Message From The President

Page created by Zachary Snyder
Message From The President
The Strand Scoop, Page 1

 VOL. 5 NO. 8                                                                                                                        AUGUST 2019

Message From The President
By Susan Mulgrew,                                                  time to drive to the Government Center. We are grateful           Flowers And Irrigation
President, The Strand Master Association                           to all who helped and hope they will continue to do so. As            As noted in some previous communications, the Board
   Wherever you are, we hope you are enjoying those lazy,          we go to press, it is our understanding that this hearing         has budgeting monies this year to improve our 20-year-old
hazy, crazy days of summer! The Master Board did not               will now occur on Aug. 1. We will keep you informed               irrigation system and several upgrades have already been
meet in July, since there were no financial issues requiring       of developments. Meanwhile, please go to our website –            made. However, there are still some areas of concern where
a vote or other new business, but projects already budgeted – and click on Important Notices.             our plants and grass are not getting the correct amount of
and funded continue to move ahead, including lakes, the            Whether you are near or far, you can help by emailing our         water or pressure. With the additional traffic caused by the
re-paving of Strand Boulevard, landscaping and irrigation          commissioners and let them know you oppose Allura!                wall installation deliveries, and with the re-paving of Strand
improvements, and a number of other items. Here’s a quick          The Wall – Wow!                                                   Boulevard to follow, the Landscape Committee has decided
rundown...                                                            The wall is becoming a reality! Installation of the posts      to take this opportunity to eliminate a late summer planting of
Allura                                                             started a few weeks ago and now the panels are being              new flowers in order to have time to make needed irrigation
   The Board did its best to prepare for a Planning                delivered and set in place. We’ve had a few slowdowns             repairs without the added responsibility of watering newly
Commission hearing on July 18 by e-blasting all residents          because of rainy weather, but almost every day, there is          planted flowers. Once the traffic has subsided and the road
on two different days and organizing our opposition. Thank         progress on our wall. In addition, on July 17, beautiful          and irrigation systems are repaired, we will once again
you to all who agreed to attend the hearing to make our            healthy plants were delivered to Preserve No. 3 near              resume our three times per year flower planting schedule in
continued opposition known. However, shortly before 9              Turnberry Woods and those are being installed as we go to         the medians.
a.m., the hearing was cancelled, thwarting all our efforts.        press. With the extra rain we are having, those plantings         Some Reminders ...
This has happened before and is quite frustrating to those         should be tall and lush in no time and add privacy and                Please report any security issues to the front gate using the
who “martial the troops” and to those who had taken their          beauty to our community.                                          (239) 592-7743 number only and do your part to stop anyone
                                                                                                                                     from tailgating through our back gate. Our community’s

Strand Summer Golf Made Great                                                                                                        safety is the responsibility of every resident!

Submitted by Joe Vogtle
    Many exciting golf activities are happening this summer
for golfers at The Club at the Strand. Some examples include:
                                                                                                                                      Update On
    Our head golf professional, Nick Dwyer, is organizing
“Play Away Day” reciprocal golf trips to other golf clubs, some
of which are not included on our reciprocal list. This gives our
                                                                                                                                      The Wall
golfers an opportunity to play with Nick and the other Strand                                                                         Submitted by John Brennan
golf professionals. Offerings to date have included Miromar                                                                              Despite the recent heat and rain, the workers have been
Lakes Golf Club, Island Country Club, Collier’s Reserve                                                                               drilling holes and putting up the posts. They started at the
Country Club and Royal Poinciana Golf Club. All who have                                                                              north corner of The Strand property just north of Savannah
participated are having great fun trying to beat and socializing                                                                      No. 2 green. They are all the way south, almost to the
with our golf professionals.                                                                                                          ladies’ red tee box now and will have made much more
    Members of the Elite Golf Group under the direction of                                                                            progress by the time this paper is published in August.
Mitch Dario, the 2019 Player of the Year, spent three fun-                                                                               On July 18, I noticed they started to put up the
filled days golfing at The Trump National Doral Golf Resort                                                                           panels! I played golf the morning of July 17 and there
in Miami. Joining Mitch were golf members Bob Amenta,
Jim Jordan, Art Maranian, Mario Sonzone, Joe Vogtle, Mike
Zubrow and former member Fred Miskulin. Many things have
been said about President Trump, but no one who made the
trip disputes the Donald provides some of the greatest golf

