Nathi Nkonde 2015 DMA winner

Page created by Bernard Harris
Nathi Nkonde 2015 DMA winner

Nathi Nkonde
2015 DMA winner
Our 3-point plan to                A celebration of achievements
return to the top                  and milestones
Altron’s new business strategy     The 2015 Altron Annual Awards
and management structure           in words and pictures
Nathi Nkonde 2015 DMA winner
BU S I NE SS P RO F I L E             1

                                                                                                                                                   FROM OUR EDITORS

                                                                                                                                      Achievers past and present
     Regulars                                                                                                                         This year’s annual awards
                                                                                                                                      event was perhaps one of
                                                                                                                                                                        successful in many ways,
                                                                                                                                                                        defined by a kaleidoscope
                                                                                                                                      the most significant in the       of prosperous businesses,
                                                                                                                                      history of the group and was      happy memories, supportive
                                                                                                                                      the primary vehicle used          colleagues and enduring
                                                                                                                                      for celebrating Altron’s 50th     relationships. The group,
         Editorial                       1                                                                                            anniversary.                      he said, had been through

                                                                                     14                                      16
                                                                                                                                         More than 300 of               good times and bad times,
                                                                                                                                      the group’s most senior           enjoyed victories together and
         News in Brief                   2                                                                                                                                                                                     Grant Rogerson and Liezl Kruger
                                                                                                                                      executives gathered at the        fought battles together. He
                                                                                                                                      Theatre on the Track at           called these the things that           reflect on the many exciting         was presented to our cover
         Wellness Profile               30                                                                                            Kyalami, Midrand, to reflect      constituted the fabric of the          developments that are taking         man, Nathi Nkonde of the
                                                                                                                                      on five decades of progress       organisation and helped to             place in the group and to            Altron Tax Department.
         Ally’s Tech Corner             32                                                                                            since the company was             build a winning culture.               see how our companies are            Despite having been with
                                                                                                                                      established in 1965.                  The different speakers on          chartering new territories           the group for only two years
                                                                                                                                         In his keynote address,        the day elaborated on this             along the way.                       he has managed to shine
                                                                                                                                      which set the tone and            theme and paid tribute to the              In traditional fashion, the      brilliantly in a demanding role.
                                                                                                                                      highlighted the theme for the     chairman, Dr Venter, for the           group paid tribute to its top           We hope you will enjoy this

                                                                                                                                      event, Altron chief executive,    significant role he had played         achievers for their significant      awards edition and join us in
                                                                                                                                      Robbie Venter, pointed            in the group’s development             contribution in a challenging        celebrating Altron’s achievers.
                                                                                                                                      out that anniversaries are        over the years.                        year.
                                                                                                                                      opportunities for recollections       The event also provided                The top award for the            Best regards
                                                                                                                                      of years gone by. The past        a great opportunity for                day, the Altron Chairman’s           GRANT AND LIEZL
                                                                                                                                      50 years for Altron had been      the guests to pause and                Distinguished Merit Award,

     Features                                     Business                                      People                                                                    Editorial information
                                                                                                                                                                          Profile is co-edited by Grant Rogerson and            Follow us on Facebook and Twitter:
     6     New strategy and structure             5     PTSI and smart meters                   12 Nathi Nkonde: DMA winner                                               Liezl Kruger of the Altron Group Corporate
                                                                                                                                                                          Communications Department.                                 http: //
     16 Altron celebrates at the                  10 How to use IP symbols                      14 Mkhuseli Tindleni and the Altron                                       The Profile editorial committee members are:
           annual awards                                                                              TMT Facilities success story                                        Michelle Doyle – Altron
                                                                                                                                                                          Regula Niehus – Altron Power                          Direct all queries to:
                                                  11 Altech Netstar jams jamming                                                                                          Chris Van Zyl – Altron TMT                            Tel: 011 645-3600
                                                                                                                                                                          Shona Minards – Altron TMT                            Email:
                                                                                                                                                                          Tanya Gruhn - Altron
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Design and production:
                                                                                                                                                                          Profile is also available on the Altron internal      Words’worth (
                                                                                                                                                                          website (Alix) or on

Profile is printed on NeoMatt paper, supplied and partly sponsored by NOR Paper, a Bytes Document Solutions
subsidiary. Neo Matt is chlorine-free to reduce the impact on the environment. The paper is produced in a plant                                                           On the cover: 2015 DMA winner Nkosinathi Nkonde.
that generates its own steam to conserve resources, and that is chimneyless to avoid air pollution.
Nathi Nkonde 2015 DMA winner
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                NEWS IN BRIEF

    Self-service banking moves into the cloud                                                                                                   It’s business as usual for Altech Autopage                                                          PTT's new
    Through its partnership            Kalpana software runs           reducing operating costs,           platform will greatly                Altron announced on            contracts will simply            on new contracts across all
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    tech man
    with NCR, Bytes Managed         ATMs remotely. It is designed      and will greatly improve            reduce the expenditure               12 May this year that it       be transferred and the           networks, upgrade customer
    Solutions (Bytes MS), has       to eliminate malware and           and accelerate the process          associated with power                was negotiating the sale of    contractual arrangements         handsets on existing
    introduced the biggest          enable the rapid deployment        of bringing new ATM                 management, security                 Altech Autopage’s cellular     with our customers will be       contracts and resolve product
    change to the way an ATM        of new devices and ATM             services to market,” says           updates, paper receipts and          subscriber bases. For the      maintained on the same           or service-related queries.
    operates since the self-        services. The results are an       Alan Anderson, Bytes MS’            other consumables and the            time being, however, it is     terms. This means that               The same applies to
    service banking channel was     amazing customer experience        business development                deployment of new ATMs.”             business as usual, according   our customers will not           Altech Autopage’s customer
    invented nearly 50 years ago.   and a 40% reduction in the         director. “Apart from the               Kalpana software is also         to Boyd Chislett, managing     lose any of the benefits of      services. “Our customer
       The source of this           cost of running an ATM.            operational cost savings            more secure than traditional         director of Altech Autopage.   their contracts with Altech      services and call centre teams
    revolution is Kalpana, an          “This new software              and commonly known                  ATM software because                    “Our operations and         Autopage. Pricing, services      continue to respond to our
    enterprise software platform    platform will revolutionise        efficiencies that come with         all software updates are             customer services will         and deals on handsets            customers’ and partners’
    that moves ATM software         the domestic ATM security          any cloud-based platform            originated and controlled at         continue uninterrupted,”       when upgraded also remain        enquiries or service-related
    and operations to the cloud.    market in addition to              or solution, the Kalpana            the server level.                    says Boyd. “The upgrading      unchanged.”                      matters as before,” says Boyd.     Powertech Transformers’
                                                                                                                                                of existing customer              Altech Autopage’s             “If anything, we are striving      new group manager:
                                                                                                                                                contracts or taking out of     significant number of            even harder to improve these       technology, Mluleki
    ACS’ paperwork remains in place                                    Farewell to Craig Venter                                                 new contracts will continue    retail outlets countrywide       services. My message to our        Hlatshwayo.
                                                                                                                                                should the proposed            will continue to provide         customers is to have faith in       Mluleki Hlatshwayo is
    In 2014, bank and               requirement for all                                                                                         sale go ahead. Customer        customers with assistance        us during this period.”             Powertech Transformers’
    card fraud cost the             payment solutions                                                                                                                                                                                               new group manager:
    South African economy           providers, says Attie                                                                                                                                                                                           technology, and member of
    R454 million, according to      van der Linde, general                                                                                      Your call is important to BPS                                                                       Exco, with effect from 1 July.
    the South African Banking       manager: integrated                                                                                                                                                                                                Mluleki joined Powertech
    Risk Information Centre         transaction solutions at                                                                                    In 2012, Samsung outsourced    centre agents and specialist    the contact centre achieving         Transformers as an
    (SABRIC).                       ACS. “Our foremost priority                                                                                 its South African customer     contact centre processes. The   its global top-ten position.         engineer-in-training in 2009.
       Against this backdrop,       is to protect cardholders’                                                                                  care contact centre to Bytes   setup is unique: although the       “With South Africa currently     He filled different positions
    Altech Card Solutions’ (ACS)    information by equipping                                                                                    People Solutions (BPS). A      contact centre is based at      earmarked as a business              over the years, the most
    achievement of PCI DSS V3       ACS’ systems with the              On Tuesday, 28 July, Altron bade an official farewell to Craig Venter.   mere three years later, the    Samsung SA’s headquarters       process outsourcing (BPO)            recent being development
    certification, for the third    correct software to                Pictured above at the event are Craig’s personal assistant Paula         local centre has received a    in Rivonia, everything and      destination of choice for large      and support manager –
    consecutive year, is far        safeguard them against             Pereira, and Craig in conversation with Laurence Savage, group           top-ten ranking, recognising   everyone contained therein,     offshore organisations, it is        electrical as of 2013.
    more than an exercise in        malware or spyware.”               executive: telecoms and multi-media. Below: Dr Bill Venter, his          it as one of Samsung’s best    is provided by BPS.             critical for local companies            Mluleki completed his
    paperwork.                          To retain its certification,   wife Penny and Dr John Carstens were among the guests.                   managed contact centres.           Where other contact         to provide platforms of              BSc electrical engineering
       The Payment Card             ACS had to undertake                                                                                            The company operates       centres pay their agents a      opportunity and growth to the        degree at the University of
    Industry Data Security          specific measures such                                                                                      49 contact centres across      regular monthly salary, BPS     many jobseekers who lack             KwaZulu-Natal in 2008 and
    Standard (PCI DSS) aims to      as ensuring the networks                                                                                    the globe. The South African   has created a unique pay-       the necessary skills to start        in 2013 obtained his master’s
    make credit and debit card      used in the production                                                                                      centre was among the worst     for-performance model that      a career,” says Madelise.            degree with distinction
    transactions as secure as       and processing of card                                                                                      performing operations at the   incentivises the agents based   “Our Samsung achievement             from the University of the
    possible and, in so doing, to   transactions are protected                                                                                  time of its outsourcing.       on customer feedback. This      confirms Bytes People                Witwatersrand. He is a
    protect cardholders against     with reputable firewalls,                                                                                       BPS provides Samsung       structure, says Dr Madelise     Solutions’ status as one             registered professional
    the misuse and abuse of         and that internal access                                                                                    with an end-to-end solution    Grobler, managing director of   of the foremost contact              engineer with the
    personal information.           to the system is restricted                                                                                 that includes the latest       Bytes People Solutions, has     centre service providers             Engineering Council of
       Certification is a           and monitored.                                                                                              technology, contact            contributed largely to          in South Africa.”                    South Africa (ECSA).
Nathi Nkonde 2015 DMA winner
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                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                                                                                            PTSI plays the smart card
    An (almost) paperless annual report                                                                                                                                                 In a world hungry for energy, smart meters
    When Altron’s 2015 annual         a technology company, to use           Furthermore, Altron          report can also be updated                                                    can help to increase generation capacity while
    report was released on            the functionality offered by the   engages its stakeholders         when necessary, making
    10 June, it was with the          online world to communicate        every three years to             Altron’s latest information                                                   mobilising people to use power more efficiently.

