NextWave Insurance: personal lines and small commercial - How insurers must change to thrive in the next normal - EY

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NextWave Insurance: personal lines and small commercial - How insurers must change to thrive in the next normal - EY
NextWave Insurance:
personal lines and
small commercial
How insurers must change
to thrive in the next normal
NextWave Insurance: personal lines and small commercial - How insurers must change to thrive in the next normal - EY
 personal lines and
 small commercial
      A message from the EY Insurance leadership team

                   The most serious threats — pandemics, societal megatrends, disruptive
                   technology advancements, and intensifying competition from new and
                   traditional players — also hold the greatest potential for growth and
                   transformation. Insurers that can demonstrate new and differentiated value
                   to individuals, businesses, and communities around the world will seize that
                   potential and prepare themselves for success on the industry’s next frontier.

   The industry             Insurance leaders must maintain their resilience in navigating an
                            uncertain present and a complex and turbulent future. As the strategic
   faces a great            evolution of the industry accelerates, the most effective response for
 paradox of risk            insurers is to harness the power of change and thoughtfully design
                            their futures. They must develop their vision for the future and adjust
and opportunity.            their strategic and tactical plans to realize that vision.

                   Tomorrow’s leaders will be purpose-led in their strategies, more agile and
                   nimble with their resources, and dramatically more customer-centric. They will
                   engineer their operations for efficiency and incorporate analytics in all aspects
                   of the business. Across the organization, human talent will focus on higher-
                   value tasks and work with technology in entirely new ways. Top performers
                   will opportunistically launch innovative new products and tailored service
                   experiences to capture customer loyalty and market share. All of these
                   changes were necessary before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic,
                   which has only intensified the need for transformation.

 02    NextWave Insurance: personal lines and small commercial
NextWave Insurance: personal lines and small commercial - How insurers must change to thrive in the next normal - EY
We welcome the opportunity to discuss your perspective on these issues,
as well as your company’s particular transformation journey into the next   About EY
wave of insurance.

                                                                            The EY NextWave vision
                                                                            represents the EY perspective
                                                                            on the most powerful trends
                                                                            and forces shaping the

 Isabelle Santenac                           Ed Majkowski                   industry’s future. The process
        Global                                 Americas                     brings together strategic EY
   Insurance Leader                   Insurance Consulting Leader
                                                                            thought leaders, industry
                                                                            and functional professionals
                                                                            and technologists, outside
                                                                            experts and academics.
                                                                            In collaborative ideation
                                                                            workshops, these groups help
                                                                            clients envision a brighter
Peter Manchester                              Grant Peters
                                                                            future and map out the
      EMEIA                                     Asia-Pacific
 Insurance Leader                            Insurance Leader               road ahead.

03       NextWave Insurance: personal lines and small commercial
NextWave Insurance: personal lines and small commercial - How insurers must change to thrive in the next normal - EY
Table of contents       A message from the EY Insurance leadership team

                        Executive summary                                                                05
                        Framing the next wave: trends and forces that explain
                        where we are today and where we’re heading                                       07
                        Envisioning the next wave: 10 market scenarios                                   16

                    01                                                   06
                                       New types of policies                  The auto insurance
                                       protect small businesses               market dramatically
                                       and society against the                contracts as driverless
                                       unthinkable                            vehicles and ride-
                                                                    17        sharing eliminate risk     27

                    02                                                   07
                                       Personal carriers shift                  Cyber risks present a
                                       focus from automotive                    hundred-billion-dollar
                                       policies to home-centric                 opportunity and a
                                                                                trillion-dollar threat
                                       product hubs

                    03                                                   08
                                       Real-time risk visibility                The ecosystem expands:
                                       and responsiveness                       cloud models and new
                                       become reality                           connections enable
                                                                                radical innovation
                                                                    21                                   31

                    04                                                   09
                                       Direct, digital and                      The subscription revolution
                                       embedded sales become                    arrives: insurance becomes
                                       dominant channels                        deeply woven into consumers’

                                       for growth                               everyday lives

                    05                                                   10
                                       Weaponizing data                         AI adoption
                                       and competing on                         accelerates in claims:
                                       experience, tech                         the last processor
                                                                                turns out the lights
                                                                    25                                   35
                                       giants reinvent the
                                       insurance model

                        How to lead the next wave: from purpose and
                        business model to offerings and capabilities                                     37
                        The bottom line: it’s time for change                                            44
                        Authors and contributors                                                         45

    04    NextWave Insurance: personal lines and small commercial
NextWave Insurance: personal lines and small commercial - How insurers must change to thrive in the next normal - EY
                                              Our world has never been more
                                              in need of a high-functioning and
                                              innovative insurance industry. With
                                              unsurpassed ability to understand
                                              and model risk, insurers have a
                                              critical role to play in helping society
                                              prepare for and protect against the
                                              threats presented by pandemics,
                                              climate change, cybercrime,
                                              disruptive technologies, demographic
                                              shifts and social unrest. Insurers must
                                              play a critical role in helping
                                              to restore the global economy.

05   NextWave Insurance: personal lines and small commercial
NextWave Insurance: personal lines and small commercial - How insurers must change to thrive in the next normal - EY
NextWave Insurance: executive summary

These profound changes, as well as industry-
specific trends, present unique opportunities
                                                                        If insurance is
for insurers with a clear plan for the future.                          changing, how
The industry has many strengths to leverage, including strong
capital positions, decades of risk and claims data, many well-          should personal and
known brands, and a profitable customer base with relatively low
propensity to switch.                                                   small commercial
Still, the challenges and need for change should not be
underestimated. COVID-19 offers an opportunity to restore trust         insurers change?
if insurers can live their purpose and demonstrate leadership in
getting the global economy back on track. Consumer trust has been       We believe tomorrow’s winners will drive
slipping and could further erode if they fall short.                    transformation through:
Growth is a challenge for most carriers, and maintaining recently
improved results will be increasingly difficult. New alliances and      •   A clear purpose and inspiring mission that
partnerships will be necessary to expand capabilities and foster            resonate with employees and consumers,
innovation. Legacy technology needs significant updating, and the           while strengthening trust and clarifying the
workforce requires new skills and higher levels of engagement.              value of insurance

