Page created by Gregory Lawson
OCTOBER 2020                                    ISSN 2053-7190




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                                                                                                     PAGE 13

5    Industry news

13 Squaring the circle: recycling and granulation
Machinery and materials suppliers are offering a variety of ways to
                                                                                       PAGE 25
help film and sheet producers increase the amount of recyclate in
their products

25 Need for speed: extruder developments
The latest extrusion lines have faster output, greater use of
recycled polymer and multi-layer capability – with some even
capable of being installed remotely

37 Film stars: multi-layer packaging
Multi-layer film is used to add barrier properties or higher
strength to packaging – and is increasingly being achieved in a
mono-material format
                                                                                                     PAGE 37

45 Enhancing performance: mineral fillers
Inorganic fillers for film can perform a wide range of vital functions
in polymer formulations – from improving optical properties to
reducing damage

49 Technology: Materials                                                    PAGE 45

51 Technology: Machinery

58 Extruder of the month: AMB

60 Dates for your diary

� Thin   wall packaging � Sheet materials � Construction � Active/intelligent packaging

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               Investment fund takes over
               Italian film producer Irplast
               UK-based investment fund
               Cheyne Strategic Value
               Credit has taken control of
               Italian film producer Irplast.
                   The new finance includes
               issuing of a bond for €39
               million, while Banca IFIS has
               prepared a short-term credit
               line for €20m and capital
               funds invested will increase
               by a further €3m, which will
               ensure “new liquidity to
               reinforce the assets of the        Investment from Cheyne Strategic Value Credit will help Irplast make key investments
                   “This will allow us to         Canti becomes a director on       this year some “small further    polymers to make its
               make some key investments,         the new board.                    growth” in sales.                S-BOPP range of products.
               which are required for our            The company’s goal is to          Over time, the company           Naomi Lunadei, sustain-
               business development plans         maintain the sales growth         plans to optimise its film       ability manager at Irplast,
               – particularly in the area of      trend of recent years and         manufacturing process,           said: “We have now brought
               environmentally sustainable        accelerate margins further.       which will increasingly use      out two new innovative
               products,” said Fausto Cosi,       Because it is a key supplier      raw materials from renewable     product lines: one reduces
               CEO of Irplast.                    to the food industry, the         sources and from plastic-to-     the carbon footprint of
                   Cosi will retain his           company has managed to            plastic chemical recycling.      BOPP flexible packaging;
               position in the company,           maintain production during        n Irplast has already begun      the other introduces the
               along with COO Luca de             the Coronavirus pandemic.         using more renewable             possibility of entering the
               Bartolo, and Gabriele                 In 2019, Irplast generated     plastics by joining SABIC’s      circular economy.”
               Corradi as president of the        a turnover of just over €97m,     Trucircle initiative. Here, it   �
               board of directors. Matteo         and estimates that it will end    has chosen renewable             �

               Ineos adds flexible recyclate grades

                                                                                    Ineos Olefins & Polymers Europe has secured a supply
                                                                                    agreement with waste management company Saica Natur
                                                                                    covering recycled LDPE and LLDPE – which will enable it to
                                                                                    extend its Recycl-in range to include flexible packaging
                                                                                    applications with over 60% post-consumer recyclate (PCR).
                                                                                       Recycl-in combines recycled plastic with what Ineos calls
                                                                                    “highly engineered virgin polymers” to give properties
                                                                                    equivalent to standard virgin grades. According to the resin
                                                                                    producer, this new development “pushes technical bounda-
                                                                                    ries” by incorporating higher levels of PCR for demanding
                                                                                    applications such as stretch and lamination films.
                                                                                       Saica Natur is a subsidiary of the Saica Group, one of
                                                                                    Europe’s largest suppliers of recycled paper.
                                                                                    n Our feature on recycling and granulators begins on page
               Ineos will extend its Recycl-IN polyolefins to stretch film grades   �

                                                                       October 2020 | FILM & SHEET EXTRUSION    5

Econcore’s recycled PET cores
used in concept electric car
Econcore of Belgium has                                                                            recommended using a
supplied its recycled PET                                                                          polyester non-woven fleece
honeycomb core for a                                                                               – which is compatible with
sustainable concept car.                                                                           the adhesive and composite
   The company has worked                                                                          skin layers – to cover the
with the TU/Ecomotive team                                                                         surface of the honeycomb
at Eindhoven University of                                                                         core.
Technology for four years.                                                                            A thin PET barrier film
This year, it has supplied                                                                         ensured the glue did not
more than 20m² of recycled                                                                         flow through the fleece into
PET honeycomb cores.                                                                               the honeycomb cells.
   The TU/Ecomotive team        Econcore has supplied its recycled PET honeycomb core for the         Wouter Winant, technical
has used the cores in the       Luca concept electric vehicle                                      manager at EconCore, said:
design of its Luca electric                                                                        “The Luca car demonstrates
vehicle.                        the composite skins, the        on gluing the recycled PET         how versatile the recycled
   The chassis was made         lightweight panels were         core to a composite sheet          PET honeycomb core panels
using the honeycomb core        used in most of the struc-      comprising flax fibres and a       are – not just in automotive
material, as were other areas   tural parts of the car.         recycled polyolefin matrix         terms but in other applica-
such as the seat support           As well as supplying the     from other partners. The two       tions where strength, rigidity
structure, parts of the         material, EconCore provid-      materials do not work well         and light weight are
dashboard and the battery       ed technical advice and         together when using                important characteristics.”
housing. After laminating       consulting – such as advice     adhesive. EconCore                 �

Recycling                       Danimer to go public after
returns in                      private equity firm takeover
Russia                          Bioplastics producer                It currently produces the      public company,” said
Messe Dusseldorf says           Danimer Scientific is to go     material on an industrial          Croskrey. “We are at an
Interplastica – the plastics    public, following a takeover    scale level at a facility in       inflection point in our
show that it organises in       deal with Live Oak Acquisi-     Winchester, Kentucky in the        growth trajectory and this
Russia – will run its ‘Recy-    tion.                           USA. It supplies the resin to      will fuel the next phase of
cling Solutions’ again at          Stephen Croskrey,            companies including                our commercial expansion.”
the next edition of the         Danimer’s CEO, will remain      PepsiCo and Nestlé for                 He said the partnership
show.                           in his position.                applications including food        with Live Oak would allow
   Interplastica 2021 is           The company’s products       and beverage containers            further scaling of production
scheduled to run on 26-29       include its Nodax polyhy-       and flexible packaging.            to meet strong customer
January 2021. It is one of      droxyalkanoate (PHA)                Based on signed and            demand.
the few plastics industry       polymer, which is made          pending contracts, Danimer             “We believe PHA has the
events not to have been         from natural resources          is sold out of all production      ability to eliminate pollution
cancelled or rescheduled        rather than petroleum. The      from its production facility. It   caused by single use plastics
due to Covid-19.                material is biodegradable       says it will use its increased     worldwide and are well
   It will be held concur-      and uses canola oil as its      capital base to increase           positioned to expand our
rently with Upakovka,           primary feedstock. Danimer      production, to meet the            products to a wide range of
which covers processing         says that Nodax is the first    needs to its customers.            plastic and speciality
and packaging.                  PHA to be certified as              “We are excited to             applications,” he said.
�          marine degradable.              transition Danimer to be a         �

6   FILM & SHEET EXTRUSION | October 2020                                                     

LCA study: recycled plastic is
‘best option for packaging’
Reducing or recycling               “Findings indicate that in   processing and manufactur-       Kirkman, chief technology
plastic packaging are better     the applications it is used,    ing generate,” said the          and innovation officer at
options – from a carbon          most of the time, plastic       study’s authors.                 Veolia UK and Ireland.
footprint perspective – than     packaging performs better           From the LCAs studied,          “Paper, metals and glass
replacing it with alternative    than its alternatives, mainly   the Imperial College             are widely recycled, but
packaging materials, says a      due to its very lightweight     researchers found that if all    plastic is a newer material.
study by Imperial College        properties,” according to       plastic were recycled it could   We need the right policy
London in the UK.                the report’s executive          result in mean annual savings    drivers in place, backed by
    The study, Examining         summary.                        of 30m-150m tonnes of CO2,       consumer and manufacturer
material evidence - the             “Recycling always wins       equivalent to stopping           awareness, to allow us to
carbon fingerprint, commis-      over virgin production on all   between 8 and 40 coal-fired      build the new recycling
sioned by Veolia UK,             environmental indicators.       power plants globally.           infrastructure.”
reviewed 73 publications on      For plastics, there seems to        “With only 9% of plastics       The full report can be
life cycle analyses (LCAs)       be consensus that recycling     recycled worldwide, there is     accessed here.
comparing different types of     saves 30-80% of the carbon      still a lot to do to improve     �
packaging.                       emissions that virgin plastic   things,” said Richard            �

AMB buys PTS of Germany                                                                           Lactips
to boost European footprint                                                                       plans new
Italian food packaging
manufacturer AMB has                                                                              Lactips of France is to
bought Prime Tray System                                                                          open a new plant to
(PTS) of Germany – which                                                                          produce its soluble
develops innovative                                                                               biodegradable plastic.
industrial packaging                                                                                 The new plant, in the
solutions.                                                                                        Gier Valley, was formerly a
    PTS has also acted as a                                                                       whipped cream factory,
distributor of AMB products                                                                       but closed in 2018. The
over the last 20 years. With                                                                      12,000 sq m site includes a
the takeover AMB says it will                                                                     2,500 sq m production
strengthen its market                                                                             building.
position, particularly in                                                                            It is scheduled to open
Germany, Austria and                                                                              in 2021, after which it will
Switzerland.                     AMB now has five production locations in Europe                  be capable of producing
    “The acquisition will help                                                                    3,000 tonnes/year of
AMB further widen our               This is AMB’s second         a full-service provider for      pellets – which doubles the
European footprint to be         acquisition in the last 12      packaging design, rigid and      company’s existing
more local to our clients        months. In June 2019, it        flexible films and tool          capacity. Lactips has a
from the heart of Europe,”       acquired UK-based TDX           manufacturing.                   production target of
said Bruno Marin, CEO of         (Europe), which makes PET          The combined company          10,000 tonnes/year.
AMB.                             and R-PET films, and            will have five locations in         The new facility was
    “We have always had a        laminated rigid films for the   Europe, employ around 435        acquired as part of a €6
clear vision to extend our       food and packaging              people and has a turnover        million real estate project,
reach. Acquiring PTS is the      industries. AMB says this       of over €160 million.            said Lactips.
next step on this journey.”      takeover helped it become       �           �

8    FILM & SHEET EXTRUSION | October 2020                                                  

     26-29 October 2020
     Stay up to date with the latest                                               Meet the experts:
     innovations and global markets
                                                                                                 Jan-Torsten Vollmer
     for agricultural film                                                                       Head of R&D and QM
                                                                                                 COVERIS FLEXIBLES
                                                                                                 AUSTRIA GmbH, Austria

              Register your place today
                                                                                                 Lindy Savelle
                                                                                                 GEORGIA CITRUS
                                                                                                 ASSOCIATION, USA
 The Agricultural Film global virtual summit is the ideal
 opportunity to find out about the latest innovations,
 assess new markets and network with industry movers                                             Michael Lebidakis
 and shakers                                                                                     Managing Director
                                                                                                 PLASTIKA KRITIS, Greece
 •    Learn about technology and market trends in the
      global agricultural film market
 •    Build your own schedule during the four-day event                                          Mike Baxter
                                                                                                 External Affairs Director,
      and access presentations on-demand
                                                                                                 BERRY BPI GROUP, UK
 •    Network with your industry peers face-to-face over
      video from your home or office
                                                                                                 Ralf Durjardin
 •    Free-to-attend for producers of agricultural film,                                         VP Marketing and Innovation
      suppliers of greenhouses and polytunnels, growers                                          IMAFLEX INC, Canada
      and farmers
 •    Special rate available for all companies who do not                                        Robert C. Adair Jr.
      qualify for a free place                                                                   Executive Director and
                                                                                                 President FLORIDA RESEARCH
 Save 33% off the full rate of €450/$495* when you                                               CENTER FOR AGRICULTURAL
 register before 25th September 2020. Use discount                                               SUSTAINABILITY, USA
 code AGRIFILM33
                                                                                  Media supporters:
 *excluding VAT. Subject to UK VAT at 20%. Reverse charge for companies from EU
 countries. 0% for non-EU countries

