Administrator to partner - Professional Paraplanner

Page created by Clarence Gutierrez
Administrator to partner - Professional Paraplanner
The magazine for
                                and financial
                                March 2020

to partner
Luan Mahoney, partner with
Chadney Bulgin, talks about
how she progressed her career
from mortgage administrator
to head of operations and
a partner with the firm


Why advice teams need
to keep on top of new
registration rules
Portfolio evaluation
Calculating money and
time weighted returns
Tax Special
End of year tax planning

        FROM OUR
Administrator to partner - Professional Paraplanner


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Administrator to partner - Professional Paraplanner
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Editorial                                                                                                               @profparaplanner

                                                                                                  the benefits of being able to show clients
                                                                                                  all of their pensions, long-term savings and
                                                                                                  investments in one place, and build financial

TECHNOLOGY                                                                                        plans off the back of that data, will be huge.
                                                                                                    The convergence of health and wealth-
                                                                                                  related technologies is another opportunity
                                                                                                  on the horizon. For example, as technology
                It’s been a busy month.           launch of the 2020 Professional Paraplanner     gets better at analysing our DNA and our
                No doubt it has for you too       Awards (see below for more on all of these).    chances of getting diseases, and thereby,
                as the end of the tax year           I also attended three very interesting       more accurately predicting our longevity, so
                approaches. This issue            technology conferences: Financial               this information can be used to inform and
                we have a Tax Planning            Technology & Research Centre’s (FT&RC)          improve the accuracy of financial planning.
                Special for you, talking to       Empowering Advice Through Technology 2020;        Dynamic Planner introduced the latest
paraplanners about how they tackle end-           Dynamic Planner’s annual conference;            development in its Elements line up – a
of-year tax planning and any tips and tricks      and the Getting Pensions Dashboards Done        web-based cashflow planning tool, which
they have for getting through to 5 April,         event hosted by Origo and identity platform     will draw on the client’s risk-based profile.
alongside articles on which clients most          specialist ForgeRock. Each pointed to           This will be ready later this year – read more
need attention and how you can help them          developments that we can expect to affect       about it on our website.
through use of tax efficient products such as     financial planning and sooner than we             Our industry, we were told at the FT&RC
Business Property Relief.                         may think. A key theme across all three         event, “is on the cusp of significant change”
  Here at Professional Paraplanner, as well       conferences was developments in Open            being rapidly driven by technological
as putting together this issue and the daily      Finance, i.e. how financial services will       advances. As primary users of financial
website, we launched our Team Leader              adapt technologies developed for open           planning technology, there is no doubt
Seminars series, running the first event in       banking to obtain and offer a far more          paraplanners are going to be at the heart of
London – we’ve picked out some highlights         holistic view of an individual’s finances and   these developments.
on pages 16-17. We are also preparing for         financial planning. Having systems that         Rob Kingsbury,
this year’s Technical Insight Seminars, our       talk to one another is essential for this to    Editor, Professional Paraplanner
Investment Committee events, and the              work in financial services companies but

  Register for these events via                   • 9 September: Nottingham,
  the Events page on the                            Nottingham Belfry                             Team Leader Seminars
  Professional Paraplanner website.               • 23 September: Glasgow, Hilton Glasgow
                                                  • 24 September: Edinburgh, Waldorf Astoria      Further dates will be announced shortly.
  Technical Insight Seminars                      • 8 October: Leeds, Oulton Hall
                                                  • 21 October: Manchester, Midland Hotel         Professional Paraplanner Awards
  Register for one of our 16 events around the    • 4 November: Reading, Crown Plaza
  country. Dates and venues are:                  • 18 November: Bristol, Aztec Hotel             We are delighted to announce that Parmenion
  • 29 April: Exeter, Woodbury Park               • 25 November: Newcastle, Crowne Plaza          are once again supporting the Professional
  • 13 May: Birmingham, Crowne Plaza              • 2 December: Colchester, Colchester FC         Paraplanner Awards, which will be launched
  • 20 May: Norwich, Park Farm Hotel                                                              on 9 March via our website. There will be six
  • 10 June: London, ETC Venues,                   The Investment Committee                       paraplanner and administrator specific awards
     Liverpool Street                                                                             plus the opportunity to nominate your favourite
  • 17 June: Cardiff, The Vale Resort             • Launch event: 7 April 2020, London.           product and service providers for recognition.
  • 9 July: Southampton, Hilton Ageas Bowl        You can also sign up for events in Manchester   The ceremony will take place on 10 June at the
  • 22 July: Chester, Double Tree Hilton          and Edinburgh.                                  ETC Venues, Liverpool Street, London.

March 2020 | www.                                                                                                     3
Administrator to partner - Professional Paraplanner
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Contents                                                                                                                                                                @profparaplanner

                                            The magazine for
                                            and financial
                                                                                                                            Professional Paraplanner is published by
                                            March 2020

      to partner
      Luan Mahoney, partner with
      Chadney Bulgin, talks about
      how she progressed her career
      from mortgage administrator
      to head of operations and

                                                                           In this
      a partner with the firm


      Why advice teams need
      to keep on top of new
      registration rules
      Portfolio evaluation
      Calculating money and
      time weighted returns
      Tax Special

