News GEOTECHNICAL nGe - The Canadian ...

Page created by Yolanda Brooks
News GEOTECHNICAL nGe - The Canadian ...

                                  Volume 37 • Number 3 • September 2019

                                              Upstream face
                                              of tailings dam
                                              at Black Dome
News GEOTECHNICAL nGe - The Canadian ...


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News GEOTECHNICAL nGe - The Canadian ...
PUBLISHER John W. Gadsby                            Canadian Editorial Office
MANAGING EDITOR Lynn Pugh                           Canadian Geotechnical Society
                                                    Nick Beier, Editor, CGS News • email:
Robert Chapuis              Richard Guthrie         Membership Information : Canadian Geotechnical Society
John Dunnicliff             Paolo Gazzarrini        Gibson Group Association Management
Ward Wilson                 Nick Beier              Wayne Gibson, 8828 Pigott Road • Richmond, BC V7A 2C4 • tel: 604-277-7527 • email:

Managing Editors and Advertising                    Editors
BiTech Publishers Ltd.                              Groundwater
211 - 10180 Ryan Road                               Robert P. Chapuis, Dept. CGM, Ecole Polytechnique, PO Box 6079, Sta. CV Montréal, QC, H3T 1J4
Richmond, British Columbia                          tel: 514-340-4711 • fax: 514-340-4477, • email :
Canada V7A 4P9                                      Instrumentation
tel 604-277-4250 • fax 604-277-8125
                                                    John Dunnicliff, Little Leat, Whisselwell, Bovey Tracey, Devon TQ13 9LA, England
email                       tel: +44 1626-832919 • email:
                                                    The Grout Line
GEOTECHNICAL NEWS is published quarterly.           Paolo Gazzarrini, 11-2246 Folkestone Way, West Vancouver, BC, V7S 2X7 • tel: 604-913-1022
Paper subscription rates:                           fax: 604-913-0106 • email:
   •   within North America: $60.00 CDN             Waste Geotechnics
       per year                                     G. Ward Wilson, Professor, Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental • University of Alberta, Dept. of Civil
                                                    & Environmental Engineering, 3-069 NREF, Edmonton, AB T6G 2W2 • tel: 780-492-2534
   •   overseas: $100.00 US per year through        fax: 780-492-8198 • email:
       BiTech Publishers Ltd.
Electronic version:                                 Richard Guthrie, Senior Principal, Director, Geohazards and Geomorphology, Stantec,
GEOTECHNICAL NEWS is also available in electronic   200-325 25 Street SE, Calgary, AB T2A 7H8, • tel: 403-441-5133, •
version.                                            email:
For details,visit                                   Printed in Canada

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News GEOTECHNICAL nGe - The Canadian ...
Volume 37 • Number 3 • September 2019


 FROM THE CGS BOARD                        The First Canadian Geotechnical Conference (1947)                    15
		                                         La première Conférence canadienne de géotechnique (1947)             17
                                                   Doug VanDine
		                                         18th Global Joint Seminar on Geo-Environmental Engineering           20
                                                   Catherine Mulligan

 WASTE GEOTECHNICS                         Applications of Mining Geotechnique Research:
		                                         From the Laboratory to the Real World
		                                         Education Outreach at the University of Alberta
		                                         Geotechnical Centre		                           21
                                                   Vivian Giang and G. Ward Wilson

                      GEOINTEREST          The Phoenix Ground Improvement Machine		                             23
                                                   Bill Hodge

 DEPARTMENTS Canadian Geotechnical Society News		  6
		 From the CGS Board                             15
             Waste Geotechnics                    21
             GeoInterest                          23

                                		         Cover     Upstream face of tailings dam at Black Dome
                                           		        (See article page 23)

4   Geotechnical News •September 2019                                                
News GEOTECHNICAL nGe - The Canadian ...
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News GEOTECHNICAL nGe - The Canadian ...

Message from the President
Mario Ruel

A Word from Mario                                                  Un message de Mario
Dear friends, colleagues, and members. Bonjour!                    Chers ami(e)s, collègues et membres. Hello!
Just like in the construction industry, where it is required       Tout comme dans le secteur de la construction, où il est
to work extra hard to take advantage of long summer days           nécessaire de travailler très fort pour profiter des longues
to advance projects, we also had a busy season at the CGS.         journées ensoleillées de l’été afin de faire avancer les pro-
Now fall is just around the corner, and it gets even busier as     jets, nous avons également connu une saison bien occupée
the race is on for most of us, whether it is to complete our       à la SCG. Maintenant, l’automne est à nos portes, plusieurs
projects or for those in Academia to start the new semester.       d’entre nous ressentent une pression accrue, que ce soit
Despite all of this, we do need to invest some time to attend      pour terminer les projets ou, pour le milieu académique,
our Annual Conference.                                             afin de bien débuter la session. Malgré ces contraintes,
So, let me tell you what is coming up with the CGS and what        nous devons réserver du temps pour assister à notre con-
we’ve been up to over the past few months. Please don’t miss       férence annuelle.
my concluding remarks on the CGS and our geotechnical              Alors, laissez-moi vous dire ce qui vous attend du coté
profession.                                                        de la SCG et ce que nous avons réalisé ces derniers mois
                                                                   avant de conclure en partageant mes réflexions au sujet de
                                                                   la SCG et de notre profession de géotechnicien.

