National - 29th-30th May 2020 for future generations - Figtree Anglican Church

Page created by Stephen Norris
National - 29th-30th May 2020 for future generations - Figtree Anglican Church
Figtree Anglican Church

  Leaving a Living Legacy

Grandparents are the footsteps
   for future generations.

 29th -30th May 2020
National - 29th-30th May 2020 for future generations - Figtree Anglican Church
The Vision of the National Grandparent Movement,          A growing number of grandparents believe the time
which the Conference forms a large part, is to reach      is now, to chart a new course, to encourage and
100,000 grandparents to become influencers and            equip grandparents to grab hold of their potential
shapers of the next generation.                           influence and instil in them a new and fresh vision in
Always remember that it only takes one                    helping them share their love and faith in Christ with
grandparent to make a difference.                         their grandchildren.
What is too often overlooked, is the incredible           The threefold strategy of the NGM is as follows:
capacity that grandparents have, to influence the         • Annual National Grandparents Conference.
next generation and to leave a lasting faith legacy for   • Launch local Grandparent seminars in churches
others to follow. Central to this legacy is developing        and community groups.
a large heart to ensure that our grandchildren
                                                          • Develop a small group ministry tool designed to
discover for themselves what it means to have a
                                                              equip and encourage grandparents and ministry
strong faith in Christ.

WHEN                                  COST                                   ACCOMMODATION
29 and 30 May 2020
  th        th
                                      Friday & Saturday Registration         A 20% rebate off accommodation
Friday, 9:00am-4:30m                  Single $95                             is available for those attending the
Saturday, 9:00am-4:30pm               Couple $180                            Conference & staying a minimum
                                                                             of 2 nights at the Wollongong
WHERE                                 One Day Registration (Fri or Sat)
                                                                             Surf Leisure Resort. Mention that
                                      Single $50
Figtree Anglican Church                                                      you are attending the Conference
                                      Couple $95
4-10 Gibsons Road,                                                           when booking so the rebate can
Figtree NSW 2525                      Morning tea, afternoon tea and         be arranged after checkout.
                                      lunch provided both days.
REGISTER                                                                     TRANSPORT
                                      10% Early Bird Discount
Online at                                              Free transport from Wollongong
                                      Discount ends 13th May 2020
or call Figtree Anglican Church                                              station has been provided by
on 02 4272 1322                                                              Anglicare, let us know if require
                                                                             transport when you register for
Registrations close 20th May 2020
                                                                             the conference.

                        About the Conference
As Ian Barnett, the Senior Minister   change and the need to be              The two days will be unique
of Figtree Anglican Church,           better equipped to engage and          and cover different topics and
and his wife Rhonda entered           positively influence the lives         challenges from all speakers. The
the new season of becoming            of their grandchildren. This           focus will be on the influence that
grandparents, Ian was challenged      conference is about equipping          grandparents have as they are
about ‘the legacy’ he is leaving.     them.                                  uniquely equipped to pass on a
                                                                             faith legacy that will instill in their
This is the God driven inspiration    Due to an overwhelming demand
                                                                             grandchildren greater confidence
behind his passion and desire         this years National Grandparent
                                                                             and purpose.
to hold an annual conference          Conference has been expanded
that sows into the lives of           to two days. This will provide         Josh McDowell will be speaking
grandparents     and      ministry    more     time    for   reflection,     across both days and covering
leaders.    Grandparents     often    discussion    and    engagement        two different topics.
feel the burden of fast paced         across the conference.
National - 29th-30th May 2020 for future generations - Figtree Anglican Church
Speakers & Artists
   Ian has been the Senior Minister       grandparents in particular grab
   at Figtree Anglican Church since       hold of the many opportunities
   May 2008, and an Anglican              presented to them in this stage
   Minister for over 25 years. Ian has    of their life. Married to Rhonda,
   a passion for ensuring that the        they have three married children
   current generation is encouraged       and seven grandchildren aged
   to leave a lasting legacy for those    between one and ten years.
   who follow, and to ensuring

