Peace matters - Peace Pledge Union

Peace matters - Peace Pledge Union
PeaceMatters 81 - March 2020 - final version.qxp_Layout 1 11/03/2020 18:24 Page 1

    Number 81
    March 2020
                                                                                    ISSN 1350-3006

  peace matters

                  Winning campaigns
                  in your community
   In this issue:

            Militarism in your local area: learning from successful activism

            Many snowflakes make an avalanche

            You, me and the war in Yemen
Peace matters - Peace Pledge Union
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      Peace Matters 2

      S i g n t h e Pe a c e P l e d ge                              “War is a crime against
      and build a culture                                             humanity. I renounce
                                                                      war, and am therefore
      of nonviolence                                                    determined not to
                                                                       support any kind of
      Join online at or fill                               war. I am also
      in the form below.                                             determined to work for
      I/we would like to sign the peace pledge (see wording oppo-       the removal of all
      site) and join the Peace Pledge Union.                             causes of war.”
      Name ________________________________________
                                                                     ISSN 1350 – 3006
      Address ______________________________________                 Peace Pledge Union
                                                                     1 Peace Passage, London N7 0BT
      Email address _________________________________                Phone: 020 7424 9444
      Annual subscription: £24, or £12 if you are on a low income,   Website:
      or £36 for two at the same address. Or you can subscribe to
                                                                     Peace Matters is published by the Peace
      Peace Matters without joining the PPU for £6.
                                                                     Pledge Union. Material published in
      Either: I/we enclose a cheque for £____                        Peace Matters does not necessarily
                                                                     reflect PPU policy.
      Or: debit my/our card for £____

      Card type __________________________________                   Editor: Symon Hill
                                                                     Proof-reading: Saffron Gallup
      Card number _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _                    Typeset and design: PPU
                                                                     Printing: Lithosphere
      Expiry date ________    Security number _ _ _

                                                                     Front page photo: PPU members and
       To The Manager: Bank                                          supporters in Hackney in 2018.
                                                                     The Peace Pledge Union is the oldest
                                                                     secular pacifist organisation in Britain.
       Your account number
       Please pay on / /2019 and on the same day each                Through War Resisters’ International it
       MONTH / YEAR (delete as appropriate)                          is linked with similar groups around the
       To: Unity Trust Bank, 4 Brindley Place,                       world.
       Birmingham B1 2HB
       60-83-01 Peace Pledge Union Main Account no 20386940
       the sum of £ _______ amount in                                For information, please visit
       Signature _________________________Date _________             or call 020 7424 9444.
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                                                                                       Peace Matters 3

                                Making change happen
                                                                                    Symon Hill, Editor
          In 2018, Leicester be-       that they were a result of       day militarism in their
      came the first British city to   people campaigning nonvi-        own communities. There
      ban the armed forces from        olently against militarism in    will be a series of training
      inviting children to handle      their own local area. These      events and new re-
      weapons at their street          campaigns involved people        sources both online and
      stalls.                          of many ages and back-           in print. We owe many
        In the same year, Glas-        grounds who share a pas-         thanks to the Joseph
      gow City Council agreed          sion for peace.                  Rowntree Charitable
      never to host an arms fair         Of course, more exam-          Trust for funding this ini-
      in their city again. The next    ples could be added - and        tiative.
      year, LGBT Pride marches         many more will be in the           There’s more informa-
      in York and Bristol rejected     next few years.                  tion on pages 8-9, along
      military and arms company          Grassroots activism can        with a first-hand account
      sponsorship following            be effective. This doesn’t       of the successful cam-
      protests the previous year.      mean we should charge in         paign in Leicester. You
      Several schools in Wales         unprepared and hope for          can read recent news on
      signed up to provide peace       the best. Activism needs         pages 4-7, and you can
      education as part of the         focus, planning and co-op-       find more examples of
      curriculum. A few weeks          eration. That’s why the          grassroots peace ac-
      ago, students in Cam-            Peace Pledge Union is de-        tivism on pages 10-13.
      bridge voted against             lighted to introduce a new       The final few pages in-
      military recruitment at          project this year, support-      clude a look at an impor-
      freshers’ fairs.                 ing people to learn from         tant peace charity and a
        What all these develop-        each other and to build          reivew of the film
      ments have in common is          campaigns against every-         A Hidden Life.

