Page created by Donna Clark
Driving impact
at scale from
and AI
February 2019
Introduction   						                                                                      2

Part 1: Why automation and AI?

Harnessing automation for a future that works 				                                         6

Notes from the AI frontier: Applications and value of deep learning                       10

Artificial intelligence is getting ready for business, but are businesses ready for AI?   26

Part 2: How to make transformation successful

Burned by the bots: Why robotic automation is stumbling                                   44

Ten red flags signaling your analytics program will fail                                  48

The automation imperative                                                                 56

How to avoid the three common execution pitfalls that derail automation programs          64

The new frontier: Agile automation at scale                                               72

Part 3: Understanding functional nuances

How bots, algorithms, and artificial intelligence are reshaping the future of corporate   78
support functions

A CIO plan for becoming a leader in intelligent process automation                        86
Automation, leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) and other technologies, has
opened up new possibilities. The pace of adoption has been rapid. Institutions
of all sizes globally are leveraging automation to drive value. According to the
McKinsey Automation Survey in 2018, 57 percent of 1,300 institutions have
already started on this journey, with another 18 percent planning to kick off
something within the next year.

When done right, automation has proven to deliver real benefits, including the

•   Distinctive insights: Hundreds of new factors to predict and improve drivers
    of performance

•   Faster service: Processing time reduced from days to minutes

•   Increased flexibility and scalability: Ability to operate 24/7 and scale up or
    down with demand

•   Improved quality: From spot-checking to 100 percent quality control
    through greater traceability

•   Increased savings and productivity: Labor savings of 20 percent or more

However, success is far from guaranteed. According to our Automation Survey,
only 55 percent of institutions believe their automation program has been
successful to date. Moreover, a little over half of respondents also say that the
program has been much harder to implement than they expected.

In this collection of articles, we explore why automation and AI are so
important, how to transform, and what the functional nuances are that can
be the difference between success and failure. At a high level, these articles delve into the four most
important practices that are strongly correlated with success in automation:

•   Understand the opportunity and move early: Start taking advantage of automation and AI by
    assessing the opportunity, identifying the high-impact use cases, and laying out the capability and
    governance groundwork.

•   Balance quick tactical wins with long-term vision: Identify quick wins to automate activities
    with the highest automation potential and radiate out, freeing up capital; in parallel, have a long-
    term vision for comprehensive transformation, with automation at the core.

•   Redefine processes and manage organizational change: Since 60 percent of all jobs have at least
    30 percent technically automatable activities, redefining jobs and taking an end-to-end process
    view are necessary to capture the value.

•   Integrate technology into core business functions: Build AI and other advanced technologies
    into the operating model to create transformative impact and lasting value, support a culture
    of collecting and analyzing data to inform decisions, and build the muscle for continuous

We hope this curated collection will be helpful to you in realizing the full value potential from your
own automation transformation.

Alex Edlich                 Greg Phalin                 Rahil Jogani               Sanjay Kaniyar
Senior partner, New York    Senior partner, New York    Partner, Chicago           Partner, Boston

We wish to thank Keith Gilson, Vishal Koul, and Christina Yum for their contributions to this collection.

Introduction                                                                                                3

    Why automation and AI?

4      Making a secure transition to cloud
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                                                                                                     Oli Scarff/Getty   Images
                                                                                                                      Images News

    Harnessing automation for a future
    that works
    Jacques Bughin, Michael Chui, Martin Dewhurst, Katy George, James Manyika, Mehdi
    Miremadi, and Paul Willmott

    Automation is happening, and it will bring substantial benefits to
    businesses and economies worldwide, but it won’t arrive overnight.
    A new McKinsey Global Institute report finds realizing automation’s
    full potential requires people and technology to work hand in hand.
    Recent developments in robotics, artificial            and CEOs. But how quickly will these automation
    intelligence, and machine learning have put us         technologies become a reality in the workplace?
    on the cusp of a new automation age. Robots and        And what will their impact be on employment and
    computers can not only perform a range of routine      productivity in the global economy?
    physical work activities better and more cheaply
    than humans, but they are also increasingly            The McKinsey Global Institute has been conducting
    capable of accomplishing activities that include       an ongoing research program on automation
    cognitive capabilities once considered too difficult   technologies and their potential effects. A new MGI
    to automate successfully, such as making tacit         report, A future that works: Automation, employment,
    judgments, sensing emotion, or even driving.           and productivity, highlights several key findings.
    Automation will change the daily work activities
                                                           The automation of activities can enable businesses
    of everyone, from miners and landscapers to
                                                           to improve performance by reducing errors
    commercial bankers, fashion designers, welders,

6   Digital/McKinsey
and improving quality and speed, and in some            Still, automation will not happen overnight. Even
cases achieving outcomes that go beyond human           when the technical potential exists, we estimate it
capabilities. Automation also contributes to            will take years for automation’s effect on current
productivity, as it has done historically. At a time    work activities to play out fully. The pace of
of lackluster productivity growth, this would give      automation, and thus its impact on workers, will
a needed boost to economic growth and prosperity.       vary across different activities, occupations, and
It would also help offset the impact of a declining     wage and skill levels. Factors that will determine
share of the working-age population in many             the pace and extent of automation include the
countries. Based on our scenario modeling, we           ongoing development of technological capabilities,
estimate automation could raise productivity            the cost of technology, competition with labor
growth globally by 0.8 to 1.4 percent annually.         including skills and supply and demand dynamics,
                                                        performance benefits including and beyond labor
The right level of detail at which to analyze the       cost savings, and social and regulatory acceptance.
potential impact of automation is that of individual    Our scenarios suggest that half of today’s work
activities rather than entire occupations. Every        activities could be automated by 2055, but this
occupation includes multiple types of activity, each    could happen up to 20 years earlier or later
of which has different requirements for automation.     depending on various factors, in addition to other
Given currently demonstrated technologies,              economic conditions.
very few occupations—less than 5 percent—are
candidates for full automation. However, almost         The effects of automation might be slow at a macro
every occupation has partial automation potential,      level, within entire sectors or economies, for
as a proportion of its activities could be automated.   example, but they could be quite fast at a micro
We estimate that about half of all the activities       level, for individual workers whose activities are
people are paid to do in the world’s workforce could    automated or for companies whose industries are
potentially be automated by adapting currently          disrupted by competitors using automation.
demonstrated technologies. That amounts to
almost $15 trillion in wages.                           While much of the current debate about
                                                        automation has focused on the potential for mass
The activities most susceptible to automation are       unemployment, people will need to continue
physical ones in highly structured and predictable      working alongside machines to produce the growth
environments, as well as data collection and            in per capita GDP to which countries around the
processing. In the United States, these activities      world aspire. Thus, our productivity estimates
make up 51 percent of activities in the economy,        assume that people displaced by automation will
accounting for almost $2.7 trillion in wages.           find other employment. Many workers will have
They are most prevalent in manufacturing,               to change, and we expect business processes to be
accommodation and food service, and retail trade.       transformed. However, the scale of shifts in the
And it’s not just low-skill, low-wage work that could   labor force over many decades that automation
be automated; middle-skill and high-paying, high-       technologies can unleash is not without precedent.
skill occupations, too, have a degree of automation     It is of a similar order of magnitude to the long-
potential. As processes are transformed by the          term technology-enabled shifts away from
automation of individual activities, people will        agriculture in developed countries’ workforces
perform activities that complement the work that        in the 20th century. Those shifts did not result
machines do, and vice versa.                            in long-term mass unemployment, because they

