Modulhandbuch Course Catalogue - OTH Amberg-Weiden

Page created by Sarah Hampton
Modulhandbuch Course Catalogue - OTH Amberg-Weiden
Course Catalogue

International Business (IB)

Department of Business Studies

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

 International Business – Bachelor   Summer semester 2021
 International Business – Bachelor   Updated: Summer semester 2021

Table of content


Table of content............................................................................................. 2

Preliminary Note ........................................................................................... 4

Curriculum Summer ..................................................................................... 5

Curriculum Winter........................................................................................ 6

Module Descriptions ..................................................................................... 7

Basic Modules ............................................................................................... 7
Introduction to Management ............................................................................................................................. 7
Principles of Economics ................................................................................................................................... 9
Business Mathematics .................................................................................................................................... 10
Business Statistics .......................................................................................................................................... 12

Basic Business Management Modules .......................................................... 14
Labor Law ....................................................................................................................................................... 14
Finance & Investment ..................................................................................................................................... 15
Cost Accounting ............................................................................................................................................. 17
Principles of Marketing & Sales (vhb) ............................................................................................................ 19
Basic HR ......................................................................................................................................................... 21
Production and Logistics ................................................................................................................................ 23
Sales Management & E-Commerce ............................................................................................................... 25

Advanced Modules ...................................................................................... 26
Diversity Management .................................................................................................................................... 26
Empirical Research & Data Analytics ............................................................................................................. 28
Ethics & Value Argumentation ........................................................................................................................ 30
Information Systems for Digital Business: A Managerial Approach (vhb) ...................................................... 31
International Management .............................................................................................................................. 32
Intercultural Communication ........................................................................................................................... 33
International HR Management........................................................................................................................ 34
International Marketing Communication ......................................................................................................... 36
International Business Law............................................................................................................................. 38
Organizational Behavior ................................................................................................................................. 39
International Taxation ..................................................................................................................................... 41
Corporate Governance & Ethics ..................................................................................................................... 42
Economic Geography and Macroeconomics.................................................................................................. 43

Intercultural Competence Blocked Seminars – PL & CZ, RU & UK, BUL & RO,
SB & CRO (exemplary) ................................................................................ 45
Intercultural Competence Blocked Seminar – BLR & UKR & PL ................................................................... 45
Intercultural Competence Blocked Seminar - RUS ........................................................................................ 47
Intercultural Competence Blocked Seminar – HU & RO ................................................................................ 49
Intercultural Competence Blocked Seminar – SB & CRO .............................................................................. 51

Intercultural Competence Blocked Seminar – CZ & SVK .............................................................................. 53

Preliminary Notes on Foreign Language Choice ...........................................55

Foreign Language ......................................................................................... 57
Czech I............................................................................................................................................................ 57
Czech II........................................................................................................................................................... 59
Czech III.......................................................................................................................................................... 61
Czech IV ......................................................................................................................................................... 63
Russian I ......................................................................................................................................................... 65
Russian II ........................................................................................................................................................ 67
Russian III ....................................................................................................................................................... 69
Russian IV ...................................................................................................................................................... 71
German I (B1.1) .............................................................................................................................................. 73
German II (B1.2) ............................................................................................................................................. 75
German III (B2.1) ............................................................................................................................................ 77
German IV (B2.2) ........................................................................................................................................... 79

Soft Skills ..................................................................................................... 81
Meetings, Negotiations & Conflict .................................................................................................................. 81
Writing and Presentations .............................................................................................................................. 82

Practical Phase ............................................................................................ 84
Practical Module ............................................................................................................................................. 84
International Field Trip .................................................................................................................................... 86

Bachelor’s Thesis ........................................................................................ 87
Bachelor´s Thesis ........................................................................................................................................... 87
Oral Bachelor’s Exam (Colloquium) ............................................................................................................... 89

Preliminary Note

Please take special note of the Program and Examination Regulations of this degree
program in their current version.

Study structure:
The program comprises a standard duration of 7 semesters.

Registration formalities:
All examinations must be registered with the Students’ Office through PRIMUSS.
Additional formalities are listed in the module descriptions.

ECTS = The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) is a credit point
system for accreditation of course achievements.
SWS = Semesterwochenstunden = Semester hours per week
SPO = Studien- und Prüfungsordnung = Program and Examination Regulations
APO = Allgemeine Prüfungsordnung = General Examination Regulations

One credit point is awarded for a workload of 30 hours.

Accreditation of course achievements:
Please observe all relevant application procedures via the Students’ Office.

vhb (German: virtuelle Hochschule Bayern / English: virtual university Bavaria) is an
online learning platform with online courses from different universities in Bavaria. Further
information can be found here:

This one-day workshop is a prerequisite to be able to take the exam in Finance &
Economics and should be done in your first semester of studies. The date can be found in
the timetable.

Curriculum Summer

Examination methods depend on the competences to be examined. These are, in particular, written or oral examinations, seminar papers, project work and multiple-choice

Curriculum Winter

Examination methods depend on the competences to be examined. These are, in particular, written or oral examinations, seminar papers, project work and multiple-
choice examinations.

Module Descriptions

Basic Modules
    Introduction to Management
    Einführung in die BWL

    Zuordnung zum                     Modul-ID                                Art des Moduls                           Umfang in ECTS-Leistungspunkten
                                       Module ID                                Kind of Module                                          Number of ECTS Credits
    Classification                 BW-BW-0010112                               Basic Module                                                   ECTS: 5
                Ort                 Sprache            Dauer des Moduls                Vorlesungsrhythmus                          Max. Teilnehmerzahl
             Location                Language            Duration of Module               Frequency of Module                          Max. Number of Participants
    Weiden                        English             1 Semester                SS
                            Modulverantwortliche(r)                                                               Dozent/In
                                    Module Convenor                                                             Professor / Lecturer
    Prof. Dr. Laura Denise Fischer                                              Stephanie Reiner, MA/ Prof. Dr. Laura Denise Fischer


    * Note: please also observe the prerequisites according to examination regulations law in the current version of the SPO.

