PARENT INFORMATION BOOK - Castlemaine Primary School

Page created by Ted Johnson
PARENT INFORMATION BOOK - Castlemaine Primary School
[PARENT INFORMATION BOOK                                                            Castlemaine PS 0119

Parent Information Book                               Welcome to Castlemaine Primary School.

                      Calendar for Year 2021

          January                      February                       March
Mo   Tu   We    Th Fr Sa Su     Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa      Su    Mo   Tu We Th Fr Sa          Su
                   1 2 3         1  2  3  4 5 6         7     1    2  3  4 5 6             7
 4    5   6      7 8 9 10        8  9 10 11 12 13      14     8    9 10 11 12 13          14
11   12   13    14 15 16 17     15 16 17 18 19 20      21    15   16 17 18 19 20          21
18   19   20    21 22 23 24     22 23 24 25 26 27      28    22   23 24 25 26 27          28
25   26   27    28 29 30 31                                  29   30 31

           April                         May                           June
Mo   Tu   We    Th Fr Sa   Su   Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa      Su    Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa            Su
                 1 2 3      4                   1       2        1  2  3 4 5               6
 5    6   7      8 9 10    11    3  4  5  6 7 8         9     7  8  9 10 11 12            13
12   13   14    15 16 17   18   10 11 12 13 14 15      16    14 15 16 17 18 19            20
19   20   21    22 23 24   25   17 18 19 20 21 22      23    21 22 23 24 25 26            27
26   27   28    29 30           24 25 26 27 28 29      30    28 29 30

               July                     August                     September
Mo   Tu   We    Th Fr Sa   Su   Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su         Mo Tu We     Th   Fr    Sa   Su
                 1 2 3      4                      1                1      2    3     4    5
 5    6   7      8 9 10    11    2  3  4  5 6 7 8             6  7  8      9   10    11   12
12   13   14    15 16 17   18    9 10 11 12 13 14 15         13 14 15     16   17    18   19
19   20   21    22 23 24   25   16 17 18 19 20 21 22         20 21 22     23   24    25   26
26   27   28    29 30 31        23 24 25 26 27 28 29         27 28 29     30
                                30 31

          October                     November                      December
Mo   Tu   We    Th Fr Sa Su     Mo   Tu We Th Fr Sa    Su    Mo Tu We     Th   Fr    Sa   Su
                   1 2 3         1    2  3  4 5 6       7           1      2    3     4    5
 4    5   6      7 8 9 10        8    9 10 11 12 13    14     6  7  8      9   10    11   12
11   12   13    14 15 16 17     15   16 17 18 19 20    21    13 14 15     16   17    18   19
18   19   20    21 22 23 24     22   23 24 25 26 27    28    20 21 22     23   24    25   26
25   26   27    28 29 30 31     29   30                      27 28 29     30   31

                                            4 days p.a. dates TBC in newsletter
[PARENT INFORMATION BOOK                                                                  Castlemaine PS 0119

On behalf of the teachers of Castlemaine Primary School we      TERM DATES FOR STUDENTS
welcome you and your child to our school community.             See the calendar on page 1. Please note that there is a
This booklet is intended to give you an overview of the         staggered start in term 1 with prep children commencing
operations of the school and hopefully answer the more          classes on Thursday 28th January at 8.50am
common questions parents may have.
                                                                STUDENT FREE DAYS (Curriculum Days)
At school, we build on the foundations laid by parents in the   The department provides schools with 4 student free days
early years, and starting school can be both an exciting and    per year for schools to use for administration, planning and
anxious time for parents and children so it is important that   professional development activities. Students are not
home and school maintain close contact.                         required at school on these days. Parents should make
                                                                arrangements for the care of children on these days. These
We have highly qualified, caring and dedicated teachers, well   days will be provided in advance to parents via the school
equipped to create appropriate learning environments for        newsletter.
children. School programs aim to cater for the many
differences in children – academically, socially, emotionally
and physically – and to challenge them to do their best.
                                                                SCHOOL TIMES
                                                                  8.35 am    Yard duty commences
If you don’t find the information you are seeking in these
pages, please contact the school. We look forward to a long       8.50 am    1st learning block
and successful association with your family.                                 Children should be in class and ready to learn
                                                                             at 8.50am.
Peter McConnell                                                              Parents should ensure their child is at school
Principal                                                                    @ 5-10minutes before the 8.50am bell.
                                                                 10.50 am    1st recess
                                                                             Includes supervised eating time in class or on
Address:          Corner Mostyn and Urquhart Streets.
                                                                 11.30 am    2nd learning block
                  Castlemaine. Victoria. 3450.
Telephone:        5472 1452
Facsimile:        5470 5052                                       1.30 pm    2nd Recess
Email Address:                          Includes supervised eating time in class or on
Website:                       decking.
                                                                  2.20 pm    3rd learning block
2020 STAFF
                                                                  3.20 pm    Students dismissed
 PRINCIPAL       Peter McConnell
                                                                             Yard duty commences
                                                                  3.35 pm    Yard duty ceases
 BUSINESS        Joanne Martin (Mon-Thu)
                                                                             Children not collected by this time will be
 MANAGERS        Sally Douglas (Fri)
                                                                             brought to the office and may be placed in
                                                                             Out of School Hours Care Program. Parents
 EDUCATION       Judy Cawthan
                                                                             will be responsible for any costs incurred.
 SUPPORT         Jan Hull
                                                                Supervision times are between 8.35am and 3.35pm. No
                                                                supervision is available outside these times. If parents
 CLASS           Amaya Osbourn-Macpherson
                                                                require additional supervision of their children, the YMCA
 TEACHERS        Kristie Conn (Mon, Tues)
                                                                operates an after school care program. See Out of School
                 Megan Butler (Wed – Fri)
                                                                Hours Care Program).
                 Rachel Harvey
                 Brianna Brown (Mon, Tues)
                 Kate Ward (Wed, Thurs, Fri)
                 Joshua Ball
                 Demy Pye
                 Jessica Cox
                 Juliet Jeffreys
[PARENT INFORMATION BOOK                                          Castlemaine PS 0119

                           SCHOOLING DURING THE COVID-19

                           At the time of writing, all Victorian
                           schools are subject to restrictions as a
                           result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

                           The Victorian Chief health Officer
                           advises the government on the most
                           appropriate strategies for managing
                           this outbreak. Schools may be
                           impacted by restrictions during 2020
                           and possibly extending into 2021.

