Music Development Office - 2021-22 STRATEGIC PLAN: SUPPORTING RECOVERY

Page created by Joan Jennings
Music Development Office - 2021-22 STRATEGIC PLAN: SUPPORTING RECOVERY

              Artist: Zaachariaha Fielding (Electric Fields)
Music Development Office - 2021-22 STRATEGIC PLAN: SUPPORTING RECOVERY
2021-22 Music Development Office Strategic Plan

Artist: Kaye Lou - Courtesy Northern Sound System

        Since Adelaide was recognised
        internationally as a UNESCO
        City of Music in 2015, our state has
        quickly become a creative hotspot
        for music industry entrepreneurs
        to create and thrive.
2 Department for Innovation and Skills
Music Development Office - 2021-22 STRATEGIC PLAN: SUPPORTING RECOVERY
2021-22 Music Development Office Strategic Plan

A Message from
the Minister

The South Australian music sector’s economic                  Artists have been embracing social media platforms,
contribution increased by a reported $8 million               live streaming, cross-sector collaborations, virtual
between 2014-2018. In 2018-19, South Australian               concerts, fundraisers and webinars, diversifying
businesses in the music and performing arts                   their revenue streams and taking their music
sector directly contributed $183.4 million in                 beyond our borders to reach new audiences.
Gross Value Add (GVA) to the local economy and
                                                              As the industry looks towards recovery, the MDO
was the highest employing sector within the
                                                              has redesigned its strategic direction for the
creative industries, providing some 4,559 jobs.
                                                              next two years to support the South Australian
The South Australian Government, through our                  music sector. This 2021-2022 MDO Strategic
state’s dedicated Music Development Office                    Plan aims to support, strengthen and grow
(MDO), is working to grow our local music                     the local ecosystem during this critical time.
industry so we can continue to showcase the
                                                              Through collaboration, skills development,
breadth, depth and vibrancy of our music culture.
                                                              innovation, entrepreneurialism, promotion,
The MDO supports industry and creative                        access and export, we will re-shape, recover
development for South Australia’s musicians                   and rebuild our local music industry so
and music businesses through its programs                     that it can return stronger than before.
and initiatives to increase the economic and
                                                              I look forward to working with you as
cultural impact of our local music industry.
                                                              South Australia’s music sector rebounds
There is no doubt that the COVID-19                           to become more successful than ever.
pandemic has had a devastating effect on
                                                              Hon David Pisoni MP
the music industry, particularly for the live
                                                              Minister for Innovation and Skills
performance component of the sector.

While it is not yet clear what the longer-term
impacts of the pandemic will mean for the
sector, we’ve already seen the entrepreneurial
and innovative spirit of our local artists
and music businesses come to the fore.

The Department for Innovation and Skills acknowledges Aboriginal people as the state’s first peoples and Nations of South
Australia. We recognise and respect their cultural connections as the traditional owners and occupants of the land and
waters of South Australia, and that they have and continue to maintain a unique and irreplaceable contribution to the state.

                                                                                         Department for Innovation and Skills 3
Music Development Office - 2021-22 STRATEGIC PLAN: SUPPORTING RECOVERY
2021-22 Music Development Office Strategic Plan

                                                  Artist: George Alice
                                                  Credit: Samuel Graves

“The thoughtful, strategic and meaningful
 investment that has been made into
 developing the music sector in South
 Australia, including initiatives like the
 Robert Stigwood Fellowship Program,
 hosting of the AIR Awards and Indie-Con
 Conference alongside Music SA’s Scouted
 Festival, the creation and development
 of St Paul’s Creative Centre and the
 establishment of the Music Development
 Office has not only seen significant
 tangible results for the participating artists,
 it’s also lifted the national recognition
 of the South Australian industry. This
 realised growth has been a pleasure
 and a privilege to witness.”
 Millie Millgate,
 Executive Producer,
 Sounds Australia

4 Department for Innovation and Skills
Music Development Office - 2021-22 STRATEGIC PLAN: SUPPORTING RECOVERY
2021-22 Music Development Office Strategic Plan

A UNESCO City of Music
South Australia is fast               One of 47 music cities in the world, the designation
                                      as Australia’s only UNESCO City of Music was made in 2015
becoming a creative hot               in recognition of the following factors, among others:
spot spawning new and                 • Investment by both local and state governments into the
exciting talent, such as Jess            creative economy, and music’s specific role.
Day, George Alice and Rory            • Quality, quantity, and diversity of music making in Adelaide.
Adams, as well as producing           •C
                                        ollaboration between government, education, and
established acts such as Hilltop       private sectors around developing the local music industry
Hoods, Sia and Tkay Maidza.            across diverse platforms.

