Plumpton & East Chiltington News - January 2021 - Plumpton Parish Council

Page created by Marc Ross
Plumpton & East Chiltington
        January 2021
        Hedge Cutting and Treework
               Turf Laying                       DRIVER TRAINING
                Driveways                        CAR, LGV, PCV, FLT, HIAB
                  Patios                             40 East View Fields
                And More                          Plumpton Green BN7 3EF
Zac Robins                 07949 220721              Tel: 01273 890410                    

                   Eastwood Heating & Plumbing
Keep your energy bills low by making sure your boiler is serviced regularly. A well
 serviced boiler keeps your energy consumption low and can Identify faults early,
            avoiding expensive breakdown cost.

          Plumpton Green based Heating Engineer
                 for all Oil and Gas appliances
    please call James on 07876 294262 or 01273 890526
                                                                  104339    528262

Plumpton Stores & Post Office                      R. A. Brooks & Son
  Your local village store is now open:
                                             F      D             M          M
 5.45am to 7.30pm Monday to Friday                  P -P      F        P
                                             35 Wivelsfield Road,        Ravenoak,
      7.00am to 7.30pm Saturday
                                               Haywards Heath          Allington Road,
      7.00am to 1.00pm Sunday
            01273 890229
January 2021                      Page Over 2020 I have been adding events to
                                        the calendar and then removing them a
Plumpton Parish Council           2     month later when events get postponed
East Chiltington Parish Council   5     or cancelled. This month I am pleased to
County & District councils        6     say that we have a list of events for 2021
Maria Caufield                    9     for the Horticultural Society, St. Peter &
DR’s Diary                        10    St. James Hospice and The Plumpton
Christmas Walkby Market           12    Society.
Bird Watch                        13    The only cancellation is, sadly,
Plumpton Society poem             15    PlumptonFest which was due to take
Church Services                   16    place on 13th March. Hopefully it will be
Events Calendar                   17    rearranged for later in the year.
Climate Change                    18    The start of 2021 brings the first of a new
St. Peter & St. James Hospice     19    series of articles on Climate Change by
Rude Mechanicals                  22    Carole and Paul Nicholson.
Plumpton & East Chiltington             If a group you are involved with has plans
Wildlife                          24    for 2021 do let us know.
Footpath Detective                27    If you would like to send in book, film,
Chailey Commons                   28    music reviews or your favourite recipes
Citizens Advice                   31    please do..
                                        This is your magazine..

Plumpton Parish Council                      on improving the playing surfaces, we
                                                need to protect the grass areas.
                                                2020 was a difficult year for all of us,
Notes from the Parish Meeting 8th               let’s hope for brighter days ahead.
December 2020 (remote meeting over
ZOOM).                                          Next meeting is at 7:30pm on the 12th
                                                January 2021. (Remote Meeting over
The Parish Council Village Green grass          Zoom)
cutting maintenance contract is due for
renewal on 1st April 2021, this is a 3
year contract. Please contact the                     GOOD NEIGHBOURS
parish clerk
on for
                                                            We need your help
a copy of the tender invitation terms.
The conditions application deadline is                  Our current Chairperson is
31st January 2021.                                   leaving Plumpton for pastures
                                                      new so we are looking for a
There will be a minor reduction in train            replacement & a new secretary
services in the new year with 1 up and                 to help run the committee.
1 down service being removed from the
                                                   The positions won’t require a lot
The Village Hall online booking sytem is               of your time and it is very
progressing well and should be fully               rewarding to be a part of a great
operational in the New Year.                         team of people helping out in
                                                         your local community.
Improved security at both the Village
Hall and Pavilion has been implemented
wth Ring video door bells and security               If you are interested in getting
alarms being installed at both locations.           involved - please contact one of
The locks at the Pavilion have been                    our coordinators for a chat.
changed as it was clear that
unauthorised persons had access to
keys.                                               07786 152215 / 07478 524152

Improved verti-drainage and mole
draining have been successfully
installed along the length of the paying
field adjacent to the road/railway track.
Could users please note that vehicles
should, on no account, park on the
grass at any point before the
anticipated improved weather
conditions in the Spring. The
considerable level of rainfall has made
the grass areas extremely soft and, as
we have spent considerable amounts
A clean carpet
        FLORAL ART                                                            isn’t all we
  Mobile Florist - Wide Delivery Service
      NICHOLA MASSINGALE                                  •       Carpet Cleaning & Repairs,
                                                                  retufting & reweaving
    Phone: Plumpton (01273) 891301
                                                          •       Upholstery Cleaning
        Mobile: 07970 462337
 . •Weddings • Funerals•                                  •       Rug Cleaning including Wool &
     •Spec ial O cc as ions •
     •C ontrac t • D ried•                                •       Curtain Dry Cleaning on-site-at-
                                                          •       Carpet Moth Treatment Service
       Rupert Thacker                                     •       Fire & Flood Clean-Up Service
    Furniture Restoration Services                   Now celebrating 24 years of providing 1st class
Including Furniture repairs, Polishing etc. of       in Plumpton, Plumpton Green, East Chiltington,
 Antique, Contemporary, and Reproduction
                 Furniture                           Lewes & Brighton.

