Winter/Spring 2020 Guide to Leisure Activities - City of Temecula

Page created by Jose Christensen
Winter/Spring 2020 Guide to Leisure Activities - City of Temecula
Winter/Spring 2020
Guide to Leisure Activities
Winter/Spring 2020 Guide to Leisure Activities - City of Temecula
Community Services Department Directory
                                                                                               Main Line: 951-694-6480
                                                                             Activity Guide/Classes/(JRC)/(MRC)/(HCPR)
                                                                             Tracy Masters, Community Services Manager............Ext. 4266
                                                                             Cassandra Hargett, Management Aide III...................Ext. 4266
                                                                             Katrina Thoreson, Management Aide II.......................Ext. 4266
                                                                             Administrative Services
On behalf of the Temecula Community Services Department we                   Erica Russo,Community Services Superintendent.......Ext. 3995
proudly present the Winter/Spring 2020 Guide to Leisure Activities.          Robert Cardenas, Administrative Services Manager....Ext. 3944
Our signature winter events return, beginning with Santa’s Electric          Mike Wooten, Sr. Management Analyst.......................Ext. 3958
Light Parade, Holiday Magic on Main Street, Christmas Tree                   Lisa Waterman, Sr. Administrative Assistant................Ext. 6480
Lighting, Breakfast with Santa, the Temecula on Ice skating rink
and the popular New Year’s Eve Grape Drop! There are many
                                                                             Lacy Sisler, Management Aide III.................................Ext. 3904
opportunities to celebrate the magic of the season. Be sure to bring         Kristal Menzimer, Office Specialist II............................Ext. 6480
the family and experience TEMECULA CHILLED!                          Aquatics/(CRC) Community Recreation Center/Skate Park
On December 1st Temecula celebrates 30 years of cityhood! In Gwen Willcox, Community Services Manager.............Ext. 6396
just three short decades, Temecula has grown from a sleepy town Melissa Davis, Aquatics Supervisor II...........................Ext. 6396
of 35,000 people to a thriving city of nearly 115,000 with 41 parks, Leah Juarez, Community Services Assistant...............Ext. 6410
award-winning programs, services, and events. Please join us at
the Community Celebration in honor of this momentous occasion. Cultural Arts/Community Relations/Sponsorships
See page 4 for event details. #LOVETemecula!                    Bea Barnett, Community Services Superintendent.....Ext. 6343
                                                                             Jeff Lawrence, Community Services Manager.............Ext. 3967
                          On behalf of our Board of Directors,
                          Commissioners, and your dedicated                  Events/(TCC) Temecula Community Center
                          Community Services Department Team,                Dawn Adamiak, Community Services Manager..........Ext. 4268
                          we are committed in our mission to create          Wilhe Augustine, Community Services Coordinator.....Ext. 4268
                          Community through People, Parks &
                          Programs!                                          Rishann Clermont, Management Aide II (Rentals).......Ext. 6525
                                                                             Mike Morey, Management Aide II (Events)...................Ext. 4268
                          Respectfully,                                      Tracy Courts, Management Aide I (Events).................Ext. 4268
                                                                             Homeless Outreach/Responsible Compassion
                                                                             Robin Gilliland, Homeless Outreach Administrator......Ext. 6467
Activity Guide Editor/Community Services Manager                             Library Services
                                                                             Rosie Vanderhaak, Library Manager........................... Ext. 8922
             Registration Begins:                                            (MPSC) Mary Phillips Senior Center/Special Needs
      Monday, November 18th                                                  Yvette Martinez, Community Services Manager..........Ext. 6464
     Please read page 59 for important registration information.             Cody House, Management Aide I................................Ext. 6464

City of Temecula Administration                                              Old Town Temecula Community Theater
Aaron Adams…......................................…........City Manager      Chariss Turner, Community Services Supervisor I........Ext. 6348
Greg Butler.........................................Assistant City Manager   Bill Strawn, Theater Technical Supervisor.....................Ext. 6378
Kevin Hawkins......................Director of Community Services            John Deards, Theater Technical Coordinator...............Ext. 6380
                                                                             Travis Brown, Theater Technical Assistant...................Ext. 6380
Community Services Commission                                                Sports Facilities/Fields/Leagues/Parks
The Community Services Commission meets the 2nd Monday                       James Willcox, Community Services Manager...... ......Ext. 4135
of each month at 6:00pm in the Council Chambers.                             Sergio Raya, Community Services Supervisor II..........Ext. 4136
Eric Willis..............…………….......…..……........……….Chair                  Robert Heltmach, Park Ranger II.................................Ext. 6480
Eric Levine....................….............….................…Vice-Chair   Gus Gonzalez, Park Ranger I......................................Ext. 6480
Dale Borgeson...........…..…….....….....…….…Commissioner                     Elizabeth Hirst, Park Ranger I.....................................Ext. 6480
Gary Oddi........................….……………......….Commissioner                 Andrew Formentera, Sr. Recreation Leader................Ext. 6480
Adam Ruiz........................……..........….......…Commissioner
                                                                             Temecula Valley Museum/Art Exhibits
 Creating Community Through                                                  Tracy Frick, Community Services Manager..................Ext. 6455
   People, Parks & Programs                                                  Michelle Elrod, Management Aide II.............................Ext. 6450
               It’s What We Do!!!                                                  Comments, Questions or Concerns?
2                                                                              Email us at:
Winter/Spring 2020 Guide to Leisure Activities - City of Temecula
Community Services                                                             In This Issue...
                 Staff Spotlight                                                     Upcoming Special Events
                                             As the one that handles the marketing   30th Anniversary Celebration            4
                                             and social media for the Community      Santa’s Electric Light Parade           5
                                             Services Department, my job is          Holiday Magic on Main Street            5
                                             to make sure you know about all         Christmas Tree Lighting @ the Pond      5
                                             the fun things we do year round.
                                                                                     Christmas Bus Tours                     5
                                                                                     Temecula on Ice                         5
                                             I graduated from California State
                                                                                     Breakfast with Santa                    5
                                             University Monterey Bay with a BA       Christmas Bike Tour                     5
                                             in Teledramatic Arts and Technology.    Temecula on Ice                         5
                                             Every day I use my knowledge and        Winter Solstice                         5
                                             creativity to produce high quality      New Year’s Eve Grape Drop               5
                                             posters, flyers, email blasts and       Art off the Walls                       6
           MIKE MOREY                        social media posts for all upcoming     Celebrating Mozart                      6
           Management Aide II
                                             programs and events coming out of       Daddy/Daughter Date Night               6
the department. Since starting with the City of Temecula, I have slowly added        Carnival of Music                       6
my fingerprints all over the city. Whether it’s the arch at Eagle Soar Splash Pad    Teen Night Light Egg Hunt               7
or branding for our programs, I try to bring my unique touch to everything we        Easter Egg Hunts                        7
do. You may also recognize me from many of our numerous special events. I            Arbor Day 		                            8
help organize and put on the City’s special events such as the Temecula Rod          Temecula Rod Run                        8
Run, 4th of July Extravaganza and Santa’s Electric Light Parade. Over the past       Community Services Expo                 9
couple years, I have also joined the team that produces a monthly web series         Memorial Day Concert                    9
called ‘Around & About Temecula’, which highlights everything the Community
Services Department does for its residents. As Director of Photography/Editor        Specialized Programs
for the series, I film, plan, and edit these episodes to produce a fifteen-minute    Aquatics Programs & Swim Lessons        46-49
show every month. I live locally with my lovely wife Nancy and son Liam and          Around & About Temecula                 58
enjoy molding the community which my son will grow up in. My goal is to help         Measure S Improvements                  54
keep this community one in which my family and all Temecula residents will           Responsible Compassion Program          55
experience their best quality of life.                                               Senior Programs, Classes & Events       42-43
                                                                                     Special Needs Events & Programs         16-17
                                                                                     Summer Jobs & Volunteer Opportunities   58
                    We’re Here for You!                                              Camps & Classes
I am so proud to say I have been a                                                   Camps		                                 12-15
Temecula resident for over 20 years.                                                 Performing Arts                         24-27
When I moved to Temecula in 1999                                                     Special Interest                        35
with my three young children ages 5,                                                 Sports & Fitness                        28-31
3, and 6 months old, little did I know we                                            Toddler Enrichment                      18-19
found our “Forever Home.” We soon                                                    Visual Arts		                           32-34
found out all the amazing things that                                                Youth & Teen Enrichment                 20-23
Temecula had to offer, like the fabulous                                             City Facilities
public school system, beautiful parks,                                               Facility Map & Facility Directory       56-57
fun playgrounds, and the ability to sign                                             Aquatic Facilities                      46
your child up for any activity you could        RISHANN CLERMONT
                                                                                     Facility Rentals & Picnic Shelters      53
ever imagine. I soon realized I too                    Management Aide II
                                                                                     Mary Phillips Senior Center             42
could be involved on so many levels whether it be as a Room Parent, Team             Old Town Temecula Community Theater     40
Mom, or member on several Board of Directors. I called myself a “Professional        Parks                                   51
Volunteer.” Nine years ago, I was fortunate to become employed with the              Pennypickle’s Workshop                  36
Temecula Community Services Department, working for the City I love and live         Places of Interest                      52
in. I like to reflect back on my first job as an Attractions Hostess at Disneyland   Sports Facilities & Sport Leagues       50
and think of how in my current position, it’s as if I’m a hostess assisting the      Temecula Libraries                      44-45
public with their upcoming event. I oversee the Temecula Community Center,           Temecula Skate Park & Pump Track        47
the Conference Center, and Picnic Shelter rentals for the City. Similar to           Temecula Valley Museum                  38-39
facilitating the guest experience at the happiest place on earth, in my current      Trails & Bikeways                       52
role I facilitate the guest experience by finding the best venue for patrons. I am
happy to answer any questions you may have and am available to assist you in         Registration
choosing a location for your next business conference or party.                      How to Register & Class Policies        59   3
Winter/Spring 2020 Guide to Leisure Activities - City of Temecula
Celebrating 30 Years
    30th Anniversary                                                          Discover Temecula
    Community Celebration                                                  The year of 2020 is the year of
                                                                         #TemeculaFun! Join us throughout
    DECEMBER 1, 2019 | 2PM - 6PM | CIVIC CENTER
                                                                        the year for monthly photo challenges
    Celebrate our community’s loving spirit as Temecula observes its
                                                                            and scavenger hunts. To stay
    30th year of cityhood! The anniversary event will include live
                                                                              updated on the fun, visit
    music, fun giveaways, activities for kids, and a free hotdog or
    hamburger meal for the first 1,000 patrons. #LOVETemecula
                                                                             to see what is coming next.