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EuPC: waste tax on
plastics packaging
will harm recycling
European plastics industry groups          recycling of plastic waste in Europe,”
reacted strongly after the EU Council      said Alexandre Dangis, managing
of Ministers approved a plan in July to    director of EuPC. “Instead, it will
tax unrecycled plastic packaging           further increase the cost of plastic
waste.                                     recycling and encourage the shift to
   The Council reached agreement           other packaging materials with a
on a new Multiannual Financial             bigger environmental impact.
Frame-work to aid economic recovery        Landfilling of plastic packaging waste
from the Covid-19 pandemic,                would be more efficient.”
containing the proposed tax among             GKV, the German plastics proces-
other measures. The plan involves a        sors association, agreed that an EU
€0.80/kg levy on non-recycled plastic      land tax would be better.
packaging waste which would be                “The EU plastic tax is withdrawing
paid by member states into the EU          valuable investment funds from the
budget. It would take effect from 1        member states who do not yet have a
January 2021.                              good recycling infrastructure,” said
   The European Plastics Converters        Oliver Möllenstädt, general manager.
(EuPC) industry body criticised the           Martin Engelmann, general
basis of the tax, presented by the         manager of the IK plastic packaging
European Commission as “contribu-          group in Germany, warned of
tion to the EU budget designed to          unwanted side effects: talk of a plastic
incentivise member states to increase      packaging tax in Italy has already led                 STRETCHING
recycling from plastic waste” – warn-      to a switch from plastics to plastic-
                                                                                                  THE LIMITS
ing it might have the opposite effect.     paper composites – which is more
   “As the revenues of the EU plastic      difficult to recycle than plastics
tax are not earmarked to be invested       packaging, he said.
into the waste and recycling infra-        �
structure, it will not increase the        �
                                                                                              High Quality Film
                                                                                              Production Lines:
Constantia signs up new                                                                       Efficiency
flexpack customer in India                                                                    

Constantia Flexibles has signed up a       a water vapor and oxygen barrier,
new customer for its EcoLamPlus            and can also contain volatile products
flexible packaging: Indian healthcare      such as alcohol.
company Nuvae Healthcare.                      “Health and safety is one of our key
   Nuvae, based in Ahmedabad,              pillars and that’s why Nuvae Health-
makes products such as hand                care is such a strong partner for us,”
sanitiser in small batches. Its Gosan, a   said Tony Sirohi, executive chairman
70% alcohol-based sanitiser, will now      of Constantia Flexibles India.
be available in recyclable packaging           “We are looking forward to further
made of EcoLamPlus.                        joint projects.”                             
   The mono-polymer packaging has          �                                                                 October 2020 | FILM & SHEET EXTRUSION   11

  New dates
  November 3-4, 2021

  Highlights from 2019
   From across the co-located expos

             Total number                       Total number     Number of countries      Combined budget
             of exhibitors:                      of visitors:       represented:             of visitors:
                     261                         4,375                  42                   $8.9BN+

  To book your booth, contact:                                  Find out about the                  BOOTH                            Plastics Extrusion
  +1 610 478 0800                                               World Expo, Europe

Brought to you by:            Colocated with:                                          Proudly supported by:

                                                                                           Machinery and
                                                                                           materials suppliers
                                                                                           are offering a
                                                                                           variety of ways to
                                                                                           help film and
                                                                                           sheet producers
                                                                                           increase the
                                                                                           amount of
                                                                                           recyclate in their

Squaring the circle: latest in
recycling and granulation
The use of recyclate in film products is becoming           RKW plans to install a similar line at its site in   Main image:
more prevalent – whether the film is for consumer       Ville le Marclet, France – where it produces films for   RKW’s new film
packaging, industrial applications of a host of other   food and beverage packaging – in the near future.        line in Finland
end uses.                                                                                                        runs formula-
    RKW has begun production of lawn and garden         PCR for packaging                                        tions with a
films on a five-layer line in Pori, Finland.            Nova Chemicals has agreed a long-term deal with          higher
    The line is running new formulations that use a     a Canadian plastics recycler to supply it with           proportion of
higher proportion of regranulate – including            post-consumer recyclate (PCR) – which will be            regranulate
post-consumer recyclate (PCR).                          blended with virgin resin and used to make
    “Our customers are delighted with the quality,      consumer packaging.
feel and appearance of the products,” said Pekka           The deal, with Merlin Plastics Supply, marks
Saariluoma, director of the site.                       Nova’s debut in PCR resin.
    Lawn and garden films need high printability,          “This partnership – and our forthcoming suite of
opacity and puncture resistance, among other            PCR-containing resins – will help meet our custom-
properties, he said.                                    er and brand owner needs and expand high-quali-
    “We aim to increase the share of recycled PCR       ty PCR supply for use in consumer packaging,” said
material while not sacrificing on materials quali-      Luis Sierra, president and CEO of Nova Chemicals.
ties,” he added.                                           Nova will finance a multi-million-dollar project to
    PCR is typically used to manufacture lower-quali-   accelerate Merlin’s expansion into PCR for food
ty end products such as garbage bags, says the          contact applications, making it a source of such
company. Making higher quality film with a high         resin for its customers. Nova says this is one of
proportion of PCR places “high demands on               several collaborations it is pursuing to build its PCR
development and application technology”, it added.      offerings with commercial quantities, beginning in                                                              October 2020 | FILM & SHEET EXTRUSION        13

