ROMANIA Investment in - 2021 KPMG in Romania -

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ROMANIA Investment in - 2021 KPMG in Romania -
Investment in


KPMG in Romania
ROMANIA Investment in - 2021 KPMG in Romania -
Preface                                                              4

 CHAPTER 1                   CHAPTER 2            CHAPTER 3
 General Information         Forms of Business    Taxation in Romania
 about Romania               Organisation

           4                         8                   16

 CHAPTER 4                   CHAPTER 5            CHAPTER 6
 Banking and Finance         General commercial   Real Estate in
                             rules                Romania

         35                        47                    52

 CHAPTER 7                   CHAPTER 8            CHAPTER 9
 EU Funding                  Labour regulations   The legal system
                             and employment

        56                        59                     66

 CHAPTER 10                  CHAPTER 11           CHAPTER 12
Protection of intellectual   Accounting           Competition in
and industrial property                           Romania

          69                        72                    77

                             CHAPTER 13

Investment in Romania is one of a series of
booklets published by KPMG in Romania to
provide information to those considering
investing or doing business in this country.
Its purpose is to provide some general         Ramona Jurubita
guidelines on investment and business in       Country Managing Partner.
Romania.                                       KPMG in Romania
A highly trained labour force, abundant
natural resources, geographical advantages
that facilitate transportation of goods and
one of the largest markets in Central and
Eastern Europe are attributes that make        René Schöb
Romania an increasingly attractive             Partner,
destination for investment.                    Head of Tax & Legal
                                               KPMG in Romania
Romania offers many interesting                rschob@Kpmg.Com
investment opportunities. However,
legislation can change frequently, and the
economic situation needs to be monitored
closely. So we recommend that you seek
further advice before making specific           Laura Toncescu
decisions. KPMG in Romania, or your local      Partner,
KPMG contact, will be pleased to hear from     Head of KPMG Legal-
you if you have questions about this           Toncescu și Asociații
publication or about doing business in
Romania is a country of considerable natural beauty, with
numerous attractions for the visitor. It has seen significant
development in the last three decades, particularly since EU
accession in 2007.

Romania enjoyed several years of strong economic growth
before the pandemic, and there are already encouraging
signs of a swift recovery and strong performance over the
next few years. The information contained in this document
was last updated on 21 April 2021.

General Information about

Holders of valid Schengen visas for short     The residence permit is issued within one
                                               or long term stays are granted visa free      month, although the passport is not
                                               entry to Romania (i.e. no Romanian            retained during this period.
                                               short-term entry visa is required), under
                                               certain conditions.

                                               Nationals of countries considered by the
                                               Romanian authorities to present a high
                                               immigration risk are subject to strict visa   Extensions of residence permits must be
                                               requirements and they must follow a           applied for at least 30 days prior to the
                                               special procedure to obtain a visa prior to   expiry date of the old one, otherwise a fine
                                               their arrival.                                is payable. Fees are subject to change, and
                                                                                             the laws governing residency are altered
                                               This procedure involves obtaining an          frequently.
                                               invitation approval from the Romanian
                                               immigration authorities. Visas are obtained
Passports, Visas and                           based on this invitation approval requested
Residence Permits                              by a Romanian individual or company.
                                               Exceptions apply to certain categories, as
                                               provided by law. A bank deposit guarantee     Highly-skilled employees will obtain an EU
                                               may also be needed, although there are        Blue Card, which is a special type of
Romanian visas are not required for
                                               some exemptions from this requirement.        residence permit for employment purposes
nationals of EU/EEA countries, Switzerland,
                                                                                             issued to highly-skilled qualified
Canada, Japan and the USA. Romanian
                                               Non-EU/EEA/Swiss individuals who come         non-EU/EEA/Swiss local hires. Proof of
short-stay entry visas are also not required
                                               to Romania for work purposes or want to       high-skills / qualifications is mandatory.
for nationals of Argentina, Australia, the
                                               stay longer than 90 days within a six month
Bahamas, Barbados, Brazil, Brunei,
                                               period must apply for a Romanian              This type of residence document grants
Colombia, Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador,
                                               residence permit. This is a document          the right to reside and be employed in
Grenada, Guatemala, Holy See, Honduras,
                                               issued by the Romanian General                Romania in a highly-skilled position, is
Hong Kong Special Economic Zone, Israel,
                                               Inspectorate for Immigration and is           generally issued for up to two years’
Macao Special Economic Zone, Malaysia,
                                               generally renewed on a yearly basis.          validity (depending on the validity of the
Mauritius, Mexico, Moldova,
                                                                                             employment contract), and is renewable.
Nicaragua, New Zealand, Panama,
Paraguay, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and
                                                                                             After an 18-month legal stay, the EU Blue
Grenadine, Saint Kitts and Nevis, San
                                                                                             Card holder can move to another EU
Marino, Seychelles, Singapore, South
                                                                                             Member State to occupy a highly-skilled
Korea, Tonga, Trinidad Tobago, Uruguay,
                                               A number of documents must be provided        position.
United Arab Emirates , United Kingdom,
                                               to secure the permits, the most important
Vanuatu and Venezuela, all of whom may
                                               of which are evidence of employment in        For EU/EEA/Swiss nationals, five year
stay in the country for up to 90 days within
                                               Romania (a work permit is required in         registration certificates are issued, on
a six month period without the need to
                                               nearly all cases), evidence of contribution   production of an employment contract,
obtain any official permission.
                                               to the Romanian state health system,          assignment contract, or evidence of means
                                               medical certificate (most good private         of support, as well as proof of social health
                                               clinics will arrange the medical              insurance (a European health card is
                                               examination) evidence of accommodation        acceptable in most cases).
                                               in Romania (ownership documents or a
                                               rent contract), a copy of the passport used
However, a Romanian long-stay visa and a
                                               to enter the country, and at least two
residence document are mandatory for
                                               passport sized photographs.
stays of longer than 90 days.
Air Transportation                             Geography and
                                               The Romanian national airline, TAROM,
                                               serves major points in Romania, Europe,
                                               and Asia. International full service carriers   Geographical Location
                                               currently serving Romania include
                                               Aegean/Olympic, Air France, Alitalia,           Romania is situated in South-East Central
                                               Austrian Airlines, British Airways, El Al,      Europe, to the north of the Balkan
                                               Lufthansa, KLM, Turkish Airlines, Aeroflot       Peninsula, on the Lower Danube, bordered
                                               (Russia), CSA (Czech Republic and Slovak        in the southeast by the Black Sea. The
                                               Republic), and LOT (Poland). Romania is         country is crossed by the parallel of 45° F
                                               also well served by low cost carriers, such     latitude north and by the meridian of 25°
                                               as Wizzair, Blueair and Ryanair.                longitude east. It is located midway
                                                                                               between the North Pole and the Equator,
                                               In Bucharest, all flights now use Henri          and midway between Europe's Western
                                               Coanda (formerly Otopeni), which is             and Eastern extremities.
                                               Romania’s main international airport. (The
                                               smaller Bucharest Baneasa airport
                                               operates exclusively for private business
                                               travel). Other major airports in Romania
                                               include Bacau, Cluj, Iasi, Oradea, Satu         Romania is bordered by the Black Sea to
Hotel and Long Term                            Mare, Sibiu, Suceava and Timisoara. Some        the southeast, Bulgaria to the south, Serbia
Accommodation                                  are served by international flights and most     to the southwest, Hungary to the west and
                                               are connected to Bucharest by domestic          Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova to the
                                               services.                                       north and east.
Romania offers a wide range of hotel
accommodation. Major hotels offer all          Many good hotels arrange airport transfers,
normal facilities business travellers expect   often without extra cost.                       Population
(Wi-Fi etc.). A passport or residence permit
is required to register at any hotel.                                                          The most recent census, conducted in
Many longer term or frequent visitors find             Ground transportation                    2011, showed Romania’s population to be
it more convenient and cost effective to                                                       20,121,641, of which 88.9% are of ethnic
rent accommodation in an apartment.                                                            Romanian origin. There is a significant
Short term rentals on a daily basis are        The Romanian road system is fairly
                                                                                               ethnic Hungarian minority, mainly located
widely available.                              undeveloped, with a very limited highway
                                                                                               in the Western province of Transylvania,
                                               network, but new highways are currently
                                                                                               representing 6.5% of the total national
Credit and debit cards are widely accepted     under construction and existing national
                                                                                               population, a Roma population of 3.3% and
in hotels and by almost all retailers in       roads are being upgraded. Rail travel is
                                                                                               a small percentage of other ethnic groups.
Bucharest and major cities, but might be       generally slow, although the
                                                                                               (2011 census figures). The 2021 census
more difficult to use in remote areas.          Brasov-Bucharest-Constanta route has
                                                                                               has been postponed until 2022 due to
Payment for accommodation in city hotels       recently been upgraded and now offers
can usually be made in foreign currency as     competitive journey times. Sleeping car
well as lei.                                   services operate on long distance routes
There are numerous ATMs in all cities.
Euros, U.S. dollars and other major                       Sea Ports
                                                                                               The climate varies considerably from one
currencies are also easily exchanged at                                                        part of the country to another, but is
banks or exchange offices. It is advisable      The biggest port in Romania and in the
                                               entire Black Sea region is Constanta. It can    generally considered to be continental.
to reserve hotel accommodation before                                                          There are four clear-cut seasons, with an
arriving in Romania, especially during peak    host vessels of over 150,000 tones.
                                               Mangalia and Sulina are free ports. There       average temperature of -5°C in wintertime
periods.                                                                                       and 24-30°C in summertime, and average
                                               are also several river ports on the Danube:
                                               Turnu Severin, Giurgiu, Calarasi, Cernavoda,    annual rainfall of ca. 640 mm. Bucharest
                                               Orsova, Turnu Magurele and Oltenita.            has warmer winters than most of the
                                               Braila, Galati and Tulcea are both sea and      country, with temperatures on average a
                                               river ports.                                    few degrees above zero, but with occasion-
                                                                                               al cold spells.
Official Language                     Legal Holidays
The official language, spoken by the             1 and 2 January;
majority of the population, is Romanian.
It is the language taught in schools and        24 January;
spoken in national institutions. The
Romanian language is derived from the           Good Friday (Orthodox);
Latin used in ancient times in the Roman
provinces of Dacia and Moesia. It has a         Easter Monday (Orthodox);
31-letter Latin alphabet and is similar to
French, Italian and Spanish, with some          1 May;
Slavic influences.
                                                the Monday after Pentecost (normally 7
Hungarian is also used, mostly in the           weeks after Orthodox Easter);
north-eastern part of the country. Other
languages are also spoken by small              1 June (Children’s Day);
                                                15 August (Assumption Day);
English is widely spoken as a second
language, and many Romanians also speak         30 November (St Andrew);
other major European languages, e.g.
French, Spanish, German etc.                    1 December (National Day);