        Fletching, E Sussex, TN22 3TQ                Call Paul or Liz on 01273 733339
        Tel : 01825-713111 (Workshop)                        For a free no-obligation quotation
             Mobile: 07950-035044                    Or email
       Website:               See our website for special offers

             Robert Symes
                                                                 The Hairdressers
             TREE SURGEON                                         Sarah And Mandy
              East Chiltington
               Tel: Plumpton                                  South Road Wivelsfield Green
          (01273) 890080                                           01444 471224
             Free Es mates

Starflower Arts & Massage
      Creative Art Workshops
    Collage, Felting, Papermaking etc.
   Holistic Massage & Aromatherapy
          Home Visits for Women

  Sarah Holloway BA(Hons) PGCE MIPTI
     E. Chiltington, 07751 986790

              A club for unattached
             Men and women, aged 50+                   Plumpton Pilates
           Eating out, quizzes, music,           Morning and evening group classes
            Walking, golf, theatre,                  in Plumpton Village Hall.
             sport, Arts & holidays
Regular club meetings in Brighton & Hove,
                                                  1:1 Pilates at home also available.
    Lewes, Mid-Sussex and Horsham
For further information visit our website:       Please contact Charis 07881 825007                   


       • Member of the Institute of Plumbing • Registered Plumber •

                     General Plumbing Installa on & Repairs

                            Free Es mates and Advice
       Tel: Plumpton (01273) 890668 or 07711 712 477
interest you, please contact
                                     in the first

                                              At present it is unclear when the next
                                              Parish meeting will take place due to fast
Hopefully by the time of reading this         changing government restrictions
many of our most vulnerable                   however as ever please contact the clerk
parishioners will have been offered           if you have any queries.
and received the Covid 19
vaccination should they so wish.              The Parish council would like to take this
Hopefully as this programme rolls out         opportunity to wish all our parishioners a
we may be able to enjoy some                  happy and healthy 2021.
relaxation of the constraints upon
our movements and get back to                          PLUMPTON & EAST
some form of normality.                               CHILTINGTON GOOD
Yet another large deposit of fly
                                                      WE ARE HERE FOR YOU
tipped waste was left at various
points along Novington Lane,much of
it being paint and builder’s type                Plumpton & East Chiltington Good
waste . The police were notified, and           Neighbours have worked throughout
the road washed of some of the                    the village during lockdown and
paints which had been spilled thus                             beyond.
preventing a hazard to traffic. Our
                                                We have been collecting prescriptions,
thanks go to councillor Durham who
                                                shopping, posting letters and parcels,
gave his own time to clear a quantity
                                                  taking pets to the vets with their
of the remainder and take it to the
                                                   owner, turning mattresses etc.
recycling centre at Lewes.
                                                 Most importantly keeping someone
                                                 company in these trying times and
The Parish council has been
                                                       generating a friendship
approached by a resident of the
Westmeston ,Streat and East
                                               Whatever you might like help with, we
Chiltington History group which
                                                are here to help in any small way.
finally closed in 2014. The group had
throughout time gathered a great
                                                  We have a number of Volunteers
deal of informative archives which
                                                 willing to assist. Perhaps you would
have been digitalised and will be
                                                    like help with addressing your
offered to the Keep which has limited
                                                   Christmas cards or sewing on a
space and will not be able to take the
                                                  button.No job is too small for us.
entire collection. To avoid the
collection being split the resident has
                                               “One of the greatest gifts we can give
asked if anyone locally has any                              is our time”
interest in re- establishing the group          Please give one of our coordinators a
They would be happy to work with               call on 07478524152 or 07786152215.
any interested parties to get things
up and running.
If this is something you feel might
County Council and District                   concerns.
       Council Reports                          Along with over 2,000 other councillors
        January 2021                            across the country, Sarah Osborne and I
                                                gave our support to a letter from Friends
Report from County Councillor                   of the Earth and countryside charity
                                                CPRE expressing concern about the
Sussex residents urged to join                  impact Government proposals to change
COVID vaccine team                              our planning system could have on
A reminder that the NHS in Sussex is            nature and our environment.
on the hunt for thousands of potential          Reduction in rail services
vaccinators and volunteers to help              I understand that Southern/GTR are
protect millions of people from COVID-          planning the removal of two stopping
19 quickly when a safe and effective            services at both Plumpton and
vaccine becomes available.                      Cooksbridge train stations. I wrote to
Anyone wanting to volunteer can do              object and they have replied saying that
so here: www.sussexcommunity.nhs.u              should passenger numbers recover then
k/work-with-us/covid19vaccine.htm               the services could be re-instated saying
Track and Trace                                 "the missing services can be re-instated
I have asked for data on what                   when the crew position allows and / or
percentage of contacts on the local             passengers return in the future after
Track and Trace service now in                  coronavirus". It is sad to see a two hour
operation by ESCC and will share the            gap in the timetable and I will continue
information when available on my Cllr           to press for re-instatement. Please do
Facebook page Cllr-Sarah-Osborne, or            what you can to support our local trains.
try                        Want to add your complaint? Why not
y2q7s9vh                                        email the Chief Executive
Cycling and Walking Consultation                officer
I have responded to the East Sussex             Highways
Local Cycling & Walking Infrastructure          I continue to meet with the parish
Plan Public Consultation pointing out           council on various matters, including
the lack of plans for safe cycling &            recently to follow up on possible local
walking in villages like Plumpton.              road safety measures.
Sarah Osborne                                   Fly tipping
07986 776 105                                   Fly tipping incidents have more than                    trebled across the District in the last
                                                quarter. I am asking if our rural lanes are
Report from District Councillor                 affected more than others, it certainly
                                                feels like it! I have reported yet more fly
Government changes to our
                                                tipping locally to the District Council for
planning system
                                                clearance. Don't forget, the District
Following requests from many people
                                                Council can collect bulky waste (for a
across Plumpton and East Chiltington,
                                                charge) - call 01273 471600 or you can
I spoke out against the proposed
                                                take things to the tips at Lewes or
changes - including the proposed
increase in housing numbers Lewes
District could be forced to accept - at a
                                                Rob Banks
recent council meeting. The council
                                                07986 755246
agreed to write formally to both MPs
who cover the District to highlight its
          LK Events Ltd
    We’re a Sussex based company                       Jessica GELeration Manicure
specialising in high quality catering                  Jessica Classic Prescription Manicure
                                                       Jessica Zenspa Pedicure
 Weddings, Drinks Parties, Christenings                Day or evening appointments
       Funerals, Family Parties                        Gift vouchers available
       Contact us for a quote                          Conveniently situated in Plumpton
    01825 723226 or 01825 722774                Kim Fahey IFHB                Tel: 01273 891447     Mob: 07845045766