Right: After       2021. Ultimately, it plans to offer 100% recycled PE,
two years of       and PCR blended with its virgin grades including
research,          LLDPE, LDPE, and HDPE.
EconCore has          Tony Moucachen, president of Merlin Plastics,
commercial-        added: “With this agreement, we will be able to
ised a honey-      turn more recycled plastic packaging into valuable
comb core          new source material for consumer products and
made from          packaging.”
recycled PET
                   R-PET honeycombs
                   Recycled PET (R-PET) honeycomb is now commer-
                   cially available to license from EconCore. The
                   company conducted two years of research, to
                   develop the best way of processing used PET into
                   a continuously produced honeycomb core.
                       The company was awarded a grant to fund             volume, high-specification applications such as rail
                   research over a two-year period from Flanders           transport and aerospace where strength and low
                   Innovation and Entrepreneurship (VLAIO), a              weight are important.”
                   Belgian government agency that finances strategic
                   and industrial research.                                Film from recycled PP
                       The R-PET honeycomb core is typically made          Taghleef Industries has introduced a new range of
                   from more than 95% recycled PET from a variety of       films called Relife, which incorporates recycled
                   sources such as bottles and food packaging. It is a     polypropylene (PP).
                   cost-effective solution as it does not require much         The films can be used in a number of packaging
                   pre-production processing to achieve a product          and labelling applications, depending on the type
                   that outperforms PP honeycombs.                         of recycled PP that they contain. Films containing
                       Wouter Winant, technical manager at EconCore,       either chemically recycled PP, or granules repro-
                   said: “Our technology has been proven to work with      cessed from internal production, are food-contact
                   many thermoplastics. Adapting it to use PET and         compliant. Those that contain mechanically
                   R-PET honeycomb is another great step forward. By       recycled PP are not.
                   adjusting the content of additives or fillers, we can       The films are suitable for most of the same
                   optimise the performance characteristics.”              applications as traditional film grades, and ensure the
                       Part of the project involved adapting the           same technical function and performance, says TI.
                   equipment in order to increase production
                   efficiency, which was done in partnership with          Fuel from plastic
                   extruder manufacturer Meaf.                             Additives manufacturer Clariant, in collaboration
                       While companies can now license EconCore            with Slovak fertiliser producer Duslo, has converted
                   technology to make honeycomb core sandwich              plastic waste into winter fuel distillate.
                   panels from R-PET, the development is ongoing.             The process has been proven in a pilot plant in
                       “We will continue to push the boundaries for        Slovakia. As plastics and fuels are both mainly
                   more demanding applications,” said Winant. “We          composed of natural gas or crude oil, turning one
                   are learning how to adapt our technology for lower      into the other has major implications for sustainable

Clariant has
teamed up
with fertiliser
producer Duslo
to convert
plastic waste
into liquid fuel

14   FILM & SHEET EXTRUSION | October 2020                                                    
From state of the art dosing units to complete
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                    Suitable for Flexible Film applica�ons
                    Con�nous extrusion control

                    Be�er blend homogeneity

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                    Efficiency of produc�on and equipment up�me

                    Utmost flexibility and traceability in materials

Right: Toyo Ink    and lucrative fuel production, says the company.
Europe’s new           “Upgrading gas oil fractions to more valuable
Lioplax black      products has become essential for improving
plastic            refinery economics,” said Stefan Heuser, senior vice
masterbatch        president and general manager at Clariant Catalysts.
allows NIR             Clariant’s Hydex E hydro-dewaxing catalyst was
sorting and        used in a pyrolysis process to make the conversion.
material           The technique can convert a variety of plastic waste
recovery           – including PE, PS, PP and PET – into diesel fuel. It
                   thermally degrades the plastic above 300°C (530F)
                   into liquid oil comprised of various hydrocarbons.
                   Recently, Duslo’s Vucht research institute devel-
                   oped a way to further convert the liquid oil into a
                   high-quality fuel distillate known as winter diesel.
                       Following the pilot plant testing, Vucht now        detected by NIR sensors during the sorting stage at
                   plans a custom-built demonstration plant with a         material recovery centres. This allows dark-col-
                   fuel distillate capacity of 40 tonnes/year.             oured packaging to be sorted and integrated back
                       Branislav Brežný, Vucht’s managing director,      into the value chain as a reusable raw material
                   added: “Scaling up to near-plant capacity was the       through recycling.”
                   ultimate test of the process. It could not have been       Its NIR black colorants are certified according to
                   achieved without Clariant, whose new dewaxing           the Cotrep recyclability test protocol and received
                   catalyst has delivered beyond expectations.”            positive results at both Pellenc and Tomra testing
                                                                           centres, he said.
                   Plastics sorted                                            The Lioplax series of NIR-sorting black master-
                   Toyo Ink Europe has developed a new range of            batches are formulated for use in PP trays, PET
                   Lioplax black plastic masterbatch that allows           preforms, films, bottles and other packaging
                   near-infrared (NIR) sorting and material recovery.      applications. Different grades are available in
                      Most optical sorting methods use NIR wave-           varying black colour shades, grades of resins
                   lengths. Standard black masterbatches are typically     (polyolefins, PET) and processing compatibility
                   made with carbon black – which absorbs IR light,        such as extrusion or blow moulding.
                   making identification by optical sensors impossi-
                   ble. This results in undetected black or dark-col-      Recycling dark plastics
Below: BASF        oured packaging waste being sent to landfill or         BASF has developed Sicopal Black K 0098 FK, a
says its Sicopal   incineration.                                           colorant which it says allows smart recycling of dark
Black K 0098          Toyo Ink Europe has developed an alternative to      plastics such as food containers.
FK colorant        standard carbon black in this masterbatch.                 Carbon black is typically used in these applica-
allows smart          “We have developed a sustainable alternative to      tions, but hinders recycling because it absorbs NIR
recycling of       carbon black, enabling packaging to integrate the       technology – which is commonly used by sorting
dark plastics      recycling loop,” said Xavier André, technical and       systems. This means that the plastic is more likely to
such as food       research manager at Toyo Ink Europe. “Packaging         be incinerated or landfilled. However, the Sicopal
containers         using a new Lioplax black masterbatch can be            grade overcomes this – so is an effective replace-
                                                                           ment for carbon black, says BASF.
                                                                              “Our research and development team has taken
                                                                           on the industry need for recyclable black plastics
                                                                           that can pass through infrared sorting at materials
                                                                           recycling facilities,” said Christof Kujat, head of
                                                                           global technical industry management for plastics
                                                                           at BASF. “Building on our Sicopal Black technology,
                                                                           we have developed a new member of the pigment
                                                                           family that is optimised for use in packaging.”
                                                                              The NIR-reflective grade allows the reliable
                                                                           detection of the polymer even at high pigment
                                                                           content. With its high processing stability, it can be
                                                                           used for multiple processing steps and closed loop
                                                                           recycling, says BASF.                                �
16   FILM & SHEET EXTRUSION | October 2020                                                    

