Perspectives on COVID-19 vaccination among kidney and pancreas transplant recipients living in New York City - Oxford Academic Journals

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Practice Research Report

Perspectives on COVID-19 vaccination among kidney
and pancreas transplant recipients living in New
York City
Demetra Tsapepas, PharmD, MBA,
NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, New                  Purpose. Solid organ transplant recipients are at increased risk of
York, NY, and Division of Abdominal
Transplant, Department of Surgery,
                                                    morbidity and mortality from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), but
Columbia University Medical Center, New             limited vaccine access and vaccine hesitancy can complicate efforts for
York, NY, USA                                       expanded vaccination. We report patient perspectives and outcomes

                                                                                                                                         Downloaded from by guest on 12 December 2021
S. Ali Husain, MD, MPH, Division of                 from a vaccine outreach initiative for a vulnerable population of transplant
Nephrology, Department of Medicine,                 recipients living in New York City.
Columbia University Medical Center, New
York, NY, USA
                                                    Methods. This was a retrospective review of qualitative perspectives
Kristen L. King, MPH, Division of
Nephrology, Department of Medicine,                 from a COVID-19 vaccine outreach initiative. In the outreach effort, kidney
Columbia University Medical Center, New             and pancreas transplant recipients under care at the transplant center at
York, NY, USA                                       NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital were initially contacted electronically with
Yvonne Burgos, BSc, Division of                     educational material about vaccination followed by telephone outreach to
Abdominal Transplant, Department of
Surgery, Columbia University Medical
                                                    eligible unvaccinated patients. Calls were used to schedule vaccine ap-
Center, New York, NY, USA                           pointments for patients who agreed, answer questions, and assess at-
David J. Cohen, MD, Division of                     titudes and concerns for patients not yet ready to be vaccinated, with
Nephrology, Department of Medicine,                 conversational themes recorded.
Columbia University Medical Center, New
York, NY, USA
                                                    Results. Of the 1,078 patients living in the 5 New York City boroughs who
Sumit Mohan, MD, MPH, Division of                   had not reported receiving COVID-19 vaccination, 320 eligible patients
Nephrology, Department of Medicine,
Columbia University Medical Center,                 were contacted by telephone. Of these, 210 patients were scheduled for
New York, NY, and Department of                     vaccination at our vaccine site (including 13 who agreed to vaccination
Epidemiology, Mailman School of Public              after initially declining), while 110 patients were either not ready or not
Health, Columbia University, New York,
NY, USA                                             interested in being vaccinated. The total number of patients willing to be
                                                    vaccinated was 554 when also including those already vaccinated. Unwill-
                                                    ingness to be vaccinated was associated with younger age (median age of
                                                    47 vs 60 years, P < 0.001), Black race (P = 0.004), and residence in Bronx
                                                    or Brooklyn counties (P = 0.018) or a zip code with a medium level of pov-
                                                    erty (P = 0.044). The most common issues raised by patients who were
                                                    ambivalent or not interested in vaccination were regarding unknown safety
                                                    of the vaccines in general, a belief that there was a lack of data about the
                                                    vaccines in transplant recipients, and a lack of trust in the scientific pro-
                                                    cess underlying vaccine development, with 34% of the patients contacted
                                                    expressing vaccine hesitancy overall.

                                                    Conclusion. Our qualitative summary identifies determinants of COVID-19
                                                    vaccine hesitancy in a diverse transplant patient population, supporting
                                                    the need for transplant centers to implement tailored interventions to in-
                                                    crease vaccine acceptance in this vulnerable population.

                                                    Keywords: COVID-19, kidney transplant, vaccine

                                                                                   Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 2021;78:2040-2045

Address correspondence to Dr. Tsapepas

© American Society of Health-System                   olid organ transplant recipients         morbidity and mortality.1,2 Vaccination
Pharmacists 2021. All rights reserved.
For permissions, please e-mail: journals.             have been significantly impacted by      represents an important strategy for                              the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-         prevention of severe acute respiratory              19) pandemic with increased risk of          syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)