      Welcome Saffron!

        The Peace Pledge Union’s staff team increased from
      three to four in January, with Saffron Gallup (right)
      joining us as Education Services Manager.
        “Seeing how active and engaged young people have
      recently been in political issues gives me hope as an
      educator,” said Saffron. “I look forward to building on the
      excellent educational work developed by the PPU.”
        Saffron worked in the NHS as a Speech & Language
      Therapist for 17 years, providing support to a number of
      schools, families and educational staff. She still has the
      peace badge she wore as a child in the 1980s.
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      Peace Matters 4

                                     PM tries to put troops
                                             above the law
       Pacifists have promised          The announcement came         the right to join a union
     relentless resistance to         barely a month after the        and to leave their job when
     Boris Johnson’s militarist       Sunday Times revealed           they choose.
     policies after he threat-        widespread evidence of            The Queen's Speech also
     ened to increase military        the murder of civilians by      promised high levels of
     spending and water down          UK armed forces in Iraq         military spending. This is
     human rights laws in rela-       and Afghanistan (pictured       frequently demanded of
     tion to armed forces.            below).                         NATO members by US
       The plans were set out in        In reality, armed forces      President Donald Trump.
     the Queen’s Speech – the         personnel in the UK are           Several ministers made
     government’s legislative         almost never prosecuted,        clear their support for
     programme – on 19                let alone convicted, of         Trump after tensions with
     December. The Peace              war-related crimes.             Iran reached boiling point
     Pledge Union is working            Johnson pledged to            in January. While the im-
     alongside other peace            amend human rights legis-       mediate threat of war with
     and human rights groups          lation so that it will not      Iran seems to have re-
     to challenge them.               apply to troops on active       ceded, at least for now,
       The speech promised            service. But critics say that   there is likely to be strong
     legislation to end so-called     the concept of human            resistance if the UK gov-
     “vexatious claims” against       rights becomes meaning-         ernment tries to join in a
     armed forces personnel.          less if it does not apply to    war on Trump’s side. The
     The PPU described the            all people at all times.        PPU is in discussions with
     phrase as a dog-whistle            The PPU pointed out that      Iranian peace activists
     term for the militarist          armed forces leaders are        about building solidarity
     lobby, who use it to refer       allowed to abuse the            against the militarist poli-
     to almost any prosecution        human rights of their own       cies of the US, British and
     for war-related crimes.          personnel, who are denied       Iranian governments.
                                                                        PPU members are also
                                                                      calling on candidates for
                                                                      the Labour leadership and
                                                                      deputy leadership to clarify
                                                                      their policies on war. Dis-
                                                                      appointly, several candi-
                                                                      dates say they would
                                                                      press the “nuclear button”,
                                                                      although several say they
                                                                      want to reduce British in-
                                                                      volvement in military ac-
                                                                        The PPU urged them to
                                                                      have the courage to rule
                                                                      out war altogether.
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                                                                                    Peace Matters 5