                                                                             “We have packed an established test and analysis
                                                                          method into a handy portable format,” said Adrian
                                                                          Vogel, sales and business development Manager for
                                                                          spectroscopy solutions at Trinamix. “The product
                                                                          miniaturisation and its wireless connection to the
                                                                          cloud make it possible to use NIR spectroscopy
                                                                          anywhere and at any time for precise material
                                                                             The device can identify common plastics in
                                                                          seconds, says the company. The spectrum ranges
                                                                          from materials such as PE, PP and PVC to PET, ABS
                                                                          and polyamide. Other materials can be added
                                                                          according to customer requirements.
                                                                             Individual plastics spectra are stored in the
                                                                          cloud and matched with the measurement data
Above: Cotnyl   NIR sorting                                               from the spectrometer. The user receives the name
of Argentina    Trinamix, a BASF subsidiary, has developed a new          of the identified material in the app. Results can be
has installed   application for its mobile near-infrared (NIR) spec-      displayed on mobile devices and on the customer’s
a Gneuss        troscopy solutions in plastic sorting and recycling.      PC. This allows both rapid ad-hoc analyses as well
processing         A portable handheld device, using Trinamix             as further evaluations and downloads.
unit with MRS   technology, can determine the precise composi-
extruder and    tion of different plastics. Sophisticated data analysis   PET project
RSFgenius       can now be processed in the field via wireless            The demand for sheet made wholly or partially
filtration      cloud uploading. The device is slightly larger than a     from recycled PET is growing – yet manufacturers
system          mobile phone.                                             must often invest in machinery that can process
Via Venezia 232 - 21050 Marnate - Italy
                                          info@bgpl ast .it
Phone: +39 0331 365 865

                                                                          the multi-screw section with degassing zone. This
                                                                          ensures a large degassing and decontamination
                                                                          performance, says Gneuss. Recyclate processed on
                                                                          the line has received food contact approval.
                                                                             A separate South American manufacturer has
                                                                          invested in an MRS 130 with a capacity of around
                                                                          1,000 kg/h, plus a Gneuss Processing Unit – which
                                                                          includes an RSFgenius 150 and an online viscom-
                                                                          eter. The viscometer is also available separately
                                                                          and is ideal as a retrofit solution. It measures the
                                                                          temperature and pressure of the melt that is
                                                                          diverted into the slot capillary during production.
                                                                             “Installing these key components makes it
                                                                          possible to process recycled material and still
Above:            recycled materials.                                     produce a high-quality PET sheet,” said the company.
Vecoplan’s            One way to overcome this – which Gneuss of
VEZ 3200          Germany recently carried out for a South American       Red Dot pre-shredder
pre-shredder      packaging producer – is to retrofit existing machin-    The new VEZ 3200 pre-shredder from Vecoplan is
has won a Red     ery with components that allow these materials to       one of this year’s winners of a Red Dot award for
Dot award for     be processed.                                           product design.
product design        Cotnyl, based in San Martín in Argentina, says it      It was developed to produce refuse-derived fuel
                  has become the first company in the country to          (RDF). Vecoplan focused on a contemporary
                  obtain local approval to produce packaging made         appearance when creating the VEZ – and took on
                  of 100% recycled PET.                                   an industrial design company as a partner -- but
                      Gneuss says that an existing South American         said it was not “just about colour and shape”.
                  customer has been using its Rotary Filtration              “For us, the design was not all about appear-
                  Systems for several years to produce PET thermo-        ance: ergonomics was also an important factor,”
                  formed trays with 70% recycled content. The filter      said Werner Berens, CEO of Vecoplan.
                  discs operate automatically, continuously, and with        He said that the design influences the machine
                  constant pressure.                                      construction – making the shredder easier to
                      Fluctuating levels of contamination in the input    handle for operators. The company has already
                  material is a major problem when processing             sold around 15 machines worldwide.
                  recyclate. This can cause screens to get dirty
                  quickly – which increases upstream pressure and         Blade discount cuts costs
                  possible temperature and viscosity fluctuations.        CMG Granulators of Italy, which supplies a wide
                      The RSFgenius filtration systems have back-flush-   range of size reduction equipment, is offering
                  ing technology to help overcome this. Screen            discounts on its range of replacement blades and
                  cleaning is carried out automatically during            screens.
                  production via an integrated back-flushing piston.         The company says that, as companies look to
                  Only a small portion of filtered melt is                               cut costs in difficult times, many will
Right: CMG        regularly shot through the                                             be looking to replace these common
Granulators       dirty screen via a narrow                                             ‘wear and tear’ items – rather than
is offering       gap by means of high-pres-                                            invest in new machinery – but all
discounts on      sure pulses. Even with high                                           within lower budgets.
its range of      contamination, the screens of the                                                     “The involvement of
replacement       RSFgenius can be reused up to 400                                                  every party, internal or
blades and        times – allowing automatic                                                         external, in the production
screens           production without the need for                                                   of blades and screens –
                  personnel for several weeks.                                                      from fabrication all the way
                      Cotnyl has invested in a                                                     to packaging – allows us to
                  Multi-Rotation System (MRS)                                                    offer a discount of 40%,” said
                  extruder from Gneuss, which is                                                Giorgio Santella, general
                  based on a single screw extruder.                                             manager of CMG. “These
                  It processes PET melt gently and                                              spare parts help our custom-
                  provides a large melt surface in                                              ers to keep operating effi-

20   FILM & SHEET EXTRUSION | October 2020                                                   

                                                                              11 metres, it will have enough space for assem-
                                                                              bling large granulating systems.
                                                                                 “We urgently need the extra space to accelerate
                                                                              handling of the large volume of orders which we
                                                                              have won since K2019,” said Mark Hellweg, the
                                                                              company’s managing director. “We have also been
                                                                              seeing a trend toward large and complex ma-
                                                                              chines. In future, we will be able to assemble and
                                                                              test these in our own facilities and ensure trouble-
                                                                              free commissioning on our customers’ premises.”