GeoSt.John’s 2019 "Under Land and Sea"                             GéoSt.John’s 2019 « Sous la terre et la mer »
It is time to finalize your plans to attend our 72 CGS Annual
                                                                   Il est maintenant le temps de finaliser vos réservations afin
Conference in Newfoundland and Labrador from September             d’assister à notre 72e conférence annuelle de la SCG qui
29th to October 2nd. This will start on Sunday late afternoon      se tiendra à Terre-Neuve et Labrador du 29 septembre au
with the “Young Professionals Event”, just before the Con-         2 octobre. Cela commencera dimanche en fin d›après-midi
ference Icebreaker for all participants. It will include a panel   avec l›événement brise-glace visant les jeunes profes-
presentation and other fun activities. This is a great oppor-      sionnels, juste avant le brise-glace de la conférence pour
tunity to chat about career development and welcome our            tous les participants. Ceci comprendra une présentation de
young members.                                                     groupe et d’autres activités amusantes. C’est une excellente
Then, on Monday morning, the CGS will also host the                occasion de discuter de cheminement de carrière et pour
“Women’s Networking Breakfast”. This initiative fits into the      accueillir nos jeunes membres.
vision of the CGS, which encourages discussion about how           Lundi matin, la SCG organisera alors le « Déjeuner de
to successfully support and engage women in the geotechni-         réseautage pour les femmes ». Cette initiative s’inscrit dans
cal field. In addition to a strong technical program with over     la vision de la SCG, soit celle de favoriser les échanges
230 presentations at the Conference, we invite you to join         sur la meilleure manière de soutenir et d’impliquer les
the Legget luncheon on Monday, September 30th, where our           femmes dans le domaine de la géotechnique. En plus d’un
most prestigious prize will be presented. Later in the evening,    programme technique intéressant comprenant plus de 250
please come to the Awards Banquet where we will recognize          présentations durant la conférence, nous vous invitons à
the contributions of our most deserving CGS members.               participer au diner Legget, lundi 30 septembre (vers midi),
“It is time to finalize your plans to attend                       où sera présenté notre prix le plus prestigieux. Plus tard
                                                                   dans la soirée, vous êtes conviés au banquet de remise des
our 72nd CGS Annual Conference                                     prix où nous soulignerons les contributions des membres
in Newfoundland and Labrador from                                  les plus méritants de la SCG.
September 29th to October 2nd”.                                    “Il est maintenant le temps de finaliser
                                                                   vos réservations afin d’assister à notre
                                                                   72e conférence annuelle de la SCG qui se
                                                                   tiendra à Terre-Neuve et Labrador du 29
                                                                   septembre au 2 octobre”.

6   Geotechnical News • September 2019                                                        
News GEOTECHNICAL nGe - The Canadian ...
Geotechnical + Structural Instrumentation

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News GEOTECHNICAL nGe - The Canadian ...

cYGEGC 2019                                                    cYGEGC 2019
The Canadian Young Geotechnical Engineers and Geosci-          La conférence canadienne des jeunes ingénieurs en géotech-
entists Conference (cYGEGC) will be held just prior to the     nique et des géoscientifiques (cYGEGC) se tiendra du 26
CGS annual conference on Sept. 26 -28 in St. John’s. We        au 28 septembre à St. John’s, juste avant notre conférence
look forward to hearing all about this other promising CGS     annuelle. Nous suivrons cette autre activité de la SCG avec
event.                                                         grand intérêt.
Cross Canada Lecture Tour (CCLT)                               Tournée de conférences transcanadienne
Following the successful tour of Charles Shackelford           Après le succès de la tournée printanière de Charles
(Colorado State University) this spring, we are all keen to    Shackelford (Colorado State University), nous avons tous
hear from Ian Moore (Queen’s University) who will be our       hâte d’entendre Ian Moore (Queen’s University) qui sera
next speaker for the CCLT this fall. This will give you the    notre prochain orateur pour la tournée transcanadienne de
possibility to meet Ian who is in line to succeed me as CGS    l’automne prochain. Cela vous donnera l’occasion de ren-
President in January 2021.                                     contrer Ian qui devrait me succéder comme Président de la
These prestigious lecture tours have been organized by CGS     SCG en janvier 2021.
since 1965 to broadcast geotechnical science and practice      Depuis 1965, la SCG organise ces prestigieuses tournées de
to Canadian geo-professionals from coast to coast. Let’s       conférences dans le but de diffuser les connaissances et les
be thankful to Charles and Ian for their significant efforts   pratiques géotechniques aux géoprofessionnels canadiens
to prepare lectures and travel all over Canada to serve our    d’un océan à l’autre. Soyons reconnaissants à Charles et
Geotechnical Community.                                        Ian pour leurs efforts dédiés à la préparation de leurs con-
                                                               férences et à leurs déplacements partout au Canada afin de
                                                               servir notre communauté géotechnique.

CFEM 2021 – Update report                                      MCIF 2021 – Rapport de progression
As I indicated in my last message, we are well into the        Comme je l’ai indiqué dans mon dernier message, nous
process of replacing the current 4th edition of the Canadian   sommes sur le point de remplacer l’actuelle 4e édition du
Foundation Engineering Manual with a new electronic ver-       Manuel canadien d’ingénierie des fondations par une nou-
sion called CFEM 2021. We should all be very proud of our      velle version électronique appelée MCIF 2021. Nous devri-
CFEM as it has been the benchmark for current practice in      ons tous être très fiers de notre MCIF qui a été la référence
foundation engineering in Canada.                              en matière des pratiques actuelles en ingénierie des fonda-
Under the direction of your CGS VP Technical, Rob Ken-         tions au Canada.
yon, we are very excited to tackle this national effort to     Sous la direction de votre VP Technique de la SCG. Rob
update existing chapters as well as add new subject mat-       Kenyon, nous sommes très motivés de prendre part à cet
ters. We are happy to report that we have had a very good      effort national visant à mettre à jour les chapitres existants
response from our CGS members with most of the chapter         et à ajouter de nouveaux sujets. Nous sommes heureux
leads selected and strong support from many volunteers         d’annoncer que nous avons eu une très bonne réponse de
to work on various chapters. The goal is to complete most      nos membres de la SCG. La plupart des responsables de
of the chapters in 2020, with progressive release in early     chapitres ont déjà été choisis et nous avons aussi le soutien
2021. If you have suggestions or want to participate in the    de plusieurs volontaires pour œuvrer sur différents cha-
preparation of the manual, we are eager to hear from you.      pitres. L’objectif est de compléter la plupart des chapitres en
Please contact our CFEM Coordinator Ken Skaftfeld at           2020, avec une publication progressive au début de 2021.                                   Avez-vous des suggestions ou souhaitez-vous participer à la
                                                               préparation du manuel ? Nous sommes impatients de vous
                                                               entendre; veuillez svp contacter notre coordonnateur du
                                                               MCIF Ken Skaftfeld à l’adresse cfem2021@trekgeotechni-

8   Geotechnical News • September 2019                                                     
News GEOTECHNICAL nGe - The Canadian ...