Looking further out, the lost revenue from inevitable and potentially   •   Ubiquitous use of digitization, automation and
substantial reductions in personal and commercial auto risk will            AI that drives vastly improved expense ratios
need to be replaced. Regulatory and liability issues will only grow         and leaner, more flexible cost structures, as
more complex. Tricky ethical questions regarding consumer                   well as supporting operational resilience and
privacy and the use of data and artificial intelligence (AI) are sure       maintaining productivity for remote workers
to emerge. Large-scale, direct-to-consumer players will continue        •   Customer experiences as good as or better
their relentless capture of market share. New competitors will force        than those offered by digital leaders in
insurers to rethink their services and offerings. Pandemics, cyber          other industries
catastrophes and natural disasters may pose existential threats
                                                                        •   A data and analytics environment that
for some insurers. All the while, managing channel conflict and
                                                                            provides continuous and actionable insight,
cannibalization of existing lines of businesses will require delicate
                                                                            with a clear focus on target outcomes
balancing acts.
                                                                        •   A commitment to designing, launching,
While many of these forces have long been on the radars of senior
                                                                            and servicing innovative new products and
insurance executives, the urgency for action has increased.
                                                                            experiences more quickly and at a fraction
The fundamental question for insurers is: will growth opportunities         of today’s costs, with offerings aligned to
outweigh the threats in the next wave of insurance? The possible            changing consumer needs
developments and outcomes presented here examine how leaders
                                                                        •   Highly agile organizations, cultures and work
will seize the potential upside, as well as the worst-case scenarios
                                                                            environments that foster innovation, provide
laggards will likely face.
                                                                            meaningful work, and support personal and
                                                                            professional growth for a diverse workforce
                                                                        •   Win-win collaborations with InsurTechs,
                                                                            non-insurers and nontraditional competitors

                                                                        •   New approaches to distribution and supply
                                                                            chain, featuring product specialists, third-
We always overestimate the change that                                      party platforms, and the right mix of digital
                                                                            innovation and the human touch
will occur in the next one or two years
and underestimate the change that will                                  Carriers that can envision the future and have
                                                                        the courage to invest in thoughtful, customer-
occur in the next five or ten years.                                    focused transformation will overcome today’s
                                                                        threats and seize the next wave of opportunities.
Bill Gates

06      NextWave Insurance: personal lines and small commercial
NextWave Insurance: personal lines and small commercial - How insurers must change to thrive in the next normal - EY
Framing the
                              next wave
                                                               Trends and forces
                                                               that explain where
                                                               we are today and
                                                               where we’re heading

07   NextWave Insurance: personal lines and small commercial
NextWave Insurance: personal lines and small commercial - How insurers must change to thrive in the next normal - EY
Framing the next wave

The numbers must
get better
Today’s marketplace is hypercompetitive with extremely tight
margins, slow (if any) growth and high operating costs. The
industry’s current economics are unsustainable,

Compound annual growth rate (CAGR) in gross                         Combined ratios, US insurers, 2018

written premium (in US$), non-life, global

                                                                    Source: EY analysis, SNL Financial

                               2.2%           Overall               Operating ratios, top 20 European insurers

Source: SwissRe
                                                                    94%                  2012

Distribution and transactional costs, as                            98%                 2017

a percentage of premiums collected                                  Source: EY analysis, SNL

30%-40%                                                             Average expense ratios, top three
                                                                    Asia-Pacific markets

                                                                    28.0%                         2012

Source: Geneva Association

                                                                    Source: SwissRe

08        NextWave Insurance: personal lines and small commercial
NextWave Insurance: personal lines and small commercial - How insurers must change to thrive in the next normal - EY
Framing the next wave

Trust suits
the brand

The insurance industry is built
on a foundation of trust between
the carrier and its customers.
This fundamental promise of
                                                                  decline in consumer trust of US financial
protection and reliability                                        services companies, 2017–18
cannot be compromised.                                            Source: Edelman
NextWave Insurance: personal lines and small commercial - How insurers must change to thrive in the next normal - EY
Framing the next wave

Consumers expect
something different

Consumers are embracing new technology to
buy products and services. Consumer trends
in retail, transportation and other industries
will soon come to insurance; carriers with
strong technology, intuitive experiences,
and clear value propositions will have a                                     US consumers aged
huge head start in winning market share.                                     35–49 interested in
After COVID-19, consumers will expect more                                   subscription models, with
flexible and usage-based products that are                                   higher interest relative to
easier to research and purchase through                                      marriage, having children
digital channels.                                                            and other
                                                                             life events

                                                                             Source: EY NextWave Consumer

       19%                                            31%
                                                                             Financial Services

  European consumers                       European consumers who would
    interested in buying                    consider buying nontraditional
       insurance from                         services (e.g., broadband,
nontraditional competitors,                  energy or data storage) from
   including tech giants                          their bank or insurer

Source: Fujitsu

10       NextWave Insurance: personal lines and small commercial
Framing the next wave

Revenue threats
and opportunities
are everywhere
Megatrends and disruptions driving uncertainty today will have definitive impacts
in the near to middle term, potentially diminishing traditional lines of business and
revenue sources. At the same time, innovators — including non-insurers — may view
crises as opportunities to enter the business, either directly or through partnerships
with incumbents.

                Climate                                           $219 billion
                                                                  combined global insurance losses from natural
                                                                  disasters, 2017–18 Source: Swiss Re

                                                                  natural disaster costs that can be attributed to
                                                                  weather-related events in an average year Source: Munich Re

                                                                  total economic losses caused by hurricanes in 2017
                                                                  relative to average of the prior 16 years Source: Aon Benfield 2018

                                                                  average percentage of catastrophic losses covered
                                                                  by insurance, 2009–18 Source: The Economist

                                                                  $180 billion
                                                                  global protection gap for weather-related risks
                                                                  Source: Swiss Re

11      NextWave Insurance: personal lines and small commercial
Framing the next wave

                                                         The pandemic demonstrates the industry's
                                                         risk-opportunity paradox: widespread remote
                                                         working increases cyber risks but reduces the
                                                         likelihood of automotive claims.
                                                         During the lockdown, P&C (property and casualty) insurers
                                                         responded with auto premium holidays and rebates and
                                                         reinforced their messaging about telematics-based products
                                                         that offer discounts in exchange for driving data. The stability
                                                         of retention rates post-COVID-19 shows the effectiveness of
                                                         these strategies.

