Parent Handbook 2019-2020 - Falcons School for Girls

Page created by Philip Dawson
Parent Handbook 2019-2020 - Falcons School for Girls

Parent Handbook 2019-2020
Parent Handbook 2019-2020 - Falcons School for Girls


WELCOME ............................................................................................................................................... 3
GENERAL INFORMATION FOR PARENTS ................................................................................................. 4
OUR AIMS ................................................................................................................................................ 5
SAFEGUARDING ...................................................................................................................................... 6
ATTENDANCE & HOLIDAYS ..................................................................................................................... 6
OUR UNIFORM ........................................................................................................................................ 7
TRAVELLING TO SCHOOL ....................................................................................................................... 10
THE SCHOOL DAY .................................................................................................................................. 10
EDUCATIONAL VISITS & ACTIVITIES ...................................................................................................... 13
EMERGENCIES ....................................................................................................................................... 13
MEDICINE & MEDICAL EMERGENCIES .................................................................................................. 13
BEHAVIOUR & DISCIPLINE ..................................................................................................................... 15
HEALTH & SAFETY ................................................................................................................................. 16
SCHOOL MEALS ..................................................................................................................................... 16
LEARNING, ASSESSMENTS & REPORTS ................................................................................................. 16
ASSEMBLIES .......................................................................................................................................... 17
PUPIL VOICE .......................................................................................................................................... 18
HOUSE SYSTEM ..................................................................................................................................... 18
TRANSITION TO SENIOR SCHOOL .......................................................................................................... 18
EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES ........................................................................................................................ 18
COMMUNICATION TO THE SCHOOL ..................................................................................................... 19
COMMUNICATION FROM THE SCHOOL ................................................................................................ 19
COMPLIMENTS & COMPLAINTS ............................................................................................................ 20
PARENTS AS PARTNERS ......................................................................................................................... 20
FEES ....................................................................................................................................................... 21
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION & AVALIABILITY OF POLICIES .................................................................. 22

The information contained in this document is correct at the time of publication


Welcome to Peregrines Nursery School and Falcons School for Girls.

The purpose of this handbook is to provide current and prospective parents with information about
the school.

Please do not hesitate to contact the School Office if you have any questions or concerns.

Sara Williams-Ryan

A copy of the Parent Handbook is made available to parents as a hard-copy. The information
contained in the handbook is also available on the school website

If you think we could have added something please let us know. We are constantly updating our
handbook and welcome feedback as to how they can be improved


Falcons School for Girls is an independent school for girls aged four to eleven. It incorporates
Peregrines Nursery School, a co-educational setting for girls and boys aged three to four.

Peregrines Nursery School and Falcons School for Girls are part of the Alpha Plus Group of Schools:
the gold standard in education.

We enjoy close links with our sister schools, The Falcons School for Boys Pre-Preparatory, which is
based in Chiswick and The Falcons School for Boys Preparatory, which is based in Richmond. Many
families have children at both Falcons Boys and Falcons Girls.

Contacting the school
Falcons School for Girls
11 Woodborough Road
SW15 6PY

Telephone: 020 8992 5189
School website:
Instagram: @falconsschoolforgirlsputney

Falcons School for Girls is governed by Alpha Plus.

Chair of Governors: Sir John Ritblat
CEO: Mr Mark Hanley-Browne

Alpha Plus Group Ltd
50 Queen Anne Street

Telephone: 020 7487 6000
Alpha Plus website:
Twitter: @Alpha_PlusGroup

Parents should use the address above for all correspondence with the Chair of Governors.

The ultimate parent company of the Group is Alpha Plus Holdings Limited.

At Peregrines Nursery School and Falcons School for Girls we protect the rights and privacy of
individuals and ensure that data about them is not processed without their knowledge and is
processed with their consent wherever possible. We are committed to a policy of protecting the
rights and freedoms of individuals with respect to the processing of their personal data. At
Peregrines Nursery School and Falcons School for Girls we regard the lawful and correct treatment of
personal information as very important and therefore ensure that personal information is treated
lawfully and correctly. We fully endorse and adhere to the Principles of Data Protection, as detailed

in the General Data Protection Regulation. Peregrines Nursery School and Falcons School for Girls do
not share any contact details without prior permission being sought.

Peregrines Nursery School and Falcons School for Girls are part of the Alpha Plus Group and our full
Privacy Policy is available here: https://public-


Our Aims
At Peregrines Nursery School and Falcons School for Girls, we believe passionately in:
         The close links between emotional wellbeing and academic achievement
         Encouraging children to be ambitious with their learning
         Fostering children’s natural curiosity, positivity and resilience
         Engaging children about their role as citizens in our fast-changing world
         The importance of leading by example, including being decent and kind.

Fundamental British Values
The curricular and co-curricular life at Peregrines Nursery School and Falcons School for Girls
provides effective preparation of the pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of
life in British society, and actively promotes the fundamental British values:
 Democracy;
 The rule of law;
 Individual liberty;
 Mutual respect;
 Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.