                                                                                                                                      They put padding down in the morning where they have
                                                                   accommodations in our country. Golf was tough, scores high         to cross the fairway and take it up at night.
                                                                   but every minute was packed with good food, good drinks,
                                                                   great friends and much socializing.
                                                                     The Strand golf courses are undergoing normal summer
                                                                                                  maintenance while our new
 The Strand Scoop                                                                      PRSRT STD  border fence is being installed.
                                                                                      US POSTAGE
                                                                                          PAID    During all this activity, the
                                                                                      FT MYERS FL
                                                                                       PERMIT 751 course continues to be in
                                                                                                  great shape and increasing
                                                                                                  numbers of reciprocal and
                                                                                                  other outside golfers are
                                                                                                  enjoying The Strand. Hats go
                                                                                                  off to Scott Ryan, golf course
                                                                                                  superintendent and his staff for    All of the posts
                                                                                                  their outstanding efforts.
                                                                                                     This is a great time to be a     Update On The Wall on page 4
                                                                                                  golfing member at The Strand.
Message From The President
Page 2

Help Save The Florida Panther
    We’re protecting                                                                                    Florida Forever program, which purchases
critical habitat for this                                                                               and conserves natural lands. The northern
extremely endangered                                                                                    boundary of Cypress Creek Grove connects
animal – and you can                                                                                    directly to an area currently highly ranked
help.                                                                                                   on the Florida Forever Priority List. We’re
Giving Panthers A Safe Place To Roam                                                                    working to encourage legislators to support
    When the Florida panther was included in the Endangered                                             Florida Forever funding. Without it, the
Species Act in 1973, there were fewer than three dozen cats                                             lands on the priority list may not receive
remaining in the wild. Today there is great reason to be hopeful:                                       funding quickly, and the panther needs our
Panthers now number close to 200, finally roaming safely on                                             help now.
expanded territory protected by The Nature Conservancy.                                                 Panther Facts
Protecting Critical Land                                                                                    Why is panther habitat expansion so
    Collaboration with private landowners and the purchase of                                           critical? Their current habitat is simply too
property development rights through conservation easements is                                           small and fragmented for the population to
a cornerstone of The Nature Conservancy’s strategy to protect                                           grow to a healthy and sustainable level. These
lands that provide what panthers need. Essential land within                                            solitary mammals need large territories to
the panther corridor is now protected along both banks of the                                           thrive. Burgeoning development, ever-
Caloosahatchee River, thanks to member donations. For the                                               busier highways, and habitat degradation
panther, expanded and protected habitat is only a short swim                                            are creating more fragmentation of already
away.                                                                                                   restricted habitat. Males defend territories
    In 2017, the Conservancy announced the protection of                                                of 200 square miles and a single female will establish a home          While the Conservancy and partners work to protect the
Cypress Creek Grove, the first protected tract on the northern                                          range of 75 square miles. Panthers need space to hunt, breed       Florida panther’s habitats and corridors, a trail-cam photo of
bank of the Caloosahatchee River in the heart of the panther                                            and den.                                                           panther kittens inspires new hope.
corridor. This important location has been safeguarded from                                                 The USFWS maintains recovery plans for all species listed          What can you do to save Florida panthers? You can
future development. Owned by Falcon Eyrie Farms, LC,                                                    on the Endangered Species List. Under the “Florida Panther         help us safeguard lands that link existing managed areas to
the 460-acre property is the first working citrus operation in                                          Recovery Plan” the goals for a healthy and sustainable panther     create a larger protected home range for panthers. Support our
the state to commit to panther protection with The Nature                                               population include the need to establish additional breeding       work to protect prime panther habitat by making a donation
Conservancy, and the conservation easement is the first                                                 populations outside of the panther’s existing south Florida        which will help us protect critical lands, foster greater public
located in the panther corridor funded exclusively by member                                            habitat. A success story for the Florida panther would include     understanding, and tackle land use planning challenges. You
donations.                                                                                              at least two additional breeding populations north of the          can also encourage your legislators to support land acquisition
    Cypress Creek Grove is located across the Caloosahatchee                                            Caloosahatchee River.                                              programs such as Florida Forever and the Rural and Family
River from the 1,257-acre Lone Ranger Forge/American Prime                                                  What other threats do Florida panthers face? In addition       Lands Protection Program.
property to the south, also protected by a conservation easement                                        to threats created by limited habitat and vehicle strikes,         Did You Know?
with The Nature Conservancy and additional easements with                                               panthers are impacted by disease, reduction in available prey,         • The panther (Puma concolor coryi) is one of two wild cat
state and federal agency partners. These easements were put in                                          and intraspecies aggression, that is, fighting and competition     species found in Florida. The bobcat (Lynx rufus) is the other.
place just in the nick of time – the day before the property was                                        between panthers over limited territory. The combination of            • Panthers can leap more than 15 feet and can run 35 mph
set for a foreclosure sale. Lone Ranger Forge connects along                                            these factors push the panthers closer towards extinction.         for short distances.
its southern border with the 1,527-acre Black Boar Ranch,                                                   What is being done to help Florida panther survival? The           • Males weigh 100 to 160 pounds and can be 7 feet long
protected in 2015 by conservation easement with The Nature                                              Nature Conservancy is leading an effort to conserve panther        from nose to end of tail. Their tails can be nearly two-thirds
Conservancy, with assistance from the U.S. Department of                                                habitat by establishing connections to existing protected lands,   of their body length.
Agriculture. These three easements now ensure 3,244 acres                                               that encompass a variety of habitat types, from native lands to        • At birth, the cubs weigh just 4 to 8 ounces. That’s less
of Florida panther habitat remain intact and permanently                                                working lands. We’ve protected thousands of acres of prime         than a 1-month-old house cat.
protected.                                                                                              panther habitat within the Greater Everglades as well as those         • Wild hog, white-tailed deer and raccoons comprise 70
    The Nature Conservancy continues to support panther                                                 in the panther corridor near the Caloosahatchee River. The         percent of a panther’s diet.
conservation and acquisition of lands containing critical                                               Conservancy is determined to build on this foundation, by              • Only 12 to 20 panthers existed in the early 1970s in
habitat. The Conservancy’s easements are within the area                                                protecting and restoring key landscapes and connections north      Florida. Our efforts are making a difference!
identified by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and                                            of the river up into central Florida.                                  We’re protecting critical habitat for this extremely
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC)                                                     We have a strong hunch our work is helping! Early in 2017,     endangered animal and you can help. Visit our website at www.
as important to panther land connectivity and expansion, and                                            a mother and two panther kittens were observed on the north to donate online, or text the word PANTHER to
adjacent to lands identified for future conservation by The                                             side of the Caloosahatchee for the first time in over 40 years.    97779 to make a quick and easy PayPal or credit card donation.
                                                                                                        We know that panthers are traveling through our protected              The Nature Conservancy is a nonprofit, tax-exempt
              Hoosier Howard                                                                            properties on both sides of the river, and we are continuing
                                                                                                        to work with other landowners towards a safe and permanent
                                                                                                                                                                           charitable organization (tax identification number 53-0242652)
                                                                                                                                                                           under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
            Window Washing, LLC                                                                         corridor.                                                          Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law.
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Message From The President
Page 3