      End of year tax planning

                    SPECIAL REPORT
                      FROM OUR
                     TEAM LEADER
                       SEMINAR                                                                                                               Address
001_PP_Cover_0320.indd 1                                21/02/2020 14:13
                                                                                                                               80 Coleman Street, London EC2R 5BJ
                                                                                                                      T: +44 (0)20 7104 2235 E:
6                          Viewpoint Finding and                                                                                 W:
                           keeping good people                                   Investment Committee
8                          Profile Luan Mahoney,                              22 Investment When is                            Editorial                                   Management
                           partner with Chadney                                  average better than average?                 Editor                                   Founding Director
                           Bulgin, on how she                                    Simon Evan-Cook uses                    Rob Kingsbury                                  Toby Finden-Crofts
                           progressed her career from                            the body size of 1940s US              E: robkingsbury@                              T: +44 (0) 20 7104 2236
                           mortgage administrator to                             Airforce pilots to explain.                           E: tobyfindencrofts@
                           head of operations and a                           24 Markets Are US equities                    Designer                       
                           partner with the firm                                 still worth the risk? Darius           Pascal Don Design                              Founding Director
10                         Pensions Denton’s                                     McDermott looks at                  E:                                 Richard Ley
                           Stephen McPhillips,                                   the pressures on the US                  Editorial inquiries :                       T: +44 (0) 20 7104 2239
                           looks at unauthorised                                 economy and markets                           E: richardley@
                                                                                                                         Production inquiries:
                           payments from registered                                                            
                           pensions schemes                                      End-of-year tax planning                                                       Advertising and sponsorship enquiries:
12                         TDQ Use of money-                                  26 Preparing for Tax                      Research analytics               
                           weighted and time-                                    Year End Paraplanners                 Research Director                                   Subscriptions
                           weighted rate of return                               talk about the increased                  Adele Gray
                                                                                                                                                                 If you would like to subscribe
                           measurements when                                     workload, how they tackle            T: +44 (0) 20 7104 2237
                                                                                                                                                                to the magazine or recommend
                           evaluating performance of                             last minute demands and                  E: adelegray@
                                                                                                                                                                 a colleague please contact the
                           an investment portfolio                               share their top tips for  
                                                                                                                                                                 subscriptions department at:
13                         Protection Ensuring                                   staying in control.                      Head of Insight                                subscriptions@
                           business owners have the                           28 Business Property                     Annalise Toberman                  
                           right insurance protection                            Relief Business Property             T: +44 (0) 20 7104 2238
                           in place not just for their                           Relief is helping advice                                                         Professional Paraplanner is a
                                                                                                                      E: annalisetoberman@
                           personal circumstances, but                           firms to unlock estate                                                          controlled circulation title and
                           also for their business, can                          planning opportunities, says                                                     free to those who fit our strict
                           be a valuable part of their                           Jessica Franks, Octopus                                                                 terms of control.
                                                                                                                         Event Manager
                           financial planning                                    Investments                                                                         Subscription prices:
                                                                                                                          Louisa Hooper
14                         Parameters This issue                              30 Pension tax planning                                                                     UK 1 year £60
                                                                                                                      T: +44 (0) 7990 823423
                           we asked you about pension                            Which clients do you need                                                             Europe 1 year ££75
                                                                                                                         E: louisahooper@
                           tax relief                                            to focus on at this busy time                                                       Rest of world 1 year £95
15                         Trusts Trust registration                             running up to the end of the
                           deadlines are changing and                            tax year?
                           paraplanners need to know                                                                                         © 2020 Research in Finance Ltd
                           about them                                         32 Comment What are goals’,         All editorial content and graphics in Professional Paraplanner are protected by U.K.
16                         Special report                                        ‘objectives’, ‘strategy’ and       copyright and other applicable copyright laws and may not be copied without the
                                                                                                                   express permission of Research in Finance, which reserves all rights. Re-use of any
                           Insights from the recent                              ‘tactics’ and how do you use     of Professional Paraplanner’s editorial content and graphics for any purpose without
                           Professional Paraplanner                              them? Robert Harper, PFS                         Research in Finance’s permission is strictly prohibited.
                           Team Leader Seminar                                   Paraplanner Panel member          Permission to use Professional Paraplanner’s content is granted on a case-by-case basis.
18                         Management How do you                                 considers this question in      Research in Finance welcomes requests. Please contact us on

                           ensure you employ the right                           relation to client portfolios       The content in this publication is provided for general information only. It is not
                           paraplanner for the role?                          33 CPD Answer 10 questions          intended to amount to advice on which you should rely. You must obtain professional
                                                                                                                   or specialist advice before taking, or refraining from, any action on the basis of the
19                         TDQ: Q&A Test your                                    to earn CPD points                                             material in this publication.
                           knowledge with our                                 34 Data download Monthly                      Research in Finance Limited is registered in England & Wales,
                           monthly Q&A                                           fund and pension data           company number 8441324. The registered office is 80 Coleman Street, London, EC2R 5BJ.

4                                                                                                                                                 www. | March 2020
Administrator to partner - Professional Paraplanner
                T R U S T.
                                          Help your clients thrive with our 95 Day
                                      SIPP Notice Account at 1.40% Gross PA / AER*

*AER stands for Annual Equivalent Rate and illustrates what the interest rate would be if interest were paid and added each year. Interest is compounded.
 Gross PA means Gross Per Annum, i.e. before tax is deducted (at the legal rate). Kindly note, the minimum opening deposit for this account is £25,000.
 If your balance falls below £25,000, interest will be set at 0.50% gross p.a. (variable) until the balance meets or exceeds £25,000.
Administrator to partner - Professional Paraplanner
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Viewpoint                                                                                                                  @profparaplanner

                                                                                                      achieve the business growth we’d set out
                                                                                                      in our business plan. This meant practicing
                                                                                                      what we preach and carrying out a training

                                                                                                      needs analysis on ourselves:
                                                                                                      • Deciding on the skills we needed in the
                                                                                                         business to achieve success
                                                                                                      • Evaluating the skillsets we already
Natalie Bell, co-founder & director of The Art of                                                        had internally
                                                                                                      • Highlighting any skills gaps (and setting
Finance and director of Culture & Engagement                                                             about filling them!)
across The Verve Group, describes how the                                                                The technical skills were the easiest
                                                                                                      to identify – the businesses needed
management team established a development                                                             paraplanners and compliance officers and
framework for their underlying businesses                                                             we knew that we wanted to support them
                                                                                                      to gain their Level 4. This was straight
                                                                                                      forward enough, we identified the route
                                                    the practical skills needed for the role – both   we wanted for them (the CII Diploma in
                                                    attract and keep staff. Ultimately, those who     Regulated Financial Planning) and we
                                                    receive the appropriate training become           invested in their qualification-related
                                                    more valuable to the business, contribute to      progress. Even the practical skills needed
                                                    the business growth and on a personal level,      for the roles were straight forward as the
                                                    feel valued in return.                            model we’d created was predominately
                                                       All of that said, training and development     on-the job training, and also scheduled a
                                                    isn’t as easy as just asking an employee what     number of internal workshops to deliver on