Tree Surgery ● Hedge Maintenance
            Fire Wood
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 Woodland Management Schemes
    Experienced ● Insured £5m
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Charlie Layfield
   Office: 01825 724655
   Mobile: 07888 838423

        Heath Farm
      Holiday Cottages
South Road, Plumpton Green
   Three 4 star cottages sleeping
    two, four and six. Suitable disabled
       Minimum 2 night stay
     Regret no smoking or pets.
     01273 890712


   5 School Cottages,
    East Chiltington

      For all your

Tel: 01273- 890964
Mobile 07813 114470

                                           Decorative Paint Finishes,
                                           Domestic, Business
                                           & Building Trade
                                           Michael Webber

                                           01273 890779
                                           07880 558 556

                                           2 School Cottage
             07890 546417                  East Chiltington
                                           Lewes BN7 3AY

Servicing, Repairs and       Deadly Serious
MOTs                             Pest Control
Horseboxes                      James Otway
Trade vans
Cars                                   07702 208475
Call Martin on                        Odintune Cottage
                                    East Chiltington, Lewes
01273 479777                        East Sussex, BN7 3AN
Maria Caufield MP

I am really pleased that the Government has announced plans to end live animal
exports for slaughter. I have campaigned to end this cruel practice which we
couldn’t outlaw while we were members of the EU and it is the start of a renewed
push by government to strengthen the UK’s position as a world leader on animal

These proposals form part of an eight-week consultation, launched on 3rd
December in England and Wales, seeking views on how to better protect animal
welfare during transport. Live animals commonly have to endure excessively long
journeys during exports, causing distress and injury and see us become the first
country in Europe to end this practice.

The government is also consulting on proposals to further improve animal welfare in
transport more generally, such as:

•     reduced maximum journey times
•     animals being given more space and headroom during transport
•     stricter rules on transporting animals in extreme temperatures
•      tighter rules for transporting live animals by sea.

This marks a major step forward in ending live exports for slaughter. Animal welfare
is one of the most frequent issues raised with me by constituents. For years I have
had to tell them that as long as we are in the EU we cannot ban the live export of
animals and that we would look to do so once we had left. I am pleased therefore
that we are now beginning the process of banning the cruel and distressing live
export of animals for slaughter now that we have left the EU and the transition
period is ending.

Around 6,400 animals were transported from the UK directly to slaughter in
continental Europe in 2018, based on internal figures. This consultation takes into
account the responses to the 2018 Call for Evidence, as well as the report published
by the then Farm Animal Welfare Committee (now known as the Animal Welfare
Committee), which is made up of farming and veterinary experts, into the existing
welfare standards for animals during transport.

The consultation can be found at
animal-health-and-welfare-team/improvements-to-animal-welfare-in-transport/ until
the 28th January 2021. Please do take part and have your say.

DR’s Diary
Eat chocolate, save the                             This is when many of us are
                                                    considering making New Year
world !                                             resolutions. Maybe to give up
Well, not quite, but it did get your                chocolate, go on a low carb diet or
attention!                                          perhaps join a gym and get fit.
                                                    We all know someone who coughs up
A New Year brings new hope, this year               mega bucks for a years’ membership at
more than ever.                                     the gym, a few sessions down the line,
I can remember an old black and white               its February, its cold outside and we/
film years ago, a man had trekked                   they succumb to the comfort of the
across the desert, his sweat sodden shirt           sofa, a pizza, chocolates and the TV.
sticking to his tired body. In true                 One missed workout becomes, 2,3,4
Hollywood style, just as all seemed lost,           and so on,…
he reached sanctuary. He was offered
the thing, that at that moment, he most             Normally this would bring on a sense of
wanted in all the world. A glass of water           lack of resolve. Our gluteus maximus
(they didn’t offer still or sparkling in            are decidedly maximus and we have
those days). Even at my young age, it               pizza / choccy stains on our gym wear.
struck me how something so mundane                  This year is different. Stop beating
as a glass of water assumed epic                    yourself up with remorse.
proportions if there was a huge shift in
circumstances.                                      Your gym instructor can now purchase
                                                    lots of expensive gym kit, without you
Last year we were all denied things we              to bother him, he has had time to build
normally took for granted. Hugging our              those muscles so much that his old kit
grandchildren, visiting family & friends,           no longer fits him. The pizza man has
the cinema, going to cheer your team on             done so well he can now employ more
and not having to worry how many are                staff and the chocolatier is increasing
around the dinner table. To pop into the            production ready for next months’ busy
pub for a swift half on the way home                Valentine's day.
from the office (that's if we're still going
to the office) or maybe to go to a gig.             To exercise caution and an active
Along with our face masks, we can look              imagination is enough of a 'workout'
forward to an end of all the restrictions           for anyone.
that have been in place. However, it’s
not all been bad, I hope we can retain a            DR
level of community spirit that has been
evident. To look out for our neighbour
and the realisation that in many ways
we rely on each other, both socially and

Charities have suffered massive losses
with fundraising, businesses have
suffered and jobs lost. If we are in a
position to, I feel we should do all we
can to help.