                                  Verwendbarkeit                                            Lehrformen                                      Workload
                                      Compatibility                                        Teaching Methods
    Compatibility with the further course of study                              Lecture, exercises, group work,       Contact time:                              ca. 60 h
    Basic knowledge and fundamental contexts in                                 presentations                         Pre- and post-processing:                  ca. 60 h
    business administration.                                                                                          Exam preparation:                          ca. 30 h
    University-wide compatibility
    Accreditation given in the Business Economics
    (Betriebswirtschaftslehre) and Retail and Service Management
    (Handels- und Dienstleistungsmanagement) degree programs.
    Individual case examination required for other programs.
    Lernziele / Qualifikationen des Moduls
    Learning Outcomes
    After completing this module successfully, students will have the following professional, methodological and personal

                    Professional competence:
                     Being able to assess and classify the main operational activities within the value chain (according to Porter).
                     Understanding and explaining the importance of the value chain as a fundamental, business management orientation framework.
                     Understand the basics of international management in the context of globalised markets.

                    Methodological competence:
                     Getting to know and learning to assess basic business management methods.

                    Personal competence (social competence and self-competence):
                     The course aims to give students a compact insight into general business administration and the basics of international management
                     from different perspectives.

    Inhalte der Lehrveranstaltungen
    Course Content
          Introduction to the value chain according to Porter including functions of a company
          Introduction to the roles and cycle of management
          Introduction to the international management of companies: Globalization of markets and international market development
    Lehrmaterial / Literatur
    Teaching Material / Reading

        Cavusgil, S. T., Knight, G. A., & Riesenberger, J. R. (2017). International business: The new realities (Global edition, fourth edition). Always
         learning. Boston et al.: Pearson.
        Combe, C. (2014). Introduction to Management. Oxford University Press.
        Doh, J. P., & Luthans, F. (2018). International management: Culture, strategy, and behavior (Tenth edition). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill

    Internationalität (Inhaltlich)
    Internationality (Content)
    In addition to the general basics of corporate management, the international management of a company is also dealt with in the course of the
    lecture contents.
    Modulprüfung (if applicable, note on multiple choice - APO §9a)
    Method of Assessment

    Examination                             Type/scope incl. weighting*2)                            Learning outcomes/competences to be assessed

Written             60 min.                                            The written examination assesses the entire learning
      examination         Weighting: 100%                                    contents and competence profiles.

                          Clues: The exam can consist of up
                          to 100% multiple choice tasks.

                          Bonus system:
                          It is possible to receive a maximum
                          of 10 bonus points (or 25 % of the
                          total mark) by making and
                          participating in a poster
                          presentation. These bonus points
                          are added to the result of the exam.
                          If the exam as a whole is not
                          passed, the bonus is cancelled at
                          the end of the semester.

*1)   Please note the respective overview of examination methods at the OTH Amberg-Weiden
*2)   Please provide additional information on weighting (in % share) and, if applicable, a bonus system reference

Principles of Economics
      Grundlagen der VWL

      Zuordnung zum                     Modul-ID                               Art des Moduls                            Umfang in ECTS-Leistungspunkten
                                         Module ID                               Kind of Module                                           Number of ECTS Credits
      Classification                 BW-BW-0010012                              Basic Module                                                    ECTS: 5
                  Ort                  Sprache          Dauer des Moduls                Vorlesungsrhythmus                               Max. Teilnehmerzahl
                 Location               Language          Duration of Module               Frequency of Module                           Max. Number of Participants
      Weiden                        English             1 Semester              SS
                              Modulverantwortliche(r)                                                               Dozent/In
                                      Module Convenor                                                             Professor / Lecturer
      Prof. Dr. Horst Rottmann                                                  Mag. Cornelia Osnlonyai


      *Note: please also observe the prerequisites according to examination regulations law in the current version of the SPO.
                                    Verwendbarkeit                                           Lehrformen                                       Workload
                                        Compatibility                                       Teaching Methods
      Compatibility with the further course of study                            Seminar, lectures and                      Contact time:                           ca. 45 h
      Prerequisite for subjects in the field of economics, financial            exercises                                  Pre- and post-processing:               ca. 60 h
      markets, investment, marketing and taxation.                                                                         Exam preparation:                       ca. 45 h
      University-wide compatibility
      Accreditation given in the Business Economics
      (Betriebswirtschaftslehre) and Retail and Service
      Management (Handels- und
      Dienstleistungsmanagement) degree programs.
      Individual case examination required for other
      Lernziele / Qualifikationen des Moduls
      Learning Outcomes
      After completing this module successfully, students will have the following professional, methodological and personal

      Basic principles of microeconomics, macroeconomics and national accounting

                      Professional Competence:
                       Basic understanding of economic terms and contexts in closed and open economies

                      Methodological Competence:
                       Difference between social and natural sciences. Dealing with economic models. Principle of individual optimisation under
                       rational behavior. Thinking within multi-causal contexts

                      Personal Competence / Soft Skills (Social Competence and Self Competence):
                       Consideration of social and economic problems

      Inhalte der Lehrveranstaltungen
      Course Content

            Principles of economics
            The concept of a (social) market economy
            Basics of microeconomics
            National accounts
            Basics of macroeconomics

      Lehrmaterial / Literatur
      Teaching Material / Reading
      Lecture notes, tutorials and exercises as well as additional reading:
          Mankiw, N. Gregory, Grundzüge der Volkswirtschaftslehre, Schäffer-Poeschel
          Herrmann, M. Arbeitsbuch Grundzüge der Volkswirtschaftslehre, Schäffer-Poeschel
          Pindyck, Robert S., Rubinfeld, Daniel L., Microeconomics, German translation: Mikroökonomie Pearson-Studium, latest edition.
          Hamilton, J., Suslow, V., Übungen zur Mikroökonomie Pearson-Studium, latest edition.
          Mankiw, N. Gregory, Macroeconomics, Worth Publishers
          Blanchard, Olivier, Illing, Gerhard, Makroökonomie, Pearson, latest edition
          Krugmann, Paul, Wells, Robin, Volkswirtschaftslehre, Verlag Schäffer Pöschel, latest edition
      Internationalität (Inhaltlich)
      Internationality (Content)
      Reading partly in English, many international application examples
      Modulprüfung (if applicable, note on multiple choice - APO §9a)
      Method of Assessment

