Paws - SPCA of Northern Virginia

Page created by Joseph Kennedy
Paws - SPCA of Northern Virginia
The Newsletter of the SPCA of Northern Virginia                                                              Summer 2017

                               Rescuing Homeless Kittens
                                  by Mansie Hough                                 huddled together with their mom!

                                                                                  One of them looks like he might
                                             hile the dog days of summer          have an injured paw, and the mom
                                             bring sunshine and oppres-           looks thin and hungry. But, when I
                                   sive heat to the D.C. area, we at SPCA         try to go near them, the mom gets
                                    NOVA are experiencing something               really protective and hisses at me.
                                     else: kitten season!                         What should I do to help these poor
                                            This is the time of year when         kitties?”
                                          shelters and rescue organiza-
                                         tions get an influx of kittens that     In fact, when I was in college in rural
                                        need veterinary and foster care        southwest Virginia, a very similar thing
                                        and forever homes. While caring        happened to me! My roommates and I
                                       for kittens is rewarding, it’s a big    were surprised to find a baby kitten living
                                       responsibility and a lot of work to     under our house as we were packing to
                                      get these extra bundles of joy healthy   leave campus for spring break. We had
                                     and ready to find new families. We        no idea how to help her and did not act
                                     rescue at least 250 cats and kittens      quickly enough – when we came back from
ABOVE:                              per year, and many of these rescues        spring break, she was gone. Since then, I’ve
Georgie, Frankie,                   are kittens found outdoors by good         become more informed about things like
and Teddy were rescued        Samaritans.                                      humane trapping, assessing and handling
from outdoors as tiny
babies earlier this year.
                                Not only is it more work to take care of       stray vs. feral cats, and being aware of
                              more cats, but kittens require special TLC       whom to contact for help.
TOP: Samuel came into         – their bodies are more fragile and prone to
SPCA NOVA’s care this year,
along with several other
                              injury, and their health needs to be closely     Steps to Take
cats and kittens who were     monitored since kittens often arrive into           The first thing to know, especially if you
living outside of a local     our care sick, malnourished, and some-           are handling young kittens, is it is crucial
pizza parlor.                 times injured. Because of this, we spend a       to act quickly to either bring them into
All of these kittens – and
                              lot of time not only caring for the kittens      your home, or get them into the hands of
many more – are currently     but also teaching our fosters, adopters, and     an experienced caretaker or rescue orga-
available for adoption.       other good Samaritans how to care for them       nization. Socialization at a very young
                              too.                                             age – before they are six weeks old – is
                                A common phone call or email we receive        critical. Their chances of a long, healthy
                              goes a bit like this:                            life post-rescue decrease the longer they
 In Every Issue:                                                               are left outside without human interaction
   2   President’s Letter           “I was taking out the trash today,         and exposed to heat, parasites, and other
 8-9   Gifts in Remembrance       and I heard a little squeak coming           animals who might be aggressive or pass on
  10   Special Thanks             out from under my house. I bent              diseases.
  11   Donate Now!                down to see what the noise was, and
                                  was shocked to see five baby kittens                                   See Kittens on page 4
Paws - SPCA of Northern Virginia
President’s Letter

                                     Change Is In the Air
                                       by Dana Meeker             on the screen size of your    Introducing the new SPCA NOVA

 SPCA of Northern Virginia                                                                      logo:
                                                                  device, things will look
        P.O. Box 100220                    ver the next few       a bit different – but the
   Arlington, VA 22210-3220
                                           months, you’ll be      content will remain the
        (703) 799-9390
                                     seeing some changes in       same, and you’ll still find               SPCA NOVA’s website          us at
                                     and communications.            The new site will be
Board of Directors                                                on a more user-friendly
Dana Meeker, President               Website                      platform that doesn’t
Kathleen MacKinnon, Vice                We are beginning the      require coding skills for
  President                          process of redesigning       content modification.
Wendy Musco, Secretary               our website, and we hope     This will allow updates to    modernizing its appear-
Anita Herrera, Treasurer
                                     to launch it in 2018.        be made in a more timely      ance and adding color.
                                        The last major update     manner by more people.        The redesign process also
Angel Fischer
                                     to our site was in 2009      Site search capability will   resulted in smoother and
                                     when smart phones with       also be added, making it      more realistic human and
The SPCA of Northern Virginia        easy Internet access were    easier for visitors to find   animal profiles.
is a volunteer-based, non-profit     just starting to take off.   what they’re looking for.        We hope you will like
rescue organization. We rely         Last year, for the first                                   the new logo as much as
on donations, adoption fees,         time in history, mobile      Logo                          the SPCA NOVA Board
and fundraising activities           Internet usage world-           However, the first         does. In the coming
for revenue. Our voluntary           wide surpassed desktop       change you’ll see is an       weeks, you’ll start to see
Board of Directors, volunteers,
                                     and laptop activity, so it   updated logo to go with       it online and in email
and part-time employees
are responsible for all SPCA
                                     seemed like the perfect      the fresh look of our         communications, then
activities. We do not have a         time to make our site more   future website. Our logo      gradually in print as we
shelter and depend on a private      responsive. This means it    has not changed since         exhaust current supplies.
kennel and foster parents to         will automatically scale     it was first designed,           As Roy T. Bennett
care for domestic animals until      to the correct size on any   and while we love the         writes in The Light in
adoption.                            device you’re using – from   human, cat, and dog           the Heart, “Change may
                                     a large desktop computer     profiles, Paws & Effect       not always bring growth,
Paws & Effect is published           to your tablet to your       Editor and Designer           but there is no growth
by the SPCA of Northern
                                     smart phone. Depending       Angel Fischer suggested       without change.”
Virginia. Permission must be
granted for article reprints. If
you would like to be added to
our mailing list, please visit our
website at
                                        SPCA NOVA’s Annual Dog Wash Fundraiser
and complete the subscription
form located on our “About Us”        Saturday, September 16                                      Our volunteers will
                                                                                                  pamper your pooch
page.                                    11 a.m. to 4 p.m.                                      with a bath, nail clipping,
                                                                                                 and even ear clipping!
                                      Weber’s Pet Supermarket
                                                                                                 Want more information
                                       11021 Lee Highway                                         or want to volunteer?
                                        Fairfax, VA 22030                               
                                                                                                   (703) 799-9390