                                                25 and 26 December (Christmas).
        Standard Time
The standard time is GMT + 2 hours (East
European Zone Time). Summer time is
GMT plus 3 hours, from late March to late    Religion
October. The spring and autumn change is
synchronised with the rest of Europe, so     Nearly all the population is Christian
Romania is always one hour in advance of     according to the 2011 census. Of those
France, Germany, Austria etc.                who declared a religion, a large majority is
                                             Orthodox (86.5%). 4.6% are Roman
                                             Catholic and 0.8% are Greco-Catholic.
        Area                                 Around 6% belong to various Protestant
                                             denominations, the most important of
Romania covers about 238,391 square          which is the Hungarian Reformed Church
kilometres of land, which makes it a         (3.2%). Romania also has small Muslim
medium sized European country. It is         and Jewish communities.
approximately the same size as England
and it ranks 13th in size in Europe.
                                             National Currency
        National Day                         The national currency is the Leu (pl. Lei)
                                             with the subdivision Ban (pl. Bani). In
1 December (the anniversary of the Great     economic and business circles the
Assembly held at Alba Iulia in 1918, which   currency is generally referred to as the
brought about the union of all Romanians     RON (New Leu). Approximate official rates
into a single state)                         in April 2021:

                                             1 EUR = 4.93 RON 1 USD = 4.10 RON

                                             - The Romanian Statistical Yearbook
                                             - The official Web site of the National Bank of Romania
                                             - The official Web site of the Ministry of Transport
Individuals and legal entities may freely enter into                general partners. Limited partners are
partnerships and set up companies to develop business               liable only up to the value of their
activities. According to the Company Law (Law 31/1990, as           subscribed contribution to the share
republished and subsequently amended) there are five types           capital.
of company:
                                                                    Limited partnership by shares; (in
Limited liability company; (in Romanian, “societate cu              Romanian, “societate in comandita pe
raspundere limitata” or “SRL”) whose obligations are                actiuni” or “SCA”), whose share
secured with the company's assets. The shareholders’                capital is divided into shares and
liability towards third parties is limited to their contributions   whose obligations are secured with
to the company’s share capital. Only under certain                  the company's assets and the
exceptional circumstances (e.g. in the case of fraud of the         unlimited and joint liability of the
company's creditors if the shareholders abuse their limited         general partners. Limited partners are
liability and the distinctive legal status of the company), may     liable only up to the value of their
they become liable without limitation ("piercing the                subscribed contribution to the share
corporate veil").                                                   capital.

