Outlook - Shopping independently with blindness and low vision: Autumn 2020 - AWS

Page created by Kurt Hanson
Outlook - Shopping independently with blindness and low vision: Autumn 2020 - AWS
                                                Blind Foundation

    Outlook                                       Autumn

Shopping independently with
blindness and low vision:
Finding shops • Inside the shop • The accessible future
Outlook - Shopping independently with blindness and low vision: Autumn 2020 - AWS
Feedback on
our services
Blind Low Vision NZ is committed
to providing high quality services.
To provide feedback on our services,
please contact Denise Kitto,
Manager National Services, at
Or C/- Private Bag 99941,
Newmarket, Auckland 1149.
Please get in touch if your vision
needs change on 0800 24 33 33.
Cover photo: Jackson Paraha



ISSN 2703-4216
Outlook - Shopping independently with blindness and low vision: Autumn 2020 - AWS
     The inside word
     Message from the Chair and Chief Executive • Covid-19
     • Introducing our regional service model • Eye health
     Aotearoa develops seven-point plan

     Shopping independently with blindness or low vision.

     Celebrating 130 Years

     Everyday living
     Accessible religious content to practice your faith •
     Sharing tips on personal grooming with vision loss

     Life without limits around the country • Message from
     parents of Vision Impaired NZ (PVINZ) • Consumer
     organisation contact details

                                        Autumn 2020     • Outlook   1
Outlook - Shopping independently with blindness and low vision: Autumn 2020 - AWS
The Inside Word

    Hello to All
    Welcome to the 2020 Autumn edition of Outlook, our
    flagship publication aiming to keep you up to date
    with what’s going on at Blind Low Vision NZ and to
    share helpful information and stories featuring some
    of the great people in our community.

    Covid-19 Update                        Covid-19 Level Alert
    We want you to have the support        Recovery Plan
    you need to get through the            What it means for you:
    Covid-19 crisis. If your vision has
    worsened or you don’t have access      Level 2 - Reduce:
    to the essentials such as food or      The disease is contained, but the
    medicine, please get in contact and    risk of community transmission
    we will help in any way we can –       remains.
    0800 24 33 33,                         • Essential services designation
    info@blindlowvision.org.nz                now applied across the
    You may have been contacted by            organisation. Operational
    a member of our team to check in          decisions to be based on
    on your health and wellbeing and          Alert Levels by a town, city,
    make sure you have access to the          and territorial local authority,
    essentials. We want no one left           regional or national level.
    behind during the Covid-19 crisis      • Service delivery to a client will
    and we have joined with blind, low       require approval.
    vision and deafblind organisations
                                           • All offices re-open to employees
    to make sure we are doing
                                             only, with limited numbers using
    everything we can to support you.
                                             social distancing and shifts. (This
    It has been an honour to be classed      will vary depending on locations
    as an essential service and at Alert     and buildings).
    Level 2 we can look at resuming
    face-to-face client visits.

2   Outlook   • Autumn 2020
Outlook - Shopping independently with blindness and low vision: Autumn 2020 - AWS
• Physical distance and infection   Level 1 - Prepare:
  control guidelines followed       The disease is contained in
  including PPE.                    New Zealand.
• Contact tracing measures          • All offices re-open to employees,
  established and implemented.        members, volunteer groups and
                                      the public.
• Individual client service
  appointments may occur in the     • Meeting appropriate public
  office or offsite.                  health requirements, and health
• All offices are closed to           and safety requirements.
  members/clients, volunteer        • No restrictions on gatherings.
  groups or the public.
                                    For the full recovery plan go to

                                             Autumn 2020    • Outlook     3
Outlook - Shopping independently with blindness and low vision: Autumn 2020 - AWS
The Inside Word

    Support in your local area            waiting time, we have moved into
    Since starting at Blind Low Vision    a regionalised structure. The idea
    NZ in August 2019, it has been full   is that a supportive and local team
    speed ahead for Chief Executive       structure will be better equipped
    John Mulka and the team. We are       to respond to the specific needs
    pleased to share that we have         for you and your area. Although
    made great progress in embedding      we only officially moved to this
    a new approach to providing the       model in March 2020, promisingly,
    service you are looking for.          our data is already showing
                                          improvements in bringing you
    In the last issue of Outlook we       service faster.
    shared information about our
    approach to service being person-     We have a fantastic team
    directed, putting the people we       supported by regional and area
    are here to serve firmly in the       managers – a mix of new and
    director’s seat. Since then, in       old faces from the organisation.
    order to better manage increased      Find out more about them and
    demand for services and reduce        our services areas on page 8.

