Page created by Dean Espinoza

N   U   R   T   U   R   I   N   G   E   X   C   E   L   L   E   N   C   E
H O W E L L’S N U R S E R Y S C H O O L • PA R E N TA L B O O K L E T 2 0 2 0 / 2 0 2 1

Howell’s School, Llandaff, Cardiff Road, Cardiff CF5 2YD
Tel: 029 2056 2019
Fax: 029 2057 8879

Introduction by
  Catherine Scott, Head of Nursery         4
Term dates 2020/2021                       5
Communication                              6
Breakfast Club; After-School Care;
  TOOT Weeks                               7
What will your daughter need at school?
  Nursery School Uniform                   8
Physical Education and Woodland Explorers  9
Amser Snac (Snack Time); Lunch Time;
  Cookery; Our Birthday Cycle             10
The Curriculum
 The 7 Areas of Learning                                          11
 The 2 Year Cycle                                                 12
Travel and transport                                              13
Notes                                                             14

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      NURTURING EXCELLENCE                                                                             TERM DATES 2020/2021
      It is with great pleasure that I welcome you and                                                        Autumn Term
      your daughter to Howell’s Nursery. In 1982 a shy but               OWELL’
                                                                                                              Monday 7th September – Inset Day


      adventurous 10-year-old girl arrived at Howell’s School.

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      She had travelled from her primary school in Africa                                                     Tuesday 8th September – Term begins
      to visit a number of schools. The purpose of the visit
      was to find a school. Howell’s was a world away from                                                    Monday 19th October to Friday 30th October inclusive –
      anything she had ever experienced before, but there was           ER                                    Half Term

                                                                           Y SC

      something magical, warm and inviting that made this
                                                                                                              Friday 18th December – Term ends
      school stand out from all the others. The atmosphere of
      enthusiasm, enjoyment and security which greeted her captured her heart and this
      was the school she chose to be educated at. That little girl was me.
                                                                                                              Spring Term
      With 20 years’ experience in teaching it is a privilege to find myself once again back
      on ‘home’ ground. I have many great, happy memories of being here as a child and                        Thursday 7th January – Term begins
      this is where we begin in the Nursery.
                                                                                                              Monday 15th February to Friday 19th February inclusive –
      I am immensely proud of the opportunity afforded me as a child and now as an                            Half Term
      adult in being able to play a role in the life of Howell’s School.                                      Friday 26th March – Term ends

      Roald Dahl’s book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory takes us on a journey which
      stimulates, excites and makes one think! In the book Charlie never gives up hope
      of finding a golden ticket and has confidence and strength of spirit as he embarks                      Summer Term
      on the visit to the Chocolate Factory. The same principles apply for your daughter.
      We want her to develop an ‘I can do’ philosophy for all she will encounter in life and                  Monday 12th April – Term begins
      to embrace new ventures, developing creativity and an originality of thought in
                                                                                                              Monday 3rd May – May Bank Holiday
      an atmosphere where she is allowed to take risks, have her own ideas and stretch
      her mind. I found my golden ticket when I gained the post of Head of Nursery and                        Monday 31st May to Friday 4th June inclusive – Half Term
      being part of your daughter’s first steps in education is something which I embrace
      wholeheartedly. It is with genuine excitement that I welcome the opportunity to be                      Thursday 8th July – Term ends
      part of her journey in finding her golden ticket.

      Catherine Scott
      Head of Nursery

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       COMMUNICATION                                                                         BREAKFAST CLUB
       All parents receive frequent emails so please ensure you have registered your         7:45 am - 8:25 am (Prep School Hall)
       email address with us.
                                                                                             The girls are brought to Nursery at 8:30 am and are settled in before we open
       There is a weekly learning train which is put on the Nursery Firefly page. It will    the doors at 8:50 am.
       keep you informed about some of the exciting activities your daughter has
       done, as well as what she will be learning the following week.

       Invitations to school events, other letters, news of school trips etc. may be sent

                                                                                             AFTER SCHOOL CARE
       home with your daughter. These have an attached slip for your reply. Copies of
       all letters can be found on the school portal. Please check your daughter’s peg
       pocket and her bag for notes or letters.