                           As these restrictions can change
                           significantly depending on state/local
                           circumstances, all parents are advised
                           to regularly check the school
                           newsletter for updates on school
[PARENT INFORMATION BOOK                                                                  Castlemaine PS 0119

If your child is absent from school a note outlining the reason   BICYCLES, SKATEBOARDS AND SCOOTERS
for that absence must be provided. (DET requirement). An          The riding of bicycles, roller skates, skateboards or scooters
absence note can be written and signed by the parent and          in the school grounds is not permitted. Children should
deposited in the letterbox located in the administration          dismount bicycles at gates and walk these directly to the bike
office.                                                           racks. Bicycles are the responsibility of the owner and should
                                                                  be locked using a chain and lock to prevent theft. Children
ALLERGIES AND ANAPHYLAXIS                                         are not permitted to handle or interfere in any way with a
                                                                  bicycle belonging to another person.
We currently have a number of children who have allergies
to certain foods including one child who can have an
                                                                  Each year children in grades 3-6 participate in a Bike
anaphylactic reaction to nuts and eggs. It is extremely
                                                                  Education Safety Program (usually term 4). Staff take
difficult to avoid potentially harmful food products coming
                                                                  children through a series of safety and skills lessons. Parents
into the school so the best approach is to ensure community
                                                                  will be notified of these programs through the school
members are aware of what foods can be dangerous to
                                                                  newsletter and notices from your class teacher. Participation
others, and ensure that children understand the importance
                                                                  is subject to appropriate conduct. Children must have a
of good hygiene as a way to minimise the risk to those
                                                                  roadworthy helmet and bike to participate.
children with allergies.
                                                                  BOOK CLUB
We can all support these children and minimise their risk of      Your child will have the opportunity to buy books through
exposure to egg and nut products by:                              the Ashton Scholastic Book Club at regular intervals during
 Good hygiene practices: teach your child to wash their          the year. When offers are made by this club, details will be
    face and hands with soap and water. This is critical if       included in the school's Newsletter.
    your child has eaten or handled eggs and/or nut
    products.                                                     BUSHFIRE SEASON – SCHOOL PROCEDURES FOR CODE RED
 Help your children become more familiar with the                DAYS
    contents of various foods they may have in their lunch        Fire danger ratings and warnings are used in Victoria to
    boxes. If certain foods have nuts or egg in them, if this     provide clear direction on the safest options for preserving
    is known to the teacher and child, they can then take         life.
    appropriate steps to ensure the risk to others is
    minimised.                                                    SCHOOLS AND CHILDREN’S SERVICES LISTED ON THE DET
                                                                  BUSHFIRE AT-RISK REGISTER (BARR) WILL BE CLOSED WHEN
 Choose foods which do not contain eggs or nuts where
                                                                  A CODE RED FIRE DANGER RATING DAY IS DETERMINED IN
                                                                  THEIR BUREAU OF METEOROLOGY DISTRICT.
     Avoid peanut butter at school. This product, more than
      any other, can stick to hands and faces and be left on      Castlemaine Primary School has been identified as being
      objects touched by children. Please don’t send peanut       one of those at high bushfire risk and is listed on the BARR.
      butter food items to school.
                                                                  BUSHFIRE SEASON –NOTIFICATION OF CLOSURES
Anaphylactic reactions can be life threatening.                   Where possible, we will
                                                                  provide parents with up
                                                                  to four days notice of a
                                                                  potential Code Red day
There is no need to provide an art smock as the school has
class sets of art smocks which all children should wear during    closure by letter and via
                                                                  our Compass school app.
art sessions involving paint, glue, etc.
                                                                  Once we are advised of the confirmation of the Code Red day
                                                                  we will provide you with advice via the Compass app and a
Assemblies are a time to celebrate achievements and come
                                                                  hardcopy notice provided to the oldest child in the family (if
together as a school community. Whole school assemblies
                                                                  time permits this).
take place each Monday at 2.50pm. These assemblies are
organised and hosted by the senior students, and showcase
                                                                  Once confirmed, the decision to close will not change,
a different class and their work each week.
                                                                  regardless of changes in the weather forecast. This is to
                                                                  avoid confusion and help your family plan alternative care
Generally each class will present at an assembly once per
term. The newsletter will list the date each class will be        arrangements for your child.
presenting at the weekly assembly. Parents of that class are
                                                                  It is important to note that:
welcome to attend the assembly. NOTE: Preps do not
conduct an assembly in term 1.                                     No staff will be on site on days where the school is closed
                                                                    due to a forecast Code Red day.
[PARENT INFORMATION BOOK                                                                     Castlemaine PS 0119

 Out-of-school-hours care will also be cancelled on these
 School camps will be cancelled if a Code Red fire danger        Who makes the decision to close a school or children's
  rating day is determined for the Bureau of Meteorology          service?
  district in which the camp is located.                          The decision to pre-emptively close schools and children's
 Depending on which Bureau of Meteorology district is            services is made by the Department, based on a Code Red
  impacted, bus route cancellations will affect our school.       day being determined by the Emergency Management
On these Code Red days families are encouraged to enact
their Bushfire Survival Plan – on such days children should       How will I know if my school or children's service is likely to
never be left at home or in the care of older children.           close this fire season?
For those of us living in a bushfire prone area, the CFA advise   Schools and children's services considered to be at risk have
that when Code Red days are forecast, the safest option is to     been included on the Department’s Bushfire At-Risk Register
leave the night before or early on the morning of the Code        and informed of their status on the Register. Further
Red day.                                                          information on the Register is available from this website.

