Our Country, Our Parliament - AN INTRODUCTION TO HOW CANADA'S PARLIAMENT WORKS - Library of Parliament

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Our Country, Our Parliament - AN INTRODUCTION TO HOW CANADA'S PARLIAMENT WORKS - Library of Parliament
Our Country, Our Parliament
Our Country, Our Parliament - AN INTRODUCTION TO HOW CANADA'S PARLIAMENT WORKS - Library of Parliament
Photos in this publication are from the Library of Parliament unless otherwise indicated.

Mountie on cover: © (2007) HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF CANADA as represented by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). Reprinted with the permission of the RCMP.

Our Country, Our Parliament: An Introduction to How Canada’s Parliament Works
© Library of Parliament, 2021

Issued in French under the title Notre pays, notre Parlement : une introduction au fonctionnement du Parlement du Canada.
ISBN 978-0-660-36968-6
Cat. no.: YM41-5/2021E-PDF
Our Country, Our Parliament - AN INTRODUCTION TO HOW CANADA'S PARLIAMENT WORKS - Library of Parliament
Our Country, Our Parliament
Our Country, Our Parliament - AN INTRODUCTION TO HOW CANADA'S PARLIAMENT WORKS - Library of Parliament


               What Do the Icons Mean?
               Your Narrators


               Democracy Defined                                 8
               Confederation                                     9
               The Constitution                                  11
               Constitution Act, 1982                            11
               Canadian Charter of Rights
               and Freedoms                                      12


               Overview of the Federal Branches of Government 14
               The Three Levels of Government                    15
               The Division of Powers                            16


               Elections                                         17
               Dissolving Parliament                             18
               Campaigns                                         18
               Political Parties                                 20
               Voting                                            21
               Forming a Government                              22

Our Country, Our Parliament - AN INTRODUCTION TO HOW CANADA'S PARLIAMENT WORKS - Library of Parliament

   The Role of the Monarch                       23
   The Two-Chamber System:
   The Senate and the House of Commons           23
   The Senate                                    24
   The House of Commons                          26
   The Prime Minister                            28
   The Cabinet                                   28
   The Speakers                                  29
   The Process of Passing a Bill                 30
   On the Job with a Senator                     32
   A Day in the Life of a Member of Parliament   33
   Parliament 24/7                               35


   Why Ottawa?                                   37
   On and around Parliament Hill                 37
   The Fire of 1916                              37


   Evolving Parliamentary Democracy              42
   Getting Involved in Democracy                 43

Glossary                                         44
Links                                            49
Getting to Know Your Narrators                   50

Our Country, Our Parliament - AN INTRODUCTION TO HOW CANADA'S PARLIAMENT WORKS - Library of Parliament

What’s the Difference?

                                 • Monarch/                   • Executive (the Monarch/­
        • the Monarch                                           Governor General, the Prime
                                   Governor General
           (represented by the                                  Minister and the Cabinet)
           Governor General)     • Prime Minister
                                 • Cabinet members            • Federal departments
        • Senators                                              (such as National Defence,
                                   (Senators and MPs)
         • Members of                                           Justice and Finance)
            Parliament (MPs)

                                   WORD BUILDER — Parliament or Government
                                   These two words don’t mean the same thing!
                                   Parliament is the legislative (lawmaking) part of government, made up of the Monarch,­
                                   the Senate and the House of Commons. For example, Parliament passed a bill.
                                   Government has two meanings:
                                   • Generally, government refers to the management (governing) of a country.
                                   • Specifically, the Government consists of the Prime Minister, the Cabinet and the federal
                                     ­departments they manage.

Our Country, Our Parliament - AN INTRODUCTION TO HOW CANADA'S PARLIAMENT WORKS - Library of Parliament
How to Use Our Country, Our Parliament
This book introduces you to Canada’s              What Do the Icons Mean?
­Parliament. By the time you finish this          You will see icons (symbols) in this book. These icons introduce you to new ideas and information.
 book, you will understand:
                                                  WHAT ABOUT ME?                                      TALK ABOUT IT!
• how parliamentary democracy works               These sections contain discussion ques-             Look for this icon for suggestions on topics
  in Canada                                       tions, or questions to ask yourself.                for discussion with your friends and family.

• how people get appointed or elected             WORD BUILDER                                        THINK ABOUT IT!
  to Parliament                                   This is where you can learn new words and           Think about why people acted the way
                                                  phrases.                                            they did. Imagine other ways they could
• what Senators and MPs do
                                                                                                      have acted.
                                                  DID YOU KNOW?­
• how decisions made in Parliament
                                                  Find out interesting facts about Parliament!        When a word is in bold you can find its
   affect you and your community
                                                                                                      ­definition in the glossary at the back of
                                                  THE MAGNIFYING GLASS
                                                                                                       this book.
Parliament is a big place! To help you find       Look closer when you see this symbol.
your way around, a team of narrators
have volunteered to help out.

                                                         Your Narrators
                                       Find out more about the narrators at the back of this book.

Our Country, Our Parliament - AN INTRODUCTION TO HOW CANADA'S PARLIAMENT WORKS - Library of Parliament
             Canada: The Road                                                                                                                         6

              to Democracy

                                                                                                                                     1                    3                              2
             Democracy Defined                                                                                                                                                               6
           The word democracy describes a political              CANADIAN COAT OF ARMS               — A coat of arms is
                                                                 a symbol used to identify someone or something.
           system.                                               Sometimes a coat of arms appears on an important
                 In a democratic country, all eligible           building, or at the top of an official letter. This is the coat
           ­citizens have the right to participate, either       of arms of Canada. It contains many symbols that give                                                                           4
                                                                 us clues about Canada’s history and what Canadians
             directly or indirectly, in making the deci-         feel is important. See if you can spot:                         3                                3           4
             sions that affect them. Canadian citizens           1 the flag of the United Kingdom
            ­normally elect someone to represent them            2 the royal flag of France (fleur-de-lis)
             in m
                ­ aking decisions at the different levels        3 symbols of England (golden lions, roses)
                                                                 4 symbols of Scotland (red lion, thistles, unicorn)                                              5           2
             of government. This is called a ­representative
                  ­­democracy. Countries like Canada, the        5 symbols of Ireland (harp, shamrocks)

                    United States of America and the             6 Canadian symbols (maple leaves)
                                                                 7 symbols of monarchy (crowns, royal helmet)                                                             6
           United Kingdom all have representative
                                                                 8 the words (in Latin) desiderantes meliorem patriam,                                        8
           democracies.                                            which means they desire a better country
                 Before European people came to Canada,                                                                                                                                          9
                                                                 9 the words (in Latin) a mari usque ad mare, which
           many different Indigenous peoples governed              means from sea to sea
           their regions using many different political                                                                                                                              4

           systems, including democracy.                                                                                                                                                         3
           TALK ABOUT IT                                         WORD BUILDER —      The word democracy
           Students in your class may come from                  comes from the Greek word demos (mean-                                  TALK ABOUT IT
           many different countries. Are these coun-             ing the people) and kratos (meaning rule).                              What symbols identify you? Your family?
           tries democracies? How many of your                   Early forms of democracy began around                                   Your community? Look around your
           classmates have experience with other                 2,500 years ago, in Athens and other Greek                              neighbourhood. Can you see symbols that
           ­political systems? How are they similar to           cities.                                                                 identify other people or things? Make a
            democracies? How are they different?                 Using a dictionary, look up some other                                  list of these symbols. List the other symbols
           DID YOU KNOW? — Creating official designs for         words that start with demo. List them with                              your classmates collected. Do you all
           coats of arms is the responsibility of the Canadian   your class. Think about what they mean.                                 agree on what the symbols mean?
           Heraldic Authority. The Governor General is in
           charge of this organization.