Joint stock company; (in Romanian, “societate pe actiuni”
or “SA”) whose obligations are secured with the company's
assets. Stockholders are liable only up to the value of their
subscribed contribution to the share capital.
General partnership; (in Romanian, “societate in nume
colectiv” or “SNC”), whose obligations are secured with the
company's assets and the unlimited and joint liability of the

Limited partnership; (in Romanian, “societate in comandita
simpla” or “SCS”), whose obligations are secured with the
company's assets and the unlimited and joint liability of the

Forms of Business Organisation
The organisation of general partnerships        within a maximum of five months after the        director. However, individuals convicted of
and limited partnerships is governed by a       end of the financial year, to approve the        certain criminal offences, such as the
contract of association, while joint stock      financial statements for the fiscal year          offences listed under the Law for the
companies, limited partnerships by shares       which has just closed.                          prevention and prosecution of money
and limited liability companies are                                                             laundering as well as for the adoption of
organised under a contract of association       In general, the resolutions adopted in a        measures for preventing and fighting
and by-laws (which may be concluded as a        General Meeting must be registered with         against the financing of terrorist acts may
single document "Constitutive Deed" or          the Trade Registry within 15 days of their      not be directors, managers, members of
"Articles of Incorporation”).                   adoption in order to become opposable to        the Supervisory Board, members of the
                                                third parties, with penalties being imposed     Management Board, founders, censors or
According to the Company Law, as                for non-compliance with this timeframe.         financial auditors and if they have been
republished and subsequently amended,                                                           appointed to such positions, they will be
the notarisation of the Articles of             Companies, irrespective of type, are            deprived of their rights.
Incorporation is compulsory only in the         managed by one or several directors. In
following instances: (i) when real estate is    joint stock companies, if there is more than    All types of company must file their
brought as a contribution to the company’s      one director, the directors will form the       financial statements, on paper and in
share capital; (ii) when a general              Board of Directors. In limited liability        electronic format, or only in electronic
partnership or a limited partnership is set     companies, a Board of Directors will be         format, with the local offices of the
up, and (iii) when a joint stock company is     organised only if the Articles of               Ministry of Public Finance within a
set up by public subscription.                  Incorporation provide for this.                 maximum of 150 days from the end of the
                                                                                                financial year.
All companies must be registered with the       Directors can be individuals or legal
Romanian Trade Registry Office, under the        entities, appointed either under the Articles   Companies with an annual turnover
simplified registration procedure adopted        of Incorporation, or by the general meeting     exceeding RON 10,000,000, representing
by Law 359/2004, and they acquire a legal       of shareholders.                                the equivalent of approximately EUR
status as of their registration date. The                                                       2,150,538, are required to publish in the
setting-up is acknowledged through (i) the      Generally, in joint stock companies,            Official Journal of Romania, Part IV, a
registration certificate issued by the Trade     directors and members of the                    notice confirming the registration of their
Registry, which specifies the individual         Management Board and Supervisory Board          financial statements as mentioned above.
registration code granted by the Ministry of    may have a maximum 4-year term of office
Public Finance, and (ii) the ascertaining       and they can be re-elected if the Articles of   For companies with an annual turnover not
certificate reflecting the activities which       Incorporation do not state otherwise. The       exceeding RON 10,000,000 the Trade
the company is authorised to carry out at       mandate of the first directors or members        Registry Office will publish for free on its
its registered address or, as appropriate, at   of the Supervisory Board cannot exceed          website a notice concerning the
its places of business or those activities      two years.                                      registration by companies of their financial
which may be carried out by third parties.                                                      statements. Listed companies must also
The latter authorisation is issued based on     Directors have the following main duties:       file their financial statements with the
a statement given by the applicant taking       (i) to ensure the timely payment of share       Financial Supervisory Authority, as well as
responsibility for legally carrying out the     capital contributions due by shareholders       reports by their directors, censors and
declared activities from the following          or partners;                                    financial auditors.
                                                (ii) to comply with the rules on the            Limited liability companies and joint stock
- environmental protection,                     distribution of dividends;                      companies are the most common types of
                                                                                                company and therefore we will present
- labour protection,                            (iii) to ensure that the company's statutory    below the characteristics of these two.
                                                records are kept according to law;
- health and veterinary health
  protection.                                   (iv) to ensure the enforcement of the
                                                resolutions adopted by the meetings of
According to the Company Law,                   shareholders;
contributions to a company’s share capital
may be in cash, in kind or in receivables. A    (v) to fulfil all the duties required by law
cash contribution is mandatory for the          and by the Articles of Incorporation.
incorporation of any type of company.
The shareholders of each type of company        There are no special requirements with
must hold at least one meeting per year,        respect to the citizenship of a company's
Both of the aforementioned laws aim to
                                                                                                Joint Stock Companies
                                               simplify the procedures and conditions for
                                               the registration of companies in order to
                                               stimulate the business environment. They
                                                                                                A joint stock company (JSC, or SA in
                                               also included further simplification
                                                                                                Romanian) can be set up by at least two
                                               measures, such as removal of the ban on
                                                                                                shareholders. The share capital of a JSC
                                               more than one company operating from
                                                                                                may not be less than RON 90,000. Every 2
                                               the same headquarters, as well as the
                                                                                                years, the Government can change the
                                               removal of the requirements to register in
                                                                                                minimum value of the share capital by
                                               advance with the National Agency for
                                                                                                reference to the exchange rate, to keep
                                               Fiscal Administration, to provide a
                                                                                                this amount at the RON equivalent of EUR
                                               document proving the right of use of the
                                                                                                25,000. The share capital is divided into
                                               registered office, to register with the Trade
                                                                                                shares (in Romanian, ”actiuni”), each with
                                               Registry or to provide proof of the transfer
                                                                                                a value of at least RON 0.1. The initial
                                               of shares.
                                                                                                capital paid by each shareholder may not
                                                                                                be lower than 30% of the subscribed
                                               The general meeting of shareholders is the
                                                                                                capital. The remaining 70% of the
                                               main decision-making body of the
                                                                                                subscribed share capital must be paid over
                                               company. The main obligations of the
                                                                                                a period which must not exceed 12 months
                                               general meeting of shareholders are:
                                                                                                from the incorporation date, where the
                                                                                                shares have been issued in exchange for
                                               (i) to approve the annual financial