Children have a right to be safe, to feel cared for and supported. Adults have a responsibility to
protect children. The safeguarding of children and the promotion of their welfare is a simple and
uncontested priority of society, and is of paramount importance to us.

Through our Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education programme, we raise awareness of
safeguarding issues in order to develop assertiveness and equip children with the skills needed to
keep themselves safe.

Ms Sandy Girardin, Lower School Lead, is our designated Safeguarding and PREVENT lead. Mr James
Kelly, Upper School Lead is Ms Girardin’s deputy in these areas.


Attendance at school
It is the duty of every parent of a child of school age to ensure that their child attends school
regularly. Attendance is recorded twice a day, in the morning and afternoon.

At Peregrines Nursery School it is compulsory for all pupils to attend five mornings a week. By the
Summer Term we expect pupils to attend at least four full days a week in preparation for their
Reception year.

If your child is going to be absent, please email and let us know by
8:20am on the day of the absence.

When your child returns, please email your class teacher giving the reason for their absence. If you
forget, a reminder will be sent to you. Please note that without an explanation, your child's absence
will be recorded as unauthorised.

Requests for pupils to be absent from school should be made in writing to the Headmistress.
Parents do not have an automatic right to take their child out of school without permission during
term-time. The Headmistress can only authorise time off during term-time in exceptional
circumstances, such as:
 Short-term parent/carer placement abroad;
 Family returning to its country of origin for family reasons;
 The period immediately after an illness or accident;
 A period of serious or critical illness of a close relative;
 A domestic crisis which causes disruption to the family home, causing temporary relocation.

Religious Festivals
Parents may request that their child be permitted to be absent from school in order to celebrate
recognised religious festivals. Only written requests detailing the proposed arrangements will be
considered. Appropriate requests will be granted permission, and the pupil noted in the register as
absent due to a day of religious observance.

Term dates are available on the school website and sent to parents at the beginning of the school
year. Parents are asked not to take their children on holidays during term time.


Peregrines Nursery School and Falcons School for Girls uniform is provided by Sogan’s and must be
purchased from them. Some items are also available from the Parents and Friends Association
(PFA)’s Second Hand uniform stock unless stated otherwise.

Sogan’s shop address is: 6 Greyhound Road, Hammersmith, London, W6 8NX

Mail Order Service: 020 7385 1055

Peregrines Nursery School Uniform list 2019-2020

                                            Winter Uniform

      White polo shirt with Peregrines bird logo

      Navy blue jogging bottoms (any supplier)

      Navy blue jogging top with Peregrines bird logo
                                            Summer Uniform

      White polo shirt with Peregrines bird logo

      Navy blue jogging top with Peregrines bird logo

      Navy blue P.E shorts (any supplier)

      Ballet – girls

      Pink cap sleeve leotard

      Pink georgette wrap over skirt

      Pink crossover cardigan

      Pink socks

      Pink ballet shoes with elastic

      Ballet - boys
      The boys will wear their Navy blue P.E shorts and white polo shirt but will need white
      socks and black ballet shoes with elastic

      Peregrines bird logo book bag

Falcons School for Girls Uniform list 2019-20

                                              Winter Uniform

      White Peter Pan collar blouse

      Tartan Pinafore (Reception to Year 3)

      Tartan kilt (Years 4 – 6)

      Navy blue V-neck cardigan

      Navy blue tights OR knee high socks (any supplier)

      Navy blue trousers (optional instead of the kilt – any supplier)
                                             Summer Uniform

      Tartan Summer dress

      Navy blue V-neck cardigan

      Navy blue ankle OR knee high socks (any supplier)

      Navy blue shorts (optional instead of dress – Sogan’s)

      White short sleeve revere blouse (if wearing the shorts)

                                             P.E and Games Kit
                                            Reception to Year 2
                                   White polo shirt with Falcons bird logo

                                     Navy blue P.E shorts (Any supplier)

                             Navy blue jogging top with Falcons bird logo

                                  Navy blue jogging bottoms (any supplier)
                                           P.E kit for Years 3 to 6
                                          (Gymnastics and Dance)
      Predominantly navy blue gymnastics leotard (any supplier)

      Navy blue gymnastics leggings

      White polo shirt with Falcons bird logo (optional)

      White ankle socks – compulsory all year (any supplier)

      Black plimsolls
                                          (Reception and Year 1)
      Pink cap sleeve leotard

      Pink georgette wrap over skirt

Pink crossover cardigan

Pink socks

Pink ballet shoes with elastic
                                 Games kit for Years 3 to 6
                                 (Netball, Hockey, Cricket)
Navy/Sky Skort (Years 3-6)

Navy/Sky hockey top with Falcons bird logo (Years 3-6)

Navy blue tracksuit top with Falcons bird logo (Years 3-6)

Navy blue microfibre tracksuit bottoms (Years 3-6)