     The Zonta Club Of Bonita Springs – Estero
     Inducts New Leadership And                                   each to Haley Driggers, Peyton Ellinger and Olivia Harper      “We are extremely proud of the young ladies who
                                                                  and a $1,000 scholarship to Richlyn Radcliff.               received the scholarships to help them pursue their dreams.
     A New Member And Awards                                         The new leadership team consists of President Trish      The scholarship money comes from the annual Woman of
     Scholarships                                                 Leonard, Vice President Shannon Fitch, Co-treasurers
                                                                  Rosi Haller and Brooke Spencer, Secretary Angela
                                                                                                                              the Year luncheon and the amount given is determined by
                                                                                                                              how much is raised,” stated Trish Leonard, president.
        It was a busy evening for the Zonta Club of Bonita        Elmore. Additional directors include Karen Berens, Susan       The Zonta Club of Bonita – Estero welcomes any
     Springs – Estero as it inducted its new leadership for the   Kadel, Julie Olander, Carol Sissman and Past President      woman who would like to meet other woman in the
     2019 to 2021 year, presented scholarships to four area       Nancy Dalaskey. Dr. Janis Green, past president of the      community for fellowship, service and networking. The
     students and inducted a new member at their monthly          Zonta Club of Naples, presided over the inductions.         club meets the third Wednesday of each month from
     membership meeting held June 19.                             Also, Kylie Troyer was inducted as a new member to the      5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Bonita Springs Area Chamber of
        Scholarships were awarded in the amount of $3,000         organization.                                               Commerce. Visit
                                                                                                                                 The July meeting was replaced with the club’s annual
                                                                                                                              social gathering on Tuesday, July 16 at Roy’s Restaurant
                                                                                                                              located in the Promenade Bonita Springs.
                                                                                                                              About Zonta
                                                                                                                                 Zonta Club of Bonita Springs – Estero Inc. was chartered
                                                                                                                              in July 1994 and is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.
                                                                                                                              The local club of professional businesswomen joins
                                                                                                                              others to work tirelessly to empower women worldwide.
                                                                                                                              Zonta International seeks to improve the legal, political,
                                                                                                                              economic, educational, health and professional status of
                                                                                                                              women through service and advocacy.

