The power to create great changing spaces

Page created by Beatrice Butler
The power to create great changing spaces

30 SEP – 13 OCT 2014 ISSUE 642

                                The power to create
                               great changing spaces
Craftsman Lockers are leading space planners       us to deliver changing areas that can meet       needs, as well as those of their members.
in the design and supply of great changing         evolving requirements and that have the             That’s why we ensure we build long-lasting
rooms that enhance the leisure experience.         capability to stay pristine in even the most     relationships as part of a powerful working
   Our innovative approach to matching             demanding of environments.                       philosophy across private and public sectors,
provision with customers’ ever-rising expec-          Creating sensitively-designed, great places   that caters for all operational models from
tations for high quality facilities enables        to change is about understanding the client’s    high-end to low-cost.

Craftsman head `glorious`
Goodwood refurbishment
Asset refresh at Goodwood Health Club is `a breath of fresh air`

           he Earl of March owns one of the
           most successful commercial estates
           in Europe, where prime golf rests
           alongside the Festival of Speed
motor revival event, an aerodrome, shooting,
racecourse and stately home.
   Goodwood means so many memories for
so many people. Its customer service ethic
ranks second to none and the site is renowned
for creating unforgettable experiences, foster-
ing huge loyalty among the paying public.
   That’s also true of Goodwood Health Club,
which opened in 1989, with a 91-bed hotel
next door. Boasting 2,200 members, the club
can proudly claim a monthly retention rate of
more than 98 per cent. “There’s such                                                                                     Smart, crisp and stylish,
loyalty here,” says Operations Manager                                                                                   the male changing area,
Kathryn Gard. “Some of our members have                                                                                  like the female, features
been with us since we started.”                                                                                         digital locking and heated
                                                                                                                           mirrors throughout
   The glorious rural West Sussex setting near
Chichester is one factor in the equation no
doubt, but so too is the club’s commitment to
make members’ stays utterly memorable.             no one else can offer. It’s an amazing place     has just completed the first phase of a three to
   “Goodwood is pretty far up the league of        to work. I’ve worked here five years now and     four-year complete refurbishment of the site,
the world’s leading adrenalin sporting estates,”   remain ridiculously excited about the endless    which will undoubtedly raise levels of
says Leisure Manager Jen Evans, “while our         opportunities. That enthusiasm is transmitted    excellence even further still.
12,000 acres also include a dairy farm             to club members, I’m sure.”                        This first stage of the `asset refresh` is the
producing milk and cheese for consumption.”           Now establishing its own identity within      changing areas, which the club considers of
   The team ethic permeates every aspect of        the regional health and wellbeing market-        prime importance in customer satisfaction.
the estate, she explains. “We all talk to each     place, targeting an eight-mile catchment that      The club’s indoor and outdoor provision
other to help create customer packages that        embraces Chichester and Arundel, the club        includes tennis courts, boot camp academy,
The power to create great changing spaces

                                                                                                                               A beach hut ambience was
                                                                                                                                the vision in the female
                                                                                                                                changing area, with its
                                                                                                                                  subtle pastel shades

main and baby pools, sauna, steam, whirlpool                                                                  “Ideas went back and forth several
spa, gym with new Precor Preva networked              Sharing customer values                              times,” says Jen, as the final designs evolved.
fitness solutions and a studio staging more                                                                “Craftsman have helped us deliver light,
than 60 classes a week of activities including        “At Goodwood, there is a certain level of expec-     airy and fashionable provision that retains
ballet fusion and Bokwa.                              tation that suppliers will work with us in a         a `beach hut` ambience with its pale duck
   Catering for the wide scope of services            way that is consistent with our own customer         egg blue and grey wood décor in the female
places differing demands on the changing              service values. Throughout our years of asso-        changing area.
areas, explains Jen. “We are about everything         ciation with Craftsman, the company has                 “The male area décor is more masculine
to do with wellbeing here and want mem-               responded quickly and proactively to help us         with sharp, black faux leather upholstered
bers to have fun and enjoy their stay with us,        deliver the quality of provision that our 2,200      benches and crisp brushed metal finishes.”
which means we have to maintain the stan-             members demand. Craftsman’s way of working              Huge heated mirrors create a feeling of
dard of provision right across the club.”             with us makes our job here so much easier and        space, while keeping condensation at bay –
   Still in fine fettle, the changing area that       has undoubtedly contributed to our extremely         another new feature the members have
Craftsman fitted out for the club’s opening           high levels of retention.”                           welcomed, says Jen.
has stood the test of time, she adds. “They are       Kathryn Gard, Operations Manager                        “There’s been such a feeling of thankfulness
so hardwearing, they looked almost as good            Goodwood Health Club                                 and a belief that the refurbished changing area
as new. Naturally though, styles and designs                                                               has made their day much better. As one mem-
change over time. “We have undergone quite                                                                 ber remarked: `It’s like a breath of fresh air`.”
an evolution in 25 years and technology has             A system that didn’t create added stress was          The next phases of refurbishment will
moved on. As Goodwood grows, we have to             our intention and we discussed the pros and            include a new gym and dance studio and
reflect the estate in the best possible light.      cons of alternatives with Craftsman before             repositioning the Water Beach spa and treat-
   “The changing area can have an immediate         deciding on digital locks.                             ment rooms. The importance of an “easy
effect on everyone’s day, from members and              “Members have their own four digit code -          flow” for members will rank high here too,
hotel guests to the staff, so it needs to present   it’s quick and easy and we no longer have the          says Kathryn.
the right image and enhance the total experi-       worry of keys, which members sometimes lost               “The first stage of refurbishment has set the
ence,” Jen maintains.                               or left somewhere. All they now have to do is          scene going forward. Craftsman have a really
   The contract for the asset refresh went out      to remember the locker they used and their             great reputation and we are delighted to stay
to tender, which Craftsman won with work            own personal code. No more keys to carry.              with them as our preferred supplier.”
which embraced several modifications and            We have also eliminated personalisation of                These sentiments are shared by Jen Evans:
innovations. “We’ve looked at the critical          the lockers by programming lockers to open             “I was so pleased to learn Craftsman was
non-essentials, like introducing elegant towel      automatically overnight which means there is           awarded the contract. Their commitment to
drops to replace baskets and wanted to intro-       always a locker for our members.                       customer service excellence is in keeping with
duce a new method of locker security as well.           Given that the locker shells were still fully      our own. At Goodwood, there is a certain
   “The key system could cause problems for         serviceable, the project team chose to retain          level of expectation – Craftsman responds
members and staff – sometimes locks could           them, directing the spend on elements such as          quickly and proactively, which makes our job
seize up because of the wet environment.            cubicle redesigns and family provision.                here so much easier.”