Harnessing automation for a future that works                                                                 7
were accompanied by the creation of new types of         come about if people work alongside machines. That
    work. We cannot definitively say whether things          in turn will fundamentally alter the workplace,
    will be different this time. But our analysis shows      requiring a new degree of cooperation between
    that humans will still be needed in the workforce:       workers and technology. 
    the total productivity gains we estimate will only

    Jacques Bughin and James Manyika are directors of the McKinsey Global Institute, and Michael Chui is
    an MGI partner; Martin Dewhurst and Paul Willmott are senior partners in McKinsey’s London office; Katy
    George is a senior partner in the New Jersey office; and Mehdi Miremadi is a partner in the Chicago office.

    Copyright © 2017 McKinsey & Company. All rights reserved.

8   Digital/McKinsey
A global force that will transform economies and the workforce
 Technical automation potential by adapting currently demonstrated technologies
                                                                                                                                                Wages associated with technically
                                                                                                                                                automatable activities
While few occupations are fully automatable, 60 percent of all occupations                                                                      $ trillion
have at least 30 percent technically automatable activities                                                                                                                                          China
                                                                                                                    Share of roles                   countries       4.7                 3.6
   ACTIVITIES WITH HIGHEST                                                                                          100% = 820 roles
   AUTOMATION POTENTIAL:                                            About 60% of occupations                                                                                100% =
   Predictable physical activities 81%
                                                                    have at least 30% of                                           100                                      $14.6T            2.3
                                                                    their activities that                               91                                          1.0                               United
   Processing data                                69%               are automatable                                                                       Japan                                       States
                                                                                                                                                                           1.1     1.9
   Collecting data                                64%                                                          73                                                  India
                                                                                                                                                                                   Big 5 in Europe1
                                                                                                                                                Labor associated with technically
                                                                                   51                                                           automatable activities
90         >80           >70      >60           >50              >40       >30          >20          >10         >0                                                    62          United
                                                                                                                                                                             235                     States
                                                                                                                                                                     India                    Big 5 in Europe1
                                              Technical automation potential, %
                                                                                                                                                    France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom.

Five factors affecting pace and                                                                                        Automation will boost global
extent of adoption                                                                                                     productivity and raise GDP
                                                                                                                       G19 plus Nigeria
          1                    2                   3                       4                      5
TECHNICAL                COST OF             LABOR               ECONOMIC                REGULATORY                          Productivity growth, %
FEASIBILITY              DEVELOPING          MARKET              BENEFITS                AND SOCIAL                          Automation can help provide some of the productivity needed
Technology               AND                 DYNAMICS            Include higher          ACCEPTANCE                          to achieve future economic growth
has to be                DEPLOYING           The supply,         throughput              Even when
invented,                SOLUTIONS           demand, and         and increased           automation                          Employment growth, %
integrated,              Hardware            costs of            quality,                makes                               will slow drastically because of aging
and adapted              and software        human labor         alongside               business
into solutions           costs               affect which        labor cost              sense,
for specific                                 activities will     savings                 adoption can
case use                                     be automated                                take time                      Last 50 years Next 50 years                 Next 50 years
                                                                                                                                           Growth aspiration        Potential impact of automation

Scenarios around time spent on current work activities, %
      Adoption,            Adoption,                   Technical automation         Technical automation                     1.8
      Early scenario       Late scenario               potential, Early scenario    potential, Late scenario

100                                                                                                                                            2.8
 80                                                                                      potential                           1.7                                           1.4
                                                                                         must precede                                                                                                0.8
 60                                                                                      adoption
                                                                                                                                               0.1                        0.1                        0.1
 40                                                                                      Technical,                          3.5               2.9                        1.5                        0.9
                                                                                         and social                     Historical         Required to              Early                      Late
 20                                                                                      factors affect                                    achieve                  scenario                   scenario
                                                                                         pace of                                           projected growth
  0                                                                                      adoption
              2020         2030            2040        2050          2060 2065                                                             in GDP per capita

              Harnessing automation for a future that works                                                                                                                                                      9
Notes from the AI frontier:
     Applications and value of deep
     Michael Chui, Rita Chung, Nicolaus Henke, Sankalp Malhotra, James Manyika, Mehdi Miremadi,
     and Pieter Nel

     An analysis of more than 400 use cases across 19 industries
     and nine business functions highlights the broad use and
     significant economic potential of advanced AI techniques.

     Artificial intelligence (AI) stands out as a                    and the problems they can solve to more
     transformational technology of our digital                      than 400 specific use cases in companies and
     age—and its practical application throughout                    organizations.1 Drawing on McKinsey Global
     the economy is growing apace. In our discussion                 Institute research and the applied experience
     paper Notes from the AI frontier: Insights from                 with AI of McKinsey Analytics, we assess both the
     hundreds of use cases, we mapped both traditional               practical applications and the economic potential
     analytics and newer “deep learning” techniques                  of advanced AI techniques across industries and

     1 For the full McKinsey Global Institute discussion paper, see “Notes from the AI frontier: Applications and value of deep

       learning,” April 2018, on McKinsey.com.