                                        istorical commitment to music and the arts in Adelaide.

                                        delaide’s international reputation and experience in
                                       hosting world class music and arts festivals.

                                        onnection and collaboration with other creative fields.

                                   Mentors Stu McQueen
                                   and Dan Crannitch from
                                   the Robert Stigwood
                                   Fellowship Program

                                                                      Department for Innovation and Skills 5
Music Development Office - 2021-22 STRATEGIC PLAN: SUPPORTING RECOVERY
2021-22 Music Development Office Strategic Plan

The Music Development Office
within the Department for
Innovation and Skills

Established by the South Australian Government              The MDO has further supported growth in the
in 2014, the Music Development Office (MDO) is a            industry during this time by forming strategic
dedicated office within the Department for Innovation       partnerships with national organisations
and Skills, with a mission to support, strengthen and       and businesses such as Sounds Australia,
grow the local contemporary original music sector. The      APRA AMCOS, Carclew Youth Arts, Live Music
MDO was the first of its kind in the country and plays a    Office, Australian Independent Record Labels
vital role in supporting the continued development of       Association (AIR) and Wonderlick Entertainment.
the music industry ecosystem.
                                                            These partnerships have facilitated further
Based at St Paul’s Creative Centre in the heart of          opportunities to help South Australian music
Adelaide, the MDO is a conduit between the music            businesses and artists increase their connectivity
industry and government, providing support, advice          to the national industry, enhance export
and funding, and with key staff bringing significant        opportunities, create improved conditions and
national and international music industry experience.       raise the profile of the state’s music industry
                                                            through events, initiatives and programs.
In recent years there has been an increasing raft of
success stories as a result of the conditions fostered by   Since the onset of COVID-19, the music industry in
the MDO through its programs and initiatives for artists,   South Australia, which was stable and primed for
businesses, and key support organisations, who have         growth prior to the pandemic, has experienced
all played a significant role in shaping the economic       significant impacts across the entire sector.
and cultural impact of the local music industry.

In the past three years, the South Australian
Government, through the MDO, has invested more
than $1 million directly into organisations such as
Music SA, Northern Sound System, Creative Original
Music Adelaide (COMA) and Nexus Arts through the
Contemporary Music Organisations Funding Program.
Through these partnerships, the MDO-facilitated
industry development has focused on elements of
the local music ecosystem, including youth, early
career artists and businesses, Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander and culturally diverse communities,
across a range of contemporary music genres.

                                                                                                    Umbrella Festival
6 Department for Innovation and Skills                                                             Credit: Helen Page
Music Development Office - 2021-22 STRATEGIC PLAN: SUPPORTING RECOVERY
Artists names: RKM X MRLN
Photo Credit: BLKMPIRE                 2021-22 Music Development Office Strategic Plan

                            The global pandemic has resulted in the total
                            shutdown of concerts, festivals and live gigs, all
                            of which have impacted our local music sector
                            and fractured the live performance component
                            of the ecosystem. Recent consultation with more
                            than 50 artists and music businesses in South
                            Australia revealed that 87 per cent of respondents
                            experienced losses to all or the main parts of their
                            income during this time (see Appendix, P17). Of
                            this cohort, 71 per cent noted loss of scheduled
                            local gigs, while 53 per cent said interstate
                            touring was lost. According to the annual Live
                            Music Census conducted by Music SA, South
                            Australians would normally be enjoying around
                            20,000 venue-based gigs over the course of 2020.

                            The severity of theses impacts is echoed
                            nationwide. According to “I Lost My Gig”, an
                            initiative supported by the Australian Music
                            Industry Network and Australian Festival
                            Association, the total lost income from the
                            Australian cancellations in March 2020 is
                            estimated to be $340 million to the sector, with
                            an estimated box-office loss predicted to hit half
                            a billion dollars over six months.