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The power to create great changing spaces

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30 SEP – 13 OCT 2014 ISSUE 642                                                     Daily news & jobs:

Exclusive: PayasUgym targets Bitcoin payments
Online gym pass provider                                                                                                  and operators to do business
PayasUgym will soon begin                                                                                                 on the internet. With more
testing Bitcoin as a form of                                                                                              than 2,200 gyms available
payment across its network,                                                                                               through the recently-launched
paving the way for more                                                                                                   PayasUgym marketplace, cus-
than a third of UK gyms to                                                                                                tomers would be able to use
be able to sell membership                                                                                                the online tool to quickly com-
via the cryptocurrency.                                                                                                   pare gyms in their area and
   The news marks a major                                                                                                 use Bitcoin to pay for their
step forward for the health                                                                                               gym pass or membership.
and fitness industry, making                                                                                                 The project is still in the
it a relatively early adopter of                                                                                          early stages, however a more
a digital currency described                                                                                              detailed timetable for adop-
by Bill Gates as a “technolog-                                                                                            tion is expected to be outlined
ical tour de force.” Launched                                                                                             in the coming months, with
in 2009, Bitcoin is the ‘cur-                                                                                             trials through a number of
rency of the internet’ and                                                                                                south east England clubs
has been hailed for its rela-                                                                                             expected to be underway
tive immunity from inflation,     PayasUgym co-founders Jamie Ward (left) and Neil Harmsworth have high hopes for Bitcoin by the end of the year. How
corruption and human error,                                                                                               early the currency capability
as it is based on mathematical formulae, rather numerous industries as it negates bank charges will be launched across the PayasUgym net-
than government policy. However, critics have and currency exchange fees, while its adop- work depends on the outcome of these trials,
pointed out that the currency can be suscep- tion by the gym industry would mark a major with details such as how to peg the pric-
tible to theft by hackers if it is not stored breakthrough at a time when companies like ing to pounds sterling still to be ironed out.
securely. The currency has brought benefits to PayasUgym are making it easier for consumers Details:

  £60m Science Museum                               Prince Harry to head
  transformation underway                           England Rugby 2015
  The evolution of London’s Science
  Museum is well underway, with sev-                With only a year to go until England hosts
  eral ‘starchitects’ named to design its           the Rugby World Cup 2015, Prince Harry
  new galleries, while a new exhibition             has been appointed honorary president of
  space will open on 25 October.                    England Rugby 2015 – the organising com-
     The Science Museum’s Masterplan                mittee delivering the tournament.
  will transform around a third of the                A keen rugby fan, and vice patron of the
  world-renowned museum over the                    Rugby Football Union (RFU), Prince Harry
  next five years. Currently in the first           will play an important role in welcoming the 20
  stage, the overall project amounts to             qualifying nations to Rugby World Cup 2015.             Prince Harry is a passionate rugby supporter
  roughly £60m. This has been raised                  The prince is involved in a number of
  through a combination of private                  sporting initiatives and was instrumental in            overdrive, with fans due to find out which
  donations, in addition to grants from             launching the Invictus Games for injured                tickets they have successfully applied for in
  the Heritage Lottery Fund.                        soldiers, which took place in early September.          October. Meanwhile, planning is underway
  Details:                      The promotional campaign for world rug-               for a 100-day trophy tour across the UK.
                                                    by’s premier tournament is about to kick into           Details:

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The power to create great changing spaces
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    The Leisure Media Company
    Portmill House, Portmill Lane,                         Compass in joint review with ukactive
    Hitchin, Herts SG5 1DJ, UK
    Tel: +44 (0)1462 431385
                                                           Compass – the representa-
    Fax: +44 (0)1462 433909
                                                           tive body for providers of
    e-mail: please use contacts'
                                                           children’s activity and sport
                                                           in schools and communi-
                                                           ties – has become the latest                                  high-profile physical activ-
    Editor                                                 ity organisation to form an
    Liz Terry 01462 431385                                 alliance with ukactive, fol-
    Head of News                                           lowing in the footsteps of
    Jak Phillips 01462 471938                              Skills Active and CIMSPA.
    Journalists                                               Compass and ukac-
    Tom Anstey 01462 471916
                                                           tive have announced a six
                                                           month collaboration that
    Helen Andrews 01462 471902
                                                           will see the organisations
    Architecture and Design                                review Compass’ strategy,
    Katie Buckley 01462 471936                             with a view to integrating
    Products Editor                                        the organisation and its
    Jason Holland +44(0)1462 471922                        members within ukactive.
    Design                                                    Formed in 2011, Compass Fit For Sport CEO Dean Horridge is currently leading the Compass board
    Ed Gallagher 01905 20198                               represents providers deliv-
                                                           ering curriculum and non-curriculum school announced its ambition to work with ukactive.
                                                           sport and activity in over 7,000 schools and       Over the next six months, ukactive will
    Dean Fox 01462 471900
                                                           communities. The organisation is committed review Compass’ mission, vision, programmes
    Tim Nash 01462 471917                                  to ensuring that every child has the oppor- and key member benefits. ukactive will over-
    Emma Harris 01462 471921                               tunity to lead an active and healthy lifestyle. see the operation of the organisation and
    Publisher                                                 Following the recent resignation of CEO, will immediately offer all Compass members
    Julie Badrick 01462 471919                             Martin Gallagher, the Compass board, led by weekly monitoring reports and an events pro-
    Publisher, Spa Opportunities                           Fit For Sport CEO Dean Horridge, will con- gramme for the remainder of 2014.
    Astrid Ros 01462 471911                                tinue to govern the organisation, and it has Details:
    Associate Publisher
    Paul Thorman 01462 471904
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    Simon Hinksman 01462 471905
                                                           London to host Euro 2020 semis and final
    Account Manager
                                                           Wembley Stadium in London
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    Financial Administrator                                UEFA Euro 2020 final and
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    Circulation Manager                                    nament for the first time since
    Michael Emmerson 01462 471932                          Euro 96, beating off competi-
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    Annual subscription rates are UK £31,                  19 bids, with 12 winning stan-
    Europe £41, Rest of world £62, students UK £16.        dard packages (three group
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                                                           and one city to host the semi-
    Road, Emigsville, PA 17318-0437. Periodicals           finals and final. This is the Wembley Stadium will host the Euro 2020 final and semi-finals
    postage paid @ Manchester, PA POSTMASTER               first time in the tournament’s
    Send US address changes to Leisure Opportunities,      history that the European Championships will will be the first international football tourna-
    c/o PO Box 437,Emigsville, PA 17318-0437.
    The views expressed in print are those of the author   be held continent-wide, with England and ment final to be held in England since 1996.
    and do not necessarily represent those of the          Wembley Stadium holding the distinction          Munich, Baku, St Petersburg and Rome
    publisher The Leisure Media Company Limited.           of hosting the semi-final and final.          will each host three group-stage matches and
    All rights reserved. No part of this publication
    may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or
                                                              The capacity and commercial potential of a quarter-final, while Copenhagen, Bucharest,
    transmitted in any form or by means, electronic,       Wembley was believed to be attractive to the Amsterdam, Dublin, Bilbao, Budapest, Brussels
    mechanical, photocopying, recorded or otherwise        European governing body and the FA delega- and Glasgow will each host a last-16 tie and
    without the prior permission of the copyright
                                                           tion including chairman Greg Dyke, England three group-stage games. Fans have criticised
    holder. Printed by Warners Midland plc.
    ©The Leisure Media Company Limited 2014                manager Roy Hodgson and sports minister the plans for making it more expensive to fol-
    ISSN 0952/8210                                         Helen Grant performed well to secure what low their team. Details:

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The power to create great changing spaces
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Liverpool gets stadium go-ahead                                                                         Art Deco cinema
Liverpool FC’s plans to
increase capacity of the club’s
                                                                                                        transformed into
Anfield Stadium by around
13,000 seats have been given
                                                                                                        fitness facility as
the green light by Liverpool
City Council (LCC).
                                                                                                        Empire Gym opens
   LCC’s planning commit-
tee met on 23 September
and resolved to grant plan-
ning permission for the
expansion of the Main
Stand by 8,300 seats and
the Anfield Road Stand by
4,800. Construction will
begin next year for comple-
tion by the 2016-17 season Construction will begin next year, for completion by the 2016-17 season
and will take capacity from
the current 45,500 to almost 59,000.              Proposals include the creation of a wide
   Facilities management and construction ser- avenue through the adjacent Stanley Park
vices provider Carillion was named in July as and a new public square area with a memo-
the preferred bidder to carry out the expan- rial to the 96 Liverpool fans who died in the              Customised equipment design includes
sion, which Liverpool FC says will enable the Hillsborough disaster of 1989. Also included              bespoke upholstery and frames
club to host major international and European is a new primary school, health centre, 250

games. The work on the stadium – designed new homes and a 100-bedroom hotel, as well                              esidents of the Lincolnshire
by architectural firm KSS – is itself part of as a new business hub. Liverpool mayor Joe                          town of Market Deeping have
a larger £260m plan to transform the area Anderson hailed the move as an “important                               welcomed a new 5000ft² inde-
around Anfield into a mixed-use leisure hub. milestone.” Details:                           pendent training facility as the
                                                                                                        town’s old Empire Cinema has re-opened
                                                                                                        as Empire Gym.

Rugby union board backs home-grown talent                                                                  The building, which has been unoccu-
                                                                                                        pied since 1963, is situated in a heritage area
                                                                                                        and many of its original features have been
Premiership Rugby has con-                                                                              restored as part of the renovations.
firmed changes to the Aviva                                                                                With quality and service at its core,
Premiership salary cap from                                                                             Empire Gym aims to offer its members
the 2015-16 season, designed                                                                            something different. Competing with local
to boost the number of home-                                                                            independents and national gym chains,
grown players in the league.                                                                            Empire Gym’s mission is to provide its
   This year, the number of                                                                             members with the best in quality, as manag-
England qualified players in                                                                            ing director Steve Weston explains: “From
the Premiership passed 70 per                                                                           our gym layout to interior décor, equip-
cent for the first time, but the                                                                        ment to changing rooms, training staff to
league’s lawmakers are eager                                                                            classes and air exchange to air condition-
to drive that figure higher.                                                                            ing, we have ensured that every detail of
   Buoyed by increased televi-                                                                          the gym is designed and delivered to a very
sion revenues, the league will London Wasps and Northampton Saints scrum up in a league match           high standard.”
raise the salary cap to £5.1m                                                                              Flexible membership packages are one
for the 2015/16 season, with clubs able to         “The increase in the base level of the salary        of the gym’s unique features; members can
nominate up to two ‘excluded players,’ whose cap will help our clubs to retain English talent.          choose from three, six or 12 month gym or
salaries are not included in the capped amount. Also the introduction of home-grown player              studio only packages, or combine the two;
This is designed to ensure clubs can afford to credits helps the enviable production line that          daily and weekly memberships, single class
retain their top English players, after several has been established from our academies to              or gym visits and discounted block sessions
high-profile stars have been lured overseas our Premiership squads and on to England,”                  are also available.
with lucrative contract offers in recent years, said Premiership Rugby chief executive Mark                The gym is fully equipped by Cybex,
most notably from French clubs.                 McCafferty. “England and its clubs are getting          whose build-to-order policy permitted
   The 2015/16 season will also see the intro- stronger because of our commitment to the                bespoke blue frames and embroidered
duction of home-grown player credits, development of world class England players in                     upholstery incorporating the site’s branding.
whereby clubs can increase their cap by as Aviva Premiership Rugby; the most competi-                      A range of Cybex’s Total Access IFI Stage
much as £400,000, depending on the num- tive league in the world. It is an essential part               2 accredited equipment was also installed
ber of England-qualified youngsters that have of our league and the strength of our system.”            in line with the gym’s objective to support
graduated from a club’s academy.                Details:                          the needs of all fitness enthusiasts.

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The power to create great changing spaces
Visit us at LIW l STAND: L230                  HEALTH & FITNESS

                                                   Tesco to kickstart wellness push
                                                   Supermarket giant Tesco is
                                                   continuing its push towards
                                                   wellness by teaming up with
                                                   Diabetes UK and the British
                                                   Heart Foundation to form a
                                                   charity partnership aiming
                                                   to raise millions of pounds
                                                   to promote healthy living.
    Reporting                                        The move marks the latest
                                                   in a series of steps towards
                                                   the health and fitness mar-
       Course                                      ket in recent years.
     Management                                      Having previously paired
                                                   up with Xercise4Less to offer
                                                   an instore gym, and later Tesco customers and colleagues raised £13m for Diabetes UK last year
                                                   provided a community yoga
    Online                                         space at the Tesco Extra store in Watford, the colleagues and suppliers aim to raise millions
                        EPOS                       supermarket chain also recently launched of pounds for the two charities.
                                                   low-fat food range My Fit Lifestyle.             Following the supermarket’s pledge last
                                                     The new partnership aims to take on two year to help customers and colleagues live
    Membership                                     of the UK’s biggest killers – cardiovascular healthier lives, the new partnership forms
                                Fast               disease and Type 2 diabetes – by focusing on part of putting that commitment into prac-
                                                   ways to encourage healthy eating and healthy tice, alongside The Tesco Eat Happy Project,
    Access                     Track               cooking habits, including making it easier to which teaches children about the food they
                               Kiosk               choose foods lower in sugar, saturated fats eat and the planned removal of sweets from
    Control                                        and salt. The ultimate ambition for the part- all Tesco checkouts in January 2015. In the
                                                   nership is to be a force for positive change past year, Tesco customers and colleagues
                                                   in the health of the nation. It will launch in have raised around £13m for Diabetes UK.
      Bookings                                     early 2015 and will see Tesco, its customers, Details:

      A leading provider of
      Leisure Management                           Nuffield showcases £1.9m flagship gym refurb
    Solutions with over three                      Nuffield Health has cut the
     decades of experience                         ribbon on its newly-refur-
                                                   bished London City flagship
       across the public,
                                                   gym, following a £1.9m rede-
     private, trust, facilities                    velopment of the sizeable
        management and                             80,000sq ft (7,432sq m) facility.
                                                     Former Olympic and
       education sectors.                          World Kayak Champion
                                                   Anna Hemmings was on
                                                   hand last week to relaunch
                                                   the site, which now features
     Tel: +44 (0) 870 80 30 700                    an Athletic Zone boasting
     Fax: +44 (0) 870 80 30 701                    plyometric training equip-
                                                   ment, as well as a purpose                        built Wattbike Performance
         @xnleisure                                Zone with interactive screens. The new-look gym took nearly three months to complete
                                                   The gym floor refurbishment
                                                   included an upgrade to existing equipment,         “We listen to our members, which is why
                                                   coming in the form of new Life Fitness car- we have heavily invested in our equipment,
    The IT Partner                                 dio and Insignia Series resistance equipment. changing rooms and training space,” com-
                                                     The new-look gym – which took nearly mented Nuffield Health City Gym general

      of Choice                                    three months to complete – will operate in manager Adam Hanover. “We will also con-
                                                   harmony with the in-house medical centre tinue to deliver our excellent medical services
                                                   which provides health assessments, physio- – including health assessments, physiotherapy                              therapy and full GP services. Other sessions sessions and GP appointments within 24 hours
                                                   on offer at the site, include running gait anal- – as part of the overall site offering.”
                                                   ysis, body fat analysis and posture analysis.    Details:

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The power to create great changing spaces

Peppa Pig to tackle child inactivity
Operator Places for People is to harness the
ubiquitous popularity of Peppa Pig in a bid
to banish inactivity among kids under five.
   Entertainment One – creator of the
all-conquering IP – has teamed up with
activity programme design startup Tumuv
to produce the new Move with Peppa pro-
gramme, which will roll out across Places
for People Leisure centres in January 2015.
   Designed to build motivation, physical
confidence, co-ordination and balance in
two to four-year-olds, the six-week pro-
gramme will include a range of activities,
a ‘Peppa Steppa’ exercise routine, as well as
an incentivising awards scheme.
   “Despite the rising level of inactiv-
ity in under-fives, there is a surprisingly
limited amount of physical activity pro- Each Peppa Pig activity session lasts for 45 minutes
vision for this age group,” said founder of
Tumuv Holly Woodford. “We wanted to cre- is becoming an increasing trend, with Disney
ate a programme that would excite and inspire recently teaming up with Change4Life to
young children as they experience physical develop a schools-based activity initiative.
exercise for the first time. Children across the Finer details of the Move with Peppa pro-
country have fallen in love with Peppa Pig gramme are currently being finalised, however
through their TV screens, so how better to the 45-minute sessions will be designed to
inspire younger generations to be active than “inspire and engage both parent and child.”
through Peppa-themed exercises.”                 Leisure operator Places for People will be
   Utilising popular children’s characters to the exclusive launch partner for the scheme.
get youngsters into fitness from an early age Details:

Alan Holl leaves Virgin Active to join TRX
Body weight training sup-
plier TRX has announced the
appointment of Alan Holl –
previously head of fitness at
Virgin Active UK – to operate
as senior director of Europe,
Middle East, Africa and India.
   Holl has held senior fitness
roles with both Fitness First
and Virgin Active in the health
club sector, having previously
had a 13-year career in the
British military. In his most                                                                               Visit us on stand
recent role with Virgin Active,                                                                            W500 at LIW 2014
Holl made a key contribution
towards product development TRX hopes that Alan Holl can lead its charge into the EMEAI region
and innovation, and his arrival                                                                                
represents a major coup for TRX.                the distribution strategies are led with a consis-                       01353 666017
   “I’m extremely passionate about credible tent approach, and that the TRX brand is ‘front
and progressive fitness training and education, and centre’ of the functional training sector.
so this role at TRX provides huge synergy as       Paul Zadoff, TRX president, added: “Alan
their education, product and programming is brings with him a unique blend of expe-
central to core values,” said Holl.             rience from the military, sport and fitness
   As well as driving the delivery of education industries, and he has proved himself as
and programming in his new role, Holl will be an expert in fitness business management,
                                                                                                        ® 2014 Life Fitness, a division of Brunswick Corporation. All rights re-
charged with accelerating TRX’s expansion into education and health club programming.                   served. Life Fitness is a registered trademark of Brunswick Corporation
the EMEAI region. His task includes ensuring Details:

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The power to create great changing spaces
LIW PROMOTIONAL FEATURE                                                                        Connect with LIW :                                   @L_I_W

‘Silent disco’ approach for
education programme
To ensure the education seminar pro-
gramme is uninterrupted by other events
or the high energy activity taking place
on the show floor, this year LIW will pro-
vide each seminar delegate with wireless
headphones so they can have a clear, unin-
terrupted education experience.
   This ‘Silent disco’ approach will ensure
all our guests get the most out of the edu-
cational content that the show has on offer.
   Over 100 seminars will take place in the
Education village across three theatres, pro-
viding CPD accreditation, practical advice
and expert-led sessions.                           Like many areas of LIW, the VIP Lounge offers excellent opportunities for networking and engagement

Tanita to showcase new                             Leisure-net to co-sponsor VIP Lounge
collaboration with Boditrax                        Leading customer insight company Leisure-               will be running demonstrations, detailing
Tanita Europe, a world leader in health            net Solutions has announced it will be one of           how the platform enables operators to easily
monitoring, will be exhibiting at this year’s      four firms sponsoring the VIP Lounge (stand             keep on top of all forms of customer feedback,
LIW to showcase its new collaboration with         L260) at LIW 2014, alongside Right Directions,          be it via the web, email, phone or face-to-face.
Boditrax, an expert in activity tracking.          Lifetime Training and Big Wave Media.                      Visitors can also find out about Leisure-net’s
   Exhibiting on the Life Fitness stand,             Leisure-net will be using the VIP Lounge              Health and Fitness Omnibus Survey (HAFOS),
(W500), Boditrax has integrated Tanita             to introduce its new customer-insight plat-             the only annual barometer of UK consumers’
body composition analysers into its digi-          form, feedback-Focus. Joint directors Mike              attitudes towards health, fitness and physical
tal health platform. This offers health club       Hill and David Monkhouse (see pic below)                activity, and its new event, active-net 2015.
members instant access via a cloud-based
system, to a personalised weight loss analy-
sis and measurement package, to help them
monitor progress and reach goals. Tanita will
also debut a new AM 180 accelerometer, pro-
                                                   Latest exhibitors to register for LIW
viding accurate readings for daily activities.     There are more than 200 exhibitors at LIW
                                                   this year, over 80 of them new to LIW, and the
                                                   show floor is continuing to fill up. Here are
Precor hosts breakfast for                         the latest exciting exhibitors to join LIW 2014:
independent operators
                                                   O Dale Sauna              O S&C Slatter
As part of LIW’s ‘Independents’ Day’ on the        O Scott Sport             O Freedom Climber
Thursday of the show, Precor is sponsoring         O Dance Activ-8           O Ninepointnine

an exclusive breakfast for indie operators.        O Right Directions        O Parkour Generations