Member Survey                                                      Sondage auprès des membres
The CGS exists for the benefit of its members. We are proud        La SCG existe pour le bénéfice de ses membres. Nous
of your loyal membership and we are committed to serve             sommes fiers de votre appui indéfectible et nous nous
you better. To do this, we start by taking the time to listen to   engageons à mieux vous servir. Pour ce faire, nous commen-
you. The following is a summary report on our latest efforts       çons par prendre le temps de vous écouter. Ce qui suit est
to “pay attention”.                                                un compte-rendu sommaire de nos plus récents efforts pour
The CGS Membership Committee conducted a Member                    vous entendre.
Survey from January to April 2019. Your CGS VP Commu-              Le comité des membres de la SCG a mené un sondage
nications & Member Services, Judith Bouchard, was pleased          auprès des membres de janvier à avril 2019. Votre Vice-pré-
to see a strong feedback with over 200 responses. Since            sidente Communications et services aux membres de
then, the CGS Membership Committee and Judith have been            la SCG, Judith Bouchard, s’est réjouie de recevoir une
analyzing the survey in conjunction with our CGS member-           bonne rétroaction avec plus de 200 réponses. Depuis lors,
ship data. The objectives are to:                                  le Comité des membres de la SCG et Judith ont analysé
• better understand our membership;                                le sondage de concert avec les données relatives à nos
                                                                   membres. Les objectifs sont de :
• see how we could bring greater value to our existing
    members;                                                       • mieux comprendre l’ensemble de nos membres ;
• encourage more participation in the CGS at local and             • voir comment nous pourrions apporter une plus grande
    national levels; and                                               valeur à nos membres actuels ;
• promote growth.                                                  • encourager une plus grande participation à la SCG aux
                                                                       niveaux local et national ;
Judith and the Membership Committee will share the results
with you by presenting a summary of their findings in the          • promouvoir la croissance.
December issue of the Geotechnical News!                           Judith et le Comité des membres partageront les résultats
                                                                   avec vous en présentant un résumé de leurs conclusions dans
                                                                   le numéro de décembre du Geotechnical News !

Our communication strategy                                         Notre stratégie de communication
“We, the CGS Executive Committee, need to improve com-             « Nous, le comité exécutif de la SCG, devons améliorer la
munication with you the members.” This is one of the main          communication avec vous, les membres ». C›est l›une des
conclusions from the survey analysis.                              principales conclusions de l›analyse du sondage.
To get better at this, Judith Bouchard is working with the         Afin d’améliorer cette situation, Judith Bouchard collabore
Communication Task Force to prepare and launch a commu-            avec le Groupe de travail sur les communications afin de
nication campaign. Efforts will be aimed at informing you          préparer et de lancer une campagne de communication
about the latest CGS initiatives, our numerous membership          durant l’automne. Cette campagne visera à informer les
benefits, as well as to make our members more familiar with        membres des diverses initiatives de la SCG, des nombreux
the CGS organization and how we operate. Please follow             avantages offerts aux membres ainsi que sur l’organisation
us on the CGS E-News and social media so you can keep in           et le mode de fonctionnement de la SCG. Pour en savoir
touch!                                                             plus, suivez-vous sur le SCG E-Info et sur nos médias
We will soon be introducing a new redesigned CGS member            sociaux !
magazine (replacing the Geotechnical News magazine when            Nous allons bientôt lancer un nouveau magazine destiné aux
BiTech Publishers retire at the end of 2019). The CGS has          membres de la SCG. Il remplacera le Geotechnical News
been working on the development of this new magazine in            lorsque BiTech Publishers se retirera à la fin de 2019. La
partnership with Karma-Link, our new publisher. We are             SCG a travaillé au développement de ce nouveau périodique
looking forward to sharing it with everyone in March 2020!         en partenariat avec Karma-link, notre nouvel éditeur. Nous
                                                                   sommes impatients de le partager avec tout le monde en
                                                                   mars 2020!                                                                  Geotechnical News • September 2019     9
News GEOTECHNICAL nGe - The Canadian ...

Initiatives for Geopreofessional Women                           Activités pour la promotion des femmes
The CGS wants to encourage discussion about how to               géoprofessionnelles
successfully support and engage women in the geotechni-          La SCG souhaite encourager les échanges sur la manière
cal field. As mentioned earlier, one of our initiatives will     de soutenir et d’impliquer les femmes dans le domaine de
be to host the “Women’s Networking Breakfast” during             la géotechnique. Comme mentionné précédemment, une de
the GeoStJohn’s 2019 Conference. Check the conference            nos premières initiatives sera d’organiser un « Déjeuner de
website for more details, or please contact us at vpcomm@        réseautage pour les femmes » lors de la conférence GéoSt. If you are interested in being involved in further       John’s 2019. Consultez le site Web de la conférence pour
discussion on this topic or want to volunteer, please reach      plus de détails ou contactez-nous à l’adresse suivante :
out to us!                                              N’hésitez pas à nous contacter si vous
The CGS wants to encourage discussion                            souhaitez participer aux discussions ou aux activités sur ce
about how to successfully support and
                                                                 La SCG souhaite encourager les échanges
engage women in the geotechnical field.
                                                                 sur la manière de soutenir et d’impliquer
                                                                 les femmes dans le domaine de la

