PETERPOST Parish of St. Peter and the Winchester Martyrs - The Parish of St Peter and the Winchester Martyrs

Page created by Eddie Parsons
PETERPOST Parish of St. Peter and the Winchester Martyrs - The Parish of St Peter and the Winchester Martyrs
    Parish of St. Peter and the Winchester Martyrs
    Alresford • Stockbridge • Winchester

    28TH MARCH 2021                                                                          PALM SUNDAY – Year B

                                                          Jesus: getting us Connected this Holy Week

Fr Mark writes:
Over the last few weeks, we’ve been reflecting on the need, desire and        Jesus as their master.
hope to get ourselves more connected with God and with each other.
We have also, however, been dropping hints, pointing towards that
which will become clearer over the course of this Holy Week. We are
not the saviour. That position has already been taken. Jesus, the One
sent by the Father, is the one who connects us, drawing all people to
Himself by the power of his Holy Spirit.
Jesus - connected in solidarity with all of humanity.
Each of the four evangelists, or Gospel-writers, takes a slightly different
approach, a slightly different focus when relaying the events of Holy
Week. This year, on Palm Sunday, we hear St. Mark’s account. In this
version the suffering and shame, the humiliation and agony of Jesus are
very much to the fore. Suffering, and its seemingly ultimate victory in
death, is the one condition that unites and connects all people. Put
bluntly, we all suffer and we all die.
Shortly before Jesus is betrayed and arrested, we find him troubled and
distressed. “My heart is overwhelmed with grief and is ready to break.”
The very name of the garden where he prays, Gethsemane, means ‘oil
press’, perhaps alluding to the imminent pressing or crushing of life
from Jesus himself. Jesus is handed over by Judas and denied three
times by Peter, two of the twelve whom he himself had chosen to be
his closest followers. Then he is rejected further by the same crowd
that had only just before hailed him as the Son of David, the Messiah.
Instead of Jesus they chose a criminal Barabbas, a name which,
incidentally, means ‘son of the father’.
Jesus is then taken to the palace, has a crown of thorns placed on his        Jesus – connecting us by the Cross
head and is mocked and beaten before being led to his crucifixion. It is      The cross is the ultimate place of abandonment and isolation and yet it is
here that we are introduced to Simon, from Cyrene in Libya, and whom          here that Jesus connects himself to us most fully and thereby connects us to
St. Bede’s sees as being symbolic of “the nations”. Jesus’s suffering is      God and to each other. In his unique place as the God-man, Jesus reaches
not just for the people of Israel but through it he draws all people to       out from his suffering humanity to God his Father as he approaches the
himself, is connected with everyone.                                          entrance to the valley of darkness. It is by his death that the veil of the
Jesus is then crucified as insults continue to be hurled at him, even by      temple is torn in two and the barriers preventing people from entering into
those crucified on either side (we have nothing in Mark’s account of the      God’s presence are removed. Jesus is nailed, pegged, connected to a cross
‘Good Thief’ and ‘Bad Thief’ whom we find in Luke’s version of events).       which reaches out to all humanity in its horizontal embrace and up to the
A darkness then descends upon the earth, providing a backdrop to the          heavens on its vertical axis.
terrible events taking place, before Jesus cries out,                         This connection takes place when Jesus hands himself over completely to
“Eloi, Eloi, lama sabacthani” (My God, my God, why have you                   God, surrenders himself totally into the Father’s hands, offers his life as a
abandoned me?”                                                                sacrifice in obedience to Creator of heaven and earth. Our connection to
And then, with a loud cry, he breathed his last. Jesus dies, as all people    God and each other takes place when we offer our own imperfect, hesitant,
die, and his connection to us is sealed.                                      half-hearted ‘yes’ in communion with, connected to Jesus. We get “plugged
Jesus – connected to God                                                      in” when we begin to open the door to Jesus, even just a little, and allow
We also find in Mark’s account a real sense of Jesus’s connection to God      him to make his home as the Lord of our hearts and lives and allow him to
woven into the narrative, even if it is more implicit here than in John’s     bring healing and make the connections.
Gospel. Jesus has been hailed by the crowds as God’s chosen one when          This Holy Week, I invite you to come back to those desires and hopes for
he enters Jerusalem on a colt; he is anointed; ‘identified’ by the high       grace which we encouraged you to articulate at the beginning of Lent. Live
priest; proclaimed to the people by Pilate and taken to his palace,           those desires more intensely this week, alongside Jesus, connected to him.
where he is dressed in purple and has a crown placed on him; he is            If, for example, it was for strength that you prayed, then allow yourself to
‘enthroned’ upon the cross, with an inscription telling the world who         be weak like him so you can experience the strength of his love for you which
he is and with two criminals in the ‘seats of honour’.                        carried him to the cross. Or maybe it was for the grace to forgive someone
The centurion, upon the death of Jesus, declares him to be truly, ‘the        else. Then allow yourself to be connected to the boundless mercy and
son of God’. These words echo the very first verse of Mark’s Gospel           forgiveness which has been offered to you by Jesus through his passion and
where we, the reader, have been told that this is ‘The beginning of the       death.
Good News of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.’ This non-Jewish soldier           Whatever you do, don’t make Jesus live this Holy Week alone, without you.
gives Jesus the title which previously in this Gospel has been spoken         Allow Jesus to take you with him, through the self-emptying and the pain,
only by the heavenly voice and by the unclean spirits who recognise           whilst you trust in his love, to the joys of the Resurrection, connected to him