10   Digital/McKinsey
business functions. Our findings highlight the                        We analyzed the applications and value of three
substantial potential of applying deep learning                       neural network techniques:
techniques to use cases across the economy, but we
also see some continuing limitations and obstacles—                     ƒƒ Feed-forward neural networks: The
along with future opportunities as the technologies                        simplest type of artificial neural network.
continue their advance. Ultimately, the value of AI                        In this architecture, information moves
is not to be found in the models themselves, but in                        in only one direction, forward, from the
companies’ abilities to harness them.                                      input layer, through the “hidden” layers, to
                                                                           the output layer. There are no loops in the
It is important to highlight that, even as we see                          network. The first single-neuron network
economic potential in the use of AI techniques, the                        was proposed already in 1958 by AI pioneer
use of data must always take into account concerns                         Frank Rosenblatt. While the idea is not
including data security, privacy, and potential                            new, advances in computing power, training
issues of bias.                                                            algorithms, and available data led to higher
                                                                           levels of performance than previously
Mapping AI techniques to problem                                           possible.
As artificial intelligence technologies advance, so                     ƒƒ Recurrent neural networks (RNNs): Artificial
does the definition of which techniques constitute                         neural networks whose connections
AI.2 For the purposes of this article, we use AI as                        between neurons include loops; RNNs are
shorthand for deep learning techniques that use                            well suited for processing sequences of
artificial neural networks. We also examined                               inputs. In November 2016, Oxford University
other machine learning techniques and traditional                          researchers reported that a system based on
analytics techniques (Exhibit 1).                                          recurrent neural networks (and convolutional
                                                                           neural networks) had achieved 95 percent
Neural networks are a subset of machine learning                           accuracy in reading lips, outperforming
techniques. Essentially, they are AI systems based                         experienced human lip readers, who tested at
on simulating connected “neural units,” loosely                            52 percent accuracy.
modeling the way that neurons interact in the
brain. Computational models inspired by neural                          ƒƒ Convolutional neural networks (CNNs):
connections have been studied since the 1940s                              Artificial neural networks in which the
and have returned to prominence as computer                                connections between neural layers are
processing power has increased and large training                          inspired by the organization of the animal
data sets have been used to successfully analyze                           visual cortex, the portion of the brain that
input data such as images, video, and speech. AI                           processes images; CNNs are well suited for
practitioners refer to these techniques as “deep                           perceptual tasks.
learning,” since neural networks have many
(“deep”) layers of simulated interconnected                           For our use cases, we also considered two other
neurons.                                                              techniques—generative adversarial networks and
                                                                      reinforcement learning—but did not include them

 2 For more on AI techniques, including definitions and use cases, see “An executive’s guide to AI,” February 2018,


Notes from the AI frontier: Applications and value of deep learning                                                       11
         Exhibit 1 of 

         We examined artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and other
         We examined
         analytics     artificialfor
                   techniques      intelligence (AI), machine learning, and other
                                     our research.
         analytics techniques for our research.

                Considered AI for our research


                                                                        Deep learning                   learning
                                                                   (feed-forward networks,
                                                                    CNNs1, RNNs2, GANs3)


             Likelihood to                                                                  Ensemble
             be used in AI                        Instance-based      Decision-tree          learning
             applications                             learning          learning

                                               Monte           Linear                   Clustering
                                               Carlo         classifiers

                                        Statistical          Markov                   Regression
                                        inference            process                   analysis

                                    Descriptive             Naive Bayes
                                     statistics              classifiers

                              TRADITIONAL                     Complexity of technique                       ADVANCED

           Convolutional neural networks.
           Recurrent neural networks.
           Generative adversarial networks.

         Source: McKinsey Global Institute analysis

12   Digital/McKinsey
in our potential value assessment of AI, since they                   Following are examples of where AI can be used to
remain nascent techniques that are not yet widely                     improve the performance of existing use cases:
                                                                        ƒƒ Predictive maintenance: The power of
  ƒƒ Generative adversarial networks (GANs)                                machine learning to detect anomalies. Deep
      use two neural networks contesting one                               learning’s capacity to analyze very large
      another in a zero-sum game framework (thus                           amounts of high-dimensional data can take
     “adversarial”). GANs can learn to mimic                               existing preventive maintenance systems to
      various distributions of data (for example,                          a new level. Layering in additional data, such
      text, speech, and images) and are therefore                          as audio and image data, from other sensors—
      valuable in generating test data sets when                           including relatively cheap ones such as
      these are not readily available.                                     microphones and cameras—neural networks
                                                                           can enhance and possibly replace more
  ƒƒ Reinforcement learning is a subfield of                               traditional methods. AI’s ability to predict
     machine learning in which systems are                                 failures and allow planned interventions
     trained by receiving virtual “rewards” or                             can be used to reduce downtime and
    “punishments,” essentially learning by trial                           operating costs while improving production
     and error. Google’s DeepMind has used                                 yield. For example, AI can extend the life
     reinforcement learning to develop systems                             of a cargo plane beyond what is possible
     that can play games, including video games                            using traditional analytics techniques by
     and board games such as Go, better than                               combining plane model data, maintenance
     human champions.                                                      history, and Internet of Things (IoT) sensor
                                                                           data such as anomaly detection on engine-
 In a business setting, these analytic techniques                          vibration data, and images and video of
 can be applied to solve real-life problems. The                           engine condition.
 most prevalent problem types are classification,
 continuous estimation, and clustering (see sidebar,                    ƒƒ AI-driven logistics optimization can reduce
“Problem types and their definitions”).                                    costs through real-time forecasts and
                                                                           behavioral coaching. Application of AI
Insights from use cases                                                    techniques such as continuous estimation
We collated and analyzed more than 400 use cases                           to logistics can add substantial value across
across 19 industries and nine business functions.                          sectors. AI can optimize routing of delivery
They provided insight into the areas within                                traffic, thereby improving fuel efficiency
specific sectors where deep neural networks can                            and reducing delivery times. One European
potentially create the most value, the incremental                         trucking company has reduced fuel costs by
lift that these neural networks can generate                               15 percent, for example, by using sensors
compared with traditional analytics (Exhibit 2),                           that monitor both vehicle performance and
and the voracious data requirements—in terms of                            driver behavior; drivers receive real-time
volume, variety, and velocity—that must be met                             coaching, including when to speed up or slow
for this potential to be realized. Our library of use                      down, optimizing fuel consumption and
cases, while extensive, is not exhaustive and may                          reducing maintenance costs.
overstate or understate the potential for certain
sectors. We will continue refining and adding to it.