Problems with computer                              HOME CHARLES CARS
                 or digital devices
                        Call James                                   Plumpton Based
                      07894 454037
      or email:
                                                               Private Hire Taxi Company
    Also qualified PAT tester, lives in Plumpton             • AIRPORT TRANSFER SERVICE
                                                             • PRESTIGE VEHICLES
                                                             • COMPETITIVE TAXI PRICES
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            ● Small local classes (max 4)                    • SALOONS AND ESTATES
            ● From £10 pp per hour                           • PROFESSIONAL, RELIABLE DRIVERS
            ● Beginners, 1-2-1, conversation.

               CIAO BOLOGNA!
                                                                    077 344 89222
    Short study trip to Italy, by arrangement

                                                                      Zumba with Lucy
                                                                     Now on Zoom, £3.50
           Craniosacral therapy and                                     Tuesday 10am
      Rolfing® Structural integration in                               Wednesday 7pm
               Plumpton Green.                                     Thursday 10am & 6.15pm
          For more information see                                     Saturday 9.30am                                 A fun, energetic dance class
       or call Sarah on 07817 694624                                 suitable for everybody.                             Contact:

                                                                         LEARN HOW TO SHOOT A
             Alexander Technique                                                      BOW
       can help to naturally overcome:
                                                                       Plumpton Bowmen hold
       •        Back, neck and joint pain                              Beginners’ Courses twice a
       •        Muscle tension and stiffness
       •        Poor posture                                           year in April and October on the
       •        Breathing and vocal problems                           Playing Field.
       •        Anxiety and stress-related conditions
                                                                       We hold Have-A-Go sessions
    One to one lessons tailored to your needs
                                                                       the 3rd Sunday of the month
            For more information contact:                              from April to August from 11 –
               Caroline Canner MSTAT
            01273 891174 07754147380                                   12.30pm.
                                    For further information see:

Plumpton Village Society put on a Christmas Walk by Market on 12 December to
bring some festive cheer to the Village.

Kindly sponsored by Plumpton Racecourse as a thank you to the Village for any
disruption due to the Covid testing station.

There were 8 Christmassy stalls, supported by Christmas Music to get into the
festive spirit. A vigorous risk assessment was done to ensure that all the
Government tier 2 guidelines were followed and as extra protection everyone wore
their masks and kept to 2 metre social distancing.

These things could not be put on without the full commitment of the 8 Committee
members, help from 15 volunteers from the Friends of Plumpton Village Society, the
8 stallholders and of course the 250 villagers who came to the market.
Thank you.

 We hope this gave everyone’s spirit a bit of a lift, we were certainly lucky to have a
dry Plumpton December day.

Bird Watch                    thought to be female Sparrows. True, last
                                                    summer I saw few Greenfinches and not many
              Many of us have had more              were reported breeding locally so perhaps
              opportunity,       during     the     some of these may be birds from the Continent
              restrictions, to watch the garden     as it is known that they partially migrate to
birds more closely.         Though many are         find reliable food sources.
common and perhaps mundane, being able to
study the details is always most enlightening.              The sexes of Great Tits can be
A list of those species using the feeders and       separated in the field. Males have a broad
the garden as a whole, is a good start. The         black belly whereas the females only a thin
variety and number of species might be a            black line. This detail always increases the
surprise. There will always be the regulars,        interest even in familiar species. In other,
Blue and Great Tits, House Sparrows and             Wrens, Dunnocks, Blue Tits and Robins for
Goldfinches but perhaps a Nuthatch or Great         example the sexes look very much the same
Spotted Woodpecker arrives to give added            and it is said that only a bird of that species
interest and close views so that detail of their    can tell the difference. Their behaviour helps.
plumage can be appreciated from close range.        Often the males are slightly larger and more
I have had a regular Magpie flapping about          aggressive towards each other particularly
trying to get at the seed and less welcome,         before the breeding season when they have to
because there have been no shoots to reduce         impress the females and defend their territory
their numbers, up to seventeen Pheasants            from other males. It is the males that sing the
plodding about, not only causing black              full song and Song Thrushes, Robins and
flattened areas but eating much of my spinach       Dunnock that nest early, will be singing before
Popeye style.                                       the start of the year. This is a good time to
                                                    learn bird song as few yet sing before the
        Differences in the colours in the           tumult and confusion after the summer visitors
plumage may distinguish the sex of the bird.        arrive.
Some of course are obvious. Blackbird females
are brown. Chaffinch males have a brick-red                  Earlier in the autumn I suggested we
breast whereas the females, greyish brown.          look out for and record the last Swallow we
Some are more suttle. Both sexes of Great           see. Over my garden, on 12th. November, a
Spotted Woodpeckers have the bright red             juvenile circled over several times. I was very
under-tail patch but only the males have a red      pleased with this late sighting. However, while
line at the back of their head. The juveniles       taking my exercise along Streat Lane, a local
had a red cap on fledging but by this time of       family pulled up in a car, to tell me that they
year that will have grown out with the first        had seen one three days later. So good to get
moult and now are in full feather and ready to      feedback and to know the interest that wildlife
breed, though they can be distinguished from        is giving during these difficult times.
the adults as the underparts are dull               R.J.L.
compared to the white colour of the older
birds . Their drumming on the trees early in
the year is one of the first signs of spring
denoting where they are claiming territory.