                                     Death-dealers’ dodgy
                                         dinner disrupted
         Sports presenter Clare
      Balding has been praised
      for pulling out of speaking
      at a swanky dinner for
      arms dealers.
         Balding made the deci-
      sion after the Campaign
      Against Arms Trade
      (CAAT) drew her attention
      to the arms trade’s role in
      fuelling war in Yemen.
         Several arms dealers
      who travelled to Mayfair to
      attend the dinner on 22
      January turned back when
      they saw vocal, nonviolent       behind-the-scenes influ-         supporters of CAAT and
      protesters outside the           ence.                            other groups, with Peace
      Grosvenor House Hotel.             The dinner is held annu-       Pledge Union members
         Also attending the            ally by Aerospace, De-           well represented.
      £470-per-head event were         fence & Security (ADS),            Two PPU members,
      politicians and senior           the euphemistically named        Henrietta Cullinan and Al-
      armed forces officers, giv-      trade body for the arms in-      ison Parker, blocked one
      ing the arms dealers             dustry. Among the resist-        of the entrances by glu-
      chance to exercise               ing the event were               ing themselves together
                                                                        while draped with a ban-
        Cambridge students say no to armed forces                       ner reading “Stop Arming
                                                                          The protest came four
          The Cambridge University Students’ Union has
                                                                        months after an esti-
        voted by 55% against allowing military recruitment
                                                                        mated 2,000 people, in-
        at freshers’ fairs. The decision was applauded by
                                                                        cluding members of the
        the Peace Pledge Union.
                                                                        PPU and a wide range of
         The vote is a blow to the Officer Training Corps,
                                                                        other groups, took part in
        whose recruitment of Cambridge students allows
                                                                        protests against the DSEI
        them to promote pro-military attitudes among people
                                                                        arms fair in east London.
        who may go on to careers in business and politics.              Over 100 people were ar-
         If you are campaigning about militarism at univer-             rested there in Septem-
        sity (or want to), the PPU would love to hear from              ber after taking part in
        you. Email or call 020 7424 9444.               nonviolent direct action.
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       Peace Matters 6

                  White poppy-wearing veterans
                  challenge minister over insults
         A group of armed             should primarliy have a
      forces veterans are             message of peace. In ad-
      awaiting a response from        dition, 86% believe it
      Johnny Mercer MP after          should include civilian
      he encouraged people to         deaths and 83% agree
      “ignore” white poppy            that it should cover people
      wearers.                        of all nationalities. These
         Mercer (pictured right),     are all key messages of
      who was made “Minister          white poppies.
      for Defence People and            “It is now clear that the
      Veterans” last year, didn’t     British public want a more
      let his ministerial position    inclusive Remembrance
      prevent him from launch-                                        white poppies only because
                                      that carries a message of
      ing his annual attack on                                        of the hard work of volun-
                                      peace,” said the PPU’s
      white poppy wearers in                                          teers, both in the PPU and
                                      Geoff Tibbs. “Most people
      November. Twelve white                                          around the UK and beyond.
                                      now reject the nationalist
      poppy-wearing veterans                                          We sold around 86,000
                                      narrative that focuses
      of the army, navy and air                                       white poppies in 2019, a
                                      overwhelmingly on the
      force wrote to him to de-                                       drop that reflects the lower
                                      British military.”
      mand an apology.                                                level of media coverage
                                        Belatedly sensing a shift
         Indepdent polling pub-                                       caused by the general elec-
                                      in the public mood, the
      lished in October sug-                                          tion. But while there was a
                                      Royal British Legion - pro-
      gested that most people                                         fall in the number of small
                                      ducers of red poppies -
      don’t share Mercer’s                                            orders, there was a big
                                      said for the first time that
      gung-ho approach. The                                           increase in the number of
                                      that they “acknowledge”
      poll found that 85% of UK                                       shops and cafes selling
                                      civilian deaths.
      adults agree that                                               white poppies.
                                        As usual, we were able
      Remembrance Sunday                                                White poppy wreaths were
                                      to distribute thousands of
                                                                      laid at alternative cere-
                                                                      monies around the UK. At
                                                                      the national Alternative Re-
                                                                      membrance Sunday Cere-
                                                                      mony in London, members
                                                                      of London Students for
                                                                      Yemen read out a first-hand
                                                                      testimony of the effects of
                                                                      aerial bombardment. It was
                                                                      a powerful reminder of why
                                                                      remembering the suffering
                                                                      of war cannot be separated
                                                                      from working against war
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                                                                                    Peace Matters 7

