Page created by Lillian Glover
OH&S 2020

Written in accordance with the standards of Workers Compensation Board
WORK SAFE, PLAY SAFE                                                           It is the responsibility of managers and supervisors to ensure that all buildings,
                                                                               equipment and materials are maintained in a safe manner. To accomplish
The prevention of accidents, injuries and occupational illness is one of the   this, managers and supervisors will participate in workplace inspections and
highest priorities in the workplace. Our Senior Leaders are committed to       accident investigations. Most importantly, managers and supervisors can
providing a work environment that promotes employee health and well-           ensure the success of the safety program through leading by example.
being, while minimizing the risk of accidents and occupational disease.

Uncompromising safety is a core value at Strathcona Hotel. We recognize
that our employees are the sole link to successfully serving our members
                                                                               It is the responsibility of every employee to fol-
and guests and are the ultimate source of our company’s strength.              low safe work procedures and to observe all
Everyone within the organization must work together to achieve our goal of     applicable safety rules and regulations.
establishing a work environment in which workplace injuries do not occur.
                                                                               We expect our employees to treat each other with respect and
Safety is a matter of individual attention to problems that may exist or       to demonstrate that same level of respect for company policies
arise, as well as teamwork and communication to correct unsafe conditions      and company property. Our employees will play an active role in
immediately. To accomplish this, we intend to do the following:                maintaining a safe and productive work environment by taking personal
                                                                               responsibility for their own safety and well-being. This includes:

                                                                               • Learning all the safe work procedures pertaining to your job.
It is the responsibility of the senior leadership team to
demonstrate a true commitment to employee safety by:                           • Being aware of all safeguards provided for your protection.

• Developing sound safety practices to protect our                             • Knowing how to contact your supervisor to report any unsafe
  employees from potentially dangerous situations.                               acts or conditions, sickness, injury or mechanical difficulties.

• Maintaining an effective disability management program                       • Ensuring that your work environment is free from potential hazards.
  to ensure prompt and effective injury management should
                                                                               • Correcting or warning of any unsafe or hazardous condition which
  an employee experience a workplace injury.
                                                                                 might result in injury to other workers, members or guests.
• Educating employees to ensure that they have the resources
                                                                               • Informing your supervisor, manager or an OH&S Committee Member of any
  and are empowered to correct any unsafe conditions.
                                                                                 hazards that should be corrected or controlled, prior to beginning any work.
• Developing and enforcing rules that employees
                                                                               • Reporting any injury or near injury immediately
  follow as a condition of employment.
                                                                                 to your supervisor or manager.
• Ensuring all employees comply with safety standards for every job
                                                                               • Immediately reporting to your supervisor any physician’s
• Training all employees in safe work practices                                  determination of an injury to yourself and/or time loss required.
  and the proper use of equipment.
                                                                               • Making suggestions to improve safety conditions.
• Working with department managers, supervisors and staff to identify
                                                                               • All injuries and hazardous situations MUST be corrected
  and eliminate unsafe working conditions and/or practices.
                                                                                 or reported BEFORE leaving the premises.
• Providing mechanical and physical safeguards wherever they are
                                                                               Above all, remember that everyone has a role to play if we want to achieve our
  needed and providing instructions for their use and care.
                                                                               goal of maintaining a work environment that is free from workplace accidents.
• Investigating every accident promptly and thoroughly in order to determine
                                                                               Uncompromising safety is a focus for Strathcona Hotel, and we
  and correct the cause and to establish measures to prevent re-occurrence
                                                                               will set the standard to be a leader in working safely.
                                                                                      EVERYDAY SAFETY PRACTICES FOR EVERYONE
Safety is a matter of individual attention to problems that may exist
                                                                                      • Always remember to call 911 in case of a life-threatening emergency.
or arise, as well as teamwork and communication to correct unsafe
                                                                                        Then call 222 to notify the front desk.
conditions immediately. These are the following guidelines:
                                                                                        (state who you are, where you are and what type of emergency)