                                                                                                                  Paws & Effect
Paws - SPCA of Northern Virginia
Kimball’s Journey from Anxious to Ahhh
  by Dana Meeker              she could put him inside      and deal with his

                              and turn on the radio to      surroundings.
          e’ll never know     drown out the thunder.          In December,
          what first set      She also bought a baby        Bill came to
Kimball off, but there        monitor for the kennel to     our last adop-
was no doubt this Boston      allow her to hear when        tion fair of the
Terrier mix was a bundle      he started panicking and      year and asked
of nerves when he came        step in to keep it from       about Kimball.
into SPCA NOVA’s care.        escalating and setting off    Bill feels that
Most of what we know          the rest of the dogs.         adopting a
comes from his medical           Kimball was on a very      rescue dog with
records.                      high dose of Prozac when      an issue is part
  Kimball had skin            he came to SPCA NOVA.         of the adoption                 Kimball,
troubles, possibly caused     As a result, he appeared      gift, and he had recently       a.k.a. K-Dog, enjoys boat
by stress from separa-        catatonic at adoption         lost his beloved SPCA           rides with his new guardian.
tion anxiety. In 2011, he     fairs, his true personality   NOVA dog Maxie, whose
nearly died when, during      buried under the meds.        special “gift” was marking.     rabbits (“chases” being
a bout of anxiety, he         Despite receiving multiple      Bill seemed like a            the operative word). As a
ate carpet or a toy that      inquiries, potential          good match for Kimball          result of K-Dog’s sentry
caused an obstruction.        adopters were worried         because he works from           duty, Bill now gets to
Surgery saved him, but        about the Prozac and how      home most of the                enjoy the tomatoes he
the anxiety continued.        his separation anxiety        time, allowing him to           grows in his garden.
Kimball’s guardian at the     would impact their lives.     provide Kimball with the           Kimball can still get
time told the vet the dog        Eventually, life at the    company he needs. In            wound up when he hears
was destroying his house.     kennel began establishing     January, Bill picked up         dogs go by on the other
In 2015, Kimball was          order in Kimball’s envi-      Kimball for his trial place-    side of the fence, but
prescribed Prozac. Shortly    ronment with scheduled        ment and finalized the          Bill doesn’t let it get out
after this, his guardian      feedings, play time, and      adoption two weeks later.       of hand and brings him
reached out to SPCA           potty time. Since dogs are      Bill relates that initially   into the house before
NOVA because the dog’s        seldom alone at RMD,          Kimball (a.k.a. K-Dog)          he can get too frantic.
skin wasn’t clearing up,      it also became clear          would not go outside            Kimball didn’t enjoy the
and his anxiety continued     Kimball’s anxiety was         without significant             July Fourth fireworks
despite the medication.       more generalized than         coaxing. He was never           very much, hiding under
  We saw potential in         just separation anxiety.      destructive, but Bill didn’t    the bed, but when it
Kimball, a beautiful dog      Lisa kept him active in       leave him alone for long        was over, he recovered
underneath a dull, flaky,     play groups and worked        periods. Over time, he          quickly. New experi-
itchy coat, and accepted      with him extensively          worked up to being able         ences are still greeted
him into our care. Lisa       to teach him to focus.        to leave Kimball for as         with trepidation, but if
Reid of Ragged Mountain       Instead of looking for        much as five hours at a         Bill is there, he will give
Dogs (RMD) took Kimball       bogeymen, he gradually        time. Kimball just goes         most things a try. When
in for boarding. Any noise    started to look to Lisa for   upstairs and goes to sleep.     Bill first took Kimball
set him off screaming and     instructions and praise.        Kimball enjoys going          out on his boat, Kimball
panicking. He tried to           Over time, Lisa was able   in and out of Bill’s doggie     wasn’t too sure if it was
chew through his chain        to lower Kimball’s Prozac     door and lounging on            a good thing or not, but
link fence. Thunder was       dose and, by mid-2016,        the deck. Initially, he         now he loves it because
a particularly bad trigger,   wean him completely           paid no attention to any        it’s quality time with his
so Lisa started watching      off the drug. He wasn’t       critters in the yard, but       favorite person. If you ask
the Doppler radar when        cured, but he was better      now, like most dogs, he         Kimball, I think he’d say
storms were expected so       able to handle himself        chases the squirrels and        life is finally pretty good.