Our Country, Our Parliament - AN INTRODUCTION TO HOW CANADA'S PARLIAMENT WORKS - Library of Parliament
WORD BUILDER — Indigenous       peoples       THINK ABOUT IT
                                                    Does your school have a student council?                         which had to be passed by the Parliament
      Indigenous (or Aboriginal) peoples are
                                                    How do you decide which students will                            of the United Kingdom. Once passed,
      defined in the Canadian Constitution
                                                    represent you? What decisions does a                             it ­became known as the B     ­ ritish North
      as including the Indian (First Nations),
                                                    ­student council have to make? Why is it                          America Act, or the BNA Act. This Act
      Inuit and Métis peoples of Canada. Each
                                                     important that you have a representative?                        brought ­together the three provinces of
      of these groups has distinct cultures,
                                                                                                                     Nova ­Scotia, New Brunswick and ­Canada
      languages and traditions.
                                                    Confederation                                                     (which b
                                                                                                                             ­ ecame the provinces of Ontario and
      • Today, the term First Nations is often      Canada became a country, the Dominion of                         Quebec). The BNA Act described the
        used instead of the word “Indian”,          Canada, in 1867. Before that, British North                      structure and main
        which many people consider outdated.        America was made up of a few provinces,                          laws of the new
        There are roughly 630 First Nations         the vast area of Rupert’s Land (privately                         country, as well as
        communities across Canada (also             owned by the Hudson’s Bay Company),                               the d­ivision of
        called reserves).                           and the North-Western Territory. By 1864,                        powers between
                                                    many leaders felt that it would be good to                       the new p ­ rovinces
      • The Inuit live in the northern regions of
                                                    ­join into one country. Known as the F
                                                                                         ­ athers                    and the federal
        Canada, Russia, Alaska and Greenland,
                                                     of Confederation, these leaders met and                         ­government.
        and are united by a common culture and
                                                     wrote a constitution for the new country,
        language. Approximately 64,000 Inuit
        reside in Canada.
                                                                                                                Photo reproduced with the permission
      • The term Métis, broadly defined,            CANADA IN 1867 — Canada was much smaller in 1867.             of Natural Resources Canada 2008,
                                                    It included only four provinces: Ontario, Quebec, New             courtesy of the Atlas of Canada
        ­includes all persons of First Nations      Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Where do you live? Was
         and European ancestry who identify         it part of Canada in 1867?
                                                                                                                    1867 Ontario, Quebec,                      1873 Prince Edward Island
         themselves as Métis.                       DID YOU KNOW? — The rest of Canada’s provinces                          New Brunswick,                     1898 Yukon
                                                    and territories joined Confederation (became a part of
                                                                                                                            Nova Scotia                        1905 Alberta, Saskatchewan
                                                    the country) at later dates:
We have had a type of democracy in Canada                                                                           1870 Manitoba,                             1949 Newfoundland and
since the mid-1300s! Did you know that the                                                                                  Northwest Territories                   Labrador
Haudenosaunee (or Iroquois) Confederacy                                                                             1871 British Columbia                      1999 Nunavut
is the oldest democracy in North America?

                                                    1860   1870      1880     1890     1900     1910     1920      1930        1940        1950         1960      1970    1980    1990      2000

                                                                                                                               SECTION 1          Canada: The Road to Democracy             9
Our Country, Our Parliament - AN INTRODUCTION TO HOW CANADA'S PARLIAMENT WORKS - Library of Parliament


                                                                                                                                   1 the Right Honourable
                                              THIS PAINTING, CALLED “FATHERS OF CONFEDERATION,” is based                             Sir John A. Macdonald, Canada’s
                                              on the original, “Meeting of the Delegates of British North America.”                  first Prime Minister
                                              The men shown here helped make the final agreement that created                      2 the Honourable
House of Commons Collection, Ottawa
                                              Canada. After years of political debate, there were three historic                     Sir George-Étienne Cartier, one
                                              ­meetings in Quebec City, Charlottetown and London, England, to                        of Macdonald’s closest friends
                                               ­decide the ­future creation of Canada.                                               and collaborators
                                              The artist, Robert Harris, worked mostly from photographs of the men.

                     THINK ABOUT IT
                                              DID YOU KNOW? — The original painting by Robert Harris
                     Why are there no women   burned during the fire that destroyed most of the Centre Block
                     in this painting?        of the ­Parliament Buildings in 1916. When Centre Block was open,
                                              a copy of the painting by Rex Woods hung in one of its committee
                                              rooms. The main difference between the two is the addition of a portrait
                                              of Robert Harris and three more delegates to the London Conference
                                              of 1866 (who were officially recognized in 1927).

                                                                                                                         Quebec City

                                                                                    THE CONSTITUTION ACT, 1982.
                                                                                    1     the Honourable Gerald Regan
                                                                                          (Secretary of State of Canada)
                                                                                    2     the Right Honourable Pierre Trudeau
    1                                             3                                       (Prime Minister)
                                                                                    3     the Honourable Michael Pitfield
                                                                                          (Clerk of the Privy Council)
                                                                                   4      the Honourable Michael Kirby
                                                            4                             ­(Secretary to the C
                                                                                                             ­ abinet for                       The Constitution
                                                                                           ­Federal-Provincial ­Relations and                   The Constitution is the highest law in
2                            5                                                              Deputy Clerk of the Privy Council)
                                                                                                                                                ­Canada. It includes several different laws,
                                                                                    5     Queen Elizabeth II
                                                                                                                                                 decisions by judges, agreements between
                                                                                 Based on Robert Cooper, Canada. Office of the Prime Minister
                                                                                 Collection, Library and Archives Canada, e02282980              the federal and provincial governments, and
                                                                                                                                                  traditions. The main written parts of the
                                                                                                                                                  Constitution of Canada are the Constitu­
                                                                        WORD BUILDER —   Many words can be                                       tion Act, 1867 (this used to be called
                                                                        changed from a verb to a noun by adding                                  the British North America Act) and the
        WORD BUILDER                                                    ‑ment:                                                                   ­Constitution Act, 1982.
        NOUN              VERB             ADJECTIVE                    • amend  amendment
        colony            colonize         colonial                                                                                             Constitution Act, 1982
                                                                        • govern 
        government        govern           governmental                                                                                         In 1982, the Queen and the Right Honourable
        symbol            symbolize        symbolic                     • argue (careful of the e!)                                            Pierre Trudeau, Prime Minister, signed the
                                                                                                                                                Constitution Act, 1982, which includes the
        • Try using some of these words in sen-                         • assess 
                                                                                                                                                British North America Act and the C­ anadian
          tences. Notice the endings on the adjec-
                                                                        • assign                                                               Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
          tives: -ial, -al, -ic.
        • See if you can fill in the table with some                    Brainstorm with your class. What other
                                                                                                                                                WHAT ABOUT ME?
          of these other nouns: contact, collection,                    words follow this pattern? Try using both
                                                                                                                                                List some of the rules or laws that affect
          identity, democracy.                                          the verbs and the new nouns in sentences.
                                                                                                                                                you. Does your family or your school have
                                                                                                                                                rules? Are these rules written down? Who
                                                                                                                                                is responsible for enforcing the rules? Are
                                                                                                                                                these rules easy to change? What would
               The Constitution Act is difficult to change. For some parts of the Act,
                                                                                                                                                happen if the rules were easy to change?
              the Senate, the House of Commons and all provinces must agree
               to any amendments (changes). Other parts can be changed with the
               agreement of the Senate, the House of Commons and at least seven
            ­provinces with more than 50% of the total population of all the provinces.

