Page created by Andrew Burke

       About Oxbow Partners
       Oxbow Partners is a management consultancy exclusively serving the European
       insurance industry. Our clients include leadership teams at the world’s leading
       insurers, reinsurers, brokers and private equity firms.

       Senior executives choose Oxbow Partners when they want a fresh perspective
       from a high-calibre team of industry specialists that thinks deeply about each
       client’s unique situation and has a track record of delivering insight and impact.

       Our consulting engagements span growth, operations, technology and M&A.
       Our Market Intelligence team offers unique analysis into the UK market.

       Magellan™ is Oxbow Partners’ insurance technology navigator, containing
       information for over 2,000 technology vendors targeting the insurance industry.
       We cover InsurTechs and established vendors and our taxonomy and data are
       specifically designed for insurance.

       Curated Search allows executives and investors to find technology
       solutions perfectly suited to their needs. To find out more, please visit or contact

       A: Welcome and 2021 Advisory Board                                                                  4

       B: InsurTech in 2021                                                                                5
          2020: An exceptional year for digital acceleration                                                5
          Three themes to watch:
          1. Distribution and product - From affinity to embedded insurance
             and ecosystems                                                                                  8
          2. The underwriter of the future - Modularity and Machines                                        10
          3. Health insurance - Real disruption on the horizon?                                             11
          Three imperatives for executives in the digital decade                                            13

       C: I nsights from Magellan™, our insurance technology navigator                                     14

       D: T
           he InsurTech Impact 25                                                                          16
          What has happened to previous years’ Members?                                                     17
          Impact 25 2021 Member profiles                                                                    21

       Impartiality and objectivity
       Impartial and objective analysis is central to the Oxbow Partners InsurTech Impact 25.

       All Members of the Impact 25 were selected on their own merits. No Member has paid a fee
       or offered any other financial incentive, directly or indirectly, to be included. The criteria and
       methodology that we used to choose Members is described later in the report.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Our 2021 Advisory Board
       Welcome                                                                                                                                                                                      This year’s report has benefited from the support and insight of our
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Advisory Board. These industry leaders have helped us with both the
                                                                                                                                                                                                     selection of Members and analysis of 2021 themes. We are grateful
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   to them for giving their time generously.
       We are happy to present the fourth Oxbow Partners         their innovation activities. Insurers continue to push
       InsurTech Impact 25.                                      digitisation and innovation and are working closely with
                                                                 InsurTechs. Several Impact 25 companies are emerging
       Since 2015 – the year we mark as the start of             as ‘reference providers’ in their category. Willis Towers
       this incarnation of InsurTech – there has been a          Watson’s data shows that investment in InsurTech
       proliferation of insurance technology startups and        hit an all-time high of US$7.1bn in 2020.1 And, of
       broad experimentation by insurers. The market is now      course, several InsurTechs have completed IPOs,
       maturing, and we are calling the end of the beginning.    demonstrating an appetite from public markets.
       Winning themes are emerging and corporates are
       able to be more strategic in their investment choices.    But change in insurance is slow. Even Lemonade – the
                                                                 posterchild InsurTech – had only US$213m of in-force
       In last year’s InsurTech Impact 25 we predicted           premiums at the end of 2020 despite having raised                                                      Mark Allan                      Paolo Cuomo                      Stefaan de Kezel                Anna Maria D’Hulster                  Gary Duggan
       that the 2020s would be the “digital decade”. We          US$480m of investment. And this is exactly what                                                    Commercial Director,            Director of Operations,          Director of Innovation and          Non-Executive Director,           Senior Advisor, Oxbow
       speculated that the winners in 2030 would be “those       should worry shareholders and management teams                                                      Bupa UK Insurance                  Brit Insurance                Business Development,            UNIQA, CNA Europe & Hardy,          Partners. Former CEO
       companies who were able to build digital propositions     with a 5+ year horizon: change will creep up on the                                                                                                                        Ageas Group                 and Athora Holdings Ltd.                  of Saga
       that attracted the millions of millennials who became     industry.
       first-time insurance buyers in the 2020s, who
       innovated their use of data and applications, and who     President Eisenhower noted that “urgent [issues] are
       built the scalable infrastructure that enabled the next   not important, and important [ones] are never urgent.”
       wave of consolidation.”                                   As the Covid crisis passes into history, the imperative
                                                                 for change might become weaker, but preparing for the
       One could be forgiven for thinking that the digital       future of insurance has never been more important.
       decade is off to a flying start. Covid has transformed
       companies into virtual enterprises overnight, invisible   We have once again spent the best part of six months
       digital webs connecting people through technology.        analysing the InsurTech landscape to identify 25
                                                                 technology-led businesses that we believe are well                                                                    Kamran Hossain                     Matt Jones                        Debbie O’Hare                       Andy Rear
       But whilst 2020 undoubtedly represents a great leap       placed to have an impact on the industry and help                                                                 Director, Equity Research,           Managing Director,           Managing Director, Hannover           Former CEO, Munich Re
       forward, our view (explained in Section 1) is that it     insurers succeed. We hope that you find the report                                                                 Insurance, RBC Capital                 Anthemis                   Re UK Life Branch and L&H               Digital Partners
       was an exceptional year where the relative risk of not    valuable.                                                                                                                  Markets                                                  Digital Business Accelerator
       changing and the risk of moving fast and making some
       mistakes reversed temporarily. Furthermore, we
       argue that change has been focused on the current
       business model but has not challenged it. Read-across
       from 2020 to the industry’s ability to adapt and thrive
       in the “digital decade” is, in our view, limited.         Christopher Sandilands                            Greg Brown
                                                                         Partner                                     Partner                                                                                                            Additional thanks
       Innovation in the industry continues at pace. The                                                                                                                                         Oxbow Partners would like to thank the InsurTechs who applied for inclusion in the Impact 25,
       ‘big 4’ reinsurers’ 2020 investor days showcased          1                               successfully or not, for their considerable efforts providing information about their businesses.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Fig. 01
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Ecommerce sales as % of total retail sales
       2020: An exceptional                                                                                                                                                     35%

       year for digital acceleration
                                                                                                                                                                                                   UK   Germany              France
                                                                                                                                                                                30%                                                                                                                                                                                        Up 11ppt in 1 year