                                                         $10.5 billion
                                                         estimated amount of auto premium refunds,
                                                         discounts, dividends and credits offered by insurers
                                                         in the wake of COVID-19 Source: Insurance Information Institute

                                                         reduction in miles driven and car trips taken during
                                                         lockdown Source: Swiss Re, Arity

                                                         growth in global non-life premiums, 2020
                                                         Source: Swiss Re

                                                         $40 billion–
                                                         $100 billion
                                                         projected losses for P&C insurance industry
                                                         due to COVID-19 Source: EY analysis, Swiss Re

12     NextWave Insurance: personal lines and small commercial
Framing the next wave

                                                          23 million
                                                          number of level-4 autonomous vehicles on the road
                                                          by 2025 Source: Stevens Institute of Technology

                                                          compound annual growth rate of collision-avoidance
                                                          technology market 2018–25 Source: Grandview Research

                                                          $96 billion
                                                          usage-based auto insurance market, 2025, 4x
                                                          growth from 2018 Source: Markets and Markets

7.1 billion
number of identities exposed in data breaches
2010–17 Source: Symantec

$23 billion
global cybersecurity insurance market by 2025
Source: Adroit Market Research

global organizations reporting that they are
prepared to handle a sophisticated cyber attack
Source: ISACA

13      NextWave Insurance: personal lines and small commercial
Framing the next wave

The upside of
Insurers are well-positioned to help protect
the many underinsured consumers and
businesses around the world. They must
find ways to engage younger consumers —
the so-called “generation rent” — sooner.

As these consumers wait longer to
purchase vehicles (which they may never
do), buy homes, get married or have
children, their first interactions with
insurers happen later in life. Insurers must
innovate with technology to engage and
support underserved markets. Insurers in                          US consumers who can’t
emerging markets exhibited great creativity                       meet a $400 short-term
in using mobile phones to provide micro-
insurance, asset-based coverages and                              Source: US Federal Reserve

embedded insurance purchases in their
efforts to connect to the underinsured.

14      NextWave Insurance: personal lines and small commercial
Framing the next wave

Percentage of US consumers aged                                   Home ownership among
25–37 who are married                                             millennials

83%                                                                              70%   China

                 67%                                                             46%   Mexico

                                   57%                                           35%   US

                                                                                 31%   UK

                                                                                 28%   Australia

  1968              1982             2001              2018                      26%   UAE

Source: Pew Research Center                                       Source: HSBC

8–20 years
average number of years by
which retirees in six major global
economies will outlive their
retirement savings

Source: World Economic Forum

15      NextWave Insurance: personal lines and small commercial
Envisioning                                                     01
                                                                     New types of policies protect
                                                                     small businesses and society

the next wave:                                                       against the unthinkable

                                                                     Personal carriers shift focus
10 market                                                            from automotive policies to
                                                                     home-centric product hubs

                                                                     Real-time risk visibility
                                                                     and responsiveness
                                                                     become reality
The following scenarios reflect our

thinking about likely developments in                                Direct, digital, and embedded
the next 5-10 years. Many of the issues                              sales become dominant
are already influencing C-suite and                                  channels for growth

board-level decisions. Soon they will
                                                                     Weaponizing data and
become operational realities, the new                                competing on experience,
normal, across the industry.                                         tech giants reinvent the
                                                                     insurance model

                                                                     The auto insurance market
                                                                     dramatically contracts as
                                                                     driverless vehicles and ride-
                                                                     sharing eliminate risk

                                                                     Cyber risks present a hundred-
                                                                     billion-dollar opportunity
                                                                     and trillion-dollar threat

                                                                     The ecosystem expands: cloud
                                                                     models and new connections
                                                                     enable radical innovation

                                                                     The subscription revolution
                                                                     arrives: insurance becomes
                                                                     deeply woven into consumers’
                                                                     everyday lives

                                                                10   AI adoption accelerates in
                                                                     claims: the last processor
                                                                     turns out the lights

16    NextWave Insurance: personal lines and small commercial
                                                    Envisioning the next wave: 10 market scenarios

                                                New types of
                                                policies protect
                                                small businesses
                                                and society against
                                                the unthinkable

                   Leaders launch relevant new products quickly to meet
                   market demand and shore up their reputations.
                   Laggards continue to offer the same policies.
                   In the wake of COVID-19, there was               simply too great for the industry to assume
                   considerable public outcry and litigation        by itself. Insurers clarify policy language
                   relative to pandemic exclusions. While           and identify what is covered and what is
                   insurers are often on strong legal ground,       excluded. Some carriers go on the offensive
                   their trial in the court of public opinion       and develop new policies that address some
                   diminishes brand reputations and weakens         elements of the market need for pandemic
                   trust in the in the industry. Despite billions   business interruption coverage.
                   of dollars returned to consumers in the
                   form of premium holidays and rebates,            These new policies are underwritten and
                   the pandemic’s overwhelming damage to            priced so small businesses gain some limited
                   small and medium sized businesses is of          protection and are structured on triggers
                   greater interest to elected officials and the    and thresholds that build on traditional
                   media, who often play to perceptions that        loss limitations and deductibles. Pricing
                   the industry isn’t standing by its customers     these new policies is extremely challenging,
                   during a global crisis.                          given the lack of actuarial history, potential
                                                                    concentration risk, and the lack of any
                   In response to the controversy, insurers         known or predictable period of restoration.
                   engage regulators on private-public              Parametric coverage helps address the
                   consortiums to backstop future pandemic          lack of risk assessment clarity and claims
                   risks. Industry risk pools are formed in         adjustment complexity.
                   markets around the world as the risks are

17   NextWave Insurance: personal lines and small commercial
01. New types of policies protect small businesses and society against the unthinkable

How this changes insurance                                                                  Impact and value
in the next wave
Accepting the challenge, leaders                to insurers’ purpose statements.
                                                                                            for   customers:
put their brightest data scientists             These complex offerings are                 •   Increased preparedness and protection
on the task of modeling and                     communicated in simple terms so                 against future “black swan” events
pricing the risk, with appropriate              that they can be sold through digital       •   Clearer understanding of coverages
triggers for government-backed                  channels. Carriers find ways to
protections. They use advanced                  enhance pandemic-related health
                                                                                            •   More flexible buying options — via
                                                                                                bundles and through digital channels
analytical techniques and apply                 protections, adding new coverages
learnings from the COVID-19                     and preventive services within
pandemic, natural disasters and                 personal lines. They also develop and
cyber attacks. The necessary risk               market new product bundles that
management discipline proves too                transcend traditional product silos.
much for laggards, and they miss the                                                        Implications and
                                                                                            possibilities for
opportunity for improved customer               Insurers engage regulators and
retention and revenue growth.                   collaborate on extensive education

