MEMORANDUM INFORMATION ONLY - New Jersey School Boards Association

Page created by Sue Russell
MEMORANDUM INFORMATION ONLY - New Jersey School Boards Association



DATE:       MARCH 15, 2019


Attached for your information are the ongoing amicus curiae cases.

       Case Name           Jurisdiction              Issue                                   Summary                                       NJSBA                     Status
BARILLA, BOARD   NJ Supreme       May the majority             Four members of the CPEA sued board for                  File motion to participate.   Certification
OF EDUCATION OF           Court            representative negotiate     retention of “vested contractual benefit of unpaid                                     granted on January
CLIFFSIDE PARK                             revision to unpaid sick      sick leave at a higher amount then subsequently                                        11, 2019. NJSBA
                                           leave benefit in             negotiated contract.                                                                   brief due march
                                           subsequent CNA                                                                                                      27th.
SCHWARTZ V.               N.J. Appellate   NJSBA argues that            Trial court dismissed plaintiff’s Complaint and          File motion to participate
PRINCETON BOE             Division         OPMA does not set out        Order to Show Cause alleging that the BOE                as amicus. Due April 29,
                                           requirement of how           violated the OPMA when using an electronic               2019
                                           votes are recorded and       platform to vote and record the votes of its
                                           noted.                       members.

PALMER v. JERSEY          N.J. Appellate   NJSBA will argue the         The trial judge ruled in favor of the plaintiff who,     NJSBA filed a motion to       Motion granted.
CITY PUBLIC SCHOOL        Division         compelling protections       pursuant to OPRA, sought copies of pre-K student         appear as amicus curiae
DISTRICT                                   of privacy of student        records consisting of USDA “free and reduced             together with a substantive   MATTER
                                                                                                                                 brief as set forth in the     STAYED
                                           records under FERPA,         school meal” applications, finding that the
                                                                                                                                 briefing schedule             PENDING
                                           assuring the                 defendant, rather than simply denying the request                                      DECISION IN
                                           confidentiality of student   outright, could have agreed to provide the records                                     CONSOLIDATED
                                           records and identifying      once a court order was obtained, with direction of                                     CASES.
                                           information when             appropriate redaction of personal information.
                                           responding to OPRA           Additionally attorney fees were ordered since the
                                           requests; and that           plaintiff’s lawsuit was found to be the “catalyst” for
                                           attorney fees shouldn’t      disclosing the redacted records.
                                           be assessed against a
                                           district since the student   There are similar FERPA matters pending in the
                                           records may ONLY be          following districts: Camden, Cherry Hill,
                                           produced under court         Elizabeth, Hillsborough, Millburn, Parsippany-Troy
                                           order, consent or            Hills and Woodbridge.

L.R. AND JR, MINOR v.     N.J. Appellate   NJSBA will argue the         The trial judge ruled in favor of Cherry Hill which      NJSBA filed a motion to       Motion granted.
CHERRY HILL BOE           Division         compelling protections       redacted student and parent initials from litigated      appear as amicus curiae
RECORDS CUSTODIAN                          of privacy of student        settlement documents requested by the plaintiff.         together with a substantive   MATTER
                                                                                                                                 brief as set forth in the     STAYED
                                           records under FERPA,
                                                                                                                                 briefing schedule.            PENDING
                                           assuring the                                                                                                        DECISION IN
                                           confidentiality of student                                                                                          CONSOLIDATED
                                           records and identifying                                                                                             CASES.
                                           information when
                                           responding to OPRA
                                           requests; and that
                                           attorney fees shouldn’t
                                           be assessed against a
district since the student
                                         records may ONLY be
                                         produced under court
                                         order, consent or