                            While the immediate impacts on the South
                            Australian music industry are apparent, it is yet
                            to be determined what the longer-term impacts
                            will be. During this time, the MDO will play a
                            key role in supporting and strengthening the
                            local ecosystem through this 2021-22 Music
                            Development Office Strategic Plan.

                                                 Department for Innovation and Skills 7
Music Development Office - 2021-22 STRATEGIC PLAN: SUPPORTING RECOVERY
2021-22 Music Development Office Strategic Plan

Strategic objective                                                                    2021-2022

 Incorporating the values from the Department for Innovation and Skills’ FIXE strategy (Future Industries
 eXchange for Entrepreneurship), as well as insights provided through the industry-led Creative Industries
 Strategy within Growth State: our plan for prosperity, the 2021-2022 MDO Strategic Plan focuses on supporting
 the reshape, recovery, rebuild and re-strengthening of a resilient, confident and future-ready music industry.

 Strategic pillars
 With themes aimed at encouraging collaboration,               The Strategic Plan sets out intentions that
 skills development, innovation, entrepreneurialism,           underpin four phases:
 promotion, access and export, the MDO will activate
                                                               1. RESHAPE: Adapt to new conditions and
 this strategy through continued partnerships with key
                                                                   opportunities presented by the disruption of
 local and national industry organisations, and state
                                                                   COVID-19 through new collaborations, skills and
 and local government agencies. The MDO will also
                                                                   business models.
 work directly with industry by identifying, developing,
 and championing contemporary music entrepreneurs,             2. RECOVER: Nurture South Australian music
 businesses, artists and their work.                               businesses and artists to recover by supporting
                                                                   efforts to increase access and engagement,
 To support this activity, the South Australian
                                                                   wellbeing and the diversity within the ecosystem.
 Government through the MDO will commit more than
 $3.4 million across two financial years (2020-21 and          3. REBUILD: Champion the South Australian
 2021-22) to deliver industry support programs and to              music sector with a focus on local collaborations
 work with key organisations on initiatives that support           and advocacy, with the view to support
 the strategic intent outlined in this document.                   innovative export pathways in existing and
                                                                   unexpected markets.
 This Strategic Plan targets all artists and music industry
 entrepreneurs, businesses and organisations, inclusive        4. R
                                                                   ETURN STRONGER: Respond with innovation
 of diverse communities throughout South Australia.               through the COVID-19 disruption and beyond.

8 Department for Innovation and Skills
Music Development Office - 2021-22 STRATEGIC PLAN: SUPPORTING RECOVERY
2021-22 Music Development Office Strategic Plan

The Plan

Artist: Pinkish Blu
Credit: Marleen Alexa
                                  Department for Innovation and Skills 9
Music Development Office - 2021-22 STRATEGIC PLAN: SUPPORTING RECOVERY
2021-22 Music Development Office Strategic Plan

       RESHAPE                                    Adapt to new conditions and opportunities presented
                                                  within the disruption of COVID-19 through new
                                                  collaborations, skills and business models.

       Strategic intent                           MDO programs                   Strategic partnerships

       Facilitate access to pathways              Project Support Grants         Lot Fourteen
       and opportunities that support
                                                                                 Future Industries eXchange
       reshaping business models
                                                                                 for Entrepreneurship (FIXE)
       to enable the diversification
       of revenue streams.                                                       St Paul’s Creative Centre
                                                                                 programs and workshops

       Support opportunities for                  Robert Stigwood                Lot Fourteen
       artists and music businesses to            Fellowship Program
                                                                                 FIXE Mentorship Program
       collaborate, upskill and increase
                                                  Project Support Grants
       professional development.                                                 St Paul’s Creative Centre
                                                                                 programs and workshops
                                                                                 Australian Independent
                                                                                 Record Labels Assocation
                                                                                 Key funded organisations

       Support strategies that contribute to      Music At Work                  Department for Education
       building a cultural appreciation for
       music, and an understanding of key
       skills required for career pathways
       in music, through education.

          Artist: Bza
          Credit: Dave Court

10 Department for Innovation and Skills
2021-22 Music Development Office Strategic Plan

Artist: Motez Credit: Danny Howe

RECOVER                                  Nurture South Australian music businesses
                                         and artists to recover by supporting efforts to
                                         increase access and engagement, wellbeing
                                         and the diversity within the ecosystem.