   The event will take place on the Precor         O Clubbercise             O Virtuagym

stand (H310) on 2 October at 9.30-10.30am.         O Leisure-net Solutions   O 3s Pool Cleaners

   Invited operators will have the chance          O Helinova                O KT Tape UK

to network and try out Precor’s new Next-          O Big Wave Media          O KidsKard

Generation Experience Series Treadmill,            O Lorica Insurance        O Ultraforce Group

launching after three years of research and        O Lifetime Training       O Ruff Tuff Stuff

development. The breakfast will provide            O Cannons UK              O Zappy

an opportunity to discuss challenges and           O Ustigate                O Energy Services

opportunities faced by indie operators. To         O Vollmer Sport           O Tornado International

sign up for the breakfast tick the option at       O Tetley Tea              O Integrated Health       Mike Hill (left) and David Monkhouse of Leisure-
the end of the LIW registration process.           O Slush Puppie            O SAS Security Services   net are among the latest exhibitors to join LIW 2014

8     Read Leisure Opportunities online:                    Twitter: @leisureopps                      © CYBERTREK 2014
The power to create great changing spaces
Where Leisure
                       Means Business...
                       Leisure Industry Week (LIW) is the leading exhibition
                       dedicated to the entire leisure industry.
                       Whether you’re an independent operator, trainer, or you work
                       within a corporate gym or leisure facility, LIW is your must
                       attend event of 2014. Join us for unrivalled networking, leading
                       exhibitors bringing you the very latest fitness equipment, live
                       demos of new training methods, CPD education, and much
                       more. Visit LIW 2014 and stay ahead of the game.

Register today for FREE entry (saving £30) at
The power to create great changing spaces

WEEK 2014
Nicky Jobson takes a look ahead at some of the expected highlights of
LIW, from new product launches to education and demonstrations                                    LIW 2014 will feature a Tabata Group Ex Arena

          eisure Industry Week (LIW) is pre-      evolved from the Eagle line to cater for       book and pay on-the-go for all leisure activi-
          paring to build on the success of       high-end, trainer-focused facilities. Key      ties, on any smartphone.
          previous years, once again return-      features include a patented Dual Axis             Keiser UK (stand H495) will be launch-
          ing to Birmingham’s NEC from            Technology, which allows training in           ing the M3i, the brand’s most advanced
30 September to 2 October to offer a wide-        machine-defined or user-defined move-          indoor cycle yet. The new model features a
ranging showcase of the newest products,          ments, as well as smartphone and tablet        Bluetooth wireless display, allowing the M3i
innovations and education from right across       holders for on-machine viewing.                computer to ‘partner’ with a phone or tablet.
the wide-ranging leisure sector.                     FitPro (stand H740) will introduce             Life Fitness (stand W500) will be launch-
  The event organises exhibitors into six         MOSSA and ZIVA. MOSSA, formerly                ing SYNRGY BlueSky, its first small group
core leisure sectors – Health & Fitness, Pool     known as Body Training Systems, offers a       training system designed for outdoor use.
& Spa, Play, Eat & Drink, Leisure Facilities,     choice of pre-choreographed group exercise     Incorporating up to 12 bodyweight training
and Sport – thereby creating the perfect          programmes with regular quarterly releases     stations, the modular system enables oper-
venue for professionals from across the lei-      to maintain member motivation. ZIVA            ators to create a results-focused workout
sure industry to network and engage.              offers a premium line of free weights, func-   environment for all abilities.
                                                  tional training and studio equipment.             Matrix Fitness (stand H140) will be
Exhibitor news                                       Gladstone Health and Leisure (stand         hosting a wide range of activities at this
Cybex (stand H100) will be launching the          L380) will be introducing an activity          year’s LIW, as well as displaying new prod-
new Cybex Eagle NX at this year’s show, a         booking module for its smartphone app,         ucts for the UK market. These include the
12-piece line of strength equipment that’s        MobilePro. This will allow customers to        Magnum Double Power Rack, the IC7 bike
                                                                                                 endorsed by Dani King MBE, the Ziva
                                                                                                 Functional Trainer, and many more. Matrix
 This year, attendees                                                                            Ambassadors attending this year’s show
 can pre-book meetings
                                                                                                 include Dani King MBE, Sally Gunnell
                                                                                                 MBE, the Wigan Warriors Rugby League
                                                                                                 team – who will host a ‘Train like a Warrior’
                                                                                                 event – the Infiniti Red Bull Racing Team,
                                                                                                 Gloucester and England rugby star Ben
                                                                                                 Morgan, plus acrobat Doug Edwards.
                                                                                                    Performance Health Systems (stand
                                                                                                 H610) will be showing two new products.
                                                                                                 The Power Plate pro6+ is ideal for small
                                                                                                 group training, while the new Integrated
                                                                                                 Fitness concept integrates Power Plate with
                                                                                                 existing training modalities to create new
                                                                                                 programming solutions.
                                                                                                    Physical Company (stand H200) will be
                                                                                                 unveiling two new innovations. The Total
                                                                                                 Gym Elevate Line is the company’s first
                                                                                                 commercial range of bodyweight resis-
                                                                                                 tance, single-station machines. Also, the
                                                                                                 new SandRope from Hyperwear has a

10   Read Leisure Opportunities online:            Twitter: @leisureopps                     © CYBERTREK 2014
Excitement builds for
                                                                                                             26th annual Leisure
                                                                                                             Industry Week
                                                                                                                                JAMES SAMUEL
                                                                                                                                is the event
                                                                                                                                director for Leisure
                                                                                                                                Industry Week

