OFF THE LINE October 2018 - Volume 29 - Issue 5 - October, 2018 - Unifor Local 88

Page created by Duane Higgins
OFF THE LINE October 2018 - Volume 29 - Issue 5 - October, 2018 - Unifor Local 88
         October 2018 - Volume 29 - Issue 5

                                   Photo by Doris Weir

Page 1												October, 2018
OFF THE LINE October 2018 - Volume 29 - Issue 5 - October, 2018 - Unifor Local 88
In this Issue             Executive Board Meetings
President’s Report:      Pg.   4      Your Local Union Executive Board meets on the Tuesday prior to the last
Plant Chair Report:      Pg.   6   Sunday of each month to acknowledge thank you letters from the past month,
Ergonomics Report        Pg.   8   to report on activities from the past months, and to review requests and make
                                   recommendations to the membership at our next General Membership Meeting.
Skilled Trades           Pg.   9   If you have a request that you wish your Executive Board to deal with, please
Human Rights, Employment Equity,   submit it by the Friday prior to the Executive Board Meeting.
  Women’s Advocate      Pg. 12
Retirees Report          Pg. 14    General Membership Meetings
Rec Report		             Pg. 20
                                     Our Local Union General Membership Meetings are on the last Sunday of
Benefits Banter:         Pg. 22    each month at 10:30 am. This is your opportunity to participate in the decisions
Letters to the Editor:   Pg. 27    of your local union. The membership is the highest authority in our local union.
Contacts 		              Pg. 30    You are invited to the next General Membership Meeting: October 28, 2018.

                                                                                The streets were dark but the
                                                                              sounds lit them up! Over 50
                                                                              attended the special march to
                                                                              raise awareness about the issue
                                                                              of violence against women and
                                                                              children. They chanted all the
                                                                              way there and all the way back,
                                                                              accompanied by safety marshalls
                                                                              on roller blades and with the help
                                                                              of OPP and Local 88 brothers Joe
                                                                              Graves and Brent Tree for traffic
                                                                              control. Local 88 singer Colleen
                                                                              Wake sang Pink’s “F’n Perfect”
                                                                              and Nicole Zinn-Schadenberg
                                                                              shared her personal story with us,
                                                                              which made quite an impact.

                                                                                              Photos by Doris Weir

Page 2												October, 2018
OFF THE LINE October 2018 - Volume 29 - Issue 5 - October, 2018 - Unifor Local 88
The Ontario Municipal elections are soon upon us. My husband and I moved to a new
   riding over a year ago. We don’t know any of the candidates in our new town. So do we
   vote or just ignore it?
     Think about all the services your municipal government is responsible for providing:
   roads, public transit, snow removal, garbage collection, child care, local policing, fire
   stations, water and sewers, ambulances, parks, social housing, and recreation.
     I did some further investigation and found out that in my area, there are a number of
   committees and commissions that look after things such as:
     Museums, libraries, bylaws, heritage and culture, tourism, police services, landfill, waste
   management, water source protection, nursing homes, and health and social services.
     The most interesting committee that I learned about is the Alligator Tug Advisory
   Committee which looks after the preservation of a turn of the century tug boat dubbed the
   “Alligator” which used to haul timber along the Lynn River.
      This tells me that I should learn who in my community best represents my position on
   the issues that mean the most to me and my family.
     If you ever wonder why you should vote in your municipal elections think about the
     Your local council also makes decisions about economic development, including how
   much business and what types of businesses choose to locate in your town or city.
     As for housing, will it be condominiums, single-detached homes, or high-density
   housing such as town houses that has become commonplace in larger cities? Will there be
   options for more affordable housing?
     Do you want more diversified sports and recreation facilities?
     Will your neighbourhood be more walkable?
     Councillors also make decisions on the frequency of public transit or whether to
   improve trails and create bike lanes, just to name a few.
     Do you think your community needs more parks, new or improved infrastructure
   projects such as community centres, better medical services or better roads?
     Other budget decisions such as whether to maintain or improve a bridge or how much
   money is spent annually on road repairs happen during the city or town’s budget process.
     The Community Index of Well Being tells us that, sadly, voter turnout in municipal
   elections is rarely above 50% of eligible voters, much lower than turnout in provincial and
   federal elections.
     Now, I just have to find out where the All Candidates meetings are for my region.

                                                                                  In Solidarity,
                                                                                  Linda Smith,

Page 3												October, 2018
OFF THE LINE October 2018 - Volume 29 - Issue 5 - October, 2018 - Unifor Local 88
By: Joe Graves

SEPTEMBER 3, 2018 - LABOUR DAY BBQ                             PAID EDUCATION LEAVE (P.E.L.) and HEALTH
  Our Recreational Committee members put tireless hours        SAFETY FALL PROGRAMS
into preparing for this annual event and it clearly shows in     The selection process for the Fall Education programs
the finished product every year. I would like to personally    was completed and many of you have been to Port Elgin
thank Julie Fenn, Steve Pye and Monica Lovell and all of       already with many more to go. Local 88 will be sending
the other volunteers who donated so much time and effort to    approximately 70 members this fall to classes that cover
help so many people, especially children, have a great time.   various courses. If you did not apply and are interested,
The faces and expressions on the young children who were       please watch for the Spring session which usually comes
fortunate to receive a prize were priceless and the entire     out in December. Once you have the opportunity to go to
Recreational Committee should be very proud of the event       Port Elgin, you’ll see why people are always applying to go
they put on for the community of Ingersoll.                    back. The education center is first class in accommodations
   There were several cheque presentations done at the end     and education and the members you meet from all over the
of the day to thank some of the organizations that helped in   country will make your stay a memorable one.
making our day a success. To Deak Young of the Ingersoll
Fire Service and Becky Verbruge of Ingersoll Minor             United Way Campaign
Baseball, who competed in a friendly but very wet baseball       The annual United Way campaigns are now underway. The
game, thank you. To Nicole Killarie of Big Brothers & Big      United Way has a proven ability to make real differences in
Sisters of Ingersoll who did an awesome job with all of the    people’s lives. Your ongoing support of our local United Way
little ones getting their faces painted, thank you.            campaign is greatly appreciated. As we have seen through
  This year Unifor 88 selected two groups in the               the tough times, none of us is immune. The leadership of
community to receive donations of $2500 to help with their     Unifor Local 88 encourages you to support the United Way
organizations and ongoing programs. The first group was        campaign both by giving generously and volunteering where
the IVEGOTYOURBACK911 campaign which was created               possible.
with intent to increase the awareness about First Responder       The United Way Campaign is vital to the success of many
Mental Health. Jill Foster and Andy Labell accepted the        charitable organizations in the communities in which we
cheque on the organization’s behalf.                           live. These charitable organizations would not be able to
  The second group was the IDCI c/o Developmental              function without your continued support. Your generosity
Education Class in Memory of “Miss Brittany”. Sharon           does make a difference.
Spriel and Harold Duivesteyn and family were there to            Unifor Local 88 would like to say thank you to Local 88
accept the donation of $2500 to their campaign.                  members Denise Vyse and Sue McCallum, members of
                                                                 the Unifor-GM/CAMI United Way Committee, for their
                                                                 ongoing support of this very worthwhile charity. This year
                                                                 Local 88 member Kennedy Atkinson is the sponsored
                                                                 employee of GM/CAMI and is working in the United Way
                                                                 Oxford office in Woodstock from September to
                                                                 December 2018.