                                               Mixed messages for
                                               VE Day anniversary
         Government plans to           6.55pm, we are encour-           75 years ago, the PPU
      celebrate the 75th anniver-      aged to join in a world-         rejoiced at an end to war
      sary of VE Day have come         wide “cry for peace”,            in Europe and the fall of
      unstuck after criticisms of      followed by church bells         military dictatorships in
      the message, the timing -        ringing out for peace at 7.
                                                                        Germany and Italy, while
      and what they are asking            The Peace Pledge
      us to celebrate.                 Union welcomed plans for         insisting that “true victory
         VE (“Victory in Europe”)      a commitment to peace,           comes not by force of
      Day took place on 8 May          but said politicians who         arms”.
      1945, the day after Ger-         join in could be taken seri-
      many’s surrender. Thou-          ously only if they pursue            (Below) The Peace Pledge
      sands more people died           peace-building policies.                      Union’s response
      before the Second World             At the time of VE Day
      War was over.
                                                                                     to VE Day in 1945.

         The official plans for the
      anniversary involve “cele-
      brations” over the week-
      end of 8-10 May 2020.
         The Peace Pledge
      Union will also mark the
      75th anniversay of VE
      Day, but said that it was a
      more appropriate day for
      mourning and learning
      from the past than cele-
      brating. They warned that
      the day should not be
      used to promote mili-
         Unsurprisingly, many
      are unhappy that the May
      Day bank holiday, associ-
      ated with working class
      solidarity, has been
      scrapped to make way for
      the VE Day holiday on
      Friday 8 May.
         At 3pm on 8 May, the
      government wants us all to
      drink a toast to “the heroes
      of World War Two”. At
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        Peace Matters 8

                        Learning from Leicester:
                        Winning a local campaign
      Members of                       In Leicester our focus on    that stone we pledge to hon-
      Leicester for Peace           military recruitment came       our those people by working
      have taken action             out of a World War One          actively for peace now.
      against militarism -          project that we did at              Out of that pledge came
      and won!                      Leicester CND, thanks to a      “The 2017 Leicester Charter
      Penny Walker, one             Heritage Lottery Grant. We      on the reduction of the mili-
      of Leicester’s most           researched those who had        tarisation of young people”.
      active peace cam-             refused to fight in our area    This included specific ways
      paigners, tells us            and the issues they faced.      in which this could happen.
      how they achieved a           We wrote a book,                    We were appalled to see
      significant policy            Uncovering Resistance. We       how often the armed forces
      change in their city.         produced an educational         arrived in the city centre with
                                    resource and we held sev-       tanks and guns and how
                                    eral events.                    young children were invited
                                        We worked with the          to handle these “exciting”
                                    drama department at a sixth     weapons.
                                    form college to explore             To stop this we needed to
                                    signing up in 1915 and          know when they were com-
                                    signing up in 2015. At the      ing so we could be prepared.
                                    end of the project we           We sent Freedom of Infor-
                                    erected a stone to those        mation Requests to the army
                                    who refused to fight and on     who refused to say when
                                    Conscientious Objectors’        they would be there on the
                                    Day (15 May) each year at       grounds of security and we

         Right: Campaigning on
        the streets of Leicester.
       Penny is third from right.

         Above right: Before the
        change - soldiers show-
        ing weapons to children
              in Leicester, 2017.