    Exhibit Unveiling: “A Plan to Develop”
    Be among the first to see this brand new exhibit at Temecula City
    Hall! This multi-media exhibit explores the history of the
    development of Old Town Temecula. The exhibit will be unveiled
    during the 30th Anniversary Community Celebration on
    December 1, 2019.

Winter/Spring 2020 Guide to Leisure Activities - City of Temecula
E l e c t r

Friday, December 6th @ 7pm
on Old Town Front Street
Enjoy twinkling lights from decorated floats, holiday
music from school marching bands, and festive
marchers making their way down the parade route as
we celebrate 30 years of Temecula! Parade starts at
the corner of Del Rio & Jefferson and will travel south
through Old Town ending at First Street. For road
closure and parking information, please visit:
VIP Parade Package Contest: Like us on Facebook for
a chance to win a VIP package for six (6) including a
parking pass, parade viewing from the heated
VIP tent, dinner & dessert!
Winter/Spring 2020 Guide to Leisure Activities - City of Temecula
Temecula Chilled
    Holiday Magic on Main Street
    Professor’s Magical Holiday Open House
    Friday, November 29th, 3-6pm @ Pennypickle’s Workshop
    The excitment builds as we wait for Santa’s arrival at 6pm! Enjoy our Magical Holiday Open House where
    you can make memories while you wait for the big guy. Admission includes a refreshment, access to the
    Express VIP line, crafts, experiments, and surprises! For more details visit:
    Fee: Museum Admission ($10/children 18 months & over (under 18 months FREE); $5/adults 18+
    Santa’s Arrival
    Friday, November 29th, 6-9pm @ Main Street Lot next to Pennypickle’s Workshop
    Make your way to Santa’s cozy cottage as we welcome Mr. Claus to Old Town for the holiday season.
    After his magical entrance, enjoy live festive music and holiday themed crafts in the lot behind Santa’s
    Cottage. You can visit Santa from November 29-December 22. For a schedule of Santa’s hours visit:

                                                      Christmas Tree Lighting
                                                      @ the Pond
                                                     Monday, December 2nd, 7-8:30pm
                                                     Temecula Duck Pond
                                                     What a bright time, it’s the right time to light the
                                                     Christmas tree! While we wait for the countdown to light
                                                     the tree, enjoy a tasty treat, a visit from Santa Claus and
                                                     a festive performance by Resonate! Vocal Group.

    Temecula on Ice
    Temecula On Ice returns for another exciting holiday season with a state-of-the-art ice rink, rental skates,
    Bobby skating aids, and its own radio station! For more information, email
    and follow us on social media to recieve updates @TemeculaParksandRec.
    Location: Town Square Park Grand Opening: Friday, Dec 13 @ 5pm
    Open Daily: Dec 12 - Jan 5 (Sun-Thu 10am-9:30pm & Fri-Sat 10am-11pm)
    Fee: $12 Admission ($5 skate rental; $8 Bobby skating aid)
    Christmas Day Hours: 12-9:30pm New Year’s Eve Skate: 10pm-12:30am
Winter/Spring 2020 Guide to Leisure Activities - City of Temecula
Breakfast with Santa                                      ‘Twas the Lights Before
Saturday, December 14th
(CRC) Community Recreation Center
                                                          Christmas Bike Tour
Have you told Santa what you would like for               Saturday, December 14th
Christmas this year? Now is your chance! Join             Harveston Community Park
us for a magical morning that includes a delicious        Admire the dazzling decorations Harveston has
breakfast, visit with Santa, and cookie decorating.       to offer as we go on a holiday lights bike tour
Be sure to register early as space is limited.            through the neighborhood. All participants
Registration is required!                                 must be confident bike riders and stay with
Fee: $7/person                                            the group on this guided tour. Bikes will not be
(Infants under 12 mo. not requiring a seat are FREE)
                                                          provided. Pre-registration is recommended.
Activity #: 9050.101		                  Time: 8:00am
                                                          Meet at Harveston Community Park at the
Activity #: 9050.102                    Time: 9:00am
                                                          start of the tour.
Activity #: 9050.103                    Time: 10:00am
                                                          Fee: FREE
Activity #: 9050.104                    Time: 11:00am
                                                          Activity #: 9075.101     Time: 7:00-8:30pm

‘Twas the Lights Before Winter Solstice
Christmas Bus Tour
              Tour      Saturday, December 21st, 6-8pm
                        Sam Hicks Monument Park
Admire multiple holiday displays as we tour
                                                          Shine some light on the darkest day of the
Temecula’s Festive homes from a double decker
                                                          year with a path of luminaries as we celebrate
bus. Every evening includes snacks, corny holiday
                                                          the Winter Solstice. This free event includes a
jokes and festive fun. Due to limited space, residents
                                                          festive musical performance, refreshments, and
receive priority when registering. Children under
                                                          a visit from Santa.
the age of 2 who don’t require a seat are free.
For a complete listing of tour dates, visit our website

New Year’s Eve
Grape Drop
Tuesday, December 31st, 6pm-12:30am
Civic Center Quad
Ring in the New Year Temecula style with the
infamous New Year’s Eve Grape Drop! Celebrate
2020 twice with an East Coast (9pm) and West
Coast (midnight) countdown. This event will include
live music, food, vendors, and kid’s activities. Free
Fun Zone for children will be open from 6-10pm.
Winter/Spring 2020 Guide to Leisure Activities - City of Temecula

 Enjoy live music, refreshments, an art show featuring a variety of
local artists, and a featured artist meet and greet at The Merc and
                                                                                         Celebrate Mozart’s 264th birthday
      The Gallery at The Merc located at 42051 Main Street.                                 with an afternoon of musical
                FEATURED ARTIST RECEPTIONS:                                             masterpieces. The talented students
                      JAN 3 | Walter Santos                                           of the Temecula Valley Conservatory of
                       FEB 7 | Joe Valencic                                            the Arts will perform classical music in
                    MAR 6 | Temecula Creates                                            honor of the distinguished composer.
                                                                                           Refreshments will be provided.
                 APR 3 | Mighty Mini Masterpieces
                     MAY 8* | Martin Nasim                            SUN | JAN 26 | 2-4PM
             *May show will be held on 2nd Friday due to Rod Run      @ RONALD H. ROBERTS TEMECULA PUBLIC LIBRARY

     Everyone knows the timeless tale of Beauty and the Beast, but are you familiar with the modern story of

     Beauty and the Geek? You could be the belle of the ball or dress up as a geek to rule them all. Whichever

                          u t
                 role you choose, prepare for a magical evening of dancing, dinner, and dessert!

              Registration is required for both father and daughter for this much anticipated event.

                                FEE: $10/PERSON            ACTIVITY #: 9060.101

                                                                   AND THE

                                               TEMECULA VALLEY SYMPHONY

                               Carnival of Music
                    SUN, MAR 15 | 3-5PM | @ CRC AMPHITHEATER
       Bring your family to enjoy a spring concert! After the performance, musical instruments will be on
                display for you to view and learn more about. Don’t forget to bring your chairs!