  Page 4												October, 2018
OFF THE LINE October 2018 - Volume 29 - Issue 5 - October, 2018 - Unifor Local 88
A special thank you goes out to all the canvassers that          AWC YARD/OFFICE NEGOTIATIONS/
participate and are active in getting the pledges from the        RATIFICATION
membership. Without your hard work and devotion to the
cause, this campaign would not be successful. Every dollar           Auto Warehousing Company Inc. and Unifor 88 and
contributed will be put to good use.                              222 reached a tentative agreement on September 14, 2018
                                                                  in Ajax, Ontario. This tentative agreement was voted on
                                                                  September 16, 2018 and ratified at 51.8%. The two local
Prostrate Cancer Campaign Information                             votes are combined to get the final ratification percentage.
  In my position as Local President, I will receive many          Some of the gains in Ingersoll were monetary as well
calls, emails and texts to meet with individuals, groups or       as a signing bonus, and restoration of the vacation pay
organizations to discuss many things. A few weeks ago, I          percentages and weeks. Pension contributions are now
received a phone call from a gentleman who wanted to meet         put into personal accounts for each employee. Workplace
and talk about prostrate cancer. He was very convincing and       issues were gained in both the office and yard contracts.
passionate about what he was explaining to me, so we set up       The Ingersoll and Oshawa bargaining committees worked
a meeting at the hall for the following week.                     very well together in achieving an agreement. I would like
  Dave Currie is a prostrate cancer survivor and is now           to personally thank Mel Boelsterli, Dave Mavin and Paul
attempting to educate people of the ways to help understand       Branton for all of the late nights and hard work. I would like
prostrate cancer. Dave is attempting to spread a positive         to also thank Robin Dudley, our National Representative,
message about early screening and testing which will              who lead us through bargaining and was instrumental in
ultimately lead to patients being treated earlier, with the       achieving the gains we made.
right medications and with better success rates. Some of
the literature Dave provided to me explains that 95% of           Youth Committee Volleyball Fundraiser for Cruz’s
men diagnosed with prostate cancer in Ontario are likely          Wish to Walk
to survive five years after their diagnosis. I will continue to      On August 26, 2018 the Youth Committee held a charity
assist Dave in educating our members on the steps to help         volleyball tournament to raise funds for the Cruz’s Wish to
spread a positive message for early screening and testing.        Walk in Port Stanley. Cruz is the son of Unifor 88 members
                                                                  Liz Morley and Jason Rymer and requires a life changing
Building Corporation                                              surgery for the type of cerebral palsy with which he was
  Unifor Local 88 requested Magil Construction (old               born. This surgery is not covered by OHIP and is being
McKay-Crocker) to update the proposed budget that was             performed in St. Louis, Missouri by Dr. Park. This is a huge
prepared for the addition to the existing hall. A copy of the     financial burden on the family, so fundraisers have been
proposed updated budget was presented to the Local on             ongoing to help raise the funds to assist the family. At the
August 22.                                                        September 30th membership meeting the Youth Committee
                                                                  presented Liz Morley with a cheque for $1300. Great work
  On September 17, Mike VanBoekel, Linda Leyten,                  by everyone involved on the Youth Committee. For more
Brent Tree, Kim DeGraaf and I held a meeting to discuss           details or to have the opportunity to help the family go to:
the proposal and prepare questions for the Magil project
manager. Numerous issues were discussed and a list of     
questions was prepared for our first meeting. On Sept. 27,
Steve Arbour of Magil Construction met with Linda Leyten          General Membership Meetings
and I to discuss the questions prepared by committee. The            Our Local Union general membership meetings are on
timing of the construction project and what procedures we         the last Sunday of each month at 10:30 am. This is the time
must take to get final approval were discussed. The executive     and place for you to participate in the decisions of your local
will keep the membership fully informed of all proceedings,       Union. The membership is the highest authority in our local
and, of course, get their approval before anything can            Union. I invite you to attend our next general membership
proceed. At the September membership meeting I read               meeting.
a notice of bylaw on the Hall addition and this will be
discussed/debated at the October membership meeting.
  September 2018
 Recent Retired Workers                                                                                             In Solidarity,
   Congratulations to all the members of Unifor                                                                      Joe Graves,
 Local 88 that have retired since the last issue of the                                                     519-425-0952 x101,
 newsletter. On behalf of the Local 88’s Executive, In-plant                                                Cell - 226-448-2789,
 and membership, we wish you and your families the best in                                     
 your retirement years and thank you.

  1096 Glenn Broome
  1106 Ed Green
  2591 John Stier

  Page 5												October, 2018
OFF THE LINE October 2018 - Volume 29 - Issue 5 - October, 2018 - Unifor Local 88
By: Mike Van Boekel
  I have no main topic to write about for this article, so I will   • The Montreal Canadians have advertised more vehicles
just write, in general, some odd facts and figures about autos        than any other NHL team – every time you win a Cup
that you may find interesting. These won’t be in any order of         you get a parade. At the parade the players ride around in
significance.                                                         a car…that is sort of a car fact.
   • The GMC Terrain was the number one vehicle for                 • Car crashes are the leading killer in North America for
     quality in its segment the last year we built it.                people under age 35.
   • After one complete year of being built in Mexico, it is        • Every new car/truck has approximately 30,000 parts.
     now dead last in quality scores in the same segment.           • 40% of drivers involved in an accident never touched
   • GM should rush and put more vehicles into Mexico.                their brakes.
     These same plants are also building some Equinox’s             • I’m not sure who has the longest daily commute to
     which in turn drag the Equinox overall quality score way         CAMI but we have a car pool every day from Sarnia,
     down. There is an old saying that you get what you pay           we had a daily car pool from Welland and one person
     for. Keep paying Mexican workers $2.50 an hour and               drives from Arthur every day. If you think you have
     wonder why the JD Power Awards go right on by.                   the longest commute, call me and I will see if the local
   • We are taking dead aim at BIQ 4 at CAMI and Direct               will buy the person with the longest daily commute a
     Run Rate at above 95%. These are two necessary evils.            free tank of gas. You must drive the commute daily to
     I don’t believe any North American plant will continue           win and it must be the address you have registered with
     to get product without these two programs – Mexico at            CAMI.
     $2.50 an hour obviously doesn’t need to comply; they           • I saw a Lada with a personalized license plate once…
     can bottom out and they still will get new products.             the plate is worth more than the car.
     Our reward will be less and less jobs as repair areas and      • I had a Lada. It was red. We cut the back seat out and
     check areas continue to get cut. BIQ 4 is simply a fancy         put in a bath tub – ahhh to be young again.
     way of cutting jobs. As we get closer and finally achieve      • My first truck had an Olivia Newton John 8-track
     BIQ 4 we will see repair, check and QC jobs slashed              cassette stuck in it that could not be taken out. The
     all over. However, BIQ 4 is also a requirement for new           senior members are going to have to explain to some of
     product, unless we agree to work for $2.50 an hour.              our junior members what the heck an 8-track cassette
   • We are once again likely going to win Leanest Plant              player is.
     of the Year. This is one award I don’t care to win. We         • If you like to read, look up GM’s involvement with
     already were the leanest plant at GM and they took our           Germany during WW2. There were billions of profits
     product to Mexico. Why not remain in the top 5 and               to make producing vehicles for the Third Reich. But
     spend some money on the people who build the trucks.             don’t judge GM too fast; there were many other car
     Kingston Penitentiary had some interesting reward                companies playing both sides of the fence – profits
     programs, including free meals. You can’t keep pinching          before all else.
     pennies when it costs you dollars in                                                In Closing
     the bigger picture.
   • Henry Ford started the $5 an hour                                                      The STPT program works great
     wage campaign. He doubled wages                                                     when it is used correctly. If CAMI
     for auto workers overnight. Car                                                     is bringing in people as STPTs in
     companies have been fighting to get                                                 place of full time hiring, then we
     us to work for free ever since.                                                     have a problem. On September 5th,
   • I read a long time ago that car axles                                               I gave written notice to CAMI of
     were the same distance as wagon                                                     our 60 day requirement to end the
     axles from the pioneer days. The                                                    STPT program. I have no intention
     wagons were the same width as the                                                   of ending it, however, I have less
     Roman Chariots. That is how the                                                     intention of arguing over the staffing
     width of our roads came to be.                                                      daily. If CAMI wants to retain the
   • In the 1920s, the USA passed a law                                                  STPT program, we will agree on
     that all major highways had to be                                                   how the program will be run or it
     perfectly straight for one mile out of                                              will end.
     every five miles that they built. The
     reason: any plane could make an
     emergency landing if needed.
   • The top three selling vehicles of all time are all still                                                     In Solidarity,
     being built today; Toyota Corolla - 44.1 million, Ford                                                    Mike Van Boekel
     F Series - 40 million, and the Volkswagen Golf - 33