Notes from the AI frontier: Applications and value of deep learning                                                    13
Exhibit 2
         Exhibit  of  deep learning artificial intelligence techniques can be

         Advancedacross          industries,
                         deep learning             alongsidetechniques
                                       artificial intelligence more traditional  analytics.
                                                                       can be applied across industries,
         alongside more traditional analytics.

         Technique relevance1 heatmap by industry                                                    Frequency of use                   Low             High

                                                    Focus of report                                          Traditional analytics techniques
                                   Feed-    Recurrent   Convolutional Generative                Tree-based
                                  forward    neural        neural     adversarial Reinforcement ensemble                                Regression   Statistical
                                 networks   networks      networks     networks      learning     learning   Classifiers   Clustering    analysis    inference

         Advanced electronics/
         Aerospace and


         Automotive and


         Basic materials


         packaged goods
         Healthcare systems
         and services

         High tech


         Media and

         Oil and gas

         Pharmaceuticals and
         medical products
         Public and
         social sectors


         Transport and


             Relevance refers to frequency of use in our use case library, with the most frequently found cases marked as high
             relevance and the least frequently found as low relevance. Absence of circles indicates no or statistically insignificant
             number of use cases.
             Note: List of techniques is not exhaustive.

          Source: McKinsey Global Institute analysis

14   Digital/McKinsey
Problem types and their definitions

Classification: Based on a set of training data, categorize new inputs as belonging to one of a set of categories. An example of
classification is identifying whether an image contains a specific type of object, such as a cat or a dog, or a product of acceptable
quality coming from a manufacturing line.

Continuous estimation: Based on a set of training data, estimate the next numeric value in a sequence. This type of problem
is sometimes described as “prediction,” particularly when it is applied to time-series data. One example of continuous estimation
is forecasting the sales demand for a product, based on a set of input data such as previous sales figures, consumer sentiment,
and weather.

Clustering: These problems require a system to create a set of categories, for which individual data instances have a set of
common or similar characteristics. An example of clustering is creating a set of consumer segments, based on a set of data
about individual consumers, including demographics, preferences, and buyer behavior.

All other optimization: These problems require a system to generate a set of outputs that optimize outcomes for a specific
objective function (some of the other problem types can be considered types of optimization, so we describe these as “all other”
optimization). Generating a route for a vehicle that creates the optimum combination of time and fuel utilization is an example of

Anomaly detection: Given a training set of data, determine whether specific inputs are out of the ordinary. For instance, a
system could be trained on a set of historical vibration data associated with the performance of an operating piece of machinery,
and then determine whether a new vibration reading suggests that the machine is not operating normally. Anomaly detection can
be considered a subcategory of classification.

Ranking: Ranking algorithms are used most often in information-retrieval problems where the results of a query or request
needs to be ordered by some criterion. Recommendation systems suggesting next product to buy use these types of algorithms
as a final step, sorting suggestions by relevance, before presenting the results to the user.

Recommendations: These systems provide recommendations based on a set of training data. A common example of
recommendations are systems that suggest “next product to buy” for an individual buyer, based on the buying patterns of similar
individuals and the observed behavior of the specific person.

Data generation: These problems require a system to generate appropriately novel data based on training data. For instance,
a music composition system might be used to generate new pieces of music in a particular style, after having been trained on

                 Notes from the AI frontier: Applications and value of deep learning                                        15
ƒƒ AI can be a valuable tool for customer            Greenfield AI solutions are prevalent in business
          service management and personalization            areas such as customer-service management, as
          challenges. Improved speech recognition in        well as among some industries where the data are
          call center management and call routing as        rich and voluminous and at times integrate human
          a result of the application of AI techniques      reactions. Among industries, we found many
          allows a more seamless experience for             greenfield use cases in healthcare, in particular.
          customers—and more efficient processing.          Some of these cases involve disease diagnosis
          The capabilities go beyond words alone. For       and improved care and rely on rich data sets
          example, deep learning analysis of audio          incorporating image and video inputs, including
          allows systems to assess a customer’s             from MRIs.
          emotional tone; in the event a customer is
          responding badly to the system, the call          On average, our use cases suggest that modern
          can be rerouted automatically to human            deep learning AI techniques have the potential
          operators and managers. In other areas            to provide a boost in additional value above and
          of marketing and sales, AI techniques can         beyond traditional analytics techniques—ranging
          also have a significant impact. Combining         from 30 percent to 128 percent, depending on
          customer demographic and past transaction         industry.
          data with social media monitoring can
          help generate individualized product              In many of our use cases, however, traditional
          recommendations. Next-product-to-buy              analytics and machine learning techniques
          recommendations that target individual            continue to underpin a large percentage of the
          customers—as companies such as Amazon             value-creation potential in industries including
          and Netflix have successfully been doing—         insurance, pharmaceuticals and medical products,
          can lead to a twofold increase in the rate of     and telecommunications, with the potential of AI
          sales conversions.                                limited in certain contexts. In part this is due to
                                                            the way data are used by these industries and to
     Two-thirds of the opportunities to use AI are          regulatory issues.
     in improving the performance of existing
     analytics use cases                                    Data requirements for deep learning
      In 69 percent of the use cases we studied, deep       are substantially greater than for other
      neural networks can be used to improve                analytics
      performance beyond that provided by other             Making effective use of neural networks in most
      analytics techniques. Cases in which only neural      applications requires large labeled training data
      networks can be used, which we refer to here as       sets alongside access to sufficient computing
     “greenfield” cases, constituted just 16 percent of     infrastructure. Furthermore, these deep learning
      the total. For the remaining 15 percent, artificial   techniques are particularly powerful in extracting
      neural networks provided limited additional           patterns from complex, multidimensional data
      performance over other analytics techniques,          types such as images, video, and audio or speech.
      because, among other reasons, of data limitations
      that made these cases unsuitable for deep learning    Deep learning methods require thousands of
      (Exhibit 3).                                          data records for models to become relatively

16   Digital/McKinsey
    Exhibit  of 
    In more than two-thirds of our use cases, artificial intelligence (AI)
     In more
    can      than performance
         improve  two-thirds of our use cases,
                                beyond         artificial by
                                         that provided    intelligence (AI) can
                                                             other analytics
     improve performance beyond that provided by other analytics techniques.