       Examination                            Type/scope incl. weighting*2)                           Learning outcomes/competences to be assessed
      Written                       90 min.                                                       The written examination assesses the entire course
      examination                   Weighting: 100%                                               contents and competence profiles.
*1)   Please note the respective overview of examination methods at the OTH Amberg-Weiden
*2)   Please provide additional information on weighting (in % share) and, if applicable, a bonus system reference

Business Mathematics

Zuordnung zum                     Modul-ID                               Art des Moduls                           Umfang in ECTS-Leistungspunkten
                                   Module ID                               Kind of Module                                          Number of ECTS Credits
Classification                 BW-BW-0010010                              Basic Module                                                   ECTS: 5
            Ort                  Sprache          Dauer des Moduls                Vorlesungsrhythmus                              Max. Teilnehmerzahl
           Location               Language          Duration of Module               Frequency of Module                          Max. Number of Participants
Weiden                        English             1 Semester              WS
                        Modulverantwortliche(r)                                                              Dozent/In
                                Module Convenor                                                            Professor / Lecturer
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Hock                                                   M.A. Cornelia Oszlonyai


*Note: please also observe the prerequisites according to examination regulations law in the current version of the SPO.
                              Verwendbarkeit                                           Lehrformen                                      Workload
                                  Compatibility                                       Teaching Methods
Compatibility with the further course of study                            Lectures, seminar with exercises          Contact time:                           ca. 60 h
Basic knowledge for the application in all corporate                      (also offered in virtual format)          Pre- and post-processing:               ca. 50 h
functional areas, propaedeutic, parts of the contents are a                                                         Exam preparation:                       ca. 40 h
prerequisite in most of the subjects.
University-wide compatibility
Accreditation given in the Business Economics
(Betriebswirtschaftslehre) and Retail and Service
Management (Handels- und
Dienstleistungsmanagement) degree programs.
Individual case examination required for other
Lernziele / Qualifikationen des Moduls
Learning Outcomes
After completing this module successfully, students will have the following professional, methodological and personal

At the end of the module, students will be able to apply the basics of analysis and linear algebra to economic fields.

Overview of the methods of financial mathematics as a tool for investment and financing decisions.
Knowledge and skills of linear algebra and analysis methods and applications to economic problems.

                Professional Competence:
                 Mathematical foundations for understanding and solving economic problems.

                Methodological Competence:
                 Applying mathematical methods to economic problems.

                Personal Competence / Soft Skills (Social Competence and Self Competence):
                 Training abstract thinking skills.

Inhalte der Lehrveranstaltungen
Course Content

      Propositional calculus, basics of arithmetic
      Consequences and series and their application in financial mathematics
      Functions of one and more variables
      Differential calculus
      Vectors and matrices
      Linear equation systems
      Determinants
      Linear Optimization

Lehrmaterial / Literatur
Teaching Material / Reading
Execises, tutorials
Basic textbook: Auer, B. & F. Seitz (2013), Grundkurs Wirtschaftsmathematik: Prüfungsrelevantes Wissen, praxisnahe
Aufgaben, komplette Lösungswege, Gabler, 4th edition
Additional reading:
    Partoll, H. & I. Wagner (2010), Mathe Macchiato Analysis, Pearson Studium, 2nd ed.
    Ohse, D. (2004), Mathematik für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler I, Analysis, 6th ed., Vahlen
    Ohse, D. (2000), Mathematik für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler II, Lineare Wirtschaftsalgebra, 4th ed., Vahlen
    Tietze, J., Einführung in die Finanzmathematik, vieweg, latest edition

Internationalität (Inhaltlich)
Internationality (Content)
Analysis and linear algebra as a part of business mathematics are taught in business degree programs at all universities worldwide.
Modulprüfung (if applicable, note on multiple choice - APO §9a)
Method of Assessment

Examination                Type/scope incl. weighting*2)                  Learning outcomes/competences to be assessed

      Written             90 min.                                            The written examination assesses the entire learning contents
      examination         Weighting: 100%                                    and competence profiles.

*1)   Please note the respective overview of examination methods at the OTH Amberg-Weiden
*2)   Please provide additional information on weighting (in % share) and, if applicable, a bonus system reference

Business Statistics

Zuordnung zum                     Modul-ID                                 Art des Moduls                           Umfang in ECTS-Leistungspunkten
                                   Module ID                                 Kind of Module                                          Number of ECTS Credits
Classification                 BW-BW-0010114                                Basic Module                                                   ECTS: 5
            Ort                  Sprache           Dauer des Moduls                 Vorlesungsrhythmus                              Max. Teilnehmerzahl
           Location               Language            Duration of Module               Frequency of Module                          Max. Number of Participants
Weiden                        English             1 Semester                SS
                        Modulverantwortliche(r)                                                                Dozent/In
                                Module Convenor                                                              Professor / Lecturer
Prof. Dr. Gabriele M. Murry                                                 Cornelia Oszlonyai


Recommended: Business Mathematics (Wirtschaftsmathematik)

*Note: please also observe the prerequisites according to examination regulations law in the current version of the SPO.

                              Verwendbarkeit                                             Lehrformen                                      Workload
                                  Compatibility                                         Teaching Methods
Compatibility with the further course of study                              Seminar with exercises                    Contact time:                           ca. 50 h
Basic knowledge for the application in all corporate                                                                  Pre- and post-processing:               ca. 45 h
functional areas. Important for the preparation of an                                                                 Exam preparation:                       ca. 55 h
empirical bachelor' s thesis.
University-wide compatibility
Accreditation given in the Business Economics
(Betriebswirtschaftslehre) and Retail and Service
Management (Handels- und
Dienstleistungsmanagement) degree programs.
Individual case examination required for other
Lernziele / Qualifikationen des Moduls
Learning Outcomes
After completing this module successfully, students will have the following professional, methodological and personal

Assessment of the applicability of various statistical methods in practice with interpretation of results.