Closing Words                                                    Le mot de la fin
You can see that your Executive Committee is determined          Vous pouvez constater que votre Comité exécutif est déter-
to get closer to all the members and local chapters with         miné à se rapprocher de tous les membres de la SCG et des
enhanced communication to better serve you. We are also          sections locales en améliorant la communication pour mieux
considering plans for outreach activities to engage and          vous servir. Nous envisageons également des activités de
contribute outside our membership, within our profession         sensibilisation visant à susciter l’engagement et la contri-
and beyond.                                                      bution en dehors de notre effectif, dans notre profession et
A lot of you noticed there are too many of our geo-profes-       au-delà.
sional colleagues that appear not really interested in the       Vous avez été nombreux à remarquer qu’il y avait trop de
CGS. One of my visions is to see a much greater part of our      collègues géoprofessionnels qui semblent ne pas s’intéresser
large geotechnical community become more involved in the         vraiment à la SCG. L’une de mes visions est de voir une
activities of our CGS.                                           plus grande partie de notre vaste communauté géotechnique
“Member of the CGS? What’s in this for me?”; is what             s’impliquer davantage dans les activités de notre SCG.
many of my colleagues ask me. Increased awareness of the         « Membre de la SCG ? Qu›est-ce que cela m’apporte ? »
CGS`s mission, our leadership, who we are and what we            C’est ce que plusieurs de mes collègues me demandent.
do locally, nationally and on the international stage will       Une sensibilisation accrue au sujet de la mission de la SCG,
help them see the benefits and motivate participation. All of    sur notre leadership, ce que nous sommes et ce que la SCG
us can play a positive role by chatting with our colleagues      accomplit localement et à l’échelle nationale et internatio-
about the CGS.                                                   nale, les aidera à voir les avantages et à motiver leur partici-
“What can I do for my profession; for my Society?”; is           pation. Nous pouvons tous jouer un rôle positif en parlant de
another question I’d like to encourage many to reflect upon      la SCG avec nos collègues.
as I think this could be considered as part of our engineering   « Que puis-je faire pour ma profession ? Pour ma Société ? »
pledge. Along those lines, our CGS Past President, Dharma        C’est une autre question au sujet de laquelle j’aimerais
Wijewickreme (2017-2018), also believed in the CGS`s con-        encourager mes collègues à réfléchir, car cela pourrait être
tribution to the society-at-large by encouraging communica-      considéré comme faisant partie de notre serment d’ingé-
tion “about the critical role played by the geo-professionals    nieur. Dans cet ordre d’idées, notre président sortant de la
in our Society, especially considering our work is mostly out    SCG, Dharma Wijewickreme (2017-2018), croyait égale-
of sight ...”.                                                   ment à la contribution de la SCG à la société en général en
                                                                 encourageant la communication « sur le rôle crucial joué par
                                                                 les géoprofessionnels dans notre société, en particulier, en
                                                                 tenant compte que notre travail est la plupart du temps peu
                                                                 connu et reconnu ... »

10   Geotechnical News • September 2019                                                       

 Our CGS represents the geotechnical profession in Canada        Notre SCG représente la profession géotechnique au Canada
 and I share Dharma`s view that complementing membership         et je partage l’opinion de Dharma selon laquelle le fait de
 activities with some outreach communications within our         nous investir au-delà du cercle des membres par des activi-
 professional community and beyond can help enhance our          tés de sensibilisation au sein de notre communauté profes-
 profession’s strength and visibility in the Society in which    sionnelle et au-delà peut contribuer à renforcer la vitalité et
 we live in.                                                     la visibilité de notre profession dans la société dans laquelle
 Thanks again for investing your time in reading my              nous vivons.
 thoughts. I encourage you to offer your feedback to me and      Merci encore d’avoir pris le temps de lire mes réflexions.
 to our Executive Committee at                 Je vous encourage à me transmettre vos commentaires ainsi
                                                                 qu’à notre Comité exécutif à l’adresse
 “What can I do for my profession;                               « Que puis-je faire pour ma profession ?
 for my Society?”                                                Pour ma Société ? »
 I am looking forward to meeting you in person at the            Je suis impatient de vous rencontrer personnellement au
 cYGEGC and GeoSt.John’s 2019 in late September. I am            cYGEGC et à GéoSt.John’s 2019 à la fin du mois de sep-
 sure we’ll learn a lot and have fun in the relaxed mood of      tembre. Je suis certain que nous allons apprendre beaucoup
 Newfoundland and Labrador.                                      et nous amuser dans l’ambiance détendue de Terre-Neuve.
 À bientôt, mes amis ! – See you later, my friends!              See you later, my friends - À bientôt, mes amis!

From the Society                           Charles D. Shackelford is Profes-            Agency). Dr. Shackelford’s research is
                                           sor and Head of the Department of            focused primarily on evaluating flow
                                           Civil and Environmental Engineering,         (seepage) and transport of liquids and
Canadian Foundation for                    at Colorado State University, Fort           contaminants through engineered soil
Geotechnique                               Collins, Colorado. He has 35 years of        and geosynthetic containment bar-
                                           experience pertaining to the geoen-          riers used for liquid and solid waste
                                           vironmental engineering aspects of           containment.
                                           waste management and environmental           Dr. Charles Shackelford lectured at
                                           remediation, is a licensed professional      twelve cities across Canada begin-
                                           (civil) engineer (P.E.) in California and    ning Tuesday, May 21 in St. John’s,
                                           Colorado, and has served as an expert        NL with a lunch seminar and finished
Spring 2019 Cross Canada                   on waste disposal issues on numer-           in Vancouver, BC on June 6 with a
Lecture Tour                               ous occasions for private companies          dinner presentation (Table 1.). It was
The Spring 2019 Cross Canada               and federal and international agencies       a gruelling schedule, and we are very
Lecture Tour (CCLT) lecturer was           (e.g., International Atomic Energy
Dr. Charles D. Shackelford from                                        Table 1. CCLT 2019 Schedule
Colorado State University. The CCLT
has been, and continues to be, one of                           Date                                       Location
the ‘flagship’ activities of the CGS.        Tuesday, May 21                           St John’s (lunch)
The purpose of the CCLT is to provide        Wednesday, May 22                         Fredericton, (Dinner)
CGS members and other Canadian
                                             Thursday, May 23                          Quebec City, (Dinner)
geotechnical professionals an oppor-
tunity to attend high quality technical      Friday, May 24                            Friday, May 24
presentations by prominent Canadian          Monday, May 27                            Kingston (lunch)
and international geotechnical profes-
                                             Tuesday, May 28                           Ottawa (lunch)
sionals. The CCLT lecture series is
funded by the Canadian Foundation            Wednesday, May 29                         Thunder Bay (lunch)
for Geotechnique – via generous              Thursday, May 30                          Winnipeg (lunch)
corporate sponsorship. The sponsors          Monday, June 3                            Calgary (Dinner)
of the spring CCLT include BGC
Engineering, Clifton Associates,             Tuesday, June 4                           Regina (lunch)
Klohn Crippen Berger, and Thurber            Wednesday, June 5                         Edmonton (lunch)
Engineering.                                 Thursday, June 6                          Vancouver (dinner)                                                               Geotechnical News • September 2019     11