        Though it is said that Greenfinches are
less common than previously, I am regularly
getting a dozen or more on the sunflower
hearts. These are birds that differ greatly
according to age and to sex. The mature
males are bright greenish yellow with a strong
yellow outer wing. Some of the first-year
females are yet to show much yellow on the
wings and at first glance could easily be

Stuart & Roger Moulds
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Contact Stuart on 07786837406 or 01323 811887
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Here’s a review of 2020, the strangest of years; let’s
  keep going into 2021 and a happier New year.

         In the lead up to Christmas and all through the town
         People wore masks that covered their frown

         The frown had begun way back in the Spring,
         When a global pandemic changed everything,

         They called it Corona, but unlike the beer,
         It didn’t bring good times, it didn’t bring cheer,

         Airplanes were grounded, travel was banned,
         Borders were closed across air, sea, and land,

         As the world entered lockdown, to flatten the curve,
         The economy halted, and folks lost their nerve,

         From March to July, we rode the first wave,
         People stayed home, they tried to behave,

         When Summer emerged, the lockdown was lifted,
         But away from the caution, many folks drifted,

         Then came November and cases were spiking,
         Wave two had arrived much to our disliking,

         It’s true that the year had sadness a plenty,
         We will never forget the year 2020,

         Christmas was not cancelled, and neither was hope,
         If we lean on each other, I know we can cope.

         Plumpton Village Society

Church Services for January
Sunday 3rd January                         Christmas 2
All Saints                                 10.30am                Family Communion

Sunday 10th January                        Epiphany 1 or Plough Sunday
All Saints                                 10.30am          Family Communion

Sunday 17th January                        Epiphany 2
All Saints                                10.30am                 Family Communion

Sunday 24th January                        Epiphany 3
All Saints                                10.30am                  Family Communion

Sunday 31st January                        Epiphany 4
All Saints                                10.30am                  Family Communion

Sunday 7th February                       2 Before Lent
All Saints                                10.30am                 Family Communion

During the interregnum please contact the churchwardens for any information about church
related matters.
David Dawson (01273 890134)
Amanda Inglis (07941 241148)
Howard Wood (07794484373)

Season of Epiphany, Come and meet the new Bishop of Lewes

During the interregnum or period of time in the parish when we have no dedicated priest, it is
the responsibility of the churchwardens to invite mainly retired priests to lead our worship.
Recently I had a phone call from the new Bishop of Lewes, Bishop Will who expressed a wish to
visit the Parish. I am delighted to say that Bishop Will is going to come and lead our worship at
All Saints church on Sunday 31st January 2021. Even if you are not a current church goer or
perhaps you have just arrived in the village, we will offer you a warm welcome and the
opportunity to give your views about the way forward in our parish as we seek the right person
to lead us into the future. We have worked hard to secure a live in priest in Plumpton and East
Chiltington and now seek the support of our parishioners.

The Archdeacon of Brighton and Lewes, the Rev Canon Martin Lloyd Williams will lead our
worship on Sunday 10th January 2021. This particular Sunday, Epiphany 1, celebrates the
Baptism of Christ. We will be working closely with him to secure a new priest for our parish.
When it is permitted he has offered to come and hear the views of anyone in Plumpton and East
Chiltington at a meeting in the village hall about what qualities we would like to see in a new
priest. It is very likely that such a priest would be in charge of the United Benefices of Plumpton,
East Chiltington, Hamsey and Offham.

We are indebted to both Rev David James and Rev David Biggs who have led our worship and
shared some sage advice since the middle of August. We are delighted to be able to hold live
services again. Long may that last!

 VH = Village Hall                HQ = Scout HQ            TC = Tennis Club
 StM = St Michael’s               ANX = Church Annex       PAV = Pavilion
 ECC = East Chiltington Church    Sch = Plumpton School   ALC= All Saints Church

The Village Hall has now reopened. Contact Jane Donovan to find out what
restrictions are in place.
27th March - St. Peter & St. James Quiz Night
10th April- Horticultural Society Spring show                              VH
11th April - Lychgate dedication                                           ALC
25th April - St. P & St. J Hospice gardens walk
5th June - Doughty’s Fabric Sale                                           VH
26th June - Village Strawberry Fair                                        VH
30th June - Rude Mechanicals                                               VH
10th July - St. P & St. J Jumble Sale 2pm                                  VH
18th July - St. P & St. J - Mill House Open Garden
7th August - Horticultural Society Summer show                             VH
18th September - Horticultural Society Autumn show                         VH
2nd October - Plumpton Apple Pressing                                      VH
26th November - Horticultural Society AGM                                  VH
27th November - St. P & St. J Festive Fair                                 VH

 Village Hall & Pavilion:        Jane Donovan 07747 050903 or 01273 891036
 Church Annex                    Howard Wood 07794484373

                      17th January for February 2021
                           13th February for March

                 Copy to The Poplars, Station Road
   or email: or Telephone: 01273 891 427

Reasons to be Cheerful about Climate Change?

Surely not, you cry?

The Covid-19 crisis has challenged everyone around the world in unprecedented
ways, never before faced in our lifetimes. What has been noticeable though is how
every Government has had to engage and respond. The consequences, of course,
will be with us for many years to come, even after the vaccination programme is

What is clear, is that the world can come together and rise up to a challenge. Whilst
the focus of attention has been diverted elsewhere, the threat of climate change has
continued its insidious path in an inconspicuous way but actually with grave effect.
The impact of rising CO2 emissions and global warming will be far worse than Covid-
19. "Our planet is broken," the Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio
Guterres, warned early in December 2020. He went on to say “Humanity is waging a
suicidal war on the natural world. Nature always strikes back, and is doing so with
gathering force and fury."

So why is there any reason to be cheerful about Climate Change?