       Photo credits: Ambrose
      Musiyiwa/ Civic Leicester
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                                                                                    Peace Matters 9

      sent them to Leicester          handling guns.                     Do you want to run a
      City Council, who took the        We met our elected                campaign about an
      bookings, who told us.          mayor, Peter Souslby. He          aspect of militarism in
          We were then able to        was supportive, agreeing              your own area?
      organise a presence.            that the armed forces
      Many peace people came          should not invite anyone          During 2020, the Peace
      along including Quakers         under 16 to handle                   Pledge Union will
      and at our first demon-         weapons.                          produce resources and
      stration we were joined by        A few months later, the          run training events to
      Veterans for Peace who          practice stopped.                help people to learn from
      chatted to the public               On Armed Forces Day          each other’s experiences
      about the reality of military   in 2019 no guns were on           and build campaigns in
      life and war. Subsequently      view and the few at the           their own communities.
      we held silent vigils stand-    back of one gazebo were
      ing in a long line opposite     closely guarded so no chil-       Resources and details
      the army with placards,         dren could touch them.            will appear on the PPU
      and cards promoting the             But we have to con-           website throughout the
      “Before You Sign Up”            tinue to be vigilant. In the               year.
      website.                        spring, when young people
        Photographs were taken        are deciding what to do           But you don’t have to
      and letters written to the      when they leave school,          wait! You can reach us at
      local press. A petition was     the armed forces will be or on
      raised about children           back. So will we.                      020 7424 9444.
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       Peace Matters 10

                                Many snowflakes make
                                        an avalanche
      Tomos Williams-               I feel privileged to be able     rights, in this case pacifism,
      Mason is working            to stand up for my beliefs,        from a relatable and not too
      with other young            considering so many people         conceptual standpoint then
      people to develop           were castigated around 100         people will start to think for
      PPU youth actions.          years ago for it. But it is now    themselves and one day
      Here he tells us how,       2020 and I am not only             wear the white poppy with
      and why, he became          wearing my badge of paci-          us.
      a pacifist and joined       fism with pride, but writing an      This goal of changing
      the Peace Pledge            article about it, almost like      mindsets meant I delivered,
      Union.                      some sort of modern, non-          for the first time ever in the
                                  religious evangelist whose         school’s history, a speech
                                  belief in peace is his Bible.      on pacifism and the white
                                    Many may consider me one         poppy in Ysgol Maesydder-
                                  of these moaning                   wen’s Remembrance
                                  “snowflakes”, but with             Service of 2019. It started
                                  enough snowflakes there            with making a white poppy
                                  can be an avalanche.               wreath. With a growing feel-
                                    My name is Tomos and I           ing of moral need to
                                  am just finishing my A Levels      promote the work of the
                                  amidst working for an ethical      PPU but also the message
      Tomos Williams-             cosmetics company.                 that peace is the only fair
      Mason, 18, is an            Although I’ve only been an         and virtuous answer to con-
      A Level student and         official PPU member for            flict, I stood up with
      PPU member from             about five months, my work         confidence. I’m so pleased I
      the Ystradgynlais           around pacifism and the right      inspired people to question
      area near Swansea.          to be a pacifist have long         things!
                                  been at the forefront of many        My avid activity on Twitter,
                                  a debate. I think this passion     the battleground (excuse
                                  for debate has been some-          the war pun) of us
                                  thing I’ve naturally, and          “snowflakes”, has become
                                  subconsciously, worked on.         part of my everyday life as I
                                  Although originally I thought      see it as a place to publicly
                                  being in a small community         share my burning passions
                                  in South Wales would mean          for human rights, in paci-
                                  an unwritten embargo on            fism and related human
                                  progressive mindsets and           rights issues such as
                                  philosophy, I have noticed         LGBTQI+ rights, and it is
                                  that if one comes at the aim       this platform that mainly in-
                                  of promoting human pledge          spired me to sign the peace
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                                                                                     Peace Matters 11