    press of a button. In what        its annual performance.            revisit its material issues,     immediately available. The
    is a first for Altron, and        Secondly, we had a lot to say      and adapt its strategy           only information that may                                                               mart meters are no longer a      inquiry by the eThekwini (Durban)
    probably for any South            and the web-based format           accordingly. This was done in    not be changed are the                                                                  nice-to-have in South Africa.    municipality is presently under
    African-listed company,           makes it possible to publish       the 2015 financial year and      audited financials.                                                                     The Department of Energy has     adjudication.
    the annual report was not         a big report without breaking      had to be covered extensively       “We really try to lead the                                                           passed regulations stipulating      In Johannesburg, City Power is
    printed (apart from 20 hard       the bank.”                         in the annual report.            pack in the quality, impact                                                   that customers who use more than a         implementing a major advanced
    copies) but published on              The bigger report was              In terms of technology,      and presentation of our                                                       certain amount of electricity in a month   metering infrastructure project. The first
    the web.                          necessary to explain the           the Altron annual report         annual reporting,” says                                                       should have a smart meter system in        phase is due for completion in October,
        According to Jannette         significant changes Altron         has some useful features.        Jannette. The 2015 annual                                                     place and be on a time-of-use tariff.      having been reprioritised as City Power
    Horn, former group                underwent in the previous          For instance, its PDF tool       report certainly achieves this                                                   The metres are furthermore vital to     wants to use “load limiting” to avoid
    sustainability manager, a         financial year, notably the        allows readers to select and     goal.                                                                         the programme that enables Eskom to        load shedding altogether.
    number of reasons drove the       creation of Altron TMT and         print only the sections of the      To read the annual report,                                                 buy renewable energy from third-party         To date, about 65 000 domestic smart
    decision. “Firstly, we felt the   Altron Power and their             report they are interested in.   go to                                                         producers. They can account for surplus    meters have been installed; the target is
    time was right for Altron, as     implications for the group.            Being web-based, the                                                                                       energy generated from solar panels and     150 000 by October. The ultimate aim is
                                                                                                                                                                                        wind turbines, thus feeding power back     that every one of City Power’s 330 000
                                                                                                                                                                                        to the grid and allowing consumers to      domestic customers will have a meter.
    Change of leadership                                                 Crabtree impresses at Decorex                                     Hennie du Plessis, CEO of                    be paid for it.                            This is in addition to the 12 000 smart

    at Altech Multimedia                                                                                                                   Powertech System Integrators.                   Smart meters are already being
                                                                                                                                                                                        rolled out in Tshwane, while a tender
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   meters installed at large power users

                                                                                                                                                                                            The PTSI picture
                                                                                                                                              Powertech System Integrators              load control equipment on geysers in          “There is enormous scope for
                                                                                                                                              (PTSI) has been involved in energy        40 000 homes in the Western Cape and       smart metering in Africa,” says
                                                                                                                                              metering since the late 1980s. In         automated meter reading installations      Hennie du Plessis, CEO of PTSI.
                                                                                                                                              fact, it was one of the first companies   for large power users in Johannesburg.     “While not all the features of
                                                                                                                                              to supply automated meter reading            In Uganda, PTSI is currently part of    smart metering are necessarily
                                                                                                                                              (AMR) systems in South Africa.            a project to install automated metering    applicable throughout the
                                                                                                                                                 Today it offers effective, end-to-     infrastructure for 1 500 large power       continent, we believe that smart
                                                                                                                                              end energy management systems             users and has completed the first phase    metering in Africa will, in time, be
                                                                                                                                              that integrate hardware, software,        of a similar project for 250 users in      on par with Tokyo or Amsterdam.
                                                                                                                                              automated metering, quality               Swaziland.                                 For now, the solution is likely to
                                                                                                                                              management, data collection,                 In Nigeria, the company successfully    be a hybrid or ‘best fit’ model,
                                                                         As part of its increased marketing thrust for 2015, Crabtree
    Danie du Toit (left) has resigned as managing director of Altech     exhibited at the Johannesburg Decorex show at Gallagher              analysis and reporting.                   undertook a smart metering pilot           meaning that smart meters will
    Multimedia (AMM) with effect from 31 July. Francois Stols,           Estate recently. More than 55 000 visitors passed through the           The company’s track record             project for a private investor and is      be employed, where applicable,
    previously executive: technology at Altech Netstar, has been         Crabtree exhibit, pictured above, and were exposed to the            includes, among others, the               preparing to help deliver several          alongside more conventional
    appointed to lead AMM.                                               company’s exciting new product range.                                installation and connection of            private sector off-grid projects.          technology.”
Nathi Nkonde 2015 DMA winner
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    ON A HIGH NOTE                                                                                                             Questions:
                                                                                                                               1. Does this mean that the
                                                                                                                                  operations that are not in IT
                                                                                                                                  and telecommunications will
                                                                                                                                  not receive attention?
                                                                                                                               Definitely not. In fact, management
                                                                                                                               will do everything possible to drive,
                                                                                                                               guide and support these businesses.
                                                                                                                               But we will not make much capital
                                                                                                                               available for expansion purposes until
                                                                                                                               we see a meaningful recovery in market
                                                                                                                               conditions. Remember that we have
                                                                                                                               already invested significant capital to
    Companies only succeed when they change with, and even ahead                                                               support businesses in particularly the
                                                                                                                               power generation sector.
    of, the times. Altron’s struggles over the past financial year were
                                                                                                                               2. Does the new structure mean that
    an indication that change was needed. The board and our senior                                                                 Altron TMT will be disbanded?
    executives took the signs seriously and after much thought and                                                             Absolutely not. The merger has
                                                                                                                               delivered too many benefits already
    deliberation identified three focus areas that will return Altron to                                                       for it to be undone. The new structure
                                                                                                                               only influences reporting lines at the
    the road to prosperity. Altron chief executive, Robbie Venter,                                                             very top level and has been designed to