                                                                              CLICK ON THE LINKS FOR MORE INFORMATION:
Above: Hellweg         ciently and safely.”                                   �
has begun                 The promotional sale of blades and screens has      �
construction of        will be kept in place until September 2020, he said.   �
a new hall at its                                                             �
HQ in Roetgen,         Facility expansion                                     �
Germany                Granulator manufacturer Hellweg Maschinenbau           �
                       is building a new production shop at its Roetgen       �
                       headquarters.                                          �
                          The facility will provide around 500m2 of           �
                       additional manufacturing space. With a height of       �


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       Bringing the plastic industry together.

                                 The need for speed:
                                   the latest extruder
                                                                                     The latest extrusion
                                                                                     lines have stepped
                                                                                   up their game: faster
                                                                                  output, greater use of
                                                                                  recycled polymer and
                                                                                  multi-layer capability –
                                                                                  with some even being
                                                                                       installed remotely

Outputs in film and sheet extrusion continue to        PP – up to 38% higher than that of its predecessor,    Main image:
increase, and in response machinery suppliers are      says PTI. For PET, output is 4,000 lbs/hour (1,800     PTI’s new
having to develop products that keep pace with         kg/h) – an increase of around 33%.                     SGHS3500
this trend.                                               While the design of the SGHS3500 needed to          extruder has a
   Processing Technologies International (PTI) of      add 18in (about 8.5%) to overall extruder length, it   throughput
the US has developed a new high-speed sheet            yielded a 20-25% increase in manufacturing             nearly 40%
extruder – the Super-G HighSpeed SGHS3500-36D.         footprint efficiency. Other original design features   higher than its
   The extruder, which can handle multiple resins      have been re-scaled for the new version.               predecessor
(HIPS, PP, and PET), claims higher regrind recovery       The extruder also uses PTI’s patented M-Atex        yet has a
rates, reduced maintenance costs and increased         barrel glide supports for assistance in managing       similar
throughput – despite minimal changes to the            thermal expansion and the two-stage Super-G lobe       footprint
footprint of the earlier SGHS3000 model.               screw technology to ensure good mixing, melt
   Like its predecessor, the machine will operate up   quality and temperature control. These features
to 1000 rpm, but with higher levels of both output     play a key role in maintaining consistent sheet
and regrind consumption, said Dana Hanson,             gauge thickness and achieving high clarity for
president of PTI.                                      crystalline and semi-crystalline polymers, said PTI.
   To do this, specific design changes were               The new extruder also uses CoolTough barrel
necessary. A re-engineered – and increased – screw     guards to minimise heat emission on the surface,
diameter from 3 to 3.5in (90mm), an L/D of 36:1, a     while the ‘out-the-back’ screw removal simplifies
600hp motor and a larger feed opening are the          access to the screw.
main characteristics of the new model.                    A production scale machine is available for
   With a 40% increase in area, the feed arrange-      process trials at PTI’s Technology Development
ment allows a 70% increase in regrind recovery         Center (TDC). Its downstream configuration
rates while maintaining consistent output. These       incorporates a G-Series configurable roll stand,
design changes are the basis for a maximum             TRC-66 transfer roll coater, Scantech X-ray gauge
output capacity of 3,600 lbs/hour (1,600 kg/hr) for    scanner, sheet accumulator and winder, plus a Titan                                                            October 2020 | FILM & SHEET EXTRUSION      25

Right:             Plus control system – which allows
Coperion has       data logging, trending and
developed a        analytics of process run conditions
closed-loop        while producing rolled stock.
approach that
re-uses up to      Greenhouse effects
100% of            Greenhouse panel manufacturer
multi-layer film   Staal og Plast of Denmark has installed a
production         sheet extrusion line from Battenfeld-Cincinnati,
waste              which has a throughput of up to 3,000 kg/h.
                      The line is used to supply sheet for a thermo-            “The outer layer,
                   forming line that transforms 3mm thick, extruded,         which comes into contact
                   semi-finished polystyrene (PS) sheet into what is         with the plant pots, is a
                   known as ebb and flow trays for greenhouses. The          distinctive feature of our trays,” said Sörensen. “It is
                   installation has helped to company to quadruple           approved for food production and is resistant to
                   production at its Danish facility, while simultane-       UV radiation and chemicals.”
                   ously establishing a US subsidiary.
                      “Especially in North America, there is an enor-        Closing the loop
                   mous demand for our so-called ‘Danish trays’,” said       Coperion has developed a closed-loop concept
                   Jacob Sörensen, managing partner of Staal og              for the production of flexible multi-layer film.
                   Plast. “The reason is the increasing cultivation of          Recycling multi-layer film is often complicated,
                   cannabis, which is not only grown for medical             due to the presence of multiple materials. How-
                   purposes, but due to its legalisation in several          ever, Coperion says it has developed a closed-loop
                   federal states is more in demand.”                        approach that can reprocess and re-use up to
                      For the three-layer sheet line, Staal og Plast built   100% of multi-layer film production waste.
                   a new hall with a total length of 65m – which also           Multi-layer film waste is shredded, then fed into
                   gave enough space for the thermoforming                   a ZSK extruder via pneumatic conveying and
                   machine. In the new co-extrusion line, a 1-75 T6.1        feeding. There, the material is homogenised and
                   high-speed extruder is used as the main extruder          devolatilised in a co-rotating ZSK Mc18 twin screw
                   for a total capacity up to 3 tonnes/hour. The melt’s      extruder. Within the extruder, dispersion and
                   residence time inside the extruder is long enough         devolatilisation performance, gentle product
                   to achieve optimal homogenisation, but short              handling and good mixing (even at high through-
Below:             enough to prevent mechanical or thermal damage,           put) help to achieve high product quality.
Staal og Plast     says the company.                                            Following homogenisation, the recycled
of Denmark            The high-speed extruder plasticises the material       material is added back into the multi-layer film
has installed a    for the main layer, with in-house scrap resulting         production process – with a high proportion of
3,000 kg/h         from changeovers and cutting/stamping being               added recyclate causing no loss in quality. This
sheet extrusion    added to the virgin material. The material for the        helps to ensure that multi-layer film manufacturing
line from          outer layers of the three-layer composite is              can be done sustainably and efficiently.
Battenfeld-        provided by two 1-75 T2.1 co-extruders, with                 Coperion is developing a recycling system of
Cincinnati         outputs of up to 500 kg/h.                                this type for an unnamed customer.