                                                                                      • Always call the front desk at 222 for an in house emergency.
                                                                                        (i.e. you need Security or a first aid kit)
“Think safety first, both on and off the job”                                         • Always know at least two exits out of a room/location

• Know and comply with safety regulations affecting your job.                         • Always know where the closest fire extinguisher is located

• Know the location and proper usage of emergency exits,                              • Always know where the closest telephone is located
  phones, first aid kits and fire extinguishers.
                                                                                      • Always know where the closest first aid kit is located
• Do not participate in pranks, horseplay or any type of activity
  that might cause harm to yourself, others or property.

ACTIONS                                                                            EMERGENCY PROCEDURES
“Know the safest course of action and never take shortcuts”.                       EMERGENCY PROCEDURES IN GENERAL:
• Always Follow established safety procedures and encourage co-workers             Our hotel front desk is open 24/7 and is our emergency control centre. In
  to do the same. If you don’t know the safe way, stop and find out.               addition to co-coordinating emergency services this is where our largest
                                                                                   first aid kit is located as well as our mobile first aid kit including our oxygen
• Never operate machinery, vehicles or equipment without                           unit. You can also find spare flashlights and our spare communication
  first receiving proper training in their use. Always                             radios. This is also where the fire indicator panel is located and the
  obey operating safety standards and rules.                                       Manager on Duty Evacuation Manual which includes emergency keys.

• Always use all personal protective gear that is supplied for the task.           Upon arrival, emergency services will contact the hotel front desk/
                                                                                   Director of Outlets/Duty Manager for directions/information, so it
• Never use makeshift or defective tools or equipment.
                                                                                   is critical that all employees adhere to the procedures below.

ACCOUNTABILITY                                                                        IN A LIFE-THREATENING EMERGENCY
“Uncompromising Safety is about personal responsibility”.
                                                                                      (FIRE, MEDICAL, VIOLENCE)
• Take direct responsibility for your safety and the safety of those around you.

• Keep your work area clean and orderly to ensure the                                 STEP 1 - CALL 911
  surroundings are free from potential hazards.
                                                                                      STATE WHO YOU ARE, WHERE YOU ARE, TYPE OF EMERGENCY
• Do not block exits, fire doors, aisles, fire extinguishers or traffic lanes.
                                                                                      STEP 2 - CALL 222
• Make sure a supervisor or manager is aware of your work location                    TO INFORM THE FRONT DESK OF THE SITUATION
MEDICAL EMERGENCY                                                                    If it is necessary to evacuate the building, it is every staff
                                                                                     member’s responsibility to assist with the evacuation. Stay calm,
If it is a medical emergency, briefly describe the type of injury; if the person     do not panic, and use a firm and calm voice. Evacuate to the
is conscious or not, if the person is bleeding, if the injured is having a seizure   evacuation (muster) station. Do not use the elevators.
or any other symptoms that could be critical information to the emergency
services. Also provide the sex of the injured and the estimated age.                 No one is to re-enter the hotel unless you have received permission from
                                                                                     the Fire Department or a member of the senior management team.
Once the front desk has the necessary information, try to assist the person
in medical distress until first aid attendant or emergency personnel arrives.

VIOLENCE                                                                                HOW TO USE A FIRE EXTINGUISHER
If the emergency is a fight or an apprehension, immediately remove                      • Pull the pin
yourself from the situation. Do not engage in any kind of argument
                                                                                        • Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire
or retaliation. Contact the front desk who will then contact security/
management and call emergency services. Inform the front desk                           • Squeeze the handle
staff; where (what exit or exact location inside), how many individuals
are involved and possibly a description of the individual(s)                            • Sweep the nozzle over the fire from side to side