THE INNISFREE           N.J. Appellate   NJSBA argued in              Trial court dismissed OPRA complaint as student        NJSBA filed a motion to       Oral argument Sept
FOUNDATION V.           Division         support of the trial court   records are exempt from OPRA pursuant to FERPA         appear as amicus curiae       18, 2017
HILLSBOROUGH TWP.                        decision and reasoning.      and SSRL.                                              together with a substantive   App Div. upheld
BOE AND AIMAN                                                                                                                brief as set forth in the     denial of student’s
MAHMOUD, RECORDS                                                                                                             briefing schedule.            records*
CUSTODIAN                                                                                                                                                  Remanded
                                                                                                                                                           NJ S Ct granted
                                                                                                                                                           ARGUMENT held
                                                                                                                                                           January 28, 2019
L.R. AND JR, MINOR v.   N.J. Appellate   NJSBA argued in              Trial court dismissed OPRA complaint as student        NJSBA filed a motion to       Motion granted.
HIILSBOROUGH            Division         support of the trial court   records are exempt from OPRA pursuant to FERPA         appear as amicus curiae       MATTER
TOWNSHIP BOE                             decision and reasoning.      and SSRL.                                              together with a substantive   STAYED
                                                                      Plaintiffs requested all IEE requests and responses;   brief as set forth in the     PENDING
                                                                      and all such requests and responses made on behalf     briefing schedule.            DECISION IN
                                                                      of students: 7/1/12-11/11/14.                                                        CONSOLIDATED
L.R. AND JR, MINOR v.   N.J. Appellate   NJSBA will argue the         Plaintiffs requested all IEE requests and responses;   NJSBA filed a motion to       Motion granted.
WOODBRIDGE BOE          Division         compelling protections       and all such requests and responses made on behalf     appear as amicus curiae
                                         of privacy of student        of students5/1/12-5/17/14.                             together with a substantive   MATTER
                                         records under FERPA,                                                                brief as set forth in the     STAYED
                                         assuring the                 Trial court ordered release of redacted docs, but      briefing schedule.            PENDING
                                         confidentiality of student   with student initials.                                                               DECISION IN
                                         records and identifying                                                                                           CONSOLIDATED
                                         information when                                                                                                  CASES.
                                         responding to OPRA
                                         requests; and that
                                         attorney fees shouldn’t
                                         be assessed against a
                                         district since the student
                                         records may ONLY be
                                         produced under court
                                         order, consent or
L.R. V. PARSIPPANY-   N.J. Appellate   NJSBA will argue the         Trial court ordered redacted of all student identifiers   NJSBA filed a motion to       Motion granted.
TROY HILLS TWP BOE    Division         compelling protections       including initials.                                       appear as amicus curiae
AND DAVID CORSO IN                     of privacy of student        Plaintiff requested all IEE requests and responses        together with a substantive   Oral argument Sept
                                       records under FERPA,         made on behalf of students.                               brief as set forth in the     18, 2017.
                                       assuring the                                                                           briefing schedule.            App div reversed
CAPACITY AS THE                        confidentiality of student                                                                                           order to release
TOWNSHIP CLERK                         records and identifying                                                                                              redacted student
                                       information when                                                                                                     records. Remanded
                                       responding to OPRA
                                       requests; and that                                                                                                   NJ S Ct granted
                                       attorney fees shouldn’t                                                                                              Certification
                                       be assessed against a                                                                                                ORAL
                                       district since the student                                                                                           ARGUMENT held
                                       records may ONLY be                                                                                                  January 28, 2019
                                       produced under court
                                       order, consent or
THE INNISFREE         N.J. Appellate   NJSBA will argue the         Trial court ordered release of records with PII           NJSBA filed a motion to       Motion pending.
FOUNDATION V.         Division         compelling protections       redaction.                                                appear as amicus curiae
PARSIPPANY-TROY                        of privacy of student        Plaintiff requested two years of settlement               together with a substantive   MATTER
                                       records under FERPA,         agreements between parents of sped ed students and        brief as set forth in the     STAYED
                                       assuring the                 BOE.                                                      briefing schedule.            PENDING
AND DAVID F. CORSO                     confidentiality of student                                                                                           DECISION IN
ASST. SUPT. FOR                        records and identifying                                                                                              CONSOLIDATED
BUSINESS/CHIEF                         information when                                                                                                     CASES.
FINANCE AND                            responding to OPRA
OPERATIONS                             requests; and that
OFFICER/BOARD                          attorney fees shouldn’t
                                       be assessed against a
                                       district since the student
CUSTODIAN                              records may ONLY be
                                       produced under court
                                       order, consent or
L.R. INDIVIDUALLY     N.J. Appellate   NJSBA argued in              Trial court denied plaintiff request for copies of        NJSBA filed a motion to       Motion granted.
AND ON BEHALF OF      Division         support of the trial court   letters and emails sent/received by director special      appear as amicus curiae
J.R. V. CAMDEN CITY                    decision and reasoning.      services mentioning minor 3/2/2012-5/15/2014 and          together with a substantive   Oral argument Sept
                                                                    educational docs received/created by case manager         brief as set forth in the     18, 2017
                                                                    regarding minor from 7/1/2012-5/22/2014 –                 briefing schedule             App Div. upheld
OBERG IN HIS                                                        December 9, 2014.                                                                       denial of other
OFFICIAL CAPACITY                                                   Plaintiff requested minor’s FERPA access log; and                                       student’s records.*
AS INTERIM SCHOOL                                                   attorney billing with student initials.                                                 Remanded
ADMINISTRATOR AND                                                                                                                                           NJ S Ct granted
BOARD SECRETARY                                                                                                                                             Certification

