News from Washington Can postal reform make it to President Biden's desk? The House of Representatives - NALC

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News from Washington Can postal reform make it to President Biden's desk? The House of Representatives - NALC

  News from Washington
  Can postal reform make it to President Biden’s desk?

                                      he House of Representatives             which was enacted through the Postal
                                      and the Senate have reached an          Accountability and Enhancement Act of
                                      important phase with regard to          2006, in line with the bipartisan USPS
                                postal reform. As letter carriers will        Fairness Act (H.R. 695 and S. 145).
                                recall, the House advanced the Postal            In addition, the legislation maximiz-
                                Service Reform Act (H.R. 3076) out            es participation in Medicare once active
                                of the Committee on Oversight and             postal employees (as of Jan. 1, 2023) re-
                                Reform in May, as reported in last            tire and reach age 65. Annuitants as of
                                month’s Postal Record.                        Jan. 1, 2023, will be given the choice of
                                   The Senate companion bill (S. 1720),       whether to remain in the existing Fed-
                                which mirrors H.R. 3076, was intro-           eral Employees Health Benefits (FEHB)
                                duced after the last issue of The Postal      Program or participate in the postal
                                Record went to print and is now before        version of the program that requires
                                the Senate. The bill is being led by          enrollment in Medicare Parts A and B
                                Homeland Security and Governmental            —and retirees over the age of 65 who
                                Affairs Committee (HSGAC) Chairman            have chosen not to enroll in Medicare
                                Gary Peters (D-MI) and Ranking Mem-           Part B will be given a one-time oppor-
                                ber Rob Portman (R-OH).                       tunity to do so with no late-enrollment
                                   Including Peters and Portman, the orig-    penalty. Annuitants who elect to remain
                                inal co-sponsors of the Senate bill consist   in the existing FEHB Program will not
                                of 10 Democrats and 10 Republicans: Tom       be required to enroll in Medicare. NALC
                                Carper (D-DE), Maggie Hassan (D-NH),          also successfully lobbied to ensure
                                Joe Manchin (D-WV), Alex Padilla (D-CA),      exceptions to the requirement to enroll
                                Jacky Rosen (D-NV), Brian Schatz (D-HI),      in Medicare for those covered under
                                Krysten Sinema (D-AZ), Tina Smith (D-MN),     other insurance arrangements (such
                                Ron Wyden (D-OR), Roy Blunt (R-MO),           as under the Department of Veterans
                                Richard Burr (R-NC), Shelley Capito           Affairs, or VA) and for those who live in
                                (R-WV), Susan Collins (R-ME), Steve           places where there are not Medicare-
                                Daines (R-MT), Josh Hawley (R-MO), Mike       participating providers.
                                Rounds (R-SD), Dan Sullivan (R-AK) and           S. 1720 also contains language that re-
                                Thomas Tillis (R-NC).                         quires the Postal Service to maintain “in-
                                   With the partisan makeup of the            tegrated” delivery of both mail and pack-
                                Senate evenly split 50-50 and legisla-        ages six days a week. If this bill becomes
                                tion needing 60 votes to overcome a           law, the six-day requirement would be a
                                filibuster, having 10 original Repub-         statutory mandate. Since 1983, the policy
                                lican co-sponsors is an important             mandate to deliver mail six days a week
                                accomplishment. If all Democrats sup-         has had to be renewed annually in the
                                port this critical legislation, it could be   appropriations process. This bill would
                                signed into law. As this magazine was         eliminate the need for the annual fight to
                                going to print, an additional Republi-        maintain six-day delivery.
                                can, South Dakota Sen. Kevin Cramer,             In addition, the bill: requires the
                                joined the growing list of co-sponsors.       Postal Service to report semiannu-
                                   Just like the House bill, S. 1720 would    ally to Congress on the implementa-
                                repeal the mandate that the Postal            tion of USPS’s 10-year strategic plan;
                                Service pre-fund decades’ worth of            provides for a public dashboard using
                                health benefits for its future retirees,      nationwide delivery metrics to track

4 The Postal Record July 2021
News from Washington Can postal reform make it to President Biden's desk? The House of Representatives - NALC
In the February 2021 issue of The
                                                                                              Postal Record, a $500 contribution
                                                                                              to the Letter Carrier Political Fund
                                                                                              from Joseph McHale should have
                                                                                              been listed under Greater East Bay,
                                                                                              CA Branch 1111. McHale wishes to
                                                                                              make the contribution in the name
                                                                                              of his deceased father, Joseph
                                                                                              McHale Sr., a postal worker.