PETERPOST Parish of St. Peter and the Winchester Martyrs - The Parish of St Peter and the Winchester Martyrs
It's Palm Sunday - and who remembers what we did last year?
                                 Lockdown was very new, and the church was completely closed.
                                 Because we couldn't have the usual palms and procession at church, many people attached leaves and
                                 branches to their doors, and sent us photos.
                                 So, let's do it again this week: collect some greenery and stick it on your door - and send in your photos
                                 and we'll post them on social media.

                                 Parking Note:
                                 Please be aware that due to recent building works to the inspection chamber in the drive to the north side of St
                                 Peter’s, there are fewer parking spaces available for this weekend.
                                 Please park elsewhere if you can and leave the spaces at the church for those who are less able to walk. Thank
                                                                    Holy Week 2021
There is a full timetable of all the liturgies on the website, with a printable version also available. If you receive the newsletter by email, you
should have had the document attached along with Peterpost.
The Triduum will be celebrated in St Peter’s, St Gregory’s and St Stephen’s.
All will be public, and those from St Peter’s will be livestreamed. All the Triduum liturgies require booking, which is open now on the Parish
website homepage BUT PLEASE NOTE THAT ALMOST ALL OF THEM ARE FULLY BOOKED NOW, so please remember the livestreams, with the usual
link. PLEASE NOTE that we have added an extra mass at St Stephen’s at 11.15am Easter Sunday, booking open now.
The Diocesan Chrism Mass on Tuesday (30th) will be livestreamed – you can watch it here.

Stations of the Cross Good Friday morning:
10am at St Stephen's, 11am at St Thomas More's, 12.15 at St Peter's, - all public (and St Peter's livestreamed); no booking required.

Triduum liturgies
Maundy Thursday 1st April     Mass of the Lord’s Supper: 7pm at St Peter’s & St Stephen’s; 8pm at St Gregory’s
Good Friday 2nd April        Solemn Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion: 3pm at St Peter’s, St Stephen’s & St Gregory’s
Holy Saturday 3rd April      Vigil Mass: 8pm at St Peter’s, St Stephen’s & St Gregory’s
Easter Sunday Mass 4th April: 8am, 10am, 12pm & 5.30pm at St Peter’s
                              9am at St Thomas More
                              9am & 11am at St Gregory’s
                              9:15am and 11.15am at St Stephen’s

Family Events at Easter (but not only for families – all welcome)
Join the Zoom meetings using this link:
Meeting ID: 438 869 4572 Passcode: 376428
Maundy Thursday Family Liturgy on Zoom – 4pm
All are welcome to join us for a short family service on the theme of the washing of the feet on Zoom. The liturgy will comprise the reading of the
Gospel, a short reflection from Fr Mark, washing of each other’s feet in our homes and concluding with a prayer and blessing. You are invited to
have a bowl of water and towel ready!
Good Friday Way of the Cross on Zoom – 10am
All are very welcome to join us as a number of families from the parish take us through the Gospel narrative of Jesus’ Passion and Death. Fr Mark will then lead
a short reflection, which will be followed by Veneration of the Cross in our own homes. If you have a crucifix or picture of the crucifixion at home, please have
it to hand.