  Page 6												October, 2018
OFF THE LINE October 2018 - Volume 29 - Issue 5 - October, 2018 - Unifor Local 88
Unifor Local 88
                                      Income Statement July 2018

REVENUE                                                 EXPENSES CONT'D.
Dues-GMCL                                 150,595.70
Dues-RETIREES                                  12.00    BUILDING FUND EXPENSES
Dues-UNIFOR                                  425.79     BUILDING Fund Income                                 -1,273.37
Dues-AWC                                    2,908.64    Hall Repair Expenses                                   352.88
Dues-Doug Coleman                            155.91     Land Repair Expenses                                  2,408.11
Jacket/Hat/Gen. Clothing Income              750.00     Mortgage Interest Expense                              169.73
Reimbursments                              65,649.81    Heat & Hydro Expenses-Hall                            1,003.69
Interest Income                                47.48    Property Tax Expense                                  2,948.03
Other Income-Local 88                       1,593.50    Bar Liquor Stock Expenses                              881.29
Hall Rental Income                           327.44     Cleaning                                                36.30
Bar Sales Income                            1,635.00    Rounding-Gains/Losses                                     0.66
TOTAL REVENUE                           224,101.27      Insurance Expense-Hall                                 997.38
                                                        Depreciation Expense Hall Assets                      2,235.83
EXPENSES                                                BUILDING FUND EXPENSES TOTAL                          9,760.53

PER CAPITA TAX                                          LOCAL 88 OPERATING EXPENSES
Per Capita UNIFOR National                107,757.37    GM Cami InPlant                         820.48
Per Capita UNIFOR Council (London)          1,979.22    Executive                             11,178.62
Area Retiree Council                            2.40    UNIFOR Cou/Constit/Trades             37,032.47
Per Capita Oxford Reg. Labour                518.20     Standing Committees                    2,473.83
Per Capita UNIFOR/GM COUNCIL                 254.50     Other Lost Time                       11,306.47
UNIFOR AUTO INDUSTRY COUNCIL                  -51.90    Total Lost Time Expenses                             62,811.87
Per Capita P.O.E.M. Council                    25.91    Telephone/Fax Expense                                 5,450.01
Per Capita London District Labour            -576.45    Heat & Hydro Expense-Office                            327.45
PER CAPITA TAX TOTAL                      109,909.25    Travel Expenses GMCL                                 11,806.63
                                                        Bank Charges                                            62.19
PAYROLL EXPENSES                                        Office Supplies Expense-Local 88                      1,301.75
Wages: Local 88                             1,851.67    Office Supplies Expense-Inplant                       1,073.61
EI Expense                                     36.51    UAT Expenses                                           118.13
CPP Expense                                    54.50    Jacket/Hat/Clothing Expense                           1,654.43
WCB Expense                                     2.57    Membership/Subscription Expense                       1,976.10
Garnishment Expense                         1,557.60    Donations Expense                                     1,925.00
Union Dues Expense                              -4.23   Arbritation/Legal Expenses                            2,285.45
TOTAL PAYROLL EXPENSES                      3,498.62    Office Equipment Expenses                             2,860.15
                                                        OOP GMCL                                              2,055.82
COMMITTEES EXPENSES                                     Depreciation Expense Office Assets                      20.82
AWOC Committee Expenses                      -265.83    Depreciation Expense InPlant Assets                     21.59
Education Committee Expenses                 -522.17    TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES                             95,751.00
Community Services Committee Expens          -150.00
Recreation Committee Expenses                -699.92    TOTAL EXPENSE                                     205,627.54
UPC Committee Expenses                       -744.17
Retired Members Committee Expenses          -1,141.67   NET INCOME                                        $18,473.73
Retired Workers Chapter Expenses             -266.84
Unit Fund Committee Expenses                 -600.00
Communication Committee Expenses            -3,612.92
Human Rights Committee Expenses              -761.25
Women's Committee Expenses                   -996.25
Environment Committee Expenses               -302.92
Memorial Bursary Committee Expenses          -250.00
Young Workers' Cte Expenses                  -736.25
Flying Squad Expenses                       -1,000.00
Organizing Committee Expenses                -681.67
Constitution & Bylaws Cte Expenses           -560.00
COMMITTEES EXPENSES TOTAL                 -13,291.86

Page 7												October, 2018
OFF THE LINE October 2018 - Volume 29 - Issue 5 - October, 2018 - Unifor Local 88
By: Paco Yaholnitsky