       If you are not receiving relevant documents, please contact the Prep School Office.
                                                                                             3:15 pm - 6:00 pm (Prep School Hall)
       Why not follow us on Twitter?: @HowellsSchool
                                                                                             The girls are collected from Nursery by the After School Care staff and are
                                                                                             taken to the Prep School Hall.
       ▶	‘Stay and Chat’ sessions are held during the school year for parents or
          grandparents to attend to discuss matters related to your daughter’s year
                                                                                             After School Care telephone number (Prep School Hall) is 02920 261 811.
          group. Please keep an eye on the newsletter for future dates.

                                                                                             HOWELL’S HOLIDAY CLUB
                                                                                             During the holidays we have an exciting holiday club which is held in the
                                                                                             Nursery. Each week, the girls are taken on new adventures and experiences.
                                                                                             Keep a look out for themes to come!

                                                                                             ▶	Please see additional booklet for more information about Breakfast Club,
                                                                                               After School Care and TOOT weeks.

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       NURSERY SCHOOL UNIFORM                                                             PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND
                                                                                          WOODLAND EXPLORERS
       ▶ Pink polo shirt with Nursery logo.
       ▶ Navy jogging bottoms with Nursery logo.
                                                                                          Your daughter can come to school wearing this kit on days in which they have
       ▶ Navy round neck sweatshirt with Nursery logo.                                    this activity:
       ▶	Summer term – Pink and white striped Howell’s Prep School dress. White
         ankle socks.                                                                        PE                                                  Woodland Explorers
       ▶ No earrings to be worn in school.                                                   ▶ Polo shirt                                        ▶ Tracksuit
       ▶ White Velcro trainers or navy shoes are to be worn to school.                       ▶ Tracksuit                                         ▶ Polo shirt
                                                                                             ▶ Socks                                             ▶ Coat (waterproof )
       Please note that school uniform is available from John Lewis, Cardiff or online
                                                                                             ▶ Velcro trainers                                   ▶ Wellies (to be kept in school)
                                                                                                                                                 ▶	Gloves / hat / scarf / lots of
                                                                                             Your daughter will have 2 PE                           layers (in winter months)
                                                                                             		         a week which will be                     All-in-one waterproof suits
                                                                                             		 by our specialist PE teachers.                   are provided
                                                                                             The aim is to develop her co-
       WHAT WILL YOUR DAUGHTER                                                               ordination, balance and ball
                                                                                             skills. The PE sessions will include
                                                                                                                                                 Our beautiful school grounds
                                                                                             gymnastics, dance, games and                        provide the perfect opportunity
                                                                                             athletics.                                          to ensure that we can harness
                                                                                                                                                 your daughters’ natural wonder
                                                                                                                                                 and eagerness to explore and
       Please label all items brought to school.
                                                                                                                                                 understand her world. Woodland
                                                                                                                                                 Explorers, a forest school themed
       To leave at school:
                                                                                                                                                 group activity, will give her the
       ▶ Raincoat                                                                                                                                chance to explore the wonders
       ▶	Wellies                                                                                                                                of the forest as she builds dens,
                                                                                                                                                 creates trails, forages for mini
       ▶	Spare clothes (named) – small rucksack to be left on her peg in school to                                                              beasts, and paints with mud,
         include 2 pairs of leggings, 2 tops, 4 pairs of pants, 4 pairs of socks                                                                 thus inspiring a love for the
       ▶	School cap and sun cream (summer months)                                                                                               natural world.