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                                                                                                                               of improvisational comedy games
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           ning Services
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Message From The President
Page 4

Update On The Wall from page 1                                           weren’t any panels up. For some reason, they started                   By the time The Scoop is published much more progress
                                                                         putting the panels about where the black 150-yard marker             on the wall is expected. Here are some of my photos.
                                                                         is on Savannah No. 2 and they are working their way north.           Enjoy!

                                                                                                                                    The new wall

                                                                         Blue Zone Recipe
                                                                                                                                             1 cup seedless grapes, halved if large
                                                                         Perfect Summer Fruit Salad                                          Fresh mint leaves (optional)
                                                                         Ingredients                                                         Instructions
                                                                         ½ cup brown sugar                                                       Mix the brown sugar and cornstarch together in a small
                                                                         2 teaspoons cornstarch                                              saucepan. Zest and juice two oranges and lemons. Stir in ⅔
                                                                         4 oranges                                                           cup of orange juice and ⅓ cup of lemon juice. Cook, stirring,
                                                                         2 lemons                                                            over medium heat until thickened and bubbly. Continue to
                                                                         1 teaspoon vanilla extract                                          cook, stirring, one minute more. Transfer mixture to a small
                                                                         2 cups blueberries                                                  bowl; stir in vanilla and ½ teaspoon each of orange and lemon
                                                                         2 cups fresh pineapple                                              zest. Chill, covered, for at least one hour.
                                                                         2 cups strawberries, hulled and sliced                                  Per serving: 118 cal, .5 g fat, 1.4 g protein, 30 g carb, 3.3
                                                                         3 kiwi fruit, peeled and sliced                                     g fiber, 4.3 mg sodium, 22.8 g sugars

                                                                              The Strand Master Association Board Of Directors
                                                                               Susan Mulgrew                 President          513-1496  
                                                                               Thomas Ewert                  Vice President     593-4562  
                                                                               Katy Wrede                    Secretary          431-7242  
Watching the workers putting a panel in place                                  Tom Guthrie                   Treasurer          593-6797  
                                                                               Diane Parisi                  Director           (734) 276-2738
                                                                               Bob Schultz                   Director           (248) 931-2106
                                                                               Ted Farah                     Director           877-8318  
      Editor Of The Strand Scoop                                               Meetings - Please note new day and time: 4 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month at The Club at The Strand.
                 Virginia Burkley                                                (Per Florida statute, any time or date changes will be posted 48 hours in advance of the meeting time on
                                                                               the front gate Community Bulletin Board, which has been approved by the BOD as the official posting site.
                                                Notice may also be posted on the website:, as a courtesy to our residents.)
                                                                               Property Manager for The Strand Master Property Owners Association
                                                                               Vesta Property Services, 27180 Bay Landing Dr. #4, Bonita Springs, Florida 34135
                                                                               Phone: (239) 947-4552, Fax: (239) 495-1518, Email:
           Deadline for                                                        Business Hours: Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
   September Issue is Aug. 23                                                  Our Property Manager is: Mr. Victor Cintron