  Once again, I’d like to say “thank you” to maintenance               Also, with matting, there is friction created between the
for their continuous support in my role. Their help is always       floor and the shoes or boots that causes resistance when
appreciated.                                                        twisting, turning or pivoting.
  I’d also like to thank the membership for the opportunity to         The company does not have to provide any matting or wood
go to Canada Council. I’m very blessed and thanks again.            flooring in the plant. But, it is beneficial for the Company to
  I’ve been asked a lot about flooring and which is the best        provide this for health reasons.
type for working on. I will try and shed some light on this           Cement is the worst for you, even though you have 3%
subject.                                                            compression in your shoes or boots. I would like to have at
  There are many reasons flooring s variable within each work       least something on the floors besides cement. Construction
area. It depends on the applications.                               workers and nurses work on cement all day long.
 I will try and explain some of the pro and cons of ergo-             We have had wood on the trim lines for over 15 years.
matting verses wooden floors.                                       Wood is used all over the world. The Volkswagen plant is all
                                                                    Canadian maple throughout the whole plant. It requires less
  First: ergo matting with a good mat density is excellent for      effort to pivot and less friction. This is better for the knees and
standing in one area. A work boot with 3% compression for           hips. It’s like walking on the beach; you’re very tired in such
standing and walking does the exact same thing. With matting,       a short distance. Another comparison is a soft bed. Sometimes
when it’s too soft, and breaking down, it is not ideal for an any   you need a firm bed. It’s also a psychological thing that you
person. The matting may sink in, and it’s hard on the knees,        think it should be softer but not understanding the effects of
ankles and the hip joints.                                          change. Each scenario is different.
                                                                      If you have any questions, I can go into more depth with
                                                                    each concern. Each case will be different on flooring and the
                                                                    individual’s needs. It’s very hard to accommodate everyone’s
                                                                       We rotate 24 people through a station and sometimes more
                                                                    if the teams are bigger. The subjects typically stand on mats
                                                                    for a period of usually 60 to 90 minutes.
                                                                       The effectiveness of various types of flooring can be
                                                                    measured. Data can be collected on subjective impressions,
                                                                    tissue temperature changes in the feet and legs, swelling of
                                                                    the foot and leg muscles and changes in MVC, (Maximal
                                                                    Voluntary Contraction). A university is equipped to do these
                                                                    studies in depth.
                                                                      In closing, if you have any questions about anything please
                                                                    don’t hesitate to contact me, at EXT:3351
                                                                      Thx again and I will see you on the shop floor.

                                                                                                                         In Solidarity,

  Page 8												October, 2018
OFF THE LINE October 2018 - Volume 29 - Issue 5 - October, 2018 - Unifor Local 88
By: Alex Balicki

                                                                    Now that CAMI has been producing vehicles for 30 years,
                                                                  we are seeing our Skilled Trades workforce retiring in greater
                                                                  numbers then we have ever seen in the past. To all of our
                                                                  retirees, I wish you long life and happiness post CAMI.
                                                                    Many of our senior members are walking out the door
                                                                  for the last time and taking many years of experience and
                                                                  knowledge along with them. Over the next few years, I believe
                                                                  we will see a large percentage of our workforce take their well
                                                                  deserved retirement.
                                                                    The upcoming large number of retirements will bring a very
                                                                  significant issue to light.
                                                                     I truly don’t think the company knows how ill-prepared it
                                                                  is to replace all of that experience and knowledge to keep this
                                                                  plant running efficiently. In past years and decades, CAMI
                                                                  was able to attract the best of the provinces’ Skilled Trades
                                                                  work force by offering a great package of wages, benefits, a
                                                                  high degree of involvement and job satisfaction along with a
                                                                  high level of job security.
                   “The Winning Foursome”
                                                                    However, in recent years, our wages have stagnated, our DB
  To start off, I would like to congratulate Steve Loosely        pension was changed, and our involvement has been reduced
and his group of volunteers for putting on another successful     to sitting lineside and watching computer screens for faults.
Skilled Trades Golf Tournament this Labour Day long               For any new hire, the prospect of sitting lineside in welding,
weekend. The weather cooperated and I know everyone had a         rotating on three shifts, having to fight for any overtime to
great time socializing outside of the plant. This years winning   properly maintain the equipment, with no commitment of
foursome came from the Stamping department. They called           future product from General Motors, can’t be much of a
themselves the “Organic Blueberries”. Team members were           incentive to leave their present jobs.
Dana Kobayashi, Ed Wilhelm, Darryl Van Slyke, and Jeff              Don’t get me wrong, CAMI is not a bad place to work, it’s
Byers. That’s three Millwrights and one Electrician working       just not the sought after employer it once was. To attract the
together; not working in place of one another, but working        best employees a company has to be the best of employers.
well together.
   Jeff also took home the hardware for the longest drive.                                                          In Solidarity,
Closest to the pin was won by Mike Jones from Welding.
Once again, Steve, thanks to you and your team for                                                                   Alex Balicki,
organizing such a successful event.                                                                 Skilled Trade Representative

                                                                                               Tricky- Answer on Pg. 13

     “Margie Younger, Ladies Long Drive Champion with
                runner up Terry Layland”

 Page 9												October, 2018
OFF THE LINE October 2018 - Volume 29 - Issue 5 - October, 2018 - Unifor Local 88
By: Phil

  On Sept 14 -16th, I had the privilege of attending the       children; slavery was legal in Canada for 200 years, yet, we
2nd Unifor Human Rights Conference in Port Elgin. We           are portrayed as saviours to those escaping slavery in the
heard from speakers such as Alex Neve from Amnesty             south; a 48 pound, six year old black girl in Peel region is
International, author Robyn Maynard, as well as speakers       handcuffed and ankle cuffed because she is seen as a danger
from the Bermuda Public Services Union.                        to herself and those around her. We have seen increased
  We create laws to keep racialized groups separate and        carding and angry black woman accusations; migrant
maintain white supremacy within this country. Bills such as:   workers are just another form of slavery with their poor,
C-24 - Strengthening Canadian Citizen Act, Bill S-7 - the      unsafe living and working conditions and broken promises
Zero Tolerance for Barbaric Cultural Practices Act and Bill    made by employers to get them here.
C-51 - Anti-terrorism Bill, all send a dangerous message:         We are glued to our devices and get much of our news
that not all citizens were as trusted, or as safe, as their    from social media outlets. We say things we normally
compatriots. We are still not addressing the injustices of     wouldn’t because we can hide behind our screens. There
our Aboriginal and First Nations communities; there are 81     is no regard to the backlash from such comments or the
long term drinking water advisories affecting more than 50     damage to the people and communities affected by the
Indigenous communities across the Canada, according to the     comment. People’s lives have been ruined by comments
Assembly of First Nations. We still see increased violence     made without thinking first. Here is a guide to commenting:
towards women and girls while we still tell them what they     Stop: type it out but don’t send it. Pause: take a break and
can wear and do with their bodies. We have leadership          return later. Assess: is it true? Is it hurtful? Is it legal? Is it
dictators who are disregarding human rights and our Charter    necessary? Is it kind? Confirm: reread the post to confirm
of Rights and Freedoms. FYI, our right to strike is also       details. Execute: send the message or delete it.
covered under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.                I went into the weekend struggling with my community
  Since 2015, there has been a significant increase in hate    activism within the LGBTQ+ community, frustrated at
groups, fake news and false information. We have seen          the lack of involvement from community members and
a 600% increase in hate speech while hashtags such as          questioning my contributions to the LGBTQ+ movement.
#banmuslims, #siegheil, #whitegenocide and #whitepower         On Sunday, we heard the living story of Linda Bogle-
are becoming more common on media sites.                       Mienzer of the Bermuda Public Services Union. She
  Human Rights defenders are still being prosecuted, jailed,   quickly reminded me of the struggles faced by youth within
raped or even killed. We look at these abuses as being         the gay community. She reminded me of the struggle to
about other countries, but the facts remain that Canada        come out and be our true selves at any age and in every
has a very long list of abuses happening right here: over      new situation in our lives. The risks faced are the loss
24,000 migrants were held from 2006-2014, many being           of friends, coworkers and family who cannot or will not
                                                               accept them. There is an increased risk to personal safety,
                                                               suicide, harassment or even death. Linda reminded me of the
    “Where, after all, do universal human rights begin?        importance of standing up for our rights, especially for those
  In small places, close to home - so close and so small       who cannot speak for themselves. She brought me back to
  that they cannot be seen on any maps of the world.           my story, to my roots which was getting lost and forgotten
  Yet they are the world of the individual person; the         about; the reason I do what I do.
  neighborhood he lives in; the school or college he             We are a diverse country of immigrants. We must break
  attends; the factory, farm, or office where he works.        down the barriers and support one another and lift each other
  Such are the places where every man, woman, and              up. If someone confronts you because of a racist comment or
  child seeks equal justice, equal opportunity, equal          action, try not to take it personally. They are not speaking to
  dignity without discrimination. Unless these rights          you as a person, but to the comment or action. Many of the
                             have meaning there,               racist remarks or actions are usually because of the systems
                             they have little meaning          we live in: our laws, our places of worship, our schools and
                             anywhere. Without concerted       our general upbringing. Rather than resist, let’s open the
                             citizen action to uphold them     dialogue and discuss and learn.
                             close to home, we shall look
                             in vain for progress in the         STAND UP. SPEAK OUT. PUSH BACK.
                             larger world.”
                                                                                                                    In Solidarity,
                               ― Eleanor Roosevelt                                                           Philip Vandermolen