Newly blessed at the Easter Vigil, bottles of Holy Water will be given out from all churches after all Masses at Easter.
For parishioners not able to attend church, bottles will be available at St. Peter's, from the Sacristy.

Please be mindful of Covid regulations when picking up your bottle.

Welcome……... If this is your first time reading the newsletter, then you are particularly welcome. Please get in touch - we'd love to tell you about
everything that's going on here, and invite you to join us. Just to start you off, elsewhere in the newsletter you will find our services, our virtual
church timetable and other activities. And best of all, there’s Alpha…. Look at our website , or our
Facebook page or email

Calling all Alpha Graduates

We are delighted to share some exciting and long-awaited news with you.
                                        Following on from Alpha, we will be establishing a more permanent network of small groups called ‘ACORN
                                        groups’ for our Alpha Graduates which launch on 15th April. The vision behind Acorn groups is to build a
                                        community of small groups that foster spiritual growth and faith-based friendships.

                                        For more information about Acorn groups, email Sarah at


PETERPOST Parish of St. Peter and the Winchester Martyrs - The Parish of St Peter and the Winchester Martyrs
A Message from Father Mark:                       How to make an Act of Perfect Contrition
We are aware, especially in this lead up to Easter, that many of you, because of the need to self-isolate, etc., are still unable to avail yourselves of
the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Fortunately, the Church teaches that it is possible to repent in another way: through an “act of perfect contrition.”
Pope Francis, in these times of the pandemic, encourages Catholics confined to their homes to ask God for forgiveness and then to go to
confession when they are able. He said, “You do what the Catechism says. It is very clear: if you do not find a priest to hear your confession, speak
to God, he is your father, and tell him the truth...Promise him: ‘Later I will confess, but forgive me now.’ And immediately you will return to the
grace of God”.
What is an act of perfect contrition?
Perfect contrition is sorrow for one's sins based upon love for God, which includes the firm resolution not to commit them anymore.
According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, contrition is called ‘perfect’ when it arises from a love by which God is loved above all else.
Such contrition remits venial sins; it also obtains forgiveness of mortal sins if it includes the firm resolution to have recourse to sacramental
confession as soon as possible (para. 1451–1452).
So, how is an act of perfect contrition done?
Though not a replacement of the sacrament of reconciliation, an act of Perfect Contrition enables us to receive pardon for our sins outside of
confession (even mortal sins) on condition that we determine to amend our life and make a firm resolution to go to sacramental confession as
soon as this becomes possible for us.
Perfect Contrition is a grace from God, so sincerely ask for this gift throughout the day prior to making your act of contrition: “My God, grant me
perfect contrition for all my sins”.
    1. In reality or imagination kneel at the foot of a crucifix and say to yourself: “Jesus, my God and my Saviour, in the midst of your agony, you
       remembered me, you suffered for me, you wished to wipe away my sins”.
    2. Contrition is ‘perfect’ if you repent of your sins because you love God and are sorry for offending Him and causing the sufferings of Christ
       on the cross. Before the Crucified Christ remember your sins, repent of them because they have brought our Lord to His sufferings on the
       Cross. Promise him, that with His help, you will not sin again.
    3. Recite, slowly and sincerely, an act of contrition focused on the goodness of God and your love of Jesus. The following or another may be
       used: “O my God, because you are so good, I am very sorry that I have sinned against you and by the help of your grace I will not sin again.
    4. Make a firm resolution to go to sacramental confession as soon as practically possible.
On Holy Tuesday, 30th March, we will be offering an extended Penitential Rite during our 7pm livestreamed mass. This will include an
examination of conscience as well as the possibility of making an Act of Perfect Contrition.
Young People (aged 11-18) – why not join our “Uncover Series”, on Zoom every Weds 7:30-8:30pm? Relaxed sessions, asking real, relevant
questions, focussing on the Gospel of Mark. This series replaces our youth groups during Lent. To find out more information including how to
register, please email or
Alternatively check out our posts on the youth social media pages on Instagram (@spatwmyouth) and Facebook (St Peter and the Winchester
Martyrs Youth Ministry).
                 PRAYER CORNER: Each week, this section will
                                                                        PLEASE PRAY FOR the repose of the souls of those who have died
                 contain an intercession that I hope every parishioner recently:
                  will pray for during the coming week. In this way, we
will all pray to the Lord for the parish’s mission, because “if the Lord                           Del Hunter RIP
does not build… in vain do the builders labour” (Ps 127:1) Fr. Mark                                Hazel Warland RIP
This Week’s Intention: Let us pray that our celebrations of Holy                                   Peter Finn RIP
Week and Easter will lead to a deeper connection to God and to all
people through Christ.
Palm Sunday
This gospel is read at the procession with palms before Mass:              Responsorial Psalm
Gospel: Mark 11:1-10
                                                                           Psalm 21(22):8-9,17-20,23-24
Entrance Antiphon: Cf. Jn 12: 1, 12-13; Ps 23: 9-10                        My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
Six days before the Passover,
when the Lord came into the city of Jerusalem,                             Second reading: Philippians 2:6-11
the children ran to meet him;                                              Gospel Acclamation: Phil2:8-9
in their hands they carried palm branches                                  Praise to you, O Christ, king of eternal glory!
and with a loud voice cried out:                                           Christ was humbler yet,
Hosanna in the highest!                                                    even to accepting death, death on a cross.
Blessed are you, who have come in your abundant mercy!                     But God raised him high
O gates, lift high your heads;                                             and gave him the name which is above all names.
grow higher, ancient doors.                                                Praise to you, O Christ, king of eternal glory!
Let him enter, the king of glory!                                          Gospel: Mark 14:1-15:47
Who is this king of glory?
                                                                           The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ according to Mark.
He, the Lord of hosts, he is the king of glory.
Hosanna in the highest!                                                    Communion Antiphon Mt 26: 42
Blessed are you, who have come in your abundant mercy!                     Father, if this chalice cannot pass without my drinking it,
First reading: Isaiah 50:4-7 ·                                             your will be done.


