in the price of the dress.

                                               ■ Bring shoes and undergarments.
                                               Remember to bring along the exact
                                               shoes and undergarments you will
                                               wear with your gown. A change in
                                               shoes or bra/corset can result in the
                                               alterations fitting poorly the next
                                               time. Bring these items along to all
                                               subsequent fittings.

                                               ■ Speak up. Martha Stewart
                                               Weddings suggests speaking up at
    Because ready-to-wear clothing is so       fittings if anything is uncomfortable
   readily available, the average person       or needs tweaking. Seamstresses are
   may be unfamiliar with custom-made          masters at their crafts, but only if
   or tailored items. In fact, a couples’      they understand the desires of the
   wedding may be the only instance            bride.
   in their lives when they require the
   services of a seamstress or tailor.         ■ Check the details. The second
    Fittings are a part of wedding             fitting is designed to check that all
   planning, and here’s how brides-to-be       issues from the first fitting have been
   can navigate the process of finding         addressed, the gown is comfortable
   and being fitted for a dress.               and you can move freely. At the last
                                               fitting, ask the maid of honor to
   ■ Try on sample gowns. The first step       come along so that she understands
   is to make your rounds to various           how to bustle or help you handle
   gown shops and try on the samples           complicated straps or closures.
   they have available. Most sample            Open communication with a
   sizes will not be the size you wear         seamstress and bridal shop can
   every day, so expect them to be             ensure brides-to-be get a dress that
   ill-fitting. Do not be discouraged.         fits like a glove.

8 • MEMORABLE MOMENTS                                                                                          SUMMER 2019
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SUMMER 2019                                                                                     MEMORABLE MOMENTS • 9
Tips For Choosing a
 Honeymoon Destination
                                                                           choose can go a long way toward        more to their liking.
    Couples planning their honeymoons                                      making that happen, and couples
 want to get the most for their money while                                can consider various factors as         Budget
                                                                           they work together to choose a           Budget is a strong consideration
   also ensuring their first trip together as                              locale for their honeymoons.           for many couples as they plan
                                                                                                                  their honeymoons. Because
   newlyweds is as memorable as possible.                                   Activity level                        honeymoons can be expensive,
                                                                            Some couples might want their         couples who don’t want to sacrifice
  The destination couples choose can go a                                  honeymoons to be filled with           on their first trip together as
                                                                           activities, while others might         a married couple can begin
   long way toward making that happen,                                     prefer more low-key trips spent        planning their trips early, even
  and couples can consider various factors                                 relaxing at seaside resorts. Couples   looking for ways to cut costs on
                                                                           can discuss which types of trips       their ceremonies and receptions
 as they work together to choose a locale for                              they prefer and be willing to          if their honeymoons are a bigger
                                                                           compromise if their desires differ.    priority.
             their honeymoons.                                                                                      When planning their
                                                                            Travel                                honeymoons, couples also can
                                                                            Some couples may prefer to travel     take steps to save money. For

          nce couples have tied the   their honeymoons, but those          throughout their honeymoons,           example, delaying a trip until a
          knot, hit the reception     heading overseas can expect to       while others may want to stay at       few months after the wedding
          dance floor and thanked     pay thousands of dollars on such     the same resort for the duration       can help covers get back on their
 their friends and family for         getaways. Couples planning their     of their trips. Couples who want       financial feet and enjoy their
 joining them, their thoughts         honeymoons want to get the           to travel may find a backpacking       dream getaways. Couples visiting
 might start looking ahead to their   most for their money while also      trip to Europe is a romantic way to    resorts also may want to opt for
 honeymoons.                          ensuring their first trip together   indulge their sense of adventure,      all-inclusive packages, which can
  Statistics vary in regard to        as newlyweds is as memorable as      while those who prefer something       provide great value, particularly
 how much couples spend on            possible. The destination couples    more quiet may find a beach resort     on food and beverages.