        pledge and thus officially      community. Perhaps too
        become a member of the          this explains my support
        PPU. Many people mock it,       for human rights, as in          Do you want to join in
        and yes the landscape of        my eyes a moral duty, not         PPU youth actions?
        Twitter can be negative         just of my own affiliated
        sometimes, but it also is in-   communities.                    Or join in campaigns to
       strumental in advocating           More topically however,            challenge the
       human rights. I think it is      my pacifism leads me not        militarisation of youth?
       one of the best ways to          just to dislike militarism
       serve the Peace Pledge           (strongly might I add), but         Then please drop
       itself and “work to remove       to have a growing con-                 us a line at
       all causes of war”.              cern for the community of ,
         In further regard to the       the UK, and the body of             020 7424 9444 or
       stem of my pacifism, but         the world as a whole,                 @PPUtoday
       more generally the root of       since over recent times,
       pacifism for people as a         the blood-stained propa-
       whole, it is hard to really      ganda of military groups
       place a reason why people        has become ever more
       identify themselves as           present.
       pacifists. My sentiment is         I look forward to many
       that pacifism, in the            more years of promoting          (Below) Newspapers such as
       conceptual sense, comes          peace through the es-                   the Daily Star regularly
      from personal experience          pousement of human                portray anti-militarist young
      of the opposite. Although I       rights.                                 people as ‘snowflakes’
      am lucky enough not to
      have come from a war
      zone, or experience really
      any first-hand violence,
      one could postulate that
      pacifism for me came from
      the experiences I felt that
      others had - through
      empathy. In turn came my
      desire to join the PPU.
      Conceivably, well without a
      doubt really, there is a link
      between my pacifism, my
      veganism and my exis-
      tence within the LGBTQI+
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      Peace Matters 12

      Yemen: A responsibility to rebel
      Adhiyan Jeevathol        “The massacre of innocent            population are in need of
      writes of the need to  people is a serious matter.            humanitarian assistance.
      act in the face of UK  It is not a thing to be easily         Millions are at risk of
      complicity in Saudi    forgotten. It is our duty to           famine and 12,000 civilians
      war crimes.            cherish their memory.”                 have been killed in military
                               Decent people would ac-              operations – the latter is in
                             cept this statement by                 part due to “widespread
      Adhiyan Jeevathol is a Mahatma Gandhi as uncon-               and systematic” attacks on
      3rd year Zoology       troversial. Yet, it is surely a        civilians by the coalition.
      student at University  miserable truth that the op-             All of this need not be. An
      College London and a posite is practised. Namely,             ex-officer of the Royal
      member of London       that we tend to remember               Saudi Air Force stated that
      Students for Yemen.    the victims of those we de-            without British support, the
                             spise while victims of our             coalition would not be able
                             crimes are ignored–                    to keep its crucial Typhoons
                             Malayans from 1948-60,                 in the air. Consequently, the
                             Kenyans in the 1950s, East             war would end.
                             Timorese in the 1970s and                Similar comments have
                             the Chagos Islanders to                been repeated by others in-
                             name a few.                            cluding CIA veteran Paul R.
                               The most recent, and on-             Pillar.
                             going, example is in Yemen.              Apart from verbiage, our
                             Here the UK-armed Saudi                government has done little
                             coalition have helped in-              and continued to aid the
                             duce a humanitarian catas-             coalition in its operations –
                             trophe where 75% of the                even sending British troops

       (Right) Adhiyan Jeevathol
        with Shadia Robertson at
            the PPU’s Alternative
          Remembrance Sunday
            Ceremony in London,

             (Above right) A vigil
            organised by London
             Students for Yemen.
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                                                                                     Peace Matters 13