Because, at last, world leaders are waking up to the urgent need to DO SOMETHING
rather than just talk about it and make grand statements of intentions. 2021 might
just be a pivotal year of proper action at last. Some examples:

Mr Guterres wants to put tackling climate change at the heart of the UN's global
     mission. In a speech entitled State of the Planet, he announced that its "central
     objective" next year (2021) will be to build a global coalition around the need to
     reduce emissions to net zero. He has demanded, amongst a long list, that
     nations of the world i) put a price on carbon; ii) phase out fossil fuels; and iii)
     that nations of the world must bring ambitious commitments to cut emissions to
     the international climate conference (the so-called COP26) which the UK and
     Italy are jointly hosting in Glasgow in November 2021.
President Xi Jinping has announced that China would “aim to achieve carbon
     neutrality before 2060”. (China accounts for 25% of the world’s carbon
The US President-Elect, Joe Biden, wants the US to achieve a 100% clean energy
     economy and reach net-zero emissions no later than 2050. He has also
     confirmed that the US will rejoin the the 2015 Paris Agreement, which set out a
     global framework to avoid dangerous climate change by limiting global warming
     to well below 2°C and pursuing efforts to limit it to 1.5°C.

And the UK Government set the UK’s net emissions target of greenhouse
    gases to the 1990 levels by 2050
…..and other countries around the world are following suit

Perhaps it was a good thing that the international climate conference (COP26) was

delayed from 2020 due to Covid-19. Now that these declarations are in place, in
November 2021 world leaders can come together to discuss not just ambitions, but
also firm plans for tackling and mitigating the effects of climate change.

So what does all this mean for people in Plumpton or East Chiltington? Closer to
The South Downs National Park Authority is to become a ‘Net-Zero’ Organisation by
    2030 and is working towards the whole of the South Downs National Park area
    becoming ‘Net-Zero with Nature’ by 2040; and
Lewes District Council aims to get the whole district to net zero carbon by
    2030. This needs individuals and businesses to cut carbon emissions by 10 to
    20% on average every year.

Can we come together as a community to see how each of us can help
achieve these targets? Join us next month for further news on this front.

                                                       Carole and Paul Nicholson

The Plumpton Support Group for St Peter & St James would like to thank everyone
who supported the Grand Raffle by either buying tickets or making a prize donation or

We are very pleased to announce that the raffle raised an amazing £3,287.25, this
was made up of £1,523.50 from ticket sales plus the Big Give £1,411 and Gift Aid
£352.75. This was a fantastic result given the circumstances we found ourselves in
this year.

The Group hope to hold their usual events next year and here are the dates:

Quiz Night - Saturday 27 March
Walk with Reg in the Hospice Gardens Sunday 25 April
Mill House, Open Garden - Sunday 18 July
Jumble Sale Saturday 10 July
Festive Fair 27 November

Please make a note in your diaries and we thank you for your continued support.

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              - LITTLE LILY HARLEY

The Rude Mechanical Theatre Co were not able to run their new production of ‘Little
Lily Harley’ in 2020. Plans are now underway to bring this to us in 2021 and their
Summer Tour has now been provisionally set. ‘Rudes’ will be coming to Plumpton
on Wednesday 30 June.

More detail about this production which is based on the life of Charlie Chaplin nearer
the time. In the meantime, please mark the date in your new 2021 calendars and
before we know it, we will be sitting on the Village Green having a picnic and being
entertained once more.

Should you have any queries please contact Lee Stevens on 07887 562721 or look
at their website in the first instance.