                Professional Competence:
                 Familiarity with important basic terms and principles of statistics. Overview in probability theory and its operational applicability. The
                 importance of sampling in quality control. Basic knowledge of modern portfolio management.

                Methodological Competence:
                 Skills in creating and handling empirical distributions and parameters. Skills in dealing with random samples. Knowledge of
                 estimating and of the application of significance tests. Ability to measure and statistically assess relationships. Assessment of
                 possible applications of regression analysis.

                Personal Competence / Soft Skills (Social Competence and Self Competence):
                 Training of analytical and abstract thinking skills, gaining critical distance to apparent relationships.

Inhalte der Lehrveranstaltungen
Course Content

      Basics of the probability theory
      Random variables and theoretical distributions
      Calculation and interpretation of parameters of univariate and multivariate distributions
      Sampling theory and stratified samples
      Parameter estimation and confidence intervals
      Parametric and non-parametric test methods
      Regression analysis
      Time series analysis and forecasting techniques

Lehrmaterial / Literatur
Teaching Material / Reading
Lecture notes, tutorials
Basic textbook: Auer, B., Rottmann, H., Statistik und Ökonometrie für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, Gabler Auer, B.,
Rottmann, H., WISU-Check-up Deskriptive und induktive Statistik, WISU 2017/11, 1241 – 1242 and 1271.
Additional reading: Schira, J., Statistische Methoden der VWL und BWL - Theorie und Praxis, Pearson Studium

Internationalität (Inhaltlich)
Internationality (Content)
International examples and analysis of international data.

Modulprüfung (if applicable, note on multiple choice - APO §9a)
      Method of Assessment

       Examination                  Type/scope incl. weighting*2)                Learning outcomes/competences to be assessed

      Written                90 min.                                         The written examination assesses the entire learning contents
      examination            Weighting: 100%                                 and competence profiles.

*1)   Please note the respective overview of examination methods at the OTH Amberg-Weiden
*2)   Please provide additional information on weighting (in % share) and, if applicable, a bonus system reference

Basic Business Management Modules
       Labor Law

      Zuordnung zum                     Modul-ID                                Art des Moduls                            Umfang in ECTS-Leistungspunkten
                                         Module ID                                Kind of Module                                           Number of ECTS Credits
      Classification                 BW-BW-0010018                   Basic Business Management Modules                                           ECTS: 5
                  Ort                  Sprache          Dauer des Moduls                 Vorlesungsrhythmus                               Max. Teilnehmerzahl
                 Location               Language           Duration of Module               Frequency of Module                           Max. Number of Participants
      Weiden                        English             1 Semester               WS/SS
                              Modulverantwortliche(r)                                                                Dozent/In
                                      Module Convenor                                                              Professor / Lecturer
      N.N.                                                                       Sebastian Lehr


      *Note: please also observe the prerequisites according to examination regulations law in the current version of the SPO.
                                    Verwendbarkeit                                            Lehrformen                                       Workload
                                        Compatibility                                        Teaching Methods
      Compatibility with the further course of study                             Seminar with exercises, case               Contact time:                           ca. 60 h
      Ergänzt das Modul Personalmanagement                                       studies, guest lectures and                Pre- and post-processing:               ca. 45 h
      University-wide compatibility                                              excursions                                 Exam preparation:                       ca. 45 h
      Accreditation given in the Business Economics
      (Betriebswirtschaftslehre) and Retail and Service
      Management (Handels- und
      Dienstleistungsmanagement) degree programs.
      Individual case examination required for other
      Lernziele / Qualifikationen des Moduls
      Learning Outcomes
      After completing this module successfully, students will have the following professional, methodological and personal

                      Professional Competence:
                       Students know the current labor law regulations essential for a business economist, especially those of individual law, taking into
                       account the references to social economy law. Student also receive an overview of collective labor law.

                      Methodological Competence:
                       Students are able to apply the acquired knowledge to different situations. They recognise the structural particularities of labor law
                       and are able to solve problem cases even under altered legal conditions.

                      Personal Competence / Soft Skills (Social Competence and Self Competence):
                       Team behavior and self-organization are improved.

      Inhalte der Lehrveranstaltungen
      Course Content
            Basic principles of individual labor law, especially conclusion of the employment contract, employees' and employers' rights and
            Termination of employment and protection against dismissal
             Fundamental principles of collective labor law, especially industrial constitution law and collective bargaining law

      Lehrmaterial / Literatur
      Teaching Material / Reading
      Relevant textbooks, case collections, commentaries and specialist journals
      Internationalität (Inhaltlich)
      Internationality (Content)
      View on EU law and foreign legal systems

      Modulprüfung (if applicable, note on multiple choice - APO §9a)
      Method of Assessment

       Examination                            Type/scope incl. weighting*2)                            Learning outcomes/competences to be assessed
      Written                       90 min.                                                        The written examination assesses the entire learning contents
      examination                   Weighting: 100%                                                and competence profiles.