                                                                                                                                                      SECTION 1   Canada: The Road to Democracy   11

                                                 CANADIAN CHARTER OF RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS
                                                 1   the Canadian coat of arms
                                                 2   the flag of Canada
                                                 3   the Parliament Buildings (Centre Block)
                                                 4   signature of the Right Honourable Pierre Trudeau
                                                     (Prime Minister in 1982)

   Canadian Charter of Rights
   and Freedoms                                  TALK ABOUT IT

    The Canadian Charter of Rights               Canadians can go to court if they feel that
   ­Freedoms forms the first par t               their Charter rights aren’t being respected.
                                       of the
  ­Constitution Act, 1982. Here are som          Look online or in the newspaper. Can you
  tections that the Charter guarantees:
                                        e pro­
                                                 find stories about these court challenges?                     3
                                                 What rights are most important to you
  • freedom of religion, of thought,             and to your family and friends?
    of expression, of the press and
    of peaceful assembly
                                                 WORD BUILDER — Look         closely at this word:
  • the right to participate in politica
    activities and the right to a democra        FREEDOM
    government                                    The word divides into two – free and
                                                  dom. The word free comes from the old                     4
 • the freedom to move around and                ­German frei (meaning beloved) and the
   within Canada, and to leave Canada             Sanskrit priyah (beloved); -dom is some-
 • legal rights such as the right to life,        times added to the end of a word to make
   liberty and security                           it a noun (wisdom, kingdom). What other
                                                  words contain the word free?
 • equality rights

 • language rights

n Heritage
                                            Department of Canadia
SECTION 1   Canada: The Road to Democracy                                     13
                 Canada’s System of Government
                                      Overview of the Federal
                                      Branches of Government
                                      Three branches work together to govern
                                      Canada: the executive, legislative and
                                      judicial branches. The executive branch
                                      (also called the Government) is the decision-
                                      making branch, made up of the Monarch
                                      (represented by the Governor General),
                                      the Prime Minister, and the Cabinet. The
                                      l egislative branch is the law-making
                                      branch, made up of the appointed Senate
                                      and the elected House ­of Commons. The
                                      ­judicial branch is a series of independent
                                       courts that interpret the laws passed by
                                      the other two branches.
                                           Parliament itself is made up of the
                                       ­following three parts: the Monarch, the
                                        Senate and the House of Commons.
                                           Canada is a constitutional monarchy,
                                      which means that we recognize ­the Queen
                                      or King as the Head of State, while the
                                        Prime Minister is the Head of ­Government.

the Latin
                                                                              the Latin          The municipal level (from
                                               The provincial level (from                                                          zen of a
                                      ent                                                        municipalis, meaning of a citi
The Three Levels of Governm                    provincia, meaning under Rom
                                                                                 an rule:
                                of                                                               free town).
Canada has three main levels                   from pro, to be in favour of som
                                                                                                                                ment that
government.                                                                     the terri-       This is the level of govern
                                               and vincere, to conquer) and                                                        tow n or
                                  in foedus,                                   ra, mean-          is usually based in a city,
   The federal level (from the Lat             torial level (from the Latin ter                                                  Municipal
                                                                                                  ­distr ict (a municipality).
   meaning league).                            ing land).                                                                          for areas
                                                                                   Canada,         ­governments are responsible
   This level of government dea
                                    ls with     In each of the 10 provinces in                                                        munity
                                                                                   ponsible         such as ­libraries, parks, com
   areas of law listed in the Const
                                   i-           the provincial government is res                                                   roadways
                                                                                   tion Act,        water systems, local police,
   tution Act, 1867 and that                    for areas listed in the ­Constitu                                                  hority for
                                                                                   lth care,        and ­parking. They receive aut
   generally affect the whole                    1867, such as education, hea                                                       l govern-
                                                                                road regu-           these areas from the provincia
    countr y. (See list                          some natural resources, and
                                                                                 re respon-          ments.
    on next page.)                               lations. Sometimes they sha                                                        also band
                                                                                    ernment.         Across the countr y there are
                                                 sibility with the federal gov                                                        Nations
                                                                                 their ow n           councils, which govern First
                                                  The three territories have                                                      d councils
                                                       ­governments, with responsib
                                                                                       ilities        communities . These electe
                                                                                                                                   their local
                                                              that are given to them by the           make decisions that affect
                                                                  federal government.              communities.

                                                                                                         — Federal Level
                                                                                                         Province/Territory —
                                                                                                         Provincial/Territorial Level
                                                                                                         Municipality — Municipal Lev

                                                                                                      SECTION 2   Canada’s System of Government   15
The Division of Powers                           The federal government tries to make        WORD BUILDER
     The federal level of government has powers    things fairer among the provinces.             NOUN         ADJECTIVE RELATED WORDS
     that are different from those of provincial   Through equalization payments (extra           federation federal confederation
     governments, including:                          money) given to provinces that are less     		federalize
                                                       wealthy, the federal government tries      		federate
                                                       to make sure that the standards of         		federalism
                                                       health, education and welfare are the
                                                       same for every Canadian.
                                                           In the same way that it lists the      WHAT ABOUT ME?
                                                        powers of the federal government, the     The next time you go to a park, notice
                                                        Constitution Act, 1867 lists the powers   which level of government is managing it:
                                                        of the provinces, including:              federal, provincial or municipal. You can
                                                                                                  usually tell by the signs at the entrance. Do
                                                       •      direct taxes
                                                                                                  you notice any differences between these
                                                        •     hospitals                           parks? Think about their location and what
                                                                                                  services and activities they have. Look at
                                                        • prisons
                                                                                                  the Parks Canada website. Why do you
                                                        • education                               think these national parks were created?
                                                                                                  How about provincial parks? City parks?
                                                        • marriage

                                                        • property and civil rights

                                                               The Act also says that the power
                                                            over agriculture and ­immigration
                                                            should be shared between the fed-
                                                            eral and pro­vincial governments.

                The federal government
               makes decisions that affect
                 ­Canadians every day.

Canada’s                                                                                                          Running for office takes dedication and
                                                                                                                     lots of hard work. Some candidates run
                                                                                                                     many times before they win an election.

 3 Democracy in Action
                                                                                                                      Once the candidates are elected, they
                                                                                                                    spend part of the year in Ottawa and part
                                                                                                                         of the year in their home ridings.

         Elections                                               If a person does not belong to a party,
             Federal elections must be held at               then he or she can run for election in his
         least once every four years to decide who           or her riding as an independent candidate.
         will represent Canadians in the House                   ­On Election Day, the candidate with
          of Commons.                                        the most votes becomes a Member of                    WORD BUILDER —     In the world of politics,
             Canada is divided into areas called            ­Parliament (MP or Member of the House                 the verb to run has a specific meaning.
         ridings (also called constituencies or electoral    of Commons) and represents his or                     To run in an election means that you are
         districts). Canadian citizens vote for              her riding in the House of Commons in                 competing with other candidates to repre-
          the candidate in their riding who they             Ottawa. The party with the highest                    sent your riding.
                think will best represent them.              number of elected MPs across the country              During an election, you may hear the
                There are usually many different             usually forms the Government. The leader              ­expressions run for office and running in an
                candidates in each riding. They may          of that party becomes the Prime Minister.              election. They both mean to compete in an
                represent a political party or be                                                                   election as a candidate.
                running independently.                      THINK ABOUT IT!
                                                                                                                   VERB          NOUN          ADJECTIVE
                   How does a person become a
                                                            Imagine you were going to run in the next              to elect      election
                                                                                                                      electoral (process,
               ­candidate? First, he or she has to be
                                                            federal election. Do you know which party                 vote, officer)
                nominated (or chosen) by fellow party
                                                            you would want to represent? Or would                  		 or elective (surgery)
         members in his or her riding during a spe-
                                                            you choose to run as an independent? How
         cial meeting called a nomination meeting. If                                                              The word elect means to choose. Here are
                                                            would you decide?
         more than one person in the party wants                                                                   a few sentences with the word elect:
         to be a candidate for that riding, there is a
                                                                                                                   • She was elected in 2006.
         vote during the nomination meeting to              DID YOU KNOW? — Because each ­riding should
         ­decide who it will be.                            represent a relatively fixed number of people, as      • An election will be held this year.
                                                            the population increases, the number of ridings has
                                                            to be increased and the boundaries redrawn. In 1867,   • He is the Chief Electoral Officer.
                                                            ­Canada had only 4 provinces and 181 ridings. Today,
                                                             there are 338 ridings.