Winter/Spring 2020 Guide to Leisure Activities - City of Temecula
                           EGG HUNT
    Grab your friends and your flashlight, it’s time for the annual teen only egg hunt. You could walk away
  with a tub of jelly beans, a gift card, or maybe even a TV! Dancing and music start at 8pm, egg hunt begins
 promptly at 8:30pm. Everyone in attendance will be eligible for community service hours needed for school.

          TEENS             Friday, April 3rd, 8-9:30pm
           ONLY!                  Kent Hintergardt Memorial Park
                                         31465 Via Cordoba
                              Event for Teens ages 13-18 Only!

       THREE LOCATIONS:                    DON’T
                                          BE LATE!
   Temeku Hills Park
      31367 La Serena Way
Patricia H. Birdsall Sports Park
                                                            Saturday, April 11th
     32380 Deer Hollow Way                                         Arrive at 9:30am
                                                              Hunts start at 10am SHARP!
 Harveston Community Park                                 Enjoy music, face painting, take a picture with the Easter
     28582 Harveston Drive                               Bunny, and be ready to hunt at 10am SHARP! Egg hunt is for
*Special Needs areas at all three parks                                   children ages 0-12 years.
                                                                          Don’t forget your basket!

Winter/Spring 2020 Guide to Leisure Activities - City of Temecula
Arbor Day
                                arbor day

     Reflect on the important role trees play in our environment as we plant a few in honor of
          Arbor Day. Following the tree planting ceremony, light refreshments provided.

                          Friday | May 1st | 5pm - 8pm
                         Saturday | May 2nd | 9am - 4pm
                                   OLD TOWN TEMECULA

                                                                 Gear up for a weekend of pristine hot rods and
                                                         under-construction projects as the Temecula Rod Run
                                                    cruises into Old Town. Classic cars of every description will
                                                  line the streets for Southern California’s Premier Car Show.
10                                          Join us at the Friday Night Cruise or Saturday’s Show & Shine.
                              * FUN ZONE
                                * CRAFTS
                                 * PRIZES
    The Community Services Expo is back! Come learn about all the exciting classes and
       programs that are offered by the Temecula Community Services Department.
             Enjoy live entertainment, crafts, FREE fun zone and giveaways!

                    Tribute To Heroes:
                   Memorial Day Concert

Enjoy a patriotic themed concert performed by the Temecula Valley Symphony
      as we pay tribute to our nation’s heroes in honor of Memorial Day.
     SAT | MAY 23 | 6:30-8:30PM | TEMECULA CIVIC CENTER                                  11
Bakery Boot Camp*
                                                                                    Ages: 7-12 Years
                                                                                    Bakery Boot Camp is a big hit! We
                                                                                    will transform the TCC into theme-
                                                                                    based bakeries that will celebrate a
                                                                                    Grand Opening for family and friends.
                                                                                    Young bakers will learn how to work in
                                                                                    teams to bake and decorate cookies,
                                                                                    cupcakes, cake pops, brownies and
                                                                                    more! Each team will name their
                                                                                    bakery, create a menu and a display.
                                                                                    On Thursday, kids will open their bakeries for business! It will be a fun week
                                                                                    filled with new friends, baking, and yummy creations. Instructor is Jill Lodato of
                                                                                    the “Bake and Decorate Today” YouTube channel with 10 million views.
                                                                                    Instructor: Jill Lodato           Location: TCC
Holiday Baking Camp*                                                                Fee: $110/Camp ($25 materials fee due to instructor)
Ages: 7-12 Years                                                                    Class#		      Camp Dates Days		             Time
Let’s bake yummy holiday cookies, cupcakes, muffins, pies and cake pops! Kids       6040.101 Mar 23-Mar 26            Mon-Thu		9:00am-11:30am
will learn baking and decorating techniques like the pros. It’s a fun four days     6040.102 Mar 23-Mar 26            Mon-Thu 12:30-3:00pm
of making new friends, treats, and showing off their tasty creations. Children
will work in baking teams but will decorate their own designs. Instructor is Jill
Lodato of the “Bake and Decorate Today” Youtube Channel with 10 million             Easy & Fun Baking Camp for Kids*
views.                                                                                                             Ages: 6.6-11 Years
Instructor: Jill Lodato           Location: TCC                                                              Baking from scratch is so much fun! Kids will
Fee: $45/2-Week Camp ($15 materials fee due to instructor)                                                   work as a team to follow recipes and make
Class#         Camp Dates Days		                    Time                                                     yummy creations to share together. Kids will also
6050.101       Dec 16-Dec 18      Mon/Tue/Wed 5:30-7:00pm                                                    learn about ingredients and nutrition through fun
                                                                                                             educational games. Menu includes raspberry
                                                                                                             white chocolate muffins, rustic apple galette,
                                                                                                             chocolate chip cookies with sea salt flakes, and
Holiday Yule Log Cake Workshop*                                                                              French butter cookies. Celine is a published
                                     Ages: 10+                                                               cookbook author and certified Nutrition and
                                    This festive chocolate cake starts as
                                                                                                             Health Coach.
                                    a sheet pan cake and gets filled with
                                                                                    Instructor: Celine Cossou Location: TCC            Fee: $89/Camp
                                    scrumptious buttercream and topped with
                                                                                    Class# Camp Dates Days                    Time
                                    chocolate buttercream and chocolate
                                                                                    1610.101 Mar 30-Apr 2       Mon-Thu       9:00-10:30am
                                    decor. Celine will demonstrate how to
                                    make the cake, frostings, various fillings,
                                    and chocolate decorations. Kids will then
                                    prepare, fill, and decorate their own Yule
                                                                                    Teen Cooking Camp*
                                    Log to take home! Celine is a published
                                                                                    Ages: 10-14 Years
                                                                                    Tweens and teens know for sure what
                                    cookbook author and has been teaching
                                                                                    they like to eat! This camp will teach how
with the City of Temecula for over 10 years.
                                                                                    to make their top 5 favorite foods: pizza,
Instructor: Celine Cossou Location: CRC
                                                                                    pasta, sushi, macaroni and cheese, and
Fee: $29/Workshop
                                                                                    cookies - all from scratch! Campers will
Class# Date              Days        Time
                                                                                    work together in groups as they learn
1675.101 Dec 11          Wed         5:15-7:00pm
                                                                                    to follow recipes, chop, peel, mix, and
                                                                                    cook their delicious creations! Celine is

     REGISTER ONLINE @                                                              dedicated to teaching the next generation about the joy of cooking and baking.
                                                                                    Instructor: Celine Cossou Location: TCC                  Fee: $99/Camp
                                                                                    Class# Camp Dates Days                        Time
                                                                                    1680.101 Mar 30-Apr 2              Mon-Thu    11:00am-1:00pm