      For The Strand Scoop.
  Delivery is scheduled for Sept. 9
                                                                               Neighborhood Representatives – President’s Council
 Thinking of Selling or Buying
                                                                               Neighborhood             # of Parcels      Name                                Phone          E-Mail
                                                                               Cypress Cove*            92                Gail Ward P                 (248) 238-4908
                                                                                                                          April Staples ◄                   595-3484
        in The Strand?                                                         Feather Sound*           64                Mims Mathers P
                                                                                                                          Dave Larter
                                                                                                                                                      (412) 508-4061
                                                                                                                                                      (416) 402-4246
                                                                               Grand Reserve*           84                Tom Guthrie◄-P                    593-6797
                                                                               Sawgrass                 29                Tony DeFeo◄-P                     514-7388
                                                                               Eden                     55                Richard Nieves◄-P                 596-8406
                                                                               SFHOA                    121               George Merrill P                  596-5584
                                                                                                                          Bill Young◄                       566-2384
 Call The Shoots Team for a                                                    Clubside*                125               Bill Van Tiem P             (312) 560-3922
 comprehensive market analysis                                                 Ana’s Place              32                Glen Housey◄                (313) 300-7040
                                                                               Turnberry Woods*         32                Vic Kleinfelter P           (443) 433-6099
 of your property. We know the                                                 Trophy Club*             88                Rick Tessmer◄-P                   254-9396
 neighborhood! Jennifer is a 40                                                Wedgewood Trace*         153               Steve Gabriele◄-P           (401) 413-0303
 year resident of Naples - a true                                              Pinnacle*                112               Jerry Griffith P            (865) 696-6429
 Neopolitan who is consistantly                                                The Links                54                Joe Domenico P              (219) 746-6440
                                          Jennifer & Roy D. Shoots             Mango Cay II (e)*        29                Elene Mola◄-P               (202) 445-0377
 keeping up with real estate trends                                            Mango Cay I (f)*         3                 Ron Marburger◄-P                  280-6135
 in the market. She has lived in                Shoots Team                    Total Parcels            1073                    Notes:◄ Neighborhood Rep * Condo Assn        P - President
 The Strand since 1999 and been            John R. Wood “Hall Of Fame”
 a Realtor since 1995. The Shoots            239-571-4444
 Team can educate buyers and
 sellers on the ever-changing real estate climate. Call today!                Computer Problems? We do it all through the Internet...
       The Strand’s Real Estate Market                                                       Fast...Easy...Secure!
                Is Still HOT!
         The Shoots Team August Review
                                                                            If We Can’t Fix It - It’s FREE
 6023 Fairway Court                                     sold $500,000     ■   Virus / Spyware Removal      ■ Custom Built PC’s ■ All Certified
 6010 Pinnacle Lane #2404                               sold $310,000     ■   Wireless Setups                & Notebooks         Technicians
 5937 Sand Wedge Lane #1505                             sold $260,000     ■   Networking / Internet Share  ■ Data Recovery     ■ Low Rates &
                                                                          ■   Computer Tune-ups / Cleaning ■ Troubleshooting     Fast Service
 Gulf Shore Life magazine’s Five Star “Best in Client
           Satisfaction” 14 years in a row
                                                                                                                                                 or call 1-571-642-2801
  Jennifer Shoots & Roy D. Shoots (R.D.)
                                                                                                                    LCD Screen Repair • Custom Notebooks • Multimedia Applications
                                                                                                                                                       Intel IPD dealer • Microsoft OEM System Builder
Message From The President
Page 5

Blue Zones Certification Benefits                                                                                                  At The Strand
The Immokalee Foundation Team
    The Immokalee
Foundation               has
demonstrated its staff ’s
commitment to health and
wellness by becoming Blue
Zones certified.
    Executive Director
Noemi Perez introduced
the Blue Zones idea to her
team as a way to ensure the
staff had ready access to
information and guidance
about leading a healthy
lifestyle.                                                                                                                         New seating in The Strand clubhouse
    Student Advocate Lorena
Ibarra was initially surprised
to find out she should be The Immokalee Foundation was recently approved as a Blue Zones Project.
walking 10,000 steps a day.
“I only do that when I go to Disney!” Ibarra said. She has “It’s all making a difference,” Halligan said. “On workdays, I
changed her ways and now takes two walks during the workday   usually go outside and walk about a mile, getting some fresh
                                                                                                                                         The Strand
and another in the evening when she gets home. Ibarra learned air and vitamin D. When I get back, I feel more energetic.”
about a step-counting app from Maria Plata, the foundation’s Halligan also has participated in yoga classes and has learned             Communities
community engagement coordinator, who has been assisting additional tips for better well-being through Blue Zones.
with Blue Zones training.                                         “Blue Zones has helped us not only become more focused           • Ana’s Place      • Mango Cay        • The Links
“I’m definitely being more                                    on health and wellness, it’s also been a lot of fun for the team,”   • Clubside         • Pinnacle         • Trophy Club
mindful about how much                                        said Perez.                                                          • Cypress Cove     • Sawgrass         • Turnberry
I’m getting up and stepping                                       The Blue Zones Project is helping transform communities,         • Eden             • Single Family      Woods
away from my desk,” Ibarra                                    making healthy choices easy. Blue Zones Project examined             • Feather Sound      Homes            • Wedgewood
said.                                                         areas of the world where people live long and enjoy the best         • Grande Reserve
    So is Linda Halligan, The                                 quality of life in order to share their secrets with others.
Immokalee Foundation’s                                            The Immokalee Foundation provides a range of education
data specialist. “I used to                                   programs that focus on building pathways to professional
sit all day without taking                                    careers through support, mentoring and tutoring, and life
breaks, and by the end of the                                 skills development leading to economic independence. To
day, I felt numb,” Halligan                                   learn more about The Immokalee Foundation, becoming a
said. Now she takes at least                                  mentor, its signature events, volunteering as a career panel
one walk during the day and                                   speaker or host, making a donation, including the foundation
uses stretching techniques                                    in your estate plans, or for additional information, call (239)
learned through Blue Zones. Linda Halligan, Lorena Ibarra     430-9122 or visit