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Plumpton & East                           occupation, we needed a licensed dormouse
                                                     handler (Kim Dawson) to attend with us and
          Chiltington Wildlife                       this has not been possible under current
12th AGM report
Covid-19 restrictions meant we were unable           Monitoring of badger sets and bat roosts are
to enjoy our usual AGM… in a room with               ongoing projects, coordinated by Tony
other people. A big thanks to all who braved         through the group.
Zoom technology to remotely join us. The
business part was brief as there was no              The TECT field has been surveyed this
change of elected members. James Otway               summer and autumn for plant species on
remains Chair, Ben Drummond Vice-Chair,              behalf of East Chiltington Parish Council and
David Phillips Secretary and Jean Stewart            TECT Committee by Jacqui and Kate. The
Treasurer. The rest of the Committee                 TECT field, once farmed more intensively, is
members are Lynn Baxter, Marie Bullough,             undergoing a partial re-wilding. Survey data
Kate Gold, Jacqui Hutson, Tony Hutson and            will hopefully prove valuable as we watch the
Carole Nicholson. Our Chair, James Otway,            species recover and return. A large oak has
then reported on PECWHG activities during            been monolithed after losing the majority of
the last 12 months:                                  its crown in high winds and we have advised
Chair’s Report Monday 9th November                   that the timber is left to provide habitat. One
2020                                                 hollow limb was already occupied by honey
Welcome to our Annual General Meeting.
                                                     We proposed a management plan for both
I would like thank all the members of the            East Chiltington and All Saints churchyards
Wildlife Committee for keeping the show on           which has been adopted by the PCC. The
the road. I must say a particularly thanks to        electronic swift caller screeched its way
our past Chairs, Jacqui and Tony Hutson.             throughout the spring and early summer in
They continue to provide meticulous and              the All Saints bell tower but appeared to have
encyclopaedic knowledge of flora and fauna           lured only a swarm of honey bees.
to the group.
                                                     In October, 20 of us were able to go ahead
You don’t need me to remind you of the               with a visit to Knepp Estate to bear witness to
unusual year we have all experienced. Most           the extensive re-wilding project. Many thanks
plans and events have been cancelled due to          to Carole Nicholson for organising.
government restrictions, unthinkable this
time last year.                                      During this lockdown, we are blessed to be
                                                     living in the most beautiful countryside in the
We have however managed to continue                  parishes of Plumpton and East Chiltington. My
some wildlife and botanical survey work.             highlight was the 6 weeks during April and
During January we planted 13 disease                 May when the sunshine was unbroken and
resistant elms in East Chiltington TECT field        there were no planes, trains or automobiles.
and 2 in Plumpton on Hackmans Farm.                  Not the silent spring Rachel Carson so
Thanks to Antonia Price and Robert Thomas            presciently forecast but, briefly, silent of man
for their permission.                                and machines. Magic! Clear blue skies, bird
                                                     song and emboldened wildlife. The PECWHG
In early May, 40 reconditioned dormouse              Facebook page continues to receive dozens of
tubes were sited along the parish boundary           pictures from the gardens and surrounding
from Odintune Place to Coppershaw.                   countryside, plus frequent requests for
Returning in autumn we discovered live               identification. It is a great pleasure to see the
dormice and nests. We fully expect to                community taking an interest in the natural
expand the survey next spring. Due to                wonders that surrounds us.
COVID we have been unable to arrange
inspection of our other dormice monitoring           Continued on page 28.
site around the Novington sandpit. Expecting
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of William the Conqueror and younger brother
 Footpath                                        to King Stephen.
 Detective’s                                     We continued along side the river and passed
                                                 the playing fields of Winchester College until
 Diary:                                          our path met College Walk. From here we
                                                 turned left along College Street and then right
    A Footpath Detective’s Diary                 to pass through The Close to the cathedral. It
           January 2021                          is one of the largest cathedrals in Europe and
     Wandering to Winchester                     much of the limestone used to construct it
                                                 came from the Isle of Wight. Its construction
It was just two weeks until Christmas Eve        began in 1079, however a cathedral was
and we were still restricted to meeting          founded in Winchester in 642 on a site
outside and so the chance to walk with a         immediately to the north of the present one.
friend in a place roughly halfway between us     This building became known as the Old
both provided the basis of this walk. We met     Minster. It became part of a monastic
at Garnier Road car park accessed from Bull      settlement in 971. St Swithun was buried near
Drove by Tun Bridge on the east side of the      the Old Minster and then in it, before being
city and set off along the Itchen Way to head    moved to the new Norman cathedral. The Old
south. There is a surfaced path created from     Minster was demolished in 1093, immediately
a disused railway line and this made for easy    after the consecration of its successor.
walking on a damp winter day.
                                                 We had a little wander of the city’s streets to
The River Itchen is a beautifully clear chalk    admire the Christmas decorations but it was
stream that rises to the south of New            not possible to visit all the historic sites due to
Alresford and flows 26 miles to meet             the covid restrictions. We made our way down
Southampton Water. The Itchen                    Market Lane towards the Great Hall and then
Navigation was constructed in the late 17th      onto the path beside the canal and Wharf
and early 18th centuries to enable barges to     Bridge. A man in waders was stood in the river
reach Winchest from Southampton Docks,           using a bucket with a Perspex bottom to view
however it ceased to operate in the mid-19th     some creatures that he was stirring up from
century and is largely abandoned today. Our      the gravel . Clearly he was catching them but I
path was next to the navigation system until     couldn’t see what it was.
we almost met the M3.
                                                 Our path continued by the gardens and water
We took a right turn onto a straight bridle      meadows back to Tun Bridge. We took a
path that led us across St Cross Bridge. The     footway under the old railway line to access
view of the river from the low bridge was        the path up St Catherine’s Hill. We climbed
lovely. A swan glided along in the clear water   around as well as up and were greeted by nice
and a water mill made the setting very           white cattle with black noses on the path. They
picturesque. As our path became a small lane     were very docile and caused us no bother. The
we turned right again onto a footpath            ring of ramparts of the Iron Age hill fort are
through a few small fields.                      clear to see and at the top is a copse of Beech
We approached the Hospital of St Cross and       trees and the chapel of St Catherine. We found
Alms Houses of Noble Poverty. The very           the mizmaze and I imagined myself as a
Norman looking chapel has a square central       cannon ball as I traced the wiggly route out
tower and is stone vaulted. The walls are        from the centre.
thick and built from stone from Caen, Dorset,    The hill provides a wonderful view of the city
and the Isle of Wight as well as local flint.    and its surrounds even on a dull grey
Construction began in 1135. The alms houses      December day. We negotiated the steep
form a quadrangle. In medieval times             descent to the café on the old railway line
provision of food was made to the thirteen       where we enjoyed a takeaway coffee and
resident poor men plus another 100               cinnamon bun on the terrace. Of course there
attending at the gate. The founder was Henry     are many refreshment opportunities and many
of Blois, Bishop of Winchester, grandson         more places of interest to see in Winchester.

Chailey Commons                       w ww .cha ile yc ommo ns.o rg.u k

Winter has taken hold and the days are short and the nights long. The Pandemic continues to
affect all of us in some way or other and the Society is still unable to meet as normal.
During the autumn we adapted our activities and meetings to enable us to still get together by
virtual means which have proved possible and meant that there have been some online
meetings and a couple of outdoor meetings with limited numbers and social distancing.
Two small groups of six each were able to do a late autumn walk on Romany Ridge Common
and see the heathland in its dormant state. The bracken had collapsed which meant better
views and access to various corners and some sightings of the trenches.
We enjoyed two virtual meetings using Zoom which enabled us to hear about Peter Lovett’s
garden to nature reserve conversion and a talk on ancient trees of Sussex by Bob Epsom. Thank
you to our speakers who embraced the technology and gave us interesting talks.
A special opening of the windmill enabled a small group to explore this historic building now set
out as a rural museum. Hand gel, masks and spacing kept the visitors bearing in mind the
government advice.
All meetings have been and will be subject to current guidelines and we continue to maintain
social distancing.
We are still considering what we can do under the continuing situation and we will post events
by adverts, emails to members, the website, and posters as appropriate.
Thank you to our members for their support and understanding.
Time to wish everyone a safer and better New Year for 2021.
For further information, visit our website – or our Facebook page
William Coleman
01444 831098

Plumpton Wildlife cont.