    explains the focus areas and what will be done in each.                                                                    make sure we retain the benefits of the
                                                                                                                               Altron TMT collaboration.

                                                    he three areas that our          advantage lies predominantly in the       Cost reduction
            Execution                               executives and the board         IT and telecommunications space.          Our cost reduction objectives will be

             timeline                               believe are crucial in order
                                                    to steer the group into the
                                                                                     Our continued growth in these sectors
                                                                                     over a number of years supports this
                                                                                                                               achieved in three ways:
                                                                                                                               1. The leaner management structure.
      arly August – action plan was
     E                                    future, are:                               conclusion.                               2. Continued implementation of shared
     presented to the Altron board.       1. Business strategy and structure            This strategy supports Altron’s            services to bring down central costs.
     End of August – heads of Shared      2. Cost reduction                          evolution from an investment holding      3. Consolidation of our current three
     Services functions were appointed.   3. Assets                                  company to a fully-fledged operating          head offices into one site, most likely
     End September – implementation                                                  entity with emphasis on sustainable           in Parktown.
     of the Shared Service heads’         Detailed plans for each are still being    growth.
     structures starts.                   finalised, but for now I can give you a                                              Practical implications:
                                          broad indication of what we want to        Practical implications:                   • Shared services will be consolidated          CFO, until he takes over as CEO of      Altron chief executive, Robbie Venter
                                          achieve.                                   • Resources and capital will in             at an Altron level to further reduce          Bytes Technology Group in March
                                                                                        future go to the segments of the          support service costs, improve                2016. Then he will report to Robbie
                                          Business strategy and structure               business where we anticipate              alignment and enhance efficiencies.           Venter. Also reporting to Alex is the    better use of shared services due to
                                          The guiding principle behind the new          growth.                                   The following support services will           full finance function, including tax,    economies of scale and giving Altech
                                          business strategy and management           • As of 1 August we have a simpler          in future be managed by Andrew                treasury and financial reporting.        Radio Holdings space to grow. A
                                          structure is focus. From now on, Altron       management structure that will            Holden until February 2016, and then       • The smarter use of the buildings that    detailed review of timing and cost
                                          will focus on areas and industries where      speed up decision making to keep          by Emile Burger from March onwards:           currently house the Altron, Altron       savings is currently underway.
                                          we have the resources, competence             up with our fast-moving industry.         procurement, risk, employee services,         Power and Altron TMT head offices,
                                          and skills to leverage a competitive          The Altech, Bytes and Powertech           information technology, marketing/            as well a few other large premises,     Assets
                                          advantage.                                    excos will remain in place while the      comms, legal and facilities. Andrew           will bring benefits such as cost        In order to leverage a competitive
                                             We believe that our competitive            Altron TMT exco will fall away.           currently reports to Alex Smith, Altron       savings (around R20 million a year),    advantage, certain material non-core
Nathi Nkonde 2015 DMA winner
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                    Please do not lose sight of your day-to-day tasks. Take                       assets have been identified for disposal:

                  pride in what you do. No matter how insignificant your task                     • The sale of the GSM base of Altech
                                                                                                     Autopage should be completed by
                                                                                                                                                           The consolidation of head
                    may seem to you, it makes a big contribution to Altron.                          December 2015.                                          offices and functions
                                                                                                  • The sale of the Altech Node business
                                                                                                     is imminent.
                                                                                                  • The sale of Dynamic Batteries in the                                  WHERE ARE WE NOW
                                                                                                     UK was finalised during August.

                 The new Altron management structure                                              In addition, we are exploring the
                                                                                                  possibility of entering into equity
                                                                                                  sale agreements for Powertech
                                                            illie Oosthuysen assumes             Transformers, Powertech Cables and
             PREVIOUS ALTRON & ALTRON TMT STRUCTURE        additional responsibility for          our telecom cable joint venture.
                                                           business development and the
                                                           key account management (KAM)           Practical implication:
                                                           programme.                             • Altron will be a smaller but far
                                                            hared services will be extended         more agile group with high growth
                                                           across the group and are                  potential and financial sustainability.
                                                           consolidated under Andrew Holden
                                                           (and later Emile Burger) who           The next few months will be
                                                           reports to Alex Smith.                 challenging for the senior management
                                                            ohan Klein assumes group-wide        levels in the group as we all get to grips
                                                           Human Capital responsibility and       with our new roles and responsibilities,
                                                           reports to Douglas Ramaphosa.          and as we implement the business
                                                            iven the significant corporate       strategy and management structure.                                     WHERE WE WANT TO BE
                                                           activity the Altron group is               Fortunately, the impact on our
                                                           involved in, a new position of group   operations should be minimal. Altron
                                                           executive: corporate finance was       relies on all the operations to not take
                                                           created reporting to Robbie Venter.    their eyes off the delivery ball – we
                                                           Peter Riskowitz fulfils this role.     cannot afford for our internal changes
                                                            ommunications and Marketing          to impact our customers. If anything,
                                                           forms part of group-wide Shared        they should experience better customer
                                                           Services portfolio under Andrew        service and quality from us.
                                                           Holden.                                    Although results are not where we
                                                            he operating executives, namely      would like them to be, Altron remains
                                                           Laurence Savage (telecoms and          a financially stable group and a good
                                                           multi-media), Rob Abraham              company to work for.
                                                           (information technology) and Neil          Take pride in what you do. No
                                                           Kayton (power), report directly        matter how insignificant your tasks
                                                           to Robbie Venter in line with          may seem to you, it makes a big
                                                           our strategy to adopt a leaner         contribution to Altron. Your day-to-day
                                                           management structure.                  tasks and operating performance are          Although viability is still being investigated, the Altron head office will be
                                                            ndrew Johnston’s role                most crucial to the sustainability of        in Parktown. After the sale of Altech Autopage’s GSM customer base, the
                                                           remains unchanged.                     the group.                                   operation’s Midrand premises will be empty – but the lease still has three
                                                                                                      I look forward to working with           years to run. It therefore makes sense for the bulk of Shared Services and
                                                                                                  all of you to lay the foundations for        the operations of Bytes Healthcare Solutions and Altech Radio Holdings to
                                                                                                  the next phase of Altron’s remarkable        move in once the building is available.
                                                                                                  business journey.
Nathi Nkonde 2015 DMA winner
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     IP symbols: when and where to use them
     Intellectual property is of increasing importance to Altron as group
     companies are encouraged to innovate. The correct use of the symbols
     that indicate ownership is a significant part of protecting this investment.
                                                                                                                                  Altech Netstar solves a hijacking jam
                                                     ltron has for many years been       of employees throughout the group is
                                                       registering, protecting and       when and where to use the different IP
     The legalese                                       exploiting the intellectual      symbols.                                  Hijackers’ success often depends on preventing the vehicle’s recovery
                                                         property (IP) associated           Because IP legislation is
                                                                                                                                   device from doing its job. Thanks to Altech Netstar’s Jamming Resist
     Intellectual property is a generic     with its products and services. This         complicated, Andrew’s advice is to
     term that refers to a variety          included the filing of patents for           always ask. “Whenever employees           product, the thugs’ lives have become a lot more difficult.
     of intangible products such as         inventions, and the registration of          want to use these symbols in relation
     inventions and patents, trademarks     trademarks and design rights.                to names, trademarks and documents,