WHAT CAN PARENTS DO?                                              How much notice will I have if my school or children's
 DOWNLOAD THE COMPASS APP so that you can receive                service is going to be closed?
  updates on closures and emergency management.                   It is intended that families will be provided with as much
                                                                  notice as possible of a planned closure. However, if
                                                                  unexpected weather patterns are experienced, closures may
  UP-TO-DATE and includes alternative care arrangements           happen at short notice.
  in the event that our school is closed.
 ENSURE WE HAVE YOUR CURRENT CONTACT DETAILS,                    The final decision to close a school or children's service will
  including your mobile phone numbers. Keep in touch with         be confirmed no later than 1.00pm the day before the
  us by reading our newsletters, and by talking to your child’s   planned closure. Schools and children's services are
                                                                  expected to communicate planned closures to families.
  teacher or any other member of the teaching staff about
  our emergency management plan.                                  Families are encouraged to ensure that their bushfire
 Most importantly at this time of year, if you’re planning a     survival plan always includes alternative care arrangements
  holiday or short stay in the bush or in a coastal area, you     for children in the event of a planned closure. No child
  should check warnings in advance of travel and remain           should be left at home alone or under the supervision of
  vigilant during your stay.                                      older children.
 If your child is old enough, talk to them about bushfires and
                                                                  Who will tell me that my school, kindergarten, or child care
  your family’s bushfire survival plan.                           centre will be closed?
 You can access more information about children’s                You will be directly advised by your school or children's
  services closures on the Department of Education and            service. Information will also be published on this website.
  Early Childhood Development website – see           What happens if the forecast changes?
  /pages/closures.aspx                                            If the Bureau of Meteorology downgrades the risk forecast
                                                                  in the days leading-up to a planned closure, the closure will
 For up-to-date information on this year’s fire season, visit
                                                                  still go ahead to avoid confusion.
  the CFA website at or call the 24-hour
  Victorian Bushfires Information Line on 1800 240 667.           The final decision to pre-emptively close a school or
                                                                  children’s service will be confirmed no later than 1.00pm the
CODE RED DAY FAQ                                                  day before the planned closure. Once the decision to close
What is a planned closure?                                        has been confirmed, there will be no change – regardless of
Schools and education and care services (children's services)     improvements to the weather conditions the following
identified as being at the greatest risk of bushfires will be     afternoon or overnight. This will help limit confusion and
pre-emptively closed on days determined by the Emergency          provide time for parents and guardians to make alternative
Management Commissioner as having a Code Red Fire                 care arrangements for their children.
Danger Rating.
                                                                  What should my school-age child do if their school is
Why are we pre-emptively closing schools and children's           closed?
services?                                                         Families are encouraged to ensure that their bushfire
The Department’s priority is the safety of its staff, students    survival plans include alternative care arrangements for
and children. On a Code Red day all facilities on the             children in the event of a planned closure. Given the
Department’s Bushfire At-Risk Register will be closed.            expected severity of the weather conditions, children should
[PARENT INFORMATION BOOK                                                                      Castlemaine PS 0119

not be left unattended or under the supervision of older           Register that enter high-risk areas will be pre-emptively
children.                                                          closed as well.

Is it likely that my school or children's service will be closed   Will school off-site activities (e.g. camps and excursions)
for consecutive days? If yes, how will I know?                     continue to operate on high-bushfire risk days? What
It is possible that schools and children's services will be        happens if my child’s off-site activity is threatened by fire?
closed for consecutive days. Information about ongoing             Yes, off-site activities will continue throughout the year as
closures will be published on the Department’s closures            they are an important part of school programs. However, off-
page. Where possible, schools and children's services will         site activities in high bushfire risk areas affected by a
contact families directly to confirm their ongoing closure(s).     predicted Code Red day will be cancelled or rescheduled.
                                                                   Your school will assess the likely threat of fire when
To get warnings and find out what’s happening, listen to ABC       organising off-site activities during the summer fire season.
local radio, call the Victorian Bushfire Information Line on       If an off-site activity is threatened by fire, your school will
1800 240 667, go to, and/or check the               enact its emergency management plan.
FireReady telephone application.
                                                                   What have schools and children's services on the
On average, how many days does the government predict              Department’s Bushfire At-Risk Register done to prepare for
that schools and children's services will need to close due        the summer fire season?
to Code Red days?                                                  Schools and children's services on the Department’s Bushfire
While we cannot predict the exact number of days, it should        At-Risk Register have:
be noted that there has not been a determined Code Red              Reviewed and updated their emergency management
day since January 2010.                                                plans and submitted them to their region
                                                                    Held staff training sessions and drills with students and
When my school or children's service is closed, will any staff         children
remain on site?                                                     Been offered training in emergency management
No. The safety of staff and children is our main priority.             planning
Schools and children's services have been advised that no-          Undertaken works, where required, around their
one is to remain on site when their facility is closed due to          facilities to manage vegetation
high-bushfire danger risk.
                                                                   What else can I do?
Will there be times when my school is closed but another           • Ensure that your school or children's service has your
school not far away remains open?                                  current emergency contact details
Yes. If your school is on the Bushfire At-Risk Register then it    • Review and update your family bushfire survival plan
will close on Code Red fire danger days. Schools not far away      • Keep in touch with your facility
may remain open because they are not on the Bushfire At-           • Look out for more information about activities your local
Risk Register.                                                     community is planning
                                                                   • Go to or call 1800 240 667 for more
Does this also apply to children's services?                       information
Children's services that are on the Bushfire At-Risk Register
are required to close on Code Red fire danger days. However        COMMUNICATION WITH YOUR TEACHER
because such services are not owned or managed by the              Communication between parents and the school is very
Department they may also decide to close on other high-risk        important to enable staff to act in the best interests of our
days. Services are expected to advise all affected families of     children. Parents should remember that schools are work
such decisions.                                                    environments for teachers and students and trying to talk
                                                                   with a teacher prior to classes commencing at 8.50am is not
Can I keep my child away if I’m concerned about the risk of        an appropriate time as the teacher will be heavily involved
fires - even if my school or children's service remains open?      in preparation for classes and supervision of their students.
Yes. If your family decides to enact its bushfire survival plan,
the most appropriate place for your child may be with you          The best time to talk with a teacher is after 3.20pm when
and your family, and not at school or in child care. You must      the teacher is likely to have more time to discuss matters.
advise your school or childcare provider as soon as possible       Often a short note can provide your teacher with
of your child’s absence.                                           information they may need about your child, otherwise it is
                                                                   best to contact your teacher or the office and make a time
                                                                   to meet. It is appropriate to indicate what you would like to
My child travels by bus to school. Will bus routes be closed       discuss so that any information can be gathered prior to the
on Code Red days?                                                  meeting if required.
Similar to Code Red facilities that pre-emptively close on
determined Code Red days, bus routes servicing these
schools will also be cancelled on Code Red days. Bus routes
from schools not on the Department’s Bushfire At-Risk
[PARENT INFORMATION BOOK                                                                     Castlemaine PS 0119