                                                programs for agents, brokers and
The most innovative carriers                    policyholders. The industry is
enhance their offerings with                    able to generate new premiums
risk advisory services that help                as it lives its purpose through             •   Demonstrated leadership in helping
businesses prepare for the                      enhanced risk awareness,                        society restore the economy
unthinkable and that directly align             prevention and protection.
                                                                                            •   Proactive engagement with
                                                                                                governments on broad societal risks
                                                                                            •   Increased insight into the potential
                                                                                                impacts of unthinkable events
                                                                                            •   Increased revenue through new
                                                                                                offerings for prevention and protection
                                                                                            •   Clearer contractual language to reduce
                                                                                                the risk of litigation

number of COVID-19-related legal filings against the
insurance industry in the US (as of September 14, 2020)
Source: University of Pennsylvania

top-line growth achieved by leading digital-only Chinese
insurer during COVID-19
Source: Zhong An

18        NextWave Insurance: personal lines and small commercial
                                                   Envisioning the next wave: 10 market scenarios

                                               Personal carriers
                                               shift focus from
                                               automotive policies
                                               to home-centric
                                               product hubs

                   Leaders proactively manage falling auto premiums
                   with blended offerings and new features centered
                   on homeowners insurance.
                   Laggards don’t make the adjustment and suffer
                   significant premium erosion.
                   In the aftermath of the economic lockdowns     reflect the reality of dramatically more
                   caused by COVID-19, automobile traffic         complex households, including property
                   significantly diminished across the country.   coverage, small business endorsements,
                   As the lockdowns eased and the economy         warranty coverage, cyber coverage, pet
                   came back to life, miles driven rebounded,     insurance, enhanced liability and personal
                   though remote working significantly reduced    article coverage, and other features.
                   commuting. It is not clear when — or if —
                   miles driven will return to prior levels.      Leading carriers increase their digital
                                                                  engagement with customers, with
                   COVID-19 accelerates the shift away            connected data and ancillary services
                   from auto-centric insurance relationships      supporting the broader homeowner
                   to products and services that provide          ecosystem. The top performers live their
                   protections for the unique needs of            missions and align the value of insurance to
                   individual homeowners. Carriers get            distinct and evolving customer needs.
                   creative in designing new features that

19   NextWave Insurance: personal lines and small commercial
02. Personal carriers shift focus from automotive policies to home-centric product hubs

How this changes insurance                                                                   Impact and value
in the next wave
As the focus shifts from auto                  For their part, laggards are slow
                                                                                             for   customers:
to home, leaders embrace the                   on the uptake with usage-based                •   Better pricing and coverages reflecting
opportunity to get closer to                   insurance (UBI), bolt-on features and             how people live, work nd drive
customers. Auto policies become                targeted offerings for market niches.         •   Increased ability to shift protections and
increasingly usage-based, with                 They also struggle to integrate                   add services as needs change
premium and coverage adjustments               features in bundles that are easy to
to reflect fewer miles driven.                 understand, buy and use.
                                                                                             •   Clearer understanding of the value
                                                                                                 of insurance
Leaders focus on personal                      Getting it right requires greater
protections, with new and diversified          imagination, more sophisticated
offerings built on the foundation of           underwriting and richer digital
homeowners coverage, with added
features to provide for rent and
                                               engagement to enable intuitive
                                               experiences (e.g., “swipe left, swipe
                                                                                             Implications and
mortgage payments in the case of               right” for additional coverages). In          possibilities for
future job loss or major economic              many cases, leading insurers partner
disruption. They apply lessons from            with third parties to offer tailored
early adopters that struggled with             coverages and add-on services.
first-generation income protection             These developments further
                                                                                             •   Increased relevance, engagement and
products. Because they are priced              accelerate the shift to subscriptions
attractively, the new solutions gain           and non-indemnity revenues.
traction and retain share even as                                                            •   Clearer demonstration of purpose,
employment levels normalize. Gig                                                                 resulting in higher levels of trust
workers especially like the offerings                                                        •   Enhanced ability to launch new products
tailored to their needs.                                                                         and add features and services to
                                                                                                 existing offerings
Employees who will work remotely at least
some of the time:

48%                       Post-pandemic

Source: Gartner

growth in time spent online in China during
Source: Nomura

20        NextWave Insurance: personal lines and small commercial
                                                   Envisioning the next wave: 10 market scenarios

                                               Real-time risk
                                               visibility and
                                               become reality

                   Leaders act on the insights boldly and swiftly.
                   Laggards can’t keep up with all the data.
                   Leading insurers are data-driven and           who like personalized guidance for traffic,
                   insight-enabled in everything they do,         weather and fitness will likely accept similar
                   from straight-through processing in both       services for risk exposures (particularly if it
                   back-office and customer-facing functions,     helps them save money).
                   to sophisticated pricing and underwriting
                   algorithms, to thoughtfully segmented          Leaders will be those firms that buy, build
                   digital marketing programs.                    or partner for the infrastructure and tools
                                                                  they need to capture, manage and analyze
                   The next major innovation opportunity          real-time risk performance data effectively.
                   with data and analytics involves rapidly       They will continuously operationalize
                   identifying and precisely measuring            and monetize their information assets by
                   risk, and then using that insight to           adjusting pricing and providing immediate
                   proactively meet customer needs. In the        performance feedback to customers.
                   wake of COVID-19, risk forecasting and
                   management take center stage in helping        Even if laggards collect the data — 90% of
                   the global economy recover and prepare         which didn’t exist two years ago and which
                   for future threats.                            will only expand exponentially with the
                                                                  advent of 5G — they will be overwhelmed
                   Consumers have become accustomed to            with its volume, variety and velocity and
                   tailored notifications and prompts through     will struggle to produce meaningful or
                   activity trackers, wearable tech and mobile    valuable insights.
                   apps. Consumers and business owners

21   NextWave Insurance: personal lines and small commercial
03. Real-time risk visibility and responsiveness become reality

How this changes insurance                                                                Impact and value
in the next wave
Insurers will capture streams of                 at different times or on different
                                                                                          for   customers:
data from apps, mobile devices,                  roads, conducting safety training        •   A safer and lower-risk lifestyle
wearable tech, connected vehicles,               for workers). Satellite imagery and          and workplace
smart homes and workplaces, as                   predictive analytics will enable         •   Potential cost savings through lower
well as alliance partners and the                insurers to provide real-time feedback       premiums
billions of devices connected to the             to insureds on wildfires, storms and
Internet of Things (IoT). By applying            other weather-related exposures.
                                                                                          •   Higher prices for higher-risk individuals
                                                                                              and companies, including those that can’t
AI, machine learning and other
                                                 However, as insurers become more             or won’t take corrective action to reduce
advanced analytics techniques,
                                                 savvy and sophisticated in risk-based        their risk profiles
insurers can measure risk and price
premiums in real time, leading                   underwriting and pricing, higher-risk    •   Increased profitability for small businesses
to discounts, tailored prevention                individuals and companies may be             based on better risk management
services and usage-based products.               priced out of the insurance market,
                                                 furthering an already serious