Limited Liability Companies                                                                     contributions in cash and 2 years where
                                               statements and the distribution of profits;
                                                                                                the shares have been issued in exchange
                                                                                                for contributions in kind.
A limited liability company (LLC, or SRL in    (ii) to appoint the directors and censors or,
Romanian) may be set up by not more than       as applicable, the internal auditors; to
                                                                                                Before Law no. 129/2019 on the prevention
50 shareholders. The Company Law allows        revoke them and to decide upon
                                                                                                and combatting of money laundering and
for the incorporation of a company with        contracting a financial audit where this is
                                                                                                terrorist financing came into force, there
one shareholder. However, an individual or     not compulsory according to law; (
                                                                                                were two types of shares (marketable
a legal entity cannot be sole shareholder in                                                    titles): nominal or bearer shares. After 21
more than one LLC Furthermore, an LLC          iii) to decide upon the liability of directors
                                                                                                June 2019 (i.e. the date the
with one shareholder may not be the sole       and censors or, as applicable, of the
                                                                                                aforementioned law entered into force)
shareholder of another LLC.                    internal auditors, for any prejudice caused
                                                                                                Romanian companies were required to
                                               to the company; (iv) to amend the Articles
                                                                                                convert the bearer shares into nominal
On 2 July 2020, Law no. 102/2020 came          of Incorporation.
                                                                                                shares. Ownership of nominal shares can
into force and amended the Company Law                                                          be transferred under a statement made in
(no.31/1990). It removed the prohibition on    Directors may undertake any operations
                                                                                                the corporate register of shareholders, and
legal entities or individuals having the       required for the business of the company,
                                                                                                this transfer must be registered in the
status of sole shareholder in more than        except for the restrictions or limitations set
                                                                                                share certificate.
one LLC, as well as the prohibition on an      out in the Articles of Incorporation or by
LLC with a sole shareholder being a sole       the general meeting of shareholders.
                                                                                                The General Meeting of Shareholders may
shareholder in another LLC.                    The Articles of Incorporation may provide
                                                                                                be ordinary or extraordinary. An ordinary
                                               for the election by the shareholders of one
                                                                                                meeting is called at least once every year
Further significant changes were made by        or several censors or of a financial auditor,
                                                                                                and no more than five months after the
Law. no. 223/2020, which removed the           but the appointment of censors or of a
                                                                                                end of the previous financial year in order
prohibition on an LLC having a share capital   financial auditor is mandatory only in
of less than RON 200 (the equivalent of        certain cases (e.g. if the company has
                                                                                                (i) discuss, approve and modify the annual
approximately EUR 41), and also removed        more than fifteen shareholders).
                                                                                                financial statements after presentation of
the obligation to divide the share capital     According to the Company Law, an LLC
                                                                                                the report by the Board of Directors, or by
into shares (in Romanian, ”parti sociale”)     must keep a register of shareholders, to
                                                                                                the Management Board or Supervisory
with a registered value of at least RON 10     record the shareholders’ identity and any
                                                                                                Board, by the censors or, as applicable, by
each. Instead, Law 223/2020 imposed a          share related issues.
                                                                                                the financial auditors and to establish the
new requirement that an LLC must divide                                                         distribution of dividends;
the share capital into shares with equal
(ii) appoint and revoke the members of the Board of Directors, or, as applicable, members of      iii) The right to consult, at the company’s
the Supervisory Board, and of the censors ;                                                       registered office, the annual financial
                                                                                                  statements, the Board of Directors’ annual
(iii) set the remuneration of the Board of Directors’ members, or, as applicable, of the          report, or, as applicable, the report of the
Supervisory Board‘s members and of the censors;                                                   Management Board and of the
                                                                                                  Supervisory Board, as well as any proposal
(iv) evaluate the performance of the Board of Directors, or of the Management Board, as           concerning the distribution of dividends,
applicable; .                                                                                     starting from the calling date of the
                                                                                                  General Meeting. On request,
(v) establish the budget and business plan for the next fiscal year;                               shareholders can obtain copies of these
(vi) decide on the pledging, leasing or dissolution of one or several of the company's
business units;                                                                                   iv) Shareholders holding at least 10% of
                                                                                                  the share capital may apply to a court for
(vii) discuss any other issues on the agenda. In an ordinary general meeting, resolutions are     the appointment of an expert to analyse
adopted with the majority of the votes cast, on condition that the shareholders, whether          certain activities of the company and to
present or represented at the meeting, represent at least ¼ of the share capital. The Articles    present the conclusions to the Board of
of Incorporation may contain a higher quorum and majority. If an ordinary general meeting is      Directors, the Management Board or
unable to adopt the resolutions because the minimum quorum has not been met, the                  Supervisory Board, as well as to the
meeting is called for the second time and may then decide irrespective of the quorum, with        censors or the internal auditors of the
the majority of the votes cast. For the second calling, the Articles of Incorporation may not     company, as applicable, in order to
contain a minimum quorum or higher majority.                                                      propose appropriate measures.
                                                                                                  v) Shareholders holding at least 5% of the
An Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders is called whenever it is necessary to            share capital may raise complaints to the
adopt a resolution for the amendment of the company’s Articles of Incorporation or to debate      censors or internal auditors about facts
any resolution which requires the approval of an extraordinary general meeting.                   which they believe need to be checked. If
                                                                                                  the complaint is well founded, the
A resolution to amend the company’s main object of activity, to decrease or increase the          censors, the Board of Directors, or the
share capital, to change the company’s legal structure or to merge, spin-off or dissolve the      Supervisory Board, as applicable, must call
company can only be taken with a majority of at least 2/3 of the voting rights exercised by       a General Meeting.
present or represented shareholders, if a higher majority is not stipulated within the Articles
of Incorporation.                                                                                 vi) Shareholders who, individually or
                                                                                                  together, represent at least 5% of the
                                                                                                  share capital may lodge a compensation
                                                                                                  claim in court in their own name, but on
                                                                                                  behalf of the company, against the
                                                                                                  founders, directors, and managers, or
                                                                                                  against the members of the Management
                                                                                                  Board and Supervisory Board, for any
                                                                                                  prejudice caused to the company.