                                          130 years strong and
                                          looking ahead
                                          This year marks 130 years since we
                                          first formed as Jubilee Institute for
                                          the Blind New Zealand. Over this
                                          time our purpose has remained
                                          grounded in supporting people
                                          who are blind or have low vision,
                                          but the way we go about it is
                                          always evolving. The latest change
                                          to our name – now Blind Low Vision
                                          NZ – inclusively acknowledges the
                                          many people we are here for who
                                          identify as having low vision.
                                          The way we provide service is
                                          another striking example of how

4   Outlook   • Autumn 2020
Outlook - Shopping independently with blindness and low vision: Autumn 2020 - AWS
Autumn 2020   • Outlook   5
Outlook - Shopping independently with blindness and low vision: Autumn 2020 - AWS
things have changed. Once, we only       Strategic plan
    had one location – in Auckland.
    Now we have offices in 18 locations
                                             We would like to thank everyone
    around New Zealand, and counting.
                                             who fed into the recent consultation
    Promisingly, our plans to further
                                             process for developing our next
    monetise our Parnell site to support
                                             long-term strategic plan. It’s
    service delivery are developing well.
                                             important we focus our efforts
    Out of this, clients will benefit from
                                             around what matters most to you,
    the brand new facilities developed
                                             our clients and family.
    as part of the retirement village
    joint venture.                           Early indications suggest you want
                                             us to be focused on advocating
    Plans to open an office later this
                                             for accessiblity, employment and
    year in West Auckland fit in with the
                                             technology. By the time you read
    long lens we are casting over how
                                             this our strategic plan will have
    we are ensure we are best placed to
                                             been finalised. You can find more
    serve clients in their communities.
                                             on blindlowvision.org.nz

6   Outlook   • Autumn 2020
Outlook - Shopping independently with blindness and low vision: Autumn 2020 - AWS
Meanwhile, we remain committed         We wouldn’t be where we are
and active in driving for systemic     without the support of generous
change with accessibility and eye      New Zealanders who give their time
health care in New Zealand.            and money to making a difference
                                       for people who are blind or have
On page 10 you can read more
                                       low vision.
about our progress with Eye Health
Aotearoa and the seven-point plan      Nga Mihi,
for action. You can also find out
the latest on the Access Alliance’s
campaign to introduce accessibility
legislation in New Zealand. We are
pleased with the progress, but we
also cannot rest on our laurels to
see it through to completion.
Lastly, we would like to
acknowledge and thank the many
people who John has met over the
past six months who have helped        John Mulka
him become acquainted with the         Blind Low Vision NZ Chief Executive
community. Having travelled the
length of the country, it has been
an insightful exercise to understand
how Blind Low Vision NZ can best
meet the needs of our clients and
work together with the consumer
groups in the wider community.
Speaking of great people, a special
congratulations goes to Pip McCann
who received a Queen’s Service
Medal in the New Year Honours list
this year. Pip has dedicated many      Rick Hoskin
years of service to raising puppies    Royal New Zealand Foundation of
and funds in support of our guide      the Blind (RNZFB) Board Chair
dogs service, first in Auckland and
then in Queenstown.

                                                Autumn 2020    • Outlook     7
Outlook - Shopping independently with blindness and low vision: Autumn 2020 - AWS
The Inside Word

    Introducing our
    regional service model
    In March 2020, we officially moved to a new model
    for delivering service. The idea of the new regional
    approach is that a supportive and local team structure
    will be better equipped to respond to the specific needs
    for you and your area.

    Alongside this, our Primary Service   expected of them to make sound,
    Providers (PSPs) based in all areas   client centric decisions.”
    are your local point of contact
    responsible for arranging the
                                                         Dan Shepherd:
    services that can best meet your
                                                         Area Manager
    personal goals for living with
                                                         Auckland and
    blindness or low vision.

    We are pleased to introduce you to
    our leadership team representing      “As a part of the blind and low
    your local area.                      vision community myself, I am
                                          continually seeking ways to make
    Northern region                       a difference.
                                          This role allows me to be part of a
                   Liz Ansell:            team that shares that commitment
                   Regional Manager       and to deliver better quality
                                          service and support to clients.”

    “The new model builds
    accountability and empowers
    local leadership to know what is

8   Outlook   • Autumn 2020
serve. I am now in a position where
               Sefulu Calvert:          I can lead and support a team of
               Area Manager             highly motivated and committed
               Waikato and              professionals so that the people we
               Bay of Plenty            help continue to achieve their goals.”

“I aim to be principle centered as it                  Chloe Billington:
applies equally to everyone; myself,                   Area Manager
my team and the clients I serve.                       Nelson, Wellington
Principles will never fail you.”                       and Kapiti

Central and                             In previous roles I’ve had
Southern region                         the opportunity to meet
                                        representatives from Blind Low
                                        Vision NZ and have been amazed
               Bryce Tietjens:
                                        by your breadth of services.
               Regional Manager
                                        I am humbled and excited by the
                                        opportunity to join the team.”
“Since joining I have found the
                                                       Carolyn Stiles:
passion around Blind Low Vision
                                                       Area Manager
NZ - its people, volunteers and                        Christchurch,
partners – to be just amazing. I                       Dunedin,
have been blessed to have met                          Invercargill and
many incredible people.”                               Timaru
               Israel Coello:           “It’s all about our clients. And for
               Area Manager             me, the key to that is working
               Gisborne, Napier,        alongside local service delivery
               New Plymouth,            teams and supporting them to
               Palmerston North         deliver local solutions for clients in
               and Wanganui             our communities.”

“Having formerly been an adaptive
communications trainer, I have seen
first-hand the tremendous impact
our services have on the people we
                                                  Autumn 2020     • Outlook      9
The Inside Word

 Eye health
 Aotearoa develops
 seven-point plan
 In the previous issue of the Outlook magazine we
 reported on indications that New Zealand is facing
 a growing crisis in eye health, especially with
 age-related eye conditions.