PETERPOST Parish of St. Peter and the Winchester Martyrs - The Parish of St Peter and the Winchester Martyrs
You can still sign up to receive: a short daily message from the parish; or a slightly longer weekly message; or an invite to join Fr Mark for
a weekly guided prayer on Zoom on Sundays (or all three).

            Current lockdown regulations                                                          Children’s Liturgy Online
                                                                                                         Our weekly Children's Liturgy is running
                                                                                                         now via our online Zoom platform. The
ARE LESS ABLE TO WEAR FACE COVERINGS, AND THE REASONS FOR                                                sessions take place at 9:30am - 9:50am on
THIS MAY NOT BE VISIBLE TO OTHERS. PLEASE BE MINDFUL AND                                                 Sundays, so you are then free to join in
RESPECTFUL OF SUCH CIRCUMSTANCES). YOU MAY REMOVE YOUR                                                   with the 10am livestreamed Mass if you
FACE COVERING BRIEFLY AND TEMPORARILY TO RECEIVE                                                         wish. To make the sessions as secure as
COMMUNION, AND IF YOU ARE PROCLAIMING THE READING AT                                                     possible, you will need to pre-register here:
It’s also particularly important that you keep your distance from
those in the congregation from other households, and don’t socialise
or stop and chat with them at the end of Mass, either inside or
outside church. Please: wave, nod, smile and greet from a distance.                            
We know how hard that is, none of us likes it, but we have to observe                                    r/tZUpd-CgqDsjHdFJalMzv9TVFB4Iu-9cEITv
the rules in the hope of a better future…                             Printable activity & colouring sheets are put up in advance on the website: click
 And remember that all services from St Peter’s are livestreamed so on the link on the website homepage.
you can always take part from home.                                   Although Children’s Liturgy is on this Sunday (Palm Sunday), there will be a
                                                                          break for Easter, back on 25th April. But don’t forget the other Family events on
                                                                          Zoom mentioned on page 2 above.
Suspicious emails - be on the alert! A number of people have reported receiving an email from Canon Peter Wilkie, asking for help: this email is
fake, and may be part of a scam. It's important that you ignore or delete it. The Diocesan IT department is investigating. No member of the clergy
will be asking for help in this way. If in any doubt call the office 01962 852804 or forward the email to them It's
always better to check first... and by the way, Canon Peter Wilkie himself is recovering well after his recent hospital stay.