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       AMSER SNAC (SNACK TIME)                                                                   THE CURRICULUM
       A healthy morning snack is provided for your daughter with water or milk. The
       choices include fresh fruit platters of apple, pears, oranges, bananas, raisins and
       strawberries, cheese and grissini wholewheat bread sticks, malt loaf and apple.           Our Creative Curriculum embraces elements of the Foundation Phase giving
                                                                                                 your daughter her all-important introduction to the learning environment. We
                                                                                                 have developed and established a curriculum that is broad and challenging, but

       LUNCH TIME                                                                                one that will also be tailored to your daughter’s individual needs. This enables us
                                                                                                 to maximize your daughter’s learning potential. Child-led and adult-led activities
       We offer a balanced menu in the Prep                                                      include ‘play’ activities, which are the central learning tool. She will have real
       School. This means that we only use brown                                                 hands-on experiences with sand, water, modelling materials, arts and crafts,
       bread, rice and pasta. Meals are carefully                                                mark-making, books, games and puzzles. These will stimulate her ideas, increase
       monitored for their nutritional value. All                                                her awareness of shape and space, develop her powers of communication and
       meals are eaten in our dining room. Mrs.                                                  help her to learn how to work effectively with others.
       Scott and Mandy the cook have lunch with
       the girls and this enables us to ensure that                                              We want your daughter to feel secure, valued and confident in her new nursery.
       everyone has had a fulfilling meal.                                                       For her to develop a sense of achievement through her learning which is both
                                                                                                 rewarding and pleasurable. She will learn essential skills which will contribute to
       Please let us know if your daughter has                                                   her all-round development.
       any dietary requirements or allergies.
                                                                                                 The 7 Areas of Learning

       COOKERY                                                                                   ▶	Personal and Social Development, Wellbeing and Cultural Diversity

       We have weekly cookery sessions in Nursery. This allows the girls to explore scientific   ▶ Language, Literacy and Communication Skills
       and mathematical themes as well as thinking about recycling and Fairtrade.
                                                                                                 ▶ Mathematical Development
       If you would like to come in to run one of these sessions please let us know.
                                                                                                 ▶ Knowledge and Understanding of the World

       OUR BIRTHDAY CIRCLE                                                                       ▶ Physical Development

       When it is your daughter’s birthday you are invited to celebrate with us in               ▶ Creative Development
       Nursery around her birthday circle. Please bring in an item from when she was
       1, 2, and 3 years old. The girls really do enjoy this time and especially having          ▶ Welsh Language Development
       mummy or daddy come in to celebrate with them. We usually hold this session
       in the morning 9:15am - 9:30am or in the afternoon 2:45pm - 3:00pm. Please                If you have a particular celebration or event that you would like to share with
       talk to a member of staff to discuss a suitable time for you.                             us in Nursery, please speak to a member of staff to arrange a time to come in.

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                                             The 2 Year Cycle                                               TRAVEL AND TRANSPORT
                                                      AUTUMN TERM
                                                                                                            Howell’s has an extensive bus network covering the South Wales area. Certain
                                                                                                            routes are available to the youngest members of the school community so
                          TWIT TOO HOO!                                                   Marvellous Me!    should you require transport for your daughter please call our Transport
                                                                                                            Co-ordinator on 029 2026 1832 to discuss your needs.
             Roald Dahl Day September 13th • Autumn Walk • Firework/ Bonfire night
                               Diwali • Hanukah • Eid • Christmas

                                                       SPRING TERM

        Turrets and Tiaras                                                          Adventures from
        The Quest to Find                                                        The Magic Faraway Tree
         the Lost Chalice                                                         Nursery Rhyme Land
       		                                                                            Fairy Tale Land
                                   Winter Walk / Spring Walk
                   Saint Dwynwen’s Day 25th January (Welsh Valentine’s Day)
             Chinese New Year • Pancake Day • Saint David’s Day • Mothering Sunday
                              Red Nose Day • Sport Relief • Easter

                                                      SUMMER TERM

                    Animal Boogie Woogie!                                    Shiver Me Timbers! – Pirates
                       Jungle and Farm                                      Around the World Adventures
                                      Summer Walk • Sports Day • Fathers’ Day

       Home School Task
       Each week your daughter will bring home her ‘learning log’. There is an activity
       linked to an area of learning we have covered that week to complete.

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    Howell’s School, Llandaff, Cardiff Road,                     Girls’ Day School Trust,
               Cardiff, CF5 2YD                         10 Bressenden Place, London, SW1E 5DH
              Tel: 029 2056 2019                                   Tel: 020 7393 6666
              Fax: 029 2057 8879                                  Fax: 020 7393 6789                         

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