                                                                                                                                                                                25%                                                                                              Up 12ppt over 10 years
       2020 was the year of many things, including the                                                     lead its technology and digital initiatives.                         20%
       cliché. One that turned out not too far from the
       truth was “five years of digitisation in five weeks”.                                               Willis Towers Watson found that InsurTech                            15%
       Executives swapped the board room for Zoom -                                                        investment hit record highs in 2020, reaching                                8.5
       catapulting a previously obscure company from a                                                     US$7.1bn raised in 377 deals.4 Lemonade led a wave                   10%
       steady $200m of quarterly revenue in Q4 2019 to                                                     of listings with Root, Metromile and Oscar following
       nearly $700m in Q2 2020. Restaurants swapped                                                        and several more slated for 2021 demonstrating                       5%
       tables for delivery services and retailers had to move                                              investor appetite for “disruptive” insurance
       to digital platforms.                                                                               propositions.                                                         0
                                                                                                                                                                                       2010             2011                   2012                     2013                     2014                   2015                    2016                     2017                    2018                      2019       2020
       Data in the UK shows that ecommerce jumped 11                                                       So was Covid the spark that catalysed the re-
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Sources: For UK - Office for National Statistics:; For France 2014-2020 - Statista:; For Germany 2014-2020 - Statista:;
       percentage points in 2020 to 32% of overall retail                                                  invention of insurance? We believe not, for two                                                                                                          For France and Germany, 2010-2014: Marketplace Pulse:
       sales, having grown 12ppts in the previous 10 years.                                                reasons.
       Similar spikes were visible in France and Germany.
                                                                                                           First, 2020 experienced an exceptional risk profile,
       Insurance innovation has continued to gather pace.                                                  where the risk of not changing exceeded the                                                                                                                                       Fig. 02
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Zoom quarterly sales revenue
       Swiss Re’s B2B2C platform, iptiQ, broadened its                                                     risk of moving fast and making some mistakes.
       strategy to offer both capacity and investment to                                                   Management teams had to race to implement new
       InsurTechs and led Getsafe’s     Series B round in                                                  ways of working and technologies just so that they
       Germany2. Munich Re in the meantime moved its                                                       could continue to meet their regulatory obligations
       Digital Partners busines into Swiss Re’s backyard by                                                and customer promises. These risks have now
       taking on the John Lewis partnership with a promise                                                 reverted to their long-term norm and the pace and
       to “re-imagine” the home insurance proposition                                                      urgency of transformation has followed                               800

                                                                                                                                                                  US$ million
       for the UK department store.3 Allianz launched its
       new Open Banking proposition called Heymoney in                                                     Second, we question to what extent real change has
       Germany and Zurich poached a Ping An executive to                                                   occurred in 2020. Steve Hearn, CEO of broker Corant

       Data in the UK suggests that ecommerce jumped
       11 percentage points in FY 2020 to 32% of overall retail                                                                                                                 200

       sales, having grown 12ppts in the previous 10 years                                                                                                                       0
                                                                                                                                                                                              Q1         Q2                     Q3                    Q4                    Q1                    Q2                   Q3                    Q4                     Q1                   Q2                      Q3     Q4
       2                                                                                                                 2019                                                                                    2020                                                                                   2021

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Fig. 04
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   InsurTech funding data
       “It’s amazing how much money has gone into
       preventing serious injury on car crashes compared                                                                                                                                     8,000

       to preventing fires and leaks in the home.”                                                                                                                                           7,000


        Global, maybe put it best recently when he said                                                           than in an office. In Europe, where agents                                 6,000
        that the insurance industry has so far “digitised its                                                     continue to dominate, the change is likely to be
        existing business model”, but not challenged it. 5                                                        more significant based on our interviews with                              5,000
                                                                                                                  management teams. An executive in Germany told

                                                                                                                                                                               US$ million
        He was speaking more broadly than Covid but the                                                           us it was too early for data to tell a true and rounded
        point was certainly true for 2020. Back in March,                                                         story, but that it seemed clear that companies would
        digitisation was often as simple as COOs racing out                                                       need to accelerate their digital distribution initiatives.
        to local shops to buy as many laptops for their staff                                                     In Austria, a digital broker reported that their                           3,000                                                                              2,688
        as possible. CIOs implemented software to facilitate                                                      “ambitious targets” were all achieved in 2020.                                                                                                                 1,431*
        remote working. Operating models and processes                                                                                                                                       2,000                                                                                                         1, 741
        were updated and polices rethought.                                                                       The same observations can be made about products.
                                                                                                                  An innovation optimist might say that it is too early                                                                                 868
                                                                                                                                                                                             1,000                                                                               1,257
        But the business model did not change. In the UK,                                                         for Covid-driven product trends to have played out,                                         348                  276
        product sourcing has remained largely unaffected                                                          but it is certainly true that little has changed for the
        as price comparison websites already accounted                                                            customer. Propositions like usage-based motor and                              0
        for around 60% of home new business and 80% of                                                            smart home for the work-from-home era, remain                                              2012                 2013                2014                      2015                       2016                      2017                 2018                2019                  2020
        motor. Most brokers operate remotely from their                                                           niche.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               *2015 is distorted by Zhong An and Zenefits rounds ($931m and $500m respectively, light green portion)
        clients meaning that nobody noticed that they                                                                                                                                                                                            Sources: Time series of insurtech funding from Willis Towers Watson and Oxbow Partners analysis.
        were now speaking to someone at home rather                                                               As Gary Duggan, Senior Advisor at Oxbow Partners,
                                                                                                                  noted: “it’s amazing how much money has gone into
                                                                                                                  preventing serious injury on car crashes compared to
                                                                                                                  preventing fires and leaks in the home.”
        Fig. 03 Relative risk of continuity
        vs. rapid change for insurers                                                                             So what does this mean for the industry?
                                                                                                                  But whilst 2020 undoubtedly represents a great leap
                                                                                                                                                                                             Lemonade: Challenging the business model
                                                                                                                  forward, our view is that it was an exceptional year.
                                                                                                                                                                                             Whilst there is a lot of hype around Lemonade’s                  challenging this consensus: the proof point will be                             Executives should challenge themselves about
                                                                                   Rapid change                   Read-across from 2020 to the industry’s ability to
                                                                                                                                                                                             strategy and proposition, it is their global operating           if it manages to scale into core products (e.g. home,                           what their global target operating model looks
                                                                                                                  adapt and thrive in the “digital decade” is, in our view,
                                                                                                                                                                                             model that, in our opinion, should be watched                    motor) in multiple countries without building large                             like. Are end-to-end operations in each country

                                                                                                                                                                                             most closely (a theme we discussed in our 2019                   operations in each of them. In that case it is likely                           really needed? Is a single technology core feasible
                                                                                                                                                                                             Impact 25 report and on our blog).                               to have huge cost ratio advantage over traditional                              and efficient? Should the global target cost ratio
                                                                                                                  Indeed, as the Covid crisis passes into history, the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              global carriers.                                                                be a fraction of what it is today? The clock could be
                                                                                                                  imperative for change might become weaker for
                                                                                                                                                                                             The current industry consensus is that markets                                                                                                   ticking on the traditional business model.
                                                                                                                  corporates. After all, if the pandemic has proven
          1990                                             March July                                                                                                                        are sufficiently diverse that they merit functions               Arguably reinsurers agree given the strategies of
                                                           2020 2020                                              one thing it is the insurance industry’s resilience to
                                                                                                                                                                                             like distribution, product and compliance being                  their ‘direct’ businesses like Munich Re’s Digital
                                                                                                                                                                                             replicated in each country. But Lemonade is                      Partners and Swiss Re’s iptiQ.