                                                                                          Implications and
Through mobile apps and                          insurance gap.
personalized portals, insurers

                                                                                          possibilities for
can promote risk awareness and                   Real-time risk visibility is clearly
prevention by sharing proactive tips             a win-win. For small businesses,

and alerts. These capabilities have              better risk management promotes
been extensively piloted by many                 bigger profits. For individuals, it’s
insurers. The next step is to drive              about safer and better lifestyles.
widespread customer adoption.                    At the same time, insurers benefit       •   More accurate risk measurement for
                                                 from closer long-term relationships          more informed decision-making
Customers can also lower their                   based on more frequent                   •   More precise and profitable pricing
premiums in real time by adopting                interactions and opportunities to            through real-time premium optimization
low-risk behavior (e.g., driving                 add value.
                                                                                          •   Algorithmic underwriting and
                                                                                              continuous rules refinement
                                                                                          •   Increased customer engagement
                                                                                              and trust

proportion of corporate data
that is used for analytics
Source: Forrester

22        NextWave Insurance: personal lines and small commercial
                                                    Envisioning the next wave: 10 market scenarios

                                                Direct, digital and
                                                embedded sales
                                                become dominant
                                                channels for growth

                   Leaders seize the cost savings and master the
                   omnichannel approach.
                   Laggards have trouble moving beyond their historical
                   channels and never catch up to early adopters.
                   The long, slow decline of the traditional         In the future, agents will emphasize advisory
                   agency model will continue and even               services for consumers and businesses with
                   accelerate in mature markets. COVID-19            more complex risk profiles. They will embrace
                   was a wake-up call in that insurers glimpsed      contextual information, complete customer
                   a future in which digital is the only viable      data, next-best-action analytics and one-and-
                   sales and service channel. Agencies will          done processing. They will deploy mobile
                   aggressively fight and take defensive steps       technologies, such as texting and apps, to
                   (e.g., consolidation and enhanced services)       enhance sales and service experiences. As
                   to protect their position. They will enhance      agents go upmarket, insurers will benefit
                   digital capabilities to meet consumer             from lifetime premiums generated and
                   demand and complement — rather than               durable customer relationships built on
                   replicate — the capabilities of large insurers.   financial well-being.
                   Several large carriers will remain committed
                   to agency models. The human touch will            However, direct and digital channels will
                   be less frequent and focused on higher-           come to dominate the mass market because
                   value moments. And the human touch will           consumers prefer the simplicity and control.
                   be delivered via the phone, web chats or          Embedded sales will grow as more companies
                   videoconference rather than face-to-              selling products and services seamlessly offer
                   face settings.                                    insurance at an attractive price, which will
                                                                     generate additional revenue.

23   NextWave Insurance: personal lines and small commercial
04. Direct, digitaland embedded sales become dominant channels for growth

                                                                                      Impact and value
COVID-19 will accelerate digital             channels and digital engagement
adoption across the business, from           strategies to boost retention and

sales and service to risk management         loyalty. They might use automated
and operational resilience. The              pricing reviews to automatically renew   for
transition to direct, digital and            policies at the most competitive
embedded will occur at different rates       market price. The most effective         •   Flexibility to shop, buy and transact in
in different regions. China, already         insurers will target and cross-sell          channels they prefer
among the most digitally advanced            more effectively and build out robust
markets, will see rapid innovation and       self-service capabilities. They will     •   Access to personalized advice and
sophisticated hybrid strategies. Ping        also enable digital agents with AI           guidance when needed
An will lead the way with its pervasive      and machine learning to engage with      •   Insurance becomes an integrated
use of AI-driven distribution. In other      customers using text, video and voice        component of everyday purchases
Asian markets, the agency model              recognition technologies.
                                                                                      •   Transparent and tailored relationships with
will remain viable, with agencies
                                                                                          insurers across a complex spectrum of risk
consolidating to control market              For laggards, channel conflict and
share. In Europe and Middle Eastern          cannibalization will prove exceedingly
markets, the continuing growth of the        difficult to manage. Investing in
aggregator model will influence the
fate of the agency base.
                                             multiple channels will be too great a
                                             cost. Some may remain committed to       Implications and
Direct and digital leaders will be those
                                             the potentially profitable, but slowly
                                             fading, revenues of their old-line
                                                                                      possibilities for
companies that use data and analytics
to target profitable customers, while
minimizing acquisition and service
                                             distribution networks.
unit costs. These firms will use affinity                                             •   Dramatically lower transactional costs
                                                                                      •   Higher demand for highly sophisticated
How this changes insurance                                                                digital marketing and acquisition

in the next wave
                                                                                          analytical models
                                                                                      •   Bifurcation of channels — high-value
Millennials and Generation Z will            The most successful agents in                advisory and high-efficiency digital
drive the evolution of distribution          personal and small commercial lines      •   Increased risk of channel conflict and
models in the most mature markets.           will function more like risk advisors,       cannibalization of existing business
They will have extremely high                providing business and financial
                                                                                      •   Risk of disintermediation by digital
expectations for seamless digital            advice, especially as the line blurs
                                                                                          agencies with clearer value propositions
experiences (whether from insurers           between business and personal
                                                                                          and superior experiences
or agents), but also expect easy             assets and activities.
access to personalized support.                                                       •   Preparation for subscription models
                                                                                          based on increased digital engagement

8 billion
number of embedded, or point-of-sale, policies sold in
China in the first five years of a joint venture between a
leading insurer, media company and ecommerce player
Source: Reuters

1.5 million
number of agents affiliated with the joint venture,
many of them recruited and trained via AI
Source: The Economist

24        NextWave Insurance: personal lines and small commercial
                                                   Envisioning the next wave: 10 market scenarios

                                                Weaponizing data
                                                and competing on
                                                experience, tech
                                                giants reinvent the
                                                insurance model

                   Leaders both compete and collaborate.
                   Laggards negotiate and lose share.
                   For years, it’s been predicted that the        But the tech giants’ substantial
                   world’s largest and most successful            advantages remain. They have more
                   technology brands and platforms would          consumer data and are much better at
                   enter the insurance market. The complex        monetizing insights and personalizing
                   regulatory environment and the high            interactions. They enjoy significantly
                   turnover and low profitability of new          higher levels of consumer trust (even
                   business remain a high barrier to entry for    after recent data privacy controversies)
                   nontraditional competitors (including both     than insurers and stronger customer
                   InsurTechs and established tech firms).        relationships. These platforms enjoy
                   Thus, they will likely engage insurers         high engagement levels where
                   with regulatory experience, seasoned           insurance purchases could be easily
                   books, years of data and nationwide            added as a feature within existing
                   claim networks. Some are already               shopping experiences.
                   experimenting with alliances, such as
                   Amazon and a leading insurer.