                                                                                                  Joint stock companies may now choose
                                                                                                  between two alternative management
                                                                                                  systems, i.e. the one-tier or the two-tier
The Company Law provides certain protective measures for shareholders such as:                    management system, depending on which
                                                                                                  best serves their interests.

i) The right to challenge in court the resolutions of the General Meeting of Shareholders if
irregularities have taken place (e.g. non-compliance with the procedures for the calling of the
General Meeting of Shareholders, resolutions adopted without meeting the quorum
requirements etc.).

ii) The right of the shareholders who vote against a resolution of the General Meeting of
Shareholders to withdraw from the company and to require the purchase of their shares by
the company, where the object of such a resolution is related to the amendment of the
company's main object of activity, relocation of the company's registered office abroad,
change of the company's legal structure, or a merger or spin-off of the company.
case they must appoint a permanent individual representative.
The one-tier management
                                               The Board of Directors may delegate the executive management of the company to one or
system                                         several managers, with one of them appointed as general manager. Where the actual
                                               management of a joint stock company is delegated to one or several managers, most of
                                               the Board of Directors members will be non-executive members.

The company’s management is made up of         The delegation of a company’s management is mandatory for companies whose annual
a sole director or a board of directors (at    financial statements must be subject to financial auditing. Managers are responsible for the
least 3 directors for companies subject to a   day-to-day operations of the company within the limits of the company’s object of activity.
mandatory financial audit) who can
delegate the company’s management to           The Supervisory Board may set up advisory committees formed of at least two members
managers and/or the General Manager.           of the Supervisory Board who are in charge of making investigations and recommendations
                                               in areas such as audit, the remuneration of the Management Board and Supervisory Board
The board of directors may be formed of        members and of employees, or the nomination of candidates to management positions. At
nonexecutive members, i.e. those who           least one member of the Audit Committee should be an independent director and at least
have not been appointed as managers, as        one member should have financial accounting experience.
well as executive members, who thus
combine two offices; that of a director with    Joint stock companies whose annual financial statements are not subject to a financial
that of a manager of a company.                audit by law or by resolution of the shareholders must appoint at least three censors and
                                               one deputy. Censors must certify the annual financial statements and present a report to
                                               the annual general meeting of shareholders.

                                               The financial statements of companies subject to a financial audit must be verified and
The two-tier management                        certified by financial auditors registered with the Romanian Chamber of Financial Auditors,
system                                         and in this case the provisions on censors' activity will no longer be applicable.

Management is ensured by a supervisory                       Self-employed individuals, individual
board and a management board. The
management board bears exclusive                             undertakings or family–owned enterprises
responsibility for the management of the
company and is formed of one or several          A self-employed individual is merely an         individual undertakings or family-owned
members, with a minimum of 3 members             individual doing business independently.        enterprises. The Ordinance does not
for companies subject to a mandatory             This individual is entitled to all the profits   apply to individuals carrying out their
financial audit.                                  deriving from his or her business and is        activity under a special law (e.g.:
                                                 personally liable for all related debts and     lawyers, public notaries, etc.).
Where a director has been designated to          liabilities.
hold such a position from among the                                                              To carry out business activities,
company’s employees, the employment               The individual's liability to the business     self-employed individuals who act
contract will be suspended during the            is therefore not limited to the assets          independently as well as family-owned
director’s term of office.                        used for carrying out his or her business       enterprises must register with the Trade
                                                 and also includes the personal assets of        Registry Office and the relevant tax
The directors and the members of the             the self-employed individual.                   authorities.
Management Board or of the Supervisory
Board must conclude professional liability       Government Emergency Ordinance                  The carrying out of activities in the
insurance agreements.                            44/2008, (“the Ordinance”) sets out the         absence of the relevant registration with
                                                 conditions under which individuals -            the Trade Registry Office or prior to
The managers of joint stock companies in         Romanian citizens or citizens of EU             obtaining registration is an offence and is
the one-tier management system and the           member states and the member states             penalised according to the law.
members of the Management Board in the           of the European Economic Area - can
two-tier management system must be               carry out business activities in Romania,
individuals. Legal entities can be appointed     either as self-employed individuals,
as directors or members of the Supervisory
Board of joint stock companies, but in this
In order to obtain an operating license, a
Representative Offices                                                                           A subsidiary must comply with the
                                                 Representative Office must pay a yearly         minimum capital requirements set out in
                                                 fee of USD 1,200, in RON, according to         the Romanian Companies Law.
According to Decree-Law 122/1990, foreign        the exchange rate of the National Bank of
companies may set up representative              Romania.
offices in Romania. A Representative                                                             Joint Ventures
Office is not distinct from the parent            A tax on representative offices is payable
company it represents, but acts in the                                                          Under the Romanian Civil Code, a joint
                                                 by any foreign legal entity with a
parent company's name and on its behalf                                                         venture (in Romanian, ”Asocierea in
                                                 representative office authorised to operate
with a specific mandate to do so.                                                                participatie”) is defined as an agreement
                                                 in Romania. The tax is paid on an annual
                                                                                                under which an individual or legal entity
                                                 basis. The amount to be paid for a fiscal
The legal status of a Representative Office                                                      grants to one or several other individuals
                                                 year is RON 18,000. The representative
prevents it from having its own turnover, its                                                   or legal entities a participation share in the
                                                 office of a foreign legal entity is required
revenues representing only the amounts                                                          profit and losses generated from one or
                                                 to declare and pay the tax to the state
transferred to Romania by the parent                                                            more operations that he/she/it is carrying
                                                 budget by the last day of February of the
company to cover its local expenses.                                                            out. In accordance with the law, a joint
                                                 tax year.
                                                                                                venture cannot have legal status and,
Authorisations issued by the Ministry of                                                        before third parties, it may not be deemed
the Economy limit the activities of              Branches and Subsidiaries                      as an entity distinct from its partners.
Representative Offices to the promotion           of Foreign Companies
and technical support of the parent                                                             Partners (even when acting on behalf of
company's business activities, without                                                          the joint venture) fulfil contracts and
their having the right to carry out these        A foreign company may do business in           undertake obligations on their own behalf
activities.                                      Romania through either a subsidiary or a       before third parties. The term "joint
                                                 branch. While a subsidiary has a legal         venture" is a common term used to
Thus, in practice, a Representative Office        status and is considered a Romanian            describe any forms of economic activity
may carry out the following activities:          entity, the branch is just an extension of     involving foreign investment, including:
                                                 the parent company and therefore has no
                                                 legal status and no financial                       A joint stock or limited liability
                                                 independence.                                      company whose shares are held by
Business operations such as: issuance and                                                           both Romanian and foreign investors.
receipt of offers and orders, or participation   Legally, the branch has no separate status
in negotiations, without being allowed to        from the foreign company itself, but               A partnership of two or more
conclude contracts.                              merely carries out its business in                 companies or individuals, including
                                                 Romania. The foreign company is held               foreign investors.
                                                 liable to any creditors of the branch,
                                                 employees included, as well as for any             Cooperation agreements.
Marketing and advertising.                       debts and obligations undertaken by its
                                                 managers and agents on behalf of the
                                                 branch. Branches can only carry out the        Economic Interest Group
                                                 activities for which the parent company        (E.I.G. and E.E.I.G.)
Promotion.                                       has been authorised.

                                                 Unlike branches, a Romanian subsidiary of      Law 161/2003 on measures to ensure
                                                 a foreign company is a Romanian legal          transparency in public office, public
Supervision of dealers' activities.              entity and, consequently, subject to           positions and the business environment
                                                 Romanian law.                                  and on the prevention and penalisation of
                                                                                                corruption, introduced two new forms of
                                                 In practice, subsidiaries must fulfil the       association for economic purposes,
Any other economic and commercial                same registration formalities as               Economic Interest Groups and European
activities meant to develop international        companies, i.e. registration of the Articles   Economic Interest Groups.
exchanges, but without having the                of Incorporation with the appropriate
authority to issue invoices directly.            office within the Romanian Trade Registry.
Economic Interest
Group (EIG)

An E.I.G. represents an association between        An EIG is a profit-making legal entity, which may or may not be involved in business
two or more individuals or companies, set up       activities.
for a fixed period of time for the purpose of
facilitating or developing the economic activity   An EIG may not have more than 20 members.
of its members, and improving the results
thereof.                                           The activities carried out by an EIG must be related to the economic activity of its
                                                   members and must be an accessory thereto. An E.I.G may not carry out certain
The main characteristics of this form of           activities such as: (i) managing or supervising, whether directly or indirectly, the activity
association, as provided by Law 161/2003,          of its members or of another legal entity; (ii) holding shares, directly or indirectly, in any
are:                                               of the member business companies, with certain exceptions; (iii) employing more than
                                                   500 staff, etc.