             extreme pressures: one would have preferred to be                                          change, and this is something that should worry                                                  Injecting some Vitality into motor insurance
             the CEO of an insurer than of a retailer in 2020.                                          shareholders and management teams. The arrival of
                                                                                                        price comparison websites in the UK motor market                                                 Vitality has partnered with Covéa to launch a new motor insurance product
             This would be extremely dangerous. Change is slow                                          shows why.                                                                                       in the UK. We believe that this is a proposition that the industry should be
             in the insurance industry. Even Lemonade – the                                                                                                                                              watching closely.
             posterchild InsurTech – had only US$213m of in-                                            In 2001, a website called was launched
             force premiums at the end of 2020 despite having                                           by Admiral, then a challenger motor insurer. In the
                                                                                                                                                                                                         What is the proposition?                servicing. This scheme acts as a        be short-sighted. Vitality has a
             raised US$480m of investment in four rounds from                                           mid-2000s the comparison proposition captured the
                                                                                                                                                                                                         The company has not yet revealed        useful hook for attracting new          proven track record of proposition
             December 2015 to April 2019.                                                               public’s imagination and the model grew rapidly. It
                                                                                                                                                                                                         the details of its proposition other    business and getting customers          innovation, and of partnering at
                                                                                                        took several years before insurers realised what was                                             than that it will be telematics-based   actively engaged with their             scale (several of its international
             But the forces for change are strong. Covid has                                            happening: they were winning business only where                                                 and will provide rewards for things     insurance product. The added            health businesses are franchises
             undoubtedly created some vectors which innovative                                          they were cheapest but lacked the data or capabilities                                           like “car free days”.                   benefit for the insurer is customer     with local incumbents, like the UK
             players – old and new – will exploit. For example, in                                      to control where they wanted to be cheapest. It took                                                                                     self-selection, as only those who       motor proposition).
             the UK we see Vitality’s entry into the motor market                                       them years to get on top of the situation. Industry                                              However, Vitality’s parent,             think they are good drivers are
             as a landmark move given the South African insurer’s                                       losses during this period accounted to many billions.                                            Discovery, already has a motor          likely to apply.                        If the UK proposition takes off,
                                                                                                                                                                                                         proposition in South Africa and                                                 Vitality could soon challenge the
             track record of product innovation and partnership
                                                                                                                                                                                                         this likely provides more clues.        Should incumbents be worried?           status quo in other international
             at scale (see box). Continental Europe might                                               In the next chapter we outline three trends that are
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Customers can collect “Miles”           It is easy to find reasons to dismiss   motor markets. Incumbents will
             soon start to feel the impact of Lemonade’s next-                                          shaping in the industry. In Chapter 3 we outline three                                           which can be spent on things            the potential impact of Vitality        then need to decide whether to
             generation business model (see box).                                                       actions that executives should take to prevent the                                               like 50% cash back on fuel, 25%         entering the UK motor market.           partner or go head-to-head with
                                                                                                        same predicament as UK motor insurers.                                                           off Uber trips and 20% off car          However, we believe that this would     this increasingly meaningful brand..
             In other words, we predict slow but sustained

             Fig. 05 Impact of price comparison website growth on UK motor market profitability                                                                                                                                     Fig. 06

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Vitality Drive rewards proposition
              -1.0                                                                                                                                                 PERSONALISED WEEKLY GOALS                          USERS EARN DISCOVERY MILES                              USERS CAN SPEND THESE ON REWARDS

             -0.5                                                                                                                                            40%
 £ billion

                                                                                                                                                                     Points earned for car-free days
              0.5                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Cashback on fuel

              1.0                                                                                                                                            0%    Points earned by daily good driving
                              2012                  2013                   2014                  2015                   2016                   2017   2018

                      Pre-tax profit (excl. PYD)                Aggregator share of motor
             Sources: Milliman, Driving For Profit 2016; RBC Capital Markets, UK price comparison websites Feb 2018, Oxbow Partners analysis                        Points accumulate toward goals                                                                                        Targeted discounts

                                                                                                                                                                            Fig. 07
                                                                                                                                         Zhong An is a leading embedded insurer in China
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Low premium,
                                                                                                                                         2,000                                                                                                                           high-volume business

       Three themes to watch
                                                                                                                                                                              CAGR = 60%

                                                                                                                           US$ million
                                                                                                                                         1,250                                                                                                                                   10bn+
                                                                                                                                         1,000                                                                                                                             policies underwritten

       1. Distribution and product:                             literally millions (if not billions) of customers. These                   750                            $528m
       From affinity to embedded                                companies are always considering how to further
                                                                monetise their customer base or enhance their
                                                                                                                                           500          $354m

       insurance and ecosystems                                 proposition. For example, Samsung has developed                            250                                                                                                                                   486m
                                                                a health management proposition with Hannover
       Embedded insurance was one of the first themes to        Re to enable users to benefit from the data being                            0
       emerge in InsurTech. In 2018 we covered Qover ,          generated by Samsung wearables, and Intuit has                                           2015              2016                            2017                        2018                2019
                                                                                                                                                                      Sources: Zhong An Interim Report 2020:
       which now covers nearly one million people through       recently embedded an earthquake insurance product
       partnerships with companies like Deliveroo and           delivered by CoverGenius , underwritten by                                                                                                                                                                        $0.28
       Revolut, and Zego , which recently became the first      Swiss Re.
                                                                                                                                                   Over 300 partners with                                                                                                   Average premium
       UK InsurTech “unicorn” when it raised its Series C
                                                                                                                                           5 distribution ecosystems, e.g.                                                                                                   per policy sold
       round.                                                   Third, embedded insurance is often required to
                                                                enable innovation in other areas. This is the case
       We are bullish on this model for three                   in most mobility propositions: Drover (“flexible car
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Fig. 08
       main reasons.                                            subscriptions”), Outdoorsy (a “trusted motorhome

       First, societal trends such as the gig and sharing
                                                                rental marketplace”) and Car & Away (“AirBnB for
                                                                your car”) only work because insurance providers
                                                                                                                                                                           Evolution of affinity distribution to ecosystems
       economies and ecommerce are creating huge                take the liabilities – in these cases Munich Re, Aviva,
       demand for embedded products at scale. Sometimes         and QBE. Sometimes the insurance is offered
                                                                                                                                                  AFFINITY                              DIGITAL AFFINITY                                           EMBEDDED                    ECOSYTEMS
       these products are microscopically small, for            as an ancillary sale on the platform (B2B2C) and
       example the product return insurance sold by             sometimes it is embedded into the proposition
       Chinese insurer Zhong An which has an average            (B2B). Embedded insurance could be the future                            Selling insurance through              Selling insurance through                                      Selling insurance that    Selling insurance through
       premium of $0.28. But even higher premium                of motor insurance.                                                      traditional partners, e.g.           partners’ digital sales channels,                               is embedded into other       a network of digitally
       products such as the insurance-backed B2B ‘buy now                                                                                 associations and banks               e.g. white-labelled products                                 companies’ business models    interconnected entities
       pay later’ product sold by Hokodo       is only viable   So when will ecosystems become a reality
       when embedded, as distribution costs are otherwise       for insurers?
       too high.
                                                                In our opinion, they already have. We define
       Second, embedded insurance is critical to accessing      ecosystems as a “network of digitally interconnected
       new customer pools. We introduced last year the          entities which, through one or two way data sharing,
       concept of ‘super gatekeepers’ – a new generation of     conveniently provides a range of products and
       companies like Samsung, cloud accounting platform        services to customers, allowing each ecosystem
       Intuit Quickbooks, and Apple that control access to      participant to generate value they would not

                                                                                                                                            Magellan™ Collection:
                                                                                                                                      Embedded insurance and ecosystems
                                                                                                                                                                          CLICK HERE TO
       have been able to realise outside the ecosystem.”              Fig. 09 Example Open Banking ecosystem                                                              FIND OUT MORE
       Ecosystems are enabled by digital platforms which              orchestrated by an insurer
       allow the orchestrator to hold and share data, and
       connect to the systems of ecosystem participants.