Parish Safeguarding Representative
After Easter we will be looking to recruit a new Safeguarding representative, who will be supported by Michaela Waterfield, our incoming Parish
Administration Manager. In the interim period, any safeguarding concerns or requests for advice can be routed through to the central team via
this email address or telephone number: 02394 216486. Email is probably best as, with current
restrictions etc, the office is not always resourced.
If there is a concern that someone is at immediate risk of harm, people should be advised to contact 999 for the emergency services. In the
meantime, please use the address for any queries or contact Ruth Attfield, our diocesan safeguarding
coordinator on 02394 216486.

This is what Fr Mark faced last Good Friday in St Peter's - an empty church and some basic broadcasting equipment.

With the lockdown anniversary, we’re looking at the ways the church and
parishioners responded, and how we got so many new activities going.
Last week we looked at the Prayerline which has been celebrating the
prayer ministry throughout the year, and will pray for anyone

This time, we’re remembering that at the beginning of March last year we
had never livestreamed a single service from St Peter’s church… and look
at us now. There was a Tuesday when Fr Mark said ‘we’re going to need
to be able to broadcast services from this weekend’, and by Thursday the
camera was being set up just outside the sanctuary. Since then, there has
been mass broadcast on our YouTube channel every day without fail. Our
first Livestream to an audience was on Thursday 19th March 2020 - it
attracted 9 views. At some point during Easter week we will surpass a
total of 125,000 views since we started. People have spent a total of
more than 31,000 hours watching our services.
The original equipment was basic, and rickety, and far too easy to unplug
accidentally, and there have been times when there was no sound, or it
was dark, or the service ended abruptly. But the team of clergy and
volunteer laypeople learned as we went along, forever inspired by an
absolute determination to make sure people could still at least have the
online experience of services. For the first few months the church was completely closed, and empty. Of course, we are all happy that people can
attend again, and looking forward to fewer restrictions, but it is clear now that livestreaming is here to stay forever. In August we had much
better equipment installed and though nothing is foolproof (don’t even ask about some of the incidents… ) the service (in both senses of the
word) is much better now, and everything from St Peter's is livestreamed.
And there were such unexpected benefits: we have people tuning in from all over the world (the list of countries is astonishing). Families could
attend ‘together’ even if they were a long way apart - young people linking up with their parents back home, grownup siblings enjoying sharing
mass together. Those who can’t easily get out anyway have been given a lifeline. You could take part from anywhere; you could take part in your
pyjamas. All the services are recorded, and can be watched later, and the figures show that a lot of people do just that. (We haven't forgotten
the other aspects of this - shoutouts, hymn words, chatbox - more next time!).