Summer 2017
Paws - SPCA of Northern Virginia
Kittens from page 1
  Following is a good          otherwise friendly, stray      legs, or bodies. If they are
guide to follow in most        cat may just need time to      up and about, check to         health/taming_ferals.php.
situations:                    learn to trust you.            see if they are walking and
                                 A feral cat has not had      running around with ease.      Get Help
1. Create a                    meaningful, ongoing                                             If you can’t determine if
Welcoming,                     contact with humans            Are the Cats in                the mom is friendly, can’t
Non-Threatening                and was probably born          Immediate Danger?              easily pick up the kittens
Environment                    outdoors. A feral cat may        Are they in an area          safely, are on your way
  Put out food and water       come to you for food, but      where they could be hit        out of town, and/or can’t
– especially canned food       won’t be very trusting or      by a car, or attacked by       figure out what to do:
for kittens since at a young   curious toward you.            another animal? Assessing      • Contact local shelters
age they can’t eat dry food.                                  their degree of safety is         and rescue organiza-
This not only helps ensure     Can the Kittens Eat            important in determining          tions for advice and/or
they get proper nutrition      on Their Own?                  how quickly you need to           assistance. Remember,
but will give the mom an         If kittens are too young     act to rescue them.               during kitten season
incentive to stay close by     to eat on their own                                              shelters and rescue
so they can be rescued.        (under four to five weeks      3. Take Action                    organizations are
                               of age), you need to           Rescue Them Yourself              swamped so be persis-
2. Assess the                  consider whether you or          If the mom cat is               tent.
Situation                      someone else is available      friendly and/or the            • Contact your local
Are the Kittens Alone?         to bottle feed them if         kittens are easily acces-         veterinary office to see
  Even if the kittens          they are rescued without       sible and young enough            if they have an expe-
appear to be alone, don’t      the mom cat.                   to socialize, bring them          rienced staff member
get too close right away.                                     inside your home to care          who can provide you
There may be a mom cat         Can the Kittens                for them until you find a         with advice, espe-
nearby caring for them.        Be Socialized?                 longer-term solution.             cially if the mom cat
Mom cats instinctively           Kittens are easily social-     To get the mom and              or kittens are sick or
move their kittens often       ized only when rescued at      kittens safely inside your        injured. Vet offices also
to hide them from preda-       a very young age (ideally      home or into the hands            often work with rescue
tors, especially when she      four to five weeks, but        of a rescue organization,         organizations and may
realizes they have been        generally not older than       you may be able to set a          be able to recommend
discovered.                    six weeks). Otherwise,         large carrier outside with        groups to contact.
                               they don’t typically bond      food in it to lure the mom     • Do not take a mom
What If There                  well with humans. Older        inside and then pick up           cat and/or kittens to
Is a Mom Cat?                  kittens may bond with          the kittens. If the cats          a shelter without first
  If there is a mom cat,       their caretaker, but don’t     are shy, you may need to          contacting them to
does she appear to be a        often transfer that trust      humanely trap them.               learn about their poli-
friendly stray cat or is she   to other humans.                 If you are bringing             cies. Some shelters
feral? It’s not always easy                                   them inside your home,            won’t take stray or feral
to tell since she may be       Do the Cats Appear             put them in a bathroom            cats/kittens and will
scared and will be protec-     Sick or Injured?               since they may have fleas         tell you to simply put
tive of her kittens.              A cat with health issues    and the mom will feel             them back outside.
  A stray cat was cared        may appear too skinny          safer in a relatively small       Others will euthanize
for by humans prior to         or malnourished, have          space where she can see           them. If you have
being lost or abandoned        discharges from their eyes     there are no immediate            young kittens without
and will be social toward      or noses, or be sneezing       threats to her kittens.           a mom, find out
people once she doesn’t        or coughing. Look to see         For tips on how to              whether the shelter
feel threatened. A scared      if there are any notice-       socialize feral kittens,          has a foster program to
and protective, but            able injuries to their paws,   read our article at               bottle feed the kittens.

                                                                                                            Paws & Effect
Paws - SPCA of Northern Virginia
A Real Kitten Rescue Story
                                          by Kathleen                   When we saw
                                         MacKinnon                      them, more

                                                                        alarm bells
                                           n May 2016, SPCA             went off. They
                                           NOVA got an email            were so tiny
                                         very late one night            (weighing only
                                         from a woman who had           between 12 and
Chip and Ruby were                       found four kittens in          15 ounces),
found in a boat with their               her boat after returning       were infested
siblings, Cookie and Ruffles.
                                         home from a trip. Sadly,       with fleas, and
                                         this meant the mom cat         had diarrhea. We
Be Committed to                          had been unknowingly           immediately began
Finding a Solution                       left behind.                   syringe-feeding the
   Don’t assume somebody                   We were alarmed to           kittens and combing
else will help the mom                   hear the kittens had           off the fleas until a
and kittens. Even though                 actually been found the        vet was available to
rescue groups are over-                  previous day but had           examine them. Three
whelmed during kitten                    not been given any food        of the four kittens
season, SPCA NOVA will                   or water. The woman            needed IV fluids to
always provide advice                    didn’t know how to take        keep them hydrated,
and assist you as much as                care of them and was           so they were hospital-          Ruffles gets weighed at the
                                                                                                        vet office. He and his siblings
possible. We can’t always                more worried about             ized.                           were dehydrated, infested
take the mom and kittens                 feeding them the wrong           Over the next two             with fleas, and suffering from
into our care, but we can                food.                          weeks, a careful routine        diarrhea. All but one required
offer advice and referrals.                We told her it was           was carried out: syringe-       IV fluids.
   Every situation is                    absolutely critical to         feed the kittens every
different – there’s no                   purchase canned cat            four hours, give them              If the kittens hadn’t
one-size-fits-all course                 food immediately, mix it       multiple medications            been so tiny and without
of action. You’ll want to                with a little bit of warm      for their diarrhea,             food and water for so
handle a timid kitten with               water, and try to get          encourage them to lap           long, this may have been
an injured paw differ-                   the kittens to lap it up.      up their watered-down           a routine rescue. Instead
ently than you’d handle                  An hour or so later, she       kitten food on their            it was a very close call.
a friendly mom and her                   let us know the kittens        own, monitor their vital           The good news is all
litter of newborns. When                 were eating, which was a       signs, and give them lots       four kittens – who were
in doubt, let the kittens                huge relief.                   of cuddles. They slowly         later named Chip, Ruby,
have some space, put food                  We arranged to meet          started gaining weight,         Cookie, and Ruffles –
and water out, and keep                  the woman at a vet             eating and drinking             are all thriving and were
an eye on them until you                 office with the kittens        water on their own, and         adopted to wonderful
have a plan on how to                    early the next morning.        the diarrhea cleared up.        families.
rescue them.