EARLY YEARS LITERACY PROGRAM                                        Please contact the school office if you have any other
The Early Years Literacy Program focuses on a strategic,            queries.
balanced and comprehensive approach to Literacy. The key
features of this program are:                                       EXCURSIONS
 Focused two hours of literacy per day.                            Excursions are an important part of the school program and
     A balanced mix of reading, writing, speaking and              begin in the Prep year. Experiences such as those listed
      listening tasks;                                              above form the basis for work done in the classroom prior
                                                                    and following the excursion undertaken.
     Regular monitoring of student progress; and
                                                                    Participation in camps, excursions or other school activities
     Targeted assistance for students requiring extra              is conditional on:
      support.                                                       A signed permission form returned to the school by the
                                                                         legal parent or guardian.
EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT                                                 Full payment prior to the activity commencing.
The Department of Education and Early Childhood                      Appropriate and reliable behaviour by the child.
Development (DET) aims to ensure a safe and secure                       Children who are considered a potential risk to
environment for all children, staff and volunteers who work              themselves or others will be refused permission to
or participate in schools. Every facility in Victoria is required        attend camps and excursions.
to have an Emergency Management Plan (EMP). The
purpose of the EMP is to:                                           GARDEN CLUB
                                                                    Each week we conduct a garden club at recess time. The club
     Provide a considered response to emergencies and              is run by parent volunteers and so is dependent on their
      critical incidents                                            availability. The club is open to all comers.
     Minimise the impact of these events on children and
      young people, staff, volunteers and visitors                  HEAD LICE
     Facilitate the return of the workplace to normal              Headlice can be a common problem where ever young
      operations as soon as possible; and                           children gather together. Head lice can be transferred from
     Provide staff with the tools that, if faced with an           one child to another quite easily. If a child is found to have
      emergency situation, will enable them to cope.                live head lice, parents are notified to collect their children
                                                                    from school. The child can return to school once an approved
Effective planning and management of emergencies helps              treatment has commenced.
minimise trauma and distress to those within the facilities
and allows teaching, learning and care services to be               Two treatment options are available:
maintained or resumed as a priority.                                1. Chemical shampoo purchased from a chemist. It is
Natural disasters such as floods, fires and storms can strike a          important to note that the chemical treatment DOES
community with little or no warning. Children and young                  NOT necessarily kill all lice or eggs and follow up
people rely on and find great comfort in the adults who                  treatments will be required.
protect them. Staff must therefore know how to help them            2. Comb and conditioner method of removing headlice
through an emergency and support their recovery.                         and eggs. This is more time consuming but a safer option
                                                                         for the child.
In the event of a critical incident occurring during school         In each case, a special nit comb purchased from the chemist
hours, the EMP will be implemented. Notification to parents         must be used.
will be through the Compass school app. Parents are strongly
advised that coming to the school during an emergency               A common complaint we hear at school is that a child was
event could disrupt and interfere with the implementation           ‘treated’ and then returned to school and was again infected
of the EMP and the delivery of support by the appropriate           with headlice. While this is possible, it is highly unlikely that
emergency services. Parents will be updated through the             all eggs or lice will be removed in one treatment, as a result
compass app and advised when it is safe to collect their            missed eggs can hatch out ‘reinfecting’ your child. It is
children.                                                           necessary to re-treat for headlice repeatedly over several
                                                                    weeks until all signs of headlice/nits are gone.
To complete the enrolment requirements of the Department            To minimise infestation by head lice:
of Education, Employment and Training the following forms           1. Tie long hair back each school day (this includes boys).
and information are required by the School Office –                 2. Be vigilant and check your child’s hair regularly at home.
·   Enrolment form – completed and signed                           3. If you find signs of infestation, treat your child as soon
·   Immunisation Form                                                   as possible.
·   Local Excursion form                                            4. Contact the school to inform us so that we can notify all
·   Uniform Order                                                       parents through the newsletter that head lice are in the
·   Copy of birth certificate                                           school, and encourage them to take quick action.
·   Asthma Management Form (if required)
[PARENT INFORMATION BOOK                                                                      Castlemaine PS 0119

Further information and advice can be sought from the                 Scarlet Fever - Until medical certificate of recovery is
following     website:     Scratching     for     answers              produced.              Tuberculosis - Until a medical certificate is produced
diseases/disease-information-advice/head-lice                          stating that the patient is no longer infectious.
                                                                      Viral Hepatitis - Until a medical certificate of recovery is
NOTE: Management of all aspects of your child’s health is a            produced or where no medical certificate is available
parental responsibility. The school is required to follow              the child may be re-admitted on subsidence of
health regulations in relation to all infectious diseases and          symptoms provided that at least seven days have
health risks which means that students will be excluded                passed since the onset of jaundice.
from school in accordance with health regulations.                    Whooping Cough - Excluded for 4 weeks or until a
                                                                       medical certificate of recovery is produced.
There is an expectation that all children read every night at      INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT)
each grade level. From time to time classroom teachers set         We have an ICT rich school with a 1 to 1 Netbook program
homework tasks such as spelling, maths, research or project        for Years 3 - 6. The 1 to 1 technology program means that
work. If you or your child are unsure of the expectations in       each child has a Netbook (a small Notebook computer)
relation to a homework task, please contact your class             which is available for school use. Students have access to the
teacher for clarification.                                         internet to support their learning. All other classrooms have
                                                                   access to netbooks or tablets.
IMMUNIZATION CERTIFICATES                                          Interactive screens are used by teachers and students during
The provision of a School Entry Immunization Certificate is a      whole class instruction or small group work. We also use
Department of Education requirement. These certificates            digital cameras to record what students are doing (still
can be obtained from the Australian Childhood                      photos or video).
Immunisation Register (ph: 1800 653 809) or from any               The cost of infrastructure, maintenance and management of
Medicare office.                                                   ICT in schools is significant. Students have access to the
                                                                   technology on the condition that they use it appropriately at
INFECTIOUS DISEASES                                                all times. Cyber bullying, or the use of technology to harass
Infections can spread quickly at school. Some illnesses can        or attack/insult others is a serious offence and may incur
have serious after effects, accordingly, the School Medical        disciplinary action.
Service exclusion list must be followed. If your child does not
have a full immunisation certificate, they may be excluded         INQUIRY LEARNING
from school for the duration of an infectious disease              Learning should be based around student's questions.
outbreak.                                                          Students work together to solve problems rather than
 Chicken Pox - For at least 7 days after the beginning of         receiving direct instructions on what to do from the teacher.
     the illness and until the last lesion has healed.             The teacher's job in an inquiry learning environment is
 Conjunctivitis - Until discharge from eyes has stopped.          therefore not to provide knowledge, but instead to help
 Diphtheria - Until 2 negative swab tests have been               students along the process of discovering knowledge
     received at intervals of not less than 48 hours - the first   themselves.
     swab taken 72 hours after cessation of antibiotics or
     chemotherapeutic agents.                                      'Inquiry-based learning is a student centred or active
 Head Lice - Students are to be withdrawn from school             learning approach that takes as its starting point the natural
     until appropriate treatment (ie. lotion applied) has been     process of inquiry, building on this to develop information
     administered.                                                 processing and problem-solving skills. The focus is on 'how
 Impetigo (School Sores) - Until sores have fully healed.         we know' rather than 'what we know', with students actively
     Child may be permitted to return provided appropriate         involved in the construction of their own knowledge'.
     treatment is being applied and that sores are properly
     covered with occlusive dressings.                             LATENESS
 Measles - For at least 7 days from the appearance of the         Family life can be very busy – especially in the morning when
     rash or until a medical certificate of recovery is            getting children ready for school. Good routines, plenty of
     produced.                                                     rest are crucial in getting everyone to school on time.
 Mumps - Until fully recovered.                                   Occasionally things don’t go according to plan and, despite
 Ringworm - Until appropriate treatment has                       the best efforts, you may arrive late to school. If so, please
     commenced unless ordered by the School Medical                sign your child in at the office before taking them to class.
 Rubella (German Measles) - Until fully recovered and at          If however lateness is becoming a habit, it is a sign that the
     least 4 days have passed since the appearance of the          morning routines and planning need to be reviewed.
 Scabies - Until appropriate treatment has commenced              Please consider that the class teacher and students are
     unless ordered by School Medical Officer.                     already at work when you arrive and it is not appropriate
                                                                   to interrupt classes to discuss matters with the class
[PARENT INFORMATION BOOK                                                                       Castlemaine PS 0119