*1)   Please note the respective overview of examination methods at the OTH Amberg-Weiden
*2)   Please provide additional information on weighting (in % share) and, if applicable, a bonus system reference

Finance & Investment
Finanz- & Investitionswirtschaft

Zuordnung zum                       Modul-ID                                Art des Moduls                           Umfang in ECTS-Leistungspunkten
                                      Module ID                               Kind of Module                                          Number of ECTS Credits
Classification                 BW-BW-0010002                    Basic Business Management Modules                                           ECTS: 5
            Ort                    Sprache           Dauer des Moduls                Vorlesungsrhythmus                              Max. Teilnehmerzahl
           Location                 Language           Duration of Module               Frequency of Module                          Max. Number of Participants
        Weiden                English                1 Semester              WS/SS
                        Modulverantwortliche(r)                                                                Dozent/In
                                   Module Convenor                                                            Professor / Lecturer
Prof. Dr. Hermann Raab                                                       Prof. Dr. Hermann Raab


PC training must be passed; otherwise exam registration is not possible!
Business Mathematics and Business Statistics

*Note: please also observe the prerequisites according to examination regulations law in the current version of the SPO.
                              Verwendbarkeit                                              Lehrformen                                      Workload
                                    Compatibility                                        Teaching Methods
Compatibility with the further course of study                               Seminar                                   Contact time:                           ca.   48 h
Basis for the key areas in finance                                                                                     Self-study:                             ca.   12 h
University-wide compatibility                                                                                          Pre- and post-processing:               ca.   30 h
Accreditation given in the Business Economics                                                                          Performance assessments:                ca.   60 h
(Betriebswirtschaftslehre) and Retail and Service
Management (Handels- und Dienstleistungsmanagement)
degree programs.
Individual case examination required for other programs.
Lernziele / Qualifikationen des Moduls
Learning Outcomes
After completing this module successfully, students will have the following professional, methodological and personal

                Professional Competence:
                 The module serves to acquire basic knowledge of operational investment and financial management.

                Methodological Competence:
                 Students are to learn about a financial manager's theoretical and practical fields of deployment and skills.

                Personal Competence / Soft Skills (Social Competence and Self Competence):
                 Through active contributions in case studies, students are supposed to represent opinions and viewpoints appropriately, respect other
                 views and interpretations and include them in the argumentation. In addition, solutions will be jointly developed through discussion.

Inhalte der Lehrveranstaltungen
Course Content

     Principles of financial management
     Investment
         Assessment of tangible investments
         Assessment of financial investments
         Investment decisions under uncertainty
     Financing
         Equity financing
         Credit financing
         Internal financing
      Derivatives

Lehrmaterial / Literatur
Teaching Material / Reading
Lecture notes
Basic textbook: Becker; Investition und Finanzierung, Gabler-Verlag
Additional reading:
    Bodie, Merton, Cleeton: Financial Economics, Pearson International Edition
    Brealy, Myers, Allen: Principles in Corporate Finance, Mc Graw Hill International Edition
    Pape: Grundlagen der Finanzierung und Investition, Oldenburg-Verlag
    Ross, Westerfield, Jaffe: Corporate Finance, Mc Graw Hill International Edition
    Zantow: Finanzwirtschaft der Unternehmung, Pearson Studium

Internationalität (Inhaltlich)
Internationality (Content)
Reading material and lecture notes partly in English

Modulprüfung (if applicable, note on multiple choice - APO §9a)
      Method of Assessment

       Examination                    Type/scope incl. weighting*2)                   Learning outcomes/competences to be assessed

      Written                90 min.                                              The written examination assesses the entire learning contents
      examination            Weighting: 100%                                      and competence profiles.
                             Note: the written examination can consist of up to
                             100% multiple-choice questions

*1)   Please note the respective overview of examination methods at the OTH Amberg-Weiden
*2)   Please provide additional information on weighting (in % share) and, if applicable, a bonus system reference

Cost Accounting
Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung

Zuordnung zum                     Modul-ID                                 Art des Moduls                           Umfang in ECTS-Leistungspunkten
                                   Module ID                                 Kind of Module                                          Number of ECTS Credits
Classification                 BW-BW-0010115                    Basic Business Management Modules                                          ECTS: 5
            Ort                  Sprache           Dauer des Moduls                 Vorlesungsrhythmus                              Max. Teilnehmerzahl
           Location               Language            Duration of Module               Frequency of Module                          Max. Number of Participants
Weiden                        English             1 Semester                SS                                        200
                        Modulverantwortliche(r)                                                               Dozent/In
                                Module Convenor                                                              Professor / Lecturer
Prof. Dr. Hermann Raab                                                      Prof. Dr. Alexander Burger


Recommended: Basic knowledge of accounting, bookkeeping

*Note: please also observe the prerequisites according to examination regulations law in the current version of the SPO.
                              Verwendbarkeit                                             Lehrformen                                      Workload
                                  Compatibility                                         Teaching Methods
Compatibility with the further course of study                              Seminar with practical case               Contact time:             ca. 45 h
Prerequisite for various in-depth topics, e.g. controlling along            studies, knowledge tests,                 Chat and forums
the value chain, selected fields of application of controlling,             discussion forums and chats in            (virtual lecture hall):   ca. 7 h
business valuation, corporate taxation                                      the virtual lecture hall                  Performance assessments /
University-wide compatibility                                                                                         Self-study:               ca. 30 h
Accreditation given in the Business Economics                                                                         Exercises:                ca. 30 h
(Betriebswirtschaftslehre) and Retail and Service                                                                     Exam preparation:         ca. 38 h
Management (Handels- und
Dienstleistungsmanagement) degree programs.
Individual case examination required for other
Lernziele / Qualifikationen des Moduls
Learning Outcomes
After completing this module successfully, students will have the following professional, methodological and personal

                Professional Competence:
                 Command of the basics of cost accounting as a part of operational accounting. Knowledge of the interfaces to
                 information pre-systems of cost accounting.

                Methodological Competence:
                 Command of the key instruments of cost accounting. Ability to apply them in a task-oriented or problem-specific manner.

                Personal Competence / Soft Skills (Social Competence and Self Competence):
                 Ability to engage in discussions, ability to cooperate in practical scenarios, reflection of the learned contents to social
                 Exercises are practice-oriented and, under supervision, partly worked on or solved by the students themselves.