10 • MEMORABLE MOMENTS                                                                                                                    SUMMER 2019
Tips For Choosing a Wedding Reception Menu
             eddings are memorable       Some wedding venues are              tied the knot in 2017, the average     food. While specialty entrées
             for a host of reasons.    known for their stunning               wedding hosted 136 guests. While       might not be a great choice,
             While couples             landscapes, while others build         couples might be tempted by            especially at large receptions
remember their weddings                their reputations on unique            specialty dishes when choosing         where lots of mouths must be
because they mark the day they         interiors that provide unforgettable   their wedding menus, couples           fed, a couple who has a favorite
officially tied the knot, guests may   ambiance. But regardless of            who are hosting dozens, if not         food that’s symbolic of their
remember weddings for other            where weddings take place, guests      hundreds, of guests should keep        relationship should not hesitate to
reasons, including the food served     are liable to discuss the food         things simple.                         offer it during the cocktail hour.
at the reception.                      served at the reception. Guests        ■ Consider potential allergies.        For example, a couple who met
                                       might rave about the escargot or       In regard to entrées, make sure        in Thailand may want to offer a
                                       complain that the fish was flaky,      guests with food allergies can         favorite Thai dish.
                                       but couples who choose reception       choose something that won’t make       ■ Offer an elaborate dessert. The
                                       menus wisely can go a long way         them sick. According to Food           last bite guests will take is dessert,
                                       toward ensuring there are more         Allergy Research & Education¨, an      so couples who want their guests
                                       compliments than complaints once       organization devoted to improving      to go home raving about the food
                                       the dinner bell rings.                 the quality of life of individuals     may want to offer something
                                       ■ Don’t zero in on specialties.        with food allergies, some common       special after the entrées have been
                                       According to The Knot 2017 Real        foods cause the majority of allergic   taken away. Some guests may not
                                       Weddings Study, a survey of nearly     reactions. Peanuts, soy, sesame,       indulge, but those who do might
                                       13,000 brides and grooms who           and shellfish are among the most       end their nights thinking about
                                                                              common food allergies, according       the delicious dessert they enjoyed
                                                                              to FARE¨. FARE also notes that         as the festivities drew to a close.
                                                                              allergies to wheat, milk and eggs      If the dessert is especially unique,
                                                                              are common in children. While          offer something more traditional
                                                                              such foods can still be served at      alongside it for more hesitant
                                                                              wedding receptions, make sure to       guests.
                                                                              also include foods that are unlikely      Choosing a wedding menu
                                                                              to trigger allergic reactions.         should be fun. Menus should
                                                                              Couples can even ask guests to         reflect not only couples’ tastes but
                                                                              inform them of any food allergies.     also include some popular foods so
                                                                              ■ Don't hesitate to offer a favorite   no one goes home hungry.

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SUMMER 2019                                                                                                                 MEMORABLE MOMENTS • 11
Birthday Party Pointers To
 Make Kids, Parents Happy
         hildhood is filled with       and all-encompassing bashes.          about the party at school or at     a few hours.
         many memorable                But many children simply              extracurricular activities. Doing
         moments. Among the            want parties that allow them to       so many offend those classmates      ■ Plan for additional guests.
 more memorable are children’s         participate in an activity they       who are not on the guest list.      Part of planning for the
 birthday parties. During their        enjoy, eat sweets and share the       Send invites directly to homes      unexpected includes being able
 children’s formative years, parents   experience with their closest         rather than distributing them       to accommodate a few extra
 may wrestle with ideas, themes,       friends. Recognizing this can help    at school so that no one feels      children. You never know when
 etiquette, and more as they plan      parents keep their workloads and      excluded.                           a sibling will have to tag along
 birthday parties to remember.         budgets in check.                                                         or a last-minute invite pops up,
 Hosting birthday parties that                                                 ■ Develop backup plans. There’s   so keep some extra snacks and
 touch on all the right notes can be    ■ Trim the guest list. Parents       no accounting for the weather,      favors on hand just in case.
 easier if parents follow a handful    should not feel the need to           illness, venue cancellations, or
 of strategies that many parents       invite every acquaintance to          food flops. Always have a plan       ■ Open gifts after guests leave.
 have been employing for years.        their children’s birthday parties.    B (and, ideally, a plan C and       Opening gifts is time-consuming,
                                       Parents understandably don’t          plan D) so that the kids can stay   and young children may not be
  ■ Involve your child. Chances        want to exclude or offend anyone      entertained.                        adept at filtering their comments.
 are your son or daughter has been     by leaving them off the guest list.                                       No one should go home feeling
 plotting out ideas for his or her     However, try to limit the guests       ■ Encourage drop-and-go.           their gift was not appreciated.
 party since last year’s festivities   to around 10, including the guest     Hosting young children can
 ended. Ask questions about            of honor. This makes the entire       be stressful. And when parents
 what he or she would like to do       party more manageable.                attend the party as well,           Keep children’s
 this year. Seek your child’s input                                          entertaining duties expand to an
 on the guest list and preferred                      ■ Keep it quiet.       entirely different level. Recruit   birthday parties simple
 theme. Playing an active roll in                     Make sure              another helper or two and be sure   so guests and hosts
 party planning can make kids                         your child             parents know you are comfortable
 even more excited about their                        avoids bragging                    with them not staying   have as much fun as
 birthday parties.                                                                        for the party. They    possible.
                                                                                          may even appreciate
  ■ Focus on fun and                                                                      your looking after
 making your child                                                                      their children for
 feel special.
 Some parents
 feel birthday
 parties must
 be expensive