     and brand names, industrial               But, says Andrew Johnston, Altron’s       they should either ask their own legal
     designs, copyright, plant breeder’s    group company secretary, an area that        or secretarial departments, or call me             ccording to Harry Louw, MD of      transmits the emergency message via         Jamming Resist will resist jamming efforts
     rights, trade secrets and know how.    often causes confusion in the minds          directly for advice.”                               Altech Netstar, the jamming of    the beacon, on an alternative frequency,    from all small to medium-sized jammers
         Some of these products are                                                                                                            GSM signals during vehicle      to the Altech Netstar control centre and    typically used in hijacking situations.”
     protected by specific laws, such                                                                                                           theft has become widespread    the recovery is initiated.                     Altech Netstar responds to around
     as the Patents Act of 1978, the                      A dummy’s guide to IP symbols                                            in South Africa and standard GSM               Thanks to Altech Netstar’s private       10 hijackings a week in which jamming
     Trade Marks Act of 1993 and the                                                                                               stolen vehicle recovery systems are         radio network that covers large parts of    devices have probably been used. With
     Copyright Act of 1978; others, such                                                                                           ineffective against this new threat.        southern Africa and contains a number       the trend likely to increase, Jamming
                                                               You can use this symbol when you have adopted a new
     as trade secrets and know how,                            trademark and have filed for registration.                              “To counter GSM jamming, the            of private radio frequencies, Jamming       Resist is the right innovation at the
     are governed by the common law.                                                                                               vehicle tracking device must be able        Resist has alternative frequencies at its   right time.
                                                               This symbol is used to alert third parties that you claim
         Patents are filed to protect an                                                                                           to do three things,” says Harry. Firstly,   disposal.
                                                               rights in a trademark.
     invention under the Patents Act                                                                                               it must detect the signal interference.        Altech Netstar first deployed
         Trademarks are registered to                          This symbol may be used only if a trademark is registered.          Secondly, it needs to transmit an           jamming resistant technology in 2009.
     secure the exclusive use of that                          It alerts third parties that you have registered rights in a
                                                                                                                                   emergency message to tell someone that      As a result of extensive development             How does signal
     name or mark (including logos) to                         trademark.                                                          it’s being jammed. Thirdly, and most
                                                                                                                                   importantly, the emergency message
                                                                                                                                                                               and testing work over the years,
                                                                                                                                                                               Jamming Resist is now unrivalled in its
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                jamming work?
     its owner for periods of 20 years at                      It is a criminal offence if you use this symbol for an
     a time, provided that the name or                                                                                             must be transmitted on an alternative       functionality and effectiveness.              GSM jamming devices emit
                                                               unregistered trademark.
     mark is indeed used by the owner.                                                                                             frequency to the one being jammed.             “In 2013 Carte Blanche tested the          signals that prevent the GSM
                                                               The registration mark must be used with all the Altron
         Copyright protects the author                                                                                                 “Without this alternative frequency     jamming of our private frequencies            tracking device in the vehicle
                                                               companies’ logos.
     of a literary, musical and/or                                                                                                 that is not being jammed, the solution      using a GSM jamming device,” says             from receiving and transmitting
     artistic work from having it copied,                                                                                          is not a solution at all,” says Harry.      Harry. “The test failed, proving that         messages. The signals form a
                                                               You may use this symbol for any work in which you claim to
     published or reproduced in any                            be the copyright owner.                                                 Fortunately Altech Netstar offers a     our private frequencies could not be          bubble around the vehicle and
     manner, subject to the exceptions                                                                                             real answer. Its Jamming Resist product     interfered with.”                             effectively “silence” the tracking
                                                               You do not have to register copyright to use this symbol.
     set out in the Copyright Act.                                                                                                 is the only device currently on the            The only likely exception would            device, without anyone knowing
                                                               This symbol is used to alert third parties that you are the
                                                                                                                                   market, locally and internationally, that   be industrial-type jammers that can           what has happened.
                                                               owner of the copyright.
     Source: Practitioners                                                                                                         effectively counters signal jamming.        disrupt GSM traffic over very large               Jamming devices, which are
                                                               A copyright notice should include the year when it was
     Guide to Intellectual Property                                                                                                    When an Altech Netstar customer         areas. “Fortunately these devices are         illegal, can be small enough to
                                                               created or released to the public, e.g. 2015 © Allied
     Law – Adams & Adams 2011                                                                                                      vehicle is being jammed, Jamming            expensive, difficult to obtain and not        fit in a person’s hand or big
                                                               Electronics Corporation Limited.
                                                                                                                                   Resist immediately detects it and           easy to use in a hijacking situation,”        enough to fill a briefcase.
                                                                                                                                   activates a recovery beacon. It then        says Harry. “We are comfortable that
Nathi Nkonde 2015 DMA winner
12   P EO P L E P R OFI LE                                                                                                                                                                                                                       P E O P L E P RO F I L E   13

     The man who loves tax
                                                                                                                                         or undervaluation of goods and the
                                                                                                                                         improper declaration of countries of
                                                                                                                                         origin. Conversely, he also looks for
                                                                                                                                         instances where Altron might have
                                                                                                                                         overpaid import VAT and duties.
                                                                                                                                            His other duties include monitoring
     Altron’s 2015 DMA winner is only 30 years old and has been with the                                                                 the actions of clearing agents that act
                                                                                                                                         on behalf of the operating companies,
     group for a mere two years, but Nkosinathi (Nathi) Nkonde of the Altron                                                             presenting in-house workshops on VAT