      *Cooking and Baking Camp Ingredients: Please note that eggs, dairy, wheat and almonds may be used in recipes during cooking and baking
12    camps. Peanuts are NOT used. A menu for each camp can be viewed online in the camp descriptions at:
Wonders! Super Camps
                                                                                     Ages: 4-13 Years
                                                                                     These exciting camps are hands-on fun
                                                                                     from beginning to end! Campers will perform
                                                                                     experiments, watch demonstrations and enrich
                                                                                     their thirst to know more about the world around
                                                                                     them. Winter break 2-Day camp and spring 4-Day
                                                                                     camps are available. Each camp is unique and can
                                                                                     be taken in any order.
                                                                                     Materials Fee: $10 for 2-Day/$20 for 4-Day due to instructor
                                                                                     Instructor: Don Miller
                                                                                     Location: JRC
                                                                                     Christmas Super Camp
Bigfoot’s All-Day Art Camps                                                          Ride on a glowing hovercraft, launch holiday rockets, send Santa 650 feet into
Ages: 7-14 Years                                                                     the air, fly wild Christmas blimps, create stunning Christmas gem boards, grow
Bigfoot’s most popular camp is back for ANOTHER fun season! Campers                  amazing holiday crystals, make dinosaur tree ornaments, and much more!
create MANY different art projects daily, using several different types of media.    Class# Camp Dates Days Time				                                 Fee
Drawing, painting, and collaging are just some of the projects. Art related          1850.101 Dec 26-Dec 27 Thu-Fri 9:00am-12:00pm                   $70/Camp
games and activities are also on the schedule. Each week has a totally different
theme. All day and new 1/2 day options available! Fees include all art supplies,     Super Camp #1
incentive badges, daily snacks and prizes! Sign-up today!                            Build electric motors, make balloon-helicopters, make glow-in-the-dark octopi,
Instructor: Tony Moramarco & Staff Location: Bigfoot’s Art Studio                    create UV detectors, build rock collections, prepare amazing slimes, make a
Materials Fee: $40 for All-Day/$30 for 1/2 Day Camp due to instructor                rubber-band gun, design invisible inks, fire rocket cars and more!
All-Day Art Camps                                                                    Class# Camp Dates Days Time				                                Fee
Class#       Camp Dates           Days       Time			        Fee                      1850.102 Dec 26-Dec 27 Thu-Fri 1:00-4:00pm                     $70/Camp
2050.101     Dec 26-Dec 28        Thu-Sat    8:30am-4:30pm		$100/Camp
2050.102     Jan 2-Jan 4          Thu-Sat    8:30am-4:30pm		$100/Camp                Super Camp #2
2050.103     Mar 23-Mar 27        Mon-Fri    8:30am-4:30pm		$185/Camp                Build mini-hovercrafts, experiment with glowing rocks and super-magnets, mix
2050.104     Mar 30-Apr 3         Mon-Fri    8:30am-4:30pm		$185/Camp                incredible slime collections, mold candles, create surfboard Styrofoam, make
                                                                                     genies appear, turn pennies to gold, make underwater candles, assemble
1/2 Day Art Camps                                                                    marshmallow guns, and more!
Class#       Camp Dates          Days        Time		          Fee                     Class# Camp Dates Days Time				                               Fee
2055.101     Dec 26-Dec 28       Thu-Sat     9:00am-12:30pm		$60/Camp                1850.103 Jan 2-Jan 3           Thu-Fri 9:00am-12:00pm         $70/Camp
2055.102     Jan 2-Jan 4         Thu-Sat     9:00am-12:30pm		$60/Camp
2055.103     Mar 23-Mar 27       Mon-Fri     9:00am-12:30pm $100/Camp                Super Camp #3
2055.104     Mar 30-Apr 3        Mon-Fri     9:00am-12:30pm $100/Camp                Make fantastic air rockets, fire the ultimate candy cannon, fly blimps, concoct
                                                                                     incredible super slimes, launch potatoes, construct tornado bottles, create
                                                                                     ultraviolet light detectors, play with fantastic anti-gravity trays, make eerie glow-
                                                                                     in-the-dark tubes, build clowns that rise and fall on command, and more!
Yes, You Can Draw & Paint Winter Fun                                                 Class# Camp Dates Days Time				                                       Fee
Ages: 6 Years - Adult                                                                1850.104 Jan 2-Jan 3              Thu-Fri 1:00-4:00pm                 $70/Camp
Don’t sit home being bored - come create an amazing painting. Workshop
                                                                                     1850.105 Mar 23-Mar 26 Mon-Thu 9:00am-12:00pm                         $135/Camp
starts by completing a detailed freehand drawing. Then explore the magic of
color theory by mixing a full range of colors using only primary colors, just like   Super Camp #4
artists do! Students will paint their drawings adding contrast, texture and depth    Ride real hovercrafts, write with invisible inks, grow crystal gardens, steer
to create their masterpiece. Parents, drop off the kids and get some last minute     floating solar blimps, float hot air balloons, launch smoke rings, launch the
Christmas shopping done!                                                             ultimate Mentos geysers, cast t-rex dinosaur fossils, and more!
Instructor: Yvonne Gaudet                  Location: MRC                             Class# Camp Dates Days Time				                                Fee
Fee: $33/Workshop ($10 materials fee due to instructor)                              1850.106 Mar 23-Mar 26 Mon-Thu 1:00-4:00pm                     $135/Camp
Class#         Date        Day         Time
2525.101 Dec 21            Sat         9:30am-12:30pm                                Super Camp #5
                                                                                     Make planes that fly over tall buildings, prepare glow-in-the-dark Styrofoam,
Yes, You Can Draw & Sculpt Camp                                                      form amazing super-balls, create foot long lightning bolts, do never-before-seen
Ages: 6 Years - Adult                                                                dry ice experiments, construct electric buzzers and switches, dip incredible
This new sculpture camp is the latest addition to the Yes, You Can art class         candles, fire marshmallow cannons, and much more!
series. Stretch your imagination to create 3-dimensionally. Day 1 starts with        Class# Camp Dates Days Time				                                  Fee
building a foundation and priming. Day 2 artists draw the shapes, features           1850.107 Mar 30-Apr 2          Mon-Thu 9:00am-12:00pm            $135/Camp
and details of their creation. Painting will be the final step in creating your
masterpiece. Parents are also welcome to register and enjoy in the fun and           Super Camp #6
share some quality time with their kids.                                             Ride real hovercrafts, make & launch water rockets, fire balloon rockets, make
Instructor: Yvonne Gaudet                Location: MRC                               oil tornados, collect fossils, explore robotics, make pinhole cameras, build
Fee: $66/2-Day Camp ($13 materials fee due to instructor)                            barometers, create lightning, fly remote-controlled dragonflies, and more!
Class#		     Camp Dates Days		               Time                                    Class# Camp Dates Days                     Time					 Fee
2535.101 Jan 2-Jan 3            Thu-Fri		9:30am-12:30pm                              1850.108 Mar 30-Apr 2           Mon-Thu 1:00-4:00pm		 $135/Camp

        Questions? Call the Class Hotline @ 951-694-6480                                                                     Winter/Spring 2020 13
If I Were a Princess Camp
                                                                                      Ages: 4-8 Years
                                                                                      Here is the opportunity for the princess in
                                                                                      you to come out and play! We will spend time
                                                                                      learning about a different princess each day
                                                                                      including Elsa, Sleeping Beauty, Belle, Ariel,
                                                                                      and more! Sing along with songs, read stories,
                                                                                      play games, make a craft and enjoy a snack
                                                                                      where we learn a bit about table manners.We
                                                                                      will talk about the values a princess lives by:
                                                                                      being kind, patient, honest, and helpful. Come
                                                                                      dressed in your favorite costumes!
                                                                                      Instructor: Angela Sturdivant
                                                                                      Location: MRC
                                                                                      Fee: $110/Camp ($25 materials fee due to
Happy Campers                                                                         Class# Camp Dates Days                          Time
Ages: 5-9 Years                                                                       3220.101 Mar 23-Mar 27           Mon-Fri        9:00-11:00am
Campers have a blast making new friends in these educational themed camps
that are hands-on FUN! Materials fee includes camp t-shirt, daily snack, arts
and crafts and festivities! Instructor, Miss Brooke, has a B.A. in Liberal Studies/
Elementary Education.
Instructor: Brooke Groepper                   Location: MRC
Fee: $99/Camp ($25 materials fee due to instructor)
Unicorn Enthusiasts
Is your child obsessed with Unicorn EVERYTHING? Creating colorful thematic
arts & crafts using glitter, paint and rhinestones is on the agenda for this
exciting new unicorn themed camp.
Class# Camp Dates Days                      Time
4070.101 Mar 30-Apr 1            Mon-Wed 9:00am-12:00pm
Tropical Travelers (Rainforest Edition)
Is your child interested in learning about sloths, toucans and spider monkeys?
Are they captivated by lions, tigers and boa constrictors? Campers will learn
about the diversity of the animals who call the rainforest their home in this new
themed camp.                                                                          Hip Hop Dance Camp
Class# Camp Dates Days                        Time                                    Ages: 9-17 Years
4070.102 Mar 30-Apr 1             Mon-Wed 1:00-4:00pm                                 Spend the week learning Hip Hop dance from a professional choreographer
                                                                                      and dancer who has performed internationally and on TV. In this high energy
                                                                                      camp students will explore Hip Hop movements and music, and study the
                                                                                      principles and technique of Hip Hop, including athletic form, choreography,
Girls Retreat Spring Break “Spa” Camp                                                 break dance, tutting, krumping, turfing and more! All levels welcome!
                                           Ages: 5-10 Years                           Instructor: Jamal Cumberbatch Location: MRC Fee: $120/Camp
                                     This exciting camp is back by popular            Class#        Camp Dates              Days        Time
                                     demand! Mini glitter manicures,                  4425.101      Mar 23-Mar 27           Mon-Fri     1:00-3:00pm
                                     cucumber facials, arts and crafts,
                                     a build your own trail mix station,
                                     dancing, aerobics, and much more!                Kids Scuba Camp (Beginner Seal Team)
                                     Spring Break has never been more                 Ages: 8-12 Years
                                     fun! Please join us as we spend                  The Beginner Seal Team Camp is a great
                                     the mornings playing games, team                 way to meet new friends and explore the
                                     building, creating keepsakes, and                underwater world! Camp is conducted by
                                     meeting new friends. Materials fee               certified instructors in a safe pool-only
                                     includes all supplies, snacks, and a             environment. All equipment is provided and
                                     camp t-shirt.                                    materials fee includes scuba certification,
                                     Instructor: Brooke Groepper                      book, DVD, Seal Team emblem, mask,
                                     Location: MRC                                    fins and snorkels which are yours to keep.
Fee: $99/Camp ($25 materials fee due to instructor)                                   NOTE: Please contact Scuba Center at 951-506-0252 prior to the first day of
Class# Camp Dates Days                   Time                                         camp for required reading, DVD and paperwork.
4025.101 Mar 23-Mar 25      Mon-Wed 9:30am-12:30pm                                    Instructor: Scuba Center Temecula Location: CRC Pool
                                                                                      Fee: $125/Camp ($125 materials fee due to instructor)
                                                                                      Class#          Camp Dates           Days        Time
                                                                                      3850.101        Mar 23-Mar 27        Mon-Fri     1:15-2:45pm