       We see ecosystems as a small evolutionary step                                          Customer
       from embedded insurance. Indeed, whilst many                              3                                      1

       insurers continue to talk about ecosystems, many of
       the companies mentioned in this report – and many
       more – are already playing in them.
                                                                               Insurer                             Retailer
       Indeed, there are also examples of insurers playing
       the role of ecosystem orchestrator – the holy grail                                            2
       to many strategy and innovation leaders. HDI, the
       German insurer, has achieved just this through its
                                                                      1. Retailers can      2. Sometimes          3. The insurer
       partnership with Impact 25 Member OptioPay .                   make bespoke          the insurer           offers customers
       The Berlin-based scale-up provides its B2B partners            offers to target      has a strategic       the platform
       with a white label Open Banking platform. Partners             customers             relationship          as part of the
                                                                      This can even         with a retailer,      proposition
       (in this case HDI) ask their own customers to
                                                                      be SME retailers      for example           The customer
       permission the platform to access their banking                in the insurer’s      an affinity or a      values the
       information in return for customised offers. These             portfolio – turning   bancassurance         insurer’s
                                                                      the cost of           deal                  proposition and
       can be simple retail vouchers (e.g. “10% off at
                                                                      insurance into a                            permissions their
       Amazon because you love buying gadgets”) or                    revenue stream        The insurer can       banking data
       tailored offers from partners (e.g. “because you buy                                 offer their partner   Insurers can
       baby milk, perhaps it’s time to                                                      access to their       provide tailored
                                                                                            customer base to      offers
       buy life insurance”).
                                                                                            strengthen the
       What does this mean for insurers?
       Embedded insurance is no longer an innovation
       experiment but, in our opinion, a necessary
       investment to stay relevant for a large part of the
       future insurance premium pool. Equally, it turns
       out that ecosystems are not like teenage sex – “lots
       of people talking about it, but nobody doing it” –
       because, just like in life, the cool kids are already at it.   distribution partners, rapid product development
                                                                      often with little or no historic data for pricing,
       Embedded insurance and ecosystem participation                 and claims settlement at unprecedented scale
       require insurers to develop a whole new set of                 for example. Some of these are well outside the
       capabilities to succeed – digital connectivity to              traditional skill set of an insurer.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Fig. 10
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Data maturity framework and examples of Impact 25 companies
       We believe that insurers will need to develop                                                       medical device risk. Cytora     uses AI to “stream
       new go-to-market strategies and Munich Re’s                                                         profitable risks to your underwriters” – a workflow                DESCRIPTIVE                             DIAGNOSTIC                                 PREDICTIVE                          PRESCRIPTIVE                                COGNITIVE
       2020 partnership with John Lewis, a large British                                                   platform that blurs the distinction between
       department store, might be a window to the                                                          underwriting insight and process optimisation.                    What happened?                         Why it happened?                          What could happen?                  What should be done?                    How do we adapt to change?
                                                                                                                                                                          Describe, summarise and                Identify causes of trends               Predict future outcomes based          Recommend right or optimal                  Monitor, decide, and act
       future.6 The reinsurer created an ‘ecosystem’ of                                                    Omni:us      is helping insurers underst and claims
                                                                                                                                                                           analyse historical data                    and outcomes                         on facts from the past and               actions or decisions                    autonomously or semi-
       capabilities by partnering with three other providers                                               and improve the handling process.                                                                                                                simulations of the future                                                           autonomously
       to win the deal. Not only does this require a clear                                                                                                                Many lines of business still       Significant research into large risk                                               Real time analysis of markets
                                                                                                                                                                            based on basic GLMs                 classes like motor and home                Modelling of US hurricanes         enabling improved insight and a                     Still emerging
       understanding of the ‘best of breed’ players around                                                 The direction of travel is from data that describes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          provides highly sophisticated       faster, more flexible response to
       the market – something our insurance technology                                                     particular risks (“what happened?”) through to                Example Percayso       ’s base       Pharm3r       provides granular                   view of exposure                        market trends                        Avantia      is a UK home
       navigator, Magellan™ can help with – but it also                                                    better predictive insight (“what could happen?”) and        module allows insurers to enrich       analytics about pharmaceutical                                                                                            insurance MGA which prices risks
                                                                                                                                                                        their data by tapping into third        and medical device risks to               Concirrus      is a platform that      Sophisticated exposure                   using a series of “live” machine
       requires a new operating model whereby colleagues                                                   ultimately cognitive insight (“work it out for me”).
                                                                                                                                                                                 party sources                          (re)insurers                     allows underwriters to combine       modelling provides risk limits for            learning models looking at
       from different parts of the business quickly ‘swarm’                                                                                                                                                                                              their historic data with real-time       different types of risk                 different elements of the risk,
       around an opportunity.                                                                              Insurers need to develop their capabilities at all levels                                                                                     and behavioural data to provide                                                   including anticipated market
                                                                                                           of this maturity framework.                                                                                                                     predictive insights to marine       Cytora     reviews underwriting                      behaviour
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      insurers                submissions and prioritises them
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               for underwriters based on their

       2. The Underwriter of the Future:                                                                   What does this mean for insurers?                                                                                                                                                       predicted attractiveness

       Modularity and Machines                                                                             Companies need to rethink how they make use of                                                                                                         Sophistication
                                                                                                           these new sources and techniques and succeed in
       The maturity of data and analytics in insurance                                                     the digital decade. They will move from large internal
       is hard to describe. Insurers have world-class                                                      databases to ecosystems of interconnected data
       expertise in some areas such as motor and hurricane                                                 sources and analytics platforms. The impact will be                                                                                                       Fig. 11
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Structuring the underwriting and claims process of the future
       risk modelling; in other areas such as specialty                                                    a transformation in the underwriting and claims
       underwriting or casualty aggregation capabilities                                                   functions.
       are still evolving. When it comes to optimising
       underwriting and claims processes many corporate                                                    First, companies will need to rethink their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Underwriters should push themselves to automate
       and specialty underwriters are flying on instinct.                                                  underwriting submission and claims notification
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               as much of the underwriting and claims process as
                                                                                                           triage process. The level of maturity varies across
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               possible using data & analytics
       Data and analytics has been the most popular                                                        the industry with volume lines underwriting being
       category in our last four InsurTech Impact 25 reports:                                              relatively advanced but specialty underwriting                                                             Bin/
       around one quarter of Members have been in this                                                     and all claims lagging behind. For example, many
       category. Many of these companies are getting real                                                  claims triage processes are still a basic queuing
       traction, and some are even becoming the ‘reference                                                 system. Technologies like AI and Natural Language                              Triage                                                    Referral                                                                  Data &
       provider’ in their niches – for example CyberCube                                                   Processing can create transformational change here.                                                                                                                                                               analysis
       for cyber risk in the US and Concirrus    for marine
       in the London Market.                                                                               Second, companies need to automate as much
                                                                                                           of the underwriting and claims handling process                                                         Machine
       Propositions are varied. Percayso     helps insurers                                                as possible. The ambition should be a no-touch                                                           review
       access third party data sources, a kind of data                                                     model across the business – recognising that for                                                                                                                                    Process data, e.g. where do we have inefficient
       supermarket. Pharm3r       is going deep in one                                                     some risk classes or types this is likely to remain an                                                                                                                              referrals (e.g. 100% acceptance)?
       industry and transforming insight into drug and                                                     unattainable goal.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Accept                                     Performance data, e.g. where is automatic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               underwriting as effective as manual investigation?