                                           Purcellville Pet Valu                                 Fairfax Pet Valu
   Cat &                        Every day in summer, then Fridays to Mondays
                                   120 Purcellville Gateway Drive, Suite A/B
                                                                                   Aug. 26 & alternating Saturdays, Noon to 3 p.m.
                                                                                        3069 Nutley St. SW, Fairfax, VA 22031
   Kitten                           Purcellville, VA 20132 • (540) 441-7637                        (703) 865-4546

 Adoptions                      Arrange in advance to meet an SPCA volunteer via (handling of cats is permitted
                                only when a volunteer is present). Detailed schedules at

Summer 2017
Paws - SPCA of Northern Virginia
Heartworm Prevention in Dogs, Cats
    by Katie McHenry            cats, although symptoms        geographic regions and        heartworm-positive cats

                                can be managed with            climates where mosqui-        (the medication used for
     or responsible dog         medications. This means        toes remain active            dogs can be dangerous
     guardians, a monthly       the only recommended           year-round. However,          when used on cats),
heartworm prevention            treatment for heartworms       other factors – such as       the focus is usually on
pill (like Heartgard) is        in cats is prevention.         the country-wide reloca-      treating the symptoms,
simply a way of life. Most      When deciding whether          tion of tens of thousands     such as administering
dog guardians know              to expose your cat to          of infected cats and dogs     diuretics to help remove
that an untreated dog is        preventive treatments          after Hurricane Katrina,      fluid from the lungs or
vulnerable to heartworm,        that can be expensive and      or the migration of heart-    prednisolone to reduce
a mosquito-borne para-          have adverse side effects,     worm carriers such as         lung inflammation.
site that lives in the heart,   you’ll have to ask yourself    coyotes – can also affect       In cats and dogs alike,
lungs, and blood vessels        if the benefits outweigh       heartworm disease risk in     dying adult heartworms
of an infected animal.          the risks.                     other areas.                  can get trapped in the
  However, many cat                                                                          lungs, leading to further
guardians may not realize       How Heartworm                  Symptoms                      respiratory complications.
cats are also susceptible,      Is Transmitted                 and Treatment
albeit to a much lesser            In an infected dog or         In both cats and dogs,      Heartworm
degree as their physiology      cat, female heartworms         heartworm disease             Prevention Options
makes them undesirable          release babies (called         symptoms may include            For both cats and dogs,
hosts for heartworms.           “microfilaria”) into the       coughing, loss of             the options for heartworm
According to VCA                animal’s bloodstream,          appetite, weight loss,        prevention medication
Hospitals, cats have only       which are picked up by         vomiting, difficulty          range from oral to topical,
between 5 percent and 20        mosquitoes when they           breathing, fainting,          and from heartworm
percent the rate of heart-      suck the animal’s blood. It    lethargy, or even sudden      prevention only (such as
worm infection that dogs        then takes between 10 and      death. The only way to        Heartgard) to compre-
have, and while dogs can        14 days for the microfilaria   diagnose heartworm is         hensive heartworm/flea/
host up to hundreds of          to become larvae, at which     with a blood test admin-      tick/roundworm/hook-
heartworms at once, cats        point they’re infectious.      istered at a vet’s office.    worm prevention (such as
usually have fewer than            When a mosquito               In heartworm-positive       Revolution). Keep in mind
six (usually between one        carrying heartworm             dogs, the earlier the         the number of parasites
and three).                     larvae bites their next        disease is diagnosed,         the medicine protects
  However, while most           victim, the larvae enter       the greater the chances       against will increase the
heartworms in cats don’t        the bloodstream through        for survival. In cases of     cost of the treatment.
survive to the adult stage,     the new bite wound.            advanced heartworm            Heartgard runs about $5
even immature heart-            It then takes about six        disease, there is usually     to $10 per pill per month,
worms can still cause a         months for the larvae          significant damage to the     while Revolution, a topical
disease in cats known           to become adult heart-         internal organs, which        medication, runs about $15
as HARD (heartworm              worms. Female worms            can sometimes mean a          to $20 per vial per month.
associated respiratory          that reach the adult stage     shortened lifespan. Treat-      Depending on the
disease), and the worms         can range in size from six     ment for dogs usually         medication, side effects
that make it to the adult       to 14 inches long and are      includes an antibiotic        can range from mild
stage can live two to three     about one-eighth inch          and an injection to kill      to severe. These might
years in cats (five to seven    wide; male worms are           the adult heartworms,         include loss of appetite,
years in dogs).                 about half that size.          followed by another drug      vomiting, salivation, diar-
  While there are                  Because the parasite is     to kill the remaining         rhea, tremors, agitation,
approved medications to         transmitted via mosqui-        microfilaria a month later.   disorientation, shock,
treat heartworms in dogs,       toes, heartworm disease is       Because there is no         hives, seizures and, in
the same isn’t true for         more prevalent in certain      approved treatment for        rare instances, death.