Navy blue arm and leg base layers (optional - any supplier)
Mouth guard and shin pads (Compulsory for hockey any supplier) Custom made mouth
guards may be ordered through the school, details are sent out at the appropriate time.
Navy hockey socks (Spring Term)

White ankle socks (Autumn and Summer Term)

Predominantly white trainers

Gloves with grips (Optional when required – any colour, any supplier)

Swimming (Year1 to Year 4s only) (Reception Summer Term)

Navy swimsuit (any supplier)

Navy rubber swimming cap (any supplier)

Outerwear for every day and sports lessons when weather requires

French navy blazer with the new Falcons logo (not to be worn for Games)

Navy blue mac in a sac

Navy blue Storm Stuff reversible jacket

Plain navy blue fleece hat

Navy blue gloves

Navy blue sun hat with Falcons bird logo


Navy or black leather shoes should be worn all year round

Pupils need predominantly white trainers for Games and black plimsolls for P.E


Falcons School for Girls ruck sack

Falcons School for Girls swimming bag which the girls also use for P.E.

Children in Year 1 to Year 4 swim all year round. Reception pupils start to swim in the Summer Term.
The pupils in Peregrines Nursery, Year 5 and Year 6 do not attend swimming lessons at school.

Jewellery and Hair
Only jewellery dictated by faith may be worn. Pupils are not allowed to wear earrings other than
stud earrings. For safety reasons all jewellery must be removed during activities, for example P.E,
when it could cause harm to the children. Hair must be a natural colour and neither extreme in style
or length. Only plain blue or blue and green, functional hair accessories are allowed.


Pupils in Nursery to Year 2 are provided with stationery by the class teacher.
From Year 3, pupils should bring the following items in a pencil case:
 Pencil;
 Pencil sharpener;
 Rubber;
 Cartridge pen (for small blue ink cartridges). Please note that pupils will be introduced to the use
   of cartridge pens in Year 3/4, depending on their handwriting level;
 Spare cartridges;
 Ruler (with millimetres);
 Pupils may include two-three gel pens for annotating their work.

Pupils do not require coloured pencils or felt-tip pens. Please do not include ink-eraser pens, friction
pens or ‘liquid paper’, as these eradicate errors and our approach is that pupils learn from their

The school provides all exercise books. Additional equipment, e.g. compasses, is provided in class
and on loan when required for homework.


Peregrines Nursery and Falcons School for Girls strongly encourages pupils and parents to walk to

If your child scoots or cycles to school, they should put their scooters and bikes in the relevant storage
areas as soon as they are on site. Bikes and scooters should not be ridden in the playground

All roads surrounding the school have parking restrictions and are Pay & Display. Restrictions apply
from 9:30 to 4:30 Monday to Friday. Please note that parents should not park on our driveway at the
Falcons site.


Peregrines Nursery School
7:30am – Breakfast Club with Aktiva opens. Pupils must be dropped off at the front door of No. 7
Woodborough Road.

8:00 – 8:20am – Free before school care begins with early morning drop off. Pupils must be dropped
off in the Peregrines Garden which is entered via the gate on Briar Walk.
8:20 – 8:40am – School opens officially for all pupils. Nursery pupils should be dropped off at the
entrance of No. 7 Woodborough Road at the Peregrines site
8:40 – 8:50am – Registration. All pupils should be present. Pupils arriving after 8:50am must report to
the School Office at No. 11
8:50am – Lessons begin
10:20-10:40am – Break time. A healthy snack is provided by the school at this point in the day.
12:00pm – Morning session ends. Parents should collect their child at this point unless they are staying
for the afternoon session.
12:00 – 1:00pm – Lunch for those pupils staying for the Afternoon Session
12:00-3:15pm – Afternoon session.
Parents should collect pupils from the Nursery School classroom at No. 7 at the end of both the
morning and afternoon sessions.
3:30pm – Free after school care opens. In the event that you are late to pick up your child will be
taken to after school care at No. 7 Woodborough Road.
5:00pm – Free after school care ends. Parents who wish for their child to remain at school after
5:00pm can do so, for a flat fee of £10 per session, chargeable retrospectively.
6:00pm – After school care ends

Falcons School for Girls
7:30am – Breakfast Club with Aktiva opens. Pupils must be dropped off at the front door of No. 7
Woodborough Road.
8:00 – 8:20am – Free before school care begins with early drop off. Pupils must be dropped off in
the Peregrines Garden which is entered via the gate on Briar Walk.
8:20 – 8:40am – School opens officially for all pupils. Reception pupils should be dropped off at the
entrance of No. 7 Woodborough Road, Years 1 to 3 pupils should be dropped off at the entrance of
No. 11 Woodborough Road and pupils in Years 4 to 6 at the gate at the right hand side of the Falcons
building at No. 22 Woodborough Road.
8:40 – 8:50am – Registration. All pupils should be present. Pupils arriving after 8:50am must report to
the School Office at No. 11 Woodborough Road.
8:50am – Lessons begin
10:20-10:40am – Break time. A healthy snack is provided by the school at this point in the day.
12:10-1:10pm – Lunch
1:10 – 1:20pm – Afternoon registration
1:20pm – Afternoon lessons begin
3:30pm – School finishes. Parents should collect their child from Peregrines Garden which is entered
via the gate on Briar Walk (Reception to Year 3) or from the gate at the right hand side of the Falcons
building (Years 4 to 6).
3:30pm – After school care opens. In the event that you are late to pick up your child they will be
taken to after school care at No. 7 Woodborough Road.
4:20pm – All clubs finish. In the event that you are late to pick up your child they will be taken to
After School Care at No. 7 Woodborough Road.
5:00pm – Free after school care ends. Parents who wish for their child to remain at school after
5:00pm can do so, for a flat fee of £10 per session, chargeable retrospectively.
6:00pm – After school care ends

