New Beginnings-COVID-19 Site Operating Procedures

Page created by Steve Ayala
New Beginnings-COVID-19 Site Operating Procedures
  Please also consider the following government guidance paying particular attention to the ‘system of controls’ which is a public
                                                     health England endorsed system.
   The government conclude that when the ‘system of control ‘ are used in line with a risk assessment “these measures create an
 inherently safer environment for children and staff where the risk of transmission of infection is substantially reduced for children
                                                                 and staff ”
This document should be read in conjunction with the new modified risk assessment which will be in place from Friday 29th January
             2021. Amendments to the operating plan since the last guidance ( September 2020 ) are highlighted in yellow.
   • We continue to operate between the hours of 8am and 6pm.
   • Any updates regarding your child’s care plan or routine please ensure you are informing your nursery manager as soon as
       possible via telephone or contact email address.
   • Access to the nursery will remain for staff, children, and essential visitors only. Parents will continue to drop and collect children at
       the main entrance, following social distancing guidelines.
   • Managers welcoming children and supporting the end of day hand over will be wearing face shields, masks and aprons. Staff,
       children and visitors’ temperatures will be taken on arrival at nursery before entry to the building. Any temperature recording 38 (
       fever guidelines as per NHS) or above will not be permitted entry into the setting.
   • To reduce the number of adults on site at any one time we would ask that your child be accompanied by one adult only to and
       from nursery. We will be requesting that parents wear face masks upon drop off and collection unless they have a medical reason
       which excepts them.
   • The outdoor pram store will be available for you to use. Please ensure social distancing is considered when using this area of the
   • If your child has a comforter then please let us know if you will be bringing this into nursery. Toys from home are not permitted.
   • The menus have been sent out recently on parent mail to all parents. As previously explained the children will eat their meals in
       their class bubble.
   • Please communicate with nursery through either telephone or email.
   • We have introduced Q-Bell app limiting the time spent waiting to drop off and collect your child and limiting contact of our nursery
       intercom system.
   • At all local COVID alert levels, the expectation is that education and childcare provision should continue as normal.
                                 Thank you for your continued patience, support and understanding.
Public Health England (PHE) Guidance
Keeping children and staff safe is our utmost priority. The public health advice in this guidance makes up a PHE- endorsed ‘system
of controls’, building on the hierarchy of protective measures that have been in use throughout the coronavirus (COVID-19)
outbreak. When implemented in line with a revised risk assessment, these measures create an inherently safer environment for
children and staff where the risk of transmission of infection is substantially reduced.
The system of controls provides a set of principles and if settings follow this advice, they will effectively minimise risks. All elements
of the system of controls are essential. All settings must cover them all, but the way different settings implement some of the
requirements will differ based on their individual circumstances. When something is essential for public health reasons, as advised
by PHE, we have been informed these are ‘must’ comply requirement. Where there is a legal requirement we have made that clear.
This guidance does not create any new legal obligations.
There cannot be a ‘one size fits all’ approach where the system of controls describes every scenario. Setting leaders will be best
placed to understand the needs of their settings and communities, and to make informed judgements about how to balance
delivering high quality care and education with the measures needed to manage risk. The system of controls provides a set of
principles to help them do this and, if settings follow this advice, they will effectively minimise risks.

 System of controls           Protective measures
 Prevention                   1. Minimise contact with individuals who are unwell by ensuring that those who have coronavirus
                              (COVID-19) symptoms, or who have someone in their household who does, do not attend settings.