                                                    they want help with and then delivering           the varying complexities expected of them
              taff training and development –       on it. It takes time and resource – both in       as they progressed through their career path
              well known, much needed and           identifying the need in the first instance,       (visualised and shared with them from the
              pretty much always the greatest       delivering on it and then the ongoing support     outset). The greatest challenge came, and
              challenge for any business (that,     to make sure that the new knowledge is            still does, with supporting the softer skills –
              and recruitment!). So, when           transferred back to the business. And often,      team leading, effective communication and
you’re lucky enough to find your ideal              such time and resource isn’t always available     confidence building being some of the most
candidate, how do you go about keeping and          to manage internally. Is it a genuine need?       common. As the teams within the group
upskilling them? With so many different             Or is it a limiting belief they have about        have grown, it’s meant we have different
training needs and urgency levels it can            themselves? What’s the cost to the business?      challenges now to what we had three years
often be a game of Tetris when it comes to          Is there a benefit back to the business? How      ago so, regularly reviewing training needs
marrying up an individual’s development             do you measure that return on investment?         analysis is an absolute must!
points with that of the organisational goals.       These are all very sound questions to ponder.        This experience is in every essence, the
   My role across The Verve Group means                Last year, Cathi Harrison, founder of          uniqueness of The Art of Finance and for the
all things considered ‘fluffy’, ‘people’            Para-Sols and Apricity Compliance and             firms who have enrolled their staff to date, it’s
and ‘happiness’ all land at my door – staff         CEO of The Verve Group, and I created             where they see great value. We’ve designed
engagement, coaching and learning &                 The Art of Finance, having experienced            our courses to provide the technical support
development to name but a few. Thankfully,          our own internal training challenges whilst       they need to get through the exams and give
it’s all the stuff I love and genuinely relish in   scaling Para-Sols and Apricity Compliance.        them the practical skills they need for the role
the opportunity to bring out the best version       With a really successful graduate                 (direct business benefit). Together with the
of oneself. It’s no secret that businesses          programme (The Grad Scheme) across the            emotional, more coaching style approach,
which are willing to invest in their employees      companies, it was crucial that we developed       empowers and enables the candidates to
– such as offering help with qualifications or      a learning and development framework to           thrive (direct personal benefit).
                                                                                                         I always say that it should never be a choice
                                                                                                      of professional or personal development, it’s
    Businesses which are willing to invest in their                                                   when the two can be blended that the real
    employees both attract and keep staff                                                             magic happens for all involved!

                                                                                                      The Verve Group is comprised of Para-Sols,
                                                                                                      Apricity Compliance, The Art of Finance and
                                                                                                      The Grad Scheme

6                                                                                               | March 2020
Administrator to partner - Professional Paraplanner
                                                SEMINARS 2020 –
                                                REGISTER TODAY

Register to join your fellow paraplanners at one of 16 events this year
TECHNICAL INSIGHT SEMINARS                      23 September: Glasgow, Hilton Glasgow           Presenters at this year’s Seminars will include
SPRING/SUMMER/AUTUMN 2020:                      24 September: Edinburgh, Waldorf Astoria        speakers from: FundsNetwork, Parmenion,
Dates and venues                                8 October: Leeds, Oulton Hall                   i4C cashflow, ATEB Consulting, Transact,
29 April: Exeter, Woodbury Park                 21 October: Manchester, Midland Hotel           Dentons Pensions Management, Para-Sols, Lime
13 May: Birmingham, Crowne Plaza                4 November: Reading, Crown Plaza                Outsourced Paraplanning, Octopus Investments,
20 May: Norwich, Park Farm Hotel                18 November: Bristol, Aztec Hotel               Apricity, Cashcalc, NS&I, London Institute of
10 June: London, ETC Venues, Liverpool Street   25 November: Newcastle, Crowne Plaza            Banking and Finance (LIBF) and more.
17 June: Cardiff, The Vale Resort               2 December: Colchester, Colchester FC           Register your interest today at:
9 July: Southampton, Hilton Ageas Bowl          Our events are a mixture of keynote and
22 July: Chester, Double Tree Hilton            workshop sessions, covering a range of topics   Professional-Paraplanner-Technical-Insight-
9 September: Nottingham, Nottingham Belfry      specifically for paraplanners.                  Seminars
Administrator to partner - Professional Paraplanner
Paraplanner profile

Luan Mahoney, partner with Chadney Bulgin,
tells Rob Kingsbury how she progressed her
career from mortgage administrator to head of
Operations and a partner with the firm and why
she likes to stay hands-on in her day-to-day role

         uan Mahoney’s financial services      office to the north of the UK and she was
         career stretches back over 25 years   made redundant.
         but it took off when she joined          Her next role was with a mortgage           The shift from mortgages to financial
         Hampshire-based Chadney Bulgin        adviser and then she moved to a wealth      planning required a lot of re-training
         in 2002. Her career progression       management IFA. “But most of my roles       of staff, Luan says, “including myself”,
is very much linked to the success and         were with mortgage advisers and when        as well as recruiting. “It was a period of
growth of that business over the past          I joined Chadney Bulgin in 2002, it         huge change.”
18 years, from a firm just undertaking         predominantly did mortgages. I joined          As the business has expanded, there has
mortgage work to one now split 65%             as a mortgage administrator. We were        been development and specialisation of
wealth management and 35% mortgages.           processing 350 mortgages a month and        those teams. Chadney Bulgin now has a
   “My career has developed as the business    we had one wealth planning consultant.”     mortgage administration team, a wealth
has,” Luan explains, “from mortgage               An inflow of new management into         administration team, a service team, and
administrator to supervisor to manager         the business on the retirement of senior    paraplanning teams both on the wealth and
of a mortgage team, and then manager           partner Tom Chadney, saw the business       the mortgage sides of the business.
of a wealth and mortgage team, to head         begin to change, taking on more wealth         When mortgages came back after the
of operations. I became a partner in the       management work as well as acquiring        financial crisis subsided, for a while the
business in 2008.”                             smaller businesses on the wealth side.      financial advisers straddled both areas,
   Luan started her working career in             This change of strategy was well         taking on mortgage advice as well as wealth
retail but quickly found there wasn’t much     timed and, in 2007, it was accelerated      planning, but over time they became
money in it, so she went to night school,      as the financial crisis began to take       specialists in their areas, as have the
learned to type “because that was my           hold and mortgage business dropped          support teams, Luan explains. “That makes
perception of what I needed to do to work      off significantly.                          sense, particularly in support, because the
in an office” and landed her first office         The changes brought opportunities        pace and demands on administration are
job. This happened to be in financial          both for the business and for the staff.    very different between the two arms. It
services, working for Abbey National (now      Within two years of joining the firm Luan   enables us to concentrate on the areas and
Santander) in a mortgage centre processing     had been promoted to supervisor and         what they need. We find it takes different
mortgage applications. She stayed there for    then to manager of the joint mortgage       skills and personality to be a mortgage
seven years until the company moved the        and wealth administration team.             administrator to someone on the wealth
                                                                                           side. As an example, on the mortgage side
                                                                                           it is faster paced, there is more contact and
                                                                                           chasing of providers for quick answers,
“We have a really good training                                                            which means there is a lot of telephone
                                                                                           work and a high level of tenacity is needed
infrastructure. One of our senior                                                          to chase and challenge the lenders.
                                                                                              “On the wealth side you need more
partners is responsible for training across                                                technical and analytical skills sets. We find
                                                                                           people tend to settle and fit into one team
the business. Managers will identify                                                       or the other, although we do get people
                                                                                           moving between teams in order to develop
training needs and do on the job training”                                                 and progress their career prospects.”