An EIG may be set up under a notarised             office in compliance with Law 359/2004, as amended. An EIG’s headquarters registered
agreement signed by all its members, (in           in Romania can be relocated abroad, by unanimous decision of its members.
the form of articles of incorporation), and        The operation of an EIG is very flexible, with its structure and operation being set out
becomes a legal entity as from its                 under the Articles of Incorporation.
registration with the Trade Registry Office.
An EIG can be set up with or without               The members of an EIG are fully and jointly liable for the EIG’s obligations assumed
share capital. If the EIG members decide           towards third parties, unless otherwise agreed. The creditors of an EIG must first assert
to allocate a certain amount of capital for        their claims directly to the EIG, and only if it does not make the due payments within a
carrying out the EIG’s activity, the               maximum of 15 days from notification of late payment may they assert their claims
contribution of its members does not need          against the EIG’s members.
to have a minimum amount and is not
restricted to a certain type of contribution.      EIGs may not generate profit for themselves. If profit is derived from an EIG’s activity as
                                                   reflected in the annual financial statements, this profit must be distributed, in full,
The operating authorisations of an EIG are         among its members, in the form of dividends in the amounts provided by the Articles of
issued by the Trade Registry’s special             Incorporation, or in the absence of such provision, in equal parts. Unlike business
                                                   companies, EIGs may not allocate any part of their profits for the purpose of creating
                                                   reserve funds.

                                                   If expenses exceed the income of an EIG, its members must cover the difference in the
                                                   amounts provided by the Articles of Incorporation, or in the absence of such provisions,
                                                   in equal parts. The amounts distributed to the members from the EIG’s profit are
                                                   deemed as dividends and are subject to tax in accordance with the law.

                                                   The financial statements are subject to the provisions of the Accounting Law (82/1991),
                                                   as republished. The annual financial statements must be prepared in compliance with
                                                   the rules applicable to general partnerships.
European Economic
Interest Group (EEIG)

Under Law 161/2003, an EEIG is defined as       Moreover, an EEIG must include at least:       entities. The establishment of branches
an entity with legal status which is                                                          or subsidiaries in Romania is subject to
organised and operates in Romania under           Two companies or other legal entities,      all the requirements governing the
the requirements set out under Council            which have their central administrations    incorporation, registration and
Regulation (EEC) 2137/85 of 25 July 1985          in different Member States, or;             publication of documents and details of
on European Economic Interest Groupings                                                       a Romanian EIG without, however,
(Regulation 2137/1985).                           Two individuals, who carry out their        being subject to the authorisation
                                                  principal activities in different           requirements provided by Decree-Law
Under Regulation 2137/1985, members of            Member States, or;                          122/1990 on the authorisation and
an EEIG may only be the following:                                                            operation in Romania of representative
                                                  A company or other legal entity and an      offices of companies and foreign
                                                  individual, of which the first has its       economic organisations, as amended.
  Companies as defined under Art. 58               central administration in one Member
  para. 2 of the consolidated version of          State and the second carries out his or
  the Treaty establishing the European            her main activity in another Member
  Community.                                      State.

  Public or private legal entities set up in
  accordance with the legislation of one
                                               Further rules applying to EEIGs:
  of the EU member states whose
  headquarters or main office for the
                                                  The organisation and operation of an
  management and administration of their
                                                  EEIG is similar to that of an EIG.
  statutory activity is located in an EU
  member state.
                                                  An EEIG registered in Romania cannot
                                                  have more than 20 members.
  Companies or other legal entities which,
  according to the legislation of a member
                                                  An EEIG registered in Romania cannot
  state, are not required to have a
                                                  issue shares, bonds or other similar
  registered office and which, for the
  purpose of managing their statutory
  activity, can locate their main office in
                                                  An EEIG’s statutory office may be
  an EU member state.
                                                  moved by unanimous decision of its
                                                  members to another Member State.
  Individuals carrying out industrial,
  commercial, handcraft or agricultural
                                                  An EEIG established abroad may set up
  activities or rendering professional or
                                                  subsidiaries, branches, and
  other services in an EU member state.
                                                  representative offices in Romania as
                                                  well as other entities that are not legal
Social Security Contributions:

                                                                         • 1% for companies that have at least
Contribution Type                 Employee           Employer            1 employee.
                                                                         • 3% for companies with no
Social security (CAS)             25% (applied             -             employees.
                                  to gross salary)
                                                                         The alternative tax on turnover is
Social health insurance (CASS)    10%                      -             compulsory, but companies may opt
                                                                         for corporate income tax if their
Insurance contribution for                           2.25% (applied
                                                                         subscribed capital is greater than RON
work                                                 to gross salary).
                                                                         45,000 and they have at least two

                                                                         Tax for representative offices: annual
                                                                         flat tax of 18.000 RON (about EUR
Summary of main taxes                                                    3,700).

Standard Corporate Tax: fixed rate of 16%                                 Standard Individual Tax: flat rate of
Tax for nightclubs and casinos: 5% of total revenue, or 16% of
profit, whichever is higher.                                              Standard Withholding Tax: 16%.

Alternative tax on turnover, for micro-enterprises (turnover < EUR
1,000,000 by 31 December of the previous year):

Taxation in Romania
Withholding tax on payments                     Fiscal procedures / administration Rulings:
to Romanian residents:
                                                Non-binding rulings, advance tax rulings (ATRs) and advance pricing agreements (APAs)
                                                are available.

Dividends to Romanian resident companies 1      Statute of limitations
                    5%                          The statute of limitations period is 5 years, starting from 1 July of the year following the
                                                year for which the tax is due. However, in the case of fraud, the statute of limitations
Dividends to Romanian resident individuals      can be extended to 10 years, starting from the date when the criminal offence occurred.
                    5%                          The statute of limitations is suspended during a fiscal inspection period.

Interest to Romanian resident companies
                                                Interest and late-payment penalties
                                                A combined system of late-payment interest and penalties is currently applicable:
Royalties to Romanian resident companies        • Interest of 0.02% per day of late-payment.
                    0%                          • Penalties of 0.01% per day of late-payment.

                                                Since 1 January 2016, undeclared tax liabilities identified during a tax audit have been
Withholding tax on payments                     subject to non-compliance penalties of 0.08% per day, instead of regular late payment
to non-residents:                               penalties of 0.01%.