     Breakdown of                     Potential incremental value from AI over other analytics techniques, %
     use cases by
     applicable                             Travel                                                                128
     techniques, %
                                            Transport and logistics                                          89

     Full value can                         Retail                                                       87
     be captured
     using non-AI        15                 Automotive and assembly                                      85
                                            High tech                                                    85
     AI necessary
     to capture                             Oil and gas                                                 79
                                            Chemicals                                              67
                                            Media and entertainment                           57

                                            Basic materials                                   56

                                            Agriculture                                       55

                                            Consumer packaged goods                           55
     AI can
                                            Banking                                          50
     performance                            Healthcare systems and services              44
     over that
     provided                               Public and social sectors                    44
     by other
     analytics                              Telecommunications                           44
                                            Pharmaceuticals and medical products        39

                                            Insurance                               38

                                            Advanced electronics/semiconductors     36

                                            Aerospace and defense                  30

     Source: McKinsey Global Institute analysis

Notes from the AI frontier: Applications and value of deep learning                                                     17
good at classification tasks and, in some cases,            Realizing AI’s full potential requires a
     millions for them to perform at the level of                diverse range of data types, including
     humans. By one estimate, a supervised deep                  images, video, and audio
     learning algorithm will generally achieve                   Neural AI techniques excel at analyzing image,
     acceptable performance with around 5,000                    video, and audio data types because of their
     labeled examples per category and will match or             complex, multidimensional nature, known
     exceed human-level performance when trained                 by practitioners as “high dimensionality.”
     with a data set containing at least ten million             Neural networks are good at dealing with high
     labeled examples. 3 In some cases where advanced            dimensionality, as multiple layers in a network
     analytics are currently used, so much data are              can learn to represent the many different features
     available—millions or even billions of rows per             present in the data. Thus, for facial recognition,
     data set—that AI usage is the most appropriate              the first layer in the network could focus on raw
     technique. However, if a threshold of data volume           pixels, the next on edges and lines, another on
     is not reached, AI may not add value to traditional         generic facial features, and the final layer might
     analytics techniques.                                       identify the face. Unlike previous generations
                                                                 of AI, which often required human expertise to
     These massive data sets can be difficult to obtain          do “feature engineering,” these neural network
     or create for many business use cases, and labeling         techniques are often able to learn to represent
     remains a challenge. Most current AI models                 these features in their simulated neural networks
     are trained through “supervised learning,”                  as part of the training process.
     which requires humans to label and categorize
     the underlying data. However, promising new                 Along with issues around the volume and variety of
     techniques are emerging to overcome these data              data, velocity is also a requirement: AI techniques
     bottlenecks, such as reinforcement learning,                require models to be retrained to match potential
     generative adversarial networks, transfer learning,         changing conditions, so the training data must
     and “one-shot learning,” which allows a trained             be refreshed frequently. In one-third of the cases,
     AI model to learn about a subject based on a                the model needs to be refreshed at least monthly,
     small number of real-world demonstrations or                and almost one in four cases requires a daily
     examples—and sometimes just one.                            refresh; this is especially the case in marketing
                                                                 and sales and in supply-chain management and
     Organizations will have to adopt and implement              manufacturing.
     strategies that enable them to collect and integrate
     data at scale. Even with large data sets, they will         Sizing the potential value of AI
     have to guard against “overfitting,” where a model          We estimate that the AI techniques we cite in the
     too tightly matches the “noisy” or random features          discussion paper together have the potential to
     of the training set, resulting in a corresponding           create between $3.5 trillion and $5.8 trillion in
     lack of accuracy in future performance, and                 value annually across nine business functions in
     against “underfitting,” where the model fails to            19 industries. This constitutes about 40 percent
     capture all of the relevant features. Linking data          of the overall $9.5 trillion to $15.4 trillion annual
     across customer segments and channels, rather               impact that could potentially be enabled by all
     than allowing the data to languish in silos, is             analytical techniques (Exhibit 4).
     especially important to create value.

     3 Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, and Aaron Courville, Deep Learning, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2016.

18   Digital/McKinsey
    Exhibit 4
    Exhibit  of
                intelligence  (AI) has the potential to create value across
     Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to create value across sectors.




                                              Healthcare systems                                     Transport and logistics
                                                     and services
     AI impact,       400                                                                                        Travel
     $ billion                                                          Consumer packaged goods
                                  Public and social sectors
                                                                                                   Automotive and assembly

                      300           Advanced electronics/
                                      semiconductors                  Banking

                                                    Insurance          Basic materials
                                                                                                   High tech
                      200                                      Media and
                                                              entertainment                      Oil and gas

                                  Telecommunications                                 Chemicals
                                      and medical                     Aerospace and defense

                             20                      30                         40                          50                 60
                                         Share of AI impact in total impact derived from analytics, %

      Source: McKinsey Global Institute analysis

Per industry, we estimate that AI’s potential                           These figures are not forecasts for a particular
value amounts to between 1 and 9 percent of 2016                        period, but they are indicative of the considerable
revenue. The value as measured by percentage                            potential for the global economy that advanced
of industry revenue varies significantly among                          analytics represents.
industries, depending on the specific applicable
use cases, the availability of abundant and                             From the use cases we have examined, we find
complex data, as well as regulatory and other                           that the greatest potential value impact from
constraints.                                                            using AI are both in top-line-oriented functions,