teacher at that time. Please respect the work of students          LUNCH AND THE SCHOOL TIMETABLE
and teachers and try to minimise disruption during classes         The school is operating a timetable which provides two
as much as possible.                                               recess times through the day. These are at 10.50am and
                                                                   1.30pm. These times may not fit into the ‘traditional’ lunch
LATE ARRIVAL OR EARLY DEPARTURES                                   break times so we encourage parents to provide two
The Sign In/Out Book is located in the Administration Office.      reasonable size snacks or meals for their child rather than
Parents must sign in if they bring their child to school after     the traditional small morning snack and lunch meal.
8.50am, and sign out if taking their child before 3.20pm. This
enables staff to track and monitor changes to attendance           Parents should monitor their child’s food habits and adjust
throughout the day. This is a legal requirement and it is          these meals accordingly until they have struck the ‘balance’
critical to enable staff to account for all people in the school   needed for their child. We find that younger children can
in the event of an emergency.                                      take a long time to eat a meal as they can be easily distracted
PLEASE ENSURE YOU USE THIS PROCEDURE IF COMING                     from the task. The allotted time frame is @ 10 minutes of
LATE OR LEAVING EARLY.                                             supervised eating time. Parents can assist us by preparing
                                                                   lunchboxes with well prepared food and containers that are
LIBRARY BAGS                                                       easily and independently manageable by your child.
Children are encouraged to bring along a library bag before
books are borrowed. Each child will have the opportunity to        While treats have a place in a child’s diet, it is important that
borrow from the school library each week. Borrowing is a           lunches are balanced and ensure good nutrition variety.
privilege and the borrower is responsible for the care and         Our school is a ‘bin free’ school yard and children are not
return of books borrowed.                                          permitted to take wrapped foods outside to play. Children
                                                                   are encouraged to place any wrappers back in the lunch box
LOST PROPERTY                                                      for disposal at home. Children are encouraged to bring ‘nude
Unnamed clothing which accumulates throughout the year             food’ which means food stored in reusable containers rather
will be put on display for identification and collection then      than plastic disposable wrappers.
any unclaimed clothing will be given to a charitable society
at the end of each term.                                           MEDICAL ISSUES
                                                                   Any children who have medical issues such as allergies,
A box containing lost property is located in the corridor          anaphylaxis, asthma, eczema etc. must provide a current
outside the office. Parents are encouraged to check for items      medical form. This provides staff with an appropriate care
their children have misplaced. Please name all items of            plan to be developed. Any changes to the child’s medical
clothing, drink bottles and lunch boxes.                           status must be communicated to the school as soon as
The school does not operate a daily canteen. Parents are           MEDICATION AT SCHOOL
encouraged to provide healthy snacks and lunches for their         (i) Any medicines sent to school should be brought to the
children. Children are not permitted to leave the school to        office and the parent must provide clear written
go to shops to purchase lunches.                                   instructions of times and dosage.
Once a fortnight, Parents Club conduct a special lunch day         (ii) As schools are not permitted to administer pain relief
providing a nutritious and tasty meal for a very reasonable        tablets to children, parents must complete a written note
price. These lunches are optional and children will be             and provide a tablet to school if they wish to have one
provided with order forms for special lunches.                     provided to their child.
                                                                   (iii) All tablets/medicine must be in the original
Students are supervised for @ 10minutes when eating                packaging/container.
meals. Some younger children can take significantly longer
than this (especially preps in term 1). Please assist children     MOBILE PHONES AT SCHOOL
with meals by providing foods which are easy for them to           The department of Education has introduced a state-wide
manage and eat. ‘Finger’ type foods are ideal for preps as         school mobile phone policy. ALL students who bring a mobile
they are easy to eat and to hold with little hands.                phone to school are required to present these to the office
                                                                   each morning for secure, safe storage. Phones can be
Children are encouraged to put uneaten food back in their          collected on departure. All schools are required to install
lunch boxes so that parents can monitor what their child eats      secure storage facilities for mobile phones.
each day. If you find your child (especially P-1 children) are
not eating a great deal through the day, this is not an            NOTE: No student is permitted to take photos or any other
uncommon occurrence. Please contact your class teacher to          recordings of others on school property. Parents should
discuss how we may be able to support your child with their        contact the school if they wish to speak with their child or
food.                                                              pass on a message as phones are required to be securely
                                                                   stored in the office.
[PARENT INFORMATION BOOK                                                                       Castlemaine PS 0119