Reporting Absence
Parents should report their child’s absence by emailing before
8:20am, and send an email on the child’s return to school explaining the reason for the absence.

Arriving Late

Any child arriving after 8:50am needs to sign in at the School Office at No. 11 Woodborough Road.
Parents will be asked the reason for their child’s lateness. Once the child has been signed in a
member of staff will accompany them to their appropriate classroom.
Collecting your child from school
Parents should let the school know by email, homework diary or by phoning the School Office if
there is a change in arrangements for collecting their child.

We work with Aktiva Camps, one of London’s leading children activity and lifestyle providers, to
provide excellent extracurricular activities (Fun Clubs), breakfast and after school clubs and holiday
camps all of which are chargeable.

Breakfast Club
Breakfast club runs from 7.30am to 8.20am, every day children attend school. At 8:20am Lower
School children who attend breakfast club are taken directly to their classrooms ready for the school
day and Upper School pupils are in the Peregrines garden in time to be crossed over the road by the
teacher in charge. A healthy breakfast is provided for those children who have not had breakfast
before coming to school, as well as offering some activities to get children active and ready for the
busy day ahead.

Fun Clubs
The extracurricular activities offered vary from rugby and judo to chess and art. They take place
during the week, either at lunchtime or after lessons. The activities offered are reviewed each term
and run on a demand basis. For a full list of clubs please visit our website.

After school care and Homework club
In addition to the clubs provided by Aktiva, the school also runs a free Homework club which runs
from Monday to Thursday 3.40 to 4.20 pm. Girls must book in to Homework Club where they
complete any homework and are supervised by a member of staff.
After school care is available every day from 3.30-6:00pm except on the last day of each term. It is
open to all year groups and free to attend up to 5:00pm. Parents are charged a flat rate of £10 for
their child to remain at school after 5:00pm. After school care is led by one of the school’s Teaching
Assistants and closes at 6:00pm.

If you are going to be late to pick up your child from after school care you must phone the school
before 4:30pm. From 4:30pm onwards, after school care can be contacted directly on 07518058126.
If a pupil has not been picked up by 6:00pm we will initially contact the parents followed by the
pupil’s listed emergency contacts.

Holiday Camps
Holiday Camps take place during the school holidays and welcome children from three rising four to
12. The standard day will run from 9.00am to 5.00pm although there is an option to drop off your
child from 7.45am and pick them up by 6.00pm.

Children from surrounding schools, as well as siblings are welcome to join us at holiday camps
although Peregrines and Falcons pupils and their siblings will get priority registration.

How are clubs paid for?
Clubs are paid for directly via Aktiva’s online booking system:

Aktiva accept bank transfers, debit/credit card payments and childcare vouchers. For further
information on how the latter operate, please refer to the HMRC website.

For the Breakfast club, you will be invoiced in 11 monthly instalments. Fees are due in advance of
the start of term.

To view the cost of each club and for further information please visit the Aktiva website:


The school runs a programme of educational visits and activities. Our aim is that every class goes on
at least one educational trip per term.

In addition, regular journeys are made to Barn Elms sports ground and the Putney Leisure Centre
swimming pool. All educational visits and trips are supervised by Peregrines Nursery and Falcons

Parents are asked to complete a permission slip at the beginning of the school year; thereafter,
parental consent for off premises activities is assumed, unless you advise us in writing to the
contrary. Residential or full day trips require an individual consent form.

Our annual Residential Week programme is for girls in Years 3 to 6.

Coach travel is provided by a reputable coach company. All transport is fitted with individual seat
belts. Drivers are equipped, for safety and emergency reasons, with ‘hands free’ telephones.


We make every effort to maintain a full educational service, but on occasion circumstances arise
which lead to disruption. School may be affected by, for example, severe weather, temporary
interruption of transport, power failures or difficulties of fuel supply.

In such cases we shall do all we can to let you know about the details of closure and reopening using
the In Touch system. If you have a change of contact details it is imperative you inform the School
Office immediately.


At the beginning of the school year you will be asked to complete a contact form. Please make sure
that you give accurate emergency contact details. As above, should your contact details change
during the course of the year, please put this in writing to the School Office either by email or letter.