25   NextWave Insurance: personal lines and small commercial
05. Weaponizing data and competing on experience, tech giants reinvent
    the insurance model

The market entry of tech giants
seems inevitable. The main
                                              insurers may be able to market their
                                              branded products, while smaller         Impact and value
questions are what form it will take
and when it will happen. We see
ample reason to believe that soon
                                              insurers may need to white-label
                                              certain products to be sold through
                                              embedded channels. Other carriers
                                                                                      for   customers:
— in one to three years — one or              may provide advanced skills (such as    •   Personalized and intuitive experiences
more tech giants will place big bets,         specialized underwriting) or a claims       from brands they trust
including substantial partnerships            network that tech giants don’t have
                                                                                      •   Simplified business relationships with
with top national insurance brands.           or can’t easily develop.
                                                                                          clear and personalized value for different
Insurance leaders are more likely to
collaborate than compete directly.            Laggards, regional carriers and weak
That’s because the ability of tech            brands won’t be very attractive to      •   Increased price transparency
giants to generate high volumes of            tech giants, who will expect their      •   Increased customization and flexibility to
customer traffic and create superior          partners to be nimble and have niche        scale coverages up or down as necessary
customer experiences will be                  process expertise, national reach,
extremely difficult (if not impossible)       brand recognition and specialized
for incumbents to match. Some large           technology.
                                                                                      Implications and
How this changes insurance                                                            possibilities for
in the next wave
Big tech’s broad data sets,                 Frequent interactions provide
based on billions of business-              natural sales opportunities for           •   New business-model options —
to-consumer and business-to-                insurance purchases. Because of               ecosystem collaborations, white-labeling,
business interactions, provide a            their ability to use AI within the            specialty services
strong foundation for acquisition,          context of existing platforms,
underwriting, product creation,             tech giants can launch and scale
                                                                                      •   Rising importance of national and global
                                                                                          reach and brand recognition
cross-selling and claims                    insurance-as-a-service models and
settlement. Indeed, tech firms may          subscription-based products offering      •   Increased engagement through more
use AI to redefine underwriting.            clear price transparency and high             frequent interactions
Rather than, for example,                   degrees of personalization. For           •   Insurance embedded into other
providing a workers’ compensation           instance, they can easily launch              transactions and broader relationships
rating based on number of                   small business portals and apps to            with tech firms
employees and class codes, AI-              meet multiple needs, from legal and
driven models could correlate               security services to business travel
multiple metrics to determine               to insurance.
employee activity and risk levels.

European consumers who would
switch their insurer if it didn’t
offer up-to-date technology
Source: Fujitsu

26         NextWave Insurance: personal lines and small commercial
                                                   Envisioning the next wave: 10 market scenarios

                                                   The auto insurance
                                                   market dramatically
                                                   contracts as driverless
                                                   vehicles and ride-sharing
                                                   eliminate risk

                   Leaders embrace the future and diversify their offerings.
                   Laggards dismiss the technologies as immature and put
                   their long-term survival in jeopardy.
                   The enormous potential negative impact         to vanish, the bottom line is clear: a huge
                   on future P&C revenue streams from ride-       chunk of revenue is going away, and
                   sharing and driverless autos has largely       insurers need a plan to replace it — soon.
                   been viewed as a problem for the next
                   generation of insurance executives. The        Contingency plans may include new
                   best time to make contingency plans for        types of insurance products that cover
                   change is now.                                 autonomous vehicles, ride-sharing
                                                                  services and ride-sharing passengers.
                   Yes, the hype cycle may overstate how          Insurers should also account for
                   soon and how much of the revenue will          the period when driver-assisted and
                   disappear. And yes, ride-sharing fell off      driverless vehicles share the roads. For
                   post-COVID-19 — with volume decreases of       instance, policyholders with fleet-based
                   up to 60%, by some estimates. Though some      insurance may have more data to prove
                   R&D investments for autonomous vehicles        that accident liability lies with drivers
                   were put on hold, widespread adoption still    of traditional autos, which could lead to
                   appears inevitable, if slightly delayed.       more claims payouts for legacy insurers.
                                                                  Given reduced commuting, usage-based
                   However, there is little room to doubt the     auto policies become the norm. It’s not
                   long-term impact. Whether it takes 10 or       a matter of “if,” but rather “how fast”
                   15 years for 25% or 75% of auto premiums       consumers adopt them.

27   NextWave Insurance: personal lines and small commercial
06. The auto insurance market dramatically contracts as driverless vehicles and
   ride-sharing eliminate risk

                                                                                        Impact and value
Insurers’ product innovation                   Leaders will engage with
capabilities will be severely tested.          autonomous vehicle manufacturers

They will need to rapidly adjust               and ride-sharing platforms to
premiums based on vehicle safety               provide real-time risk insights
features, fewer claims arising from            that direct cars and trucks where
distracted driving, hybrid products            riders need them and along the           •   Convenient, safe and on-demand
that cover a mix of vehicles for               most efficient and safest routes.            transportation
a household or business, and                   The upside is particularly high
coverage for both ride-sharing                 for commercial insurers that can         •   Freedom from the costs of vehicle
drivers and passengers. Many                   provide fleet management and                 ownership, including insurance premiums
insurers have already begun to                 tracking, proactive maintenance          •   New needs for non-owner personal injury
shift their focus to homeowners                and other supplementary services.            protection and commercial coverage for
and renters products. In the                   Laggards will ride the trend                 ride-share providers
future, these products may serve               downward, insuring the ever-
as the primary risk coverage with              diminishing number of vehicles
a multitude of endorsements that               driven by humans.
cover a broader range of risks and                                                      Implications and
                                                                                        possibilities for
potential services.