 Blind Low Vision NZ believes every    Eye Health Aotearoa recognises that
 New Zealander should be able to       the health system is facing complex
 access the eye care services they     challenges, and its recommendations
 need to support the best outcomes     accommodate for this environment
 for themselves. This means taking     while seeking to increase equitable
 steps to address avoidable            access to quality eye health for
 blindness, make the most of a         New Zealanders.
 person’s remaining vision, and if
                                       “In setting out a seven-point plan
 needed, maximise the ability to
                                       for how eye health can begin
 live with sight loss.
                                       to be treated with the priority it
 In our work as part of Eye Health     needs over the next three years,
 Aotearoa (formerly the Eye Health     we identify three of these as
 Coalition), we are pleased to share   especially pressing actions that
 that a seven-point action plan has    we urge the government to act on
 been developed and presented          immediately,” says Blind Low Vision
 to MPs to promote understanding       NZ Chief Executive John Mulka.
 and action towards making eye
 health count in 2020.

10   Outlook   • Autumn 2020
The immediate steps that
need to happen are:
1) Put eye health questions back
   in the National Health Survey.
2) Action the Coalition Government’s
   commitment to the free annual
   health check including an eye
   health check for all SuperGold
   card holders this year.
3) Get the first national eye health
   survey underway.
Simon O’Connor MP, and Louisa
                                       1. Conduct the first ever
Wall MP, Co-chairs of the
                                          National Eye Health Survey in
Parliamentary Friends of Eye Health
                                          New Zealand, to inform future
both acknowledged that it’s time
                                          planning and funding decisions.
to band together to ensure that
all New Zealanders can access          2. Educate the public about the
equitable quality eye health              importance of taking care of
services and prevent avoidable            their eyes.
vision loss.
                                       3. Provide funded examinations as
The Seven-Point                           a first step to increase equitable
                                          access to eye health services
Action Plan                               for SuperGold card holders and
This plan has been carefully              hard-to-reach populations.
considered to be affordable and
achievable, while significantly        4. Establish a “New Zealand
improving New Zealanders’                 Vision Bus” to deliver
eye health and reducing costs             funded comprehensive eye
elsewhere in the health system.           examinations to key groups.
It targets high-risk communities       5. Provide timely access to quality
who are unable to access eye              treatment services to prevent or
health services:                          slow down vision loss.

                                                Autumn 2020     • Outlook      11
The Inside Word

     6. Provide early support for people    Trustee organisations
        diagnosed with eye conditions
        or vision loss.                     • Blind Low Vision NZ

     7. Ensure rapid access to              • Glaucoma New Zealand
        comprehensive vision                • Macular Degeneration
        rehabilitation, habilitation,         New Zealand
        and low vision services.
                                            • The Royal Australian and
     What is Eye Health                       New Zealand College of
     Eye Health Aotearoa is a               • University of Auckland School of
     multi-sector collaborative of            Optometry and Vision Science
     representatives from across the
     eye health sector. We’ve banded
                                            Supporting Organisations
     together to ensure that all            • Retina New Zealand Inc.
     New Zealanders can access              • Optometrists and Dispensing
     equitable, quality eye health            Opticians Board
     services and prevent avoidable
     vision loss.
     Our plan is affordable and
     achievable. It will significantly
     improve New Zealanders’ eye
     health and reduce costs elsewhere
     in the health system. It targets
     high-risk communities who are
     unable to access eye health

          To find out more about Eye Health Aotearoa, email us at

12    Outlook    • Autumn 2020

independently with
blindness or low vision
Head into a modern shopping mall these days and
more likely than not you will find accessible aids such
as tactile markers at the end of escalators, and lifts
incorporating braille and tactile print. These elements
of accessible environmental design were once the
exception, and now they are part of everyday life.

This progress can be applauded,         Finding shops
but there’s still a long way to go.     Often, shops are clustered together
Similarly, modern technology has        in a strip mall (outdoor shopping
empowered people with more              area you find in a suburban place)
options and access to information       or a shopping mall.
than ever before, but it’s no
                                        Adaptive Communications and
silver bullet.
                                        Technology Trainer Chantelle
In this article we take a look how      Griffiths, points out that at
accessible shopping is today for        a general level, being blind
people who are blind or have low        means you may walk past shops
vision, and share some advice           regularly and not know what is
for how to shop with confidence.        there. “Incidental browsing is less
Then, we outline progress towards       accessible, but in some high traffic
introducing accessibility legislation   areas new GPS technology is
that would ultimately redefine          challenging this norm.”
shopping experiences in the future.     She explains that mobile phone