                                                                                                           Paws & Effect
Any cat or dog that could                                     infested area, and your
be exposed to mosqui-
toes, should be on a
                                                              indoor-only cat has
                                                              limited access to the
heartworms prevention
medication.                                                   outdoors (such as a          Dog Adoption
                                                              screened-in porch), it
                                                              might make sense to              Fairs
                                                              invest in a heartworm
                                                              prevention medication          Weber’s Pet
                                                              since there is not yet an
                                                              accepted treatment for
                                                                                               11021 Lee Hwy
                                                              heartworm-positive cats.
                                                                                              Fairfax, VA 22030
                                                                                               (703) 385-3766
                                                              What SPCA NOVA
                                                              Recommends                        Saturdays
                                  However, when deter-           SPCA NOVA’s dogs are
                                 mining the answer,           already on Heartgard, so               August
                                factors to consider will      when you adopt a dog         26............ 12:30 to 3 p.m.
                                include your geographic       from us, we give you the
   Whether the medicine                                                                           September
                                location, the likelihood of   next month’s dose to
is oral or topical, it should                                                              9...............1 to 3:30 p.m.
                                infection based on where      administer for the sake of   23............. 12:30 to 3 p.m.
be administered monthly         you live, whether your        continuity. It is impera-
for dogs year-round. For        cat is indoor/outdoor         tive that you keep your               October
cats, there are additional      or indoor-only, whether       dog on a heartworm           14 & 28.... 12:30 to 3 p.m.
considerations on whether       your indoor-only cat has      prevention medication
to treat at all or only                                                                           November
                                outdoor access (including     and that you follow up       4 & 18...... 12:30 to 3 p.m.
certain months of the year      a screened-in porch), and     with annual testing,
based on the much lower         your budget.                  visits, and vaccinations.           December
risk of a cat contracting         To be clear, SPCA              When used properly,       9.............. 12:30 to 3 p.m.
heartworms, especially for      NOVA is a firm believer       preventative heartworm
indoor-only cats.               that the vast majority of     medications for cats are        Schedule is subject
                                cats should be indoor         considered safe – but          to change, so please
Is It Worth It?                 only, rather than indoor/     read the instructions,        check our website for
   Benjamin Franklin said,      outdoor. Most cats are        consult your vet, and use            updates.
“An ounce of prevention         happy indoors only,           it only when needed.
is worth a pound of cure.”      as long as they have          Because SPCA NOVA cats
   Because dogs are the         the right indoor home         must be indoor-only, we
ideal host for heartworms,      environment with plenty       have already eliminated
and dogs usually spend          of stimulation with           the most important risk
some portion of their day       humans, toys, and other       factor – being outdoors.
outdoors, dog guardians         pets (if they like other      However, if the adopter
should always opt for           cats or dogs). That being     has a screened-in porch
heartworm prevention.           said, indoor/outdoor          where the cat spends             Shopping Can
However, for cat guard-         cats should absolutely be     time during the hot,
ians, the answer is, “Well,     protected from heart-         humid months when
                                                                                                Save Lives!
it depends.”                    worm and, since they          the risk for exposure is      Shop at the iGive Mall,
   As with all decisions        would also need flea/tick     higher, we recommend
                                                                                            Best Bully’s, or Big Dog
                                                                                            Cares through the links at
in life, it’s important to      prevention, you should        using a comprehensive         the bottom of our home
weigh the risks in terms        consider a product that       product like Revolu-          page, and a portion of your
of the rewards, and –                                                                       purchase will be donated to
                                covers both (such as          tion because if a cat is      SPCA NOVA!
as your cat’s guardian          Revolution).                  exposed to mosquitoes,
– only you can accurately                                                                     Start your shopping at
                                  If you live in a hot,       chances are they will be
answer that question.           humid, mosquito-              exposed to fleas as well.

Summer 2017
Gifts in Remembrance
  SPCA NOVA welcomes donations made in memory or honor of someone special in your life. Please include the
name and address of the person you would like notified of your donation, along with the name of the person or pet
being remembered or honored.

                                                       In Memory of
♥♥ “Bailee” Kerns                 ♥♥ “Niko”                             ~~ Ray & Jan Chappelle         ♥♥ Jake & Nicky Richardson
    ~~ Lucinda Kerns                  ~~ Susan Medick                   ~~ Susie Chappelle                 ~~ Alice Jarrell
♥♥ “Betun,” “Macarena,” &         ♥♥ “Pepe”                             ~~ Sharon Dyer                 ♥♥ Jim D’Archangelo
   “Rolando”                          ~~ Melanie Brown                  ~~ Barbara Fisher                  ~~ Ana Kilday
    ~~ N Patricia Millard         ♥♥ “Roman” Ruiz                       ~~ In Loving Memory,               ~~ Neena Porter
♥♥ “Blue” of Sterling, Va.            ~~ Dale Lumby                        from Ari Fredge, Chris      ♥♥ Judith Eichner
    ~~ Lorraine Burton & Hasan    ♥♥ “Rubgy”                               Holloway & “King” Jager         ~~ Carol Klein
       Dajani                         ~~ Philip Cox                     ~~ From Friends of Barbara         ~~ Elizabeth Mckew
♥♥ “Casey”                                                                 Cohen at The Kilmer         ♥♥ Kim E. Hamam
                                  ♥♥ “Sawyer”
    ~~ Alyssa Harry                                                        Center                          ~~ Christine Friesz
                                      ~~ Dana Meeker
                                                                        ~~ From members of
♥♥ “Cashmere” & “Tuxedo”          ♥♥ “Scooter”                                                         ♥♥ Lucas Elsner
                                                                           the weekly Thursday
    ~~ Michele Taulton                ~~ Philip W Logan                                                    ~~ Workplace Giving Abbott
                                                                           Stitching Group, known
♥♥ “Chocolat”                     ♥♥ “Shifty” Sadowski                                                        Fund
                                                                           commonly as “Stitch &
    ~~ Alice Katz                     ~~ James Colby                       B**ch” – Cheryl Rothbart,   ♥♥ Maggie
♥♥ “Cleo”                         ♥♥ “Stinkers” Birkhead                   Nancy Bowers, Lucia             ~~ Casey Harrington
    ~~ Sandra Randolph                ~~ Lauren Birkhead                   Lloyd, Eileen Vidrene,      ♥♥ Mairin Murphy
♥♥ “Comet” Gray                   ♥♥ “Suzie,” the sweetest cat             Mary Wells, Karen               ~~ Jane Petkofsky
    ~~ Don & Pat Hill                 ~~ Lawrence Tran                     Bugg, C.E. Duke, Sandra     ♥♥ Mark Thomas
♥♥ “Conan” Dupart                 ♥♥ “Taz”                                 Schroeder                       ~~ Lee Gurel & Linda Loy
    ~~ Dana Fredericksen              ~~ William Kottenstette           ~~ From the dog volunteers     ♥♥ Michael Mueller
♥♥ “Emmy”                         ♥♥ “Teddy”                               of the SPCA of Northern         ~~ Richard & Joanne Mueller
    ~~ Dana Meeker                    ~~ Penny Vaughn                      Virginia                    ♥♥ Oscar, beloved greyhound
♥♥ “Floyd” & “Gunner”                                                   ~~ Hillary Haag                    ~~ Celita Mikesell
                                  ♥♥ “Topaz” & “Butterscotch”
   Krevere                                                              ~~ Maureen Cohen               ♥♥ Roberta Jo Mcgowan
                                      ~~ Ms Petra & Doug
    ~~ JoAnn and Walter Shaub                                              Harrington                      ~~ Susan Clayman
                                                                        ~~ Joan V & Jim Hughes
♥♥ “Joey”                         ♥♥ “Vato” Sullivan                                                   ♥♥ Ronald Walls
                                                                        ~~ Jennifer Jones-Wood
    ~~ Donald Brown                   ~~ Joan Sullivan                                                     ~~ Katie Arn
                                                                        ~~ Kathleen MacKinnon
♥♥ “Lady Astor Schick,” in        ♥♥ “Wally”                            ~~ Mollie McCurdy              ♥♥ Scott Mcatee, thank you
   loving memory of a great           ~~ Linda Jeffers                  ~~ Dana Meeker (she was a         for sharing your heart
   friend & companion along       ♥♥ “Zorro”, SPCA NOVA Cat                fearless defender of the       with animals. Rip & God
   with being “just a cool cat”      Extraordinaire                        voiceless)                     bless!
    ~~ Harry Scott                    ~~ Katharine Norris               ~~ Barbara Meier                   ~~ Mahwish Bajwa
♥♥ “Leah”                         ♥♥ A recently lost pet from           ~~ Kevin & Lora O’Brien        ♥♥ Sherry
    ~~ Janet Spore                   Herndon, Va.                       ~~ Anita Olive                     ~~ Caryn Kauffman
♥♥ “Lilly”                            ~~ Nadine Briden                  ~~ Michael Senter              ♥♥ Sweet Brody
    ~~ Beth Schomber              ♥♥ All the cats who have              ~~ Pamela Ward                     ~~ Richard & Joann
♥♥ “Lily” & “Shamrock”               enriched my life                ♥♥ Betty Weimer                          Ackerman
    ~~ Nicholas Theodorson            ~~ Elisabeth & Judith Clardy      ~~ Phillip Weimer              ♥♥ Sweet Wilson
♥♥ “Lucky” Hecht                  ♥♥ Amelia                          ♥♥ Christopher McGurk                 ~~ Jamie Cato
    ~~ Michele Sanford                ~~ William R Jones                ~~ Michelle Brodeur            ♥♥ Vivian & Caroline, in
♥♥ “Luke”                         ♥♥ Barbara M. Cohen                   ~~ Brenda Harnisch                loving memory
    ~~ Jerome Ducrest                 ~~ Joan Breidenbach (she          ~~ Txmq, Inc.                      ~~ Natalie Smith
♥♥ “Maggie”                              was a passionate and        ♥♥ Dr. Celia Ward
    ~~ Cynthia Hull                      devoted advocate for so        ~~ Sandra Randolph
♥♥ “Mitzi” & “Mellow”                    many dogs who needed        ♥♥ Eleanor Goldberg
    ~~ Carol Goldstone                   help over so many years)       ~~ Elizabeth Bartky