In the unlikelihood of a robbery, make note of people involved, description,         BOMB THREAT
date, time and any relevant information leading up to the encounter. Press
the alarm button (hotel front desk & LRS) and once the robber leaves call the        If you receive a bomb threat over the phone, stay calm and ask questions
hotel front desk. Lock the door and ask witnesses to remain until emergency          while taking notice of the caller’s tone of voice and any background sounds.
services arrive. It is critical that you stay calm and follow the directions given
by the robber. Robbers want money - no injury or loss of life is worth being         1. When is the bomb going to explode?
a hero. Under NO circumstance shall an employee chase after a robber.                2. Where is the bomb right now?
                                                                                     3. What does it look like?
                                                                                     4. What will make it explode?
                                                                                     5. Did you place the bomb?
FIRE                                                                                 6. Why?
If you see a fire or smoke pull the fire alarm. Ensure                               7. What is your name
your own safety and that of others.                                                  8. Where are you calling from?

If you know how to operate a fire extinguisher and it is safe                        Immediately after speaking to the bomber, call 911 and then the front
to do so, use an extinguisher to control the fire.                                   desk at 222. A Manager will take charge and start the evacuation
                                                                                     of the building. Follow evacuation procedures but be aware that
Before entering or exiting a room, make sure to feel the door for                    the location of the device will affect the evacuation route.
heat before opening and proceeding through. If the door is hot
then there is fire on the other side, you must not open the door.                    Devices can be any size and placed anywhere. They can be hidden
                                                                                     or be contained in an unobtrusive object in plain sight. If any item is
Be sure to close all windows and doors behind you. This reduces                      suspect, ask any person nearby if the owner is present. If no owner
the amount of oxygen that the fire needs to continue burning.                        can be found, treat it as suspicious. Contact the hotel front desk by
                                                                                     dialing 222 immediately and describe the situation. Together with the
If you are caught in a smoke-filled area, remember that
                                                                                     manager on duty, evacuate by following evacuation procedures.
smoke rises so crawl and do not walk upright.
EARTHQUAKE                                                                            When the power comes back on, turn on your terminal and wait.
                                                                                      Most screens will ask yes or no regarding ‘standalone mode’. You
If you are inside, stay inside. DO NOT run outside                                    must always click no. If the message doesn’t go away, please let
or to other rooms during shaking.                                                     the manager know and they will need to turn on the server.
DROP down onto your hands and knees (before the earthquake knocks you
down). This will protect you from falling but allow you to still move if necessary.
                                                                                      EVACUATION PROCEDURES
COVER your head and neck (and your entire body if possible) under a
sturdy table or desk. If there is no shelter nearby, only then should you             In case of a serious emergency such as fire, earthquake, lengthy power failure
get down near an interior wall (or next to low lying furniture that won’t             or any other serious situation when evacuation is necessary management and
fall on you) and cover your head and neck with your arms and hands.                   staff must immediately shut down their workstations and start evacuation
                                                                                      procedures. Some individuals will have specific duties during an evacuation
HOLD ON to your shelter (or to your head and neck) until the shaking stops.           and must adhere to those duties associated with their position.
Be prepared to move with your shelter if the shaking shifts it around.
                                                                                      All staff members are required to assist with the evacuation of our patrons
When an earthquake is over, it’s important to stay calm and move                      and hotel guests. Follow the directions given by the manager on duty. Stay
cautiously, checking for unstable objects and other hazards above and                 calm and use a firm voice when directing patrons to the nearest exit. Once
around you. If you are injured, treat yourself first and then assist others.          completed you must evacuate through the nearest exit and proceed to the
Also, be aware of the potential of aftershocks - and continue to drop, cover          evacuation (muster) station.
and hold on if you feel them. Evacuate to evacuation (muster) station.

                                                                                         EVACUATION (MUSTER) STATION
The lights going off indicate a power failure has happened or is
                                                                                         IN CASE OF EVACUATION
about to happen and emergency lighting will come on instantly.
Emergency lights will stay on for approximately 20 minutes.