The majority of the landscape around us is in some way managed by farmers and there are big
changes on the horizon with regard to the environmental subsidies they will receive and how
they manage water and air on their estates. As a group, one of our main objectives is to
promote the understanding, appreciation and conservation of the fauna and flora of the two
parishes. We are therefore keen to engage with Plumpton College, the largest land manager in
the two parishes, to better understand how these new environmental initiatives will benefit
wildlife and people alike. We are looking forward to meeting with the college in the not too
distant future when lockdown restrictions finally allow.

Finally, thanks to James Honess for judging the photographic competition and congratulations
to this year’s winner, Carole Nicholson
Thank you

          Kelvin Speirs
Fyndings, Station Road
Plumpton Green
Lewes BN7 3BX           Tel: 01273 890785

    Plumpton Property                                            N.L.S
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Lewes District Citizens Advice

15 – 19 Chapel Street               Southover House       37 Church Street
Newhaven                            Lewes                 Seaford
BN9 9PN                             BN7 1AB               BN25 1HG
Contact : Jackie Wilkes 01273      007556          @Lewescab1
Christmas is approaching and the shops are closed. Here are some tips
about buying goods online without seeing them first?
Always check the terms and conditions before you buy online; you should
    automatically get a 14-day ‘cooling-off period’ from the day after you receive
    your order. Check for exceptions i.e. bespoke, perishable goods, or sealed
If you return your item; inform the seller you don’t want it and return it within14
     days. The seller has to refund you within 14 days from when they receive it.
You may have to pay the return postage, but you don't have to reuse the original
    packaging. The item must be wrapped securely, any damage and the seller
    might reduce your   refund.
Get a certificate of posting from Royal Mail to prove that you posted the item.
If the item is faulty or doesn’t match what was advertised, you have 30 days to ask
     for a refund, replacement or repair. After the 30 days, but before six months
     from when you received the goods, the seller must offer either a repair,
     replacement or refund. You shouldn’t have to pay to return the item.
If you order something and it doesn’t arrive, it is the seller’s responsibility. Check
     the delivery address you gave the seller. If the seller claims they've delivered it,
     you can ask for either a redelivery or refund. If the seller used a courier, they
     should chase the courier.

For more help contact the Consumer Service helpline on 0808 223 1133

Citizens Advice Helplines
Adviceline call 0800 144 88 48 . Monday- Friday 9am to 5pm.
Email advice
Chat online to an advisor on our website
Consumer Helpline on 0808 223 1133
Universal Credit Help to Claim line 0800 1448444.

Baby & Toddler Group           Charlotte            01273 891086
                      British Legion                 Reg Lanaway                890070
                      Chailey Commons Society        William Coleman      01444 831923
                      Cricket Club                   Kelvin Speirs              890785
                      Dance Classes for Children     Carol Grant          01444 243592
                      Flower Club                    Gill Wells                 890561
                      Football Club                  Ian Earl                   891099
                      Footpath Society               Judy Lawrenson       01273 472277
                      Happy Circle                   Cherie Winchester          891592
                      Haywards Heath Town
                      Ladies Football Club           Peter Hickman       01444 257822
                      Honeybees Preschool                                      890885
 Societies            Horticultural Society          Ken Beard                 890572
                      Hospice Support Group          Sue Akers                 891701
 Clubs                Junior Football                Darryl Bailey       07792 686673
                      Oil Buying Group               Diane Marks         07929 336065
 Groups               Pantomime Society              Duncan Taylor-Jones 01273 649259
                      Plumpton Activity Scheme       Pat Duffy           07717 285871
                      Plumpton Bowmen                Andrew Holdsworth         890001
                      Plumpton Camera Club           Tim Honess          01273 890582
                      Plumpton & East Chiltington    Linda Watson        07478 524152
                      Good Neighbours
                      Plumpton Rude Mechanical       Lee Stevens          07887 562721
                      Theatre Co. Friends
                      Plumpton Short Mat Bowls       Malcolm Beard               890826
                      Plumpton Tennis Club           Lesley Satchell       07590 354420
                      Plumpton Village Society       Lee Stevens           07887 562721
                      PPTFA                          Marie Leviston              891497
For changes or new
phone:                Rugby Club                     Mike Allen                  890076
       01273 891427   Scouts                         Rodney Hill                 890410
Email:                Southdown East Pony Club       Mike Nichols          01444 452295    Stoolball Club                 Jo Taylor                   890450
                      Turning Pointe Dance Classes
                      Wildlife Group                 David Philips         07768 886358

               Plumpton & East Chiltington News
Advertising & Admin: Barry Luck
                    Email: 01273 891 427
Typesetting:         Penny Acton
                    Email: 01273 891 427
Distributed by:     Christine Millum 01273 890854
Printed By;         Devon Print Ltd. 077955 66066           www.devon-print-com
Plumpton & East Chiltington

 If you are involved in local societies,
community groups and events and you
would like to write a short article about
 your activities we would love to hear
               from you.

    Email: PECNCOPY @
You can also read