Strategic intent                         MDO programs                       Strategic partnerships

Support music businesses                 Project Support Grants             Live Music Office
to recover through the
                                         Live Music Venues Grant Program    Commonwealth Government
impacts of COVID-19.
                                                                            APRA AMCOS
                                                                            AMIN Group

Active engagement with                   Project Support Grants             Women In Music
professional music practitioners from
                                         BLKMPIRE program                   Commonwealth Government
under-represented communities
to increase participation in programs.                                      Carclew
                                                                            Key funded organisations

Foster and enable the next               Music At Work                      Carclew
generation of music industry
                                                                            Key funded organisations
participants supporting youth and
early career artists and industry.

Support a focus on developing the        Live Music Events Fund             Live Music Office
live music ecosystem in the regions.
                                                                            Country Arts SA
                                                                            Regional development
                                                                            offices and local councils
                                                                            Key funded organisations

Support wellbeing projects and           Project Support Grants             Wellbeing SA
initiatives that raise awareness
                                                                            Support Act
for mental health.
                                                                            Key funded organisations

                                                                                    Department for Innovation and Skills 11
2021-22 Music Development Office Strategic Plan

       REBUILD - LOCAL                            Champion the local industry by working together, promoting
                                                  each other, and supporting local products and services.

       Strategic intent                           MDO programs                      Strategic partnerships

       Support the rebuilding of the              Project Support Grants            Live Music Office
       live performance aspect of
                                                  Live Music Venues Grant Program   Commonwealth Government
       the sector for artists, venues and
       promoters across South Australia.          Live Music Events Fund            Australian Hotels Association
                                                                                    Key funded organisations

       Encourage partnerships and                 All key programs                  Key funded organisations
       engagement across local music
       industry businesses, artists and
       suppliers to increase commercial
       outcomes across South Australia.

       Support and encourage                                                        State and local
       engagement of local artists                                                  government agencies
       and music industry suppliers
                                                                                    Key funded organisations
       across government and key
       organisations to support
       commercial outcomes.

       Encourage connectivity and                 Project Support Grants            St Paul’s Creative community
       collaboration across the
                                                                                    Department for Innovation
       broader creative industries
                                                                                    and Skills, Creative Industries
       to support an increase to
       commercial opportunities.

       Explore and enable new touring             Strategic initiatives             Local councils
       routes through regional
                                                                                    Country Arts SA
       areas and across the country
       to maximise opportunities for                                                Live Music Office
       artists to increase revenue and
       develop grass roots audiences.

       Ensure that cultural and economic                                            Arts SA
       objectives continue to align
                                                                                    Adelaide UNESCO City
       to support growth of the music
                                                                                    of Music Office
       industry across the state.

       Champion and showcase the                  Project Support Grants/           Key funded organisations
       South Australian music industry            Strategic initiatives
       by promoting and sharing
                                                  Robert Stigwood
       local success stories.
                                                  Fellowship Program

12 Department for Innovation and Skills
2021-22 Music Development Office Strategic Plan

REBUILD - INTERNATIONAL                 Leverage unexpected or new possibilities
                                        in COVID-19 low risk markets.

Strategic intent                        MDO programs                    Strategic partnerships

Increase export opportunities           Project Support Grants/         Sounds Australia
for South Australian music industry     Strategic initiatives
                                                                        Adelaide UNESCO City
representatives in new key ‘safe
                                                                        of Music Office
markets.’ E.g. Trans-Tasman.
                                                                        Department for Trade
                                                                        and Investment
                                                                        Australian Independent
                                                                        Record Labels

Leveraging Australia’s position         Live Music Events Fund          Sounds Australia
as a safe place to do business,
                                        Project Support Grants          Adelaide UNESCO City
attracting opportunities that drive
                                                                        of Music Office
growth of the state’s music industry.   Strategic initatives
                                                                        Department for Trade
                                                                        and Investment
                                                                        Events South Australia

        Artist: Towns
        Credit: Samuel Graves                                                  Department for Innovation and Skills 13
2021-22 Music Development Office Strategic Plan

       RETURN STRONGER                            Respond with Innovation through the COVID-19 disruption

       Strategic intent                           MDO programs                                Strategic partnerships

       Support new, innovative                    Project Support Grants                      Future Industries eXchange
       approaches and platforms to                                                            for Entrepreneurship (FIXE)
                                                  Strategic initiatives
       engage audiences and market goods
                                                                                              Lot Fourteen
       and services in the music industry.