If medicines need to be taken during school hours, they should be handed to an appropriate
member of staff by the parent or guardian, along with a completed ‘Permission to give medication
and medical procedures’ form explaining the dosage. Please do not rely on the child to hand the
medicine over. All prescription medicine should be clearly labelled with the child’s name and dosage
required; without the form we are unable to administer any medication. The ‘Permission to give
medication and medical procedures’ form is available from the school.

The medicine will be taken under the supervision of a nominated First Aider.

Please note that we do not administer non-prescription medicines.

All accidents, however small, are recorded in our accident book.

If your child has a fall and gets a minor cut or bruise, we will clean it, put on a plaster (please inform
us if your child is allergic to plasters) and administer large dollops of sympathy! We send home a
note indicating when and how the incident occurred, and exactly where the bump/minor cut was

Whilst we have qualified First Aiders in school, we will always endeavour to contact parents in the
event of any accident of a serious nature. We monitor closely any child who receives any form of
trauma during the day.

Illness or Emergency
In the event of an emergency - a sudden illness or accident - we would not hesitate to contact the
emergency services in order that your child can receive the necessary expert care. Should it prove
impossible to make contact with anybody listed on the contact sheet, a member of staff will
accompany your child to hospital.

Relevant medical information
Please ensure that we are advised of any medical conditions from which your child may suffer so
that relevant members of staff can be fully informed.

Photographs of pupils with allergies are posted in the Staff Room and the First Aid rooms, with
procedures for assisting the pupil attached to the picture.

Should your child suffer from asthma we ask that an inhaler be kept at school so that this is
accessible at all times.

Please ensure that all inhalers are clearly marked with the child’s name and the dosage required,
and an indication of whether your child is able to self-administer their medication.

Parents must notify staff of any known or suspected allergy or condition and provide all necessary
medical information. This will be added to the child’s care plan and, if necessary, a meeting
organised with the nominated First Aider. If you are unsure or need some more information
regarding allergies and conditions please speak to the First Aider (who can be contacted through the
School Office). The school requests that parents observe the nut-free policy.

Epi-pens are stored in the child’s classroom with their Individual Health Plan. Whenever the child
leaves the site the epi-pen is taken by the staff member accompanying the child.

Head lice
Please let us know if you find any trace of head lice or their eggs so that we can alert other parents
in the class. Please check your child’s hair on a regular basis.

Should your child be affected by these persistent visitors, it is essential that all members of the
family are treated at the same time.

Guidance on Infectious Diseases
If your child is suffering from one of the usual childhood infections, such as mumps or chickenpox,
please ensure that they are kept at home for the recommended period of time in order to minimise
the risk of infecting other children.

General Illness
We want everyone at school to remain as healthy as possible. Therefore, to help reduce the spread of
germs we request that any child who has suffered from vomiting or diarrhoea is kept off school for 48
hours after the last episode. We also ask that any child who has a temperature is kept off school until
they are fully recovered.


Every member of the school community upholds the Peregrines and Falcons Rules:

   Peregrines and Falcons pupils are kind.
   Peregrines and Falcons pupils are hard working.
   Peregrines and Falcons pupils are honest.
   Peregrines and Falcons pupils respect property.
   Peregrines and Falcons pupils listen.

We encourage staff and pupils to show one another kindness, consideration and respect – and we
celebrate these virtues in our weekly Celebration Assembly. Sanctions are issued to pupils who break
the Peregrines and Falcons Rules.

Anti-Bullying Statement
Peregrines Nursery School and Falcons School for Girls regards any form of bullying as harmful and
unacceptable. We believe that everyone has a right to feel safe. The school does not tolerate
bullying of any kind.

Please note that acts of bullying are taken very seriously and staff will take immediate action to deal
with any such allegations.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you feel that your child is unhappy at school, however trivial it
may seem.

Individual Behaviour Programmes, Suspension and Exclusion
Behaviour at Peregrines Nursery and Falcons Girls is generally excellent.

If a pupil consistently fails to uphold the Peregrines and Falcons Rules, the Headmistress, parents,
teachers and the pupil will work together to implement an individual behaviour programme which
helps the pupil modify their behaviour. For repeated or extremely serious offences, a pupil will be
suspended or excluded. When a pupil returns from a period of suspension or exclusion, reintegration
is managed in a positive way, and regular contact is maintained between parent and school.

Racial and Homophobic Harassment and Bullying
As with bullying, any incident which is considered to be racially motivated, or homophobic, either by
‘accident’ or deliberately, will be dealt with immediately. Support will be given to the victim and to
the perpetrator.


The school is committed to providing a safe learning environment for all stakeholders and visitors.

Dogs are not permitted on the school site and ball games are not allowed before or after the school
day. Smoking is also prohibited on the school site at all times.

We are happy for children to use scooters or bicycles to travel to and from school; however, these
must not be ridden in the playground.


All school meals are included in the fees and are prepared by our catering partner Brookwoods.