     Tax Department knows what he’s here to do and pursues it with passion.                                                              and customs regulations, forging closer
                                                                                                                                         ties with Treasury and Internal Audit
                                                                                                                                         in aid of better risk management and
     “It’s either you love tax or you don’t;       SARS looks to make life easier for         effect, the necessary paperwork will be    compliance, and helping to manage
     if you don’t love it, you won’t enjoy         importers who meet certain criteria.       submitted.                                 supply chain risks as Altron moves into
     it.” Nathi couldn’t agree more with           They are, for example, exempt from                                                    foreign jurisdictions.
     the wisdom of Graham Walker, the              regular audits and upfront payment of      Winning the DMA                               Arguably one of the most interesting
     man who recruited him into Altron.            duties.                                    Nathi marvels at the thought that Altron   aspects of his job, however, is engaging
     “You have to love the ups and downs              Nathi was part of the first team        was established 20 years before he was     with SARS on specific issues. The
     of it,” he says. For him the thrill is        who audited importers that had been        born and appreciates the chance to be      import duties imposed on Altech UEC is
     in the interaction with SARS and the          identified by SARS for preferred status.   part of the company’s future. “I feel      a good example. A difference in opinion
     satisfaction he derives from fighting for     One of these was Altron. Graham            honoured to have received the DMA          on whether Altech UEC imported
     taxpayers’ rights.                            Walker spotted the young man and           in the company’s 50th anniversary          components or completed products
         These are fairly novel feelings – up      made him an offer he couldn’t refuse –     year, and to have the opportunity to       for an assembly contract led SARS
     to two years ago Nathi was on the other       and it was not about the salary.           shine as an individual in the context      to impose completed product duties.
     side of the fence. “When I worked for            “The biggest challenge in               of the vision Dr Venter had when he        Nathi’s argument, that the complexity
     SARS collecting tax excited me,” he           government entities is people in acting    established the group. People leave        and irreversibility of the assembly
     confesses.                                    positions,” Nathi explains. “I was one     companies when their career objectives     process indicated that components
                                                   of them and had very limited decision      are not linked to the company’s vision –   were being imported, won the day.
     Switching sides                               making powers. Graham said to me ‘we       that’s not the case for me!”               As a result, Altech UEC recovered
     When Nathi enrolled at the University         appoint you to make decisions, and            In the award citation, Nathi is         R84 million from SARS.
     of Johannesburg for a national diploma        we will support you as long as you can     commended for changing the Tax                The complexities of indirect taxes
     in accounting, he believed he was             prove your methodology’.”                  Department’s approach to customs risk      is why Nathi loves what he does. But
     destined to be a cost accountant.                Moving to the private sector was        management. He agrees that it was a        there are two golden rules: “You have
     A BTech in cost and management                the best decision he could have made.      somewhat neglected area, and that his      to choose your battles and you have
     accounting strengthened his conviction,       “I have developed as an individual,        SARS-eye allowed him to introduce          to approach the authorities with clean
     but then he joined SARS in 2007 and           thanks to working with open-minded         a culture of being as proactive with       hands,” he says, quoting group tax
     was introduced to the world of customs        people who are willing to share their      customs as the department already was      compliance manager, Annette Brits.
     duties. It was, one might say, love at        knowledge with me,” he says.               with other taxes.
     first collection.                                As for Altron’s preferred trader           In practice this entails Altron
         In his five years at SARS, Nathi filled
     different auditing positions. It was,
                                                   status, Nathi is still on the job. He
                                                   wants all the group companies that
                                                                                              requesting trade statistics from
                                                                                              SARS. Nathi then analyses the listed
                                                                                                                                             After hours                                                        Nathi is a serial student. He completed an advance
                                                                                                                                                                                                             course in taxpayers’ rights last year, is currently busy
                                                                                                                                             Nathi relaxes by spending time with his friends at either       with a BCom degree in law through Unisa and has been
     however, his work on SARS’ preferred          import and export goods to gain            imports and exports and identifies
                                                                                                                                             the News Café in Woodmead or Skhaleni in Kathlehong on          accepted to start a distance education master’s degree
     trader pilot that led him to Altron’s door.   preferred trader status and as soon        risks such as underpayments of VAT
                                                                                                                                             the East Rand. He grew up, and still lives, in the township’s   in customs administration through the Charles Stewart
         With this international programme,        as the new Customs Act comes into          and custom duties, misclassification
                                                                                                                                             Nhlapo Section.                                                 University in Australia in 2016.
                                                                                                                                                Having lost both his parents, Nathi credits his                 As for his DMA prize, he hasn’t decided on a destination
                                                                                                                                             grandmother for the man he is: “She played a major role         yet. But his devotion to his eight-year-old son could very
                       “You’re only as good as your team – the better your team is,                                                          in my life, my strength comes from her.”                        well see the two of them jetting off to Disney World.
                      the better you are. The credit for my award goes to my team.”
Nathi Nkonde 2015 DMA winner
14   B U S I NE SS PR OFI LE                                                                                                                                                                                            BU S I NE SS P RO F I L E              15

                                                                                    ver the past 18 months,                                                  THE HIGH LEVEL FACILITIES TEAM
                                                                                    Mkhuseli Tindleni and
                                                                                    his facilities management                                                                 MKHUSELI TINDLENI
                                                                                    team have saved Altron                                                                     FACILITIES LEAD:
                                                                                                                                                                               SHARED SERVICES
                                                                       TMT almost R14 million – and it’s
                                                                       not a once-off either. The savings are
                                                                       sustainable, generated as a result of
                                                                       new lease agreements, shared premises
                                                                                                                       SHARMAIN VENTER        FERIEL BAUMGARDT        BRIAN STEYN         BRIAN LEDWABA        WENDY HESSE           JENNA CARSTENS
                                                                       and improved contract management.                                                                                                                             CONFERENCE AND
                                                                                                                    ALTRON TMT HEAD OFFICE      BYTES - MIDRAND     BYTES MS- SELBY         INTER-ACTIVE        CAPE TOWN
                                                                          At the end of the current financial                                                                                                                      MEETING COORDINATOR

                                                                       year, Mkhuseli plans to have R33 million
                                                                       worth of savings in the bank.
                                                                          The money, however, is not the
                                                                       full story. In some cases, Altron TMT       higher than the lease agreements stated.       one of the Altron TMT businesses by          operational managers. And while they
                                                                       companies are now getting better                In one instance he discovered that a       some 48%, from R169 million over the         did the best they could in an area that
                                                                       facilities and services at a lower price,   landlord had not passed on a significant       five-year period to R81 million. The new     was outside their scope of operations,
                                                                       while a group of employees are enjoying     municipal rates reduction; instead he had      deal includes a low annual escalation fee.   the successes of the shared services
                                                                       more fulfilling jobs.                       upped the rental by the savings amount.           Where existing leases had to be left      model have underscored the importance
                                                                                                                       Armed with the information he had          to run their course, Mkhuseli has given      of appointing people who understand
                                                                       How are they doing it?                      gathered, and backed by Altron TMT’s           the landlords notice to expect some          the property management business and
                                                                       As the head of facilities at Altron TMT     strategic intent, Mkhuseli knocked on          serious discussions when the leases do       whose core focus is facilities management.
                                                                       Shared Services, Mkhuseli is responsible    landlords’ doors.                              come up for renewal.                         This ensures that the business receives the
                                                                       for both the strategic planning and             Leases that were coming up for                Aligned to the lease negotiations         best deal and provides employees with the
                                                                       the day-to-day management of the            renewal were subjected to intense              has been the move of various Altron          best services.
                                                                       organisation’s buildings and premises.      negotiations. “Renewing a lease is             TMT businesses into shared premises.             When the Facilities Shared Services
                                                                                                                   not simply a case of signing on the            This resulted in significant savings         unit was set up, a number of employees
                                                                       His portfolio includes:                     dotted line,” says Mkhuseli. “Our team         as redundant lease agreements were           from across Altron TMT were identified
                                                                       • Procurement and contract                 conducts a thorough investigation              cancelled and existing leases renewed        to become a part of the team. Several of
                                                                          management                               of market-related prices for similar           at better rates due to an increase in the    them were office managers who were
                                                                       • Building and grounds maintenance          properties and we look at the additional       space required.                              subsequently equipped to take on a
                                                                       • Cleaning and hygiene                      services Altron TMT would receive,                In all their activities, Mkhuseli and     variety of new responsibilities as facilities
                                                                       • Catering and vending                      such as security, cleaning and air             his team maintain a close relationship       managers. “The new responsibilities in
                                                                       • Utilities                                 conditioning maintenance. All these            with the Altron TMT legal team. “I am        a broader environment that comes with
                                                                       • Lease and space management                facts and figures come into play during        not a lawyer,” he says, “so I leave the      its own challenges and opportunities,
                                                                                                                   negotiations with the landlord.”               fine print to the experts.”                  have rejuvenated people’s careers,” says
                                                                       The team manages 100 sites that cover a         Long-term leases are a particular                                                       Mkhuseli. “You only have to look at our
                                                                       combined area of more than 170 000m2.       favourite of Altron TMT’s facilities expert.   Dedicated experts                            results to know that Facilities Shared
                                                                       The smallest building property is 60m2;     According to Mkhuseli, leases of five          Mkhuseli is adamant that managing an         Services was a good move.”
                                                                       the largest 13 000m2.                       years or more, in which the landlord           asset the size of Altron TMT’s property          As for the future, Mkhuseli wants to
                                                                          Following his appointment early in       is assured of annuity income, provide          portfolio requires a dedicated team of       see Altron TMT Facilities Shared Services
                                                                       2014, Mkhuseli’s first order of business    the lessee with the upper hand when            people.                                      become a true property management
                                                                       was a comprehensive audit of Altron         it comes to negotiating terms. In one             In the past, lease renewals were          organisation and change from a cost
                                                                       TMT’s property portfolio and the            instance, he reduced the rental paid by        managed by finance managers or               centre to a profit centre.
                                                                       associated lease agreements and most
                                                                       recent rental invoices.
                                                                          “It was soon clear to me that there
                                                                       were major opportunities for savings,”
                                                                                                                                               “You only have to look at our results to know that
                                                                       he says, having found instances were                                      Facilities Shared Services was a good move.”
     Mkhuseli Tindleni, facilities lead: Altron TMT Shared Services.   companies were invoiced for amounts
Nathi Nkonde 2015 DMA winner
16   AWA R DS P R OFI LE                                                                                     AWARD S P RO F I L E   17

                           On 6 August, the 2015 edition of the Altron Annual Awards
                           took place at the Theatre on the Track in Kyalami in Midrand.
                           This year’s event was not only a celebration of the past year’s
                           achievements; it was an opportunity to reflect on the group’s
                           50-year history.