       Support and encourage                      Project Support Grants                      Future Industries eXchange
       collaborations and partnerships                                                        for Entrepreneurship (FIXE)
                                                  Strategic initiatives
       between music, tech
                                                                                              Lot Fourteen
       and sciences to develop                    Department for Innovation and
       technology that supports the               Skills’ Research Commercialisation
       advancement and growth of the              and Startup Fund
       music industry ecosystem.

14 Department for Innovation and Skills                                    Artist: Hana & Jessie-Lee’s Bad Habits Credit: Lauren Connelly
2021-22 Music Development Office Strategic Plan

Artist: Hana & Jessie-Lee’s Bad Habits Credit: Lauren Connelly

                                                                          Department for Innovation and Skills 15
Music Development Office 2021-22 Strategic Plan

  SA Music Ecosystem
                                                      2020 Music
              Majority                                                                             Remainder
                                                     Instruments & Equipment                                                      5%
                                                        Council / govt related                                           4%
                                                         Education & training                                       4%
                                                                      Festival                                      4%
                                                            Studios / mixing                                       4%

                                                          NGOs, support orgs                                  3%
                                                                       Screen                          2%
                                                                        Media                         2%
                                                                    Promoter                         2%
                Musician                                         Record store                      2%
                 [463]                                              Collective                    2%
                                                                     Manager                 1%
                                                             Rehearsal space                 1%
                                                                     Producer               1%

                                                              Booking agent                1%
                                                               Engineer (live)            1%
                                                                         label            1%
                                                               Photographer               1%
                                  Venue                       Graphic design            1%
                                   [348]                            Ticketing        0.4%
                                                                  Conference        0.3%
                                                                     Publicist     0.2%
                                                                         Legal    0.1%
                                                                       Screen    0.1%                *Live music venues

                                                                                                        (499, up 14%)

   Identify main profession
                                                  Number of live music venues
                                                   playing original music = 58                              * Ref: APRA AMCOS

        as a musician

                                                                                                       Music professionals
                                                                                                         registered with
              Live music gigs                                                                             APRA AMCOS

                                                                                                        (5050, up 13%)**
                                                    Music festivals
                                                     and events

   at 309 venues (1,108 gigs at 211                                                                         ** Compared to 2017
   venues, both figures up 32%)**                                                     Venues hosting
                                                                                     original live music
                                                    (40, up 27%)**
                                                                                     Metro 23
                                                                                    Regional 35

16 Department for Innovation and Skills
Music Development Office 2021-22 Strategic Plan

                                                                                                                                  Live music venues
Appendix                                                                                                                           Hotel / Pub
                                                                                                                                   Entertainment Venue
                                                                                                                                   Club / Bar                  9%        30

                                                                                                                                   Brewery / Winery            7%        24
                                                                                                                                   Cafe / Restaurant           7%        23
                                                                                                                                   Other                       4%        13

IMPACTS                                                                                                                           TOTAL                                  331

                                    in lost income

   $7.56                            (March 2020 – I Lost My Gig initiative)
                                                                                                                                                   ba  ck
                                    34,076 people were affected and

                                                                                                                                             y feed ns:
                                                                                                                                          str ndatio
                                    7, 614 jobs / gigs were lost.

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           com 9-2020
                                                                                                                                Survey conducted by Square Holes June 2020
                                                                                                                                                Department for Innovation and Skills 17
Field Good Festival
Credit: Jack Fenby

 Published January 2020.
 No responsibility for any loss or damage caused by reliance on any of the
 information or advice provided by or on behalf of the state of South Australia,
 or for any loss or damage arising from acts or omissions made, is accepted by
 the state of South Australia, their officers, servants or agents. Produced by the
 Department for Innovation and Skills © January 2020. Content correct, to the
 best of the Department’s knowledge, at time of production.
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