                                  •   Staff should only attend the nursery if they are symptom free, have completed the required 10
                                      days isolation period or achieved a negative test result.
• Staff should disclose if they receive notification from the NHS to self-isolate as per the
    government guidelines
•   In the event of a child developing suspected coronavirus symptoms whilst attending the setting,
    their parent/ emergency contact will be contacted and requested to collect the child
    immediately and will isolate at home in line with the ‘Stay at home: guidance for households
    with possible or confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) infection’
    guidance-for-households-with-possible-coronavirus-covid-19-infection which sets out that they
    must self-isolate for at least 10 days and should arrange to have a test to see if they have
    coronavirus. Other members of the household (including siblings) should self-isolate for 10
    days from when the symptomatic person first had symptoms.
•   Whilst waiting for the child to be collected they will be isolated from others in a previously
    identified room or area. Where possible a window will be opened for ventilation.
•   If the child needs to use the toilet while waiting to be collected, they will be taken to a separate
    toilet to use. The toilet area will then be cleaned and disinfected using cleaning products before
    it can be used by any one else.
•   The staff member responsible for the child during this time should be a staff member from their
    ‘bubble room’ ,suitable PPE for this staff member will be provided.
•   The areas in which the person with the symptoms has been must be cleaned after they have
    left to reduce the risk of passing the infection onto other people. The person responsible for
    cleaning the area will wear appropriate PPE.
•   In the event of a staff member developing suspected coronavirus symptoms whilst working at
    the nursery they will return home immediately and isolate at home in line with the ‘Stay at
    home: guidance for households with possible or confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) infection’
    guidance-for-households-with-possible-coronavirus-covid-19-infection which sets out that they
    must self-isolate for at least 10 days and should arrange to have a test to see if they have
    coronavirus. Other members of the household (including siblings) should self-isolate for 10
    days from when the symptomatic person first had symptoms.
• All staff will have access to PPE.
   • Everyone must wash their hands thoroughly for 20 seconds with soap and running water or use
     hand sanitiser after any contact with someone who is unwell.
   • Staff, children and visitors’ temperatures will be taken upon arrival at the nursery. Any
     temperature reading above 38 will result in entry not being permitted and medical advise sort.
   • In the absence of a staff member due to illness or holiday a replacement staff member will
     cover the absence staff members role. To avoid staff crossing over bubbles staff may be
     required to reside in a bubble where they are covering for a staff member for the duration of the
     remaining days that are left within the week.
2. Clean hands thoroughly more often than usual

   •   Coronavirus (COVID-19) is an easy virus to kill when it is on the skin. This can be done with
       soap and running water or hand sanitiser.
   •   All children and staff must wash their hands upon arrival at the nursery and before leaving.
   •   Children and staff members will be encouraged to wash their hands frequently throughout the
       day. For example- before and after eating, after using PPE, after sneezing or coughing, after
       going to the toilet, before and after going in the garden, etc.
   •   When washing hands, staff need to ensure they are following the government guidance and
       encouraging/ showing children to do the same.
   •   The staff encourage the children to sing a variety of hand washing songs to ensure they are
       washing their hands for the recommended time of 20 seconds.

3. Ensure good respiratory hygiene by promoting the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach

   •   The ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach continues to be very important.
   •   Within the rooms the children and staff have access to tissues, bins and hand washing areas.
   •   Posters are displayed within the rooms, encouraging the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach.
   •   Tissues will be immediately disposed of in bins provided.
   •   Bin lids are santised regularly.
   •   Face coverings are required at all times on public transport (for children over the age of 11) or
       when attending a hospital as a visitor or outpatient.
4. Introduce enhanced cleaning, including cleaning frequently touched surfaces often using standard
products, such as detergents and bleach.

   •   An enhanced cleaning schedule is in place, that includes furniture, surfaces and children’s toys
       and equipment.
   •   Cleaning checklists have been created to ensure cleaning has been signed off when
   •   Communal areas, touch points and hand washing facilities must be cleaned and sanitised
       regularly .
   •   All resources required for play and learning experiences of children will be regularly washed
       and/or sterilised.
   •   All waste will be disposed of in a hygienic and safe manner.
   •   By the end of the summer term, Public Health England will publish revised guidance for
       cleaning non- healthcare settings to advise on general cleaning required in addition to the
       current advice on cleaning when there is a suspected or confirmed case of coronavirus
   •   Fogging will occur at the end of each nursery day