                           Altech Radio Holdings staff members, together with Laurence Savage (far right), celebrate Altech
                           Alcom Matomo winning the best company in Altron award. Front row, from left: Andrew Condon, Noel
                           Watermeyer, Shaun Winson, Kobus Greeff, Vusi Mngomezulu, Caroline Beswick and JT Engelbrecht.
                           Back row, from left: Nico Els, Brett Nash, Tim Ellis and Sam Smith.
18   AWA R DS P R OFI LE                                                                                                                                                                                                                    AWARD S P RO F I L E            19

                                                                                                                                           Powertech Top Achiever Award                                    Bytes Top Achiever Award

     Individuals who inspire                                                                                                               Nominees
                                                                                                                                           • Craig Clark, senior general manager, Powertech Switchgear.
                                                                                                                                           • James Calmeyer, CEO of Crabtree.
                                                                                                                                           • Glenn Geldenhuis, CEO of Powertech Batteries.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           • Warren Mande, sales director: key accounts at Bytes
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Document Solutions.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           • Fourie van der Merwe, chief operations manager of Bytes
                                                                                                                                           • Johan le Roux, managing director of Swanib Cables.               Managed Solutions.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           • Peter Kennedy, managing director of MediSwitch.
     The winners of the group companies’ top achiever awards and the AMS                                                                   Winner
     Executive’s Award are all automatically nominated for the Chairman’s                                                                  Glenn Geldenhuis was appointed to his current position in       Winner
                                                                                                                                           2010 and under his leadership the Battery Group has grown       Over the past year, Fourie van der Merwe was involved in
     Distinguished Merit Award (DMA). The DMA is the highest accolade                                                                      from strength to strength despite intense competition and       numerous projects to improve customer availability processes.

     that can be bestowed on any individual or team in Altron for a truly                                                                  challenging market conditions.                                  These included Nedbank TCR, the Nedbank Cash Vault
                                                                                                                                                                                                           business, the Pepkor IT contract and the creation of Bytes MS’
     superlative contribution to the group.                                                                                                                                                                new infrastructure business unit.

     AMS Executive’s Award                                             Altech Top Achiever Award
     Nominees                                                          • Brett Nash, managing director of Altech Radio Holdings.
     • Ipelegeng Thibedi, Altron Corporate Communications Team.        • Koogan Naicker, quality manager at Altech Netstar.
     • Nathi Nkonde, Altron Tax Department.                            • JT Engelbrecht, operations executive at Altech Radio Holdings.
     • Jackie du Plessis, administrator at the pension fund,
        provident fund and medical aid scheme.                         Winner
                                                                       JT Engelbrecht has not only been instrumental in integrating
     Winner                                                            and aligning all the business units within Altech Radio Holdings,
     Nathi Nkonde has proactively raised the bar in customs risk       but has been a key player in guiding the operation to win
     management and played a pivotal role in the Altech UEC tariff     numerous tenders.
     classification dispute, the recovery of anti-dumping duties for                                                                       Glenn Geldenhuis, CEO of Powertech Batteries (left), receives
     Bytes Document Solutions and the realisation of a significant     JT Engelbrecht.jpg                                                  the 2015 Powertech Top Achievers Award from Neil Kayton,        Fourie van der Merwe (left) receives his Bytes Top Achiever
     VAT refund for Bytes Systems Integration.                                                                                             group executive: power.                                         Award from Rob Abraham, group executive: information
     Nathi AMS.jpg

                                                                                                                                              2015 DMA winner
                                                                                                                                              Nathi Nkonde, from the Altron
                                                                                                                                              Tax Department, is the 2015 DMA
                                                                                                                                              winner. He received the DMA gold
                                                                                                                                              pin, two business class international
                                                                                                                                              return tickets from Ethiad Airways
                                                                                                                                              and three nights' accommodation
                                                                       Laurence Savage, group executive: telecommunications and               sponsored by Travkor Sure
                                                                       multimedia (left), congratulates JT Engelbrecht, operations            Travel. Here Nathi poses with his
                                                                       executive at Altech Radio Holdings, on winning the Altech              colleagues (from left) Christel
     Nathi Nkonde receives the AMS Executive’s Award from              Top Achievers Award.                                                   Lemmer, Annette Brits, Andrea
     Alex Smith, Altron’s CFO.                                                                                                                Florence and Douglas Allanson.
20   AWA R DS P R OFI LE                                                                                                                                                                                                               AWARD S P RO F I L E      21

     Companies that are stores of value
                                                                                                                                     Altech Best Company Award
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Noel and Brett.jpg
                                                                                                                                     • Altech Alcom Matomo.
     The Altron Chief Executive’s Award for Excellence recognises the best                                                           • Bytes Systems Integration (part of the Technology and
                                                                                                                                        Multimedia leg of Altron TMT).
     company in the group this past year. This award, introduced 11 years
     ago, is the highest accolade that can be presented to a company in                                                              Winner
                                                                                                                                     Altech Alcom Matomo won the award for an exceptional
     Altron. The winner is selected from the companies that were named                                                               revenue increase of 129% and an operating profit increase of
                                                                                                                                     118% on the previous year. This resulted in a profit before tax
     the best in their respective groups.                                                                                            of 231%.

     Bytes Best Company Award                                          Powertech Best Company Award                                  The company has cemented its position as the largest
                                                                                                                                     distributor of Motorola and Hytera products in South Africa
     Nominees                                                          Nominees                                                      and during the past year has won significant tenders, worth
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Noel Watermeyer from Altech Alcom Matomo (right) and
     • Bytes Software Services UK.                                     • Willard Batteries.                                          several billion rands, in a very competitive market.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Brett Nash, managing director of Altech Radio Holdings,
     • Bytes Universal Systems.                                        • Aberdare Cables.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       receive Altech Alcom Matomo’s best company award
                                                                       • Cables de Comunicaciones Zaragoza.                          In addition to these remarkable successes, Altech Alcom
                                                                                                                                                                                                       from Laurence Savage.
     Winner                                                            • Swanib Cables.                                              Matomo maintained its level 2 B-BBEE status on the
     Bytes Software Services UK is crowned the best company in                                                                       transformation front.
     Bytes for the third consecutive year. During the 2015 financial   Winner
     year, its revenue increased by 28% on the previous year,          Aberdare Cables continued to improve its results year after
     operating profit shot up by 36% and profit before tax grew        year during the past four years and has once again claimed         The Altron Chief Executive’s Award for Excellence
     by 34%.                                                           the title as the best operation in the Powertech group. Its
                                                                       turnover has risen to R3,9 billion with an operating profit
     The working capital of Bytes Software Services UK is              of R86 million, which is an enormous improvement from
     unsurpassed in the Altron TMT group and its financial             R33 million in the previous year.
     reporting and audit reviews remain exceptional.
                                                                       Keith Edmond.jpg
     Keith Richardson.jpg