                                                                             Semi-customised line
                                                                             US-based sheet producer Airlite Plastics has expand-
                                                                             ed production at its plant in Nazareth, Pennsylvania
                                                                             with a semi-customised Davis-Standard sheet line.
                                                                                The new line supports various thicknesses and
                                                                             textures of Airlite’s thin-gauge sheet production,
                                                                             including its Orthoform sheet used in making
                                                                             orthotics and prosthetics.
                                                                                Davis-Standard engineered the line for strict
                                                                             repeatability, gauge control, product consistency and
                                                                             low scrap, which are essential to Airlite’s processes.
                                                                             Airlite operates five sheet lines at the plant.
                                                                                Tony Alfieri, vice president and general manager

26   FILM & SHEET EXTRUSION | October 2020                                                       

  of this division of Airlite, said that the correct equip-   roll configuration to ensure quality and consistency.   Above:
  ment combination is important because thin-gauge               “Engineering and installing a complete sheet         Bandera ran a
  sheet production is challenging. His plant sched-           line is a huge undertaking with a lot of attention to   livestreaming
  ules operations around processing a mix of sheet            detail,” said Alfieri. “Knowing we have the technol-    event to
  thicknesses from 0.16 to .25in (4-6mm), and with            ogy to make that happen is critical.”                   demonstrate a
  different textures ranging from smooth to haircell.                                                                 new machine
  For instance, sheet used for Orthoform is drape-            Compact cast line
  formed using a very specific resin.                         Colines has developed its Polycast Evo line, to
     Key components of the new line include a                 produce both cast polypropylene (CPP) and
  Thermatic III extruder, DS-eVue control system,             polyethylene (CPE) film. The company says that the
  screen changer package, die, melt pump, and XP              line satisfies the market’s technical requests at a
  Express PS series roll stand system with a unique           good best price-performance ratio.

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 KraussMaffei lays foundation for
 new extrusion systems facility
 KraussMaffei laid the                                                                                             Left: Construction of
 foundation stone earlier                                                                                          KraussMaffei’s new extrusion
 this month for its new                                                                                            plant at Laatzen in Germany
 66,500m2 extrusion systems                                                                                        is now underway
 production plant at Laatzen,
 near Hanover in Germany.                                                                         to production-scale.

                                                                                             IMAGE: KRAUSSMAFFEI
     The new facility will be                                                                        KraussMaffei is working
 completed by Q3 2022 and                                                                         with commercial real estate
 will replace the company’s                                                                       developer VGP on the
 Kleefeld factory — the                                                                           project. It recently completed
 traditional home of the                                                                          construction of a new factory
 Berstorff extrusion business                                                                     for the company’s Burgsmül-
 — which it says could not be expanded       Innovation Centre, within which            ler subsidiary in Einbeck in Germany
 any further. It will allow all KraussMaf-   customers will be able to run complex      and is also building the new Krauss-
 fei extrusion activities to be located      preliminary line trials under realistic    Maffei Technologies HQ at Parsdorf
 under one roof.                             production conditions before ordering      near Munich (the foundation stone for
     Around 750 people will work on          new machines. The centre will house        that was also laid this month).
 the site, which will include a 10,000m2     20 machines ranging from laboratory        �

                      The new cast line has a compact layout and is        design, to ensure a maximum differential tempera-
                   available in a configuration starting from four         ture of ±1°C between the two sides of the roll. The
                   extruders and five layers. Polycast Evo lines can be    cooling roller conveyor is 20 m long. This allows
                   optionally equipped with Colines’ patented MDO          the sheet to cool without locking in surface
                   IR1 (single stage) or MDO IR2 (double stage), which     tensions – which could cause shrinkage problems
                   allow the production of mono-oriented polypropyl-       during thermoforming.
                   ene (MOPP) and polyethylene (MOPE) film.
                      As with other lines, Colines applies its ‘quick      Livestreaming demos
                   delivery’ police to the Polycast Evo lines.             In the face of lockdown, companies must think of
                                                                           creative ways to interact with their market. Luigi
                   Cool customer                                           Bandera of Italy recently organised an open house
                   Amut has delivered a co-extruded sheet line to          session – via live streaming – to demonstrate its
                   Walton Hi-Tech Industries of Bangladesh – adding        new HDBFlex five-layer co-extrusion technology.
                   to the line that the company installed in 2017.             The line, which makes heavy duty bags, was first
                      Walton manufactures components for the               demonstrated to a customer who is due to have a
                   electronics, white goods, automotive and telecom-       line installed. This private session allowed the
                   munications industries. It ordered the new line – to    customer to preview the running of the line and
                   make ABS and PS sheets, with thicknesses of 0.8-5       verify its production parameters. Afterwards, three
                   mm – in order to fulfil an extension project for        live streaming sessions were transmitted in two
                   refrigerator panel doors and cabinet liners.            days, attracting more than 500 customers, potential
                      The line’s main extruder, an EA 160 40 L/D with      customers and suppliers.
                   venting, can extrude up to 1,000 kg/h of HIPS and           “Thanks to digital innovation, the barriers
                   800 kg/h of ABS using a dryerless process. The          imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic have been
                   co-extruder is an EA 60 40 L/D with venting, for        overcome – and turned a time of temporary stagna-
                   making the ‘glossy’ layer, with an overall capacity     tion of manufacture into an opportunity for a rapid
                   up to 200 kg/h. Both are equipped with bushing on       post-Coronavirus recovery,” said the company.
                   the first zone to guarantee stable feeding of the
                   material by the screw.                                  VR service
                      The calender has a 2,400mm nominal width and         Macchi of Italy is offering remote servicing via its
                   cooling rolls with optimised thermodynamic              Macchi VR Service, which offers a direct connection