                                                Autumn 2020     • Outlook      13

     apps like BlindSquare can give            regularly it is a good idea to book in
     audio prompts about stores around         some time with someone from Blind
     you and points of interest as you are     Low Vision NZ to help you become
     walking down the street, and these        familiar with the route and make
     can be customisable so you can            use of mobility aids.”
     filter for information that you care
     about (for example, coffee shops).
     Similarly, some large public spaces                   Try downloading
     such as train stations and airports                   and experimenting
     here in New Zealand are looking                       with apps like
     at supporting emerging                                BlindSquare and
     wayfinding technology.                                Seeing AI.
     In terms of getting around,
                                                           Ask us for help in
     Blind Low Vision NZ Access and
                                                           developing skills to
     Awareness Advisor Chris Orr
                                                           independently use
     explains that while any route can be
                                                           apps like these on
     learned, often strip malls are easier
                                                           your phone.
     to negotiate because the shops are
     laid out in a line and smaller in size.               Ask us for help
                                                           in navigating
     “You’ve got landmarks and fixed
                                                           new routes.
     items like walls to reference,
     whereas shopping malls aren’t
     intuitive and other clues like sound
     may be less useful because malls          Inside the shop
     can be noisy spaces.”                     The good news for some shopping
     Chris says it is good to see the          experiences now is that you don’t
     recently opened Westfield mall in         have to physically go to a shop to
     Newmarket, Auckland, offering             browse for the items you want and
     tours for people to help them learn       make a purchase.
     the layout of the mall, which is          “Some types of shopping, like
     another marker of progress.
                                               groceries, can lend themselves
     “Ultimately though, if there are          really well to being done online.
     places you anticipate visiting            We often work with clients who have

14     Outlook   • Autumn 2020
idea to try using both the
                                                  website and the app and
                                                  see what works better for
                                                 you, because often the
                                                experience between the
                                               two can be quite different.
                                             Of course, there will always
                                         be items that are best considered
                                         in store – for example, you might
                                         want to physically experience
a goal to learn to order groceries       how an appliance works or try on
online and while we can’t control        clothes before making a purchase.
when these companies might               Chantelle recommends online
make changes to the layout or            research ahead of visiting a store
functionality of their app or website,   can be a helpful combination.
our adaptive technology specialists      “It’s really important to be able
teach skills broadly applicable so you   to access shopping in a way that
can more easily adjust when they         works for you as a person and to be
do,” explains Chantelle.                 able to use the tools, resources and
Chantelle shares that accessible         support around you to get what you
design is also becoming more             need. Part of this is knowing what
understood and naturally                 options are available for where you
considered by web developers.            live, for example you may qualify
The bigger companies are more            for assistance from people who will
likely to have greater tech support      help you do your shopping.
at hand, while smaller businesses        “It’s a massive boost in confidence
with a more DIY approach might           to do your shopping fully
not realise that their website isn’t     independently, and in some
accessible. She says if a business       circumstances it may take longer
also has an app it can be a good         but it’s achievable.”

                                                 Autumn 2020     • Outlook      15

     Chris says that your experience
     inside a shop can be different if you    Try using both the
     are blind or have low vision. For        website and app
     those with some useful vision, having    for a business and
     the right magnification aids at hand     see what provides
     might make the difference in being       a better experience
     able to find and choose the items        for you.
     you are after. Generally speaking
     though, chaotic shop layouts that        Seek advice from
     have tight aisles and merchandise        Blind Low Vision
     all over the place are unhelpful.        NZ on what the
                                              best magnification
     Both Chantelle and Chris
                                              aids are for you.
     recommend a combination of
     strategies for enhancing your            Plan and research.
     experience in the shop.                  Don’t be afraid to
                                              make contact with
     Chantelle says, “Sometimes I will call
     ahead and tell the shop I’m coming
                                              the shop ahead of
     in so I can come at a time when
                                              your visit and be
     there’s fewer people in the shop.        specific about your
     Calling beforehand helps them get        preferences.
     a sense of who you are, gives you an     Find out what
     opportunity to find out if they have     other services
     what you want, and being specific        may be available
     means you can be efficient with the      to support your
     time spent.                              shopping needs.
     “If you’ve never been to the shop        Ask your Blind Low
     before, it’s also useful to ask for      Vision NZ primary
     someone to look out for you around       service provider for
     the time you’re coming. For those        further information
     who may not be experienced in            and advice.
     serving people who are blind, it
     also gives you an opportunity to
     guide them on what is most
     helpful to you.”

16    Outlook    • Autumn 2020
The accessible future                        Promisingly, the Access Alliance
While Chantelle and Chris                    is continuing to advance the
recommend proactivity as a good              government’s commitment to
approach to help your shopping               designing an approach to achieve
endeavours, they also recognise that         a fully accessible New Zealand.
in a perfect world this shouldn’t and        This commitment was made in 2018,
wouldn’t be required.                        after sustained pressure from the
                                             Access Alliance and our community
“The fact is we still live in a world that   of accessibility advocates.
has some way to go to embracing
accessibility and removing barriers
for people who are blind or have low         “ The fact is we still live in a
vision.                                       world that has some way to go
We are working on changing this               to embracing accessibility and
from the top as part of the Access            removing barriers for people who
Alliance seeking the introduction             are blind or have low vision. ”
of accessibility legislation into the
future,” says Chris.                                                        Chris
He says in this future, shops would be
designed so that all members of the          You can lend your voice to the
community would be able to shop              campaign by getting in touch with
independently. That would include            your local MP candidate and letting
staff awareness and training, as well        them know what accessibility means
as environmental design – which is           to you.
about straight lines and good colour
contrast for people with sight loss.         To stay up to date and for more
He also imagines continued growth            information on getting involved,
in the capability of technology to           visit accessalliance.org.nz or
enhance shopping experiences.                phone 0800 24 33 33

                                              Aftershock headsets – enable
                                              you to listen to your phone
                                              speech while still hearing the
                                              sound around you.