                                                                                                                        Paws & Effect
In Honor of
♥♥ “Abby Mudpuddle Kerns”          ♥♥ Ellie Maaseide                ♥♥ Mary & Monroe Bryant            ♥♥ SPCA, thank you for
    ~~ Lucinda Kerns                   ~~ Mary Heath (for her           ~~ Monroe Bryant                  helping Bailey & Bobi!
♥♥ “Bogie”                                birthday)                 ♥♥ Mary Portelly’s Birthday            ~~ Kim Outlaw
    ~~ Alicia Covert                   ~~ Debbie Miller (for her        ~~ Michaeel Portelly           ♥♥ SPCA NOVA with thanks
♥♥ “Buddy”                                birthday)                 ♥♥ Mary Snow & Darlene                for the beloved three cats
    ~~ Linda Custer                    ~~ Aisha Younes                 Minor                              in our home thanks to
♥♥ “Cosmo”                         ♥♥ Frank & Judy Bertini              ~~ Elizabeth Kipphut              your work!
    ~~ Katherine Trevino               ~~ Angela Emerline           ♥♥ Meghan & Chloe Puryear              ~~ Joann & Walter Shaub
♥♥ “Emma,” “Sable,” “Spider,”      ♥♥ Genevieve & Emily, in             ~~ Jack Bondurant              ♥♥ SPCA NOVA’s wonderful
   & “Bodhi”                          hopes that other cats find    ♥♥ Natacha Abad                       cat volunteers
    ~~ Elisabeth & Judith Clardy      their furever family like         ~~ David Fairbrothers              ~~ Heather Kirchart
♥♥ “Gigi,” adopted SPCA kitty         Emily did                     ♥♥ Pat Hildibidal’s                ♥♥ SPCA volunteers for all of
    ~~ Judy Hoy                        ~~ Monica Swyers                retirement                         your work
♥♥ “Jack”                          ♥♥ George & Mary Niebuhr             ~~ Steven Martin                   ~~ Marian & Bob Bayles
    ~~ Meredith Morrissette            ~~ Martin Breen                  ~~ Joyce Hill                  ♥♥ SPCA volunteers who
♥♥ “Kermit” & “Boone,” SPCA        ♥♥ Harriet Antczak & Kelvin          ~~ Li Liu                         helped us adopt our
   pups                               Yu’s marriage                 ♥♥ Pat Sitnik                         beloved cats in 2015
    ~~ Jeannie & John Shiffer          ~~ Mary Jones                    ~~ Julianna Jefferson              ~~ Sandra Quinn
♥♥ “Malloy,” a big bad cat         ♥♥ Hillary Haag, thank           ♥♥ Richard Ennis                   ♥♥ Sweet Ellie Mae. Love you
    ~~ Ms Dana Meeker                 you for all your work &           ~~ Priscilla Ennis                so much! Hope you are
                                      especially for your efforts                                         doing well!
♥♥ “Molly” & “Twix”                                                 ♥♥ Riley & Jerry, both
                                      to help me with Hershey                                              ~~ Kimberly & Jonathan Avila
    ~~ Heather & Stephen                                               adopted from SPCA
                                       ~~ Maxine Weinstein              ~~ Mr & Mrs Kevin & Tracee     ♥♥ Terry Gehringer
                                   ♥♥ Hunter Cotterman                     Sutton                          ~~ Kathryn Ernst
♥♥ “Woody,” my SPCA basset/
                                       ~~ Eric Bischoff             ♥♥ Rush Family                     ♥♥ Thanks again for bringing
   beagle mix!
    ~~ Jill Welsh                  ♥♥ Jane Paxton                       ~~ Laura Simpson                  me Shelby back in 2011!
                                       ~~ Jane Casamajor                                                   ~~ Jeff Capley
♥♥ “Zeppelin,” a.k.a. Corky,                                        ♥♥ Sarah Jacob’s Birthday
   SPCA pup                        ♥♥ Janice Koch                       ~~ Sue Jacob                   ♥♥ The mother who makes
    ~~ Greg & Kathy McEvoy             ~~ Arlene Posner                                                   the world a better place
                                                                    ♥♥ Scott McAtee
                                   ♥♥ Janice Kuch’s retirement                                             ~~ Haley Curley
♥♥ Al Christian & Family                                                ~~ Beth Crutchfield
    ~~ Jeff Goldenson                  ~~ Susan O’Boyle                                                ♥♥ Trish Kyle of HBCPK!
                                                                    ♥♥ Sebastian Chang
                                   ♥♥ Jenna & Peter von Elling                                             ~~ Sarah Dempsey
♥♥ All the good people who                                              ~~ Catherine Merrifield
   care & foster                       ~~ Jennifer Clark                                               ♥♥ Wilson Alink
                                                                    ♥♥ Sophia Kelly
    ~~ Mary Anne World             ♥♥ John & Barbara Horn                                                  ~~ Kelley Dean
                                                                        ~~ Betsy Bensten
♥♥ Ann Randazzo                        ~~ Carissa Milliken              ~~ Kristin Magur
    ~~ Andrew Randazzo             ♥♥ John Klenk, Jr                    ~~ Kirsten Thompson
♥♥ Caroline Curran’s 2nd               ~~ John & Linda Klenk        ♥♥ Sophie Moore
   Birthday                        ♥♥ John Macleod                      ~~ Michelle Moore
    ~~ Stuart & Marjorie Cox           ~~ Charles Klee
    ~~ Christian & Carly Curran    ♥♥ Jon Hukari
    ~~ Carla Rothgery                  ~~ William Ewing
♥♥ Chico Gholz
    ~~ Charles Gholz
                                   ♥♥ Kathleen MacKinnon
                                       ~~ Lisa Bradley
                                                                                        Guardian Angels Needed
♥♥ Cindi, adopted from SPCA        ♥♥ Lily Simpson’s birthday
                                       ~~ Stacy Small
                                                                                            for Cats & Dogs
   NOVA in 2010 & doing
   great!                          ♥♥ Lisbeth Russell
    ~~ Kathleen Taimi & Tad            ~~ Joanie & Jarell Ross        Want to help a homeless animal but can’t adopt one?
       McCall                      ♥♥ Marissa Perilla                 Join our Guardian Angel Program for as little as $30. Your
♥♥ Dale Deluca                         ~~ Giselle Forman              support will help provide for a cat or dog until he or she can
    ~~ Matt Fell                       ~~ Lora Loconti (for her       be placed into a loving home. In return, you’ll get photos
♥♥ David & Marcia Slone                   birthday)                   and updates on your chosen animal.
    ~~ Chris Phillips                  ~~ Gabriela Nguyen
♥♥ Debbie Armstrong                    ~~ Kerry Turek (for her          Apply Online:
    ~~ Scott Donovan                      birthday)