grateful to him for undertaking the          applications, we decided to work            ing Manual has been the benchmark
event, which benefited so many of our        with all the universities. The pilot        for current practice in foundation
members.                                     test will run from September 2019 to        engineering in Canada and we are
Lecture topics for the Spring                May 2020, after which the Student           very excited to be updating existing
2019 CCLT included:                          Chapters and CGS Executive Com-             chapters as well as adding new subject
                                             mittee will convene to discuss the          matter. The intent is to have the man-
• Enhanced Bentonites for Sustain-
                                             success of the initiative and next steps.   ual substantially completed by the end
    able Chemical Containment
                                             We’ve already had 2 other universi-         of 2020, with a release early in 2021.
• Membrane Behavior and Chemico-             ties express interest in forming student    In the meantime, if you have any
    Osmosis in Clays                         chapters in the future.                     questions on this initiative or would
• The Role of Diffusion in Environ-          The universities include (from west to      like to contribute to preparation of the
    mental Geotechnics                       east):                                      manual, please contact Ken Skaftfeld
During the tour, local Section and                                                       at
                                             • University of British Columbia
University representatives met with          • University of Alberta
Charles, provided tours of their
facilities and assisted with his travel      • University of Saskatchewan                Upcoming Conferences and
arrangements. Charles shared the             • University of Manitoba                    Seminars
following gratitude as the Spring 2019       • Waterloo University
CCLT drew to a close.                        • Queen’s University and Royal
“Participating in the CCLT has been              Military College
a fantastic experience for me and            • Dalhousie University
certainly one that I will forever cher-
ish. All of the CGS sections I visited       The Student Chapters Executive
were extremely gracious and accom-           Committees are composed of under-
modating, and meeting and interacting        graduate and graduate students, some
with the members of these sections           who are new to the CGS and others
was a pleasure. I am grateful to the         who have been involved in the CGS
CGS, the Canadian Foundation for             for many years. They already have
Geotechnique, and the corporate spon-        great ideas from speaker series, virtual
sors of the CCLT, i.e., BGC, Clifton         meetings, MSE wall competitions, to
Associates, Klohn Crippen Berger,            events that engage high school stu-
and Thurber Engineering Ltd., for            dents. We’ve hosted our first planning
providing me with this opportunity.”         webinar and will be preparing for a
Charles D. Shackelford                       September launch over the summer.
                                             Each Student Chapter had to seek a
CGS Student Chapters
                                             vote of support from their Local Sec-
We are excited to announced that later       tion as part of the application and the
this month the CGS will be launch-           CGS Sections did not disappoint. All
ing 7 student chapters as a pilot test!      sections welcomed this idea through
The purpose of Student Chapters is to        writing letters of support. Thank you
engage young engineers and scientists        CGS members for your continued
in the geotechnical field earlier in their   support!
career, provide an introduction to the
                                             Maraika DeGroot                             GeoSt.John’s 2019
CGS, create opportunities for student
                                             Young Professional Representative           September 29 – October 2,
leadership roles, and support students                                                   2019
with resources from an organization          Canadian Foundation
                                                                                         Come visit us at GeoSt.John’s 2019,
(e.g. networking and speaker opportu-        Engineering Manual
                                                                                         taking place in St. John’s, NL at the
nities).                                     The Canadian Geotechnical Society           end of this month. We look forward to
In February we put out a call for            is in the process of replacing the          seeing our old colleagues and meeting
applications and we were thrilled            current 4th edition of the Canadian         new ones. This will be the 72nd annual
to receive interest from universi-           Foundation Engineering Manual with          conference hosted by the Canadian
ties across the country, from British        a new electronically available version      Geotechnical Society. Come to St.
Colombia to Nova Scotia. With the            called CFEM 2021. For many years,           John’s and find out why our delegates
amount of excitement and high-quality        the Canadian Foundation Engineer-           keep coming back year after year!

12   Geotechnical News • September 2019                                                      

Geo-Congress 2020                             We will be looking for feedback on           Nous voudrons obtenir des avis sur
                                              some important topics over the next          d’importants sujets au cours des pro-
On behalf of the Program Committee,
                                              few months. Please check out our             chains mois. Veuillez consulter notre
you are cordially invited to partici-
                                              website, email Lisa at            site Web,, écrire à Mme
pate in the technical program of the
                                     or fill out a comment           McJunkin, à ou utiliser
ASCE Geo-Institute’s most dynamic,
                                              card at the GeoSt.John’s conference.         les cartes de commentaires disponibles
informative, inspirational, and innova-
                                              We are looking forward to hearing            à la conférence GéoSt.John’s. Nous
tive 2020 event: Geo-Congress 2020:
                                              from you all!                                sommes impatients de connaître votre
Vision, Insight, Outlook, which will
                                              Have an interesting Geotechnical             opinion!
be held February 25 – 28, 2020 in
Minneapolis, MN. Registration opens           related story or project that you would      Vous avez une histoire ou un projet
October 17, 2019. Please see the              like to see profiled in an upcoming          intéressant lié à la géotechnique que
conference website for more details           issue? Send your ideas to Lisa at            vous aimeriez voir paraître dans un         We are looking for             prochain numéro? Envoyez vos idées
                                              interesting material.                        à Mme McJunkin, à
                                              Nouvelles des divisions et des               Nous sommes à la recherche d’élé-
Division and Committee                        comités                                      ments intéressants.
News                                          Si vous avez envisagé de contribuer à
                                              la SCG en tant que bénévole de votre
If you have thought about getting             section locale ou au niveau d’une            Editor
involved with the CGS as a volunteer          division ou d’un comité national,            Nicholas Beier, PhD, P.Eng.
at your local Section or at the national      communiquez avec nous pour obtenir           University of Alberta
Division or Committee level, please           de plus amples renseignements sur            Dept. of Civil & Environmental Eng.,
contact us for more information about         les occasions de participation. Vous         7-207 Innovation Centre for Eng.,
some upcoming opportunities to par-           trouverez qu’il s’agit d’une expérience      9211 - 116 Street
ticipate. You will find it a rewarding        enrichissante et positive.                   Edmonton, AB T6G 1H9
and beneficial experie3nce.                                                                Tel.: 780-492-8183

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From the CGS Board

                The First Canadian Geotechnical Conference (1947)