                                                      Autumn 2020      • Outlook    17

     130 Years
     On 9 July 2020, Blind Low Vision NZ will celebrate
     its 130th birthday. We talk to Jackson Paraha, Nola
     Burgess and Shaun Johnson about their experience
     with our community, and how life has changed living
     with blindness and low vision over the years.

 Did you know?
 Our name evolves with the times.
     We have had seven name changes since we were founded in 1890.

     1890-1932                             2003 – 2013
     Jubilee Institute for the Blind of    Royal New Zealand Foundation
     New Zealand                           of the Blind
     1933 – 1956                           2013 – 2019
     New Zealand Institute for the Blind   Blind Foundation (legal name
     1956 – 1971                           remains Royal New Zealand
     New Zealand Foundation for the        Foundation of the Blind)
     Blind                                 2019 – present
     1972 – 2002                           Blind Low Vision NZ (legal name
     Royal New Zealand Foundation          remains Royal New Zealand
     for the Blind                         Foundation of the Blind)

18     Outlook   • Autumn 2020
Jackson Paraha, 57 – Blind             the first low vision member of the
                                       Kapa Haka group. I really needed
Low Vision NZ Client.
                                       that support as a young Māori - it
With the rollout of our new
                                       strengthened me and gave me the
brand Blind Low Vision NZ,
                                       desire to learn more about who I
Jackson Paraha, supported us
                                       was and where I was from - it was
in a photography project.
                                       the start of my education and how
His motivations were to raise
                                       I became who I am today.
awareness of our services for Māori
and anyone who needs our support.

Tell us about how you first became
engaged with Blind Low Vision NZ?
It was at primary school in Kaitaia
that my eye condition was picked
up. I wasn’t aware that I had a
problem, I thought that I could
see properly, I assumed I was like
everyone else – but I was struggling
through school. I moved from
Kaitaia to Auckland to go to the
Homai School for the Blind (now
known as BLENNZ) which was a big
change for a young Māori boy.
Homai was awesome. I met so many
new people and made so many
mates from different tribal areas.
There was a really strong focus on
whanau. When I went from Homai
to Manurewa High School I was

              Jackson Paraha with
                his grandchildren.

                                               Autumn 2020    • Outlook     19

 What is it like living with              Recently you took part in our
 blindness now compared to                brand photography project –
 when you were younger?                   the purpose of which was to let
 Well Blind Low Vision NZ is still        people know that we are here for
 supporting me today in my current        everyone in New Zealand.
 role as a kaiako in Kohanga Reo          Why did you agree to be involved
 (teaching Māori language and values      and why is it important to you?
 to preschool children). They are         It was really important that other
 helping me with training and getting     young Māori or anyone who needs
 the right software to continue to do a   support to make a better life for
 great job in my role.                    themselves know where to go.
                                          I have to be honest for a long time
 What are you hopes for the
                                          I wanted to be somebody I wasn’t,
 future for young blind people
                                          someone with full sight. I have
 in today’s society?
                                          accepted my blindness now but it’s
 I recently met a young Māori boy         taken a while. For me from a Māori
 - about 18, who reminded me very         perspective I may not have my
 much of myself when I was his age.       vision but I have my reo [language].
 He is really bright but doesn’t know
 where to get advice or support in        So now, nothing is more important
 terms of employment or what to do        to me than having some input in a
 next - there seems to be a gap from      child’s growth in Te Reo. I want to
 transitioning from school to getting     give back to my community and
 a job. I have two daughters of my        especially the young ones. So I am
 own who have low vision and wish         happy to support Blind Low Vision
 there was more support out there         NZ get the message out to not only
 to help young people to access the       Māori but everyone who needs
 services they need and to show           the services.
 them the options that are available
 to them.

20   Outlook   • Autumn 2020
Nola Burgess, 85 – Blind                  I got my first guide dog in 1982 and
Low Vision NZ client and                  I have had four – it has meant that
                                          I have been able to hold down a
volunteer for Gisborne
                                          job and get on with things. I have
Community Committee.                      been on the Community Committee
Awarded a Queen’s Service Medal in        (formerly the Advisory Committee)
2018 for services to the blind and low    for 39 years, at one stage I was the
vision community, Nola’s journey with     Chairwoman. We wanted a space
Blind Low Vision NZ began when she        where we could socialise and meet up
became a client at aged 21. She went
                                          so I suggested we ask for a Gisborne
on to become the Chairperson of the
                                          centre. People thought it would never
Gisborne Advisory Committee (now
                                          happen, but in 1991 we celebrated
known as Community Committee)
                                          the opening. I remember a member
and paved the way for a local
                                          saying ‘now I feel like I belong’ and
Gisborne office and community
                                          that’s what it’s all about.
centre of Blind Low Vision NZ to
open in 1991.