8                                                                                     | March 2020
Administrator to partner - Professional Paraplanner
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  A growing business naturally develops
a need for more and more infrastructure.
                                                     A typical day
Luan was promoted to head of Operations
in 2017, overseeing the firm’s offices
in Fleet, Hampshire and Chichester,
Sussex. Her responsibilities now include             “As head of Operations, I’m the hub for that side of the business. IT takes up a big part of my
the management of all sales support                  day. It will depend on project work as well. For example, we are moving our back-office system
staff, operations, business strategies               between providers at the moment. For a company of our size with over 80 members of staff, we
and maintaining service to all clients               have a huge amount of data to migrate across, all of which requires data mapping, alongside the
throughout their ongoing relationship                training of staff on the new system.
with Chadney Bulgin.                                    “Finding the right system also came within my remit, researching the market and conducting
                                                     due diligence. The biggest challenge for us is that we have the two arms, wealth and mortgage,
Paraplanning team                                    and while I went to the market and found some amazing systems that did wealth well or
Originally the firm had no paraplanning              mortgages well, there was no system that did both to the level that we wanted. So, we targeted
operation. Luan has overseen the growth of           a company that handles the wealth side of the business very well and is willing to work with us
the paraplanning team, bringing in Martin            to build a better system for our mortgage side, so we can benefit from greater efficiencies for
Green as the first paraplanner, who is now           our mortgage advisers and support teams.
paraplanner manager.*                                   “As a partner I am involved in business strategy, looking at where we go in the future. I sit
  The firm encourages staff to develop               on our investment committee, I have regular meetings with my department managers, in
and learn and to progress their careers              administration, paraplanning and HR, across Fleet and Chichester. They report to me on what’s
within the business. “We have people                 happening in their departments, what issues they have, and we work on solutions together.
move from administration into                           “I’m still very much involved in what’s happening in all the teams and I wouldn’t have it any
paraplanning and from paraplanning into              other way because that’s where I came from and I’ve a stake in it. I’ve built up the teams and
advice,’ Luan says. “We have a really good           having that experience of the business at so many different levels, I tend to have come across
training infrastructure. One of our senior           most things and they can bounce ideas and solutions off me for a second opinion.”
partners is responsible for training across
the business. Managers will identify                 *Martin Green talks about being a paraplanning manager in this video:
training needs and do on the job training  
but if we feel there is a need for deeper            Martin also explains what being part of the investment Committee entails here:
learning, we will have classroom sessions. 
  “It helps us manage risks in the business          [In the September 2018 issue we wrote about the structure of the Chadney Bulgin
when people are learning and developing              paraplanning team – Ed]
and know to ask the right questions of the
right people to get the answers they need.
Having the ability to spot something that         The size we are now is a nice size. It            to have opportunities to progress their
doesn’t sound correct is a useful attribute.”     means the senior managing partners                careers just as I’ve had.”
  Also, the firm is a registered                  know everyone’s name and what they
examination centre with the CII and has           do, and if anyone has an opinion or an             Three key elements for a good
just launched its own Training Academy            idea it is listened to and valued. We              administration department
on the wealth side. “We have a number             never want to lose that. It’s important;
of wealth advisers who are going to be            it’s what has kept people working here            Luan believes the top three elements needed to
retiring over the next five to ten years and      for a long time – and it’s what has kept          run a good administration department are:
we are looking to bring people through the        people as clients for a long time.”               1. Variety of interesting work. Having a variety
academy to replace them. This is a very              Looking back over her 18 years with               of interesting work keeps people engaged,
exciting development for us as a business.”       the firm Luan says she recognises the                wanting to learn and improve. It also feeds
                                                  benefits of working for a firm of the size and       the next key element, which is…
Firm culture                                      ambition of Chadney Bulgin. “The firm has         2. Morale. You have to have good morale and
Despite the growth of the business over           vastly changed over the past 18 years and            camaraderie. It has to be a good place to
the years, what’s important to Chadney            as the business has developed so my career           come to work.
Bulgin, Luan stresses, is that the firm           has developed and changed with it. It’s           3. Strong leadership. Staff need someone
retains its culture, which she feels is           been an exciting career path.                        to guide them or to go to with problems,
important to both the people in the                  “But for me the most exciting part                whether those are work related or
business and its clients. “We don’t want          has been to see other people’s careers               personal. They have to feel confidence
to be big corporate; we still want to have        develop within the firm as well, for me to           in the leadership team and that they are
that family feeling within the business.          hand over responsibilities and for people            supported by them.

March 2020 | www.                                                                                                    9
Administrator to partner - Professional Paraplanner

Stephen McPhillips, technical sales director,
Dentons Pension Management Limited looks
at unauthorised payments from registered
pensions schemes that are SIPPs or SSAS

                                             to the scheme. This article focusses on
                                             “unauthorised payments” to members
                                             and employers as they might relate to self
                                             invested personal pensions (SIPPs) and / or
                                             small self administered schemes (SSAS).