PETERPOST Parish of St. Peter and the Winchester Martyrs - The Parish of St Peter and the Winchester Martyrs
Message from St. Peter’s School
                Dear Parents
                                                             Celebrating the Feast Day of St Joseph
                 At Gospel assembly the children heard how St Joseph has always been a very special saint to me. It is my brother’s middle
                 name and as a family we went to St Joseph’s Catholic Church, Southampton. In fact much of my childhood was spent at the
        church for both worship and family friendships. My first deputy headship was at Our Lady and St Joseph’s School and my first headship
        at St Joseph’s, Christchurch. The stories of St Joseph in the Bible are stories about crises, difficult times. He is only mentioned in the
        Bible a total of five times but can have such an impact, even today.
                                      When his parents saw him, they were astonished. His mother said to him,
                           “Son, why have you treated us like this? Your father and I have been anxiously searching for you.”
                           “Why were you searching for me?” he asked. “Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?”
                                      But they did not understand what he was saying to them. Luke 2:48-50
        We reflected on how Joseph was a man of patience and integrity.
        Are there times we fail to see the “bigger picture”, losing patience with where we find ourselves and others?
        Joseph, a man who trusted in God.
        Are there times we don’t trust in God and do the right thing?
                                                                       Dear Lord
                                                           Help us to be more like St Joseph.
                                                              Help us to show patience.
                                                        Help us to be humble and not show off.
                                                       Help us be good members of our family.
                                                    Help us to do as you want, to follow your will.
        In the Gospel Challenge children were asked to find out what St Joseph is the patron saint of and try to explain why you think he is the
        saint of these things.
        Thank you, Father Mark and Father Anthony, for coming into school to give our older children the opportunity to go to confession this
        Lent. Father Mark is always very generous with his time.

Best wishes
Louise Buxton (Miss) Headteacher

St Peter’s School WALK TO BAMENDA!
The PTA at St Peter's school, our parish school, has arranged a virtual walk to Bamenda, through Lent and they’d like everyone -
schoolchildren, their families and friends and parishioners - to join in. Every time anyone takes a walk/cycle/run, we want them to log their
miles on the link below. Each week we will provide an update of where we have reached in our journey to Bamenda.'
There is also the opportunity to donate money. Money raised will be shared between our school's PTA and the school with which we are
twinned in Bamenda- St Jude's primary in Fundong.

We want parishioners to get involved- not just in asking for donations but in actually logging miles they walk/cycle etc, so we can feel this is a
journey we are doing together!

EASY AS 1~2~3
       1.     LOG YOUR MILES:
       2.     FOLLOW THE JOURNEY:

St Peter’s School is advertising a vacancy for a Child and Family Support Worker:
They are looking to appoint a motivated, resilient and nurturing person, who will further develop their nurture provision in addition to working
with children and families to promote positive aspirations, develop self-esteem and develop strong home/school partnerships.

They need someone who:

    •   Supports the values, ethos and overall vision of the school.
    •   Has a positive approach and the ability to build trusting relationships with children and parents; working with integrity and
    •   Is a skilled communicator and an excellent listener, able to bring about positive resolutions from difficult situations.
    •   Prioritises safeguarding and child protection, being experienced in responding appropriately to concerns raised and valuing the
        development of relationships with other professional agencies.
    •   Is able to work with individual and small groups of children in partnership with the teachers, SENCO, senior leaders and parents.
    •   Is a flexible team player.

Further details about the vacancy can be found on the website:


Virtual Church Programme – Holy Week: 28th March – 3rd April 2021
                                                                    All the services from St Peter’s church are live streamed.

                                                                                             Wed 31st March                             Friday 2nd April    Saturday 3rd April
              Sunday 28th March       Monday 29th March              Tuesday 30th March                                          st
                                                                                                                  Thursday 1 April
                                                                     Tuesday of Holy Week    Wednesday of Holy                            Good Friday
                   Palm Sunday         Monday of Holy Week                                                                                                     Holy Saturday
                                                                                                  Week            Maundy Thursday

    7am                                                              Public Mass @ St P                                                HOLY TRIDUUM
             Public Mass @            Public Morning Prayer                                  Public Morning                                                 9am Office of
    8am –                                                            Public Morning                                                    Morning Prayer
                                                                                             Prayer &                                                       Readings for Holy
    9am      St Peter’s               & Adoration                    Prayer & Adoration                                                (No Adoration)
                                                                                             Adoration                                                      Saturday @ St P

    9.20 –   Children’s Liturgy
    9.50am   Online

                                                                     Public Mass @           Public Mass @                             Family Way of the
             Sunday Mass
    10am                                                                                                                               Cross Online
             Live stream only                                        St Peter’s              St Peter’s                                (Zoom)

    11.15a   St Peter's Tea Room
             Online (Zoom)

    11am –                            Holy Hour (Adoration)          Holy Hour (Adoration)   Holy Hour
    12noon                            @ St Peter’s                   @ St Peter’s            (Adoration) @ St P