How this changes insurance                                                              insurers:
in the next wave                                                                        •   Emergence of usage-based insurance
                                                                                            as the norm, with policies tailored to
While the frequency of auto claims            Car ownership goes the way of                 distances, routes and driving behavior
will plummet, it is likely that the           horse-drawn carriage ownership            •   Gradual, then dramatic, reductions
severity and complexity of claims             and becomes a historical curiosity            in traditional automotive policies and
will increase. Over time, with more           before the end of the 21st century,           claims
usage data and precise analytics,             though much litigation and
the assignment of claims liability            legislation will occur before liability
                                                                                        •   Significant growth in commercial fleet-
                                                                                            based policies
will be simplified. Some carriers             standards are defined.
will exit the auto business and seek                                                    •   High likelihood of consolidation, radical
to shore up premiums through                                                                downsizing or reinvention of product
additional products and services.                                                           portfolios for carriers losing up to 50% of
                                                                                            their revenues

loss of US auto insurance premiums by 2035
Source: Stevens Institute of Technology

30 billion–83 billion
number of person trips provided by ride-hailing
services by 2030
Source: Goldman Sachs, Princeton University

28        NextWave Insurance: personal lines and small commercial
                                                    Envisioning the next wave: 10 market scenarios

                                                               Cyber risks
                                                               present a
                                                               and a trillion-
                                                               dollar threat
                    Leaders take a proactive approach to personal
                    and commercial cyber risk protection.
                    Laggards play a limited, reactive role after their
                    customers suffer losses.
                    The industry’s historical strength in             To seize the upside, insurers have a great deal
                    understanding and quantifying risk is being       of work to do in framing the risk, quantifying
                    severely tested as the annual number of           the potential losses and designing products
                    adversely affected consumers reaches into         with sufficient protections.
                    the hundreds of millions and the amount
                    of damages adds up to billions of dollars.        Citizens, businesses and communities
                    And as many organizations are operating           around the world are woefully under-
                    remotely amid the pandemic, there are             protected from cyber risks. The stakes will
                    more weaknesses and pathways for cyber            only rise as hackers take aim at everything
                    criminals to exploit.                             from connected vehicles and smart homes
                                                                      to nuclear power plants and defense
                    Of course, optimists see billions of dollars in   systems. Insurers must lead the way
                    premium growth and ask whether revenue            forward by developing the most effective
                    from cyber policies can replace the loss          techniques — from proactive monitoring
                    of premiums in traditional lines. A related       to incident response — to fight cyber
                    question: how can insurers grow their             threats. In protecting their own assets
                    top lines by helping consumers and small          and systems, insurers can build trust and
                    businesses with privacy and security services?    confidence with consumers.

29   NextWave Insurance: personal lines and small commercial
07. Cyber risks present a hundred-billion-dollar opportunity and a trillion-dollar threat

Leaders adopt the strongest
possible defenses to protect
                                                Laggards never develop the
                                                expertise to understand and price
                                                                                               Impact and value
themselves and gain full visibility
into their risk concentration. They
also expand offerings by patrolling
                                                cyber risks and protective services
                                                at scale. They even fall short in
                                                patching vulnerabilities in their own
                                                                                               for   customers:
the dark web for policyholder data              systems. In the worst-case scenario,           •   Assistance in protecting against common
and conducting personal security                a catastrophic cyber incident could                hacking, identity theft and data breaches
audits. In commercial lines, leaders            bankrupt an insurance company.                 •   Stronger protections against reputational
help businesses protect themselves                                                                 risk, data loss and financial hits
against reputational risk and
                                                                                               •   Clearer products and coverages through
negligence claims. They develop
                                                                                                   dedicated cyber policies
new products and preventive
services to help protect small                                                                 •   Reduced threat of litigation and claims of
businesses with remote workers.                                                                    negligence
                                                                                               •   Greatly improved control of personal data

How this changes insurance
                                                                                                   and privacy

in the next wave:
Many in the industry believe a                  than they realize. Emerging                    Implications and
cyber catastrophe is inevitable.
Consider a simultaneous hack
                                                privacy regulations could be a
                                                trial lawyer’s dream and require               possibilities for
of all driverless vehicles, the
shutdown of a crucial financial
institution, or the broad infiltration
                                                massive remediation of legacy
                                                systems similar to Y2K.                        insurers:
of a technology platform. In such               Insurers must also redefine                    •   Demonstrated leadership in establishing
an event, the damages will be                   coverages and reset premium                        best practices for cybersecurity, starting
incalculable and one or more                    levels in line with actual risks                   with their own systems
insurers could become insolvent                 (rather than simply to capture                 •   Clear visibility into cyber risk
almost overnight.                               revenue). Small businesses will                    concentration, including potential for
                                                be challenged to afford properly                   catastrophic events
Lack of visibility into cyber risk              priced cyber insurance. Insurers
concentrations is a nearer-term                 must be bold and think beyond
                                                                                               •   Higher revenues through new offerings
                                                                                                   for threat awareness, prevention and
threat. With cyber coverages                    traditional boundaries as they
                                                                                                   customer self-protection
present in many existing policies               expand their purpose to include
(e.g., business interruption), some             cyber loss prevention.                         •   Clearer lines of responsibilities defined
insurers may be more vulnerable                                                                    for commercial lines
to litigation and claims payouts

$8 billion–$9 billion
estimated cyber crime premiums by 2020
Source: Munich Re

$6 trillion
economic impact of cybercrime by 2021
Source: Cybersecurity Ventures

30        NextWave Insurance: personal lines and small commercial
                                                   Envisioning the next wave: 10 market scenarios

                                                          The ecosystem
                                                          expands: cloud
                                                          models and new
                                                          enable radical

                    Leaders optimize their value chain with creative
                    alliances, new capabilities and smart bundles.
                    Laggards move slowly into the cloud ecosystem
                    and offer underwhelming customer experiences.
                    As carriers move to cloud-based platforms,      Our dialogue with industry stakeholders
                    open application program interfaces             and analysis of the financial performance
                    (APIs), and InsurTech integration their         of various insurers lead us to conclude that
                    traditional proprietary processes are open      one or two small commercial carriers could
                    for reconsideration. Add in the pressure for    capture a large, even dominant, market
                    profitable growth and the evolving nature       share — up to 30%, compared to 5%–6% today.
                    of risk, and you have an environment where      They will do so by bringing economies of
                    insurers must find new and more visible         scale, pricing sophistication and marketing
                    ways to deliver value. Ecosystems, which        analytics to personal lines and combining
                    entail multiple companies partnering to offer   these with a seamless and intuitive customer
                    specialized but complementary services          experience that is enabled by their ecosystem
                    in mutually beneficial ways, are one way        relationships. The small commercial business
                    for insurers to expand the value of their       environment offers a plethora of innovation
                    offerings.                                      opportunities that combine broader business
                                                                    services with the protection of insurance
                                                                    products and services.