Tell us about your early years with
Blind Low Vision NZ.
I’ve been a member since 1956. A
social worker (now known as a service
provider at Blind Low Vision NZ) used
to visit twice a year. I remember they
gave us a free walking stick (it wasn’t
called a white cane back then), a free
radio licence and a free braille watch.
The talking book machine was a
great big gramophone and played
huge records – you could only listen
to one book at a time because you
needed several records per book.
                                                       Nola Burgess and
When it changed to cassettes, it was       Governor General Patsy Reddy.
an absolute lifesaver.

                                                  Autumn 2020     • Outlook       21

 You’ve done a lot to support the         I want people to understand that
 community over the years – what          blindness affects people from all
 drives you to give back?                 walks of life – you can’t put us in a
 I believe that when you lose your        box. We’re just normal people only
 sight, you don’t worry about what        our vision is impaired. We have
 you can’t do, you get on with what       feelings just as everyone else – we
 you can. People say that I am an         laugh and cry just like everyone else.
 inspiration, but that’s not my aim, I
 just get on with life and encourage
 others to do the same.
                                          Shaun Johnson, 75 –
 Have you experienced a change            Resident at the New
 in attitude over the years towards
 people who are blind or have             Zealand Institute for
 low vision?                              the Blind in Parnell, now
 Certainly – there is a lot more things   known as Blind Low Vision
 available for people, a lot more
                                          NZ, 1950 - 1961.
 technology and equipment so that
                                          It is likely you can find Shaun
 you can gain employment, study,
 travel or do whatever you choose to      Johnson, of Wellington, at the
 do. Once upon a time blind people        James Cook Hotel. He has held a
 made baskets and that was it. I          residency there for an incredible
 envy, but am happy for, the young        39 years playing the piano. He first
 people growing up today because          learnt to play at the New Zealand
 they have many opportunities that        Institute for the Blind where he lived
 I never had.                             for 11 years.
 What are your hopes for
 the future?
 I would like to see people who are
 blind or have low vision carry on a
 normal life, as normal as they can.

22   Outlook   • Autumn 2020
Tell us a bit about living at the      What were the advantages
New Zealand Institute for the          of living there and the
Blind in the 1950s?                    disadvantages?
I was a boarder at Nathan House        I didn’t see much of my parents in
and went to school at the Institute.   my first year until they moved up to
I started in 1950 when I was six       Auckland from Dunedin, but it was
years old. There were about 24 boys    where I learnt piano.
there and the boys and girls were
                                       Music classes were compulsory
separated. We slept there, we ate
                                       and if you were good at it then you
there and we went to school there.
                                       carried on. I was also a member of
As well as normal classes, there
                                       the brass band. Two people who got
were also special classes where we
                                       me up to scratch to study music at
learnt a hobby.
                                       university were teachers May Bray
                                       and Lilian Martin.

                                       Have you experienced a change in
                                       attitude to people who are blind
                                       or have low vision over the years?
                                       I think now there is more of an
                                       acceptance in society and there is a
                                       lot more that a person who is blind
                                       or has low vision can do.
                                       What are your hopes for the future
                                       for people who are blind or have
                                       low vision?
                                       If they try and do something there
                                       is every chance that they will
                                       succeed – there is technology out
                                       there that means there are so many
                                       possibilities now.

Shaun Johnson at his piano.

                                               Autumn 2020    • Outlook       23
Everyday living

 Accessible religious content
 to practice your faith
 Blind Low Vision NZ provides Kiwis who are blind
 or have low vision with the practical and emotional
 support to do the things they need and want to do,
 and this includes giving people access to the tools to
 practice their faiths independently.
 With this in mind, it follows that       Provision of the Seekers and When
 religious content is a popular part      the Moon Split in both Arabic and
 of our accessible library service.       English, narrated by Qays Buksh.
 “We think it is important to provide     “It’s really good because as a Muslim
 different religious material in an       visually impaired person, we don’t
 accessible way, which provides           [normally] have material like that in
 people with independence to              audio format. You can listen to it in
 receive content about their faiths,”     your own time and concentrate on
 says Blind Low Vision NZ Library         what it’s saying.”
 Manager Geraldine Lewis, “Our            He says listening to the recorded
 aim is to provide a collection that is   material is a different experience
 current, relevant and responsive to      than having someone read to you,
 the needs of our clients.                because you can read it at your
 We encourage and track all client        own pace and listen to sections over
 requests, and use these requests         again to absorb it to its full extent.
 as the basis of title selection.”
                                          “After the Christchurch mosque
 Library member Naushad Ali, of           shooting last year it is important,
 Auckland, appreciates the Islamic        now more than ever, for people to
 content provided in audio format.        have access to their faiths which
 We recently recorded two titles,         at the heart of it comes down to

24   Outlook   • Autumn 2020
compassion and kindness. The             collection; however, we cannot get
shooter thought he was going             hold of the complete works.
to tear people apart but it was          Our producer Simon Lynch did
actually the opposite, it brought        research into this and calculated
people closer together.”                 that it would take several years of
                                         his time to produce each version,”
In the past two years’ the library
                                         says Geraldine.
team has also added 650 Seventh
Day Adventist titles and 2,100           “An idea we have is to ask whether
Christian Blind Mission titles that      people with some knowledge in
were gifted to our collection.           these areas and can speak Samoan
                                         or Tongan would like to record audio
Looking for support to add the           of religious text and provide it to us
Samoan and Tongan bible to               for our collection. If you or anyone
our collection:                          you know may be interested in
The team is continuing to diversify      contributing, we would love to work
the library’s religious content and is   with you so please get in touch.”
currently looking for help to narrate
                                         To access the library collection
the Samoan and Tongan bibles.
                                         or express interest in narrating,
“This is a popular request. We have      please contact our library on
searched for this audio material and     0800 24 33 33 or email
have added what we can find to our       library@blindlowvision.org.nz