                One Of A Kind Eden At The Strand Model!
                                                                                               5914 Paradise Circle

                                                        Living is easy in this impressive one of a kind Eden at the Strand model!! Enjoy the panoramic views from
                                                        this gorgeous 3 bedrooms 2 baths dream villa home. Highlights included a very open floor plan with vaulted
                                                        ceiling, tile flooring throughout living, dining and kitchen and wood flooring in bedrooms, elegant formal
                                                        dining room, wood kitchen cabinets with granite countertops and stainless steel appliances, a divine master
                                                        suite with tray ceiling with beautiful views with an ensuite tile bath with tub and shower, crown molding
                                                        throughout the house, laundry room, 2 car garage. Feel like you are on vacation
  every day with this spectacular panoramic western view overlooking the lake from this voluminous screened patio with heated pool
  and spa. You’ll also love the convenient walking distance to the Clubhouse, Fitness Center and Tennis Courts. New roof approved and
  scheduled to be installed.
                                                                                   For more information on this spectacular listing please call

                                                                                                                    Sandra Carano at
Message From The President
Page 6

Centers For The Arts
                                                                                                                                    Center For Visual Arts
Two Centers • One Mission •                                        Terry Sylvester Of The Hollies – Hinman Auditorium
                                                                   Saturday, Sept. 21 – 8 p.m.                                      26100 Old 41 Road, Bonita Springs, FL 34135
Arts For All                                                           Tickets: $35 premium seats,
                                                                   $30 center seats, $25 side seats.                                Small Wonders: Insects In Focus
   The Centers for the Arts Bonita Springs is committed to         (10 percent off for current CFABS                                Sept. 2 Through Oct. 19
enrich the culture of our diverse community by providing           members)                                                         Opening and Family Activity – Saturday, Sept. 7, 12
opportunities for artistic expression, education and                   Before joining the Hollies, Terry                            to 2 p.m.
appreciation in a supportive and nurturing environment.            Sylvester began his musical career                                   In the air, water, and even under
                                                                   with the Escorts, frequently playing                             foot, insects inhabit every domain
Center For Performing Arts                                         at the infamous “Cavern Club” in                                 of our daily lives, performing
10150 Bonita Beach Road, Bonita Springs, FL 34135                  Liverpool – an underground jazz                                  essential functions that balance
                                                                   club that gave birth to the Beatles. During those early years,   our fragile ecosystem on earth.
Film For Film Lovers – Moe Auditorium                              Terry Sylvester and the Escorts frequently shared the stage      By using cutting-edge technology
    Join us Monday nights in our new Center for Performing         with the Beatles, and today Sylvester is the only non-Beatle     and custom methods, artist Bob
Arts Moe Auditorium & Film Center, furnished with a large          Liverpool boy to have been inducted into the Rock & Roll         Sober created Small Wonders:
movie screen and comfortable chairs to watch the best foreign      Hall of Fame. (For his work with The Hollies.) In addition to    Insects in Focus, an exhibition of breathtaking beauty
and independent films. Wine, beer, nonalcoholic beverages,         hit songs such as, He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother, and Long     that allows viewers to see this hidden world like they’ve
snacks and popcorn are available. Be sure to join our lively       Cool Woman in a Black Dress, Terry will share highlights         never seen it before. Small Wonders aims to inspire, in an
film discussion after each film, led by a Film Society chairman    from his long and storied career in the music industry.          artistic way, our natural curiosity to understand the form,
and a Film Society member.                                                                                                          function, and diversity of nature.
    Film lovers can become a member of the Centers for the                                                                              Creating human-scale images of insects, with resolution
Art’s Film Society by purchasing ticket packages. These             Auditions For The Hobbit                                        so high that every hair, dimple, and tiny structure is
members enjoy advance notice of film events and screenings.             Youth Theater                                               clearly revealed, was impossible prior to the technological
The Triplets Of Belleville                                          is holding                                                      advancements of the past 10 years. High-resolution digital
Monday, Aug. 19 – 7 p.m.                                            auditions for                                                   cameras, fast personal computers, economical digital