                                                               Doug VanDine

This is a contribution from the CGS                                                                   The First Conference
Heritage Committee, of which Doug is                                                                  At the tenth meeting of the ACSSM
a member.                                                                                             held in Ottawa on March 29, 1947, it
Introduction                                                                                          was announced that L.F. Cooling, the
The Canadian Geotechnical Soci-                                                                       Head of the Soil Mechanics Section,
ety’s annual conference is one of the                                                                 Building Research Station, England,
longest, if not the longest running                                                                   and G.G. Meyerhof2, Mr. Cooling’s
geotechnical conferences in the world.                                                                assistant, were planning to visit
This year’s conference, GeoSt.John’s                                                                  Canada in late April 1947. “The Com-
(Newfoundland) 2019, will be the                                                                      mittee jumped at the opportunity that
72nd. Over those years the conferences                                                                this visit would provide and autho-
have had different names, have been                                                                   rized the holding of a two-day meeting
planned and hosted by different orga-                                                                 in Ottawa, with the visitors, to which
nizations related to the CGS, and have                                                                all known workers in Soil Mechanics
been held using different formats. This                                                               in Canada were to be invited.” (Legget
article briefly tells the story of the                                                                1983)
First Canadian Geotechnical Confer-                                                                   Invitations to attend were extended
ence held in Ottawa in 1947.                                                                          to all individuals and organizations
                                                                                                      across Canada known to be interested
                                                   Photo 1: Robert Legget in the late                 in the topic. On April 28 and 29, 1947,
Most of this background information
                                                   1940s (photo from Library and                      only one month from the decision to
comes from an article by Bill Eden
                                                   Archives Canada). Robert Legget à                  hold the meeting, 40 individuals gath-
and Gordon McRostie, published in
                                                   la fin des années 1940.                            ered at the NRC Council Chamber on
a 1987 issue of Geotechnical News                                                                     Sussex Drive in Ottawa (Photo 2) for
(Eden and McRostie 1987).                                                                             the two-day “Civilian3 Soil Mechanics
                                                   The year 1945 also saw the establish-
The Engineering Institute of Canada’s                                                                 Conference”. Considering the methods
                                                   ment of the National Research Coun-
Annual Meeting, held in Winnipeg in                                                                   of communication and travel in 1947,
                                                   cil’s Associate Committee on Soil and
February 1945, included one technical                                                                 to get 40 delegates together on such
                                                   Snow Mechanics (ACSSM). The first
session on soil mechanics. The session                                                                short notice was an amazing logistical
                                                   Chair of the ACSSM was R.F. (Rob-
included papers by G.B. Williams                                                                      feat, and a testament to the inter-
                                                   ert) Legget1 (Photo 1), at the time an
from the Manitoba Department of                                                                       est in the relatively new field of soil
                                                   Associate Professor at the University
Public Works, and R. (Bob) Peterson,                                                                  mechanics at that time.
                                                   of Toronto. One of the mandates of the
from the Prairie Farm Rehabilita-
                                                   ACSSM was to promote and stimulate                 Attendees
tion Administration. This session is
believed to be the first soil mechanics            research on the engineering aspects of             All provinces, except British Colum-
                                                   the terrain of Canada, including soil              bia, were represented by at least one
meeting in Canada and was a precur-
sor to the first conference.                       mechanics.                                         delegate4. Ontario was best repre-

    The R.F. Legget Medal, the CGS’s most prestigious award, is named after Robert Legget.
G.G. Meyerhof subsequently immigrated to Canada and, among many other accomplishments, in 1972 became the first President of the

    The reference to “Civilian” indicated that the end of World War II was still on people’s minds.                                                                              Geotechnical News • September 2019   15
                                     COMPUTING IN    the CGS BoardENGINEERING

                                                                                               42 years old, the Dean of Engineering
                                                                                               at the University of Alberta. In 1951
                                                                                               Bob Hardy established a commercial
                                                                                               soil and concrete testing lab called
                                                                                               Materials Testing Laboratories, which
                                                                                               in 1954 morphed into R.M. Hardy and
                                                                                               Associates, a precursor to the present-
                                                                                               day Wood Group. Another notable
                                                                                               delegate was 25-year old C.F. (Char-
                                                                                               lie) Ripley, a “Hydraulic Engineer”
                                                                                               with the Prairie Farm Rehabilita-
                                                                                               tion Administration in Regina. In
                                                                                               1951 Charlie Ripley established the
                                                                                               geotechnical consulting firm Ripley
                                                                                               and Associates, a precursor to the
                                                                                               present-day Klohn Crippen Berger.
                                                                                               The Canadian graduate student from
                                                                                               Harvard University was 26-year old
                                                                                               F.L. (Lionel) Peckover, who went on
Photo 2: NRC Building, 100 Sussex Drive, in 1945 (photo from NRC                               to become the Senior Soils Engineer
Archives). Édifice du CNRC, 100, promenade Sussex, en 1945.                                    with the St. Lawrence Seaway Project
                                                                                               and then the Engineer of Geotechni-
sented with 25 delegates, followed by          of Alberta, University of Toronto,              cal Services with CN Rail. Lionel
Quebec with 4 delegates. The United            Queen’s University, McGill Univer-              Peckover is considered the “Father of
States was represented by two gradu-           sity, École Polytechnique, University           Railway Geotechnical Engineering in
ate students from Harvard University:          of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia                Canada” (Mario Ruel, personal com-
one Canadian, and one from the UK.             Technical College. Five delegates rep-          munication).
L.F. Cooling and G.G. Meyerhof, the            resented various industries, including
                                                                                               G.C. (Gordon) McRostie also
visitors from the UK, were included in         Canada Cement Company, Imperial
                                                                                               attended. In 1947 he was a 24-year
the 40 attendees.                              Oil (Asphalt Division) and Foundation
                                                                                               old engineering consultant with N.B.
Government and government agen-                Company of Canada. The two gradu-
                                                                                               MacRostie Consulting Engineers in
cies were most represented with 25             ate students referred to above and one
                                                                                               Ottawa5. In 1950 he established the
                                                                                               first geotechnical consulting firm in
delegates, including representatives           engineering consultant rounded out the
                                                                                               Ottawa, one of the first such firms in
from the federal departments respon-           delegates.
sible for public works, transportation,        Robert Legget, then 42 years old, was           Canada. In 2015 Gordon McRostie
agriculture, harbours and national             the conference chair. Later in 1947, he         was awarded a CGS Honorary Life
defence; Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec             joined the National Research Council            Membership for, among other things,
and Prince Edward Island departments           of Canada as the first Director of the          attending 66 of the 68 annual confer-
of public works and highways; and the          new Division of Building Research,              ences up to 2015. He also attended the
Hydro Electric Power Corporation of            a position he held until he retired in          69th annual conference in 2016 and
Ontario, among others. Seven academ-           1969. Another notable conference                was on the Local Organizing Com-
ics attended representing University           delegate was R.M. (Bob) Hardy, also             mittee of the 70th annual conference.