14         Winter/Spring 2020                                             Register online @
Junior Skills Volleyball Camp
                                                                                    Ages: 8-13 Years
                                                                                    Our camps are packed with
                                                                                    volleyball skills, drills, games and
                                                                                    more! Our Junior Skills Camp will
                                                                                    focus on passing, setting, hitting,
                                                                                    serving, blocking and defense.
                                                                                    There will be group drills, mini
                                                                                    competitions and fun games to help
                                                                                    develop an understanding of the
                                                                                    game and increase their volleyball knowledge. Our outstanding coaching staff
                                                                                    will focus on each athlete’s abilities and group them with similar skill levels, so
                                                                                    every child is being instructed appropriately. All levels are welcome, including
                                                                                    brand new players and players with previous class or team experience. Fee
                                                                                    includes camp t-shirt.
                                                                                    Instructor: Viper Volleyball Staff Location: Rancho Sports Center
(CTC) Complete Tennis Camp                                                          Fee: $99/Camp ($10 materials fee due to instructor)
Ages: 7-16 Years                                                                    Class#        Camp Dates             Days        Time
The CTC Spring Tennis Camp is designed to keep the fun in tennis while              3025.101 Mar 31-Apr 2                Tue-Thu 9:00am-12:00pm
working on the “fun”damentals. Activities include stroke and strategy drills,
mini-tournament competitions and lots of fun games. All levels of experience
welcome. Camp fee includes camp t-shirt.                                            Beach Volleyball Camp
Instructor: Kerry Leander                                                                                                       Ages: 9-13 Years
Location: TVHS                                                                                                                  Designed to teach the fundamentals
Fee: $120/Camp                                                                                                                  and skills necessary to play the
Class# Camp Dates Days                       Time		                                                                             Olympic Sport of 2v2 beach
1410.101 Mar 23-Mar 27         Mon-Fri       9:30am-12:30pm                                                                     volleyball. There will be group drills,
                                                                                                                                individualized attention and fun
                                                                                                                                competition play to help develop
                                                                                                                                an understanding of the game.
                                                                                                                                Our outstanding coaching staff will
                                                                                                                                focus on each athlete’s abilities and
                                                                                    group them with similar skill levels. All beginning and intermediate levels are
                                                                                    welcome. Fee includes camp t-shirt.
                                                                                    Instructor: Viper Volleyball Staff Location: Pala Park
                                                                                    Fee: $85/Camp ($10 materials fee due to instructor)
                                                                                    Class#     Camp Dates              Days          Time
                                                                                    3000.101 Mar 30-Apr 2              Mon-Thu 9:00am-10:30am

                                                                                    Jr. Pickleball Camp
                                                                                    Ages: 7-13 Years
                                                                                    Join the fun learning the fastest
                                                                                    growing sport in the world! Pickleball
                                                                                    is a combination of tennis, ping
                                                                                    pong, and badminton. Camps are
Multisport Camp                                                                     designed for boys and girls and
Ages: 5-14 Years                                                                    students will be placed in age-
Camp is designed for all-around players and beginners who wish to improve
                                                                                    appropriate groups. Our instructors
their skills in soccer, football, tennis, basketball, volleyball, Nerf dodgeball,
                                                                                    are not only Pickleball professionals
kickball and baseball. Fun games will be played including bocce ball and
                                                                                    but have over 15 years experience
splash ball. Campers should bring a water bottle, sunscreen, shin guards and
                                                                                    teaching camps. Fee includes camp
wear a gym-type shoe. Camp is for boys and girls and participants are divided
                                                                                    t-shirt and awards. Come out and
into age-appropriate groups.
                                                                                    join the fun!
Instructor: EMH Sports
                                                                                    Instructor: Bret Bucher Location: Margarita Community Park
Location: Temeku Hills Park
                                                                                    Fee: $99/Camp
Fee: $80/Camp
                                                                                    Class#        Camp Dates            Days    Time
Class#           Camp Dates            Days            Time
                                                                                    3510.101 Mar 23-Mar 27              Mon-Fri 9:00-11:00am
2315.101         Mar 23-Mar 27         Mon-Fri         8:30-10:30am
                                                                                    3510.102 Mar 30-Apr 3               Mon-Fri 9:00-11:00am
2315.102         Mar 30-Apr 3          Mon-Fri         8:30-10:30am

       Questions? Call the Class Hotline @ 951-694-6480                                                                   Winter/Spring 2020                       15
Special Needs Programs                                                                   Light It Up * Eagle Soar * S.K.I.P.
                                                                                         Light It Up Blue
                                                                                         The City of Temecula and Our Nicholas Foundation raise autism awareness
                                                                                         through the “Light It Up Blue” initiative. Please join us as we light up City Hall
                                                                                         blue in recognition of Autism Awareness month. Ceremony includes unveiling
                                                                                         of lights and refreshments.
                                                                                         Date: Thu, Apr 2          Time: 7:00pm          Location: Civic Center

                                                                                         Eagle Soar Social Skills Program
                                                                                         Ages: All
                                                                                         The City of Temecula in collaboration with Our Nicholas Foundation is hosting
                                                                                         a social skills play day for children with special needs. Activities include
                                                                                         crafts, sensory enrichment, coloring, stories and more! Events are facilitated
The Community Services Department is committed to providing programs and                 by Comprehensive Autism Center and the Van Avery Youth Activists. Parent
opportunities for individuals with disabilities. In that effort, staff is available to   participation required and therapists are welcome. Registration held at event.
provide accommodations that meet the needs of our youth and adults with                  Location: Eagle Soar Playground at Margarita Park           Fee: FREE
special needs who participate in City programs. Our goal is to ensure that               Dates               Days              Time
all individuals enjoy the same quality experience, access to programs, and               Mar 14-May 9        2nd Saturday      9:00-11:00am
full participation in our Community events. For more detailed information, call
(951) 694-6480, Ext. 6464.
                                                                                         S.K.I.P. (Supporting Kids, Involving Parents)
Special Needs Breakfast with Santa                                                                                                    Ages: Birth - 12 Years
                                                                                                                                    S.K.I.P. is a social recreational
Start your morning with a tasty breakfast and a visit to Santa’s Workshop. This
                                                                                                                                    program designed for children with
event is for individuals with special needs to share with their family and friends.
                                                                                                                                    special needs and their parents
Pre-registration is required for all attending. Call to advise of any special dietary
                                                                                                                                    and offers enrichment activities,
needs. Infants under 12 months are FREE.
                                                                                                                                    play, and parent education and
Location: CRC              Fee: $7/person
                                                                                                                                    support. Activities are structured
Activity# Date                Day          Time
                                                                                                                                    to enhance sensory, social, and
9250.101         Dec 14       Sat          12:00-1:00pm
                                                                                                                                    cognitive skills and offer parents
                                                                                                                                    time to interact with others who
Special Needs Christmas Light Bus Tour                                                                                              understand what it is like to raise a
Enjoy a tour of Temecula’s festive homes and incredible holiday displays as                                                         child with special needs.
you join us for a special needs night of the ‘Twas the Lights Before Christmas           Fee: $2/person (Pre-registration is required for all participants attending)
Bus Tour. Bus departs and returns to the MPSC. Due to limited space priority             Location: MPSC
is given to Temecula residents for the first 7 days of registration.                     Activity# Dates Day Time
Location: MPSC            Fee: $5/person                                                 9200.101     Feb 12 Wed 6:00-7:30pm
Activity# Date              Day         Time                                             9200.102     Apr 8     Wed 6:00-7:30pm
9255.101        Dec 13      Fri         7:00-8:30pm                                      9200.103     May 13 Wed 6:00-7:30pm

                                                                                         Special Needs Basketball Program
                                                                                         Ages: 5-18
                                                                                         The City of Temecula, in collaboration with Victory Leagues, is proud to offer
                                                                                         Special Needs Basketball. This program is designed for school age athletes with
                                                                                         special needs whom are able to participate with reasonable accommodation.
                                                                                         Our goal is to provide a true team and game experience for all of our athletes.
                                                                                         Games will take place on Mondays and on Saturdays players will be taught the
                                                                                         fundamentals of passing, shooting, dribbling, and game play. A referee will be
                                                                                         utilized during games to keep the game moving in a timely manner and clocks
                                                                                         will be kept by a scorekeeper. Participants will be placed in age-appropriate
                                                                                         groups. Fee includes team uniform.
                                                                                         Location: CRC                    Fee: $50/8 Wks
                                                                                         Game Days: Mon                   Time: 5:00-8:00pm
                                                                                         Practice Days: Sat               Time: 11:00am-1:00pm
Light It Up Yellow & Blue                                                                Class#         Class Dates
Join us for our 2nd Annual Light It Up Yellow & Blue Ceremony for Down                   4700.101 Mar 14-May 16*
Syndrome Awareness Day. Event includes unveiling of lights and light                     *Class Skip Dates: Mar 23-Mar 30
Date: Sat, Mar 21          Time: 7:00pm          Location: Civic Center