28   FILM & SHEET EXTRUSION | October 2020                                                                     
WE DRIVE THE                                                                                             VISIT OUR new
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                                                                                                   Whether it is inhouse, post-
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                                                                                                   you can only close loops in a
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      CONTACT US                                     for single-serve capsules

      Carole Charrade                            •   Explore next generation testing and measurement solutions for
      Conference Organiser                           breathable films innovations to end-of-life choices

      T +44 (0) 117 314 8111
      E                   BOOK YOUR PLACE
                                                                       “Good conference,
                                                                                                             wide variety of
                                                                                                            papers and very
      Organised by:              Sponsored by:   Media supporters:                                          well organised.”
                                                                                                            Sales Manager FE&C,
                                                                                                             NDC Technologies

                                                                          on-site assembly activity live – by smart glasses – to
                                                                          the Visual Assistance Cockpit at Reifenhäuser.
                                                                          Reifenhäuser experts assigned to the project
                                                                          guided the customer’s team through specific
                                                                          instructions and checklists. They also provided the
                                                                          customer’s technicians with all the necessary
                                                                          information on an integrated display.
                                                                              This is all part of a software platform that
                                                                          instructs technicians with exactly what needs to be
                                                                          done in a specific situation at the right time.
                                                                              Visual Assistance has been used to start up
                                                                          Reifenhäuser blown-film lines across the world.
                                                                          Reifenhäuser says that support using smart glasses
                                                                          is one of a number of IoT solutions in its Visual
 Abovev:           with Macchi through a dedicated internet call          Assistance package.
 Reifenhäuser          Customers get a real-time view through the             In a separate move, the company has converted
 used its Visual   operator’s ‘eyes’ thanks to the use of Macchi VR       another pilot line to make protective medical
 Assistance        smart glasses. This allows Macchi technicians to       garments. It has been used to make 110 tonnes of
 technology to     highlight drawings or real images with arrows or       protective film, which will be converted into
 help a new        other instructions. Electrical and mechanical draw-    medical coveralls for use in hospitals.
 customer set      ings can also be sent directly to the smart glasses.       The increased demand is currently very high for
 up a blown film       “With Macchi VR, you can increase the produc-      coveralls worn to treat highly infectious coronavirus
 line in Turkey    tivity of your field service organisation and reduce   patients. This volume is enough to make more than
                   critical outage times,” said the company.              1 million coveralls.
                       There are two levels of service – Premium and
                   Premium Plus – according to needs.                     CLICK ON THE LINKS FOR MORE INFORMATION:
                   Remote start-up                                        �
                   Reifenhäuser recently helped a customer in Turkey      �
                   to set up a blown film line remotely – using smart     �
                   glasses.                                               �
                      The Coronavirus pandemic has severely restrict-     �
                   ed the ability to travel, which affects operations     �
                   such as installing new lines.                          �
                      In this case, the customer’s assembly team sent     �

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CONTACT US                                              BOOK YOUR PLACE
Maud Holbrook                              
Conference Portfolio Manager
T +44 (0) 117 314 8111

Sponsored by:

                            Media supporters:
Organised by:

                                                                       New dates
                                                                                  1-2 June 2021
                                              MESSE ESSEN, GERMANY

                                  Connect with thousands of
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AMI is holding the first Global Virtual Summit
in Agricultural Film in October. Get a taste of
the online event in this Q&A with some
speakers from across the value chain

Hear from the experts at
agricultural film summit
The new Global Virtual Summit in Agricultural Film                           Pierre Sarazin: A good part of our
takes place online over four days on 26-29 Octo-                             activities are concentrated in mulch
ber. Organised by AMI, the publisher of Film and                             film production, as well as flexible
Sheet Extrusion, the summit provides a unique                                packaging material. There are
forum for the global agricultural film industry.                             great concerns in both industries
Details can be found at the event website.                                   about the waste generated by
   Ahead of the summit, AMI spoke to some of the                             used films. Until now, biodegrad-
expert speakers: Ralf Dujardin (VP Marketing and         able mulching films – those made with certified
Innovation, Imaflex), Lindy Savelle (President,          compostable resins – have been the only alternative
Georgia Citrus Assn), Michael Lebidakis (Managing        to traditional mulching films and I believe that these
Director, Plastika Kritis), Pierre Sarazin (VP R&D and   films have a bright future ahead of them.
Sustainability, Polyexpert) and Jan-Torsten Vollmer          Nonetheless, in the age of circular economy,
(Head of R&D and QM, Coveris Flexibles).                 there are a lot of questions being asked about the
                                                         end of life of traditional agricultural films after use,
What do you consider to be the most exciting             which generates plastic waste. More development
opportunity for agricultural films in the future?        in this area is to be expected, without it being
Jan-Torsten Vollmer: I guess the challenging             detrimental to film functionality and performance.
opportunity for the agri film market will be finding     Lindy Savelle: Several of our growers have used
the right sustainability solution. We think that the     landscape fabrics and plastics to cover the beds
plastic discussion, which is ongoing in the consum-      beneath their citrus trees. We are seeing more and
er packaging business, will affect the agri film         more traditional produce farmers diversify by
business, too. I will present a few developments         adding citrus to their product lines. Typically, these
and solutions in my presentation.                        are the farmers who plant citrus using film.            �                                                                 October 2020 | FILM & SHEET EXTRUSION   33
You can also read