                                                                                                                       IW is the longest established
                                                                                                                       leisure trade show in the UK
                                                                                                                       and we’ve had a very busy year
                                                                                                                       building on past success, to
  LIW Live will host
                                                                                                             provide an even more comprehensive
  Q&A sessions with
  high profile sports stars                                                                                  showcase of new products and innova-
                                                                                                             tions to the 200 plus exhibitors and 7,500
                                                                                                             expected visitors at this year’s show.
                                                                                                                As well as over 120 live demonstra-
                                                                                                             tions and 80 educational sessions,
                                                                                                             we will be introducing a number of
                                                                                                             new features to enhance the visitor
                                                                                                             experience. In addition to the popu-
                                                                                                             lar demonstration areas, we’ve added a
                                                                                                             range of LIW Early Morning Workouts,
                                                                                                             hosted by exhibitors, to encourage vis-
                                                                                                             itors to sample new group exercise
                                                                                                             options that are available.
Watch the latest workouts and equipment in action    The STA Swim Zone will host a range of live classes        Thursday will be ‘Independents
                                                                                                             Day’, providing a full day of educa-
similar application to a battling rope, but         on sustainable business solutions and                    tion, networking and activities aimed
the sand inside moves freely to provide a           practices. Its Green System units harness                at tackling the challenges faced by
more challenging workout.                           human power through specially engineered                 independent operators.
   Precor (stand H310) will showcase                cardio pieces, turning it into usable elec-                 Whilst LIW Connections will allow
the next-generation Experience Series               tricity to power the facilities. It will also be         visitors and exhibitors to pre-schedule
Treadmill. Following three years of                 demonstrating SA WELL+, an intelligent                   meetings and a ‘silent disco’ approach
research and development, the new tread-            fitness management software system that                  to our education programme will
mill incorporates a new motor drive                 integrates with SportsArt cardio equipment               ensure every seminar is undisturbed.
system and a brand new ‘active status light’,       through a QR code, allowing users to easily                 LIW continues to maintain its posi-
alerting facility staff to the operating con-       collect their workout data.                              tion as the UK’s leading leisure trade
dition of the treadmill.                               Star Trac (stand H180) will be launch-                show because we react to feedback and
   Pulse Fitness (stand H120) will be show-         ing the brand new Turbo Trainer – which                  aim to make each year bigger and bet-
casing various new products, including a            simultaneously gives an upper and lower                  ter than the last, whilst reflecting the
new cloud-based solution, SmartCentre.              body workout via an isokinetic resis-                    needs and demands of the sector.
com. A web-based platform, the appli-               tance mechanism – and the Spinner NXT                       Earlier this year, we joined with long
cation will be free to all clients using            BlackBelt, its first belt-driven Spinner bike.           term partner ukactive to create the
SmartCentre and will enable users to view,                                                                   industry’s biggest piece of independent
access, track and update their fitness data         Education                                                research exploring what suppliers and
anytime, inside or outside of the gym.              Once again, LIW will offer delegates a free              operators want from the event. We’ve
   Holding its major UK trade launch at             education programme, with seminars taking                shaped the 2014 show to reflect the
LIW this year, Reebok Professional (stand           place in three theatres and covering industry            feedback from this and this strategy
H410) will be unveiling more than 90 prod-          trends, developments and insights.                       will continue into 2015 and beyond.
ucts from its Professional Range to the UK             After LIW 2013, event owners UBM                         My advice would be to plan ahead of
market, covering strength, aerobic, yoga,           released a survey to all visitors to establish           the show as there is so much on offer;
balance and recovery needs, in addition to          key challenges facing the sector. Feedback               however I am a big believer in getting
professional racks.                                 listed member retention and engagement,                  lost. Give yourself time to walk around
   New to the show this year, SportsArt             competition and financial cutbacks. This                 the show and discover something new;
(stand H290) is committed to lead-                  year’s education programme will be geared                with over 80 new exhibitors and over
ing the industry in eco-friendly action             towards finding solutions to these issues.               150 new products it won’t be difficult.
through research, design and education                 The Keynote Theatre will host the annual

© CYBERTREK 2014                        Twitter: @leisureopps              Read Leisure Opportunities online:      11

                                                    LIW features
                                                    a number of
                                                    demo areas
LIW offers valuable networking opportunities

ukactive keynote from CEO David Stalker,          be demonstrating its newly formatted work-      Awards gala dinner and awards ceremony
as well as a keynote from Young Pioneers,         outs, brand and launch campaign.                will take place at the National Motorcycle
presenting its latest research. Other ses-           The CPD Arena will host Star Trac            Museum in Birmingham on the Tuesday
sions will include RoSPA, Premier Global          Spinning classes with international Spinning    evening, 30 September. BALPPA network-
and TRX, who will have TRX commer-                instructor Sandro Morelli. In addition,         ing events will include a drinks reception,
cial director Ryan Damon across from San          the Functional Training Zone will include       Tuesday 5–6pm, and a lunch in the BALPPA
Francisco to talk about retention, engage-        TRX Team Training and TRX Group                 Play Lounge (stand P116) on Wednesday for
ment and maintaining growth.                      Rip Performance workouts with Dan               the indoor and outdoor play community.
   Thursday will be Independents’ Day, a          McDonogh, TRX senior manager of group
new feature for the show: a dedicated day         training & development.                         Pool & Spa
of activity aimed at tackling the challenges                                                      The STA Swim Zone (stand A01) will be
faced by independent operators. The key-          Morning workouts                                back at the show and better than ever, as its
note will be delivered by Thomas Plummer,         This year, LIW will be encouraging visitors     pool will be a central feature on the show
a fitness business expert with 30 years’          to kick-start their day with morning work-      floor, providing visitors with a number of
experience, who’s renowned in the US for          outs offered by exhibitors. On Wednesday        live swimming, lifesaving and fitness classes.
coaching independent operators to success.        and Thursday morning in the exhibition          The STA will be demonstrating its brand
   LIW will again play host to the REPs           hall, from 7.30–9.30am, workouts will be        new Photometer, a digital technology allow-
National Convention on Wednesday 1 and            delivered by exhibitors including Matrix,       ing real-time analysis, alerts and reporting,
Thursday 2 October. On Wednesday, attend-         TRX, Life Fitness, Jeka Jo Dance, Star Trac,    live in the swimming pool.
ees will receive a keynote from Olympian          FitPro, Cybex International, Pavigym and           Meanwhile RLSS UK, in collaboration
and REPs ambassador Louise Hazel, who             Performance Health Systems.                     with industry specialist Ferno, will launch
will be talking about how her career as an           The LIW Live! Stage – a popular addi-        a new pool extraction board, designed to
elite athlete has influenced her life as a per-   tion at last year’s show – will have a busy     make pool rescues more efficient, especially
sonal trainer. Olympian Zoe Smith and             schedule including live question and            in the case of suspected spinal injuries.
coach Sam Dovey will discuss the essential        answer sessions with high profile sports           Having launched in September last year,
factors of developing a programme to ensure       stars and new innovation demonstrations.        the Register of Aquatic Professionals (RAPs)
athletes peak in time for competition.                                                            will return to LIW to update visitors on its
   Thursday will include Future Fit’s Paul        Networking                                      future plans. Visitors will also have an oppor-
Swainson presenting ‘Low back pain and            New to 2014 will be the ability to pre-sched-   tunity to learn and develop skills, as RAPs
the impact on our society’, which will be         ule one-to-one meetings between visitors        will host free aquatic specific workshops and
followed by ‘Cancer diagnosis and men-            and exhibitors. Visitors will be able to search seminars, endorsed by SkillsActive. ●
tal health’, led by Sarah Bolitho and Anna        and contact exhibitors with a
Campbell of Exact Training and CanRehab.          view to booking a time suit-
For ticketing details, visit:                     able for them to meet.                 VISITING THE SHOW?              Meanwhile ukactive will             Venue: Hall 1, NEC, Birmingham, UK
                                                  host its VIP drinks recep-             Dates: Tuesday 30 September – Thursday 2 October
Demonstration areas                               tion on the Wednesday,                 Opening times: Tuesday/Wednesday: 10.00am – 5.00pm,
This year’s show will include a number of         from 5-7pm. This will be fol-          Thursday: 10.00am – 4.00pm
demonstration areas highlighting the lat-         lowed by the LIW drinks                Registration: Pre-register for free at
est workout innovations. These include the        reception, open to all, from           Get involved using: #LIW2014 and following: @L_I_W
Tabata Group Ex Arena, where Tabata will          7-11pm. The Health Club