  Page 10												October, 2018
C           ap and Trade
  “The new Doug Ford
Government has “gutted”
                                                                                               By: Todd Sleeper

                                                                                                     NDP Energy critic Peter
                                                                                                   Tabuns said that the decision
Ontario’s climate change                                                                           to cancel the renewable
programs without                                                                                   energy contracts will hurt
providing replacements                                                                             thousands of jobs across the
as the problems of global                                                                          province and damage air and
warming become more                                                                                water quality. The party called
urgent,” Environmental                                                                             on Ford to stop cancelling
Commissioner Dianne                                                                                contracts until the impact
Saxe says in a damning                                                                             can be determined. "Mr.
new report.                                                                                        Ford's war on science and the
 “When pollution is free,                                                                          environment may be pleasing
we can expect to have                                                                              his friends in back rooms
more of it.”                                                                                       and fulfilling promises he
                                                                 made to social conservatives that supported his election bid,"
  What is the “Cap and Trade” program?                           Tabuns said in a statement, "But for the rest of us, it's going
  “Cap and Trade” is when companies are capped at a specific     to mean lost jobs, billions of dollars wasted, and tangible
level of carbon they are emitting into our atmosphere and        environmental damage."
contributing to climate change. Over time, the limit is slowly      The Ford Government said by scrapping the Cap and Trade
reduced and this will slow global warming and improve the        program they will reduce hydro bills by 12 per cent. This
environment.                                                     number will be a long shot stated by critics who say we’ll
                                                                 never see it. But what is the real long time costs? “Ontario
How much does it cost?                                           is open for business! Come on in and pollute all you want
   First, they have to establish a price on carbon, which is     because we don’t have a cap on carbon.”
trading about $10 per tonne today. Companies get credit for        Without another program to replace “Cap and Trade”, we
not going over their set limit and they get charged if they go   lose out on rebates to make out homes more energy efficient,
over. This will promote new green technology and a healthier     rebates on purchasing electric vehicles, thousands of job
environment. Ontario is under it’s carbon producing limit, so    losses, and the opportunity to improve the air we all breathe,
the Government can trade these credits on the stock exchange,    the water we all drink, the soil we grow our food in, and a
which in turn, finances many green initiatives like the Green    healthy environment for future generations.
Energy Rebate, the Electric Vehicle Rebate, landfill methane
gas plants, and solar and wind projects.
                                                                                                               In Solidarity,
  Many people in Ontario have already lost their job due                                                       Todd Sleeper,
to the 758 environmental projects cancelled by the Ford                               Unifor Local 88 Environment Committee

       A             WC Update                                                           By: Mel Boelsterli

                            On behalf of the members at AWC, I would like to thank all Members of Local 88,
      Local 222 and Unifor National for their guidance and support. The last couple of contract negotiations definitely
      didn’t go in our favour but this time we took no concessions and even negotiated an eight percent wage increase
      over three years.

                                                                                                          In Solidarity,
                                                                                                         Mel Boelsterli,
                                                                                                       AWC Chairperson

  Page 11												October, 2018
Let’s talk about Suicide and Mental Health Awareness                                   By: Alexandra McCoy
  Stig·ma – a mark of disgrace associated with a particular
circumstance, quality, or person.                                   health problems due to the cost of direct services and lost
                                                                    productivity, as 500,000 Canadians miss work annually due to
  Suicidal ideation – having thoughts about killing oneself.
                                                                    mental illness.
  Over the course of the last couple of weeks, I have been
                                                                       Mental health problems are a common reason for Canadians
fortunate enough to attend two training courses that have
                                                                    to consult their physicians. According to the Mental Health
provided me with tools integral to the betterment of my role,
                                                                    Commission of Canada, 20% of the Canadian population was
and representing the membership. The first was the Applied
                                                                    affected by a mental health problem or illness in any given
Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST), which was
                                                                    year. That equates to ONE IN FIVE. So, now that we know
held at the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) in
                                                                    the statistics, we must ask ourselves why we continue to
Woodstock, Ontario. The ASIST workshop prepares caregivers
                                                                    perpetuate the stigma. Stigma results in the exclusion of people
of all backgrounds to provide suicide first aid to those at risk.
                                                                    with mental health problems from daily activities that many
The practical training is delivered by LivingWorks, which is
                                                                    of us have the luxury of taking for granted. People affected
a “community service company that develops, delivers and
                                                                    by mental illness are often subjected to negative attitudes
distributes programs for the prevention of suicide”.
                                                                    (prejudice) and negative behaviours (discrimination). They
  This course focused on suicide prevention and intervention,       are often told to “suck it up”, and that they cannot “cope with
how to have an open dialogue about suicide, dismantling             reality”. They are stereotyped as lazy, violent, crazy, and the
suicide plans and keeping people “safe for now”. It provided        list goes on. We develop these fears and fixed ideas about
me with the education and tools to feel confident in assisting      people who have mental illness; people who were either born
those struggling with suicidal ideation, and getting them the       with or who have developed a sick brain. The brain is an organ,
professional help that they need.                                   and that organ is ill. Could you imagine if we treated those
  According to statistics, the population of Canada in 2013         with heart disease or cancer the way we treat the mentally ill?
was 35,158,304 and there were 4,054 reported suicides that          One of the most impactful things I took from this workshop
year. It is estimated that there are 5%-25% additional suicides     was an ad that really made me think:
that go unreported, and that almost two million Canadians have
suicidal ideation annually.
  In 2016, after a crisis of youth suicides in Woodstock,
                                                                              A LOT OF PEOPLE
our local paid to offer “SAFETalk” to anyone who wished
to attend. The proposal came from our Young Workers
                                                                            GET CANCER BECAUSE
Committee, in an attempt to help prepare, educate, and provide
tools to those struggling with thoughts of suicide in our small                THEY CANNOT
community. SAFETalk is a three hour workshop that was
designed to teach community members to recognize persons
with thoughts of suicide and connect them to suicide first aid
                                                                             COPE WITH REALITY
resources. “Suicide alert helpers are part of a suicide-safer
community.”                                                           “We all know that people do not get cancer from their
                                                                    inability to cope with reality, just like we ought to know that
   An untold number of people are affected by these deaths,         people do not get an Anxiety Disorder because they cannot
including families, friends, and coworkers and in the case          cope with reality.”
of Woodstock, Ontario, entire communities. Unfortunately,
there is still a stigma surrounding suicide that continues to         Please remember that no one wants to be mentally ill. Help
be a barrier to open dialogue of the topic. This stigma could       us break the stigma around suicide and mental illness. Help us
be preventing those with suicidal ideation from reaching            build an inclusive workplace, community and world so that no
out and seeking professional help. The same is true when it         one else has to spend their life suffering in silence.
comes to the stigma around mental illness, which brings me            If you or anyone you know are in need of help please do not
to this week’s course: Mental Health First Aid Basic Training.      hesitate to reach out to me or our EFAP Representative, Jeff
This course covered everything from defining mental health,         Ramackers – 519-533-3059.
anxiety disorders, psychotic disorders, substance abuse
disorders and suicide. The training focused on providing first
aid to those experiencing a mental health crisis, diffusing the                                                   In Solidarity,
situation, keeping them safe, and assisting them in getting                                                 Alexandra McCoy,
the professional help that they need and deserve. Some of the                    Human Rights/Employment Equity Representative,
information, facts and statistics were absolutely staggering. It                                                 226-678-5724
is estimated that $50 billion dollars is spent annually on mental