                                                                                                                                                                                                             Magellan™ Collection:
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Advanced modelling and parametric insurance

       For complex risks and claims the starting point
       is collecting robust data about the process and
                                                                                                                     3. Private health insurance:                             INFORMATION       PERIL & INDUSTRY    ANALYTICS          EFFICIENCY   NEXT GENERATION
       outcomes. For example: how are we applying                                                                    Disruption ahead?                                        COLLECTORS            INSIGHTS        PLATFORMS         GENERATORS        CLAIMS
       discounts, how does our conversion rate vary
       depending on which policy sections are included;                                                              Commentary about insurance innovation and
       where are our claims handling costs high?                                                                     InsurTech frequently uses the word disruption. We
       Companies like Optalitix     help in this area by                                                             have always argued that this is overused and have
       moving the underwriting and pricing process from                                                              pointed out in previous articles that the insurance
       Excel spreadsheets to web-based models, allowing a                                                            industry has some formidable barriers to disruption.
       wide range of data to be collected for future analysis.                                                       These include the fact that customers buy insurance
                                                                                                                     reluctantly only once a year, and that the industry is
       Over time this should lead to a higher rate of                                                                unique in always requiring an institutional balance
       automation. This will bring with it a shift of power                                                          sheet to sit behind any product.
       from experienced underwriters or claims handlers
       to data-driven portfolio managers and technologists.                                                          But the private health insurance market is different
       And rightly so – it is surprising how many                                                                    – largely because private health insurance is (in
       underwriters and claims handlers have escalation                                                              Europe, at least) not really an insurance product
       processes with near 100% acceptance rates – the sort                                                          so much as a voluntary financing solution for a
       of finding where a data-driven manager will quickly                                                           premium service. The product is not compulsory and
       spot and eliminate.                                                                                           uninsured people can generally access treatment via
                                                                                                                     public systems.
       Finally, insurers need to determine which capabilities
       they build in-house and what they outsource. For                                                              Insurers therefore need to prove value through                                   pharm3r
       example, data-driven MGAs are well placed to                                                                  their propositions. Historically they have invested in
       develop underwriting and claims processes in niches                                                           everything from hospitals to local dental practices,
       requiring only portfolio oversight by the carrier.                                                            but digital trends broaden the opportunities open to
       Hokodo       allows merchants to offer a ‘buy now –                                                           them.
       pay later’ payment terms to SMEs. It conducts its
       own credit risk assessment and is backed by a credit                                                          Covid has been a genuine catalyst of lasting change.
       insurance policy from SCOR. Flock      develops                                                               Most obviously, insurers have had to accelerate
       rating schemes for novel risk classes and is currently                                                        their adoption of telemedicine during the pandemic.
       focused on drone and fleet risk.                                                                              This has quickly gone from peripheral proposition
                                                                                                                     to the primary access route for consultations for          CLICK HERE TO
       Whilst delegating underwriting is nothing new to the                                                          many people: in the UK, 75% of general practice            FIND OUT MORE
       market, the landscape is evolving fast and insurers                                                           consultations were done remotely at the peak of
       are faced with a complex array of decisions to                                                                the pandemic.7 In the US consumer adoption of
       become the underwriters of the future.                                                                        telemedicine shot up from 11% in 2019 to 46% in
                                                                                                                     May 2020.8

       7Royal College of General Practitioners

                                                                                                                                                      Magellan™ Collection: Health                                           CLICK HERE TO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             FIND OUT MORE
                                                                                                                                 The Impact 25 reports have focused on tech-led businesses whose primary
       But what is telemedicine? A broader definition might      What does this mean for insurers?
                                                                                                                               focus is insurance. Many other relevant businesses can be found in Magellan™.
       include preventative propositions. Mental health          A market in flux, with untapped technological and
       is topical and being addressed by apps such as            data opportunities, and well-funded players with
       Headspace and Calm which had a combined 2019              customer access is ripe for change, perhaps even
                                                                                                                         RISK ANALYSIS                                 PROPOSITIONS                                  DIGITAL PROVIDERS
       revenue of US$250m.9 Whilst insurers must innovate        disruption. Executives in this market should feel the
       their propositions, they are competing against many       classic capitalist emotions of both fear and greed.
       big beasts with narrow focuses. What is the role of       The opportunity is huge, especially post-Covid.             pharm3r
       the insurer in prevention?                                Populations are engaged with their health and,
                                                                 almost uniquely in insurance, are prepared to
       Diagnostics are also developing fast. For example,        engage with their insurer for the right rewards
       some blood tests can now be conducted by                  as Vitality has demonstrated. Public systems
       individuals at home with cheap single-use kits.           will feel the strain for years in many countries.
       Insurers must establish whether their customers
       want to interact with their healthcare provider in
                                                                                                                                                                           Fig. 12
                                                                 But equally the threat is huge too. Digital
       person or remotely – a new layer of complexity – and
       deliver tailored propositions. How is the difference in
                                                                 players like telemedicine could bundle an
                                                                 insurance product into their offering which they
                                                                                                                                                      Example health insurance ecosystem
       the cost to serve treated in pricing? The complexity      source directly from the reinsurance market.
       quickly builds up.                                        Amazon could completely transform the drugs
                                                                 supply chain. A leading insurer or MGA could                                                                          Corporate
       Finally, data provides huge opportunities for             find transformational insight in better use                                              Reinsurers                   Schemes
       innovation in the health market. HumanAP                  of data and outperform in terms of both
       aggregates US consumers’ health data from                 growth and profitability. Last year we profiled
       thousands of sources and allows them to permission        Dansk Sundhedssikring , a Danish data-driven
       insurers to access this data. This avoids the hassle      health insurance MGA, which became the market
       of long questionnaires and allows (re)insurers to         leader in under ten years and also claims the
       increase their rate of digital underwriting. Queath       lowest loss ratio in the market.                                        Government                                                        Wellness
       has a partnership with RGA to help integrate lifestyle                                                                             Solutions                                                        Providers
       factors into health underwriting.                         Executives must take a broad view of their                                                               Customer
                                                                 marketplace – which goes much beyond the confines
       We think this market will radically evolve in the         of insurance – and develop hypotheses about how
       digital decade.                                           it will evolve over the next decade. They must then
                                                                 make complex decisions concerning their distribution,
                                                                 proposition, technology, operations and supply chain.
                                                                                                                                             Healthcare                                            Private Medical
                                                                                                                                             Providers                                                 Insurers



       Three imperatives for
       executives in the digital decade
       1. Being data-led is table stakes                        The distinction between what is a department and
                                                                what is a project must disappear. Companies must
       Digital and data are often mentioned in the
                                                                create the ability to ‘swarm’ around promising
       same breath, and often interchangeably. This is
                                                                opportunities, which implies having an effective
       unfortunate because they are two distinct topics.
                                                                process for identifying and triaging them in the
       Without a robust data foundation, digitalisation
                                                                first place. For short-term opportunities the

                                                                                                                                   Find the tech vendors your market scan
       cannot occur.
                                                                established concept of “popup teams” or
                                                                “multi-functional teams” might be sufficient; for
       Most insurers still have a long way to go to become