5. Minimise contact between groups where possible
   •   Please note that from the 27th July 2020 all of our bubbles are open within each of the rooms.
       Early years settings will not be required to arrange children and staff in small, consistent
       groups. Removing the groups approach is based on the fact that the overall risk to children and
       young people from coronavirus (COVID-19) is low. It also recognises that early years settings
       are typically much smaller than schools. Adopting the system of controls set out above here in
       a robust way will ensure there are proportionate safeguards for children as well as staff and
       reduce the chance of transmission.
   •   Children organised into” bubble “ rooms. Where-ever possible these “bubble” rooms will not
       mix during the day.
   •   Outdoor spaces will be used by different ‘bubble’ rooms at different times of the day.
   •   The sensory room will be out of bounds as this is a shared space.
   •   The use of communal internal spaces will be restricted as much as possible.
•   Care routines including provisions of meals, nappy changing, and toileting will be done within
    the space allocated to each ‘bubble’ room where-ever possible
•   Children will be permitted to only attend one childcare setting, to prevent mixing between
    different childcare settings. As per government recommendation.
•   Social distancing must be maintained by staff during lunch breaks. This will be achieved
    through a range of strategies including staggering of breaks and subdivision of spaces
    allocated to team breaks where possible.
•   Staff members should avoid physical contact with each other including handshakes, hugs etc.
        o Transitioning between rooms- Due to COVID-19 we will not be able to welcome the
            parent/carer in for a room settle when their child is due to transition. We will notify
            parents/carers as soon as possible if their child is due to move to the next room. Giving
            them time to talk to their child and prepare them. Children will be permitted to settle
            within the new room they are due to transition to over a period of time. A record will be
            kept of the days and times the child settled into their new room.
        o The parents will not be permitted into the nursery to see their child’s new room. Instead
            we will sign post parents to the website to see photos of the new room and how it looks/
            photos of each room in the settings have also recently been sent to parents before the
            setting opened back up for existing families.
        o The parents will also be sent a transition document via parent mail notifying them of their
            child’s new room, what it looks like and who their new teachers will be.
•   Where possible, meetings and training sessions will be conducted through video conferencing.
•   Access to the nursery will remain for staff, children, and essential visitors only. Parents will
    continue to drop and collect children at the main entrance, following social distancing
    guidelines and wearing a face mask/covering.
•   Office staff will not enter “bubbles “ to enable calls from parents to be answered.
    Communication will be made to managers applying social distancing measures.
•   No desk sharing or sharing of equipment. Office spaces to only be occupied by staff allocated
    to that area. Under no circumstances should staff members use desks which are unoccupied
    and not their allocated workspace.
•   Staff who will need to cover lunches within the rooms where they are not placed in a bubble,
    will be required to wear an apron, mask and ensure they are washing their hands when
    entering and leaving the room and also frequently throughout their time within the room.
6. Where necessary, wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE)
                     •   Government guidance is that practitioners will only need to wear PPE if a child becomes ill with
                         COVID-19 symptoms and cannot stay 2 metres away from any other person or if they routinely
                         use PPE for intimate care
                     •   PPE should continue to be worn as normal for nappy changing and the administration of first
                     •   PPE will also be available when closer contact is required.
                     •   Senior managers will wear face shields, masks and aprons at collection and end of day
                     •   Staff can wear their own face coverings should they wish. Face coverings will be required to be
                         worn within communal areas of the settings.
                     •   A monitoring system for the use of PPE is essential to ensure that a supply of stock is available
                         to all who require it as and when required to meet the operational needs of the setting. When
                         stocks are low, other options may be considered, such as the use of washable tabards. These
                         items will be washed at a high temperature and separate to any other nursery washing.

Response to any   7. Engage with NHS Track and Trace
                     •   The NHS Test and Trace service will contact anyone that tests positive for coronavirus
                         (COVID-19) and ask them to share information about people with whom they have had close,
                         recent contact and places they have visited. NHS Test and Trace will contact under 18 year
                         olds who have tested positive by phone, wherever possible. They will ask for consent from a
                         parent or guardian to continue the call.
                     •   When NHS Test and Trace identifies that a child, young person or member of staff who tests
                         positive for coronavirus (COVID-19) has spent some time in an education or childcare setting
                         while they could have been infectious, they will take details of the setting and those with whom
                         the person had contact.
                     •   If staff, parents or children begin to develop suspected coronavirus symptoms, they must not
                         attend the setting or will need to be sent home to self-isolate. They will also need to book a test to see if they have
  •   All children can be tested, including children under 5, but children under 11 will need to be
      helped by their parents if using a home testing kit.
  •   You will need to provide details of anyone they have been in close contact with if they were to
      test positive for coronavirus (COVID-19) or if asked by NHS test and trace.
  •   If you have been in close contact with someone who tests positive for coronavirus (COVID-19)
      symptoms or someone who tests positive for coronavirus (COVID-19) you will need to follow
  •   We would ask that parents and staff inform us immediately of the result of their test so we can
      follow the correct procedure.

