Music generation and human voice conversion based on LSTM

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Music generation and human voice conversion based on LSTM
MATEC Web of Conferences 336, 06015 (2021)                  

      Music generation and human voice conversion
      based on LSTM
      Guangwei Li1, Shuxue Ding1,*, Yujie Li1, and Kangkang Zhang1
          School of Artificial Intelligence, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin, China

                      Abstract. Music is closely related to human life and is an important way
                      for people to express their feelings in life. Deep neural networks have
                      played a significant role in the field of music processing. There are many
                      different neural network models to implement deep learning for audio
                      processing. For general neural networks, there are problems such as
                      complex operation and slow computing speed. In this paper, we introduce
                      Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), which is a circulating neural network,
                      to realize end-to-end training. The network structure is simple and can
                      generate better audio sequences after the training model. After music
                      generation, human voice conversion is important for music understanding
                      and inserting lyrics to pure music. We propose the audio segmentation
                      technology for segmenting the fixed length of the human voice. Different
                      notes are classified through piano music without considering the scale and
                      are correlated with the different human voices we get. Finally, through the
                      transformation, we can express the generated piano music through the
                      output of the human voice. Experimental results demonstrate that the
                      proposed scheme can successfully obtain a human voice from pure piano
                      Music generated by LSTM.

      1 Introduction
          Music, as an art form expressing emotions, is in high demand in the market. At present,
      the number of professional music creators is limited, and music production takes time and
      effort, and the cost is high[1]. In recent years, with the rapid development of artificial
      intelligence deep learning algorithms in image recognition[2], video detection[3], natural
      language processing[4], and speech processing[5] and its application in various fields,
      computer music has brought us a new opportunity for development. The development of
      deep learning in music allows us to use models to generate piano music. We use a deep
      learning based algorithm to compose and generate music on the computer.
          Music generation is a study that uses algorithms to automate part or all of the music
      creation process. Although the study of music generation using mathematical methods has
      been around for a long time, it has not made great progress due to the limitation of the
      development of other related disciplines. In recent years, with the development of deep
      learning, the music generation problem has come back into our field of vision. Various
      related models have also been applied to the study of the music generation problem.

      *    Corresponding author:

© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License 4.0 (
Music generation and human voice conversion based on LSTM
MATEC Web of Conferences 336, 06015 (2021)      

     Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) is an efficient model designed to process sequential or
     temporal data[6]. However, due to the problems of long-term dependence and gradient
     disappearance, we adopt an LSTM network to design the model, which can not only
     process the information on multiple scales but also process fine-grained temporal details, as
     well as coarse-grained remote historical information. LSTM adds the idea of
     self-circulation to keep the gradient flowing, which can effectively solve the problems of
     long-term dependence and gradient explosion[7].Through the use of the LSTM music
     generation model to train a large number of piano music, automatic generation of new
     piano music. The forecast distribution of this model is not only related to the current state
     but also related to the previous state to some extent. Through LSTM, we can get more
     fluent piano music, which is better than other generated models.
         This paper mainly uses a mature model of piano music generation—LSTM and then
     converse piano music to the human voice[8][9]. We have collected a large number of piano
     MIDI data sets and obtained piano pieces of any length through LSTM training. Model
     training based on MIDI data sets is to predict the next note in a sequence based on the
     current combination of note and chord information. Because our experiment is currently
     only able to perform voice conversion for single-key piano repertoire. We perform a
     secondary screening of piano music to extract the piano music with the single key-value we
     need. Through the corresponding position relationship with our human voice segment
     conversion. The transformation between piano music and our voice information lays a
     foundation for the next step to realize the automatic generation of music with complete
     lyrics and emotions.

     2 Related works

     2.1 Music expression
     The choice of an encoding form of music information is closely related to the processing of
     input and output of the depth frame. The data forms of music mainly include audio and
     symbolic, which correspond to the division of continuous variables and discrete variables
         Music information based on audio is mainly represented by a signal wave and spectrum.
     This kind of music representation can retain complete original music information, but it has
     some shortcomings, such as the large consumption of computing resources and long
     processing time. For another kind of music information based on symbols, the data is
     mainly converted into the form of symbols, the representative of which is piano music.
     During the data preprocessing of piano music, the data is converted into the form of a
     one-hot vector for data processing. According to the key position of the piano and the time
     step of playing, we converted music data into the form of a one-hot vector to serve as the
     training data of our model training.