16            Winter/Spring 2020                                             Register online @
High Hopes * Special Games                                                      Special Needs Programs
                                                                                  Special Needs Visual Arts Program
                                                                                  Ages: 18+
                                                                                  Learn ways of self-expression, coordination and imagination through visual
                                                                                  arts. Participants will work on a variety of projects and learn about painting,
                                                                                  drawing and designing. This is a student only program. If student requires
                                                                                  accommodations, parents may stay. NOTE: Due to limited space priority is
                                                                                  given to Temecula residents for the first 7 days of registration.
                                                                                  Materials Fee: $10 for supplies.
                                                                                  Instructor: Mark Allen Gonzales             Location: MPSC
                                                                                  Activity# Class Dates               Days        Time              Fee
                                                                                  9205.101        Jan 16-Mar 19       Thu         3:00-5:00pm $40/10 Wks
                                                                                  9205.102        Apr 9-May 28        Thu         3:00-5:00pm $32/8 Wks

High Hopes
Ages: 18+
The Temecula High Hopes program is designed for special needs adults 18+
offering opportunities for enrichment, socialization and special events. Events
meet at the MPSC on Fridays from 6:00-9:00pm, unless otherwise noted.
Please note that events are subject to change. Pre-registration is required
and can be completed online or in person at the MPSC. For reasonable
accommodations, guardians/caregivers can attend at no charge and must be
pre-registered using the activity numbers below. NOTE: Due to limited space
priority is given to Temecula residents for the first 7 days of registration.
Resident Fee: $2/person (Unless otherwise noted)
Date           Event			                       Participant# Guardian#
Dec 20         Holiday Showcase @ CRC 9220.101                     9225.101
Jan 3          New Year’s Party		             9220.102             9225.102
Jan 17         Game Night 			                 9220.103             9225.103       Global Citizens
Feb 7          Valentine’s Party		            9220.104             9225.104       Ages: 18+
Feb 21         Karaoke Night		                9220.105             9225.105       A vocational training program geared to teach basic job and life skills in
Mar 6          Bowling @ Temecula Lanes* 9220.106                  9225.106       Viticulture and Horticulture. Students get hands on training to equip them with
Mar 20         St. Patrick’s Dance		          9220.107             9225.107       skills to obtain meaningful employment. Please call 951-694-6480 Ext. 6464
Apr 3          Nutrition Workshop		           9220.108             9225.108       for more information or to register.
Apr 17         Sock Hop			                    9220.109             9225.109       Dates             Days           Time			 Fee
May 1          Spring Social 		               9220.110             9225.110       March-May         Tue/Thu        9:00-11:00am     FREE
* Fees for Bowling Night are paid at event

    Join us for a morning of fun and inclusive activities! Special Games is
    an event designed for athletes of all ages with developmental disabilities
    to participate in non-competitive games and sporting events, lunch and
    awards ceremony. Each athlete is paired with a high school volunteer to
    act as their buddy during the event and participate alongside them. Every
    athlete will be presented with a participation medal and every volunteer
    will receive community service hours. To participate as an athlete or as a
    buddy, visit:

                                Saturday, April 18th, 9:30am-12:30pm
                                  Temecula Valley High School Football Stadium                                                                               17
Toddler enrichment                                                           Tiny Tots * Bright Start for Kids

                                                              PLEASE READ!
 The Community Services Department offers three Preschool/Kinder Enrichment drop-off programs. Miss Michelle’s Tiny Tots, Bright Start for Kids, and
 Bear Cub University are structured recreational programs designed for children ages 3-5. These are not licensed child care programs. Children must be
 potty trained to attend. Participation in more than one session or more than one program at a time is prohibited. Registration in advance for future
 sessions is encouraged to secure enrollment. Once registration begins, participants may enroll in Session A, B, C or D at one time provided the session dates
 do not overlap. Priority is given to Temecula residents for the first 7 days of registration. Please review program descriptions for detailed class information to
 determine the best placement for your child. For further assistance, contact the Class Hotline at 951-694-6480 or email

Miss Michelle’s Tiny Tots
                                                Ages: 3-5 Years
                                                  Welcome to Miss Michelle’s
                                                  Tiny Tots! This is a fun
                                                  structured hands-on learning
                                                  program that will help your
                                                  child build social skills and
                                                  independence while being
                                                  introduced to the alphabet,
                                                  numbers, colors and shapes in
                                                  a developmentally appropriate
                                                  environment. Children enjoy
                                                  story time, music and fun
                                                  craft projects. Miss Michelle
                                                  and her assistant Miss Evelyn
can’t wait to meet your little ones. A healthy snack is provided each day.
      READ REGISTRATION INFORMATION PRIOR TO ENROLLING                             Bright Start for Kids
Materials Fee: $25 due to instructor                                               We help children discover the love of learning. Each day your child will enjoy our
Instructor: Michelle Medina                                                        interactive centers (art, building, puzzles, crafts, games, writing, educational
Location: CRC                                                                      toys and dramatic play) while playing with their new friends. Our weekly
                                                                                   themes provide hands-on learning in a safe and caring environment. Our
Terrific 3’s                                                                       structured day includes choice centers, circle time, small groups, music, story
        Class#          Class Dates       Day     Time             Fee             time, along with our innovative writing and phonics program. We have special
   A    1040.101        Jan 22-Feb 26*    M/W     9:00-10:45am     $90/5 Wks       events including Happy Hearts Party, Spring Sing, Eggciting Hunt, Muffins with
   A    1040.102        Jan 22-Feb 26*    M/W     11am-12:45pm     $90/5 Wks       Mom, Donuts with Dad, and our Pre-K graduation. Our Little Tots program
   B    1040.103        Mar 2-Apr 15*     M/W     9:00-10:45am     $108/6 Wks      is for children entering Kindergarten in 2021. Our Pre-Kinder program is for
   B    1040.104        Mar 2-Apr 15*     M/W     11am-12:45pm     $108/6 Wks      children who will attend TK/Kindergarten in August 2020. Program director, Jill
   C    1040.105        Apr 20-Jun 1*     M/W     9:00-10:45am     $117/7 Wks      Lodato has a B.A. in Early Childhood Education and Health Education. Please
   C    1040.106        Apr 20-Jun 1*     M/W     11am-12:45pm     $117/7 Wks      bring a medium-sized bucket with your child’s name to class. A daily snack is
Fabulous 4’s & 5’s                                                                 provided. For more information about Bright Start for Kids and for the parent
Session Class# Class Dates Day Time                               Fee              handbook visit:
    A    1045.101 Jan 21-Feb 27 T/TH 9:00-11:00am                 $120/6 Wks              READ REGISTRATION INFORMATION PRIOR TO ENROLLING
    A    1045.102 Jan 21-Feb 27 T/TH 11:15-1:15pm                 $120/6 Wks
                                                                                   Materials Fee: $30/2 day program and $40/3 day program
    B    1045.103 Mar 3-Apr 16* T/TH 9:00-11:00am                 $120/6 Wks
                                                                                   Instructor: Jill Lodato          Location: JRC
    B    1045.104 Mar 3-Apr 16* T/TH 11:15-1:15pm                 $120/6 Wks
    C    1045.105 Apr 21-May 28 T/TH 9:00-11:00am                 $120/6 Wks       Little Tots Preschool Enrichment (3.5-4.5 Yrs)
    C    1045.106 Apr 21-May 28 T/TH 11:15-1:15pm                 $120/6 Wks       Session      Class#       Dates		          Day      Time             Fee
*Class Skip Dates: Feb 17, Apr 6-9, May 25                                            A         6005.101     Jan 7-Feb 6      T/TH     9:15-11:45am     $180/5 Wks
                                                                                      B         6005.102     Feb 11-Mar 12    T/TH     9:15-11:45am     $180/5 Wks
                                                                                      C         6005.103     Mar 17-Apr 30*   T/TH     9:15-11:45am     $180/5 Wks
 Creating Community Through                                                           D         6005.104     May 5-Jun 4      T/TH     9:15-11:45am     $180/5 Wks
                                                                                   Pre-Kinder Enrichment (4-5.10 Yrs)
   People, Parks & Programs                                                        Session Class# Dates		 Day Time
                                                                                            6000.101 Jan 8-Feb 7* M/W/F 9:15am-12:15pm $250/5 Wks