2040       AM J HEALTH-SYST PHARM           |   VOLUME 78   |   NUMBER 22   |   November 15, 2021
COVID-19 VACCINE OUTREACH IN TRANSPLANT RECIPIENTS                             Practice Research Report

infections and severe disease.3,4                                                           center experience, comments about
However, limited vaccine access and             KEY POINTS                                  how the vaccines work, adverse ef-
vaccine hesitancy complicate efforts to         • COVID-19 vaccination in a                 fects in transplant patients vs the gen-
rapidly expand vaccination.5 Herein we            highly vulnerable transplant              eral population, the risks and benefits
describe the outcomes and patient per-            population represents an area             of the vaccine vs COVID-19 infection,
spectives from a vaccine scheduling out-          of opportunity for transplant             and other concerns raised by patients
reach effort for a particularly susceptible       programs to intervene.                    were discussed. Interpreter services
cohort of patients—transplant recipients                                                    were utilized to communicate with
                                                • COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy
living in New York City.                                                                    non–English-speaking patients.
                                                  was most common among
                                                                                                To summarize the population
Methods                                           individuals of younger age
                                                                                            demographics and COVID-19 vaccine
                                                  and/or Black race and those

                                                                                                                                          Downloaded from by guest on 12 December 2021
    This was a retrospective review of                                                      perspectives, patients were stratified
                                                  residing in Brooklyn or Bronx
qualitative perspectives of kidney and                                                      into 2 groups: (1) those agreeable to
                                                  counties or a zip code with a
pancreas transplant recipients who                                                          receiving COVID-19 vaccine and (2)
                                                  poverty level between 10%
were contacted as part of a vaccination                                                     those not ready to receive COVID-19
                                                  and 20%.
outreach initiative. All kidney and pan-                                                    vaccine. The proportion of individuals
creas transplant recipients with func-          • Clinicians should share object-           living in zip codes with higher levels of
tioning allografts under the care of              ive data and expert opinions              poverty was obtained using data from
the Kidney and Pancreas Transplant                and provide the necessary au-             the American Community Survey, and
Center      at   NewYork-Presbyterian             tonomy for patients to make               patients were divided into 3 groups
Hospital Columbia University Irving               informed decisions about                  with a low (0%-10%), medium (11%-
Medical Center who lived in the 5 bor-            COVID-19 vaccination.                     20%), or high (>20%) level of poverty on
oughs of New York City were contacted                                                       the basis of the zip code of their primary
to schedule appointments to receive                                                         address.6 Continuous variables were
COVID-19 vaccine. Geographic re-                                                            compared using the nonparametric
strictions on vaccine allocation pre-                                                       Mann-Whitney U test, and categorical
cluded scheduling visits for patients         outreach call process to eligible un-         variables were compared using a χ2
living in other areas. Patients who had       vaccinated patients was implemented           or Fisher’s exact test as appropriate. P
a medical indication to defer vaccin-         to schedule vaccine appointments              values less than 0.05 were considered
ation, including having undergone             for interested patients, answer ques-         statistically significant. Statistical ana-
transplant surgery, treatment for re-         tions, and assess attitudes and con-          lysis was performed using Stata 16.1
jection, or chemotherapy within the           cerns for patients who reported that          (StataCorp, College Station, TX). This
last 3 months, were excluded from the         they were not ready or not interested         study was approved by the institutional
outreach initiative. The outreach effort      in the COVID-19 vaccine. A pharma-            review board at Columbia University
began with electronic dissemination           cist used a semistructured approach           Irving Medical Center.
(email and patient portal–based com-          that began by informing the patient
munications) of educational mater-            that the transplant center was calling        Results
ials that were formatted as “frequently       patients to schedule COVID-19 vac-                At the start of the vaccine outreach
asked questions” and coupled with             cine appointments at the hospital loca-       intervention, there were 3,067 patients
a safety and efficacy summary, with           tion. For patients who were agreeable         under the care of the transplant pro-
this information shared in English and        to receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, an         gram. Of these, 1,222 patients lived in
Spanish. In addition, patients were           appointment was scheduled within a            1 of the 5 New York City boroughs and
sent a letter indicating that they were       week of the call. For patients that were      1,078 had not yet reported receiving
transplant recipients and under the           not ready to receive COVID-19 vac-            COVID-19 vaccination and were con-
care of the transplant program, which         cination, a conversational approach           tacted by telephone. Contact was made
they could share with vaccine sites           was used to identify the underlying           with 592 patients; of the 320 eligible pa-
should this become necessary to dem-          concerns and/or questions in order            tients, 210 were scheduled to receive
onstrate eligibility at different stages      to be able to address them and also to        the COVID-19 vaccine at our vaccine
of vaccine rollout. On March 1, 2021,         understand how patients were making           site during the outreach telephone
the transplant department was au-             their choices with respect to vaccin-         calls and 110 patients were either not
thorized to schedule COVID-19 vac-            ation. The conversation themes were           ready yet or not interested in receiving
cine appointments for patients who            recorded. In addition, existing data on       COVID-19 vaccine (Figure 1).
lived in the 5 New York City boroughs         COVID-19 vaccine administrations in               For comparative analysis of patient
at a centralized hospital vaccination         transplant recipients both in published       characteristics based on willingness
site. Over a 2-week span, a systematic        literature and from the transplant            to be vaccinated, patients who had