                                                                                                                              SECTION 3   Canada’s Democracy in Action   17
Campaigns                                        WORD BUILDER —       A teacher can dismiss
                                                      After an election is called and before the       class – that is, the teacher can tell the class
                                                       day voting takes place (usually called          that they can go home. The Governor
                                                      ­Election Day), each candidate competes          General can dissolve Parliament, which is
                                                       with the other candidates in the riding to      somewhat similar. These words both start
                                                       convince voters why he or she is the best       with dis-. Take a look at these words:
                                                       choice. This is called a campaign. A candi­
     Dissolving Parliament                                                                             • disable                • dissolve­­
                                                       date tells voters his or her message in many
     The Prime Minister asks the Governor
                                                       different ways:                                 • disappear              • disagree
     General to end (or dissolve) Parliament and
     call an election. Dissolution (the act of dis-   • campaign signs                                 Like the prefix un, dis makes the root word
     solving) happens when:                                                                            into its opposite. Try using dis with the
                                                      • door-to-door canvassing
                                                                                                       ­following familiar words, then create some
     • the Government’s fixed four-year term
                                                      • advertising campaigns (on television,           sentences with them: advantage, approve,
       is complete, or
                                                        radio and social media, and in                  believe, colour, comfort, ­      connection,
     • the Government loses a vote on                   newspapers, for example)                        ­courage, engage, infect, illusion, satisfy,
       ­certain important bills – on the                                                                 respect.
                                                      • public meetings
        ­budget, for example – in the                                                                    Sometimes, the dis word is used more than
       House of Commons. These are                    • debates                                          the root: disgust, for example. The root
       known as votes of confidence.                                                                     gust (which is associated with the sense of
                                                          Many of these activities cost money.
                                                                                                         taste) is not as familiar to English speakers
                                                      There are rules about how much money
                                                                                                         as disgust.
                                                      candidates are allowed to spend on cam-
                                                      paigns, and how much money people are
                                                      allowed to give to candidates.
                                                          Of course, to do all this work, candidates
                                                      have several people helping them. These
                                                      people are called campaign workers. ­People
                                                      of any age, including youth, can help out
                                                      on campaigns.

Wha t do thes e sign s have in
common? What is different? What
mes sage do you think each
candidate is trying to send to voters?

                                         SECTION 3   Canada’s Democracy in Action   19
WHAT ABOUT ME?                               Political Parties                                 WORD BUILDER —      The word campaign
     Have you ever participated in an election?   Canada has many different political parties.      comes from the Latin campus, which
     Young people across Canada get involved      People in the same party usually have s­ imilar   means field. In ancient times, armies would
     in elections by volunteering to help         opinions about public issues. In Parliament,      take to the field when they fought. In
     candidates, attending public debates and     members of different parties often have           English, we still use the word campaign to
     expressing their views on social media.      different opinions. This is why there are         mean a military battle or series of battles.
     Some issues that are often important to      sometimes disagreements during elections          We can also use the word race to describe
     young Canadians are access to colleges       and when Parliament is sitting.                   an election competition. Race comes from
     and universities, employment and skills         Having different parties allows criticism      the Old Norse ras, meaning running water.
     training and equal rights. Think about       and encourages debate. Canadians have             Like many words in English, we can use
     what election issues are important to you.   a choice to express their views by voting         race either as a noun or as a verb.
                                                  for a member of a specific party during
                                                  election time. This is called the party system.   NOUN         VERB         EXAMPLES
                                                                                                    race to race  She ran a very
                                                  WHAT ABOUT ME?                                    		good race.
                                                  You probably have opinions on and ideas           		            He raced to
                                                  of what would be good for Canada. Think           		            the finish line.
                                                  about one issue that is important to you          vote to vote
                                                  (the environment, immigration, ­education,        form to form
                                                  or law and order, for example). Research          act  to act
                                                  some of the major political ­parties in           help to help
                                                  ­Canada to find out where they stand on
                                                   your issue. Which one do you think has the       WORD BUILDER
                                                   best ideas? Imagine you are creating a
                                                                                                    • issue                 • policy
                                                   ­political party. What issues are important?
                                                                                                    • idea                  • opinion

                                                                                                    These words are difficult to explain
                                                                                                    ­because they are abstract. Look them up in
                                                                                                     a dictionary if you do not know them. Can
                                                                                                     you use these words in a sentence?

Voting                                                  Voters make an X beside the name of
                       A Canadian citizen who is 18 years of age       the candidate they prefer. Then they fold
                   or older by Election Day can vote after he          up the ballot and place it into a ballot box.                              The minimum age to run
                                                                                                                                                in an election is 18 years old.
                   or she has registered with Elections Canada.            If they incorrectly mark a ballot, or                                 The youngest person ever
                   Elections Canada will then add him or her           mark more than one name, that is called                                    elected to Parliament was
                                                                                                                                                 Pierre-Luc Dusseault, who
                   to the voters’ list.                                a spoiled ballot and it will not be counted.
                                                                                                                                                was 19 years old when he was
                       On Election Day, most voters go to a                Citizens can vote even if they are away from                                elected in 2011.
                   nearby location called a polling station,           home on Election Day. Elections Canada has
                   where their names are checked off the voters’       information on how to vote in advance, either
                   list. If they have not yet registered, they can     in person or by mail. Some university campuses,
                   do so at this time. At the polling station, each    youth centres and Friendship Centres even
                   voter is given a ballot (a piece of paper listing   host special advance polling stations.
                   all the candidates in the riding). Voters               Once voting ends, the votes are collected
                   do not have to tell anyone who they are voting      and added up. This can take a long time.                              TALK ABOUT IT!
                   for — it is a secret ballot.                        Television stations and websites have special                         How do you think elections work in other
                                                                       features reporting the election results.                              countries? Try asking to see if your friends
                                                                       Some races are very close and are decided                             or family know. Here are some questions
                                                                       by a small number of votes.                                           you might want to ask:
                                                                   3                                                                             • Who is allowed to vote?
Elections Canada

                                                                                                       3                                         • How often are elections held?
                                                                                                                                                 • Where do people vote?
                                                                                                                                                 • Is the ballot secret?
                                                                                                                                                 • How do people find out who wins?

                                                                                                                                                    ­­BALLOT BOX
                                                                                 2                                                                  1    Elections Canada logo
                                                                                                                          Elections Canada

                                                 e                                                                                                  2    polling station number
                              1 candidate’s nam
                                (ordered alphabe                                                                                                    3    slot for completed ballot
                                                of the candidate
                              2 political party
                                              the voter
                              3 circle where
                                 writes “X” to ch
                                                                                                                                                        SECTION 3   Canada’s Democracy in Action   21
                                                                                                                                 Who is your MP? What riding do you live
     Forming a Government
                                                                                                                                 in? What party does your MP belong to? Do
     When the election is over, all winning
                                                                                                                                 you know where your MP’s riding office is?
     candidates become Members of Parliament,
                                                                                                                                 Look it up if you do not know! Your MP
     or MPs for short. The MPs whose party does
                                                                                                                                 has people working in his or her office who
     not form the Government are called opposition
                                                                                                                                 can help you if you have a problem, such as
     MPs. The Official Opposition is usually the
                                                                                                                                 difficulty getting a government service, or
     party with the second-highest number of
                                                                                                                                 if you have a complaint or question about
     elected members after the winning party.
                                                                                                                                 government. It is your MP’s job to listen to
     The leader of this party is called the Leader
                                                                                                                                 all his or her constituents (people who live
     of the Official Opposition.
                                                                                                                                 in the riding), even if they did not vote for
                                                                                                                                 him or her.