             Public Mass @                                                                                                                                  Polish blessing
             St Peter’s                                                                                                                                     of foods @ St P

    12.15p                            Public Mass @                                                                                    Stations of the
    m                                 St Peter’s                                                                                       Cross @ St Peter’s

                                      Divine Mercy                   Divine Mercy            Divine Mercy                              Solemn Liturgy of
    3pm                               chaplet                        chaplet                 chaplet                                   the Lord’s Passion

                                      Online (Zoom)                  Online (Zoom)           Online (Zoom)                             @ St Peter’s

                                                                                                                  Family Liturgy &
             4.30pm Stations of the
    4pm                                                                                                           Washing of feet
             Cross @ St Peter’s
                                                                                                                  Online (Zoom)

             Public Mass @
             St Peter’s

                                                                                                                  Mass of the Lord’s
                                      Public Mass @ St               Public Mass @           Public Mass @
                                                                                                                  Supper               Prayers before
    7pm                               Peter’s with extended          St Peter’s              St Peter’s                                the Cross @ St
                                      examination of conscience &                                                 @ St Peter’s
                                      act of contrition

                                                                                                                                                            Easter Vigil Mass
                                                                                                                                                            @St Peter’s

             Night Prayer -           Night Prayer -                 Night Prayer -          Night Prayer -
    9pm                                                                                                           Night Prayer @
             Live Stream only         Live Stream only               Live Stream only        Live Stream only
                                                                                                                  St P


Mass Timetable                      27th March – 3rd April 2021
    Date                                Mass Times & Intentions                                                              Livestream/Public
                                     9.00AM           Mass                                                                   Livestream, Public.
                                     3.30 PM          Family mass at St Peter’s                                              Livestream, Public, booking reqd
SATURDAY – March 27th
                                     5.30 PM          Vigil Mass                      Fr Tim Garrett RIP                     Livestream, Public, booking reqd
Saturday of the 5th Week of Lent
                                     9.00PM           Night Prayer                                                           Livestream only
                                     8 AM             Mass                            Beatrice, Zulu & Fikile                Livestream, Public, booking reqd
                                     9 AM             Mass at St Thomas More’s                                               Public, booking reqd *

                                     9.15 AM          Mass at St Stephen’s                                                   Public, booking reqd
                                     10.00AM          Mass                                                                   Livestream only
SUNDAY – March 28th
                                     11 AM            Mass at St Gregory’s            Richard Corbett RIP                    Public, booking reqd
                                     11-11.45 AM      private prayer                                                         Open to public
                                     12 Noon          Mass                                                                   Livestream, Public, booking reqd
                                     5.30PM           Mass                            Sindiswe Mlotshwa                      Livestream, Public, booking reqd
                                     9.00PM           Night Prayer                                                           Livestream only

MONDAY – March 29th                  12.15PM          Mass                            Intentions of the Neil Family          Livestream & public
Holy Monday                          7.00PM           Mass                                                                   Livestream & public
                                     9.00PM           Night Prayer                                                           Livestream only
                                     7AM              Mass                            Lorenzo Cossa RIP                      Livestream & Public
TUESDAY – March 30                   10AM             Mass                                                                   Livestream & Public
Holy Tuesday                         10 AM            Mass at ST GREGORY’S                                                   Public
                                     11AM             Chrism Mass, Cathedral                                                 Livestream
                                     7.00PM           Mass                            Andrzej Wieckowski RIP                 Livestream & public
                                     9.00PM           Night Prayer                                                           Livestream only
                                     10AM             Mass                                                                   Livestream & public
WEDNESDAY – March 31st
                                     7PM              Mass                                                                   Livestream & public
Spy Wednesday
                                     9PM              Night Prayer                                                           Livestream only
                                     4PM              Family Liturgy & Washing of                                            Zoom only
THURSDAY – April 1st                 7 PM             Mass of the Lord’s Supper                                              Livestream, Public, booking reqd
MAUNDY THURSDAY                                       at St P and St Stephen’s
                                     8PM              Mass of the Lord’s Supper                                              Public
                                                      at ST GREGORY’S
                                     11.40PM          Night Prayer                                                           Livestream only
                                     8AM              Morning Prayer
                                     10AM             Family Way of the Cross                                                Zoom only
                                     10AM             Stations of the Cross – St                                             Public
FRIDAY – April 2nd
                                     11AM             Stations of the Cross – St                                             Public
GOOD FRIDAY                                           Thomas More
                                     12.15PM          Stations of the Cross – St P                                           Livestream, Public
                                     3.00PM           Solemn Liturgy of the Lord’s                                           Livestream, Public, Livestream,
                                                      Passion                                                                Public, booking reqd
                                     7 PM             Prayers Before the Cross                                               Livestream, Public
                                     9 AM             Office of Readings and                                                 Livestream, Public
                                                      Morning Prayer
SATURDAY – April 3rd
                                     12 PM            Blessing of Foods (for Polish                                          Livestream, Public, booking reqd
                                                      community and others)
                                     8 PM             Vigil Mass                      All Souls in Purgatory                 Livestream, public, booking reqd
All at St. Peter’s, except where stated.
*To book mass at St Thomas More’s Stockbridge, email: If you would like a phone number to call, please ring the office 01962
852804 to ask for it.
All other bookings via website homepage - The Parish of St Peter & the Winchester Martyrs - or call office 01962 852804