                                                                                                                                 missed with Oxbow Partners Curated Search
                                                                longer-term opportunities companies must be
       truly data-led. All too often we still hear executive
                                                                willing to commit funding to a larger team for a
       discussions being supported by anecdotal evidence
                                                                reasonable amount of time.
       or disputed data. Most companies still require
       finance teams to conduct bespoke analysis to
       understand drivers of value such as retention by
       segment or cohort, or margin by channel.                 3. Think of technology vendors as
       Data needs to be at the heart of the organisation,
       culturally and operationally. Meetings must be
                                                                accelerators and enhancers in any
                                                                function, not just innovation
                                                                                                                          UNDERSTAND                                         DISCOVER                                           ASSESS
       supported by dashboards with real data.
                                                                InsurTech has been met with both scepticism
                                                                                                                            Every search opens                            Our team analyses our                         Get access to full profiles
                                                                and enthusiasm by industry executives. We have
                                                                always had a balanced view; InsurTech will not            with a call to precisely                      proprietary data to create                            for each shortlisted
       2. Traditional operating model                           turn the insurance industry on its head, but it
                                                                                                                          understand your tech                          your bespoke shortlist of                       vendor, powered by our
       structures must be broken down                           could fundamentally change the fortunes of any
                                                                one company.                                                 needs and goals                                suitable companies                                Magellan platform
       Opportunities will present themselves in the “digital
       decade” that no longer fall neatly into the structures   Industry executives should consider how
       of a traditional insurance company. Partner              InsurTech could accelerate and enhance their
       distribution deals no longer require just a tweak of     corporate objectives and pick ‘best of breed’
       the product and a negotiation of the commission.         partners where possible. This is true not only      Whether you’re running a policy admin system selection, looking for a new source of UW data, or conducting an
       Perhaps an entirely new product needs to be              for innovation projects, but also for back office
       developed for which there is no historic claims          activities such as regulatory compliance.
                                                                                                                         InsurTech landscape review, a Magellan Curated Search finds you the best solutions for your needs.              TELL ME
       data, perhaps partners are required to deliver                                                                   To find out more go to or get in touch at                   MORE
       some of the capability.

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Fig. 14
                                                                                                                                                                Number of companies as a percentage of the total in Magellan™

                                                                                                                                                                     DISTRIBUTION,                                                             DATA &               OPERATIONS
                                                                                                                                                                     UNDERWRITING                  POLICY ADMIN                               ANALYTICS              & CLAIMS

       Insights from Magellan™, our
                                                                                                                                                                       & PRICING

       insurance technology navigator                                                                                             P&C – 576                                 17%                              10%                                42%                     31%

                                                                                                                                  L&H – 212                                 44%                                9%                               31%                     16%
       Magellan™, Oxbow Partners’ insurance technology
       navigator, is designed to help insurance executives
                                                                  Fig. 13 Class of business targeted
       and investors find suitable vendors in a highly
       fragmented and complex landscape.                                      2%                                            TOTAL* – 2,000+                                 27%                              13%                                31%                     29%
       Our platform contains in-depth information                                                                      *Total company count includes vendors that
       about more than 2,000 insurance technology                                                                              have solutions across classes                                    < 20%          20-30%         30% +                                           Source: Magellan™
       vendors. These span startups through to
       established companies, distributors as well as
       service providers, and draws companies from                                                                                                                                                          Fig. 15
                                                                                                                                                     Share of vendors that are distributors vs suppliers split by year founded
       64 countries. We believe that our data is some
       of the deepest available in the market.                                                                46%

       Almost half of the vendors on Magellan™ have
       built solutions and products for the Property                         24%                                       90%
       & Casualty market specifically. This dominant
       share is expected given Willis Towers Watson’s                                                                  80%
       InsurTech investment data and the activity we
       observe in the market. Vendors in this category
       are a near-even split between suppliers (55%)                                                                   60%
       and distributors (45%), but there is a strong         Property & Casualty         Across all classes
       skew to North America.                                                                                          50%
                                                             Life & Health         Property & Casualty and Specialty
       Whilst Life & Health represents just 17% of           Specialty
       Magellan™ vendors, it has seen a large uptake                                                                   30%
       in recent years. 63% of all L&H vendors on
       Magellan™ have been founded since 2015,
       Our platform contains in-depth information about more                                                              0
       than 2,000 insurance technology vendors. We believe that                                                                         2009                2010     2011         2012   2013           2014          2015             2016     2017      2018   2019    2020

       our data is some of the deepest available in the market.                                                                                                                                         Supplier        Distributors                                          Source: Magellan™

                                                                                                                                                                      Fig. 16
                                                                                                                                Average investment raised and FTE of members when selected
                                                                                                                        £20m                                                                                     76

       Whilst 64% of all Magellan™ vendors are suppliers, distributors                                                  £16m                                                                        59
                                                                                                                        £14m                                54
       have slowly been increasing their share, representing 47% of all
       Magellan™ vendors founded in 2020                                                                                        43
                                                                                                                        £8m                                                                        £16m
       possibly encouraged by the growth in wellness            2021 is the fourth edition of the Oxbow Partners
       and rehabilitation propositions. Having been             Impact 25, and in this edition we welcome our
       dominated by P&C, L&H now represents 32% of              hundredth member. As figure 16 shows, the average       £4m     £8m                        £9m
       global InsurTech funding and we have argued in this      total investment raised for each member has been
       report that health could be the next big frontier for    rising since the first edition showing how the market
       insurance innovation.                                    is maturing. In 2021 our members have on average           0
                                                                received £18m in funding, more than double the                  2018                       2019                                    2020         2021
       Across all classes, Data & Analytics is the dominant     average of £8m in 2018.
                                                                                                                                                       Average investment raised     Average FTE
       primary function amongst Magellan™ vendors, which
       is no surprise given that it provides (re)insurers the   Readers of this report can see information about this
       basis for understanding their current and future         year’s and previous years’ Impact 25 Members on
       customers. P&C vendors on Magellan™ are also             Magellan™ by clicking on the plus symbols next to
       heavily focused on Operations & Claims. Magellan™
                                                                                                                                                                      Fig. 17
                                                                the company names, throughout this report.
       L&H vendors instead have a greater concentration on
       Distribution, Underwriting and Pricing.
                                                                                                                                       Impact 25 Members by revenue brands when selected
                                                                                                                                4%                                                                         4%   6%
       Whilst 64% of all Magellan™ vendors are suppliers,                                                               100%
       distributors have slowly been increasing their share,                                                                                                9%
                                                                                                                         90%    9%                                                                 17%
       representing 47% of all Magellan™ vendors founded                                                                                                                                                        18%
       in 2020.                                                                                                          80%
                                                                                                                         60%                                                                       35%
                                                                                                                         50%                                                                                    47%

                                                                                                                         30%                               57%
                                                                                                                         20%    43%                                                                43%
                                                                                                                                2018                       2019                                    2020         2021
                                                                                                                                                   £100k – £1m     £1m – £5m       £5m – £10m      £10m+

                                                                                                                                                                   Fig. 18
                                                                                                                                           Mapping of InsurTech Impact 25 2021 companies based on
                                                                                                                                             part of value chain and class of insurance addressed

       The InsurTech Impact 25                                                                                                               DISTRIBUTION         PRODUCT         DATA & ANALYTICS   OPERATIONS

       Along with our Advisory Board, we spent six months             These players are at different levels of maturity
       reviewing over 150 companies to select this year’s             but we are excited about all of them. Some have
       Impact 25 Members. Members span the value                      highly ‘visible’ propositions, whilst others are
       chain and cover non-life, health and life insurance,           deeply technical. All have the potential to drive
       personal lines and commercial. We believe that our             significant value in the industry.
       rigorous review process – along with the fact that                                                                        P&C
       there is no direct or indirect fee for Membership –            Detailed profiles are provided in the next section as     RETAIL
       distinguishes the InsurTech Impact 25 from other               well as on Magellan™ .
       InsurTech lists.