Stay where you are and remain calm until emergency lighting                              HOTEL PARKING LOT ON COURTNEY STREET
comes on. Ensure your safety and the safety of others.

Managers, administrative staff and senior security x 2 will report to the
hotel front desk and through them will you be given instructions as
to how to proceed. Director of Outlets, Duty Managers, Maintenance
Managers, or Night Auditor assumes the responsibility of the emergency

Standard procedure is to lock the building to prevent more patrons
from entering but also to avoid patrons leaving without paying.
Flashlights are located by each bar and more flashlights will be
distributed throughout the building from the hotel front desk

Bartenders and servers will be instructed to stop service and to start
preparing manual bills and taking payment by cash and/ or by credit
card using manual credit card swipes. Once the payment procedure
is completed and the instruction has been given to evacuate the
building, you must direct all customers to the nearest exit. (You
may review bills with the tablets as they are battery powered)
WHAT TO DO IF YOU ARE                                                               HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE
INJURED AT WORK                                                                     Once a month, the Health and Safety Committee meets to discuss and make
                                                                                    recommendations for WCB and Strathcona Health and Safety Policies and
                                                                                    Procedures. Any staff member that is interested in participating should contact
                                                                                    their supervisor, manager or an OH&S committee member. The OH&S bulletin
INCIDENT REPORT (NON-EMERGENCY):                                                    board is in the staffroom and the email address is ohs@strathconahotel.com
Seek medical attention. Dial 0 (222 if emergency) the front desk and they will
help you locate any first aid coordinator on duty. Our first aid coordinator
or attendant will be able to assess the injury and advise you if you need to
seek further medical treatment. If there is no first aid attendant on duty, your
immediate supervisor will be able to assist you with initial treatment. First Aid
Kits are located at the front desk, the kitchen, Distrikt coat check, Maintenance
                                                                                    STRATHCONA SECURITY
and the janitorial closet (laundry). An incident report must be filled out by       Our security team works 7 days per week; weekdays they start at 9pm and on
both you and your manager. You can get this form from your manager.                 weekends at 7pm. They can be reached by dialing the front desk on 0 or 222
                                                                                    or through the duty manager. If you see any breach of security incident, you
                                                                                    must record the details and as soon as possible, pass on the information.
The Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) only recognizes a medical doctor
as being qualified to make recommendations for your recovery (massage,
physiotherapy, surgery, time off work, etc.) It is important that you see a
doctor as soon as possible after you’ve been injured at work to establish           VIOLENCE AT THE WORKPLACE
the claim with WCB. Make sure your supervisor or manager is notified.               IN HOUSE EMERGENCY 222

                                                                                    The Strathcona Hotel is committed to providing a work
WCB AND ABSENCE REPORTING:                                                          environment that minimizes our employees’ exposure to
While you are on a WCB Claim you must:                                              violence. In the event of exposure, follow these guidelines:

See a doctor every two weeks to keep your claim open.                               • Immediately remove yourself from the situation. Do not
                                                                                      engage in any kind of argument or retaliation.
Keep in touch with the Director of HR with regards to
your progress and estimated date of return.                                         • If an incident escalates, contact your supervisor, manager
                                                                                      and/or security directly or dial 222 (front desk) for
You must present a doctor's note that clears you from                                 assistance. If necessary, they will call the police.
injury or illness prior to returning to work.
                                                                                    • Make notes recording people involved, date, time and any
                                                                                      relevant information leading up to the encounter.