                                                                                                                                           Kobus Greeff (far right), JT Engelbrecht and Noel Watermeyer join Brett Nash (far left)
                                                                                                                                           on stage as he receives Altech Alcom Matomo’s award for the best company in the Altron
                                                                       Aberdare Cables CEO, Keith Edmond, accepts the Powertech            group for 2015 from Robbie Venter, Altron chief executive.
     Group finance and operations director, Bytes Software Services    Best Company Award from Neil Kayton.
     UK, Keith Richardson, accepts the Bytes Best Company Award
     from Rob Abraham for the third year running.
22   AWA R DS P R OFI LE                                                                                                                                                                                                            AWARD S P RO F I L E        23

                                                                                                                                    Most Innovative Company                                         Glenn and Willie.jpg
                                                                                                                                    in the Altron Group

     Working for a sustainable future                                                                                               Nominees
                                                                                                                                    • Aberdare Cables.
                                                                                                                                    • Altech Multimedia/UEC.
                                                                                                                                    • Powertech Batteries.
                                                                                                                                    • Altech Netstar.
     Innovation, transformation and a focus on the environment are three
     elements critical to Altron’s continued growth and prosperity.                                                                 Powertech Batteries’ environmental team, led by Emil
                                                                                                                                    Berning, was nominated for identifying a replacement
                                                                                                                                    incentive programme for the important motor industry
                                                                                                                                    development programme.
     Altron’s Greenest Company Award                                Transformation Award                                                                                                            Glenn Geldenhuis receives Powertech Batteries’ innovation
                                                                                                                                                                                                    award from Dr Willie Oosthuysen.
     Nominees                                                       Nominees
     • Bytes Document Solutions.                                    • Bytes People Solutions.
     • Powertech System Integrators.                                • Altech UEC.
     • Aberdare Cables.                                             • Altech Autopage.                                                  The Most Innovative Individual in the Altron Group
     Winner                                                         Winner                                                              Nominees
     Powertech System Integrators won the environmental award       Altech UEC, based in Mount Edgecombe in KwaZulu-                    • Dulani du Pisanie,
     for developing and implementing a commercialised rooftop       Natal, received the Transformation Award for the second                Powertech Batteries.
     photovoltaic system for the energy market. The offering        consecutive year. Despite noteworthy achievements from              • Jyoshtie Dhunes,
     includes a world class engineering capability, superior        the other nominees, Altech UEC’s continued leadership                  Aberdare Cables.
     technology and power purchase agreements for clients to        on transformation in all areas of the scorecard demanded            • Charles Morgan,
     decrease their dependence on local electricity providers. It   recognition at the highest level. Particular mention was made          Altech Netstar.
     also guarantees savings on electricity costs.                  of the success of its KwaMashu programme and its focus on           • Ashley Driver,
                                                                    the upliftment of unemployed youth.                                    Altech Multimedia.
     Hennie and Andrew.jpg
                                                                    Douglas and Danie.jpg                                               Winner
                                                                                                                                        Charles Morgan is named
                                                                                                                                        the most innovative individual
                                                                                                                                        in Altron for his significant
                                                                                                                                        contribution to the development
                                                                                                                                        of the Vigil Dispatch Manager

                                                                                                                                        Altech Netstar believes that
                                                                                                                                        the system will be a game          Charles Morgan (left) receives his innovation
                                                                                                                                        changer in the commercial          award from Dr Willie Oosthuysen.
                                                                                                                                        fleet telematics market and will
     Hennie du Plessis, CEO of Powertech System Integrators                                                                             contribute significantly towards
     (left), receives PTSI’s award for the greenest company in      Danie du Toit receives Altech UEC’s Transformation Award            future revenue streams.
     Altron from Andrew Johnson, Altron company secretary.          from Douglas Ramaphosa.
24   AWA R DS P R OFI LE                                                                                                                                                                                                                 AWARD S P RO F I L E      25

                                                                                                                                        Most Improved Company in Altech                                  Laurence and Brett.jpg

     On their way to the top
                                                                                                                                        • Altech Radio Holdings.
                                                                                                                                        • Bytes Systems Integration.

                                                                                                                                        This year’s winner, Altech Radio Holdings, is the holding
     The Altron Annual Awards recognise its operations that are not                                                                     company for all of Altech’s interests in the local converged
                                                                                                                                        services market and delivered superb results during the past
     satisfied with good enough, but continuous to strive for excellence.                                                               financial year. Revenue increased by 63% over the previous
                                                                                                                                        year with operating profit up by 53% and a profit before tax
                                                                                                                                        increase of 185%.
     Most Improved Company in Powertech                                  Most Improved Company in Bytes
                                                                                                                                        In addition, the operation was awarded several noteworthy        Brett Nash, managing director of Altech Radio Holdings,
     Nominees                                                            Nominees                                                       tenders for customers including the Gauteng Broadband            accepts his company’s award from Laurence Savage.
     • Cables de Comunicaciones Zaragoza.                                • Altech ISIS (part of Bytes Universal Systems).               Network, the City of Tshwane, SAPS and the City of Cape
     • Powertech Switchgear.                                             • Bytes Document Solutions.                                    Town.
     • Swanib Cables.
     Winner                                                              Altech ISIS showed outstanding progress and business growth
     Cables de Comunicaciones Zaragoza improved its revenue              during an extremely challenging year. Revenues increased by         Altron Chairman’s Young Leaders Award
     by 25% during the past year, while operating profit rose by an      24% on the previous year while operating profit rose by 40%,
     incredible 191%. From making a loss last year, the company          resulting in a profit before tax of 37%.                            Nominees
     turned a profit for the past financial year of R13,2 million. The                                                                       • Parvesh Chetty,
     turnaround is all the more remarkable when considered against       Apart from its excellent results and strong business                   Altron TMT Audit and Risk.
     the backdrop of the poor state of the Spanish economy.              partnerships, customers have a high regard for Altech ISIS’         • Desiree Else,
                                                                         strong management team.                                                Altron Internal Audit.
     Spanish team.jpg                                                                                                                        • Michelle Doyle,
                                                                         Altech Isis.jpg                                                        Altron Corporate
                                                                                                                                                Communications, Shared
                                                                                                                                                Services Division.

                                                                                                                                             Having also been nominated in
                                                                                                                                             2014, Desiree Else receives the
                                                                                                                                             award for her superlative work
                                                                                                                                             ethic and her strong leadership
                                                                                                                                             abilities. These qualities are
                                                                                                                                             evident in the execution of her
                                                                                                                                             duties as an auditor, as well as    Pieter-Ben Pienaar, chairperson of the Altron YPC,
     Veronica Iliescu, CEO, and Antonio Benal Franco, finance                                                                                in her efforts to promote and       with Desiree Else, recipient of the 2015 Chairman’s
     manager of Cables de Comunicaciones Zaragoza, accept the            Alan Currie, MD of Bytes Universal Systems, accepts the             support the Altron YPC.             Young Leader Award.
     award for the Most Improved Company in Powertech from               most improved company award on behalf of Altech ISIS
     Neil Kayton.                                                        from Rob Abraham.
26   AWA R DS P R OFI LE                                                                                                                                                                                                            AWARD S P RO F I L E            27

     The Awards' special moments

                                                                                                                                      Romika Naidu, Tumi Molefe, Marilé Branders (Strategy
                                                                                                                                      team), Komane Thladi, Teboho Mankga, Tanya Gruhn, Nadine
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Alwyn van der Linde, Ilse Potgieter, Madelise Grobler, Theo
                                                                                                                                      Combrinck and Liezl Kruger, all from Altron Communications
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Bohnen, Wayne Smith, and Pieter Nel, all from BPS.
                                                                                                                                      Shared Services.