Summer 2017
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank

                                    Special Thanks
You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank
You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

    Thank you to                      In the spring,                     In December,                       Bowsa Wowsa!
    the following corporations        students at Key Elementary         Junior Scout Troop 865             (that’s dog for “Way to
    and their employees for           School in Arlington raised         of Alexandria planned and          Go!”) to the children of the
    their Employee Giving and         money for SPCA NOVA through        executed a cupcake sale to raise   Kilmer Center Room 6 who
    Matching Gifts Programs:          the Team Kids Challenge, a         money for rescued animals.         made and sold dog treats for
    • IBM                             school-based youth develop-        In addition to cupcakes, they      a service learning project, the
    • Synchrony Financial             ment program that provides         sold dog biscuits and an           proceeds from which were
                                      children with age-appropriate      impressive array of cookies        donated to SPCA NOVA so
                                      ways of helping their commu-       and other goodies. Homemade        they could become a Guardian
    Thank you to all of               nity. Team Kids is a 501(c)(3)     catnip toys rounded out the        Angel for an SPCA rescue.
    our supporters who contribute     non-profit organization, whose     sale. Their efforts raised over
    through workplace giving          motto is “Empowering Children      $500. Thanks to these devoted
    under:                            to change to world.” Students      animal lovers and their            Much apprecia-
    • America’s Charities             completed several service          supporters!                        tion to Dulin United
    • Combined Federal                projects to assist organizations                                      Methodist Church of Falls
      Campaign (CFC)                  in their community and then                                           Church who hosted their 2016
    • Commonwealth of Virginia        planned a fun school carnival.     In February and                    Blessing of the Animals last
      Campaign (CVC)                  Students in the fifth and sixth    May, SPCA NOVA volunteers          September and took up an
    • Global Impact                   grades chose SPCA NOVA as          crafted adorable baked goods       offering for SPCA NOVA to
    • Local United Way                the beneficiary of their kid-run   and hosted bake sales at the       help us with our mission.
      campaigns                       and kid-planned carnival.          Purcellville Pet Valu to boost
                                      The creativity, commitment,        the SPCA NOVA coffers.
                                      and energy of the students         Hungry patrons helped raise
    Teacher Alfonse                   were incredible! They planned      $200 to help prepare us for
    Lopez teaches more than           (and built) games and rides        kitten season.
    Spanish to his third grade        for which students and their
    Spanish immersion class at        families bought tickets. The
    Groveton Elementary School.       carnival raised over $1,500!          Thanks to the
    He teaches his students about     SPCA President Dana Meeker            artists of PBC Creatives
    the proper care of animals and    had the opportunity to meet           and artists Anne Stine,
    that hurting animals is not OK.   the future leaders, Key Elemen-       Amy Sabat, Beth Duncan,
    For Valentine’s Day, instead of   tary Principal Dr. Myers, Team        and Deb Cadenas for
    exchanging sugary cards, the      Kids Board Member Christine           contributing
    students brought small gifts      Schaubach, and Team Kids              their talents to
    to make the lives of rescued      Coach Lupe at a check presen-         paint beautiful
    animals better. Their efforts     tation assembly where the             designs on clay
    resulted in a ton of treats,      school and students’ pride and        pots that were
    food, toys, and bowls for SPCA    excitement were on full display.      sold at SPCA
    NOVA animals.                                                           NOVA’s sale table
                                                                            at the Purcell-
                                                                            ville Arts Festival.
        Need Help Getting Your Pet Spayed or Neutered?                      Volunteers filled
                                                                            some pots with
            Spay Inc. provides low-cost spay/neuter referrals
                                                                            herb plants and
                  for dogs & cats in Northern Virginia
                                                                            others with
            Easy to Apply & Everyone Qualifies!                             donated goodies
                                                                                                                            These are
                                                                                                                            just some
                  Simply fill out a request form online                     to make “gift
                                                                                                                           of the pots
                    or call Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.                     basket pots.”                                  decorated
                                                                            The pots were                                 to help raise
                                                                            a great hit,                                  money for
                                                      generating                                   SPCA NOVA.
                                                                            over $300 to support
                                        (703) 522-7920                      our rescue and adoption mission.