     2.2 Existing methods for music generation
     Applications in music generation have been studied for a very long time. Back in the 1980s,
     Steedman used a small number of rules to generate a large number of complex chord
     sequences[10]. Pachet proposed a method to control the Markov model for melody
     generation by a specific method[11].
        Karen Simonyan and Sander Dieleman generated a piece of piano music audio through
     processing the audio waveform through the WaveNet Deep learning network[12]. For
     WaveNet, the model is fully autoregressive and the predicted distribution of each audio
     sample depends on all previous samples. WaveNet combines causal filters with extended

Music generation and human voice conversion based on LSTM
MATEC Web of Conferences 336, 06015 (2021)          

     convolution, which enlarges their receptive field but still creates a certain amount of noise
     in the generated audio. To improve the reliability of the network and the quality of the
     obtained audio, an RNN method is proposed. RNN has a better effect on processing our
     data set than the general neural network, but it can only process short-term data because of
     the gradient disappearance problem.
         To solve those problems existing in the recurrent network, Eck et al. use LSTM to
     generate music, their experimental results show that LSTM learns a form of blues music
     successfully and can compose novel melodies in that style[13].

     3 Model and formulation
     In this paper, we combine the LSTM generation model with the audio cutting technique.
     The obtained piano music sequence is screened and converted to the human voice to obtain
     a piece of audio information of the human voice.
         For the whole process of obtaining human voice information from the piano music, we
     obtained the experimental results we wanted through the above techniques. The overall
     flow chart of piano music and human voice conversion is shown in Fig. 1.

     Fig. 1. Overall flow chart of piano music and human voice conversion.
         We collect voice information for different notes according to the different sounds made
     by piano music. We collect the corresponding human voice audio according to the different
     notes. Then, the whole human voice audio is cut through the audio segmentation
     technology to each audio segment.
         For piano music generation, we use the LSTM network model to generate the piano
     music we need. Then, we use the piano music generated from LSTM for human voice

     3.1 Human voice section
     For the human voice transformation, we collected the human voice information for piano
     music and human voice transformation. Ignoring the pitch of the piano keys, the main
     melody of piano music can divide into seven different notes, which are regarded as seven
     different pieces of audio from 1 to 7. These 7 sounds are collected as our human voice
     audio information. We propose two solutions for the human voice information we need.
         In the first scheme, the voice information corresponding to each note is separately
     collected (Individual recording, IR), as shown in Fig. 2. We can directly get the audio
     information of each segment without processing the audio file through the audio slicing

MATEC Web of Conferences 336, 06015 (2021)             

     Fig. 2. Individual recording (IR): The audio file is collected separately.
        In the second scheme, we collect the human voice information into an audio segment
     (Overall the recording, OR) to ensure the fluency of the audio segment. Then, audio slicing
     technology is applied to the collected audio files, as shown in Fig. 3.

     Fig. 3. Overall the recording (OR): Audio files are collected and sliced.

     3.2 Piano music generated from LSTM
     The LSTM model has a very good effect on the generation of piano music sequences. We
     use the LSTM model to generate piano music to realize the mutual transformation between
     our piano music and the human voice, and its structure is shown in Fig. 4.

     Fig. 4. LSTM structure for music generation.
             There are four main gates in the LSTM model as follows,
             z      g t : Input gate, Learns whether to write to cell.
             z      f t : Forget gate, Learns whether to erase cell state.
             z      qt : Output gate, Learns how much to reveal to the cell state.
             z      ~
                    st : Update gate, Learns how much to write to cell state.
             According to the following formulations, we can obtain Cell State st and Output State
      ht .
                                       st = tanh(b + Uxt + Wht −1 )                                   (1)

                                           qt = σ (bq + U q xt + Wq ht −1 )

MATEC Web of Conferences 336, 06015 (2021)            

                                       f t = σ (b f + U f xt + W f ht −1 )

                                       g t = σ (bg + U g xt + wg ht −1 )
         The equations above describe a single layer of LSTM. We can have a stacked LSTM
     structure where the output of layer-1 acts like the input of layer-2 and so on[14].