Notes from the AI frontier: Applications and value of deep learning                                                                 19
such as marketing and sales, and bottom-line-                          potential 5 percent reduction in inventory
     oriented operational functions, including supply-                      costs and revenue increases of 2 to 3 percent.
     chain management and manufacturing.
                                                                       ƒƒ In banking, particularly retail banking, AI
     Consumer industries such as retail and high tech                     has significant value potential in marketing
     will tend to see more potential from marketing and                   and sales, much as it does in retail. However,
     sales AI applications because frequent and digital                   because of the importance of assessing and
     interactions between the business and customers                      managing risk in banking—for example, for
     generate larger data sets for AI techniques to tap                   loan underwriting and fraud detection—AI
     into. E-commerce platforms, in particular, stand                     has much higher value potential to improve
     to benefit. This is because of the ease with which                   performance in risk in the banking sector
     these platforms collect customer information such                    than in many other industries.
     as click data or time spent on a web page. These
     platforms can then customize promotions, prices,                The road to impact and value
     and products for each customer dynamically and                  Artificial intelligence is attracting growing
     in real time.                                                   amounts of corporate investment, and as the
                                                                     technologies develop, the potential value that
     Here is a snapshot of three sectors where we have               can be unlocked is likely to grow. So far, however,
     seen AI’s impact (Exhibit 5):                                   only about 20 percent of AI-aware companies are
                                                                     currently using one or more of its technologies in a
       ƒƒ In retail, marketing and sales is the area                 core business process or at scale.4
          with the most significant potential value
          from AI, and within that function, pricing                 For all their promise, AI technologies have plenty
          and promotion and customer-service                         of limitations that will need to be overcome. They
          management are the main value areas. Our                   include the onerous data requirements listed
          use cases show that using customer data                    previously, but also five other limitations:
          to personalize promotions, for example,
          including tailoring individual offers every                  ƒƒ First is the challenge of labeling training
          day, can lead to a 1 to 2 percent increase in                   data, which often must be done manually
          incremental sales for brick-and-mortar                          and is necessary for supervised learning.
          retailers alone.                                                Promising new techniques are emerging to
                                                                          address this challenge, such as reinforcement
       ƒƒ In consumer goods, supply-chain                                 learning and in-stream supervision, in which
          management is the key function that could                       data can be labeled in the course of natural
          benefit from AI deployment. Among the                           usage.
          examples in our use cases, we see how
          forecasting based on underlying causal                       ƒƒ Second is the difficulty of obtaining data sets
          drivers of demand rather than prior                             that are sufficiently large and comprehensive
          outcomes can improve forecasting accuracy                       to be used for training; for many business
          by 10 to 20 percent, which translates into a                    use cases, creating or obtaining such massive

     4 See “How artificial intelligence can deliver real value to companies,” McKinsey Global Institute, June 2017, on


20   Digital/McKinsey
     Exhibit  of 
    Exhibit 5

    Artificial intelligence’s  impactisislikely
               intelligence’s impact      likelytotobe
    and sales as and   sales
                     well    as well as supply-chain
                          as supply-chain   management  management   and
                                                          and manufacturing,
    based on our use    based  on our use cases.

     Value unlocked, $ trillion

     By advanced analytics                                              9.5–15.4       By artificial intelligence             3.5–5.8

                            3.3–6.0                                                              3.6–5.6


                     Marketing and sales                                       Supply-chain management and manufacturing

                                                       0.3            0.3                                                0.2–0.4
                      0.2                   0.2                                 0.2          0.2
the automotive and aerospace industries, for                Organizational challenges around
           example, can be an obstacle; among other                    technology, processes, and people can
           constraints, regulators often want rules and                slow or impede AI adoption
           choice criteria to be clearly explainable.                  Organizations planning to adopt significant
                                                                       deep learning efforts will need to consider a
       ƒƒ Fourth is the generalizability of learning:                  spectrum of options about how to do so. The range
          AI models continue to have difficulties in                   of options includes building a complete in-house
          carrying their experiences from one set                      AI capability, outsourcing these capabilities, or
          of circumstances to another. That means                      leveraging AI-as-a-service offerings.
          that companies must commit resources to
          train new models even for use cases that are                 Based on the use cases they plan to build,
          similar to previous ones. Transfer learning—                 companies will need to create a data plan that
          in which an AI model is trained to accomplish                produces results and predictions that can be
          a certain task and then quickly applies that                 fed either into designed interfaces for humans
          learning to a similar but distinct activity—is               to act on or into transaction systems. Key data
          one promising response to this challenge.                    engineering challenges include data creation or
                                                                       acquisition, defining data ontology, and building
       ƒƒ The fifth limitation concerns the risk of bias               appropriate data “pipes.” Given the significant
          in data and algorithms. This issue touches                   computational requirements of deep learning,
          on concerns that are more social in nature                   some organizations will maintain their own
          and which could require broader steps to                     data centers because of regulations or security
          resolve, such as understanding how the                       concerns, but the capital expenditures could be
          processes used to collect training data can                  considerable, particularly when using specialized
          influence the behavior of the models they                    hardware. Cloud vendors offer another option.
          are used to train. For example, unintended
          biases can be introduced when training                       Process can also become an impediment to
          data is not representative of the larger                     successful adoption unless organizations
          population to which an AI model is applied.                  are digitally mature. On the technical side,
          Thus, facial-recognition models trained                      organizations will have to develop robust data
          on a population of faces corresponding to                    maintenance and governance processes and
          the demographics of AI developers could                      implement modern software disciplines such
          struggle when applied to populations with                    as Agile and DevOps. Even more challenging,
          more diverse characteristics. 5 A recent                     in terms of scale, is overcoming the “last mile”
          report on the malicious use of AI highlights a               problem of making sure the superior insights
          range of security threats, from sophisticated                provided by AI are instantiated in the behavior of
          automation of hacking to hyperpersonalized                   the people and processes of an enterprise.
          political disinformation campaigns.6

     5 See Joy Buolamwini and Timnit Gebru, “Gender shades: Intersectional accuracy disparities in commercial gender

       classification,” Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, 2018, Volume 81, pp. 1–15, proceedings.mlr.press.
     6 Peter Eckersley, “The malicious use of artificial intelligence: Forecasting, prevention, and mitigation,” Electronic Frontier

       Foundation, February 20, 2018, eff.org.