31   NextWave Insurance: personal lines and small commercial
08. The ecosystem expands: cloud models and new connections enable radical innovation

Leaders capture market share by
defining their role in the ecosystem
                                            Laggards will be those firms that
                                            can’t find a niche, don’t open
                                                                                           Impact and value
relative to other types of entities
(e.g., sharing platforms, social media,
InsurTechs, data providers, customer
                                            themselves up to the broader
                                            capabilities of the ecosystem, or
                                            miss out on the right alliances.
                                                                                           for   customers:
                                                                                           •   Innovative and satisfying end-to-end
associations, business services).           They cling to the thinking that
By connecting with InsurTechs,              they can (or should) do everything
leaders can rapidly add innovative          themselves or that the cloud is too            •   Highly tailored insurance products and
technologies and enhance business           risky a place to do business.                      services embedded in everyday activities
processes and customer experiences.                                                        •   Simplified, concierge-like business
They have the advantage of being                                                               relationships for related services
able to lead the way through the
industry’s regulatory complexity.
                                                                                           •   Increased ability to connect with
                                                                                               trusted companies that anticipate
                                                                                               their unique needs
How this changes insurance
in the next wave
                                                                                           Implications and
Insurers move their infrastructure
to the cloud and open their
                                            Incumbents increasingly seek
                                            niches, following the lead of                  possibilities for
core process APIs. In addition              InsurTechs in specializing in
to InsurTechs, insurers engage              functions (e.g., underwriting,
with home builders, office                  distribution, claims) or micro-
supply stores, automotive and               segments (e.g., dental practices,              •   Expanding and disaggregating value
appliance manufacturers, credit             first-time millennial homeowners).                 chain focused on customers’ needs
card companies, travel agencies,            Every link in the value chain
                                                                                           •   Broader systemic risk and complexity as
and other consumer-facing                   is constantly evaluated, with
                                                                                               insurers contract with a greater number
companies to leverage data and              executives asking whether it’s
                                                                                               of vendors
provide offerings that complement           better to buy or build and what
their traditional strengths. The            services can be sold into the                  •   Increased stress on technology and risk
ecosystems take many forms:                 marketplace.                                       management capabilities, especially for
strategic partnerships, alliances,                                                             small and midsize insurers
mergers and acquisitions (M&A),                                                            •   Increased market share and retention
joint ventures.                                                                                through partnerships and add-on and
                                                                                               wraparound services

global insurance executives who
view partnerships and ecosystems as
determinants of competitive advantage
Source: Swiss Re

incumbent insurers that view InsurTechs
as potential partners
Source: Majesco

32        NextWave Insurance: personal lines and small commercial
                                                   Envisioning the next wave: 10 market scenarios

                                                 The subscription
                                                 revolution arrives:
                                                 insurance becomes
                                                 deeply woven
                                                 into consumers’
                                                 everyday lives
                    Leaders drive growth with insurance
                    on demand and convenience at scale.
                    Laggards fail to anticipate consumer
                    needs related to life events and lifestyles.
                    As the subscription revolution comes to         Recent EY research confirms that
                    insurance and other financial services          insurance subscriptions are attractive to
                    sectors, senior leaders should consider         many consumers and businesses because
                    the large potential opportunity. Indeed,        of their easy and convenient bundling of
                    compared to other financial services            holistic services, many of which will be
                    firms, which generate fees largely based        provided by ecosystem partners.
                    on transactions, insurers already operate
                    somewhat like a subscription, with regular      Even better news: our research
                    payments and auto-renewals; insurers            indicates that consumers will pay a
                    just need to engage consumers more              fee for subscriptions.
                    frequently and creatively.

33   NextWave Insurance: personal lines and small commercial
09. The subscription revolution arrives: insurance becomes deeply
    woven into consumers’ everyday lives

The secret sauce for subscriptions
in insurance is linking services
                                                  needs. The top performers may
                                                  develop “financial operating              Impact and value
and engaging customers around
key life events (e.g., starting a
new household or downsizing
                                                  system” platforms that serve as a
                                                  single hub for all critical information
                                                  and tools. They will make it as easy
                                                                                            for   customers:
for retirement) or emerging                       to adjust policies (e.g., adding or       •   Increased sense of control and financial
lifestyles (e.g., urban gig workers,              removing family members from                  wellness
recreational farmers, world                       policies or additional locations to
travelers) and complex financial                  commercial policies) as it is to add
                                                                                            •   Easier access to the protection they need
                                                                                                — when, where and how they need it
decisions (e.g., launching or                     features on streaming services on
expanding a business). As such,                   leading apps.                             •   Guidance and support for all types of
subscription models are largely                                                                 customers in the channels they prefer
about customer centricity — that is,              Meanwhile, laggards will remain               to use
offering products and services that               product-centric in their thinking
                                                                                            •   Increased convenience of concierge
reflect the way people really live                and approach. They will be most
                                                                                                services and bundles
and businesses actually operate.                  vulnerable to losing customers
                                                  to the financial offerings of tech        •   Increased brand loyalty and confidence that
Leaders will reorient the                         giants or InsurTechs, which are               companies are focused on their interests
fundamental value proposition                     poised to lead the charge in the
— and all offerings — for direct                  subscription revolution.
alignment to customer lifestyle                                                             Implications and
How this changes insurance                                                                  possibilities for
in the next wave                                                                            insurers:
Based on a consumer’s lifestyle,                  to key life events or lifestyles.         •   Stronger relationships by focusing on
subscriptions are clearly and                     Consumers will gain access to                 what really matters to consumers
transparently priced, with a fixed                personalized robo-advisor portals
fee linked to specific products                   and apps that help them make
                                                                                            •   Increased relevance and engagement
                                                                                                through expanded service offerings and
and services. More personalized                   better financial decisions, find
                                                                                                richer value propositions aligned to key
offerings and additional features                 answers to their questions, and
                                                                                                life events
are available based on the data                   access appropriate coverage and
consumers share and the insights                  guidance (including from human            •   Superior competitive positioning
insurers produce with AI.                         advisors) as their needs change.              based on deeper and more data-driven
                                                  Insurers will be more proactive               customer relationships
Insurers will serve as concierges                 in customer outreach and                  •   Emphasis on enhanced services rather
in connecting consumers to                        emphasize value-adding services               than basic transactions
complementary service providers                   (e.g., planning) as subscriptions
(e.g., accountants, mortgage                      become their primary customer             •   Improved margins driven by appropriate
lenders, travel agencies) aligned                 acquisition strategy.                         and simple consumer access

increase in consumer demand from the offer of
subscription models, even accounting for fees
Source: EY NextWave Consumer Financial Services

34        NextWave Insurance: personal lines and small commercial
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