    When her grandson is kidnapped during the Tour de               The Hobbit, be                                                  storage and powerful software applications capable of
France, Madame Souza and her beloved pooch Bruno team               prepared to show                                                assisting with the assembly of hundreds or thousands of
up with the Belleville Sisters – an aged song-and-dance team        off your acting skills! Actors will be asked to bring a         individual photographs create the opportunity to capture
from the days of Fred Astaire – to rescue him.                      prepared (memorized) monologue, no longer than one              accurate images of insects as they truly exist.
Austenland                                                          minute and no less than 30 seconds. Actors will then be             A program of ExhibitsUSA, a national division of Mid-
Monday, Aug. 26 – 7 p.m.                                            paired with other actors and asked to read from the script.     America Arts Alliance and The National Endowment for
    Obsessed with Pride and Prejudice, a woman travels to a         Actors can expect their audition to last about an hour.         the Arts
Jane Austen theme park in search for her perfect gentleman.             Auditions: Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 3 and 4, 5          Get Fired Up – One Night Event
Border                                                              to 7 p.m. Open to Kindergarten to 18 years old.                 Wednesday, Sept. 18 – 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Monday, Sept. 2 – 7 p.m.                                                Call Backs (if needed): Thursday, Sept. 5, 6 to 7:30 p.m.       Sip a glass of your favorite beverage, mingle with other
    A customs officer who can smell fear develops an                    Rehearsals: To be determined after casting.                 adventurous people, and spend an evening creating a work
unusual attraction to a strange traveler while aiding a                 Performances: Friday and Saturday, Oct. 18 and 19           of art! Bring a group of friends for an evening out or come
police investigation which will call into question her entire       – 7 p.m., Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 19 and 20 – 2 p.m.          alone and meet creative folks while you make your own
existence.                                                          (Center for Performing Arts - Hinman Auditorium)                Tree of Life, Mosaic Creation or Kiln Carving out of fiber
Karen Seide Exhibition                                                  It’s unusual for a modern work to become a classic so       paper during one of our new fused glass art experiences!
Aug. 29 Through Dec. 7                                              quickly, but Tolkien’s “ring” stories, which began with         It’s Abstract – One Night Event
    The focus of Seide’s artwork is to inspire love and healing.    The Hobbit, clearly are in this very special category. They     Tuesday, Sept. 10 – 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.
She uses color to cause a healing effect on the mind and the        stir the imagination and intellect of everyone they touch.          Join us for a whole new experience! Explore the joy of
body. In addition to color she enjoys incorporating various         Bilbo, one of the most conservative of all Hobbits, is asked    your creativity. Your design, your colors, this experience
shapes, textures, and jewelry to embellish acrylic and oil          to leave his large, roomy and very dry home in the ground       is all about you! Sharing fun techniques and helpful hints,
paintings.                                                          in order to set off as chief robber in an attempt to recover    Tammy Staab will show you how create your vision on
Musical Moments: Back To (School) The Future                        an important treasure. It’s the last thing that any sensitive   the canvas. At the end of the night you will leave with a
Sunday, Sept. 1 – 3 p.m.                                            Hobbit would want to do, but great benefit eventually           completely unique artwork.
Tickets: $25 (10 percent off for current CFABS members)             results – not only for Bilbo but for all of the Hobbits who         For more information about
    A program that highlights outstanding student performers        inhabit Middle Earth – and the hearts of those children and     Center For The Art events, please
throughout the Southwest Florida region, including                  adults who continue to enjoy this kind of magic.                visit our website at http://www.
competition winners. Delicious complimentary tastings are               For more audition details please visit www.        or call (239)
served during intermission. Join us for an extraordinary                           495-8989.
The Steepwater Band – Hinman Auditorium
Friday, Sept. 6 – 8 p.m.
    Tickets: $30 premium seats,
$25 center seats, $20 side seats
(10 percent off for current
CFABS members)
    The Steepwater Band’s
signature sound is a nod to early
British blues, combined with a modern, raw and gutsy musical
approach. They have been expanding on their influences,
absorbing everything from Psychedelia to Americana, from
Jazz to ’50s Rock n’ Roll Music.
Funny Shorts Live! – Moe Auditorium
Friday, Sept. 13 – 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, Sept. 14 – 2 p.m.
                                                                          PREPARE NOW FOR THE NEXT HURRICANE!
    Tickets: $20                                                                DON’T GET CAUGHT AGAIN!!!
(10 percent off for
c u r r e n t C FA B S                                                Best Service • Financing Available • Superior Quality
    Five funny 10-minute plays make up the Funny Shorts                Best Warranty in the Industry! • Multiple Products
Live performance. The performance includes one local
playwright and many of the plays were published as part of
CFABS’ Stage It, an annual 10-Minute Play Competition.