  Page 12												October, 2018
By: Denise Vyse and Sue McCallum

                                                                 Sue and I have been working hard up in our brand new
                                                               “home”, near Alex McCoy’s office (near HR), getting ready
                                                               for canvassing! If you’re in the neighborhood, pop in and say
                                                               “hi” and get some chocolate!
                                                                 We have a few departmental/shift openings for anyone that
                                                               has a heart for United Way and are interested in volunteering
                                                               with the campaign by canvassing or selling raffle tickets.
  Sue McCallum and I are excited to begin our term as          Please send us an email at or susan.
campaign co-chairs for the 2018 United Way Campaign   with your name, department, shift and
here at CAMI!                                                  contact information and we will get back to you.
  We would like to welcome our 2018 Sponsored                    In closing, we would like to send out a huge “THANK
Employee for United Way Oxford— Kennedy Atkinson!              YOU” to our membership for your generosity last
Kennedy is in assembly on B shift. Although she is very        year. We raised over $535,000! Keep an eye on the TV
new to our United Way committee this year, she has a huge      screens in your break areas for more information about
heart for others, for her community and for United Way.        United Way. You have helped thousands of people in our
Good luck Kennedy! It is an experience of a lifetime!          communities!Together, we change lives.
  As past years’ sponsored employees at Elgin Middlesex
(Sue) and Oxford (Denise) United Ways, we both had
the opportunity to see firsthand, the ongoing needs in our                                                  In Solidarity,
communities. We were able to visit various agencies across                                  Denise Vyse & Sue McCallum,
these counties and see the need for the funds raised during                          2018 United Way Campaign Co-Chairs
our campaign.

      Together                                                                                   Tricky Answer from Pg 9

     we change
   We soon both realized that we live very privileged lives.
So many people are living in poverty, fighting mental
illness or starting over with nothing after fleeing a war-
torn country. If you want to see where your money goes,
contact the Elgin Middlesex United Way or United Way
Oxford. They would be happy to arrange a tour of one of
the many agencies they support.

 Page 13												October, 2018
Retired Workers Report                                                                        By: Brian Ginty
  We held our retiree meeting on September 12th. In              We also recognized striking members from Owen Sound,
attendance were 20 retirees and three spouses. Brent Tree       OPSEU 227, who told us of how important the support of
came by and brought everybody up to date on events taking       Unifor was during their strike.
place in the plant.                                              Tuesday began with a bus trip to support the OPSEU
  We had a meeting with Linda Leyten, who brought us up         workers at Owen Sound.
to date on our finances and how the figures are arrived at.       After lunch focused on Proactive aging with presentations
  For the annual Christmas lunch, on November 14th, we          from the Heart & Stroke Foundation about the risk factors
will be asking for a deposit of $25 per person, and when they   of heart attack and stroke, the Canadian Centre for Activity
show up for the meeting and meal, they will get the money       & Aging about fall prevention, the Alzheimer’s Society of
back. IF THEY DO NOT SHOW UP, THE MONEY will be                 Grey Bruce, the Diabetes Society of Grey Bruce and Dr. Aric
used to pay for their plate.                                    Sudicky about preventative approach to healthy aging.
  Bob Scanlon is the first 30 and out retiree from the plant.     On Wednesday we heard from Naureen Rizvi, Ontario
                                                                Regional Director of Unifor, and then we began discussing
Retiree Council                                                 resolutions.
  Four members of the retiree executive board attended            Thursday we heard from Richard Van, Unifor’s director of
the annual Retiree Conference held in Port Elgin from           Finance, and then continued on with resolutions.
September 2 - 7. Bob Scorgie, Deb Cox and Chuck Smith all         There were resolutions passed about health including
came away impressed with the conference.                        National Pharmacare, medical cannabis, alzheimer’s etc.
  Barb Dolan, Director of Retired Workers, greeted              Another category was about housing with resolutions such as
everyone. The Labour Day parade had many organizations          lack of elevators in long term residences and nursing homes.
participating including OPSEU, Carpenters Union, and              The next section dealt with PCOLA, Retiree Benefits
International Brothers of Electrical Workers.                   shortfalls, the CLC, protections against the selling of
  Guest speakers included Naureen Rizvi and Richard Van.        Canadian waters, pay equity, reverse mortgages, and public
Dr. Aric Sudicky spoke on age related topics, and how most      transit.
of these TV diet “professionals” are very misleading.             There were also a number of government briefs about
 There were more than 40 resolutions passed during the          NAFTA, Affordable Childcare, Restoration of the Mandate
week.                                                           of the Bank of Canada, Postal Banking, Bill C-27, a National
                                                                Pharmacare Program, a National Dental Program, Better
Oxford Regional Labour Council                                  Care for Frail Older Adults, and Proportional Representation.
  Due to the disassociation of Unifor with the CLC, I, along      Our Banquet was preceded by a hospitality event at
with the other Unifor members sitting on the Oxford Region      Nick’s Place and followed by a social and dance in the main
Labour Council, stepped down from our positions.                auditorium.
National Retired Workers Council Report                                                                          Brian Ginty
  We arrived on Sunday afternoon and were welcomed by
Barb Dolan, Director of the Retired Workers, and then we                                   Easy - Answer on Page 26
were greeted with an Aboriginal opening acknowledging
the land we were on (Saugeen).
 The evening was topped off with a “Meet ‘n’ Greet” at
Nick’s Place.
  On Labour Day we were bused to Port Elgin to join in the
Labour Day Parade, which was very well attended. When
we returned to the centre there was a huge BBQ open to all
the community who participated in the parade. Buses came
from Unifor Local 444 from Windsor and
Local 222 out of Oshawa as well as many other unions such
as OECTA, OSSTF, the Carpenters Union, Power workers,
ETFO, OPSEU and so on.
  After the BBQ, we heard from the mayor of Saugeen
Shores, Mike Smith, the president of the Grey Bruce
Labour Council, Kevin Smith, and Unifor National
Secretary Treasurer, Bob Orr.