      to Yemen and training
      Saudi forces within the
      UK, including at Sandhurst
      and at RAF Valley in North
        Regarding the media,
      during the last two elec-
      tions, our complicity in the
      “worst humanitarian catas-
      trophe in the world” was
      scarcely bought up, let
      alone discussed. It is no
      surprise then that most
      Brits are, as with East
      Timor and the Chagos Is-
      landers, unaware of the
      blood on our hands.
        Upon learning this, it’s        a vigil, talks and              Want to take action
      normal to ask what’s one’s       protests. Recently, at the       around Yemen?
      own responsibility is in         PPU’s Alternative Re-
      such affairs. Pacifist A.J.      membrance Sunday Cer-            You can contact London
      Muste hints at an answer:        emony, we read out a             Students for Yemen at
      “Human beings acquiesce          survivor’s testimony of a        @LS4Yemen or at
      too easily in evil condi-        coalition airstrike in 
      tions; they rebel far too lit-   Sana’a. Abdullelah’s ac-         dentsforyemen.
      tle and too seldom”. Thus,       count is harrowing and
      a responsible human,             uncomfortable. Uncom-            The Peace Pledge
      pacifist or not, must            fortable because of how          Union (PPU) is
      “rebel”. I feel this is true     he ends his account,             challenging the role of
      especially for the Brit who      writing, “It made me             UK armed forces in
      needn’t worry about such         wonder how human lives           training Saudi forces.
      severe punishment for            are so cheap for those           Contact
      their dissent as a Russian       people”. By those people         or 020 7424 9444.
      or an Iranian might.             he means the United Na-
      Hence, our responsibility        tions.                           The Campaign Against
      is even greater.                   But the comment could          Arms Trade (CAAT) is
        It is because of this re-      potentially be turned to         campaigning against
      sponsibility that I joined       us. Its legitimacy will de-      arms sales to forces
      London Students for              pend on how you and I            fighting in Yemen.
      Yemen last year. Since           respond to these criminal        Contact 020 7281 0297
      then, we have organised a        acts.                            or visit
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       Peace Matters 14

                                    Review: A Hidden Life
      Stephen Canning            A church bell rings in the          ment that conveys the
      reviews the film        Austrian countryside, the              torment of the long night of
      A Hidden Life,          year is 1939.                          the soul as well as the joy
      directed by Terence       Inside the church an artist          of epiphany. Some of this is
      Malick.                 paints pictures that com-              explained further in
                              fort, though one day he                voiceover while other
                              might be brave enough to               moments are left to ponder.
                              create a painting that                   This is a telling of a story
                              makes the people face                  based on real events. A
                              great truth. In this valley            look at the inner motivations
                              above the clouds Franz                 of Franz Jägerstätter
                              and Fanny (Franziska)                  stylised for the screen.
                              meet, marry and start a                  Occasional intrusions by
                              family. Farming and village            the score pass quickly and
                              life continue unhindered, in           the film avoids slipping into
                              the bleak yet beautiful                pretence.
                              surroundings, until in true              This drama plays out to
                              Terrance Malick style                  the back drop of violence
                              storm clouds gather both               on the micro level of an
                              narratively and visually.              Austrian village in the hills
                                Franz Jägerstätter, an               and the macro level of the
                              Austrian conscientious                 Second World War.
                              objector, is conscripted to            Despite this violence, joy is
                              the German army but                    found in the fresh grass and
                              makes a personal stand,                the changing of the
      Stephen Canning is a    refusing to swear                      seasons. As viewers we
      nurse and PPU member allegiance to Hitler. This                catch glimpses of the inner
      living in South London. results in his imprison-               architecture of Franz and
                              ment, bringing shame and               Fannie’s emotional and
                              social alienation to the               spiritual lives.
                              family he leaves behind.                 This is a long film, a tough
                              Despite the physical and               film, a film that though
                              psychological trauma that              beautifully shot and well-
                              Franz faces he finds                   acted will make you face
                              comfort in memories of his             great truth.
                              wife and daughters.                      Terrence Malick is inter-
                                Franz and Fanny, played              ested in big questions and
                              by August Diehl and                    deep existential issues.
                              Valerie Pachner, are often             What is a story if it remains
                              seen in moments of quiet               untold? What is a life if it re-
                              or stillness. Understate-              mains hidden?
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                                                                                     Peace Matters 15