     DID YOU KNOW? — Agnes Macphail was the first
     woman elected to Parliament. She served as an MP in                                                                         THINK ABOUT IT
     the House of Commons from 1921-1940.                                                                                        Would you rather be a Senator or an MP?
                                                                                                                                 What do you think the advantages and
                                                                        Yousuf Karsh / Library and Archives Canada / PA-165870
                                                                                                                                 disadvantages of each role might be?
                                                                      When it is time for Parliament to sit,
                                                                   parliamentarians will discuss and debate
                                                                                                                                 WORD BUILDER
                                                                   new bills (proposed laws) and make
                                                                   decisions that affect every Canadian. For
                                                                                                                                 This word comes from the Latin senex,
                                                                   more information on bills, see The Process
                                                                                                                                 meaning elder. Literally, it means a council
                                                                   of Passing a Bill in Section 4.
                                                                                                                                 of elders.

                                                                                                                                 HOUSE OF COMMONS

                                           I work in the Parliament Buildings. When Parliament
                                                                                                                                 The word commons comes from the Latin
                                            is in session, the Senators and MPs are in town.                                     communis, which means shared by many.
                                           They meet to discuss issues and policy and to debate                                  Other related words are community, com-
                                             bills, both in the Chambers and in committee.
                                                                                                                                 munication and commune.

        I   ON
                        The Business of Parliament

                                                                                                                                                  The Governor General
                                                                WORD BUILDER
                                                                                                                                               has two official homes where
                                                                GOVERN – from the Greek word kybernan,                                           he or she lives and works:
                 The Role of the Monarch                                                                                                      Rideau Hall in Ottawa, not far
                                                                meaning to steer a ship (the same root as
                 Canada’s Monarch (King or Queen) is also                                                                                        from Parliament Hill, and
                                                                the word cyber). Govern is a verb: The King                                   the Citadelle in Quebec City.
                 Monarch of several other independent
                                                                governed well and wisely. Can you think of
                 nations. The Monarch, on the advice of
                                                                other words that stem from govern?
                 the Prime Minister, appoints a Canadian
                 to represent him or her in Canada. This        MONARCHY – from the Greek monarkhia,
                 person is called the Governor General.         meaning ruling of one. It contains two
                    The Governor General has several duties     parts: mono-, which means one, and
                                                                                                              The Two-Chamber System:
                 related to Parliament. He or she swears in     arkhein, which means to rule. Mono is used
                                                                                                              The Senate and
                 the Prime Minister as Head of Government       often in English. Think of these words:
                                                                                                              the House of Commons
                 and opens a new session of Parliament with     • monopoly
                                                                                                              Canada has a bicameral parliamentary
                 the Speech from the Throne in the Senate       • monotonous
                                                                                                              ­system (the prefix bi- means two). That
                 Chamber. This is a ceremonial speech,          • monologue
                                                                                                               means that there are two separate Chambers,
                 written by the Privy Council Office, in
                                                                -archy sometimes ends words that describe     each housing its own separate group of
                 which the Governor General describes the
                                                                how something is ruled. For example:           parliamentarians: the Senate (p. 24) and the
                 goals of the new Government. He or she also
                                                                • anarchy                                      House of Commons (p. 26).
                 dissolves Parliament, and gives Royal Assent
                                                                • hierarchy
                 to bills passed in Parliament.                                                                                       DID YOU KNOW? — The Senate
                     The role of the Governor General also                                                                            and the House of Commons are also
                 includes:                                                                                                            called the Upper Chamber and
                                                                 DID YOU KN                                                           the Lower Chamber. Another way
                 • serving as Commander-in-Chief of                                   , the highest prize
                                                                 The Stanley Cup                     ,                                to talk about either of these places is
                                                                                    Hockey League
                    Canada (of the Canadian Forces)              in the National                                                      to say “Chamber.”
                 • hosting foreign dignitaries and visiting       was a gift from
                                                                                no r General,
                                                                  sixth Gover
                    other countries at the request of the                   or d) St anley of Preston
                                                                  Baron (L
                                                                                        3). The trophy
                    Prime Minister                                 (served 1888–189                     ion
                                                                                       med the “Domin
                                                                   was originally na
                 • celebrating excellence by giving                                      e Cup.”
                                                                    Hockey Challeng
                    awards to outstanding Canadians

                                                                  Lord Sttoann,l1e8y92
                                                                  of Pres                                                                                                 23
The Senate                                         DID YOU KNOW? — The Mace is the tradi-
                                                        tional symbol of the Senate’s and Speaker’s authority.
     Senators are appointed by the Governor
                                                        Notice how it has a crown at the top? Once the Mace
     General on the Prime Minister’s recom-             is laid on the Table, the Senate is officially in session.
     mendation.                                                                                                      SENATE CHAMBER
     The formula for the number and distribution                                                                     1 Throne (This is where the Monarch or the Governor
     of Senators was written into the Constitution.     Chamber Business                                               ­General sits to read the Speech from the Throne, which
     In 1867, the Senate started with 72 members,       The Senate has an important role in the                         tells Canadians what to expect during a new session of
                                                                                                                       Parliament, and gives Royal Assent.)
     but this increased as the country’s population     law-making process: it reviews and debates
                                                                                                                       2 Speaker of the Senate
     and geography grew. The number of seats in         bills proposed by both Chambers. Although
                                                                                                                       3 Clerk of the Senate and the Parliaments
     the Senate is now 105. A Senator must be at        Senators usually consider bills proposed                       4 Page
     least 30 years old and must retire by his or her   by the House of Commons, they also                             5 Senators
     75th birthday.                                     ­suggest new bills (but these bills cannot be                  6 Mace
                                                        about spending public money or c­ reating                      7 Red carpet (red for monarchy)
                                                          taxes). Bills must pass through both                         8 Usher of the Black Rod
     PROVINCE/TERRITORY                  SENATORS        ­Chambers — the Senate and the House of
     British Columbia                           6         Commons — and be given Royal Assent
     Alberta                                    6       before becoming law.
     Saskatchewan                               6            All debates that take place
     Manitoba                                   6         in the Senate are recorded            As Senate pages, we get to see the action
     Ontario                                   24         and published in both official       up close. We are all university students. Only
                                                                                                      15 of us are chosen every year.
     Quebec                                    24         languages. In addition, Sena-
                                                                                                   I handle official documents and give
     New Brunswick                             10         tors present petitions, table        messages to Senators when they are in session
     Nova Scotia                               10         documents, discuss committee         and in committee. Take a look at the picture
                                                                                                    on the next page and see if you can
     Prince Edward Island                       4       reports and make statements
                                                                                                               find one of us!
     Newfoundland & Labrador                    6       in the Chamber.
     Yukon                                      1
     Northwest Territories                      1
                                                        DID YOU KNOW? — The Governor General can and
     Nunavut                                    1       does enter the Senate Chamber, but by tradition he or she
     TOTAL                                    105       does not go into the House of Commons. That is why the
                                                        Speech from the Throne and the Royal Assent
                                                        c­ eremony happen in the Senate.