12 • MEMORABLE MOMENTS                                                                                                                SUMMER 2019
Taking a Hands-on Invitation Approach
     nvitations are a key component     luxurious the invitations will feel.
     of wedding planning. Not only      Quality stock also costs more.          Printing companies
     can invitations set the tone for   Wedding invitations should be           Options abound in regard to
a wedding — giving guests an idea       printed on substantial stock so they   in-store and online printing
of whether it is formal or casual       don’t bend or feel flimsy. Industry    companies. Many companies offer
while offering clues to the theme       experts say that 100 percent cotton    self-service design templates that
— but also they are essential for       paper is the most costly paper.        enable customers to tweak text
conveying important information         Couples can choose from linen          and placement of some graphic
about the festivities.                  stock and textured surfaces as well.   elements and then have the
 While it was once common to            Expect to pay more for natural or      invitations printed and shipped
work with a specialized printing        handmade papers. Those concerned       to their homes. Companies may
and engraving company when              about price can choose the highest-    provide stock samples and examples
ordering wedding invinations,           quality stock within budget and        of lettering so that couples can
couples tying the knot now have         then play with other invitation        touch and see the invitations prior
more options. Due in large part         elements to conserve funds.            to placing an order.                    may take some trial and error (and
to computer and internet access,                                                                                       wasted paper) to perfect alignment
and myriad user-friendly design          Engraving and letterpress              At-home printing                       and achieve the desired look.
applications, it’s easier than ever       Engraving and letterpress              One of the more accessible              DIYers also need to know about
to design high-quality wedding          techniques are an art form and         invitation production methods is        ‘bleed’ designs. According to the
invitations.                            create unique wedding invitations.     at-home printing. However, there        advice site A Practical Wedding,
 According to the wedding industry      Engraving creates raised lettering     are some limitations when printing      bleed is a printing term for design
survey site TheWeddingReport.           while letterpress presses the          at home. For example, couples           elements or images extending
com, the average price for 150          lettering into the paper. Many         who do not have a high-end              beyond the trim edge so that
invitations and response cards is       people do not have the equipment       printer may find that the text on       unwanted white space is eliminated.
$245. To maximize efficiency and        necessary to produce these designs     their invitations is not as crisp and   Again, it may take some practice to
come away with wedding stationery       at home, and if they want a truly      the ink may smudge. Also, paper         get the desired look.
they will love, couples can employ      high-end invitation, they’ll need to   options may be limited to what the        Couples have many different
the following tips and techniques.      use a professional printing service.   tray feeder can accommodate. Stock      options when designing their
                                        Thermography is an alternative that    that is 80 pounds or 12-point stock     wedding invitations, and some may
     Start with the paper               can deliver raised print using heat    is preferable, but anything more        even be able to design and produce
     The heavier the stock, the more    and special inks.                      may jam around the print head. It       their own.

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SUMMER 2019                                                                                                                  MEMORABLE MOMENTS • 13
Succesful Event
  Planning Strategies
  Other occasions call on individuals to organize professional events,
  such as conferences or large scale presentations. Whether planning
  personal celebrations or professional gatherings, event planning can
  be challenging.

        ife is full of events and milestones   notch venue that will ensure guests       Such skills can serve people well in their
        worthy of celebration. Other           walk away satisfied.                      personal and professional lives.
        occasions call on individuals to
  organize professional events, such as         Fill their stomachs
  conferences or large scale presentations.      People who have had
  Whether planning personal celebrations       enough to eat may
  or professional gatherings, event            be more inclined to
  planning can be challenging.                 have a good time. At
                                               professional events, a
   Getting started                             well-fed audience
   Event planners must analyze various         may be more
  things before they can hit the ground        receptive to the
  running. These include answering             message being
  questions, such as:                          presented. Event
   ■ What is the purpose of the event?         planners should
   ■ Is there a certain theme?                 give careful
   ■ How many people will be invited?          consideration to
   ■ What are the goals of the event?          the types of food
   ■ What is the budget?                       and beverages
   ■ What kind of help is available?           that will be served.
   Answering these questions will              Buffet-style may
  provide those tasked with planning           be easier for larger
  events a solid foundation on which to        crowds. However,
  build the events.                            if the goal is a
                                               lavish event, a
   Build a solid team                          sit-down meal can
   Planning an event is a tall task, but       help achieve the
  a trusted group of helpers can lighten       right ambiance.
  planners’ loads. Event planners should
  play to their teams’ strengths and            Promote well
  delegate tasks accordingly. For example,      Those invited to the event
  a natural salesperson can be tasked with     should be informed well in advance
  negotiating rates on venues or vendor        so they can make plans to attend. If
  services, while a bookkeeper can keep        the event is a fundraiser or designed
  track of the budget.                         for a specific marketing goal, event
                                               planners will need to promote the
   Find the right venue                        function well to ensure substantial
   A venue can make or break an event.         attendance.
  That makes selecting a venue crucial.
  Things that need to be considered             Offer a take-away
  include proximity to where people live;        Whether a swag bag, small gift or
  availability of transportation to and        another token, event planners should
  from the event; hotel accommodations         budget for gifts that guests can take
  nearby; parking; event space; and other      home with them. Such gifts increase the
  factors, such as a stage or podium or        likelihood that guests will remember
  other special equipment, as they apply       the event fondly and may generate
  to the event. Sometimes it is worth          positive feedback from guests.
  spending a little extra to secure a top-       Event planning skills are important.

14 • MEMORABLE MOMENTS                                                                                                                SUMMER 2019


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SUMMER 2019                                                 MEMORABLE MOMENTS • 15
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