RETURN TO WORK PROGRAM                                                              • If you are in a situation that makes you feel uncomfortable or concerned,
                                                                                      contact your supervisor, manager and or security immediately.
The Strathcona Hotel “return to work program” is designed to promote
return to work following injury as well as minimize the physical, financial
and social impact encountered by injured workers. If you have been injured
and have received clearance from your doctor to return to modified duty,
your Director of Human Resources will in conjunction with your manager
and wherever possible, offer a suitable position or modified work hours.
WHMIS & SDS                                                                                expected to take action to prohibit or stop any behavior that is in any way
                                                                                           harassment of another employee. If you are not comfortable speaking with
WORKPLACE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INFOR-                                                        your department manager contact the Director of Human Resources.
MATION SYSTEMS & SAFETY DATA SHEETS                                                      3. File a formal complaint. If the behavior continues and attempts to correct
                                                                                            the behavior have failed, accurately write out all the details being as
It is the policy of Strathcona Hotel to follow strict WHMIS procedures. All staff will      specific as possible. The Director of Human Resources will investigate
be made aware of the WHMIS system and training will be provided throughout                  the harassment complaint. Information provided by anyone will be
the year. If you are required to handle hazardous material and are unsure of                documented and completely confidential, except where disclosure is
procedure, check first with your supervisor or manager for detailed information.            necessary for the purpose of investigation or disciplinary action.

Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are located outside the housekeeping office,
in the maintenance workshop and kitchen. These sheets give detailed
information on the products and/or chemicals. The primary use for these
sheets relates to first aid treatment, however they can also be used to
determine health effects caused by short- and long-term exposure.                        SAFETY POLICIES
If you get something in your eye and need an eye washing station, they are in
the maintenance shop, the janitorial closet, rooftop kitchen and main kitchen.
Do not relabel chemical bottles or transfer chemicals into other                         Any spilled substance may become a hazard and can cause slips or falls. If you
containers, and do not store them near foodstuff.                                        encounter a spilled, non-hazardous substance, either clean it up immediately
                                                                                         or guard the area and obtain assistance from a co-worker. It is critical that
                                                                                         the cleanup of spills and glass is done immediately to prevent injury.

                                                                                         • Any unidentifiable spilled substance with odor/smell/

BULLYING, GENERAL &                                                                        fumes must be considered hazardous.

SEXUAL HARASSMENT                                                                        • Avoid contact with the spilled substance.

                                                                                         • Clear people from the immediate area.
Strathcona Hotel employees and guests all have the right to an
environment free of harassment based on race, sex, nationality or                        • Contact your immediate supervisor, manager
ethnic origin, religion, age, marital or family status, sexual orientation,
unrelated criminal conviction, ancestry, political beliefs, pregnancy,                   • or dial the front desk on 0 for assistance.
disability, impairments, etc. This extends to all company functions on or
off property. Bullying & harassment will not be accepted or tolerated                    • If a fire hazard exists, clear the area of any potential ignition sources.

Please see full policies on the staff website.                                           • If fumes exist, evacuate the affected area.

WHAT TO DO IF YOU FEEL YOU ARE BEING HARASSED                                            BROKEN GLASS
1. Say “NO” and do not ignore the harassment. If you can, immediately make               This policy is written in accordance with the laws of British Columbia
   the alleged harasser aware of your disapproval or discomfort with his or her          and is to ensure the efficient handling of broken glass.
   comments, actions or behavior. At any time, if you do not feel comfortable
                                                                                         All staff must be aware of the potential for glass to be broken in our venue(s)
   approaching the alleged harasser contact another party about your complaint.
                                                                                         and to take immediate action to prevent any injuries from occurring. All staff
2. Seek guidance. If the behavior does not immediately stop, you should                  should take immediate action if they hear or see that glass has been broken.
   contact your manager and or supervisor. All managers and supervisors are
                                                                                         If the break happens during operating hours, immediately inform nearby guests
and protect the area from patrons and other staff who are entering the area.
Contact a houseman right away to come and do a thorough sweep of the area
                                                                                 SERVING IT RIGHT - LIQUOR LAWS
removing all glass. Only when the broken glass has been completely removed       FRONT OF THE HOUSE STAFF
from the area will you let both patrons and service staff back into that area.