   Josh McDowell is an amazing            books of the twentieth century.
   communicator who has had an            Josh’s books have been translated
   incredible influence into the          into 128 different languages.
   lives of men and women across          Josh was Born in Michigan USA,
   the world. Since 1960, Josh has        Josh and his wife Dottie are quick
   delivered more than 27,000 talks       to acknowledge that after their
   to over 25,000,000 people in           love for the Lord, family is their
   125 countries. He is the author        greatest joy and top priority.
   or co-author of over 150 books,        Married for 46 years, they have
   including More Than a Carpenter        four children and ten beloved
   and New Evidence That Demands          grandchildren.
   a Verdict, recognized by World
   Magazine as one of the top 40

    Andrew is the Director of St Mark’s   of Later Life (2014) looks at how
   National Theological Centre in         to age and minister well, from
   Canberra. His academic interests       the perspective of the Bible’s
   are in ethics and theology, and he     story. Andrew is married to Mary-
   teaches in the Aging and Pastoral      Anne and their first grandchild
   Studies program with the Charles       arrived in mid-2019. Andrew’s
   Sturt    University   School     of    latest hobby has been to create
   Theology. His short book, Living       a veggie patch so vast it is known
   in the Next Phase: Developing the      as ‘Vegetable Park’
   Theology, Practice and Ministries

   Patricia Weerakoon is a medical        God. Her nonfiction books are
   doctor from Sri Lanka, academic,       gold-standard guides for good
   sexologist and writer. She is an       sex for all ages. She also writes
   evangelical Christian. She retired     romantic fiction with a social
   in 2012 from after a career as         conscience, bringing together
   director of an internationally         her international experience in
   renowned graduate program in           sexual health and her passion
   sexual health at the University        for her homeland of Sri Lanka.
   of Sydney to pursue her passion        Patricia has a recognised media
   for writing and public speaking.       presence and is a popular public
   Her writing and speaking brings        speaker and social commentator
   together her enthusiasm for sex        in Australia.
   and her love for the glory of
National - 29th-30th May 2020 for future generations - Figtree Anglican Church
Speakers & Artists
   John Anderson is a sixth-              disagreed with them. John was
   generation farmer and grazier          made an Officer of the Order of
   from New South Wales, who              Australia in 2011 for his support of
   spent 19 years from 1989 in the        rural and regional communities.
   Australian Parliament. He served       He has recently been published
   as a senior Cabinet minister in the    on topics such as civic freedoms,
   government led by John Howard          global food security, modern
   (1996 to 2005). This included six      slavery and the economy. He
   years as Leader of the National        currently farms on the family
   Party and Deputy Prime Minister.       property whilst also being active
   Whilst in office, Anderson, known      through various directorships, in
   as a man of simple Christian faith,    public speaking and in the not-
   sought to respect the dictum that      for-profit sector. John has two
   another’s right to speak should        grandchildren so far.
   always be defended, even if he

   Dr. Greg Anderson is the Bishop        of the Aboriginal church. He
   of the Diocese of the Northern         returned to the Territory in 1995.
   Territory. Greg’s first introduction   Greg and Annette worked with
   to the Northern Territory was in       the Church Missionary Society
   1986 when he began fieldwork           for the next twelve years. After
   to research the traditional songs      returning to Sydney in 2007,
   of central Arnhem Land. He was         Greg became was the head of the
   adopted into a Rembarrnga clan         Department of Mission at Moore
   and worked with musicians who          Theological College, Sydney.
   had become Christian through the       Greg has been the Bishop of the
   Elcho Island revival of 1979. This     Northern Territory since the 2014
   led to Greg studying theology          and is currently enjoying the
   with a view to being involved in       fruits of being a grandfather.
   the growth and the development