delivery performance; directs the             House Committee on Ways and Means,            the health plan they choose, and if re-
Postal Service to use the most efficient      and the Senate Finance Committee.             tired upon reaching Medicare age, they
means available to transport mail,            NALC has been educating lawmakers             would be enrolled in Medicare (absent
likely switching from air to ground           about the fundamentals of the Medicare        the exceptions discussed below).
transportation; mandates a Postal             proposals and correcting rampant mis-            Active postal employees (as of Jan. 1,
Regulatory Commission (PRC) review            information about the bills as they move      2023) who are 64 or older and all current
of competitive and non-competitive            forward in the two chambers.                  postal annuitants as of that date would
products and a study of nationwide                                                          be given the choice of whether to join
processing efficiency of flats (maga-         Explanation of the health care                the postal-only version of FEHB plans
zines and catalogs); provides the PRC         provisions of H.R. 3076/S. 1720               (integrated with Medicare) or to remain
with independent budget authority                Many letter carriers may have ques-        in the non-postal version of such plans,
through the Postal Fund, prevent-             tions about the FEHB Program and              depending on whether they want to en-
ing it from being directly affected by        Medicare provisions included in these         roll in Medicare Part B, which currently
sequestration/shutdowns; provides             bills. Unfortunately, misinformation          carries a premium of $148.50 per month.
a special postage discount for news-          about them is common. Let us start            The reason most annuitants already
papers; and consolidates the Postal           with the proposed changes in FEHB.            choose to enroll in Medicare Parts A
Service’s and the PRC’s Inspectors                                                          and B when they turn 65 is that enrolling
General into a single office.                 FEHB reform                                   virtually eliminates any out-of-pocket
   “NALC appreciates Chairman Peters             Under the legislation, postal              costs such as deductibles and co-pay-
and Ranking Member Portman’s intro-           employees and annuitants would                ments. However, under the proposed
duction of this important legislation         participate in a restructured FEHB            law, current annuitants (as of Jan. 1,
in the Senate,” NALC President Fredric        Program. All major plans now avail-           2023) would decide whether to enroll.
Rolando said. “NALC recognizes the            able to participants—Blue Cross Blue          Those who do not want to enroll in Medi-
senators who have put partisan ten-           Shield, the NALC Health Benefit Plan,         care would remain in the non-postal ver-
sions aside to show strong support for        Kaiser, etc.—would continue to be of-         sion of their FEHB health plan—and the
this bipartisan legislation that is crucial   fered to postal employees and retirees        Postal Service would continue to pay the
to help restore financial and operation-      as a postal-only version of their FEHB        government’s share of their premiums.
al stability to the Postal Service.”          plans. But their premiums would be               The postal-only plans in FEHB
                                              significantly reduced, because postal         would be regulated and operated
The road map through Congress                 participants would be placed in a             in the same way that current FEHB
  As this publication was going to            separate risk pool with new rules re-         plans are regulated and operated
print, both the House and Senate were         garding Medicare enrollment.                  today. There would be an annual Open
aiming to continue working toward                The new legislation would not              Season that would allow participants
passage in each chamber. The House            change a current postal annuitant’s           to choose among a range of plans with
had set a goal of bringing H.R. 3076 to       right to decide whether he or she wants       separate rates for postal and non-post-
the floor this month, and the Senate          to enroll in Medicare. Although 90            al participants.
HSGAC was in the process of schedul-          percent of current postal annuitants
ing a markup of S. 1720. Despite the
                                                                                            Special protections
                                              are automatically enrolled in Medicare
growing bipartisan support for both           Part A (hospital services) and nearly           NALC lobbied aggressively for the
bills, the road map to their becoming         80 percent of them voluntarily enroll in      inclusion of special exceptions that
law is not a straight one.                    Medicare Part B (medical services), no        are contained in the legislation. Future
  The bills must get the blessing of some     current annuitant would be required to        postal annuitants who do not need
key committees regarding the Medicare         enroll in either Medicare Part A or Part B.   Medicare because of coverage by VA or
Part A, B and D provisions, which fall        All active employees under the age of         by another non-FEHB program, or who
under the jurisdiction of the House Com-      64 (as of Jan. 1, 2023) would be auto-        cannot use Medicare because they live in
mittee on Energy and Commerce, the            matically placed in the postal version of     a place (for example, overseas) without

                                                                                                   July 2021   The Postal Record        5
News from Washington Can postal reform make it to President Biden's desk? The House of Representatives - NALC