                                                Certification of tax returns
Dividends to non-resident companies
                    5%                          Certification of tax returns by a certified tax consultant (a member of the Romanian
                                                Chamber of Fiscal Consultants) is optional. However, certification could present some
Dividends to non-resident individuals           advantages for businesses, as it constitutes a criterion in the risk analysis carried out by
                    5%                          the tax authorities when they select taxpayers for tax audits.

Interest to non-resident companies
                    16%                         Corporate taxation

Royalties to non-resident companies 3           Standard rate: 16%.

The withholding tax rates may be reduced
by double taxation treaties or EU Directives.

Tax on capital gains from transfers of
securities                 4
                    16%                             Dividend payments are exempt from tax if the recipient company has owned at least 10% of
                                                    the distributing company’s share capital continuously for 1 year.
Standard VAT rate
                                                2   Under the EU Parent/Subsidiary Directive, profit distributions made by a subsidiary in Romania
                                                    to its parent company located in an EU Member State are exempt from withholding tax,
Reduced VAT rates                                   provided the parent company has had a holding of at least 10% for an uninterrupted period of
                                                    at least 1 year.
              9% and 5%
                                                3   Interest and royalty payments made to an associated company from an EU Member State are
VAT exempt with credit operations (e.g.             exempt from withholding tax (provided that one of the companies has a direct minimum
intra-Community supplies of goods, export           holding of 25% in the other, or both have been held under more than 25% common ownership
of goods).                                          for a noninterrupted period of at least 2 years).

VAT exempt without credit operations (e.g.      4
                                                    Income derived by a non-resident from the sale of shares held in Romanian companies is
financial services).                                 nontaxable provided that the non-resident has had a minimum participation of 10% for 1 year,
                                                    when the sale takes place. Similar fiscal treatment also applies for income from liquidation.
Corporate taxpayers                                Tax year and accounting                     Tax incentives
The following entities are subject to
corporate tax in Romania:
    Romanian legal entities, except for             The accounting and the fiscal year           50% additional CIT deduction for all
    taxpayers subject to the microenterprises       generally follow the calendar year.         eligible R&D costs and accelerated
    tax or specific tax, tax-transparent             Taxpayers which have opted for a            depreciation for equipment used in
    entities and certain institutions               financial year that is different from the    R&D activity.
    specifically defined in the Fiscal Code           calendar year, according to
    (Law no. 227/2015 as further amended).          accounting legislation, may also            Corporate tax relief is available,
                                                    choose to have a tax year which             under certain conditions, for profit
    Non-Romanian legal entities that carry          corresponds to their financial year.         reinvested in technical equipment
    out activities through one or more                                                          and software property or license
    permanent establishments in Romania.            Tax losses can be carried forward and       rights produced/acquired and
                                                    deducted from taxable profits to be          commissioned during the relevant
    Non-Romanian legal entities according to        recorded in the following 7-year            tax period.
    their place of effective management.            period on a first-in-first-out basis. No
                                                    carry back of tax losses is available.      Taxpayers carrying out exclusively
    Non-Romanian legal entities which obtain                                                    innovation, research and
    income from the transfer of ownership or        Corporate tax is payable on a               development activities (as defined
    any other rights related to immovable           quarterly basis (for quarters I-III), by    by Government Ordinance 57/2002
    property located in Romania.                    the 25th of the month following the         on scientific research and
                                                    relevant quarter. An annual corporate       technological development, as
    Legal entities established according to         tax return must be filed by 25 March         further amended) and closely related
    European legislation that have their            of the following year (or 25th of the       activities are exempt from corporate
    registered office in Romania.                    third month after the end of the tax        income tax for the first 10 years of
                                                    year, if different from the calendar        operation (in force from January
    Non-Romanian legal entities operating in        year).                                      2017).
    Romania through one or more elements
    treated as permanent establishments,            Most taxpayers may opt for an               Taxable base
    with respect to situations involving the        advance payment system, i.e. paying
    existence of non-uniform treatment of           corporate tax advances on a quarterly      The taxable profit of a company is
    hybrid elements or non-uniform                  basis, based on the previous year’s        determined based on the accounting
    treatment of tax residence.                     results rather than the current year’s     result, which is adjusted for tax purposes
                                                    results.                                   by deducting non-taxable revenues and
    Fiscally transparent entities, in situations                                               adding back non-deductible expenses.
    that involve the existence of non-uniform       For banks, the advance payment
    treatments of the inverted hybrid               system is compulsory. Special rules        As from 2018, a new anti-abuse rule
    elements.                                       apply for not-for-profit organisations      became applicable. This can be applied to
                                                    that record taxable income and for         any arrangement or series of
The special tax for taxpayers subject to            taxpayers that obtain the majority of      arrangements which, with regard to all
corporate income tax (i.e. if a taxpayer would      their income from growing cereals,         relevant facts and circumstances, are not
qualify for micro-enterprises tax on turnover       technical plants and potatoes,             genuine, and which have been
this special tax cannot be applied) carrying out    orchards and viticulture (the annual       undertaken for the main purpose of, or
activities related to hotels, restaurants,          tax return must be filed by 25              having as one of the main purposes,
catering and bars, is calculated based on the       February of the following year or 25th     obtaining a tax advantage that defeats
surface area multiplied by a specific fixed tax       of the second month after the end of       the object or purpose of the applicable
base (however further adjusted based on             the tax year, if different from the        tax law. Such arrangements are to be
certain criteria, such as the city where this       calendar year).                            ignored when calculating the tax
area is located, and seasonality).                                                             liabilities attributed to a taxpayer.
Non-taxable revenues                            Non-deductible expenses