MONEY AND NOTES                                                    activities throughout the year. These activities include
Money and notices should be deposited in the secure letter         special lunch days, the annual Christmas party, class parties,
box in the front office. All notes and money should be in a        fetes, support with transition programs and many other
sealed envelope together with the child's name, the                events. Meetings are held at the school usually two to three
amount of money and the activity on the front of the               times a term. New parents with an interest inactively
envelope.                                                          supporting the school are always very welcome. Meeting
Parents are encouraged to buy a box of envelopes at the            dates are advertised in the Newsletter.
start of the year so that notes and money can reach their
intended destination. Please be careful of some self-sealing       PERSONAL BELONGINGS/PRIVATE PROPERTY
envelopes as $2 coins can slip out the ends of the sealed          Parents, teachers and students are responsible for personal
areas.                                                             belongings brought to school. The school discourages
                                                                   students and parents from bringing personal belongings to
NOTE: The school takes no responsibility for loose money           school and they do so at their own risk. The department of
or notes left in classrooms, handed to teachers in passing         education does not cover the costs associated with lost,
in corridors, or left on counters. The correct procedure is to     stolen or damaged property in schools.
seal notes and money in an envelope with details on the            PERSONAL RECORDS
outside. The envelope can then be mailed into the secure           The school keeps confidential records for each child. It is
letter box located in the front office.                            essential that we be informed of any changes to a family
                                                                   situation. While this will assist us generally, it is particularly
MUSIC TUITION PROGRAM                                              helpful in emergencies or instances requiring sensitive
Private music tutors conduct individual or small group             judgement (e.g. custody). Such items as changes of address,
programs for students. These programs generally take place         telephone number, guardianship, emergency contacts etc.
during school times or after school hours. Costs associated        are important to the welfare and safety of your child. If your
with the music tuition program are paid directly to the music      contact details, emergency contact details or other
tutor. If you are interested in your child participating, please   information change, please ensure that you update these
contact the school for further information.                        details in writing with the office. All matters are treated with
Please label all items children bring or wear to school, e.g.      POLICY DOCUMENTS
lunch boxes, clothing, swimming gear, reader boxes etc. Lost       Policies around a range of issues that arise in schools are
property crate is located in the corridor outside the              developed to guide and support school operations. Local
staffroom. Other unclaimed items are sent to charitable            policies are developed and approved by school council.
organizations at the end of each term.                             Some other policies are developed by the department of
                                                                   education and operate in all schools.
NEWSLETTERS & NOTICES                                              These policies are periodically reviewed by council to ensure
The primary way in which the school disseminates                   they appropriately reflect practice across the school.
information to parents is through the weekly newsletter and        Our school website has a series of policies for parents to
Compass newsfeed. The newsletter is published on Friday on         refer to. Please go to:
the Compass school app. This significantly reduces the costs
associated with printing and distributing the newsletter and       PREP TRANSITION TO SCHOOL
makes it readily available to parents. If required, a hardcopy     Each year in term 3, all primary schools and kinders meet to
can be sent home on request.                                       develop the transition process between kinder and schools.
                                                                   Schools each conduct 3 transition sessions for kinder
From time to time, your child may also bring home a hard           children who will be attending the school the following year.
copy notice relating to activities in the school. Please watch     These are conducted in November and December each year.
for these. If you think you may have lost or mislaid a notice,     At these sessions children participate in a variety of hands-
please contact the office as spare copies are generally            on activities in the classroom setting. Parents are
available on request. Generally notices and reminders for          encouraged to depart for a short while to facilitate the
parents will be distributed via the Compass app. Parents are       development of relations between the child and teacher.
strongly encouraged to download the app to keep up to date
with information on events at the school.                          At Castlemaine Primary School, parents who have their first
                                                                   child attending school are encouraged to attend the parent
OUTSIDE SCHOOL HOURS CARE PROGRAM (OSHC)                           briefings operating concurrently with the children’s
This program is operated by the YMCA. Details and cost of          transition program. The parent program generally covers the
the program are available by contacting the YMCA in                following topics and is conducted over 3 sessions:
Bendigo or accessing the YMCA website.                             (i)       Introduction to the school and curriculum.
                                                                             Uniforms and ordering.
PARENTS COLLECTIVE                                                 (ii)      Preparing your child (and self) for school. School
Parents collective is an informal group of parents who                       fees.
provide positive support the school through various                (iii)     Managing anxiety and helping your child at school
[PARENT INFORMATION BOOK                                                                     Castlemaine PS 0119

                                                                  SCHOOL HOURS
Prep attendance in term 1: To help our new Prep children            8.35 am Yard duty commences
adjust and cope with the demands of longer school days and          8.50 am 1st learning block Children should be in class
more intense activities, their hours of attendance are                       and seated at 8.50am.
modified at the start of the year. During February, prep                     PLEASE ENSURE YOUR CHILD IS AT SCHOOL
children will not attend school each Wednesday. This rest                    AT LEAST 5 MINUTES BEFORE CLASSES
day in the middle of the week will assist with the transition                COMMENCE
from Kinder to longer hours and school routines.                       10.50 1st recess
                                                                         am Includes supervised eating time in class or on
Collecting prep children: Prep children should be collected                  decking.
after school from the asphalt area near their rooms. This is           11.30 2nd learning block
to ensure that your child leaves the school under adult                  am
supervision and learns to cross roads appropriately. Parents        1.30 pm 2nd Recess
are encouraged to collect children in this way during term                   Includes supervised eating time in class or on
1.                                                                           decking.
                                                                    2.20 pm 3rd learning block
REPORTING TO PARENTS                                                3.20 pm Students dismissed
Initial meetings with parents take place in term 1. This is an      3.35 pm Yard duty ceases
opportunity to meet with your child’s teacher and for you to                 Children not collected by this time will be
provide background or relevant information which may                         brought to the office and may be placed in Out
support your child’s learning and school experience. This                    of School Hours Care Program. Parents will be
meeting is not provided as a report to parents but an                        responsible for the costs incurred.
opportunity for parents to inform the class teacher about
their child.                                                      VARIATIONS TO REGULAR SCHOOL HOURS
Formal report meetings are held at the end of semester 2          End of Term dismissal – On the last day of each term,
(June). Parents will be provided with a time to meet with         students are dismissed earlier than the usual dismissal time
your child’s teacher to discuss their progress. Formal written    – usually 2.30pm unless otherwise notified. Please see the
reports are provided to parents twice a year at the end of        newsletter and Compass app for further details.
term 2 and term 4.
If a parent feels there is a need to meet with their teacher at   End of school year dismissal time – The last day of the school
any other time, please contact the office to make a mutual        year will have an earlier dismissal time. This can be as early
time to do so.                                                    as 1.15pm. The dismissal time at Castlemaine PS will be
                                                                  determined by the district school bus timetable on that day.
SCHOOL ENTRY IMMUNISATION CERTIFICATE                             Parents will be notified of the dismissal time through the
A school entry immunisation certificate is required               newsletter and Compass school app.
regardless of whether your child has been immunized or not.
This certificate is available from The Australian Childhood       Curriculum Days, or Student Free Days – The Department of
Immunisation Register (phone 1800 653 809) or at any              Education provides all schools with 4 of these days each
Medicare Office.                                                  year. These days are used for administration and
                                                                  professional development activities. Students are not
SCHOOL COUNCIL                                                    required on these days. When the dates for these activities
The School Council is an organization representing parents        are confirmed, the dates are provided to parents in advance
and staff which oversees the operation of the school.             through the school’s newsletter.
Parents are elected to Council in February/March each year
and serve a two year term. Council is responsible for school      CODE RED DAYS – Our school is listed on the Bushfire At Risk
development and for developing and reviewing school               Register (BARR). On Code Red days, the school will close.
policies.                                                         Parents will be notified, in this case however warning may
                                                                  be short, please be vigilant on days of extreme weather and
SCHOOL ENTRY ASSESSMENT                                           monitor the CFA website and Compass school app. All
To ensure we know your child and their academic needs as          parents should develop Code Red day plans which include
early as possible, the Prep teachers will implement a series      appropriate care for your children in the event of Code Red
of assessment tasks during February. These tasks will involve     school closures.
some literacy and numeracy activities and discussions with
teachers. The information from these assessments provide          SCHOOL PROGRAMS
benchmark data enabling teachers to determine your child’s        Our School offers a comprehensive curriculum guided by the
current knowledge and skills and to adapt programs to suit        government’s Victorian Curriculum. Core curriculum areas of
their learning.                                                   Numeracy and Literacy form the basis of our daily learning.
                                                                  The students’ learning is enhanced through the study of
                                                                  other curriculum areas: Science, The Arts (visual and
                                                                  performance), Technology, Health and Physical Education,
[PARENT INFORMATION BOOK                                                                     Castlemaine PS 0119