                                             Unauthorised member payments
                                             When an unauthorised payment is made

                                             to a scheme member, a tax charge of
            egistered pension schemes        40% of the amount of the unauthorised
            enjoy many tax advantages.       payment is levied. This is payable by the       • A loan directly or indirectly to a member
            These can range from tax         scheme member. If the unauthorised                or anyone connected with the member,
            relievable employer and          member payment exceeds 25% of the                 including a company controlled directly
            member contributions through     member’s fund value, there is a further           or indirectly by a member.
to income tax-free returns, capital gains    surcharge tax amounting to 15% of the           • Payment of benefits to anyone other
tax-free growth and beyond that to tax-      unauthorised payment. This is also payable        than the member whilst the member
free lump sums upon taking retirement        by the member. In addition, the scheme            is still alive.
benefits and inheritance tax-free death      administrator will usually be subject to        • Benefit payments to a member before the
benefit payments.                            a tax charge of 15% of the unauthorised           age of 55 (unless they satisfy the ill health
  Substantial tax advantages such as these   payment. However, this could increase to          requirements or have a protected lower
are extremely valuable. They do however,     40% if the member fails to pay all of the tax     pension age).
come with conditions. Breaching any of the   charges that have arisen.                       • Va shifting, i.e. where a pension scheme
conditions relating to payments to members      It therefore follows that tax charges of       enters into a transaction that increases
and/or employers can be a very costly        70% (or more) of the unauthorised payment         the value of an asset or decreases the
exercise for the scheme member and/or        amount could arise where such a member            amount of a liability of a member, or a
employer. There can also be implications     payment occurs. Examples of unauthorised          person connected with a member (and
for the scheme administrator attached        member payments include:                          in the case of a SSAS, a sponsoring
                                                                                               employer), on anything other than what
                                                                                               would normally be expected on arm’s
     Breaching any of the conditions relating to                                               length terms.

     payments to members and/or employers can be                                             This is not an exhaustive list and care
     a very costly exercise for the scheme member                                            should be taken to ensure that unauthorised
                                                                                             member payments do not take place.
     and/or employer. There can also be implications
     for the scheme administrator                                                            Unauthorised employer payments
                                                                                             When an unauthorised payment is made
                                                                                             to an employer, a tax charge of 40% of
                                                                                             the amount of the unauthorised payment
                                                                                             is levied. This is payable by the employer.

10                                                                                       | March 2020
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If the unauthorised employer payment              occurrence of any such tax charges. In turn,        to ensure that the five strict HMRC
exceeds 25% of the member’s fund value,           this will often mean that providers will:           requirements are met in full without
there is a further surcharge tax amounting        • Undertake robust due diligence on                 any additional complications (such as
to 15% of the unauthorised payment. This is         any proposed investment which could               the SSAS trustees taking possession of
also payable by the sponsoring employer.            give rise to unauthorised payments.               any property which could be deemed
   In addition, the scheme administrator            For example, a peer to peer lending               as “taxable property” in the event of
will usually be subject to a tax charge of          platform might not be acceptable to a             default by the borrower – items such as
15% of the unauthorised payment.                    provider if the end borrower cannot               plant and machinery 0r stock).
However, this could increase to 40% if the          always be identified.                           • Not permit the shifting of any value
sponsoring employer fails to pay all of the       • Operate a strict company policy on                from one member to another within
tax charges that have arisen.                       SSAS loans to employers in order                  its arrangements.
   It therefore follows that tax charges of
70% (or more) of the unauthorised payment         Summary table
amount could arise where such an employer
payment occurs.                                   Tax situation                     Tax charge
                                                  Unauthorised member payment       40% of the amount of the unauthorised payment
Example of unauthorised                                                             Payable by the member
employer payments
A loan from a SSAS to a sponsoring                Unauthorised employer payment 40% of the amount of the unauthorised payment
employer that does not satisfy each and           (SSAS)                        Payable by the relevant sponsoring employer
every one of the strict requirements for          Unauthorised payment is more     Member/sponsoring employer will be liable to a surcharge of 15%
such a loan to be an authorised payment.          than 25% of the value of the
Such requirements include the fact that           relevant member(s) pension funds
the loan must be secured by a First Legal
Charge over a suitable asset or assets.           Tax charge on the pension         Usually 15% of the amount of the unauthorised payment.
                                                  scheme (via the Administrator)    However, if the member or sponsoring employer fails to pay the
Potential impacts on SIPP and SSAS                                                  full amount of their tax charges, it could be as much as 40%.
Most responsible providers of SIPP                Total tax charges for an unauthorised payment could be as high as 70% of the amount of the
and SSAS arrangements will take all               unauthorised payment.
necessary and reasonable steps to avoid the

March 2020 | www.                                                                                                      11
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TDQ                                                                                                                         @profparaplanner

Catriona Standingford, MD of Brand Financial Training,
considers money-weighted rate of return and time-weighted rate
of return in evaluating performance of an investment portfolio
and are seen in a number of CII exams

                 nyone sitting one of the CII investment exams will         then calculated for each period between these contributions or
                 need to be familiar with measuring returns.                withdrawals and then the periods are all multiplied together. Let’s
                 In this article we look at the money-weighted rate of      look at an example of this:
                 return (MWR) and the time-weighted rate of return
                 (TWR) both of which are examined in R02 as well             1 January                1 April                   30 June
as in J10, J12 and AF4; in particular in AF4 students may need to            Value = £1,000           Value = £1,200            Value = £2,400
actually do the calculations whereas in R02 it will be more about                                     Further investment
understanding the theory.                                                                             =£1,000
  The time-weighted return shows the performance regardless
of the timing of new monies. The money-weighted return takes                What is the TWR?
account of timing of additions and withdrawals. Let’s look at a             Period 1 = This is the first three months when the fund went from
typical exam question:                                                      £1,000 to £1,200.
                                                                            Period 2 = This is the next three months when £1,200 plus the
Calculate the money-weighted rate of return for the following investment:   additional investment of £1,000 grew to £2,400.
 Value at           Money              Income             Value at 31
                                                                            The return for each period is calculated by dividing the end value
 1 January          invested 31        received 30        December
                                                                            by the value at the beginning.
                    March              June
                                                                            Period 1 = £1,200/£1,000 = 1.2
 £100,000           £20,000            £2,000             £119,000          Period 2 = £2,400/£2,200 = 1.0909