                                                                                                                      Anton Hajjar

  News from Washington (continued)
  Medicare providers, would be allowed to        are less costly to insure, and allow the        tants enrolled in the FEHB program
  enroll in the non-postal version of their      Postal Service to avoid its full financial      would be reduced by about $1.6
  FEHB plan. We also worked to include           obligation to those retirees who choose         billion over the 2015-2024 period.
  a provision to give current annuitants         not to enroll in Medicare.                       Finally, USPS would not be able to
  who did not enroll in Medicare Part B             None of this is true. In fact, non-        cherry-pick whom to insure—it would
  at age 65, but who now wish to do so, a        postal FEHB premiums would decline            pay the full cost of all postal participant
  one-time opportunity to enroll in Part B       somewhat (by about 1 percent), because        premiums, whether participants are in
  without the late-enrollment penalty that       the non-postal workforce is younger
                                                                                               the postal or non-postal version of their
  currently applies. That penalty, which         and less expensive to insure than is the
                                                                                               FEHB plans. NALC, along with other
  raises Part B premiums by 10 percent           postal workforce. A recent professional
                                                                                               postal unions, addressed these false
  for each year after age 65 that a retiree      actuarial analysis of the proposed FEHB
                                                                                               claims in-depth in a letter to the president
  delays enrollment, is costly.                  reforms conducted by PRM Consulting
                                                                                               of NARFE. Read the letter on
                                                 Group for the Postal Service demon-
                                                                                                  As the legislation progresses in the
  Why prospective Medicare                       strates this clearly. That analysis mirrors
  integration makes sense                                                                      House and Senate, NALC will need
                                                 the findings of the Congressional Budget
                                                                                               the full engagement of letter carriers
     It makes sense to create postal-only        Office (CBO) review of S. 1486 (the Postal
                                                                                               to help educate members of Congress
  plans within FEHB and to maximize              Reform Act of 2014), which also included
                                                                                               on how this legislation would protect
  Medicare participation because it              FEHB and Medicare integration reforms.
                                                                                               employees and our essential network.
  would reduce health care costs for both        The CBO Cost Estimate for S. 1486 (July
                                                                                               Keep an eye out for more information
  the Postal Service and participants.           14, 2014) states on page 14:
                                                                                               in the “Government Affairs” section
  FEHB premiums would be reduced for               The effect of the legislation on fed-       of and on the NALC Member
  active and retired postal employees              eral on-budget payments for health          App. Members are encouraged to in-
  alike. Because Medicare is the first-            insurance premiums in the FEHB              stall the app on their smartphones so
  payer insurer for its enrollees, the costs       program would partially offset the          that NALC can communicate with you
  covered by postal-only FEHB plans                increase in Medicare spending.              when the legislation is released and
  would be reduced, thereby reducing               Premiums charged to non-postal              when it moves in the halls of Congress.
  the premiums for postal employees.               enrollees in the FEHB program
  This would reduce the Postal Service’s           would be based on expected health           Hajjar confirmed to USPS
  health care expenses by hundreds of              costs of the employees, annuitants,         Board of Governors
  millions of dollars annually and reduce          and dependents remaining in the                The Senate approved the nomination
  its future liability for retiree health ben-     FEHB program after the health care          of Anton Hajjar to serve on the Postal Ser-
  efits by approximately $50 billion.              costs of USPS workers, annuitants,          vice Board of Governors (BOG) on May 28.
                                                   and their dependents are shifted to            Hajjar holds a term that is effective
  Battling misinformation                          the PSHB program. Because non-              immediately and expires on Dec. 8,
     Since the introduction of these bills,        postal enrollees cost FEHB plans            2023. Hajjar’s confirmation comes one
  misinformation about the Medicare pro-           slightly less than postal enrollees,        month after the Senate confirmed Am-
  visions included in the legislation has          on average, CBO estimates that              ber McReynolds and Ronald Stroman,
  circulated. Most notably, the National           premiums in the FEHB program                and fills the final vacant BOG seat. The
  Active and Retired Federal Employees             would be lower than under current           Postal Service now has a full BOG for
  Association (NARFE) has distributed              law. Thus, the amount the fed-              the first time in more than a decade.
  inaccurate information about the bills.          eral government would contribute               “NALC congratulates Anton Hajjar on
  NARFE has falsely claimed that these             toward its share of annuitant               this important confirmation,” President
  bills would cause the premiums of non-           premiums would be lower.                    Rolando said. “We look forward to work-
  postal federal employees and annui-              CBO estimates that federal                  ing with a complete BOG for the first time
  tants to increase, allow the Postal Ser-         payments for health insurance               in years, and we appreciate the Senate’s
  vice to “cherry-pick” individuals who            premiums for non-postal annui-              swift action on these confirmations.” PR

6 The Postal Record July 2021
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