Night prayer (livestream only) every evening from St Peter’s, 9pm
Morning Prayer (open to public) every weekday, Monday to Friday, 8am, followed by Adoration till 9am

St Peter’s also open for Adoration and private prayer every day 11 till 12 (11.45 on Sundays)
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament (Adoration) takes place every day in St Peter’s Church. Come spend time with the One who knows you best!
Times: 8am – 9am weekdays 11am – 12pm every day except Sunday
To participate online or see the recorded services for Morning Prayer & Adoration and Night Prayer & Adoration, go to our YouTube channel



Happy Easter Photos
                             We would like to encourage all our parishioners and Easter guests to send in a photo of themselves holding up a simple
                             message, saying, “Happy Easter!”, or, as here, “Easter Blessings”. The plan is to put these images into a slideshow which
                             we can play before our livestream Easter masses. Photos of individuals or families are very welcome. Feel free to use a
                             plain sheet of paper or to decorate to your heart’s content. You can have one picture of the whole family or one each.
                             Please send to by Weds 31st March at the latest.

                             Easter celebrations on Social Media
                               Last year at Eastertime - when lockdown and the Parish Facebook page were
                               both new - we had a fantastic collection of photos of Parishioners' special
    Easter activities and crafts. From branches on the door to decorated eggs, from Lego Bible scenes to
    children's drawings to Easter gardens, from Polish food to table centrepieces. The pictures lit up our
    Facebook page and everyone loved them - it was one of the features that really made our Facebook
    page take off, and gave us all a sense of community in adversity. So, let's do it again this year.
    Fr Mark says 'why not put your best pictures or posters in your front window for everyone to see - and
    then take a picture of that!' Anything that you do that's special - send us your pictures
    to or via Facebook and help everyone else to celebrate Easter.

                                                                 Useful Contacts

Clergy: Fr Mark Hogan (Parish Priest); Fr Anthony Chiatu Njingo (Assistant Priest);
& Fr Stephen Vooght, Deacon Gerard Dailly and Deacon Martin McElroy

Director of Evangelisation and Leadership: Allegra Mutanda

Finance and Property Manager: Annette Parr
Facilities and Resources Manager: Sean Reidy

Pastoral team: Rosanne Walker, Jo Donaldson

Volunteer Director of Operations: Dcn Gerard Dailly

Volunteer Director of Communications: Moira Redmond

To get in touch with them, and for other general matters, please contact the Parish Office: 01962 852804 .

PeterCares: Prayerline:

Newsletter (deadline for items Wednesday evening): Newsletter list:

St. Peter’s School Office: 01962 852820

St. Thomas More’s Stockbridge: please email

We have a new email address for the newsletter It is – please make a note of this and send any items
there. The deadline for submissions is the end of Wednesday.

                                                     A Rainbow over St Stephen’s Church


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