L.R. INDIVIDUALLY        N.J. Appellate     NJSBA will argue the           Trial court ordered release of records with PII                NJSBA filed a motion to       Motion granted.
AND ON BEHALF OF         Division           compelling protections         redaction.                                                     appear as amicus curiae
J.R., A MINOR V.                            of privacy of student          Plaintiff requested IEE requests and responses                 together with a substantive   MATTER
                                            records under FERPA,                                                                          brief as set forth in the     STAYED
                                            assuring the                                                                                  briefing schedule.            PENDING
SCHOOL DISTRICT                             confidentiality of student                                                                                                  DECISION IN
AND HAROLD K.                               records and identifying                                                                                                     CONSOLIDATED
KENNEDY, JR., AS HIS                        information when                                                                                                            CASES.
OFFICIAL CAPACITY                           responding to OPRA
AS SCHOOL                                   requests; and that
BUSINESS/ADMINISTRA                         attorney fees shouldn’t
                                            be assessed against a
                                            district since the student
SECRETARY OF THE                            records may ONLY be
ELIZABETH PUBLIC                            produced under court
SCHOOL DISTRICT                             order, consent or
THE INNISFREE            N.J. Appellate     NJSBA will argue the           Trial court ordered release of records with PII                NJSBA filed a motion to       Motion granted.
FOUNDATION V.            Division           compelling protections         redaction.                                                     appear as amicus curiae
CHERRY HILL BOARD                           of privacy of student          Plaintiff requested two years of settlement                    together with a substantive   Oral argument Sept
                                            records under FERPA,           agreements between parents of sped ed students and             brief as set forth in the     18, 2017
                                            assuring the                   boe.                                                           briefing schedule.            App div reversed
JAMES DEVEREAUX,                            confidentiality of student                                                                                                  order to release
RECORDS CUSTODIAN                           records and identifying                                                                                                     redacted student
                                            information when                                                                                                            records. Remanded
                                            responding to OPRA
                                            requests; and that                                                                                                          NJ S Ct granted
                                            attorney fees shouldn’t                                                                                                     Certification
                                            be assessed against a
                                            district since the student                                                                                                  ORAL
                                            records may ONLY be                                                                                                         ARGUMENT held
                                            produced under court                                                                                                        January 28, 2019
                                            order, consent or
RIDGEFIELD PARK BOE v.   N.J. Appellate    The Board filed a scope of      PERC granted the board’s request for restraint of              NJSBA filed a motion to       Motion filed.
RIDGEFIELD PARK EA       Division          negotiations petition with      arbitration, holding (1) the maximum Chapter 78                appear as amicus curiae       ORAL argument Jan.
                                           PERC seeking to restrain        contribution levels remain in effect for the duration of any   together with a substantive   7, 2019 Awaiting
                         Same issue        the submission of a             collective bargaining agreement which begins prior to the      brief April 26, 2018.         decision.
                         addressed in      grievance by the Education      sunset of Chapter 78—that is, reduced contributions
                         CLEMENTON         Association for binding         cannot be negotiated for the second, the third, or
                         which the NJ      arbitration. The subject        subsequent years of a contract that began prior to sunset,
                         Supreme Court     matter of the grievance         and 2) in the negotiation of future contracts (those that
                         dismissed as moot concerned the negotiability     begin after Chapter 78’s sunset), the fully phased-in
                         last year.        of employee contributions       Chapter 78 health benefit contributions are the status
                                           for medical insurance and       quo—that is, the full Chapter 78 contribution levels
                                           the sunset of P.L. 2011, c.78   remain in effect indefinitely unless the board of education
                                           (Chapter 78).                   agrees to a change. However, PERC denied the Board’s
                                                                           request to restrain arbitration of how the Board recoups
                                                                           unpaid premiums from employees.
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