12   Read Leisure Opportunities online:             Twitter: @leisureopps                  © CYBERTREK 2014
Queen’s Royal Row Barge
boathouse plans scrapped
                                                   Potter studios to spotlight dark arts
Plans by Foster + Partners for a mod-              Harry Potter’s loyal army
ern boathouse and visitor centre in                of fans has an insatia-
Twickenham, UK’s, Orleans Park to house            ble appetite for all things
the Queen’s Royal Row Barge have been              related to the boy wiz-
shelved by Richmond Council, following             ard. Attractions themed
fierce opposition from the public.                 around this fictional char-
   Gloriana – the first Royal rowbarge to          acter are a surefire winner
be built in over 200 years – was specially         and now Warner Bros
constructed to serve as a lasting legacy to        Studio Tour London – The
mark Her Majesty’s Diamond Jubilee in              Making of Harry Potter
2012. Backers of the proposal had hoped it         has announced it will be
would provide a safe and secure permanent          opening a new permanent
base for the vessel, while also serving as         addition to the popular
an educational centre outlining the region’s       visitor attraction.
boat-building heritage from centuries gone.           Visitors to the experi-
   Richmond Council said it became clear           ence will from 14 October
public opinion was against the develop-            be able to enjoy a new dark
ment. Details:               arts-themed section.
                                                      “The Dark Arts feature The new part of the studio tour will focus on Lord Voldemort and dark arts
                                                   will be unveiling just in
                                                   time for Halloween,” said Sarah Roots, vice Magic office of Dolores Umbridge. To cele-
                                                   president of Warner Bros Studio Tour London. brate the unveiling, special dark arts-inspired
                                                   “It will showcase the darkest parts of the films activities will be on offer from 17 October to 3
                                                   and include some props and costumes that November, included in the ticket price.
                                                   have never been on public display before.”          The updates come two and a half years after
                                                      Fans can look forward to seeing more US exhibition company Thinkwell’s original
                                                   authentic sets and props, including Lord designs were unveiled to the public when the
                                                   Voldemort’s followers’ headquarters, items Leavesden Studios attraction opened in 2012.
                                                   from Borgin and Burkes, and the Ministry of Details:

The project is backed by a number of celebrities

Nick Cave curates virtual                          Coca-Cola to stamp brand on London Eye
museum of ‘Important Sh*t’                         Merlin Entertainments has
Musician Nick Cave has launched a vir-             announced a new commercial
tual museum known as the Museum of                 partnership with Coca-Cola,
Important Sh*t – a unique collection of ordi-      which will see the beverage giant
nary objects with extraordinary significance.      become the new sponsor of the
   Following the release of his semi-auto-         London Eye from January 2015.
biographical documentary 20,000 Days On               The deal includes full-naming
Earth, the former Bad Seeds frontman Cave          rights to the popular London attrac-
teamed up with film directors Iain Forsyth         tion, though a Merlin spokesperson
and Jane Pollard to present the online col-        told Leisure Opportunities that “over
lection of objects, each of which is of deep       the next few weeks there will be a
and lasting meaning to one person.                 visual rebranding with things such
   The idea was inspired by the documentary,       as any name changes to be decided Coca-Cola will sponsor the London Eye from January 2015
the nature of personal memorabilia and the         in due course.” The financial aspects
histories they preserve. The project is backed     of the deal have not been disclosed.            2012 Olympic Games, sponsors more than six
by production company Film4 and content               The spokesperson added that in the com- out of every 10 water and theme parks world-
agency Somethin’ Else, and is being curated        ing weeks, more details would be revealed wide, according to newly-released data.
by Cave, Forsyth and Pollard. Anyone can           regarding changes to the world-famous             “We have a rich history in London, from
submit an item of “important sh*t” to the          landmark, which has been the focal point of our sponsorship of the London 2012 Olympic
museum, with potential donors needing to           events such as the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and Paralympic Games through to the many
log into the site via social media and like        and the London 2012 Olympic Games. Coca brand campaigns that have launched in the
and share the best items they come across.         Cola’s two-year deal sees the soft drinks giant capital over the decades,” said Jon Woods, gen-
   The museum will also be run by a series         replace France’s EDF Energy, which has spon- eral manager of Coca-Cola UK and Ireland.
of guest curators including actor and direc-       sored the London Eye ever since 2011.             “Sponsoring the London Eye will help us
tor Richard Ayoade and author Jon Ronson,             It was recently revealed that Coca-Cola, play an even greater part in future moments
who will select and group their favourite          which has sponsored major sporting events of happiness and celebration in the capital.”
objects. Details:            such as the 2014 World Cup and the London Details:

14    Read Leisure Opportunities online:               Twitter: @leisureopps                    © CYBERTREK 2014

Active IQ’s suite of leadership and management qualifications is helping the nation meet a substantial growth rate in the active leisure industry

Start delivering Active IQ qualifications today
Active IQ, the UK’s leading awarding organisation for health, fitness and wellbeing
qualifications, has launched a new range of business administration, customer service,
and management & leadership qualifications professionally endorsed by CIMSPA.