            “It’s What We Do!”                                                         B
                                                                                            6000.102 Feb 10-Mar 13* M/W/F 9:15am-12:15pm $250/5 Wks
                                                                                            6000.103 Mar 16-May 1* M/W/F 9:15am-12:15pm $280/5 Wks
                                                                                            6000.104 May 4-Jun 5* M/W/F 9:15am-12:15pm $265/5 Wks
                                                                                   *Class Skip Dates: Jan 20, Feb 14, Feb 17, Mar 23-Apr 3, May 25

18             Winter/Spring 2020                                         Register online @
Bear Cub * Parent & Me Programs                                                                Toddler enrichment
                                                                                         Family Music for Babies
                                                                                         Ages: Birth-18 Months
                                                                                         Welcome your newborn into a world of music and movement. Family Music
                                                                                         for Babies offers an intimate, nurturing environment for you to bond with your
                                                                                         child. It’s never too early to begin building a foundation in music that could
                                                                                         lead to a lifetime of music making, learning, and enjoyment. This class is
                                                                                         designed to offer infants sensory simulation during their most receptive period
                                                                                         of neurological development. During this program, you’ll learn special ways to
                                                                                         play and communicate with your baby while meeting and making new friends.
                                                                                         Instructor: Susan Miyamoto             Location: Miyamoto Music Studio
                                                                                         Fee: $55/7 Wks
                                                                                         Class#         Class Dates Day              Time
                                                                                         2905.101 Jan 7-Feb 18             Tue       10:45-11:15am
                                                                                         2905.102 Jan 11-Feb 22            Sat       10:45-11:15am
                                                                                         2905.103 Apr 7-May 19             Tue       10:45-11:15am
                                                                                         2905.104 Apr 11-May 23            Sat       10:45-11:15am
Bear Cub University
Watch your “Bear Cub” grow and thrive in this structured drop-off enrichment
program designed to help your preschooler explore, experiment, and discover              Music for Toddlers
things on their own through a variety of methods that provide a mixture of fun           Ages: 18 Months-2.11 Years
and learning! Each session is packed with fun-filled educational activities and          Hearing, feeling, moving, singing,
festivities! Bear Cub University makes use of a hands-on, weekly-thematic,               sharing and playing MUSIC! Children will
interactive curriculum that offers social interaction, calendar/circle time, literacy,   absorb musical patterns and concepts
music/movement, arts & crafts, community building along with the practice of             for enjoyment and growth in their musical
sight words, numbers, letters, colors, and shapes. Bear Cub participants are             endeavors. Classes promote children’s
taught through both large group instruction and small group “activity station            discovery of music through singing and
rotation”. Kiddie Cubs is for children starting T/K or Kinder in August 2021.            playing simple rhythm instruments.
Kinder Cubs is for students starting T/K or Kinder in August 2020. Instructor,           Parent involvement is required.
Miss Brooke, has a B.A. in Liberal Studies/Elementary Education from San                 Instructor: Susan Miyamoto Location: Miyamoto Music Studio
Diego State University. Please bring a medium-sized bucket decorated with                Fee: $55/7 Wks
your child’s name. A healthy snack is provided daily.                                    Class#       Class Dates Day              Time
       READ REGISTRATION INFORMATION PRIOR TO ENROLLING                                  2900.101 Jan 7-Feb 18            Tue      10:00-10:30am
Materials Fee: $40/2 day program and $50/3 day program                                   2900.102 Jan 8-Feb 19            Wed      10:00-10:30am
Instructor: Brooke Groepper                                                              2900.103 Jan 11-Feb 22           Sat      10:00-10:30am
Location: MRC                                                                            2900.104 Apr 7-May 19            Tue      10:00-10:30am
                                                                                         2900.105 Apr 8-May 20            Wed      10:00-10:30am
Kiddie Cubs Preschool Enrichment (3-4.7 Yrs)                                             2900.106 Apr 11-May 23           Sat      10:00-10:30am
Session      Class#       Class Dates         Day     Time             Fee
   A         4005.101     Jan 14-Feb 20       T/TH    9:30am-12pm      $264/6 Wks
   B         4005.102     Feb 25-Apr 16*      T/TH    9:30am-12pm      $264/6 Wks
   C         4005.103     Apr 21-May 28       T/TH    9:30am-12pm      $264/6 Wks
                                                                                         Yoga for Parent & Me
                                                                                                                               Ages: 2-6 Years
Kinder Cubs Pre-K Enrichment (4-5 Yrs)                                                                                        This is a fun filled introduction to the
Session      Class#       Class Dates         Day     Time		       Fee                                                        concepts of yoga with imaginative weekly
   A         4010.101     Jan 14-Feb 20       T/TH    12:30-3pm 		 $264/6 Wks                                                 themes. You and your child will practice
   B         4010.102     Feb 25-Apr 16*      T/TH    12:30-3pm		 $264/6 Wks                                                  breathing techniques and postures that
   C         4010.103     Apr 21-May 28       T/TH    12:30-3pm		 $264/6 Wks                                                  will help improve motor skills, flexibility,
                                                                                                                              balance, concentration and strength.
Kinder Cubs Pre-K Enrichment (4-5 Yrs)                                                                                        Please bring a yoga mat to class. Enroll
Session Class# Class Dates Day Time                                     Fee                                                   only child when registering. One or both
    A    4015.101 Jan 13-Feb 21* M/W/F 9:30-12:30pm                     $352/5 Wks                                            parents may attend with child.
    B    4015.102 Feb 24-Apr 17* M/W/F 9:30-12:30pm                     $396/6 Wks                                            Instructor: Kristi Cox
    C    4015.103 Apr 20-May 29* M/W/F 9:30-12:30pm                     $374/5 Wks                                            Location: MRC
*Class Skip Dates: Jan 20, Feb 17, Mar 23-Apr 3, May 25                                  Class#    Class Dates            Day      Time             Fee
                                                                                         4130.101 Jan 11-Feb 1            Sat      8:30-9:30am      $40/4 Wks

       REGISTER ONLINE @                                                                 4130.102 Feb 15-Mar 7
                                                                                         4130.103 Mar 21-Apr 4
                                                                                         4130.104 Apr 25-May 23*
                                                                                                                                                    $40/4 Wks
                                                                                                                                                    $30/3 Wks
                                                                                                                                                    $40/4 Wks
                                                                                         *Class Skip Dates: May 2