Inhalte der Lehrveranstaltungen
Course Content

      Familiarity with the basics of cost accounting
      Objectives, tasks and basic concepts of cost accounting as a part of internal accounting
      Knowledge of cost-type accounting and classification, recording, systematization, evaluation, classification and allocation of costs
      Abilities to design, execute and evaluate cost center accounting. Creation of cost centers, accounting of costs and performances within the
      Knowledge of cost unit accounting, income account and unit-of-output costing
      Knowledge of the short-term income account and its significance for the results-oriented management of the company and its
      Overview of cost accounting systems. Actual and planned cost accounting, full and partial cost accounting
      Insight into new processes and trends

Lehrmaterial / Literatur
Teaching Material / Reading
      Friedl/Hofmann/Pedell: Kostenrechnung, Vahlen
      Ebert: Kosten-und Leistungsrechnung, Gabler
      Olfert: Kostenrechnung, Kompakt-Training, Kiehl
      Olfert: Kostenrechnung, Kompendium, Kiehl
      Weber, Schäffer: Einführung in das Controlling, Schäffer-Poeschel
      Wöhe: Einführung in die allgemeine BWL, und Übungsbuch, Vahlen
Internationalität (Inhaltlich)
Internationality (Content)

Reference is made to international accounting

Modulprüfung (if applicable, note on multiple choice - APO §9a)
Method of Assessment

Examination                Type/scope incl. weighting*2)                  Learning outcomes/competences to be assessed

      Written             90 min.                                            The written examination assesses the entire learning
      examination         Weighting: 100%                                    contents and competence profiles.

*1)   Please note the respective overview of examination methods at the OTH Amberg-Weiden
*2)   Please provide additional information on weighting (in % share) and, if applicable, a bonus system reference

Principles of Marketing & Sales (vhb)
Principles of Marketing & Sales (vhb)

Zuordnung zum                      Modul-ID                                Art des Moduls                              Umfang in ECTS-Leistungspunkte
Curriculum                              Module ID                            Kind of Module                                             Number of Credits
Classification                                                   Basic Business Management Modules                                         ECTS: 5

           Ort                    Sprache           Dauer des Moduls               Vorlesungsrhythmus                           Max. Teilnehmerzahl
         Location                   Language          Duration of Module               Frequency of Module                          Max. Number of Participants
Weiden                        English                                       SS/WS
                       Modulverantwortliche(r)                                                                Dozent/In
                                 Module Convenor                                                             Professor / Lecturer
Prof. Dr. Gabriele M. Murry                                                 Vhb lecturer, Prof. Dr. Gabriele M. Murry



                              Verwendbarkeit                                             Lehrformen                                       Workload
                                    Availability                                         Teaching Methods
Verwendbarkeit im weiteren Studienverlauf                                   Presentations, Instructional              Self-Study:                             ca. 120 h
Basiswissen und grundlegende Zusammenhänge des                              Videos, Screen-Casts, Self-               Exam Preparation:                        ca. 30 h
Marketing & Sales.                                                          assessments
Hochschulweite Verwendbarkeit
Anrechnung im Studiengang IB und AWP gegeben.
Ggf. Einzelfallprüfung in anderen Studiengängen

Lernziele / Qualifikationen des Moduls
Learning Outcomes
After completion, the students will have a broad knowledge about product, price, promotion, and sales policies. These marketing basics are
rounded off by basic knowledge of strategic marketing, market research, and customer behaviour for students following the 5 ECTS route.
Furthermore, the students will be able to translate the learned into practice by solving practically relevant case studies.

Inhalte der Lehrveranstaltungen
Course Content

Chapters and contents:
Introduction: First introduction to principles of Marketing and Sales; basic marketing terms; approaches behind the terms of Marketing and
Sales; understand and tackle different stakeholders
Product Management: Structuring systematically a company’s sales program; knowledge on the strategic decision areas of the program
policy; familiarity with the aims, dimensions and means of the product creation; ability to explain the psycho-physical transformation process;
understanding of the relevance and the elements of the brand policy; making first, operative decisions in the brand policy.
Pricing: Assessing the particular importance of pricing policies in marketing and distribution; knowledge on how supplier determine optimal
bid prices in consideration of costs, demand and the market situation; knowledge on fundamental options of price differentiation and
psychological price effects; knowledge about essential price-norm-strategies and how to weigh their advantages and disadvantages;
classification of the terms and conditions; explaining the variations of discount and sales policies as well as payment and delivery terms with
given examples.
Promotion: Knowledge of conceptual fundamentals of the communication policy; understanding of the relations between the consumers and
their touch points with the brand; classification of certain measures to „above-the-line“ or „below-the-line“ communications; understanding the
whole planning and decision-making process of an advertisement campaign; knowledge of fundamentals of success monitoring.
Sales: Overview of tasks and strategic alternatives within sales policy; recognizing the strategic character of the sales; knowledge of different
sales channels and you are able to evaluate their chances and risks; development of an understanding for the sales process and personal
selling approaches; basic knowledge e-commerce; familiarity with retailing, wholesaling and the concept of franchising; knowledge about the
challenges a multi channel organization is facing; development of strategic guidelines.
Strategic Marketing: Understanding of strategic marketing and how the development of marketing strategies is part of the overall marketing
and sales approach; overview of selected strategic and analytic methods and tools; knowledge on sources of competitive advantage;
understanding on how important it is to have an eye on the competition and what strategic alternatives are available. You are familiar with the
STP-model and how important is segmentation for strategy development.
Market Research: Terms and basics of market research like the market research process and differences between secondary and primary
market research; judgement of the reliability of secondary information; differentiation and application of qualitative and quantitative research;
knowledge on how to design a questionnaire; understanding of current and future developments within the field of market research
Consumer Behavior: Learning which factors play a role in the generation of a need; understanding which processes take place until a
customer has decided on a certain product; understanding which factors influence for the satisfaction or dissatisfaction with a product/service
and the loyalty of a customer; knowledge about why human information processing is an important success factor in advertising;
understanding why personality theories are needed in marketing and what is meant by a self-concept and attitudes and how they influence
buying behavior; knowledge on how to correctly address the motivations of the target group; understanding what is meant by a lifestyle
approach and how it is used in marketing.