                  ith the active leisure indus-                                                              encompasses all aspects of fitness, physical
                  try continuing to expand at                                                                activity and wellbeing, including qualifica-
                  a steady rate, it’s estimated                                                              tions relating to physical fitness, medically
                  that every year, a stagger-                                                                related fitness, nutritional fitness, psycholog-
ing 400,000 new managers and leaders are                                                                     ical fitness, social fitness and allied business
needed to satisfy the industry. Active IQ’s                                                                  disciplines; making AIQ the one stop shop
industry-defining suite of management                                                                        for exceptional qualifications.
and leadership qualifications is helping the                                                                    Active IQ and its experts will be on hand
nation to meet that growing demand.                                                                          to answer any questions about the new qual-
   As Active IQ approved centres, employers                                                                  ifications at this year’s Leisure Industry
and educational establishments across the                                                                    Week show, the UK’s leading exhibition
country can provide flexible career paths by           New qualifications launch this Autumn                 for the leisure industry. Active IQ will be
building a proficient management workforce                                                                   located on stand H821.
and by tapping into the skills and talents of         employers, educational establishments and                 Jenny Patrickson, Commercial Director at
a diverse population that is committed to             private training providers with the resources          Active IQ added:
the health and fitness industry. Active IQ,           they need to give learners a genuinely                    “It’s great for us to be part of Leisure
an Ofqual recognised awarding organisa-               advantageous skillset when approaching                 Industry Week at the NEC. The event has a
tion, offers over one hundred innovative and          careers in management and leadership.                  great reputation for being a hotbed of ideas
unique awards, certificates and diplomas in                                                                  and initiatives put forward by the leisure
a variety of disciplines.                             One stop shop:                                         industry. Being part of an internationally
                                                      Becoming an Active IQ approved centre                  recognised event like this can only be of ben-
New qualifications, new opportunities:                 enables employers and education providers              efit to Active IQ, helping us build a bright
This autumn sees the launch of the Active             to commence delivery of their chosen qual-             future for employers, learners and educa-
IQ Level 3 Diploma in Management (QCF),               ifications. With a fantastic support team,             tional establishments across the country.”
the Active IQ Level 4 NVQ Diploma in                  eLearning resources, manuals and lecture
Management (QCF), and the Active IQ                   packs, Active IQ provides an all-encom-
Level 5 Diploma in Management and                     passing package for employers, tutors and                        MORE INFORMATION
Leadership (QCF). These qualifications have           learners alike; giving learners the best chance                  Contact Jenny Patrickson
been designed with the needs of employ-               of a successful career in their chosen sec-               t: 07725 240511 e:
ers in mind and are applicable to all sectors.        tor. The range of choice provided by Active               
The programmes are intended to provide                IQ includes a breadth of qualifications that

© CYBERTREK 2014                        Twitter: @leisureopps               Read Leisure Opportunities online:     15
     Firms must boost
                                                   Rugby World Cup set to boost UK hotels
     productivity to match
                                                   Strong performances from
     rising wages                                  London’s hotel sector along-
                                                   side the UK’s regional cities,
                                                   combined with the upcom-
                    PETER DUCKER
                                                   ing Rugby World Cup, are
                    is chief executive
                                                   expected to contribute to
                     of the Institute
                                                   a 5.6 per cent gain in rev-
                    of Hospitality
                                                   enue per available hotel
                                                   room in 2015, according
                                                   to the latest figures from

            here is good news for job seekers      UK hotels forecast.
            and existing employees in the hos-        The promising increases
            pitality industry. While national      are expected to be driven by
            wage increases remain well below       an estimated four per cent
1 per cent, for our sector they are expected       growth in rates for offerings,
to climb by 3 per cent this year, according to     as well as an expected increase Several UK cities will host matches as part of the 2015 Rugby World Cup
the latest Hospitality Employment Index from       in room occupancy amount-
recruitment website                   ing to just over one and a half per cent.          highest measure for 14 years. According to the
   Hospitality has long been stigmatised for          The UK’s capital city has seen some positive study, at the end of June this year there were
its low pay, but this index reveals that the       increases, with the area experiencing occu- around 23,000 rooms in the UK development
highest year-on-year increases are for front-      pancy rates of 80 per cent in the first half of pipeline expected to open in either 2014 or 2015,
line staff such as waiters and receptionists.      2014, with London’s yearly occupancy rate for with over 10,000 of these new rooms expected
   As the recession recedes, it is hoped that      2014 expecting to measure up at 83 per cent.       to be created in London. Experts also predict
improvements in pay will help to alleviate            Strong showings have also been recorded that positive showings in the market next year
our industry’s problems, such as high lev-         in Britain’s regional cities, where PwC expects will be encouraged by English cities hosting
els of staff turnover and a large proportion       a growth rate of three per cent for the year, matches during the 2015 Rugby World Cup.
of part-time workers. For employers, how-          taking occupancy overall to 75 per cent – the Details:
ever, rising payroll costs present a challenge
that can only be met by better productivity.
   In our labour-intensive industry, payroll
is the biggest cost of all, amounting to 23
per cent of total turnover in London hotels,
                                                   Murray’s hotel kitchen under fire
27 per cent in England and 33 per cent in          Tennis star Andy Murray’s
Scotland; while in restaurants the figure is       Chez Roux restaurant at
nearer 40 per cent. The new statutory work-        his Cromlix House hotel
place pension scheme, estimated at up to 3         has suffered a setback after
per cent of annual payroll in employer con-        being told that improve-
tributions, will add to these costs.               ments are required before it
   From 1 October, the National Minimum            can be approved by the Food
Wage (NMW) rises, from £6.31 to £6.50, an          Standards Agency (FSA).
above-inflation increase of 3 per cent.               The five-star property,
   Labour leader Ed Milliband recently made        named Scotland’s Hotel of
the headline-grabbing announcement that            the Year for 2014, underwent
under a Labour Government, the NMW                 an inspection this summer
would rise to £8.00 by 2020, and yet it is on      in accordance with Stirling
course to reach that figure anyway.                Council, which subsequently
   I agree with John Longworth, DG of the          issued an “improvement Murray’s restaurant offering has been told to make improvements
British Chambers of Commerce, that poli-           required” rating for the res-
ticians should not intervene in such matters       taurant. According to the FSA’s classification, regarded as being one of the masters of mod-
and instead concentrate on policies that           the rating means that the restaurant “has not ern cuisine. Murray’s plans for the £1.8m
increase productivity and skills.                  achieved an acceptable level of compliance venue date back to last year, when he bought
   A range of existing mechanisms, such as         with requirements of food hygiene law.”            the property before giving it a complete refur-
the Low Pay Commission and Living Wage                In response, the hotel said the classification bishment to create the luxury 15-room hotel it
Commission, are already in place to deter-         was due to a minor issue resulting from an iso- is today, with the former Wimbledon cham-
mine the optimal resolution for workers,           lated handwash sink which has now been fixed; pion hoping that the project will see more
businesses and long term economic growth.          with the property’s owners already requesting visitors attracted to the local area.
   In the face of rising payroll costs and         that inspectors return to rate the offering again.   Meanwhile, the hotel has previously courted
price increases being held back due to cus-           Located in Scotland’s Perthshire, the hotel’s controversy over references to hunting on its
tomer resistance, businesses must focus on         restaurant is led by prominent chefs Albert website, prompting their removal following
raising productivity, by optimising the tal-       Roux and Darin Campbell, with Roux (whose pressure from animal rights groups.
ents and abilities of all employees.               name is over the restaurant door) widely Details:

16    Read Leisure Opportunities online:                 Twitter: @leisureopps                     © CYBERTREK 2014
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