The following types of income are               As a general rule, expenses are deductible         passenger transport with a maximum
non-taxable for corporate tax purposes:         only if they are incurred for the purpose of       authorized weight of 3.5 tons and
                                                carrying out the economic activity. Certain        maximum 9 seats
    Dividends received by a Romanian            expenses are specifically provided under the        (including the driver’s seat) that are not
    company from another Romanian               Fiscal Code as being non-deductible, for           used exclusively for business activities.
    company.                                    example:                                           Depreciation of the relevant vehicles is
                                                                                                   deductible up to RON 1,500 per month.
    Dividends received by a Romanian               Corporate tax due in Romania or
    company from its subsidiaries in               abroad.                                         Sponsorship expenses are
    another EU member state or a third
                                                                                                   non-deductible. However tax credit for
    country with which Romania has                 Withholding tax paid by a Romanian              sponsorship expenses may be granted,
    concluded Double Tax Treaties, if at           taxpayer on behalf of non-residents             up to the lesser of: 0.75% of net
    least 10% of the shares have been              (i.e. tax which has not been withheld,          turnover or 20% of the corporate
    held for at least 1 year.                      but has been recorded as an expense             income tax due. When sponsorship
                                                   of the Romanian income paying entity).          expenses exceed these limits, the
    Revenues derived from the sale of
                                                                                                   unused tax credit can be carried
    shares/evaluation/revaluation and              Fines or penalties due to Romanian              forward over the next 7 consecutive
    proceeds from liquidation, whether the         and foreign authorities, except for             years and recovered under the same
    legal entities in which the company            contractual ones.                               conditions.
    holds shares are Romanian or foreign
    entities from states with which                Expenses recorded in relation to the            Net losses arising from assignment of
    Romania has concluded Double Tax               write-off of missing or damaged                 receivables, calculated as the difference
    Treaties (including those outside the          inventories and non-current assets              between the assignment price and
    EU).                                           (except in certain circumstances).              value of the assigned receivables, are
                                                                                                   deductible up to 30%.
    In order for these revenues to be              Expenses recorded in relation to bad
    non-taxable, certain conditions must be        debts written off (these may be             Provisions and reserves
    met (at the time of the sale/transfer          partially or fully deductible under
    transaction or at the time when the            certain circumstances).                     Companies are required to set up a legal
    liquidation process starts, the
                                                                                               reserve which is calculated as 5% of the
    seller/transferor must have owned at           Expenses related to non-taxable             gross accounting profit, until this reserve
    least 10% of the share capital of the          income. If these expenses cannot be         reaches 20% of the paid in share capital. This
    foreign legal entity for an uninterrupted      directly linked to a specific source of      reserve is deductible for tax purposes.
    period of 1 year).                             non-taxable income, certain allocation
                                                   keys will be used.                          Specific provisions set up by credit
    Income from revaluation of fixed
                                                                                               institutions, non-banking financial institutions
    assets, land, or intangible assets which       Expenses related to management,             and other similar legal entities, as well as
    compensate any previous decrease in            advisory and other services rendered        technical reserves set up by insurance and
    the value of the asset.                        by a resident of a country with which       reinsurance companies (in accordance with
                                                   Romania does not have an exchange of        specific legal provisions), are fully deductible
    Income from the reversal of previously         information treaty and the transactions     for tax purposes.
    non-deductible provisions, as well as          are categorized as artificial according to
    income from the reversal or recovery           the Fiscal Code.                            Provisions for doubtful customers are
    of expenses which were previously
                                                                                               deductible under certain conditions.
    treated as non-deductible.                     "Protocol" (entertainment) expenses
                                                   exceeding 2% of gross profit.

                                                   50% of the expenses incurred in
                                                   relation to functioning, maintenance
                                                   and repairs of motor vehicles used for

The following depreciation methods are           purposes up to the limit of 30% of the         is entitled to receive more than 50% of
available for tax purposes:                      calculation base. Nondeductible excess         the profits of that company; and
                                                 borrowing costs can be carried forward
   Straight-line method.                         indefinitely. The limitation also applies to    The actual corporate income tax paid on
                                                 any debt-related costs in connection with      its profits by the company or permanent
   Reducing balance method (may be               loans granted by financial institutions.        establishment is lower than the
   applied only to certain assets). When                                                        difference between the corporate income
   using this method, a coefficient of            The calculation base is determined as the      tax that would have been charged for the
   between 1.5 and 2.5 is applied to the         gross profit plus corporate income tax          company or permanent establishment
   straight-line depreciation rates,             payable, plus excess debt related costs        under the applicable Romanian corporate
   depending on the useful life of the           and tax depreciation, minus non-taxable        income tax provisions and the actual
   assets.                                       income.                                        corporate income tax paid on its profits
                                                                                                by the company or permanent
   Accelerated depreciation method               If the calculation base is zero or negative,   establishment.
   (applied in the case of technological         the excess borrowing costs are treated
   equipment and patents). The                   as non-deductible for corporate income
   accelerated method allows for a               tax purposes during the current tax            Under these new rules, a taxpayer
   deduction of up to 50% of the cost of         period, but can be carried forward             should include in its taxable base, in
   the asset during the first year of             indefinitely.                                   proportion to its holding in the controlled
   operation.                                                                                   foreign company, the latter’s non-
                                                 Excess debt related costs are exempted         distributed income derived from interest
Ranges of acceptable depreciable useful lives    from applying these limits if they arise       or any other income generated by
for certain categories of assets:                from loans used to finance a long-term          financial assets, royalties or any other
                                                 public infrastructure project for the          income generated from intellectual
   Buildings:                                    purpose of providing, improving,               property rights, dividends and income
                                                 operating and / or maintaining a large         from the transfer of units, income from
   - Office and industrial buildings -            asset, considered to be of general public      financial leasing, income from insurance,
     between 40 and 60 years.                    interest, and if the project operators are     banking and other financial activities,
   - Buildings used in trading activities        registered in the European Union.              income from invoicing companies that
     (e.g. stores) - between 24 and 36                                                          earn sales and services, as well as
     years.                                      Exit taxation                                  income from goods and services
                                                                                                purchased from and sold to associated
   Motor vehicles - between 4 and 6              The taxpayer owes corporate income tax         enterprises, and which add no or little
   years.                                        for a transfer of business carried out by a    economic value.
                                                 permanent establishment, transfer of
   IT equipment - between 2 and 4 years.         assets or transfer of residence. The           Transfer Pricing
                                                 taxable base should be calculated as the
   Furniture - between 9 and 15 years.           difference between the market value of         Transactions between related parties
                                                 the assets and their fiscal value.              must respect the arm’s length principle.
   Telecom equipment - between 4 and 6                                                          The criterion for companies to be
   years.                                                                                       considered related parties under
                                                 Controlled foreign                             Romanian legislation is a minimum 25%
                                                 company rules                                  direct or indirect shareholding and/or
                                                                                                economic control.
Limitation of deductibility of                   As from 2018, new rules have been
excess borrowing costs                           introduced on the taxation of controlled
                                                                                                Since January 2016, large taxpayers
                                                                                                which carry out transactions with related
                                                 foreign companies. A company is
                                                                                                parties over certain significance
Excess borrowing costs (calculated as the        considered a controlled foreign company
                                                                                                thresholds have been required to prepare
difference between any debt-related costs,       if the following conditions are
                                                                                                their transfer pricing documentation files
including foreign exchange expenses and          cumulatively met:
                                                                                                on an annual basis, no later than the legal
capitalised interest, and income from interest
                                                 The taxpayer by itself, or together with its   deadline for submitting the annual
and other economically equivalent income)
                                                 associated enterprises, holds a direct or      corporate tax return, for each fiscal year.
incurred in a fiscal period which exceed the
                                                 indirect participation of more than 50% of
deductible threshold of EUR 1,000,000 will
                                                 the voting rights, or owns directly or         In this case, the deadline provided by law
be deductible for corporate income tax
                                                 indirectly more than 50% of the capital or     for presenting the transfer pricing
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