Every day, pupils are provided with a hot lunch (or a packed lunch for trips) and a healthy break time
snack. Pupils attending after school clubs are also given a snack before the club starts. Only children
suffering from a medical condition, diagnosed allergy or food disorder, diagnosis supported by a
doctor’s letter, are allowed to bring their own food to school with prior permission from the
Headmistress. In these cases, we need to have a clear understanding of what those children are
bringing in. This is to help protect our pupils with severe allergies from harm. Therefore, if this
applies to your child, please arrange a meeting with the Headmistress in the first instance.
We also ask that parents do not bring food in to celebrate birthdays and suggest instead they bring
little tokens such as key rings or badges for example.


Peregrines Nursery School
The Early Years Foundation Stage teachers follow the curriculum proposed by the Department of
Education (DfE) which they enhance to meet our pupils needs. We encourage parents to read to
their child every day.

At Falcons, we believe that homework is an important part of the education we offer. Homework
provides an opportunity for you and your child to work together and see the progress she is making.
It is also good preparation for expectations in senior school and encourages good work habits for the

Homework set is linked to current class topics and aims to consolidate much of the learning taking
place in school. The amount of homework set will increase gradually as the pupils move through the
school, with the expectation that Mental Maths and spellings will be practised every day from Year
1. By the end of Year 3, the girls are set a different homework activity each night of the week ranging
from Mental Maths, spellings and comprehension to an extended writing piece over the weekend.
All homework is due in the next day unless otherwise specified and the pupils record the homework
in their diaries. From Reception, we also encourage our pupils to read with a parent every day.

We give pupils the opportunity to complete their homework at school at Homework Club which runs
every Monday to Thursday from 3.45 to 4.20pm and is led by a member of staff.

Peregrines Nursery School Assessment
In Peregrines Nursery we assess the pupils in the Autumn and Summer terms using the standardised
ASPECTS assessment. These tests assess the children’s Phonics, Maths, Motorskills and Physical,
Social and Emotional skills. The teachers also perform observational assessment based on play.

Falcons School for Girls Assessment
We believe in academic excellence. An important part of achieving this is ensuring that both your
child and you, as their parent, know how well she is doing and what she needs to do next to meet
and exceed her target.

To answer these questions, Falcons staff regularly check and monitor how your daughter is

Assessment takes many forms such as formal and informal tests in both written and oral formats.
In common with the majority of independent schools, our pupils sit standardised progress tests.
Pupils in Years 1-6 are assessed yearly using InCAS.

In Reception pupils are assessed using the standardised PIPS BASE progress tests in Reading, Maths,
PSED and Communication in the Autumn and Summer term. Additionally, the pupils are assessed
every half term in the end of topic assessments for Maths and phonics. The teachers also perform
observational assessment based on play.

In Years 1 to 6 class teachers assess Maths through end of topic tests and end of term assessments
via an independent provider. English is monitored through regular spelling tests and reading and
writing tasks. From Year 3 we also monitor progress in Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning and the
pupils are also assessed in non-core subjects each half term.

Curriculum Evening, Parents’ Evenings and Reports
Curriculum evenings are held at the beginning of the school year for each year group, to discuss the
learning planned for the year ahead and to introduce parents to our school curriculum. In addition,
curriculum overviews are provided for each year group each term on our online learning platform

We hold termly Parent and Teacher Conferences. These conferences give parents the opportunity to
hear about their child’s progress and discuss any concerns. In the Summer term, once the pupil
reports have been issued, we hold Target Setting evenings to discuss your child’s progress over the
year and to agree on the next steps.

Formal written reports are sent home twice a year, at the end of the Autumn term and in the
Summer Term. These include details of your child’s assessments and progress.


The school holds Music Assemblies and a weekly Celebration Assembly. The Celebration Assembly
includes contributions from a class - often a presentation or a short play based on what the pupils
are learning - and a celebration of pupil success, including the award of the ‘Falcons’ which are given
out weekly to pupils who have gone above and beyond the other pupils in their class that week
either academically or socially. Sometimes it can be awarded to a whole year group. Every
Celebration Assembly ends with the recital of our anti-bullying oath, The Power of One.

Parents are invited to the assemblies when appropriate. Every year, we also hold a number of

celebratory days such as the European Day of Languages, World Book Day etc.

From the moment they join Falcons, we give our pupils the opportunity to make their mark on the
world. ‘Pupil Voice’ is a loud one and we believe this is the first step to encouraging our pupils to
make a difference. Every class has a ballot box which is used regularly to collect votes on important
issues that might affect the class or the wider school community. We also have a whole school ‘Pupil
Voice’ box where anyone can post a suggestion or comment at any time knowing it will be read each
week when the Headmistress meets with the Head Girl and Deputy Head Girl.

We have a Head Girl and Deputy Head Girl (who are elected by their peers), a House System led by
House Captains and a School Council. The School Council is made up of elected pupils from Reception
to Year 6 and representatives change twice a year.