Lehrmaterial / Literatur
Teaching Material / Reading

Next to classical powerpoint slides (in PDF format) instructional videos and screen casts are used. Exercises and tests are conducted in form
of online self-assessments and interactive hp5 elements such as drag-and-drop tasks.

Internationalität (Inhaltlich)
 Given through the language of instruction and course composition

 Modulprüfung (ggf. Hinweis zu Multiple Choice - APO §9a)
 Method of Assessment

  Prüfungsform*1)               Art/Umfang inkl. Gewichtung*2)                     Zu prüfende Lernziele/Kompetenzen

      Written            60 min. (paper or online examination)             The written examination assesses the entire
      examination        Weighting: 100%                                   learning contents and competence profiles.

*1)   Beachten Sie dazu geltende Übersicht zu den Prüfungsformen an der OTH Amberg-Weiden
*2)   Bitte zusätzlich Angaben zur Gewichtung (in % Anteil) und ggf. auch einen Hinweis auf ein Bonussystem führen

Basic HR

Zuordnung zum                    Modul-ID                                Art des Moduls                             Umfang in ECTS-Leistungspunkten
                                  Module ID                                Kind of Module                                            Number of ECTS Credits
Classification                 BW-BW-0010117                    Business Management Module                                                 ECTS: 5
            Ort                  Sprache          Dauer des Moduls                 Vorlesungsrhythmus                               Max. Teilnehmerzahl
           Location               Language          Duration of Module                 Frequency of Module                          Max. Number of Participants
Weiden                        English             1 Semester               SS                                         60 per group

                        Modulverantwortliche(r)                                                               Dozent/In
                                Module Convenor                                                              Professor / Lecturer
Prof. Dr. Gabriele M. Murry                                                Prof. Dr. Gabriele M. Murry, Ibrahim Kaçmaz


*Note: please also observe the prerequisites according to examination regulations law in the current version of the SPO.

                              Verwendbarkeit                                            Lehrformen                                       Workload
                                  Compatibility                                         Teaching Methods
Compatibility with the further course of study                             Lectures, exercises, self-                 Contact time:                           ca. 60 h
Basis for all personnel-relevant module contents in                        study, open discussion,                    Pre- and post-processing:               ca. 50 h
the further course of study.                                               work in small groups and                   Exam preparation:                       ca. 40 h
University-wide compatibility                                              role plays
Accreditation given in the Business Economics
(Betriebswirtschaftslehre) and Retail and Service
Management (Handels- und Dienstleistungsmanagement)
degree programs.
Individual case examination required for other programs.
Lernziele / Qualifikationen des Moduls
Learning Outcomes
After completing this module successfully, students will have the following professional, methodological and personal

                Professional Competence:
                 Recognizing the importance of human resources and human resource management in modern organizations,
                 understanding the role of the executive or human resource manager, identifying the interrelationships of human
                 resource activities from recruitment to termination of employment.

                Methodological Competence:
                 Applying HR management instruments (review of application documents, recruitment interviews, mentoring
                 programs, appraisal interviews, assessment center)

                Personal Competence / Soft Skills (Social Competence and Self Competence):
                 presenting work results to the group, discussing technical approaches and case studies, questioning critically, acting more
                 successfully in work groups, organizing oneself better

Inhalte der Lehrveranstaltungen
Course Content

      Leadership basics
      Personnel planning
      Recruitment
      Introduction of personnel
      Human resource management
      Communication as an executive task
      Staff assessment
      Human resource development

Lehrmaterial / Literatur
Teaching Material / Reading
Von Rosenstiel, Regnet, Domsch (Hrsg.): Führung von Mitarbeitern; Schäffer-Pöschel, 2009, as well as additional books and various specialist
Internationalität (Inhaltlich)
Internationality (Content)
Exploring international contexts and comparisons

Modulprüfung (if applicable, note on multiple choice - APO §9a)
Method of Assessment

Examination                             Type/scope incl. weighting*2)                            Learning outcomes/competences to be assessed

Performance test    Working on case studies and specific assignments         The performance test assesses the practical learning contents
                          related to conversation, case studies and criticism of   and competence profiles, including teamwork and presentation
                          the theories presented and discussions.                  competences.
                          Weighting: 40%

                          Written partial performance (60 min.)                    The final written performance test assesses the entire course
                          Weighting: 60%                                           contents and competence profiles.

                          Each partial performance must be passed (with at
                          least 4.0)
                          Each partial performance must be passed and can only
                          be taken within 1 year.

*1)   Please note the respective overview of examination methods at the OTH Amberg-Weiden
*2)   Please provide additional information on weighting (in % share) and, if applicable, a bonus system reference

Production and Logistics
Produktion und Logistik

Zuordnung zum                   Modul-ID                                Art des Moduls                            Umfang in ECTS-Leistungspunkten
                                  Module ID                               Kind of Module                                          Number of ECTS Credits
Classification                                                      Basic Business Management Module                                    ECTS: 5
            Ort                 Sprache          Dauer des Moduls                Vorlesungsrhythmus                              Max. Teilnehmerzahl
           Location              Language          Duration of Module               Frequency of Module                          Max. Number of Participants
Weiden                     English,         1 Semester                   SS                                        20-25
                        Modulverantwortliche(r)                                                            Dozent/In
                               Module Convenor                                                            Professor / Lecturer
Prof. Dr. Christoph Pitzl, Prof. Dr. Stephanie Abels-Schlosser           Prof. Dr. Christoph Pitzl, Prof. Dr. Stephanie Abels-Schlosser,
                                                                         Prof. Dr. Jörg Franke, D. Gräf

Participation requires registration with the vhb, the Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern (Virtual University of Bavaria)!