       We have deliberately chosen companies at different
       stages of their life and some have proven business
       models whilst others are still exploring.

            A note on the selection of Members                                                                                   P&C
            As the InsurTech landscape             and revenue growth, business           from insurance clients in 2021
            matures, we hope to move to            model and strategy, clients and     •	The company should not
            an objective measure such as           investors. A high weighting was        have a single, large corporate
            a measure of traction on our           placed on revenue and the small        shareholder with more than
            Magellan™ platform. However,           number of Members who did not          50% of its shares
            we do not feel like this is the best   disclose it had to meet a much
            selection criterion at present:        higher bar on the other criteria    The objective of our report is
            should we favour a company with        than companies that did.            to highlight companies that             LIFE &
            £1m of revenue and 1,000% y-o-y                                            have traction and potential             HEALTH
            growth or a company with £5m           To be eligible as a Member,         for incumbents, but are not
            of revenue and 300% growth?            companies needed to meet most       household names. We also
            Who is performing better: a            of the following criteria:          seek to get a broad spread of
            Distribution InsurTech with            •	A proposition that is            businesses, covering all elements
            100,000 £10 policies or a Supplier        technology-led and somehow       of the value chain, customer
            InsurTech with two £500k clients?         innovative                       types and products. There is no           ALL
            Instead, we have assessed eligible     •	Min £100k annual revenue from    fee or other financial incentive
            companies based on detailed               insurance clients in 2020        for Membership: all Members are
            submissions covering revenue           •	Max £20m forecast revenue        selected on their own merits.

       What has happened to                                                        Atidot is a cloud-based provider of AI, machine
                                                                                   learning, and predictive analytics for life insurers
                                                                                                                                                            Bought By Many creates and distributes insurance
                                                                                                                                                            policies designed around customer needs

       previous years’ Members?                                                    	Grew its customer base significantly, including industry leaders,
                                                                                    Pacific Life and Guardian Life
                                                                                   	Expanding its partnerships with Unqork, Sapiens, Infosys, and
                                                                                                                                                            	Doubled the number of pets insured to over 300,000 while
                                                                                                                                                             maintaining average review score of 4.7 out of 5
                                                                                                                                                            	Recruited 100 people since March 2020
                                                                                    Atos strengthening its EU presence

                                                                                                                                                            Broker Insights combines broker customer data and
                360Globalnet helps insurers deliver an optimal
                                                                                   Avantia is a UK-based non-standard home                                  insurer risk appetite data to better connect insurers
                claims experience
                                                                                   insurance MGA                                                            and brokers
                	Helped several new major clients respond to lockdown by
                                                                                   	Used its Cortex machine learning platform to start pricing risk,       	Grew revenues by 100% in 2020 as platform and capability
                 deploying state of the art digital claims processes
                                                                                    increasing EBITDA by more than 40% and base revenue by c.20%             gained traction with business partners in second year of trading
                	Partnered with HUGHUB to deliver full end-to-end policy
                                                                                   	Will integrate Cortex into its freshly insourced claims operation to   	£1bn of commercial GWP visible in the platform during 2021 with
                  administration capability
                                                                                    enable instant claims decisioning                                        additional products and services also being launched

                Akur8 is transforming insurance pricing with                                                                                                bsurance enables companies to embed insurance
                                                                                   battleface uses experience, innovation, data science
                Transparent AI, automating the rating process                                                                                               products into their point of sale
                                                                                   and technology to create the first end-to-end global
                while retaining control over the models created
                                                                                   travel insurance platform                                                	Raised a convertible finance round in the middle of the covid-19
                	Increased its revenues 5x by signing over 20 clients globally                                                                              crisis, giving them room for expansion right after the reopening
                                                                                   	battleface raised US$12m in a Series A Round with Drive Capital
                	Raising a Series B round in H2 2021 to sustain                    to fund growth, invest in market expansion and establish global         	Continued growth in 2021
                 geographicalexpansion and product development                      HQ in Columbus, Ohio
                                                                                   	Launching global products for travellers worldwide through its
                                                                                    digital distribution platform and new partnerships
                                                                                                                                                            Cape Analytics uses advanced computer vision to
                                                                                                                                                            analyse geospatial imagery at scale and identify
                                                                                                                                                            property features that are predictive of loss
                Anorak enables financial services companies to                     Bdeo is a visual intelligence InsurTech active in                        	Grew to over 40 customers in production
                offer personalised life insurance advice and product               central and southern Europe and Latin America                            	Proprietary geospatial property attributes such as Roof Condition
                                                                                   	Grew its customer base up to 35 insurers in 20 different                Rating have been filed and approved for rate in 15 states
                	Grew its revenue 5x by the integration of new distribution        countries, tripling its revenue in 2020
                 partners such as Clearscore, Snoop and Trussle
                                                                                   	Expanding to the main European markets with local sales team
                	Doubled the team size in 2020 with an accelerated hiring plan     after having closed a €5m round of funding in 2020
                  in 2021                                                                                                                                   Carpe Data unlocks automation and drives
                                                                                                                                                            operational efficiency across the policy lifecycle
                                                                                                                                                            through unique and predictive data
                                                                                   Bikmo is a digital insurance broker for European                         	Launched the Minerva business data suite, which now provides
                artificialOS is a platform of modular applications                 cyclists and adventure sports enthusiasts                                 small commercial insurers like The Hartford and Farmers with
                that empower brokers and insurers to quote, bind                                                                                             advanced classification, risk characteristics, and predictive scores
                                                                                   	Grew new customers by 90% in European territories following the
                and issue policies                                                  Series A investment round of £1.8m in May 2020                           for more than 40 million business records across the US
                	Onboarded several new clients onto the artificialOS platform     	Expanding their consumer-focused technology platform ready for        	Garnered industry-wide recognition for technology
                	Developing solutions for commercial insurers, brokers and MGAs    commercial launch in late 2021                                           and leadership

       Concirrus’ Quest platform provides proprietary                        DIG helps insurers and banks to build digital                        FINABRO is the distribution platform for
       behavioural data and predictive models for                            insurance propositions, either independently of                      occupational pension
       underwriting                                                          legacy systems or on top of them                                     	Started collaborations with 4 of Austria’s top 5 insurances
       	Raised a Series B round in H1 2020 to fund expansion into new       	Launched a Life & Health insurance wellbeing ecosystem               (Allianz, Zurich, Vienna Insurance Group, UNIQA) and Austria’s
         product lines and geographies                                         together with a top-3 US insurer and Vitality                        top broker (GrECo)
        Expanded commercial offering into Europe, US and Asia Pacific        	Launched a fully digital bancassurance solution for a Deutsche     	Entered the German market
                                                                               Bank subsidiary including a data-driven advisory tool