  Page 14												October, 2018
Photos by Brian Ginty

Page 15												October, 2018
Photos by Doris Weir

        Labour Day

Page 16												October, 2018
Labour Day

  Photos by Doris Weir

Page 17												October, 2018
Page 18												October, 2018

Page 19												October, 2018
By: Julie Fenn

  We have a few upcoming events that have
always been well attended.
  Turkey Rumble Run October 5
   This has generally been only bikes but after last
years strike rumbles we would encourage vehicles
to join us. Meet at the hall for coffee and treats
at 10:00 am. We start our engines at 11am and
take a windy twisty ride to Port Stanley where we
have lunch at the Buccaneer Restaurant. The hall
is open afterwards for social time for any to join.
This is a free event and there is lots of Unifor
swag to give away.

October 27 is the Halloween Bash
  This is a free event with prizes for best
costumes and food prizes. There is a live band as
well as a cash bar.
  We will be having a New Year’s Eve dance this
year with TWO live bands, Shattered and Sundog.
Stay tuned for details.
   Our committee is starting to plan 2019 events.
If you have any ideas you want to put forward
and/or want to help with events, contact Julie
Fenn at the above email address.

(Perth Oxford Elgin Middlesex)
Regional Recreation Events

Poker Tourney
  October 14 - At Local 88 hall

Euchre Tourney
  October 20 - Dominion House in Stratford

  See flyers in Off the Line for details or contact
Julie Fenn.

  Page 20												October, 2018
By: Dan Borthwick
  I hope you all had a great summer and enjoyed some of            Magna Formet - There is an active organizing drive that
your vacation time away from your workplaces.                   is going on at the St. Thomas Magna Formet plant. Unifor
  I’d like to congratulate the Unifor Local 88 AWC              and Magna have a Framework of Fairness Agreement (FFA),
bargaining team for the tremendous work that was done to        which permits the parties to bargain an agreement on behalf
achieve a new collective agreement. Well done!                  of the affected employees. Once an agreement is reached
                                                                and ratified by the employees, the agreement will come into
  So, it has been five months since I have moved on. It has     force.
been a very busy time. As you all should know, I am working
out of the Unifor Organizing Department in the Unifor             Therefore, we are asking employees to sign a FFA Interest
Kitchener Office.                                               Card that authorizes and endorses their support for Unifor to
                                                                notify Magna Formet that they wish to enter into collective
  The current organizing campaigns that I am assisting with     bargaining and to commence the Framework of Fairness
include:                                                        Agreement at Magna Formet.
  Toyota - There are two assembly plants in Cambridge.            Magna has three other locations where the workers are
Cambridge South opened in 1988. It currently builds the         represented by Unifor Local 2009AP. They include Magna
Lexus. Cambridge North opened in 1997. It currently builds      Windsor Modules, Magna Qualtech St. Thomas and Magna
the Corolla. Toyota has a third assembly plant in Woodstock     Mississauga.
(West) which opened in 2008. It currently builds the RAV4.
There are more than 8,500 production and trades workers at        Magna Formet workers can see a comparison between
the three locations.                                            the Unifor/Magna collective agreements and the current
                                                                conditions at Magna Formet. Through this link workers can
  I have been meeting with Toyota workers that have been        access a comparison document:
involved in past organizing to discuss prior and future
organizing campaigns. The meetings and discussions have            If any Unifor Local 88 member has family, relatives or
been going well. Toyota workers have the same issues as all     friends working at Magna Formet and they want to see their
auto workers: production standards, ergonomics, health and      workplace organized they can contact Aaron Neaves @ 519-
safety, benefits and pension issues, aggressive attendance      354-5800 ext.2223 or contact me.
policy, etc. The list goes on.                                    Meridian Lightweight Technologies Inc. - There is an
                                                                active organizing drive that is going on at both Meridian
                                                                Lightweight Technologies Inc. plants (High St. & Wright St.)
                                                                in Strathroy.
                                                                   If any Unifor Local 88 member has family, relatives or
                                                                friends working at Meridian Lightweight Technologies Inc.
                                                                and they want to see their workplace organized they can
                                                                contact Aaron Neaves Unifor National @ 519-354-5800
                                                                ext.2223 or contact me.
                                                                  Gateway Casino- There is an active organizing campaign
                                                                that is taking place at Gateway Casino London (Western
                                                                   If any Unifor Local 88 member has family, relatives or
                                                                friends working at Gateway Casino and they want to see
                                                                their workplace organized they can contact Aaron Neaves,
                                                                Unifor National @ 519-354-5800 ext.2223 or contact me.

  On a positive note, signed cards continue to come into                                                        In Solidarity,
the office, indicating there is interest among the workers at                                                 Dan Borthwick,
Toyota. With that said, we are in the very early stages of an                                      L: 519-893-4873 Ext. 2236,
organizing campaign. There is a lot of work ahead.                            Toll free/sans frais: 1-800-265-2884 Ext. 2236,
  If any Unifor Local 88 member has family, relatives                                            E:
or friends working at Toyota and they are interested in
becoming involved in an organizing drive please have them
contact me.

  Page 21												October, 2018
By: Jeff Bankes,
                                                                      Stephan Cronin & Rob Gallace