                                             st = f t * st −1 + g t * ~
                                                                      st                            (5)

                                               ht = qt * tanh( st )                                 (6)

     Fig. 5. The unrolled network of LSTM.
        The unrolled network during the forward pass is shown in Fig. 5. Note that the gates
     have not been shown for simplicity. sT is responsible for computing hT as well as the next
     cell state sT +1 . At each time step, xt and ht −1 obtain st and ht according to the formula, and
     calculate yt through the activation function.

     4 Experiments
     In the experiments, we trained and tested the proposed model. We generate piano music
     from the LSTM. The audio frequency of the human voice is obtained through the proposed
     IR or OR.
         For piano music generation, we have collected a large number of piano music MIDI
     data files. By training the data set with the built model, we batch our sequence data during
     training, thus greatly speed up the training stage. However, as our sequence gets longer, we
     use more and more memory, so we need to solve the memory consumption problem[15]. In
     this paper, the gradient checkpoint method is used. This allows us to train the entire
     sequence of the model with less memory and perform more computations.

     4.1 Training
     Training piano music to generate random piano music sequences. Firstly, the piano music
     sequence is screened by simple single key data. Secondly, the filtered data is sliced and
     corresponds to the human voice audio frequency. Finally, the corresponding voice
     conversion is obtained. The corresponding relationship between our piano music and the
     sliced human voice audio is shown in Fig. 6. Through the position of each sound in the real

MATEC Web of Conferences 336, 06015 (2021)         

     piano keys and the position in each column of the piano music matrix we obtained, we
     corresponded and numbered them sequentially. Through the key value of each tone, we get
     the human voice audio when we press the appropriate piano keys.

     Fig. 6. The correspondence between piano music and the human voice.
        After we have defined the corresponding relationship, the human voice information of
     piano music is obtained through the piano music sequence generated by the LSTM model.
     Then according to the piano music, we connected the corresponding audio segments into
     complete human voice information.

     Fig. 7. The illustration of human voice conversion from piano music generated by LSTM.
         According to Fig. 7, we generate piano music sequences based on the LSTM model and
     screened them. The selected piano music is corresponding through the relation specified by
     us, and audio blocks are obtained according to the position of key values. Finally, we
     spliced all the audio pieces according to the piano music to get the piano music vocal audio
     we wanted.

     4.2 Experimental discussion

     For our audio slicing technology, we propose two different ways of processing human
     voice information, IR and OR. By segmenting and slicing, we get the corresponding vocal

MATEC Web of Conferences 336, 06015 (2021)           

     fragments of each note and then match the human audio fragments. The results obtained by
     the two different methods are shown in Fig. 8 and Fig. 9.

     Fig. 8. The human voice audio waveform generated by IR.

     Fig. 9. The human voice audio waveform generated by OR.
         Fig. 8 shows the experimental result of IR, although the integrity of each audio is
     guaranteed, there will not be two notes in the same audio. This method loses fluency after
     the audio splicing. Fig. 9 shows the experimental result of OR, from which we can see the
     voice audio waveform generated by OR is smoother. This method has strict requirements
     on the recording time. It requires each piece of audio after the slice contains only one note
     of voice audio. We can obtain a relatively good human voice audio through the method of

     5 Conclusions
     In this paper, we proposed a novel approach for piano music and human voice conversion.
     we conducted a series of processing on the piano music sequence obtained by LSTM to
     obtain new data. Then, we matched the piano music sequence generated by the mature
     LSTM model with the human voice information we collected. In this way, we convert
     piano music to human audio and use human voices to represent piano music. In the future
     research, we plan to generate music with lyrics and emotions. Through the simple piano
     music and the conversion of the human voice proposed by this paper, the expression forms
     of human voice and melody can be understood and laid a foundation for the follow-up

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