       CyberCube provides analytics to (re)insurers to                                                                                            Flock helps insurers instantly understand and
       understand and manage the cyber threat landscape                      DQPro helps specialty insurers to monitor, control                   insure against specialty risks, such as drone cover,
       	Developed its suite of products including the launch of Broking
                                                                             and improve their data                                               in real-time
         Manager to provide deeper insights on cyber risk transfers          	Increased revenue by 40% with both new and existing customers      	Launched its commercial motor division using real-time data to
       	Developed its suite of products including the launch of Broking       and enjoyed 100% customer retention                                  accurately insure fleets of connected vehicles
         Manager to provide deeper insights on cyber risk transfers          	Launched DQPro Market Standard for data confidence,                	Grew revenues by 5x in 2020 and is raising a Series A to fuel rapid
                                                                               collaborating with 10 global specialty carriers                      global expansion

       Cytora transforms commercial insurance to improve
       underwriting productivity, reduce frictional costs and                ELEMENT is a ‘full-stack’ InsurTech distributing                     FloodFlash uses computer models and IoT tech
       drive strategy-aligned growth                                         through partners                                                     to bring parametric catastrophe insurance to the
        Launched Underwriting Productivity Suite                              Increased from 12 to 19 product lines with c.25 partners            mass market
       	Growing customer base of commercial insurers focused on              Emphasising pet protection, bike insurance and leasing covers       	Paid its fastest claim ever with just 9 hours and 44 mins between
         digitising risk and closing the gap between underwriting strategy                                                                          the flood and the full payout
         and execution                                                                                                                            	Expanded its distribution network to include partnerships with
                                                                                                                                                    Marsh, Aon, Willis, Lockton and Gallagher
                                                                             Energetic Insurance has developed a first-of-its-
                                                                             kind credit insurance product for the renewable
       Dansk Sundhedssikring is a data-driven Danish health                  energy sector
       insurance MGA                                                         	Maintained 0% loss ratio in 2020 with no claims despite multiple
                                                                                                                                                  FRISS is an AI-powered solution for P&C insurers to
        Entered Swedish market                                                 small business lockdowns                                           detect and prevent fraud
                                                                             	Raising a Series A round in H2 2021 to fund expansion into new      Realised 58% revenue growth
                                                                               project structures and geographies                                  16 new carriers added to the FRISS family

       Descartes Underwriting builds innovative parametric
       insurance products for extreme weather events and
       natural catastrophes                                                  Enterprise Bot provides multilingual chatbots                        Getsafe allows European millennials to purchase and
       	Raised US$18.5m Series A round with support from Serena,            	Revolutionised the AI industry with the launch of an end-to-end    manage insurance on their smartphones
         Cathay Innovation, and Blackfin Capital Partners                      Hyperautomtion platform                                            	Secured a US$30m funding round led by Swiss Re, making it one
       	Launching offices in the US and APAC to foster collaboration with   	Crossed US$2m ARR                                                    of Europe’s best funded insurance startups
         brokers and clients internationally                                                                                                      	Expanding to another European market besides the UK

       Global AI-driven insurance, trust and safety                          INSTANDA is a digital end-to end insurance platform                            McKenzie Intelligence Services provides time-critical
       marketplace for the short-term rentals sector                         enabling clients to design, build and distribute any                           geospatial intelligence for claims and exposure
       	Expanded to 12 new markets including the US, Canada, South          type of insurance product to multiple audiences                                management and validation
         Africa and Israel                                                   	Launched first cyber insurance product with Standard Bank                    	Completed the £2m European Space Agency backed Global
       	Exploring raising a Series A round in H2 2021                         (South Africa) within weeks                                                    Events Observer, an exposure and claims management system
                                                                             	Global launch of digital group health and digital claims by                    for insurers
                                                                               Q2 2021                                                                      	Added 53 new insurers and scaled the business to accommodate
                                                                                                                                                              clients in Asia Pacific, Latin America and North America;
       Hokodo modernises the B2B payment experience                                                                                                           currently fundraising
       and enables merchants to extend credit terms to
       their business customers instantly                                    KASKO allows insurers to design, distribute, manage
       	Launched Trade Credit as a Service solution and expanded            and scale digital insurance products
                                                                                                                                                            Metabiota provides analytics tools and advisory
         European footprint, partnering with 9 clients including German      	Continued its client growth to now over 40 insurers on more than
         Bank Sparkasse Bremen, marketplaces ManoMano, Ankorstore
                                                                                                                                                            solutions to mitigate and transfer epidemic risk
                                                                               100 products, with over 290k policies bound over the platform
         and Hectare                                                         	Will soon engage with investors for its Series A funding round               	Won catastrophe risk modelling solution of the year from
       	Raising a Series A in 2021 to fund growth into the rest of the                                                                                       Insurance ERM and selected for Lloyd’s Lab to support the
         EU and continue developing the next generation of B2B                                                                                                response to COVID-19 and future pandemics
         payment solutions                                                                                                                                  	Fundraising to meet market demand and build a new early
                                                                             Konsileo is a technology-driven broker focused on the                            warning surveillance system for pandemics
                                                                             UK SME market
                                                                             	Grew premium by 174%, doubled clients and increased premium
       hx has developed a platform for insurers to build and
                                                                               per client by 62% during 2020 whilst adding advisors through                 OnSiteIQ provides 360° photo documentation
       deploy web-hosted pricing models
                                                                                                                                                            services to property owners and developers
       	Tripled revenue again, signing some of the largest insurers in       Continuing growth in 2021 and raising a Series A round mid-year
         the world as well as some of the ‘Class of 2020’                                                                                                   	Grew its revenues by threefold in 2020 in the US and expanded
       	Seeking InsurTech partners to join its growing Renew                                                                                                 to Canada
         Connect ecosystem                                                                                                                                  	Trained the AI engine on over 50 objects with 91% confidence
                                                                             Kovrr enables insurers to understand, quantify and                               level across the board
                                                                             manage cyber risk
                                                                              Grew its revenues by more than 400%
       Inforcehub enables scalable customer activity for
       insurers to support growth and retention of the                       	Offering clients the ability to independently adjust simulation              ottonova is a German ‘full stack’ digital private
                                                                               parameters to quickly validate their loss assumptions                        health insurer
       existing customer base, using a combination of
       advanced analytics and a platform of dedicated                                                                                                        Grew its number of clients significantly despite the pandemic
       technology solutions                                                                                                                                  Will focus on expanding partnerships throughout the market
       	Embedded core solutions with key clients, creating client and       Laka is a ‘digital mutual’ that provides collective-led
         commercial value from campaigns using our CAFE software             insurance with a focus on personal mobility
       	Drive the growth of a new AI-driven IDP proposition for insurance    Secured a European license and launched in The Netherlands                    Pharm3r is an AI-driven risk assessment company
         customer process optimisation beyond robotics                        Expanded from bike enthusiasts to serve the wider personal
                                                                                                                                                             Continued its high double-digit growth for the sixth straight year
                                                                             mobility segment
                                                                                                                                                             New clients include CNA, asset managers and law firms; new
                                                                                                                                                            products include supply chain and business interruption software
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