At Peregrines Nursery School and Falcons School for Girls each pupil will be allocated a House on
entry. The school is divided into four houses: Austen; Curie; Nightingale; and Seacole. The House
system provides an opportunity for the pupils to compete and perform, culminating in them coming
together at the end of every week in assembly to celebrate each House’s achievements.
Through our House system, pupils are rewarded across many aspects of daily school life. House
points can be given to individual pupils for: academic achievement and effort in learning; service to
the school and others; good manners and behaviour.

Three times a year, the House having received the most points over the term will be awarded the
House cup, which is presented at the final whole school assembly of the term. House winners will be
rewarded with a mufti day in the following term.


Girls transfer at the end of Year 6. The majority of Falcons Girls sit the London Day School or Country
Boarding 11+ examinations for Year 7 entry.

The 11+ process is introduced at a meeting with the Headmistress for all parents in the Summer
term of Year 4. This is followed up with initial individual meetings for all pupils with the
Headmistress and Upper School Lead. Parents are then invited to meet with the Headmistress,
Upper School Lead and Year 5 teachers in the Spring term of Year 5. This will be a more in depth
meeting to discuss the senior schools which will best meet your daughter’s learning needs and
future development. During this meeting we will discuss which schools you are looking at, and
advise you on your next steps. We do encourage you to do some research and narrow your options
before this meeting.


Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities are taught alongside their peers and every
effort will be made to support this placement by adapting the curriculum, allocating additional help
and supporting parents in order that their child can access school life as fully as possible.

Pupils who are learning English as an additional language are taught with their peers from time of
entry to school. They are supported in class by our SENCO.

Full access to the curriculum is provided through the deployment of internal staff who are constantly
updating their professional training, with support from outside specialists.

Physical Access
All classes are accessed via stairs. We have no lift. There are handrails on all stairs.


Homework Diary
Pupils are provided with a homework diary in which any notes for the teacher should be written,
such as a change in collection arrangements, lost uniform, request for absence from games, etc.

Open Door
Peregrines Nursery School and Falcons School for Girls encourages parents to be active partners. We
operate an ‘open door’ policy: class teachers are available briefly after school, or you can book an
appointment through the school office, or via your child’s homework diary. Please note that
teachers are not available between 8.20 -8.50 am as they are busy settling the class for the day

Parent Communication by Email
Peregrines Nursery School and Falcons School for Girls recognises that email is a valuable
communication tool that is widely used by all sections of society. We are happy to receive parental
emails and will reply as soon as possible.


Parents are provided with a term calendar during the first week of each term.

The Swoop
On Fridays we send out The Swoop, a weekly newsletter which keeps parents updated about the
exciting learning taking place each week and gives information about forthcoming events.

Urgent Messages
Urgent messages and reminders are sent via the In Touch system, which parents receive to an email
address specified on the parental contact details forms.

Social Media
The school has an Instagram account and Facebook page: @falconsschoolforgirlsputney. Both
platforms can be followed by all parents for daily updates on activities taking place at school. We ask
that parents do not share photos of pupils on any form of social media. Please also note that parent
views expressed on social media are not the views of the school.

We advise parents to use social media platforms wisely and communicate / engage upon them with
due care and caution in regard to their own privacy and personal details. We will never ask for
personal or sensitive information through social media platforms and encourage parents wishing to
discuss sensitive issues to contact the school through the primary communication channels such as
by telephone or email.

Whatsapp Groups
Many of the classes have their own Whatsapp groups set up by the parents for the parents. These
are not run by the school and parent views expressed in these groups are not the views of the
school. Parents with concerns regarding their child should contact the school in the first instance.


Please inform us when the education we provide exceeds your expectations. We particularly like to
know about any member of staff who ‘goes the extra mile’.

If you have any concerns, please let us know straight away. In the first instance, where possible
contact your child’s class teacher. In the vast majority of cases, the matter will be resolved
immediately to your satisfaction. If the class teacher cannot resolve the matter alone, it may be
necessary for them to consult a member of the Senior Leadership Team.

If parents or pupils do have a complaint, the school will treat it in accordance with the policy and
procedures detailed in our ‘Complaints Policy and Procedure’. A copy of this procedure is available
from the school website, in hard copy from the school office or from the Head Office of Alpha Plus

Responding to complaints will be given the highest priority by the school.


Falcons School for Girls is committed to working in partnership with parents and carers.

Parents and Friends Association
Peregrines Nursery School and Falcons School for Girls has an active Parents and Friends Association

The PFA runs events over the course of the school year, including a Christmas Disco, a Quiz Night
and the Summer Fair. These events raise money for the school’s chosen charities and extra
equipment or activities for the pupils (over and above that which the school would be expected to
provide from fees). Previous PFA purchases have included a climbing frame and the school
Each year group has a PFA Representative whose role is to:
 encourage parent involvement in all aspects of school life;
 prepare class lists with contact details;
 liaise with parents in their year group;
 commit to helping run fundraising events;
 support the school’s Parent workshop events.
Further information about the PFA can be found on their website:


Up-to-date fee information can be found on our school website.