Interpersonal Development, Humanities (Geography &               decided with considerable input from students) encourage
History).                                                        and maintain appropriate behaviour, while teaching
                                                                 students to work toward accomplishing a goal.
Specialist teachers deliver programs in The Arts (performing
and visual), and French extending learning opportunities for     The ultimate objective of Castlemaine Primary School is to
children. A strong emphasis is placed on providing a settled     not only create a safe learning environment which most
learning environment with a focus on the core subjects of        effectively utilises instructional time, but also to partner with
English and Mathematics.                                         parents in reinforcing lifelong values in our students.

SCHOOL STRUCTURE                                                 Consequences for Poor Decisions
Our school’s class structures will vary from year to year. The   As much as we ty to reinforce positive behaviour, there are
class structure is determined by a number of factors. A          times when students make poor choices and may face
significant factor is the number of children within each         disciplinary consequences. The main goal of any disciplinary
cohort. The department guidelines recommend that classes         action is to help the student learn from their mistake and
in the early years (Prep-2) should be no larger than 21 where    make better choices in the future.
possible, and grades 3-6 should be no larger than 26 where       Specific Components
possible. Enrolments can vary from year to year and are not      1. Behavioural Expectations Are Clearly Defined.
always predictable. Our school has limited capacity for               There are specifically defined expectations exhibited
expansion and 8 classrooms is considered the maximum                  throughout the school in positive, clearly stated rules.
number of classes our school can offer. The final class               The expectations are linked to our four core values,
structure provided is, in the judgement of teachers, the one          Respectful, Responsible, Learning, Community.
that provides the best balance for curriculum delivery,          2. Behavioural Expectations Are Taught.
gender and overall student numbers.                                   The underlying theme is teaching behavioural
Allocation of students to classes is a complex process which          expectations in the same manner as any core curriculum
takes place in November each year. This process is guided by          subject. Expectations are taught to all students in all
the class Formation Policy (see our website). Parents are             settings throughout the school.             Behavioural
advised that requests for specific teachers or the placement          expectations and rules are best learned through positive
of students in specific classes is contrary to this policy.           examples, which can be modelled, combined with
                                                                      opportunities for practise.
SCHOOL WIDE POSITIVE BEHAVIOURS                                  3. Appropriate Behaviours Are Acknowledged.
This year Castlemaine Primary School will begin to                    Appropriate behaviours are acknowledged on a regular
implement School Wide Positive Behaviour Support                      basis through praise and system-wide incentive
(SWPBS), a positive learning environment framework. Our               programs to promote and reinforce behaviours
Wellbeing Student Learning Team has developed this                    demonstrated by individual students and classes. Any
information highlighting positive behaviours that coincide            staff member will recognise and reward students
with our school wide expectations for students, staff and             exhibiting GOTCHA behaviours.
parents. The goal is to use this framework to recognise the
positive expected behaviours associated with our school          4.   Negative Behaviours Are Corrected Proactively.
values - Respectful, Responsible, Learning and Community.             Specific procedures are designed to address students
                                                                      who do not meet expectations. Students are informed
What is SWPBS?                                                        of unacceptable behaviour and re-taught the
SWPBS (School Wide Positive Behaviour Support) is an                  expectation or rule. Positive practise and consistency
evidence-based, school wide, proactive approach, which                are important to promote success.
emphasises the instruction of social skills, data-based
decision making and the prevention of problematic                SWPBS Home Connection
behaviour.      While fostering positive behaviours and          1. Clearly Define And Communicate Expectations.
interactions, SWPBS also improves academic performance.             Tell your child(ren) exactly what you want them to do.
It aims to create a positive school climate, a culture of           Identify situations in which appropriate behaviour is
student competence and an open, responsive management               important. Teach with examples and non-examples of
system for all school community members.                            appropriate behaviour. Model expectations through
                                                                    your own behaviour.
The most important part of SWPBS is teaching expected
behaviours. This is accomplished by utilising a school-wide      2.   Give Frequent, Positive Reinforcement For
matrix of behaviours, which encompasses Castlemaine                   Appropriate Behaviour.
Primary School’s four main values (Respectful, Responsible,           Look for opportunities to praise your child(ren), praise
Learning, Community).                                                 them on the specific behaviour that they have practised.
                                                                      Catch them doing something good!
Reinforcing Positive Behaviour
To reinforce positive behaviour, students are ‘rewarded’ for     3.   Actively supervise your child(ren).
making good decisions. These rewards (which have been
[PARENT INFORMATION BOOK                                                                      Castlemaine PS 0119