                                                                                                                             Paws & Effect
YES!                                        Give a Homeless Animal                                                                                              Donate online:

                                               A Second Chance
   I want                                                                                                                                                
   to help
   in Northern                          Donation Amount:                                     Name:����������������������������������������������������
   Virginia.                            q $25          q $50           q $75                 Address:��������������������������������������������������
   Your tax-deductible                  q $100         q $250          q $500                City, State, Zip:��������������������������������������������
   donation to SPCA of
   Northern Virginia                    q Other: $_____________                              E-mail:���������������������������������������������������
   makes it possible for                                                                     Sign me up for your:          q e-Newsletter            q Print Newsletter
   us to rescue animals
                                        Memorial Gifts:                                      Make checks payable to SPCA of Northern Virginia and mail to:
   in need, provide
   them with shelter                                                                         SPCA of Northern Virginia, P.O. Box 100220, Arlington, VA 22210
                                        q In Memory of:
   and nutritious food,
   medical care, training,              �����������������������������                       If your company participates with
   and nurturing care,                                                                       the United Way or the Combined
                                        q In Honor of:
   all in preparation for                                                                    Federal Campaign (CFC),
   adoptions into homes                 �����������������������������                       designate donation to “Society
   of their own. Thank                                                                       for the Prevention of Cruelty to
   you for being a force                q Please send me information on                      Animals of Northern Virginia.”
   for animal welfare with                   how to leave a bequest to SPCA
   your generosity!                          NOVA.                                           If your company participates with the America’s Charities Campaign,
                                                                                             you can donate to the SPCA of Northern Virginia, #19137.

The SPCA of Northern Virginia is an IRS-registered 501(c)(3) charity, EIN 54-1627788, listed under the name Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals of Northern Virginia.

Remembering Barbara Cohen
   by Dana Meeker                              Stuemer in the field. Back                     roaches jumping on both                        animals

                                               then, humane investi-                          of us, to rescue an aban-                      finally
     he animal welfare                         gators were not paid,                          doned dog who hadn’t                           got a
     community lost                            putting themselves on the                      had human contact, fresh                       chance
one of its warriors when                       line solely to help animals.                   food, or water for over a                      to live
Barbara Cohen passed                             For the better part of                       week only to be bitten,                        the good
away on February 8 after                       40 years, she devoted                          but nevertheless, she                          life.
a long battle with cancer.                     evenings and weekends                          persisted and grabbed                             The strength and
Barbara spent much of                          – because she still had a                      him, literally loving him                      courage she brought to
her life helping animals                       full-time job – following                      back to life.”                                 humane investigations
and had served as SPCA                         up on calls, letters, and                        Over the years,                              were hallmarks of her
NOVA’s dog committee                           emails from people                             Barbara and Edith saved                        personality. She could be
chair since the late 1990s.                    reporting situations of                        hundreds of cats and                           intimidating and abrupt,
  In the early 1970s, long                     animal abuse, neglect,                         dogs. People who later                         but there was nothing she
before Animal Planet                           and abandonment. She                           adopted them have sent                         wouldn’t do to help an
made animal advocacy                           retired as a humane                            letters to SPCA NOVA                           animal in need. Helping
cool, Barbara took courses                     investigator in 2009.                          attesting to the bonds                         animals was her calling.
to become a licensed                             One of her daugh-                            they were able to develop                      We miss the safety net
humane investigator in                         ters, Jennifer, said, “I                       with these formerly-                           Barbara provided to
Virginia, joining SPCA                         remember her crawling                          tormented animals.                             Virginia’s animals, and
NOVA founder Edith von                         through filth, fleas, and                      Thanks to Barbara, these                       we miss her.

Summer 2017
Non-Profit Org.
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Rescuing                       Calming the Storm          Mourning
Homeless Kittens               Within                     a Fallen Hero
Learn what to do if you find   An anxious dog learns to   Our tribute to former
kittens outside                focus on good things and   humane investigator
                               finds a forever home       Barbara Cohen
page 1
                               page 3                     page 11
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