To ensure safely handling glass and to eliminate the possibility                 The keys to controlling the risk associated with hosting events where
of injury the following procedures must be followed:                             alcoholic beverages are served are planning and education.

• Clear people from the immediate area and communicate                           As a FRONT OF THE HOUSE employee at the Strathcona Hotel, I understand
  to nearby patrons that glass has been broken                                   that it is my duty to have full knowledge of Serving it Right, BC Responsible
                                                                                 Beverage Program as well as full understanding of the terms and conditions
• Contact a houseman for assistance by dialing 0. If there is no houseman        relating to both the Liquor-Primary and Food-Primary Licenses.
  available, contact another co-worker, your immediate supervisor or security
                                                                                 I must at all times carry my Serving It Right card on me while
• Do a thorough sweep removing all glass                                         at work and I understand that if I, alone or together with other
                                                                                 employees, disregard the main terms and conditions of the
                                                                                 information given to me that I may lose my job as a result.

NOISE EXPOSURE                                                                   Specifically, I know that as an employee I must:
Working in a loud work environment can be damaging to one’s hearing and,
                                                                                 • Obtain at least two I.D.s for customers that look under the age of 30 in
therefore, all staff must be aware of the preventative measures below:
                                                                                   the Liquor-Primary Licensed areas. I must make sure that the picture
• Weekly noise measurements (dB levels) are taken, recorded                        on the I.D. is the person trying to get access to our establishment.
  and kept on file by the manager of nightclub(s).
                                                                                 • Inform security and/or management if I see a customer that
• New and updated information will be provided through our staff only              is intoxicated. A person that is identified as being intoxicated
  website, employee handbook, staff bulletin board and posters to be               should be then escorted out of our premises.
  placed throughout the facility to inform of noise hazard areas.
                                                                                 • Not allow intoxicated patrons to enter our premises.
• Annual hearing test (on-site) available to all staff at no cost.
                                                                                 • Work to quietly disperse any crowd that might gather
• Hearing protection made available to all staff at no cost.                       in front of our premises after we are closed.
  Hearing protection can be obtained from the hotel front
                                                                                 I also understand that it is an “employment termination offence” to:
  desk, Distrikt coat check or from a manager.
                                                                                 • Willfully allow or encourage patrons to stay after 2:30am on our premises.

                                                                                 • Serve alcohol to patrons after 2:00 am
Any staff member working alone in the workplace MUST inform                      • Consume alcohol while on shift or after all the
the Front desk, Security or both of their location. They will ensure               customers have left for the night.
that they patrol your area on a regular basis. If you are working
                                                                                 • Knowingly allow underage patrons into or serve
in an area alone, you MUST carry a radio/walkie-talkie.
                                                                                   them alcohol on our premises.

                                                                                 • Knowingly serve an intoxicated individual without
                                                                                   first doing a proper assessment.

                                                                                 I understand that the terms and conditions of information given
                                                                                 to me are meant to minimize any potential liability to both my
                                                                                 employer and me while I am employed with this organization.

   • HOTEL FRONT DESK                    • LRS SALES COUNTER
   • MAIN KITCHEN                        • JANITORIAL CLOSET
   • SW HOST STAND                       • MAINTENANCE SHOP
                                           ON EVERY HOTEL FLOOR





Below staff members have committed to represent their de-
partment (you) ensuring a safe and healthy workplace. An
OH&S meeting is held the last Thursday of every month.
If you have a concern or an idea, please contact your rep-
resentative or email OHS@stratchonahotel.com

Administration Steve Nicholson           IT Norm Bauer (Co-chair)
(Chair /WCB admin)                       Kitchen Marc Claveau
Front Desk Karsten Burton                Liquor Store Brett Johnson
Front Of House Kira Gammie               Liquor Department Colin Quirk
Housekeeping Susan Blair                 Maintenance Simon Wood
Human Resources Deanna Olson
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