     Watch and interact with them while they engage in             STUDENT FREE DAYS (CURRICULUM DAYS)
     chores and play.                                              Each year government schools are provided with four
     Communicate your interest in and awareness of their           student-free days for professional development, school
     activities.                                                   planning and administration, curriculum development, and
                                                                   student assessment and reporting purposes. Students do
4.   Pre-correct and intervene early.                              not attend school on these days. These days are published
     “Nip the problem in the bud!” Pre-correction involves         in the newsletter as dates are confirmed each year.
     seeing a possible problem coming and changing it
     before it happens. Do not yell at a child for a               The first day of is a student-free day in all government
     behavioural issues that he/she has not yet committed          schools to allow for appropriate planning to take place for
     but instead, use the opportunity to re-teach the              the arrival of students. The remaining three student-free
     expected behaviour.                                           days are determined by each individual school. Notification
                                                                   of these days will be provided to parents through the school
Tips For Positive Behaviour                                        newsletter.
 Set the stage for success; reward the effort.
 Stay calm. Use a calm voice.                                     SECURITY AND SAFETY
 Set reasonable limits.                                           Everyone has a right to feel safe at school and the
 Be consistent. Yes means yes and no means no.                    Department of Education takes the safety of its students and
 Set the example. Actions speak louder than words.                employees very seriously. The safety of students and
 Have patience, and most of all, have fun and enjoy your          employees is considered one of the highest priorities within
     child(ren).                                                   the school. A school is a workplace subject to industrial laws
                                                                   and regulations just like any other workplace. As such all
How Can Parents Be Involved With PBS At Home?                      teachers and students have a right to a workplace free from
 Help out with the responsibility of homework.                    harassment, intimidation and aggression of any kind. They
 Create posters with expectations for home.                       also have a right to their personal privacy.
 Compare home rules with SWPBIS at school.
                                                                   Any person who disrupts the normal operations of the
 Recognise and reward positive behaviour
                                                                   school, or is considered a potential threat to the safety of
                                                                   staff and/or students may be ordered to leave the property
At the end of this document is a series of charts identifying
                                                                   by the Principal or representative. If the nature of the threat
the positive behaviours expected of all school community
                                                                   is considered serious, this may trigger an emergency
members. The School Wide Positive Behavior Booklet has
                                                                   lockdown of all classrooms and police notification. A trespass
been sent home to all parents as a reference copy.
                                                                   order may be issued which will prevent any further access to
                                                                   the school grounds or buildings. A trespass order will result
                                                                   in police intervention each and every time it is contravened
Should your child become sick at school, you or your
                                                                   and may result in formal charges applying.
emergency contact person will be notified and asked to pick
the child up. Children who are unwell should not be sent to
                                                                   While the school encourages parents to participate in a
school as we cannot cater for sick children. If your child has
                                                                   variety of volunteer programs, the Principal and teachers
a minor injury at school, staff will apply appropriate first aid
                                                                   have the right to determine if any individual may or may not
and place a note informing you of the incident.
                                                                   participate in school activities or enter classrooms. Schools
                                                                   are not public places but work places for students and
In the event of a serious accident, an ambulance will be
                                                                   teachers. Access to the school is granted subject, at all
called without hesitation. Parents are strongly encouraged
                                                                   times, to appropriate conduct and respect for the school as
to take up an ambulance subscription as any costs
                                                                   a workplace. Disruption to the operation of the classroom
associated with medical treatment are the responsibility of
                                                                   or programs may result in this privilege being revoked.
                                                                   Access to classrooms is conditional on appropriate conduct
                                                                   and language at all times. Not all people are well suited to
The Government has declared our school buildings and
                                                                   working with children in a classroom and while the school
school grounds to be smoke free zones. We ask that all
                                                                   encourages parents to participate in a variety of volunteer
visitors to our school respect this requirement. Drinking of
                                                                   programs, the Principal and teachers have the right to
alcohol on school premises is also not permitted.
                                                                   determine if any individual may or may not participate in
                                                                   school activities or enter classrooms. A Working With
                                                                   Children Check (WWCC) is required before working in a
Dress-up days, Concerts, Activity Days etc. are conducted
                                                                   school as either a volunteer or employee.
throughout the year. Parents and children are encouraged to
participate in these programs. Parents will be notified of
                                                                   As part of our security procedures, all visitors must sign in
upcoming events through the school newsletter.
                                                                   at the office before going to a classroom or other area to
                                                                   work or participate in volunteer activities.
[PARENT INFORMATION BOOK                                                                    Castlemaine PS 0119

SCHOOL BUS SERVICE                                                strongly advised to never place their own convenience over
The school bus service is a free service for eligible students.   the safety of themselves or others.
To access the school bus service, you must live more than 4.8
km from your closest government primary school. Access to         We encourage you to consider the following strategies to
the bus service may be granted under other circumstances          minimise traffic issues around the school:
however a charge may apply. If you wish to find out more           Walk or ride to school where possible.
about the school bus service, please contact the Principal to      Seek parking a little further from the school and walk to
obtain further information.                                            the school to drop off or collect your children.
                                                                   Always use school crossings where available to
STUDENT LEADERSHIP PROGRAM                                             encourage good safety habits for your children.
This program operates in grades 5 and 6. The students are          Please observe and obey all road traffic laws and parking
divided into various work groups and each specialises in a             signs in the area.
particular area. For example one group is responsible for          Do not attempt U-turns in either Mostyn or Urquhart
organising and hosting each weekly assembly. Another is                streets as the likelihood of a collision is very high.
responsible for developing and publishing the annual school        Do not park in resident’s driveways.
magazine, other groups manage the sports store, others             Do not park in school buses parking zones or obstruct
fundraising etc.                                                       school buses.
The aim of this program is to provide children with               Staff of the school have no authority to direct traffic
experiences in working in real life work situations which         movement on public roads. Parents and staff are encouraged
encourage leadership skills, cooperative and collaborative        to report dangerous or inappropriate driver behaviour to the
skills, understanding of deadlines and responsibility.            local police. Police will be requested to patrol the area if
                                                                  incidents of inappropriate driver conduct are reported.
A swimming program is held each year for grades 3-6.              UNIFORM
Parents will be notified about these via information and          The school has a compulsory uniform policy. All children are
permission forms sent home with children, and through the         expected to wear the school uniform every day and to all
school’s newsletter.                                              school activities. The exception will be school camps
                                                                  (overnight activities).
The Compass app is a free application used by the school to       Children are required to wear sunhats during Term 1 and 4
send information and reminders to parents on upcoming             (and as required). Students should wear shoes appropriate
school events and activities. The school newsletter is also       for outdoor activities and must have enclosed toes. Boots,
available to parents each Friday afternoon through the            thongs, slippers or other such footwear are not appropriate
Compass app.                                                      for school activities and can result in injuries.

The app is also an important part of the school’s emergency       Non uniform items are not to be worn in place of the school
management plan. The app can provide update information           uniform.
to parents in the event of an emergency. All parents are
encouraged to download the app for this reason. Go to the         If your child has to attend school out of uniform for a
Compass website or your app store to download the                 particular reason, please provide a written note so that all
COMPASS app for your device.                                      teachers will be aware that your child will be out of uniform
                                                                  for the day. Where children repeatedly attend school out of
TERM DATES FOR STUDENTS                                           uniform, parents will be contacted. Our uniform provider is
Please note that there is a staggered start in term 1 with prep   Beleza.
children commencing classes on Thursday 30th January at
8.50am                                                            Beleza Uniforms
                                                                  207 Barker St. Castlemaine
2020                                                              Mon, Wed, Fri 10am – 1pm
Term 1: 28 January (teachers start) to 27 March                   Saturday 10am – 1 pm
        29 Jan. Grades 1-6 commence classes                       Tues, Thu, Sun closed
        30 Jan. Prep students commence classes
Term 2: 14 April to 26 June                                       WEBSITE
Term 3: 13 July to 18 September                                   The school uses the compass app for general
Term 4: 5 October to 18 December                                  communications with parents however the school website
                                                                  provides resources that parents can access including school
TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT                                                policy documents. The website is periodically updated as
Parking facilities around the school are limited, and traffic     new policies are developed or reviewed.
congestion does occur during peak drop off and pick up            Castlemaine PS website:
times. Increased pedestrian and vehicle traffic at these          
times makes for a dangerous combination and parents are
You can also read