8. Manage confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) amongst the setting community
  •   A COVID-19 procedure for suspected and confirmed cases is in place.
  •   We would ask that parents and staff inform us immediately of the result of their test so we can
      follow the correct procedure.
  •   When we are notified of someone who has tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19), we will
      contact DFE (Department for Education) helpline 0800 046 8687 where we will be directed to
      NHS advice teams for nurseries, schools and colleagues with confirmed cases. They will then
      escalate the case to public health England.
  •   We will only contact the local health protection team if we cannot get through to the DFE
      services they may also contact us directly if they become aware that someone who has tested
      positive for coronavirus (COVID-19)attended the setting- as identified by NHS Test and Trace.
  •   The local health protection team will work with the DFE and settings to carry out a rapid risk
      assessment to confirm who has been in close contact with the person and ensure they are
      asked to self-isolate for 10 days since they were last in close contact with that person when
      they were infectious.
  •   Any confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) in the setting (either child or staff member),
      and if the setting has been advised to close as a result, will be swiftly reported to Ofsted
      through the usual notification channels.
•   We will contact our appointed local authority advisor to inform them of any confirmed cases
                         therefore causing us to partially or fully closure.
                     •   Close contact means.....
                            o Direct close contacts- face to face contact with an infected individual for any length of
                                time within 1 metre, including being coughed on, a face to face conversation, or
                                unprotected physical contact (skin to skin)
                            o Proximity contacts- Extended close contact (within 1- 2m for more than 15 minutes) with
                                an infected individual.

                  9. Contain any outbreak by following local health protection team advice
                     •   If settings have two or more confirmed cases within 14 days, or an overall rise in sickness
                         absence where coronavirus (COVID-19) is suspected, settings may have an outbreak, and
                         must contact their local health protection team who will be able to advise if additional action is
                     •   In some cases, health protection teams may recommend that a larger number of other children
                         self-isolate at home as a precautionary measure – perhaps the whole site or a group. If settings
                         are implementing the controls from this list, addressing the risks they have identified and
                         therefore reducing transmission risks, whole setting closure based on cases within the setting
                         will not generally be necessary, and should not be considered except on the advice of health
                         protection teams
Risk assessment      • Risk assessments are completed within the setting. These risk assessments are frequently
                       reviewed and change are made as required.
                     • All activities will be risk assessed and due consideration given to any adaptions to usual
                     • It will include but not be limited, to the suspension of learning experiences involving materials
                       which are not easily washable such as malleable materials and the suspension of sharing of
                       food utensils (e.g. children will no longer be able to serve their own food)
                     • Attendance to the setting will be restricted to children and staff as far as practically possible
                       and visitors will not be permitted to the nursery unless essential (e.g. essential building
                       maintenance). Where essential visits are required these will be made outside of the usual
                       nursery operational hours where possible.
• Maintenance work (green & amber items) will be carried out during out of the nurseries
                           operational hours. Red items which require essential work will be carried out during hours with
                           social distancing being maintained and face coverings worn.
                         • Due to the national lockdown restrictions starting from 5th January 2021 viewings of the setting
                           will not be permitted. We will be advising perspective parents to view virtual tours via the
                           nurseries website.
                         • Outings from the setting into the local community will currently be suspended
                         • We will be asking families to provide details of the childcare support bubbles that they use for
                           childcare. We will be asking families to only attend one registered nursery or pre-school setting
                           during the pandemic to minimise the risk of transmission between early years environments.
                         • Where premises have been temporarily closed during the lockdown period or where they may
                           need to temporarily close during future lockdowns appropriate Health & Safety checks should
                           be conducted prior to reopening including legionnaires checks.
                         • Keep windows and doors open where possible to ensure ventilation.

Travel associated with   •   Wherever possible staff and parents should travel to the nursery alone, using their own
setting operations           transport
                         •   If public transport is necessary, current government guidance on the use of public transport
                             must be followed.
                         •   From 15 June 2020, it is the law that when travelling on public transport a face covering should
                             be worn.
                         •   Advice on eating and drinking on public transport. Consideration given to social distancing and
                         •   Parents will not be allowed to leave prams, car seats or scooters in the setting premises, these
                             will be stored in our external buggy areas if necessary.
Attendance               •   The DfE has updated its Safe working in education and childcare guidance. It states
                             Priority testing is available to all essential workers and their households which includes anyone
                             working in childcare and education.
                         •   Attendance checking will resume for all children expected to attend. Parents will be
                             encouraged to call if they are not attending.
•   Parents and staff will receive clear communication regarding the role they play in the safe
                operating procedure and all measures being taken to ensure the safety of their children and
                themselves .
            •   Daily communication books will continue for our 0-2-year-old children. Weekly activity books
                will be completed for all other children. Should parents wish to discuss any aspect of their
                child’s learning, development, routine etc we advise them to call the nursery and discuss with
                their nursery manager.
            •   Forms requiring signatory from parents will be provided on collection with social distancing and
                sanitisation of pens, etc.
            •   Only children who are symptom free or have completed the required isolation period should
                attend the nursery. All terms and conditions will still apply.
            •   Regular health questionnaires to be completed for returning children who have been absence
                from general illnesses. This will be done via google forms.
            •   Testing for suspected cases will be available to under 5’s who attend nursery. We will be
                asking that this is compulsory. Any child or staff member displaying any of the symptoms of
                coronavirus and are in current attendance at the nursery will be required to go home as soon
                as possible and will be advised to book a test. Parents who do not wish to test their children will
                have the follow the isolation period of 10 days before returning to nursery. Children/staff will
                only be allowed to return once a negative result has been received or they have completed
                their 10 days isolation period.