Payment of Fees
You will receive your termly invoice before the start of each term. Payment is due before the first
day of term.

The first payment of fees is by BACS transfer. After this initial payment, payment is by direct debit.
Parents are asked to complete and sign the Direct Debit Mandate form (included in the admissions
pack) and return it to the Bursar.

The direct debits are taken termly during the first full week of each term. The amount due will be
clearly stated on your invoice, which will be forwarded to you at the end of the preceding term.
Once completed, the direct debit remains in place for the duration of your child’s education at
Peregrines Nursery School or Falcons School for Girls.

Leaving Peregrines Nursery School and Falcons School for Girls
It is necessary to give a full term’s notice in writing if you wish your child to leave before the end of
Year 6.

As per the terms and conditions that you have signed on acceptance of the place, if a full term’s
notice in writing is not given then parents are liable for the following term’s fees and will lose their

Sibling discounts
We offer a 20% reduction on the eldest child’s fees for families with three children concurrently at
any school within the Falcons group.

Scholarships and Bursaries

Academic Scholarships
We are pleased to be able to offer scholarships to girls in Year 4 which last throughout the pupil’s
time at the school. These are academic scholarships of up to 25% fee remission. The scholarship
assessments take place at the end of the Spring term and are open to internal and external
candidates in Year 3. Pupils will be expected to sit a Maths paper, English comprehension paper and
take part in a 10 minute interview.

Music Scholarship
Pupils are given the opportunity to apply for a Music Scholarship in the Spring Term of Year 3. The
scholarship is open to both internal and external candidates and will begin in the following
September after the pupil’s audition. The scholarship will last throughout the pupil’s time at the
school. The scholarship will be available to String or Woodwind players. Singers may also apply but
must be willing to take up a second instrument offered by the school should they receive the

Music Scholars will be expected to maintain good progress on their instrument, ideally a grade per
year and contribute to the musical life of the school through participation in ensembles, performing
at concerts and being a positive role model for the department. By the time the child reaches Year 6
they should be playing at Grade 5 level, in line with the music scholarship requirements at 11+ in
many senior schools.

The music scholar will receive a 20% fee remission and free instrumental lessons on their first
instrument throughout their time at Falcons School for Girls.

The Scholarship assessment day takes place in the Spring Term.

To register your interest in applying for either an Academic or Music Scholarship please contact the
Head of Admissions at

Bursaries are available from the Alpha Plus Group’s charity partner, the Gold Standard Charitable
Trust. These are awarded on a purely means tested basis and can be up to a 100% fee reduction. All
applications for bursaries must be endorsed by the Headmistress and the awards are reviewed on a
termly basis. Applications for bursaries must be received by 1st February at the latest to begin in the
following academic year. For more information regarding bursaries please contact the Head of
Admissions, in the first instance.


Although the information contained in the Parent Handbook is correct at time of printing, there
could be changes affecting any of the matters dealt with in the document -

(a) before the commencement or during the course of the school year in question.

(b) in relation to subsequent school years.

The information provided in the Falcons School for Girls Parents’ Handbook is available on the school

Availability of Policies
All of our policies are available on our website and by request as a hard copy from the School Office.

Use of pupil images
On admission to the school you will be asked to complete a form which will allow you to notify the
school of your wishes with regards to the use of photos/video clips or your child’s name.
Parents who accept a place for their child at Peregrines Nursery School and Falcons School for Girls
are invited to agree to the school using anonymous photographs of their child and information
relating to their child’s achievements for promotional purposes, which may be published in the
prospectus, on the website or on social media, as well as displayed within the premises and in
newsletters sent to the school community.

A consent form that we use for this purpose will need to be completed. This is part of the admissions
pack that you will have completed prior to your child starting at Peregrines Nursery or Falcons
School for Girls.

We will only use images of our pupils for the following purposes:
        • Internal displays (including clips of moving images) on whiteboards and conventional
            notice boards within the school premises.
        • Communications with the school community (parents, pupils, staff, Governors) on the
            school’s website, weekly newsletter, ‘The Swoop’ and through the school magazine.
        • Marketing the school both digitally by website, by social media, by prospectus, by
            displays at educational fairs and other marketing functions and by other means.

The images we use for displays and communications purposes never identify an individual pupil. We
only use images of school activities, such as plays, concerts, sporting fixtures, prize-giving, school
trips etc. in their proper context. We never use any image that might embarrass or humiliate a pupil.
Pupils are always properly supervised when professional photographers visit the school.

It is essential that you complete and return the media permission consent form so that we are aware
of where we can use images. Please refer to the Photos and Images Policy for further information.

Visitor Procedure
All visitors must report to the School Office at Number 11 Woodborough Road. They are asked to
sign in and wear a printed label with their photograph.

Mobile Phones
Mobile phones should not be used on the premises.

Peregrines Nursery School and Falcons School for Girls
               11 Woodborough Road
                     SW15 6PY

             Telephone: 020 8992 5189
       School website:
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