The MWR formula is: D + V1 - V0 - C                                         So now we know that in the first 3 months a gain of 20% was made
                                   n )┤
                         V0 + (C × 12                                       and in the second 3 months a gain of 9.09% was made. To find the
Where:                                                                      TWR we need to multiply the two periods together:
• D = income received during the year i.e. £2,000                           (1.2) x (1.0909) - 1 x 100 = 30.91%
• V1 = the value at the end of the period i.e. £119,000
• V0 = the value at the start of the period i.e. £100,000                   In conclusion, both the MWR and the TWR are useful when
• C = the new money introduced during the year i.e. £20,000                 evaluating performance of an investment portfolio over a given
• n = the number of months remaining in the year i.e. 31 March              time period. However, TWR focuses just on performance and is
  until the 31 December                                                     therefore more suitable when comparing different portfolio returns.

If we input the figures into the formula:                                   About Brand Financial Training
£2,000 + £119,000 - £100,000 - £20,000 /£100,000 +                          Brand Financial Training provides a variety of immediately accessible
(£20,000 x 9/12)                                                            free and paid learning resources to help candidates pass their CII
 Therefore:                                                                 exams. Their resource range ensures there is something that suits every
£1,000 / £115,000 x 100 = MWR of 0.87 or 0.87%                              style of learning including mock papers, calculation workbooks, videos,
                                                                            audio masterclasses, study notes and more. Visit Brand Financial
The MWR is influenced by the timing of cash flows which are                 Training at
of course outside the fund manager’s control. The TWR aims
to eliminate this problem by measuring compound growth
irrespective of money flows.
   To calculate TWR we need to know when and how much
new money is invested, when and how much of a withdrawal is
made and what the portfolio value was at the time. Returns are

12                                                                                               | March 2020
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Protection                                                                                                          @profparaplanner

                                                                                                  Where a director has made a personal
                                                                                                loan to the business, which is required to be
                                                                                                repaid on death, this is better covered under

                                                                                                a key person policy.

                                                                                                3. Shareholder protection

Most adviser firms will have business owners as                                                 Should a fellow director or partner die,
clients. Ensuring they have the right insurance                                                 provision should be in place to assure the
                                                                                                financial interests of surviving shareholders
protection in place can be a valuable part of                                                   in the business. The purpose here is to
their financial planning, says Chris Dunne,                                                     enable the remaining owners to be able to
                                                                                                buy the business share from the deceased
proposition manager, Scottish Widows                                                            shareholder’s estate at fair value.
                                                                                                   Again, having the appropriate level of
                                                 business. There are four types of cover        cover in place here can both ensure the
                                                 your clients should consider, depending        continuation of the business, and that
                                                 on their circumstances:                        fair value of the deceased’s holding in the
                                                                                                business is transferred into their estate.
                                                 1. Key person
                                                                                                4. Relevant life cover
                                                 Key person cover protects a business
                                                 against the loss of one of its key employees   These are individual life cover policies

                                                 through death or serious illness.              enabling businesses to offer tax-efficient
            usiness owners can all too             When talking to clients, ask how             death-in-service benefits to their
            easily be focussed on the day-       the business would be affected by the          employees, outside of a registered group
            to-day challenges of running         long-term absence or death of a team           life scheme. They are also used for high-
            the business and overlook a          member – an owner, director, salesperson       earning employees who have substantial
            vital element of running and         or employee with specialist skills or          pension funds, and want their death-
maintaining a successful business. It is         knowledge. Ask them to make a list of          in-service benefits to sit outside of their
essential that consideration is given to         those members. They may be surprised at        lifetime allowance. Other tax advantages of
all the potential risks to the business,         the length of the list.                        Relevant Life Cover include:
not least of which is the potential impact         This type of insurance covers the key        • Payments made do not form part of the
should, for any reason, the business lose        person but the business is the policy owner       employee’s annual pension allowance.
them as Leader, or indeed another key            and pays the premiums. The cover can also      • Premiums aren’t normally subject to
member of staff.                                 be written in trust if needed.                    income tax.
   Fundamental questions to ask business                                                        • Premiums can be treated as an allowable
owners and leaders are: ‘What would              2. Loan protection                                expense for the employer in calculating
happen if one day you were in the                                                                  their tax liability.
unfortunate position where a key person          Another risk area to a business is where       • Writing the policy in trust will mean that
in the business had suddenly died or             a loan needs to be repaid in the event            in most cases the benefits are paid free of
become critically ill? How would the             of the death or serious illness of a loan         inheritance tax, because the benefits are
business cope? What steps have you               guarantor. This can represent a serious           paid through that trust.
taken to address this potential situation        personal risk where third party security
in your business planning?                       has been taken against the loan, such as       Helpful Calculators
   You may be surprised by the answers.          a second legal charge on the director’s
While businesses will insure equipment           family home. In this situation, insuring       So that businesses may assess the cover they
and premises they often overlook insuring        for the full value of the loan in the          need, we have developed three calculators to
their key people. Even when some thought         event of death or serious illness can be       help determine the sum assured:
has been given to the issue, often not           vitally important to the wellbeing of the      • Key Person Calculator: to help work out the
enough has been done to prepare for it.          surviving family.                                value of the key person.
   This is not just about ensuring the              Query with your clients what                • Business Valuation Calculator: to help work
business is still able to operate and trade.     arrangements they have in place. This could      out the value of a business.
It also concerns the wellbeing of staff and      save not just a business, but safeguard a      • Relevant Life Policy Calculator: to show the
their families, and shareholders in the          family home further down the line.               potential tax savings of this cover.