                                                 Autumn 2020     • Outlook        25
Everyday living

 Sharing tips on
 personal grooming
 with vision loss
 Putting on make-up and shaving can be a challenge
 when you have low or no vision.
 Our Adaptive Daily Living Instructors     process to prevent makeup
 help people to learn tricks for           residue from rubbing off on your
 adapting to sight loss. Read on for       face, clothing, and upholstery.
 some top tips from the experts, as
 well as tips that you have shared
                                             You say:
 with us on our Facebook page.

 Makeup                 We say:          1. “Use a short eye pencil and
 1. Use a headband                          mascara with a short wand
    when applying makeup to pull            and use your fingers to apply
    your hair away from your face.          eyeshadow.” – Dena Harnett.
    This is especially helpful when
                                         2. “Get yourself a magnifying ring
    applying foundation and eye
    makeup.                                 light mirror or get a compact
                                            mirror you can hold in your hand
 2. You can also use a magnifying           close to your face while using the
    mirror with an adjustable arm to
                                            other hand to apply makeup.”
    enlarge the image of your face
                                            – Kelly Brown.
    and head.
 3. Keep a wet washcloth, wet wipes,     3. “After putting foundation on with
    or paper towels nearby to remove        your hands/brush, use a beauty
    makeup from your fingertips.            blender type sponge to make
    Clean your hands and fingertips         sure it’s all rubbed in.”
    after each step in the application      – Wainui Witika-Park.

26   Outlook   • Autumn 2020
We say:
Shaving:                                 three minutes now. Shaving is all
                                         about feel - honestly, that’s it.
1. You can determine the areas that
   require shaving (such as your         The best advice I can give from
   face, legs, or underarms) or the      my own experience is to start
   location of a nick or scratch by      slow, use plenty of gel or shave
   using your sense of touch.            foam and just feel the grip of the
                                         blades and smoothness of the
2. Wash the area to be shaved with       finish and you’ll be shaving in
   soap and water, and pat dry.          the dark in no time!”
   This will soften your hair, which
   makes it easier to shave cleanly      – Rob McGoram.
   and safely.                         In reply to Rob:
3. Use shaving cream or lotion if      3. “Legend mate. I too am partially
   you use a safety razor. It will        blind, hardly ever have I needed
   protect your skin and help you         to rely on mirrors to shave, and
   better locate the areas you’ve         I agree ‘it’s all about the feel’.
   already shaved.                        Practice makes perfect,
                                          confidence strengthens
    You say:                              independence.”
                                          – Murakareke Roretana.
1. “I go to the barber shop now, got
   exhausting trying to see one side
   of my head with tunnel vision.”
   – Terry Richards.
2. “I’m partially blind, use razor
   blades and I’ve never once used
   a mirror to shave. I shave in the
   shower before dawn and often
   don’t have the bathroom lights
   on. I haven’t nicked myself in
   years and I can full-face and         Paveen Shakar shaving with a razor.
   neck shave in under

                                               Autumn 2020     • Outlook       27
Everyday living

     Items to help with personal grooming available in
     our shop. We stock a wide range of products for
     people who are blind or have low vison. Here are
     a few you might be interested in:
     10x Compact                       Round rimless hand held
     Magnifying Mirror                 2x magnifier with LED light
     This compact mirror is            This hand held 2x magnifier
     perfect for in your handbag       with light, has a round, rimless
     or around the home and has        110mm lens for non-distracted
     two optical quality glass         viewing. It is powered by two
     mirrors which give a clear,       super bright LED lights that
     undistortedimage and do           can last up to 5000 hours.
     not scratch.                      Batteries are included.

           Client price: $29                  Client price: $32
           Full price: $34                    Full price: $36

     To learn more about these products and to browse more items,
     visit blindlowvision.org.nz/shop or call 0800 24 33 33 and speak
     to our equipment specialists.

28   Outlook   • Autumn 2020

Life without limits
around the country
Please note at the time of writing, community events
are on hold due to the Covid-19 public health crisis.
Check our website for the latest updates. We hope
to be back on board as soon as possible, and in the
meantime, here are some highlights from earlier:

South Island Tramp,
Central Otago,
8 - 9 November, 2019
Ten clients returned from a South
Island tramp happy, windblown
and more knowledgeable about
the great New Zealand gold rush.
They had a wonderful time and
finished their walk by sampling of   Clients, volunteers and staff in front
local wine at a member’s vineyard.   of an historic run in Welshtown.