24   SECTION 4   The Business of Parliament
4                   1


5                                                   5



        Library of Parliament – Martin Lipman
The House of Commons                                     Usually, Cabinet Ministers and
     The House of Commons is the elected law-             Parliamentary Secretaries introduce
     making body in Parliament. When MPs                  bills, but individual MPs can also introduce
     meet together in the House of Commons                new bills (called Private Member’s bills), as   COMMONS CHAMBER
     Chamber in Ottawa, we say that the House             long as the bills do not involve taxes. The     1 Speaker of the House of Commons
     is in session or is sitting.                         House is also where the budget estimates        2 Clerk of the House of Commons
          How is the seating of MPs in the House          for each ministry or area of government         3 Page
     of Commons arranged? In the House of                 services are debated and passed.                4 Government Members
     Commons Chamber, politicians from the                                                                5 Opposition Members (the Official Opposition along with
                                                                                                            MPs from other parties and independent MPs)
     same party normally sit together. The
                                                                                                          6 Prime Minister (the leader of the governing party)
     ­governing party sits to the right of the            WORD BUILDER — Some    English words can
                                                                                                          7 Mace (the symbol of authority of the Speaker of the House
      Speaker of the House of Commons. The                be used as nouns or as verbs.                     of Commons. The Mace is placed on the Table and points
      ­Official ­Opposition sits directly opposite        NOUN       VERB		                                 towards the Government to show that the House is sitting.)

       the ­Government. Where the members of              bill      to bill someone                       8 Green carpet (The green colour of Canada’s House of
                                                                                                            Commons is the same as that used in the House of
     the other opposition parties sit depends on          EXAMPLES: The health care bill passed             Commons in England for well over 300 years.)
       the number of MPs elected from each party.                   second reading.
                                                                    The parliamentary restaurant
     Chamber Business                                               will bill him for the dinner.
     The work of an MP in the Chamber                     report    to report
     ­includes reviewing and debating new bills           EXAMPLES: The House committee’s report
      that affect all Canadians. It also includes                   was very detailed.

                                                                                                                     Library and Archives
                                                                                                                     Canada, PA-185700

                                                                                                                                                                            Sgt. Ray Kolly, 1986
      taking part in question period, making                        The Senator will report back

     statements about important events and                          to the committee.
      ­issues from the riding, raising issues and         study     to study
     presenting recommendations and reports.              EXAMPLES: The study shows that                                                       The Hon.
                                                                                                                                                             The Rt. Hon.
                                                                                                                                            Muriel McQueen
                                                                                                                                              Fergusson      Jeanne Sauvé
                                                                    Canadians like their flag.
                                                                    The Prime Minister studied
                                                                                                              DID YOU KNOW? — The first woman to take the
          As House of Commons pages, we handle                      law in university.                        chair as Speaker in Parliament was the Honourable
         documents and distribute messages to MPs                                                             Muriel McQueen Fergusson (left). She was Speaker of
          when they are in the Chamber. Every year,                                                           the Senate from 1972 to 1974. The Right Honourable
         40 first-year university students are selected   Create sentences using these words:                 Jeanne Sauvé (right) served as the first female Speaker
        to be pages. Can you see where we usually sit     change to change		                                  of the House of Commons from 1980-1984. She was also
        when the House is in session? (view page 27).                                                         the first woman to be appointed Governor General of
                                                          hold      to hold
                                                                                                              Canada (1984-1990).
                                                          pass      to pass
26   SECTION 4   The Business of Parliament


4                          2                    5



        Library of Parliament – Martin Lipman

                                                                                                            1 This chair is for the Speaker.
     The Prime Minister                           The Cabinet                                               2 This one is for the Monarch or the Governor General.
         In Canada, the leader of the political       The Prime Minister chooses members                    3 This one is for the Monarch’s or Governor General’s consort
                                                                                                              (husband or wife).
     party that wins the most seats in            of the Cabinet. There are usually MPs (and
                                                                                                              When the Monarch or the Governor General ­attends the
     the House of Commons usually                     often one Senator) who belong to the                    Senate, such as for the Speech from the Throne or Royal
     becomes Prime Minister. (This                      party in power. Those who head                        Assent, the Speaker’s chair is removed.
     is in contrast to some countries,                  government departments are called
     where citizens vote to elect their                 Ministers. Each province generally                  WHAT ABOUT ME?
     leader directly, such as the President             has at least one Cabinet Minister. As               The work of the federal government is done
     in the United States.) He or she is           Canada has grown and changed, the Cabinet                through departments (or ministries) and
     sworn in by the Governor General.            has also grown and evolved, with ministries               agencies. Here are some examples of
                                                  sometimes being renamed, added, dropped                   ­federal departments’ areas of responsibility:
     TALK ABOUT IT!                               or reorganized.                                            the environment, citizenship and immi-
     Who is the Prime Minister of Canada?             The Cabinet takes collective respon-                   gration, foreign affairs, defence and natural
     What skills should a prime minister have?    sibility for government policies. It must,                 resources. Which department affects you
     Would you make a good prime minister?        in public, agree with the Government’s                     the most? Which ones would you most like
     What other countries have prime ministers?   decisions or resign.                                       to work for?
     Presidents? Both?
                                                  THINK ABOUT IT
                                                                                                            WORD BUILDER
                                                  A hundred years ago, Canada had a M
                                                                                    ­ inistry
                                                  of Railways and Canals and a ­Ministry of                 MINISTER – from the Latin minister, mean-
                                                  Overseas Military Forces. Why do these                    ing servant. This word has the same root as
                                                  departments no longer exist? Some newer                   minor. Related words include administer
     PRIME  – from the Latin primus, meaning
                                                  departments include Environment Canada                    (administration, administrator) and minor
         first. Here are some other words and
                                                  and Public Safety Canada.                                 (meaning less or little).
              phrases that contain prime:
                                                  DID YOU KNOW? — There is a person called the              CABINET   – originally, this word meant
                		    • primary
                                                  Whip for each political party in the Senate and           small room. Today, it sometimes means
                      • prime-time television     the House of Commons. He or she makes sure that           a cupboard or a piece of furniture where
                                                  Members from the party know what is going on in the
                                                  Chamber, and that they are present when there is an       objects can be stored. In Parliament,
                      • prime number
                                                  important vote. In practice, the whips also assign each   it means the group of Ministers appointed
                                                  party’s members to committees.
                                                                                                            by the Governor General at the request of
                                                                                                            the Prime Minister.

The Speakers                                    secret ballot. All questions
        3   The Senate and the House of Commons             during debate in the House
            each has a Speaker. The Speaker represents      of Commons are directed
            his or her Chamber when dealing with the        through the Speaker.
            other parts of Parliament (the Monarch or              Whenever a Senator or
            Governor General, the Senate and the            an MP e­nters, crosses or
    1       House of Commons). Each Speaker is also         leaves the Chamber, he
            responsible for making sure that rules of       or she bows to the Speaker’s
            order are followed when his or her Chamber      chair.
            is sitting.                                            Speakers must be neutral and
                The Speaker of the Senate is                      fair. For example, the Speaker of the
            ­appointed by the Governor General                     House of Commons must be pre-
             on the advice of the Prime Minister,                  pared to ­enforce the same rules for the
             usually for the life of the Parliament.               Prime Minister as for a Member of
                                                                an opposition party. Although
                                                                the Speaker of the House of
                                                            ­Commons is an elected MP,
                 Look for the Speaker’s chair on page 27.
                 Why do you think it’s placed there?         he or she does not vote on
                                                             ­decisions unless there is a tie.
                                                                   The speakers have important
                The Speaker of the Senate enforces          diplomatic and social duties out-
            the Senate rules (or makes sure they are        side Parliament. They are often
            followed) about the order of speaking and       asked to represent Canada at
            the length of time a Senator gets to speak.       ­important international events
            He or she also announces the result of votes.      and meetings. The speakers
                Electing a Speaker is the first thing the      also meet and host foreign
                    House of Commons does when                 ­dignitaries and ambassadors.
                           beginning a new Parliament.
                            MPs choose which one of
                             them will be Speaker by