 Newfoundland and Labrador was not represented, but it didn’t become a Canadian province unitl 1949.
 N.B. MacRostie Consulting Engineers was a surveying and municipal engineering consultancy. In spite of the different spellings of their
last names, Norman MacRostie, the owner of the company, was Gordon McRostie’s uncle. Between 1949 and before Gordon McRostie
formed his own firm in 1950, he was a junior partner with the partnership MacRostie & McRostie (Michael W. St-Louis, Personal Com-
  The proceedings of almost all of the annual conferences are available to download from the ‘Members Section’ of the CGS website www.
 In 1947, there were no Canadian consulting firms specifically related to the soil mechanics-geotechnical field, although Foundation Com-
pany of Canada had formed a “Soil Engineering Department” in 1940 (Fred Matich, Personal Communication).

16   Geotechnical News • September 2019                                                              
                                  COMPUTING IN    the CGS BoardENGINEERING

Gordon McRostie died at the age of 95                                               ciation voiced by Mr. G.B. Williams
and was the last surviving member of                                                to the Chairman for organizing and
those who attended the first confer-                                                conducting the meeting. Professor
ence. He died before the 71st annual                                                Legget replied that the meeting had
conference or else he would have                                                    more than fulfilled the hopes which
attended that conference as well!                                                   had been entertained for it and said
Of the 40 attendees, many went on to                                                that he felt that it could and should
have illustrious careers in the geo-                                                be the first step towards most fruitful
technical field in Canada. Memoirs                                                  cooperation.”
(“Lives Lived”) of ten of the del-                                                  Canadian geotechnical conferences
egates are included in the CGS Virtual                                              were off to a great “first step”, and 72
Archives (as of 2019): Spencer Hall,                                                years later we look forward the 72nd
R.M. (Bob) Hardy, R.F. (Robert)                                                     Canadian Geotechnical Conference,
Legget, N.W. (Norman) McLeod, G.C.                                                  GeoSt.John’s (Newfoundland) in Sep-
(Gordon) McRostie, G.G. (Geoffrey)                                                  tember 2019.
Meyerhof, F.L. (Lionel) Peckover,         Photo 3: Cover of the 1947                References
C.F. (Charlie) Ripley, H.B. (Hugh)        Proceedings. Couverture des
Sutherland, and D.G. (Dan) Watt                                                     Eden, W.J. and McRostie, G.C. 1987.
                                          comptes-rendus de 1947.                      Canadian Geotechnical Confer-
lives_lived.php).                                                                      ences, 1947-1987; Geotechni-
                                          Soil Mechanics Conference” (ACSSM
                                                                                       cal News, March 1987, pp 9-11.
Technical Program and                     1947) (Photo 3). The proceedings, bet-
                                                                                       (Thanks to Lynn Pugh of BiTech
Proceedings                               ter described as minutes, provided “a
                                                                                       Publishing for providing this
                                          record of a conference of most of the
This first conference consisted of
                                          active Canadian workers in the field of
a series of 28 short presentations                                                  Legget, R.F. 1983. Geotechnique
                                          Soil Mechanics…”.
describing the activities in soil                                                      in Canada, a Personal Memoir;
mechanics in various parts in Canada      The proceedings also contained a list
                                                                                       unpublished manuscript on the
and abroad. During the conference, it     of 12 Canadian laboratories with soil
                                                                                       CGS website
was also decided to establish a “Sub-     testing equipment, divided equally
committee on Civilian Soil and Snow       between universities and governments/
                                                                                       accessed June 2019.
Mechanics” of the ACSSM to provide        government agencies7. The proceeding
                                          also listed the names of the regional     Associate Committee of Snow and Ice
regional representation (6 regions) and
                                          representatives selected during the          Mechanics. 1947. Proceedings of
act as a Canadian liaison group for
                                          conference for the Subcommittee of           the 1947 Civilian Soil Mechanics
related international affairs.
                                          the ACSSM.                                   Conference, Technical Memo-
The 21-page type-written proceed-                                                      randum No. 9, National Research
ings6 were published in August 1947       Closure                                      Council, Ottawa.
as NRC ACSSM Technical Memo-              From the proceedings: “The meeting
randum No. 9 and were titled the          closed with an expression of appre-
“Proceedings of the 1947 Civilian

   La première Conférence canadienne de géotechnique (1947)
                                                    Doug VanDine

Cet article est une contribution du       des premières, sinon la première          ont été planifiées et ont été tenues
Comité sur le patrimoine de la SCG,       conférence géotechnique à avoir été       par différentes organisations liées
dont M. VanDine est membre.               créée, et ce, à l’échelle mondiale. La    à la SCG, et se sont déroulées sous
Introduction                              conférence de cette année,                différents formats. Cet article raconte
                                          GéoStJohn’s (Terre-Neuve-et-Labra-        brièvement l’histoire de la première
                                          dor) 2019, sera la 72e. Au fil des ans,
La conférence annuelle de la Société                                                Conférence canadienne de géotech-
canadienne de géotechnique est l’une      les conférences ont eu différents noms,   nique tenue à Ottawa en 1947.                                                            Geotechnical News • September 2019   17
                                         COMPUTING IN    the CGS BoardENGINEERING