           Questions? Call the Class Hotline @ 951-694-6480                                                             Winter/Spring 2020                             19
Youth & Teen enrichment                                                              Kid’s Club * Rocket Readers/Writers
Parent & Me Playgroup                                                                  Rocket Readers
                                  Ages: 2-5 Years                                                                              Ages: 5-8 Years
                                   Parent & Me Playgroup is a great way to                                                    These popular small group classes
                                   introduce your child to a preschool setting                                                offer easy to understand reading
                                   with the comfort of a parent, guardian or                                                  instruction presented in a way that
                                   grandparent present. Children will enjoy time                                              makes reading fun. Children will
                                   for free-play with other children, craft time,                                             improve their skills while reading
                                   story time, and group play. Our focus is on                                                riddles and jokes and playing
                                   social time, learning to follow directions,                                                games. Typically, students who
                                   following a schedule and how to transition                                                 are already reading will accelerate
from one activity to the next. This class provides an opportunity for children and                                            quickly to reach their full potential.
parents to meet new friends! Pre-registration is required and space is limited.        For those struggling, Rocket Readers takes the mystery out of reading and
Siblings under the age of 2 are welcome in class.                                      gives children confidence in themselves. Reading finally becomes enjoyable
Instructor: Jessica Walker            Location: CRC         Fee: $40/4 Wks             and exciting! These standards-based classes are designed to supplement
Class#       Class Dates Day                  Time                                     any curriculum used at school or home. Instructor is an experienced,
2410.101 Jan 9-Jan 30               Thu       9:30-11:00am                             credentialed teacher. Children are assessed and instruction is modified
2410.102 Feb 6-Feb 27               Thu       9:30-11:00am                             accordingly.
2410.103 Mar 5-Mar 26               Thu       9:30-11:00am                             Instructor: Patty Roberts               Location: TCC
2410.104 Apr 9-Apr 30               Thu       9:30-11:00am                             Kindergarten/1st
2410.105 May 7-May 28               Thu       9:30-11:00am                             Ages: 5-7 Years
                                                                                       Class#       Class Dates        Day        Time           Fee
Play & Learn for Parent & Me                                                           2700.101     Jan 8-Mar 11       Wed        4:00-4:50pm    $138/10 Wks
Ages: 2.6-4 Years                                                                      2700.102     Jan 9-Mar 12       Thu        4:00-4:50pm    $138/10 Wks
Children at this age learn so much through play! In this new program children          2700.103     Apr 8-May 27       Wed        4:00-4:50pm    $110/8 Wks
will develop social and cognitive skills, mature emotionally and gain the self-        2700.104     Apr 9-May 28       Thu        4:00-4:50pm    $110/8 Wks
confidence that is needed to engage in new experiences and environments.               1st/2nd Grade
Class is a great precursor to a drop-off program where your child can experience       Ages: 6-8 Years
a preschool setting with the comfort of a parent to guide them through the             Class#       Class Dates        Day        Time           Fee
activities. Class includes circle time, dramatic play, centers to develop fine         2705.101     Jan 8-Mar 11       Wed        5:00-5:50pm    $138/10 Wks
motor skills, introduction to letters, numbers, shapes and colors, all in a fun        2705.102     Jan 9-Mar 12       Thu        5:00-5:50pm    $138/10 Wks
play based environment.                                                                2705.103     Apr 8-May 27       Wed        5:00-5:50pm    $110/8 Wks
Materials Fee: $5 due to instructor at first class                                     2705.104     Apr 9-May 28       Thu        5:00-5:50pm    $110/8 Wks
Instructor: Jessica Walker 		           Location: TCC
Class#         Class Dates Day               Time               Fee
2415.101 Jan 7-Jan 28              Tue       10:00-11:30am $55/4 Wks                   Rocket Writers
2415.102 Feb 4-Mar 17*             Tue       10:00-11:30am $84/6 Wks                   Ages: 5-8 Years
2415.103 Apr 7-Apr 28              Tue       10:00-11:30am $55/4 Wks                   Students will author their own
2415.104 May 5-May 26              Tue       10:00-11:30am $55/4 Wks                   books, play fun word-work games
*Class Skip Dates: Mar 3                                                               and share their writing with peers
                                                                                       in order to become comfortable
                                                                                       and confident about written
                                          Kid’s Club                                   expression. Writing is often the
                                          Ages: 3-10 Years                             last academic skill to develop,
                                            Parents - enjoy a date night or an         but your child will have an edge
                                            evening out and drop off your children     in school by participating in these
                                            at our new Kids Club where they will       small-group writer’s workshops. Instructor is an experienced, credentialed
                                            have a blast making crafts, playing        teacher. Children are assessed and instruction is modified accordingly.
                                            games, and meeting new friends. Kids       Instructor: Patty Roberts               Location: TCC
                                            will also share a meal and enjoy a         Materials Fee: $10 due to instructor
                                            treat. Children must be potty trained to   Kindergarten/1st
attend. Instructor is a Recreation professional who teaches our popular Parent
                                                                                       Ages: 5-7 Years
& Me Play Group program and is a mother of 5 children. Each session will be
                                                                                       Class#       Class Dates        Day        Time        Fee
filled with fun and exciting activities, so sign-up for one or sign-up for them all!
Fee: $20/person ($10 materials fee due to instructor)                                  2710.101     Jan 7-Mar 10       Tue        4:00-4:50pm $138/10 Wks
Instructor: Jessica Walker 		            Location: CRC                                 2710.102     Apr 7-May 26       Tue        4:00-4:50pm $110/8 Wks
Class#         Class Dates Day                  Time                                   1st/2nd Grade
2420.101 Dec 13                      Fri        6:00-9:00pm                            Ages: 6-8 Years
2420.102 Jan 24                      Fri        6:00-9:00pm                            Class#       Class Dates        Day        Time        Fee
2420.103 Feb 21                      Fri        6:00-9:00pm                            2715.101     Jan 7-Mar 10       Tue        5:00-5:50pm $138/10 Wks
2420.104 Mar 20                      Fri        6:00-9:00pm                            2715.102     Apr 7-May 26       Tue        5:00-5:50pm $110/8 Wks
2420.105 Apr 17                      Fri        6:00-9:00pm

20               Winter/Spring 2020                                           Register online @
Etiquette * Art * Singing                                                     youth & Teen enrichment
Children’s Etiquette Class                                                         Get Smart with Art
                                        Ages: 5-12 Years                                                                     Ages: 2-5 Years
                                       Good manners are important! Etiquette                                                 For the beginner artist! This is a
                                       classes not only teach children good                                                  unique class for children and parents
                                       conduct, but they also help establish                                                 (or their helpers). Explore shapes,
                                       core values and principles. Manners                                                   colors, textures, stamping, printing
                                       are a significant part of communication                                               and painting while developing fine
                                       throughout life. Lessons educate                                                      motor, language and critical thinking
                                       children on how to be respectful and                                                  skills. Children are introduced to
                                       you will see a difference in your child     the work of famous artists and illustrators, multi-cultural art and various art
                                       after only one class!                       techniques to create a unique framed masterpiece at each class. There are
Instructor: Angela Sturdivant Location: CRC                                        new lessons each session!
Class#       Class Dates          Day          Time              Fee               Instructor: Vivian Matchett 		 Location: TCC              Fee: $52/4 Wks
3200.101* Dec 2-Dec 16            Mon          4:30-5:30pm $42/3 Wks               Class# Class Dates Day                   Time
3200.102     Feb 4-Feb 25         Tue          4:30-5:30pm $56/4 Wks               1320.101 Jan 8-Jan 29         Wed        9:30-10:15am
3200.103     Apr 7-Apr 28         Tue          4:30-5:30pm $56/4 Wks               1320.102 Jan 8-Jan 29         Wed        10:30-11:15am
*The theme of this session is Mastering Holiday Manners                            1320.103 Feb 5-Feb 26         Wed        9:30-10:15am
                                                                                   1320.104 Feb 5-Feb 26         Wed        10:30-11:15am
                                                                                   1320.105 Mar 4-Mar 25         Wed        9:30-10:15am
Little Miss Charm School                                                           1320.106 Mar 4-Mar 25         Wed        10:30-11:15am
Ages: 4-8 Years                                                                    1320.107 Apr 1-Apr 22         Wed        9:30-10:15am
Back by popular demand! Put on your favorite                                       1320.108 Apr 1-Apr 22         Wed        10:30-11:15am
party dress and come have fun at a special                                         1320.109 May 6-May 27         Wed        9:30-10:15am
morning play date where we will have tea                                           1320.110 May 6-May 27         Wed        10:30-11:15am
and cookies as we learn a bit of manners.
Each date we will have a tea party where we
will meet new friends, practice proper table                                       Wonders! Super Camps
manners, and learn the importance of sharing                                       Ages: 4-13 Years
and getting along with others. We will play games, dance, and create themed        Now the popular Wonders! Camps can be taken
crafts to take home. Sign up for one or sign up for all!                           during a 4-week session on Saturdays! These
Instructor: Angela Sturdivant             Location: MRC                            camps are hands-on fun from beginning to end!
Fee: $20/workshop ($10 materials fee due to instructor)                            Campers will perform over 50 experiments,
Valentine’s Tea Party (Wear your prettiest dress)                                  watch over 30 demonstrations, learn why
Class#      Date       Day      Time                                               amazing things happen and enrich their desire to
3205.101    Feb 8      Sat      12:00-1:30pm                                       know more about the world around them. Camps
                                                                                   are unique and can be taken in any order.
Princess Tea Party (Wear your favorite princess outfit)
                                                                                   Fee: $135/4 Wks ($20 due to instructor)
Class#      Date       Day      Time
                                                                                   Instructor: Don Miller      		            Location: MRC
3205.102    Apr 4      Sat      10:00-11:30am
Doll Tea Party (Bring your favorite doll)                                          Super Camp #4
Class#      Date       Day      Time                                               Ride real hovercrafts, write with invisible inks, grow crystal gardens, steer
3205.103    May 16     Sat      10:00-11:30am                                      floating solar blimps, float hot air balloons, launch smoke rings, launch the
                                                                                   ultimate Mentos geysers, cast t-rex dinosaur fossils, and more!
                                                                                   Class#          Class Dates          Days Time
Little Tots Singers                                                                1850.109        Jan 11-Feb 1         Sat        9:00am-12:00pm
                                              Ages: 4-6 Years                      Super Camp #6
                                             Preschool age children love to        Ride real hovercrafts, make & launch water rockets, fire balloon rockets, make
                                             sing, dance and perform. Our          oil tornados, collect fossils, explore robotics, make pinhole cameras, build
                                             Little Tot Singers learn new          barometers, create lightning, fly remote-controlled dragonflies, and more!
                                             songs, simple choreography,           Class#         Class Dates          Days Time
                                             and lessons in being a part of        1850.110       Feb 8-Feb 29         Sat        9:00am-12:00pm
                                             a performance chorus. This
session will focus on our Spring Sing concert for families and friends to enjoy.
Instructor, Ms. Jill sings in the Southwest Women’s Chorus and has a BA in
Early Childhood Education. Program accompanist is Luann Carman who is a
well-known pianist and piano teacher.
Instructor: Jill Lodato 		                 Location: OTTCT
Fee: $139/14 Wks ($15 materials fee includes Little Tots t-shirt & song sheets)
                                                                                    Temecula Community Services
               Class Dates
               Jan 15-Apr 29*
*Class Skip Date: Mar 25, Apr 1

        Questions? Call the Class Hotline @ 951-694-6480                                                        Winter/Spring 2020                             21
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