                                         AM J HEALTH-SYST PHARM      |   VOLUME 78   |   NUMBER 22   |   November 15, 2021  2041
Practice Research Report                                         COVID-19 VACCINE OUTREACH IN TRANSPLANT RECIPIENTS

Figure 1. Population summary. An asterisk indicates 13 patients who were originally not ready to receive the COVID-19
vaccine. COVID-19 indicates coronavirus disease 2019; NYC, New York City.

                                                                                                                                          Downloaded from by guest on 12 December 2021
informed us that they had been vac-              medium levels of poverty (P = 0.044).        some college education (54%) from
cinated for COVID-19 before the out-             Most patients contacted spoke English        high-poverty areas (62%).
reach effort (n = 144) were combined             (80%) or Spanish (17%), but, when ne-            Patients who were contacted as part
with patients who reported that they             cessary, interpreter services were used      of the outreach effort in both groups ex-
had already been vaccinated during the           to speak with patients in their native       pressed concerns and asked questions
outreach call (n = 200) as well as those         language (Bengali, Korean, Malayalam,        about vaccination during the telephone
who were newly scheduled for vaccin-             Mandarin, or Spanish). Access to the         calls. The most common questions
ation (n = 210), for a total of 554 patients     hospital’s patient portal was not as-        among patients who were scheduled for
who were willing to be vaccinated and            sociated with willingness to receive         vaccination were about adverse effects
110 patients who were not ready to               COVID-19 vaccine (P = 0.199). Of note,       (20%; n = 41), whether the transplant
be vaccinated. The characteristics of            13 patients who initially stated that        center had confirmed that vaccination
each group are summarized in Table 1.            they were not ready to be vaccinated         was safe and was in support of the vac-
Patients who were not currently willing          called to request appointments after         cine (8%; n = 17), which vaccine was
to be vaccinated were younger (median            the initial conversation. These individ-     being administered (7%; n = 14), and
age of 47 vs 60 years), more frequently          uals are included in the group that was      how many doses were going to be ne-
Black (P = 0.004), more frequently from          agreeable to COVID-19 vaccination            cessary (4%; n = 9). Patients also asked
the Bronx or Brooklyn (P = 0.018), and           and as a subgroup were predominantly         whether vaccination had any poten-
more commonly living in areas with               Hispanic (46%) with high school and          tial interactions with their transplant

2042      AM J HEALTH-SYST PHARM          |    VOLUME 78   |   NUMBER 22   |   November 15, 2021
COVID-19 VACCINE OUTREACH IN TRANSPLANT RECIPIENTS                                      Practice Research Report

Table 1. Demographic Characteristics
                                            Agreeable to Receive                           Not Ready to Receive
                                             COVID-19 Vaccine                               COVID-19 Vaccine
Characteristic                                   (n = 554)                                       (n = 110)                      P value

Age, median (IQR), years                        59.6 (47.7-67.9)                                46.6 (35-63.6)
Practice Research Report                                          COVID-19 VACCINE OUTREACH IN TRANSPLANT RECIPIENTS

                                                                                                more access to the healthcare system,
  Table 2. Vaccine Concerns Among Patients Who Were Not Willing to
                                                                                                whereas those in high-poverty areas
  Receive COVID-19 Vaccination
                                                                                                were most impacted by COVID-19 and
                                                                     Patients Not Willing       have directly experienced the impact of
                                                                     to Receive Vaccine         disease. We believe that it is important
  Comment                                                                 (n = 110)a
                                                                                                for healthcare providers to increase the
  Concerned about safety in transplant recipients                           22 (20)             confidence of patients about vaccin-
                                                                                                ation by, for example, sharing that the
  Lack of data in transplant recipients                                     15 (14)
                                                                                                COVID-19 vaccines have undergone
  Rushed development                                                        13 (12)             thorough testing and that safe adminis-
  No reason shared                                                          13 (12)             tration has been demonstrated among