ANNUAL OVER AGE DEPENDENT AUDIT                                       • Six months before you reach your retirement eligibility,
                                                                        you can request a Commuted Value (CV) Estimate. It
  By now, everyone should have received the
                                                                        will include the monthly amount on the estimate you
                                                                        get back. The first one is free and is from Mercer, the
CONFIRMATION FORM at your home address from
                                                                        company looking after our pensions. They include a
General Motors Canada. If you have not received this
                                                                        second one in your actual retirement package after you
form, you should immediately call or go to the company
                                                                        retire. If you need any more past those, they will cost
benefits office to inquire about your form. These forms
                                                                        you $300 each.
were to be returned to the Green Shield Canada office by
                                                                      • To actually retire: There is a form to fill out to initiate
Friday, September 28, 2018. If the form is not returned by
                                                                        your pension payment option. This form is to be filled
this date, your over age dependent will be automatically
                                                                        out by you and signed by your supervisor. Once that is
cancelled effective November 1, 2018. Our office strongly
                                                                        done, you would submit it to ER. The company wants
recommends that this information be returned immediately
                                                                        this form 60 days before your retirement date, and you
to ensure health care benefits continue for your dependents.
                                                                        must retire on the first day of the month.
This is separate from the Dependent Scholarship. If you
                                                                      • Picking your retirement payment option: This doesn’t
had applied for the Dependent Scholarship, this will not be
                                                                        take place until you actually leave the plant. About
sufficient for the audit. As well, if you only did the audit, it
                                                                        three weeks after you have actually retired you will
does not automatically give you the scholarship. You’ll need
                                                                        receive a package in the mail outlining your retirement
to fill out and submit both separately. Any questions you
                                                                        options. This is where you will make the decision if
may have on this form and the benefits that it affects, please
                                                                        you take the monthly or the commuted value. If you
contact our office.
                                                                        take the commuted value, you will want to take part of
   Editorial Note: The over age Dependent Confirmation                  your package to a money manager to help set up funds.
 Form applies to your dependant children over age 21 who                You can bring the package back into our office and we
 are still in school.                                                   will ensure everything is filled out correctly. We can
                                                                        also send your package back to Mercer for you from
                                                                        our office.
  We’d like to remind everyone
                                                                   Workplace Safety & Insurance Board
that if you are looking to purchase                                   This is by far the most frustrating benefit our members
orthotics, it is a covered benefit                                 must go through to get what they’re entitled to, as well as
under Green Shield. However,                                       the most bureaucratic agency to deal with. Our office, over
you need to use a provider on the                                  the years, had the ability to work through the issues and
approved list. We can print the list                               paperwork to get members of Local 88 benefits they would
off for you, or let you know if the provider you are looking       be entitled to when they injure themselves at work. That
to use is on the list. You can also access the list on Green       does not seem to be the case anymore when someone gets
Shield online or on the Green Shield app.                          injured at Cami. What used to happen at WSIB was they
                                                                   would gather all of the information from the worker, the
30 and out Prior to Age 55                                         employer and your doctor, look over this information and use
                                                                   what information they could to see how the injured worker
   An inplant update memo has gone out in relation to issues       could have injured themselves. Now, the Workplace Safety
surrounding the 30 and out pension for those taking it before      & Insurance Board gathers all of the same information but
age 55. We had a meetings with GM over the issue and we            seems to be looking for what information they can use to
are awaiting word back from them. Once we have more                deny a claim, such as your age, any mention of pre-existing
information, we will be sure to let the membership know.           conditions, or anything else that they can use to deny claims.
If you fall into this category, you are more than welcome to       Just recently we had a brother who injured himself and
speak to one of us.                                                the claim was allowed as an accident but his lost time was
                                                                   denied. The reason was: modified work was offered to him
Steps to Retirement                                                even though he could not walk or drive a car. The company
  We have a lot of members who are approaching their early         offered to pick him up and give him sit or stand work, which
retirement eligibility. There have been lots of questions          in most cases would seem to be quite accommodating.
being asked about the steps to retirement. Here are some of        Unfortunately though, when someone experiences an injury
the steps to take as you approach retirement:                      there usually is an acute period of pain; in this person’s
                                                                   case he could not sit, stand or move. So, no matter how
   • You can come up to our office at any point and we can         light the work was that was being offered to him, he could
     do a monthly pension estimate for you based on your           not perform any work. He really needed a few days for his
     retirement requests. We can also help you figure out          medication to take effect and the pain to subside. This seems
     your pension time, and earliest date to retire.               to be the norm now when dealing with WSIB. They will

 Page 22												October, 2018
allow the accident but if any lost time is involved they deny     No Coverage for Semi-Private hospital rooms
it because they’re allowing employers to offer any make up
                                                                    Almost every month our office gets a call to ask if we
work of any type to avoid paying lost time claims. In the
                                                                  have semi-private hospital coverage. Unfortunately, out of
past, they usually would allow those first couple of days of
                                                                  2010 negotiations, reimbursement ceased to be available
lost time because they knew there was an acute period of
                                                                  for covered persons who were admitted on or after October
pain but that does not seem to be the case anymore. So, if
                                                                  1, 2010. So, when one of your dependents or you are being
you unfortunately incur a work-related injury, please call
                                                                  admitted to the hospital and administration asks what
our office so we can inform you of what’s required and what
                                                                  coverage you have, you need to tell them ward.
you’re about to experience when dealing with the Workplace
Safety & Insurance Board.
                                                                  Retirees Chapter
 DO’s and DON’Ts                                                    Brian Ginty has been chairperson for our Local 88 Retirees
   If you do injure yourself at work here is a list of do’s and   Chapter for quite some time now and has been a great asset
 don’ts for reporting a workplace injury. This article cannot     to keeping this chapter going. With the upcoming increase in
 be printed enough since everyday people are getting injured      the number of retirees, Brian has asked if we could mention
 and if they followed these do’s and don’ts we would not          in the newsletter that Local 88 retirees have a monthly
 have as many WSIB concerns as we do.                             meeting at the Local hall. These meetings are great to just
                                                                  socialize with friends and coworkers of the past and get up to
   DO:                                                            date on current events in the Union or play a game or two of
    • REPORT YOUR INJURY/ILLNESS IMMEDIATELY                      euchre. The more members we get attending and paying dues
   Do not wait until end of day or the next day or following      of $2.00, the stronger the voice of Local 88 Retirees Chapter
 a weekend. Immediately means NOW.                                will have in their Union.
       FORM                                                       Green Shield “On the Go” Phone Application and
   Detail what caused the injury/illness, what it is and any      Website Services
 witnesses that were around.                                        You can download the Green Shield application by going
     • REPORT YOUR INJURY/ILLNESS TO YOUR                         to either the AppStore on Apple or Play Store on Android.
       COMPANY HEALTH CENTRE                                      Green Shield also continues to provide their services to plan
   Inform your company Health Centre that you are                 members on their website. The service provides you instant
 reporting a work related injury/illness and that you will be     access to your claims history and helps to answer those
 seeking outside medical attention. The company completes         important questions. Once registered, you will have online
 and sends to WSIB a ‘Form #7’. The WSIB does not                 access to:
 recognize our company Health Centre as an outside medical
   This means the same day or going to a Walk-In Clinic
 or Hospital Emergency Department if your doctor is
 unavailable. Inform your doctor that you want to report a
 work related injury/illness. The doctor must complete a
 WSIB Physicians Report (Form #8) and submit it to WSIB.
    • FORM #6
   After receiving both the Form #7 and #8, WSIB sends                • Direct Deposit of claims payment to personal bank
 you a Form #6. When you receive it, bring it to your Union              account;
 Benefits Rep. who will help you complete the form in detail.         • Explanation of Benefits information;
 Attach any related documents, such as medical information,           • Personal claims information;
 job description or witness statements.                               • Claims payment history;
    • DOCUMENTATION                                                   • View eligibility for dental recalls, orthotics, and
   Document everything that you do that is related to                    glasses/contact lenses;
 your injury/illness. Start a file. Have your Benefits Rep.           • Print a copy of your statement for Coordination of
 photocopy any and all correspondence sent to WSIB.                      Benefits or tax purposes;
                                                                      • Print or view a copy of your Green Shield Card;
                                                                      • And much more.
                                                                    All you have to do is register online using your unique
 DON’T:                                                           Green Shield Canada ID number and provide your email
                                                                  address. You will be mailed a password from Green Shield.
    • DO NOT DELAY                                                Once you receive your password, your account will need
   This could lead to problems.                                   to be activated and you will be automatically required to
    • DO NOT ASSUME                                               change your password before accessing any of the services.
   Make sure all your DO’s are complete and copies of all
 documentation is in a personal file.                                                     Benefits Banter continued on Pg 24

  Page 23												October, 2018
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