*Note: please also observe the prerequisites according to examination regulations law in the current version of the SPO.
                             Verwendbarkeit                                           Lehrformen                                      Workload
                                 Compatibility                                       Teaching Methods
Compatibility with the further course of study                           Online lectures with case studies         Contact time:                           ca. 60 h
International Business                                                   at the vhb and/or alternatively on-       Pre- and post-processing:               ca. 70 h
                                                                         site lectures, exercises,                 Exam preparation:                       ca. 20 h
                                                                         self-study, open                          Total workload:                         ca. 150 h
                                                                         discussion                                Exam:                                   120 min.

Lernziele / Qualifikationen des Moduls
Learning Outcomes
After completing this module successfully, students will have the following professional, methodological and personal

                Professional Competence:
                         Overview of the tasks of a supply chain manager on the international stage:
                                    Goals and tasks
                                    Methods and tools
                                    International environment
                                    Experience and knowledge from industrial practice
                                    Current state of science in the SCM environment
                         Knowledge of management-supporting analysis and optimization methods for the assessment of supply chains
                         Key indicators for the evaluation of supply chains
                         Design of supply chains considering
                         performance aspects.
                         Identifying the interfaces to other value-added areas of the company and
                         its partners

                Methodological Competence:
                 Methods and tools for designing, managing and controlling international process chains

                Personal Competence / Soft Skills (Social Competence and Self Competence):
                 Promotion of independent research into complex issues, promotion of team behavior and self-organization

Inhalte der Lehrveranstaltungen
Course Content
The aim       of the virtual lecture is to provide an overview of the tasks of a supply chain manager on the international stage:
              Goals and tasks
              Methods and tools
              International environment
              Experience and knowledge from industrial practice
              Current state of science in the SCM environment
The course comprises the following units:
          Integrated logistics, procurement, materials management and production
          Material inventory and material requirements in the enterprise
          Analysis of cost reduction in materials management
          Management of procurement and purchasing
          Procurement strategies
          Warehouse management, picking systems, in-plant material handling, packaging
          Distribution logistics, global tracking and tracing
          Modes of transport in international logistics
          Disposal logistics
          Logistics controlling
          Global logistic structures and value chains
          IT systems in supply chain management
          Sustainable global structures of production and logistics
          Summary
For practical consolidation, 3 case studies will be conducted in the course.

Lehrmaterial / Literatur
      Teaching Material / Reading

      Lecture notes, exercises, case studies, interviews with experts, selected video and film presentations

      Internationalität (Inhaltlich)
      Internationality (Content)

      Exploring international contexts and comparisons

      Modulprüfung (if applicable, note on multiple choice - APO §9a)
      Method of Assessment

       Examination                          Type/scope incl. weighting*2)                   Learning outcomes/competences to be assessed

      Written                       Type / scope: 120 min.                             The written examination assesses the entire learning contents
      examination                                                                      and competence profiles.
                                    Weighting: 100%

                                    Bonus system: by completing exercises, a
                                    maximum of 25% of exam points can be
                                    earned under the bonus system laid out in
                                    the SPO.

*1)   Please note the respective overview of examination methods at the OTH Amberg-Weiden
*2)   Please provide additional information on weighting (in % share) and, if applicable, a bonus system reference

Sales Management & E-Commerce
      Sales Management & E-Commerce

      Zuordnung zum                     Modul-ID                               Art des Moduls                            Umfang in ECTS-Leistungspunkten
                                          Module ID                              Kind of Module                                           Number of ECTS Credits
      Classification                  BW-BW-1100019                  Basic Business Management Module                                           ECTS: 5
                  Ort                  Sprache          Dauer des Moduls               Vorlesungsrhythmus                                Max. Teilnehmerzahl
                 Location               Language          Duration of Module              Frequency of Module                            Max. Number of Participants
      Weiden                        English             1 Semester             SS
                              Modulverantwortliche(r)                                                              Dozent/In
                                      Module Convenor                                                             Professor / Lecturer
      Prof. Dr. Christiane Hellbach                                            Prof. Dr. Christoph Hachmöller / Prof. Dr. Marco Nirschl


      Basic Business Management Modules

      *Note: please also observe the prerequisites according to examination regulations law in the current version of the SPO.
                                    Verwendbarkeit                                         Lehrformen                                         Workload
                                        Compatibility                                      Teaching Methods
      University-wide compatibility                                            Seminar, written assignment                 Contact time:                           60 h
      Individual case examination required for other programs.                 with presentation, role                     Written assignment/
                                                                               plays, group work                           Presentation:                           60 h
                                                                                                                           Pre- and post-processing:               30 h
      Lernziele / Qualifikationen des Moduls
      Learning Outcomes
      After completing this module successfully, students will have the following professional, methodological and personal

                      Professional Competence:
                       Principles and methods for sales talks
                       Recognizing behavior and effects in talks

                      Methodological Competence:
                       Methodical knowledge in research techniques and topic preparation

                      Personal Competence / Soft Skills (Social Competence and Self Competence):
                       Presentation competence
                       Knowledge and application of business administration contents and specialist language in the area of sales

      Inhalte der Lehrveranstaltungen
      Course Content
      Overview of central topics in the area of sales:
         Sales organization, management, markets & market developments in stationary and online-based trade
         Knowledge of special characteristics of different industries

      Lehrmaterial / Literatur
      Teaching Material / Reading
      Lecture notes, case studies, recommended reading

      Internationalität (Inhaltlich)
      Internationality (Content)

      Modulprüfung (if applicable, note on multiple choice - APO §9a)
      Method of Assessment

       Examination                            Type/scope incl. weighting*2)                           Learning outcomes/competences to be assessed
      Performance test              Presentation                                                  The seminar paper assesses the entire course contents and
                                    Weighting: 70%                                                competence profiles including presentation competences.

                                    Weighting: 15%

                                    Mystery Shopping
                                    Weighting: 15%

                                    Each partial performance must be passed (with at
                                    least 4.0)

                                    Each partial performance must be passed and can only
                                    be taken within 1 year.

*1)   Please note the respective overview of examination methods at the OTH Amberg-Weiden
*2)   Please provide additional information on weighting (in % share) and, if applicable, a bonus system reference

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