March 2020 |                                                                                                   13
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Survey                                                                                                                                @profparaplanner

Our monthly paraplanner survey tracking trends and topical issues

1                                3                                5                                7                                9
2                                4                                6                                8                                10

YES                                                 55%                            20%                                        25%
NO                                              33%                                25%                                        31%
NOT SURE                          12%                                              30%                                        43%
YES                                                   41%                          YES                                                        69%
NO                                                    47%                          NO                                  15%
NOT SURE                         12%                                               NOT SURE                             16%

Rumours around changes to pensions tax relief           the savings gap, there would be less incentive for      VCTs and EISs, or turning more to property as a
are rife in the industry, above and beyond a            higher earners to pay into pensions which while         long-term investment. One paraplanner said: “It
change in Chancellor of the Exchequer. For our          saving the Treasury money now could reduce the          would change behaviours for the worse. It would
latest Para-meters survey we asked for your             income tax take for governments further down            not make people on lower wages save more and
opinions on pensions tax relief and in particular       the line, higher rate earners would be forced to        it would discourage people on higher earnings to
the introduction of a flat rate of pensions tax         seek alternatives, and there would be issues for DB     make pension contributions.”
relief, which it is suggested is most likely to arise   schemes and employer contributions.
in the Budget on 11 March.                                                                                      Would it change your recommendations?
   As can be seen from the data above, the ma-          Changing behaviours                                     Asked whether a flat rate would change the rec-
jority of paraplanners responding to our survey         By far the largest majority of people – 69% –           ommendations made to clients, paraplanners said
thought pensions tax relief needed reforming but        thought that a flat rate of pensions tax relief         this would depend on the level of flat rate relief
opinions were split over whether a flat rate of tax     would change people’s retirement saving behav-          and would be case specific. Most said pensions
relief should be introduced.                            iours. Higher rate tax payers were seen as most         would remain a primary savings vehicle, “pensions
   Asked what benefits or issues they saw with          likely to change their behaviours, as a reduction in    will still be one of the best tax efficient invest-
a flat rate tax, respondents tended to couch the        tax relief would be seen as a disincentivise to save    ments and we would maximise investments into
benefits in general terms such as greater consist-      into a pension as a main long-term saving vehicle.      them”, although some said they would change
ency, simplicity, fairer, more straightforward,         While pensions would still be seen as useful tax        the type of contributions – “I’d be unlikely to
more transparency in the tax system. Also, that it      tools, as one respondent said: “People need to be       recommend lump sum contributions much; I’d be
might encourage basic rate taxpayers to contrib-        incentivised to save into pensions and if their tax     more likely to look at employer contributions”.
ute more (if the flat rate was above the current        relief going in was seen to have been reduced it           However, paraplanners said that in some cases,
20% basic rate tax level). Other benefits cited         could put them off contributing in this way when        ISAs would be considered more appropriate – “it
were simpler calculation and administration of          what we actually need is more savings into pen-         will be difficult to recommend a pension over
taxes, saving the Treasury money, and making tax        sions not less.”                                        an ISA for a higher rate taxpayer who would get
relief easier for the general public to understand.        What would likely be seen, it was suggested,         basic rate relief now but might still expect to
   Those who saw disadvantages said they thought        is people putting less into pensions and more           pay higher rate tax in retirement – and/or tax
a flat rate system would not encourage low earners      money into other tax wrappers, such as ISAs,            wrappers such as onshore and offshore bonds and
to pay into pensions thereby not helping bridge         or looking to tax efficient investments such as         general investment accounts.

Congratulations to Sukhi Dhamrait, Aurea Financial Planning, who is the winner of this month’s survey prize draw of £50 worth of Amazon
vouchers. Don’t miss out on your chance to win a similar prize by completing the monthly survey. Keep an eye out for our email. And if you have
any questions that you’d like us to pose to your fellow paraplanners, just fill in the section at the end of the survey form.

14                                                                                                        | March 2020
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Trusts                                                                                                                        @profparaplanner

                                                                                                             on TRS under the current process in place
                                                                                                             for 4MLD and tax registration purposes.
                                                                                                          The penalties for failing to meet these

                                                                                                          deadlines are also still to be confirmed, but if
                                                                                                          deemed to be deliberate, could be ‘financial’.
                                                                                                             Whilst the latest proposed deadlines
                                                                                                          now give trustees more time to register
Trust registration deadlines are changing                                                                 than suggested before, advice teams need
and paraplanners need to know about                                                                       to consider whether they have processes
                                                                                                          in place to cope with the changes. It seems
them, says John Humphreys, inheritance                                                                    fairly clear that trusts set up by families for
tax specialist at WAY Investment Services                                                                 estate planning and to pass assets inter-
                                                                                                          generationally will need to register. There is