   Greg Sheridan AO is an Australian      was given an Officer of the Order
   foreign affairs journalist and         of Australia Honour in 2016.
   commentator. He has been the           While Greg is a profile writer
   foreign editor of The Australian       and author, his more recent
   newspaper      since   1992.    His    book titled “God Is Good for
   reporting on the Vietnamese            You: A Defence of Christianity
   boat people, subsequent to the         in Troubled Times (2018), has
   end of the Vietnam War, sparked        drawn the attention of many and
   a lifelong interest in Asian           in 2018, was Shortlisted for the
   politics. He has worked in Beijing,    Australian Christian Book of the
   Washington, and Canberra before        Year 2019. God is Good for You
   starting his tenure as foreign         shows us why Christianity is so
   editor in 1992. He is married to       vital for our personal and social
   Jasbir Kaur “Jessie” Sheridan; the     well-being.
   couple have three sons. Sheridan
National - 29th-30th May 2020 for future generations - Figtree Anglican Church
Speakers & Artists
                              HENRY OLONGA
                              Henry Olonga was the first            shamed locally for his actions,
                              black player on the Zimbabwean        unable to return to his homeland.
                              national    cricket   team     and    He moved to London as a
                              youngest-ever player to represent     sports commentator. Henry is a
                              his homeland at international         wonderful mix of conviction and
                              level. In 2003, he was a key player   charm. His life has taken him from
                              in the Cricket World Cup team,        national sporting champion to
                              making international headlines        political exile and now an Opera
                              when, along with Andy Flower, he      Singer in Australia. Henry resides
                              wore a black armband protesting       in Adelaide with his Australian
                              the “death of democracy” in           wife and family and was more
                              Zimbabwe.                             recently a contestant on The
                              Internationally praised for his       Voice. He has a passion to make
                              bravery on that day, wearing          a stand for the things that can
                              the armband triggered the end         be truly passed on to another
                              of Henry’s cricket career. He         generation.
                              received death threats and was

                 What others are saying
                 about the Conference
Below are comments from some of those sharing about their experience of attending past
                   National Grandparent Conferences in 2018 & 2019:

 All in all I thought it was all absolutely fantastic - had heard great reports from 2018
 but hadn’t realised how wonderful, informative and entertaining it would be. - Robyn

    Excellent speakers,well run program-best conference to date - Robert & Meryl

   All of it - it was like a smorgasbord - something for everyone and more! - Helen

  This conference helped me focus on this unique role. I came away encouraged and
  validated - my role as a grandparent is important and benefited from spending the
   time to add some new ideas and skills to this special part of my family’s life - Iris

   Excellent day. Very well organised and friendly. Very appropriate topics - Jenny
National - 29th-30th May 2020 for future generations - Figtree Anglican Church
About Figtree
                              Anglican Church
Figtree Anglican Church is part of    communities, cities and nations      For more information about
the Sydney Anglican Diocese. We       with the hope and love of God.       Figtree Anglican Church visit
are a church that is passionate                                   or visit us on a
about building a community            God is the God of relationships,     Sunday at any of our services.
of grace committed to making          therefore our focus as a church
disciples of Jesus.                   encourages both a deeper             Sunday Service Times:
                                      relationship with God and with       8am - Traditional Service
We believe God has called us          others across all generations. Our
                                                                           10am - Family Service
to be a faithful, adventurous         National Grandparent Conference
and    compassionate    church        is just one way we seek to fulfill   6pm - Contemporary Service
with an expanding influence on        this vision.

Figtree Anglican Church is            Alternatively,   Anglicare    has    at 5pm after the conference to
located at 4-10 Gibsons Rd, in the    provided a shuttle bus from          return passangers to the station.
suburb of Figtree, a 10 minute        Wollongong Train Station. The        Please let us know if you will be
drive from the Wollongong CBD.        bus will leave Wollongong Station    using the bus when you register
There is plenty of parking on-site.   a 8:15am both conference days,       for the conference.
                                      and will leave Figtree Anglican


    4-10 Gibsons Rd, Figtree NSW 2525 | Phone: 02 4272 1322
    Email: | Website:

IN PARTNERSHIP WITH:                                                                   SPONSORED BY:
National - 29th-30th May 2020 for future generations - Figtree Anglican Church National - 29th-30th May 2020 for future generations - Figtree Anglican Church National - 29th-30th May 2020 for future generations - Figtree Anglican Church National - 29th-30th May 2020 for future generations - Figtree Anglican Church
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