                                                                                                                          Expires 9/30/19

                                                                                                     WIND SAFE SHUTTERS, LLC.
                                                                                  27499 RIVERVIEW CENTER BLVD • BONITA SPRINGS
                                                                                            3887 MANNIX DRIVE • NAPLES
Message From The President
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Message From The President
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             The Strand | Barclay Lane                                          Eden On The Bay                                          The Strand | The Links

                    5891 Barclay Lane                                           356 Steerforth Court                                          6076 Fairway Court
                 3BR+Den/3BA | $699,000                                      3BR+Den/3BA | $678,000                                    2BR+Den/2.1BA | PENDING SALE
         Stunning Renovations, Sprawling Floor Plan,              Move-in ready, private oasis on a quiet cul-de-sac.          Beautifully Remodeled, Twelve Foot Ceilings, Wood
                Three-Car Side Entry Garage.                     Disappearing corner sliders open to outdoor living space.      Plank Floors. Electric storm protection on lanai.

              The Strand | Ana’s Place                                     Spanish Wells | Cordova                                         The Strand | Clubside

                     6017 Ashford Lane                                         28421 San Amaro Drive                                    5903 Three Iron Drive #2003
                4BR+Den/3.2BA | $579,000                                   2BR+Den/2BA | PENDING SALE                                   3BR+Den/2BA | PENDING SALE
    Quality updates to this freestanding property. golf &         2017 Built, gorgeous white kitchen with Gas Cook             Stunning updates, perfect view of sunsets. Lake &
   lake views. Furnishings avail. Discount golf mbrship avail.   Top, Upgraded Appls, wood flooring, Long Lake View.                         Golf Course Views.

                The Strand | Pinnacle                                    The Strand | Cypress Cove                                         The Strand | Pinnacle

              6010 Pinnacle Lane #2403                                 5637 Whisperwood Boulevard #602                                   5970 Pinnacle Lane #2801
                3BR+Den/2BA | $324,000                                       3BR/2BA | PENDING SALE                                          3BR/2BA | $275,000
     2nd Floor corner residence, Southern Exposure,                      Fully Remodeled, 1st floor corner.                    Corner unit, So. exposure, lake/golf course views.
                Lake & Golf Course Views.                                    Lake & Golf Course Views.                                      Electric storm shutters.

     The Strand | Wedge Wood                        The Strand | Wedge Wood                    Cypress Woods | Laurel Greens                  Key Royal Condominiums

   NEW 5936 Sand Wedge Lane #1602                   5953 Sand Wedge Lane #607                   3485 Laurel Greens Lane S #103                     8294 Key Royal Cir 1616
       2BR+Den/2BA | $255,000                     2BR+Den/2BA | REDUCED to $244,900                 3BR/2BA | PENDING SALE                        3BR/2BA | PENDING SALE
    Beautifully updated first floor unit               New A/C and Wood Flooring,              End unit, 2-car garage, golf course view,     Updated 1st floor end unit with lake
     with lake and golf course views.                  Lake and Golf Course Views.               white kitchen, plantation shutters.        view. New A/C & flooring. White kitchen.

                San Mirage                        The Strand | Feather Sound                        Imperial Golf Estates                       The Strand | Pinnacle

      8930 Colonnades Court #616                        5681 Heron Lane #205                            2077 Imperial Circle                   5985 Pinnacle Lane #2-202
          2BR/2BA | PENDING SALE                    2BR+Den/2BA | PENDING SALE                          3BR+Den/2BA | SOLD                            3BR/2BA | SOLD
    1st floor unit! Quick access to US 41,         Light & bright 2nd floor. View over-          Excellent street. Excellent upgrades,      Fabulous renovations, furnished 1st flr
        White kitchen, fountain view.               looking the lake and golf course.          huge outdoor space and great condition.      corner unit w/wood & plank tile floors.

                                         Mindy Young                           Jerry DiGiacomo                               Lauren DiGiacomo
                                        GRI, REALTOR®                        SRS, RSPS, REALTOR®                                 REALTOR®
                                        239-248-0258                            239-961-7000                                   716-335-5835
                                 Put Us On Your Side |
                         John R. Wood Properties
                1185 Immokolee Rd. Suite 110, Naples, FL 34110
Message From The President Message From The President
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