                                                                                                          little point in delaying this for new trusts. It
                 n 10 January 2020, the Fifth                                                             may also take some time to track down some
                 EU Money Laundering                                                                      older trusts, and time has a habit of flying.
                 Directive (5MLD) came                                                                    Perhaps this consultation could serve as a
                 into force in the UK, with an                                                            trigger for advice firms to discuss and review
                 objective to ensure that the                                                             with clients any trusts they may hold and
UK’s anti-money laundering and counter                                                                    possibly even have forgotten about.
terrorist financing regime is ‘up-to-date,                                                                   From the point of view of Trustees, their
effective and proportionate.’                                                                             already-extensive list of responsibilities is
   As part of this, the rules and deadlines                                                               getting longer. As well as reading the latest
for registering trusts online with the Trust        still have to register, trusts that consist solely    consultation document, they need to ensure
Registration Service (TRS) are set to change.       of pure protection policy with payment not            compliance with the Trustee Act 2000,
Previously, Trusts only had to register with        made until death or terminal illness won’t            which is very prescriptive and includes
the TRS if a reportable tax event occurred.         have to – as it would be disproportionate             dealing with all payments to settlors and
Under the new regime far more trusts will           to the risk of them being used for money              beneficiaries, trust expenses, accounts
have to register, even if there is no tax to pay.   laundering or terrorist financing. The same           and tax returns, meeting tax reporting
   The challenge for advice teams is that the       applies to charitable trusts, and registered          requirements (including exit and periodic
precise details of which trusts will need to        pension schemes held in trust will also be            charges) and be diligent. Included in this
register and definitive deadlines have not          exempt unless they aren’t registered with             list of responsibilities, Trustees are also
yet been confirmed. Although 5MLD is now            HMRC. The consultation document has also              expected to conduct regular investment
law, the implementation of the new rules            suggested a completely new set of deadlines           reviews, with a suitably qualified and
for trusts has been delayed, and instead a          to those stated before:                               certificated investment adviser.
new technical consultation* was opened by           • Trusts in existence on 10 March 2020 must              Professional Trustees are well equipped
HMRC on 24 January. Interested parties had             register by 10 March 2022.                         for this, but it will be more of a challenge
until 21 February to provide comment.               • Trusts set up after 10 March 2020 must              for some lay trustees. Existing Trustees will
   Initially, it seemed that a vast number of          register within the later of 30 days or            need to be sure they are prepared and willing
trusts would be affected by the new rules,             10 March 2022.                                     to take on the new responsibility and fulfil all
with the Association of Taxation Technicians        • Trusts set up on or after 10 March 2022             of their fiduciary responsibilities; this may
(ATT) estimating that the number of trusts             will have to register within 30 days.              be a trigger for them to consider employing
on the TRS system could increase up to              • Once registered, trustees will have 30              the services of professional trustees instead.
ten-fold from 200,000 to two million. The              days to update any changes.                        In the meantime, families setting up new
latest consultation document suggests that          • Until 10 March 2022, all trusts that incur a        trusts need to think very carefully about
although trusts without a tax liability will           tax liability for the first time should register   their choice of Trustees. Likewise, families
                                                                                                          considering appointing friends or family
    The challenge for advice teams is that the precise                                                    members as Trustees should question
                                                                                                          whether it is fair to put them in that position.
    details of which trusts will need to register and                                                        Advice teams need to keep on top of
    definitive deadlines have not yet been confirmed                                                      this. Trustees need to keep abreast of
                                                                                                          developments and listen out for new
                                                                                                          announcements. Professional Trustee
                                                                                                          services will be doing so already, for lay
                                                                                                          trustees it may be a little harder.

March 2020 |                                                                                                          15
Special Report

                                                                                                     One of the biggest issues raised by
                                                                                                  individuals when moving from paraplanner
                                                                                                  to manager was that they were promoted

                                                                                                  into leading a team but with no structure or
                                                                                                  support in place to help them do so, in some
                                                                                                  cases including a defined job description,
                                                                                                  meaning they had to learn as went along.
Professional Paraplanner’s first Team Leader                                                      “I was thrown in the deep end. It was very
                                                                                                  tough and a huge challenge,” one delegate
Seminar took place on 6 February 2020. Here                                                       said, while another described being given the
we pick out some of the highlights of the day and                                                 job “and a list of things that needed fixing”.
                                                                                                     What is important in this situation,
from the peer-to-peer discussions                                                                 delegates advised, is not to rush in and
                                                                                                  try to address everything from the word
                                                                                                  go. Taking a step back and some time to
The Seminar was held under Chatham House        around you and, above all and at all times,       review the strengths and weaknesses of the
rules allowing reporting of what was said but   communicating with those around you.              team and planning how you want the team

not who said it.                                  Head of HR at Fidelity International            to look are good first steps. If necessary,
            he Professional Paraplanner         Nella Mereu talked though key areas               write your own job description, covering
            Team Leader Seminar was a           for team leaders, such as mental health           areas such as management tasks, technical
            mix of presentations, practical     awareness, “team leaders are often                work and training/development. The act
            and interactive sessions and        best positioned to know colleagues and            of getting things down on paper can help
            peer-to-peer discussions. Often     when something is not right” and the              clarify the tasks to be done and which ones
paraplanners become team leaders as part        wellbeing not just of your staff but of           need to be tackled first.
of the expansion of a firm’s paraplanner        yourself as an individual.                           On a personal level, another clear issue
capability but they receive no formal             Interactive sessions were delivered by          for those transitioning into a management
management training. The Professional           leadership and management development             role was their passion for paraplanning
Paraplanner Team Leader Seminars aim            specialist Mark Nobbs, who took                   itself and a “concern” that their new job
to help paraplanners with the transition,       delegates through some practical tasks to         was taking them away from what they like
their management style and techniques, as       demonstrate how teams work together and           to do best. “I’m not comfortable with that,”
well as providing the opportunity to discuss    how management styles come through                one delegate admitted. “It can be difficult,”
issues with their fellow team leaders in a      when people have problems to solve.               another delegate advised, “but at some
supportive environment.                                                                           point, you’ve got to step out of your comfort
   The Seminar was hosted by Fidelity           Peer-to-peer discussions                          zone. You have to let it go.”
FundsNetwork and delegates heard                In the peer-to-peer discussions delegates            One way suggested to do that was to
from Jackie Boylan, Head of UK Advisor          had the opportunity to talk to several            focus on training others as a means of
Platform FundsNetwork on her experiences        topics identified as specific to their roles as   passing on your knowledge and experience.
as a manager and her insights into what she     paraplanner team leaders, including what’s           Linked with this issue were two other
termed her ‘non negotiables of leadership’.     required of a paraplanner team leader in          related ones, not wanting to give up
These included treating people how              today’s advice firm; when to stop being a         control and “being too nice”. They are
you’d expect to be treated, listening to        hands-on paraplanner; becoming a boss;            related in that they both resulted in team
others, recognising leadership qualities        getting the most productivity from your           leaders retaining too much day-to-day
you appreciate in others, being honest          team; and happiness in the role. Here we          paraplanning work and not passing on tasks
in self-appraisal, having the best people       pick up on some of the points raised.             they should no longer be doing if they are to
                                                                                                  properly manage their team.
                                                                                                  Disadvantages were identified as:
     There is always someone better than you.                                                     • Unnecessary/increased workload for the
     Good managers recruit at the next level up                                                      team leader.
                                                                                                  • Avoidable/increased stress for the
     from the role being advertised. That way they                                                   team leader.
     raise the bar through their recruitment strategy                                             • Time not spent in their role as managers.
                                                                                                  • Restrictions on their own development.
                                                                                                  • Limiting staff development.
                                                                                                  • Lack of staff job satisfaction potentially.
                                                                                                     leading to them leaving the firm.

16                                                                                           | March 2020
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