               Funding education for peace
      The PPU relies heavily            For some years I had          this is done through Gift
      on voluntary donations,         helped in a small way with      Aid. My commitment as a
      especially as our cam-          the work of three (or was       trustee is to attend three or
      paigning means we               it four?) of Peace Pledge       four meetings a year to
      cannot be a “charity” in        Union’s education work-         receive and consider appli-
      law. Thankfully, the law        ers. Our small committee        cations for funding, mostly
      deems our educational           met in one of the “lower        from the PPU. We have
      work to be charitable,          ground floor” rooms at          had requests, however,
      and it is partly funded         Dick Sheppard House in          from a handful of other
      by the Peace Research           Endsleigh Street, London        bodies and have some-
      & Education Trust               (the PPU’s offices until        times given small amounts
      (PRET). John Morris             1995). My contribution          when the cause was close
      explains more.                  was mainly some school          to our own.
                                      teaching experience in            A glance at early minutes
                                      secondary education –           of the Trust shows that we
                                      although I had later been       were suggesting work that
                                      employed in the adminis-        might be undertaken by
                                      tration of school examina-      the PPU. More recently,
                                      tions and in adult educa-       we have been responding
                                      tion.                           to requests from PPU
                                        Then, fairly soon after       Council and staff mem-
                                      the establishment of the        bers.
                                      Peace Research and                For some time, I attended
                                      Education Trust (PRET) in       meetings of the Peace
      John Morris is chair of         1997, I was invited, or         Education Network.
      the Peace Research &            perhaps, as I had just          Nowadays, I only keep in
      Education Trust and a           retired, I volunteered, to      touch with it electronically.
      longstanding PPU                join that august body. I        It is so helpful to know
      activist.                        was thus helping to raise      from those active for
                                       funds specifically for the     peace in the classroom
                                       peace education and            what is going down well
                                       research work of the           with pupils and teachers.
                                       PPU. Income Tax-paying           More information about
                                       members and friends of         PRET and its work may be
                                       the Union could choose to      found in its publicity leaflet.
                                       allocate a proportion of         If you feel that you would
                                       their donation to that work    like to join the trustees,
                                       and the government             please make your interest
                                       would return to us the         known to me, c/o 1 Peace
                                       amount of tax paid on          Passage, London, N7 0BT
                                       their donation. Nowadays,      or at
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       Peace Matters 16

                               SO THEY SAY...
      “There may be unlawful violence.”                 “Remembrance Sunday should
                                                        primarily have a message of peace.”
      Police officer at the DSEI arms fair,
      justifying restrictions on the                    Statement backed by 85% of
      movements of peaceful protesters.                 people in an independent poll of British
      (7 September 2019)                                public opinion. (16 October 2019)

      “I was... pulled off my bike, taken to            “As veterans, we believe we have
      the side, stopped and searched,                   the right to choose what colour
      handcuffed and arrested for posses-               poppy to wear.”
      sion of a marker pen and a tube of
      glue... I was held for eight hours.”              Letter from white poppy-wearing veter-
                                                        ans to Minister for Veterans Johnny
      PPU member Richard Barnard                        Mercer, who encouraged people to
      describes the reality of policing at the          “ignore” white poppy wearers.
      DSEI arms fair. (6 September 2019)                (10 November 2019)

      “That gives the British army... the               “It’s little wonder that these stocks
      right side of the environmental                   are racing ahead... It’s a good time
      argument, especially in the eyes of               to be in bombs, bullets and bugs.”
      that next generation of recruits.”
                                                        Unnamed “city defence analyst” quoted
      General Mark Carleton-Smith suggests              in the media over global military
      that more young people would sign up              tension. (10 January 2020)
      if the army were a bit greener.
      (13 September 2019)
                                                                   Contact the
      “The military trying to recruit us by                     Peace Pledge Union
      making themselves more environ-
      mentally friendly is disgusting...
      Without social justice and peace we                
      cannot reach climate justice. We are
      strong, we are educated, we know                                @PPUtoday
      our rights and have our own morals!
      I will not let the military strip me of
      17-year-old climate striker Anya
      Nanning Ramamurthy.
      (20 September 2019)                                            020 7424 9444
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