Workforce   •   Equipment used by staff such as stationary, tablets etc will be allocated to individual staff
                members where possible and cleaned regularly.
            •   Where possible, meetings and training sessions will be conducted through video conferencing.
            •   First aid will be provided from qualified first aiders.
            •   All staff members will receive appropriate induction and training in infection control and
                operating procedures.
            •   PPE training will be provided.
            •   COVID 19 awareness training will be provided.
            •   Guidance and training on hand washing as per the NHS guidelines.
            •   Cleaning and sanitation guidance to be provided
            •   Fogging machinery in place
•   Safeguarding refresher presentation
                           •   COVID 19 policy and matrix of changes to other working policies and procedures.
                           •   Signposting to mental health literature for staff via mind :
                           •   Signposting to guidance to support children via the Anna Freud Organisation.

Safeguarding and welfare   • Safeguarding- compliance will continue with the early year’s statutory framework with a
                             designated officer for safeguarding always on site and holding appropriate qualifications and
                           • The safeguarding/ child protection policy has been reviewed and changes to designated
                             safeguarding officers have been made.
                           • Paediatric first aid-New Beginnings will operate at higher the number of first aiders required by
                             Ofsted as is current practice.
                           • Staying at home for a prolonged period and the change in routine may have caused difficulties
                             for some children, such as changes in behaviour or mood.
                           • Managers will support the staff, parents and children in their transition back to nursery.
                           • The following guidance acts as a starting point for parents and carers on supporting children
                             and young people’s mental health and wellbeing during the coronavirus outbreak
                           • Children should not be permitted to bring items from home into the setting unless absolutely
                             essential for their wellbeing. Where this is the case items will be appropriately cleaned upon

Curriculum/ Teaching and   •   The Early Years Foundation stage (EYFS) statutory framework
                           •   Following the amendments to the EYFS from 24th April, early years settings only need to use
(Early Years Foundation        reasonable endeavours to deliver the learning and development requirements set out in the
Stage)                         EYFS. We understand that these are exceptional circumstances and the priority at this time is
keeping children safe and well cared for. As far as possible, children benefit from a board
                    range of educational opportunities.
                •   At New beginnings we plan to continue to plan for children’s learning and development and
                    making all ‘reasonable endeavours’ to meet children’s learning and development.
                •   Progress check age 2 will take place from January 2021 via telephone calls. However, any
                    emerging concerns will be communicated to the parent and the nursery would seek additional
                    support if needed. (As stated in the Early Years Foundation Stage) disapplication and
                    modification guidance)
                •   Children will be supported in age appropriate ways to understand the steps they can take to
                    keep themselves safe including regular hand washing and sneezing in a tissue following
                    government guidelines.
                •   Children should be supported to understand the changes and challenges they may be
                    encountering as a result of covid-19 and staff need to ensure they are aware of children’s
                    attachments and their need for emotional support at this time.
                •   Emergency revisions to the EYFS have been implemented which provides some flexibility on
                    ratios and qualifications to make this feasible

Procurement &   •   The setting will ensure an adequate supply of essential supplies and contingency plans are in
monitoring          place to minimise the impact of any shortages of supplies. The setting will not be able to
                    operate without essential supplies required for ensuring infection control.
                •   In the case the supply of food is interrupted, procedures will be implemented to ensure the
                    appropriate food alternatives are sourced and normal food safety and hygiene process are
                    followed (e.g. back up menus have been devised)
You can also read