Taupo Kids Camp,                     The theme for the camp this year
12 – 17 January                      was ‘Superheroes’ so the grand
Zip lining, martial arts, archery,   finale was a heroic costume
morning yoga and making rocky        parade, followed by a talent quest.
road were just some of               “During their time at camp the
the activities at the kids camp      kids were presented with many
at MiCamp near Taupo.                opportunities to step outside
                                            Autumn 2020     • Outlook   29
their comfort zones, build on their
 independent living skills, and gain
 confidence in their social and
 physical abilities. The icing on
 the cake was fun and friendship
 experienced by all who attended,”
 says Micky Gunn, Blind Low
 Vision NZ Recreation and
 Community Advisor.
                                       Taupo Kids Camp.
                                       12-17 January 2020

                                       Red Puppy Appeal,
                                       13 – 14 March
                                       More than 1800 volunteers hit
                                       the streets to raise money and
                                       awareness for Blind Low Vision NZ
                                       Guide Dogs with our Red Puppy
                                       Appeal street collection. Thank you to
                                       everyone who supported the appeal!
                                       $250,000 was raised to breed and
                                       train guide dogs.

     Find something that suits you.
     Would you like to get involved with a recreation or
     a community event? Get in touch on 0800 24 33 33
     or go to our website blindlowvision.org.nz and
     check out the events section to find something that
     suits you in your local area

30   Outlook   • Autumn 2020
Message from parents
of Vision Impaired NZ (PVINZ)
Tēnā koutou katoa,
I haere mai ōku tūpuna i Kōtirana
No Kirikiriroa tāku papa kainga
Kie Waikato-Tainui ahau e noho ana
Ko Parents of Vision Impaired tāku mahi
Ko Lily te pōtiki ana tāku kotiro te kanohi atarua
Ko Rebekah Graham tāku ingoa.
Kia ora, my name is Rebekah and        the respective issues we face may
I am the new Executive Officer         change (depending on the ages
for Parents of Vision Impaired NZ      and stages of our children), the
(PVINZ). My journey into PVINZ         need for support and advocacy
began seven years ago, with the        does not.
birth of our fourth child, Lily. Our   Many of us are learning on our feet
initial ophthalmologist appointment    about our child’s needs and the
quickly provided a diagnosis,          support they need. Children born
followed by a prognosis, and then      with congenital vision conditions
a cheery “see you in two years”. I     often have additional challenges
was left with little idea of what to   and disabilities. This means that
expect, no clue as to what services    parents must manage multiple
existed, or where to go to find out!   health professionals and various
After posting on Facebook, a friend    appointment times, work with
of a friend put us in touch with a     schools to develop educational
mutual friend who then put us in       and safety plans, and deal with the
touch with PVINZ – and the rest, as    vagaries of MSD, Work and Income,
they say, is history.                  and service providers.
In coming to know parents through      Educators, health professionals,
PVINZ I have noted that while          and even service providers can

                                               Autumn 2020    • Outlook      31
be unaware of the specific needs     It also means that we can continue
 of blind, low-vision and vision-     reducing societal barriers to
 impaired children. This leaves       inclusion while ensuring blind, low
 parents in the unenviable position   vision and vision-impaired children
 of having to educate those around    get the support they need to enjoy
 them – which is particularly         and participate in society as equals
 challenging in environments where    at every stage of their life.
 parental concerns are minimised,     Ngā mihi
 disparaged, and/or dismissed.        Rebekah Graham
 PVINZ aims to walk alongside
 parents as they navigate all these    For more information visit:
 challenges. Having other parents      www.pvi.org.nz
 who ‘get it’ provides space to        We are also on Twitter:
 debrief and find encouragement        @PVI_NZ
 and reassurance. A listening ear      Or you can contact me
 alongside advocacy and support        (Rebekah) via
 services means that parents feel      Phone: 0226215740 or
 less isolated.                        Email: rgraham@pvi.org.nz

     Rebekah’s daughter
     Lily on a horse.

32   Outlook   • Autumn 2020
Blind Low Vision NZ is proud           New Zealand Vision
to support and partner with            Impaired Empowering
organisations directly representing    Women (NZ VIEW)
the interests of Kiwis who are blind   National President: Janet Palmer
or have low vision.                    04 476 7329

Contact details                        Parents of Vision Impaired
                                       New Zealand (PVINZ) Inc.
Albinism NZ
                                       Executive Officer: Dr Rebekah Graham
(06) 367 5900
                                       022 621 5740
Blind Citizens NZ
                                       Retina New Zealand
Mail: PO Box 7144, Newtown,
                                       0800 569 849
Wellington 6242
0800 222 694, or 04 389 0033
                                       Search Retina New Zealand or
                                       Retina Youth to find them on
                                       social media.
Blind Sport New Zealand
                                       Support and Education
(09) 930 1579
                                       for our Youth, their Families
                                       and their Friends
                                       021 0235 4395
Deafblind Association of NZ            seyffnz@gmail.com
Charitable Trust
0800 450 650                           These details are correct at the
info@deafblindassociation.nz           time of printing. Please check
Deafblindassociation.nz                the Blind Low Vision NZ
                                       website for updated details
Kāpo Māori Aotearoa
                                       and more information at
0800 770 990

                                              Autumn 2020     • Outlook   33
The gift
of a life

Receive an information pack today about
how a gift in your will can make a profound
and lasting difference.
Please contact Supporter Care on
0800 366 283 or blindlowvision.org.nz
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