22   Digital/McKinsey
On the people front, much of the construction and                     Societal concerns and regulations can also
optimization of deep neural networks remains                          constrain AI use. Regulatory constraints are
something of an art, requiring real experts to                        especially prevalent in use cases related to
deliver step-change performance increases.                            personally identifiable information. This is
Demand for these skills far outstrips supply at                       particularly relevant at a time of growing public
present; according to some estimates, fewer than                      debate about the use and commercialization of
10,000 people have the skills necessary to tackle                     individual data on some online platforms. Use
serious AI problems, and competition for them is                      and storage of personal information is especially
fierce among the tech giants.7                                        sensitive in sectors such as banking, healthcare,
                                                                      and pharmaceuticals and medical products, as
AI can seem an elusive business case                                  well as in the public and social sector. In addition
Where AI techniques and data are available and                        to addressing these issues, businesses and other
the value is clearly proven, organizations can                        users of data for AI will need to continue to evolve
already pursue the opportunity. In some areas,                        business models related to data use in order
the techniques today may be mature and the data                       to address societies’ concerns. Furthermore,
available, but the cost and complexity of deploying                   regulatory requirements and restrictions can
AI may simply not be worthwhile, given the value                      differ from country to country, as well from sector
that could be generated. For example, an airline                      to sector.
could use facial recognition and other biometric
scanning technology to streamline aircraft                            Implications for stakeholders
boarding, but the value of doing so may not justify                   As we have seen, it is a company’s ability to execute
the cost and issues around privacy and personal                       against AI models that creates value, rather than
identification.                                                       the models themselves. In this final section, we
                                                                      sketch out some of the high-level implications
Similarly, we can see potential cases where the                       of our study of AI use cases for providers of AI
data and the techniques are maturing, but the                         technology, appliers of AI technology, and policy
value is not yet clear. The most unpredictable                        makers, who set the context for both.
scenario is where either the data (both the types
and volume) or the techniques are simply too new                        ƒƒ Many companies that develop or provide
and untested to know how much value they could                             AI to others have considerable strength in
unlock. For example, in healthcare, if AI were                             the technology itself and the data scientists
able to build on the superhuman precision we are                           needed to make it work, but they can lack
already starting to see with X-ray analysis and to                         a deep understanding of end markets.
broaden that to more accurate diagnoses and even                           Understanding the value potential of AI
automated medical procedures, the economic                                 across sectors and functions can help
value could be very significant. At the same time,                         shape the portfolios of these AI technology
the complexities and costs of arriving at this                             companies. That said, they shouldn’t
frontier are also daunting. Among other issues, it                         necessarily prioritize only the areas of
would require flawless technical execution and                             highest potential value. Instead, they can
resolving issues of malpractice insurance and                              combine that data with complementary
other legal concerns.                                                      analyses of the competitor landscape

 7 Cade Metz, “Tech giants are paying huge salaries for scarce AI talent,” New York Times, October 22, 2017, nytimes.com.

Notes from the AI frontier: Applications and value of deep learning                                                        23
and their own existing strengths, sector         ƒƒ Policy makers will need to strike a balance
           or function knowledge, and customer                 between supporting the development of
           relationships to shape their investment             AI technologies and managing any risks
           portfolios. On the technical side, the              from bad actors. They have an interest in
           mapping of problem types and techniques             supporting broad adoption, since AI can
           to sectors and functions of potential value         lead to higher labor productivity, economic
           can guide a company with specific areas of          growth, and societal prosperity. Their tools
           expertise on where to focus.                        include public investments in research
                                                               and development as well as support for a
       ƒƒ Many companies seeking to adopt AI in their          variety of training programs, which can
           operations have started machine learning            help nurture AI talent. On the issue of data,
           and AI experiments across their business.           governments can spur the development of
           Before launching more pilots or testing             training data directly through open-data
           solutions, it is useful to step back and take       initiatives. Opening up public-sector data
           a holistic approach to the issue, moving to         can spur private-sector innovation. Setting
           create a prioritized portfolio of initiatives       common data standards can also help. AI
           across the enterprise, including AI and             is also raising new questions for policy
           the wider analytics and digital techniques          makers to grapple with, for which historical
           available. For a business leader to create          tools and frameworks may not be adequate.
           an appropriate portfolio, it is important to        Therefore, some policy innovations will
           develop an understanding about which use            likely be needed to cope with these rapidly
           cases and domains have the potential to             evolving technologies. But given the scale
           drive the most value for a company, as well         of the beneficial impact on business, the
           as which AI and other analytical techniques         economy, and society, the goal should not be
           will need to be deployed to capture that            to constrain the adoption and application of
           value. This portfolio ought to be informed          AI but rather to encourage its beneficial and
           not only by where the theoretical value can         safe use. 
           be captured but also by the question of how
           the techniques can be deployed at scale
           across the enterprise. The question of how
           analytical techniques are scaling is driven
           less by the techniques themselves and more
           by a company’s skills, capabilities, and data.
           Companies will need to consider efforts on
           the “first mile,” that is, how to acquire and
           organize data and efforts, as well as on the
          “last mile,” or how to integrate the output of
           AI models into frontline workflows, ranging
           from those of clincial-trial managers and
           sales-force managers to procurement
           officers. Previous McKinsey Global Institute
           research suggests that AI leaders invest
           heavily in these first- and last-mile efforts.

24   Digital/McKinsey
Michael Chui is a partner of the McKinsey Global Institute, where James Manyika is chairman and a
director; Rita Chung is a consultant in McKinsey’s Silicon Valley office; Nicolaus Henke is a senior partner in
the London office; Sankalp Malhotra is a consultant in the New York office, where Pieter Nel is a specialist;
Mehdi Miremadi is a partner in the Chicago office.

Copyright © 2018 McKinsey & Company. All rights reserved.

Notes from the AI frontier: Applications and value of deep learning                                          25

                                                                                                 Photo credit: Getty Images

     Artificial intelligence is getting
     ready for business, but are
     businesses ready for AI?
     Terra Allas, Jacques Bughin, Michael Chui, Peter Dahlström, Eric Hazan, Nicolaus Henke,
     Sree Ramaswamy, and Monica Trench

     Companies new to the space can learn a great deal from early
     adopters who have invested billions in AI and are now beginning
     to reap a range of benefits.