                                                                                                                                            Downloaded from by guest on 12 December 2021
                                                                                                transplant recipients in the early vac-
  Prefers Janssen/Johnson & Johnson vaccine                                 12 (11)
                                                                                                cine distribution phases in real-world
  Adverse effect concerns                                                   12 (11)
                                                                                                experience.3,4,9 Clinicians should share
  Concerned about drug interactions with                                    12 (11)             objective data and expert opinions and
   immunosuppressants                                                                           provide the necessary autonomy for pa-
  General skepticism                                                        11 (10)             tients to make informed decisions.
  Wanted to hear from physician                                             10 (9)
                                                                                                    It is also notable that hesitancy did
                                                                                                not indicate vaccine refusal; using this
  Does not receive vaccines in general                                      10 (9)
                                                                                                approach, 13 patients who were initially
  Concerned about the unknown long-term effects                                 9 (8)           hesitant about vaccination during our
  Had COVID-19 infection and feels protected by antibodies                      4 (4)           outreach effort called back and booked
                                                                                                appointments. This observation indi-
  Believes that the vaccine is a test for society and does not                  3 (3)
    want to participate                                                                         cates that an appropriate method to
                                                                                                influence patients with respect to re-
  Concerns about vaccine ingredients                                            2 (2)
                                                                                                ceiving a vaccine is by giving patients
  Does not want to leave the house                                              2 (2)           facts about vaccine safety and sharing
  Anxious and not mentally prepared                                             1 (1)           what is known, as well as the perspec-
                                                                                                tive of the transplant program.
  Abbreviation: COVID-19, coronavirus disease 2019.
   All data are shown as No. (%).                                                                   Patients should also be counseled
                                                                                                on the risks of COVID-19 vaccination vs
                                                                                                COVID-19 disease and the benefits of
medications (3%; n = 6). The most                 opportunity for transplant programs to        vaccination. It is known that transplant
common issues raised by patients who              intervene.                                    recipients have an increased likelihood
were ambivalent or not interested in                  We found that patient characteris-        of poor outcomes from SARS-CoV-2 in-
vaccination were regarding unknown                tics associated with vaccine hesitancy        fection in comparison to individuals
safety of the vaccine in general (20%;            included younger age, Black race, and         who are not transplant recipients, owing
n = 22), a belief that there was a lack of        residence in Brooklyn or Bronx coun-          to comorbidities or immunosuppres-
data about the vaccines in transplant             ties or a zip code with a poverty level       sion.1,2 We recommend that clinicians
recipients (14%; n = 15), and a lack              between 10% and 20%. These results are        relay this information to patients in a
of trust in the scientific process that           similar to broader national question-         realistic but sensitive way by informing
brought the vaccines to market (12%;              naire distributions in which younger          them that, on the basis of the compos-
n = 13), or the patient did not want to           individuals and Black and/or Hispanic         ition of currently available vaccines and
articulate a reason (Table 2).                    individuals have indicated that they do       their mechanism of action, we do not
                                                  not intend to be vaccinated.7,8 Although      anticipate transplant patients experien-
Discussion                                        the majority of the patients contacted        cing any unique adverse effects different
    COVID-19 vaccination is the most              were scheduled for appointments, the          from those in the general population
effective method to build widespread              findings from this outreach effort indi-      and our expert opinion is that the vac-
SARS-CoV-2 immunity to ensure the                 cate a concern about vaccine hesitancy        cines are safe in that they are unlikely
safety of the population. We found                and a need for intervention, particularly     to trigger a rejection episode or have a
that 34% of transplant recipients who             among individuals living in areas that        negative effect on allograft function.
we contacted expressed vaccine hesi-              have a medium level of poverty, ran-
tancy. Our results indicate that vaccine          ging from 10% to 20%. We hypothesize          Conclusion
hesitancy in a highly vulnerable trans-           that this is because individuals living          Limitations of this report include
plant population represents an area of            in areas with low levels of poverty have      the small study population in a single

2044      AM J HEALTH-SYST PHARM            |   VOLUME 78   |   NUMBER 22   |    November 15, 2021
COVID-19 VACCINE OUTREACH IN TRANSPLANT RECIPIENTS                              Practice Research Report

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                                                                                                    mRNA Covid-19 vaccine. N Engl J Med.
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at the same time point as this interven-     have been vaccinated for COVID-19, this                programs-surveys/acs
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                                        AM J HEALTH-SYST PHARM        |   VOLUME 78   |    NUMBER 22     |   November 15, 2021  2045
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