                                                                                                                                      Natascha Jansen van Vuuren (Altron TMT), Andrew Condon       Regula Niehus (Altron), Shenanda Janse van Rensburg,
                                                                                                                                      (Altech Radio Holdings) and Joshua Motjuwadi (Altron TMT).   (Altron TMT) , Lizelle Brink (Altron TMT) and Caroline Beswick
                                                                                                                                                                                                   (Altech Collab).

     Dr Venter receives a coffee table book from his son and current chief executive of Altron, Robbie. Compiled by Grant Rogerson,
     the book reflects Altron’s highlights of the past 50 years in words, pictures and letters.

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Vocalist Angela Kilian poses with
                                                                                                                                      Robbie Venter and Dr Bill Venter receive the painting         Dr Venter, Penny Venter and Grant
     Crabtree colleagues and friends: (standing) Conrad Pieterse,      Standing: Tamryne Damons, Omesha Moodley, Joyce Ndaba,         presented to Altron by the Aon Group to mark the company’s    Rogerson.
     Colin Wong, Chad Andrews, Gary Venter, (seated) James             Chris Potgieter, Christine Vorster and Le Roi Naude. Seated:   50th anniversary from Paul Nanson, principal broker -
     Calmeyer, John Human, Jannie de Lange and Nadine Combrinck.       Jenita Suknunun, Dirk Hammann and Vanessa Grieves.             corporate, Aon South Africa.
28   AWA R DS P R OFI LE                                                                                                                                                                                       AWARD S P RO F I L E   29

                                                                                                                                                        Pianist and vocalist, Jonathan Roxmouth.

                                   As has become the custom, the Altron
                                   Annual Awards featured a line-up of
                                   talented entertainers to add variety
                                   and style to the proceedings.

                                                                                                             The Crabtree choir charmed the audience, proving that Altron’s in-house
                                                                                                             talent can share a stage with the country’s best entertainers.                 Vocalist Angela Kilian.

                           Altron has been a keen supported of the Joburg Ballet Company for many years,
                           in particular its successful outreach programme for talented young dancers from
                           disadvantaged backgrounds. Some of those young dancers performed at the awards.

                                                                                                                                                                David Bloch presided as master of
                                            As they have done at numerous Altron events over the years,                                                         ceremonies. This year’s awards was the 10th
                                            Angela Kilian and Timothy Moloi entertained the guests with                                                         event David produced and in recognition of
                                            their magnificent voices.                                                                                           the milestone, and his excellent productions
                                                                                                                                                                over the years, Robbie Venter presented him
                                             Comedian Mpho (Popps) had the audience in stitches.             The Laser Man show.                                with a special award.
30   W E LLN ESS PR OFI LE                                                                                                                                                                                                              W E L L NE SS P RO F I L E        31

                                                                                                                                        5. Exercise regularly                       7. Eat right                                9. Check your blood pressure
                                                                                                                                        As little as 20 to 30 minutes of exercise   Eat green leafy vegetables and fruit,       Diagnose and treat hypertension or
                                                                                                                                        three times a week makes a big              as well as omega-3 fats. Fish, nuts         high blood pressure early to avoid
                                                                                                                                        difference to heart health. Exercise        and seeds are rich in omega-3 fats,         heart disease. Hypertension increases
                                                                                                                                        that gets your heart pumping to almost      which reduce the risk of stroke and         pressure on the heart, forcing it to
                                                                                                                                        twice its normal rate is ideal for          heart disease.                              pump harder than normal. Over time
                                                                                                                                        stimulating the heart muscle. A lack of                                                 this leads to an abnormally large,
                                                                                                                                        exercise can be linked to an increased      8. Check your cholesterol level             flabby heart.
                                                                                                                                        risk of heart disease. Exercise does not    Unhealthy fats increase the risk of
                                                                                                                                        just benefit the heart but helps with       strokes as well as heart disease.           10. Be happy
                                                                                                                                        weight loss and controlling cholesterol     The good news is that cholesterol is        Aggression, anger, depression and
                                                                                                                                        levels and blood pressure.                  manageable. Unhealthy cholesterol           anxiety all increase the risk of heart
                                                                                                                                                                                    causes plaque to build up in the blood      disease. Studies show that the happiest
                                                                                                                                        6. Control your weight                      vessels, which increases blood pressure     people are 22% less likely to develop
                                                                                                                                        Being overweight increases the risks        and strains the heart. Keep cholesterol     heart diseases. Find and encourage
                                                                                                                                        of high blood pressure, which in turn       in check by staying away from               good habits and invite happiness
                                                                                                                                        puts your heart and blood vessels           polyunsaturated fats.                       into your life.

       Help your heart
                                                                                                                                        under strain.

                                                                                                                                                         Stop smoking: are e-cigarettes the way to go?
       to stay pumping fit                                                                                                                Some people use e-cigarettes to help them stop smoking,
                                                                                                                                          but research still has some way to go in understanding
                                                                                                                                          these devices’ short- and long-term effects on smokers and
                                                                                                                                                                                                            These and other particles found in e-cigarettes can
                                                                                                                                                                                                            negatively affect the lungs and heart, and possibly
                                                                                                                                                                                                            cause cancer.
                                                                                                                                          secondary smokers.
                                                                                                                                                                                                            How should employers manage e-cigarettes in
                                                                                                                                          How e-cigarettes work                                             the workplace?
     Your heart’s job is to keep your blood flowing – from the heart to the                                                               E-cigarettes use battery power to heat up a glycerol liquid       • Designate buildings as smoking-free environments.
     lungs to be oxygenated, and back to the heart where it is pumped to                                                                  and create a vapour that the e-smoker inhales. The liquids        • Include the company’s decisions on e-cigarettes in the
                                                                                                                                          found in e-cigarettes contain varying amounts of nicotine and        wellness policy.
     the rest of the body. With age, the heart gets tired and pumps less                                                                  several other ingredients, including flavourants.                 • Publish the company’s policies on smoking internally.
                                                                                                                                             Conventional cigarettes burn tobacco, which releases           • Designate separate e-cigarette smoking areas to
     efficiently. By keeping your heart healthy you will help it to remain                                                                up to 4 000 chemicals, most of which are toxic to humans.            protect e-smokers from normal cigarette smokers,

     efficient for much longer. Here’s what you can do.                                                                                   These include carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, arsenic
                                                                                                                                          and cyanide. Over time, the chemicals increase the risk of
                                                                                                                                                                                                               and to protect non-smokers from e-smoking smoke.
                                                                                                                                                                                                            • Introduce initiatives to help e-cigarette smokers quit.
                                                                                                                                          respiratory illnesses and cancer.                                 • Where workplace wellness programmes extend to
     1. Cut down on alcohol                     2. Cut down on salt                         4. Stop smoking                                  E-cigarettes contain trace elements of tobacco, but               family members, include education and awareness
     A glass of red wine a day increases good   Too much salt increases your risk of        Smoking increases the number of               have the same levels of nicotine and other compounds,                communication to them.
     fats, called high-density lipoprotein      getting high blood pressure.                toxins in the lungs and reduces the           such as formaldehyde, as conventional cigarettes.
     (HDL), and decreases bad fats, called                                                  lungs’ ability to transport oxygen to the
     low-density lipoprotein (LDL). At these    3. Test your glucose                        blood. It also overloads the heart by
     low amounts, alcohol has been shown        Unmanaged diabetes poses a significant      worsening atherosclerosis, a condition
     to protect the heart. Too much alcohol,    threat to a healthy heart. Go for regular   where plaque clogs up the arteries and         Healthy you,                         Healthy people have been shown to be more productive at their work and
                                                                                                                                                                                are absent less. Looking after your health is an important part of being
     however, causes liver damage, increases
     the risk of diabetes and can affect the
                                                blood glucose tests and start treatment
                                                as soon as possible if you are diagnosed
                                                                                            prevents blood from being pumped
                                                                                            effectively through the body.
                                                                                                                                           healthy career                       successful at work and growing in your career.
     foetus of a pregnant woman.                with diabetes.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Source: Dr Lerato Motshudi, Alexander Forbes Health
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