     Claims about the promise and peril of artificial      Twice as many articles mentioned AI in 2016 as
     intelligence (AI) are abundant—and growing.           in 2015, and nearly four times as many as in 2014.1
     AI, which enables machines to exhibit humanlike       Expectations are high.
     cognition, can drive our cars or steal our privacy,
     stoke corporate productivity or empower corporate     AI has been here before. Its history abounds with
     spies. It can relieve workers of repetitive or        booms and busts, extravagant promises, and
     dangerous tasks or strip them of their livelihoods.   frustrating disappointments. Is it different this

     1 Factiva.

26   Digital/McKinsey
time? New analysis suggests yes: AI is finally                           Our business experience with AI suggests that
starting to deliver real-life business benefits.                         this bust scenario is unlikely. In order to provide
The ingredients for a breakthrough are in                                a more informed view, we decided to perform
place. Computer power is growing significantly,                          our own research into how users are adopting
algorithms are becoming more sophisticated,                              AI technologies. Our research offers a snapshot
and, perhaps most important of all, the world                            of the current state of the rapidly changing AI
is generating vast quantities of the fuel that                           industry. To begin, we examine the investment
powers AI—data. Billions of gigabytes of it                              landscape, including firms’ internal investment
every day.                                                               in R&D and deployment, large corporate M&A,
                                                                         and funding from venture capital (VC) and
Companies at the digital frontier—online                                 private equity (PE) firms. We then combine
firms and digital natives such as Google and                             use-case analyses and our AI adoption and use
Baidu—are betting vast amounts of money                                  survey of C-level executives at more than 3,000
on AI. We estimate between $20 billion and                               companies to understand how companies use AI
$30 billion in 2016, including significant M&A                           technologies today.
activity. Private investors are jumping in, too.
We estimate that venture capitalists invested                            AI generally refers to the ability of machines
$4 billion to $5 billion in AI in 2016, and private                      to exhibit humanlike intelligence—for
equity firms invested $1 billion to $3 billion.                          example, solving a problem without the use
That is more than three times as much as in                              of hand-coded software containing detailed
2013. An additional $1 billion of investment                             instructions. There are several ways to
came from grants and seed funding.                                       categorize AI technologies, but it is difficult
                                                                         to draft a list that is mutually exclusive and
For now, though, most of the news is coming                              collectively exhaustive, because people often
from the suppliers of AI technologies. And                               mix and match several technologies to create
many new uses are only in the experimental                               solutions for individual problems. These
phase. Few products are on the market or are                             creations sometimes are treated as independent
likely to arrive there soon to drive immediate                           technologies, sometimes as subgroups of other
and widespread adoption. As a result, analysts                           technologies, and sometimes as applications.
remain divided as to the potential of AI:                                Some frameworks group AI technologies by
some have formed a rosy consensus about                                  basic functionality, such as text, speech, or
AI’s potential while others remain cautious                              image recognition, and some group them by
about its true economic benefit. This lack of                            business applications such as commerce or
agreement is visible in the large variance of                            cybersecurity.3
current market forecasts, which range from
$644 million to $126 billion by 2025.2 Given the                          Trying to pin down the term more precisely
size of investment being poured into AI, the low                          is fraught for several reasons: AI covers a
estimate would indicate that we are witnessing                            broad range of technologies and applications,
another phase in a boom-and-bust cycle.                                   some of which are merely extensions of

 2 Tractica; Transparency Market Research.

 3 Gil Press, “Top 10 hot artificial intelligence (AI) technologies,” Forbes.com, January 23, 2017; “AI100: The artificial

   intelligence start-ups redefining industries,” CBinsights.com, January 11, 2017.

Artificial intelligence is getting ready for business, but are businesses ready for AI?                                        27
earlier techniques and others that are wholly                     with humans. Machine learning and a subfield
     new. Also, there is no generally accepted                         called deep learning are at the heart of many
     theory of “intelligence,” and the definition of                   recent advances in artificial intelligence
     machine “intelligence” changes as people become                   applications and have attracted a lot of attention
     accustomed to previous advances.4 Tesler’s                        and a significant share of the financing that
     theorem, attributed to the computer scientist                     has been pouring into the AI universe—almost
     Larry Tesler, asserts that “AI is whatever hasn’t                 60 percent of all investment from outside the
     been done yet.”5                                                  industry in 2016.

     The AI technologies we consider in this paper                     Artificial intelligence’s roller-coaster
     are what is called “narrow” AI, which performs                    ride to today
     one narrow task, as opposed to artificial general                 Artificial intelligence, as an idea, first appeared
     intelligence, or AGI, which seeks to be able to                   soon after humans developed the electronic
     perform any intellectual task that a human can do.                digital computing that makes it possible. And, like
     We focus on narrow AI because it has near-term                    digital technology, artificial intelligence, or AI,
     business potential, while AGI has yet to arrive.6                 has ridden waves of hype and gloom—with one
                                                                       exception: AI has not yet experienced wide-scale
     In this report, we focus on the set of AI technology              commercial deployment (see sidebar, “Fits and
     systems that solve business problems. We have                     starts: A history of artificial intelligence”).
     categorized these into five technology systems
     that are key areas of AI development: robotics and                That may be changing. Machines powered
     autonomous vehicles, computer vision, language,                   by AI can today perform many tasks—such as
     virtual agents, and machine learning, which is                    recognizing complex patterns, synthesizing
     based on algorithms that learn from data without                  information, drawing conclusions, and
     relying on rules-based programming in order                       forecasting—that not long ago were assumed to
     to draw conclusions or direct an action. Some                     require human cognition. And as AI’s capabilities
     are related to processing information from the                    have dramatically expanded, so has its utility in
     external world, such as computer vision and                       a growing number of fields. At the same time, it is
     language (including natural-language processing,                  worth remembering that machine learning has
     text analytics, speech recognition, and semantics                 limitations. For example, because the systems
     technology); some are about learning from                         are trained on specific data sets, they can be
     information, such as machine learning; and others                 susceptible to bias; to avoid this, users must be
     are related to acting on information, such as                     sure to train them with comprehensive data sets.
     robotics, autonomous vehicles, and virtual agents,                Nevertheless, we are seeing significant progress.
     which are computer programs that can converse

     4 Marvin Minsky, “Steps toward artificial intelligence,” Proceedings of the IRE, volume 49, number 1, January 1961; Edward

        A. Feigenbaum, The art of artificial intelligence: Themes and case studies of knowledge engineering, Stanford University
        Computer Science Department report number STAN-CS-77–621, August 1977; Allen Newell, “Intellectual issues in the
        history of artificial intelligence,” in The Study of Information: Interdisciplinary messages, Fritz Machlup and Una Mansfield,
        eds., John Wiley and Sons, 1983.
     5 Douglas R. Hofstadter, Gödel, Escher, Bach: An eternal golden braid, Basic Books, 1979. Hofstadter writes that he gave

        the theorem its name after Tesler expressed the idea to him firsthand. However, Tesler writes in his online CV that he
        actually said, “Intelligence is whatever machines haven’t done yet.”
     6 William Vorhies, “Artificial general intelligence—the Holy Grail of AI,” DataScienceCentral.com, February 23, 2016.

28   Digital/McKinsey
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