Renseignements généraux                             tous les travailleurs connus en méca-            de Toronto, l’Université Queen’s,
                                                    nique des sols au Canada seraient                l’Université McGill, l’École Poly-
La plupart de ces renseignements
                                                    invités.» (Legget, 1983).                        technique, l’Université du Nouveau-
généraux proviennent d’un article de
                                                    Des invitations à participer à cette             Brunswick et le Nova Scotia Technical
Bill Eden et Gordon McRostie, publié
                                                    réunion ont été envoyées à toutes les            College y ont assisté. Cinq délégués
dans un numéro de 1987 de Geotech-
                                                    personnes et organisations du Canada             représentaient diverses industries,
nical News (Eden et McRostie, 1987).
                                                    qui s’intéressaient au sujet. Les 28             dont la Canada Cement Company,
L’assemblée annuelle de l’Institut                                                                   l’Impérial Oil (division Asphalte) et la
                                                    et 29 avril 1947, un mois seulement
canadien des ingénieurs, tenue à Win-                                                                Foundation Company of Canada. Les
                                                    après la décision de tenir la réunion,
nipeg en février 1945, comprenait une                                                                deux étudiants gradués susmentionnés
                                                    40 personnes se sont réunies à la salle
séance technique sur la mécanique                                                                    et un ingénieur-conseil ont complété
                                                    du Conseil du CNRC sur la prome-
des sols. La séance comportait des                                                                   les délégués.
                                                    nade Sussex à Ottawa (Photo 2) pour
articles de G.B. Williams du ministère
                                                    la «Conférence sur la mécanique                  Robert Legget, alors âgé de 42 ans,
des Travaux publics du Manitoba et
                                                    civile3 des sols». Considérant les               était le président de la conférence.
de R. (Bob) Peterson, de Prairie Farm
                                                    modes de communication et de trans-              Plus tard en 1947, il s’est joint au
Rehabilitation Administration. On
                                                    port en 1947, réunir 40 délégués dans            CNRC à titre de premier directeur de
croit que cette séance est la première
                                                    un délai aussi court était un exploit            la nouvelle Division des recherches en
réunion sur la mécanique des sols au
                                                    logistique étonnant, et un témoignage            bâtiment, poste qu’il a occupé jusqu’à
Canada et qu’elle a été un précurseur
                                                    de l’intérêt pour le domaine relative-           sa retraite en 1969. Un autre délégué
de la première conférence.
                                                    ment nouveau de la mécanique des                 digne de mention à la conférence
L’année 1945 a également vu la                      sols à cette époque.                             était R.M. (Bob) Hardy, également
création du comité associé de la                                                                     âgé de 42 ans, doyen de la faculté de
mécanique des sols et de la neige du                Les participants
                                                                                                     génie de l’Université de l’Alberta. En
Conseil national de recherches du                   Toutes les provinces, sauf la Colom-
                                                                                                     1951, Bob Hardy a établi un labora-
Canada (CNRC). Le premier président                 bie-Britannique, étaient représentées            toire commercial d’analyse des sols
du Comité associé de la mécanique                   par au moins un délégué4, l’Ontario              et de béton appelé Materials Testing
des sols et de la neige a été R.F. (Rob-            étant la mieux représentée avec 25               Laboratories, qui a été transformé en
ert) Legget1 (Photo 1), alors professeur            délégués, suivie du Québec avec                  R.M. Hardy and Associates en 1954,
agrégé à l’Université de Toronto. L’un              quatre délégués. Les États-Unis étaient          un précurseur de l’actuel Wood Group.
des mandats de ce Comité était de                   représentés par deux étudiants gradués           Un autre délégué digne de mention
promouvoir et de stimuler la recherche              de l’Université Harvard: un Cana-                était C.F. (Charlie) Ripley, ingénieur
sur les aspects techniques du terrain               dien et un Britannique. L.F. Cooling             hydraulicien à Prairie Farm Rehabili-
au Canada, incluant la mécanique des                et G.G. Meyerhof, les visiteurs du               tation Administration à Regina, qui
sols.                                               Royaume-Uni, figuraient parmi les                était âgé de 25 ans. En 1951, Charlie
                                                    40 participants.
La première conférence                                                                               Ripley a fondé la société d’experts-
                                                    Le gouvernement et les orga-                     conseils en géotechnique Ripley and
Lors de la dixième réunion du Comité
                                                    nismes gouvernementaux étaient les               Associates, précurseur de l’actuel
associé de la mécanique des sols et
                                                    mieux représentés, avec 25 délé-                 Klohn Crippen Berger. L’étudiant
de la neige tenue à Ottawa le 29 mars
                                                    gués, dont des représentants des                 canadien gradué de l’Université Har-
1947, il fut annoncé que L.F. Cooling,
                                                    ministères fédéraux responsables des             vard était F.L. (Lionel) Peckover, âgé
chef de la section de la mécanique des
                                                    travaux publics, des transports, de              de 26 ans, qui est ensuite devenu ingé-
sols de la Building Research Station
                                                    l’agriculture, des ports et de la défense        nieur principal de la mécanique des
en Angleterre et G.G. Meyerhof2,
                                                    nationale; des ministères des Travaux            sols pour le projet de la Voie maritime
l’adjoint de M. Cooling, prévoyaient
de visiter le Canada à la fin avril 1947.
                                                    publics et des Transports du Manitoba,           du Saint-Laurent, puis ingénieur des
                                                    de l’Ontario, du Québec et de l’Île-du-          services géotechniques pour le CN.
«Le Comité a sauté sur l’occasion que
                                                    Prince-Édouard; et de l’Hydro Electric           Lionel Peckover est considéré comme
cette visite lui offrirait et a autorisé la
                                                    Power Corporation of Ontario, notam-             le «père de la géotechnique ferroviaire
tenue d’une réunion de deux jours à
                                                    ment. Sept universitaires représentant           au Canada» (Mario Ruel, communica-
Ottawa, avec les visiteurs, à laquelle
                                                    l’Université de l’Alberta, l’Université          tion personnelle).
    La Médaille R.F. Legget, le prix le plus prestigieux de la SCG, porte le nom de Robert Legget.
    G.G. Meyerhof immigre par la suite au Canada et, entre autres réalisations, devient en 1972 le premier président de la SCG.
    «Civile» indiquait que la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale était encore présente dans l’esprit des gens.
    Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador n’était pas représentée, mais elle n’est devenue une province canadienne qu’en 1949.

18      Geotechnical News • September 2019                                                               
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