                                                                       SECTION 4   The Business of Parliament   29
                The Process of Passing a Bill
                                                             1   FIRST READING                                      4 REPORT STAGE
                                                                 Any idea for a new law or a change to cur-           At the Report Stage, the
                 Making laws is tough work.
                                                                 rent law is written down. The idea is now            committee reports the bill back to
                 Every day, something that
                                                                 called a bill. The bill is printed and read in       the Chamber. All parliamentarians
                  you do or that you touch has
                                                                 the Chamber where it is introduced.                  can then debate it. During this
                       been considered by a
                            lawmaker. But how                2 SECOND READING                                         stage, those who were not part of
                                                                                                                      the committee that studied the bill
                              does an idea get                   The bill is given a Second Reading in the
                                                                                                                      can suggest changes to the bill.
                               to be a law that                  Chamber where it is introduced, where
                               affects everyone?                 parliamentarians debate the idea behind            5 THIRD READING
                           The following shows                   the bill. They consider questions such as,           The bill is then called for a Third
                       how a bill is passed                      “Is the idea behind the bill good?” “Does            Reading. The parliamentarians
                   through either the House                      it meet people’s needs?” “Who will be                ­debate it again. Sometimes they
                   of Commons or the Senate.                     affected by this bill?” If the Chamber                can change their minds about a bill.
                  Cabinet Ministers and                          votes for the bill and it passes this stage,          They might vote for it at Second
        Parliamentary Secretaries typically                      it goes to a committee.                               Reading but not at Third Reading
        introduce bills, but individual
       parliamentarians can also introduce
                                                             3 COMMITTEE STAGE                                            if they do not like the changes
                                                                                                                               made to the bill. If it passes
                                                                       At the Committee Stage, the
     bills (called Private Member’s Bills).                                                                                     Third Reading, the bill then
                                                                       bill is studied carefully.
     .                                                                                                                        goes to the other Chamber,
                                                                                  Committee members
        DID YOU KNOW? — If a bill originates in the Senate,
                                                                                                                          where it goes through the same
                                                                                  hold hearings or special
          the bill is identified with the letter S and given a number;                                                 stages.
          for example, Bill S-4. If a Bill originates in the House of             meetings where different people
        ­Commons, it is identified with the letter C and given a                  inside and outside government     6 ROYAL ASSENT
         ­number; for example, Bill C-78.
                                                                                  can make                            Once both the Senate and the
                                                                                  comments about the bill.            House of Commons have passed the
     TALK ABOUT IT!                                                 The  committee     can ask for                    bill in exactly the same wording, it is
     Take a walk around your neighbourhood.                            government officials and experts, or           given to the Governor General (or
     What do you see that needs changing?                              witnesses, to come and answer questions.       his or her appointed representative)
     How can you change things, or get your                            The committee can suggest changes or           for Royal Assent (final approval),
     government to change them? Talk to                                amendments to the bill when it gives
                                                                                                                      and it can become law.
     members of your family and your friends.
     What issues are important to them?
                                                                       its report to the Chamber.
If the parliamentary
                                      Debate in Chambe                    A parliamentary
                                                       r                                              committee proposes            Debate and vote
   Reading of the                      and vote on the                  committee examines
                                                                                                     no amendments on the           on the changed
   title of the bill                   idea behind the                   the Good Idea Bill
                                                                                                    Good Idea Bill, the report       version of the
(The Good Idea Bill)                    Good Idea Bill                     line by line in
                                                                             committee.               stage is then skipped          Good Idea Bill

                                                                            A parliamentary                                           Debate and vote
       Reading of                         Debate and vote                 committee examines          If the parliamentary            on the changed
   the Good Idea Bill                     on the idea of the               the Good Idea Bill       committee proposes no              version of the
                                           Good Idea Bill                    line by line in          amendments on the               Good Idea Bill
                                                                               committee.           Good Idea Bill, the report
                                                                                                      stage is then skipped

                                                                      The Good Idea Bill receives
  DID YOU KNOW? — During the ceremony to receive Royal                Royal Assent after being
  Assent, bills that have to do with taxes and ­financial matters     passed by both Houses
  are tied with a green ribbon; all others are tied with a red one.   (the Senate and the
                                                                      House of Commons).

                                                                                                                                 SECTION 4   The Business of Parliament   31
WORD BUILDER — Both Senators and MPs         On the Job with a Senator                          Senators take part in caucus meetings. All
     work on committees. You probably have        When Parliament is in session, Senators             these meetings mean serious research and
     committees at your school. The root of       spend a lot of time in Ottawa. During the           preparation.
     this word comes from commit — from the       week, they debate and vote on bills in the             Senators also like to meet the people
     Latin word committere, com- (together) and   Senate Chamber. Much of their work                  they represent in their regions. Between
     mittere (to put, or send).                   is done outside the Chamber, however.               Chamber debates, committee work,
                                                  Senators often sit on at least two                 ­meetings and travel, they try to find time
     NOUN                  VERB
                                                  different committees. In committee,                 to make public speeches and attend im-
     a commitment          to commit
                                                  Senators work hard to understand all                portant national and international events.
     a committee
                                                  details of a proposed bill: they hear                  Senators have many years of experience
     Here are some sentences:                     evidence from groups and individuals                in the working world. They may have had
                                                  who will be affected by the proposed                prominent careers in politics, medicine,
     • The Senator is busy; she has a
                                                  ­legislation and recommend changes. Mem-            the military, law, sports, journalism, edu-
       commitment this afternoon.
                                                  bers of the committees also review budgets          cation or business. Their rich backgrounds
     • He sits on the Human Rights                and investigate issues that are important to        make them experts in their fields. This
       committee.                                 Canadians, such as health care, children’s          helps them make decisions about bills that
                                                  rights and official languages. Committees           the Government wants to pass, or to advise
     • MPs commit many hours to
                                                  also report on those issues. In addition,           the Government on new or better policies.
       committee work.

     The prefix com- or con-, meaning
     ­together, is a common one in English.                                                      Senate — SAMPLE CALENDAR
      Write down all of the words you
      can think of that start with com or
     con. What do they mean? Is there
     a connection?

32   SECTION 4   The Business of Parliament
A Day in the Life                                      issue needs to be examined. MPs also spend            WORD BUILDER

of a Member of Parliament                              time in caucus every Wednesday morning,               Constituent, from the same root as con-
In addition to their work in the Chamber,              where they discuss strategy and ideas for             stitution, means a part of. In politics, a
MPs have many responsibilities. They are               laws with the rest of the Senators and MPs            ­constituent is a person a politician represents.
accountable (must answer) to the people               from the same ­political party.
who voted for them. At the same time,                      While in their home ridings, they
they must follow their party leader. While            ­attend events and meet with people and
Parliament is in session, MPs typically spend          organizations to listen to their concerns.
Monday to Thursday in Ottawa, and Fridays              At their offices in their home ridings and
and weekends in their riding, although this            in Ottawa, they have a group of people
can change depending on their meeting                  who help them set up meetings, and prepare
schedules and on Parliament’s business.                for debates and committee meetings.
When Parliament is sitting, there is a routine         These ­researchers and administrators are
schedule to follow called the Daily Order              called staff.
of Business. MPs spend a set amount of                     While Parliament is in session, the
time in the Chamber, in their offices and             House has a daily schedule. An average
in committees.                                         week looks like this:
    Like Senators, MPs work on
committees to examine proposed                                   House of Commons — DAILY ORDER OF BUSINESS
                                                                                                      WEDNESDAY            THURSDAY               FRIDAY
bills in detail and to ­investigate is-             HOURS          MONDAY           TUESDAY
                                                                                                                                             Government Orders
                                                10:00 - 11:00
sues. They also hear witnesses and
                                                                                                                                                 by Members
                                                11:00 – 11:15 Private Members’

report back to the House with their          		                    Business
                                                                               Routine Proceedings
                                                                                                                      Routine  Proceedi ngs    oral questions
                                                11:15 – 12:00		                                     Caucus Meeting
findings and recommendations.                   12:00 – 12:30	 	                Government Orders
                                                                                                                       Government Orders    Routine Proceedings
                                                                                                                                             Government Orders
Some committees are permanent                 

                                                 12:30 – 1:30
                                                              Government Orders

(these are called Standing Commit-                1:30 – 2:00

                                                                                                                                              Private Members’
tees), and consider very important                2:00 – 2:15
                                                                   by Members
                                                                                    by Members
                                                                                                        by Members          by Members

issues such as the ­environment or                2:15 – 2:30   oral questions    oral questions     oral questions      oral questions

immigration. Other committees are                 2:30 – 3:00
                                                                                                  Routine Proceedings

formed (or struck) if a temporary
                                                                                                   Notices of Motions
                                                                                                   for the Production   Government Orders
                                             3:00 – 5:30		Routine Proceedings Government Orders
                                                                             		                            of Papers

                                                           Government Orders                           Government Orders 

                                                                                                        Private Members’     Private Members’
                                                         		                    Private Members’
                                              5:30 – 6:30                                                   Business             Business

                                                                                                           Adjournment         Adjournment
                                                              Adjournment         Adjournment
                                                                                                           Proceedings         Proceedings

                                              6:30 – 7:00     Proceedings         Proceedings
                                                                   When there is a vote in either the
     The liveliest part of the day in the House of                 Senate or the House of Commons,
     Commons is question period (also called oral                  bells ring and the lights blink on
                                                                   and off. It is an important job to
     questions), where the Government MPs must                     get all the parliamentarians to the
     answer questions from other Members. You                      Chamber when a vote is called.
     can watch some of question period with your                   The people responsible for this
                                                                   task are the party whips.
     class. (Question period and other House of
     Commons business are shown on television
     and online, as well as recorded in Hansard,
     the word-for-word record of all discussion
                  in the House of Commons.) How
                           do parliamentarians
                               behave? Why is this
                                 so? How can you
                                  tell? What are
                                   other MPs doing
                                   while questions
                                    are asked?

                           DID YOU KNOW? — If you are touring the Parliament Buildings,
                           you may be able to visit the Senate and the House of Commons
                           Chambers. When the Chambers are sitting, you may even ob-
                           serve from the galleries and watch democracy in action.

                                                                          Why do you think it is important for
 Parliament 24/7                                                          ­Canadians to have access to a record of
                                                                           ­everything that is said in the House?
  In 1977, Canadians were the first people in
  the world who were able to watch live
 ­televised broadcasts of debates and proceed-
 ings in their Parliament.
     Today, with modern technology, there
  are many more ways to keep up with what
 is happening inside Parliament. Whether
 you are watching TV or browsing online,
 you can see broadcasts of the Senate and
 House of Commons debates, committee
 work and Question Period on the Cable
 Public Affairs Channel, better known
 (CPAC). You can also listen to podcasts.
On the Parliament of Canada website,
there are also webcasts of proceedings in
the Senate and the House of Commons
Chambers and committees. If there is a bill
or an issue that really ­interests you, you can
follow every stage of that ­legislation on the
website.                                                                                One of the cameras in the Sen
                                                                                       chamber at the Senate of Canada
                          DID YOU KNOW?
                                                                                       Building. The Senate began
                          Most Senators and MPs have their own website.                televising its proceedings in
                          Use a search engine and look up your MP or a                 March 2019.
                          Senator to see what they are doing!

                                                                                   SECTION 4   The Business of Parliament   35
Your Capital
      TION        Citizens elect different people from

5                 their communities to different levels
                   of g
                      ­ overnment to make laws. These law-
                   makers, or politicians, meet regularly
             to talk about current laws and to make
             new ones. They do this in a place called
             the c­ apital. Ottawa, the national capital of
             Canada, is where federal politicians meet.

             WHAT ABOUT ME?
             Sometimes you may hear things like,
             “Ottawa sends soldiers” or “Ottawa
             makes a decision.” Of course, they do not               TALK ABOUT IT!
             mean the city of Ottawa; they mean the                  All Canadian provinces and territories have
             Government of Canada. Ottawa is the                     capitals. Can you name them? (See answers
             country’s capital. It is your capital. Look             below.) What is the capital of your province
             in a newspaper and notice how the word                  or territory? Is it the biggest city?
             Ottawa is used. Is the article talking about
             something that affects you or your family?

             DID YOU KNOW?                                          Whitehorse        Yukon
             The name Ottawa (or adawe in Algonquin) means          Regina            Saskatchewan

             to trade and was the name given to the First Nations   Quebec City       Quebec

             people who controlled trade along the river.
                                                                    Charlottetown     Prince Edward Island
                                                                    Toronto           Ontario
                                                                    Iqaluit           Nunavut
                                                                    Halifax           Nova Scotia
                                                                    Yellowknife       Northwest Territories
                                                                    St. John’s        Newfoundland & Labrador       Something is always going on at the Parliament Buildings,
                                                                    Fredericton       New Brunswick                 even when the Senate and the House of Commons
                                                                    Winnipeg          Manitoba
                                                                                                                     are not sitting. Meetings, committee sessions, official
                                                                                                                       visits and receptions occur regularly, and the work of
                                                                    Victoria          British Columbia

                                                                                                                                      researchers is constant.
                                                                    Edmonton          Alberta

                                                                    CAPITAL           PROVINCE/TERRITORY

             SECTION 5   Your Capital
Library of Parliament – Mone Cheng
Why Ottawa?                                    WORD BUILDER —       Some words have two              On and around Parliament Hill
Choosing a ­capital                             parts, like lawmaker (law + maker). Can              Downtown Ottawa is where parliamen-
city is not easy!                               you think of other words that use the word           tarians have their offices, make laws,
Should it be in the                             law or maker?                                        and meet with advisors and citizens.
centre of the country? Should it be the         The word capital comes from the Latin                Parliament Hill is a gathering place for
biggest city? Who decides where a capital       word caput, which means head. Capital                Canadians to celebrate, protest, go on
should be?                                      has many different meanings: very s­ erious          tours and enjoy the scenery. In 2019,
   In 1857, there were a few cities com-       (capital punishment); money (capital in-              Parliament underwent a big change –
peting to be the capital city. To settle it,   vestment); and very important (capital                Centre Block, the permanent home of the
Queen Victoria chose Ottawa because it         ­letter, capital city). Here are some other           Senate and House of Commons, closed its
was centrally located between the cities of     words that come from this same root: to              doors to undergo a multi-year renovation.
Montreal and Toronto, and was along the         cap something; a baseball or bottle cap;             During this makeover, the Senate Cham-
border of Ontario and Quebec (the centre        captain; caption.                                    ber is in the Senate of Canada Building
of Canada at the time). It was also far from    The English word citizen comes from the              and the House of Commons Chamber in
the American border, making it safer from       Latin word civis, which means a person               West Block.
attacks.                                        who lives in a city. Other words in this
                                                group include city, civic or civilian. Can           The Fire of 1916
                                                you think of other terms that mean the                    The Centre Block you see today is not
                                                same thing as citizen?                                    the original - the first Centre Block was
                                                                                                          destroyed by fire in 1916. The only part
                                                                                                           to survive was the Library of Parliament,
                                                                                                            which had fireproof iron doors. The East
                                                                        ORIGINAL CENTRE BLOCK               and West Block buildings, also located
                                                                        Before and after the fire of 1916. on Parliament Hill, were untouched by
                                                                                                            the fire.

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